TIIE OMAITA TJATLY BIDE: TUESDAY, JUXE 19, mOO. 11 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements- for these column v III lir Intern until VJt in. fur the ptcnliiK edition mill until HtttO p. fur niornlnic mid Sunday edition. IlitU-, 1 l-Uo n oril llrst Itmcrtlnli I 1 1! a viciril thereafter. .NntliliiK taUi;n for limn iifiu for the flrnt limrr- llon. 'I'limc nil vert leinent must lie run iinseetill vcl . Ad vertlsrrs, ti- requesting n nnm lirrrtl check, enn lint; nnsvrers ml ilressed to n numbered letter In enro it Thr Hep, AiiMirri mi nildreimeil nrlll lie ilelltrred on prrsentntlon ot Hie check inl. "WANTED-MALE HUM. WANTED We have steady work for n few KOOrt hustlers of good habits nnd nppar once. C. F. Adums Co., 1619 Howard St. B-S50 BARBER trado taught thoroughly In short time: catalogue and particulars free. Address Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. B-Sol WANTED, laborers, teamsters, rock men and surfacing men, Neb., Wyo. and Inw,a' free fare: highest wages; ship dally. Western II. II. Labor Agoncy, 310 8. 11th Bt. U-M832 SALESMEN, to sell office specialties; fine side line; used by nil m hunts; cata logue free. Model Mfg. . J11' South Bend, Ind. B-!23 Jo2S WANTED? men to learn barber trade. We teach the work In two months nnd ln clude complete outfit of tooN for J30; 1j weekly guaranteed graduates. This offer made ot; account of the demand for graduates and Is good until July only. Can earn scholarship, board, tools or transportation to nny ot our branches at Chicago, St. Louis or Minneapolis If desired. Make application by mall today. Moler Barber College, ngent. 162.1 Fur nam St., Omaha. B-M710 21 WANTED, balloon nnd parachute man for .lulv 4th. Address C. E. McMonies, Lvons, Neb. ll-Sflj IS WANTED, men and boys In every town to buy up olI printed postal cards not used. Address National Card Co.. Chicago. GOOD barber. Alfred Harris, Pierce. Neb. B M-i9223 WANTED, first-class solicitors experienced In Insurance, building and lo.m or tonttne. 110 Knrbach Blk. B-ttO 15 sat CUVKV mill anllnltorn. Intelligent, well dressed young men, capable of earning $3.00 to J5.00 per tiay; new propusuiuiii money maker; call nftcr u. in. H. to. Wlllsilen, room 106, Beo "'jj. WANTED. 5 coat makers, 3 pants makers, Ualro Clo. Co.. Ft. DodBOlH Mtr.T.wnfrtirT foreman at largo operating establishment: only thoroughly competent parties need apply; Hiaio.ugc. c;Miriicii.v, references and milary expected, k 29. Ilee WANTED Two ladles: also two men. Cnll Tuesday and Wednesday ot address, p. Cheriester. Arcade Hotel. B 856 IS 1 w a xt E d-i-t: m a mm ii i : m.m: WANTED, 200 girls." 1324 Dodge. Tel. 876 60 girls wanted. Canadian offlco-1622 Douglas COMPETENT nurse girl. 611 S. 29th nve. in n u'iv'TKn.Aii Intrllleent woman to man ace nn office outsldo ot the city. Refer ences and security reumreu. aii lore nnnn. Vlnvt Cn. StS Hen Bldg. ' C-M72S-19 t WANTED. ,exporenccd girl for second work. 2037 Dodge st. O-Mfcl I'oit ni:.T mouses. IF YOU want your houses well rented plnce them .wun uenewa t v.o. u ana lIDU0E8;t .FA D. Wend JGJj'pougUa. ALWAYS moving II. H. goods. Pianos. Qlllce, 1611V4 Farnam St. Tel. 1559 or RS3; HOUSES,. Stores. Bcmls. Paxton Blk. ' D-S51 HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city, r, t ....A itn Oft,. O t,h ..( lirCHIIIlll-l.U V V WU., HW u . Will DUM.I. D-S50 CHOICE houses, cottages, stores. Henry B. Payne, 601 n. x. l,iic. -inone, lutu. D SCO HOUSES and flats, Kingwatt, Barker Blk, V Btil MAflOARD Van & Storage. 1616 Capitol avo. TCI. H9S. 9-ROOM. nlso 12-room modern house, cheap to small families. 2513 Capitol uve. Tel 573, Tel., H96. iJ-st ffiTTAOE at Lake OkohoJI. Ia.. for rent Omaha beach. A. M. Clarke, 2M7 Harney, u sua SIX-ROOM modern flat. 1112 South 11th. . f . D 365 -3, 131 S. ath St., ll-room, modern. D-MSC3 MODERN 0-Toom house; Ih good condition S31 a. 21st HI. Uiui E2b South 20th street. 711 New York Mfe. C. F. Breckcnridge DNE alx-room modern liouse for rent, clos 0maha!'L6a'n is Trust, Co.! 16th' Si Douglas D 072 FOR RENT, U.-room niodc.rn flat. :60ii N, win hi. Lnas. n. ouunuers, -ii a. nin hi. ,- , D-M328 1-4.6-RObM.IiofisVs, 90S "N 27th' St. -- D 207'Jy2 I KOOMSt-modern, ' With' barn! all In-extra nne irepatr:k,j:s to Rfloa tenant, jvimui u HUMMER COTTAOE. A beautiful summer cottngo at Mlnnehahii-on-the-Ruxtun. near Manltou. Colo'radb, nun of the coolest and most thoroughly delightful snots In the Rocky mountains. It tins seven rooms anil w completely lurnisucu. This Is something line and wo will rent It for tho season at u reasonable llcure. Fo further particulars iidclri'sx or Inquire of I 'A An-IVAU.X V.tlAll'. V, rhone 17S1, First Fluor N. Y, Life, D-615-19 FOR RENT. You will llml theso Just, what you want. IM2 N. 2sth st., H rooniH- city water, burn 112.00. 617 N. 14th st.. I rooms,, well and cistern J11.00. 8023 Pratt st., I rooms, very pretty llttlo home, J7.M. 3107 Jackson st., 7 rooms, all modern, with barn. I20.ni. 2424 Bristol st., 7 rooms, modern, elegant 2SI1 Davennort St.. Just what you are look Ing for, tin elegant 7-room, 'all modern cottage, overytning nrst-ciass. only js:.so. 3541 Jackson St., S rooms, city water nnd can. .('). 2215 Hurt st., S.ropnis, moJnrn except fur iiace.' J25.0O. 1401 Center st., S rooms, modern except fur unce, 125.00. 2320 N. 2Sth nve.. elegant 10-room, all mod em- house nnd barn, only $20.m. 213 Miami st.. 1' rooms unit ,bath. all mod ern, steam licut, large nam. lawn, eic clpL-imt nlace for u home, only $25.00. 31th and Center st.. 7 rooms, modem cx cept furnace, M8..1O. 2S20 Dodge st., hero Is something line, all modern, for only :10.W. Call nnd seo us or 'phone 17S1. PAYNE-KNOX CO., 1st floor, New York Life Bldg. D-MC 19 TWO-STORY house, 922 So. 20th St.; modern conveniences; good repair. Apply to Clinton H. Brlggs, 22u Bee Bids, 1 )-CJ7 FOR HUNT, a furnished liouse. until Octo ber 1, The O. F. Davis Co,, 1505 Farnam. D li9J-19 FOR RENT, 2J19 N. 24th st.. I rooms, over tore, city water In kitchen, $10. 10 Seward st.. 5-room cottnge. city wnvor In kitchen. $10. OMAHA IjOAN AND TRUST CO., 16th and Douglas Streets. D-M317 FOR II HNT FURNISHED ROOMS F'tTiKtSllED rooms, housekeeping. 2623 St. Mary's. E M307 JelD NICE roomi, lijuekeeplng. 1112 S. llth. '' 1A for he.vt furnished rooms. Furnished or unfurnished, 2S7 Harney. K--M3r5JY 1910 CAPITOL AVE. Furnished rooms. E-Stt Jyll 1709 DODOK; largo, finely furnished room; private family. E-622-26 1ST FLOOR of modern flat, beautlftil rooms, complete for housekeeping, piano and nlco shady yard. 611 North 19th. K-M797-19 PLEASANT south room. 2315 Douglas. E-MS17 19 MODEMS' furnished rooms one block from Ueo building. Address K 21, Hcc. E-M! 19 616 N. 19TH ST., several nice front rooms, modern; reasonable: also housekeeping. E-MS42 19 FOR RENT, furnished rooms. 613 N. 52d st. E MS3I 21 DOtJHLE and single, south rooms; modern. 19M Dodce. 11-S69-19' NEWLY furnished rooms. 310 N. 17th Kt. E-.MS50 21 furnished rooms ami hoard. TIJL.Mcrrlum, good summer resort, 25th & Dodge. F S6U LENCAIRN.translent s,$1.25day. 1W9D81S. 1 'M-yj IN PRIVATE family. 2020 St. Mary's Ave. F 10) 609 S. 25th avenue, prlvato family. . . ICE rooms with board. 316 S, 2Sth st, F-M596 19 UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport fit. F-04. ! VERY desirable room; modern. 516 N. 2 I MS73 19 23. FOR HEVr-STOHES AMI OFl'ICES. 'OR RENT, store In first-class location; rent reasonable. Appiy it. u. i-eier Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1266 AOHXTS WANTED. 2,500 CAN be made during next six months by hustling agents handlinpr our wnue ana tnnrv .riihher cottars, ruffs, bosoms and neckties; patented and guaranteed goods; inclose stamp ror special pian. n. m. Mfg. Co.. Springfield, Mass. J-M30OAUC4 AGENTS Picture, book or Installment men on new scheme. Money muKor, weemy settlement. Call room iw, nee iimg. J-M7K-23 "WANTED TO II EXT. ALL modern residence, six to eight rooms. to perfectly reliable party with small fam ily: ciesiraoie neigiiDornoon; win coiurnci In leas for term of Vears. K 31. Bee.' K-Mt6 et TWO OR THREE furnished or utiftlmlshed rooms ror light nouseKecpinir 111 ttnvatq iiimlly; state pneo una location; 'Aiiuress WAXTKD-TO IIUY. ALL kinds cf household good?, hotels, etc.,. In large or small quantities. Chicago Fur niture CO., HW-10 UOUgO. TCI. UBV. . N-S70 WILL purchase a, limited number of Omaha Savings Bank uccounts. Brennan- Love Co.. zw ao. win. is sa HOUSE of about 9 or 10 rooms In West Fnrnnm or Hanscom riace itistricts; must be modern and have a south or eastiront ngo and good-sized lot. Address J 32, Bee. zou FOIl SA1.K FUnMTtnE. ENTERPRISE FURNITURE CO. Is ctosk ing out refrigerators ana gasoline stoves at your own price, wi'iw a. inn, cor. Dodgo. o .Mls jyi SELLING out stoves Xurnlture,. SOi-3 N. 16. . -, jU ;w FOR SAI.IJ. HORSES, VEJJICI.ES, BTtf., PI1AETONB. buggleB.'road.wiigons, harness. Anderson iiuggy uo. jstri .anu jjavenport. "t , 1 FINE driving horse, stylish and speedy;: wltn .buggy anu narness. nv. a arnam st. P-M229 . VEHICLES of all kinds, made and repaired ay liarry xtosi, jiin ia-vunworin. , . P-S7i, D-HAND phaeton. Corning, and 2-seated carriage. P. J. Karbach & Sons, Cor. 13th & Howaru. i' SiZ-si MISCIJI,I,AEOUS. NOTICE, country dealers. 2dhand furniture & stoves at lowest prices, carioau lots or less. Chicago t urnituro Co., im-iv uoilge. 11 S3J l On SALE MISCELLANEOUS. CgE4TT35u1g,asbCl P0UUry an68noom WUBM.. CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Mc copneil Drug uo., cor, iin ana uouge. U-S77 2DHAND afe choap.Derlght, 1116 Farnam U HAAS. Vlorlst. 1513 Vinton St. TeK TT.5. 1111114, UUI uij'iuca, 11.111, lience, nwunil unit hinic urvuruiiuiin. Orders by man or express promptly tilled O S.90 . SAFES, buy sell. Schwartsi lit S, 13i Tel, 1697 Q 879 linilSE. bay pacer, record 2:11: nneumatla blke-wacon. H. E. Frcdrlckson, 15th nnd Dodge St. . q MiMO T rnn SALE, cood 4-room cottago on south side of Spirit lake. Orleans. Ia.; nlso 21- foot naphtha jutincn. ndrtress Miss Mattle . For full particular o W. Burgess, 101 N. scph, Mo. Fifteenth St.. St. Josei: Q-M5S5 Je22 65 art posters postpaid, $3. Houston, 2020 FOR SALE, cheap, latest style Vine piano; party leaving city. Anctress J r.t. uce. Q-M0O7July9 WIRE fence. Leddy, 1617 Howard. Tel. 1590. ii sai Ail M. & W. tires. $2.75. Omaha Bicycle Co. J. O. Augiistsnn, granite monuments, 20 St Cnstellnr. Tel A 25)9. Also .-landstr.ne, lime stone, ruble for banK walls; right prices, i ou-jy.T-- 4TI I OF JULY" posters. Burkley-Ptg. CO. Q-MS79 Jyl $40.() ICE BOX, especlully constructed. :vtx56x7l outside measurement; good con dition; not In use; will sell cheap. Address O. E. WhcolocK, (.'war iiapias, .Net), Q-MS7? 21 iPOn SALE, good size, fireproof, combina tion locK safe; now, never usen, trom one of tho best safe makers, only $19.95. A vnvy Inrso, 2,400-poirnd, four double doors, bank snfe, now; good for hotel, real es tate, countv, city or bank. $71.95. "Will tchln to nnv nlace n the United States, payable nfter received. Cut this notice out ana mall 10 sears, iiocduck ic 1.0. Chicago, for full particulars. CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS, HILL, 2002 Cuming St., spies healer. jyz MME.GYLMER genuine palmist. 1605 Dodgo s wi MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. S12 N. 16th. S-59J ELECTRIC TREATS! E N T. ELITE parlors. 615 S. 16th, second floor. IM juiv MM E, LEE. magnetic treatment. 507 S." win: room 10. 1 mkw iv MMH. AMES, baths, 1615 Howard. Room 1, 3d lloor. T-M599 19 ' BEATRICE HARLOW, magnetic treat-' ment, bnths. aiT'i .n. istn: 1st nac T-M6T2 2.) FKRSOXAI,. MONHBIT. Chiropodist, 151S Farn, Tel. 2333. , C 5i - LADIES hair shampooed, dressed. 35c. Hair tulle; goodi. Monhelt, 1518 Farnam, Tel 2331 1 t - U 3( peMs'onal. PRIVATE hospital for ladle before St dur ing contlnemcnt: babies adopted. 1136 S. 17. , , . .. U-SM. DR. HOY. chiropodist: corns removed. 23c and upward. -Room 12, Frenzor blork. U-S99 PX.EATINO and pleated skirts of nil klr : M. Goldman A Cv. ?00 Dounlas block. kinds. U-901 H SOLES, 35c: velvet rubber heels, 35c. The , old reliable, S. P. Petersen, 16th & Cuming. U 903 L. D. Cone.halr & beard trlmmcr.Bnrker blk. U-5l9-Je-20 VIAVI, woman's way to healtn. 345 Bee bldg U-901 HOFF'S Express & Messenger Co. Tel. 1717. i PROF. LUND, chiropodist. 611 Knrbach blk. .RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger; send for circulars. Empire Rup ture Cure, 92 N. Y. Life bldg,, Omaha. U SJU LADIES, free, harmless monthly regulator; cannot fall. Mrs. B. Rowan, R 126. Mil waukee, Wis, U-M567 JylQ' ..,. Imbles ndnnted. Mrs. Hurcet. &HO Burdette, U-900 ,i,IjANCjr WILLOUOHBY, halrdres-lng. ,601 Paxton blk. U-M60S Jyl2 PROF. P W. JOHNSON seoarates bile In ni vinin 1 nn Sh i ,1,11 Vinton. Omaha. U-Sil-Jyif I ,iess man ono minute, $10) TO $130 Paris nnd return; hotel, guides. I , .rurnuiio drives inciuueii; nwiizeriaiui, Passion Play. Arncsen Tourist Agency, Chicago. U MS7S 19 3IONBY TO I.OA.N HEAL ESTATE. PRIVATE money, 5, 6V4, 6 per cent: no de lay, anrvin uros., 1613 f nrnam. w 155 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas. WANTED City and farm loans; also bonds anu warrants, it. u. l'etcrs 6c co.. I7uy Farnam 8t.. Bee Bldg. W-90S FIVE per cent money, Bemls, Paxton block. WV.'J FIVE per cent farm loans. Chos. E. Wil liamson, w 910 MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city property or ror numiing purposes, i-ayijc- Knox co.. xew; torn uite. w :ui LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western lowa tarms at t per cent, iiorrowers can pay $10) or nny multiple. Any Interest date. No delay. Brennan-Iyjve Co., 3W South 13th St., Omaha, nou. w-912 6, 6H, 6 per cent oh Omitna, S. Omaha. W. II. Thomas, 603 1st iat. bank. Tel. J643. MONEY" to loan at 5 nnd 614 per cent on Omaha property, w. u. Aieikiu. 401 a. 10m. MONEY to loon on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Lave co,, ijo so, latn. $1,W0 and upward to loan' on Improved, city iiruiiy iiiiu. iui hid. , f 1 -.ifi.twit o.iiibi. iw Co., 1320 Farnam. W 916 WANTED City loans, bonds and warrants. ueorgo it uompuny, uiu r arnuni si. an MONEY In any amount at 5. 5',4, 6 per cent. J. W. P.OBUISS & CO., 151K f'Alt?AAI ST. W 913 MONEY to loan on farm nnd city properly; lowest ratea. O. i uavis uo., 1505 l' arnam. v 31 $3.Q0O-rJl.O0O $5,b00-Tb place nulck,' at low , . . ...... n .1 vsnl 4.1- raic 01 iiii.i,'rcai, vn kv itui vninn. ,dresa, J 13, Bee. ' W MC45 .TO XXDAN'.'on good security,' ntrensonablq rater ?300 tq $4W.. mx. luo nuig. .11313 MOXBY TO I.O AX CHATTELS. . . - MONEY. i.nAXKn rtv 'Furniture, ptunos, horses. .cows, etc. You Keen inn nrooeruv. uuick service. 1011 may pay the money back,-In one month or in ka 0 ini vear 111 wnicn 10 Dur 11 ana von need not' nay for It ono day longer than vnu have It. We charge nothing for moklni; or iMlng papers or examining security and wo Keep noining oui 01 me umouni you borrow.,-De sure and get our rates before borrowing. r t r v-t ' ti Tn ISalatie'd p6oplo mt their own names In a maun Lb from 10.00, up. ou may repay tno loan an or in pari i any nme ana you are expected to pay for tho money only what tlmo you keep It. We are the only lonn company In the city giving you this privilege. All we ask Is a chance to compare rates. incuy coiuiucnuai. OMAHA .MUHTUAUK L.UA.N L'O,, (Established 1S92.J 306 So. 16th Street. A JiU MONEY MONEY LOANED SALARIED l'KOl'I.K. 'n endorser nr mortcaco reoulred. LOWEST RATES, EAST PAYMENTS and STIt I CJT J j Y UU JS f I U IS T I A L. OMAHA CREDIT CO MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE YOU GET money at-absolutely, lowest possible rates. YOU GIVE Ar,5m' your pluln. note without mortgage or In ilorser; $10. $20, $30,. $IO,-$30, $60. $70, J-0, 1-oiuiQcl .itq honest salnrled people. Wo. never sell notes given to'toank3. AJ1ERTCAN LOAN CO., Room Col, . Beo Uulldlni'. 5 X MWi 1 MONEY lonned on plunos, furn) elry, horses, cows, etc. C..F. Uge turu. lew- Ued, 319 S. 13, X-9J4 MONEY lA1l.ll l f I1fnlt ,!., ,1 1., ny mi.la watches: payments confidential. Omaha unatiei i.oan jjanK. ..u a. iJUi, upstairs. ' - , X-92S MONEY" loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cowa, jewelry. Duff Green, R 8, Barker Blk. ' ' . X-925 SIONEY to loan on household furniture. uerger s-Loan co., j&oi t arnam st. " X-M245 MONEY loaned salnrled people holding ner maneni poniion wun responmiuo concerns ution ineir own name wniwui securuy; easy payments. Tolman, "M N. Y. L. Bldg X-927 SALARY LOANS, CHATTEL LOANS. J W. TAYLOR, 21S First Nat. Bank Hide. X-M391 iii sim:ss ciia,vci:s. THE New Snow-Church Co. gives prompt aiieniinu 10 couecuuns anu le.iui uirairs. Associate attorneys In every county In tno United Slates. 4UI to Wo N. i . Life. Y-930 FOR SALE, storo and stock of general merchandise, mr jj.iav. Address uox 13, Big Springs, Neb. Y-M995 Je30 FOR SALE, only hotel In town; good busi ness; good location; n nargain tor the right man. For particulars call 011 or address J. II. Evens, Crouton. Neb. T-M707 19 FOR SALE or trade In part, tho nicest drug store in Omaha, i.ow rent; good 10. cation. N. C. Carrier 24. Omaha, Neb. Y-715 23 FOR SALE, stock of groceries and fixtures. Invoice $l,i00; doing good business; no trade, B. B. Ball, Ml N. Y. Life. . Y-721-1S FOR SALE, stork of groceries nnd fixtures, Invoice X2,ii.0: uouig good tiusiness; no trade. H. R. Ball, Ml N. Y. Life. Y-7M-1S FOR SALE, 11 stock of groceries and fixtures; Invoice Jl.fioo.oo. m. 11. nail, m N. Y. Life; doing good business; nn trade. Y-719-1S WHiL TRADE a H Interest In paylnij Hilll'lll 1I1VU1W11IU 1U Huuii 11-ni i-ntmi. iv 21', Bee. Y-MS0O-19 FOR EXCHANGE Splendid general store, dry goods, domestics, furnishings, wnsn goods, notions. Stock invoices now without llxtures, $$,500. In debt $2,900. Owner will take farm or desirable city property for entire amount above debts If taken at once. This was ronsldered olio of the best stocks in southern Min nesota. Report proposition for Immedlato action, U J. Wilde, Trustee, 74:1 Wabash St.. St. Paul, Minn. Y-M611 24 FQR' SALE, grocery store, with splendid trade nnd In one of best locations In city, this U a proportion that will pay to In vestigate. Address K 26. "eMi33 u. ill siness chances. FOR SALE, stock of groceries In Llmoln. Neb.; all goods freh and strictly first -class; no counters or shelving: stock will Invoice about W.CO.OT; can be reduced, books will show net profit above exetises of $2,0fo.on per year: owner hai other busi ness, no trades considered. Address P. O. Box 276, Lincoln. Neb. Y-MS7S 2Ti WANTED, good location for a mixed store: large line of footwenr, $;.0O) stock. Ad dress Box 3N0, O'ccolu. lowil. Y-MS74 IS"1 KOK SALE, fusion paper In fusion county In S'ebruski; good paying property for u hustler: cash Jl.M"only will buy. Ad dress K 35. care of Bee. Y-.MW 21 FOR SALS OH . rj.YCII A.VfSI r0R EXCHANGE, fine home, close In. r.lt?hi rnnms. modern throutthout. bet neighborhood, JI.750. M11 tnke one-hnlf In city rental property. Address II 47, Bee. 55 M 191 A CLIENT of ours hns 11 nice 9-room mod ern house near the heart of the city worth $6,000; will trade for a good farm In west ern Iowa or eastern Nebraska nnd will put In $1.C'0 to $2,000 cash. Payne-Knox Co . Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. K M62I 20 DIVIDEND paying stock In well estab lished local corporation to trade for cot tare. K 19, Bee. Z-M793 19 FINE farm nnd pasture land near Platts mouth to trade for city property. K 20. Bee. X.-M799-19 "'' ACRES garden tract, c lear, near South 0mnhn t exchange for Omaha Or So. 0mnlm' oropcrty. K 22, Bee. '.-MS01-li HAVE 160 acres land In central Nebraska and money to exenange ror cottagu in Omaha. W. V. Hedges, 4J3 Beo bldg. Z-MS27 FOH SALE ItEAI. 1WATE. PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS for REAL ESTATE HAKUAirsS; LOW EST RATES on LOANS. SOUND IN SURANCE; HOUSES, FLATS. STORES, for RENT. First floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-939 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans: also fire Insurance. Bernl", Paxton blk. IlE-931 BARGAINS. HARRISON, N Y. LIFE. 11 li tfVl JIS" FOR QUICK returns on bargnlns only see s. A. uroauweii, &01 ino mug. RE-S32 RANCH AND FARM lands for snle by tho Union Pacific Haliroan company, is. a. McAllastcr Land Company. Union Pacific Headquurtcrs, Omaha, Nib. RE M34J FOR SALE A fine trackage property Elegant residence property. Greatest bargnlns In property. M. J. Kennard & Son, 310 Brown block. RE-M6I4 CHEAP homes on monthly payments. In- HUIIIIII.IJ, &U..? .vru... , ut AM.J.ttls- ton, 605" Beo Bldg. RE-910 SNAPS In real estate, money to loan. L. L. Johnson Co., 311 3. 15th st. HE-93i HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE BLDO. Real Estate, Rentals, ioans, insurance. RE-933 HOUSES, farms. R. C. Peterson, 305 N.Y.L. liti yjt IF Y'OU have a bargain to offer In real estate, Beo s. A. Bronaweu. 501 N. y. Lire. Tit.- n'- 1VI, fcVW GENIHNE bargains, will nilvance 20 per et. in . w KS. uoycr, at uuming. rei. iwns. RE Jy3 I HAVE some desirable cottages on North lSth, 19th nnd 20th streets. 11. it. nii 901 N. Y. Life. HE 71S-1S FOR SALE, on monthly payments. 3 cot. t Hires nt 27th ana ti sis . south umnna at $1,000. $1,200 and II., an opportunity to get n houso for half It costs you to rent. Omaha Loan and Building associa tion. G. M. Nattlnger, secretary. Beo bldg. R1MS46 21 HARRISON fr MORTON'S 100 BARGAINS. C. F. HARBISON' & "GIV't. MORTON 912 and 913 N. Y. Life-Tel; 311 or 2B12-F. TO THE PUBLIC. For 10 days (SundaV c.xeopted), we will offer each day 10 bargains. There will bo no duplication, each day's list being en tlrely new. Parties leaving town for tho summer who want particularly to sell should call us up and tell us or write us their best short tlmo prices, also parties leaving the city for the summer and want ing to secure a cheap property before going should watch our nd or call on us Freuuently the lowest prices cannot bo put In the paper, as It cheapens the ad Joining property, which Is often not de slruble to do; also some parties would sell who do not wish their property advertised at all, being embarrassing In case of fail ure to sell. Wo wish to make our office a clearing place for cheap properties' for tho noxt 10 days, nnd will advertise any thing brought In If in our Judgment It Is cheap. Bee, Jmto IS and, 19, 1900. RK-S6S IS LAND FOR SALE. 15.0 acres of unlm liroved pralrlo lands for sale. These lunds are located tn Valley, Sherman, Greele nnd Howard counties. Neb., In the Jiup river country, which Is well settled In that vlulnlty nnd with excellent railroad facll Itles. Will sell for one-sixth cash, balance 111 tlvo ccjuiil annual payments. Would prffer to sell nil these Jnnds to one pur chaser. Address Jno. C. David, care First Natlonnl Bank, Pawneo City, Neb. , RE-MiSl JylS MEDICAL. LADIES out of health find prompt relief. Box 232, Omuha, Neb. Confidential. -931 WEAK mon, young and old. suffering from seminal weakness, premature old age, Iohh of manhood, vigor nnd vitality, heart and kidney troubles, etc., should nppl at oiue tn Dr. LaCroIx for nee sample of Ills wonderful remedy. AphradlMcu. tho best Hpecllle genetic tonic- nnd restorer for men known to niedlral science. It re stores quickly and permanently iltal en ergles. Over 200,000 sufferers Inivo been cured by this old nnd Iticil remedy within the last ten years. Write lor frco fcamplo und convince yourself of Its wonderful curutlve powers. LaCroIx Clinic, ISO Wis- consln S ., Mllivaukcc. Wis. . L- LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal PHI Aro the Best. Safe, reliable. Tuko nn other. Send 4c stumps for paitlculurs "Relief fur Ludles" In letter by return mall. Ask your (druggist Chl.hesur Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage und Warehouse Co., 912 911 Jonen, general storago and forwarding -4CS I Om. Van Stor. Co.. 151H4 Farn. Tel. 1559. 563, &RI SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life -911 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. Beo Bldg. -942 i NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand Cot lege. Boyd's Theater. -913 GREGG Shorthand tnitght at the Omaha Commercial College, 16th and Douglas Sts. -Oil OSTEOPATHY. M. E. DONOHUE. D. O.. of Still school, Klrksvllle, Mo.. 601 Paxton Blk. Tfl. 1367. -916 JOHNSON Osteopathic Institute, 615 N Y Life. Bldg.; Alice Johnson. D. O., ladles' dept.: Old E. Johnson, Oateopathlst Mgr. -313 CARPENTERS AND JOBBERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, toth and Lako Sts. 370 H. HEMPEN & SON. screen work and gen eral repairing. 2223 Leavenworth. Tel. MIL -M127 Jyl HOTELS. METROPOLITAN. European. 12th St Doug Ins; lowest rates. Wm, Burr Mgr. Tel. 244. SIS THURSTON. 13th St Jackson. American i European. Newly refitted. Prices moderate. -919 stovf. repairs. OAS. gasoline stoves repaired; stoves stored. City Stove Repair Wks.. 209 S. 13th. -954 llltlCIC. 2.6X1.000 NEW BRICK now ready for de livery. Wlthnell Bros & Smith. -943 LOST. IXST blaok po. ketbook containing smnll change, receipts and cards. Kindly re turn to Beo olllce. Lost S70-.W TICKET IIHOICEn. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. II. Phll bln, 150. Farnam Telephono 7SI. 942 DENTIST. DR. MITTELSTADT. 331 Bee bldg. Tel. HIS. S23-Jyl6 Fl'UXITlItK IinPAIltl.NCL PACKINO, upholstering, mattress, feather renovnung. ici. 111. M. S. wniKln. 2111 Cuming SL XS2 imESSMAICIiNG. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 2216 Davenport .MS25 JC79' Miss Kuhl, 50.1 "Karbach UP-TO-DATE. blk. -M6S6 Jyl I Ml It ItO It FACTORY. Damaged looking glasses resllvered. 70S N. 16 -937 STAMMERING AXI STlITTKKIXfl. t CURED. Julia Vaughan. 430 ltamgo Bldg. y&i M VfiMlTIC l.VFIR.MAHV. THE NEBRASKA. Incorporated. 1515-1517 I Chicago street, Omuha. -M339 IIIHDS .VXD TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1603 Leavenworth. -959 I.AWX MOWERS. SHARPENED and repaired. P. Melcholr'a .nacnino wks.. iatn anu Howard. Tel, 2fw9. M543-Jo-29 I'l.EATIXG. , ACCORDION pleating, ivory-rlm buttons. I Mrs. Mark. lYth and Farnam. Rooms Ml. 1 fAi.Tii."i; 1 -M661-Je-.il TLRKISII BATHS. TURKISH bath, 60c; open nights. 107 S. 11. -M3I1 AUCTIONEERS. OMAHA Auction Co.. 520 N. 16th. Tel. 2163. M-210 Jy2 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Lnundry; shirts, 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, Ic. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. -963 TYl'IlWRIl :rs. TYPEWRITERS, secondhand, 1116 Farnam. 960 MAGNETIC HEALING. GREAT Western 'institute. 1623 Douglas St., chronic diseases cured; no drugs, surgery, -M255 Jy2 HOUSES PASTURED. GOOD pasture. $2 per month. J.W. PhelpM, 207 N. Y. Life Bldg.. phone 1051. -25227 FURNITURE PACKING. OM. Van&Stor.Co.l5114Farn. Tels. 1550-863. -966 SHOE HEI'AIHIXK. SHOES 4-soled while waiting. 10c; work guaranteed. 6o9 N. 16th, opp. Drexel hotel. -M557 Je21 TRUNK FACTOIIV. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cises. Trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory. 1209 Farnam. 956 I'AW.NIHIOK ERS. EAGLE Ixian Olllce, reliable, accommodat ing, all business confidential. 1201 Douglas. -955 RAILWAY TIME TABLES. BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Railroad "Tlla BUrl.ngton Route' General Olllccs. N. W. Corner Tenth and Farnam gts. Ticket Ofllce. 1501 Farnam mreet. Telephone. 250. Burlington ftnt'o" uirttate Tlnhnne. 121. Tenth and Mason Lincoln Hastings nnd Mi-Cook .a S:I0 am a 7:35 pm Lincoln. Denver. Colo rado, Utah. Callornia.a 4:25 pm a 3;C0 pm Lincoln & Black .Hills, .a 0.30 pm n 3; i0 pm Montnna. I'Ugei nuuim i ' . t... Mil .i..!iii urn nlur.l., nm Denver, Colorado, Ulan & California - a Dally a 6:45 am CHlCAtJO. BURLINGTON ft Qulncy Railroad "Tho Burlington Homo" Ticket OIlce. 1002 Farnam St. Tel., 250. Depot. -Tenth St Mason Streets. Telephone, 123. Lea'e. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial n 1 :w am S,1-'0'3 ' Slm8.; ' V t. . n p Chicago estllniled Ex. .a 1:00 pm a 7:45 a Chicago Lo al Express. a S:50 am a 4:05 p n 3:25 pm m nm Chicago Limited a 7:45 pm a 7:45 am I'Acuie j.uituon uocai..aiv;i. um Fast Mad a 2:15 pm a Daily. KANSA.l CITT, ST. JO se,,h X- Council Bluffs Ballrocd "Tho Burling ton Route" Ticket Office. 1EC Farnam street. Tde. phone 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason streets. Tele phone, 1?S. l.eave. Arrive, Kansas Cltv Dav Ex. ..a 8:50 am a 6:10 nm Kansas City Night Ex. al0;15 pm a 6:15 am St. l.ows 1'iytr tor at. Joseph und St. Louis. .a 4:55 pm all:15 am a Dally. CHICAGO, ROCK ISL and St Pacific Railroad "The Great Reel: Isl and Route ' CityTlek et Ot!ce, 1321 Farnam Streot. Telephone 42J. Depot. Tenth & Mason Streets Telephone, C2). Leave. Arrive. Dcs Moines and Daven port Local a 7:25 am bll:25nrn ChicuKO Express bll:15am aS:10am Chicago Fasi Express, .a 5 i pm a 1:2", pm Lincoln and Falrbury...a :30nm a 7:W pm Lincoln, Colorado Spgs.. Denver, Pueblo and Went a 1:30 pm a 1:15 pm Des Moires. Hod :tl- and and Chicago a 7:15 pm a 6:50 pm Colorado &Texas Flyer. a 6:55 pm n9:!5um a Daily b Daily except Suaaay. OMAHA .fcST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha. Kansas City & Eastern Railroad "The , Qulncy Routo" Ticket Of lice, 415 Farnam Street. Telerhone, 322. Dopot, Trnth and Marcy 3trcets. Tele phone, 629. Leave, Arrive. 6t. Louis cannon Ball Express a 5:0j pm a 7:63 am Knnsati City nnd Qulncy Ixical , a 7:00 am a 90 pm . Dally. MM.. 1 mw ltll,V TIME TABLES. CHICAGO .ft NORTH western Railway "The N rthwestem Line" City Ticket OfTlcc, 1101 Fa.rn.mi Street. Tele phone 661. Depst, Tenth nnd Mnsnn Streets. Tele phone, 629. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe clal . ... . . A , , ft,.:Kn!! ?lIt?2 ?I2 Chicago Passenger ..i..a t:U pm a 8:40 am eastern Jixprss. ucc Molncs, Marshalltor.T., I Cedar P.aplds and Chi- 1 rngo al0:55 am ft 4 05 pm ; Eastern Limited, Chi- I cago nnd East .a 4:65 pm a 4:05 pm Fnst Mall, Chicago to Omaha a 2:45 pm Oniahn-Chlcago Special. a 7:45 pm a S:tw pm Fast Mall a 8:30 am FREMOS'T. fll.KHORN & ' Missnuti Valley Railroad "The Northwestern Lino" i General nmvo. UnltcA . States National UK. Illtlg., S, W. Corner Twelfth nnit Pnriinm tn TlnlcM Oillco. 1401 Farnam St. Telephon 661. De liot, j Ah and Farnam St, Telephono 115?. Leave. Arrive. Biack Hills. Dcadifooa, Hot sprlrgs a 3 00 pm 0 5:00 pm Ayonilng, Caspar and Douglns d 3:00 pm O3:00 pni Hastings. York, David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter iitul Seward.. ..b 3:00 pm b 6:00 pro Norfolk. Verdlgro anu Fremont b 7:10 um bl0:23 am Lincoln. Wahoa and Fremont b 7-0 nm blO:2S am Fremont Local ,.c7:30am a Dally b Dslly except Sun Jay. c Sun clay only, d Dally except Saturdny. e Dally except Monday CHICAGO. 37 PAUL. Minneapolis Omaha ltullwny "The North western Line'' General Otllces. Nebraska Divi sion 15th nnd Webster Sts City Ticket Otnce. !"?,. ,r?,m,sal.TulcJ,nono M1' Depot' 16th and Webster Sts IjCave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ..a 6:W am a 9:10 ; Omaha Passenger ' a 11:10 nm Sioux City & North east Nebraska a 3:60 pm Oakland Local b 5:45 pm b f :15 am a Dally, b Dal'y axeept Sunday. SIOUX CITY it PACIFIC Railroad - "The North western Line" General Otllces, United Stale.! N'jtlonnl Hank Bnlldlnrf, S, W. Corner Twelfth nnd Farnam Sts Ticket Ofllce, 1401 Farn n St. Telephone 561. Dc ! tin, , I, C. f , - ., Ca T.,Untin. Ul, ,1.11111 Uk lilSUII 1 . 1 .CICUIIUIIC VI r.i.1 citv Fmresw 4wj'n y i.fid L.eave. Arrive. . .11 6:55 am al0:B0 pm ..a 7:35 pm a S:l5 am .a t:w am a 4 20 pm Sioux City Local. u. Dauy UNION PACIFIC-'THE OVER, land Route" General OITIces. N E Cor. Ninth and Furnniv streets. City Ticket Office, ua, Farnam street. Telephone, 316 Depot. Tr.th and Mason Sts Telephone, 629. ueave. Arrive. Tho Overland Limited.. a s:20 am n 7:30 pm The Chicago Portland Special ..aS:20am a 7:35 pm Tim Coot Mnll a 8:50 am n 3:25 um ,The Colorado Special. . .ull:25 pm u :W am l-'ast .Man L'n.Cr'a , ,r7S.atf-vn re" 1, 4 -to nimv,.. p 1 I a"ltlc l'.xpress ...a Th(J Allnnta impress... 1 ne l'asi .miiii. iiw inn Dm bl2:23 nm I pm a 6:50 am Grand lelat d Local b 5:30 nm b 9:30 am a Dally D Dally excent Sundays. MISSOURI TACIFIC RAIL road General Olllccs and Ticket offices Southeast Cor ner 14th and Dauglas Sts. Telephone 104. Depot Union station. I.cnve. Arrive. St Louis. Kansas Nebruska Llmlteil ...nI0:0Oatn a 0:30 pm K. C.-St. L. Express,... al0:10 pm a 6:15am Leav.es from 15th and W"bter tits,: Nebraska Local Via Wenplng Water ,......! 4(13 pm alO:43 am a Dally, b pally except dunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket Of fice, 1402 Farnam street. Telphone, 245. Depot, Tenth and Mason streets. " Leave. Arrlvn. Uhlcngo Express. Chicago' Limited Minneapolis al,d Paul Express.... Minneapolis and ... n. 11:10 nm n.- 4:05 pm ... a 7:43 pm a 8:15 am at, , ... b 7:00 am b 9:40 pm Bt. ... u 7:45 nm a S:15 nm i-aiii i,imuU. For' , Dodcn Loca . from , Co. Bluffs..... b 1:30 pm e 10:16 am a, Dally. ' b Dally exseo' Sundays. IHCAGO. MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway - CtCty Ticket. Office. 1504 Farnam Stret. Telephone 2S4. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets Telephone 629. r .... a Ch cago Limited Ex. ..a7:S5pm a R:or, am Chicago & Omaha Ex .bll:00 am b 3:53 pm Sioux City ana Dcs Moines Express bll:00 am b 3:55 pm a Dally, b Dally -sees: Sundav W A B A S Ii RA1 LROAD Ticket Ofllce, 1504 Farnim Street. Telephone S96. De pot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone 629. Leave. Arrive. -.xnrejiB ...i. ..a i:05 pm a 7:55 ara St. Louis "Cannon Ball." a. Dally. AN'CHOR LINE MAIL STEAMERS- NP2WYbnK,GI-ASXKT', LONDONDERRY Furnessla . Juno 23, July 23, September 1 Anchorla,...July 7. August 11, September 15 City ot Romo.Jupo 2, June 30. September S Astoria June 12. July 11. August IS Ethiopia Juno 16, July 21, August 25 RATES' QUOTED TO PABIS DIRECT. Or with tour embracing Scotland. Eng land and Ireland. Berths must bo reserved now for best accommodations. Apply to any of our locnl ngnnte or HENDERSON .BROTHERS, 176 Jackson Boulevard. Chicago, 111. COU.NTV OFFICIAL XOTICE5. ATTENTION, TAXPAYERS. The Board of County Commissioners of Douglas, County. Nebraska, will hit as a Board of Equalization, for th purpose of cciunllzinii the assessment of Douglas I ecu -illiinir the i eilliailzlllH llic County for tho jour 1900, In the Commls sloner a Chamber at tho Court House, Omaha, beginning Tuesday, June 12, 1900, nt 10 o'clock a. m., and continuing from duy to day up to and Including Juno 23. 1900 (15 days, not including Sundays). All persons owning .real or personal property subject to taxation should cull and cx nmlno their assessment that any errors as to valuation may be adjusted by suld board as the law provides. By order of the Board of County Com missioners. D. M. IIAVERLY. M2S cl21t M&E County Clerk. LEGAL .NOTICE PUBLIC SALE. Twenty-flvo head of puro bred registered Jersey cows, heifers und young bulls, nt "East Lawn," corner 33d nnd O streots, Lincoln. Nebraska, commencing ut 1 p. in., Tuesday, Juno 19, 1900. For catalogue ad dress WM. M. CLARK. Lincoln. Neb. I'OSTOFFH E NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by ull Interested, ns changes may occur nt any time.) Foreign malls f ir the week ending Juno 23, 1900. will close (PROMPTLY 111 nil cases) at the General Postolllce us follows: PAR CELS POST MAILS close ono hour earlier than closing tlmo shown below. Parcels Post Malls for Germany closo nt 5 p. tn. Monday and Wednesday. Ti iinw-A tliuitle, .Mnll . TUESDAY At 7 0. m for EUROPE, per s. s. Kalserln Maria Theresla. via Cher bourg, Southampton and Bremen unnll (or Ireland must be directed "per s. h. Knlsnrlu Maria TheresU"); at 11 a. m. for A'.OItES ISLANDS, per H. s. Borderer. WEDNESDAY At 7 a. m. (supplementary 9 a. m.) for 1st itui'i,, per h, s. Teutonic", via Quecustowii; at 9 n. in, (supplemen tary 10:30 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Southwark, via Southampton and Ant werp (mali must be directed "per s. . 8outhiirk"). THURSDAY-At 6:30 n. m. for EUROPE. per s. h. Augusta Vlctorlu. vht Plymouth nnd Hamburg (mall for Franco, Switzer land, Italy, Spain, Portugal. Turkey, Egypt nnd British India, via Cherbourg, must bo directed "per h, h. Augusta Vic torla"); at fi:30 a. tn. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. POR TUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT nnd BRIT- TU11 IX7MT ,.Ar u u l hi..., in. ,..., ..L. .fill 1.. " 1.. ... . ...,J'l,ttll" . ! Havre (mail for other parts of Kurnno 1 must bo directed "per s, h. L:i Chun- pagne"). 8ATURDA.Y At S a. rn. fur NETHER LANDS, ter s. H. Rotterdum. via Rotter dam (mall must bo directed "per h. j Rotterdam"), at 9 11. in. for ITA!.Y, per h m. Werra, vlu Naples (mull must bu directed "per s. s. Werra"); ut 9:30 u, m. 7 MWA"W7 L POSTOFFH'i: MITICK, (sjlpplementury II a. m ) for El' ROPE, per s. s. Servla. v'a Qneinstown, at 10 h. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s s Furnessla (mull must 1 directed "per s. s Furnessla", at 11 n. m. for NOR WAY direct, per s. s Thlngvnlla. (mall must be directed "per s s. Thlugvalla"): at 2 p. m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per s. s, M 1 . . !,- iiivnil lllivc 'PRINTED MATTER. ETC. German steamers sailing en Tuesdays take Printed .Mnucr, etc., lor ucrniuny, anu Mpcoiany Addressed Printed Matter, etc , for other parts of Europe American nnd White Star stentners on Wednesdays. German nnd French steamers on Thursdays, and Ciinard nnd German stentners on Satur days take Printed Mntter, etc , for all countries for which they are advertised to enrrr mull. After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named above, addi tional supplementary mulls nre opened on the piers of the American, English, French nnd German steamers, and remain open until within Ten Minutes or the hour of sailing of steamer. .Mulls fur South nnd Centrnl America, West Indies, Etc. TUESDAY At 9:30 n. in. (smtnlemetitary 10:30 n an.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (ex cept Costa Rica) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per s. s. Advance, via Colon (mall for Guatcmnln must be directed "per s. 3. Advance"): at 10 n m. for IN AGFA. HAITI and SANTA MARTHA, rer s. s. Belvernon; ut 10:30 u. m, for LUTL per s. s. Frln Frederick Hendrlk (mall for Curacao, Venezuela, Trinidad, British nnd Dutch Guiana must re directed "per s. s. Prlns Frederick Hen drlk"); nt II 11. in. for CARDENAS. HAOtTA. CAIBARIEN nnd NUEV1TAS per U. S. Transport MrClellnn (ordlnnrv mall only, which must lie directed "per 1. S. Transport Mctiellnn") . ut 9 p, nt. for JAMAICA, per s s Admiral Dewey, from Boston. WKDNESDAV-At i:.T0 11 tn. for NEW FOUNDLAND, per s. s. l.lvoulan, from Philadelphia; nt II .1. tn for CUBA, per U. S. Transport Crook, via Huvniin nnd Mntnnzns: at 11 11. m. for BIO DE JANEIRO and SANTOS, per s. s. Astt (mnll for other parts of Brazil must be directed "per s. s. Astl"); at 13 m. for BAHIA and RIO DE JANEIRO, per s. s. Handel (mall for other parts of Hraill must be directed "pe r s. s. Handel"), ut 1 p. m. (supplementary 1:30 p. m ) for NAS SAU. N P., per s. s. Antllla (mall must be directed ' per s. s. Antlli-."i; nt 1 p. m for MEXICO, per s. s. City of Washing ton, vlu Tamplco (mall must be directed "per m. s. city of Washington"). THURSDAY-At ! a. tn. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Trlnldnil; at 11 u. m for CUBA via Havana, Matanzns, Cardenas and Sagua. per U S. Transport Sedgewlck (mail must be dliecled "per U. S. Trans port Sedgewlck "); at II n. m. (suppmen tary U.30n in.) for PORTO RICO, CURA CAO and VENEZUELA, per . s. Phil adelphia (innll for Snvanllla and Cartlin gena. via Curacnn. must be directed "per s. s. Philadelphia"!; nt 1 p. m. for YUCA TAN, CAMPECHE. TABASCO und CHI APAS, per s. s. Orizuba, vlu Havana and Progreso (mall for other parts of Mexlc 1 nnd for Cuba must bo directed "per s s Orizaba "I; ut 1 p. in. (supplementary L30 . ill.) for NASSAU, N. P.. UUASTA NAMO nnd SANTIAGO, per s. s. Sara toga: at 9 p. m for JAMAICA, per s, m Admiral Schley, from Boston. SATURDAY At 9.30 u. m (supplementary 10:30 11. m.) for ST. THOMAS, ST CROIX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS nnd DEMERARA. per . s. Roralma (mall for lliirlmilos must be d'rected "per s. Rornlma"); ut 10 n. m. (supplementary 10-T0 u. jn.i for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA MAICA. SA VANILLA. CARTHAGENA anil GREYTOWN. per s. s. Athos inlall for Costa Rica must lie directed "per s. s. Athos"): nt 11 a. m for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct, per s. s. Cyprian Prince: nt 11 11. tn for CUBA, per s s Havana, via Havana; at II n. in. for YUCATAN, per s. s. Ravensdale. via Progreso: at 11 11. in. for BRA'.IL. per s. s. Ragiis.i. via Pcrnambuco and Santos (mnll for Northern Brazil must be directed "per s. s. Rngusa"); nt 11 u. m. for PERNAMBUCO nnd SANTOS, per s. s. Scottish Prince (mall must be directed "per . s. Scottish Prince'): nt 2 p. m. for BARBADOS nnd NORTHERN BRAZIL, via Para and Manaos, per s. s. Cearensc. SUNDAY At S;.".0 p. in. for ST. PIERRL M1QUELON, per steamer from North Sydney. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to N(trt Rydncv. and thence by steamer, close at this olllce dally at S:30 p. m. (connecting, close here every Monday. Wednesday and Saturday. Mulls for Mlquelnu, by rati to Boston, and thence by steamer. c)pe ut this olllce dally at N::to p. m. Mulls for Culm, by rail to Pott Tumpa. Flo;, and thence by steamer, close at this ofllce dally (except Monday) nt "7 11. m. (the' connecting closes nre on Sunday. Wednes day anrt Friday). Malls for Cuba, by rail, to Muml. Fin., and thence by steamer, close at this ofllce every Monday. Tdelfty nnd Saturday at 2:30 n. m. (the eounect-i.n- t,i,ne nro nn Tuesiliiv mid Saturday). Malls for Mexico (ity. overland, unless specially addressed fur dispatch by utoanior, close ut this otllce dally at 2:v0 11. m. und 2:3-) p. tn. Malls f6r Costa Rica. Belize. Puerto Cortez und Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, close at this olllro dally at .! p. m. (connecting closes litre Tuesdays for Costa Rica and Mondays for Belize, Puerto Cortez und Guatemala). Regis tered mall closes nt 0 p. m. previous clay. Registered mall closes at 6 p. in. sec ond clay before. Triiiis-I'nellle Mulls. Malls for Hawaii. China. Japan and Philip pine lslnnds, via San Francisco, close here dally at G:30 p. tn. up to June "l, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. f hlna Mnlls for China, Japan nnd Phllloplno Islands, via Tacomn. cloo here dally at 6:30 p. ni, up to Juno "IP. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Duke of Fife. -Mall for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally ut 0:30 p. m. up to June 22, Inclu sive, for dispatch per s. s. Australia. Malls for Australia (except West Aus trAlla, which goes via Europe, and sew Zealand, which goes via Han Francisco). Hawaii and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close here dally at B:30 p. m. up to Juno 23, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. W nr rlmoo. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, Uhlna and Philippine Islnnds. via San Francisco, closo hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up to June 25, Inclusive, for dispatch per . f. rwi Moll fnr (hlna. Jnnan and Philip pine Islands, via Tacnma. close here rtnl'y ut 0:30 p. m. up to Juno "M, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. vicmria. .Minis China nnd Jiipiin. via Vancouver, close here dally nt G:P.O p. in. up to July S, in elusive, for dispatch per . s. Empress of China (registered mnll must bo directed "via Vancouver"). Malls for Australia for I..nli.ol..n r,r Mil ,1nv flf firrlVlll OI S. CiiniiiHiii'ii, duo at New York July 7, for dispatch per s. H. Moana. Tratispacine malls ure forwurded to port of sailing dally und tho schedule of clos lug Is arranged nn tho presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit Registered mall closes ut C p m pre vlous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster Postofflcc. New York, N. Y., Juno 15, 1900. WORK OF TAKING THE CENSUS No Heimrls Kxpceteil tci He Given Oni fur Twci Weeks, by 4 lie CeiiKim Bureau. WASHINGTON. June 18, Director Mor rlam of the census bureau said today that tho results of the work of the enumerators could not bo known for nt least two weeks and it might bo a month beforo tho first bulletin was Issued. Ho stated positively that thu only news in regard to tho count would be made public through bulletins Is sued nt the census olllce. Tho enumerators aro strictly forbidden by law to give out any Information of any kind In regard to their work and If thoy violate this law they will bo heavily fined. Tho director said thut In view ot this condition any kind of figures presented ns the work of tho enum erators other than thoso contained In tho bulletins of the census ofllce would bo more speculation and could lo of no value. Tho count ot the population In the largo titles Is practically completed and about 15,000 enumeration districts have been re ported ns llnlshcd. It Is probable that Washington. D. C will bo tho first city whoso population will be nnnouneod and following this probuhly will como Cincin nati, O, Director Mcrrlnm said today that tho work wob progressing very satisfacto rily nnd that thcro had been only a few hitches of minor importance. Niillnnnl llnnk ill Honolulu, SAN FRANCISCO, June 18.-Colonol O. W. McFurlaui! und associates of Honolulu hnva been granted a charter to oiganlzo the Flritt National Bank of Hawaii, which bank will act as a government agent In tho pity mcnt of Hawaiian government obligations. Save your coupons and help noiai girl Uko a trio. (except Wust AUBirnil.1). iew; -.nummi. Hawnll. FIJI nnd Samoan Islands, via Kan Francisco, close hero dally at :,fl n. m. nftcr JUno "23 nlul up. to July ...