10 TIIE OMAHA DAILY" "REE: TUESDAY, JU3SB 15), 1000. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL to hcnvywelghts, M'jflSt'ici domestic tleece, 2g2Sc; Wheat BUrU Wildly Excited Over Grm Orop Reports. CORN RATHER SLUGGISH EARLY IN DAY I'rorlolniiK .rr llenvy, lint Nn Attempt Untie hy ControllliiK Interests lo Induly .Stimulate (Ik- .Market On tn llrlpnl I.) Wheat. CHICAGO, June 18.-Vhent wns sensn tlonally strong anil cxcltcil today, cloning 8Ho over Saturdny. Corn closed '.iflttc and onts Utfftc up. The provisions market nt the close was barely steady and but little changed. Stortllng reports of the extreme gravity if the crop situation In the wheat grow tiiB states of North anil South Dakota nnd Minnesota made u wildly excited open ing In wheat. The demand for wheat, es pecially from the northwest, was far and rtwny the- largest of any day this year. HrokcrH had their pockets stuffed with buying orders from all quartern. Longs took out moderate fortunes In prollts, but their sales were absorbed almost as sand sucks In water and the market continued the advance begun with the ringing of the gong at !):) a. tn. July opened Ji'ifHc higher at TSHc to 75T4e and almou without n check went booming up to 7V 'fee under the high mark Inst year. The top was reached half an hour before the close mid such dips as occurred on the advance were comparatively trivial. From the jiln nacle of Its strength July reacted to ii"ic anil closed Sv over Batunlay at 7SMf 78740. The great mass of reports may be briefly summarized ns follows: Saturday and Sunday were the worst days of the season for the spring wheat crop In the northwest; many sections northwest will not raise enough wheat for seed; SLOW, 0 bu, Is an outsldu possibility for the North Dakota crop, which last year ap proximated Myxm.ooo bu. North Dakota. South Dakota mid Minnesota combined cannot raise over lOO.imO.ooo bu., a decrease from last year of 12D,0iW,m bu. The en tire vlelil. winter anil spring wheat, not withstanding the bumper" crop of Kan sas, will not be over WW.n'rt.OOO bu., accord ing to the estimate of Statistician Snow. In comparison with the spring wheat ad vices, the winter wheat complaints, re ceived little attention, although they were serious enough in themselves to start things moving. Illinois, Indiana and Mis souri reported damages from excessive rains nnd Hussln was said to be suffering from drouth In the south. The market was several cents out of lino In respect to cash business and In many Instances cash wheat was sold to advantnge. Sea board clearances of wheat and Hour were equal to 778,0(10 bu. Primary receipts ag gregated SMi.000 bu., compared with 1,02.', bu, Inst year. Minneapolis and Duluth re ported 019 cars, against 77U last week and stfi a year ago. Local receipts were 111 cars. R of contract grade. New ork reported 55 loads taken for export. Corn, In spite of the wheat flurry, was rather sluggish early. Finally, however, the market grasped the coat talis of tlm asceniMng wheat values and scored a sub stantial advance. July sold between R9'4fr 40c. closing WKc up at 3DT4fIOc Crop re ports were favorable nnd the opening was n shade reduced from Saturday s close. Later shorts covered on the theory that a ic advance In wheat called for some up ward action In corn by sheer n force of ex ample. Hccelpts here were 819 cars. Local Milpments, Including Sundays, were 1.437,- Oiit"' piped up In a thin, small voice nt wheat and said "Mo too." an. he K wheat market condescendingly lifted tho lit le one up a bit. Shorts were the lead l ie buyers, but changing formed much of the business. July soTd between and 2sc "losing at Ui?c higher than Satur liny at Zl'ie. The cash trado was draggy. llecolnts here were 323 cars. rrovislons were Htea.ly. but no attempt wits ma le by tho controlling Interests to unduly stimulate the market. Trade was rnt i"r unlet and the main business of the Jinv was 111 changing July over to Sep M Hog receipts were lighter than ox pecteil and the market nt the yards hlKher. July pork sold between $11.85 ami am iii itil nn.1 closed unchnnged at $11.60, temti. ...i sr.r.TU.. cms Ax res. light mill. 2P(2I WOoL-Qulet lexns. l&iJltic COAI-Stcndy . I'llOVISIONS Href, stendv: family. $t.W ffj 12 UO; mess, $3.oJi!i..V): beef hams. J20.Wf 21.00; packet JiatW?) ll.W; city, extra India mess. Jlii.'XVfii; 1,0. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, MOe; pickled shoulders, 6j tc; pbkled hams, hi lO'.jc. Lard, llrm; wtstern steamed, jii.sij; reuneu, urm; con tinent. $7: South Amer ca. $7.75: compound, $.. I'ork. steady; family. $11.501111.21; short clear. n;i.wiin.K; mess, iu.i.iiii.'.ui. iwTTrcit strong; creamery extras, jov 'nc; creamery. lUil5;e: Imitation cream ery. HMWic; state dairy, l.VfllSlic c'HHKSK Strong; large white, Wc; large colored. !i"ic; small while, 9fl!',ic; small colored, 9HVUc. Kims-steady; state ami rennsyivnnia, IJxloc: western, at mark. 10f713'.fec: western. loss off. l.VHc. TALIXJW -Steady; city (2 per pkg.), 414c; country (pkgs. free). iJiiJ-IHc. kii. iv e irm; iiomcsuc, ruir to extra, v,&jj 4c; Japan, lifHTe. lM-2ANt'T8-Slentlv: fnncv hand-nlcked. 4 fZHie; other domestic. 3fl3Uc. jib 1 a r J lie market for metnis was generally unsettled. The undertone, however, wns rather weak, owing to the unfavorable reports from abroad and tho continued large receipts of tin. tinder there Influences tho locnl market for tin nted off somewhat, but was finally dull In tone at .W.2Mi".0.C0. Lake cornier wns dull and unchanged at $IC60. Lead was unset tled at .1.72'AT(t,77',4, Spelter ruled a. little easier on lack of demand, closing weak In tone nt JI.201H.2). rig iron warrants were vcrv weak nnd nnmlnnllv minted nt tll.CO. The brokers' price for lead was 13.C0 and for copper $16.60. Omaha wiiomihali: maiikiits. Condition of i'rnde 11 ml niiotniloii on Mnplc mill I'nnpy I'miluce. KQnS Hccelpts, liberal; good stock, 0V4C, LIVI3 POCLTItY lions. r,!MKc! roosters. according to age and size, 3tMc: broilers, 18i20e: ducks, 5M1?;c; geese, So; turkeys. 8c. FHK3II DHKSSKD POI'LTItY-llens, 8Tr S'4c; roosters. 0R7c; ducks and geese, nft 10c: broilers, 114 to 2 lbs,, per doz $3.0OMI.C0; IH'TTK It Common to fnl ISe; phnlr lSfiifie; scparntor, 20c; gathered creamery, 1 , "J 1 K1SII Trout. 8c: lilno Huh. 1!e; nlckerol. 8c; catllsh, 12c; dressed buffalo. Gc; roe shad, fi; 11, w, wniiensn, me; nerrmg, 60; ninCK bas.1, lCc, salmon, 13e; whjto bass, 10c; crop pie. 10c; pike, 9c; halibut, 12c; bullheads. iwc; ring perch, Be; lobsters, cioen, 22c; boiled lobsters. Clo; mnckerel, 20c; codfish, 10c; yellow perch, tie. i'iUKi).NH-i,ive, per Ooz., JOcQ$1.00. VHA LS Choice, liffiO.r IIAV I'er pnrlnml lnt! TInlnnil. elinlre. $7.30; midland, choice, $ij.60; lowland, choice, ..00; rye straw, choice, $6; No. 3 corn, 33c; mi, ., wnun runs, i'a'ic: cracKcu corn, per on. $14.60: corn ami n.its. nhnnnnil. tmr tnn. $15; bran, per ton, $12.0Ofll2.60; shorts, per ton. $12.00. VEOETAIILES. CI'CUMUEUS-I'er doz.. 50c. ASl'ARAntIS lln.no ,.,, in oiVlV.T,V,RN,PS-pcr ,,oz- bunches. 23c. y.J.A1 "-I'er box. mmc. .,.UKKTS-Pc ,loj:' bunches, 30f?33c. J.'I;',,Xt,,V.I':r1'or l2ei1 bunches. 2023c. 0'. ' 0,110 Krown Pcr loz- 15 rii':A?T,!ri4ml' Basket. 40c. JJXt J? K A NS I'er 1-3 bu. box. 6O0COc. v 'ri'r uu- chocc. woc. NEW POTATOES I'er bu., 60c. S;AJiBA-,9.Bl.l"me-Frown Per lb., 2iJc CAULirLOWKlt-f-er doz.. $J. TOMATOES Mlsslsalnnl. r fm.rJ.n-u.i crate, $1.23fi1..V). AW.lAn.'.nB.! or ")und. I!i02c. O.N lONfa California, per sack, $2 00. rilUiTS. STUAWHKnniT58 l'ln,.j .1,1 1 stock, per 24-qt. case, $3.00(30.23. 0(.'"'ACKIlEHaiES-Per 24-qt. case, $2.25 " "t'ACK HASPBEUUIES-Per 24-qt. case, $3.00' per 24-pt. case, $1.75. $25i) '"ISHHIKS - Per 24-pt. case, 50. T..1.. mm oeiweeii q.i-;-j lng 2'4c lower at $B.7' and July ritw w tweeii JG.7714 nnd V,.TiSi. with the close nJL .S-mmnrrow: Wheat 130 !'"Z"iS S: oats. 420 cars; hogs, 1 The leading futures ranged as follows: Close.l Yes y. Wheat June July AVX. Corn Juno July Aug. Of.ts Juno .1 uly Aug. rirk .luly Sept. Iinl July Sept. Oct. Itlbs July Sept. 77; 74IA '439 401 30i 40?i t; 72 23Vd 22si 6 70 72A fi im4 6G7H G 70 6 SO 55 fi 771,4 fl M 6 771,4 G S2',4 fi SB 6 SO 6 SO C73 G77H 6 7214 g TO4 6 70 6 80 GST. 6S0 6 80 6 75 No. SO ,-..-1. rt.,nlnl,.n were aH TOllOWS! KlXJUIt-Strong nnd quiet; winter pat ents. $l.7583.90: straights. $3 .Wjra.w; clears. $2.90ifil.rJ0: spring specials. Ji.vrin.io; pat ents. $3.85(3.75; straights. $3.0i)I)3.2o; bakers V II EAT No. 3. 73f(74Uc: No. 2 red, CORN No. 2, 40340Uc; No, 2 yellow, 40i "aTS-JNo. 2. 23',4iI23c; No. 3 white, 20U fi(27c; No. 3 wlilte, xwr-"U:. IlVIf Vn . f,7e. liAlil.MY Oood feeding. 374f3Sc; fair to choice malting, 40?42,4c. . , wnii-vi, 1 iinv. tl.so: No. 1 north western, $1.S0; prime timothy, $2.60; clover, Ann(.,l rrnili. &7.7.Vfl.0O. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $10.40 CTil.fw. laru, tier iw iu.. uim" . -IV.. .i,i. rinn... iB.i'AViii'i.OO. Drv salted -hn.ilders (boxed). $C.6Ci6.75. Short clear sides (boxed). $7.20517.30. ISICY Hasls of high wines. $1.23. SliOAR-Cut loaf. J6.3S; granulated, $5.8. rnnfectloncrfl" A. $5.7S; off A, $5.63. Following are tho receipts nnd shipments for todnr: Receipts, smpments. 11,000 9,000 83,000 S9.000 190,000 143,700 291,000 303,000 2.000 9.000 fi.OCO On the Produce exchange today tho but ter market was llrm. Creameries, 14lSHc; dairies, 13'rfiCHe. Cheese, steady, 8lst9hc. Uggs, slow; fresh, 10c. WAV YOlllC 4J I'.NUIl All MAItKUT. patents. Jt 15, first clears, $1,(0; second clears, J210, WIIBAT In store, No. 1 northern June, Yfi'-sc; July, 7fic, September. 77-,i', oil track, No. 1 hard, 79'vc ; No. 1 northern, 77'ic; No. 2 northern, 75,4c. I'lilliiilelpliln Produce Miirlirt. PHILADELPHIA. June IS. UtTTTE ti ll rm and '.fee higher; fancy western cream ery, 19Hc; prints, 2i). KOOS Klrm; fresh near-by and western, 13!.e. I III3ESE Firm nnd higher; New 'nrk full ireams, fancy, small, 91,ifi9:,ic; New York full creams, fair to good, M9!ic. drawals front the bank today amounted to JJ7I.0C0. PARIS. June 1 - Hnslness on the bourse today opened dull and subsequently the heaviness of transport shares inlensltled the decline. Toward the close there were pur chases ami a general recovery. Rio Tlntos Improved In anticipation of favorable cop per statistics being issued. Three per cent lenles, locf 27Vsc; exchange on London, 23f 13c: Spanish 4s closed at 72 15. 1IERLIN, June IS. Business on the bourse was dull todnv nwinir to the news from i China, and there wns no pressure to sell, weak speculators having apparently been weeded out. Spanish Js were easier Amer ican securities were feeble. Canadian Pn lilies recovered slightly. On the street nfter the close of regular business on tho oourse mine sliires declined. 1 lie weekly Uiiluth Whrnt Mnrliet. DPLOTH. Minn.. June . WHEAT-No. 1 hard cash. SO'.ic: Jnlv. S04p: Sentember. stntcment of the tinier!nl Hank of Oer SIHc; No. 1 northern, cush, 73sc; July, 75V'; i pinny shows the following chnnges: Cash nepiemoer, lU-jc; .o. i nortnern, iBc; o. ; m hhmm. increaseii M.nwv marKs; treasury CPRRANTS-Per 24-qt. case, $2.00. PEACHES-Cnllfornla, per box. $1. APRICOTS-Cnllfornln. per box. $ .25 ';J'L'.MS-CaIirornln. per crate, $1.2501. 1 ui'. iva i iiiunrnia. per crate 11,23 GOOSEIIERRIES-Per 24-qt. case. $2 3 spring, 735,c UA'I S TiWXC. CORN-39f5c. .MO VKMM.VI'.N ()!' STOCKS AMI IIOMl.S, I.nrKr A 111 11 11 nt of l.liiiildntlon nt Slldit llxpeimp or Ynliifn, NEW YORK, June 18.-The stock market digested a largo volume of liquidation to day at what seems slight expense of values, considering the nppearance of extreme wenkness manifested by the market at times. This result was due to the fact that prices were lifted In the denllnL-s to 11 level somewhat above Saturday's close nnd that there wns a substantial rally In the late dealings on covering hy the professional bears, who had taken advantage of the softtuss of the mnrket to put out extensive short l)nrs. Hut the Inherent weakness of the market was none the less evident. Tho buying demand throughout tho day enmu lare)i' from the short Interest nnd from Inside Interests with the purpose of sup porting prices In their own stocks. Prepara tions for this hud been mnde on an elab orate scaln In expectation of ncuto depres sion on foreign exchanges us n result of Saturdny'K developments In the Chinese complications, lift the weakness In foreign markets was not as extreme 11s had been feared, partly owing to the fact that the first alarming rumors of the destruction of tho foreign legations In Pekln nnd the death of the Herman minister were somewhat dl credited this morning In speculative circles. Prices of American stocks advanced In Ijoudon before the opening here and Lon don bought stocks of some companies here at the opening while selling others. This nttltude of Iondon gave color to recent re ports t lint some of the principle bear oper ators of tho New York exchange, now abroad, .have been operating on the short side of the market. The character of the buying vns siilllclently manifest from tho dullness Into which the murket quickly sank when It rose to above Saturday'. closing level ' notes. Increased 7lo,OiH marks; other secur- iiit.i, increased u.i'fo.um marKs; notes in cir culation, decreased 100,10.).(iU) marks. eiv lorli Money Mnrlict. NEW YORK June lS.-MONEY-On call, easy at l1,45il1, per cent; last loan nt 14 per cent; pilnie mercantile paper, 3Vi?J4',i ;!: cent. STERLINO EXCHANOIC-Easy. with business In bankers' bills at $I.S"i-I.S7',4 for demand nnd at $1 sij!fi4.SI; for sixty days; I.SbV4: commercial bills, Posted rati, $I.S6itfi $I.S3yiKSI. ,!!U bar, SIL KR-CertlltpnlPR. (Wh'.lc: CO'ic; -Mexican dollars, 474c. PONDS Governments, easy; ui-1111-. riuiroan, easy. Tho closing priced on bonds today are ns follows: state, In- (P. H. ref , do coupon I do Z9, r?ff. I do 3., reg uo coupon do new 4. do coupon 103 M.. K. a T. 2i 1'ia'ii di 41 10ii '.V. Y. ('. Is.. ion in. .1. v, gfii ion Nor. Pa ine ;....! ilo 4s OKI !i Ill r.s 112 Js Wi ini'i do U'U. 4s , Cunuilii So. !.. ; f. & o. i!i... ! do Ss I C. & N'. V. c. I do H. V. deli. ! OlilciiKo Tr. 4 "olo. Ho. ft sv I. & It. 11. Is. . ,.lft.l I do 4s w, I R T.. V. & H. Is...in3'j I'rle RMiprnl 4s 7 if, P. W. & I). (. Is.. -0' On. Klectrle Cs. . .HT't In. Central U Mi K. (, P. (I. l :i Thp'henr traders' were 11. livo i Li L!!T ll J? I00' lain, v v . cum 1. i irmi 110 01.1 4. rpg I14U S. & V. consnl 4. 97'i do coupon ir,u Oresim Nnv. Is Ii 1I0 lis. rr-a 113,1 ,,, t, 1024 do coupon llSU'Or. t. L. 6s 157 n. of i 3 (Us ij 1 (io r.s in; Alchlson gen. 4s...tOl'. ItfHillne ceneml 4s. n. IKlJ Illo O. Y. Is Wi W.'j St I, A I M c. EsllO'i S9 Ht. 1. & S. T. g. 125 1H Ht. Paul consols.... IS? ..tl.l 16I. P.. C. & P. ls.lM .11..117HI do 5s .... OSVKn. Piicldc i o. Railway 5s S. It. A T. r.s.... Tex. & Pnelllc Is. do Is t'lilon Parldc 4'.. Wnba"li Is do 2,s .Vent Whore 4 Vis. Central 4s.... Vn. Centuries ..12'iU ... 79'4 ...111 ...6.1 ..II!'; .. 53 . . m ..111 ..!0l'i ..IIP .. 01 .. 12 When Issued. Offered. during tho day. seeking to uncover atop low orders, and tney Had consldcrnoie success all through the railroad lMt In which the extremo declines nt one time averaged from 1 to l'fc points for the active stocks. Minne apolis and St. Ixitiis fell abruptly 9 points, with a llnnl rally of 2'4. Canada Southern. Chlcniro Great Western, preferred anil debentures and Chicago Terminal preferred. 1 balances. $1,1S0,8: Hocking Vnlley preferred nnd Denver & SI.M',4; New Yo Hunk ClenrliiKS. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Juno lS.-Clearlngs. $5, 213.S20; balances, $73l.fifl3. Money. 4fc7 per cent; New York exchange, 10c discount, par asked. CHICAGO, Juno lS.-CIenrlngs, $22.616,W3; posted exemtnge. J4.S5V4 ork exchnnge, 30c premium OMAHA LIVE STUCK MARKET Only Modir&U Han of Oattlt Offered, but Q ullty it Good. HOGS SELL READILY AT ADVANCED PRICES .More C'nrs of Mieep neeelTrd Tlinit on An I)n Since I.nst Week In April All Mnrkrla Aolr. SOUTH OMAHA. June 18. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Oltlclal Monday 1,915 3,472 6.C03 Same day last week...., 2,772 4,775 1,231 Same day week before.. 871 4,s:2 2.524 Sanio three weeks ago.. 2.141 4,WU 2.2 Same four weeks ago.... 2.121 1.781 2.o27 Average price pant for hofts for tho lust several days, with comparisons; today nt the highest point touched so far this month Representative saiesi 1W0.I1(W.1S'JS.1S7. 11890. Juno I. ....".I 4 SSI 3 501 4 21. 3 401 2 Mil 4 301 4 M June 2 Juno -J June 4. ... June 6 June U.,.,. June 7 June S June 9 June. 10.... Juno 11.... Junu 12.... June 13..,. Juno II.... Juno 15. June IB. June 17. June IS. 4 hi 3 5.M 4 121 3 32i 2 Si 3 KM 4 U3j 3 .10; l ) 4 10, 3 32 2 !I 3 SS 3 31 2 93 3 11 4 Oil I 3 Ul .1 : .1 1 9 an 3 60i 3 !7 2 31, 3 0s 1 CI t nnl 1 1 hll 3 591 3 Ui! 3 27 , 3 (51 3 27 3 57 3 31 3 til 3 75) I 3 G, 3 79 3 29 .1 R4i 3 77 3 32, .1 I D.l C2i 3 90 3 i.2 3 01 3 Vi 3 S3 3 1! ;i 01 1 ' I 3 W 4 S3 4 91 4 94 4 95 5 0: I 5 01 3 ool 4 9: 4 8ii 4 S3 I S9 I 4 M 1 34, 4 3Ji 4 41 4 35 M i 3 Oil 2 13! 2 9l 3 W 3 0J 4 29 4 34 4 3S 4 44 4 3) 4 32 4 3v 4 41 0 02 4 44 3 211 3 10 4 44 4 4 50 t 5: 433 4 57 4 ho 4 71 4 7a 4 5i 4 5) 4 (u Indicates Sundny Tho ollkial number of cars of stock brought In today 'by each road wns: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C, M. & St. P. Hy 2 Mo. Ptic. My .. 2 .. Union Pacllic System. 11 3 6 li C. & N. W. Hy 1 1'., E. & M. . R. R.. 40 15 8 1 S. U. Ac P. Ky a 2 C, at. P.. M Aj O. Ry 21 6 11, & M. It. R. R 10 18 8 1 C, U. & Q. Ry 2 1 .. C, R. I. & P.. east... 2 ('.. R. J. a P., west.. 3 .. ., 18 Illinois Central 1 Total receipts 91 4S 2i 37 No. M M f,i 7S 71 r; SI ... f.. . . . 12 IS. .., 10 119... 61 M.... 61 SI.'.'..' Av ...Ml ..173 , . .j.n . . .?4'1 ...JM ...iw ...237 ,..:ik ...isi ...170 ...JIJ ...2IS ...52 ...aq ...::.2 ""0 . . .52 ...JH2 ...2M Mi. Pr. IS) II !1 80 S 00 . . . S no h (A i)T ,....M 21 Ml 193 ?( J1.1 244 sj av :s 221 3 202 61 211 No. 4.. M. . SS.. Si.. 91.. ST.. K... 1M S') l) ..IN V 101 1H : 275 2M 211 Its ,2S. ."...Ml 2.0 Si. Pr so : "114 5 e.s't f. 01' (, s i S 02'. 5 til't S 02U 5 02'i R 02'i 5 OS't X f'2H S 02', S 03' i :. 2'4 5 'i 5 A3 J fi X (IT, S K, 5 or. r, : or, r. 03 160 ico yo 40 i:f to so lio 120 iio coo CO S 0,1 5 00 s 00 S CO ... sco ... IN ... 5 ("1 IM ROJil M. SO SOJIJ ',9.., SO 3 02'i 71.. 4fo R 021 SI.., SO & OJ'i SI.. 160 r, 02'i JS... ... IOJ'4 4T.. sco b' ;s.. .'i izii n v: M 2:7 SO J OJ'i .',.. 71 M . . r. 02'i f3.. 72 m 40 8 tVi 61.. 74 21S ... 5 OJ'i fa.. 91 10? ... ,1 02'i , SIIi:iCP There were more cars of sheep here today thnn have been received any day since the Inst week In April. It wns In fact the first day's run of Wfstem grnssers. Owing to the light receipts last week and to the fact that we have not been having anything of the kind that was here today there Is not nmch room for making com parisons. About all that can be said about the market is to cnll It a good and fairly active market, with prices fully In line with other markets. Most everything changed hands In rood season and the prices paid were satisfactory to the sellers. Quotations: Clipped wethers, $l.90f5.15; clipped yearlings, th.iWi. 10; clipped owes, good to choice $4.2,ili 1.20: fair to good c pped ewes. $,1.fi57? 1.00: good to choice inmos, j.i.TM1-. w; lambs. $j.35fiG.G0. trunks, "heiause the American Is In loo great n hurry to make good leather. (Jul k chemliiil processes have taken the pllu-e 'f slow tnnntiiif As a cotmriirucc, Atherluv produces no such sole leather ns Mugland. where the old methods of tanning are still employed. In fad canvas, which Is now es pecially matiuriK'ttin-d for the purpose and painted and treated unlit It Is as strong or stronger than the split leather used on trunks, Is taking the plar-e of (ho leather for reasons of economy nnd saving of weight. The Ideal trunk today weighs ftom forO elght to sixty pounds, It must be strong and It must be light. We have tried alumi nium, but It becomes Indented If not made so thick that It 's too hi-nvv and too ex pensive nt Us present market price. Tho frame for nn avernge trunk of this metal costs $16." luimrc the l 11 11 run tlm-. NKKDLKS. ''ill., June 15 -The federal quarantine Inspector has been prevented from molesting passengers on Santa Ko trains nt the state line nnd his authority Is Ignored by tho railroad oillcinls. oider's have been Issued to all conductors tn tnko up the pass of the Inspector. Mr. Jenkins, If presented nnd collect his fate. Jenklni has wired lo Surgeon Klnyoun for Instruc tions. The conductors have also been or- tiered to give the Inspector no Information. clipped clipped sales: No. S culls 2 grass ewes 173 western crnss ewes 211 Wyoming grars wethers Mi western grass wethers ... 462 ewes nnd wethers fio; Wyoming crnss wethers fair tn good Representative Av. 90 75 ! 101 113 92 111 320 Soiith Dakota' grass wether's 103 w neiern grass yearlings , "I gras wethers ,., M grnw lambs , 81 spring lambs 101 80 M Pr. $2 M 4 00 4 23 4 .10 I SS I .Y 4 10 I 4" 4 15 5 00 S 40 10 CIIICAOO 1,1 VB STltCIC MAHKKT. Cattle Oprn WrnU nnd Close Hour lllirlmr. Striinger r.i,wh', StPrr., nrtlvc- Weak to 10c lower. -ni'J8!!.. s"'0"k.t. Hutchers' stock I. KVKIIV KAK1IIO.Y till, II SlJi' TIIHV nill.Mv Kltt'O CAIUMIT." TUB Itn.ST. TUB PfltBST. TUB PUB I'KIt Itlin. ALWAYS PAI.AT AIII.B. SBI.BCT. St'llSTANTIAL AM) U.VU'OUM. PROMOTBIl OK IHfiBSTION "PAIl BXCBLI.B.VCB." HRBWBlt II V FRED KRUG BREWING GO,, OMAHA. m:ii. N. II. If health Is the greatest of boon. "Cnblnct Is tho drink for white man and The disposition of the day's receipts was ns follows, eacn buver purcnaslng tne num ber or ncad indicated Rio Grande preferred lost front 2 to VA, HALTLMORK. Juno 18.-Clearlngs, $2,938,- and Incku- .ortnwesiern nreierren .iJi wanna 4!l. The llnnl rnllv lessened nil thMi, InnHon nnd entlrplv wined out some of til, amfl lnt tinu Tho Mtpnl Hlflpt:H were ' decidedly Irregular. National Steel declin ing 2?; and pressed Steel Car, American Hoc?, Tennessee Coal and Republic Steel preferred about 2 points each. On tho other hand Federal Steel, Steel nnd Wire and Colorado Fuel were llrm. The llnnl tone of tho mnrket was steady and the majority of net changes were wninll. The announce ment of $2,600,000 gold exports to Germany was net without its effect on tne weaKiiefs 991; bnlances, S.7I.401 , PHJLADICLPHlA, June ti.i.um.iiu; oaianceg, jj.iM.iio. NKW YORK. June lS.-Clearlngs, $95, 778; balnnces, $5,lGS,0Sl. IJOSTON. June 18,-Kxchange, $16,234,80C: balances, $1,567,952. Stotk exchange closed today. 18. Clenrlngs, ?3,- Conilltlon nf the Trensnrr. WASHINGTON, June 18. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $100,000,000 gold reserve In the division 01 redemption, Articles. Flour, bbis Wheat, bu . Corn, Im ,. Oats, bu ... Rye, bu .... n.irley. nu Quotations for the- liny on Various Commodities. NI3W TORK, Juno 18. KLOUR-Rccelpts. C1.132 bbls.; exports, 2I,DfiS bbls.; strong and Bo to 15c higher on tho big upturn In wheat; winter yatents, $3.sojm,10j winter straights, $3.fi.vrr3.76: Mlnnesotn pntents, $l.00f4.35; win ter extras, $2.Hi'3.10; Minnesota bakers, $2,901(0.20: winter low grades, $2.53fi2.ffi, Ryo flour, nulet: choice to fancy, $J.2;ii3.fi0. CORNMHAIv 1'Irm; yellow western, SCc; city. S5c; ltrnndywlne, $2,101(2.43. RYK Steady; No. 2 western, fi3c, f. o. b atloat: state, 59c c. I. f.. Now York carlots. I1ARLKY Firm; feeding, 4tMi60e. c. I. f New York. HARLUY MALT Dull; western, KWOCc. WHHAT Recetpts, 152,125 bu.j exports, 297,038 bu. ; spot, strong; No. 2 red, S9Hc f. o. ib, afloat; No. 2 red. 8G0, elevator; No. 1 northern, Duluth, SiN,c f. o. b. niloat, prompt; No. 1 hard, Duluth, SSe f. o. b. ntloitt, prompt. Options were exceedingly strong, with an nctlvo nnd nt times excited mieculatlvo. trade, Including heavy north west nnd general outsldu buying, foreign trade on both sides and feverish local cover ing. As heretofore crop news Impelled the advance, the southwest todny also furnlsli Ing bull advices to supplement spring wheat news. Closed Irregular at SUfiSSe not ndvance; July. "O-'ifiSjiw. closed 83c; September. SO'MiMfte. closed bO'Jc CORN Receipts, 309,123 bu,; exports. 91.1(11 bu.; spot, strong; No. 2. t?1) f. o. b. alloat and -160 elevator. Option market was firm nnd n little, higher with wheat, but nos. sessed absolutely no speculative or other featuro; closed llrm nnd H-1jHc net higher; July, 45rMVie. closed iWtc; September, 45', fii46'ie. cloned 4Go, OATS Receipts, CO.Soi) bu.; exports. 20.1C0 Int.; spot, ilrmer; No. 2, 2(ifcc; No. 3. 27c; No. S wlilte, ;ioc; ,o. a wnne. i-ji-jje track, mixed western, 27fl2SHe: track, white, 29ff 3IHO. urinous were nun out nrm, IIAY Steady, good to choice, SiMiOOc. HOPS Steady: common to choice, 1S99 crop, llfl4c; old oius, .1110c; pn cine coast, 1S99 crop, li'ti", oius, dc. iimiia-Steadv: (lalveston. 204ia lbs.. ISc CHllfornla, 21 to 20 lbs., 21'.ic; Texas dry, 21 to 30 lbs., iif, I.F.A.THER Quiet ; hemlock sole, Buenos WIll'Jl(ltII-: Unlllnrnln. lli.ll. u. $1.10; Missouri, per 24-nt. case. $2. ' ' TROPICAL FRUITS. PINKAPPLICS-Per doz., $2.002.50. ORANGKS California. Merit tnrrflnpnn sweets, per box, $4.00; budded seedlings. $3. IjIMIONS California, fntirv i kmtia t.-.. choice'. $l.2.i. .,.-. SnA.IonVITTCa,lfornln' "OX. $1. -i.lA-f,A,ISASI er bunch, according to size, $2.2a1jtl.00. HIDKS, IIIDRS No. 1 creen hlden. (Mr- grein hides. 5'4c; No. 1 salted hides, 7Hc: No. 2 salted hides, Ctfc; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 8c. MISCKLLANKOU8. NUTS-IIIokory, large, per bu., $1.23; shellburks, $1.35; Rngllsh walnuts, per lb., 12513c: lllberts, per lb 12c; almonds, per lb., 14'71fic; peanuts, rnw, per lb., 6HfJ6c. HONEY Per 21-sectIon case, $3.5003.75. I.lvirpool (Irnl u nnd Prnvlnltius. LIVERPOOL, June IS.-WHEAT-Spot. firm; No. 1 rtrt northern, spring. 6s; No. 1 California, 6s 2dTj6s 3d. Futures were strong; July, fis "d; September, 6s id; De cember, nominal, , 7!.1y' ?10t,.'lrm: American ifilxed, new, 3s lO'.id; American mixed, old, 4s 3d. Fu tures were, llrm: Jtilv. 3 111- nn.,mi,.r Jo '- 1'oIOUK st- I'OUis fancy winter, steady at I'SIONS-Hnms. short cut. dull at 4is. . Rueon, Cumberland cut. dull at 41s: .mourners, souare, dull at 36s. Lnrd, prime western In tierces, steady at 31s 9d; Amcrl can rellncd In palls, dull nt 35s 9d. Mtiitemrnt of Visible Supply. t)E.ORK' 19 The statement of the ylslblo supply of grain in store nnd atloat on Saturday. Juno 10. as compiled by tho New "iork Produce exchnnge. Is ns follows: Wheat, 4l.175.O0O bu; decrease, 232. P00 bJV . Co"' bu; Increase. 2.000 l'.11' 9il,t?Lr,;S!)I'000 b,i decrease, 183.000 bu. ,VftmEeu'.?00.1,ll: '"crease 24,0w bu. Barley iiU.OOO bu; Increase. 9,000. Toledo .Market. TOLEDO, O. June 18.-WHEAT-Actlve, emb?,835C; JU1'' S2?iC! AUBUSt' S3C CORN-Diill,"hlsher nt 414c OATS Dull, unchanged; No. 2 cash, 24c R i K Dull, unchanged; No. 2 cash. 69c. CLrVERSEED-Dull higher: '9S p?lme. Jj0-'! JS?. prime, $3.50; October. $5.92'i; No! St. I.ouln fi nil 11 iiml Provlnlonii. ST LOUIS, June 18. WIIBAT Higher; No. 2 red cash, 7..c; trnck. 777Sc; June, iSl'jfi'"''' J.s'i: August, 78Hc; September, ViTWo; No. 2 hard. 72H73".c. CORN 'No. 2 cash, .mum trunk iftli7Jin. June. 39'i.c: July, 39?(,c:' September. 40c. ' OATS II chor: No. 2 cash. 2lrv ii-onir or.o. June, ie: July, 23Uc; September, 23c; No. 2" RYE-lllgher nt Glc. FLOUR Illcrher: n.itnnta it -.imi c;. fancv straights. J3.35(rr3.ri0! elenr ot'mln-h(' $3.00fi3.13. " ' ( ORNMEAI.1 Steady, $2.062.10. lilt AN Dull; sacked enst track. fiSc. HAY Timothy, steady, JS.SOfl 12.00: nralrlo easy. $7.73. WlIISIvY-Steady. $1.23. IRON COTTONTinS-$1.35. RAGGING 7T4TiSliC. HEMP TVINi:-9c. PROVISIONS-Pork: Rtronc! tnhhlntr $11.73. Lard: Iaiwht; prime steam. $6.52'4; choice. $r..o7ls.. Dry salt meats: Btcndy; ex tra B iorts. J7.12'4: c ear r hs. J7 "-t r.lo.ip sides, $7.37'. Hacon (boxed), steady; extra snorts, Tt.Wlf. clear ribs, $7.75; clear sides, $7.Sil. M HTALS Iad: Dull nt 13.70. Snoltor- Dull nt $I.M. POCLTHY-Steadv: c 1 ckens. 7c; snrlntm. lS'iWHe; turkeys, 5c: ducks, 6c; springs, 9c; geese. 5c; springs, 7fi7'4c. KGUS steady nt 9e. RUTTKR Stead v: creamerv. 1ClRiin! dairy. llfilOo, RHC101PTH Flour, 9X00; wheat. 27.000: corn, iso.ono; oats. 40,000. SHIPMENTS-Flnur S,000; wheat. 12.000: corn, 4J.W0; oats, 13.000. of the market. Tho more so as consldera- 1 hows: Available cash balance, $149,711,771; hie further engagements are looked for , gold, $70,497,700, later in the week by the French steamer. Tho stibtreasury has contributed nenrly $2, 000.000 to the banks since Friday and New York exchange nt Chicago rose further to 50 cents uremtum. Rut the government s call for deposits to the amount of $5,OW,0C0 must bo met by the banks by next week, nnd tho .-erlod for the return How of cur rency to the Interior to move the crops Is appearing. The results In tho money mar ket ore subject to Increasing surmise. Meantime, part of last week's loan Increase Is now attributed to operntlons by conserva tive houses here who nrc availing them selves of tho low rates for time loans to se cure themselves asnln any furuto con tingency. , ,, . The bond market was dull by comparison with stocks nnd losses were not so pro nounced. Total sales, par value. $1,600,000. United States olds 4s nnd the 5s declined lid In the bid price. . Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram: The Chinese crisis depressed all the markets here today, but business wns slight nnd Ixmdon Inclined to buy American nuis nt the lower prices, espe cially Northern Pncllics. New iork. now ever, sold and tho close was at the lowest. Money rates were unchnnged. The bank received 31.000 gold on bal ance. Tfiere wns a strong riemnnd In Paris for gold In tho open mnrket nt its 9i4d. Copper statistics showed a slight Increase In stocks. Tlntos closed firm, hnvlng been, weak earlier. ... , .u Following are the closing prices on the New York BtQCK excnace; liuyc-rs. Omaha Packing Co.. U. II. Hammond Co.... Swltt nnd Company Cudahy Packing Co..... Armour & Co , Cudahy, Kansas City.. It. Uecker & Decan.... Lobman & Co Livingstone & Schaller L. F. Ilusz H. F. Hobblck Other buyers 2.. 1 !,lCH"-. Natives. best on sale, todny, six carloads at $3,70 tomcdlum. "?5.8S. noor Cattle Hogs. Sheep. , J(5.00; mixed Blockers, $3.35ii 1 00; cowiY liio ' Vi'v "'. w.rBr.2-; rnnners. $2.33fJ3.(ii), V" "l;'.W-'-6f; iv $5-(fr7.W. Texaiis 5 . 1 1 lSu 0,1 HI( today three car. 87 268 6ir 370 230 910 675 920 1,020 6 1 107 117 2 131 219 1,827 1.3,0 1,372 497 Atrtilfon do pfd Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian Pacific. . Canada Southern. . . Chen. & Ohio Chicago Q. W C, . A O Chi.. Ind. & L do pfd Chi. & H. Ill Chicago & N. W.. c, n. 1. & p a. c.. c. & st. 1.. Colorado Southern, do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. & Hudon Del.. L. A W Denver & Rio O... do pfd Erie do 1st pfd Oreut Nor. pfd I locking Ooa! Hocking Valley ... Illinois Central ... Iowa Central do pfd K. C, P. & ... I.ake Erie & W... do pfd. Lake ftliore. I,. & N Mnntuittan I. Met. Ht. Ity Mexican Central... Minn. & St. I. do pro Mo. Paclllc Mobile & Ohio .... M K. & T do pfd N. J. Central N. V, Central Norfolk & W do pfd Nor. Paclno do pfd Ontnrlo & V Oregon Hy. & Nav do pfd Pennsylvania Reading - In 1st ptd Id pfd W pfd & 8. I' 1st pfd Sd pfd Fouthw !(d J4; Union racldo.. . ,0 . 74!i . 91 . 43 . 25'5 . 10 .121 . . 97 .1S7 .104' . 56 . w . It'i . KH .111 .176U ....20 .... 74 .... W .151': . IP. . 4SV4 . is . IS?i , 36 , 10 . SO .12011 .lt . "6 . SOTi . 73 . W . 42 . 70 .127W . lCj . 5f.iV . 274 . 06 . S . 9H . 67U . S2' do pfd. 71 Wahash "i do pfd 1SN Wheel. A L. 10.... 8 do pfd...- 21',j Wis. Central 14 Third 'Avenu 101 Adnms Kx tl7 American Kx 132 U. S. Kx 45 Wells-Fargo Ex 111 Amer. Cot. Oil St pfd 90 Malting .... 3 pfd 20 S. tc R 3474 pfd, 89U Spirits 2!i pfd 17 S. Hoop 18'i pfd 68 "Amer. S. & W... 10i do pfd ;....71 Amer. Tin Plate.... 18', do pfji. 7.1 Totxicco f &V4 do pfd 129 Anac. Mining Co.... 38U Ilrooklyn II. T 68i Colo, Fuel & Iron.. !0'i Con. Tobacco 23 lo pfd 78 Federal Steel 30i iln pfit 63 Oen. Electric lji1 Olucose Sugar liti ilo pfd 98 Inter. Paper 22V, do pfd or, Laclede Oas TS'.i Nntlonal Illscult,... 28 do Amer. do Amer. do Amer. do Amer. do 1 Ml 11 141 13 3 Pi 11 Hi Amor. 17ii 48 KY, Rli, . 22',, .lll'i .171 .118 do Rio G do St. U do do St. L. do fit. Paul. do pfd St. P. & Omaha Southern Pacific... 30i So. Ilnllwav 10'i do pfd WHilV Texas & Pacific.... 1414 "Offered. Assessment paid do pfd ,.. 79'4 National I-ad 18'i do pfd 93 National Mteel 21?i i'n pfd 83 N. Y. Air Ilrale...m N'n, American 15 I'aclflo Coast 41 do 1st pfd 82 do 2d pfd 59 Pacific Mnll IC'i People' n (las 18 Tressed S. Car 43 do pfd 72 Pullmnn Pal. Car. .179 Standard R. AT... 4'4 Sua-nr 1114 do Pfd HI Tenn. Cnol & Iron. 61T4 R. leather 8"i do pfd WH V. S. Rubber 2.V,i do pfd !l'4 Western Pnlon 7!vi Republic I. & 8.... ,Ui pfd :2'4 c. c. & St. l... r.ci "Ex-dlv. New York MIiiIiik Stocks. NEW YORK, June IS. The following aro the closing uuotatlons for mining shares todny: Iviiiihiih City tirnlu nnil ProvUloim, KANSAS CITY. June lS.-WHEAT-Julv. 60V.c: September. 71'ic: cash. No. 2 hnnl. ov-fffcot.; Ho, 3, ctH4jtfC9r; No, 2 red, 71c; No, 3, ClTTffic, I'DIIX-July. 3i'.(,3iUc: September, 37Hc: ensh No 2 mixed. 3Sc: No. '1 white. aWfe 29c; No. 3. 3SWc. .. OATS-No. white. 23c. KYi-; .no. 2, we. HAY-Cliolce timothy, $10.O0fll0.5O; choice prairie. $8.3Oif7.00. lU'TTER-Crenmery. 15017Hc; dairy, fancy. He. KOOS Weak; fresh Missouri and Knnsns slock. SHc dozen; seconds, 6c. loss off, catet returned: southern, Co; new white wood, caies '.niii'deti, u.c more. RKCKIPTS-Whent. 100.200; corn, 50,700; oats, 10,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Wlieat. 23,20.1; com, 13.000; oats, 7,000 bu. Mllunnkee (irnln Mnrket, MILWAUKEE, Wis.. June IS.-WHEAT- Hlgher; No, 1 northern, 764n7Sc; No, 2 northern. 74ili7tiUc, RYE I Hither; No, 1. &SV.059o. 'PAULEY --Strong; No, 2, 44'c; sample, 40 2ilc lliiiieilliolls AVhent Mnrket, MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. June 18.-FI.OUR Up 20c per bbl.; first patents, $i.35; second ("hollar Crown Point Con. Cal. k Vo.. Deadwood Onuld & Ctirj-lo... Hale & Norcross. lIometake Iron Silver Mexlrun ...115 ...15 ... 10 ... 21 . .5000 ... f.8 .. 21 intario irhlr Plymouth Quicksilver .... iln pfd Sierra Nevada Standard t'nlon Con Yellow Jacket. CO 73 10 ro 750 28 3W 18 11 London Stock (Imitations. LONDON. Juno 18, I p. tn. Closing; Cons., money KM-IB Pennsylvania ilo account... nil inilirle Cotton' .Mnrket. NEW YORK, Juno lS.-8horts came In for severe punishment on the cotton ex change today, hut the bull faction wns In no humor to follow up their ndvantngo, ow ing to presence of weak cables from Liver pool and bearish political news from the far east. A decline of 4ZH4 points wns noted In the English mnrket nt the time of our opening and a good number of foreign selling orders wen; known to exist. It was very evident that the English market had been depressed by the sensational Chi nese reports nnd that the trade abroad considered the crop as a minor factor for the time being. The local trado, however, whllo slightly Influenced by the break nt Liverpool and at the political news, subse-c.uentli- become decidedly bullish on re ports thnt high temperature was causing great damage to the plant In Texas, thnt continued rain fall In the central belt was placing the cropi seriously In the gross and weeds, while Atlnntlc stales the crop was doing poor))- In many districts. A forecast for showers In moderate quantities today and tomorrow, where dry weather was needed and for clenr conditions where moisture wns essential, served to Intensify tho bullish undercurront of sentiment later in tho day. Shorts were extremely nervous nnd covered spasmodically, particularly over sales of present crop options. The public was Intimidated by the China war talk and the Irregularity In Liverpool nnd commission trading. In the late session prices advanced to a level several points shown nt Saturday's closing on previous coverings. The market closed steady, 3W5 points net higher. Futures closed steady; June, $8.62; July. $S.fil; August, $8.36; Sep tember. $7.39; October, $7.63; November, $7.57; December, $7.00; January, $7.57; Feb ruary, $7.59; March. $7.61; April, $7.63; May. $7.65. Spot cotton closed quiet; middling uplands. 9 l-16c; middling gulf. 9 5-16c; sales, r, KIM tin Ins. 'new orleans. Juno is.-corroN- Qulet and steady; sales, 100; middling, 7 ll-lc; good onilnnry, 8 3-16c: low mil dllng, 8 5-16c; middling, good middling, 9WC middling fair, 9,ic. Receipts, i9i; stock, fO.691 bales. Futures, quiet nnd steady; June. $S.9S asked; July. $8.99f?O.00; August, $8.3SIi8.33; September, $7.7UI7.i2; October, $7.417.42; November, $7.32ft7.33; December, $7.31Ti7.32; Janunry. $7.327.33; February, $7.3tB'7.3i;; March, $7.37f(7.39. nrvrrrr. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. June IS.-COTTON r..ii on,! iinMinnrml! middling. STsC. bales 123 bales; receipts. 231 bales; shipments, bales; stock, 39,935 bales. rr.ifTno Market. NEW YORK. Juno 1S.-COFFEE-The market for coffee, futures openoil steaa. w .' ,t..i,u !.-,. nmi ruled weak uretu much throughout the entire session under local selling for both accounts nnd the pres sure from abroad founded on weak market cables, largo Brazilian receipts, an easier ruling of the spot department and bearish statistics. Operations were mainly profes-n-i.f. Aina,, ,na Qtpnrlv nt a net tle- oiino 10 tr. 1R nolnts. Total sales. 19,000 i.v. ii, I.,!., ni t7.25: SeDtember, I 17.2OH7.30: October. $7.2o; Novemner. ji.-ow 1 - . ... . 1. r- z'.r... 111 7.30; uecempcr, (.-tu; .iuilh, ,.uuUi.w, rnllfornln Ilrleil Frnlts. NEW YORK. Juno 1R.-CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Innctlvo and .nominal; .in.. Anminnn iiASiKo- nrlme. sTt-ec: cno'.ce, irnii.. inn-.. ' iusu". Hallfornla dried prunes. iv nc per in., ub i" j-'" tprlcots. Royal. 12,fiHc: Moor I rk. 15 nni,.H .in.i cjnff unneflel. IrtlOc jnu; iii-uuiu-p. i---.. . ------ The week started with business rather quiet in the market for ovnporated apples. rn,n i,,inrttir lmn-nver. was very steailv on tho light receipts nnd tho disposition of pcllers to hold off for higher rates. At the close prices were tending townrds a higher level. Dry Goods Mnrket. NEW YORK, June 18.-DRY GOODS-TI10 market bIiows no material change today in nnv denartment. Fnncy prints nre In mod orate demand for fall, nut other cotton goods generally slow and 4r mnnd freely met at previous prices. Print cloths were In uctivo throughout. Woolen goods division wns dull for both men's wear nnd dress fabrics. Prices were Irresulnr. Oil Market. OIL CITY, Pa. June IS.-OIL-Credlt bal ances, $1.25; no 'bids for certificates; ship monts. 201.091 bbls.; average, 91.625 bbls. runs, 208,107 bbls.; average, S7,131 bbls. Wool Market. ST. miTIS. Mo.. Juno IS. WOOI Un ehanirfd: medium irrndes. Ijfl23c: light, line. IMiiSo: heavy, line. HM15c; tub washed, 19 (21c. Snunr Market. NEW ORLEANS. U.. June 1S.-SUGAR-Strong; centrifugal, yellow, IUf?5c; seconds, m p.ic. Save take a 67 Atchison Canadian Purine. St. Paul Illinois Central ... Ixiulsvllle do Ibt pfd.... . !ljnea,l1ng .144 No Pa lllc pfd... .Ill", llrand Trunk ir.iij AnnconOa Pnlon P.iclttc pfd.. "filHand Mines. N. Y. (Vntr.il... .i:ii 1P1 3.4 84 75' 4 C, si; 3l your trip. coupons Bod oolp Borao girl II A R SILVER Firm at 27 11-lfid. MONEY Him per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is per cent; for three months' bills, 3 7-16riC'. per cent. I'oreluu I'liiiincliil, LONDON. June 18. The mnrket on Ameri can securities tifter a dull and sluggish opening showed an Improvement, but after lluctuatlng somewhat prices eased off and closed weak, Huslness wns limited to pro fessional trading. Spanish 4s closed at 71'4. Gold to the nmotint of 103,000 was taken Into the Ilnnk of Encbtnd today: included In this nmount wns 5,000 repurchased from the India currency department. The with- Total 1,960 3,455 6,315 CATTLl: The week starts out with a moderate run of cattle, but with the aver age quality very good. There were moregood cattle hero than for some days and better cattle. The demand was good nnd tho market fully steady nnd In some ensos sellers were even reporting It as stronger. Buyers were nil claiming that their cattle were costing them strong prices, Tho catt n changed hands nt ruling prices without trouble and everything was sold and weighed up In good season, There were a number of loads good enough to bring $5,005(0.36. It was a good, healthy market from start to finish. Cows and heifers and In fact all kinds of butchers' stock were In good demand and . I. ,,.. .. . - . .1 ...I r.n.p T. I...... 11, u iiiui net hi;iivu til nirau; .jvt:tj- thlng of any consequence wns cleaned up In a very short time. Hulls are selling In Just about the same notches at last week. Hardly enotign stocK came or teeuers were In sight to make anything like a test of the market. The few here sold nt about tho same prices as were prevailing at tne close of last week, but the market Is not quite so strong as It was the first part of last week. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 M0 $3 6S 48 1270 4 95 1 7 4 00 19 1103 4 9.5 1 89) 4 00 1 10M 4 9o 1 1170 4 10 IMS 4 tS 2 7 4 30 1 1(80 5 00 1 MO 4 M 11 1190 S O) 1 i:S0 4 M) 5 1148 5 00 3 1020 4 M 11 I'll 5 CO 3 940 4 M 11 1243 5 00 21 95t 4 69 21 1142 5 05 8 tS 4 60 16 122T, 5 1 7 f2t t 79 1 1341 6 10 21 llt2 4 75 27 1191 5 10 19 1064 4 75 34 14U 5 10 21 10f6 4 75 20 1096 6 19 13 1195 4 75 : 1350 5 IS 3 SS0 4 10 12 i:55 6 15 5 9C0 4 85 11 1315 5 15 IS 1054 4 90 16 1302 5 15 I 910 4 90 20 13!6 6 IS 16 1104 4 fO 17 U2t 5 15 21 893 4 90 19 J312 6 15 26 11C8 4 90 19 M6S 6 21 15 1022 4 91 20 1370 5 20 51 1( 4 90 21 , 1421 5 20 88 1079 4 90 7 13OT 5 20 22 972 4 90 23 1543 3 20 1277 4 90 3 1431 5 25 43 1142 4 95 1 6 I'M 5 25 11 1104 4 93 48 1(02 6 25 27 1123 4 95 21 1175 6 2.5 30 1252 4 95 36 1308 5 35 6 1158 4 93 35 1457 5 35 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 12 746 4 75 23 1188 5 05 20 1015 4 SO 31 116!) 5 05 26 118S 4 SO 11 1132 E 10 18 1146 4 85 15 1235 5 15 3 1904 4 85 COWS. 1 620 2 25 2 1105 3 55 1 850 2 25 1 1280 3 85 1 840 I 50 1 1310 3 90 4 985 2 50 1.1 1133 3 95 1 1040 2 50 1... 860 4 00 1 950 2 75 1 1220 4 00 1 830 3 05 1 1150 4 00 6 831 3 or, a 112 4 00 1 960 3 15 1 1240 4 CO 1 10JO 3 15 4 960 4 00 1 1030 3 25 2 1195 4 00 1 IC30 3 30 2 1180 4 10 1 1350 3 30 2 655 4 10 2 1075 3 41 1 1030 4 10 1 1070 3 50 3 1150 4 10 1 fioo 3 50 1 960 4 10 1 980 3 50 1 U0 4 15 1 J70 3 50 10 1144 4 15 2 875 3 CO 5 1194 4 20 2 1005 3 50 1 1070 4 20 1 1030 3 50 7 1017 4 25 II 911 50 3 1194 4 23 1 750 3 50 2 1090 4 35 1 1010 3 50 1 fV1 4 40 J 930 3 60 1 1520 4 40 4 913 3 60 10 1107 4 40 1 1150 3 73 4 HfO 4 60 ; 1045 3 75 4 1007 4 tO 1 1000 3 S3 COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 100J 4 45 COWS AND STEERS. T SU 4 45 HEIFERS. 19.'.'.'.' 690 530 780 , 1040 , 953 1013 , 680 580 1"20 1270 1W 90 (10 , 1350 1790 1500 U61 810 1180 S 25 3 75 4 05 4 10 4 00 4 25 4 40 4 50 l.i 1.. 22. . "I" 3.. 19.., 1. HULLS. 1... 1... 1... 1... 1 1 5 1 1 , 451 410 , Jl . 00 160 3 05 3 25 3 25 3 11 .1 W 3 51 3 M 3 75 3 85 3 90 2 4 CO CALVES. 4 25 1.... r. f 0 1 6 01 1.... f, no 2 6 75 STAGS. r .... 850 ....1260 ....1150 .... 772 .... 950 .... 760 ....'771 ....1320 ....110 1W1 1880 650 1115 I860 ..1110 . . 1 0 ..1750 ,. CM 101 !'0 201 230 4 M 4 50 4 f0 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 C 5 20 4 00 4 15 4 20 4 25 4 25 4 41 4 40 4 45 4 50 6 00 CO ' 00 00 At St. Helena. Chicago Nows: The shndo of JSonnparto came up to where Cronjc sat smoking. "General," began the great Napplcon, "of courso you came to I his Island on an English ship?" "Quito right, general." responded Cronjo. "And did you rtnnd near tho rail In bold relief?" "Yes, general." "And yaur back was turned on the of flcero?" "I think so, general." "Thon.the material for tho magazine of future generations Is assured." R 1270 STOCK 1 ?io a ro STOCK COWS 1 101O 2 50 3 00 r.in 'in STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. CALVES. 1 111 5 00 AND HEIFERS. I (70 3 (Si 4 612 4 25 Don't you knuw somn deserving girl who ought to havo n vacntlon? Cut yout vaca tion coupons from Tho Dee and save then for her, 1 1 1 1 3.... 710 n eo .,1ft"0 3 M ... f5 4 10 . . 7?2 4 11 59 ?4 .... 31 702 9! 65 I 10 4 VI 4 ?S HOOS The week starts nut "itb the ho mnrket in good snape ior tne sellers. 1 nc mnriini this inornlp'r was active nt an ml vance of r,1fDr The enperal run of the mixed loads sold nt $i.02'.t ns against $4.95 on 8uturdBV. with - sprinkling of the better loads nt $5.03. which nt the close of last week sold nt $l.97U'!(."i.fO. The dimnnd wns good fit current prices nnd It did not take 1, nvr.ru vcrv long to c ear pens, so that everything was sold and weighed up nt an nurlv hour. Tt will be noted from the table of average prices at head of column that the market tnrinv wns a shade hlrher thnn It was ona week a70, the decline experienced during the middle of last week belnr more 111.111 mailn tin. It w also pe noieii mat ns com pared "Hh two wek ago the market Is now 30c higher, ! urtnermore tne nogi sold "0l"i?riJJ fS0. Texas fed steers, stendv. 4.wito.2o; Texas gruss steers, $3,75(31.35, Texas hulls weak. .Kyrf3.50. nm2?,S-H,?lK,M .l0,'ny. IT.f'OO: estimated tomorrow. 23,ii. ift over. 2,000: average. WrhJV.1Iert- S'S TP,' r !5' m'XPl ?.uf,r!,fr' J'.ftWC.2o; good to choice, heavy, f-o??!rSS1:,.r,0,,fln' heavy. $5.fKKM.10; light, SHEEP AND LAM HS Receipts, 17,0)0. fiheen and lambs steady to strong. Oood i.0'.0'0.", ZZrj3' J-fi-25: fnlr to choice mixed, $4.00456.00: western sheep, $l,75Tifi.ffi yearlings. $o.4rfi3.90; native lambs. $5.00tt 6.1B; we.Mern 1 lambs, $6.000.75: short Colo radoes, $C.ifi7 00; spring lambs, $5.00f7.25. lew York I.lvr Stock. I'r Xn,K' .J,lne H -DEEVES-Rc-colpts. B.166: slow but steady for nil grades. ?.tS?r"t. fr-WRS.eO; tops, $.65fj).70; stags, $1.9.i; bulls. .00t?(,60; cows. $2.50W4.00; fat cows. H.IOr4.20. Cables lower; United States catt o at Ixindon. 12'4f?13c; at Liver pool, ll-i124c: refrigerator, beef. Mt9Hc live sheep, 12ffl2',4o; exports, none; tomor ro.?': .9I9c,Jlttln ami '"co nuarters of beef. LAIA ES Receipts. 5.69S; venls. lSJJc l,-lRJjA-Vbut,r.rmll,B lower, 200 unsold; veals. $..oo..00: culls. $4.03H60: buttermilks. $.175 SHEEP AND LAMRS-Rccclpts, 11,562; sheep steailv; heavy sheep not wanted; Intnbs. 15I2oC off: some nlrN nf medium stock, '.0c off. Sheep. $1.50fi5,15; choke $5.20; export wethers, $1.4Mi.60: culls and bucks. $2.50fJ5.50: lambs. $5.23fI7.60: choice nnd extra. I7.70fi7.75: eulls. 14.7.V vnnrllmru J5.00fI5.60. ' HOOS Rece nts. 9.690; about 900 nn nl. feeling Arm on Huffnlo ndvlces. St. I.onla Live .Stork. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. .Turn. 18 rATrr.r!i? celpts, 3,800, Including 2,800 Toxans. Mnrket slow, weak to 10c lower for natives, steady to 10c lower for Texuns. Nntlve shipping and export steers. $4.SojG.63; dressed beef nnd butcher, $4.50fi6.25; steers tinder 1,000 pounds. $4.15fi6.15: stockers nnd feeders, $3.5035.09; cows nnd heifers, $2.2575.00; c.m ners. $1.50g2.sr,; bulls. $2,7W74.50; Texas and Indian steers. $3.00574.90: cows .mil helfnry. $2.253CI.90. HOUS Receipts. 2.500. Mnrket stendv tn 10c higher: pigs and lights. J5.051?'.10; pack ers. $5.(fiC.15: butchers. $5.10ffr.,20. BHEKP AND LA M US Rece nts. "0O Mnrket steady; native muttons. $l.wv?75,00; westerns, $6.50fi7.25; stockers. $3.00513.40. Knnann Clly Live Stock. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. June 18. CATTLE Receipts, 2.350 nntlves and 3,000 Texans. Dressed Peer nnd nutcher steers, stendy; plain grnIca slow. 15c lower: heavy nntlve steers, $4.6ofi",30; stockers and feeders. $3.75Q4.85; butcher cows nnd heifers, $3.15rri 4.65: canners, $2.50113,15: fed westerns, $1.23 5.15; Texans. $3.10fi4.3S. HOOS Receipts. 4,150. Market net ve. 10c higher: heavy. $o.05f?fU0; mixed. $l.95Si.07',s; light. $I.S7H'ii5.no; pigs. $l.50fM.Rr,, SHEEP AND LAMRS-Rccelpts. 2.500. Fair demand at steady prices; spring lnmhs. $.75'fl,7.25: muttons. $5.00fi5.50: Texans, $3.754.55; feeders. $3.004.50; culls, $2.50TJ3.00. St. Joseph Mvf Stock. SOUTir ST. JOSEPH. Mo,. June 18. fSne- clnl.) The Journal quotes: ua 1 11 r. Hccelpts, 2'uo. Market stenoy to 10c lower: natives. $4.10 to $5.30: Toxns nnd westerns. $4.00 to $5.25; cows nnd heif ers. $2.25 to $1,55; hulls and stnes, $2.25 to $4.75: yearlings und calves, $4.00 to $5.00; stockers and feeders, $3.40 to 4,7t; veals, $6.01 to $0.75. HOGS Receipts. 3.200. Mnruet Dig. 100 higher: all grades, $l.97'4 to $3.15; bulk of sales. 85.02'i to $5.0711. SHEEP AND LAMnS-Recelpts. 4.COO. Market steady to strong; Colorado lambs, $7.2G. Stock In SlRlit. Fnllowlne- nro the rerelnts at the four principal western markets for June 18: uaiiip. mots, nner' South Omaha Chicago Kansas Cits' .. St. Ixiuls Totals . 1.97S .21.000 . 5,330 . 3,800 3.47 17.000 4, ISO 2,500 5.6C9 17.W0 2,fAi 200 .32.125 37,422 23.3W DIRECT LINE TO MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL DUBUQUE WATERLOO ROGKFORD FORT DODGE City Ticket Office 1402 Farnam St. Summer Excursions it St. Louis Cannon Ball" LAST TO LEAVE KIRST TO ARRIVE I.IJAVI7 OMAHA H05 P. 31. ARRIVE ST. LO PIS 7MI0 A. M. Trains leave Union Station dally for KANSAS CITY, fJUINCY, ST. LOUIS and nil points cast or south. All Information at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1415 FAR NAM ST., (Paxton Hotel Plock) or write Harry E. Moorcs, C, P. & A., Omaha, Neb. CHICAGO TIUIMCS OLD AM) MiW. First Mnilo In This Country Iniprovr- nirnts liy n woman. "Yes. I've been sixty-three years manu facturing trunks In New York City. ' said n veteran In the trade, to a New York Post Tcporter. "HintH n long time. but I never realize It until I look nt this nrtlcle." and he gently pulled nn oilcloth covering off a small, dark box. which, when taken out into tne ilgnt. reveaien wnni was acknowledged at the time of Its inanufa ture to lie the finest trunk made In New Vnrk Citv. It looked like n veritable antique, the shriveled little object emitting a niustv odor, wmcn ior toe moment car ried one- away to the New York of sixty- three years ago. "I hnvo kent It nlivavs here with me. Its owner said, stroking It thoughtfully nnd al most fondly "Just to wntcli the evolution of the trunk in mv own factory. Tho old tasnioneii trunit is covered wun leather four times ns thick ns the article now commonly used to cover tne wooden frame. It is strapped round nnd round with Iron bands fnstened with big. black- headed nails, and Inside the two trnya i nently papered, have bottoms of latticed , tape. The trunk Ills easily in nne-nilf of 1 tho trunks of modern make surrounding It I Tho little trunK stood iiesido tne latest 1 sent out by one of the leading factories in New York the "bureau" trunk, so-called from Its resemblance when opened to that ' piece of furniture. The trays ore In the I form of drawers of graduated depths, nn 1 unper one siilllclently deep for large hats. I Tho top tray, nnwevor, wnicri turns up against tne lid in tne ordinary way, lias various small compartments, nnd the in side of the lid Is similarly equipped on a narrower scnic. When this trunk first enme out of the far tor.v a yenr nro a Chlcngo woman pur chased one nnd asked for permission to take out a patent on n proponed Improve ment, which was Fronted her. She fitted tho fall of tho top tray, which, when dropped 011 Its hinges, extended n rPVV Inches over the tiers of drnwers or trays below, ns a writing table, and pigeon-holed the lid of the trunk for letters, writing ma terial, etc., until It resembled tho face of a writing desk. She received the jmtont and presented trunks to various friends, who Hud them useful ns traveling secretarle nnd trunks eomtined, and although one of the Inrt'est trunks manufactured It weighs only a little over fifty pounds, The trunk Is covered with the new chiiviiss, which Is nl. most as durable as leather, nnd Inside It Is a model of neatness and strength In Its lino linen linings nnd tlttliigs, "All our llnest leather for trunks cnmri from England," laid the manufacturer o( BUFFET LIBRARY GARS Best Dining Car Service CHICAGO and EAST, LEAVE 7:00 A. M. 1:56 P. M.-7;48 F, ST. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS, LEAVE S A. M.-7;M P. M. HOT SPRINGS - DEADWOOD LEAVE 8:00 P. M. City Officas, 1401-03 Farmm. Telephone 10!)!). Oinnli t. : COMMISSION, (JKAIN, 1'UOVISIONS tiiui tl'OCK3 IIOAUII OK TRADE. Correspondence: John A. Warren & Co Direct wires to Chicusu nnd Nw Yor H.R.PEMMEY8.C0. BOGrMNKLirEBUt OMAHA nU BRANCH I03B lUt uncoutrua