Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1900, Page 6, Image 18

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Juno 10, 1000.
gratitude, or from patients desiring treat
ment, or else those contemplating taking a
courso nt tho school,
A Paying Profession
Professor and Mrs. Ucll teach their method
of healing to others. Students havo come
to this institute from all over tho state of
Nebraska and Iowa to take a courso in
The Power Invincible
I'rof. nnd Mrs. Dell, Omaha, Neb.
Dear Friends:
I can say nfter suffering ton years with
rhcumntlsm I have been cured by your
treatment In thrco weeks. I cannot ex
press my thanks In words for your kindness.
Valparaiso, Nob.
Mr. S. V. Dunbaugh of Soward, Neb., was
nllllcted for years with head trouble and
lumbago. He could not get relief from
medicine. Ho enmo to I'rof, Hell nnd was
cured In one wok.
Thcso testimonials speak vol
umes and any one afflicted with
acute or chronic disease can't
Magnetism applied by hunmn hnndB and to Omaha to stay. Prof, and Mrs. Doll and a
directed by hiiinnn thought Is by fnr tho corps of assistants wero qulto busy treating
most Invlnclblo euro or disease known In patients; nnvcrthclws, tho professor took
this age. Men aro laying aside tho old, talo tlmo to show tho following testimonials:
Mrs. F. M. Robinson of St.
Mrs. Marj Darnel . 913 N. 2Gth Ave..
afford to forego investigating
for !1 f;u", "u"e,;ci1 fr 0"aha, was cured in ono week after having this institution and consult
four years with femalo troublo
and could got no permanent re
lief by tho use of medicine.
Was cured In thrco weeks.
Ilov. David Italn of Havcnnn,
Mtti . I V n - 111 I 1 1 .
tried almost every
other remedy. Her
Ing I'rof. or Aire. Uoll on tho
troublo was femalo
weakness nnd nervous
subject of magnetic healing.
Tho Dell method Is very popu
lar, Judging from tho number
of patients who aro now at tho
Institute, and tho many let-
Mr. T. E. Clark of St. Michaels, Neb., suf
fered for years with catarrh of tho worst
form. Was cured In two weeks.
u mw umiciuu lor i'o
years with organic hcadacho.
ht. , h V Hn1i for surrorci1 three years with bowel trouble, dally from persons who have
ZL . . hour8' was cured ,n a snrt tlmo by absent treat- been cured at tho Inatitato
was cured in ono week. ment. and are desirous of expressing
liaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBiBaai LaaaaaaV
rotnodlcH nnd unscientific thought, and are
tuklng hold upon tnnglhlo nnd vital remedies
for body nnd mind. Proper thought and
proper application will snvo this world to
health and hnpplncss. Tho Qrent Western
Institute of Magnetic Ilenllng stnnds as a
mighty uvldcnco of thin fact. Men and
women nil over tho country nro turning
their oycA townrds this institution for help.
Mnny hnvo gone from thin plnco with thank
ful hearts and healthy bodies, who wero,
previous to their coming, physlcnl wrecks.
A llco rcpresentntlvo was Invited to visit
this Institution, and found tho commodious
(litnrtcrH to bo finely equipped and con
veniently arranged. In conversation with
Professor Doll, ho nssertcd that ho had como
mngnctic hcnllng, and speak In positive
eommendnble terms of Its high stnnding and
merit. Professor Hell will be glnd to refer
nny one Interested In learning this noble
profession to those who have taken his
course. Posltl lis nro guaranteed to
graduates of this Institute. The Institute
la In correspondence with prominent per
sons nt different points who want a magnetic
healer to locnte with them. Professor Roll
will Insuro your success. You havo tho
power to cure disease, If you only know
how to use it. You can learn In ten days.
Do not fall to Investigate. Prof. Hell will
give you terms by addressing hkn at 1C23
Douglas street, Omnhn, Neb. ,
Patients coming from a dlstnnce nro
especially cared for and terms made easy.
American Soldiers
Butchered by Moros
(Copyrighted, 1900, by Frank G. Carpenter.) looming that ono of tho higher olllclals ot
POLLOK, Island of Mindanao, April 19, our army was present, had como to hold a
1900. (Special Correspondence of Tho Dee.) confurenco with him. Thereupon, much ro-
, , i . i i .... .i i,in Hovod that thcro was to bo no lighting, the
AoBVixlT ot giving you an adequate idea Amor,cana n8ke(, th(j daUo8 tJ et th(J
of tho Moros of this part of tho world. army wngon and rldo up t0 tho towni
They aro moro barbarous and savago than nono of them had overseen a wagen or mules
anything you can imaglno and they act boforo, they were dollghted. Thoy crawled
vory much as though thoy thought we wero In, stumbling over their weapons aa they
tho sarao. There Is, 1 bollovo, bound to be did so. Tho mulos wero whipped up and
troublo with thom sooner or lator nnd wo thoy wero carried on tho gallop over tho
should havo troublo hero now wero not tho stones to tho town,
soldiers very careful in their treatment ot "M" u"'f" ! rropiwlilon.
thom. When 1 wroto from Parane-Parang Thy woro tttkCD to tho gttto of the fort.
tho MoroB woro In possession ot tho Spanish
fort there. Captain Glllenwater, who was
tho first officer to command that station,
had but ono company, and as Uaqul, tho
datto, who had possession of the fort, claimed
to havo 4,000 lighting men, Glllcnwator did
not risk forcing tho Issue. Slnco thon,
tho Moros present wero all enemies ot
Datto Plang and that they had como to
hatch up a Bchcmo to conquer him. Ono ot
Datto Utto's men, a flerco, dark-skinned fel
low with a big krls at his waist, presented
the case. This man was an orator. He first
dilated on tho greatness of their tribo and
then spoke of tho outrages which this son
of a slavo, Plang, had perpetrated upon
thom, stealing their lands and growing rich
by plundering them. After a long pro
amble he came to tho purpose ot the visit
and bluntly proposed to tho American com
mander that he should unlto his forces with
thoso ot Datto Utto and march against
Major Drett and tho American soldiers at
Cottabato and Datto Plang. He said ho
bellovcd that by such a union they could
wipe out Plang and tho Moros, as well as
tho American troops, and thoy would then
bo supreme In this part of Mindanao. As
v.-..- tin. . .1 -ii. r
but not admitted inside, as treachery was spone uuuo m iu iuur uru
feared. Chairs woro brought out for the Present app auded and assented, and they
Uviuuuuy uil uuiu iu i Liu iuvu iuah uo;iiuiua
and Drett were llttlo Independent dattos,
each ot whom would gladly wlpo out tho
other. Our officers In reply stated that such
a combination was impossible, that all tho
Americans wero as brothers, and that thay
dattce, and with armod soldiers around,
nominally as a mattor ot honor, but really
as a guard against attack, a council was
Tho chief datto ot the party did not speak.
however, Captain Reynolds has como with a wh0( nmt h((j DaUo wnntcd pCaco. not war. although thoy were
quvuuu wuiufuuj pinnir In fhn ntrnnirnHt Morn of Mindanao mwuyn iuuujt iu ""-"
Colonel Hayes recently counseled together "Jng. ""LTriSS , Shortly after this the big mule wagon was
and dee ded that tho Moros mus bo gotten ftrm d a abQut hlm brought around and the dattos were told
out of the fort, as in case of troublo the A no t, e bM hQ wou,d drlvfl tnQ that the troops hoped to have the Honor at
Plnco would bo of groat advantage to us. s nlnrda oft tho faco of tho earthi He giving them again to heir boats. To this,
Thoy sent word to Datto Daqul that he must tfa 8nou,d nover enter h,8 terrltory however, old Datto Utto decidedly objected
vutmu uuu iuku uia mnuium uuu hiyo w nnd organized the chlofs of the Other Moro unu W oiue iimuu dibi'o iuui wiu nuuiu
other quarters.
Tho great datto grumbled. Ho said bo
had no placo to go and nBkcd it tho Ameri
cans would not allow him to tako up his
quarters in tho church. Ho was told no
and ho grumbled tho moro. All this hap
pened tho night bo was told ho must leave.
l'n u Sleeiiteas Nltflit.
Our soldiers, Including the officers, did
not sleep much that night. Thoy were not
suro what tho datto would do. It ho re
fused It meant war, and, with ht: superior
numbers, thero was no suroty how tho war
would turn out. A great commotion was
observed In and about tho fort all night, and
when tho troops marched up to tho fort
tho next morning thoy fully expected a
When thoy arrlvod, howovor, thoy found
the datto moving out bag nnd bnggago. Ho
told them ho would go, but nt the samp
tlmo ho pointed out to tho bay.
Tho AmorlcaiiB looked and saw that It
was coverod with Moro boats. From every
quarter tho Moro woro coming toward
Parang-Parang. Somo of tho boats had
lings Ilylng In them, nil wero filled with
nion armed with lances, guns nnd krlsos,
and It looked as though tho Mohammedans
of all Mindanao woro coming to wipe out
tho Americans.
Tho Datto Daqul protended that he did
not understand it, nnd a guard of Boldlors
was sont down to tho plor to Intercept tho
crowd upon landing nnd to learn what was
really tho matter. Tho officers went with
thom, taking tho big army wagon which had
rocontly arrived and the four-mulo toam.
At tho wharf thoy found that tho Invad
ing Moros wero tho forces ot old Datto
Utto and of several other chiefs, who,
tribes to resist them. They put up forts and rather walk than bo so shaken up again
dug pits for ambuscades, but were defeated
and Utto submitted. Slnco then ho has
fought again and again, and of late, al
though bo Is now almost 90, ho has been
waging war with Datto Plang, tho datto of
this region who was tho first to como to tho
support of tho Americans.
Datto Plang Is a thrifty chief. He Is tho
son ot a Chinese slavo, who by his own
nblllty has mado himself a datto, and who
by tho commercial strain of Chtneso blood
which ho has In him hns amassed lands,
houses and gold galore.
As tho council proceeded It was scon that
Thero was one of our wnr ships In tho har
bor, and ns thoy left this gavo thom tho
honor of a parting salute.
How Our Soldier Wore Ilutclicreil.
It Is Impoaslblo for me to describe tho bar
barity of our Moro fellow citizens. Thoy
nro In mnny respects ns savago as any tribe
of tho African wilds and I prophesy that
Undo Snm will loso many good Amorlcan
soldiers beforo ho has brought them within
tho pale of his civilization. Since tho first
part ot this letter was wrltton the report of
tho first butchery has como to hand. Tho
ovont happened tho ether dny on tho Island
of Dongao. This Island is at the southwest
ern end of tho Sulu archipelago, within
about forty miles of Dornco. It Is so small
you will need a largo map to find It, but
look for tho Island ot Tawl Tawl and you
may know that It is Just off tho western cud
of it.
We have a company stationed at Dongao,
tho soldiers living in an old fort and bar
racks thero which were occupied by the
Spaniards. The Moros were supposed to be
very friendly and the soldiers thought noth
ing of going off into the woods in small par
ties to fish and hunt. They mixed with the
Moros and treated them kindly. The other
day a party of five of our soldiers had gone
somo miles away from the camp on a hunt.
They stopped near a Moro village, and whllo
ono of the men took a bath In the stream
tho other four sat down on tho bank and
played cards
AuMnuIt tlic Soldiers with ICrlncH.
Thoy stacked their guns near them and
wero having a pleasant game when ten
Moros armed with krlses and barongs camo
up. Tho Boldlers greeted them and pointed I
. i. i . .... i
iu lueir Lurub, explaining wnai tney wero
playing. As they did so ono of the Moras
gavo a signal and several ot tho others
grabbed the guns and ran, whllo tho rest
nssaulted the soldiers with their krlses. In
less than two minutes they had cut thom
almost to pieces. They then ran away, tak
ing tho guns with thom.
How they camo to leayo the man In tho
water I do not know, but they did not
molest him. As soon as they had left ho
came out. He found that ono of tho
soldiers had been cut Into five pieces by as
many strokes of a barong. Another, who
was cut almost as bad, died as he came up,
and a third hnd been so cut through the
nock that nearly every cord but the Jugular
vein had been severed, and the man was
living only by holding his head on by his
hand. The fourth man was terribly
wounded. Tho soldier managed to get the
living and dead Into tho boat and rowod
them back to Dongao. When he arrived
there one of the wounded men had died
and only ono of the fire besides himself
was alivo. This was the man who hold his
. bead on. Tho boat was half full of blood.
The soldier told his awful story and a
forco of men at onco started after the mur-
dorors. When thoy nrrlved at tho vil
lage the datto at first hesitated about giving
them up, but ho finally did so. The guns
wero also found and upon a storn demand
thoy wero handed over. Tho soldiers took
tho murderors and camped with them that
night near tho village, intending to take
them back In the morning. They mado them
go nfter wood and water for the camp, but
as soon as the Moras neared tho woods they
tried to escape, and every ono ot the ten
was shot dead by the guards. I am told
that this attempt to escape was a genuine
one, but I doubt not the soldiers were glad
of tho chance it gave them to avenge the
doath ot their comrades.
Where 1.1 fe la Cheap.
Life la In fact the cheapest thing In this
part ot tho world and death can be had on
slight provocation. I have not yet heard
of tho Moros having prisons or Jails, though
(Continued on Sevonth Page.)
Eviry WesUrn Man Interested in Western
Irstitu'ions Rejoices.
Wrote Blorc 1iim1iicm in April mill
Muy Than Any Other IiiHiiruiiec
Company DoIiik HuhIiicnm
In NenritNUn.
Tho Dovino which seems to havo been In
terfered with Is not tho Bankers Reserve
Life Association of Omaha, for It wroto
more business In Nebraska alono In April
and May than any other life lnsurauco com
pany In tho state. If tho Iron ot fact Is
distressing other vitals, it Is bscauso othor
companies cannot keep up with tho pneo
set by the
Tho most delightful othor truth In con
nection with this growth of business Is In
tho character of tho risks written by Its
solicitors. Bankers, professional men,
farmers and merchants ot tho best class
both as to local standing and physical
health nro tho people who aro enrolling
their names upon tho policy list ot tho
Hnnkcrs Reserve Thoy nro not novices
In life Insurnnco swept into tho company
by pcrsuaslvo agents. They aro thinking
men, familiar with business methods and
oxperlenced In dealing with solicitors ot
every character. Thoy
solely becauso they recognize a meritorious
homo company and approvo of a business
like, unequivocal, simple, nnd completo In
surance continct. They know from tho
faco of the policy and Its terms and condi
tions, precisely what they aro buying, nnJ
need no' interpreter to elaborate details.
They know
progressive, liberal and businesslike.
Thereforo, thoy nro loyally rallying to tho
support of tho Dankers Reserve Llfo 'Asso
ciation. They will constitute Its advisory
boards throughout tho stato to guard Its
honor from mnlovolent competitors, Its' rev
enues from frauds and Its good namo from
malicious assault.
to tako life lnsuranco In a new, -progressive,
up-to-date, successful llfo company itf1 "In
tho Inception of its prosporlty. Policies
wrltton now will enjoy tho benefits of tho
low death rate of earlier years, In dlv
Idendo returned to them, and as tho com
pany grows older their position grows
strongor nnd their policy profits or dividends
grow hotter. Remember, too, that this
Nebraska company offers Its policy holders a