Juno 10, 1000. OMAHA ILLrsTltATM) M312. Embryonic Statue of Abraham Lincoln Two Lugo and valunblo pieces of Ten- It up nnd took it to my home, a abort dls ncssee marble llo dormant on the lawn sur- tanco awnv. Thoro I cavo It n drink nf rounding the state hoimo at Lincoln, In the same conuiuon as wnen inKon from the ltn qunrry In Tennessee. They were presented to Nebraska to bo used for a Btatuo of Abra. ham Lincoln. With tho exception of a few chips that havo been knocked off tho cor ners tho rocks havo not been touched for llvo years. Tho marblo was presented by tho Btnte of Tennojseo largely through tho efforts of John Curric a stonecutter of Lincoln, who sue- cecded In rnlelng a fund of ?C00 to defray the expenses of cutting the statue of Lincoln, The rocks stood a high pressure water test and are considered very valuable. A day or so nftcr ho began work cn the marblo ho was stopped by Governor Holcomb, who claimed that ho was Incompetent to cut tho statuo. Currlo then presented a claim of $2,000 to tho state legislature, alleging this amount waa of duo to cover expenses ho had personally mot, but lie finally accepted $200 In full settle ment and transferred his clnlm to tho marble over to tho state. Since then sovornl attempts havo been mado to raleo a fund largo enough to defray tho necessary expenses of cutting tho stntue, 111 it tin tin rt Ihnm titttm1 mm f tint Transportation on tho Hurllngton depot at Omaha, recently offered to cut tho stntuo nnd wnlt on tho legislature for compensa tion, but his proposition was not accepted by the state officials. Tho disposition of the marble Is a problem that several ad ministrations have tried to solve. On ono of the rocks Is tho following In scription, written by Godfrey: HverlustliiB ns this rock, from which his statue shnll appear, Is Abraham Lincoln's memory, to Ameri cans most iloar. Waters shall wnste away, the valley meet the plain, Hut Abraham Lincoln's memory nnd this statue shall remain. Stories About Statesmen Congressman Dollivcr routes a good story of General Wheeler. He says that Wheeler came to him in 1898 nnd besought him to use his influence with tho president to cot him (Wheeler) a place In tho army. Dolllver told him ho wns ton old tn fleht nmi thnt he should stand aside and lot tho young men do tho work. "My boy," replied Wheeler, "you don't understand. I was graduated from the United States military academy, but when tho war camo I went with my state, and left tho servlco of tho federal government. I fought pretty hard In that war, and you can't scare mo by telling me what tho hardships of this will bo. I may dlo down thoro in Cuba with tho fever, as you say, but you don't know how much good it would do mo now to havo tho privilege of dying In the uniform of a Un'tol States soldier." For many a long day Amos Cummlngs, representative in congretM from ono of tho New York districts, has been waiting for a chanco to get even with "Private" John Al lon of Tupelo, Miss., tho trouble being that tho Mississippi congressman on ono occasion raised a roaring laugh at tho expenso of tho Now Yorker. Tho two men aro tho best of friends and aro very fond of Joking each other. Mr. Cummlngs le among tho most tender-hearted of men and has long been an especial advocate at any and all meas ures for the protection of Amerlcnn birds. Some tlmo ago ho was speaking on this sub ject in tho bouse, tho occasion being n dis cussion ol Hepresentntivo Lacoy's bill to provent the Importation of certain of tho feathered tribe. Mr. Cummlngs wns tolling tin... u.lntn1 l.n C.irlluli cimrimi'a irikrn "Only tho other day," ho snld, "I waa walking through tho capitol grounds when I saw a poor little robin surrounded by spar rows that were picking It to pieces. At my approach tho sparrows iled away, but the robin wns unable to uso its wings. I picked FATHER HIGGE OF CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY ECLIPSE AT WASHINGTON, Ga,, MAY 28, 1900. brandy and It died a moment later. Under wines " Hero Allen broko In, speaking In tho most woe-begouo tones: "If It was from tho bottlo out of which you gave mo n drink yesterday I wonder It lived even for that moment." Tilt! llollHK broke Intn n rnnr ulilM. unu repented at tho look of pained surprlso ns- sumed by tho Mlsslfslppl joker. .Mr. Cum- mlngs looked reproachfully at hl southern friend, shcok his fist at him and finally joined In tho laugh nnd sat down without disclosing what wns under tho robln'n wing, w "How did you feel," Thcodoro Drcisar nsked Thomas Ii. Howl In tho Juno "Suc- cess," "when tho entire democratic press tho country had pounced upon you for whnt It called your tyrannical mothod of TENNESSUK MA It II LIS KOH LINCOLN V. WO LK K V I IS W FROM WIS ST. interpreting tho rules of the hnuei of rep refiontntives?" "Oh," replied tho ex-spenker promptly, "you mean whether 1 wn disturbed by tho uproar? 'Well, I had no feeling except ono of cntlro serenity and tho reason was sim ple. I know Just whnt I was going to do If the houso did not sustain mo." Then ho raised his eyes nnd with a char acteristic twist of tho mouth, which thoso who have onco seen do not soon forget, added: "When a man has decided upon n plan of action for either contingency thoro is no need for him to bo disturbed, you know." "And mny I ask what you had determined to do If the hoiifo did not sustain you?" "I should simply havo left tho chair, re signed tho spoako:8hlp, withdrawn from tho house and given up my sent in congress. There were things that could bo done, vou know, outside of political life. For my part J had mndo up my mind that It polit ical llfo consisted in sitting helplessly in tho speaker's chair and seeing tho majority powerless to pnso legislation I had had enough of It." Ono of Congressman Cushinan'e colleagues is authority for tho statement, reports Les lie's Weekly, thnt this Jack-ot-atl-trad03 assumes to know ovorythlng thoro Is to know, nnd It Is lmposslblo to surprlso him with a bit of information or a scrap of news. If ho should bo told in tho midst of a speech that tho capitol was on flro ho would look about nonchnlantly and say yes, ho know; ho had expected a flro about then. "Ho makes mo think," says his accuser, "of an old lady in our town, who, for want of a better namo, I will call Aunt Eliza. Now Aunt Eliza has had fow opportunities in her llfo and is oxtromely Ignorant, but she has always kept up a protense of su- READY TO OBSERVE THIS THNN'KSSUK .MAItllLlC FOR LINCOLN MONUMENT LAND COMMISSIONER J. potior wisdom, nnd no ono ever betrayed her Into an expression of astonishment. Sho invariably knows what you tell her bettor than you know it yourself. Onco upon a tlmo Aunt Kll.n nppeared lato nt the church festival. " 'Oh, Aunt Eliza!' called out ono of tho girls, 'we're going to have charades. Isn't it fine?' " 'Yes, yes, child,' responded Aunt Eliza, 'I smollcd 'em ns I como in.' " HYPNOTISM. Magnetic Healing, Personal FREE. New and Easy Method of Hypnotism and What It Will Do for You. TIIISISZANONI. Wc challenge t he world to produce his equal. Thousands o( success, ful iiK'naml uomenwho have been Ids disciples testify that Znnonl'.v methods arc superior to nil ethers. Zanonl lias taught nil those who nre now teaching 1 1 titiotlsni. Magnetic I Icaling nnd Occultism in this country. They nre nil his followers nnd tliey universally ack nowledge him their supreme master. Za nonl'H new nnd easy method o( Hypnotism gives J on the true nnd only key to this great science of sciences. Zanoni, Greatest Living Hyp notist, Metaphysician, Philosopher nnd Scien tist. ,, Zaitonl lully explains everything, revealing nil the mysteries, marvels nnd victories ol this never-failing power, giving the very latest, surest, quickest nnd best methods known and his own wonderful discoveries, which include hundreds of new, rare and.vnluahlc secrets, never before made public. This new method shows how to so hypnotlhe others that they will obey your slightest commands, while they know what they are doing, yet nre utterly powerless to disobey your slightest wish. PHQTRCT YOURSELF. Zationl fully ex plains how people nre made to sign notes, checks, execute wills, compel love, buy goods they do not want, nnd do thousands of other things ngninst their Mill. How to IIvpnotiseasiulcknsthought, ly letter, card, shaking hands, by the use of the WE WILL PAY $1000 IN GOLD if ZANONI falls to teach you Hyp notism, Magnetic Healing, Personal Magnetism. YOU CAN LEARN THIS NOBLE PROFESSION AT YOUR OWN HOME AND MAKE $5,00 TO 25,00 PER DAY. BE. GIN NOW. THE INTERNATIONAL TEMPLE OF SCIENCE, Howlaud Building, 182 and 184 Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILL MONL'.M ISN'T, SHOWING INSCRIPTION Fireplace Decorations In summer, when tho fireplace hns crasrd to bo a thing of use, It may easily be made a thing of beauty with n minimum of ex pendlture of tlmo and money. Kor exnmplo, tho country honsj in.ty np proprlately havo a rustic nrchway formed of tho height of tho top of tho llrophico ami with firm standards madu steady. At about eight Inches frewn tho ground a kind of shelf of rustic work should bo mado luth fur uso and stability. To give it u rustic appearance tho wood might havo the bark left on. Tho fonder should bo removed and tho arch placed on th(. harthstono. From a hook nt tho top, suspend a hanging (lower basket nnd utilize tho ledgo below for plants. Tho effect is really charming. A wcod trellised two-leaf screen, thirty eight Inches high nnd thirty-six wide, with four shelves for holding chlnn. enameled In color nnd lined with satin or liberty silk, U tho device of ono inventive housewife. Upright tubes of bamboo arranged in groups of thrco, made to hold water, Is an other device. A lnrgo glass dish placed In front of it, In which wntor lilies llo.it, and all round tho edgo of tho fender lung ghuiH troughs filled with lycopodnum and roses Is another miggcstlon. At till lirdt-cluss bars and hotels Green River The Whiskey without a headache. Magnetism, Occultism, Etc. eyes at a distance In fact. How to Hypnotise a Per.son without their knowledge. ZANONI'S method shows you how to succeed in your business, increase your salary, the secret of money getting, how to win the true nlfections of anyone, how to make your home the abode of love, peace nnd happiness; how to gain reputation honor, nnd friends and make ou eer where n welcome guest; in fact it will enable you to hae every ambition satisfied, nnd jour fondest hopes realized. Ills method will show ou HOW TO CONTROL OTHHRS and make them do your hlddlnir. It uites nu the kev of all nower. Al l. can easily acquire this wonderful power hv tiiiu ntw system. Your succcts is certain nnd failure Impossible. MAONHTIC HEALINfl. With Zntiottl'H new, easy and superior method of Magnetic Heating, you can permanently cure yourseu aim otliers ol nil diseases, nalns nnd bad habits. In n word, "all the ins mat llesli ts heir to." PERSONAL MAGNETISM is n double power. Zanotil'M new nnd ensv method will show win how you Can possess this irresistible power which maKcs you a King ninong men, OCCULTISM-MYSICISM. Zntlotii nlso shows you how you enn obtain a thorough know ledge of the occult nnd nil of the ancient nnd modern sciences nnd mysteries i he most uon derful secrets of the nges which have been care1 lully preserved ana guarded lor centuries. HOW TO ATTRACT MONEY A Rare and Valuable Secret You con poshcss It. SUCCESS IN I.IFh Is positlu-ly assured by Zanonl'rt new nnd easy methods, nnd they can only he secured through ns. AVe hold exclusive copyrights for the United States nnd Canada lor nil of Zationi'n newest nnd latest methods nnd works. Zaaoul will remain in this oountry for n limited time only and if you wish to receive Ids personal attention write today for his elegantly illustrated treatise "Znotil't Wondcrn of Hy p notism, Magnetic Heallntr, Personal Mna tictinm, Occultism, etc." which fully explains all the latest discoveries, including Life's Secrets nnd Mysteries nnd The Secret of all Power. Also the Science of Life and Health revealed. Re member this illustrated treatise or Instructor, this treasure of priceless knowledge costs you nothing. It will be sent you ABSOLUTELY FREE. A postal card will bring it by re turn mailt postage prepaid. Scud for It today. V ( Kltl'SIC, CONTRACTOR AND lH'II.DIIH. Shop at Ml" lliuney Street. I'OSTOWKMS TOW Kit, Hhowing highest HcafToldlng over coiiHtructed about a building in Oiniiha. It huhUiIihmI tho weight of nlnotoon granite cnttora, who havo boon engaged for Hovernl months) In curving thu ornamental idono work. Mr. Kruno In ono of tho iiiiihI Hiiccetittfiil con tractor!! and bnlldorti In Oninha and building at thin tlmo llvo linndHonio icHldenccH In different parlB of tho city aiQ t9C WEEKLY I MEN nnd W0ML N ll luritr'l mtrllnj cDIU IU iDOO "id Kxri.NsiJ flD Mr Hmllti.nr 1ml. mmlo f-'JZJ M llr-t V 6 months. AlUrt llill.of Is,. I.. WlHtirt i'J hours. Carrie 'Ullunn.rlPrk'tlU In ii wkhkh. Mm. Illtchroi, f Zzz, IihmIiIhh hoLiMliRUini. l.liln Kmtnmly.fMI whtln iHacmnu. Ltr u oiaki yuu Nci HiwrlnrH fiHtlfti, Our A sent mmtf uter 417,000 OO Uit month HUPplylnu tliA minrtnmu deiunntl for our fftinoun QuukHr Ifiith Onhtnitt, and atipointtn iiutintn. A'ondrful nellwr. Una nnl phynloliniH. Su wlifimsfruiMl orfitLt' tttt'!ho(l. niv i on ii lorour rrotnmiion. whw I'jun.mo. Freo. W'nrhl Mftf. '., 4T Vrld ll'ltl'ir. InHnnnll, O. I IV t ecomtnend above Jit tn as ttliablt.iuiitot, For Family use try GREEN RIVER WHISKEY CHICAGO I.M.HJOK HOUSI!, 402 No. Kith St. Anybody Can Afford in 113 mwmm AM, fcuMr.rla, Bullion.., IHiUm, tit. Oarrkl til tolumiil .utoinKtlrullv. A I Wtrrferrnriu, 3).ari'iriiriiiiU. uti,'tilU. ! Uoiiitliiiitruclitg llluitmtvcl Ikiuklelw n TL. I.. ...... " '"HMI'i U Killo Htnt, flllOAIIO, ILL. , .. i.irrn.i , a riiawaraiMP i a SM