THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JfNE 10, 1J)00. AGE OF EXPERTS Professional Excellence Can Be Attained Only by the Doctor Who Concentrates All His Faculties on a Single Class of Ills. GIVEN THE KEYS OF THE CITY o EnToy Rcim Warm Welcom at Haodi of Omihi Citiz'us. INFORMAL RECEPTION AT CITY HALL State Electro-Medical Institute, Which Combine8 All of the Curative Powers of Both Medicine and Electricity in Our System of Electro-Medical-Treatment, SPEBiALiSTS FOB DISEASES F MEN SPECIALISTS FOR DISEASES OF WOMEN DOCTOR TOLSON, Of the State KIcctro-.Medical Institute, Specialist in Diseases of .Hen In almost every vocation specialty work is now failed for and demanded. TM notamy true wn-n Hie or ncaitn n invoked 11 is men mat me oesi ireni ment the medical nrofesslon afford Is uurht after, and this can come only from the true specialist whose deep knowledge, expert -kill, vast experience and thorough silentlnc equipments have slven him complete mastery over the diseases that constitute his specialty. Whatever may be your aliment, get help from one who has rrade such cases a special stuay. it your eycsignt w tailing so to a ren.iDie optician or ocmisi. If your hearing l defective consult u cor,.etent aurlst If a bad tooth It dis tressing you encase the tklll of a de:ultt. Or it you are burning with fever or haklns with chills tell your troubles to a family physician. They can do you moro good than t can. for I do not treat such complaints nor pretend to cure mem. Hut If vou have one of the serious diseases oecuullar to men. such ni VARK'O- CKLE. KIUN'KV nr CIIINAHY TROfBLH. ACOllHEI UI.OOD POISON. NEKVOL'S DEBILITY, or allied troubles which Is depleting your manhood, or u your has been aggravate! and mailo worse by the use or specifics, tree samples, trial treatments or similar devices If this Is your unfortunate con dition I want you to write me, or come to my olllce where you will be wel- como to private counsel, a uireiui personal examination ana an nonesi ana sci entific onlnlon of vour case free of charge. Thes diseases and weaknesses of men. end they alone, are my specialty. To them I have earnestlv and exclusively devoted 2.) of the best years of my life, dur ing which time I have discovered an I developed various forms of treatment which make their cure an unqualltle 1 and absolute certainty. Is It not worth your while to Investigate a cure that has made life anew to muultltudes of men? Governor Poynter Presides nt Muss Mcetlnir Held I.ntrr nt 1'relnl.toi. Orpbeiiin Wnel mid !p rrul Others pcnk. Tho keys of the city of Omaha are lu the bands of C. W. Weasels, the Boer p a .0 commissioner, and his brother. Philip L. Weasels. The two representatives of tne Suuth African republics wero shown the chief points of Interest In the city Saturlay morning, and had only words of praise f r the Nebraska metropolis. Saturday morning was devoted to a drive over the city. In the afternoon tho commissioner was .x'en.ed a reception in the city hall at 1 o'clock, and at 3 o'clock a mass meeting was held 11 the frelghion Orpheum. Envoy Weisels was accompanied in hu drive over the city by Mayor Moorti. John Bush and Councilman David T. Mount, lu tbo carriage with Philip L. Woisels were K. Ptuht and Dr. McCrann of South Omaha The party started from the Paxton hit I and drove north on Sixteenth stre t t Cuming, then west to Fortieth stree, anl south to Farnam. After driving along Far nam Hanncom park was visited. The part" thon drove through tho wholesale dltr ct and paid a visit to Worthlngton Place. When the party returned from the drlva Governor Poynter and several other promi nent men were waiting to bo lntroduel to Envoy Weesels nnd an Informal rireption was held for a snort time. When the South African representatives passed Into the city hall In the afternoon t receive the city's hospitality they walked beneath a canopy of American flags The iters and stripes prevailed In the derora t'ens, but the yellow and white flag of the Orange Free State, with its field of rel white and blue, and the red, whltu and blue of the Transvaal, with Its field cf green, had a place In the decorations The court of the city hall was bright with (lags and bunting. The railings of the bai onl.s were hung with colors and above all was suspended a largo American flag Tho reception was held on the first floor of the court. The staircase was banked with palm. In front of It were arranged seats for the Hoers. the officers of South Omaha , and Council DIuffs and Mayor Moores and , the members of the Omaha council. 1 Kc) of the City Presented. Mayor Moores presented Envoy Wcseelj j with two golden keye. one of which the words "Envoy Wesfcels" and the other 1 VARICOCELE the taint are entlnlj and permanently eliminated frcm the system. If It Is Nervous Debllltj tho many distress!!!? symptoms following In Its train and Indicating a premature decline of physical and mental powers are totally removed nnd rapidly replaced by the youthful energy of robust m.inhood. Hence, all resulting Ills and retlex complications, which mav h properly termed as sociate diseases and which. In fait, are often more serious than the original ail ment that elves rise to them all, 1 say. disappear completely and forever with . v. ......a rt Kn miln OUR EASY TERMS All Goods S old either for Cash or Credit, S10 worth Roods, 51.00 week, St mouth S25 worth goods, SI. 25 week. s5 mouth. $50 worth goods. SI 50 week, S month. $75 worth gnoJsi, 52 00 Week, 58 month. S150 worth goods. 52.50 week, 510 mouth S200 worth goods, 5.1.00 week. 512 mouth :RS or 16TU& IftDNAN STBEET&.- OMAHA. Balduff's Bricks of Ice Cream 4c, Balduff's Ice Cream Soda 4c. Balduff's Orange Phosphates 2c, EXTRA! EXTRA! Grand Free Piatio Recital All Day Monday! Whatever may be the causo of Varlcoele, Us Injuria-! ciT , i .1 l:g n. It depresses the mind, weakens the body, racks the n-::vj..a o.. -n tiid ulti mately leads to ic comnleto loss of Power. If vou nro a victim of this dlr diseise c utw to my office and let me exnlaln to you my process of treating It ou will then not wonder why I have positively cured more tnan wi cases 01 alecelo uiiring me pant twelve montns. Vnder my treatment the patient Improves from the very beginning. All pain In stantly ceases. Soreness and swellln? quickly subside. The pools of stagnant blood are forced fmm the dilated veins, which rimldlv assume their normal slip, strength nnd soundness All Indications of disease and weakness vanish completely, and in ihr-lr Mea l tne the pride, the power, and the pleasures of perfect health and restored mannood. KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES Tt matters not how lone vou have suffered from obstruction of the urinary canal nop how manv different f' m tors have disinnolnted VOU. I will cure VOU just as certainly as you come to me for treatment I will not do It by cutting or dilating. Mr trcntment Is new. entirely original with me. and uerfectlv palnles. It com- dissolves and nermanentlv removes every obstruction from tic urinary passage. It stops eery unnatui il discharge allays all Inflammation, reduces tho prostate gland when enlarged, cleanses and heals the bladder and kidneys when Irritated or congested. Invigorates the organs, and restores health and soundness to every part ot ine uoiiy anectea w tne disease. SYPH1LET1C BLOOD POISONING On account ot Its frightful hldcousness acquired blood poison is commonly called the iini- nt nil venereal disease" It may bo either hereditary or contracted. Once tho system Is tainted with It tho disease may manifest Itself In the form of scrofula, eczema, rheumatic pains, stiff or swollen joints, eruptions nr eopper rninrwl snots, on the face or bod, little ulcers In the mouth or on the toneue. sore throat, swollen tonsils falling out of the hair or eyebrows and finally a leprous-like decay or tne n -en ami none If you have uny of thn-e or similar symptoms you are cordially Invited to consult me Immediately. If 1 llnd o,ir i.-ais arc unfounded I will quickly unburden your mind. Hut If your constitution Is Infected with poisonous virus I will tell von so frankly and Khuw ou how to get rid of It. My special treatment for ucqtilred blood poison Is practically the result of my life work and Is endorsed by the best physicians of America and Europe. It con tains no dangerous drugs or Injurious medicine of any kind. It goes to the very bottom of the disease and forces out every particle of Impurity. Soon every sign and symptom or tne disease uisappears completely anu rorever. The mood, thn tUstip. thp flesh, the bones nnd the whole system art" cleaned. Dlirifled nnd restored to perfect health and the patient prepared anew for the duties and pleasures 01 me. NERVOUS DEBILITY Men, many of you are now reaping the reiult of your former folly. Your manhood Is failln- ajid will soon be lost unless you do something for yourself. There Is no times to lose. lmpotem. like all sexual diseases. Is never on the stand still. With It you can make no compromise. Either you must master It or It will master you and till our whole future with nilery and Indescribable woe. 1 havn treated so many cases of this kind that I am as familiar with them as you aro with the very daylight. Once cured by me you will never again be bothered with emissions, drains, premalure ness, small or weak organs, nervousness, falling memory, loss of ambition or other symptoms which rub you of your manhood and absolutely unlit you for studv business, pleasure or marriage. Jly treatment for weak men will correct all these evils and restore ou to what nature, intenuen a naie, neaiuiy, meppy man. nun pnjsicui unci niemai powers complete. ASSOCIATE DISEASES In curing an ailment of any kind I never fall to remove all reflex complications or associate diseases. If tho case Is Varicocele tne weakness caufeu uy 't disappears. If It Is a miliary trouble which has developed Into Prostatic. HUilJer or Kidney affections the Injured organs are alt restored to u perfectly healthy condition. If It Is ucniilrfil Hlooil Poison an and all Skin, lllnod nnd Finn, ni lfAU'ft 10 VOf KNOW that our combined Elect ro-Medle al Treatment will WwlIVIiTnl promptly relieve all of your sufferings an.l ailments and restore you to health and enjojment of life? If you are a sufferer either from nctitre or chronic ailments aall vourself 11 1 eincc of th.s most successful and llfe- piving comuineu treatment. uacKaone.i. neiu ner p.nnr'ii menstruation and leuchcr- rnea nro permanent anei quu Kiy e ureo have Investigated this sstem Don t consent to that operation until ou The Electro-Medical Specialists of the Different Departments of this Institute by their special comolned Electro-Medical many wonderful cures In diseases of the treatment are making 'Omaha Welcomes.' The keys were en closed In a small oak case and were tied to gether with wide ribbons of red, white and blue. In presenting the keys Mayor Moores said: It rives me Dleasute to welcome to our I city the representatives of a sturdy peop'e wno are now waging an unequal struggle for the preservation of their liberties In , South Africa. You need no Introduction, e We have all watched with the closest In- terest the remarkable achievement of your little army of citizen soldiery fight ing against stupendous odfls The only con- , met in nisiory presenting parauei condi tions was that sublime struggle In the causo of liberty In our own America be- . gun by the "embattled farmers at Lexing ton" nnd finished at Yorktown by the sur- I render of Cornwallls. Tho Dutch farmers of the Transvaal ne- publlc nnd the Orange Free State have proven conclusively to the world thit they 1 are oast masters of a strategy which Is , not contained In English books of military Instruction or taught In British military schools. They have showed a recklessness, dash, daring and military sagacity never excelled by the trained armies of any nation, and they have already taught many e lessons to the military strategists 01 me world. Only a little over a century ago our own forefathers established liberty apd In dependence In this new hemisphere They were men or tne same siuruy siock as are the Boers of South Africa, and they, too. were willing to sacrifice weaitn and llre Itself If need be that they might have the freedom which they sougnt. The people of the I'nlted States admire tho courage and the sterling worth of tho people of the South African republics, and iv hnrw th:et If the sad time should ever omo when they are smarting under oppres sion or repression tnat mey will turn their faces toward tnis western lanu or imeriy and make this their home. The great Mate of Nebraska, vlth Its rich, fertile acres, capable of raising untold harvests or feed ing Innumerable Hocks nnd herds, would bid them welcome and they would find here, under the folds of the stars nnd stripes, the liberty which they had else where zouzht In vain. Wo have no gold mines or diamond fields to pour their rich treasures out before us. but we have our golden fields of grain. furnishing sustenance -nd wealth to a haDsv. con tented and llberty-lovlng people I have had these golden keys prepared to present to you to symbolize the cordial greetlns we would extend to you. In be half of the citizens of Omaha. I turn them over to you and express the hope that the South African Republic may soon shake off the horrors of war ard rise. Phoenix like to a grand and glorious future. I bid you welcome. Wrxela It .spoil els llrlelly. Mr. Weasels was heartily applauded when he rose to accept the keys. As soon as silence bad been restored he said: "We are doing Just what Americans would do If they were In our straits. Grandfathers, fathers and sons are fighting side by side In South Africa. Hoys 15 years of age are fighting by the side of aged men. Women who are unaccustomed to heavy work are caring for the farms. "We thank you again for your welcome and pray that God will grant us the liberty enjoyed In America." "Mr. Mayor. Ladles and Gentlemen: Words cannot express my gratitude. We are very thaukful for the kindness you are showing us and we feel that It Is Inspired by the struggle for liberty which we have hren making In South Africa. We are a I poor people rfnd humble, but we prize liberty and will give our lives to secure tt. If we ehould be compelled to give up our flags 1 we would be glad to have two more sta.s ' added to the American flag." I As Envoy Wesseli end the reception com mittee took their seats the band played This is a Slot One for Monday! VOIR CHOICE Of ALL OUR jailor-Made Suits At JUST IUU PRICE HIIIMIPo.j,iii..1LT77rai EVERY SUIT IN OIR STORE IN CLUDED IN THIS SALE--ML SIZES IN ETONS AND TIGHT-FITTING EVERY SUIT INCLUDED IN MON DAY'S SALE. -T J.EADEHRWF LlV l'l(l(.E3 6."iFap.vxm STBirre. (VtUlA. Skirt Sale Your cboici of 10 drzen tine Pique Sklrts merted pleats worth J J "'0 it i our choice ol 18 doz pure linen skirts, trim med with linen la e. 3 50 for Jl 9S Carpets at Cost ! quality that . ounts When you gt n r Tpet ..r r:g l.i rc 'i :i ,iy l. absolutely 'ir.- that it wim ,t and glw gooi'l t'n-1 Is guarante e 1-even the.urh prices are cut to about half asked bj others. 'fi. riti:i:: rm:i:s im:i:i ll rnrpets tniitle mill Intel free IliU sillc. TJO rolls Jolntless Japanese Matting 0oJ patterns a price that 1 simply start- Ilng the jard only IU2l Heavy Ingrain Carpet in mimcrotH pat terns, equal In all respects of appeurance at.d war to the sort selling ele where for three times our sale price... J Iiouble Extra Heavy Ingrain-line pat terns, equal to the regular 3-p'y for wear a splendid value at E)c ')Kr Sale only ei Jli Extra quality Ski . - MS 3 m&ST Refrigerators Less Than Cost. ollel link Hound I'iwicj llitcn- sloti Tallies SIX feet long and full width. 5 ma-sHe turned legs, sale cmU $9.75 i: ni: o i:nvn Kiin. $lii IterlKorators nt .... SI .".oo Kffrli.'i-nitcirs at at SlS.oo ItffrlCfrntnrs i at SL".'..!! Itofriffi'i-iitor 'at I $S.( Ice Clients I nt I Millie) 1 ! ( hi t lit ' All oilier eif Kofrl.'erator.s I at I'lllIJlIIj lf I'tlees. 5.45 . 8.75 9.5)8 12.50 4.48 5.48 "ST " & l.iisiilliie lo I'S w " &" Cli cDZ.OVf 'V ci II ii rnrr Well ntn le nr. JoOl f",l Igh liv or s.ite f r Linoleum. In several nut- yds. wide, an exceptional bar- A.'ir .98 worth terns. '. pain sale, per square yd. only. Fancy Wool Ingrains, various patterns and all color combinations, a value that Is r a fair bargain at TSc this sale e,nly J " Extra Heavy I'ro-Ilrussels & rolls placed for this sale at a price that profit has been furijotten It's the business 7r we want sale only J 1 1 Tapestry Hrusels ome tf the handsom est pattern creations of this season's weave, heavy and durable, value 'IQr worth 75c ale only Jali Superior Tapestry Brussels, made of best selected worsteds It's hard to Itnuglne the gorgeous colors nnd artistic designs fCr without seeing them sale only JUVi Exquisite Velvet Caniet extra deep pile comprehensive patterns varied color com binations either the gorgeous or JlKr ujcy Handsome- Dresseri with a large Imported plate mlrr .r on top hand-carve d cast brass trim mings. One lot at Jl: 15; another lot -f fifty only go for of IS Your choice of 25 dozen White Pique Wa s's -all new worth Jl 00 at Your choice dozen fine qua'lc Lawn anil Pliiue Waists trltnme I with embrolder. worth J I To. f"r A cents Your choice of sixty Suits, made frcm grass linen, bklrt and Jacket, worth 12 00 for Millinery-Monday J Your choice of 275 ill rough Jumbo braid Sailors. "1 . all slik ribbon bands us- I J J sorteil e 'lors. worth T5c . for 13 cents Your choice of 18S fine quality rough Jumbo braid Sailors, the tl.00 kind for IAQ Your choice of 95 UlA Ine Trimmed Has the 7i 111 kind we have formerly sold for $3.50. Your choice of all J ff) our Pattern Hatb they are fj j worth from Jlu 00 to J25 00 H J JJ for . . flRST FLOOR somber order snle only... Hugs Smvrna, strict novelties in pattern Shirt Waists M X and color combinations, 25 drslgns to se- AlB,f i:iernn,l?-6,",thM,!n,t" SI.28 " JSU I . c'arLet Size Hues. In 2S m tt.-rns. nre extra li- iicc. r.f the We ar-res!s'li g kind. CC K size 'tvl2 feef v.ilr JJeJU 98c Qftr Drapery Sale ' t, ..l V-...I. 1. n size 'xl2 feet .-jle ritm:; riini:: nrt.'llll Pules, en in pi etc- nlth tlircs un color, free ultli ever I)rupci- iiiiicliiisp iltirlnu tills snle. 69c Beautiful Nottingham Curtains. .1 yards lng. extra iitmlits. ex'iu-lc patterns. ea-lly worth 1 75 at this sale QHr they go for JOu 525 pair- Nottingham I'urtalns. eseeedlngly dainty and really very beautiful. and Worth ut least J2 50 per palr-at this CI ) sale vour choice for. per pair O'"" Klgant Portieres, ri inches wide, heavily fringed all colors, reversible goods C fQ a bargain ut $3 flt tht.. sa e 0'"3 Mi n lies lintiK tree cliirlnu tills xulc. r' rrT":TT II .M)O.Mi: I)A lIMMIIt'I'S. CT I $8.75 ! I '!lltJl' i:ifiinl llnli l.o-rnrts 'Rt2liLi!iJ rrffl-VTi. J'P.1 M'1 ' ,l Hew Hl s 'o guaran Q faieVTIl m'-3?' vVA ,et' 'hroighout steel rj'inlcg gear. in I1 tin 1 1 on HooUcnse nnd Writ- H-feKi?!$rj.' ' B I luK Ilesks- ilNVC:;P"4 I Very artistic nnd well made. Is golden lie ii - JZ-T V'J finish ttirnug-.eut with French bevel wF&Tic&'$ -''H ' 'Si 1 nhnped mirror f?e? M c?eSiJriJ oX. :u:sk:Sal. . .. 2- . I Solid link MiielionrcU H I 4 Freti' h plate mirror on top-- I ff T ; 1 profuse ey hand caned One lot Q rrrh-rl ; $10.98 1 'fti Piano tmish fr.m.e. ma-slve pits elegant ui'h ilst- ry. c:irings of value strictly high grade lavenport. thit would CoA be easily WTthJI't, on ole for v Write for Spectul I'utalogu' Spei iai Bab carriage fatal gue Seelal cJascline Stove C'ataiOS'ie Splrudlil Knninrled Iron llrds Heavy posts brass rails and knobs a lot of odd sizes values as high as Ji O'V at thts Breat clearance sale-only LOT Vr H'J.ll. our line of MKTAL HKDS and HKl'Hiiu.M FIBNlTlIti: stunds with. .ot a rival In the cltj $7.75 $4.98 for a ItOCOt'O roL'fll sii. h as some want 15 for So you will find fi ft fl In long and 2 In wile made luxurious with plenty or springs fnst eneil t stay Made hards. me wlt'i rl h-i olorel velours In iioi-j"ilable colors five rows of deep tu'Ung H it ym must s'-e It to upnre late tMs once pathy The nation that has made sjrh a , common enemy, the English. We have come bold stand for )lbcrt and stands f nh us the great exponent ..f polltbal anl re liglous liberty shiild alwaib be the friend to whom struggling republics may turn for help When we express our sympathy with tho brave Boers In South Africa we show to the world thnt the revolutionary blood of our ancestors flows through our veins: that the valor that Inspired such tights as Lexington and Concord still lives In the hearts of loyal Americans. 5Ien who believe In our government; men who respect the constltutl n of tho I'nlted States anil revere the Ueclaraiiin of Independence cannot fall to sympathize with the sturdy Boers In their unc-emal fight against British domination. The Dutch of South Africa are making the same fight that our forefathers matin against British oppression. The principles set forth In our constitution are exactly the samo that the Boers are fighting for. To deny the lloers the right to enjoy the privileges of liberty Is equivalent to saying that we do not deserve to enjoy the bless ings afforded us by our government. Tho I'nlted States has grown to be the greatest nation In the world; the greatest nation In peace and the greatest nation In war. And all our greatness has been ac quired through our successful tight against foreign oppression. We have maintained that no man Is good enough to rule an other against his will. We stand forth the creat example of u republican govern ment In which every man Is us good us ever;- other man. Mission of Ilie 1 nltc-il Mutes, A nation whic h has acquired such prom In 'nee as the I'nlted States has a great mission In the world. The opinion of a nation which has grown to such enormous proportions and has endured In spite of all Uio predictions of dissolution and all for eign intrigues, commands the attention of the world. Our voice can Influence the pulley of nations ami can eiirect the future of weaker nations that aro strugellng for the liberty that we tirlze so highly Our mission U to procHlm liberty to all the to tell you the truth about the situation in South Africa and to put our tide of the question before you In its true light. Muh that is untrue has been said concerning the Boers. We have been accused of being the aggressors. This Is absurd. Would 2S0.000 people pick a quarrel with a great world-power like Kngland. a power upon ' them to vote. whose territory the sun never Bets' God j "The character of a coward Is better almighty never allows the sun to set on Judged by the man he flghtB than by the man tion of saving a republic " said T J Ma honey, the next speaker "Most questions have two sides, but this one hasn't. The Boers have been charged with not extending franchise to uettlets. They feel In this matter Just as the people of other countries do. If settlers do not renounce all allegiance English territory because he cannot trust an Englishman In tho dark. (Applause.) "We are charged with keeping tlaves and mistreating the natives. In tho time that England had complete control of the repub lics did anyone hear of the liberation of slaves? W are charged with belug In need of civilization. They would civilize us be cause we read the bible. We have been charged with excluding Horn an Catholics from the republics, but this Is not true. In Pretoria tne Roman Catholics hold very valuable property. We are not needing the sort of civilization England Is providing for India." Mr. Wesbcls drew a very graphic picture of the situation in South Africa. He told of Monr, Throat mid l.tuiu. Head, Heart, Momncli unit llnvrcla, l.lirr, Klilne;, lllietiiiiut Ism, fiilnrrh, l'nrnll, I'lle. rfc. Ill MIchi- IVcullnr to AV o in en, I'rlvnto Ulirnse, lllninl Poison. Ituiiture, Stricture. II cl rcieelr mid all Allied unci Isaoclnte Dlnnine of Men. TREATMENT BY CORRESPONDENCE Most "ases can bo treated successfully at home line personal visit i preferr ed, but If It Is impossible or In onvenlent for you to call at our Girlie, write a full nnd unreserved h. story of your case plainly stating jour smptJins Phj iclans liavln- stubborn cases to treat are cordially invited to consult us Wo rn.ike no charge for private counsel, ond gle to ea.h pul?m a i"gal cmtrnct In writing, ba ked by abundant capital to hold far our promises. Address all com munications to STATE ELECTRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE Office Hours From S n. in. to 8 p. in. Sumt.iys, 10 n. m. to 2 p. in. PERMANENTLY LOCATED, I30B FARNAM ST., OMAHA. NEB. "America. Just as the band ceased play- , world. Wo can mold i uhllc opinion All Ing William Jennings Bryan stepped from nations must heed the voice of a republic ihn corridor and was Introiueed In the nn.r ,,mt ls ,ne l,w,r ,tll'ni " The w rid tho corridor anu was inirojucert to the Boer , bollIlJ to th opinion of a nation representatives by Mayor Moores. The thiit has coped with gnat powers urn! sub- crowds In the balcony and on tho first floor , lu''t, them recognlred Mr. Bryan and cheered a, he ?c?r shook hands f.lth the sturdy Boer envoy. , Spain and helped us by letting the world Mr. Bryan took a seat besliie Mr. Wesse's know that It was on our side. We are and remained there during Mayor Moores" i J'.'W t))t" ruiBn "'erference In our trou- addrcss ot welcome and Mr. Weesels' reply, neutrality promote.! by England Vc are He also stood by Mr Weasels during the reception that followed. llrynu Sprnl. nt the CrrlKlitcm. j The mass meeting held at the Crelghton , Orpheum at 3 o'cl-ck wis attended by about 1 S00 enthusiastic B'cr aympatblzrra. Above the stage wero an American flag and warned against doing anything that would displease a world power that befriended us Did we oak for England's sympathy " No. And wo did not novel. It to defeat Spain. It was our brave soldiers anil car etllclent navy that defeated Spain an 'he I'astllllan flag would have been humble even If England had not show n sympathy a for us. England's sympathy for us when ... Tranuvnl .m v. , ,h. , wo camo to ine aiu en nuuerinK c una":! flag of the Tranmai.1 ond between the tv.o dld no, purchase our silence hung a banner bearing the words. "Europe, I When England ls persecuting the brave lntc In ( liiincer mid u I'liltosopli lenl Heir In On.iilin Who Has Vlcox of Ills Oviu. Commenting on tho periodical discovery by Omaha people of unsuspected ownership In vast hidden estate, Clement Chase con- Ihe hardships the peoplo are suffering and ' ln PaPer- 100 "ceisior, mat he the valor they are dltplaylng and asked that 18 helr apparent to a colcsnl fortune, assistance bo granted them. I which, however, he. has no hopes of realizing on, except tnrougn subsequent generations. This unique confusion Is as follows: We know quite a bit about this heir business ourc!yes: but, natural, or un natural, mejclesty has prevented previous reference to It. There Is a vast estate over In Enelaml known as th- Ohase estate, or the Chae-Townley estate. It has been there for eurs. It Is In chancery, and whoever has reail Dickens kn mt what speaking Envcy Wefsels thanked her for that means. It will stay In chancery But her warm interest in the causo and ex- number of air castles have been tended his hand to her Miss Elizabeth Shirley spoke on behalf of Omaha women who sympathize with the Boers. She said that England may censor the correspondence ot the official representa tives of the United States, but that It can not stamp the hearts of American women. The audience was thoroughly In sympathy with Miss Shirley. As soon as she finished Europe nr serve to muke the Hudson look like nnother llhlne Letters, tons of them circulars by the hundred, whole book-, have been produced on the Chase estate , even diplomatic circles have been stirred and the State department has nt times been persuaded to take a mild Interest, always returning the same report, that tho chances of the American heirs .ire nil. to other governments they will not allow Hut 'he ngitntton yet goes on. usually I ecu ui cit-u cij some? luijitiuum w oil litis ui- I covered "new testimony" and begs an ad I vancn of J." to enable htm to go to London I and bring the estate back with him. There ! ls no doubt nbout its being there. A be loved mint ot ours once caught sight of u sign from a cur window while flying through the suburbs of London which read. "Lots In the Chase estate for leaso here." So someboely Is undoubtedly piling up a fortune in leasing those lots in Lon don, while the rightful owner Is struggling with poverty and a printing ofllcn in COAIiJ I lonaua nui we nave never lusc u ihkius OrAIN sleep over this frightful wrong that Is being perpetrated on a lot of American citizens by the grasping plutocrats of Eng land, and the alluring circulars go Into thn wasto basket Just as promptly under our regime as they did when that sterling lawyer. Champion 8., was the constant recipient. We do nnswer letters on tho subject, because they Invariably show that the flame of false hope has again been stirred ln tho breast of some Individual who should be wasting no time on such Illusions, and we promptly proceed to squelch them with Information derived from unquestionable sources. But "the Chuse estate'' sounds mights well, and In many Indigent families It still remains the only unincumbered chattel be. queathed from father to son. ho refuses to fight. In clnoslng to fight the weak South African republics England has shown its true nature." Mr. Wessela and his brother left Omaha last night for Davenport. From Davenport they will return to New York. LIKE A CHATEAU IN projected by hopeful i'hun in this country il irlng the last nuir century wouiq re- All who suffer from piles will he gUd to learn that DeWltt'a Witch Hazel Salve will give them Instant and permanent relief. It will cure eczema and all skin diseases. Be ware of counterfeits. Get an early start In the Working Girls' Vacation Contest so that you may let your "There can be no two sides to ihe ques- .establish the broken-down feudalities of1 friends know that you arc in tho race. Fill IV OLD AGE ".Mnn wants hut little here below" Said a morbid poet Ions ye n's ao. I'm prone to doubt Unit ancient sitRC When I look at The Hce's urotU "Want Ad" pac. I Are you fa Sport or a f Sportsman? THE BEST SPORTING NWS PRINTED IN THE SEE, not England, Is the mother country ot America." FUra of the Orange Free, Stato and of the Transvaal bearing other pro Boer sentiment were draped abovo the b xes. Tho usa of tho theater w? do nated by the management of the Crelghton Orpheum circuit. Gorernor Poynter presIdeJ over the meet ing and the speakers were: Envay Wes eels, Mlas Elizabeth Shirley, T. J. Mahony and William Jennings Bryan. Although Mr, Bryan was not on the program for a speech, he occupied a prominent place on tho stage. In response to repeated calls for a tipecch he addressed the meeting, say ing In part llberty-lovlng Boers and heaping abuse upon them no less unendurable than Spain's oppression of Cuba, are we to remain silent When British tyrants are crushing the life out of the two little South African republics, are we to rem..ti i silent because England once expressed I sympathy with our cause? KlIKlUliliien r'llllllilt lie Trilateel, A storm of applause greeted Envoy Wea- j ' sels when ho was Introduced to the audience by Governor P ynter. Women waved hand- kerchiefs and most of the audience rose to emph&ilzo their greeting. Mr. Wewels ad . dressed the audience In a clear voice. He ' spoke slowly and It wan almost Impossible to detect bis foreign accent. He said I come as a citizen, as a free American " K'vea me great pleasure to speak a citizen, to extend welcome to the ropre- few words on behalf of my poor, strugillng sentatlves of the South African rpjbl.s country. We are from the same ancestorr I pray that the time may never como when ,. r.r.nrv, nnins ih. r.rm nations struggling for liberty shall not ,rm Fiwlv the Dutch, the German turn first to the lnittd States for sym- and other Luropean natlbna. We have , I The majority of persons upon reaching middle age and past find their blood becomes weak and thin, and diseases that were easily controlled in earlier life becin to affect the constitution. Those predisposed to Scrofula, Cancer, Rheumatism, Gout and other hereditary troubles may escape till then, but as they age the blood, so long tainted and weakened by accumulated waste matters, is no longer able to properly nourish the body, and it becomes an easy mark for disease. At this critical period of life the blood must be re-enforced before it can perform its legitimate functions ntid rid the system of these poisons, and nothing so surely and effectually does this as S. S. S. S. S. S. strengthens and enriches the blood, improves the appetite, and builds up the general constitu tion. It is not only the best blood purifier, but the best tonic for old people. It warms the blood, tones up the nerves, removes nil taint from the blood, and prevents the development of disease. S. S. S. is the only purely vegetable blood medicine known. Not one particle of mercury, potash or other mineral poison can be found in it, and it may be taken for any length of time without harm o. o. o. is me oiiiv rcincuy mai readies uccp-scaieu oioou troubles like Scrofula, Cancer, Rheuma tism, Eczema, Tetter, etc. It purifies and restores the blood to a healthy, normal condition, and makes it impossible for any poisonous waste materials to accumulate. If you have an old running sore or an obstinate ulcer that refuses to heal, or are troubled with boils and r arbuncles, try S, S. S, it never lans to mate a cjuicic anu permanent cure ui uickc jwsis. 11 yuur system is run down anu you feel the need of a tonic, S. S. S. will strengthen and help you as it has many others to a happy, healthy old age. 8.S S. cured Mr. II Itorden of Saumiville. V of cue of ."J ' ?' ,i?!ln,'il,' I!UcVI,h"r - for yearsaffllcted Kciema of thirty-live vtars' Handing alter the belt phy.ician. v " e,vei ,Z!i.ISSUn1,im 4nd b?.'lul,id rytttntiy in the urrouniling co'umrv lud failrd. Thi.wa.wvcn year , h"wf? ,!'fit?,, JVcf w"hoV,,;fcf.Ivlne nX ago, and there ha. been no return of the o( ,ht "d If you arc in doubt about your disease, and will send us a statement of your case, our physician will give you any information or advice wanted, for which we make no charge. Book oh Blood and Skin Diseases sent to any desiring it. Address Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga, S. S. S. iS THE IDEAL TONIC AND BLOOD PURIFIER FOR OLD PEOPLE.