M'11 It1. Ur A II A 11A IT.V ti:it. i.it-v' r. k rvi.i -t i iitnrx CROWN ON BROW OF EROS Mating of Youth and Maiden tin Nottblt feature of the Week. GRADUATES CLAIM THEIR SHARE OF HONORS Jinny Voinm Women hay IIimvii Their llnokn (ti I'liiy Their I'll r I In World of I'iimIiIiiii i:a-iitN of Lender Importance. Snelnl Ciilnnilcr. MONDAY MIs.m Curry. .Mercer entertnlnH Cooking rlufo lit porcli party. "VVKDNKSlMY-MrH. It. II. Olmsted nml Airs. It. R Reynolds, afternoon reception at Mr Olmsted'u homo, IS South Thlr-ty-llftli Btreet. WeddlngH and rumor of weddings Iinvc been In tho nlr during tho week nml tho star of tho awect girl graduate and tho manly boy graduato has shone nt perihelion. Tho Ingress of June, tho thlrty-dny period fiicrcd to Eron, U accompanied by wed llng of IiIkIi and low degree. Men have como from afar to plight their troth to young women of Omaha, and Nebraska youths, conlrarlwlte, have brought fair Granger Into our midst. Many there wero m well who have realized their happiness In Omaha, Hid city of their own rholre, and municipality found lacking In neither fair women nor istrong men. The scent of tho orango blossoms promises to linger through out tho coming week and undoubtedly will bo Apparent during tho month, an the cal endar Is laden with tho bantm of other mar. rlugt to follow The week has also been notable for the homecoming of many young women from finishing school or college armed with tho ihcepHkln for which the father of the fam ily and frlendH In general may acceptably offor their testimonial of book or flower or "soino llttlo silver thing." M.my of thcao long absent ones will he transformed from school girls to women nf fashion with tho coming of fall nnd already their thoughts aro projected Into the winter season, when theirs shall ho tho feet at which tho best earth has to offer will llo as tribute. The. High school seniors havo been par ticularly apparent during the week, as they havo pre-empted to themselves tho principal occurrences of the seven days. On Friday pamorsby caught glimpse of their faces as carriages whirled by on the way to tho final oxerclsrs of commencement night. On Thursday tho upper classmen celebrated class day, tho occasion being attended with the usual factional enthusiasm and ether disinterested sentiments that go to mnke of commencement u happy nd wholesome occasion. On Saturday night camo tho cli max of tho graduating festivities, tho nlumnl reception at Metropolitan hall, fimllea wero thoro and tears, for It was u tlmo of parting. Old grads who havo mingled with tho world came back to re count tholr adventures and to shout forth ngaln the glory of their class, tho like of which, they assured their fellow survivors, had never since been seen. Tho approved no companlments of music, flowers and a per reot floor wero all present to make tho oc caslon most auspicious. i:'ll)-llllnniN. Ono of tho prettiest of tho season's wed flings was solemnized t Westminster church Tuesday evening, the contracting ml Mr n Z J,"8S l:"nn U William, and Mr. Orvlllo Lester Eddy of Minneapolis, formerly of tho city. Rov. Mooro ofllclated: I ho church was prettily decorated in palms and roses nnd butterfly haws hold ing branchiH of syrlnga adorned each pew. Tho bridal party entered from tho rear of tho church to the strains of tho Lohengrin welding march. First camo tho ushers, Mr. Harry A. Waterman, 'Mr. Charles I). .w comb. Mr. 0. W. Spencer and Mr. Oeorgo .. Tayloc. Next came tho mulds. Misi Julia Newcomb with Miss Nc!l T.ijicc daintily crstumed In whlto mousseline ! Iars. M1?h draco Vanderveort. the maid of honor, walked alono. She was attired in whlto mull a la Suisse over pink All carried shower bouquets of Ma.gnerltea. Tho bride was preceded by llttlo Canfleld l'.ildy of Orand Rapids, nephew of tho groom acting as ring bearer. Following with Mr' H. L. Kreider came tho bride. Sho was beautifully cowned In a mull n la Sulaso. Iho skirt was cut en train with Hlx nc cordlou flounces over which fell an ovur irapery of tho mull. Tho front ef tho bod ice was elaborately trimmed In puffed chlf foil. Her veil, which fell to tho floor, was caught with n hunch of Marguerites and sho curried a Hhowcr bouquet of tho same After tho brldo camo tho groom with his brother, iMr. Hamlin Eddy of Lincoln They walked up tho west Isle, mooting tho brldo nt tho altar. During the ceremony Mrs. Warren Swltzler, who presided nt tho or gan, played tho Intermezzo from Cavallorla Rustlcana. A number of out of town guests witnessed tho ceremony Mr. and .Mrs. Eddy of Lincoln, parents of tho groom, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Smith of Lincoln wero among them. Tho bride's gifts lo the maids wero dainty butterfly pliui in silver llllgrco. Tho briihl couplo left on tho evening train for Minne apolis, iMInn., where they will make their homo, (.Mr. Eddy was formerly connected with Drowning King & Co. of this city until within tho padt year, when ho removed to Minneapolis to accept a responsible posi tion with tho samo firm there. iMI-n Wil liams has a host of friends lu Omaha, hav ing lived hero since girlhood. Sho has been chorister at Westminster church for pcvoral years and Is widoly known In mii lcul ciaies, -Monday evening tho members of tho bridal party worn delliihtfiillv mtrtrtnimvi i... uu. Julia Nowcomb and .Mlfs Nclllo Tnyloo nt I ni laiiui n ri'niiiL'iiui', ;;m Vinson street. Thoso included were: Miss Edna I). Wil liams, 'Mltu draco Vandervoort. Mlrs New comb, Miss Tayloe, (Miss Ordway. Mi's Clarke, Orvlllo Eddy of Minneapolis. Hamil ton Eddy of Lincoln. Master Canfleld Eddy of (Irnnd Rapids, iMlcli., Messrs. Charles D. Nowcomb, Harry A. Wattorman, (leorgo 0. Tayloe and O. W. Spencer. A guessing ton test waH tho feature of tho evening. Tuch ilay evening tho bridal party was again on tcrtalncxl by Miss Julia Nowcomb and Miss Tayloo at the homo of tho latter, to whom tho pnrty are indebted for tho plousont evening. I'ortrr-nei'ti, The wedding of Dr. Elmer Ray Porter and Miss Mary Heck, which occurred at tho Church of tho Holy Family at 7 o'clock Wednesday evening, was an oxoeodlngly pretty one. Miss Margnret Heck was mnl.l of honor nnd Mr. Charles 1). Denton was best man. The church was beautifully dec orated, the chancel and altar being banked with palms and rosos. Miss Gentleman presided at tho organ and Mr. Charles I I1k glna assisted with the violin. After tho ceremony Dr. and Mrs. Porter went to their futuro homo nt Twenty-eighth nnd Webster streets, whoro nn Informal re ception ws hold, Mrs, Porter la a charming young woman and Dr. Porter hns bucomo deservedly popular during his few years of practice in this city. Among thoso who witnessed the cere mony were; Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Umsted, Mr. and Mrs. J, D. Crolghton, Dr. nnd Mre. Ollmore, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. DI:kcy, Mr. and Mr:). Henawn, Mr, and Mrs, Nash, Mre. J. M, Oaughcrty, Messrs, Charles Crelghton, Ilrass, Frank Barrett, N, P. Plant, U Camp bell, Perou, Oreely and Fordycc. AViiu ner.ltolilftnii, The wedding of Mr Ray Wagner and Miss Uilna Roblsou, which occurred laut Wednes day evening at tho uomo of the bride's father, II. II. Rob!on, 2318 Capitol avenue, ....n unu uiu nijin.Tv ui-mn ui iuu iiioiun. mesa young people navo grown up 11, uaiier, '. I'eilerion, KUett, Noble, Mar together In thlH community, they entered tin, M. J. Reade, Oeorge Ncalo and C. Ilctts. tho High school In tho same class and to- Tho winner of tho first prize In tho guess gcther received their diplomas on gradual- lng contest was .Mrs, 1'. M. I'rlco anil the Ing day three years ngo. Coming from two consolation prlzo was won by Mrs. M. J. well known families having a host of young Reade. and old friends, a largo company gathered to wltne.'H tho beautiful nnd Impressive servlco in which Rev. Edward Hart Jcnks of tho rirHt Presbyterian church pro-! nalincfl tln.ni man nml wlfo. Ml Mvrtln Roblnon, sister of the bride, led the wed- ding procession nnd Mr. Edgar Halrd was best man. Tim lir.nu.. .. .... ,. 1,0 1 1 ,. tnnteful ami the nrments worn numerous and costly. Refreshment!) wero Horved In tho dining room and on the lawn, while tut. string quartet discounted sweet music tnrougnout tho evening. On their return from their wedding trip after July 10 Mr. anil Mrs. Wagner will be at home to their friends at 3S62 Charles Btreot. fUMili-Clienoy W dil I nir. Last Tuesday night nt Crclghton, at tho residence of Mrs. Oeorge E. Cheney, John Storor Scott nnd Flora Maude Cheney wero married. Rt. Hnv. A. I.. Wllllnms. D. I)., ns- slstcd by Rev. A. E. Osborn, performing the ceremony. The parlors wero decorated with stnllax, pink and whlto roses and carnn- Hons. Tho bridal party entered tho rooms led by tho Misses Vera and Vlvlnn Cheney, daughters of .Mr. Harry A. Cheney, who acted as ring and flower girls, proceeding to tho nltnr, whero they wero met by tho groom and his best man. Tho bridal party consisted of Miss Oilie Hnckott and Miss Mllford. maids of honor, nnd Mr. CharleJ f-mick anj Mr. u. k. Hnywaru, groomsmen. mo ceremony was mat or tno Kpiscopiu cuurcu, tno Disnop coadjutor omciaiing. After tho ceremony .Mr. and Mrs. Scott re ceived congratulations of the friends present. Luncheon was then served ln tho dining loom. The bride's ccstumo was of whlto taffeta silk, with white overdress of whlto mousBclIno do solo cut entrain, with high bodice, her only ornament being n sun- burst of diamonds and pearls. She carried orango blossoms. i Wlntrr CIiiIi'h .MI.Ikiiiiiiikt (Jnli-lj. The first of a series of outings to be given Dy tno inter cum, an organization byterlan church of Council llluffs on which Is thriving beyond Its allotted sea- Wednesday. Miss Huntington Is tho daughter ton, occurred on Thursday evening, tho des- of Mr. nml Mrs. Ephcrlum Huntington, old tlnatlon being tho Minne-Lusa Htatlon at residents of Council llluffs. Tho bride has Florence. Tho party was made up of i n arRU crciQ of frcn,ii, both nt homo and eighty-four merrymakers; two tallyh03 jn this city. Mr. Hodder Is an Omaha at nnd a largo carryall wore required for Its torney. Miss Mabel Hicks of Council Bluffs convoynnco to Florence. In addition a mini ber of participants Journeyed to the ren dezvous In private carriages. At tho Mlnno-Utsa pumping station the guests wero received by Captain and Mrt. Reynolds, who offered to tho city visitors the full accommodations of tho building and grouno?. ino party wan accompanied irom Omaha by an orchestra, an Impersonator and other entertainers. The building was taste fully decorated for tho occasion. The next outing of the club will be given at Lake Manawn. Siirri for MInn IIIoiiiIktb. On Wednesday ovenlng the friends of Miss Eva Illombcrg tendered her n mcst delightful surprise party at her pleasant homo at 958 North Twenty-fifth avenue. A pleasant evening was spent In dancing. .uu. "iiiLii ii V.UIUUIUH ua seiuii. wiiuiiS these present were: C.ussle Stratman, Lena ToiunK, winei jacoDsen, iMcy iseairoyi, Elizabeth Stratman, Amy nurgstrom, Lulu Hurgstrom. Jane Anderson, Kate Anderson, Caroline Flblger, Hlrd Ilerka, Mi's. (5. Hill, Anna Kcarns. Kate Rouyer, Mary Penslnger, I Susie Penslnger, Emma Ashmu&eu, Anna Elltjer, Mrs. Frederlcltson, Mrs. Krngskow, Mario Lutgennu, Rcso Kragskow aud Min- nlo Larsen, Messrs. Jnmes Neff, Charles Nfstroyl, Perry 1II1U Arthur Baldwin, Will , Laffles, Will SchaofTer, Will Schlueter, Hurt Eiiewnld, Frcl Larsen, Ale-xander Peaslnger, J. Kragskow and Joe Patterson. Woiiiiiii'm Club MtiNleitli-. The Woman's club will give a muslcalo I next Thursdny evening at tho First Congre gational church. Mrs. George W. Johnson, MUa Louise Kellogg and Mr. Clement Shaw will bo tho vocalists. Persons having course tlekeUi of tho musical department , may use an me remaining tiCKUto at mis time. I'lcllxiircn I'llMt. .Miss Wakeley entertained lnfoimally Tues day evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Srott entertained their , bridal party at n box party at Boyd's last I A letter from W. F. Stoecker announces Wednesday evening. ! i,lH safe arrival at Plymouth on a tour of Mrs. Barker entertained MesdamcH Meyers, ' England nnd tho continent. The Waldons'e, Caldwell, Horbach, McKenna, Joseph Barker tho vessel upon which ho took passage, nr and Mlas Wallace at luncheon on Thursday. : rived at Hnmburg laat week and by this Mrs. W. B. Mcikle entertained Mesdames i tlmo Mr. Stoecker Is enjoying tho dellghU Meyers of Washington, D. C, McShane, Mc- . Kcnnn and Miss Lonergan nt luncheon nt tho Omnha club on Tuesday. Saturday afternoon Mrs. DempBter and Miss Allen entertained thirty of their friends. "Sowing Intricacies" was a pleas- , ant feature of tho afternoon. i The friends of .Mrs. O. T. Nelson gave her ' a most pleasant surprlso last Thursday aftornoon in honor of her birthday. She . waa presented with a silver tea set and nn nbundanco of beautiful roses. Mr. aud Mrs. Co win entertained at dinner '"' years' course of study nt tho Ohio Saturday night In honor of Lieutenant Wolf Wesloyan university. Miss Lemon's mother, of tho Twenty-lliht Infantry. The gu-Kts Mrs. N. II. Lemon, principal of tho Lothrop wero: Mlrs Grace Allen, Miss Delia Chand- achool, left on Friday evening to bo prei lor, Messrs. John and Robert Patrick. I cut at tho commencement exercises. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. Barton gavo a dinner nl"l Miss Lemon will later visit Niagara on Thursday -veiling at their country place, Walnut lodge. Mr. and Mrs. George E. I'rltchott. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry W. Yates, Mm. Bldwell und Miss Burt wero their guests. For Miss Eugenie Whltmore Mr. nnd Mrs. II. P. Whltninri Biivn n hnv nurtv Snliirfliiv af tin noon to ice "Quo Vndla." Their cuests I were: Mlstes Hazel Connell, Je.ni Thurston, I Mr. Arthur C. Smith Is west on a hunt Katherluo Grabel, Eugenie Whltmoro, Mlwj , '' trip. Moores and Mrs. Whltmore. i Mlsa Swensborg returned from Chicago Mrs. Robert DomiMter and Miss Allen ' last week, gavo a pleasant luncheon Friday for Mrs. I Mr. A. Dnrlow has returned from a trip Hunt of Memphis, Tenn. The Invited to Chicago. guests vsero: Mesdomrs W. F. Allen, Hunt,! Mra, v, H. shearer Is In Hammond, Ind., ...ouu., i-.ui, i iiuiiiueii. ieuogg, liuturie, l!u!r". '""I H!"1 J- A- Mul,roc:! Misses Senrles and Elder Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. Barton cntertnlnod at dluuer ut Walnut Lodgo on Frldny evening. Garden flowers wero used on the tnble and about tho house. Their guests, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Allen. Mrs. Cleveland. Miss Allen and Miss Elizabeth Allen, had a mot,t delightful moonlight drive back to tho city. Mies Kounlzo entertained tho Cooking club at Its farowell meeting of the season last week. Roses were used In tho table decora tlon. Miss Hudd of New York was tho guest of honor. Tho members present were Mitscs Dickinson, Llndsey, Mesdames Cro foot. Wllklns, Mercer. Charles Kountze nnd Luther Kountze. The Woman's Relief corps of CiiBtor post No. 82 tendered Commander N. B. Helm a surprise party on Juno 1 at the homo of hla son, H. W. Helm. 2235 Charles street. The occasion was Mr. Helm's birthday. Mrs. Strawn made n presentation speech bestow ing upon tho commander n handsome um brella. Music and refreshments were pleas ant accompaniments of the evening. Miss Lidla Mooro entertained the Junior Cooking club on Wednesday. The table was especially pretty, red rosea being used on ono side and yellow nasturtiums on tho other. Tho ccnterpleco was of pink peonies. Miss draco Allen was tho guest of honor. MIjs Fredorlcku Wesnels, Ethel .Morse. Elizabeth Allen, Curry Mercer, Jeanlo Brown. Edith Smith and MUa Towle. were the members present, Mrs. J, 0. Jones and Mrs. W, C Price en tertained nt an afternoon guessing tea Thursday at Mrs, Jones' heme, The Invited guesta wero Mesdames Pliant, S, 1) Lake, P, Jl. Price, S. Reade, E. V Witt, Ltor, I IJ, U. Carter, William 0. Price, Haymaker, j. .uuiKieiucrg, nniuingion, .niii itcaue, i. WftlilliiK" nml liiiuiiuoinciHw. Cards nre out for tho marriage of Mr. " "nm 'axion, jr., ana .iifs Georgia Short ! 01 Cleveland, O.. Which Is to OCCUr June 26. I To mnrrlago of I). J. Hughes of (Iretm. Neb., to Miss Magglo Kelly of Omaha Is 1 announced for Juno 26. The ceremony wl.l 1.(1 nerfnrmrd nt St. tnhn'a. ("n'lptl ilo Tho wedtllm? of llnlnn EII,nhott, ifv.in. . daughter of Mr. nnd Mm. John W. Evana of 2Mr. Woolworth nventto, und Mr. Charles Hlchard Thelm will occur next Saturday at 3 p. m. at All Saints church. Invitations have been Issued for the mar riage of Miss Ada M. Stono and Rev. Frank Howard Anderson, Thursday, Juno 14. They will make their homo nt Plalnvlow, Minn., where Mr. Anderson is pastor of tho Con gregational church. Mr. Robert E. Mullano left for Cincinnati last evening. On Tuesday next his marriage wl" 1)0 celebrated at St. Francis Xavler's church. The bride. Miss Flora Pund, is u wcI1 known society woman of that city. Tho engapement of Miss Theodora lnes Macauloy to Mr. Homer Ellsworth Davis has been announced, tho ceremony to occur on Juno 21. Iloth Miss Macnuley and Mr. Davis havo appeared In Omaha with tho Woodward Stock company and have a largo ecuunlntanco in tho city. Tho wedding will occur at Cheaatilng, Mich., at the homo of .mi88 Macaulcy's aunt, Mrs. Hyron Ooodsell i Coryell Fred M. Haln, formerly of this city, wa3 united In marriage on Tuesday evening to Miss Ida Florcuco Gllroy of Perry, la. Mr. Haln is now oiigaged in business In Perry and will niako that town his futuro ho.ne. Mr. Roy II, Hicks of Omaha ofllclated at the ceremony as tho groom's bct man. Mhs Wanche Prey of Omaha accompanied tho uriue. ino ccri'inuny was pronounccu uy uev. .Mcuaue. Miss Hcssy Huntington was united In mar riage to Mr. E. C. Hoddcr at tho First Pres- was bridesmaid nnd Mr. Sydney Paul of this city was tho best man, Mr. and Mrs. Hodder left for the cast, going thence to Minneapolis and the lakes of northern Mich igan. They will make their homo ln this city. A very pretty afternoon wedding occurred a8t Wednesday at tho homo of Mr. and jira. S. J. Duncan, when their daughter. Maud Agatha, was united In marriage to H. I.. Underwood, for some years employed In tho ofllce of tho Omaha Water company. After tho ceremony, which was solemnized by tho Rev. Frederick A. Hatch, lunch was served, which was enjoyed by all tho assem bled guesta. Many oxpenslvo and elegant wedding gifts testified to the esteem In which tho happy couple are held by their friends. They left on tho ovenlng train for chcns0( whero the honeymoon will be Hpcnt. Mr. and Mrs. Underwood will bo nt home t0 lher fronds at 1111 North Fortieth street after July 1. Tho marrlago of Miss Lilly A. Steel of Omaha to .Mr. George A. Lovolond of Lin coln took place at All Saints chutch, tha ceremony being performed by Rev. T. J. Mackay. Tho brldo was accompanied by Miss Dorothea W. Helmrod and the groom by Mr. Harry O. Steel, brother of tho bride. Others of tho bridal party were; Mr. Ralph W. Breckenridgo, Mr. J. B. Redfleld, Mr. Harry Frank nnd Mr. Charlcn Ady. After the ceremony an elaborate reception took placo at tho homo of tho bride, 1318 South Thirtieth avenuo. uotu the church and the house wero tastefully decorated for tho occasion. .Mr. nnd Mrs. Loveland left lnte In tho evening for St. Ixmls nnd will visit Cincinnati, Washington. Now York nnd Boston before their return to their home at Lincoln Soelnl ('111 Chill. Miss Curry Mercer will entertain the. Junior Cooking club at u porch party. Tho Chafing Dish club hnd a most de lightful picnic at Rlvervlew park last Sat- urday evening of a German Hummer Frank R. Roberson. enrouto from Pre toria, arrived In Loudon on June S and sails via tho Scrvla, duo In Now York on tho ICth. Mr. Roberson'fi Intorvoivs with President Kruger nnd others prominent in the counsels of tho Boer and Briton fetrugglo will bo Interesting, as told from the leading Clinutnuqua platforms, for which bo Is booked for the coming season Miss Wlnnlo Lemon, an Omaha High school graduate, has successfully flashed a fans ami take a trip around tno lakes, re turning to Omnha about August 10. Mm eiiieiit mill Wlierriiliout. Miss Doane spent Wednesday at Lincoln. Miss Webster has returned from Chicago, Mr. A. H. Noyrs was in St. Joseph last wrpl visiting relatives. Mrs. Hamilton a nd the Mlssen Hamilton are In Rome. Dr. Chnrles Rich Is visiting the Atlantic coast resorts. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Allen spent last week iu tho country. Mr. Hnrry P. Deuel has returned from n trip to California. Bishop and Mrs. Worthinston are at Stockridge, Mass. Mrs. Charles I-oblngler Is visiting friends In Manistee, Mich, Mrs. J. A. Kuhn returned Thursdny from a visit in Chicago, Miss Bessie Ford roturned Friday from her school In the cast. Mr. Moorhead camo home from Columbia collego on Tuesday. denernl Drew Is visiting friends and rela tives at Plattemouth. Major Thomas P. Wilson went to Atchi son, Kan., last week. Mr. Fred Nash, Jr., returned from u trip to Chicago last week. Mr. and Mra. CharleB W. Lyman went to Chicago last week. Mlsa Jeeslo M. Towno returned last week from Stanford university. Dr. and Mrs. A. B, Somcrs aro spending tho week In Kcosauqua, la, Mrs, Porter left on Tuesday for a visit with hor mother in Georgia, Mr. R. Stephens left last week for a visit to his old home In England. Mrs. Dan Wheoler visited Mr. and Mrs. Cox In 1'lnttnniouth laxt week. Tho MUsei Moorhead will leave Monday for Nw York, from where they will sail Juno 16 for Eurone They will return about September 1, Mr. nnd Mm. n. j. Mclklc and children left for an eastern trip on Saturday. Major Iluohanan left Thursday for an ex tended trip through the lllack Hills. Mrs. Horace Hurt and Mrs. Thomas Orr have gone to Lincoln for n few das. Mrt V. M. Klchardscn will remove to her futuro homo In Wyoming, III., July 1. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. r, Stono hnvo gone to Cambridge, 0., to spend tho summer. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Parker aro spending Sunday with ..Mr. and Mrs. Porter Peck. LMrs. S. I), llarkolow nnd children will epellJ ,ho 8"'"'or at drc-eil Lake. Wis. -Mr' ' E' YoHt nml Master Casper Offutt ' f'I,mit Uo Jn'8 ln Kansas City laHt week. i 'Mr- A. D. Schneider returned I'rlday from a week's fishing trip at Lake OkoboJI. Mrs. J. C. Perrlgo will leave Tuesday for a two weeks' visit with friends at Toledo, O. Mlts Helen Hoogland nnd Miss Hcleiio Wymnn retununl from Now York Inst Sun day. Mrs. Fred Schneider went to Chicago last week for a month's study under Prof. Atilich. Mis. Donald Kemp is In Whlttakcr. Mich., with her mother nnd daughter, Mrs. E. P. Lombard. Mrs. Fred Davis and children nnd Mrs. Clnrkson will spend tho summer nt Oreon Lake, Wis. Miss Mora Martin returned lait week from California, whero she spent the winter and spring. .Mrs. tiojrgo Rlbbel nnd dnughter, Helen, loft Friday for tho east, whero they will spend tho summer. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Martin and Miss Mary Darker will spend two weeks In Chi cago and Gnlcsburg, III. Mr. and Mrs. Sam E. Wherrltt leavo on Tuesday for a two months' trip to Denver and tho mountain resorts. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ilurgess aro visiting in Pontine, III. They sail from New York to Euroyo next Saturday. 'Mrs. S. S. Caldwell left today for Tioga, Penn. She was accompanied by her grand son, 'Master John Caldwell. Mr. Will Davidson hns gone to Chlcngo. Heforo returning be will go on a fishing trip to Madison Lake, Wis. Mrs. Fred Talinnge has gono to Chicago to spend tho mi miner with her parents. Sho will return September 1. Mr. Hnrry and Miss Ethel Tukey returned from Lincoln, whoro they have been at tending tho State university. Miss Nellie Martensen left for Denver Inst Friday to visit friends and relatives. Sho will be gone several weeks. Miss Florence H. Lewis has roturncd from St. Mnry's school, Knoxvllle, III., where she has completed a two-years' course. Miss vMargaret Pratt returned from New York on Monday. Sho went directly to Colonel Pratt's farm at Bennington. Mr. James Anderson and Eon of tho Bur lington loft last week to attond the National Convention of Freight Agents In Boston. Mrs. W. F. Morphy and children leave this week for Colorado Springs and Manl- toll hore ,h ' to remain all sum , ' mer. iMlss Alice Howeli spent last week at tho 'Milwaukee biennial. From there sho goes to Boston and New York for a short visit. Mrs. C. C. Belden returned Saturday from Milwaukee, whero sho atteudod the biennial melting of tho General Federation of Women's Clubs. Dr. nnd Mrs. AUI-on aro at Atlantic City, N. J. From there they will go to Now York City to meet Mr. nnd .Mra. F. A. Nash on their return from Europe. Miss Margaret McNorncy left Thursday for on ecttenRlve eastern trip, which will Include Severn! weeks In tho White moun tains and on the St. Iawrcnco river. .Mr. Francis A. Morrell returned homo Thursday from New York City, whero he has finished creditably his first year's work In the school of minus of Columbia uni versity. Miss Ada Alexander leaves Monday f r tho east and will sail on Juno 16 for nn extended trip abroad, touring through England, Scotland, Frnnce, Switzerland and Italy. Miss Janet Rogers, daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Thomas J. Rogers, accompanied by Miss Mildred Lomax. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lomax, ban returned for tho summer from lMIsb Scovillo'a school In New York City. Mr. and Mrs, Mllo M. Van Horn will leave this week for Madison, Wis., to attend com mencement exercises of tho University of Wisconsin. Thtlr son, Frodorlo M. Van Horn, who la a 1900 graduate, waH recently elected to membership In the Phi Beta Kappa fraternity cn account o'f his high scholarship. This Is tho highest honor which the faculty can pay to a student, the solo qualification for ndmlttnnco being scholarship. Out nf i'oivn liiicM. Mr. Fred Martin of Iowa was In the city Tuesdny. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cheney of Crelghton aro ln the city. Miss Crounse was the guest nf Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock last week. Rlshop McCabo of the Methodist church will bo In the city this week. Mrs. H. P. Ellis of Denver will he tho guest of Mra. Robert Doming next weok. Miss Fannlu Colo of Des .Moines, In., will be tho guest of Miss Ethel Tukey this week. Miss Aila Rudd of New York spent Wednesday and Thursday with Miss Llnd sey. Miss Tato of Syramore. 111., will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wymau next week. Miss Carlton of Richmond. Va., Is visiting her unele, Mr. John 11. Rabin, HOii South Thirty-first street. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cloyd and little daughter of Uray, Colo., aro spending u fow daya with Dr. A. I). Cloyd. Miss Elizabeth Illshop of Qulncy, 111., who Is woll known In Omaha, Is expected soon to visit her sister, Mrs. W. F. Allen. Mrs. Martin of Chicago, mother of Mrs. A. T. Sldwell, hns beau vlsttlng relatives and friends in tho city tho last two weeks, Mrs. Walter Williams, who has been Mrs. Oscar Williams' guest for tho past two weeks, returned last Saturday to her homo In St. Louis. Miss Nellie M. Horn of tho Peru Normal school Is spending a few days with her father, J. S. Horn, at tho Merchants'. MIsb Horn leaves In a fow days for Columbia, S. D., where sho will spend the Hummer.. OMAHA srilUlllS. Florenee, John Simpson nnd Hugh Suttle wero Omaha visitors Saturday. j W. G. Clark of Omaha visited his mother. Mrs. H. G, Clark, Thursday evonlng. 1 Mr. John Anderson of lllair, Nob , vlilt d ' his brothers here n couple of days this , weok. j Syo Clark of Langdnn, Mo., visited tela tlvei and friends hero a couple of days this week. j Mm. Rebecca Mattox Is very tick at pres. I ent aud llttlo hopo Is cntertnln(l tor her i recovery. Mm. Wlloy King has been very sick for the past thrcii days and Is no better at tho 1 present time, I John Nlcholhon, who has been at Murray, la., for tho ,iat.t threo months, roturn-d home Wednctday from there, He bai bsau slck for tho past threo weeks nnd Is Just able to get around. Miss iUanch Tucker icturned Tuesdny from a two weeks' visit with friends at t'flaud, Neb. Harold Reynolds, who has been attending collego nt Bellevue, Neb., returned home Wednesday for a vacation. Mrs. Henry Ptteison of Crescent, la., fpetit a couple of days of this week visiting her sister, Mrs. (leorgo Stolon. 0. J. Hunt went to Providence, R. I., tho first of tho week on a business trip con nected with the canal at Bridgeport, Neb. Rev. Robert T. Graham of Omaha, the former minister of tho Presbyterian church here, was In town Friday calling on friends. F. S. Tucker started Monday on tho new louto of the niral free mall delivery, which meets the htnrty approval of the farmeis along tho route. Tho members of tho Presbyterian church gavo an lco cream social at tho church Wednesday night, which was a success financially and fcoclnlly. lll'IINOII. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Davis on Tuesday of last week. Miss Emma Conklln of Omaha wns a vis itor in Benson on last Wednesday. Prof. Fox has been busy tho past week In tho work of census taking In this pre cinct. Miss Ilea Hoffman was visited by ber cousin, Miss Kate Scott, during tho last week. Tho Clover Leaf Reboknh lodcc held Its icgular bimonthly meeting last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Gallagher of Omaha Mient two days visiting at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed O'Connor. Mis. Georgo Hawkins entertained Mes dames Golden nnd Reynolds of Omnha lat Thursday. Master Harry Fox was taken ill las' Wednesday with n bad hemorrhage and wns qulto lck Tor n few daya, but Is now hotter. Services will be conducted this mornlue by Rov. Mr. Totmnn. This evenlni: at S l o'clock the puplU of the Sunday school will glvo the children's day program. The young people of the Methodist Enls- ' copal church have organized a choir, with ! .Mrs. Morgan as organist and Mrs. Dr. Mr- Coy as musical dirertcr. The choir meets on each Friday night. Mr. William Tlndell and Miss Agnes Hughes graduated last Friday night with the class of 1H0O of Omaha school. These aro tho first to graduate In tho Omaha High nchool from this placo. Ilunili-e. Tho regular meeting of the Dundee Im provement club was held at the school hall on Saturday ovenlng. On Friday evening, at the liome of Mm. E. V. Heaford, the annual Juno party of the Dundeo Wcman's club wns given. Mu sic, games and recitations were the fea tures of the ovenlng and delicious refresh ments w -re served. The commencement exercises of the Dun- I dee school were held e,n Thursday evening, u delightful program of essays, recitations nnd music being given by the grnduntlng class to a large and enthusiastic audience Each graduato received many compliments nnd beautiful boquets, together with tho well-earned diploma that admits them to the High school next year. HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI RECEIVES Itoepptlon tit I he l.iiMt (in (inul na tion IIi-Iiikn imv 1,11V Into tlte AiHiK'Indon. Tho alumni of the Omaha Hlga sch'ol proffered ila annual reception lo the r. ign Ing class laat night at the Mctroro.lt in hull, all tho ebullitions of ciasj enthusia m piopor ti tho occasion being exhibited. Cosy nooks werp draped with cl.i s colors nnd old ginds who had not met suic a bright commencement day, nn InJollilte space into tho past, shook hands and lookel Into each other's eyes. The Alumni as.io c atlon, which during tho last few years has lost seme of Its old-time vigor, win reinforced by tho new eMiorgy of 132 grad uated. The dance program was pr i.a-eil by n short business meeting, at which the fol lowing olllcers wore eie.Mel: Dr. Paul Isl ington, president; Arthur .lessen, vice pre-i-ident; Nathan Hern&teln, tecond vice pres ident; Frank Manchcetor, truasuivr; M s.i I3oi8lo Duniont. member of tho executl board. I'rof. Nightingale, superintendent of tho Chicago schools, as tho commencement orMor was a guest of honor und wo;e thn class pin of the class of '00. The newly elected officials of tho association propose to carry on thrlr duties with a zeal not la'ely striven for and a now mission for tho as sociation will probably bo evolved. i V. P. Chlodo. ladles' tailor, removed to ! 211-210 Siuth Eighteenth etreet, oppislto 1 ' city hall. Miss Houlter has dosed her piano studio for the month of June. Fine hot weather waists, ( hlnit silk, blark nr while, tucked In rliMliTs and lined throughout at $.') 05 turn. Wash Petticoats 55c In blue, pink mid lavender -5-lm Ii ruf fle on u drop flounce .Vic eiteh Monday SfMSCQFIELD y SXcuW&SUITCO. 1510 Doimlus St. Diamonds Pearls Rubies Emeralds EDHOLM THE JEWELER WHO IS RELIABLE 107 North Sixteenth Street. Waists JPlf $3.95 i 1 MRS. BNafe; ii) dllToront klntls-nll Hit liest styles tlmt are liiiiiiiil'iU'ttlicil. l'lices .Vic, 7.V, $1.00. $1.1!,-,, ji.r,u. jj'j.oi) nnd $'30. We lmve tlicin with cork pads to keep Hie Hteels from rusting IlUtl l"oak- iiitf. Also the (Vleliinteil Kust-t'rool' Corset. If you don't llki u Corf-ot nnd can't Und a unlut to tUiisi, try iho Kqulposo Waist. We' will Kuaranteo you will ho iiloasod. We arc' selling LAD! US' AND CIIILIlItllN'S FANCY IIOSIKKY at about half regular price. Prices lite up to .fl.'-'.". This In the last week of tho demonstration of the Roseznll.i Cream and Soap The inanufncturerM guarantee to euro uny skin disease. Piano Sale - All of our pianos that havo been rented to tho schools of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs aro being brought in on account of school closing. Wo find that wo havo not enough space on our piano lloor for all these instruments, liather than pay storage on them wo will close them out re gardless of cost. Here are only a few of tho pianos that must go in this sale. Pianos sold on monthly payments if desired. 1 upright piano, rosewood caso $ 75.00 1 upright piano, mahogany caso 05.00 1 upright piano, walnut case 100.00 1 upright piano, ebony caso 115.00 1 upright piano, mahogany case 125.00 1 upright piano, walnut caso 135.00 1 upright piano, ebony caso 150.00 1 upright piano, walnut case 175.00 1 upright piano, mahogany case 195.00 In addition to this stock, we have a complete line of Chiokering, Fischer, Foster, Franklin, Jacob Doll and twenty one other makes that are being sold at very low prices. Wo handle Hurdette and Newman Brod. organs. Pianos moved, tuned and repaired. New pianos for rent. Telephone 16815 Till: !) Cii.NT STOUE Babv Carriaees Go-Carts Final sale of a choice line of tho celebrated Ivin ley baby carriages and go cirts. for full sice cnirlagn O (Del niado of reed, shellac fin ishstrong steel springs rubber tire wheels nicely upholstered sntiieu parni'Ol. 84.95 made of reed, cano bottom rubber tire whoels lino satin para sol. MAIL ORDERS FILLED. 1519-15 21 rfg uuuywd d Street. Haar 10th St I am PIANOS Going Fast Only cno more week and our great tieaiin menttt as the STEINWAV, VOHE, A. II. CIIASI & POND and PACKARD Pianos wl 1 elose. I lowitu prb-c ever quoted In Omaha don't tunliy of a life time. Fine mahogany upright, good Fancy oak sample piano, 7l-.'5 Heautiful cabinot grand, Fine Chickering, rosewood case, $150. New Scale Kimball, $185. Hurl Walnut Ilallot it Davis, only 250. Square pianos and oruans, $18, $28, $;)) ami up, V sell on easy monthly payments and glvo a handnomo stool and scarf freo with each piano. New pianos for rent. Flno tuning and repalilng u spe cialty. Telephone 1C2.V You aro cordially Invited to Imped thn wonderful self playing pianola tho gientcot musical Invention of he century. It plays any piano. Any ono can play It. WfltMlit1fT' Hibmoller & MuelVr nnnse UMinir Uio n.mo tho old tellable boure p. lird Fariinin itrecl SCflMOLIiR & MUELLER tiih oi.n itm.i.wsi.i: riwo not sic, f.illt Kb mi ii in St., Omnliui !i:t7 llroiul ,vii , Connell Illnnx. Arthur Delmore Chenej Basso-Baritone Vocal Special Attention Olvcn to English Oratorio. Suite 315 Ramge Bldg,, Omaha nstruction BENSON. Summer Corsets AND Summer Waists. I. C ! Htc k t n i no jimkmm 1519-1521 Douglas -P Street.. Ka 10th M. delay 3. STEfiKR, EMERSON, IVERS I f you want a good piano nt tho El longer. II'h the piano oppor- N as now, only 128. I octaves, 1 38. I only $1- IS. H have n immoetl,,,, ,vlth mix- other U of ".MIIJl.l.KIt ' Ho Mire inul t. m U V 4' Call and a ',1 Bee Advertising Man a will call on yon t to Ktit a Want Ad or a Half Page. up r