10 TIIE OrATIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JUiNE 21, 1000. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL ITortbwtst Crop Sitnction Gatuoi an Ad tance Id Whsat. CORN RULES STRONG 1 HRCUGHOUT SESSION Onln, Helped by Ailvnncc of w lirnt, Are Aotlr nml NtroiiK lro IhHiiih MiciMiliKiim CiiIiii In .Mlilst nt SurrutiiidliiK Excitement, CHICAGO, June 20. I'ndor nn enormous buying pressure cnusod by the northwest crop rltuntlon wheiit today advanced 3ie over yesterday and held It to the close. Tho other markets wero helped by tho wheat strength, corn closing lc oats lc uml pro visions IV&7V4C higher. Drouth has ruined half tho wheat crp of tho fruitful northwest and now excessive heat, according to today's dispatches, Is burning ut tho remainder. A message irom that unfortunato part of the country said tho temperature was 100 In places. If any additional stimulus wero needed to cause a continuance- of recent heavy buying of wheat It was found In the news mentioned. Tho market sturted the session with a good udvancu over yesterday and kept on ad vancing to the close. Throughout the day northwest crop reports were gloomy to an extreme degree, .Many authorities said that where a few days ago half a crop was a vosmlbllltv with rain tho loss now will be nearly !) per cent. July opened Pi'zl'Se over yesterday at 7S7i'i7flUe and alter a dip to "S?c near the opening advanced slowly but surely to Mao. ut which It closed, a prlco 3iC over yesterday. The northwest was a heavy buyer, but at that It could not bo said to have led tho trade. The demand came, from everywhere; lW.OCO-lu. lots of fered for prollt by fortunate possessors were gobbled up like a peck of potatoes and tho statisticians on the board nearly lost their wits trying to keep trark of u market which hau gotten far out of ordinary hounds. Outside markets advanced, those In tho northwest shooting up even faster than Chicago, thus furnishing to tho local people additional Impulse. Tne cash busi ness was curtailed by tho sky-rocketing of future. Tho dips during the day were in consequential generally. During tho fore noon, July having Jumped to 73Jic sold olt to "8i o under lliullatlon by longs, but fol lowing that tho dips were too small to bo noticeable In such a largo market. The total of today'H trading was estimated at 30,000,000 bu Clearances at the seaboard wero equal In wheat and Hour to 231, UO0 bu. Primary receipts were 5DS.U0O bu., compared with 10,000,000 bu. last year. .Minneapolis and Duluth reported 351 cars, against 4il last week and 713 a year ago. Hecelpts hero were 101 cars, none of contract grade. Good general buying of corn resulted from tho wheat strength and that market ruled btroug throughout the session. Hecelpts were liberal, 47S cars, and shippers re ported good acceptances of last night's bids. Mho crop situation was lavorable, but tho buoyancy of wheat was too much to be Ig nored. July sold between 3!)TVi 10c and UHc, closing at the top, lic over yesterday. pats was active and strong, helped by tho advance In wheat. There was still consider able changing. Tho northwest bought some anil talked of crop losses In tho Dakotas and .Nebraska. Hecelpts here were 20U cars. July sold between 23ic and 24 He, closing lc over yesterday ut 24!i,e. Provisions speculators wero calm In the midst of tho surrounding excitement, but were in accord with the general Improve ment siimclontly to advance- tho market a ink-i, Ju,V l)0rk. i1,01'1 . 'twecn $11.15 and J11.6.M , nnd closed 7&o higher at 111.56; July lard, between 16.60 and J6.C714, closing tic Improved nt M.b7fc. and July ribs, between 72ti W"h tllc cl"ao better ut Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat. 85 35 Owi head'' t'"rM: "atS' "W cara: llcs, Jhejeadlng futures ranged as follows: , A rllcleg.l Open, flllgh.l Low? Close. Yes'y. 77'i, 7Sg "wnent June July 'Corn Juno July . Aug. Oats Juno July Aug. I'ork July Sept. I.rd July Sept. Oct. Ribs July Sept. 8I S2 78 7D 82U, 41'f. .L 41H!M'4ff40 41', JM?4W 41'.(,l3'jg3UU 40V4Bi 4P.4fl 4U-i; iumi?: 24H 11 55 11 T.'H 6 6754 B 774 6 SO 6 72i4 6 SO 23'.J 24V6I 2114 231, 234 iau 11 45 11 CO 6 CO 6 70 75 6 C5 6 70 23Vi 'Si 11 4714 11 65 6 6214 75 6 7714 6 674 C 75 4taJ'4 11 45 11 60 6 R0 6 70 6 75 6 65 6 70 11 C7U, 11 VA 6 67W ti Ml a so 6 72V5 6 80 No J, n?BA'.T,?U0L'iUl"ls wcro a" follows: I;LOuR-Btrong nnd inlet; winter n.it. tJU 00i 8trn'R"'". W-OOf.3 TO: clears U.mIM-, spring specials. 14.OOW4.16; imt. SaSfc ,'Si S,rolelUfl' .WS3.25; bak'ers; WHEAT-No. 3, 75ft 7Ro; No. 2 red 8PAc !ifiS7N0, 2l ""' 2 icllolv; , 2AT?rK?- ?'. :02Uc: No. 2 white. 26'A 5,ito3 rise- mc- cl!olVeUm.UUnlC;0,!l40c!l"K' miCl Mr t0 SI'IKDS No. 1 llax. $1.80: No 1 north, western, $l.fo. I'rltno timothy. $2.60. Clover contract grade. $S.. " ' I'UOVISIONS-Meas pork, per bbl lin 4ft ll.Hi. Lard per 100 lbs., Jfi.tM(c7!. ' Short ribs clear sides (loose). $G.5.W6.S5. Dry .salted shoulders (boxed). $fi.50fifi.87!4. Short clear sides (boxed). $7.11(7.25. a,',1A18Y,Ul"'ls of wines, $1.23. 8VaA.U-Cl!t Io,lf- J63S; BnmulAted, $5.82; confectioners' A, $5.78; off A, $5.63. for"!" "re th0 reccl1"3 xhlpmonts ns r SM heat. bu 12S.0.10 20000 ,,V" m 100,000 tH, bll is.000 233000 "V; , 20.0)0 000 Hurley, bu teV",nl'r0wr SVA Ifr NEW YOIUC (illXKHAi, 31 A It I v KT. Onotnllnn. tr n,,,. oll vnrlou, Ciinunodltl.-n. exports, M, 1 nsettled and l.1Mi'ii! hlglier again, with demand checked vm" $3.Hj3.25 winter patents $ I OOffl SL. tralghts, $;i.7m3.W; w ntcr cxir'' iu i kw.'.:. it 0)V. "fK carlots. Now York; l"""K' "', c. I. r.. e'v,ro7:,'N!oC', o?uJern,,1hI4 k r. o, b. atloat, prompt. Options ononeVi h"K ."V,1 "n'tlf'l with 11 heavy loni! and outside demand, Inlluoncc 1 1 by unex pectedly Htrong Knclish cables and hot weather In the northwest. Foreign liousei traded on both sl.les. Specul t vo acUvUv and bullishness continued al day; w , lliiu np with an excited deman.l fro m Vhorts at V IVac not ul vnncu and top fo" tho day Ju y. ttViSfSfic: closed. 8Cc; BeptiMnber closed. SSe "' a'Ul Ul,corabc. COHN Hecelpts, 178,423 bushels- m-iinn CS.355 bushels. Spot stronK"o!S.0s'T,r o. b atloat and 4t!Tie elevator. Option mnr ket was decidedly moro active and very : "i w" 1 u ui minus iiiiSDired by llrm cables and the sensational ji mp 1 ? r'Vl B,r1on;1nt..1,9 advance July, UW11 4b?,e, elosei , 46Tic; Sentemlipe 46ii46T4c, closed, 46'io "tpiemner. ,PA'rtr!l0Cpl),H' ",'C0 I'ushels; exports. 7Sj bushels' spot stronger; No 2 "So- No 3, 27V4o: No, ,1 white. 2tH.fi29Ve No 2 white, 3030l.4C; track, mixed western 74 JT2liV4o; track white, 2lj35c. Options dull, but tinner, OATS-Hecelpts. 36.500 bu; exports, 3S.757 bu. Spot, nulot; No. 2, 27!4c; No. 3. 27c- No 2 white. 2ii8i30o: No. 3 white, 25c; track! mixed western. 27'412l)c; track white, saw 34o. Options, dull and more or less nom inal, HAY Steady; good to choice. SOfiDOc. HOPS Steady; common to choice. 1SS3 crop, 10t?14p; oldolds, 3fi5o; I'aclllo coast, 1899 crop. lOiilSo; olds. 3(5c. HIDKS-Steady: Galveston, 20IJ23 lbs., lSe; California, 21 to 26 lbs,, 21!4cj Texas dry, 2iri 30 lbs. lie. KKATUhJH Quiet; hemlock sole, liuenog Ayres. light to heavyweights, 23l4fi2lHo; ncld. 23210. WOOI Oulet; ilomestlo lleece, 25If2Su; Toxm. ISfflOc. PHOViaiONS-Ileef. steady; family. $10.50 4T12.00: mess, $.tf9.C0; beef hams. J20.00U" A, Art. nn.tlTA CinrjlSf cltc: ,JranywZ:..a,orn' S7c' il,'J, l,t,-nri, wt .....v , ........ 11 r.n rirv nvrn, iiinin mess, $16.00trt7.50. Cut moots, sternly: pickled bellies, 81j9c; pickled shoulders, Wtl 7c; pickled hams, y-MilOWi'. Lard, llrm; western steamed, $6.92; retlned, llrm: con tlntnt, $7.0Mi7,60; South America, $i,b0; com Bound, $6.146.23. Pork, steady; family. m mtU 25: Bhorl clear, J 13.&01? 1 1.2T. ; mes-, $H75l2t,i TAI.I.OW -Steady; city. ($2 per pkg. 4 4'ke, country (ikgs. freel. 4ifl,ic. fUCK-I'lnn. domestic, fair to extra, 4'iO 4 We; Japan, itli7iv. I'HANrTS-.Siendy; fancy hand-picked, 1 (ffl4e; either domestic, 3ft3tc IM'TTHH- Hecelpts. 10,719 pkgs.; stendy; creamery, extras, lOTHBe; factory, lJ'Klbc. CIIKBHB-Hecelpts, 3,678 pkg3.; llrm; large white, ftMMOo; large colored, 9!i'M0c; small while, D'tGOc; small colored, '4tf ,r. I-:00S Hecelpts, 12,017 pkgs.; llrm; wost rn, loss off. Il?(15c; western, ungraded, at mark, miVJ'n: MKTAI.S The market for motnls ruled very wenk In nmymthy with the, contlnueil unfavorable advices from abroad. Trad ing, however, was not active. I'lglron war rants were nominally quoted at $14.25 and very weak In tone. Tin was a shade easier at 30.(). Lead continues unsettled on tno basis of $.1.72V!3.77'4. Spelter ruled weak and somewhat lower at JI.I5fl.20 under an Increase In receipts. Lake copper was dull and unchnnged at $16.50. The brokers' price for leail was $.1.60 and for copper, $16.50. OMAHA WIIOI.KNAI.n MAItKIJTH. Condition of Trade nml (luotntlnim mi tOtiiiln nml l'ntiiv Print III. KOC1S Hecelpts liberal; good stock, 9ff 9140. I,IVU I'OCI.THY-Hens, Ci.4'B7c; roosters, according to ago nnd size :ui4c; broilers, lCfilSe; ducks. 4fine; gee.se, 4 J7 "n-: turkeys, Sc. KHKSII DHRSSKD POL'I.THY Hens, Sfc 8',4e; roosters, 6fi"c; ducks nnd geese, 9 10c: broilers, 114 to 2 lbs,, per doz $3.001.60; turkeys. 12'4c . Ht"ri'KH-Common to fair, 13c; choice. 5ftl6o; separator, 20o; gathered creamery, 1731 Sc. KISir-Trout. c; blue llsh, 12c; pickerel, 8c; cattish, 12c; dressed buffalo, Cc; roo shad, each. 60c, whltellsh. 10c; herring, 6c; black bass 16c; salmon, 13c; white bass, 10c: crop pie, 10c; pike, 9c; halibut, 12c; bullheads, 10c; ring perch, 6c; lobsters, green, 22c; boiled lobsters, 2,'c; mackerel, 20c; codfish, 10c; yellow perch, 6c. PlOKONft-I.Ivc, per doz., 80c3$1.00. VKAI.S-Cholce. f10o. HAY Per carload lots: Upland, choice, $7.50; midland, choice, $6.60; lowland, choice, $5 60; rye strnw choice, J5; No. 3 corn, 33c; No. 3 white oats, 2314c; cracked corn, per ton. $14.60; corn nnd oats, chopped, per ton, $13; bran, per ton, $12.00312.60; shorts, per ton. $12.60. VKOKTAniiKS. Ct'CUMIUCHS-Pcr doz.. 50c. ASPAHAOUS-lIome grown, per doz., 20 Q2jc. NKYV Tl'HNlPS-Pcr. doz. bunches. 25 30c. SPINACII-Pcr box, 4O60c. NMW Ili:i:T.S-Per doz. bunches. 30c. NKYV CA KHOTTS Per doz. bunches. 30c. KHTTl'CK Per dozen bunches, 201i25c. HADISIIICS Homo grown, per doz., 15Q PI2AS-Per -bii. basket, 40c. WAX Hi:ANS-Per 1-3 bu bu. box. 60c. POTATOKS-Per Int.. choice, 25Q40C. Ni:V POTATOKS-Per bu.. 60c. CAIlltAfJU Home-grown, per lb., 2c. CAI'I.IKI.OWICH-Per doz., $1. TO.MATOKS-Mlsslsslppl, per four-basket crate, $1 23W1.60. MI'SnitOOMS-Pcr pound box, 60c. HHI'IIAHH Per pound, WAiio. ONIONS-Cnllfornla, per sack, $2.0032.23. rilCITS. STHAWHRHHIKS - Colorado Uhlpplng Htnck. per 24-qt. case. $3.00fi3.25. HI.ACKniCHHHCS-Per 21-qt. case, $2.25 0 50 "HIJACK HASPHnHHIKS-Pcr 21-qt. case, $3.00: per 21-pt. case, $1,75. HI3D HASPHICHHIUS-Pcr 24-pt. case, S2.60. CCHHANTS I'er 21-qt. case. $2.00, PHACIIKS-Callfornla, per box, $1.101.15. APHICOTS-Callfornla, per box, $1.35. Pl.CMS-fallfornia. per crate, $l.25'i?1.60. PHt'NKS-Callfornla. per crate. $1.501.75. C.OOSKHUHRIICS-Per 21-qt. case. $2. CHICRRIKS-Callfornln, per 10-lb. box, $1.10; .Missouri, per 21-qt. case, $2.25. THOPICAD FRUITS, PINKAPPUOS-Per dhz.. $2.00. OKANGKS California, Jledlterranean sweets, per box, $1.00; budded seedlings, $1. I,KMONS-Callfornlu, fancy, $l.60Jf4.75; choice. $1.25. C.RAPK VHl'IT-Callfornla, per box, $4. HANANAS Per bunch, according to size, t2.23a3.00. HIDKS. 1IIDKS No. 1 green hides, GV4c: No. 2 green hides, 6',4c; No, 1 salted hides, 7V4c; No. 2 salted hides, 6Hc; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 8c. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS-Hlckory, large, per bu., $1.25; shellbarks, $1.35; English walnuts, per lb., 12fil3c; filberts, per lb.. 12c: almonds, per lb., Ilftl6u; raw, per lb., 6V4Q6C; rousted, 6HS7HC HONEY Per 21-scctlon case, $3.6033.75. (JIIAXOKS I. AVAILABLE SUl'las. Cubic, nnd Trleicrnphlo Iteporta of (rain Aflont anil Ashore. NEW YORK, June 20.-SpecIal cable and telegraphic communications to Hradstreet's show tlie following In available supplies from tho last account: Wheat United States and Canada, cast of the Rockies (Liverpool Corn Trade News), an Increase of 117,000 bu.; afloat for and In Europe, nn increase of 1,600,000 bu.; total supply, an Incroase of 1.717,000 bu. Corn United States and Canada, east of tho Rockies, an Increase of 1,061,000 bu. Oats United States and Canada, east of the Rockies, an Increase of 312,000 bu. Among tho moro Important Increases reported to llradstrccf's not given In tho olllclal visible supply statement aro those of 169,000 bu. at Portland. .Mo., 112,(00 bu. at St. Joseph. 67, OOfl bu. at Coteau and 50,000 bu, at Kingston. Tho principal decreases are those of 362, 000 bu. at Chicago prlvato elevators. 70,000 bu. at Manitoba storago points and 60,000 bu. at Omaha. Tho nsreirato stock of wheat held at Portland. Ore., and Tacoma and Seattle, Wash., decreased 36,000 bu. last week. St. I, mils (iriiln nml Prnvlnlnna. ST LOUIS, Juno 20. W H E AT H I ch e r ; No. 2 red cash, elevator 7Sc; track, SOflSlc; June, 80',ic; July and August, 81c; Septem ber. SHAc: Nn. 2 hard, 75'u76V4c CORN-Hlgher; No. 2 cash. 40c: track, 41'AffllHc; June, 40c; July, 40lc; Septem ber. 10-Hc OATS ll'lgher, No. 2 cash, 24c; track, 2IH-c; June. 2lc: July, 23io; September, 235c; No. 2 white, a7'4c. RYE No market. FLOUR Higher; patents. $3.80ffl.O0; extra fancy and straights, $3.5003.60; clear, $2.S5ig 3.13. SEEDS Timothy seed, unchanged; flax, nominal at $1.77. CORNMEAL Higher at J2.10i72.15. HRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 6114 63c. HAY Timothy. steady at $S.OOgi2.00; prairie, weak and not quoted. WHISKY-Steady at $1.21. METALS-Lead: Dull, $3.70. Spelter: Dull, $1.00. POULTRY-Dull; chickens, 7c; springs, 12c; turkeys, Gc; ducks, 6c; springs, "Wc; geese, 3c; Fprlngs. 75j7,4c. KC.nS-Stcady. SHe. HUTTER-Steady; creamery, l&giD'ic; dairy, H1fl7c. PROVISIONS-Pork. llrm; lobbing, $11.75. Lard, higher; prime steam. $6.52H; choice, $6.60fl6.5i'.s, Dry salted meats, boxed, steady; extra snorts, J7.12V4; clear rins. jt.2s; clear sides, $7.S7H Hacon, boxed, steady; extra shorts, $7.C2!4; clear ribs, $7.75; clear ribs, $7.S74. RECEIPTS Flour, 4,000 bbls.: wheat, 15, 00) bu.; corn. 99,000 bu.; oats, 25,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour, 7.000 bbls.: wheat, H.ood bu.; corn. 91,000 bu.; oats, 13,000 bu. ' Knnmin City Grain nml I'rovlilonn. KANSAS CITY. Juno 20. WHBAT-Jnly, 72c; September. 734c: ensh. No. 2 hard. 71i? 71Hc; No. 3, C5f71c; No. 2 red, 7PiT72c; No. 3, CSffi 7n-. COH:-July. 3S73Si4c; September. SS'ic; cash. No. 2 mixed, 3Sc; No. 2 white, 39c; No. 3. SS'ic. OATS-No. 2 white, 25'.4c. RYK-No. 2, 5(c. HAV-Cholco timothy, $10.0010.60; choice P'rtirlo. $'1.6007.00. IU'TTER-Creamery 13fllSc; dairy, fancy, lie " EOOS Weak nnd nualltv verv unsatls. facUttr; fresh Missouri and Kansas otock, S'ijc doz. ; seconds. 5c. loss olt, cases re turned: southern, 6c; new white wood cases Included. He more. nKCEIPTS-Wheat, 2.S.S0O bu.; corn, 15,600 bu ; oats. 1,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Wheat, 33,000 bu.; corn, 25, 300 bu.; oats. 4.000 bu. I.lv. riiiiol !rnln nml Pruvlsloim. LIVERPOOL. Juno 20.-WHEAT-Spot, firm; No. 1 northern, spring, 63 2d; No. 1 California, 6s 3dTis 4H1: futures steady; July. 6s 2ijd; September, Cs 2id; December, nominal. CORN Spot, llrm; American mixed, new, 3s 10i4d : American mixed, old, 4s 3d; futures quiet: July, 3s llUd; September. 4s IHd. FLOI'H-St Louis fancy winter, llrm, 6s. PROVISIONS-Hncon. short clear backs, dull. 37s; shoulders, square, dull, 25s Cd, Lard. American ro lined in 2S-lb palls, dull, S5s 9d. Philadelphia Pi-oduee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Juno 20, HUTTER Firm: good demand; fancy western cream erv, 19Hc fancy western prints, 20o. EOOS Firm nnd V4q higher; fresh near by and western. 14c; fresh southwestern, 13'.-: fresh southern, 12c. CHEESE-FIrm and .Jc hlclter; New York full creams, funcy, small, 10c: New York full creams, good to choice, 9U69&C llniiouiolU Wlient Mnrkrt, MINNEAPOLIS. June 20.-WHEAT-1n store. No. 1 northern, June, SlUc; July, Sl'ic. September, S24c. On track, No, 1 I hard. Wir; No, 1 northern, S2V; No. 2 northern, S0-e. FI.OL'H-ltlgher; first patents. $1 fO: sec ond patents. $1.30; first clears, $1.15, second clears, $2.40. HHAN-In bulk, $11601712.00. Toledo Mnrlit-I, , TOLKDO, June 20.-VHKAT-Actlve and higher; pot, M'4c; July. Sik-; August. 86Hc; September. f"rc. I COHN Active and higher; No. 2 cash, ! "OATS-Strong and higher; No. 2 cash. ; 2o!4c ; ,HVK Dull and unchanged; No. 2 cash, ! 69c. I CLOVKHSKKD-Dull and unchanged; 1893 prime, $3.10; 1893 prime. $5.50; October, $5.63; No. 2, $1.60, nomlnnl. I Iliilutli Wheiit .Mnrket. DULUTH. June 20,-WHEAT-No. 1 hard, cash, 83H,c; July, S3'j,c; September, 8l4c; No. Lnorthf.rn' r,l!,h' S1''4e; July, S2c; September, 82,c; .No. 2 northern, 79'.4c; No. 3 spring, OATS 23'4f 21c. CORNtO?ic .Mlltviiukec flriiln Mnrkct. MILWAUKEE, June 20. - WHEAT Iligher; No. 1 northern, jjO;8S1c; No. 2 north ern, i&S'fc. Jjyj;-Mlgher; No. 1, 60c. 4o'Jl3c KhCr: N' 2 sa,rl,,c' MOVKMI3.NTN OF STOCKS AMI HO.VDS. .Mnrliet flukes Soin HeacHviij- nt OpenliiK, lint CIiimcm UeiiK, NEW YORK, June 20.-Tho stock market maclf. some headway during tho earlv part or tho session against depression and an nverago level of prices materially above last night was established. Room traders were Inclined to take tho long side for a turn, tinder tho imprefslon that the market had been oversold and u rally was due. 1J''t before tho end of tho session ltirge otTerlnjs of slocks were thrown on tho market, embracing all tho principal groups of securities dealt In. Earlier gains wero more than wiped out. the decline from tho nest In the actlvo railroad stocks running from 1 to lU, pednts. The net losses were mostly fractional, but some of the special ties show wide declines, and the same Is true of some of the dormant ftocks which havo not been dealt In during the Into period of weakness. Tho chief ground of tho early strength In the market was tho h gher range of prices from nbrond and the disposition of London to buy stocks here. It was evident that a moro cheerful view was taken In foreign quarters of the Chi nese situation, and llrltish consols hard ened a shade, in spite of the stiffening of tho Ixmdon money market. The chief In llucnco In turning the tide of sentiment towards tho bear side was the acute weak ness developed In Sugar and Hrooklyn Rapid Transit, and In other specialties In sympathy. The bears attacked the Hrooklyn stock with great confidence nnd encount ered llttlo opposition In offering tho nrlco down on account of yesterday' Judicial opinion against the legality of 10-cent fares. After selling at 6I'4 In the morning, tho stock was lorced down to 604 In tho late dealings. Tho drop In Sugar extended to over 4 points and was without special ex planation. All of tho gaa stocks wero acutely depressed, the declines extending from 1 In People's (las to Mi In Hrooklyn Union (las. Other notable declines wero Cotton Oil preferred, 6; Chicago Oreat Western preferred, ?i on disappointment over tho failure to declare a dividend; the Tobncco stocks, General Electric and Now York Air Hrnke. from 1U to 4. Those violent declines had a sympathetic effect on the whole list. Weakness In tho railroads was aggravated by the renewal of crop damage reports, and not only the grain carrying roads, but the cotton roads also, wero uffected by this cause. Somo of tho selling was said to be of stocks held by bankers for collateral, which had been held for somo time past to give opportunity to tho customers of the firms concerned to take up the stocks. Tho money market hardened appreciably and the possibility or quicit mroanson tno small surplus re serves of the banks receive Increasing at tention. Today's engagement of $1,100,000 of gold for shipment to Franco was about what was expected, and sterling exchange eased oft under tho offerings of bills against tho shipment. Discount rates hardened, both In lyondon nnd Berlin, nnd sterling fell a fraction In Paris, so that It Is considered probable that tho demand for gold Is not yet satisfied und gold Is expected to go out on Saturduy. Tho bond market was dull and prices lower. Total sales, par value, $1,250,000. United States new 4s declined V In tho bid price. Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram: The markets hero were Im proved today by the better Chlneso news nnd the encourlng report from jotA Rob erts. There wan no lncreaso of business, howewer. American stocks wero steady but featureless, closing slightly better than the worst. Tlntos were better on Paris buy ing und on tho rise of the metal. Discounts were barely steady. Call money was prac tically unlendable. Time loans were made nt from Hi to 1V4 per cent. The Hank of England sold 145,000 In German coin and 7,000 for export to a destination not named. Some French coin Is expected to bo out tomorrow. Following are the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchison do pfd Halttmore & Ohio, Canadian Pacific . Canada So Ches. A Ohio Chicago G. W C. 1). A Q Chi.. Ind. & I. do pfd Chi. & K. Ill ClilcaRO & N. W.. C, II, I. & V r. c. c. & st I... Colorado So dn 1st pfd do 2d pfd l)e. A Hudson .. Del. Ii. & W Denver A It. G--- do pfd Hrle do 1st pfd Ot. Nor. pfd llocklns Coal llocklnir Valley .. Illinois Central ... Iowa Central do pfd K. C. P. & O... Uike Krle & W.... do pfd I-lke Shore L. & N Manhattan L Mot. St. Ry Mexican Central . Minn. & St. I. do pfd Mo. I'a lflc Mobile A Ohio .... M., K. A T do pfd N. .1. Centrul J. Y Central Norfolk A W do pfd No. raclfle do pfd Ontario A W Ore. Ry. & Nav... do pfd Pennsylvania neadlng 24Vii Union Pacific . 50' i . 71Vi . 7 . 1714 . ft . 21T4 . 1l .KW',4 .117 .143 . i .120 . 3014 . ht . 1 . 19 . r.:.i . !)V, . 2'i . 17 . Is mv, do pfd. 71 ?0 43 2", 10V Wabash do pfd Wheel. & I.. R..., do 2d pfd Wis. Central .12314 Third Avenue .... 29 M 91 Adarnn lhc American Ex IT. S. IJx I'CVi Wells-Fargo Ex.., 10l?i Amor. Cot. Oil ... 67 . 00 pici, Amer. Malting 41'4 do pfil Amer. H. & It do pfd Amer. Spirits do pfd Amer. S. Hoop ... do pfd Amer. 8. & W do pfd Amer. Tin Plate.. do pfd Amer. Tobacco ... do pfd Anne. Mining CVi. Hrooklyn It, T....V 1H 17S 17 H tl 32-i' 150 13 3UJ in?; , 67 , 30 1 i 71 U IMi , 73 . ,121 , r.s'4 , Hi , 30 , 22'1 , "6 , ill fi-,'i 12S,4 47 !)7 22!i 64 7! 31 ;oi 1ST4 0- 21 siH 121 H'i 4S SO M 27 42 73 179 4 112'i 111 Bl'i Si f-li'i :a 9414 . 7i , 10 , 50 11 43 1C 2Si Colo. Fuel A Con. Totxicco Iron M8',V 74V do pfd Federal Steel do pfd Ocn. Kleutrlo OlticoMi Sugar do pfd Inter. Paper do pfd Laclede (Inn National Ulscult .. do pfd N'ntlonal L-ad ... dn pfd SI'i 146 11: 47 47'S 10 121'V UT4l 31; National Steel .... 7f.',,i no pro Wft N. Y. Air Ilrake... 72',iNo. American .... Ii Pa-trie Coast 42 I do lnt prd 71 I dn 2d pfd 1JH4 Pacific Mall 18 People's (las MHlPressed 8. Car do 1st pfil do Illo O. Id pfd W Pfd do pfd 61 87'4 8'i Pullman P. Car .., Standard It. AT.., ito St. L. A S. F Sugar do pfd do 1st pfa 67V4 do 2d pfd Pouthw , Pfd 31 Tenn, Coal A Iron St. L. U. S. leather do pfd ,., U. S. Rubber do pfd Western Union.. Republic I. A S... do pfd do St. Paul do pfd St P. A Omaha.. Po. Pacific So. Hallway do pfd Texas A Pacific... HOTi1 111 UP if; '.014 I C. C. A St. L.. 11 "Offered. Ass't paid. "Ex-dlvldend. IliiHtnn Stocks nml Honils, HOSTON, Juno 20,-Call lonns, 2fi3 per cent; tlmo loans, 2V45T4 per cent. Olllclal eloslnz: A., T. A S. F... . do pfd Amer. Sugar do pfd Pell Telephone ... lloston A Albany. Iloston Klevated Ilostnn A Me C, II. A Q Dominion Coal .. do pfd Federal Steel .... da pfd ritchburg pfd Oen. Hlectrlo .... do pfd VM F.lec. Ill Mexican Ontral N. K. G. A C Old Dominion .... Rubber Union Paclllo ... ,. :U5 West Hud .. C'J'4 Wcstlneh. Electric. 41 .112 I Atchison 4s 100 .US'i N. K. O. A C. 5s... 64 ,.M Adventure :i .211 Allouez Mln. Co.... 1 .137 Amal, Copper S3Ti .192 Atlantic 21 ,121 llotton A Mont 291 . 37'ilHutte A llpton ... '.1 .116 !Cal. A Hecla 721 . 30' Centennial 10 . 11, Franklin 12'i .111 Humboldt VI .CTi Os eola 59 ,.13 Pnrrot 3si .20.1 Qulney 133 . 1IH Hnnta IV Copper ... 4'i .. lHj'Tam'jrnck ITS . 18 ll'lah Mining 21 .. 2'i I Winona , SOU Wolverines 3C'4 l-'orelmi l'liinneinl, HERt,lN, June 20. A moro hopeful fef-llng prevailed on tho bourse) today, owing to tho better ncwa from China and the Murder wectern quotations, Americans and Caiia alan PucIIIcb were tinner. Int1rnatlon.1l se curities were maintained, Spanish 4s were put but subsequently recovered locals Improved and especially on the Jlreot ufter Iho close of regular business on the bourse. ExchH-.go on London, 20m 4U4pfgs. Lis count rates: Short bills, 44 per cent; three months' bills, S4 per cent. LONDON, June 20. American tecurllls opened at about purity level und remained forV-M the at,tent,'.?nCnf mmbersThSlnai loiu was llrm and the demand light. Span- Isb 4s closed nt To .:u. Amount of bullion, withdrawn from the Hank of Kngland on bl!l,JF5,,?,'u'- tli3,tX0. . PA HIS, June 20. Prices were better on tho bourne today, owlnif to more reassuring nows from I'hlim. hut subscriuentlv thev were quiet. Kalllrs are In good demand on London advices and R'o tlntos wero firmer on the recovery of copper. Three per cent utiles. KOf. Exchunce on Iondon, 25f 12',4C. fipanlsh Is closed at 71.22"-. ev VurU Money Miirfcrl. NEW YORK, Juno 20.-MONEY on call easy at l'H, per cent; last loan nt l?ic. Prime mercuntlle paper, 3'4ff4'4 per cent. STERLINO EXC'IIAN'oE easy with act ual business In bankers' bills at $I.S6iW 4.86T for demand, and SI.SIMH.SIH for sixty days; posted rates, $I.S5V4 I.&S; commercial ; 0111s, Ti.M4Tf l.(3. SILVER ecrtltlcatcs. COfiClc; bar silver, CO'ic; Mexican dollars, 473ic iyjk Ln scale, inactive; ruvci iiiiivhc, easy; railroad, heavy. The closing prices oil bonds todny are ns follows: v. h. rr. 2s do coupon do ir, rcg do 3r, res dn ertllpon do hfiv 4, i-pr... do roupc.n do old l, rcg.... tin coup'jn do f, rcg......... do cnlltMin 10.1 lOS'i 1W 1W ,1M ,131", 131' 114 IT. .M , K. & T. 2s. do 4s N", Y. C. Is .V. J. C. gen. r-s . M'4 . SS'J .ltl'i .122 . Wi .KM't .IOS',4 . M4 .103 .10U4 Nor. Pa-lflo 3s do 4s .V Y. O & Kt L 4s I Norfolk & W. c. 4s Ore-son Nnv. is.... do 4 Oregon S. L. fs do cotifol 6s Heading gneral 4s t:io (1. W. Is HI L & I M c. 6s., Ht I. & H F g. 6s... St. Paul consols ., St. P., C. & P. Is. do 6s o. Pnclllc 4s So. Itallwny 6s S. It. T. 6s Texas & Pnc. Is..., do 2s t'nlon Pacific 4s..., Wubdsli Is dn 2tc Vest Chore 4s Is. Central 4s .'n. Centuries .111 111 113 .1(10' . VP. W US' .1101. H3 117' 91 V. ior. , w4 127H Ill's, s;u 30H IIO14 12'j K9'4 ItO'.i 120 79'i no-; 6S 112 6: I0".'i 114 100 115 m 92 1 I). of C. 3 ft's , Atrli. pi-rural do nilj. 4s Canada Ho. In Chen. & O. 4'4.... . do Sic . C. & N. W. c. . ' do M. K. clfb. 5. Clilcnifo Ter. 4a ... Colo. So. 4s ' I. & It. O. Is do 4s ! M. T.. V. & O. Is. Mrle general 4s 1'. W. & D. C. On. Electric Cs.. In Central Is ! P & (i Is.. ioiu , 70 70' tii' 112 7"' loo- J. .N. unl. 4s.... When Issued. Offered. Trust fund. Xrw York MIiiIiik Stocks. NEW YORK, June 20,-Tho following aro the closing quotations for mining shares today: Chollar Crown Point Con, Cnl. & Va... Deadwood Ontnrlo Ophlr l'lymoiith Quicksilver .... do pfd Sierra NWad , Stnndnrd , Union Con Yellow Jacket ....C$:14 70 .... 14 ,....f.O ,....7("i .... 21 ....300 .... 18 .... 10 .If, . r, . 10 .. 23 5J . 6S . I Would & Carrie.... i Hale ft Norcross. ' llotnestnko Iron .Silver Mexican London Sleek Quotations. LONDON, Juno 20. 4 p. m.-Closlne: Cons., money.... 100 15-lS Ilrlo H'4 ilo nccount Ml 1-16 do 1st pfd JIH Atclusnn 2',i Pennsylvania 65'4 Heudlng m No. Pnclflo pfd 7IS Grand Trunk 61, Anaconda SU Hand Mine 40!. 1 Canadian I'uclllc .. 91'. St. Paul 1111, Illinois Central 114 Louisville 7!'4 Union Pac. pfd. ... "4'4 N. Y. Central 131', HAU SILVER-Stcady. 27;d per ounce. JIONEY lift Pj, per cent. The rate of discount In tho open market for short bills Is 2V4 per cent; rnto for three months' bills, 2'j per cent. Hunk ClenrliiKs. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Juno SO.-Clearings. $3, 16I.76S; balances, $36S,7S3; money, 4g!7 per cent; New York exchange, 10c premium bid, 20c premium asked. HOSTON. Juno 20. Clearings, $18,778,438; balances, $2,P.6(i,334. NEW YORK, June 20.-Clearlngs, $145, 271.706; balances, $$,112,012. HALTIMORE. June 20.-Clcarlngs, $3,2SS, 012: balances, $111,922. PHILADELPHIA. Juno 20.-Clearlngs, $15,105,313; balances, $3,ISI,5I0. CHICAGO, Juno 20.-Clearlngs, $22,473,737; balances. $2,665,274; posted exchange. $4.SoA fSf.i6',4; New York exchange, 20c premium. C0111IIII1111 of tlic Trensiiry. WASHINGTON, Juno -20. Today'H state mnnt of tho treasury balances In tho gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold renervo In the division of redemption, shows: Avnllnblo cash balance, $143,3M,SS3; sold. $6S,BG,519. Cotton Market, , NEW YORK, Juno 20. It was n day of surprises on the Cotton exchange. After an Indifferent start at about last night's prices pendulntion gained remarkable activity and swung fully 47 pqlnts. .Moreover, specula tion, which was exceptionally tame and featureless on the first call, grew at an amazing rate, with total transactions prob ably tho largest over recorded, something over 1,000,0(0 bales, according to conserva tlvo estimates, tho bulk of which cotton changed hands during the last two hours of tho session. Tho olllclal rating of the open ing was "quiet," with prices unchanged to 2 points higher. Toward the close of the first hour firm cables from Liverpool nnd bad crop ndvlces from nearly every portion of the belt started local covering, which graduully broadened until tho south nnd Eu rope wero nlso making good oversold ac counts. Tho rise at midday was a matter of -I?tl2 points, with no special excitement noticed up to that time, however. Nor did tho market show violent changes until after 1 o'clock and speculation continued within reasonable bounds. A forecast for contln IK d wot weather throuuhout lithe belt and emphatically bullish lato crop dispatches then Infused new life Into the bull faction nnd gave shorts a bad scare. The latter rapidly grew Into 11 wild excitement, In which New Orleans led. Prices forged nVnd by great strides at the best figures of the day, showing a net advunce of 26f47 points on tho nctlvo actions. Tho bull movement attracted attention of influen tial grain interests whoso purchases con tributed greatly to the strong ruling of tho mnrket. Wnll street, too, becamo n heavy buyer and tlp speculative public In gen eral exhibited more Interest than In months. All sorts of rumors were circulate,! nn the liulge nnd shorts at times were completely demoralized by tho sensational rise In prices. Conservative parties wero quick to conclude that the advance had been too rapid to hold and begun selllnir for a reac tion. Shorts noted tho lessened bull nrcs suro nnd turned for a break In tho hope of regaining a portion of the ground lost. With a rush prices relapsed nearly 20 points, with ciuj inuiKui unaiiy steuiiy 111 tone at a not rlso for the clay of W20 points. Futures, steady; June. $S.70. July. $8.72; August, $.S,73; V.r ,!... '.I nl,l,llln. .. ... ,1 r ,.!. 3 J,, ' '"""V.' 9 n-lttc: sales. 121 bales. STf I'PL'IS. Juno 20.-COTTON-Qulet and He higher; middling. 9c; sales, none; re-."'Ln,-Hi 4? )ules; shipments, 104 bales; stock. J 1 i.U hales. ' NEW ORLEANS. June 20. COTTON Steady; sales. 230 bales; ordinary, 7'Uc: good ordinary, Sic; low middling. S4c; middling 93-loc; good middling, 9Ke; middling fair 9J,c; receipts, 3.117 bales; stock. 69.930 bales IUKt.U-rr?-J"lf'' !lrm; JIy...12ff9.H; Augi Hti S-5J?2-Si! September. $7.S9fi7.99; October November, $7.60H7.6I; December J7-fiB7.61; January. $7.2f,7.ra KebruirS $7,6117.66; March, J7.67J7.69. r)' 4-olTco Market. NEW YORK, Juno 20.-COFFEE-The mitrxot for coffee futures opened steady at unchanged prices to 5 points decline, ruled quiet, largo receipts, checking purchases which with tho indifference of outsldo spec ulators, checked professional confidence. Variations iml,,,,,,,,-,-,,,, ,,, ,,11 1 jr ; ...... ,,,, uiiitiin ran- 1 Hons after tho lato 40 to 60 points decline Covering caused a 10 point advance in tho 1 l" Hvnniini. 1 no uiuae was iirni wltn prices net unchunged to 10 points hlglier. Total sales, 13,ooo bags, Including July nt $7.06177.15: September, $7.20177.33: November ".15T7.30; December, $7,3317.13; January, $7.4d; May, $7.70, Cnllfiirnlii Dried FriiKn, NEW YORK. Juno 20.-CALIFORNIA DRIED FRl'ITS continue Inactive and nominal. Evaporated apples exhibited a steady undertone on good country advices nnd In tho absence of sellers. Prices, how ever, remain unchanged. State common, 4',si5c; prime, CM tic: choice, 6?if7e; fancv, V.WiSc. California dried prunes, 3,4ffJ7o per pound as to size and quality. APrlcots, royal, !S,bft!p; Moor park. 151lSc; peaches, peeled, 16i20c; impeded, 6&9e. Dry (jnoilN .Mnrket, NEW YORK. June 20,-DRY OOODS-Nn Improvement In demand for general run of cotton goods nnd the market continues very quiet In all staple lines. Prints In moderate request. Ginghams steady with average demand. Print cloths Inactive nn change nt llrst hands. Auction sale or 6.230 pieces of printed percales brought Indifferent prices. Styles generally poor. Men's wear woolens aro dull at previous prices, Dress goods unlet und unchanged. Oll .Mnrket. OIL CITY, Pu., June 20.-OIL-Crcdlt bal ances, $1.23; certlllcntes, no bid; shipments, 97.790 bbls.; average, 93.S51 bbls.; runs, 113,. 326 hlils. ; average, tfl.&liO 1ibls. LIVERPOOU Juno :0.-OILS-Cottonseed, dull: retlned, July und August, steady nt 21s 61: linseed, 2fs 9d, I IN DON. June 20.-OI LB Calcutta lin seed. nMit, 52s 6d: linseed oil. 31s 1014d; tur pentlno spirits, 26a d; petroleum, American refined, 6d, .3,-1.1, -iiim-i , o.ui; cjccciu.'r, c.irj; iNOVCmilOr $i.S5; December. $7.S3; January, $7.S6; Feh ruary. $7.V7; March. $7.!: April. $7.92: Ma v. S,.!5. Snot elnsiwl istn.'ifK nt ()M A 1 A V STOCK MAHKKT UIHnun ,a ' u nilllUl Hetty Efcoipti of All Klndi of Stoclr, Ctttlt, Ho'i ind Ehtap. LATE BEFORE CLEARANCE IS EFFECTED Llbrrnl OfTrrlnir nml Loiter Prices t'.nni Html lloir Vnltirn Ilnvrn Set rrnl .Votebcs Slierp Fully Ntrnily nml Active. Average price paid for fcc:; for the last several days, with comparisons: J1900.U?3.189S.1S97.1995.1S.1S34. Juno 1.... June 2.,., Juno 3 June 4. .. June 6.... Juno 6..., Juno 7.... June 8..., Juno 9..., Juno 10... Junn 11 . . 4 $J 3 50 4 21 3 401 1 It 4 301 4 61 4 IS 1 j J M 4 12 3 321 2 85 t 4 34 3 69, 1 UJJ J ot 2 S6 2 S7 4 ?3 4 10, 3 32 4 SJ) 4 41 4 35 II) I 1 71 4 94 . ss; i 65 3 31 2 9J 4 01 4 2'J 4 53 4 .i 5 02 3 67 3 8.1 3 30 3 31, .1 90 4 34 4 50 4 SI 4 53 4 07 4 63 4 71 4 70 4 51 4 5) 3 60 3 8' 3 OSi 3 04 5 01 5 00 4 92 3 61 3 59 3 921 3 9Sl 3 t-S 3 27 3 27 3 31 2 93 4 35 2 91 ( 4 44 4 33 Juno 12... 3 6' 3 W, June 13.,, June 14... Junn in. . 4 86, 4 83 3 61 3 75) I 3 03 4 32 4 3S 3 66 3 79 3 29 3 77 3 32, 2 OS 3 901 3 22 3 01 4 S9, 4 93 3 64 4 4I Juno 16... 3 62 June 17... Juno 18... Juno 19... June 20 .. 5 ail 3 63 .1 831 3 181 3 08 4 44 4 461 4 65 4 48 4 70 4 45 4 60 6 061 3 64 I 3 15l 3 02! . 3 71 3 0 1 2 96 Indicates Sunday 1, !?.H?n.lclal Jnumber of cars of 'stock brought In today by each road was: C. M. s, ,C'tHe. Hogs Sheep. H'r's. p. & hi. l. Ry.....::: :: Mo. Pac. Hy 29 Hnlon Paclllc System: 23 t . iv N. W. Ry C., B. & Q. Hy... 3 k. c. & st. j.....; .; C.. R. I. & P., east... I (.. R. 1. & P.. west..! 6 Illinois Central 1 Total receipts 1S5 t :: :; w 1 26 7 1 1 60 "3 1 10 50 4 2 24 1 1 5 1.. 194 17 1 ber' oyZad''Illcatrd: "Urc,asln lhc Huyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 376 1.678 ..... nnd Company 830 1,157 Cuclnhy Packing Co S07 3 41S Armour & Co 760 4 41 1,790 1.792 Cudahy, Kansas city.... 252 . "w Armour, from K. C 160 l. Pecker & Degan 3J Ivobman & Co 66 ... Huston & Co 13 Livingstone & Schaller. 27 I...'! !"" L. F. Husr 9i Other buyers 143 Totals 9W 12,850 3,m CATTLE There were a good many cattle hero today, almost nil of them cornfed beeves. Hy reason of tho very liberal offerings buyers were not In as big a hurry to get down to business ns usual, appar ently feeling that they could nfford to tako their time. For that reason the market looked a little slow ut tho opening nnd some reported their llrst bids as easier. When tho trading was onco under way, however, the market was fairly nctlvc at prices that wero not materially different from those pnid yesterday, so far as tho good kinds were concerned. In other words, good to choice cattle wero steady and reasonably nctlvc. Common kinds of cattle, ns noted yesterday, feel the effects of the competi tion of cheap southern grass cattle, and aro gradually dropping down at all market points. An examination of the sales will show that there Is now a wider ranee, in prices than was the caso a short tlmo ago, the best cattle and commoner kinds selling further apart. There wero some right good cattlo here, as will bo noted from the sales below. Only a few cows nnd heifers wero among the offerings, and for the most part they changed hnnds early In tho morning and at prices that wero not materially changed from yesterday. In fact there was nothing now in that department or the market. Bulls sold in about the same old notches. there being a fair demtnd for choice fat stuff as well as for good stocker or feeder bulls. Not enough stock cattlo or feeders wero nmong the, offerings to cut any figure In the day's business. Such as were on salo brought the same old prices. Reprcsenta tlve sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. rr. 1 730 3 00 8 1127 5 00 1 670 3 00 1 1450 A 04 1 850 4 00 15 1153 S t 1 1000 4 00 20 1107 5 01 2 640 4 r0 M 1168 6 05 2 810 4 l' 63 1157 6 V, 1 840 4 25 1 1531 6 M 2 815 4 35 20 1200 6 05 19 957 4 4 . 20 1202 5 05 22 SOS 4 45 19 1140 6 05 1 780 4 50 150 1265 5 01 1 1100 4 50 72 1234 G 05 16 937 4 50 1 1331 5 05 1 10SO 4 50 19 12S3 K OS 2 960 4 50 ill 1345 5 10 3 970 4 70 4 1100 5 10 16 913 4 75 23 1IS3 6 10 3 1033 4 75 8 1190 C 10 6 906 4 i 1242 B 10 20 9ft9 4 75 18 1122 5 10 6 910 4 75 41 1295 5 10 4 1067 4 75 25 12.10 6 10 19 1152 4 SO 28 1219 S 10 1 IO60 4 S 37 1217 S 10 2 12l 4 80 35 1313 10 SI 1155 4 SO 44 1307 5 10 34 1205 4 M 38 1267 5 10 36 1005 4 SO 38 ISM 5 10 23 1000 4 SO 18 1175 5 10 2 1335 4 fO 60 1052 5 11 1 1100 4 SO 27 1166 5 15 2 1056 4 61 16 1302 5 15 26 971 4 SI 4S 12S3 S 15 23 1047 4 S3 30 1353 5 15 5 1140 4 SI 1 1360 5 15 18 10 4 9i) 40 1279 5 15 10 1005 4 90 16 1312 5 15 11 1079 4 9) 37 1333 B 15 16 1176 4 33 1344 3 15 17 10C9 4 90 17 1227 5 13 26 1106 4 90 17 1290 5 15 28 1161 4 90 31 1449 6 15 14 1071 4 90 SO 1414 5 15 2! 1216 4 90 21 1203 .' 11 40 1103 I 9) 32 1340 5 15 22 1114 4 90 76 1276 5 20 6 7S8 4 ) 23 12;s .-, ;,- 5 112 4 9i 39 1413 5 20 9 1123 4 9 19 14C0 S ;o II 1160 4 93 75 1302 5 20 16 1301 4 91 40 35l 5 20 21 1110 4 95 2.1 1204 B 20 , 5 1314 4 95 23 1207 5 20 13 1115 5 00 18 ,m B 21 42 1251 5 04 6.1 13F.S B 25 3 1206 5 00 27 1656 S 25 40 11M 5 0) 36 1507 5 25 21 1226 5 00 65 1301 5 21 22 1010 5 00 39 i;;j 5 35 49 1170 5 00 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 68 750 4 70 20 1090 4 90 6 978 4 75 11 1146 4 V, 9 1007 4 85 21 1054 5 10 23 930 4 65 21 HH 5 33 COWS. 1 910 2 23 1 1260 J 65 1 910 2 25 1 1000 3 83 1 720 2 1". 1 1300 3 90 1 870 2 75 3 u0 3 94 I SS0 2 13 1 HOi) 3 9) 1 900 2 85 1 790 3 90 1 910 2 S5 4 945 3 91 2 904 3 f) 1 1050 4 04 2 1115 3 04 2 1050 4 60 1 !50 3 fO 4 1067 4 00 2 990 3 0) 1 1310 4 fO 1 950 3 00 6 1 1 CI 4 IV) 1 1220 3 14 3 1053 4 04 1 1160 3 25 1 1054 4 04 I..... 12!4 3 25 2 1134 4 00 4 1075 3 35 1 llfO 4 05 4 915 3 31 1 100 4 15 2 1160 3 45 1 810 4 15 1 1070 3 50 1 1070 4 15 1 994 3 50 1 1124 4 11 13 994 3 50 6 1013 4 29 1 970 3 54 ' 4 1147 4 20 2 080 3 54 3 1376 4 20 1 1060 3 50 1 1240 4 3) 1 930 so 1 1210 4 ro 1 11S4 3 m 1 830 4 25 3 9' 3 60 1 JIM 4 21 2 1060 3 65 2 1200 4 21 1 1165 3 6", 1 1620 4 21 3 1033 61 7 1265 4 25 4 1145 3 75 1 1094 4 30 S 1204 3 7 1 4 1115 4 30 1 1204 3 75 6 1112 4 30 3 1 1110 3 8) 2 8.11 4 5) 1 900 3 SO 1 1180 4 V) 2 JOS., 3 84 1 1244 4 TO 3 1253 3 85 3 1156 4 50 J 960 3 81 2 1420 4 65 COWS AND HEIFERS. 12 966 4 31 5 774 4 25 HEIFERS. 1 450 3 40 1 9J0 4 33 1 590 3 54 1 994 4 54 II 675 3 99 2 745 4 54 1 7S0 4 CO 2 JW 4 64 2 520 4 15 2 J035 4 64 J 924 4 IB 1 S10 4 65 1 854 4 20 1 74) 4 63 4 959 4 30 BULLS. 1 1320 3 05 1 620 3 71 1 1280 3 10 1 l.Wj 3 76 6 1203 3 24 1 1670 3 15 1 1050 3 24 1 1570 4 04 1 1100 3 25 2 15A5 4 04 6 1063 1 35 1 1710 4 14 1 10GO 3 40 1 2110 4 25 1 . 1070 J 40 1.. 1 1 M 4 : 1 2V) 3 Ty) ( 17x2 4 I'.i 4 PW 1 .V) 1 7M 4 2 1 W 3 eO 1 WO I 15 1 lt.1i) I ) 1 14V) 4 M 1 1"M 3 6'. 1 161) 4 .V) 1 1340 3 70 CALVES. 1 xo e 00 STAGS. 1 1M0 3 50 1 13V I 7.1 1 1510 4 2". 9 117s 4 71 t lr) 4 40 1 lift) 4 93 STEERS AND STAGS. 5S Ills 4 ! STOCK CALVES. 1 30 4 2A 1 0 , CO STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 7 810 1 M 10 $02 3 73 13 633 S 30 6 :M 3 75 1 Iftfl J 5 57! 3 M 2 SU 3 a, 1 Of-0 3 90 1 M0 3 25 1 4rt 4 10 4 S07 .1 30 10 32 4 6", STOCKEP.S AND FEEDERS. 1 700 3 00 15 6S0 4 50 1 M0 3 3 613 4 . 10 ff6 3 SO 1 470 4 4') 1 41) 3 75 ! trs 4 M 13 7.V) 4 01 1 950 4 10 9 STB 4 03 HOOS Hog values took n Me dron at all market points today and this market did not nfford nny exception to the rule. The cnuso for the decline Is to be found In liberal receipts at all selllnz points. Tho market here opened 10c lower, the llrst bids being $4.93 for such loads ns sold nt fo.Oo yesterday, with a few of the choicest loads nt $l.97'.-sU5.00. As reports from other selling points came worse, nnd ns It became , c-viciciu nun mere was a great pieniy 01 . hogs here to fill all orders, buyers lowered their hands before sellers could unload at ' mornlni? urines mul llm iimrlrel tiernmo 1214c lower. In other words, buyers wntitcd the general run of good mixed loads at $l.92'4. Sellers could not see It that way. nnd the market was very slow from start to finish, so tint nt n lato hour there were still hogs left It will be noted from the table of average prices that the decline today wiped out all the advance made this week, leaving the market no better than It was nt the close of last week. In fact a little easier. Repre sentative saler.; No. Av 8h Pr No. Av. Sh. Pr. 70 237 SO 4 95 62 246 ... Pi 60 257 SI 4 93 63 244 120 4 91 94 203 1 20 4 91 S3 196 40 4 91 f2 261 80 4 91 41 2"0 ... 4 91 6.; 233 ... 4 93 61 232 120 4 91 71 211 160 4 91 55 287 84 4 91 62 306 ... 4 95 f.7 271 120 1 93 56 2S5 ... 195 66 233 40 4 95 61 304 ... 4 91 77 252 SO 4 91 55 269 44 4 95 75 236 ... 4 91 65 296 50 4 91 66 278 ... 4 91 64 308 ... 4 95 71 235 160 4 95 "8 233 120 4 95 8.1 215 120 4 91 73 198 49 4 9: 91 190,... 4 91 58 215 120 4 95 64 247 164 4 91 69 200 40 4 91 60 259 ... 4 95 76 212 120 4 0; SO 1S9 40 4 95 80 206 209 4 95 67 212 ... 4 95 73 226 120 4 95 54 270 ... 4 91 72 219 ... 4 95 71 228 ... 4 95 74 210 160 4 91 65 270 4 0 4 91 81 211 124 4 91 75 226 160 4 91 69 211 40 4 91 S3 214 124 4 91 58 261 ... 4 95 71 216 SO 4 95 69 268 ... 4 95 SO 210 160 4 91 84 216 ... 9.1 87 208 100 4 91 74 227 SO 4 91 67 269 f 4 -, 60 258 210 4 95 52 229 ... 4 95 72 21.1 4 0 4 91 72 214 ... 4 91 75 220 80 4 95 61 272 SO 4 9", 61 27t ... 4 95 65 2.50 120 4 95 61 24.1 ... 4 95 7.1 214 ... 4 11 54 261 ... 4 95 60 302 ... 4 9714 66 257 4 0 4 97'-4 75 261 10 4 97'4 70 261 SO 4 97'4 71 273 84 4 97'i 67 m ... 4 9714 62 253 120 4 9714 57 255 ... 4 974 71 222 80 4 97H 46 297 240 4 97' 70 212 44 4 97'i 68 35 40 4 97tj 65 309 160 5 04 64 274 80 5 00 67 246 ... 5 60 61 353 160 5 00 77 278 160 5 00 87 321 ... 5 CO 14 190 40 120 4 83 4 90 96 200 54.. 52.. 61.. 63.. 65, . 74.. 40.. 104. 63.. 2iV 4 94 4 9 4 90 4 90 I 9.) 4 90 4 94 4 90 4 90 4 9) 4 92IJ 4 IJ 4 9211 4 92ii 4 92 '4 4 n 4 9.M4 4 92'4 4 92'j 4 92'J I m 4 92'i 4 92'i 4 92'4 4 92'i 4 92'i 4 2ti 4 92'4 4 92' 4 4 92',i 4 92'4 4 9214 4 92' j 4 92'4 4 92Vj 4 92'j 4 92'.4 t 92'4 4 924 4 92'4 4 ill!, 4 92' 4 91' 4 4 9214 9214 4 92'4 4 92 U 4 92'4 4 !2'4 4 92' 4 92'4 4 92', 4 92' 4 4 92' 4 4 924 4 92'i 4 924 4 92'i 4 92'j 4 92'4 4 91 4 "S 4 95 4 95 4 95 4 95 4 91 4 9.1 4 95 4 91 4 91 4 95 4 95 4 95 4 97 4 91 4 95 4 15 4 91 4 95 4 93 :5m .234 .250 .211 .24) .174 .230 .227 :?4i .279 .2.'3 .230 .242 .241 160 120 40 40 lbO SO 20 K0 M 200 fO 160 It) 62 :,9 57 76 SS 79 7S 67 60 71 61 60 r.s 76 79 61 67 SS 63 70 69 S6 75 76 44 .271V 240 305 160 ..267 ..23S ..293 ..26 ..234 . .223 .'.'si? ..i?s ..213 ..201 '.AM ..203 ..1M ..216 ..245 ..243 124 SO 70.. 64.. 64 2.7) 40.. ...212 ...224 ...243 . . .201 ...29) . . .258 ...2.14 ...252 ...2.14 . . .221 ...200 .. 264 . . .243 . . .234 ...231 ...243 .242 ...256 ...2.54 ...237 ::.K2 .,.230 ...226 ...939 ...243 ...262 ...230 ...252 ,.,258 ,..248 ..245 ...199 S3 116.... 86 67 80 6I 73 73 78 133.... 66 ISO.... 41 SO 74 63 70 61 141.... 72 SO 40 80 160 SO SO ft) 40 200 120 20O 164 80 60 13 74... . 66 63 60 67 ,...... 69 60 91 72 56 69 61 ..212 ..295 ..234 ..Ui ..221 ..308 ..245 ..216 , . .230 120 84 44 40 '40 120 200 13) 66 54 59 14 76 . . .208 4 95 SHEEP Thero was a fair run of crass sheep today, practically everything being of that description. Half of the stuff on salo was of the same kind that sold nn this market yesterday, and as It hroucht the. snme prices ns yesterday, it is safe to say that the market was steady. Moreover tho trado was active at prevailing prices nnd early arrivals changed hands very rcadllr. Quotations: Western crass wethers. $4.10 ffilfW): fed wethers, $4.90f?-3.15; fed vearllnus. t.23'7B.40: fed ewes, good to choice. $I.235T 4.50; fair to goon rea owes. n.iM'ri i.uu: goou to choice clipped lambs, $3.76176.00; fair to good ollnned lambs, $5.33ffr.50. Rcp- rescntntlve sales: No. Av. Pr. !)6 $2 50 97 3 60 12S 4 23 117 4 33 10S 4 33 110 4 40 71 4 50 90 4 60 70 4 60 73 5 13 69 5 15 73 5 15 60 6 00 62 7 00 SO 4 25 S9 4 25 54 5 E5 9 grass ewes 31 grass ewes 151 grass ewes 7M western crass wptners . 766 Wvomlntr crass wethers 000 Wyoming grass wethers 67 ewes 9 ewes It ewes 123 Mexican wethers 12 Mexican wethers 44 Mexican wethers 33 spring lambs 98 snrin-- lambs 317 Nebraska ewes 5 Nebraska ewes 177 Nebraska lambs CIIICACO I.IVK STUCK JI.UIKKT. Steer Slow to l,ciwer-li"IPi Clime Lower Sliceji Stenuy. CHICAGO, Juno 20.-CATTLE-Rrcelpts, 15,00) head; steers, slow to 10c lower; butchers' stock, weak to 10c lower; natives. best on sale today. ;i carionus ai tu.ia; kuuu ir. nrimn steers .vifli3.73: noor to medium. $l,50fi6.00; selected feeders, steady to weak at $4. 1074. 83; mixed stockers. 10c lower at $3.4074.00; cows, J.I.O'V'H.55; heifers. SXOOJ5.15, dinners. $2 4013.00; bulls. $3.0'il.25; calves. $5.006.60; Tcxans. receipts, 1,600 head; best on sale today, 1 carload at $5; Texas fed steers, $l.60fiG.20; Texas grass steers, $3.63(3 4.25; Texas bulla, $3.00G3.50. HOGS Receipts toduy. 32,000 head; to morrow, 25,000 head, istlmated: left over, 6.000 head; 10c lower, closing weak; top. $5.22',4; mixed and butchers. $5.00575.22','.,; good to fholco heavy, $3,151i6.2212; rough heavy. ri.OOJiS.10; light, $5.005jo.22'4; bulk of sales, J5.KKiC.lG. SHEEP AND LAMPS - Recelnts, 16,000 head; sheep best steady, others 10c lower; good to choice wethers. Jl.75fifi.10; fair to choice mixed. $1.76114.90; western sheep, $1.10 fiG.OO: yearlings, $5.255i5.76; native lambs, r.00T6.(S0; western lambs, $6,0056.50; Colo rado lambs, clipped. $7; spring lambs, $5.0oir 7.25. .SI. Louis Live Slock. ST. LOl'IS, June 24, CATTLE Receipts, 2,100 head, Including 1,0co head Texans, mar ket slow nnd easier; natlvo shipping and export steers, $I.S3fi3.60; dressed beef and hutcher steers. S 1.50ft 6.?; steers under l.Oou lbs., Jl.00fi4.70: stockers nnd feeders, $1.20ff 6 00; rows nnd heifers, $2.uV"i5.10; dinners, $1.50J72.f5; bulls $1.30fi4.00; Texas and In dian steers, $3,6054.90, cows and heifers, $2.80 1.00, HOGS Receipts. 5.500 head: market SftlOc lower; pigs nnd lights, $5.101i5.20; packers, H.05W5.20; butchers, $3.:055.27W. SHEEP AND LAMPS - Receipts, 3,700 heacj; market steady; native muttons. $l.25ifi 4.75; lambs, $3.75f7.25; culls and bucks, $3.00 O-I.00. KnnsiiN City Live Stock. KANSAS CITY. Juno 20. C A TT L E R e celpts. 4.3W head natives and 1,100 head Tex ans; desirable killers, steady to 10c higher; Inferior grndes, slow; heavy natlvo steers, $I.6055.CG; stockers and feeders, $.175f4.80; butcher cows and heifers, $3,20f,Vti0: cun ners, $2.50fi3.20; fed westerns, $1,205(0.20; Tex ans, J3.C5fM.20. HOGS Receipts, 11,000 head; market slow nnd 6f;10c lower, luavy, $5.03573.15; mixed, $4,9556.10, light. $l.80(i'5.O2',i; pigs. $1,605(4.75. SHEEP AND LAMPS - Recelnts, 2,100 head; quick market at unchanged prices, lambs, $S50fI7.23; muttons. $U3f0.00; Tex ans. $1,1054.43; feeders, $3.60f 1.50; culls, $2.50 t3.00. . SI. Joseph Live Stork. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH, Mo Juno 20,-(Spe-clal.) Tho Journal quotes: CATTLE Receipts, 1.100 head; market actlvo and steady; natives. $4.00fj6.40; Texans and westerns. $3.SD'6.20; cows nnd heifers, $2.257j4.eo; bulls und sUss, $2,259 -4 sr., yearlings and calves, $I.OV3filO, stock- ers and feeders. 1 4oit 4.;., veils, $j.OOfi6.73. 1 Hf)G8 Ileieliits. lu.70O lirnd. markel Mf XV lower, all grades $4.95flS.13, bulk of sale. $l.9i iMio.nii. SIIEEP-Hecelpls, 1,00) head; mnrket stead:. mt York l.lp .stork. NEW YORK. June 20. - REEVES - Re ceipts, 2.2S6 head, steers, llrm to 10c higher: bulls and cows, steady to 15c lower; Mecrs, $1.60116.73; oxen and stars, $4.231f4.75; hulls, fl.OMll.SO; cows, $2.25f4.36; cables, lower; live cattle, at London. 12fjl2'c; tops. 12ie; at Liverpool. imiill-c; refrigerator beef, S'jc tfer lb.; exports, 2, 460 cpiarters of beef. CALVES - Receipts. 6 JC1 head; opened steady and closed slow nnd liiRo off; veals, $4fvii,.00; culls, $l.t(l.30; buttermilks, $1.75 fiM.oO. SHEEP AND LAMPS - Receipts. 7.212 head; sheep, slow; choice steadv, others easier; lambs, 10fll5e off, except for choice stock; sheep, $.1,2516.10; choice wethers, $5 23; few export wethers, $5.75; lambs. $3.r)?i7 70; yearlliiss, $5.00ft5.CO. " ' .",.('''-fJ0C,'lts, 4,7ns head; market higher at $j. ,076. so. Stock lit NIkIiI. Following aro the receipts nt the four principal western markets for Juno 20 : Cattle. H03S Sheep. 3,931 13,6(1 3, MVS 15,000 32.CXO 1,K) 6,400 14,(rt 2,K) 2,100 5,500 3,700 South Omnha Chicago Kansas City . St. louls Totals 26.131 65,131 i.eOj Stmnr Mnrket. NEW ORLEANS, June 20. - PCQAR -Strong; centrifugal, I'.i,g3c; so -ends, 384'vi. WESTERN PACKING STATISTICS I'nlllnir 4nr for tin. Heck In the .Num ber of IIiiks Marketed nml SlmiKlitf red. CINCINNATI. Juno CO.-'Sp.Vl.il Tele-gram.)-Prlee Current says: There has been somo reduction In tho movement of hogs. Western packing for last week was I9,(w) head, compared with 525,000 head the pre ceding week and S.'O.OO head last year. iTom March 1 the total is 7.003.000 head, against t,,h.",0.000 head u year ago. Ptoin Itient places comparo ns follows: .... mx Chicago 2,0:V.iK Kansas City O.W.OOc) Omaha 725 ()1 .St. Imiils 525.( Indianapolis 320.000 Milwaukee 237,0V) Cincinnati iS7.noo St. Joseph 6I0.OO0 nttnmii'ii ici 1. hi 1S91. !,020,i0) SS3.M)) 7O0.0TO 470.OW filS.OO) 263,0iN) 190.0M 117.(10 201, iv) 97.10) 1 1.1.00) 115.KH) S3.000 Cedar Rapids '.'..::: lfojiio Mloux city 2I6.0() St. Paul 15I.OV) Nebraska City HO.OcO DEATH RECORD. Old SiMTlird Resident. SEWARD. Neb., 'juno 20. (Special.) tnram L. uoyes. one or the oldest settlers of Seward, died Monday night, being more thun SS yearn of age. Ho was born in New Hampshlro January . 1S12. Ho was a pioneer of Michigan In 1SII. went around tho Horn to California In 1849. later as sisted In the Hcttlenient of Iowa and u.s curly as 1S67 located in Seward. He built tho first flouring mill there and was actlvo In Its management until recent years, when ho turned It over to his sons. Mr. Iloyes was a man of excellent buslnms ability and pos sessed a high standard of personal honor. ColleKo IiiMri.ctor. PHILADELPHIA, Juno 20,-Sarauel P. Molcnacr, Ph. D.. Instructor In tho French language at, the University of Pennsylvania, Is dead of heart disease after an Illness of three months. Dr. Molenner was born In St. Petersburg forty-flvo years ago. Ho come to this country nbout ten years ago. He was French Instructor at Columbia uni versity nnd at Wlttcnburg college, Spring field, O, Resident nt Pint tsmoutli. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. Juno 20. (Spe cial.) Calvin L. Wilson died Monday nnd was burled yesterday. Deceased wan born August 17, 1S26, In East Hwi.lbury, North York, Ontario, Canada, and has resided In this city since ISOO. In 1891 ho wca mar.hd to Mrs. Lucy Austin, mother of Han tor Smith and Mrs. C. I). Cummins. He leavt a son in Omaha and one In Indiana. l-'unernl of Mc.Nnmnrn. NEDRAKA CITY, June 20. (Special.) Tho funeral of William McNamara, tho young farmer who was killed by lightning on his farm near Valley, was held hero yesterday. Tho remaltm arrived on the noon train and were taken direct to tho ccruo tery. Tho attendance was largo. llnron Loch. LONDON, Juno 20. Haron Loch iHeury Ilrougham Loch), formerly governor of Cnpo Colony ard British high commissioner for South Africa, Is dead. Tho coolest places havo been selected for tho Working Girls' Vacation Contest trips. Mortality Statistics. The following deaths and births were re ported to tho city Hoard of Health for the twenty-four hours ending Wednesday noon: Deaths James Flood, aged 26, 1622 Hurt; John Simmons, aged 01, 2S68 Bristol; D, Hicks, aged 33, 3313 Grand nvonile. Hlrths J. R. Reome, 2516 North Thirty first, boy; John Shea. 4117 North Twenty 11 f th avenue, girl; W. II. Ongenbln, 4615 Charles, boy: A. Shaw, Wood Place, girl; Elliot Thompson. East Omaha, boy; John Hober, Lake and Sixteenth, boy; P. O'Don nell. 2115 South Nineteenth, boy; R. H. Wells, S3! South Eighteenth, boy. TUB REALTY .MAItlvllT. INSTRUMENTS placed on rocord Wednes day, Juno 20: Wnrrnnly Drcds. C. A. Dahlstrom and wlfo to A. A. An derson, vU of lot 2, block "H," Invo's ndd $ 600 Dora Hascho to Patrick Shea and wife, lot 7. block 8, Hrown Park.... 1,330 Omaha Real Estate and Trust com pany to S. J. Shaw, lots 33 and 31, block 1, Saunders & H.'s add to Walnut Hill 125 Mildred Edmundson to F. R. Joslln. lot 4, block 6, Ambler Place 900 M. M. Chamberlain to M. II. Mccul loch, lot I, block 25, Carthago add.. 1,600 E. P. Watson nnd wife to I. F. Cam eron, lot 4, block 3, A. S. Patrick's add MM Addison Austin and wife to C. C. John'on. lots 17 nnd IS, block 111, Dundee Place 2,600 South Omaha Iiand company to Dan iel Hradley, s'a of lot 12, block 319, South Omnha 159 Tho Cathedral Chapter of the Diocese of Nebrr.sku to .51. A. 'loan. nj or lot 12. block 91, South Omnha 1,625 Anna Fay to Gcorgo & Co., lot 4, block 6, Hammond Placo 300 Clvdo Connor to Annn Fay, part of lots 30 and 31, Grlflln fi- I.'s ndd and strip adjacent 2,100 II. A. Relchenbach, Jr , to M. A. John son, lot 3, Dewey Placo 3,000 Total amount of transfers $14,950 CURE YOURSELF! Urn Hit? 43 far nrjri&ttirU dlachftTKei, .uliirjiniAtlonu, irrlUtior) or ulrcratior of m u on u a rcemtSraUfft. I'tlnlfM. ami not aitrlt; 1 nuid 117 rrucgiBlJto or icnl in plain vrrappfr Sl.liO. or I trfittlt t;,73. Circular mui uo raUtb6 JAMES E BOYD & CO., Telephone 1039. Oitialin, N:V COMMISSION, (i It A IX. PROVISIONS iinU STOCKS HOARD UK TRADI2. Correspondence: John A. Warren tt Ca uirect wires to Chicago and Nv YorS roi-c rw H.RPENNEY&C0. Sf5feKS( fj00fl4NrUrEBLD& BJW1CH 1036 HAS F In 1 W ft UT.H bvw not a trtir UfAClNCINKtll.O .Bn