Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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Gold Huntm Fanoiid Tbej Hid Unearthed
a Buried Trmure,
tclrient (if I In- IIiiIIiiiiin Confident
t hit I Mir DM llcrmll Mail Money
('fint't'iilril .Somen lin e
In III MiiiiiI.v.
lAn Incident occurred In police clrrlcs yes
terday wlilrh rcralleil the ccrentrlrltw of old
John Harris, hermit, who, up i tho tlmo of
his death six weeks ago lived iilone In a
llttl hut at 321 Sprint? jtrift, Many tradi
tion aro rife In the south wide river bottoms
"touching his pccullnr habits, ami Home of
theau reports hint at supernatural manl
tTostatlons. Shortly boforp noon n telephone
message m received at the station waving
that several men wer fighting In the Harris
hut and that one of them had been either
killed or rendered unconscious. The patrol
waon was sent posthaste. The assistant
iollce surgeon was notified to be In readl
aics.i with probes and bandages. Tbo olllcer
on the noutheast heal wan ordered to drop
around to that neighborhood. Hut It Is a
long run to 324 Spring street, and by the
tlmp the wagon and the patrolman nrrlved
tho only evldenee of the recent melee was
circumstantial. On the moist door of the
cellar went fresh footprints, In one corner
u foul-smelling heap of sprouting potatoes
nnd onions appeared to have been recently
disturbed; In the middle of the floor lay a
broken nail keg, Its rusty splkts flowing
out upon the clay llko a travestied horn of
There was no sign of the Injured man.
The person who had sent tho telephone
jnessage could not be found. JuhI as tho
jiollco were making up their minds to re
turn empty-handed a lii-year-old boy who
save the name of Joe SI mm a appeared upon
tho sceno with the welcome Infurmatlou
that ho had been an eyo-wltnews of tho
fight. From him nnd two or three neigh
bors the police fathered the following story.
Ilnrrln IIHIrtiMl to lie Itleli.
It was generally believed throughout the
south bottoms that old man Harris had
money burled In or about his hut. Ho bad
never been known to do a day's woik. Oc
casionallyperhaps twiro a week ho would
ibo seen fishing In the river, but this was
the nearest approach to any attempt to earn
n livelihood that had been noted In the
hermit. Ho was very secretive; he nude,
friends of no one; ho never left his herm!
tago without flrot securely barring tho
When ho finally died thero had been a
cursory search of tho premises In tho hope
of finding enough property to defray fu
neral expenses, but tho vlslblo nsseta of his
rstate wouldn't net $5 In the open market.
ho ha was burled In tho potter's Hold nnd
tho hut was left a prey to the younger gen
eration of the neighborhood, who nttested
their disapproval of dwellings without
dwellers by throwing stones through the
windows. Then came "Aunty" Dorcas
Jones, a negress, and her five children.
They lived Iq tho shanty one day and one
night, removing their household goods oa-Iy
on the morning of the Becond day.
Old TriiillthiiiN Itcvlvril.
Tho rumors set on foot by the negress re
vived all tho half-forgotten traditions of
Khosts and burled treasure. She whispered
of mysterious noises rapplngs, groans, foot
steps. Sho couldn't nlecp, she- said. These
fantastic stories were supplemented by the
children, who told of shadowy forms and
white-garbed llgurcs Hitting batlilic through
the windows.
Ever slnco then treasure hunters havo
been digging In the yard, poking sticks be
tween the studding nnd rapping on the walls.
Yesterday, according to young Slmms'
ntory, four shiftless characters of the neigh
borhood took a can ot beer Into tho collar to
encourage, them In their work. He remained
MP stairs. From below eamo the murmur of
toIccs and an Intermittent sound, dull nnd
crating, such as u spade makes In soft
gravelly earth. Suddenly there was a yell,
followed by the. noise of a scuflle.
doing to the head of the stairs SIrams
naw tho four men fighting over a small keg.
One man, struck by the t'st of an assailant,
went down In a heap and lay still. Then
one, nelzlng the spade, struck tho keg n
blow; It burst open, revealing n tangle of
runty wire nails.
Slmms repeated somo of tho Innguoge used
liy tho trcasuro hunters, but tho odleers
will not Incorporate It Into their reports.
A I'llur to Spend the Mummer,
On the linos of tho MILWAUKEE RAIL
WAY In Wisconsin aio same of the most
beautiful p:cs In tho world to upend a
summer vacation caw!ns out or nt the ole
Kant summer hotels, Doatlng, fishing, beau
tiful lakes and strvauis and cool weather.
These resorts are all easily reached from
Omaha. A book describing them may bo
had upon application nt tho Chicago, Mil
waukee & St. I'aul Ity., city ticket olllco
1501 Farnam street. Omaha. Hound trip
tickets, good roturnlng until Oetobor 31,
now on aale. F, A. NASH,
General Western Agent.
ii a i.r n.iTin to,iMiiA, r.i.
Vln. IIhMIiiiiii-c A Ohio lliillroml.
June 14 to 18, Inclusive, tho llaltlmoro &
Ohio Railroad company will sell excursion
tickets from all local stations to Philadel
phia, Pa., nt rate of one fare for tho round
trip, account republican national conven
tion. Tickets will be good for return until
Juno it, 1900. An extension of roturn limit
until June 30 may bo obtained on deposit of
ticket with Joint agent and payment of one
third first-class limited fare from Phila
delphia to starting point.
fitop-over not to oxcood 10 days within
limit or ticket allowed at Washington, I). C,
and Daltluiore, .Mil.
Tor further Information call on or address
nearost llaltlmorn & Ohio ticket agent or 11
N. Austin, general passenger agent, CUlcngo,
The .r!livenlcrn Iilnp
Half Furo
Charleston, 5. C,
many other
City Otllrns, 1 401-3 Farnum St.
r.xct itMio n.vrn.i
Vln Cklenaro, MlluiTiikre A 31. I'unl
II n I In ii .
June 2, S and 4, Milwaukee and return,
I1C 75.
June 14, IS, 16 and 17, Philadelphia and
return, 130.71..
June 26, 26 and 27, Chicago and return,
City Ticket Omce, 1504 Farnaro atreet.
(leneral Western Agent.
1'lc.iite iroiinri Arllimlnn mid llen-
For particulars call 1401 Farnam street,
Northwestern Line.
Interest on rlty tuies (real and personal)
for year 1900, at ihn rnio of 1 pur cent per
month, will In charged ou and utter July
lat next,
Paris JCxpoMltlim Pictures, Part II now
ready. 10c uud coupon cut from tbo lice.
NtneLn mi llmiit l llnir
Tlirj- Were n Von r
Tho binder twine situation at the present
time Is attracting considerable attention. It
appear that the supply In the hands of
tnanufaclurrtH and Jobbers, as well as In
retailers' storks. Ii only about half what
It was nt this tlmo a year ago, That of It
self would not be so startling were It not
for the fact that all Indications point to
ward the largest etop of Hinnll grains that
has been harvested went of the Mississippi
in a good ninny cars. nnd It Is freely pre
dicted that at least one-quarter more twine
will be needed thnn was consumed In 1S!!.
In spite of these condition, however, re
tailers ore not buying anything like as much
stock as they usually do nt thin season of
the year, and us a result local dealers flay
thero is likely to be Home lively hustling
for twine In the next few weeks nnd some
one Is going to be left.
Tho reason for so many retailor falling
to buy Is that the market has been declining
for some, llttlo time past and consequently
they have been afraid to- stock up. Tho
supply of the raw material In the Philippine
iBlandtt has boon Increasing rapidly during
the last few months and that faet linn been
taken advantage of to doprcs the market
on tho Mulshed product'. Manufacturers, to
a largo extent, nntlclpnfrd that move, which
explains why thoy only manufactured about
half as much twine thin year ns usual, and
what they havo on hand thry claim must
be sold at a loos. The opinion among local
denlers Is that now Is the time for retailers
to buy. for Indications point to higher rather
than to lower prices. In speaking of tho
present situation, a local dealer said It re
minded him of the conditions In 1SSS. That
year tetullers held off In much the same
way they are thin Reason and about tho
middle of June twine was being shipped to
Minnesota In carload lots by express, and
the farmers had to pay for 11. Tho shortage
this season, of course, may not be as marked
as that, but at the same time thoso who are
In a position to know think there will bo
considerable excitement In the near future
and that prl-es will bo advanced within tho
next two weeks.
1'oremiln iif The llee I'reoM Itnoni n
Cntiilliliile for 1'osllloit
In Presume..' t.'iiliin,
Kred M. Youngs, foreman of the preps
rooms of The llee, left for Chicago yesterday
lo attend the convention of tho International
Pressmen's union, which meets thin year at
Milwaukee. At Chicago the local union will
entertain the delegates, a picnic nt the
World's Fair park being a feature of the
Mr. Youngs Is a prominent candidate for
president of the International union nnd has
promises of support which places him In
tho lead of other candidates, ills most ne
tlve opponent Is the present executive head
of the union, who aspires to fill tho office
for tho third term. Mr. Youngs Ik qualified
by experience to 111! tho olllco and his former
work In behalf of tho union Is highly nppre-
ciated by tho members. Ho was second vice
president ot tho International union In 1893,
first vlco president In 1S04 nnd In 1894 nnd
1895 was manager of the Journal of the
order. In those years he succeeded In mak
ing thnt publication self-eupporting and In
putting It upon a sound financial footing.
Mr. Youngs' support for the office ot presi
dent Is not sectional and his friends In
Omaha think that his election 1b assured.
I.ounl lNilltlenl AVurkern I'eel I.IUp
IlreiNiiiic In lllnek In Token of
the Hire Calnmlty.
"I'm realty sorry the way that Miles will
caso has gono and 1 don't know a thing
about the parties or merits of the,
either," exclaimed a well known streot
corner politician. "Why am I sorry?
Why, because It Is Just taking so much
money out of circulation among us politi
cians. You iknow, I havo It straight that
If ho had only won out the Omaha attor
ney In that case would have raked In a
clean $75,000 as his sharo of the prize
package. Well, you know, It wouldn't huve
taken us boys long to have caught on and
undo connections nnd he usually lets loose
when bo has the stuff. Oh, It's too bad!"
Kxperlmcnts hnve proven that vessels,
tit tod with propellers which Imitate the fish's
fln, develop n remarkable propelling power.
It will cause a revolution In water travel.
Men gradually learn that nature's ways are
best. One cause of the remarkablo success
of Hostotter's Stomach Hitters springs from
tho fact that It Is n harmless, natural medi
cine, made ot naturo's most strengthening
herbs. It Is a sure euro for constipation,
Indlgestlou, dyspepsia, biliousness or weak
Paris Exposition Pictures, Part 11 now
ready. 10c nnd coupon cut from the llee.
Omnha Tent nnd Awning Co., tents, awn
ings, canvas goods, 11 and Harney, phone 881
Hire it a Remnant Sale that Everybody
Wanti Bargains An Jait Immense.
I Aim IIIk l.olx of MlUn mill
Mil. .MiitiKsctlne lie Mile mill llnr-
mi In In Wnsli li'oinlx, "White
(inoiN, (iliiuliniiiK, I, nun.
Thousands of yards of nil wool challls In
light ii n d dark grounds, many of them
tut In striper) challls with polksi dot effects),
flcur do lis ami Horn I designs, also plain
colors, blnck, blue and evening shades, nctti
nlly worth COe, but In short remnants, nil
that match are pinned together nnd often
times five and twelve yardw of a kind, en
abling n lady to make almost anything out
of these remnants, oil sale nt 10c yard.
Hcmiinnts of nil wool cashmere, In lengths
of one ynrd and lers, In black, browns, blueH
nnd evening shudcu. many to match, worth
up to COc, go In chort remnnnts nt 5c and
10c for entire piece.
Hundreds of remnants of fillk moussellne
de sole, light mid dark grounds, lloral and
other designs, plain colors, corded, em
broidered polka dots, etc., go In two lots nt
1.1c and 25c ynrd.
Having purchased the entire rcmnnnt ac
cumulation of high grade silks from one of
New York's finest retail establishments, we
will placo on salo silks worth In the regular
wny up to nnd $5.00 yard, heavy bro-
rndes. taffeta Hllks, plain silks. In lenxths
from to f yardu, waist lengths, trimming
length nnd millinery lengths, In three lots,
nt -Hie. CPe nnd 9Sc yard.
Short lengths of heavy silks; theso are
exceptionally high grade, beautiful novelty
silks, In lengths of U. '.4. i nnd one yard,
go nt Be, 10c, 15c nnd 25c for entire piece.
Orand special sale of mill remnants Fri
day. 1.000 yards cnmbrlc lining nt 1c yard.
10,000 yards very finest quality plain col
ored lawns, In white, black and solld colors,
at 3'4c yard; worth 25c.
10,000 yards very lineal quality black Hen
rietta sateen, worth 25c, go nt fie yard.
Immcnso lot of fine quullty turkey red
calico at 2c. worth 8Uc.
Mill remnants best grade 3C-lnch percnle,
In long remnants, Sic yard.
Mill remnants of the same kind of per
cale In short romnantH, 5c yard.
Mill remnants Chambray gingham, G'.fcc
Mill remnanlH of "Violet A" lawns, worth
12'c. go at 10c yard.
Mill remnants of blrycle and covert cloth,
worth 12',c, go nt Ttfcc yard.
Mill remnants of 40-Inch mercerized
sateen, In plain nnd fancy colore, lfie yard.
Mill remnants of all kinds of fancy lawns,
In short lengths, worth 10c, go nt 214c yard.
And hundreds of other remnants In the
N. W. Cor. ICth nnd Douglas Sts.
Gyiniiantle t nlon nnd Kmtlvnl, l'lill
iiricl phlii, I'm.
Juno 15 to 19, Inclusive, the llaltlmoro &
Ohio Rnllroad company will sell excursion
tickets from nil local station's to Philadel
phia, Pa., at rate of one fare for the round
trip, account Gymnastic Union and Festival
(Turnfest). Tlckots will be good for return
until June 26, 1900.
Stop-over not to exceed ten daya -within
limit of ticket allowed at Washington, D.
C, and Baltimore, Md.
For further Information call on or ad-
'dress nearost Baltimore & Ohio ticket agent
or I). X. Austin, general passenger agent,
Chicago, 111.
Ilxcnrslnn Ticket
Philadelphia and return, Juno 14, 15,
16 and 17 $30.75
Chicago and return, Juno 25, 26, 27.... 12 75
Denver and return, June 19 and 21....
Colorado Springs and return, Juno 19
nnd 21
Glenwood Springs and return, Juno 19
and 21 31.00
Salt Lake and return, Juno 19 and 21.
Ogden and return, Juno 19 and 21
St. Paul and return, Juno 21
Duluth nnd return, June 21
32 00
City ticket office, 1323 Farnam street.
Spirit l,n Wr, In,,
Quickly and conveniently reached via tha
Illinois Central railroad. Round trip tickets
now on salo at city ticket office, 1402 'Far
nam street.
F. V. Knle3t, resident representative
Lange-Ross Co., Mfg. chemist, Chicago,
ban returned to the city from nn extended
oastoru tour.
Voto early and often.
Two Specials
Wool Suits
sizoB 3 to 8, vosteo style, consist
ing of coat, vest and pants, also
boys' suits with double breasted
coats, ages 8 to 15, in light and
if), in ngnt ana
darK cno viols,
worth $1.25,
special salo
All Wool Sttits
in fancy striped and cheeked wors
tedri, also plain black and unfin
ished worsteds, light and dark
and plain and fancy cassimored,
vicunas and thibet eloth, French
faced, lined with all wool serge,
and Italian cloth, roundand square
otli.roundand square
corner sacks,
i:r iu;nsiton si,n s.vnnnw.
II Will lie lln Mroimeal llrnulnn t'nril
thill Hut II run u Ii I People
Messrs. J. L. Urandels & Sons beg to nn
nounco that they are now preparing for
Saturday tho entire purchase of the stock of
the Chicago wholesale shoo house. Thli
sale will Includo somo of tho finest aud
best shoes mado for this season's wear. To
give you an Idea of tho Importuned of this
sale and the way it will bo conducted wo
ndvlse you that the entire hoo department,
both on the main Moor and In the basement,
will be completely changed around.
$5.00, J 1.00. 13.00 MEN'S SHOES $l.6!.
Tho men's shoes In this purchase will all
be placed on bargain squares. These shoes
will bo tied together In pairs mid assorted
out In sizes, each size by Itself on an Ini
ineuso bargain square. All the men's shoes
In this entire purchase, regardless of how
much they aio worth, and the cheapest cost
$2.50 nnd tho best $5.00, nil these shoes
without exception will bo placed on sale,
commencing Saturday morning nt 8 o'clock,
AT $l.C'.i PAIR.
Thn Indies' shors, misses' shoes, children's
shoes and boys' shoes, as well ns the Oxford
ties and slippers. In this entire stock will
bo sold awfully cheap. Particularly do wo
wish to Imprem upon you the fact that nil
the shoes in this sale, women's, children's.
boy.V aud men's, are absolutely hm good ns
money will buy. There are no cheap shots
In tho lot.
Further particulars of this Immense sale
will be seen In tonight's papers.
We urge your attendance Saturday for your
own sake. It Is going to bo an Immense
N. W. Cor. Pith and Douglas Sts.
The IIihIxi.ii HUer liy lln.v Until.
The I-akc Shore Fast Mall No. 6. leaving
Chicago dally S:30 n. m.. with throngH
buffet sleeper, Is the only train from Chi
cago making direct conucetlon w tit ih
Hudson Rlcr Day Lino boati from Al
bany. Tho New England exprrsi is the
only twenty-six-hour train l.etwfei Chi
cago nnd Huston. Leaves Chicago every
afternoon at 2. The Lako Shore Limited
Is tho only twenty-four-hour train between
Chicago uud New York, passing through the
beautiful .Mohawk Valley and along tbe
banks of the Hudson river by daylight.
Summer tourist tlekctH aro now on sile.
II. P. Humphrey, T. P. A., Kansas V ty,
Mo. F. M. llyron. O. W. A.. Chicago.
Tulip the WitiniHti
For Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands aud all
tho summer resorts of tho eaet. All agents
sell tlckeiu via the Wabash. Ask for them
or call on or write O. N. Clayton, Room 405
N. Y. L. Hide
Wrlto ads. Sell cubs. Print anythlnc.
Etonecyphcr, 1201 Howard at. Tel. 1310.
Save your coupons nnd help some girl
tako a trip.
Don't fall to Include us In your culls I suppose you
will need something to send the lirldo for the comlnc
wedding We hae so many beautiful articles. Spend t
a few minutes in our store. ,
LINDSAY, the Jeweler, 1
151(1 Doulus.
'or r -
tm 11 1 i rni
We place on sale tomorrow morning, over
9000 pairs of Oxford Ties and Slippers, over
12,000 pairs of fine shoes, made up for other
dealers by the well known manufacturers, J,
L Benedict & Co, Rochester Shoe Co,, and
Preston B, Keith & Co,, purchased by us for
spot cash at less than half their value, all on
sale at less than manufacturer's prices,
73c fr child's fine 81.20 kid, strap slippers, sizes 8 to
98c fr misses' fine $1.50 kid,strap slippers, sizes 12 to 12.
97c fr ladies' fine 1.50 kid, turn sole oxford ties.
$123 for ladies'flnc $2 and 2. 25 oxf'd ties it strap slippers
$1.75 for ladies' fine 2.50 Southern button oxfords.all sizes
49C fr child's lino 85e kid, button shoes, sizes 3 to 8.
98c fr child's line 1. .'55 tan and bl'k, kid, laee shoes, "'"ton
$1.23 for boys' and misses' 2 tan and bl'k, kid, lace 8hoa8,i sIzos
$1.87 for ladies' fine $3 and 3.50 vici kid shoes, ail sizes.
$1.93 for men's fine 3.50 and 4 kid and box calf, welt
sole shoes.
838 buys a nice Top Bupf y.
H. E. Fredrickson
15th and Dodge Sts., OMAHA, NEB.
ttl'eclnl Vnentltin Itntea I
Dcmer, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and re
turn. $m.oo.
(ilenwood Springs and return, $.",1.00.
Salt Lako City, Ogden and return, $32.00
On June 10 nnd 21. July 3. 7. 8. !, 10 and
18, Allgiut 2, 7 and 21.
The Rock Island Route lit the short lino
to Colorado Springs ami Mnnltou nnd tho
only lino running through tr.tlns from
Omaha to Denver, Colorado Spring; and
Special trains will lejvo Omnha nt 6:40
a. m. June 21, July 10 and 1S nnd August 2.
arriving in Colorado the samo day, making
tho trip In daylight, thus saving expense of
i For further Information call at city ticket
ofllce. 1323 I'm r nam street.
i "'"'nn Itoiniil Trip llnter
tin Juno 21, July 7, 8, 0. 10 and 18, and
i August 2. the Illinois Central railroad will
roll :ickets, limited until October 31, as
! follows:
St Paul, Minn., and return $I2.C&
Minneapolis, Minn., nnd return 12.65
uututh. Minn., and return 16.9b
Waseca, Minn., nnd return 10.35
Superior, Wis., nnd roturn 16.05
West Superior, Wis., nnd return 16.95
For full particulars call at Illinois Central
city ticket ofllce. No. 1402 Farnam street.
More popular than ever,
Cheaper than ever-
A holiday trip Is not complete with
out a KODAK or CAMERA. Don't I
get one nt the last minute, but NOW. I
We will teach you how to use It.
A beautiful Double Lens Poco Cam
era complete with carrying enso for
All Amateur Photo Supplies at the
lowest prices. Call and tco us before
The Robert Dempster Go,,
1215 Farnmn St.
VuolenuIe nntl Itctnll Dealer In
1'hoto Hiipplles.
During the hot weather send us your
developing and printing.
c r
? j
Spring Wagons
Farm Wagons
Ladies Summer Shoes
her shoes, A)
Ladies Tan Summer Shoos
Made on the medium lasts, nicely finish
ed, perfect fitting
Ladies' Tan Summer Shoes
With vesting top, medium last, a
made for The Nebraska 5)1.7 J
Ladies' Tan Summer Shoes
With all kid or vesting top, , ftA
medium toe, select stock pL"U
Ladies' Oxfords
Tan or black, vesting top, with coin too, -ft
Ladies' Oxfords
Tan or black, all kid, on the broad lasts, t r1
at $I.DU
Ladies' Oxfords
Tan or black, all kid, on the medium a. r1
last ol.DU
Misses' and Children's Strap Slippers
With kid vesting top, 8 i to 11 $1.25
Made up in tho latest
Misses7 and Children's Strap Slippers
In patent leather, very Btylish, Si to 11.... $1.35
Dressy and comfortable, 11 to 2 $1.60
Misses' Shoes
Tan or black, vesting top or all kid, extension
soles or close edge, any width, -every
pair guaranteed )li3U
Children's Shoes
In tan, lace or button, extension soles, for
service or street wear, close edge for dress, - rj-
black cloth or kid tops, lace or button vpl.ZD
UAVnCiT Cloak
II AT UlIiS Department
Once again our New York buyer has secured
for spot cash a a manufacturers' stock of silk waists
at less than one-third price.
They come in every color imaginable, in. all
the new styles new, crisp, stylish goods made from the
very best taffetas every garment warranted to wear or money
Waists worth 16.00. $7.00 and $8.00 and even hleher, In one grand ry QQ
lot, your choice at Jm
The last lot of suits that wo purchased cheap will be cleaned f"0
up during this sale, Suits worth $8.00, $10.00, $12.00 and $14.00 for O.VO
We have selected from our large stock 23 sample skirts, made up In the very uowest
creations, with tho umpire or pleated back; no two alike; several for W q
half prlco. They are worth double. Your cholco at J "O
20 dozen ladlca' linen crash underskirts, worth
$1.25, for
15 dozen ladles' underskirts, with 15-Inch accordion mm
pleated flounces, worth $1.50, for 7uC
20 dozen ladles' wrappers In lawns and percales -v
worth $2.00, for "OC
Wash Waist Department
Tho largest nnd fastest growing department In America. New, nobby styles.
Styles that women admire. Neat, clean and styllhli. Wblto waists from 50c up to $7.00.
1 table of llnon madras and gingham waists In dainty stripes f0
and checks, wado to sell for $2.00; on sale &C
1 table ladlcA' waists, trio do of fine percales and j
lawns; they are worth $1.00, for , 4vJC
Millinery Sale Now On.
Greatest Values Ever Offered.
Jacob Slosburg, Esq.
Tim popular proprietor of the lOxposltion
Murkot, at 2U9 North 16th street, says. "I
am Dloaacd to say that I have need CKA
MKH'8 K1D.VKV VVUK and that I iim In
a nosltlon to Indorse that mm h udvi-rtlHed
medicine. I nm convinced of tho power ot (
your medlidiie to exert n lienetli lal Influ-1
euro over tlifi general health. Your medl-1
elno has dono mn moro good than nny
other 1 havo taken. I havo kidney
trouble for years and naturally tried
manv kinds that I naw advertised, and t
was induced to try C'ltAMKH'B KIDNEY,
t'l'KK (ole)y on the published testimonials,
of many Omaha ritlzens, for which today
I urn thnnkful, nnd can recommend to
all persons who need u medicine for that
drendl'ul dlcsee" i
Price $1.00 Our Price 75c.
Cor, lUth nnd Chicago Street.
You'll have better at'
tcntion and more time
to select your shoes,
on Friday, than if you
wait until Saturday,
No one is satisfied
who hurriedly selects
patterns, 11 to 2 ... .$1.50 i
; "'Galled Back,"
It Is suld upon good ntitluirlty that tlx
defunct Omaha Drug Trust Is about to In
re-vlvltled. Well. Hon Voyage.. In the
ineantlmo tliesn prices will prevail nt our
stor for n few days OK MOHK.
Ke ThomtiHon'H Cherry Phosphate
2., Vermont Itoot Heer (makes 5 gaU.) Mi
Hires' Itoot Heer (ready to drink.) I0o hot
tie, $1.15 dozen.
Hires' Cllngor Aio (ready to drink) lOo bot
tlo $1.15 dozen.
Vic Hymn of Klgs (genuine) w sell ,, so.
Jl 75 8. H. S. wo sell $,y
$1.00 I'eruna wo sell 75
Win Morsford's Add Phoxrihato , 41
Vk Horlety llyglenlciue Koa in,
filo (ill White Hohb Hoap t
Hox 4 eakiH good Hoap, box r.c
25c Carter's Liver J'llls 1:,;
2.r.? Alleocks Porous Plaster lit
Wuinpolos Cod Liver OH
25c Chamberlain Colic Itemed 2u
Sherman& McGonnell DrugGo.
Corner Kith and llud(r.