Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone 618631.
SS Fancy prices on
LOT 1. rialn pet center, with heavy t
cloic at $2.2,'.'
U)T 2 I'lQln .nct center, .with heavy to
lace edgings $3.75 will clcne at 12.75
LOT '3 Plain net center with Point de
vyllj close at 12.75.
LOT A Plain net .center, with occasions
. palr-wlll close nf $2.75.
ftJOT B Plain net center, with elaborate
pair will filose at 13.25,
,' LQT fi 2.o6 Kmbroldered SwIm Curta
LOT 7 $1.05 Kmbroldered Swh-fl Curta
LOT 8 jt.tO Embroidered ,SwIbs Carta
LOT 0-J2.50 Embroidered SwIbb Curta
IjQT 10 13.00 Kmbroldered Swiss Curta
I.OT 11 J1.75 Kmbroldered SwIm Curta
LOT 1212.25 Kmbroldered Swiss Curta
f LOT ,1S-7.00' Embroidered Bobblnet C
Seet these' vpeclal salo curtains In the D
curtains come "nulclc.
'We Close Otir Store Saturdays at fl P. M.
Thompson, Beldeh St Co.
pedo boatn "103" and "107" arc In the river
Taku. Want of transport prevents tho JIuh
Blans from landing troops, Tho Russians
are very actlvo hero today. It Is rumored
that General Fung Kuh Sing, with muny
thousand troops, Is at Feng Tl.
ruxltlon of l' n I toil Stilton In Orient I
lJIctiael In Wnnh
InKton. WASHINGTON, June 12. The cabinet
meeting today was attended by Secretaries
Hay, Hitchcock,, Long and dago and Post
master General Smith. It saa devoted
largely to a discission of tho Chlneso
situation. Secretary Hay laid before tho
cabinet dispatches from Minister Coitger.
which Indicated that the situation In very
critical. Secretary Long had no late dls.
ratches. Tho Hteps that have been taken to
rclnforco Admiral Kempff were gone over
and, It was decided to uland by the po.lcy
which has been entered on of pushing
measures for tho protection of tho Hvoj
and property of American citizen's and of
acting Independently as far ns possible.
It may bo that In the accomplishment o!
this result the forces of tho powers will
havq to act In unison for tho protection of
all foreign residents In tho disturbed dis
tricts. ..but this Is to be the extent of the
American activity. It la to bo confined
solely to tho protection and safeguarding
of our own Interests and those of our citi
zens. Tho Chinese government will bo
looked to to restore order and to make fu h
reparation as 1b proper. From all political
schemes In 'which any of the powers may
become Involved tho United States in to
Hood' PHI
Do not gripe nor Irritate tho nllmen
tary canal. They act gently yet
promptly, cleanse effectually and
Give Comfort
'Sold by all druggists. 25 cents.
OJtialm Bee. Prepaid Subscription Coupon. J
: . A Summer Vacation :
; For the most popular young lady. "
J This coupon, If accompanied by cfxh prepaying a new br old
i subscription to THE BEE, counts 15 votes for cuch 15c prepaid, m
m 100 votes for each dollar prepaid, etc. -
N0 votes lor miss,
Works for.
Send Dec to (name)
5 NiB Tills coupon must bo countersigned hytthe Boe Circulation
' Dent (or the town ajjent to whom the subscription money Is paid. )
Deposit or mall to "Vacation Contest Dept." Bee, Omaha, Neb.
9 i.ouniersiKiicu oj-
. .1 w. .
Omaha Bee. Single Coupon.
j A Summer Vacation
For the most popular young lady.
One voto for Miss.
Works for.
CUT THIS OUT, Djposlt at Bee
Contest Dept.,"
Send this coupon arid
Only 10c
to The Bee Publishing Co., Omaha, Neb.
For part
Paris Exposition Pictures.
Sunt postpaid to any address,
Stay at homo and enjoy tho
wil ovonv we.qk, eovorliitf all points of
5 bo 20 parts oontulnlnp 350 vlows.
Dee, Jun 12, 1DO0.
JSwiss and
Lace Curtains
At such prices that they will
sell at once.
orchon laco Insertion and border, $3.00 will
rchon laco and ribbon borders and torchon
per pair.
Paris Insertion and border, $4.00 per pair
1 embroidered figures and borders, $1.00 per
embroidered bordors and .edging, $1.50 per
Ins to close, $1.35.,
Ins to close $1.15.
Ins to close 1'Sc.
Inn to cloec $1 65.
Ins to close $1.08.
Ins to close $1.25.
Ins to closo $1.50.
urtalns to close $3.50.
ouglas street window.
It you arc needles
hold aloof. This Is tho general policy and
It will bo adhered to.
The Navy department has cabled directly
to Hear Admiral Kempff nt Taku to Inform
him that marlno reinforcements have been
ordered to him from Manila. Thus tho
admiral will bo In n position to act with
greater freedom In sending relief expedi
tions to Pekln nnd elsewhere, knowing that
ho will soon be ablo to replace the marines
diverted from Taku.
I'n up ml of Mm, 1'nrUrr.
C.niNNELb, la June 12. (Special.)
Tho funeral of Mrs. L, F. Parker, wifo tf
Prof. L. F. Parker, was held hero Sunday
nnd was one of tho most notable funerals
over held In Grlnnell. Prof, and Mrs. L.
1". Parker havo always occupied a unique
position in tho minds of the alumni of Grln
nell and of the State unlvorslty, with which
Institution Prof. Parker was at ono tlmo
connected. Mrs. Parker was an Influential
member of tho Iowa Uond of the Hoard cf
Missions of the Interior and was alio In
terested in other uplifting movoments. Shu
nnd her huaband at tho tlmo of the ante
bellum excitement took great Interest In
affairs and entertained John Brown nt tho
time of his visit to Grlnnell. Addresses
were made by Prof. S. J. Buck, Mrs. Dr. A.
I L. Flsblo of Dos Molncs and by Hcv. E.
j A. Vlttum.
j Savo your coupons aod help some girl
I tako a trip.
Hunt Olmtliii Horse Denl.
Mrs. William Stllcr, a denizen of the
i Fast Omuha bottoms, borrowed a horse
i nnd curt of Josluh Hosklns Tucsdny nnd
did not return It us agreed. Josian resides
In Council Bluffs, works nt Fust Omuha
nnd needs tho rip every day. Ho com
plained to tho police of Mrs.- Siller's un
grateful action wa?t foiled, Mint she
luid sold tho outllt nnd appropriated tho
money to her own- use. The-property was
rcqovonxt unil tho woman placed under1
iiirrftsti .Mr. Stller was nlso arrested, as It
is beloved ho had a hand In the deal.
. i
CnllPKf President Ilefilitn.
CH ICAOO, June 12 President Henry
Wado Hosers of Northwestern university
has tendered his reslsnatlon to take effect
on July 15.
office or mail to 'Vacation
Omuha, Neb.
preat exposition. 10. to, 20 views j
intorust. Al'totfothot'
Tho cntlro sot walled
thero will
for 2.00.
(Continued from KIrst Page.)
civil settlement will bo drawn up so as to
bo eventually Independent of military en
forcement, It Is realized that the Initial
work must be effected with tho co-operation
of tho troops. Sir Alfred Mllncr uppcars to
believe that civil reorganization and military
pacification can proceed simultaneously nnd
that a porslble scattered rising will not seri
ously retard the progress or reorganization
onco It Is begun. The colonial ofllce Is said
to bo of tho opinion, however, that the main
tenance of good sized garrisons at such cen
ters as Ulocmfontcln, Kroonstad, Johannes
burg nnd Pretoria will be necessary for a
long time after tho crown-colony system gets
lu working order. For this reason nnd
others put forward by Sir Alfred Mllncr, tho
Idea of granting nn autonomous form of gov
ernment hns been abandoned. It Is be
lieved, though It cannot bo verified, that a
portion of the Transvaal will be partitioned
off to Natal.
Tho wholo arrangement may be roughly
described as coinciding with tho vlcwe ad
vanced by tho progressives ns opposed to
these held by the Uundltcs. The final steps
In this direction have been taken during tho
last few daa. Mr. Chamberlain sent for J.
P. Fltzpatrick, author of "The Transvaal
from Within," who Is well known In con
nection with South African affairs, nnd spent
n whole day In consultntlon with hlui. Mr.
Fltzpatrick will tall for Capetown on June
16 to Join the advisory committee which Sir
Mfrcd Mllner Is forming.
(Continued from First Page.)
handsomely decorated within and without
and handsome banners on tho sides of tho
coaches explaining the Identity of tho
party. In Philadelphia the Callfornlaus
will make their headquarters at tho Col
orado. Several of tho delegates who were Inter
viewed as to whether tho Pacific coast dele
gation would support Irving Scott for vlro
president said that tho matter had not been
discussed. They said that It was too early
on tho trip to havo a caucus of the deto
nates. Indian Territory Dcnincrn t it Spill,
ARDMOIIE, I. T.. June 12. Indian Ter
ritory will send contesting delegations to tho
democratic national convention. The terri
torial convention, which convened yesterday
and split Into rival factions becnuso of the
bitter tight between A. J. Wolverton nnd
Thomns Marcum, both candidates for na
tional committeemen, continued today ns two
conventions. Both conventions nominated
delegates to tho Kansas City convention.
There wns bitter feeling on both sidcB and
street fights were numerous.
Nevntln DcIckhIck Mny Support Sc-nit.
RENO, Nov., Juno 12. The Nevada re
publican delegation to tho national conven
tion at Philadelphia has departed for the
sceno of action. The delecaten went unln
structcd as to tho vice presidency, and It Is
believed here by prominent republicans '.hat
they will support Irving M. Scott or any
other Pacific coast man who Is put forward
for tho vice presidency.
IIoonovoK AkUii Declines.
ALBANY, N. Y., June 12. Governor
Roosevelt today reiterated his former state
ment relative to accepting tho vice presiden
tial nomination on the republican national
ticket, which he has absolutely declined.
"I have nothing to add," said tho gov
ernor, "to what I have already raid. My
decision Is Irrevocable."
SmiMor IWttnnrp Rc-Klrr'teil.
PROVIDENCE, R. 1., finne"-l5. The gen
eral assembly today by n separate ballot rc
elected George Pcabody Wetinore, tho pres.
ent republican Incumhent, as senator.
Amerlrnnn Tulip Philippine StrniiK
linlil enr Snniliiurt After
Iluril FlKlitlnK.
MANILA, June 12. General Grant, who
led reinforcements with artillery against the
Insurgents In the mountains east of Sanil
quct, reports tho capture of tho I'ebel strong
hold after four hours' fighting. Tho rebels
wcro scattered and the Americans aro pur
suing them. General Grant's column hnd no
WASHINGTON, June 12, (Special Tele
gram.) Miss Ida b. Vaughan of thle city
and Mr. C. S. need of Omaha were united
In roarrlago tonight at tho home of the
brldp's parents, ..Mr. and Mrs. W. II
Vaughan, 2135 h street, Northwest. No In-
vltatlotiK were Issued, the wedding being
strictly prlvato on account of the iccout
death of tho bride's brother. The ceremony
whb performed by Itev. T. S. Hamlin, pusior
of the Church of tho Covenant. After tho
ceremony Mr. nnd Mrs. Iteed left for an x
tended wedding trip to IJaltlraoro, Phlladel
phla, New York and tho great lakes. At the
end of tho wedding trip tho brldo nnl groom
will go to Omaha, their future home, where
tho groom will practice law. They will re
side nt 1046 Georgia avenue. The bride Is
the eldest daughter of W. H. Vaughan, frr-
mcr mayor of Council Dluffs, la,, ami Is an
accomplished musician, having attained high
honors as a vocalist, especially at 'he Cln
clnnatl Conservatory of Music. The gnom
Is n son of Hon. S. It. Heed, a prominent nt
torney of Montlcello, III. He was qra.Uwted
with honors from Wabash college, Indiana,
In 189i. Ho also attended Princeton iir.iver
slty and the University of Michigan.
II Itrliianii-I.e Inner,
At 1 o'clock yesterday, nt tho home of
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Lehmer, 1S22 Emmott
street, occurred, tho mnriiago of their
daughtor, Margaret, and Mr. Jackson
Httchman. A largo number of friends and
rolatlvcB wcro present at tho ceremony and
reception which followed. Palms, smllax
white roses, white carnations and marguer
ites carried out tho color schome of green
and white throughout tho house. Tho mar
rlago eorvlco of the Bplscopal church was
read In the parlor, tho contracting parties
standing onder an arch of asparagus. Itov
H. R. MacAycal of St. Louis officiated, lioth
young pcoplo are well known In Omnha,
Miss Lehmer btlng a graduato of tho High
school. Mr. Hltchman Is In tho ompley of
tho Union Pacific railroad. Thoy loit at I
o'clo:k for Aspen, Vyo whoro they will
reside for tho present.
Foil' j Ivhimrr.
ALLIANCE, Neb., Juno 12. (Special.)
The mnrrlagc of Katharine Klmoro to
Daniel Foley occurred hero today. Tho
bride Is tbo eldest daughter of .Mr. Elmore,
the well known railroad contractor, and tho
groom le a train dispatcher nt the Durllng-
ton headquarters In this city. Tho cero
mony wss performed at tho Catholic church
In tho preaonco of the elite cf the city.
Tho church wns beautifully decorated with
flowers. A roceptlnn was hold afterwanls
at the residence cf 'Mr. uml Mr.,. Elmore,
The bride and groom departed for nn ex
tended trip through the weat, Uonver, Salt
Lako and California.
Three Liven I.omI In 'iv York Fire,
NEW VOHIC. Juno 12. Three men wero
killed, eight so badly burned or maimed
that they are In the hospital and three
other men are missing as tho rosult of a
fire In the coopera establishment of Paul
Welddmun at North Eleventh street and
Wythe avenue, Willlamshurtr. Brooklyn,
tonight, The property loss Is variously
estimated ut from $70,t00 to AOOO.
Street rumor him It that n proposition Is
won to Imj made to tho city authorities for
the trading or Highland park for Syndicate
park. In the early days of South Omaha
tho -South Otnnha Land company gave the
city a tract of land In the northern portion
of tho town measuring hOO feet north nnd
south nud 320 feet wide for park purposes.
Tho agreement was that tho ground so ded
icated wus to be used for pnrk purposes
only. In the event that any other use was
made of It tho land would revert back to
tho donors. Now the South Omaha Lnnd
company owns Syndicate park, which con
sists of eighty acre?, nil enclosed by a high
board fence: This park Is held nt $25,000
by tho owners nt present, although a few
yearn ngo Ed Johnston tried to havo tho
city buy this same property for $CO,000.
Should tho deal go through It Is under
stood that thoso who gain possession of
Highland park will cut It up Into forty
forty-foot lots. It 1b estimated that theo
lots can readily t e sold for $700 ca h and this
will bring a return of $2S,000. A great
many people have purchased homos In tho
Highland pnrk district with the understand
ing that tho park was a pcr.mnneut fixture
and thero will doubtless ho some opposi
tion from thoso who now live or own prop
erty on what Is commonly called Nob hill.
As for Syndicate pnrk, every ono knows
that It Is a beautiful natural park. For
years It has been closed to tho public and
tho citizens of South Omaha havo no place
to go for an afternoon's recreation except
to Highland pnrk. There Is no lako at
Highland park, while at Syndicate pnrk
natural springs keep Clear lalto full all of
tho time. Thoso who profess to bo conver
sant with tho nffnlr assort that It will tnko
n vote of tho people to make tho trade.
Deiiuiml tnr nvliiK ItepiilrM.
Property owners aro complaining nbout
the condition or tho pavement on Twenty
fouith street. For nbout eight blocks, start
ing nt F street, tho .roadway Is full of holes
somo fully eight Inches In depth and three
feet across. Livery dealers nay that more
broken springs on buggies have been called
to their attention within tho lht month
than nt any tlmo slnro tho street was naved.
Some weeks ngo tho council advertised for
bids ror keeping tho street In repair for n
term of years, but bidders wcro scarce on
account of tho possibility of a long delay In
securing compensation for the work ncr-
iormeo. un imanacount It was augjeslcd to
tho council that tho letting of bids for the
repairs be deferred until after tho annual
Members of tho streets and alleys commit
teo and the city engineer aro of the opinion
that some steps should be taken nt onco to
repair tho street In order to avoid possible
damage BUIts. Engineer Deal says that $200
or $300 spent on tbo road Just now would
1111 up somo of tho worst holes and would
keep tho street In n passable condition until
tho levy Is made. Tho attention of tho mayor
la to bo called to this suggestion anil It Is
expected that ns soon as tho license money
Is eleascd arrangements will be made for
making temporary repairs.
Iron Foundry 'Wanted.
Secretary Watklns of tho Commercial
club Is anxious to havo that and tho city
council lako some action On tho proposition
to vacato J utreet between Twenty-eighth
street nnd tho railroad tracks. A foundry
employing a couple of dozen men will be
started here as feoon as n suitable site Is so
cured. The slto propcecd has trackage and
Is considered 'to be In every way fitted for
foundi'y purposes. Action on this matter,
Mr. watklns says, has been delayed on ac
count of 'tho TJnldh Pacific vacating proposl
tlon. Since It has been announced that this
railroad has, , abandoned its Idcn of making
any chnngeWlrt Its' tracks here membc'rn of
the club cannot urc anv ohlectlon to elvlnir
the ground for industrial purposes, especially
as tho land Is of no benefit to the city. By
turning It to sohfe use It Is asserted that tho
city nt large will bo benefited.
tin I Itl I ii UT I'crnillN IsNiied.
Within tho last day or two building per
mlts havo been issued to J. J. Hynn for three
cottages In Corrlgan addition, each to cost
$C00; to Mary Cassldy, for a cottage at
Twenty-third and P streets; Joe Huffy, an
$1,800 fltoro building at Thlrty-nlnth nnd Q
streets, and for tho now Episcopal chapel at
Twenty-sixth nnd Adams streets, which will
cost in the neighborhood of $1,000. Building
Inspector D. M. Cllok says that thero Is
very little construction going on at the pres
ent time, principally on account of tho high
price of material and labor.
Iloetor Slto CIiokcii.
Tho noard of Education at Its meeting
last night eclectcd the Hoctor site, consist
ing of four lots at the northwest corner of
Twenty-third and K streets, for $9,500.
It Is supposed that this means the catab
Ilshment of a building which will later bo
added to tho High school and the slto U
expected to ho largo enough to answer all
Tho board also Instructed tho architect to
draw plans for tho building of a four-
room school in Corrlgan Place.
Dcmoeriit le C'lnli KlcrtN Oltlerrx.
Members of the old Democratic Municipal
club mot Monday night and virtually per
fe;ted a new organization. The namo of tho
club was changed, so that now tho sign over
tho door reads "Tho nryan Club," Dr. W
S. White was elected president, Frank
Chrlstman vice president. W. P. McDeavltt
secretary and D. S. Parkhurst treasurer.
It Is understood that the club proposes to
send a strong delegation to the Knnsas City
convention on July 4.
MiikIo Cltr UdrhIii,
The city council Is marked up for n
meetlps Thursday night.
A case of dlnhtherlu Is renniied nt
Twentieth and Q streetH by Inspector
Georg,o II. nrcwer went lo Lincoln ves
terdny afternoon to sou what the politicians
were uoinc.
The Clan-na-Gael societies of Omaha nnd
South Omaha will give u picnic nt Water-
loo, isci., on August o.
Attorney Hnrrv L. Colin hns returned
from St. Joseph, where ho went to nttend
tuo wedding or a menu.
Miss Jessie Forcuson. formerly stenoc
rapher for Mayor Rnsor, Is now emnloyed
at the Woodmen of tho World olllco In
A special sale at western horses wns held
at tho stock vnrds yesterday nflnrnnun.
There was a good attendance and ralr
prices were paid for an minimis boki.
A reception wns given to Miss Hette
Moore at tho homo or Dr. nnd Mrs. ('. M.
Schlndel last evening. Many friends or this
popular teacher attended and expressed
recret nt lcr leaving urn eny.
Tho school site propositions lire occupying
a good deal of attention theso days. It Is
predicted that tho board will be forced to
reanvcriiso ror mus or emu uu iM"inu)
ut ;irlvHte sale.
On Saturday the women of St. Martin n
Episcopal church will have charge of
Crawford's bakery and confectionary store
ill Tivenlv.fnurlli mill I. Streets. Till! liri).
cecils will bo used for tho benefit of the
Vote early and often.
Ilnr nnil Pony Miow.
Tho Gentry ilqcr and pony show, that or
ennlzatlon so Well known to thousands of
children throughout the country, continues
to draw large ond delightful audiences nt
KlL'htecnth 1111,1 nouclas streets. No collec
tion of trained animals ever exhibited lit
hotter fitted for furnishing amusement ror
their little friends viian the animal nctors
or Pror. Gentry, than whom no one has
had greater success In making dumb brutes
do almost everything except talk. Prof.
Gentry believes that patience kindness and
a lit t lu common sense will accomplish much
and he has always used these character,
tics In his work. The show has many new
reutures this year and Is not only fiijoyed
by children, but by those: whom wero once
children themselves. Two perrormances
will be given dally ut 3 und S . in. through
out the week.
I'm iirllr Mail Kiim; i'lnic In I'rliiflpnl
IIihm- ill l.iiliinln, Wlnnlnu
In Hump.
liN( 'INNATI, Juno 1.'. June llayle luid
nn easy tlin of It winning the Harold stake
for 2-year-old colts ut Latonla today Hut
Mvo youngsters contested fur the prize mid
June lliiylo wns Installed l" 'irllf at 11 to
0. Tho start wh.m only u i,. . . in- .tin! Juno
Gayle was off next to lust. At nuarter
pole June (invle shot to the rront and whm
never headed, winning pulled un l clx
lengths. Longlto got the place eusll from
Sum Lynns.
Sim W gnve the talent n hard full In tho
fifth event by winning handily from the
Star of llethlehcni, who was n hot favorite
ut 7 to 10. Him V was 13 to 1 in the bet
ting. The weather wnx delightful nnd tho
attendance large. 1 raiit fast Iteult
KIrst race, seven furlnues. sellltiK Orrl '
M (I'arcttoi, 2D lo L won. Kalian, !W
(Michaels). 1, to I, second: W. O. Wneli, 97
til. wiisom. ; to 2, third. Tlmo. i.r.n,
Miss Hudson. Deoeptrlx, Hawthorne I'rln-
res. Hndluiige, Hed Horn J'-it Gardner
and All Out also ran. I
Second rare, five furlongs: The liiin- I
dress, 103 (II. Wilson), il to 2, won, Kmma .
k:. ii.. Wij (MNlloin. 10 to l. se oiwi. ir-
glnla T illarsehbcrgef), 7 to 2, third Time
:iv4. Frances iteis, Aliiee, Alma i' una
;rln l'i.s also ran.
Third race, one mile and seventy yards.
selling: Kltholln. 11.". ill. Wllsoui. l:i to fi,
won; tladrden, 7 (Mlehiiel). lo to 1. sec
ond: Knnomlu, 107 (Ilnrshberger). u to 1,
third. Time: 1:13. Or. S t". Ay re. Klam
murlo. Atluutlis, High Noon ami IO.villnc
ulso ran.
Fourth rote, live furlongs, tho Harold
stake: June tlnylo. 10 Hlertlug), 11 to r,,
won: Iingllo, no (Mason), in to 5. second.
sum i.yons, i(M',4 (uverton). r, to l. tnini.
Time; 1:02'.. l'.icouoly and ltobert .Moili-
on also ran.
Fifth race, six furlongs: Sim . W
ker). 12 to 1. won: Tho Star of llethle-
hem, 111 (Michael'), ,i to 5, i-eeoud. Foneda,
101 (Ilarshbergeri. 2 to 1. third Time:
:H'f. F.leimor Holmes. F.ttn Stevens. .Mac
iren and Old Coy also run.
Sixth nice, seven furlongs, selling: Strath-
light, 107 i.Mnson). 7 to fi, won; Sprung, lot
(Aker). 10 to I, second; I'oter Huryeu, 112
(Winkllcld). 10 to 1. thjrd. Time: 1.2:a
My liutterlly. Jtls Kingston, l'ouy iiixny,
Fhini Daniels, Maggie Felix ami Hed Fire
nlso ran.
I'M e Fust 1'iuiirlli'n Finish l'lrxt.
XKW YOHK. Juno 12. At Ornvesend to
day the traek wns fast nnd the card In
teresting. In the nnenlmr event Iinlf a
dozen started fur the Kensington hurdle
handicap, with Huela nn the favorite I"'
Klcnbcrir led tne way lor a nine nun a
(liuirter and then the favorite went out
and won as he pleased. 01011111111 uml
rower of Candles were tne choices ror
second event, ami the talent wni right
again, for Olcniillle went to the front lit
tho fall or tlie llag ami wns never iieaiieu.
For the Hanover slakes tne favorite, I'aiKe,
won very easily, with the second choice.
Lief Prince. In scrotal place. For tho fifth
tlmo In succession the public won lu the
fifth rnee. as Dan Itlce was the choice
and won handily. With Hobert Metealf
he set the pace ror a Imir, When tlie latter
dropped buck, and Post Haste came up.
Sho could not catch the leader, however,
oncl had to be content with second place.
First race, Kensington hurdles, one mile
and three-iiuarters: Mucin, Ififi (llogali),
2 to 1 and I to fi, won by two lengths; Dr.
F.iehberg, 113 (Velteli), 10 to l mid a to i,
second by halt a length; Governor Griggs,
1TO mnuiiliiie). fi to 1. third. Time: 3:11 t-5.
Mr. StofTel, Fllon D'Or and Lackland also
Second race, live rurlougs: tiieniinie, in
M,.i',i, 'I l,i r, Iran liv two leliutlis:
Tnnnr 'f Cllllllles. 101 l.lcilkllis ). 7 to 2 and
even, second by a length nun n nnu; .laiiu-e
ini i iitiiitniim. l tn l. mini, lime: i;ii.ii-.i.
'I'hn tu.ln (Inn, .11 OmilltV. AlllhlClOUS. LlZZlf
A. Sporting Duchess, Schreeehabout, Welsh
111 ru race, one nine ami 1111 hkiiiu:
James, IIS (Mnher), D to 10 and 1 to .1,
ivn,i l.v- ii imml : sarnlllllllll. Jl Itlt'lllj,
ifi to fi mid 4 to 5. second; crontas, 11.1
vnAimAr .1 tn I nno z 10 i. 1111111. line'.
1:51 2-5, Llnilemero nnd Colonel Itooscvelt
also ran. , ,
i.",iiirih rnee. the llnnover. live turlongs:
Fake. Iu7 (Million. 2 to 1 and 4 to 5, won
by one length: Lief l'rlnce. 07 (Shaw). 5
to j ami l lo n, neiuiiii u nun niu.,. ,
Carl Kahler. 11 (McCue). 12 to 1, thin .
Time: 1:014-5. Oulzz II, Billionaire. Glnkl,
Mulder. Cherries and Dachshund also ran.
Firth race, ono mile and a sixteenth,
....iiin.r. tii, ttire. in:. (Mnher). 7 to 5 and
1 to 2. won by one length; Post Haste. 103
(Medio). 10 to l ami n io str'iw, l
cursor. If., third. Time: -1:491-... Dan
Cupid. Merry Prince mid Hobert Metcnlt
uimo ran.
i.'ini, f,xnn nimnt wlv forlniics: Kaninra
101 (Shaw), h to 2 and K to 5. won by half
1... M,,.. linm.iuinl. 121 iSi)cnrer.
rt tn 1 and 5 to 2. second by a length and a
half; Cleora. 100 (Mitchell). 5 to I and J
to 1. third. Time: 1:10 2-5. Lady sey.
Miuu llnin.ver l.olil l.aee uin.i. ..linn-
Long, Mlrnin Claire, Sum Cecilia, Jugglery
and Pins nlso ran.
Ilml liny fur llnrlcm l-'iivorlli'd.
CHICAGO. June 12.-Favorltes rored
badly at Harlem today. May Beach ran
so :.onry In Co tirth nice that tho Judge
are Investlgatlns her performance. Jockey
nuu ,.,iii,.,i int., iii. ntniiil. hut failed
to enlighten the Judges. The Proviso stake
tor 2-vear-olds was won by . Oliver s
filly. Miiueu. Farmer Bennett anil Cold
ii. ih. ttvi. lietilnir choices were un
placed'. Weather clear and track good. Be-
aults: . , , ,
First race, four and one-half furlongs:
llegea, 107 (Boss), 3 to 2, won: uonwreiiiii
11.1 (Cavwood) 3 to 1, second: Donna Bella,
1ir, (K-llevl. third. Time: 0:37 lllshot. Nil-
timil (ins. oni Schiiuer. Peaches, Cast
Anchor. Scornolette, Alice Sconiion, Anna
Chamberlain and Kdlth 1 also ran.
Second race, one mid one-ijuarter miles
Donna Blta. 101 (T. Knight). I lo I. won
Jolly Bocer. 112 (Holatid). 3 to fi. second
Jimp, 103 iNarvaez), third. Time: 2:12V
Julius Cncsur. Malay and Barton also run
Third race, live furlouirs. the Proviso
stakes, ror 2-year-olds: Miiufii, !M (I.
Knight), fi to 1. -xvon; Boomernck, 100 (Hu.
chmian). 2 to 1. second; Benson Caldwell
KG (Diipeo). third. Time: 1:03. Gold Badge
and Farmer Bennett also ran.
Pniii.ll, ,ll. All rtni.i ini IT
KnlKht), 7 to'lO, won; Vain, 101 (Dovln). i
to o, second; Tlio l.ady, 107 tuergen), tliiru
Time: 1:U.
Firth race, six furlongs: Headwater, 101
(Hiicnnnmi), is to i, won: uoei.ei, hu tun.
pee). 10 to 1. second; lllvnl Dare, 9S (Cook)
third. Time: IMS'. Sly. Princess 'J'hyra
Atlanta. Vohlcer, St Cuthbert, Pence
and Honey Boy also ran.
'Sixth race, ono and ono-slxteenth miles
selling: The Elector won; Vlnceiines, 105
(Hose), second: Walkenshiiw. iOj (Narvaez),
third. Tlmo: 1:50V Olllo Dixon. Emlgree
Jim McClevey, Forhush,
Idle Hour nnd
Bishop Bccd also ran.
Tnlritt Ilml (iooil l)n ill SI. I.oiiU
ST. LOIMS. June 12,-Four rnvorltcs
scored br.icKcts at the fair crnunds today
The weather was Ideal, the track rust mid
netting spirited, itesults:
First race, selling, one mile and a six
teenth: Celtic Hard, 111 (Howe). 5 to 1
won: ituviimiu, srj era ley), u to l mid 2 to l
second; Cazel, fu) (Watson). 7 to 2, third
Tlmo; l:t',, Sir Philip Sidney, Croesus
l'ox unrd. Tllllo v nnd liarrlca also ran
Second race. 2-year-olds, five rurlnngs
Joo Frev, 113 (Morse), 9 to 10, won; Isabel
110 (,J. Mntliows). 6 to l nnil fi to 5, second
Wild Plrnto. 113 (Vltutoc). fi to 1. third
Time: 1:01 . Pirates Daughter, Cleorlta
ami wuicK uange mso run.
Third race, selling, 2-year-olds, five run
lours: Small Jack. 103 (McGinn). 11 tn
won; Golden Harvest, ins (Gllmore). 10 tn 1
and A to l, second; .aclt word. KM (.Morfo)
10 to 1. third. Time: 1:0.1. Hnrrv Pulllun
St. Sedna, Seething. Sophie S, Hurry, Or
leans nnd ( ecu .Morgnn also ran.
Fourth race, seven furlongs: . Trladltzn
Dl (uomiuicK), a to 20, won; Van lloore
beke, y.l (Tulles), S to 1 mid 7 to 5, second
Guide Bock. M (Hennessey). 4 to 1. third
Time: 1:2U. Harry Duko nnd Penchant
aiso ran.
Fifth race, pclllnc six and a half fur
longs: Lord Neville. 103 (Dnmlnlck). fl to 2,
won: Theory. J (Dale). 3 to 1 and I to 6,
socond; Judge Warden, lot ij Mathews)
4 to 1. third. Time: 1:21'!. Easter Card
ana .Midiigni msn ran.
Sixth race selllnir, six and a half fur
lanes: Sklllmmi. 1 10 ij. Mathews). 2 tn 1
won; Zanetto, 10fi (Fnllehv). t! to l and 2 to
l second; rcuiiiiie. no era icy). 15 to l. t nn
Time: 1:22. Very Light, Grantor, Boy
linger, diivo viuuo nnu iirmicii also run.
Mlieil ItnecN nt Ovcrlniid Pnrk.
DENVEB, June 2.-Hesults at Overland
First race, paring: Tombstone won third,
rourth and tirth heats nnd nice. Time:
2:21, 2:23',i. 2:21V George C won tho first
and second heats In 2:1 1' and 2:15. Eva
Victor and Princess also started.
Second race, trotting: Ludv In Gray won
In two straight heats In 2:37i and 2:31V?.
Marry Chime, Juanlta. Jennie B, Ited
Ferry and James II Carroll also started.
Third rare, running, seven turlongs:
Cousin Letty won, Miss Redwood second,
Corolla third. Time: i;32Vt.
Fourth race, six rurlongs: Master Murl
ner won, It Q Ban second, Pnnamlnt third.
Tlmo: 1:1794-
Fifth race, five and a half furlongs: Billy
Underwood won, Gold Bug second, Inter
view third. Time: 1. !!,.
Mono llode cot SlnUen Winner.
LONDON, June 12. -The Ascot Htakes
wns won by Lord Carnarvon's bay colt,
Haldur, by Sheen, out or Sunshine, ridden
by Tod Sluuu, Lord Durham's Osbcch was
Free Consultations!
Free Examinations!
cost elsewhere.
Fifty Thousand Gases of
Diseases and Disorders of Men Only
25 Years of Unlimited Experience 14 Years in Omaha.
Electric Belts and Electric Appliances of All Kinds.
.Medicine am! Treatment Sent Kverywhcre by Muil or Kxprcss.
Hours 8 a. in. to o p. in.; 7 to It p. in. Sunday, !) to 12.
Dr. McGrew
Hnennd nnd Lord Bonoberj H Tom C'rlnglo
third. Klevon liorfos ran.
.Mnrirun. the American Jockey, made hN
debut lu this country lu the Acrot Makes
lie una tlie mount on L'liariua, nut uiu not
sccuro a ;ilaee.
lllit Price for YcnrlliiR 1 Ilnnoxer.
XKW VOltK. Juno 12. A number of
yearlings from tho Melbourne and other
breeding furtni wero sold at auction to
day at Oravesend, tho best prices being
as follows:
l.uck-and-C'harlly. Ii. c. liy llanovcr
Bonlta Belle. I'. J. Dwyer, M.frt.
Shannon Field, h c. by I'rlneo of Monaco
Hani, I'. J. Dwyer, JI.LW.
Wimbledon, b. v., by 1'rlnee Monaco-lted
Veil. W. Lakeland. ?ti.
Kllniautle, br. c, by l'rlnce of Monnco
Century. II. K. Leigh. Jl.tOO.
Hressac, ch. v.. by St. Gcorgo-Flotllla,
J. J. Murkleln. tiM.
Tbo liolddnder. br.. c, by Jim Gore-llag-plpes,
W. P. Hurch,
Legation, b. f., by Jim Oorc-Hrlsniiza,
J. O. Fallansbee, JG0O.
Wlldenclirre, b. e by l'rlnce or Monaco
White Veil, J. W. Schorr, Jl.TA
Leniovne. b. c, by Fonso-Ouardlan
Angel F. Mokhoih. 1j0j.
Woirrldt, by Jim aorc-IJamboo, J. (.
Folllnsbee. J2.500.
Hllnk Idle. ch. c, by Prince or Monaco
Trinity, K. II. HnrrlHon, .Vrt.
nicnnenworth. ch. e., by Prlnre or Mon-aco-Mlddlemarch.
11. 11. Durham, Vffl-
AiIviiiiit (iiinral Wln t'liniiillun Ilerl.
Hl'FFALO, N. Y.. June 12 -Adinnec
Ouard, ono or flio stars or the Son Fran
cisco campaign, captured the Canndlnn
Derby at Fort F.rie this nfternoon. It was
a lively race, lloiirord and Globe were the
rnvorltcs. Tho winner was ridden by Fred
Omnium (So A-VUItlii.
A partv or live Omaha Indians headed
bv Daniel Hewitt passed through Omnha
vestorday on their way rrom Pender to
Oklahoma, where they will visit .some
Omnhas living near I'oiun and htto
Kagle. When asked concernln? tbo names
of the Indians Hewitt pointed at them one
bv one and said: "Two l'rfmnnts. Walker.
Charles Wolf and her " The person re
ferred to as "her" was an Indian woman
who was carrying a !a"'xose tied to a
board The gallant Daniel dually explnlned
that the woman was Ills wife. When nsked
what the baby's name ias he grunted and
said: "No name. It's a girl."
Ilvi-rylniily VnluiitecrliiK for lTrnrlM.
Jules Liimb.ird yesterday added his name
to the list of volunteers who will make no
the program ror the benellt to be
. . ..... .. 1..1rA T) .va.... l.n I l. .
Klveil l ..minim 'I inin.- iiivtmiMl .v (
llovd's Tuesday night next. Hilly Hlee. the i
11CSI hliowil Ol liif .im-iiiue ...ii
come iroill I Uicatro lu iiikc pun in me i j
gram Jo narion j. i. itiuni. me iki.mii
1st: IJur and I'etlo. comedy acrobnts; John
.1. Frnlnc, drani.itlc render; T. V. McCready,
vocalist; AV. H. .Manchenter. vocalist;
lleiichtel and Thompson. International
dancers, will also appear. Ciller Iledell will
send a suund or firemen to show tho llro
Dr. MolntiirlT Coinlnur.
The deacons who recently withdrew from
Ilev. Savldge's church announce that Dr.
D. X. Mclnturrr or the Spokane church will
arrive In Omaha Friday or this week to
conduct a series or revival meetings and
oIho to vindicate himself by n refutation
of certain unjust charges made against
lilm In this city. Services will be held In
Crelghton hall. Fifteenth and Harney
streets, on Sunday, morning and evening.
Movements nf Oeenn VomniI .lime 1-.
At New York Arrived Frledrlch tier
Orosse, from Hremon; Spnnrndam, rrom
Hntterdnm; Sardlnlnn, from Glasgow; Phll
iidelphlan, from Liverpool: Hatavla. from
Hamburg; Southwnrk, from Antwerp;
Cevlc, rrom Liverpool; Kthlopln, from Glas
gow. Sailed Cymric, ror Liverpool; Uibii.
ror Ilremen, via Cheibnurg und Southnmp
ton; Astoria, ror Olnsirow.
At Cherbours' Arrived Pennsylvania,
from New York, via Plymouth, ror Ham
burg. At Lizard Passed St. Paul, from New
York, for Southampton.
At Liverpool - Arrived Peruvian, rrom
Boston; Vancouver, rrom Montreal.
At Ilremen Arrived Hrenien, rrom New
York At Plymouth Sailed GraT Waldersee,
rrom llnmburir, ror New York
At Sydney. N. S. W Arrived previously
Alameda, from San Francisco, etc.
TItliDI.G l'lt.LS,
voim mummy?.
WHOM YOU K.VOW TO 1112 It UI.l.MlI.i:,
will tell you that ho Is authorized by the
manuracturers of Puzo Pile Ointment to re
rund tho money to ovury purchaser whero
It rails to i.iiri' uliy insu of piles, no matter
of how long standing. This Is n now dis
covery which has proven by actual tests
that It will euro U5 per cent of the ciues.
Cures ordinary cases In fix days, tho worst
I cases In fourtcun days. One application
gives enso und rest. Ilelloves Itching In-
1 Ktantly. Cun bo sent by mall PK1C12 5'Jc.
I If your druggist should fall to have It In
stock send us Mo In postngo stamps nnd
I we will rorwnrd the biuiiu by mull. Your
druggist will tell you that we aro reliable,
an wo are well known by every druggist
In tho l.'nlted States. Manufactured by tho
Paris Medlclnu Co.. St. Louis, Mo Wo nru
also manufacturers of the well known Hem.
edles, Loxatlvo Ilroino-Qulnlno Tnb!etB nnd
Grave's Tasteless Chill Tonlo
Sir. WIiinIi'h SoottiliiK SIU.
i Has been uaed for over FIFTY YUAHS by
CDRKS WIND COLIC, and Is tho best rem
jndy for DlAUKIIOKA Hold by Druggists
In every part or tho world. Ito sure und
ask ror "Mrs, Wlnslow's Soothing Hyrup,"
and tako no other kind. Twenty-llvo cents
Or 11 Guaranteed Cure win bo
given at tho Lowest Charges i
all curable cases and tho pay
ment may bo mado in Monthly
Dr. McCrew is the pio
neer of Low Prices. Hundreds of cases
of Diseases and Disorders of Men
havo boon permanently Cured by
Dr. MeCJrew's treatment, for
less than a month's treatment would
P. O. Uox 7i(i. Oil ice N. .
Cor. litliiiiul I'ariiitin St.s.,
City Ticket Office
1402 Farnam St.
In 'I'll l I ' t I'onn I'leiiNiint to 'I'll I.e.
Is tho best remedy known for tho cure of
all Female Diseases liven In the most
obstlnato cai-es it has achieved results
which are marvelous and stand titirlvaleo
It has proven tho greatest benefactor of
ailing womankind. after
short treatment It has aban
doned pain and restored tho
patient to a new life.
I suffered years with Fcmalo
Troubles before I abandoned all
hope or ever helng cured, but lu
the Inst hour I tnnlc llr Hnrb-
hart s Vegetable Compound and lu tlirco
mourns i wns a well woman.
Mrs. Laura Sims. Dayton. Ohio.
I' or sale by all druggists. Thirty days'
treatment for 23c, seventy days' treatment
fOo; six months' treatment, Jl.ifl; 10 days'
trial treatment free.
lilt. W. S. Ill IIKllAItT, t lnelnnnll, O.
arc Happy
where there's always
plenty of
on hand, Ati'inttdrancfflrtnk
everybody. Coo! iinrt refrenlilD,;.
writ for litt or premium ofTirel
ami M:.Mi:Ty.
Eighteenth and Douglas.
o.m: avi:i;k, smi ling
MOMI.W, , m;- I n n.
Prof. Gentry's Famous
Dog and Pony Show
Seo Pinto and Nero, tho smullct jini'form
liiff elephunts In captivity.
Watch for tho Grand Frco Street Parado
at 10;u0 a in.
Ailinlnnlpn Children l."ic, Aiiiills ."c.
Woodward & lUirgers,
Mgre. Tel. 1010,
i,i avi:i:k.
Matinees Wednesday and Saturdaj
Quo Vadis
Itotulneil ror tho week by popular reiiuest
-Crowded nightly Prices. :'5c, We
Base Ball Today
Jl'NIl 12, 13, II AND 13,
Tuesday, Juno 12, Ladles Day Clamn
tailed at 3'3 p. in. Urounds 1,1th und Vin
ton. si vim nit iti:soitT.
Lakeside Hotel PeSee
AND COTTAGES. MllttUM. V, o Hit.
rt mllr. from Kml for lrii an, d.
tcrlptlraeirruUr II. O IH .V.M.M;, lur.
1 I