Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Davis nella glass.
Tnko your meals at tho Vienna.
' Gas fixtures and globes at Blxby's.
Magazines bound, Moorchouso & Co.
Budwelser beer. I. Roscnfeld, agent.
Fine A. D. C. beer, Noumayer's hotel.
Bchmldt's photos, new and latest styles.
W. R. Lowls sells monuments. 301 D'way.
W. P. Graff, undertaker and ombalmor,
101 South Main street.
Tho Owl Wheel club Is planning to hold a
raco meet hero In July.
Tho vncatlon prlzo will go to the Council
l)luir slrl who hustles votes.
Got your work dono at the popular Eagls
laundry, 721 Broadway. 'Phone 167.
V. C. Eslep, undertaker, 23 Pearl street.
Telephones: Office, 97: residence, 33.
For pIctUTcH. frames and artists' ma-
fltrlnla trn , Atnvnnftnr & fn.. fM-l It-WlV.
Mrs. II. a. Davis of Ilenton street Is en
tertaining her sister, Miss Emma Lonir of
Itcd Oak.
Mr. rind Mrs. John neno and daughter,
Kittle, have returned from their visit to
Mrs. C. II. Judson arrived from Minne
apolis Saturday evening on a visit to her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. DoVol.
A number of tho local Elks will go to
Crcston Friday night of this week to aBSlst
In tho organization of a lodge there. (
All votes In tho Council Dluffs vacation
contest will bs counted dally and the result
will hecomo moro Interesting from day to
The residence of W. W. Sherman at 517
South Seventh street has been ciuarntitlncd
on nccount of a caso of scarlet fever In tno
family. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Dlrr of Dm
MolncH arrived yesterday from Dm Moines
on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. It. II. Harris of
South First street.
All Odd Fellows aro requested to meet at
tho temple this afternoon fit 1:30 clc,
Blmrp to attend tho funeral of their lato
brother. C. T. Moxlcy.
Miss Edith Fields, accompanied by her
brother. Clifton, left Saturday night for
Merlden. Conn., whero they w ill spend two
months visiting friends and relatives.
-The Misses Field of Memphis. Tenn., who
have been tho gucsta of Mr. nm M, T. fc.
Cavln of Park avenuo for several wcoks,
left yesterday afternoon for Ornnd Island,
Denver. Colorado Springs and other west
ern points.
All members of Ivanhoe homestead, No.
804. Brotherhood of American Yeomen, are
rci uested to bo present at tho meeting of
tTo'UhomeSt2ad tonight. There will bo an
election of officers and other imporjam
business. Tho meeting will bo called to
order at 8 o'clock sharp. .
Dr A. II. Carter of South First street
left yesterday for Montreal. Canada, and
should bo paved this ykim, lUxnuc Twill
Kmottcrffi &sr a ;;c;hero
HuX? $ayZVVtlZ engaged in
of the Iowa School Deaf ct
terday for Carthage. Mo. to boirc.oru
SKiSSVl Pacific railway. 'fag fit
KUVffi Snd will act as best
lng. Some 'S,7 H wm.ld bo practically
j' '"tornofort'fJd recom
mend that tho caso be appealed.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.. Tri. 250.
You can depo"sTTyour votes for the meet
poplar working girl In tho vacation con
test at tho Council Bluffs office. ' Parent. Not Worried.
Frank Gay. tho Harvard student reported
,n tho teSaphlc dispatches to have , my-
torlously disappeared at Santa Fe, N. M..
U . wn of Mr. and Mrs. neaney Gay of
MornCldo avenue, this city Ym O.JJ.
who did not return to Harvard this year
Tn account of the-illness of his father, left
Sound! Bluffs last April to .tart on a
horseback trip to tho Pacific coast Mr.,
(lav received a letter from him about two
weeks aEo dated at Santa Pa. F"w
letter It appeared that, ho had been there
then for several days. Since then his par
ents havo not heard from him. but tusy
uS no alarm about him until tho
anco in tho papers of the rumor that ho
had disappeared. While naturally con
cerned as to tho young man's welfare, his
parents aro not particularly alarmed, as
they have faith In his ability to take caro
of himself. Tho only fear they havo is
that ho might possibly havo met with foul
Oravel roofing. A. H. Reed. 541 B'way.
Tho content Is now on for some girl In
Council Bluffs to win a vacation, with
transportation and expense paid free of
EpiTorfli League Meeting.
The soventh annual convention of tho
Council Bluffs District Epworth league will
. be held In this city at' Trinity Methollst
church Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
of this week. Advices received by. Pastor
Cablo of Trinity church Indicate that the
convention will bo well attended. Officers
for tho ensuing yew will bo oloctcd at
tho closing sosslon Thursday morning. The
present district oflloers aro: President,
O. E. Smith, Shenandoah; first vice presi
dent, J. M. Sylvester, Council Bluffs; sec
ond vlco president, Mrs. M. M. Cablo, De
fiance; third vlco president, Mrs. Kate
Crcager, Mlsiourl Valley; fourth vlco presi
dent, MIsb Mlldrod Wiggins, Dow City;
recording secretary, Miss Myrtlo Morton,
Dunlap; corresponding secretary, Morlcy
Swallow, Shenandoah; treasurer, Miss Mary
Hart, Council Bluffs; Junior superintend
ent. Mrs. T. S. Moleaworth, Logan.
Savo your coupons ai.t nelp somo girl
tako ft trip.
You can voto as many times as you want
to In the Working Girls' Vacation Con
test. IlnKSfnKeinnHter Miixley Dentl.
Charles T. Moxlcy, baggagemaster at tho
Northwestern depot, died at 13:30 o'clock
yesterday morning at his reildcnco, 717
Washington avenuo, after an Illness of .flvo
days. Ho was 49 years of age and hod
been baggagemaster at the Northwestern
local depot for about twenty years. His
wife and ono son survive him. The funeral
will bo held this aftornoon at 2:30 o'clock
from tho family resilience and burial will
to In Falrvlew cemetery. Rev. B. Venting
of tho First Baptist church will conduct the
services. Deceased was a member of tho
Odd Fellows and Woodmen of tho World.
Savo your coupons nnd voto for the most
popular Council Bluff working girl.
Negotiated In Eastern rreoraska
suid Iowa. James N. Caaady, Jr.,
IK Main St- Council Bluffs.
Savings loin and Bulldinc Associate
Council Bluffs, Iowa,
Eta Marshall Shontz EzUndi Her Work to
Council Bluffs.
Nnnic EiioukI' Slnrt Arc Sinned to
the PIciIkc niut ii Committee to
Work Out Details In
As a result of tho address delivered yes
terday afternoon at tho First Presbyter.nn
church by Miss Eva Marshall Shontz of
Chicago, originator and national president
of tho Young People's Cuilstlan Tempor
anco union, a local organization will be
effected. A mass meeting will bo hold
this evening at St. John'B English Luthetan
church, when steps will bo taken to form
a local branch of tho union. Addioiscs
will bo mado by a number of tho ministers
of tho city nud prominent workers in tho
tompcranco cause.
At tho closo of yesterday afternoon's
meeting tho following comralttco ai ap
pointed on organization: Ilov. W. S.
Barnes of tho First Presbyterian church,
ltov. J. W. Wlleon of tho Congregational
church, Ilev. W. II. Cable of Trinity Meth
odist church, II. A. Colo, W. C. Coker
and W. S. Homer. Ono hundred and twonty
young pcoplo signed tho pledge.
Miss "Shontz was greeted by nn auJlcncc
that completely filled tho largo auditorium
of tho church and her nddrcss waj listened
to with much Interest. Mlsa Shontz Is an
earnest worker In tho tompcranco cauo
and nor enthusiasm leads her to mnko
some very radical statements. Her ad
dress was a scathing arraignment of tho
liquor traffic and every ono connected with
it. Slio took occasion to arraign Proildtnt
McKlnlcy, whom sho accused of drlnklug
liquor at public entertainments. Sho also
nrralgned him for being tho guest of tho
president of tho whisky trust at Peoria.
Sho urged tho doing away of tho army
canteen nnd blamed tho president for not
using his authority nnd influcnco to abolish
it. Hcferenco was mado by hor to tho
saloons In Manila, which sho said woro
demoralizing the soldiers In tho Pht.ip
pines. Tho liquor traffic, sho asserts, con
trols tho administration of nil tho largo
cities In tho country, Council Bluffs not
excepted. Tho brewers nro tho real nn
archlsts of tho country and tho liquor
trarflc owns tho stars nnd stripes. "Tho
saloons must go," or they will be the
downfall of tho country.
As a remedy she urged tho educating of
tho younger genorntlon against tho uso of
liquor and tho formation of tomperanco
Whllo In this city Miss Shontx Is tho
guest of Mrs. P. J. Montgomery.
Commonwealth 10-cont cigar.
Howell's Antl-"Kawi" cures coughs, cold
Sessions of the Teacher' School Will
llt'Kln TIiIh Mo nil ne.
The Pottawattamlo County Normal Insti
tute, at which upward of 400 teachers from
all parts of tho county aro expected to bo in
attendance, opens today in tho Bloomer
school building, nt tho corner of Seventh
street and Willow avenuo. Today will bo
taken up In tho enrollment of teachers and
assigning them to boarding places. The
regular work of tno Instltuto will commenca
tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock.
A change has been made In tho corps of
Instructors. Courity Superintendent Mc
Manua having received word from Superin
tendent O. A. Bateman of Hampton, la.,
that ho will bo unnblo to attend tho instl
tuto on account of sickness. Prof. H. B.
(laydon of this city will tako tho department
of mathematics and teach algebra and
arithmetic, and Superintendent A. B. War
ner of Missouri Valley will take tho work
formerly assigned to Prof. Hayden in
psychology and didactics. Tho other Ins ruo
tors will be: 'History nnd geography, D. M.
Kelley, superintendent city echools, Corning,
la.; phjslcs nnd physiology, S. L. Thomas,
professor of science In High school, Coun
cil Bluffs, la.; grammar and language, M. E.
Crosier, principal of schools, Walnut, la.;
primary methods, Sarah E. Sprague, super
visor of the department of methods, State
Normal school, Platteburg, N. Y.; music,
E. L. Phllbrook, supervisor of music, city
schools, Rock Island, III.; civics and
economics, P. C. Ensign, principal of schools,
Iowa City, la.; school law, classification and
organization, etc., O. J. McManus, county
superintendent, Pottawattamie county.
Tho Instltuto will Iaet two weeks. Officers
for tho twelvo districts Into which tho
county has bcon divided by Superintendent
ILoiUnus will be elected at this time.
Davis sells paints.
Alexander's Hold llnriclnry.
John Alexander bad tho temerity to break
Into the city's carpenter shop, next to tho
pollco atatlon, Inst night and would prob
ably havo gotten away with a quantity of
tho tools belonging to the municipality had
not a small boy stumbled ovor bis dog,
which was keeping watch outsldo, and In
formed tho police. Alexander was booked
on tho charge of breaking and entering a
building during the night tlmo. A few
years ago he was convicted of breaking
Into a number of Rock Island freight cars
and Btcallng goods wholesale, but for 'como
reason ho was never sentenced.
When you deposit your vacation coupons
pin them together. It will make the count
ing quicker and easier.
"Mr. Riley" B-cent cigar.
Accidentally Killed by n Knife.
MANNINO, la.. Juno 17. (Special.)
Henry Hell, a young man 20 years old, liv
ing four miles south of this place, acci
dentally killed himself by a knife cut In
tho left sldo of the chest. 'Mr. Hell was
repairing a windmill and took his pocket
knife and was shaving a stick, drawing tho
knife toward him, when It slipped and en
tered tho body Just below the heart, In
flicting a wound from which he died within
two minutes. A youngor brother was with
him at tho tlmo of the accident.
Welntrr City Senndnl.
FORT DODGE, la,, Juno 17. (Special Tel
egram.) Tho domestic woes of Webster
City were brought to Fort Dodge yesterday
In tho person of Mrs. Fred Blaine, who camo
here In search of her husband. Blalno had
run off with two other Wobster City women
and was landod hero by his lrato spouso.
Tho assistance of tho Fort Dodge pollco
forco was called In and Blalno captured be
foro ho could get out of town and returned
to Wobster City. Legal proceedings may
be Instituted by Mrs. Blalno.
Follows Her Lover.
OTTUMWA, Ia Juno 17. (Special.) At
Moulton May Field, a society belle, took
chloroform and then drowned herself In a
pond. Her lover was drowned at tho same
spot a year ago yesterday. It Is supposed
that her mind became temporarily unbal
anced while brooding ovor his tragic death.
Snloon Petition Sufllclent.
(HARLAN, la., Juno 17. (Special.) After
a lively contest, extending over the last two
months or more, the Shelby county Board of
Supervisors ha. decided that tho saloon con-
sent petition Is sufficient, with only thrco
rnamcs to spare. Instead of calculating tho
63 per cent on tho total number of names on
tho poll lists, tho board deducted 231 names
of those cither deceased or removed from
tho county, and figured tho C5 per cent on
this remainder as a base
Out tm( of n .In it of l'eneh nnd Honey
Which Wnn llronched .lust Be
fore Adjournment.
WASHINGTON, Juno 17. (Special.) A
Jug of mellow peach brandy In Senator
Scott's commltteo room was frcoly tapped
by tho senator and his friends on the night
preceding tho adjournment of that body. Ac
publicans and democrats "got together" over
the seductlvo fluid, and some of tho antics
of tho lawmakers would mnko powerful In
teresting reading. It mado tho usually'
staid and dignified senators as frisky and as
playful as kittens without bringing to tho
surfaco any disposition to display their pu
gilistic qualifications.
Speaking of tho West Virginia senator's
peach and honey, Congressman Henry of
Texas said:
"I am reminded by tho treat of Senator
Scott of the once famous old Judge Colo of
my state. Ho was characterized by his at
tachment to that seductlvo beverage, peach
and honey, and his hatred of whisky and
whisky drinkers. Whllo holding court at
Austin two men wcro brought up on a chargo
of a drunken affray. It was a plain caso
and thero wcro a score of witnesses to tho
transaction. Tho delinquents pleaded guilty
and threw themselves on tho mercy of tho
court. They wcro brought up for scntenco
" 'You aro guilty of an affray,' growled
tho Judgo.
" 'Yes, your honor,' whined tho offender,
and with tho hopo Hint It might mitigate his
punishment added that ho was drunk.
" 'Drunk on rye whisky, too,' roared tho
Judge, In n volco of thunder.
" 'Yes, your honor, drunk on ryo whisky.'
" 'Mr. Clerk, record a lino of f SO against
this man,' cried Judgo Cole, 'and send him
to Jail for sixty days. Wish I could doublo
This was poor comfort for tho other fel
low who was watting his turn, nnd he camo
forward with fear and trembling, but In an
instant his faco woro a fotnt smile, which
was not understood until tho Judgo began
to question him, first asking him It he, too,
was drunk.
" 'Yes, your honor; drunk, very drunk,
was tho reply.
" 'And on ryo whisky, too?' snapped tho
" 'Ob, no, your honor; I never drink
whisky. I got tangled up on peach nnd
"The Judge's features relaxed In nn In
Btnnt, and tho prisoner realized that ho had
mado a ten-8tr!ke. As tho Judgo raised his
spectacles he contemplated tho offender with
Interest and then with something llko ten
dcrncss said:
" 'Ah, sir, pench and honey, eh I That's
a gentleman's drink, sir. Tho court sym
pathlzcs with you, sir, and docs not regard
your offense as very serious. Mr. Clerk,
enter a Quo of $1 against this gentleman and
dlschargo him on payment of costs.' "
According to Senator Tillman, Ninety-Six,
South Carolina, was named by an Indian
woman, It bolng tho end of a Journey mado
by her on foot during tho revolutionary war
to Inform tho British that tho enemy would
attack them. Tho Indian woman know tho
fort was In danger and determined to In
form tho official. Sho left her homo on tho
Keowce river and made her way on foot
through virgin forest, swamp and snow. On
crossing each stream of wator sho gave It
tho name of tho number of miles she had
traveled beforo reaching it. In Pickens
county, along tho Pledcmont belt, through
which tho Southern railway runs, thero 'aro
eighteen creeks named up to twenty-six.
It required a day and a night for tho
squaw to reach Ninety-Six. It Is one of the
oldest towns In tho state's history. Tho
buildings aro of ancient construction. Tho
typical African Is to bo found thero in
abundance, with hair tied up In strings in
long strands that characterize tho old-time
darkey. Thero aro a few gingcr-cako colors
thero who havo defeated tho "Jim Crow"
car by having their hair dona up In a French
Thero Is a peculiar portrait In Washington
which has created much Intercut among
thoso who know of Us existence Its pe
culiarity Is that every year It has been
changed to show, tho changes which time
would havo mado In tho original. Tho por
trait is by a Washington artist and Is that
of his wife, nnd was painted many years ago
when sho was a young bride. A few years
after tho portrait was painted tho young
wlfo died and so great was the grief of tho
artist, that ho determined to keep her like
ness with him all tho tlmo and to do so ho
decided that year by year ho would change
the portrait so as to mako It grow old with
him and thus keep her, as It were, over with
hlra. Every year, on tho anniversary of
their wedding day, the artist locked him
self in his studio and changed tho lines of
tho face of tho portrait, adding what he
thought would make tho difference of ono
year. Thero havo been many anniversaries
of that wedding day and conseqnently many
changes In tho portrait Today tho picture
Is that of an old woman, the hair turned
gray, the face wrinkled and pale, but still
beneath tho marks of time, as made by the
brush of tho artist, can be seen tUo early
beauty of tho bride and tho attractiveness
of tho young woman.
Starvation never yet cured dyspopsla.
Persons with indigestion nro already half
starved. Thoy need plenty of wholesome
food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests whit
you cat so tho body can be nourished whllo
the wornout organs are being reconstructed.
It Is tho only preparation known that will
Instantly relieve and completely cure all
stouach troubles. It Is certain to do you
Culinn Customs Iteceliits,
WASHINGTON, Juno 17. The War de
partment reports that tho customs recolpts
In the island of Cuba for the first four
months of 1000 wcro $5,411,963, an In
creaso of $909,811 over tho customs re
ceipts for tho corresponding months of the
preceding year. Tho receipts at tho port
of Havana for tho four months of 1900
woro $4,026,772, as against $3,205,314 for tho
corresponding period of 1899.
Amount nt Ilonds Hcdeeined.
WASHINGTON, June 17. The amount of
bonds so far exchanged at the treasury for
the new 2 por cents Is $299,589,230, of
which $72,659,000 was received from In
dividuals and Institutions other than na
tional banks. The amount of old 2 per cent
bonds redeemed to dato under tho secre
tary's rcceut call Is $1,935,650.
Quick Itellef for Astlunn.
Miss Maudo Dickens, Parsons, Kan.,
writes: "I suffered eight years with
asthma In its worst form. I had several
attacks during tho .lest year and was not
oxpectod to live through them. I began
using Foley's Jloney and Tar and It has
nt.vor failed to glvo Immediate relief." Myers
Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's Drug Store,
South Omaha.
Exports of Cold nnd Silver.
NEW YORIC. June 17.-Exports of gold
and silver from this port last week aggre
gated $849,015 silver bars and coin, nnd $V
570.5S5 gold, a total of $1,419,600. against a
total of $3,414,141 gold and sliver In the samo
week last yenr. Since Jnmiary 1 the ex
ports of gold have been $23,277,67 and silver
$22,010,815. against $13,596,136 gold and $23,
125,125 stiver in tho name period last year.
Save your coupons and help soma girl
! talc a trip.
Des Moinu Andltofiam Goes Up in a San
day Mq tiling Blizs.
ntinlncKfl Men fuU'n Meeting While
the Flrciiicnj.Arc Still nt Work
nud Prcijtirq to Put Up u
.DES MOINES, Juno 17. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho Des Moines Auditorium, built
In tho spring of 1899 by popular subscrip
tion for tho purposo of furnishing n big con
vention hall, was destroyed by 11 ro at 4
o'clock this morning, entailing a loss of over
$30,000. Tho building originally cost $41,600,
but was recently remodeled and fitted up
ns a complcto theater by tho lessee, W. P.
Chase, at a cost of several thousand dol
lars. Tbo building was Insured and this
will bo used for tho rebuilding fund. In
surance, $23,000.
Beforo tho firo department had left tho
placo the business1 men had called a meeting
for tho purposo of providing for tho re
building of tho structure. It was decided to
rebuild at onco and an effort will bo mado
to havo tho structuro under roof In tlmo
for tho republican stato convention, which
meets hero on August 1.
Tho roof fell In, parts of tho walls not
falling nro badly cracked and most of whnt
Is left will havo to be torn down. Tho rear
wall, ninety feet high and thrco feet thick,
tell outward and n big plcco of It crashed
Into nnd badly damaged tho grandstand of
tho ball park, which Is Immediately In tho
rear of tho auditorium. Tho flro camo at a
peculiarly unfortunato time, ns the National
Association of Music Teachers meets hero
this week, nnd every scat In tho theater,
4,500 In all, had been sold for tho many
concerts to bo given. Thero Is no other
theater or hall In tho city largo enough to
accommodato tho convention, bo It will bo
held In tho auditorium at Chautauqua park
on tho outskirts of tho city. Tho flro started
on tho stage nnd Is believed to havo been
caused by defective electric wiring.
MelhodixtN Deeply III tcrcMcil.
Tho Methodists of all Iowa aro greatly
concerned over tho troublo In China, as tho
church has twelve Iowa missionaries In that
section. Tbo Des Moines branch of tho
Methodist Episcopal church has been most
agitated over tho threatened danger to Miss
Frances O. Wilson of Corning, la., who Is In
chargo of tho woman's training school at
Tlcn Tsln, China. When the news of Dr.
Edna Terry's reported murder was made
public this weok, tho friends of Miss Wil
son In this city wcro thrown Into a stuto
of alarm for fear that she, who Is an as
soclato of Dr. Terry, might havo met with
n simitar fato or bo threatened with equnl
danger. No word hps been received from
Miss Wilson since, ;tho troublo began In
Among tho other Iowa Methodists who nro
located In Chlnajaro iMIss Lydla A. Wilkin-,
son of Diagonal, Mlsa Mabel Allen of Early
and Mrs. Susan Tlppett, a widow of Sioux
City, nil threo of -whom aro located at tho
Foo Chow mission in southern China. Miss
Allen left China somb weeks ngo and Is ex
pected to land at Any moment for a year's
Icavo of absence.!' Sho Is accompanied by
two Chlncso girls who aro to bo placed in
school in tho state,' ono In Simpson college
at Indlanola and the other In Cornell col
lego nt Mount J'Vcrrion, for education as
missionaries. (
Other AVlioXrc In Danger.
In central China, a. the Yangtse mission
there Is Miss Kato L. Osborn of Union
Mills, MahaBl.a. county, a former Iowa girl.
All these woYncn aro directly under tho
Woman's Foreign Missionary socloty. Among
tho workers sontut by tho General Mis
sionary society of tho Methodist church Is
Rev. a. A. Stuart, brother of Rev. T. Mac
kay Stuart, pastor of Grace Methodist
church of this city. Stuart Is at Naklng,
south of tho Boxer district. Mrs. Mary
Porter Gamowell of Davenport, la., Is at
Pekln. Sho Is In tho heart of the danger
district. Miss Helen Galloway of Mount
Ayr, la., Is at Chung King, on tho Yangtso
river In west China. Rev. W. E. Manley
and wlfo aro at tho samo place. Mrs. Man
ley was Miss Florenco Brown of Iown, a
graduato of Cornell college, and her hus
band was formerly an Iowa minister.
Thomas Owen, who Is nt Foo Chow, In
southern China, Is also a former Iowa pas
tor. Mr. and Mrs'. William A. Main, former
residents of Iowa, aro at Foo Chow.
Unless there Is a sudden change In the
political atmosphero a number of bar
tenders will bo permitted to enjoy a fishing
trip this weok. Mayor Kelly still ndhoroj
to his determination to closo every sa!o:n
In tho city on Tuesday morning unless tho
city council grants liquor licenses accord
ing to law. Prior to tho granting of tho
licenses the ordlnanco referring to flrrrs
and corporations must bo repealed. After
this tho council may then proceed, to grant
applicants licenses.
In The Bco of Friday Mayor Kolly de
fined his position and ho asserted
that ho still held to tho statements mado
at that tlmo. If Chief Mitchell has an in
sufficient forco at his command on the
morning In question moro men will bo pro
vided and .every ono of the ninety saloons
now operating will bo closed, both front
and back doors.
In speaking of this tho mayor remarked:
"I cannot recede from my position, as I
stated In open council that unless licenses
were granted at tho next meeting I would
closo every saloon In tbo city, I repeat
what I said to the council and mean cvory
word of it.
Inquiry among, tho liquor dealers yes
terday elicited all, kinds of Information. A
majority appear .to think that tho mayor
means Just what.-ho,oays, whllo others In
cline to the opinion, thnt the council will
glvo in and repeal ijthe obnoxious ordinance,
thus putting annrt4tto tbo strife. Liquor
dealors say novft Viat Mayor Kelly has tho
best of tho proriOAlflon, as the police force
Is absolutely uuilwv his control, and all
admit tho fact ithato'llcenses expire May 1
and that they nnroj .operating without II
censo. If thcre-HlliA quorum an Interest
ing session Is px,p9atcd.
if. IT
School Tlgnrd Meeting.
An ndjourned Wdoting of tho Board of
Education Is to! btt" held Tuesday night.
The report of tHoHHhance commltteo Is to
bo read and It. is possible that an agree
ment on the now tcfiool slto matter ra.iy bj
reached. Secretary Iirennnn refuses to drew
tho warrant for tho payment of $9,500 'to
Thomas Hoctor until the finance commit
tee's report has been rendered, although
by resolution the board Instructed him to
do eo. Through tbo School leaguo, which
was organized for tbo purposo of securing
honest nnd fair-minded men to represent
tho taxpayers on tho board, threo repub
lican members were elected la April and
thoy have undoubtedly expressed their con
victions when recording tholr votes. Now
somo who are opposed to tho purchaso of
the Hoctor slto dcslro to secure an Injunc
tion. This was agreed to by membeis of
the leaguo, providing those who preferred
othor fcltes would furnish the plaintiff and
the money to see the legal battlu to an
end. While somo complain, a membsr
of tho leaguo stated yesterday that It was
.difficult to secure a taxpayer who would
t i
tlon proceedings. Money for tho attorneys
nnd court fees has been dreadfully slow
lncomlng In nnd from present Indication
tho warrant wilt bo Issued on Tuosday
night, as per resolution passed at tho j
special meeting last week.
Another question to como up will bo the '
acceptance of City Treasurer Koutiky's
Lond. This bond Is In tho sum of $50,000
and Is ttsttcd by n well known surety com j
pnny In New York. As Treasurer Koutsky .
receives no compensation from tho board
for his work tho school district naturally
pays for tho bond, which costs $125 a year.
In this connection It has been sugg?sted
that some provision bo made to tho trcas-
urer for his work, as under tno terms or
tho surety bond ho Is not permitted to
rccctvo Interest on tho school money In
his hnnds. This matter may como up a
Uttlo later and bo adjusted to tho satisfac
tion of all Interested.
ContiilctliiK the Ceiimm.
Secretary Wntklns of the Commercial club
said yesterday that tho officers of the club
had been Importuned to tako somo part In
tho compiling of tho government census.
An answer had been made, howover, that
tho work was being done by persons In tho
employ of tho United States government nnd
that beyond urging cveryono to see thnt ho
had boon counted no steps would be taken.
Tho club makes the request that every per
son not counted notify Major Wheeler of
Omaha nnd upon receipt of such notlco
blanks to be filled out will bo sent. Secre
tary Watktns has a fow slips which ho will
glvo out to persons who call, but nil ap
plications tor memoranda slips should be
mado direct to Major Wheeler. Unofficially
It Is rumored that up to Saturday night fully
21,000 names had been enrolled. It will take
four or flvo days to complete tho lists, as
In somo districts, cspcclnlly In the board
ing houso portion, tho collection of names
has been very slow.
Cnmiilnnr I'nrty Stnrtn Tonight.
Unless tho condition of the weather pre
vents, Judgo F. A. Agncw will tnko his Sun
day school class to tho Platte river to camp
for a week, the start being made this even
ing. Thoso who composo tho cIobs going
aro: Charles Chase, Earl Blrgo, Paul Blrge,
Gravers Gra Vernon, James Jensen, Harl
Klnnc, Delbert AIcDermld, John Matter,
Harry Reschkc, Wllllo Itcschko and Roy
Smith. Whllo on the trip the boys will bo
shown all kinds bf sportB nnd amusements
by Judge Agnew, who Is an adept In this
Mcmorlnl Services nt St, Martin's.
-Members of camp 1,095, Woodmen of tho
World, and the Royal Neighbors attended
memorial scrvlco at St. Martin's Episcopal
church yesterday forenoon. Tho members
of tho order met nt tho hall, Twcnty-flfth
and N streots, nnd marched In a body to the
church. Tho drill and degrco teams wore
In uniform nnd presented a very flno appear
ance. Tho sermon preached by Rector John
son was npproprlato to tho occasion and
was greatly appreciated.
MokIo City (liiNiilp.
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. L. Bates of Fifteenth
nnd N streets havo sold their property nnd
removed to Omnha.
An examination for tenchers In tho pub
lic schools will commenco on Tuesday und
continue for three days.
Mrs. W. C. Cox leaves Thursday for
Colorado Springs nnd Cripple Creek, to bo
gnno two or throe months.
Tho trial of Constable Hardy, who was
arrested for disturbing the penco on Satur
day night, lias been sot for Friday beforo
Judge King.
Treasurer Koutsky is still after those
who nro behind In tho payment of tnxes.
Ho Is cleaning up a lot of old records nnd
hopes to bring Into tho trensury quite x
sum of money beforo this work is over.
Tho presbytery of -the United Presby
terian church will meet at the United
Presbyterian church hero on Mondny even
ing. Tho sermon on this occasion will be
preached by Rev. D. W. McQulston of
Partly Cloudy nud Warmer In East
ern Portion of Nebraska
for Monday.
WASHINGTON, Juno 17. Forecast for
Monday and Tuesday:
Nebraska Partly cloudy Monday, with
warmer weather In enstern portion; Tues
day fair; variable winds.
Western Texas Fair and cooler Monday;
Tuesday fair; northwesterly winds.
Now Mexico Fair Monday and Tuesday;
westerly winds.
Oklahoma nnd Indian Territory Thunder
storms and cooler Monday; Tuesday show
ers; winds shifting to northwesterly.
Iowa Fair Monday and probably Tues
day; fresh easterly winds.
Missouri Fair In northern portion; show
ers in southern portion Monday and prob
ably Tuesdny; easterly winds.
North Dakota Partly cloudy with show
ers; cooler In northern and western portions
Mondny; Tuesday fair; southerly winds.
South Dakota Fair Monday, with warmer
weather In western portion; Tuesday fair;
varlablo winds.
Kansas Fair In northern portion; showers
and cooler In southern portion Monday; fair
Tuesday; northeasterly winds.
Colorado Fair and cooler Monday; Tues
day fair; northwesterly winds.
Wyoming Fair Monday and Tuesday;
varlablo winds.
Montana Fair Monday and Tuesday;
westerly winds.
I.ocnl Itccord,
OMAHA, Juno 17. Olllclal record of tem
perature and precipitation, compared with
tho corresponding day of tho last three
1900. 1S99. 1S9S. 1897.
Maximum temperature.... 77 84 9 91
Minimum temperature.... C8 60 67 70
Average temperature 72 72 78 82
Precipitation T .00 .00 .00
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since March 1,
Normnl for the day 73
Deficiency for the dny l
Total excess slnco March 1 322
Normnl rainfall for tho day 20 Inch
Deficiency for tho dny 20 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 10.14 Inches
Deficiency slnco March 1 1.91 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1899.... 1.88 Inches
Excess for cor, period, 1S9S 1.11 Inchos
lleuorts from stations nt 8 p. m.
fii I
6S 7C .00
72 76 T
72 74 .00
66 76 T
54 66 .30
70 76 .()
.... 76 ,03
58 66 ,00
71 82 .00
80 82 . 00
74 78 T
d 68 .00
74 76 .14
72 76 . 00
72 88 .00
84 88 .00
Omaha, cloudy
North Platte, cloudy
Salt Lako City, clear
Cheyenne, partly cloudy....
Rapid City, raining
Huron, clear
Wllllston, ratnlng
Chicago, clear .,
St. Louts, cloudy
St, Paul, clear
Davenport, clear
Helena, clear
Kansas City, partly cloudy
Havre, partly cloudy
Bismarck, cloudy
Galveston, clear ..
T Indicates traco of precipitation.
Local Forecast Official.
Bean th ' Mna lou nan mways
1M Kind You Han Always Bough.
BuntteL x;1h' KinaYM Haw Always Bon;
Bean the L rf 11)1 YolJ HaM ni Bouj
Nature's Strength for Weak Men
V you suffer from any weakness peculiar to men-ono of tho disorders, ths
direct result of youthful Indiscretion or excesses In Inter years the very worst
probnblo thing you can do Is to put drugs Into your stomach. TIfo modlcincs
all doctors uso for these diseases--morphine, damlnnn, canthnrldos, strychnia,
phosphorus, ctc.-aro deadly poisons they stimulate or deaden they cannot
write' to me sacredly confidential
, hooks nmi literature. .My mccirio niispensory ror tno various wenKr
of men FREE to every malo purchaser of ono of my Belts. Consulta
nnd advice without cost. Sold only by.
ItonniM 18 to Ul, Doiiulim lllock, Opii. lluyilen'D, Corner Kltli nnd DoiIko
OMAHA, Mill.
OFFICE HOURS: From 8:30 a. m. to 8:30 p. m. Wednesdays and Saturdays
From 8:30 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sundays From 10:30 n, in. to 1 p. in.
Buy a Lot
And build your own
Some vacant lots located in
addition and Wright's addition. These lots will bo sold
at real bargains. In a year or so thoy will bring doublo the
money asked for them now. Apply at Bee Office, CounciJ
Mormon Bishops' PHIS
CD OTC Tl U4 uvtr imowi rniucif
...r fliBCIUw. IVitir mat d..txnd
want. Rltmut... lh anil .rr enter., .m. ft linr.
1 miatj refunded, ioi bout, citcuiui int,, Addressi
or leuuxiu. ui"oii, eicniM, er cizucuHmoiu;. cures bost rannnooo,
potency, Lost Powar. NlEht-Lotsss, Bpsrmatorrnooa ,80J3V!'n.tirn!lS
Made bappy by our Turkish T. and P. Pills. Mmitlillen sum to the day. Never dlnappolntii any
ludy. Cures ncatity, excessive or painful menstruation. Nothing like It In the market. $1.00
box by mall. Two boxes cure any esse. No pain, no dancer. Halm's Pharmacy, Omaha. NcU
City Ticket Office
1402 Farnam St.
Bast Dining Car Servici
Th, public can um with tntlrt safety and utlifictlon.
95.00 A MONTH.
22 Vliri FBl,lar
12 Ytanln Omiht,
MEDICAL Tr.i.,.,.l
kl , v.. i
8trtctnre,B7pullls,I,os.lVlt-oraad Vitality.
?12riRA?TEI!?: Cfasrs-eslow. HOME
TBKATMKSiT. Ilook, Consultation sud Exam.
Inatlon Krce, Hours, s, m. tos 7to8p. m.
Sunday, 9 to 2. I. O. llox7C6. Office, N. B.
Cor. HtUaudrjn-M Suss ti. OMAHA. tlU,
cure, incro are a great many moro drug wrecks than
nlcohollo wrecks. I am telling you tho truth-no ono
can deny It. I olTer you tho only natural remedy for nil
weak men nd women, ELECTRICITY, nnd I absolutely
guarantee a permanent cure where tho electricity Is ap
plied by tho greatest of remedial nccnts
You get Electricity by trentlng with my Belt In Its
Jiurest form. Thero Is no nossllilo chance for It to In
nro you. It does not stimulate. It must strengthen.
x'o get good results from Electricity, you must havo
conatnnt nppllcntlon several hours nt n time. You cannot
do this with tho batteries used In doctors' ofllccs. It
would keep you away from your business. My
belt does not Inconvenience you nt all, nnd you can work,
ride, Jump or run with It on. I havo known for many
yenrs that Eloctrlclty was tho greatest curative agent
that would ever bo known. 1 do not give drugs at nit now.
I could mnko moro money If I did. It docs not cost any
thing to wrlto a prescription. I dovotcd n pood portion
of my llfo nnd money In perfecting my Electric Belt.
1 do not promise to cure you. I gtinrantec It. Tho prices
of my beltB nro within the reach of nil the nflllcted.
You can rest assured my Belt will not burn or blister
rou, as do nil tho other kinds of Electric Belts. It
has soft, silken chnmols-eovcred sponge electrodes that
entirely do away with tho burning. They can bo renewed
when worn out for 75 cents no other belt can be renewed
for any price. Guaranteed to euro Soxunl Impotency,
Ixjst Manhood, Varicocele ml nil sexual disorders; re
stores Shrunken or Undeveloped Organs and Vitality;
cure Rheumatism In any form, Kidney, IJver ond Blad
der Troubles, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Female Com
plnlnts, etc.
Call nt my ofllco If you live In tho city. If out of
and I will Bend you my symptom
Home upon it, and
Paying Rent.
Central sub additi Dn, Omaha
10 u over 5 yean bf th UnJeri of th Mormoa
cutcb am wont in am Hi jaunr; mini; imm " rv u
ft tyx .a b mill. UnHM A written rulrlntec. to cun
Olahop RsmotJy Coi Sun Francisco. OaL
suhbty no.vns.
Fidelity! DeposilCn
Cniiltnl 1,. -.OO.OOO. Suriilns f I.HSO.OO
Every form of Judicial Bond required bf
tho United States courts and tho district,
county and other courts of tbo states of Nf
braska ond Iowa, executed at Omaha. t
SO.t 1st Xntl llnnk llliltr, OMAHA, TfKO
M. E. Smith & Gi.
kaawrtsrs sstf Uhkmn at .
Dry G-ds, Furnishing OmJs
ryake, Wilson. "
u t Williams
BacccKaora Wlliun Drak
Hfnniifn..fA Knll.fa s.i,-
breechlnKS. nressure. renderlmr hpn iiiC
mm aim waior mil KB, uuitor lUDCB COfM
stantly on hand, second hand boilers bouchfl
repairs In city or country. 19th and Plerc,
lAesttrn Eiectrioal
V Company
Electrical Supplies
fflefltrle Wiring Bolls and Gas LlrfetlM
a. W, JOHNSTON. Kit. Ml u.w.ra su
he Omaha Saft
and Iron Works,
Uaksa sspsolalty of
Davis & Cowgill Iron Works;
1601, lnou and 1505 Jnclnon Strsefcf I
Omaha. Keb. Tel. n:i. I
K. Zabrlskle. Agtnt.
J. B. Cowgill, Mff
Am aha Anchor
v Fanca Company
Manufacturers of ornamental lawn fencsmv
trea guardu, steel hitching posts. Tin trtU
Uses, poultry netting, eto. m
' f
PaintS tor all purposes.
Manufacturod by
National Oil t Paint Cij
1018,-17 Jones St.. '1
I riioue 17-1
rnt. & rura la it Hind. mTTl Kcttorts tmlll. unaevt lorm
watAHA, nUs j