THE OMAHA DATTjY TIKEi FIUDAV, JTJS'B 15, 1000. TARE THREE GAMES STRAIGHT Mountaiofcts Varqiiirnd AriId by the Rmrkc-Ktith Swatters. BOTH TEAMS IN CRIPPLED CONDITION One l.urUy llll .IIIkIH Unto rim iiKt'il (he Itcnull ttl Atiutist ny Mnri nl llii' i (iiinir. Onuilin. Il I'nrlilo, :i. Kliiuv ( lt. !t M. .Iucih. " Urn Mollies. KM Denver, ". lleooUlj ii, ill ('Incliiniill, ll. IMiIIiiiIi'IiiIiIii, lit Nt. I.iiuls, IIohIiiii. 7t I'lltxlmm. Chli'iluii, ill I ll l I ll I) 1) i 1 1 m, II, KniiNHH City, Jilt llelmll, it. .Illlivntlkoc, ,"t lliiirnliii AIIiiiii'IIIiiiIIn, Ii Clevelnml, I. Despito the fact that bnth the Colts nnd Piioblos were In badly crippled condi tion owing lo the nbsonca (ram the tcamt of Romo of their belt plnycrs, the third KHinc of the series was an Interest ing contewt. As ti mutter of course, It win won by the champion, the s-ore bclUK C to 3. Not until the very lost Ilulenlte hail bton put out, however, win the gamo cinched, for there was moro than one occasion when a lucky hit would have Increased the run gcttlng of tho vlsltois, A safe hit by either Itcltz or (irnham In the ninth would have run In nt leant two scores for the Colora doans, for third nml second bases wcro both occupied. Heltz struck out and Grahnin filed out to Tomon, nnd the game was ended. Thero was nothing particularly exciting about the game. The champions mado their runs ono per Inning un'll the seventh, when two runs were added to tho quartet already appropriated. Mntthew McVIckcr and Chlmmy Hoy carried away tho houors In (tick work, Hoy picking out three safeties, ono of them three-bugger. In his four times at bat. Eddie I.awler mado his debut In tho sun Held nnd did splendidly. It was fortunate for MunuKcr Kourko that Omaha had a rattling good ball player resident here who could be called In in the emergency such as existed with Catcher Dili Wilson and Captain O'Connell out of the gumo. This afternoon the final gamo of tho I'ueblo nerles will bo played and tomorrow tho Champions will go to I)e Moines. The game between Des Moines and Omaha scheduled for Sunday at Des Moines has been transferred to Omaha and the Prohlbl tlonlsts and the Colts will consequently ap pear on tho Vinton utrect reservation Sun day afternoon. YcHterdny'u score: OMAHA. AH. It. II. O. A. u. Haer. If It 0 0 10 0 Toman, SB 1 1 2 2 ,! 1 McVIckcr, cf 1 3 a 1 0 0 Itobsamcn, lb 0 0 10 0 0 i.muzoii, e r. i i r. o o Mnekey. 2b 1 0 1 2 1 2 Hoy. :ih...: t 1 :s i r. 2 Itwlcr. rf 2 0 0 2 1 0 Egun, j 4 0 0O20 Totals 31 10 27 12 1 rUKHI-O. AH. n. II. O. A. E. Slollnlo, 2b 4 I I 1 fi 1 Anderson, rr 2 1 0 1 0 1 JUIrymplo, if :i 12 10 0 Kelly. 3b r. 0 13 0 1 Johnson, ef 5 0 1111 Hnook9, lb 5 0 1 11 0 0 Ilcltz, ss fi 0 1 15 1 riruham, u 1 0 0 fi 0 1 Andrews, 1 2 0 0 0 3 0 Totals 35 3 7 21 11 0 Omaha t 0 1 0 1 1 2 0 l'uoblo 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 03 Karned runs: Omaha. 1: Pueblo. 1. Two baso hits: Toman, McVIckcr (2), Dalrymplo 12). Three-baso lilt: Hoy. Sacrlllce hltn: Totnnn, Anderson, Dalrymplo (2). Passed balls: Iuizon, 1; Graham, 1. Wild pitch: Ngan, 1. Baors 011 balls: Off Kgan, 2; off Andrews, 3. nases on hit by pitched bull: JJy Kgan, 4; by Andrews, 3. Struck out: Hy Kgitn. I; by. Andrews., 3. Double plav: rwcllnlo to Kelts to Snookn. Time: 2:30. Umpire: iMnuek. SIOUX CITY WINS A HOT COXTUST. SlriiKKle fit St. Jimrpli One Unit lie. f.einlilc.1 11 finniR l'lnycil In Kiiniest. ST. JOSBPH, Mo.. JunoH.-fSpeclal Tele gram.) Strang's -wild throw to first of H'all mnn'H hit In tho Unit of ninth, which should liavo mado third out. ruvo Sioux City today's game. Tho score stood 2 to 1 In favor of tho Saints until Strang's error, after which tho visitors scored two runs and the came. The Saints wero unable to do anything in their half of tho ninth. The irumo wus a pitchers' battle. St. Joseph was first to score. After one out In tho fourth Kllng renehed second on a hit Into riKlit. coming In on a two-bagger by llrst half of tho sixth on hits by N'lles nnd Olnsscock. Camp's sacrlllce and O'Oea'rf fly to left, but tho Saints took tho lead In the Inst half of the sixth, Schrall leading oft with a slnirle. going to second on McKlb- nfVH?nn.l-nc..anAi,lomo.on mn'a muff of Hrlstow s 1 y. Olasscock was put out or tho gamo in the sixth for kicking. Score: ST. JOSEPH, An- K. If- O. A. E. Straus. Sb 3 0 1 2 1 i !' w -i n 2 1 o Kllmr. o... ( t 1 r. 2 0 nenraii, er 1 ; n () Jiuniuujn, ri j II 1 1 0 0 Davis, lb 1 n 0 s 0 0 HrLstow. 2b 1 0 0 4 2 0 X-?z- 'C I O13O0 Herman. 1 1 0 1 ft 1 i Totals 32 2 27 10 2 SIOUX CITY. A TI T IT r 4 Uallman. If :t' 1 1 V.' 'V Hrashear. ss 4 0 1 4 Ii 0 Hansen, cf nnd lb I 0 0 1; 0 1 Mies, 3b 3 12 0 1O Glasscock, lb 3 0 1 n 0 0 "iilB. cf 1 0 0 2 0 0 Camn. rf ! n 1 1 n V PDen. ;i, , 0 0 -J 0 Lat I 12 110 Parvln, p. 0 0 0 i 0 Totals S3 3 S 27 "3 St. Joseph 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0-2 Sioux City 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2-3 i:arned run: St. Joseph. 1: Sioux Citv, It 1Twoba8,? hlLs: Schrnll, KHrifr. Cite (2) Ual man, Hnishenr. Sacrlllco hits: Mc Klbben 2), Cnijip. Stolen bases: Meli ll ben. .oltz Uallman. Double play: Hal - man In n nuannnk ci...-,. V."" . .. . uu 1 uui. Ill Iler- VJ?r.. nLvl1' " .'" on ball: Off ..r-iiiiHii, t, uii i-nrvin. ;i. l'asaeil ball' Cote. Tlmo: 1:50. Umpire: Ebrlght oi,.nn iio-niKits iiattihis. Den loli.e V,itn tile XeliriiNkii Hoy ,, the Slnli nml lie AVIiin. DES MOIN'ES. Juno 11 -(Special Tele, sram.) The locals won from Denver today becauso they wero able to hit tho ball at opportuno times, and becauso Denver was unable to solve Glade, the new local twlrler Ho was very wild ,u first, and Denver's scores n the first InuliiR were mado without a hit. and In 'he . H Wth only ono hit, but after that he setled iow 1 nnd was a mystery to the Grizzlies. Doth teams played rntlier u loose Holding came In tho ninth, with the bases full and "no nut. Des Moines worked a beautiful double nlny on tho visitors ami ended what looked llko n chanco to pile up a number of runs Attendunce. 1.100. Score: r ' DES aiOI.VES. AH. 1 . H O. A. E. O. 3 1 5 1 1 12 1 3 0 Thlcl. If Nngle, cf lllues, 3b Hraln, 3b Warner, rf.,.. Parker, lb...,. Hall, ss I.oiuau, e .Glade, p Totals " A :1 0 ..I 3 .. 4 3 ft 0 0 ft 31 10 10 27 16 4 DENVEH. AH. K. H. O A. E. Miller. If -1 2 110 1 Illokey. 2b 5 113 10 Preston, of 5 1 0 1 1 ft Holland, rf 2 0 0 0 I o Nichols, if 3 0 2 0 0 1 MeCauslund, lb I 0 I s 0 0 Hellly. 3b 2 0 0 2 1 Loweo. bs i t n 0 3 J 1 Sulllvun. c " 1 ? n Holland, c :i ; 1 J Bparger, l 2 J) J) J) J J Totnls SH " 5 ll 21 11 I Ties Moines 5 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 10 Denver s 200000 ; h Two-baso hits: Warner, lllckey. Miller, McCausland. Double llys: Hliiej to Parker. Hases on balls; Hy Olaih . 1. b Sparger. 2. Hit by pitched ball: Hy Oliidj. 3- by Spurgci', 1. Struck out: Hy Glade, 3; ly Spurger, 2. I'rtsetl linlls; Lnnmn O. Time. 2 10. 1'tnplre: Trallley. Hnndliig f Hit- Ton nix. Played. Won. UtitU V C. JJ 2? 11 .VC 31 IT 16 .! !K M 17 .11 Omaha I'ueblo Denver Des Mniiifti r. ir, .an St. Joeph 7m l;l I a . lVi Sioux City at l;l 0) .301 .mi:s oi' 1111: vvtio.nai, i.nvtiii:. .Ilnvtell of llroiikl.Mi Dei elopi-fl lirenl A li I 111 10 ( onlrol 11 Wet Hull. IIHOOICIA'N, June H.-Howell pitched his first winning- game of thp season, scor ing a shutout, it was a sIx-lnnliiK contest, rain fulling heavily while llrooklyn was at the bat Howell hsd fine control of the wet hall and received faultless support. Two of Hie Itrooklyu runs were clftfl, tho lesult of Kehoe's poor throwing. Attend ance, l.ocv. Score: CINCINNATI. , llltOOlCl.V.V. It. I I.O. A t:. I It II O A 1:. llarrrtt, rf.. 0 0 5 0 i) tShM-knnl. rf 1 13 0 0 I'orcorBii. m0 I I 1 0 Kepler, if... 110 0 Ilrkley. Hi. 0 0 1 t ft Jnn'Ri'. lb. 0 i 0 0 11 Mrllrlde. rf. 0 0 2 0 0 Kelly, If.... 0 2 0 0 I'rnttfonl, If i) 1 2 0 0 Dtililm, m.. 0 0 4 1 0 lrivln, .tl).... 0 0 11 0 rmw, 3b.... 0 0 3 3 0 Htelnl'ilt. 2li 0 1 .10 0 IMIy. b I 0 1 0 0 Kehne, c 0 0 2 0 1 Mcdtllre, r.. 0 1 0 0 0 New ton, p... 0 0 0 0 0 Unwell, P...0 0 0 1 0 Tends ..0 JM7 3 l Totals 3 3 13 0 0 Two out when game was called. Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 00 Hrooklyu 0 0 0 1 2 '3 Earned runs: llrooklyn, 1. Three-b.ise hit: Crawford. Two-base hits: Sheckard, Crawford. Left on bases: Cincinnati, 4; llrooklyn. ft Struck out: Hy Newton, 1. Stolen bases: Keeler (2), Daly (21. Rises on balls: Off Newton, 1. Hit by ldtclied ball: Hy Howell, 1; bv Newton, 1. Passed ball: Kehoc. Time: 1:11. Umpire: O'Day. Km I m ('lists St. I.iiuIm lleuvlly. PHILADELPHIA, June II. Tn the sev enth Inning today between Philadelphia and St. Louis tho locals made poven tilts, threo triples, a double and three singles. It was raining briskly and Weyhlng was unable to control the ball. Until that tlmo he pitched a fair gamo nnd had It not been for terrific slugging in that inning tho visitors would have had a chanco to win. Attmdanic, 3,303. Score: HT. IXH'IH. l'llIUVDlJI.t'HIA. It.ll.OAK l It. II. O A a. Iltirkm. If. 0 2 3 n OThoumf. cf.. 3 2 10 0 Hrlilrirk, rf 2 2 3 0 Oetliigle. If.... 2 13 0 0 Kflmcr, .. 1 1 3 3 3 DelHi'ly. 11). 1 .1 8 1 1 Donlln, if... 0 1 1 0 0 nick, rf 2 2 0 0 0 Mrllann, 111. 0 0 0 0 0 .Mcl'arl'il, c. 1 3 .'. 0 0 Dlllard, 3I.. 0 2 1 I 1 Chile, 2h... 0 13 11 yulnn, 2b... 0 0 2 1 0 Holm, 3b... 0 10 10 I'rlRfr. r.... t 2 2 1 0 Cios, .... 1 1 4 6 0 WcyhltiK, p. I 1 0 1 1 lKTnliard, p 1 1 1 2 0 Itoblnvm ..0000 O HiKhry. p.. 0 0 0 0 0 Totals ..II 1" 2" 13 2 Donovan .0 0 0 0 0 Totals .. I II 21 10 3 Hatted for Weyhlng in the ninth. Hatted for Heldrtck In tho ninth. St. Louis 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0-5 Philadelphia 41010000 o-u Earned runs: St. Louis. 2: Philadelphia, 7. Two-base hits: Donlln, McKnrland (2), Single. Tnreo-lmso nits: neiuricK, ueie hanty. Chiles, Flick. Sacrlllce lilts: Dele hanty. Slagle. Stolen bascH: Kelster, KUck (2), Hcldrlck. Doublo plays: Hernhnrd to Cross to Delchanty; Cross to Delehanty (2). Klrst base on balls: Oft Weyhlng, 5; olt Hernhard, 2. Struck out: Hy Weyhlng. 1; by Hernhard, 2. Tlmo: 2:00. Umplru; Hurst. Huston Wins the Series. HOSTON, June 11. Hoston made it three straight from Pittsburg today, winning handily. Iewls wa very effective for seven Innltiss, but In tho last two Pitts burs, uldrd by two errors, batted in threo runs. Waddell was batted hard In tho first, second and seventh. Attendunce, 1,100. Score: BOSTON. I l'lTTSIirnG. n.ii.o.A.n. ii.n.o.A.n. Hamilton, cf 3 3 2 0 OJCooley, lb... 0 0 8 0 0 Collins. 3b... 2 3 0 3 0 IUtchcy, 2I. 0 0 110 Tcnney, lb.. 0 1 11 1 0 4 Hcaum't, cf. 0 0 0 Wagner, rf. 0 0 0 Wlll'ms. 3b. 1 1 1 O'llrlen, If.. 13 2 i:iy, ss 1 1 1 Zlmmer, c. 0 1 0 Stohl, If 0 1 3 Ismz, rs 0 0 2 Freeman, rf 0 0 2 Ixiwe, 2b.... 0 0 4 Clark, c 1 1 4 Lew In, p 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 Wadildl, p.. 0 0 0 Totals .. 7 10 27 13 2 Totals .. 3 6 21 !) 1 Hoston 2 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 7 Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 13 Earned runs: Hoston, (I: Pittsburg, 2. Two-base hits: Clarke, Williams. Three huso hits: Collins, Tcnney. Double play: IjOwa to Tcnney. First buso on balls: Oft Waddell. 1. Struck but: Hy LowU. 3; by Waddell (!. Time: 1:30. Umpire: Emslle. NEW YORK. Juno ll.-Chlcago-Ncw York gamo postponed;, wet grounds. .StnnillnK of the Tennis. 'on. Lost. r.C, ii 3R .ffil 20 Hi .C19 21 20 .512 23 24 ,189 20 23 .4S3 20 21 .13.-1 17 23 .425 17 25 .405 Philadelphia 43 Brooklyn 42 Hostou 41 Pittsburg 47 St. Loula 13 Chicago 44 New York 40 Cincinnati 42 GAII-ES OK TUB A.-i:iUCAX LliXVIiUH. Clilenun Cilvc the Lenders a llnril ruse of iWIiltemiHh. CHICAGO, Juno II. Tho visitors had threo men on bases In tho first inning, but could not score. This was the only chance they had tu tho whole gamo. Katoll did oxcellent work in tho box and received ex cellent support, tho work of Shugnrt, Padden and Hoy deserving special mention. Damman pitched a good game, but his support was bad ut times. Attendance, 2,500. Score: cmcAoo. i u.ii.o.a.i:.! Hoy, cf 1 0 2 0 0 INDIANAPOLIS. n.H.O.A.K. Hogr'ver, If. 0 1 3 0 0 Heydon, rf.. 0 110 0 Mairoon, 2b. 0 0 3 1 0 KeyboM, cf.. 0 0 10 0 Madison, us. 0 0 1 3 ,0 Kelly, lb.... 0 0 10 0 0 IViwern, e... 0 14 10 llroille. If.;. 0 0 10 0 Mcl'arl'il, rf 1 1 1 0 0 Hart man. 3b 0 2 0 0 0 radtlen, 2b.. 0 0 2 1 0 Isbell, lb.... 0 1110 Sluurart, ss. 1 1 3 6 c SiiKden, c... 0 0 4 3 0 Hlckey, 3b.. 0 111 Katoll, p.... 0 0 0 2 O.Damman, p. 0 0 0 3 0 Totals ..3 6 27 9 0 Totals ..0 4 21 0 3 Chicago 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 Indlanupolls 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Left on bases: Chicago, 3; Indianapolis, i. Two-baso hits: McFnrland, Shugnrt. Sacrifice hits: Hrodle, Magoon. Doublo plays: Mndlsou to Kelly; Shugart to Isbell Struck out: Hy Katoll, 3; by Damman, 2. Passid balls: Powers. Sugden. Hases on balls: Off Katoll, 1; oft Damman, 2. Time; 1:50. Umpire: Cantillion. AViiKiier'M Krrnr Saves Detroit. KANSAS CITY, Juno ll.-Kansas City won today's gamo from Detroit by superior work at tho bat, nnd owing to poor Hold lug by tho visitors. Leo had perfect con trol of tho ball and but for Wagner's error In tho eighth, would havo had a shutout to his credit. Attendunce, 2,000. Scoro: KANSAS CITY. i DHTIIOIT H.H.O.A.K Il.lLO.A r. Hemfililll, rf 1 2 2 0 0 Casey, 3b.... 0 14 2 0 wanner, ss. i sail nancy, if., o o 2 0 0 O'llrlen, If.. 2 2 2 0 0 Klberfil. cs 1 1 2 : 0 Dunttm, lb. 1 3 10 1 0 Ityan, 2b.. 1 2 2 11 Farrell. cf.. 1 2 3 0 0 Holmes. If.. 0 12 0 0 I'liiigniin, sb o ii a o : union, in.... o o r o l Scbaefer, 2b 2 2 3 3 0 mailings, rf 1 0 1 1 0 (landing, c 3 3 11 0 Shaw, c 0 2 3 0 J?e, p 0 1 1 3 0 Miner, p.... 0 1 0 2 1 Totals ..10 17 2712 ll Totals ..3 S 27 14 3 Knnsns City 3 0 0 2 0 0 G 0 0 10 Detroit 0 0 0 ft 0 0 0 3 03 Earned runs: Kansas City, 6. Two-baso hits: Hemphill, Wagner, Shaw; Dungiin (2). Three-base hit: Shaw. Sacrlllco hit: Gond lug. Struck out: Hy Miller. 3; by Lee, 1. Stolen bases: Hemphill. Wagner, Schaefer, Gnndlng. Left 011 bases: Kansas Citv, 8: Detroit, 8. Double plays: Miller to Shaw to Dlilon: lty.111 (unassisted). Husen on balls: Off Miller. 1; off Lee. 2. Hulk: Miller Hit by pitcher: lly Miller, 1. I'm plre: .McDonald. Time: 2:iG. Dim La lly 11 Feature. MINNEAPOLIS. Juno ll.-Mlur.eapolls took the first gamo of the series with Cleveland today. The playing 011 both sides was fast. Lally. left Holder tor Mlnne apolls, saved the gamo for the locals and made threo sensational catches, Kern and Halley both pitched steady games, b it Kern was found at tho most opportuno times, while Hulloy kept the hits scattered. j It was ono of the prettiest games of tile seat-on. Alteniiance, i,uw. scoro: MINNEAPOLIS. 1 CLEVl'LANl). it 11. 0 a 1" u.ii.o. a.i:'lely. . f. 0 0 1 0 0 I'lekei'B. rf. 1 3 3 0 0 Wllniot. rf.. 1 1 7 0 0 (lenlni. If. . 0 0 1 0 0 Ijlly. If n 2 3 0 0 Sullivan. 3b. 0 0 3 1 (Irlm, 11 1 0 7 0 0 Flood, 2b.... 0 0 12 Jacklllx, c. 1 1 H 0 0 Uii'h'ce, lb. 0 1 n 2 0 Nance, 3b... 0 0 3 0 0 McAleer, cf. 0 0 3 1 0 Smith, as. 5 1 0 Illerb'r. ss. .011 10 1 Abhat'io. Ih. 0 0 0 4 I CrUhani, c. 0 0 5 10 1 Halley, p.... t 1 0 3 0 Kerb, p 0 0 0 2 0 I Totals .. I 7 27 I 1 Totals ..1 S 21 13 1 I Minneapolis 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 - I'levoland 0010000001 I Earned runs: Minncapolln, 1, Two-baso 1111: iiieroaiier. 1 nree-naso 1111: wumot. liases on balls: Off Halley, 2: off Gern. t. 1 Struck nut: 11 v Hallev. 5: bv Kern. 5. Sac. rlllce hit: Nance. Stolen bases: Pickering ' ut. i'iooii uounie piay; eioou to i.iu.'iiance, 1 Wild pitch; Kern. Left on bases: Mln I neupolls, 4; Cleveland, 6, Time; 1:15. Uni ! plre; Sheridan. I llrevrr Ilruco I'll. I MILWAUKEE, Juno 14,-Hiiffuln manaired to get a (cw runs 111 tho last two innings on errors, and thereby saved themselves from a shutout. Sparks pitched hm ele- I irnnt itnme and had the visitors at Ills , mercy. Anderson's lidding was a feature. Attendance. 1.S0O. Score: MILWAPKHK. , UUKKAt). ll.H.O.A.K. ll.H.OAi:. Wulrtron. rf. 5 2 1 0 8,(1cttmnn. if. 12 2 0 0 Cssoj, cf.... 0 0 0 0 0 itliniron, rf. 0 0 1 0 0 lx.wd, If. ..01 10 0'1IIIImii, K. 0 0 0 u 1 Anriora'n. 11, 1 150 II OHhrtili'st, C. 1 0 4 2 0 rultr.. lb. 1 0 I 4 2'Hry, hi.,., v v J v " 1 3 0 O Usllmnn, 1 1 & 0 2 0 I jlCrnoks, 2I... 0 0 2 1 ' n 1 l'.Miilrs. 3b 0 1 0 3 3 Smith, o... llurk. 3b. Conrny, rr Spark, p.. 0 , 0 , 0 ,110 0. HfKikcr, p... 0 3 I o 1 ! Atherton ..000 0 0 Totals S XT IS SI . Total .. 3 5 51 12 3 Hatted for Hooker In the ninth. Milwaukee 00121010 5 HulTulo 0 ) 0 0 0 0 0 1 2-.1 Earned run: Milwaukee, 1. Two-base hits: Sparks. Wi!dron (21, Andrews (I). Three-base lilt: Uallman. Stolen base: Dowd. liases on balls: On Hooker, 2. W ild pitch: Hooker. 1. Struck out: Hy Sparks, 2; by Hooker, :' Double plays: Crooks to Uallman to Carev. Hooker to Uallman to Carey. Left oti lascs: Milwaukee, t.; Hut falo, C. lime: 1:33. Umpire: Dwyer. Miindlnu; f the Clubs. Played. Won. Isnt. P C, Indianapolis Chicago Milwaukee .. Cleveland ... Minneapolis Kansas City HufTalo Detroit .41 2S i:i IW3 ...17 ...IH ...14 ...4S ...49 ...IS ...II 2il 20 21 2! 2. 23 21 .571 ,d .3 !r.2i .159 ,3nii .295 21 Ifi 13 1'nls Defeat Lean. HUMHOLDT. Neb.. June ll.-CSpeclal.)-Tho "fats" mid "leans" had an Interesting gamo oil tho home diamond Tuesday uftcr noon and the former club sustained their previous good record and defeated their Iionv brethren by a scoro of 19 to IS. Hat terles: Fats, Fretz and Hrynnt; Leans, Hill nnd Linn. Umpire: John Fellers. (lien v nml Defeats l'lnt Isiiiniilli. PLATTSMOUTII. Neb., June 1l.-(Speclal Telegram. I-TI10 I'lattsmouth High School club played the alenwood team this nitcr 110011 on the tatter's diamond. Score: Plaits mouth, 17, Gienwood, 18. SLOAN MAKES A GREAT RIDE Pulls (III n Itleli Make nt Ascot with n Hunk Outsider for Mrs. I.miKtry. (Copyright, 1900. by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, Juno ll.-(Now York World Cablegram-Special Telegram.') Jockey Tod Sloan Is onco moro the hero of tho English racing world. Old scores aro wiped out and tho English public has taken him onco moro to its he.lrt. lie won three races to- day and was third onco. Two other Ameri can jockeys wero llrst nnd 0110 was second. Sloan's great feat was the victory for the Gold Cup. This Is a J20,0uo stake, run for at Ascot. With Merman, a rank out sider, at 100 to 7 In tho betting, Sloan won. Merman is an aged horse lit the stable of Mrs. Langtry. Tho victory of tho prince of Wales' Diamond Jublleo In the Derby did not cause any moro enthusiasm than did Sloan's coup today. Tho crowd went wild and tho llttlo Jockey, who has been in partial disgrace since his attack on a wnlter 11 year ago, was pelted with llowers. Ho was cheered again and again, until even his strong arms grew tired with con stant lifting of his cap. lne staku Is one or tlie rlcliest or 1110 English turf and ono of tho most prized. It was considered a gift for the French horse, Perth II, who started nt 1 to 4. So llttlo was thought of Merman's chances that It was decided not to run tho horse. Tho other Jockeys had all weighed out when Mr. Hoblnson, Mrs. Langtry's mana ger, changed his mind nnd asked Sloan to ride. They wero sent away promptly, with Prlnco Soltyoff's Nlnus in the lead. Nlnus led until six furlongs from home, when Sclntlllant und Perth II took up tho run ning. Sloan, on Merman, moved up wuu them, lavlnir In a good position about n length behind and running easily. As they turned Into tno strotcli l'ertli 11 weni to tho front, nnd already the crowd took up thn erv. "The favorite wins. Perth wins," when Sloan sent Merman forward with a rush. He reached tho fast tiring favorite, and for a moment they struggled side by side, then Merman's noso showed in front and then Ills neau, nnu me race was over. Perth fell back and Sclntlllant got tho place, with Tho Grafter third. Only u Derby winner usually receives tho applauso that was showered upon Sloan. Mrs. Langtry, through Mr. Hoblnson, made tho llttlo American quue a nauusome piua cnt after tho race. Sho congratulated him on his flno riding. Twice more Sloan rodo llrst past tho post. Ho won tho New stakes with Llmasa, while Orchid, with Illgby In tho saddle, was second. Ho also won tho thirty-seventh New Hlentiiul stakes on Courlan. L. Itelff, on Sabbate. wa3 In tho thirty-eighth New Hlennlnl stakes J. Itelff won on Itlgo. L. Ilelff was third on Sonatura, MORE BOOSTING AT LAT0NIA IUe AVnlleiiNtcln TnUcs, The Oeyser, Winner of OpenliiK Hnee, from Ills Owner. CINCINNATI. Juno 14. The track nt La- tonla waa muddy today, but tho horses ran to form and tho bookies .suffered heavily. Five out of tho six winners wero favorites. it,- t' ii,,uii,i 1,1,1 un The flev?er. winner of tho opening race, from $300 to JIOO and took tho horse from U J. Ilurms. leather cloudy. Results: l.-iiuf nwe. six furlongs, selling: Tho Geyser, 101 (Hnrshborger). 8 to 5, won; Lady Kent, y.i','j luiinww, o i ,, ;-" , , tiuim iiv. ntniivi. 111 to 5. third. Time: 1:20. Julia Hose, Marlon Sanson, Ed Hcntoti und. Two l'enco also ran. Second race, llvo rurlongs: uueen iriiay, 11". (Unrshheri-erl. 5 to 1. won: Itnillo Lee, 112 Ml'. Wilson). 13 to 5, second; Menace, 112 Mirltton). 10 to 1. third. Time: 1:03. Honnlo Ll.ssak and Jlay Cherry also ran. Third race, ono mllo and a sixteenth, sell Ing: Georgo H. Cox, 103 (Van Camp). 11 to 1. won; Polly Hlxby, SI (C. Murphy). C to 1, second; Sprague, W (Pnrrettn). o to 1, third. rime: i:siti, Aiieregaie, .mhiiuu yucu, Richardson, Opera Girl, Dr. S. C. Ayres, Lexollno and Etta Stevens also ran. Fourth race, six furlongs- Acushla, 106 (May). 3 to 1, won; Iris, 102 (Wilson), 1 to 2, second; Silver Coin, 101 (Hnrshberger). 3 to 1. third. Time: 1:19. Hen Frost, MncLaron, Margaret Hagcman and Osman also rnn. Fifth race, live furlongs: Syncopated Sandy. 105 (Van Camp), 6 to 1, won; Long tto, ion Mirltton). S to 1, second: Nitrate, ltJ (Hnrshborger), 3 to 1, third. Time: 1:OC'0. Pacquelln, Secundus, Glenow nnd Kohlhclm also rnn. Sixth race, one mllo and a sixteenth, sell ing: Helmet, 00 (II. Wilson), 3 to 6, won; Elkln, 108 Mlarshberger), 15 to 1, second; Encomia. 107 (Hopkins), 5 to 1, third. Tlmo: Itffi, Fannio Tuylor und Clay Pointer also ran. (illirnltnr "Wins Mull-oil Stakes, ST. LOUIS. June ll.-Glbraltar won tho Nlmrod selling stake, the feature of today's card ut tho fair grounds. Tho result wits a surprise. Trladltza was thought to have tho stake at her mercy and was an odds-on favorite In the liettlng. To n good start Trladltza, Gibraltar and Harry Duko ruaned to tno front Immediately, whllo 1 uniifu 111 uiu iruni. iiuincuiaic ly, wniio Verify trailed along four lengths in the rear. Thoy rnced in this mnnucr to the iVr hr:I"f'V,n5nI!',,a,.8l?."a,' .? : distress. Trladltza had enough a furlong further on and then Gibraltar came away and romped In an easy winner. Results: First rare, purse, six furlongs: Macon, 109 (R. Smith). 7 to 5, won easily by half 11 length, Hottentot. 112 (J. T. Woods), 7 to I and 4 to 5. second; I.inzn, 107 (Gilmore). ti to 1. third. Time: 1:18. Klldurllc, J. II. Unrnes and Honealoro ulso ran. Second race, selling, ono and three-six trcnths miles: Terra Incognita, 101 (R. Smith), 8 to 1, won by a neck In a drive; Iluflled, S7 (J. T. Woods), Jll to 10 and 2 to 5, fcecnud; Hungry Hill, 10S (Hennessey), 15 to 1. third. Tlmo: 1:08H. Bequeath, Fox Itnrd, Woodcut, Arllno C and Waban also ran. Third race, selling, six furlongs: Maid stone. 90 (J. T. Woods), 9 to 1, won by two longths; Ixikn. 90 (Cogswell). 60 to I and 30 to 1, second: Crosamollna, 103 (Kelly), 3 to 1, third. Tlmo: 1:l6?i, 1eo King, Soey Hnker. Harrica, Ilaltona, Silent Friend and Sumlvel also ran. Fourth rare, Nlmrod stake, six furlonss: Gibraltar, 102 (Howell), 3 to 1, won. gallop ing, by three lengths; Trladltza, 101 (Donil nlck). 2 to 1 and 4 to 5, second; Verify. 116 (Gilmore), 4 to 1, third. Tlmo: 1:14',. H'arry Duko also ran, Fifth race, purse, ono mllo nnd seventy yards: Sklllmnn. 105 (J. Mathews), 3 to 1, won by threo length: Pinochle. 102 (J. T. Woods), IS lo r and 1 to 5, second; Ixird Noxlee, 103 (Talley), 11 to 5, third. Time: :"iVi. King's Hlghwav, Joo GammaBe, Rose Apple and Maud Wallace also ran. Sixth race, selling, llvo furlongs: Small Jack. 107 (MoGlitn). 7 to 10, won by half a length; Bexford. 110 (Moore). 12 to 1 and 4 to 1, second; Harry Pulllan. 106 (J. Mathews), 11 to 5, third, Time: 1:0314, Hurry, Golden Harvest. Old Phil and Bag Shot also ran. Outsider Wnn Derby. NEW YORK, June 11. This was get-nwny day ut Gravesend and tho Brooklyn Derby was tho featuro. There were seven fiirded ir?tVho.lW of VhoWft "in David Our- rlCK was the favorite, rrince oi .vieiliouino was well backed and I'etrucnio Had a fair 'First rac"csiwe and one-half furlongs - Qold d'Or, 115 (Turul), 3 to 1 and even, won by two lengths (inl' l.'i (fpii irii, 2 to I and 1 t .. nl h t iirei-qn ir I rs of a length, Pin her, If) M'l.'iwsun). l.'i to 1. third. Time. I 0; .g. Queen lxnllH', Moll t.inti' arid Peiueful also ran. Second race, selling, edx furlongs: The Mason, W (Shaw), lo to 1 and I to 1, won by half 11 length, Cyrano, hm iMaher), 1.1 to 5 and even, second by threc-iiuurters of it length; Sir Fltzhugh, lot (Mitchell), to 1, third. Time: 1:K 1-5. Nanseli, Ceylon, Jack Telling, Ten (Vndles, Sir Guy and Gruyloss also ran. Third race, celling, tlve furlongs: Moore. 100 (McCue), fi in 2 and even, won by halt a length; Smirk, to (Henry). 30 to 1 und 10 to 1, second by half a length; Ford, 99 (Mitchell). B to I, third. Time: 1:03. Water plant. Infallible, Handyman, Wall.lbout, Alnnl, Wine and Song, Annie and Auda cious also ran. Fourth race, Hrooklyu Derby, one mile and a half: Pretnuhlo. 1(9 (Spencer, 9 to 2, won bv four lengths: Kllmni nock, 12 (Tur ner), o to 1 and 2 to I, second by three Itngths; David (larrlck, 111 (Maher). 9 to 6 and 7 to 10, third. Time: 2:31. Prlnco of Melbourne and Mlsolonary also ran. Mftli rae. the Greater New York steeple ehaso hai'dleiui, about two tulles and a half: Tho Haehelor. lfio (llogali), 7 to 5, won, with Filcm d or. 111 (Mnnuhuii), 10 to 1 ami I to I, second; Trillion, 137 iHrustll), 10 to 1. third. Time: 1:43. Mars Chan, Dreamer, Old Tank, The Purser and C'linra grace also run. Sixth race, selling, five furlongs: King Pepper, HI (Turner), fi to I, won bv a nose; Criterion. 102 (O'Connor), I to 1, second by two lengths; Outlander. 119 (Spencer), 4 to 1. third. Time: 1:02. Luke Ward. Tabaka, Mnke. Gienwood. lly Lo, Far Itockuwny and Spinel also ran. Itesults nt llnrlein Trneli, CHICAGO. June 11. Weather clear and track slow at ilarlcm today. Results: Mrst race, aim mllo and twunty yards: Hatten, SI (J. Walsh), won; Alpaca. S2 (Seaton), 4 fo 5, second; Donna Hltu, 105 (T. Knight), third. Time: l:is. Josephlno II, Hosavanna, lii Prlncessa and Kitty G also 1 an. Second race, four furlongr: Mallga, 115 (Caywood), 11 to 5. won: Fred llesslg. IIS ( r. Huriuo, S to 5, second: St. Illuff, 101 (llolnnd), third. Time: 0:51s',. ll'ampshlre, Pontiff, Pearlies, Money .Muss, Jack G, lidy Hulls, Kid Hampton und Prowler also ran, , Third race, one mile: Harrack, 109 (no land). 9 to 5, won; Lomond, 112 (linos), 7 to G. second; Harney F (Jones), third, 'lime: LIS,. Clara. Wooley. Lake .Milts, Thomas F. Carey ulso ran. Fourth race, six furlongs, the Illinois stakes: Fly by Night. 113 (Hulz), 3 to 2, won; Ileadwnter, 105 (Unland), second; O'Connell, 101 (Flick), third. Time: l:10v. (oebel, Dr. Walnisley and Ilcrmosa also ran. Fifth race, live furlongs, selling: The Cuban Girl, i09 (Narvaez), 5 to 1, won: Tho Huteher, 103 (T. Hums), fi to 5, second; Kohnweath. 101 (Flick), third. Time: l:03Va. Florantho, Dlna Hell, Woodstlek, Orlcus, Anxious. Exmoor, Zack Phelps and Leo Newell also ran. Sixth race, selling: Insurrection, 97 (Hiichanaii), 10 to 1, won; Frangible, 103 Midland), second: Prince Plenty, 104 (Ross), third. Time: ;tcr. Orlandlne. Satin, Mel locolc, Owensboro and Louisville Wax also ran. ItesuKn of Hoeing nt Denver. DENVER, Juno 11. Results nt Overland park: First race, pacing: Dr. Dunleavy won till,,, I n.,il fMtfl. I.....!., M n,l ....... tt'ui 111 iil-uii. iiiiii t,ii;i'. I 1 llll . 2:2nU, 2:2S. Ruby S took llrst heat. Time: 2:'!MJ. Evallna took second heat. Time: 2:2i'. Gebhart, Suspicion nnd Elderberry also started. Second race, trotting: llaymond M won In two stralsht heats. Time: 2:1 DJ. 2:1S. Ill I N've. 'I'rlllii.. 1 lf,.l,rlo ,,,,,1 ,,UU Clay also startei'l. Third race, four and a half furlongs: Mid loyo won, La Fontcra second, Warm Haby third. Tlmo: 0:67. Fourth race: seven furlongs: Gnmlet wnn. Alnrl.a mtpntiil lliifrntrtMfr ,1,1,1 rpi.n. Fifth race, seven furlongs: Gold Hug won, Torsion second, l-nnhnnss llilr.l 'l'lm- l:3GV. V1 Sixth race, five furlongs: Melody won. Flylotta second, Bon Reach third. Time: 1:03'. Slinwnlter lie fen ts Tc lilcorln. PARIS, June 11. In the chess tournament today Risen lost to Schiecter, Didler beat Sterling, Marshall disposed of Marco, Mioses disposed of Rrody. Janowskl lost to Ma roczy, Showaller defeated Tschlgorln, the sarr.o between Ijisker and Plllsbnrv was adjourned in favor of the former und Hum and Mni-'ou adjourned their game In an even position. Weather Hinders (,'nlf. NEW YORK. June H. The elements In terfered with the continuation of tho seml llnul round In the women's metropolitan golf champlomdilpi tournament nt tho Mor ris county links todny. Miss Heatrlx Hovt was defeated UyriMIss Hecker 101 to 107. Miss Ruth Underbill. .bea.t 'Miss Hurlbut one Wins CliniiiiloiiHlil). INTERSTATE PARK. U I., Juno ll.-R. O. Ilelkes of Dayton, O., won tho Grand Amorlo.ui targK handicap!, with a top scoro of 91 out of a possible 100. fsoi SOUTU OMAHA NEWS. At last night's meeting of tho city coun cil Mayor Kolly spoke his llttlo plcco about tho granting of liquor licenses. Tho matter camo up when Chairman Miller of tho llccnso committee read a report recommending that licenses bo granted to about eighty appli cants. When Mr, Miller had completed tho reading of his lengthy report Mayor Kelly declared tho report out of order. His honor then took occasion to mako a fow remarks on tho subject of issuing licenses. This la what tho mayor cald: I declaro this report of tho license com mittee out of order by reason of Its con flicting with tin ordlnanco now In force, which prohibits tho grunting of liquor li censes to firms, corporations or associa tions or tho Issuing of moro than ono 11 censo to any individual. if it Is Intended to grant licenses legally steps should llrst bo taken to repeal tho or dlnanco referred to. Numerous complaints are being mado to mo dally about saloons being allowed to run without licenses. Al though tho applicants havo advertised In good fnlth and 'paid Into tho city treasury Iho sum of $700 each, thero Is 110 protection to tho city on tho bonds given by these applicants- for tho reason that as long as thero is no llccnso thero Is no bond, the latter being a portion of tho license. This, in my opinion, Is a very Important mutter and t bellovo tho complaints aro well founded. In tills connection I wish to Htate that unless this llccnso question is unraveled at tho next meeting of the council I shall deem It my duty to close every saloon In iho city pending tho grunting of licenses. Tho ofllclals of the city havo been very lenient in handling tho liquor question. Good legal authority assures mo that under our char ter tho council Is without authority to grant licenses for less than 11,000, and upon tho completion of the United States census thero avIII bo no question about tho amount required by law. The returns of this cen sus will bo known within a. few days, as tho enumerators will linlsh up their work Frl day night. After tho meeting tho mayor explained In (i,n ,t,, . .. . i . , . . eta" tlla' nicant Juet what ho paid, and ho Insists that ho will closo every saloon CJ!t Tuesday morning providing tho council does not legally grant licenses nt tho moot ing next Monday night. After this llttlo talk interest In tho meet ing seemod to lag, and when a fow minutes later tho llghtn went out a motion to ad journ until next Monday night was carried without opposition. Theso ordinances woro passed: Establish ing the grado on U street from Twenty fourth to Twouty-Boventh streets: declaring tho nocesslty for opening Seventeenth, Elghtcnth nnd Nineteenth BtreelH from I street to Missouri nvenue; tho revised garbago ordinance. An ordlnanco was Introduced and read for tho first tlmo creating tho ofllco of captain of pollco, detailing a patrolman for special duty and fixing tho salary of tho chief of police. Under this ordlnanco tho captain draws $70 a month, tho chief $73 and tho spe cial ofllcer $65. Tho ordlnanco was sent lo tho Judlciury committee. A fow roports of minor Importanco woro rcau juat neioro adjournment and were ordered placed on fllo ' Yew School Sites. Tho school slto proposition l still com plicated, All Idea of asking tho courts to interfere and Issuo a restraining order pre venting the Issuing of a warrant has ap parcntly been abandoned. Thoso who talked tho loudest nt Hint against the slto aro now either conservative or aro refusing to talk. When tho slto was purchased tho secretary was Instructed to draw a warrant for $3,500 payahlo to Thomas Hoctor when tho board's i ttorney had reported on tho validity of tho 1 ntreu. 11m report in anuiuiv iecu nun handed In curly yeBtcrday morning, but Sec ' "tary Brcnnan absolutely refused to draw j te warrant. Tho rccordu show that Bron- 'nan voted for tho resolution li.siru ting the f secretory to draw the warrant when the 10 . port of Iho attorney was rccetwd When' aked why he refused to comply with the resolution of the board, for which he ha I voted, nnd In reality suggested. Mr. Ilren miii said thnt ho would not draw the war rant until Mr. Under had moved his build - , lugs from the ground purchased. As Mr. Hoctor'M home and stables nre the only buildings on the site, ho very naturally ictuses to order the structures removed until the warrant is Issued. It Is expected that tho matter will bo adjusted to the sat isfaction of nil partlCH within a day or two. I Mr. Hoctor Is not In any hurry, but tho members of the board say that If a build- 1 Ing Is to bo erected on tho cite this summer j work must coinmcnco at the earliest possible ! moment. Census lliiuuieriiliii s ((nil ''! it . In accordance with law tho twelfth UnltM States census luiiHt bo completed today. Whllo It 13 Imposiilblo to form any csti mnto of tho population of South Omaha from tho work of tho enumerators, It Is predicted that tho totals will run pretty close to 20,000. As has been noted before, tho enumerators nro forbidden to discosa nny Information concerning tho figures they Becuro und so tho estimates mado Invo been secured from tho registration baok.s. In soruo districts tho work of taking tho census has been delayed by the refusal 011 tho part of residents to llll out slips or to answer questions put by enumerator. This has occurred frequently In boardlug houses, whero largo numbers of packing houso employes room and board. In ono ltistuuco nn enumerator called upon Chief. Mitchell for usslbtaiuo In compelling pack ing houso men to answer questions. The chief did not feel that ho had any author ity In the matter and referred tho cnumer ntor to tho mayor. On account of tho large amount of territory to bo gono over In such a short tlmo It Is feared that many single men living In boarding houses will bo missed. What Is considered a very thorough canvass of the residence port. 011 of tho city has been mado and In scmo circles It Is predicted that tho totals will show a population exceeding 20,000. Tlint Fourth Wiiril Assessment. City ofllclals arc not at all alarmed over tho falluro of Assessor Carroll to turn in a report for tho Fourth ward, us It was stated on good authority that the county commissioners would make the assessment. In this event tho city will loso nothing by U10 neglect of tho nssessor to compl.te his report In tho tlmo allowed by law. Last year the corporations paid on the following assessed valuations: Armou., $12,000; Union Stock Yards company, $3,040; Omaha Packing company, $7,750: Cudahy Packing company. $19,135; Hammond Pack ing company, $9,030; totnl, $5G.275. At ono-flfth of tho assessed valuat'on these corporations paid Into the city treas ury Just prior to January 1 these sums: Armour, $301; Stock Ynrds company. $337.08; Omaha Packing company. $325.51; Cudahy. $Sl7.1l; Hammond Packing com pany, $379.20; total, $2,303. Mission' Dauuliter Found. A day or two ago Mrs. Harry Nowden of Converse, Wyo., appealed to Chief Mitchell for assistance In hunting up her daughter, Maud Coy. In explaining the disappear ance of tho young woman, who Is about IS yeara of age, the mother said that two years ago tho girl was stolen from her homo In Wyoming by two stockmen. Through cattlemen who ship to this market Mrs. Nowden learned that her daughter was a variety actress at one of the shows ruunlng here. Tho girl is qulto well known to tho police, but disappeared shortly after tho music halls wero closed. Chief Mitchell devoted considerable time to tho search and filially found tho girl at a beer garden In Omaha. Sho expressed a willingness to return homo with her mother and tho pair left on an afternoon train yesterday for Wyoming. Speelnl Honril Meeting;. At tho request of members of the Doard of Education President Bulla called a spe cial meeting last night for tho purpose of receiving tho report of Attorney Dreen on tho tltlo to tho site chosen for a school houso. Mr. Hreen reported that ho had examined tho abstracts and found tho prop erty free of Incumbrance. Upon tho re ceipt of this Information and ut tho request of Kyun tho secretary was ordered to draw a warrant in favor of Thomas Hoctor for $9,500. After tho transaction of this busi ness the board adjourned. AVomilll TliUes rniNiin. At an early hour yesterday Mrs. James Kelly, residing near Twenty-seventh and II streets, drank the contents of n bottle supposed to contain poison. Immediately after taking tho doso Mrs. Kelly throw tho bottlo away, so that Dr. McCrann was not posltlvo Just what poison had been UBEd. Ho worked with tho woman for some time and finally pulled her through. Sho was resting nicely last night and Is on fair way to recovery. Mrs. Kelly declined to glvo nny reasons for taking tho poison. Mntrtc City OosnIp, Miss Alia Qllchrlst has gone to Mon mouth, III., to visit friends. Georgo Hanna of Monmouth, 111., is tho guest of It. Clllchrlst and family. Tho Fraternal union will glvo a social nt Thirteenth and M streets on Saturday evenlnir. liverypne seems to be complaining about tho condition of the Twenty-fourth street liavcment, J. II. Thomson has returned from Iowa, where ho was called to attend tho funeral of his brother-in-law. Charley Scarr does not want tho city to trndo Illghlund park for Syndtcato park. Other residents In tho northern part of tho city aro also complaining. An Ico cream social will bo given by Superior lodgo No. IKl, Degreo of Honor, ut tho homo of A. W. Jones, Klghtecnth street and Missouri avenue, on Friday evening, Juno 15. When you deposit your vacation coupons pin them together. It will mako the count ing quicker and easier. Actor, Aetorlno nml Ollleer. Walter Kent, an "actor" from South Omaha, was vigorously chastising ono of tho femalo attaches of tho Park theater Thursday evening when Ollleer Hrown wan called to tho scene. As soon as tho ofllcer appeared Kent grappled with him and thoy fell downstairs together. They broko away and had u rough and tumble light, In which tho policeman proved the victor. Kent had 11 couplo of deep gushes on Ills head, -whllo the ofllcer had a fow bruises. DiilC mill I'ony Slunv. (.entry's great combination of performing and educated anlmulH delighted two largo crowds again yesterday. This Institution has almost como to bo a summer flxttiro for Omaha, so that tho youngsters look for ward to It qulto as much an they do to tho comlnir of hot weather. Several now features havo been ndded for this season and somn of tho old favorites have been given a broader scope, so that tho wholo performance Is greatly strengthened. Savo your coupons and tolp somo girl tako a trip. (O RIDE. 50 MIIHS fri nrrnM r rttrrxr o Use WE MORROW COASTER BRAKE Fits Any Cycle. For Sale By All Dealers. I,ee-(iliis-.iidreesrn llilw, Co., Oiiinliu. FOUR MILLION CURESNO FAILURES Thin tn.irvclouH record lias hern tun tie Uy Ouffy's Pyre (Fok m nutcix.ii, van.) DUFFY'S IH'llK MALT WHISKEY hns cured over four million sonla In the pot half century, as shown by tho following statistics, which have been carefully estimated ami compiled from our records of letters from grateful patients who say 1)1 FFY'S PUKh MALT WHISKEY Is a Kodsond to sutTerluK hutimnlty. CURED by Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey: 1)KVM. Dlurrtiu-A I'yu'ntiry I'hnlrrs itorbiis t'hnlrni Infinitum Cmisumpiton I'olllB Ilrontlilt Is lAi)rlic MUstla l);irp1ii NvrvoiiMirM (from ove rwork) Went Women KtliaiiBtlun , blUKillAll Wood N'UinlT nf rnr. .. . fill, II 17 .. . llll .Till .. . . 237. .11 I Mil, (till . . . :W7,'IN7 i'il.1711 . . :iiN,:in .. :i.v.',(i:itl :i ii,.vi Vtl.s-i7l .... MMI.IAII .1.1 1, .!(! UIIII.S7 1 Ji7.tM UrnndtotAl II, !)(), 7'il OLDEST MAN IN THE WORLD HALE AT 118 YEARS AND SDC MONTHS. UUc, N. Y., Mar SOth, 1SM0. DafTjr Malt WiiMfy Co , Itochcter, N. Y. Ucntleuien No doubt you will tie Intrrtttrd to Vnow how I mil gelling alniitf. 1 mu nuw lis yenrs tnd Mx months old nml 1 Urcp tip uiysllnllly liythn constant nso ot DulTy'8 l'uio Mult Wldnkry. 1 find It trrps mi) la rrfrct liolth, mpnlally In hut wcatlri-r. I take It 111 a punch four ltmisai!y nml I fdwna put s miull 'lunnltty In each eIium o( water 1 drta. ll kills the Ki'tnm. Diidr'n Hire Mult wiilsW ! truly n WfMinu to linnisidly nml n I oen to lunnklnil. It lias iirulnnFeil my llfo and tliouaninlaot others hi lb iat halt cen Uirv. Any one wbo wlsbiw to IUe lo a rltw old nev iMt reditu Hit bis families anil li Mtallty ahnulit know aliout thn wonderful work lltifTy'a Pure .Malt Whltkf y ciui rtn. DutTy'a Pure Jtalt WliUkey la to he rommeoilfd 011 account of Its purity, eJiellenoo anil Invlnorallni; qualities. I know nf tiono so kocsI. 1 will keep a sup ply by me as km: as I live. My n ' ton hail h.nrt trouble anil I don't know what he would hats done If It was not for )our whLskey. It cured him. Very uratefully yours, AllltAIIAM E. Kl.Mr:ti,Ii2 Tracy St. Us ituro you cH thn crnulno. See that tho seal over the cork Is uiiLrokeu, llunnrnof refllhd lxitllcs and cheap aubetltutes. All dnuiuUUs and grocers sell lll.'VKY'S. If yours not, n bottle will hn nt you, express 011 receipt 01 uw. nook I ent tree. IWFFW8 3I.IT.T WJHSKF.V A POINTER Arrangomonta foryour Summer Vnontlon should not bo ccmplotocl without flrat asking about . . . P o I N T E R Excursion Rates . . THE UNBON PAC3FIC la fleet on June 21, July 7 to 10 curslon ONE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP Pius $2.00 from Missouri III v or to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Ogden and Salt Lake AND OTHER WES TERN RESORTS. TICKETS GOOD FOB I1ETURN UNTIL OCTOBER 3IST. Ttaphono3l8. City Ticket offloo, 1302 FarnamStli ! i m i i i i i i i i i m u i n m ii i n i i i i n i n 1 1 n ii n LOW RATES ALMOST EVERYWHERE Philadelphia nnd return, cnicngo nnu return, i..i; Kansas City and return, $.1 . SO Denver. Pueblo, Colorado Srlngs and return, $19.00 Olenwood Springs and return, $31.00... Orden, Salt Iako City and return, $32.00 Hot Springs. S. D., and return, $1S.I0 Custer, S. D. (Sylvan Lake), and return, $20.60 Ticket Ollloo, 1 502 Farnam St, Tel. 260. Ml Ormon UlShODS' PIUS S ueif lrriwi:H i-oiititeiy cf ulf'tlK-u, ilaiijuligo, cicene), cr I 1 blllty, HBadacho,UnilinoBtpMnrry,up.of Kfja S2SJS2' t or Cdni vnliM T OWS'ofa,EVPolldt.u!.lM ercry funclioiv Ictiwnilenl. orrim, StlmuUtn ihe brain nl ntnt ctnten. vx tor. i omuyreduuied, wiu 6 Uie. cucuim utc. Addrosi, l'Oll S.VI.Ii II Y 31 VIHIS-IMM.OV TURKISH I,. 91 CAPSUMSS SIAKI'J HA 1.1', IIUAIniV AMI IIAI'PV MH.V Out of every physical and mental wreck Infal Utue and speedy reut unnlors Blvlnsr new lease cf IIM, manly sireiirth and happluesH llarmlesi and e flee tlve Avoid diiRiiroui (Inurs advertised by inndl eal companies. Mannf.ictured and sold under written t-naranten to euro or money refunded, f 1.0(1 box or (5 boxes (eotnpletn cure) forff 00 by mall Sow! for free sample and Question blank. Address Hahn's ltullable l'barmucy, lHth and 1'arniiin bts , Omaha. Neb. Oart t 'Fool with a Fan It's a useless exertion. Thorn's more concentrated coolness nnd' refreshing comfort In ono gluss oft MR! Rootbeer 4 than faintly of fans can fiirnlfh. Wrllo for Hit of ptt. at, uiuui iiflrred Irea I 7 lot labels. Chtrlrs V. Illrai C. Hklra, 11. UY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS MANTJ FACTU HMD BT CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP C. ItTH VMS MAI Malt Whiskey, This tecord of marvelous cnren stntnlN unpar alleled bvany medicine or pii'scrlptlon ever dl covered In the world. The voluntary testimony ne receive dally Irom grateful patients Is proof positive that lll'I FY'S Pl'ltf; MALT WlUS KHY has never been equalled by any remedy. miKPY'S PURK MAl.T WHISKEY Unit Ab solutely pure, gentle, In vleurutlng ntlmulnnt and loulc, which aids dlgistion. sltmiilateii and purities the blood, builds nerve tlsntles, Invigo rates the brain, tones up tho heart, and strengthens the etillro t.rtetii, driving out all disease germs It is the true elixir of life, nnd bus prolonged thousands of lives, as shown hy the above. If you nro half sick It Is because your blood is out of onlor You need a sllmulniit. TAKK IM'1-TY'S PI'HE MAl.T WM18ICI5Y at dl reeled j you will he cured and your systotn will not be Injured as with deadly drugs. AllltAIIAM li. KI.URR. ' IIS years nnd six mouths old. COM FAN V, KOCJWSTVB, If. Y. Excursion Rates . . VIA Inc. July IS and August 2nd. Summer Rates ot $30.75. Juno 11, 15, 1G and 17 June 25, 24 und 27 July 2, 3 and 1 Juno 19 and 21. July X 7, 8, 9. 10, 17 UIIU 13. ! August 2, 7 I and 21. Burllnaton Station, 'si., h 1 0th and Mason Tol. 128. t'n In ovtr 50 ynn br IJ' ot lit H"oO curei th wont uui In iM ml jujuikt iUlr Iiom bi c!;imte - ua - Alnf, Oure Loit Mnnhood. Im- Tsomnln, Pnlna nrvous Warico chnrco, Stops ner ImlwOitor nil nenc)r to cure It HI Hr.n, 4 III 6 lr i so tr mH " . A i,rS o-sl Bishop Romody Co., San FronoiSCOi cau llltlfi CO., HIT 1 1 AMI I'.ll. AM. $5.00 A MONTH. DR. McGREW, SPECIALIST. Trull ll Formi of DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF MEN ONLY. 22 Yean Experience 12Yeann0mahi. KLKCTIHCITT and MKDICAI, Treatment com bliinhVarkofiilK. Strlctnre,SyphllI,I,ossuf Vigurand Vitality, (i'ltKI OTUUMKED. Charges low. HOME TIIKATMKM. Hook, Consultation aud Uxam. luatlon Free, lloun.b a. in. toDj 7to8p. m. Sunday, "to 12. I'O. Ilox7i. Office, N. K, Cor. Hthaud Ta" ni Sire-'n. OMAHA. NF.1J, 00 0 0 RESULTS TELL t-J TIIK HHP. WANT ADS f. iuonuci: ui'Sui.Ts. VTUHflE A