THE OMAHA DAILY BE IS: SATfUDAY, JUNE 1(5, 15)00. Grand Picture Sale The Heyn copyrlsht Indian pictures, superior in colorlnR and nnlith to any In dlan pictures on the. raarkc', 17V each. Complete ect of 12 subjects, only J2.00. Grand Jewelry Sale Tho entire factory stexk of Slick IMns. licit IJuckles, tlrooehes, Shirt Waist Sets, etc., on alo at one-fourth regular factory prluo. All Roods fully guaranteed. All I5o goods at 7'c. 00c goods at 12".ac. JlOO and 11.50 goode at 25c. Grand Ribbon Sale AH new, up-to-date goods no old stock, two prices 30c ribbons, ISc. 35c ribbons 19 60c Ladles' Belts, 25c. 16o Linen Collars, 7& 60c Neckwear, 25c. 35c fine Laces, 10c. 75c Tucklngs, 4&c. $1.50 Books, 89c All the new books, Including "To Have and to Hold." "Janice Meredith," "Rich ard Carvel," "David Harum," nnd "When Knighthood Wan In Flower," on sale Satur day, only 89o. Captain King's Hooks, 10c. "Quo Vadls," rr. 1.000 35c gilt top books, bent list of titlca, only l!'c. furniture Most folding beds are uncomfortable. ncd lounges are worst than nothing, but hero you get something that serves as a couch In the daytime- nud no bed In any better at night. Saturday Bargains in Our Basement Compare These Prices. Then Buy. SUMMER (JOODS. 12-tlnc rako Garden hose Warranted hose Solid brasa nozzle 2-Har clothes rackx Folding Ironing board Wire screen l'oultry netting, per 100 so., feet Screen door spring hinges Screen doors I. awn rukes, 'JO-tine Hard wood hose reel Jointed fishing rods I.incnrecls . 17c . 10c 83 19c 33c 69c lc 60c 9c 63o 35c 43c 49c 19a WEEKLY REVIEW OF TRADE Pricjs Making Gradual Decline from Dizzj Height. S1UDE UNDER HIGHEST POINT OF 1892 Ontinit of tin- Iron l'uraaT In lle liortetl Only Mlislitl) !. Tlmn ut MlKlM'Nt I'olnl ItciirlH'tl Wlirunry I'lrnt. NEW YORK, Juno 15. U. G. Dun & So.'a Weekly Heview of Trade says: A sttison of decliuliiir iirlccs Is never wholly agreeable to business men whoco stocks on lumd aro losing their value; yet nr times when return to the highest prosperity In business is not possible except through readjustment of prlcen. Tho high est prosperity the country had ever reached i.rlnr (n thn nanle was In 1S92. with nrlces averaging1 not quite 75 per cent on their uveruge In 1SC0. After great depression for several years tho highest point reached with Inst year's recovery was M) per cent nn Miirch Hi hut the craduiil yielding has nlrendy returned tho general average of prices to u shade less than 75 per cent, practically where It was with the highest prosperity In IMC. The output of Iron furnaces June 1 was iM,:r76 tons weekly, nn lncreaso of 2,520 tons, making tho yield only 1.63S tons less than nt the highest point ever reached February 1. Hut the Increase of unsold stocks to 3.EMM tons, nnout im.wu tons in -May. uis irwt.H ii l.ircer decline than was cxnected In tho new business, upon which neurlv nil thn works nnd furnaces hnve now to rclv. and reports that furnaces of considerable capacity huvo nlrendy been closed this Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels f.EANSES THE $YSTEM U ..EFFECTUALLY f. L" ft f-PATiOM WMte ntnUAMrMTIV rtni'innunn (gUlvRNIATG5Y!?VF(2. no poor colors all the latest. Only Kver on tho alert to secure really good articles, things that are durable an well ns useful, we have secured tho agency for thU all steel Couch. No wood whatever. No such thing as springs falling over. No ex celsior to sift through on tho floor. Then if It becomes necessary to make an extra bed. here you are. A bed fit for a king. You cover It with a couch cover and hrs you are. completo and compact. The prl-e Is $12. GO and wo are now In shape to till alt orders. At the same time remember wo will make It worth your while to buy your furniture HERE NOW. HOl'SE Fl'HNISHINO GOODS. Patent suit hangers 9c Mucilage, per bottle 3s No. S copper bottom billers 79e Complete cobbler' otr:it 43c Ice cream freezes $1 lu 3-section dinner pallt 19c Gasoline oven $1 49 2- Burncr gasoline stove $2 Vl Gasoline torches $1 49 Refrigerators from $3 49 3- arm hardwood tool racks 8c relished claw hammers So Steel frame wringer $1 19 Nickel plated Pott's Irons '89o month seem likely to be correct. Within n . f'f. U" nr (ten , I. 1, ....... i . i thplr pmnlnvnru u' I... .11 1 . . . . f 1.1.1..- . . ",n ""mi. ncmanus for higher wages and shorter hours and ttu ..111 Jr. "; 'whs ior kick or orders Mil have much lntluen-e about that time. 'rlnpt prm 11 .11.. I .. .. .. vv. 1 . . ... -wunraiue Vi 1 in w. ,u reported lower .iiV . 1 llosl"K ' furnaces nnd Jin nun num.. Henry iiajustcd present supply to the demand, the fart that m, nj largo operations are held back until prices have been readjusted will have Its proper The boot uml shoe branch has been hln TYrfF'l. mre 't'"1 ," ,"her manufacture 1111 t ' (V,e,rhar"' b' difference of prices. "-h, tuiu 10 onio extent in ?h?se"v.r..,hat. th,1hlgl1 prlee9 demanded early - " "m iiui ne nenj. ine leather companies, however, have at times made ij .i, .w .l.'K"' uemanc . and It LruUr.ed ,hat ne .rela" nml wholesale deal ri!ha5 on, hand too largo stocks, taken when the advance was In progress .AXa. ill , ' '""v siowiy n cotton Rds. although a few cjuotatlons are slightly reduced, the uncertain shining In ,52r ,,.TO.E??!? h"vlng so ln- ..w, ,,u tiauuiK 01 export! t t'hina on nerount of the Interior strife there As fected In tho same way. the present cr-dl- ,n,h. U' V0"0 w,ho 'u"k 'o? low. r i,7 Is In the Bocids market. No further chance utipears this week In tho woe 1 markets ,,i though their stns.mtion. w th irre-u l'r sapleMs'tlfl00..?'0"11 U!e mo.t "adored nmpies, sun Indicates a downward lend. ency. Silk and hemp have nlic? gone lower foes" 3"COnt fnU 1,1 rubber helps neVbus ...Vi!,cat hns bl'en advanced nearly 3 cents I g Vrnln U'i.f,heXtenslVO '"A" to Fowl G-sln A'st'Tcr5 bus,le,s' 5Biln.t3.. somewhat smaller than last year bC" jn1' SUh ?f 0 In ninnufacturlng and $a3.!.W In ' tfadlnc 'V;,o&te!l0SS vi:i:ki,v ci.n.vm.vti notsn t.viji.r. .iKMi-eKnte of n7lnj;. Trnn.nolf.1 l,y ""' AHmieluteil HiiiiUm, NBW YORK, June lS.-Tho following table, compiled by Brad.treet. shows the bank clearings at all the principal cities for the week ended Juno II, with the per centage of Increase and decrease as com pared with tbo corresponding week last year: CITIKS. Amount, i Inc. Dec. New York Boston Chicago Philadelphia , St. Louis , Pittsburg Baltlmoro , Han Kranclsco Cincinnati Kansas City Minneapolis Cleveland New Orleans Detroit Louisville OMAHA Indlanannlls . 812.550,031!. 163.3Sl.7li . 131.7KW0 73 919,S2fl. 32,G7U2li 32,O13.fi30 2U.S1S.256 . 'JO.57S.S30 15,511.750! H.716.5S7, 13,210,731 11,770X31 8.1S7.573I ,OS2,7J6 7.121.07S ti.4IS.7l- fi, l'.832 . fi.0S2.tO0'. 5,S7,149 5.5?J.'j;0 5,lfil,0) 5.(V,1,50S 4.S71.0M,. 1.81!.2tHl 4.471! (00 . 4,12.1.381 . 3.775 2111 3,247.552 S.H80.17O, 2,&iJl,4 2,Oi)2J7! '..4S7,751 2 3I2.MO. .'.1M.74, 1,870,131'. 1.8710)1. 1 7.115 l.CW.VliO! 1,47.!12 l.iM.StO1. 23.S 11.1 li.4 33 13.7' -.1 10.9 30.6 . S S' 14 5i Ctj til 21 3 25 7 S 0' 4 2 5 'J i 4 6 9 15 2 Providence ' Milwaukee I St Joseph j Columbus, O Hurra lo Houston Denver nalvestnii , St. Paul 1 Richmond Washington Savannah Hartford Los Angeles Memphis v i Hcatllo , Portland. Ore. ... I Toledo Salt Lake City... Fort Worth Rochester Peoria . . . . New Haven Sprlngtleld, Mass. 13. S 7.fl . 0.4,. 3.l I 91 f9.5i, 17.0 11 1 41 3'.5 21 3 37.2 39.71 35.91 ra.fi1 1.4 111 11 3 2 I 20 1 .0 7 9i II A I UD1S Daily announcements of special bargains that others connot ap proach. Saturday's list will surprise the shrewdest. Great sale on clothing. Agents for Butterick's Patterns. Great Over CHILD'S lllne ijtl.aR Kill Mnip MIim'ith, le S to II. on nl" MISSUS' Hue l.."0 Mil Mrim. turn mile. Ml micro, liluoU nnil Inn. lir IU to U, MIUKS' line Jjtl.r.ll Mil. turn noli-, (Ivford 'lie. lc- !l o 7. on Mile Ml l..ini:s' line i..0O mill n'i.'M Oxford 1'lr innl Mriip Sllpiiprn, nltvn i! l-a to II, I, Millie' llni' lJU.OO nnil HU.f.O lei Kill Mioro, In tit it or liluckn. lrci !! l-a o 7. IIOV' Hue i1.7r. nnil lMtl enlf nnil Inn mint Luce Mioi-k "I"'"1 a lo B I-a In till (Hills' lllif I "' xitl 1 1, onir mill tun Mil l.uee Shoe. le t to HI. on snip SHIN'S Hue la.r.O uml i?:t.Ot utlii I'lilf nnil inn llm t ulf Mines, nlc II lo II, at A Big Silk Sale All Day Saturday From S o'clock n m. until 10 o'clock p. in will these very special prices prevull. 7Jc colored Bengalmes. all at 23- 50c Austrian .n elegant stripes .... 2 e 30c plaids and stripes, in wash silk.... 2-C $100 white crepe du chene at 39: 70c black tafteta at only 49c 00c while or cream satla for only .... 3 c 75c and 50c plain wash silks, all shades. Olc fl.00 black or white Japaneso silk, 3'J Inches wide (59c Closing out Foulard silk icmnants. All best grades. In length from 3 yanU up to 13 yards, worth $1.00, $1.25. $1.39 and $130. any of these remnants on Saturday at 73c yard Glassware Bargains in Basement Rveiy article nt one-fourth regular va'ue. Iow prices, high grade goods. Tumblers, fire polished, each. Wie. Tumblers, blown, regular prlco Sc. sale price, 3c. Fish globes, 1 gallon, regular price, $1.75; salo price, $1.19. Cake stands, footed, plain or choice of various patterns, worth 33c; tomorrow, 19c. Berry bowls, large size crystal, 6VjC. Orange bowls, bell shape, 10-lnch, close Imitation cut glass, worth 33c; tomorrow, 19c. Berry sets, Are polished crystal, 7 pieces, worth 63c; sale price, 35c. Berry dlshe. crystal, small size, 114c. Cut i1n ahnrhnrt cur3. latest atvles and cut, worth $1.00, sale price. 33c. Cut glasa tumblers, latest designs, worm $1.00; tomorrow. 29c. Atlanta Des Moines Nashville Norfolk Grand Rapids Taconia Dayton. O Worcester Sioux City Syracuse Spokane Portland, Me. ... Wilmington. Del. t-'all River Scranton ugista, On Lowell New Hedforcl .... Knoxvllle, Tenn. . Topeka Birmingham Wichita UliiKhamton Lexlncton. K.v. .. 1.112,743 1 115,701 1.279.443 1 .225.0fi 1.215.011 1.20S.432.. 1.195.15 1.12.5&l.. l,0;ti.J36. 1.059,533... 1.0I4.921I t-t2.2o.'l . 9U2,2V . fitV),s7.'. 591.597, 4CKo 593,453,. 64S,2fiS SlS.sSSI 459,410' 34S.10")' . Sj'.rai1 irM.74S 372,ii I57.20O 317.0431 ::m,954. 205.900 . 2:0.25M, no9.f,to 131.0J7L 16S.3H, 135.35-) . S7fi.ot:oi . H-i.!42 5:0.COi1! Sffi.l77 37,7'.'4i 604 9541. 3M.057 . 15 fi Ss 0 It 4 40 3 3 4 71 5 17.2 . I 25.9 . '.'.'.'.'.' 21.7 21. S ":u ls.S 2i.l 1.4! 7.2 1S.1 01.3 . 1:1: 1 "pltii. 10. S. 5.9,. 5.2'. 32 7 . 23.31. "id. 11.9'. I 41. ll. 1.9 Jacksonville, Fill. Kalamazoo Akron Chattanooga RncUforcl. Ill Canton, O Springfield. O. ... 11. S Fargo, u... Sioux Falls, S. Hastings, Neb. Fremont, Neb. Davenport Helena Mncon D. 5.7 "O, 1.3 19.ll. , 15.7 . S.21. Kvansvllle Little Rock Sprlngtleld. Ill Youngstown Saginaw 323,953; Totnls. V. S It,455,3;3,7s7 Totals outside N. Y. til2.Slo,13'i 14.3 3.7 DOMINION OF CANADA, ! Amount, inc. CITIKS. Dec. Montreal .... Toronto Winnipeg .... Halifax Hamilton ... St. John. N. Vancouver .. Victoria 11,255.6501. 10,919,l!i7 2.3S2.43II 1,47l,S0i, 761.102' 712,003! S7S.911 621.5611 4.0 16.0 . 27.3'.. 'i3. ')'.. 2.0.. IS. 4 .. 'y.iC R.. Totals : U 52,C07,ot6 7.0 . riiinrmitceil Cure tor Pile. Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. No cure no pay. All druggists are authorized by tho manufacturers of Pazo Pllo Ointment to refund the money where It falls to cure any case of piles, no matter of how loug standing- Cures ordinary cases In six days, the worst cases In fourteen days. One application gives ease and reit. Re lieves itching Instantly. This is a new dis covery and Is tho only pile remedy told on a positive guarantee, no cure, no pay. Price 50c. If your druggist don't keep It In stock send us 60c In postago stamps anil we will forward same by mail. Manufactured by Paris Medlclno Co., St. l,ouls, Mo. Manufac turers of Laxatlvo Hromo. Quinine and Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. If your skin is wrinkled, -nnkled or blcmuhej with pimples cUc-Mieads. en larged pr.rts. or If your complexion is clouded with moth, tan. freckles or blotches they can be speedily and per manently cleared and renderod smooth, healthy and natural by my special home treatments. Full information, with book, free. Call or address John H. Woodbury, 163 State St.. Chicago. Vooillnir'M racial soup nml Facial Cream nrr inndc upeclnlly for the fnoc nml to clCHiinr hiiiI purify the akin of the hutimu body, Sold everywhere. HAYDEN Read the Big Store's "Ads" To Get Your Money's Worth Sale of Oxfords and Shoes Saturday. 19,000 pairs of fine Oxfords and Shoo Co., P. N. WadleiglufeCo. and Preston B. Keith, for other deal ers and closed out to us for cash at less than cost of making. All on Sale Saturday on big bargain tables in our two shoe departments. Midsummer Millinery Sale (SLAUGHTERING millinery prices. j All this reason's most stylish headgear will bo sacrificed. Exquisitely trimmed bats, worth up to $3.50, reduced to $1.50. Street hats and sailors' In great variety and at prices fully one-third lower than any other house In the city can sell them. ON THE BARGAIN TABLE MAIN AISLE. Saturday only' A large assortment of choice roses and flowers, worth 23c to 30c, on sale at, per bunch. 3c and 10c. Dress shapes, worth up to 73c, one ta'e at 23c. "Ladysmitb," the new street hat, ou sale at 75i Opfica! Sept. IF YOU CAN'T SEE like you used to do. consult our optician. Glasses correctly fitted MUCH BELOW THE USUAL PRICES. Guaranteed gold filled frames, any style, $1 59, complete alumlnold specta cles or eye-glasses, 99c. JUDGE WAKELEY'S BIRTHDAY ! Onuihu llur Asnoeiatloii Cclclirii t ch the Orctmlon ' n Dnnciitet I.nst MkIK. The birthday anniversary of Judge Eleaicr Wakeley, the patriarch of the Onuha bar. was celebrated last night with a banquet at i tho Her Grand, given In honor of Jjdge . Wakoley by the Omaha Bar association. ! Fifty meniben. of the Omaha bar attended j the banquet and gave t.xprcsiton to tho high regard In which Judge- Wake!ey lh bel 1 ; by the lawyers and other cltlzer.s of Omaha. The banquet table was arranged akiis ' three sides of a square and was decorated with American Rcauty roses nnd ferns. A , mandolin orchestra furnished music during the evening. K. M. liirtlett acted as mast-r I of ceremonies In the absence of James H. Mcintosh, president of the association, who is out of the city. Judge Wakeley, E. W. Slmcral, John C. Cow In, T. J. Mahoney and the master of ceremonies occupied seats at the head of tho table. At tho conclusion ef the five-course dlnnsr Mr. Bnrtlett Introduced E. W. Slmoral, who presented Judge Wakeley with a touqu-t of American Beauty roies and made a brl-.'f speech, expressing tho esteem lu which the association holds Its olai-at member. Judge Wakeley thanked the association for tho honor bestowed upon him. He spoke feelingly of his connection with the Omaha bar and expressed regret that hU da8 of active practlco must soon end. The rap d advancement tho profession has mads was noted by Judge Wakeley and he eonfcsied to having been appalled by the great vailety of knowledge required of the modern law- When Drex L Shooman (toes on The Boo viU'iitlon trip us Uio "fonipunlon" someone- olsu will litivo to tell you about tho boys' shoes wo sell uml of how i)ioii(l we it re of them they're so well made wear so lone Clve siit'li good satisfaction that we Just love to recommend them to our ftieutls These are the $1.50 shoes that is, we sell them for $1.o0 nobody else does at least that's what the mothers tell us that coino here asaln ami asalu nnd al ways buy the same shoes. Drexel Shoe Co., Oatntia'a XJp-to-dnte Shoe llonse. 1419 FARNA.U STREET. Say, I'se An Actor "I'uln't everybody knows It but I ls- I play heavy vlllln parts an' huvo bin axed to assist lu de benellt fur my Kood friend. Mr. Rosenthal but I can't ilo It. 'cause I'se too busy now worklu' for Mr. Hnymer What I want to Impress on de public Is dat he sells do best TrlRvator made In ills country its called de Ivonard Cleanable an (ley ain't no other one dat will compare with It an' de reason you oucht to buy one Is that It keeps thlni; cold and pure uses mi little ice an it can be taken apart uml cleaned He also sells lie cream freezes, water coolers- and de Greatest of all summer stoves--do Hlue I-'lame wh-kless sasollne stove nothim: made to com pare with It -I Jiht wl.h you'd see A. C. RAYMER in 14 F.IIIXAH ST. 2406 Street, booth Oiuaum. Shoes, made by Rochester nt " on Mta 1 nl Sl.ail widths In II. nt !I.S7 ".nip nt !-' nt ! Ifl.Ht Sheet Music Leaders In sheet music Hnd books. Satur day wo will place on our counters several lots of music at different prices. LOT I. A miscellaneous lot of music, vocal and Instrumental, violin and piano, mandolin and guitar, guitar solo, cornet nnd piano, piano duets, etc., hundreds of copies to so lect from, only lc per copy. This music Is not catalogued, It being an odd lot. LOT NO. 2. Only 15c per copy, regular price 23c. Lat est hits: "She's n Princess Just the .Same,' "JfFt Dry Away Your Tears," "In Naple's Fair," three of the latest tongs by Horwltz nnd Bowers, composers of the famous songs "Because and Always," "Believe," "You Tell Me our Dream, 1 11 Tell You Mine," "Your Drifting Farther from Me Day by Day," "Smoky Mokes' Bunrh 0' Blackberries," "Im pecunious Davis." three fine, new cakewalks Saturday only 15c per copy; by mall, ICe. Trunk and Qrig? Bargain S2 I vf If you are planning a trip you will need a goort substantial trunk one that w.ll stand tho bumps and show up In good con dition, iou will save money If you buy it here and at the same time get satisfac tory merchandise. Money Invested in our trunks will prove a lasting and satisfactory Investment. i Come In and see our prices. yer Ho urged tho young members of the bar to keep abreast of tho times and as sured them that never In the history of the world were the opportunities so good for tho man who is proficient In the law. The chief address of the evening was by T. J. Mahoney on "The Relatlors of tho United States with Its New Po'stss'oas." Mr. Mahoney's address wh an exhaustive one and showed thoughtful preparation He maintained throughout his address that the treaty-making power grants the Unl'el Status the right to expand, but (bat sirh expansion must carry with It the cons I'll tlon. He urged that the argument that the constitution does not extend to no a- pos sessions, excepting by act of congress, Is a fallacious one. Tho right of congrers to extend or withhold the constitution at wl'l when making treaties was denlfd and such a course was pronounced unworthy of a ro public. Mr. Mahoney's address was well received and when ho finished speaking the associa tion voted him thanks for favoring the as sociation with tuch an ablo address. The membors of the aesoclatUn who at-tendc-1 the banquet are: John W., O. P. Brown, Thomas F. Lee, John D. How , J. J. Boucher. B. C. Page, Louis D, Holmes, Warren Swltzler, Charles E. Clapp, M. D. Hyde, George E. Prltchctt. Howard Ken nedy, Jr.. James E. Kelby, William A. Rcdlck, Martin Langdon, Harry B. O Nclll, William A. Archer, Charles W. Haller, George A. Prlehard. T. W. Bla kbu:n, W. J. Clair, W. A. Foster, T. W. Morrow. William O. Gilbert, C. J. Smyth. E. W. Slmcral. T. J Mahoney. E. M. Bnrtlett, E Wakeley, John C. Cowln. Ralph W. Brock enrldge, Charles S. Elgutter, Charles Og- Special Bargains in Children's Hosiery and Underwear Ladies rtoo lino lisle thread I lose on wile, ut 15c. Children's t5c black Hose, all sizes, 5 to i)4, at 15c. Ladies' 50c Hose, in all the now fancy colors, at 'Joe. Ladies' 75c Gowns at 4i)c. Ladies' $1.00 Gowns, in three styles, at 59c. Ladies' $1.50 Cambric Gowns at 75c. Ladies' 50c Cambric Drawers at 25c. Ladies' $1.00 Cambric Drawers at 50c. Ladies' .'55c Lisle Vests at 15c. Children's Summer Underwear at 10c, 15c and 20c. Ladies' 50c Silk Vests, in pink, bine and white, at 25c. Ladies' $1.00 Silk Vests, in nil tho now shades, at 50c. Children's Parasols at 15c, 25c and 50c. Ladies' Fancy Parasols at OSc and $1.50. 1 lot of ladies' Summer Corsets, worth up to $1, at 49c. $1.00 Shirts at 29c 500 dozen men's Colored Shirts, laundeted and unlaundcred shirts, with or with out collars some with separate cuffs made to wear with white collats every shirt In this lot new and perfect These jhlrts were made to sell at 75c and $1.00 all go on sale at 29c. Men's 25c Half Hose at 15c Five cases men's fine Maco Half Hose, In black blue, brown and red. silk finished that were made to sell at 25c on sale at 15c. Men's $1 Summer Underwear 45c Ten cases men's fluo Ualbrlggan Shirts and Drawers. In plain and fancy colo-s underwear that would sell at $1.00 anywhere ou sale at 45c, Men's 25c Suspenders at 15c. One lot of men's Neckwear that sold up to BOc. on sale at 15c. Men's $1.50 nnd $2.00 Madras nnd Silk Shirts at OSc. Men's $2.00 Silk Shirts and Drawers ut $1.00. Men's 50c Balbrlggan Shirts and Drawers at 25c. -Men's $1.00 fancy Bicycle Hose at 49c. Saturday's Grocery Sale. Large fancy lemons, per doz 1214c ft lbs, fresh breakfast oats for 19c 10 lbs. new Graham Hour 20c 10-lb. sack3 granulated cornmeal 9c Pure corn starch, 3 pkgs. for 10c 3 large sacks fine table salt 10c 3-1 b. cans Mayfiower tomatoes 7&c 2-1 b. cans fancy sugar corn 7bc Tall cans blood red salmon 12c Large bottles Worcestershire sauce. . -Sjc Large bottles sweet pickles, only SVSc Large bottle small, white onions Sic Large bottles Columbia tomato catsup. .12Vic Quart cans baked beans, tomato sauce.. 9c Schepp's shredded cocoanut, lb 20c j Baking chocolate, per package I'Vjc I Fancy sweet chocolate, package 5c 1 2-Ib. cans blackberries, strawberries gooseberries or blueberries, only.... 7Vic Iarge glasses pure fruit jollies SVic Meats Fresh 8 No. 1 sugar cured hams 11c Boneless corned beef Sc No. 1 fancy lean br. bacon llHc Pickled pig pork Sue den, Howard H. Baldrlge, Francis A. Bro-i gan, Arthur C. Wakeley, James B. Shecin, C. C. Wright, J. W. Woodrough, Ellery H.' ... ... . . . . T , , . m 1 C'nl.n I westerneiu, . jieruio.iu, i, j. -iu. Richard S. Horton, Ed P. Smith, E. M. Martin. A Printer Grently Surprised. "I never was so much surprised In my life," says Henry T. Crook, pressman of the Ashevlllc (N. C.) Gazette, "as I was tho results of using Chamberla'n's T'nfn Balm. 1 contracted a severe case of rheu-. matlsm early last winter by getting ray f ot 1 wet. I tried several things for It without benefit. One day while looking over tho Gazette, I noticed that Pain Balm was posi tively guaranteed to cure rheumatism, bo -bought a 25-cent bottle of It. and befo e using two-thirds of It my rheumatism bai taken Its flight and I hnve not had a rheu matlc pain since." Pain Balm also cures sprains, deep-seated nnd muscular pains. Mamie In Gone nltU n Walter. M. Cmiklln, a resident of Florence, 1 anxious to know the whereabouts of h s nrettv 17.venr.old dauchter. Mamie, wll I left her happy home at 4:30 Friday nftcr i noon in company with her lover, contrary 1 to paternal wishes. Miss Conklln hns been I described, for the benellt of police of I tlcers. nr follows: Hlonde of medium size, i wore light blue waist, dark skirt and now tan shoes. Her tiartner In elonemrnt l I Frederlek Thnw. 21 years of agi'. dark complexion. 3 feet 6 Inches tni weighs 135 pounds, with small moustache and a crippled linger on tho right hand. By occupation he Is n waiter. II ) 1 1 of it .111 If. .i.M. i...i A.i, T Wllllll HIlUAILUll-ll f I lUllJ ,.,...,. ... lloedccV-e. a Louisville farmer, Jumped from a northbound Sherman uvenun car at Thir teenth street and Capitol avenue. Whe picked up and tnken to tho police station A Trip Across The Ocean Is uecossnry for f-uiiie of our musical Instruments to pet to our stock room We have just received a lot of tine ac cordions nnd band Instruments from iermany, and, linvliip; bought them direct from the fnetuies we are in posi tion lo sell tlieni very reasonable Amonp; the accordions are the cele brated "I'ltzahler," which are no doubt the llnest ever made, and the prices are light Wo will -T'lve a handsome leather xouvenclr stiliif,' purse with every .Vie purchase of strlnps this week. Uverythlut; lu music. A. HOSPE. Music and Art. 1613 Ooutlas, quality And Quantity Is a combination that you seldom llud i equal pronortlons. You cannot obtain 'liter Ice cream than we make at any ;Ue. You cannot pay less than we ari;e, and net Ice cream that's even ill' so uood as ours N. Tho simplest i t of test will prove these facts to you. Ve wholesale Ice cream making special jw prices for churches, picnics, lawn oclnls, charitable Institutions, etc "hen we put up our Ice cream lu little arrels which makes It so handy to airy home -three ilavors ami cost Is it tide for a pint and -Kc for a quart. Vill you take home a barrel with you? W. S. Balduff. 1520 Fiimum St. Ladies' and Fancy whole Japati rice, per lb 5c Pearl tapioca, per lb So Sliced pineapples, worth 20c can 124 Pure couder.sed milk, per can !'c Economy brand ovnporated cream .... 'm Imported sardines In olive oil, koy opener "'-j" American breakfast cocoa, per can 10' Condensed soups chicken, oxtail, ete. one can mnkes enough for six 'i Lemon, vanilla, strawberry, etc., ex tract, regular 15c bottles, only lo New California prunes, medium, lb.... o New California prunes, small, lb 2'- New Cullfornl.i peaches, yellow, lb.... 1"' New red raspberries, per lb 175i" Now whlto evaporated apples, lb Java and Mocha coffee, high grade, lb Fancy Hlo nnd Santos coffee, lb 12'. Basket filed Japan tea, lb 3'c English Breakfast tea, lb 35c Dressed CliuUons l.c Pound Large cans veal loaf 18c Boast beef, per can 15c No. 1 California bams Sj Bummer sausago lc Sliced corned beef 12', 4: ho was found to bo bruised, tlumsh not erlously, from head to foot. Hoedecko refused to let the police surgeon attend him. He was locked up unci charged with being drunk and disordnrly. Driver Dlsnlileil by n Kirk. Mntt Mott, driver of nn express wagon, was nt Eighteenth nnd Davenport strcei-c Friday evening when his horse bcr-amo fractious und kicked over the dnshli.. rl. landing on the light leg nnd I (!) t'tiB i bad wound. He was ntlendci1 1 Cll 'iv slclan It'ifnh at the police ft ctlou cir- r geney hospital. So Many People Have headaches that e duo to the over tasked oyta Eye helpt that help and relieve are the kind we have been furnishing Our optical department Is In charge of a compe tent and practical optician who will examine your oyes froe of charge We guarantee satisfactory work. 1 THE AI0E & PENfOI.D CO., Leadinv Solcntlfla Opllolnn. 1008 Farnam. OMAHA. OPPOSITE PAXTON HOTEL.