Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Davla tells Blnas.
Tako your tr.eals at the Vienna.
Ona Pxtures nnd Globes nt Ulxby's
Magazines bound, MoorehoiiRo & Co.
Ilmlwlser beer. 1,. Hosenfeld. .iKent.
Kino A. B. C. beer, Nuiimayer'n hotel.
Behmldfs photoH. new nnd stylos.
V. 11. Lewis sells monuments. 301 IV way.
W. 1'. Oraff, uniliTtaker and ctnbaltner,
101 Houth .Main stroM.
The vacation prise will kd to the Council
Hluffa Klrl who hustles vote.
New patterns In frame mouldings. C. E.
Alexander & Co.. 313 Ilroadwny.
Get vour work d.ine nt the popular Eagle
laundry, 721 nroadwny. 'l'none 167.
W. c Etcp, undertnker. :i Penrl street.
Telephone!): Olllce. 97: residence, 33.
A mnrrlngo llreime wns Issued yesterday
to II. I). Kennedy of omsilin, hkm1 21, and
lulii Lamb of this city, iiRed l!i.
All otes In the Council HlufTs vacation
routed will h counted ilnlly and the result
vlll beiome more Interesting from day to
I. N. Flleldnger returned yesterday from
Kloux Knlls. S. D., win-re ho had been on
Jegnl li.isinegs eonnccted with a bankruptcy
A family
IV llVlllg at 1010 Fourth nVClllte
Kiive a trump breakfast yesterday morning'
who repaid the kindness iiy stealing a num. .
ber of solid sliver spoons. ,
i ic ineinners oi ine ruy rounen arc sum ,
to be tlgurlng on taking a trip to Pes
Mnlm i and Fort Dodge to Inspect the
brl. k :ilnntM of thosu cities. ,
. r. .. . m. '
The members of the elty rounell are said ,
Job Cliillntrlier. a boarder nt the Tre-
inont 'louse. I'omplnlncil to the inlle yes.
terdi , that a thief tm.l tlrii his eoit
uik vfst wlil e ho was working In Hughes
lirlel ynrd.
The elty of Council Illuffs cf.mmenced
Fiilt 'ii the suprrlor court yesterday t" ,
condemn the building at IM" West Hroad
way. J. M. Pavls and E. l- Kelly nro
Jinmed as defendants.
Every member Ii requested to be present
tonight nt the meeting of I'. S. Orant com
jinny N'o. H, Filiform Hank, Knights of
rylhlas, iih tliere Is business of Importance
to coiik- mi for action.
f. W. has served notice of injunc
tion proceedings on the Jurvis Wine com
pany of South Main street. Tho petition
in the Injunction proeecdlncs against
Chnrles Hlerwlth of the .Metropolitan hotel
was filed In tho district court yesterday.
Hurl Dawn, a young fellow wanted to
imswer to a charge of larceny In Itnone,
Jn., win nrresteil yesterday at 1510 Second
avenue. Dawn has been working for the
Northwestern here for several weeks. The
sheriff from Hoone will take him back
this morning.
Lodge No. IM, Stur of Jupiter, has elected
tho following ofllecrs: President, U. H.
Joseph; vice president, O. Hrown; war
den. II. Sunderland; treasurer, I'. V. Mil
ler; i ondui'tor. A. Follette; Inside guard,
J,. Olio; outside guard, E. Joseph; mil
hlelnii. 7.1. Ford.
Dlek Lyons. Jnmes Wallace and Fred
Ilolpb. chnrged wltli nssaiiltlng linker J.
'. Nehcn lust Sunday evening, were found
KUlltv In nollco court yesterday morning
nnd lined f25 nnd costs each. Their out
rageous behavior, It was shown, was due
largely to tho effects of "rushing the
Jen Anderson, a negro, living nt Fif
teenth street and Avenue A, decided that
Ills wardrobe needed replenishing and. hav
ing no surplus cash for such n purpose,
nipped a coat ami vest from In front of
Abraham Snyder's store on Uroadwiiy.
Anderson was arreMted and will have a
lienrlug this morning before Judge Ayles
wnrtr The funeral of the late Edwin Children,
penlor member of the linn of Children &
Sons, who died Wednesday night, will be
held this afternoon tit 2 o'clock from the
fnmllv residence, 2127 South avenue. Hurlnt
will bo In Wnlnut Hill cemetery Deceased
was ! years of age and leaves two sons
nnd' three daughters. Ho ennie here from
Enst Dubuque, III., eight years ngo nnd
embarked in the mnnufacturo of culti
vators. He was tho Inventor and iniinu
fncturer of the Badger riding cultivator.
N. V. Plumbing Co.. Tel. 250.
Howell's Antl-"Knwf ' cures coughs, colds.
fTKEETS OltDliltl'.D TO nil I'vWUU.
Coo n el I In ('onniilllee of the Whole
Tiikea Another Turn ill (hi- Mutter.
The city council meeting as n committee
ef the whole laid night look another whirl
Bt the paving nueutlon nnd prepa ed an addi
tional list of streets to bo recommended to
lie paved this year. These streets ato to be
incrrporated In two different resilutlons.
the division to be made by tho city en
gineer and presented lo the council at meet
ings a week apart. Thin pint) whb decide 1
upon, as It Is expected that there will be
n number of protests filed and ull could irt
lie considered In one night. The streets
recommended for paving aro ns follows:
Plcrco street, from First to niuff; Gra
ham avenue, from First street to Falrmount
jinrk; lllulf street, from Pierce to Ninth
avenuo; Glen avenue, from Hroadway to
reservoir; Park avenue, from Ilrnadway to
Falrmount park: High School avenue, from
Glen avenuo to Park avenue; Willow ave
nue, from Main to Third etreet; Fifth a ve
nue, from Main to Third strec'; Flf'b ave
nue, from Main to Eighth n'reet; Willow
avenue, from Seventh strc-t to E gMh
utrcot, First avenue, from Pearl to Kl,h h
street; Slory street, from Main to BP ft
Street ; N'lnth avenue, fretn Main to Six h
Ptreel; Fourth Btreet, from Hroadwnv to
Worth strcft; Sixth street, from Droalw.iv
to Fifth avenue; Sixth street, from Eighth
nvenuo to Sixteenth avenue; Seventh str'ot,
from I)ro.iday to Fifth avenue; Eighth
Htrnct, from Hroadway to Seventh nven"o
Fourth avenue, from Eighth strort to Nln'h
street; Harrison street, from Washlng'm
nvenuo to Hrnton street; Hroadway, from
First lo Frank street.
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures
riatnful, smarting, swollen foet and Ingrow
ng nails, and instantly taken the stlnc out
of corns and bunions It's the greatest
comfort discovery of the aso Allen s Foot
Ease make tight or new shoes feel easy,
it is a certain euro for sweating, callous
nnd hot, tired, aching fet Try It today.
Bold by all druggists and shoo stores My
mall 25c In stumps Trial packneo FHEE.
Address, Allen S. Olmsted, La Hoy N. V.
'eta am a Tonic and Stops Hair from Falling
Oul, Curra Dandruff. Ilrittle Hair, Itch
lng and all Scalp Troubled,
Guaranteed to Cure
Vhn all olhtr remtdits tare Jailed
or juotKi refunded,
Sold everywhere. Safe, Sure, Reliable,
Treatlso on Hair and Scalp troubles free.
A. n. mtUMHii co., - ciiiciiiio.
( For Sal br
Sherman & Met'onnell Drug Co..
Myers-Dillon Drug Co.,
Trntlr Supplied liy
M. Motihctt Hair Hazaar.
A. U Undeland,
ltlcliurdaon Drug Co,
Negotiated In Lantern rtetira!k
nd Iowa. Jumea N. Carady. Jr.,
W Main .St I'aunrll Witl-
Savings Loan and Building Assaciat'n
Council Ulufts, Iowa.
Jude Emith Knocks Ont Ona Claim of the
Oity fr Tarn.
I'rtwiioiit lit' n Jn m I II Ilrslt tlio Snr
of III" I.ut mid Secure n .liulu
i t Vmilnut (Ik- City
ami OIIU'i'i'N,
Tho suit brought by Fremont Benjamin
tignlust County Treasurer Arnd, County
Auditor Innea. tho City of Council Illufu
nnd J. A. I.. Waddell In which lu nuked tho
right to
redeem from tax sale n lot In
Street's addition on pnyment of the general elected last night will be assigned to build
taxes, upon the ground that the tpcclul Ings nnd grades later. Miss Mnudo Smith
taxr for which the property hnd been sold l
had been asaes-ied under a law which was
., Unllnnnl una ,1nnl.l1 v.lnr,1.iv l,v
, , , ' , .. .
Judge Smith of tho district court In favor
of the plaintiff. Benjamin also prayed, that
me county treasurer anu aim nor d
,,tri,,10(l from KM1nK a tnx ,iocd to
t L , i.
property to Waddell, who had purcha.-
nt .1 V ailii lil.lni.'u t1antan
the county treasurer and auditor bo re-
ased It
at tax sale. Jimge bmitu s decision is in
comformlty with the ruling of the I'tiltod
j,tat guprcmo t.0rt tho now famoua
' ...... , n -
case ' ",c '0WI1 Norwood. 0., against
Hakcr. decided In January, 1S09. It was
this ruling of the supreme court that ln-
duccd tho legislature of this state at Its ro
cent session to amend the npeclal nssesB
ment laws.
Ilenjamln owned certain property abutting
on Hroadway which In 1S87 was paved with
cedar blocks. Part of tho stiecial assessment
taxes was paid and part was In nrroaro when
tho lot wns sold In Jnnuary, IS!).", nt tax
salo to J. A. L. Waddell. Soon nftcr the
decision of the supreme court In the Ohio
case Benjamin brought this suit, ulleglng
that tho laws of tho state of Iowa and tho ,
ordinances of tho City of Council HlulTs, un- I
dcr which the special aosessments wero'
made, were In conflict with article V of the
fourteenth amendment to tho Constitution
of the United States and wero In conflict
with the portion thereof which provides; "No '
peison shall be deprived of his property :
. , . . t
without duo process of law, nor shall private ,
property be taken for public use without
lust comtiensatlnn." Ilenlamln eontencleil
that the statute of the state authorizing
cities to levy the special assessments was
contrary to the, constitutional provisions, In
asmuch as It did not provide a method of
asserslng In proportion to the benefits de-
rived, but hlmply established an arbitrary ,
method of amsesslng coats of Improvements
uccordlng to the front footage of the prop
erty abutting such Improvement. Ho al
leged that tho assessments for grading, pav
ing and curbing taxed wero levied upon bis
property without regard to any benefits
which It derived from the Improvements and
that all of the statutes of the state of Iowa
and the ordinances of the City of Council i
Muffs which authorized such assessments
were Unconstitutional and theroforo void and
invalid. He further maintained that to
exact the levy of tho special taxes would bo
a practical coofincation of his property. At
tho same time he eald he was willing nnd
ready to pay all the legal taxes against lii ,
,,,.-.1, ...... ..,nu upon me
Judgo Smith did not go Into tho quetitlon
of Ahether tho lax assessed against tho
property In question exceeded the benefits,
but simply held the general assessment
statute under which the levy was made was
unconstitutional and that therefore the tax ;
was void and invalid. Fortunately for tho
city most of the taxes for special Improve
ments levied under the old law have been
paid, otherwise tho municipality might have
a number of similar suits to that brought
by Ilenjamln on Its hands. City Attorney
Wadsworth stated that tho case will ho
taken up on appeal.
Save your coupons and vote for tho most
popular Council Dluffs working girl.
"Mr. Riley" D-ccnt clgnr.
Jury In .liiHtlee Court I'liNnes on n
Polnl In Cnriionitioii I, in v.
A Jury In .liutlco Ferrler's court yester
day decided that tho Kaat Omaha Land com
pany had no standing In a court In this
Btato and Mint having failed to comply with
tho laws of Iowa could not bring or main- for . foot raclnR( 50 yar,l8. BacU r.ictns;
lain a suit In this stale. Tho laws of Iowa foot ruclnBt umateiirs; fat men's raco; la
provldo tint any forelgu corporation, b fore (rs. na,p j,aloon ascension nt D o'clock.
It can do business in mis state, cum nie Cnmralttco of arrangements, Thomas Ma
lts articles of Incorporation with the sec- , . A, Woll8 n chrlstensen. Coun-
retary of state and from him secure a per
m It to do business in Iowa.
Tho East Omaha Land company brought
. . . I . 1 ...n,t .Intnln., (lcvnlncf
SUlt 111 IIJIUIUIII t-llLlJ1 .111,1 UlTliilllci uuitto. .
Marv Krouer. George Kroger and wife, al- '
lecod Eouattcrs, for the purpese of getting !
them olt its property In Fast Omaha, near
Cut Off lake. The defendants, it was nd-
mlttcd, had been living on tho land In con
troversy since 1887, which would bavo un lor
ordinary circumstances given them a clear
title to tho property had It not been for
tho fact that In 1S91 George Kroger, sr..
since deceased, the nushanil ot .Mary ivrognr
and father ot Georgo Kroger. Jr., accepted
from the land company a lease to tho land
which the defendants now claim to own by
right of adverse possession. I
This was proven by tho plaintiff company,
hut tne jury neiu tno iicien.muis mi uiu
ground that the Fast Omaha Land com-!
pany never having ill d Its articles of In- 1
corporation with the secretary of tato had
no standing or right to maintain a suit In
tho courts of Iowa.
Tho case. It Is said, will bo taken on ap-
peal to the district court. j
You can vote as many times as you want
to lu the Working Girls' Vacation Con
test. Davis sella paints.
The contest is now on for some girl In
Council Illuffs to win a vacation, with
transportation and expenses paid free of
Interrnl In Census,
At tbo meeting held last night nt the
City hall, under tho ausplcej of tho Mer
chants' and Manufacturers' association, It
was decided to try to secure an extension
of time for tho completing of tho census of
this city. Resolutions from tho Merchants'
and Manufacturers' association and the city
couucll will bo forwarded to Senators Alli
son and Gear, nsklng them to secure frira
tho supervisor nf the census an extension
of thirty days for tho completion of the
census u this city. This course has been
adopted by Des Moines, whero it is be
lieved thnt a largo number ot names have
been missed by tho enumerators. With an
uxteiulon of thirty days It Is believed tbnt
tho onumeratlou can he thoroughly revised
aud any nnmes that may hive been missed
added to tho returns,
The meeting wns addressed by General
13, r. Test, who suggested that an extension
of tlmo be sought.
lAu an Instance of how the enumerators
are apt to mUs some of the people Aider-
I man Clark mentioned that so far ho had
I not been approached by any enumerator
I nnd as far as he know ho had not been in
! eluded in tho census.
I The rc;olutlona from tho Merchants' nnd
Manufacturers' Association nnd the city
' council will bp forwarded to Senators A 1 1 1 -j
son and (Sear at once. The enumerators nre
supposed io comple'o tho taking of tho cen-
sun In this city today.
Ti:rin:it.s nut m:t vn.ut chonhx.
Ilniiril of 1 :t ii -ii 1 1 it I'lol.'K flip I, In!
unit Niiiih'h (li .In ill tor.
The Hoard of Education held n special
meeting last night at which t -achers for
j tho ensuing year wero elected. The Jatilto.s
for tlio several school buildings wero alfo
electtil. There nre Rovetnl changes In lha
list of teachers. Tho following have re
sinned- inhti m ?vlvrater nf ht. TTih
school facnltv, Miss Carrie Morgan of the
Itlnnmer Belinnl Mlu Ueln Vnnntf nf the ,
hool. Miss Mela Young of .the ;
nuc school and Mrs. Myrtle E.
Second avenue
Shunrt of tho Eighth avenue school, Miss ,ur8' -ciis wn a near man mis -winter , was mo name ot me rcrry i onimireu n n m
Mamle Norene Miss Kathleen Connor and nml c0lno3 from the Morrow territory, but pnny. Tho forged signature of W. J. Perry
Miss Ada Alnsworth who have been acting 110 ' 1,elnR "Wl hy tho farmers of Loulf.1 appeared nt the usiinl place. After making
as assistants, nre assigned to regular work
In chnrgo of fchool rooms. Tho teachTS
returns from n year's leavo of nbsenco nnd
Miss Margaret Paulson, who has been acting
ns substitute, Is placed on tho regular list.
Tho teachers elected nre:
Anna 7.. Uoss,
Ixxil?" A Itoesche,
Kute S, Itffil,
Jennie O
Mil lid it. fierce,
Vlnln Ward,
('l)llit Fans,
of Des Molnrs.
8. I.. TlK.imas,
J. C. Ornson,
W. ,T. Flint.
Frances D. Dnllr,
MIttle M. 1'lle,
Kmmn N". 1!csehf,
Flnrn Van Onler.
Mnntlc MnnKiim,
Jlolierta llattnlmucr,
ItPlen Ada Tyler,
Agnes I,. Robinson,
Mnbet O. Hol.lncon,
Anna Vandereook,
Joide Claupen,
Ada 13. Howard,
Nelll L. Ileptord,
Ornce Foster.
Lniira A. Dodno,
Ada 14, Stephenson,
(lertruile (Jreen,
Nellie c. Parsons,
Kate V, Oerner,
1ni"e A. Ament,
Maude Smith,
Mrs. Ilelle C. Barclay,
Margaret I. Wallace,
Jeesle 51. Alworth,
Olive Thompson,
liura L. Colinan,
Ilelle Wylle,
Emma Howard,
Mary X. Cornglity,
Minnie Etv,
Paula F. Kreldler,
Llllle Oheznln,
LyrKs. Pfert,
Ethel C. Wiepard.
-Mrs Dorn H. Churchill,
Josephine Khea,
Kntlicrlnc Treynor,
I'MytH Thomas.
Knthlen Connor,
Minnie IJ. Clay.
Florence M. Htorre,
Winifred A. Uesley.
Mollle V.. S-nhlll.
Mrs. Allele D. Card,
Francos WrlBlit,
Illlth Wallace,
Julia Walker,
Florence H. Carley,
Jane Howe,
Mnry McMillan,
Myrtle llarndt,
Ilattle Fcrrler,
IiUlse C. JViehnln;,
Anna B. Mlkesell,
Iiilw Carson,
Nelll .Tacohs.
Mrs. Ddllh F. Prouly,
Mary H. Oliver,
I-Mlth It. Field,
Julia Tulleys,
Ella Albright,
Ona Hendle,
farrle S. Wells,
Anna TeDroal,
Jehsle McCrea,
Cora M. (Iretser,
Dora Lyon
MUinlo i. villlnmon.
Mrs. II. A. Oleason,
May Sims.
Margaret Vliltler,
Mrs. Mnry It. Allen.
Annie B. Wllllnm'.,
Neva Hnssell
Nannie M. Hardin,
wiitli c. .losejih,
Lizzie cWker.
j,"''" nn"n7'''
huella M. Wllllis,
Anna Perry Stevens,
'jarriet r. Walker,
Vermont Reynolds,
Mary rtwire",
Jennie rue
Wllllanne White,
Florent e Hul,
L'lile M. Miles.
Mamie Norene,
JIr. N. It. Curtlf,
s,a' I'ern-
Aurella Tinier.
Dllzalwlh Rrawt,
Kthlyn Jlnrclny,
Ellen M Mcintosh,
(Prla Ipnl).
May A. iSiMwell.
Ada Alnsworth, Hart.
Hue L. IJadollet,
As net Drake,
Mlnni" D. Johnson,
-Minnie Ilnnson,
Lizzie Holm.
Tiaura A, McFaUclen,
Margaret Paulson
Elinor I'lcnra Ppntnn nahl n nnr) nMnlw,,
Harriett Mood; music. M. Luclle Porterticld; j
v ndcrcartens. Mrs. Lulu M. Hardman.
V Inderirnrtens. Mrs. T.nltl M. Karilmnn
... ... . .
Tho janitors elected nro: High school,
Tl.ll t 1 , .. I
uanry; wasuingion Avenue,
lUlph Simpson; Moomcr, George Crum;
Twentleth Avenue, Jnmes A. Keller; P!er?o
Street, Joo Roberts; Eighth Street, I. W.
t'ollamore; Third Street, V. O. autcnrleth;
Sccomi Nvenuo, W. S. Wllklns; Avenue H,
AV. H. Spera; Klghth Avenue, Hetty I)ar
nell; Madison Avenue, D. W. Footer;
Thirty-second Strevt, Georgo W. Itolph-' .
Harrison Street, George fl. Miles; suburban
schools, tho teachers.
Commonwealth 10-cent cigar.
You can deposit your votes for tho meat
popular working girl In tho vacation con
test at the Council Muffs office.
Save your coupons ai.3 Help some girl
tako a trip.
TmIii Clly IMIirrlniN Vlenle.
Council Mulfs to Jofferlcs grovo and re
turn, Honey Creek, Iowa, Sunday, Juno 17.
Tickets $1 round trip. Dancing free. Tra'n
leaves Illinois Central depot. Council Muffs,
at 0 o'clock a. m., return S p. m. Prizru
will hn r!von fnr fnnt. rnelnt?. 1fin vnrds. free
ell Muffs, F,d. Ilothory, master certmoiilcs,
Uverybody Invited.
Meadow Lawn Park, Eleventh street and
Twenty-sixth avenue, a cool, shady family
resort. Refreshments served nt reasonable
prices. Opening night, Juno 10. Music and i
dancing. Admission free.
Gravel roofing. A. H. Rood, G41 IPway.
llnrliers fllny Strike,
SIOUX CITY. In., Juno in.-(Special.)
Tho barbers of Sioux City ore very much at
t uh . (h emnioy,,rfl 0VPr .i10
mlCBtnn of charging for a neck shavo. Tho
ba,.bcr8- lmlon rrCcntly ndopted a rulo that
nvp centH ghnuid bo charged for shaving tho
uec Ueretoforo patrons of tho tonsorlal
parlors j,ad been U3od to enjoying the lux-
ry of a npck ave without expense. A
number of tho best shops balked at this
rue nn rcused to a'srss tho extra tnx on
tllelP customers for tho three or four stroke
()f tno razorB whlch 8WCrp lh(, hillr ofr n
man's neck. Somo of the smaller have
called upon thu union to tako action and
call out tho barbers in tho hor which had
refused to respect tho order. Men who de-
pend upon tho barber Bhops to keep their
faces In prc.icntablo condition nro awaiting
further developments with some Interest.
The strike may turn up any dny.
Mnoenlieen Mntrrtnln.
STORM LA KB. Ia., June 15. (Special.)
On Wednesday. Juno 13, tho local society of
Maccabees entertained representatives of ten
other tents. Tho program included steam
boat rides and fishing trips In tho morning,
u splendid dinner served In tho grove across
I tho lako nt noon nnd base ball and other
games In the afternoon. At 8 p. m, a busi
ness meeting at the opera house was con
ducted by I. A. Hawley, sunromo ren-
resentatlvo of Council Illuffs, In., and Mrs.
T. A. Nclsen, supremo commnndor of the
Lady Maccnhees of Chicago. At the close of
the session n very pleasant and Informal
' dance took place, to harp music, and con-
j tlnued until a lato hour.
I Ilreeiition for He (ilium,
I CRRSTON. In., June IB. (Speclal.)-Last
evening tho citizens of Preston expressed
their appreciation of Congressman Hepburn
for his efforts In securing for CrcBton a
liberal appropriation for a government
building nnd getting a scat of tho federal
court established hern by giving him nn
Informal reception nt tho New Snmmtt. It
j was purely a non-partisan affair. Tho
I colonel delivered one of his happy talks,
I The tiffalr was participated in by bun
. drcds.
iVj) OmllmMlljJ 111 r
Two Mre Pc nihilities for Secretary of State
in Iowa.
.Icnmp II. .Martin, AVho Will Ktiiiitlni'
AfTiilr of Clerk of Siipri'iiH- Court,
Will IIpkIk Work on
Next Mo nil it)'.
I)E8 MOINES, June 15. (Special Tele-
grnm.) Two now names were being clrcu-
lateu among the politicians touay as cm-
ldntcs for secretary of state. Uepresenta-
'VO I.Olts or I.ouina county nnu tianioru oi
tlvo ,,oltR ot '0'ila county nnd Hanford of
I''I'(1 aro ,)0th being discussed ns posslbll-
cnt' rather than by tho Morrow manag-
ers. Iianfonl Is a Charles city man ami
generally known throughout tho state. He
Is also nntl-Qtlbcrtson.
It Is tho general belief that A. C. Smith
Is doing some work In the Eleventh. Hh
friends hero say that they believe this,
desplto tho fnct that he has authorized no
announcement In Des Moines, He Is not
working so much to gain tho state ai to j weighs about 125 pounds, one front tcoth on
fcpllt tho Eleventh district. I the lower Jaw missing, dnrk hair, brown
Jesso H. Martin, who has been commls- , eyes and dressed modestly In black,
slotted by Governor Shaw to cxnmlnc tho Chief Mitchell went lo work on iho case
nffnlrs of tho clerk of tho supremo court the Hrst thing yesterday when It wns re
in order to determine whether the charges ported to him and he made n thonugh
of misappropriation of fees made by Trcn- search, but so far without avail. Notl es
urer Horrlott tire correct, today said ho ox- will be sent by the chief to all cities within
pected to begin work Monday. Ho expects , SOO miles of South Omaha contnlulng n com
to be ablo to report to the governor within plcte description of tho woman. Mr. Pony
a week.
HIIiioIm Central C.-In Continuous Line
! IiCIImIiimT Fori Dotluc
A- Oimilin Itond.
DUBUQUE, In., June 15. It wns an
nounced here to.lay that tho Fort Dodgo &
Omaha road has boon sold to the Dubuque
&. Sioux City Railroad company nnd that
tho road was then leased to tho Illinois
Central. The consideration Is not stated.
Tho road, which ban' Just been completed,
cost $1,000,000 aud gives the Illinois Cen
tral a continuous line from New Orleans to
Omaha nnd by n traffic arrangement with
tho United Pacific from there to the coaat.
MneLrnn Addressee Student. I
OHINNELL, In., Juno 15. (Special.) The and the remarks he made to the prisoner
last day of the fifty-second commencement ( would not look well In print. It was the
exercises of Iowa collogo wero held here i first time Elsfelder had run against nny
today, President George A. MncLcnn of tho j thing of the sort and as he did not know
State University of Iowa delivering the ad- ' the 6pccles he marked down on the pr p
dress. Slxty-ono students received diplomas, Prty book, "one young alligator, belonging
the largest class ever graduated from the 1 to John Doe." After Doe had been placed
college. President MacLean delivered a to rent In one of tho luxurious Iron-bound
very Interesting address, choosing as hlfl rooms provided by tho city, the Jailor
subject tho mission nnd purpose ot Iowa I chained the reptile to his desk, where It
educational Institutions. He propounded was on exhibition tho entire day.
tho thr.ory that all of the Iowa colleges I
should bo united into a filstcrhooJ ot col
leges, with the Stato university as the heart,
or head. President MacLean experienced
considerable dlfhculty In getting to Grlunell.
Ho was due at 9:30, hut a wnshout threat
ened to prevent his getting beyond Malcolm.
The president, nothing daunted, started to
walk tho muddy tracks until he got whero
he could hlro a team', and drovo the rest of
tho "ay 0r'nno11- eoramencement
..-. ... n..Uv ,.-
!in'l(li In tr rlnnnrlllrn
ot President Gates, who'
,.,,. to benK uiacert in service
IN IU I HVH ,111! IIIIILXU Mil .1 1 A. II II 1 1 1 1,1 Ilin "
, ... i . , . J ,.
wuu H ll,nt3H' " r
in n wi'iHRm ciunaie. ine uuti;uiui; prrsi-
lent is much beloved by students and
nlumnl alike, nnd was made the recipient'
ot many kind words by the old graduates:
and students nnd friends of the college. '
t is talked about hero that President Gate. '
'a t,ecn unofficially offered tho pastornto of
a largo church In Denver nnd may accept
Tho trustees of the college have not yet
selected his successor.
.ivnril rtiilldliic rtmirnet.
FORT DODGE, la.. Juno 15. (Special Tel
egram.) The Hoard of Supervisors awarded
the contract for the building of tho now
court houso to the Northern Building com
pany of Minneapolis for $93,720. Ten bids
were submitted.
south omahaHewI
Tho sudden termination of the council
meeting Thursday night was the talk of
rioon sr'?; nT" th?
report of the meeting tho lights went o,it
nnd somo ono moved to adjourn
The mo-
ll(in was put and carried in tho dark and
no ono present sennicd to fanow what It
meant, in connection witn nis statements
of Thursday night Mayor Kelly said yebter-
dny tbnt ho Intended to do Just what ho
said in regard to the closing of saloons on
Tuesday morning next unless tho license
matter wan uxivi up at .Monuay nigni s mcti-
lug. What tho mayor Insists upon Is tho
repeal of tho ordinance prohibiting tho Is -
suing of licenses to'ilrms or corporations.
Unless thlsi is dono nt the next mceiing
there will bo all kinds of fun nround. Chief
Mitchell is prepared to close every salo.n
on Tuesday morning on the ground that
all nro operating without a llconso and
thcreforo in violation of law. If tho prea-
r,n,. .. i . ..,,(ni. , ,., ,
etlt pollco forco Is not sufllclcnt to close
tho saloons the chief says that he will cill
for additional men In order that tho may-
or's Instructions may bo carrlod out. Tho
........ . , ,.
attention ot members of the clly council
! m,s 130011 callc 10 11,0 ,act tnat tbo munll-
Pa'lt- compelled to P;y $11 a day Inter-
est on tho money now tied up. This Inter-
est must, of course, nil come out of tho tax- I Don't you know some deserving girl who
payers nnd It Is certnlnly an expenslvo piece ought to hava a vacation' Cut your vaea
of business. Mayor Kelly InslstB upon hav- ton coupons from Tho Dee and savo them
lng his way ubout the repeal of tho ordl- for her.
Anheuser-Busch Bottled Beers
are without a peer
The materials used for these brews are the
very best obtainable. "Not How Cheap ;
but How Good" is the motto of the
Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n
St. Louis,
Orders addressed to Gee. Krug, manager
nnnce nnd objects to having tho breweries
' -l I T. 1 K,MAnn I -
nilfl PillOUIIR IIlllll HUH, lilt) lilllllltiliui. id
that certain members of tho council arc by
Ibr the old time hold-up game which pc
vallcl under dcmocrntlc administrations,
Tho ninyor says that while this supposition
may bo wrong Indications certnlnly point
In '"I" direction nnd ho proposes to do all
j ho can to put n stop to uny such dealing .
I The money now tied up Is needed, not on y
J by the school district, but by tho city, as
the Interest on outstanding claims is piling
up every day.
Wo m mi In Hindi Work Men-hunt.
A woman dressed In black worked th
bogus check racket on a number of m r
chants In the city Thursday night and Fr -day
morning nnd U now timing the inlasln.
At tho stores she visited she pretend
checks purporting to be drawn In faor o'
Joseph Hansen ' nnd signed by W. J. Terry
of the l'erry Commission conipnny. Th
checks passed aro similar to thofo Issued
by banks to private parties and aro on-
f tlrely unlike tho checks used by commis'lon
flrms nt the Union Stock yards. A rubier
stamp wns useci to convey mo impression
that the check wns in pnyment for Inbor
penormeu, ns nt mn lop ine paper
performed, ns nt thu top the pj
marked "Pay Check." while nt th
o hoi torn
1 small purchases nt n number of stores the
woman, who represented nerscit as Mr-
Hansen, offered up the check In paymei t
I.nftcr mnklng the oxplnnntlon that her hus-
band wns working for Mr. Perry. Generally
tho check offered wns for $14, hut one or
two for $16 hnvo turned up.
The woman who turned this trick Is de
scribed as being about SO years of age,
has slgnlllcd his Intention to donate n sum
to help run the criminal down nnd It la
probable that the merchants who will lo e
by having made her acquaintance will con
tribute liberally to tho fund.
Jailor Klnfeldcr Suriirlseil,
Jailor Elsfelder had n shock yesterday
which ho will remember for a long time.
Officer Newman arrested n long-haired In
dividual for being drunk ntul dlrordcrly on
tho streets and by various mentis suc
ceeded In landing hint In the city Jnll. where
ho was turned over to Elsfelder. During
the searching process the Jailor noticed a
finall gilt chain pinned to the prisoner's
veit Just abovo the left-hand pocket. Sup
posing that tho chain held n watch, tho
Jnllor gave it a Jerk nnd pulled forth a
live chameleon. When tho little critter
foil Into Elsfelder's hands he nearly fainted
EtpnilliiK Telcplmiie l.liir.
II, Vance Ime. general manager of tho
Nebraska Telephone! company, and party
ppent yesterday afternoon In the city look
ing over poleH and routes for tho now Unci
to be built to Pctowburg. Smlthfleld nnd
'Elwood. Thjs oxtonslon Is to be made ns
soon ns possible and In this work the com
pany will spend considerable money In
South Omnha. Four new cahlcu In the bus
iness portion of tho city have Juat been
, . ,.,,, ..
Mitchell FIkIiIh Wlnr HniiniK.
Chief of Police Mitchell statod yester
day that ho proposes to strictly enforce
his order regarding tho closing of all wlno
morns nnd that no exceptions to the orders
tmm will be made. Continuing, the chief
ald: "If we do not have mnn enough on
, tho forro now to closo wine rooms and
maintain order, more onicers will no nuueu
to tho force, as all Instructions lssuel must
bo obeyed. All violators of orders promul
gated will bo prosecuted. "
Help for Fn initio Sufferer"!.
Friday evening, Juno 22, has been set ni
tho tlmo for tho holding of a meotlng at
Mum's hall , Twenty-sixth and N streets,
to raise funds for the famine sufferers
of India. It Is understood that nil of the
pastors of the city aro taking an active part
In the proposed meotlng nnd It lo expected
that the hall will be fairly well filled. A
program Is being prepared for tho occasion,
which will bo published within u few days.
Mnulc Clly (ioNMp.
A petition is out for tnograomg ot .-sine-
Past s,ic 0r Thlrty-sceond street, between
K and L street.
.Miss Mabel Thomas, dntluhter of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Ivor Thomas, has gone to Lincoln to
attend summer school.
, complaint Is made to Hulldlng Inspector
( click that tho structure nt 2620 M street Is
' " unsafe condition,
, y JZotQ &t& SI
1 wln ), C1,mmeneed in a few days.
, city Engineer Heal reports thnt the tirldgo
over the Hurilngtoii tracks at Thirty-third
1 p J!", noed ot r(eJ,a.lrs 0
' crnfy of 'the Repurilc.lulUie
' Woman's Relief corps will bo held tonight
Ofllecrs of the South Omaha Hopltul as-
Rev. Irving Johnson will preach a memo,
rial sermon to the Modern Woodmen of
South Otnnlia. at St. Martin s Kn seopnl
church nt U o'clock Sunday morning,
U(.v, w. II. Moor, formerly an assistant
nt St. Martin's church, this city, will be
advanced to tho priesthood In Trinity enth-
edrnl, Omaha, on Sunday at 11 o clock.
G. II. Hrewer of this city has been chosen
a delegate to attend the iinnual cnnyuitlon
of the SiiUoml An ot
wl,u" w noiu in Horn or In o.tom.
Budweiser, "Thtorwnir
Black & Tan, "TheAmerlcinPorter"
The Faust
Export Pale
Exquisite, "Amerlc Plliener"
U. S. A.
the famous food-drink that physicians recom
mend to nursing mothers, the convalescent,
the aged, the feeble, is made by this association.
Omaha branch, will be promptly executed.
of the most remarkable
-topic, attests the power
or Pale Peoole.
No sufferer can read it without feeling hopeful,
no skeptic can read it without being convinced.
Every disease of the blood and nerves is repre
sented from a common rash to scrofula I from
neuralgia to nervous prostration! from bone
ache to rheumatism 1 from ordinary weak
ness to partial paralysis. Lives are saved
by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People
" I suffered for five or six yenrs with the trouble
that comes to women nt the. chance of life. I wns
much weakened, was unnblo much of the tlnio to
do my own work, nnd sullereil beyond my power
to describe. 1 was downhearted nnd melancholy.
1 took many different medlcluui, but nothing
seemed to do mo uny good.
"I rend about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People, and some of my frlcndi rccommtuded them
highly. I tnado up my mind to try them, 1 bought
the first box In March, 1897, and wns benefited from
tho start.
" A box snd n lmlf cured mo completely, and I mn
now rugged and strong. I nnvo not bceu bothered with
my 1 began taking tho pills.
I have recommended them to many women who nre
suffering ns I suffered. They nro tho only thing tbnt
lielpvd mo In tho trial that comes to so many women at
jny uge." Mhs. J. H. Wkavku.
hubscrlbcd and sworn to before mo this 23d iluy of
October, A. D., 1807.
bio Vll.ulzcr. thenrrvriiulnn of
tii'rvomor ilK-iuiof the ncncrutlto
In (l,N IT,fli
.ii.'. j vrS i'il(ne lo JIurr.T, l;xtinnlln)c Urnlnx, Tu.'lcurele anil ('n'timtpnllnn.
tifv viVlf 1 1 ktoia nil l(iMnb.v day or nlglit, I'rtTentifiulckiieMnl tUMtanritn, whleli II not check I'd
'Jmai purl. In MmrMii.Tn,rhiun nn.t .11 ... imn...... .'I'ltlliWIIrinniitMlh.
llror. Ilin Ll ilii.r. nml Ih. Ilrlnur
and retorf i smal I eic orsaim.
'1 hreHou snirerers nre not cti.ed by Doctors bbeenuie CO per cent are; troubled with ProtntltU.
OUlMiLSK tlie oiny known remert to cure nlthout un opcrutlou. WKU imUiihiiiIhIs. a wrlltrn
guarantee cIv.hi and mmiry returred If Mioimlni.iaol eflect a pertnununt curu. l.C0aooi,for IJ.00,
ymill Send for riiKKrfrriilnr nnd testlmnnlnis.
Addrp,, iiu'oi mi It t'tK .. p (), llox 2f)-fi. San rranc!ii. Cal.
uy a Lot
And build your own Home upon it, and
Stop Paying Rent.
Some vacant lots located in Central sub additi m, Omaha
addition and Wright's addition. These lots will be Bold
at real bargains. In a year or so they will bring double the
money asked for them now. Apply at Bee Office, Council
When the A.rniv
you will bo nblndo rent any of the offices on the fifth floor of THIS DEB IHJILD
1NG for occupancy nftcr July 1st.
The army headquarters aro the handsomest offices In tho city, Tho
rooms nio nil connected with each other and will be rented In suites so that
firms needing more than ordinary anu tint of space will have au opportunity to
occupy llrst-class ofllcr In the best building in Omaha.
Wo nro already assigning rooms. Tbo rulo of "first cooio, first served,"
I. C. 1JBTBFZS cfr CO.,
Rental Agents, Ground floor, THE BtE BUILDING.
? ? $ ? i- 1-
Treatment for KlnrmliN
Men, Tree Weakness,
llltrV.ttll,, 1.;..
decline, cured'by our exrlu-
nu meiiioru. vtunuiTtui
nWtHtinca mui fi.rnerili ftsvf
on tniil ami a)prmat, No
ndrrtTien r,av r.ittlrA nn
1 0 0 1) fehenic. Information
of Mipn tne value, noMhero
nhtAlnalilp. 1tf
$5.00 A MONTH.
Trtilt U formi of
22 Ytan Fxirrftnct.
12 Yeanln Omaha,
T.jr r-kvY r...i.-1 nn.i 1 1 ana
SticiaKi rninl,lH-I.Vjrlrnr.l
Stricture, Syphllla, i,ossof Vigor and Vitality,
Ot'RKS flrtltAXTEED. Ckarfrea lw. HOW.
TII)'U MKM. Cook, CoyUtiemud Exam.
Iiistioo 1' If r. Hours. 8 a, ia, 16;
Sunday, 9 toll I0,HoTCi. Office, N. IS,
Cor. HlhanJl'itrinni SiimW.OMAIJA. NEU.
nature, from the best known
ot Dr. Williams' I'inlc nils
O. C. JI1CK3, Aofarj libllc.
t.immn Krenpli nlirslrlitn. will iinlrkiy cure you ot nil
rcna, lucii m I,ot jnnntiooil, lu-nmnln.
w. . ... Ithllltv. ..,t.,liK
nr.kii nnll Imnnrlll. f'lfVllll'. at rnn vt lietm
appreciate our work because it is done
in such a thorough and artistic manner.
They are also pleased to find our prices
so very moderate. If you have dental
work that needs to bo done we can
satisfy you both in the quality of work
and the price.
. ..Telephone 145
H. A. Woodbury. D. D. S-, Council Bluffs.
30 Pearl St. Grand Hotel
"A '? T'
Free Microscopic
Examination of
KfllR and
l'HIII .1. II. Al'MTI.V,
Tlii Imminent
Sculp .speclnlUi, nt
iiovrov s roni; nrn (
Itlll'T,, I'lltnlc Dlllec.
Hours, 10 to 12; 2 to r.
iik(Iii'm Ant Inept lo
lliimlriiir Di'Mt roj'rr
unit Neiv I In I r (irnnrr
iiiiKiiltUd o,rw
BtopH fnllintr hnlr Thlekens thin iiulr.
Feeds the roots (Jrows new hnlr. I)o-wtroj-H
thin mlcro-bncllll that destroy tho
l ul a hottlo at drilt'KlHtJ. Kxpresa paid,
I'ruf. .1, II. Aimtln, JIIiiiipiiiiiiIIh, nllmi,
Pennyroyal pens
r,-7v OrlU.I d Onlr C,r
... Ili't.i. I.1, i.l
in i;nn;ur.iraifrt icniii.ihu
I. IIKD . 0IJ mtltllU Uoih ,,)
wllfc l. rtbfccii. 'l.knu. atlitr. Ilcrj.o
IL.crro. li.l.tllulUii. m (imIIb,
Uii.. ij; .f ;,.r iru(in tritsil Ir. l
''""'' .T.llmonlnl.
turn M.ll. to.finirr .ttnatuuu K.'iabi
"' , l I'lirMli-Kl !...
Puris Exposition
Will flllll
on Hnln at the
H I'lace de 1'Opern, I'nrU,