10 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BT5E: TUESDAY, JTOTC 12, 1000. PROMOTERS MEAN BUSINESS Incorporators of Dakota, Nebraska L Southern Railmd An Optimiitio. fLANS PROGRESSING SATISFACTORILY turirjnrii cin In (lir I'lHil nml firnil llIK Ml'l- to III- llrmill Within tin- .i-t .Sixty -i,, l)n. (AffalrR of tho nowly Incorporated Dakotn, Nebraskn & Southern railroad, which pro post's to run an ulr lino from Aberdeen, rf. I)., to Grand Island, Neb., nre programing In nn entirely satisfactory mntiner to the partlcu lntercHtml In the new Hue. John II. JJowmaii. one of tho Incorporators and pro moters of the enterprise, la most optimistic In his coiiHlderatlon of the outlook for the now company. "I believe." said Mr. Bowman, "that It can safely be asserted that wo will begin grading operations for otir new line within rlxty days, and It will be pimhed to com pletion h.h rapidly n possible. The proposed route Is about COO miles In length. We have curveyoru In the field at this time complet ing our enKlnecrlnB work. We hav prac tically three rights-of-way available and will not be at the mercy of uny hold-up disposi tion on tho part of 'settlers of th territory through which our road will pass, even dbould any bo mnnlfiMted. "Our irtlclcs of Incorporation provide for n routo through the counties of Hall, Mer rick, Nance, Iloone, Oreelcy, Wheeler, Holt and Iloyd In Nebraska; Gregory, Lyman. J'rcsho Pratt, Stanley, Hughes, Sully Hyde. Hand, Faulk, Spink. Kdmunds nml Drown In South Dakota. Capital will be furnished entirely by east rrn Investors. Wo expect that the road will cost ready for operation between J 10,000,000 and $15,000,000, but the financiers who are backing us havo unlimited capital nnrt there will be nothing lacking In that direction." Ituni TIii-oukIi IVrtllc Territory, Mr. Dowman Is confident that the coun try through which tho Dakotn, Nebraska & Southern will operate will sustain n rail road ably, because of Its productiveness und the diversity of Its iutorcsts. The pro posed route passes through a rich agri cultural and live stock section of Nebrnska und South Dakota and will tap any num ber of thriving towns and cities. The Man hattan Promotion company of this city, which has taken an Important part in the promotion of this railroad venture, has its representatives out In the state In the sec tion through which tho Dakota, Nebraska & Houthcrn will pnss, whero they arc looking lifter the Interests uf the company, interest ing settlers and citizens ot the towns through which the road will pass In tho enterprise. Already valuable franchises Iiavo been grunted, liberal offers hnvo been made and propositions for tho voting of lionds for tho now road tiro being enter tained In sovcrnl of tho counties. Thn headquarters ot tho new company hnvo been established at Atkinson, In Holt county, a midway point between the pro pcHod termini of the road. The election of ofllccrs of tho Dakota, Nebraska & South ern has not yet been accomplished nnd the Atkinson oftlccs are In chargo of the Man hattan Promotion company. Ofllcers repre senting this company who havo gone from Omaha to Atkinson arc: General Manager J. A. Johnson, Secretary John T. Dalley, (ieneral Counsel J. M. Kerr nnd Hlght-of-Way Agent Ilrownlec, DRUGGISTS ON THE WARPATH IMnnnliiK tn MnUr It lliu-nnif cirtntil'r for Denier Who Sell lit Cut I'rli'i'H. According to reports which come from the picotlng of the Nobrakn association of re tail druggists Omaha Is to undergo another rttompt of the druggists to re-establish and maintain prices upon prescriptions and pro prietary articles which prevailed before the cut-rate druggists Interfered. At that meeting the nctuary of n certain soolnty organized to maintain rates was prcseut nnd sub rosa announced lo tho as sembled de-legatos that arrangements were almost complete to shut olT the supply from those drugglnts who sell goods for less than thi price atnmped upon tho original pack Bg". "It Is bettur to walk two blocks than to writs r line," snld tho representative, "und there is no written ugreement between the wholesalers, but each for blniHolf will re fuso to sell to tho prlco wrecking houses. Following tho sumo plan there will bo no tanglblo organization between tho local re tailers, but each will maintain the rates es tablished under penalty of having to close his doors for lack of supplies." It was stated by local druggists that the light will begin In Omaha within sixty days and will be kept up until tho cut-rate liouses go out of business or Join In tho combination to keep up the prices. Reports show that over fifteen hundred lives have been saved through the use of One Minute Cough Cure. Most ot these were c.ibcs of grippe, croup, asthma, whoop lng rough, bronchitis and pneumonia. Its early use prevents ronsumpt'on. (let nn early start In tho Working Olrls' Vacation Contest so that you may let your friends khow that you nro In the race, READY TO BEGIN ON ANNEX "Work on ilillllon lo Frilernl llnllil. Inn Will lie Commenced .lu lie 'JO. Word has been received by the custodian f tht federal building that the bond of Cindeln Co. had been approved and that work will begin on the annex of the federal building on June 20. C. W. Murdock has been appointed superintendent ot construe tlon by the treasury department. The annex will bo lu tho form of additions to the north and south wlngg of the present building and the extension of the one-story central portion to Seventeenth Htreet. Tho local olllrlals say that they am disappointed In the decision ot the department to build tho annex upon the pioposed lines because, ...Itl. ,1... ..vn..ntln.. ,1... .!.... , ! IIU lUC fACT-Jll iUII Ul IMU MiBlumil', UO (H - partment will receive tho added room which ' It feels necessary for tho transaction of Its badness. According to reports there will j lie considerable change In tho present build ing and rooms and corridors will be altered ; so that one will hardly recognize the lint floor Interior The rooms on the north side of the building west of tho entrance will be turn out nnd tho walls of the poscolllcc ex- , tended north, throwing the rooms now oe- . oupled by the superintendent of the malls nnd the secretary of the civil service board into tho corridor. I l'axton & Vlorllng hnvo been awarded the contract for placing the lattice for the stamp room of the postoillce In position. I tilorloim Venn Comei from Dr. 11, n. Cargllo of Washita, I. T. He writes: "Electric nit tor ba cured Mrs. llrcner ot scrofula, which bad caused her groat suffering for yours. Ter rlblo sores would break out on hor bead and face, und tho best doctors could give no help; but now her health Is excellent." Kloctrlc Hitters la the best blood purifier known. It's tho supremo remedy for rczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, bolls nnd running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys und bonds, expels poisons, helps digestion, builds up tho strength. Only 50c. Sold by Kuhn A- Co., druggists, (luarnuteed. Vol tnrly and often. V PREPARING F0RTHEIR REUNION .rlirnxkn Vcternn Will Meet TIiIm Vrnr nt Lincoln Oflh'lnl .Stun" A tiiiouiii'i'il, John Hccsp, department commander of the Orand Army of the Hepubllc, Depart ment of Nebraska, has Just announced np polntmmts to his olllclal staff, aides-de-camp and committees Incident to tho de partment. In general orders Issued by the commander he calls particular attention to the twenty second annual reunion of soldiers nnd sail ors of tho state under the nusplces of tho (Jrnnd Army of the Hepubllc, which will be held In Lincoln. August 13 to IS Inclusive. "The city of Lincoln has done much far the comfort and cntcrtnfnmcnt of the Orand Army," says Commander Heeso. "The re union committee Is doing air that can be done. Ample shelter, both buildings nnd tents, wood for cooking, straw for beds und hay for teams to nccommodato everybody will be provided. The Spanish-American soldiers will be given n day on tho pro gram." Commander Iteeso's nppolntmcnts are ns follows: Assistant adjutant general, James D. Ongc, post No. 1M, Krunklln; uxslstnnt iliiarlermastcr general, Hred I'. Cook, post No. 211, Lincoln; JuiIki advocate general, Ira D. Mnrston, post No. no, Kearney: Inspector general, 1 lurry K. Pound, post No. SO. Hed Cloud; chief of stnlT, Charles 15. Hurmester, post No. 110, Umaha. Aldi's-de-Camp: S. S. I'ctrrH. post No. S5. Hcatrlfc; C. A. Sweet, post No. TO, Ci'clgliton; John Oroy, post No. 1MJ, Anslcy; W. T. McLuuthlln. post No. 11. Orand Island: C. .'. Cannon, post 2m. .'II, Schuy ler; A. J. Miller, post No. SO, Hubbell; W. II. Stewart, jm.-tt No. S-.'. Geneva; a. O. Vreelnnil, post No. M, Juniata; W. 11. 1 Hu bert, post No. Mi, Coring; John Dlencr, post No. 21. Syracuse; William Spade, post No. IS, Fairmont: J. A. Huplpcr, post No. .113, Harvard; W. .4. Askwlth, post No. K. Omaha, M J. Freeman, post No. 7, Omaha; J. I). Wood, post No. 2j. Lincoln Reunion committee: John, Itcese, depart ment commander; J. A. IChrhardt, Stanton; II. C. Itussell, Schuyler; . II. Ilarger. Hebron; C. K. Adams, Superior; John II. MrClny. Lincoln. Committee on state Institutions having Inmates from the Or.ind Army: C. H. Adams, post No Sl. Superior, chulrman; (Jeorge I. Dean, post No. 11, Grand Inland; II. C Ilussell, post No. at, Schuyler; John 1-2. Kvans, post No. t. North Platte; T. J. Majors, post No. afi Peru. Special committee on the destruction of trees at the Mllfnnl Soldiers' Home: J. II. Culver, Mllfonl. chairman; Alex Gra ham, Heatrlcc; John Jcftcont, Omnha; C. F. Steele. Falrbury : A. S. Pierce, Hustings; W. M. Gilford, O. H. C Goodell, Lincoln. I'lli'M Cored Without the Knife. Itching. Hllnd. Weeding or Protruding Piles. No cure, no pny. All druggists nre nuthorlzed by tho manufacturers of Pa 7.0 Pile Ointment to refund the money where It falls to cure any case of plies no matter ot how long standing. .Cures ordinary cases In six days; the worst canes In fourteen days. One application gives ease and rent. He lleves Itching Instantly. This Is a new dis covery and Is tho only pile remedy sold on a posltlvn guarantee, uo cure, no pay. Price 50c. If your druggist don't keep It In stock send us C0c, In postage stamps and we will forward same by wall. Manufactured by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Manufac turers of Laxative Dromo-Qulniue and flrovo's Tasteless Chill Tonic. i:.t;imsio?i hates Via Chicago, Mllvrnukee A St. Paul Hallwny. June 2. 3 and 4, Milwaukee and return, $16.75. Juno 14, IS, 16 and 17, Philadelphia and return, $30.75. Juno 2.', 26 and 27, Chicago and return, $12.75. City Ticket Office, 1504 Fnrnam street. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent. ''Venn Ilounil Trip Hntcp- On Juno 21, July 7 8, 9, 10 and IS, and August 2, tho Illinois Central railroad will cell tickets, limited until October 31, aa follows: St. Paul, Minn., nnd return $12.65 Minneapolis, Minn., and return 12.cn iJuluth, Minn., and return 16.9b Waseca, Minn., and return 10.S5 Superior, Wis., nnd return lfi.95 West Superior, Wis., nnd return 16.95 For full particulars call at Illinois Central city ticket office, No. 1102 Farnam street. Omaha Tent nnd Awning Co., tents, awn ings, canras goods, 11 and Ifarnoy, phone S83 Save your coupons and help somo girl take a trip. i I U-IJJIJ11JJJJ 1.1 LI.IU.I 1 1 I I II 1 1 I 1 1 1,1 1 1 1 1 I 1 ITTT TOE MLflMOTM gMIM LOW RATES ALMOST EVERYWHERE Philadelphia and return. $'10.75 Mine It. 16 and 16 Chicago and return, $12.75 June 25, 26 nnd 27 Knnsaii City and return. $5. SO July 2, 3 nnd 4 Denver. I'imblo, Colorado Srlncs and return, $19. Oft Olcnwood Hprlncs and return, $31.00... Odon. Bait Iike City ami return, $32.00 Hot HprliiKH. S 11 . and return, JIS.X). I'nutnr H n. fSvlvan l.ukel. I and return. J20.W Tloket Office, tr'rt' 1 1 502 Farnam St. A POINTER Arrnngomonia for your Summer Vacation should not bo ccmplotocl without first asking about . . . P o I N 1 E R Excursion Rates . . THE UNION PACIFIC In fleet on Junt 21, July 7 to 10 curslon ONE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP I'lua )2.00 from MUourI Itlver to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Ogden and Salt Laki AND OTHER WESTERN RE30RTS. TICKETS GOOD FOR RETURN UNTIL OCTOBER SIST. Telephone 318. city Tlokot olfloe, 1302 Farnam til hosto.v sroiurs mo shoi: nai.k. 9IHMIOO Worth ofYhi- Fluent Shoes Mn lie In mi'rlcii on Stile Tniln. MEN'S WOMKN'S. CHILDREN'S, IN FANTS' SHOES. AT HALF PHICE, NEAHLV HALF PHICE. LESS THAN HALF PHICE, ON MAIN FLOOR IN UASEMENT. Till sale consists of every kind and ntyle cf sho3 worn today. Everything that Is new and desirable will be found In this talc. Wo distinctly warrant every pair of shoca, no matter what price we pell them for. All tho hidlcs' Oxford ties and allppcrs that wo veil for $1.00 and all tho ladles' shoei Hint wo sell for up to $l.5'J nnd nil tho really low priced children's, mlssei and boys' shoes go on pale In the basement. ON THE MAIN FLOOR. All tho men's Oxford ties that were marked In sell for up to $5.00, these nro a.imples and they go nt $1.25 pair. All the ladles' $2.G0 Oxford ties go nt $1.50. Ladle-' $3.50 Oxford ties, $1.98. $4.00 and $3.00 women's thocs, $2.50. All the men's $.".00 shorn go at $3.00. All tho $3.50 men's sIioch go nt $2.25 and $2.50. Do not forget that there nre n lot ot Infants' misses' and children' fancy black, tan, red, pink und bluo strap sandals in this sale on the main lloor very cheap, liOSTON STORE, OMAHA. N. W, Cor. Kith nml Douglaw Sts. (lyuinnst It' (' ii Iiiii nml Festival, l'lill mlclpliln, 1'n, HALF HATES. VIA HALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD. June 15 to 19, Incluxlve, the Ilultlmorc & Ohio Rnllroad company will sell excursion tlclci'tfl from all local stations to Philadel phia, Pa., nt rate of one faro for the round trip, account Oymnastic Union nnd Festival (Turnfost). Tickets will be good for return until June 2C, 1900. Stop-over not to exceed ten days within limit of ticket allowed at Washington, D. 0., nnd llaltlmnre, Md. For further Information call on or ad dress nearest Haltlmoro & Ohio ticket agent or n. N. Austin, general passenger ugent, Chicago, 111. A I'lace tn Spend the Atniinier. On the lines of the MILWAUKEE RAIL WAV In Wisconsin are somo of the most beautiful pines In tho world to spend a summer vacation camping out or at the ele gant summer hotels- Boating, fishing, beau tiful lakes and streams nnd cool weather. j Theso resorts nre all easily reached from 1 Omaha. A book describing them mny bo I had upon application at tho Chicago, Mil j waukee & St. Paul Ry., city ticket oftlco 1501 Farnnm street, Omaha. Round trip ! tickets, good returning until October 31, , now on sale. F. A. NASH. General Western Agent. Spirit I, auc, 1 1... Quickly and conveniently reached" via th I Illinois Central railroad, Round trip ticket 1 now on sale at city ticket office, 1402 Far : nam street. Interest on city taxes (real and personal) for year 1000, at the rate of 1 per cent per month, will be charged on and after July 1st next. Write ads. Sell cut. Print anything. Btonecypher, 1201 Howard at. Tel, 1310. TO USERS OF SOAP Monday morning wc shall place on sale 10,000 cakes of soap, which is really worth 5c per cake, but which we shall sell at 4C Per cake,, or 5c per box of four cakes. MITIt'i: This will lie nolil for CASH only, nml no more tlinn JOO ImxeN to n ciintonier. Oi'i: Ml. W nir Mill sell Inn Society llynlciiliiiie Soup nt -!c ier cuUr. Sherman 86 McGonnel S DrugCo. Corner 1 tit It und Dodge. June. 19 and 21. July 3, 7. S, 9. 1 10, 17 and 18. August 2, 7 and 21. Burlington Station! 1 0th and Mason Excursion Rates . . VIA Inc., July IS and August 2nd. Summtr Kates ot Ill ItMMJIOVS LOW ItATIlS, Twelve Clienp lHcurxInns to Colorado Announced h, the lliirlliiKton. Hotter Jot down tho dates on which tho Durllngton Routo will make exceedingly low rates: Juno 19 nnd 21; July 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17 nnd IS; August 2, 7 and 21. Donvor, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and re turn, $19.00, Olcnwood Springs nnd return, $31.00. Ogden, Salt I.ako nnd return, $32.00. FINAL RETURN LIMIT OCT. 31. Colorado Is a mile higher than Omaha. No wonder It's cool. Tho nltltude carries with It crlip. electric atmosphero that makes tho blood fairly tlnglo through your veins. What with trout llshlng In hundreds of crystnl streams, oxhllarutlng mountnln climbing, exciting rides nnd drives, or com plete rest beneath fomc tnrlng crag, you'll find your Ideal resort In Colorado. Tho Ilurllngton Is tho phortest lino to Denver nnd lu trains run on time. Tho Denver Limited leaves tho Ilurllng ton station, Omnha, at 1:25 p. m. dally. It arrives In Denver at 7:10 n. in. next dny. Tickets, 1502 Farnnm street. Announcement. Having purchased the entire stock of go3d3 ftom tho A. Polack Tailoring Co., wo wish to announce that we will continue the already established business In tho mmo location, 1305 Farnnm, and solicit your patronage. L. J. HER7.00. Prep, Paris Woolen Co.. Take the Wk'iiiinIi For Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands and all tho summer rworts of tho east. All agents tell tlckots via 'he Wabash. Ask for them or call on or write 0. N Clayton, Room 103 N. Y. L. Hide We Often Wonder why a certain class of pill makers fly off tho handle" when our nanio Is mentioned. We don't understand It. for'wo know we nro such a. nice, good, kind man anil don't think wo could be anything else If we tried. Wo have ntwuys had an Idea that wo were ono of tho.se "coody, goodv fel lows." Uut Unit's not here nor there they do "lly off" and w'e don't understand win unless It Is on account of us telling them a number of times that they "don't know ono'i-h to nound sand in a rat hole Surely that measly gantr nindo a mistake wen they went Into the drug business Why, If an advertisement appeared in the papers: "Wanted, n man to carry water out of the Missouri river." they would apply for the Job. Hut these back num bers will hiive to contend with the name of Schnefer and If they get pains In the back or that tired feeling, we uilvlse them to use unit wonderful medicine. CRAMER'S KIDNEY Ct'RE SCHAEFER cut puici: druggist. Cor. Kith and Clilcnio Street. HAYDEN S men's, boys' and mer Suits and Odd Trousers as this gathered under one roof. 1,500 Men's Fine Worsted Trousers, all sixes, waist 30 to 44 real $.'J.50 valued now on sale at only , Men's Worsted and Cassimere Suits would be an excellent value at $10.00special at Boys' Wash Pants made of good crash and striped galatea, cut and class style worth fully 'Joe bargain at Boys' Very Fine Wash Suits, sizes 3 to 10 yearp, plain linen and prettily striped galatea, collars handsomely trimmed, embroidered shields some have dark blue sateen collars suits worth from 50c to $3. 00 on sale at 15c, J5c, 75c and Men's Very Select Suits of pure worsted fab- ricrf, charming color combinations QL't 5?" d highest class goods made at $7.50, $10.00, $12.50 and. Men's Highest Grade ers, all sizes waists 30 to 50 lengths 29 to 37 regularly retailed at $4.50 to $6.50 on sale at $2.50 and HAVDEN BROS. fr.i.i,i; tiii: .most i.otiiim. i. oin . "liaro tho look I'VA'Priiuo fjiuier jrpjust ."'PK, . k'LsMzuh. Vifivnist, ,",loss. in ii mm llnten nml Dates for IMillmlelpliln Trip Hound trip tickets nt ono way rule will I pe sold over Pennsylvania Short I.lnw from ChlcagJ to Philadelphia Juno 14, 15, 1. 17 and 18. They may be obtained from ngentrf f connecting lines lu west or through 11 H. Derlng. A. O. P Agt . 248 South Clark street. Chicago, who will reserve sleeping car apace on application. Speaking of Thieves Tho HUE says some arc "HAHY thieves. " meaning, of course, the caliber of the thief. Natnen nre sometimes appropriated by others1 who have no moral ' right to them For over 12 years we have been making a popular summer drink, to which we gave the nniie COCA-CELERY. It Is the best soda fountain drink for headache, nervous ness, exhaustion und fatigue. On hot days thero U none better. Some of our com petitors have seen lit to appropriate the nnme. The only COCA-CELERY Is sold exclusively by J. A, FULLER & CD Fourteenth iinj Oonulnrt .streets. Your Teeth Should hnvo your close attention nnd when you have them tilled the most skillful dentlt.t I should be employed. Only the best work! done. Oold Crowns J." .00 (iold Fillings $1.60 up j Silver Fillings 73c j Taft's Philadelphia Denial Rooms 1517 DOUGLAS STREET. In the whole world theres no ! such stock of; children's Sum $4.75 linen sewed in first an astounding r I f I II I Ready - Tailored Trous $3.75 $1.50 10c 1.25;HY Do You Wear Pants? .Tnsl now wlimi sn munv nimi running around in llioir shirt SSsleovtis it is very necessary that pants should Jit nicely and right. This week wo are Jj holding a special sale of men's 'jkiiiicu light weight trousers, desir- teifablo pattoniB, neat and drossy of ;Hffec'ts, in stripes, small checks, hair unci jnain soiki pauenir7, uei- A 1" -l.i 1 1. too ngui or too neavy, uut right l'or comfort and good .i.l'rfJwear. Jn all sizes, in tho medium in tho extra lonjr blzos with hlini una tho oxtni iiirjro waist with hhori l'ants in fact ti stilt ovory until nur.socalln for. lu ' 'in...... o i i.. u,.l.. illUDU III 'l luu III bllio niv from $1.25 to $1.50, $1.98, $2.50, and $3.50 a pair. I? Horse Sense. When a storekeeper tries to tell you there are better shoes than "Nebraska Shoe," say "neigh" to him, and we'll back you up in your "neighing." Thero are just as good shoes sold in Omaha as Nebraska shoes, but they cost, you more money. Same quality, same style And same tit shoes as Nebraska shoes, cost you a third more elsewhere. Our line of men's shoes at I i ):: i s to style. The quality we guarantee, the lit we mako that you take no chances in buying your shoes here. PIANOS Going Fast Only one more week and our great clearing sale on sueh standard InMru ment as the STKINWAY, VOSB, A. II. CHASK. STKOKIt. KMKKSON. IVKItS POND and PACKAUH I'lanos wl I close. If you want n good piano at the lowitit price ever quoted In Omaha don't delny longer. It's tho piano oppor tunity of n life time. Fine mahogany upright, good as new, only 128. Fancy oak sample piano, 7-1-;; octaves, SI. '18. Heautii'ul cabinet grand, only $148. Fine Chickering, ro?evood else, $150. New Scale Kimball, $185. Burl Walnut llallet it Davis, only $'250. Squtirc piiimiN and organs, $S, S'28, ':?!) and up. Wp sell on e.-uiy monthly paymsnts nnd give a handsome stool and scarf free with each piano. New pianos for rent. Rue tuning and repairing a spe cialty. Telephone 102.". You nre cordially Invited to Innpect tho wonderful self playing pianola the gieatitit mimical invention of he century. It plays any piano. Any ono can plav It. Wsi 1111 Sehmol'er Mueller have no rnimectlon with nnv other it tii hi k, . hmir ,IH,B ,K, Mlnr , Mi ni.i.int Hp hi, re and go to the old reliable house llil.'l Kurimiii Htrott. tin: old hi:i,i uii.i: i'ito hoi hk, l.'lllt I'h mii, in st . Oninliii: M.S7 lli'o-ulu-!i., ( nuiipll IIInir. (TIM' S3 hvftl raffs W 5 am SteflSfik SellinS thousands of pairs ners. Less than Wholesale Prices T crec? Tine si. 50 kid JUUICS inado hv J. I. tfe Co., all sizorf, on sale at T dHle' Hue $2.00 and $2.25 ! JUiU ICS vicikidoxfords.in tans and black, made by P. N. Wad leigh tt Co., all bizes and widths at MiCCAfi' fine $1.(55, tan and lYlia&CO bnak, kid strap slip pers, made by The Sussex Shoo Co., sizes 114 to 2, on sale at CUMA'cz line $1.5,5- 'kid strap slippers- sizes 8 to 12 at, fOt5tr1' n lino 75c IlllU patent leather strap slippers sizes 2 to (5 at DON'T FORGET THAT You h.ivo th BEST notwlthstinuino they mm r. I'. It I LI. M. V. iO.. M A ti r A "I II K 1 . H S , ST. r.OUIN. MO, C. A, ItAILSHACK. OMAHA, DISTHlBUTOIt, jkrscscnsc is pret ty good to have at times. It teaches a fellow how to say ncigh. HNEMiMHsl '.SELLER Oxford Ties and Slippers made bv the best. eastern manufacturers at oxford ties, KmiHtlict 98c 1.25 98c 39c and red kid WHEN SMOKINQ A cost you no more tban Inferior good!. UNION MADE cry $1.15 BROS 4