Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1900, PART I, Page 12, Image 12

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Boston Store Is the Mecca for Economists
Great value giving is the theme we work on. Prices are pulverized for your special benefit. Tomorrow's great sale extends throughout the entire establish
ment and is full of money saving opportunities for all. Profit by them.
35c Corsets 19c
500 summer corsets, extra well
made, pood quality summer -fl f
not, all sizes I yC
I 75c Corsets 39c.
! Two largo bargain tables with blpr lots
I of ladli's' ptM'foet lltt lny wunimm' i-orsct,
iiiudoot tlie lot uunlltynf sum s" "V
hut net Willi two -ddii Meolv- X-l
1 worth regular up to 7oe- KJF s V
i In tlili sale lit
Parasol-Umbrella Sale
$3.50 and $5.00 Parasols for $1.59
1,000 fancy parasols made
of the finest silks, in all shades, in
cluding black and white, plain,
corded, braided, and hemstitched.
with fine wide Bilk ruflles. These parasols are worth
50 and 5.00 go on sale 5Q
BigSale of Silk Umbrellas
Grand lot of silk Umbrellas suitable for ladies or men
in 20-inch and 28-inch size. Every umbrella well made,
paragon frame covered with genuine gloria silk, med
ium and heavy weight taffeta and all silk serges, great
variety of plain and fancy handles. There are um
brellas in this lot worth from 2.00 to $4.00, all go at
98c, $1.39, $169 and $2.50
A Noteworthy Dress Goods Event
For Monday we will givo astonishing values in new dress fabrics. These bargains
are by far the greatest, in our judgment, that we over offered to our customers.
yd. for $1.50 and $3 Dress Goods
m 7 In this immon9o assortment of goods worth from
for $1.50 and $3
Dress Goods.
81.60 to 93.00 yd. yoiJ will And Broadcloths, Homo
spuns, Golf Sultlnps in pray, navy and brown mix
turos, with handsome plaid backs: 50-lnch crahracres
light and dark grounds, many estrlpos und floral do
tslgn9, especially adopted for Klraonas, Whipcords,
Cropons and Mohair Urillnlntlnes. Thcso aro all
now fresh goods and placed on front bargain squaro
at -10c yd.
for $1.50 and $3
Dress Goods.
1 yard for 50c Challis 1000 pieces of strictly all wool challis -f B
I ( H lino dark grounds with floral designs, also ono lot of striped challis, llgnt grounds with I f
Ilornl doslsms on sale on bargain equaro ut 15c yard.
Laces and Embroideries
JNow lace, now embroidery, new inser
tions, now allover embroideries, new all
over laces.
10,000 yds fine quality French Valen
ciennes lauo and Insertions in all widths, many to
match, go on bar- j gj
5,000 yds of Normandy valencienneB
and point d'esprit insertions in all widths, a variety of
patterns, worth Ifiu
this sale at
5c yd
8,000 yds of allover embroidery and lace, great variety
of stylos nnd patterns, suitable for yokes una
shirt waists, worth regular 1.00
on nalo at.
49c yd
Many thousand yards of embroidery and insertion, in
cluding swlss and nainsook, hundreds of stylos in all widths from the vory
fine narrow odges to tho g" f jt
extra wide, worth up to HC" oC and ItfC VQ.
35c, inthissaloat w 2W aw J V.
250 pieces colored embroidery in all widths, -
all colors, Hitltablo for trimming under woar and shirt 13 C Vfl
waists, worth up to Ufc, in this salo at J
Monday's Millinery Bargains
Radical reduction on Imported millinery exceptloniil saving opportunity Monthly
Belgian split straw sailors those jaunty, stylish
creations usually sold for $2.00 the ono groat sailor hat sensation
of tho season while they last Monday, GO dozen, ut
French Flowers
Extraordinary vnluos, 1,000
sprays of French
llovors lor trim
uiing; summer
hats ,
Trimmed Hats
Handsome stylish hats, form
erly priced $7.50,
$10,011. $12.00
and $lo.00
Imported Hats
A fow high cost imported
hats phenome
nal valuos
Turkish Towel Sale
(J rami Special Offering in Turkish Towels Motul;i,
From a well known Philadelphia man
ufacturer. Wo bought his ontiro accumulation of
odds and ends, small lots two, throo and four dozen
of a kind, ail kinds of high grade Turkish towel.
Th is Is tho grandest lino of towels over placed on
tale anywhorc, nnd all ut tho following ridicu
lously low prices
All the bleached and unbleached Tur
kish Towels thnt generally soli at
15c, wo will sell at
All the high class Towels that gen
erally soli at '2,'i cents wo will
offer tomorrow at
All the Turkish towels from this mill
that generally soli from L'oc up to 61.25 each, wo
olTor tomorrow at loo ouch. This lot includes,
11 no hrocho bordered largo long to wuls, extra hoavy
Turkish towels, and largo blzo bath blankets
worth up to $1.23, only
Special Hosiery Bargains
r Many hundred dozen misBes', children's
and ladies' fast black hoso in plain and line, also
heavy ribbed, full seamless, all sizes, 1
worth up to 20c
go at, per pair-
250 dozen ladies' line imported French
Unto thread hoso In fast black, fancy col-
ors, stripes, plaids, plain and drop stitch jdsjC
effects, worth up to 50o, go at, per pair,. .
Special Linen Sale in
35c quality fast color Tur- 98c quality snow white mer-
koy red table damask -4 q corlzed table damnsk Thcso goods will
yard retain thoir smoothness and finish aftor
85c quality heavy Scotch being laundered, ana aro as fine as tho
all llnon cream table da- An 82.00 Irish damask, go at CQC
mask, yard 1 V C 9 yard w
G5c grade all linen German $1.25 and $1.50 quality round
silver bleached tnblo damask thread, vory heavy ombosson, original
64 to 70 inches wide silver blenched tablo damask w
at yard 3"C in two widths, tho 60-inch, yard OC
85c quality 72-inch Wide, The 72-Incli. per yard 118c.
.... , , ... Two sizes of napkins to match, at
ull linen, oxtra heavy dcrman tablo
damask, now and beautiful KIQ $1.98 and $2,98 doZ.
designs.yard oyc 75c quality bleached QQr
Napkins to match SI. 75 doz. Napkins, pnr dozen KJzs'
1.50 quality all linen
lurgo wizo Cormnn Nap- OO-t
.kin, dozen VOC
82. 25 quality all linen full
blonrhed and llver blanched 4 B? y-v
!l-4 Napklns-go at I "11
(lozon UJ
All the balance of the 60c
linen pillow slips
Knotted fringe 35e CZn
Toweli, go nt t-J W
Il5c dresser scarfs and
lunch cloths, go at 4 f?
only 15C
Large 10c cotton tow- CT
els, go at 7 W
Shirt Waist Sale
12,000 separate and distinct waists from
the celebrated Glflln Grand tt. of New York nt ex
traordinary low prices Did you over hear of fashion
able, perfectly mado shirt waists, of best ucrcalo, lawns,
dimities, organdies and Uncus, plain tucked, ombrold
orod and insertion trimmed, soiling ut tho following low
for $1.00 Shirt Waists A gonulno 31.00
rilj article for one-fourth tho pneo charged by
our competitors. All nmuo or
lino grado of percale and lawn with French
back, collars anil cull's, all at
A r for Si. '25 Shirt Waists Those aro hand--JC
somiy trimmed nnd mado of oxtra high
grado dimity, beautifully striped, with plain
French buck nnd handsome yokes of white A fS-.
allovors, on stile ton.orrow
for $1.50 Shirt Waists in nil tho plain colors, also with
l"llWu l'ow8 of onibroitiory liihortlon, A"7 Ef
- many of them with ontiro froint tucked, all j,
on sale at
Balance of the Suits Must Go
T for Smts Wol tn $25.0()-ln eton and tight-fitting
K VJ Htyles, mado of good quality of sorgo, d7 C O
M homespuns, many of them bruldod, also n J, J Q
nobby fly front suits, nil at
Special Basememt Bargains Monday
10,000 yards good bleach
ed muslin, per yard O'r
only 2-
10,000 yards 36-incll per
cale in long mill remnants g
por yard O-
10,000 dress patterns of eat
in flnlnhetl prints nnd corded g-.
lawn, 10 ynrrts In u pattern, .lUC
go at, per pattern
One big table lining cam
bric, per yard
One big table fancy checked
nainsooks and whito goods, soino 'jl
slightly mussed, go at yard . ... kJ'2
One big counter of all kinds
of fancy lawns, laco lawns, dimities,
organdies, etc., as long as they eg
lust, yard
One big counter fancy and
plain lawns, worth '2oa g
go at, yard qC
One big counter all kinds
of dimity, por yard - 4 "k
only IUC
One big counter .'52-inch
wldo fancy corded gingham
worth 2.")c, go at yard O1-
Summer Underwear
Immense bargains in ladies' jersey ribbed
summer undervests, with no sleeves and
long sleeves, high and low neck, made of
the finest cotton, French lisle thread, silk
taped and silk crochot trimmed, in white, ecru and fancy
colors, all sizes, worth up to GOc, in this salo ut
7ic, 12ic, 19c
Sale of Men's Shirts
At " Ef . Wo offer 2,000 men's fancy colored Shirts,
Men's Suramor Negligeo Shirts, Men's Laundered Colored
Shirts, with detached cuffs all slzon and SO different stylos
your choice for '25 cents.
At C s- Wo offer nearly 5,000 men's elegant, first-class
made and perfect fitting shirts, in all sized, in nearly sixty
Utlieront stylos styion, in maaras, pcaculos, penanijti, cham-
brys, otc. Kach shirt has two collars and ono pair cuffs dotached. At sarab
price, 39c, we give you choice of an Immense lot of men's Neg-
Igee Hhlrts .with collar and cuffs attnehed, In all tho swellest
ylre and In all sizes. Also n big lot of men's lino white
aundercd Shirts, with reinforced linen bosom and back, atay
d seams, Kiissetol and continuous facings throughout all
Izes long and short bosoms and sleeves your choice for 39c.
At You Kct tne CD1C9 of throe thousand
l 1' men's finest custom made Bhlrts, In--'V
eluding men's summer shirts, with
fancy silk bosoms men's laundered
ehlrta In percale, penang, madras, cheviot and linen, In
plain white and all tho newest fancy colored stripes nnd pat
terns collars anl cuffs detached, attached, or without
nhlrts with stiff bOioms, shirts with soft bosoms In fact
every possible style of shirt thnt Is worn by man. Your
cholco of this Immense nnd magnificent assortment for COc.
Grand Underwear Sale
Men's Underwear, in Egyptian cotton,
mixture, white. Hale finish, fancy tinted, ecru, pink,
blue, dark brown and fancy dark mixed, all sizes
Bhlrts (34 to 48) drawers (30 to 46) special salo
price only
Men's Underwear, in fine basket weave, cellular
knit In ecru and blue also fancy mixed silk fin
ishedall sires, shirts and drawers also an elegant
line of balbrlggans In ecru, blue, tans and brown-
choice per garment ,
Men's finest French Balbrigan Underwear, with
double seated drawers, In blue, pink and dark striped
elastic seam Jean drawers medium weight balbrlg-
gan light and dark shades fancy mixed llslo thread'
In blue and pink your cholco of lot only
ve. cellular
a r-w Pvafv rifalmViA
Imenitinr Sale ot Straw Hats ftyiaofi.w..nd
M. uuyji (iirnw uui nam.
MEN'S STUAW 1 1 ATS In all tho leading shapes and braids, Inchtdlnpr Milan
and Manila straws in plain and rouh braids, yacht and soft braids, plain and
fancy bands, four special lots, on sale at
25c, 50c, 75c and 98c.
A Very Special Bargain in Men's fine Straw Hats
The Knox style These hats cannot be bought In a regular way for lesa QL4 EZf
than $2.50 our special opening price only ipliOVl
On Main Floor
We are sole agents
for the celebrated
"Queen Quality"
Shoed at
and "Queen Qual
ity" Oxfords
Wo carry a com
plete line of
"Queen Quality" shoes and oxfords.
We are sole agents for Edwin C.
Hurt's ladies' Fine Shoes,
Special Ladies' Oxfords
in blacks and tanB
$1,50, $1.98, $2,50, $3
m 1 y--4 $
y ----- C
(Members of tho league of American
Wheelmen who deslro a hot time, with
electric funs on the side, should place, the
national meet ut .Milwaukee, July 10 to ID,
on their visiting card, ludlcatlonn point to
a largo crowd nnd tho hospitality that made
(Milwaukee famous Is ho arranged for this
occasion that It enn bo expanded to meet
all domands by simply pushlnK tho button,
With the leaRiio and the cycling associa
tion pulling together, an Inviting program
of races and numerous recreation trips
arranged for the benefit of visitors It la
confidently expected tho attendance, will bo
n record breaker.
Following la an outllue of the events
(chcduled! Tuesday, July 10: Opening at
lioadquartens In tho St. Charles hotel; regis
tration of visiting wheelmen; luulng of
badges and souvenlrm; assignments to
hotels; special trips about the city; rocep.
tlons and concerts nt clubs. Wednesday,
July 11: lluna to parks and neighboring
town; multicycle race down (Jrnnd avenue;
nchooner excursion on Lake Michigan,
Thursday, July 12: Huns; boat rldee on
lake; nftcrnoon nnd evening races at ex
position; annual 'Vmoker." Friday, July 13:
Runs; picnic ut North Milwaukee; ladles'
outing at Whltctlsh bay; afternoon nnd
evening races at oxpctiltlun. Saturday, July
14; Iluns; good roads day; afternoon nud
tventog ructa ut exposition, Buuday, July
15: Afternoon and evening racing at ex
position, Up to dnto tho following races have been
decided upon: Two-nillo national champion
ship, professional; fifteen-mile match race,
professional; International Cycling union,
amateur, one-mile champlouiihlp; one-third
mile handicap, professional; oue-thlrd mile
handicap, amateur; one-tnllo circuit cham
pionship, professional; International Cycling
union, amateur, two-mile champlorehlp;
two-mllo band leap, amateur; one-hour
match race, professional; one-third mile
national championship, professional; Inter
national Cycling union, amateur, ono-thlrd
mile; one-mile handicap, amateur; ono-thlrd
mile opon, professional; one-mile handicap,
professional; one-mllo open, amateur. Ad
ditional open and handicap events for bath
amateurs and professionals will he arranged.
The report of Treasurer Tattersnll of the
League of American Whceliueu, rendered to
the executive committee at the meeting In
Now York last week, shows thnt there Is a
balance In the treasury of J3.23S.68, This
showing will be roost satisfactory to mem
bers of the league. Secretary Ilassett re
ports that nearly 500 members of the organ
ization have already availed themselves of
the privileges of the touring alliances with
European countries and have taken cards
In the Cyclists' Touring club, which are
furnished to all league members contem
plating foreign tours upon request.
One of the wonders of cycle racing has
been the marvelous Increase In speed thst
has followed tbo Introduction of motorcycle
pacing. With the old style of pace very few
of the riders were able to get under the two
minute mark, but since the "Infernal ma
chines" have come Into fashion miles close
to 1:30 aro not at all uncommon nnd n bicy
cle rider who could not como within a couple
of seconds of thnt mark would not be con
sidered In the gnme with tho topnotch men.
Tho Increase has been marked alnce tho
present season opened, Hut tho. gain In
speed through motor pacing does not com
pensate for the danger. Tho awful tragedy
on the Waltham track on Decorntlon day, by
which two riders lost their lives, disclosed
tho perils of mechanlcnlly-drlven bicycles.
In this Instance the tnndom had reached a
speed of forty miles an hour, Uy a quick
swerve It was forced from the track and
over n bank nnd Into a crowd of spectators,
nne rider being Instantly killed, tho other
fatally Injured, two spectators having limbs
broken and three others being morn or less
injured. There was no escape from the
blind energy of the machine when the riders
lost control of It. It was a swerve, a plunge,
a shriek of terror and the mischief was
The exact provisions of the Massachusetts
bicycle baggage net signed last week nre
capable of' misunderstanding and mischief,
In that It Is a law without a penalty. It
roqulres every railroad company "of stand
ard gauge" to check and transport n bicycle
between stations within tbn limits of tho
state for any passenger, subject to the same
and no other charges, terms and liabilities
as other buggago; but thin requirement only
applies when the passenger pays by mileage
book or by ticket other than i. season ticket,
or In cah, tho established fare of not looj
than 10 cants, exclusive of any rebate. No
railroad company Is required to transport
moro than one bicycle for a single passenger,
nnd tho weight of tho bicycle la to bo In
cluded In estimating tbo total weight of
baggago for which transportation Is desired.
No passenger Is required to crate, cover or
otherwise protect a blcyclo presented for
transportation no tmgguge. As reported from
tho committee tho bill prescribed a penalty
of $25 for every refusal by a railroad com
pany to comply with Its provisions, to be
recovered In an nctlon of tort by tho pas
senger, but thto was stricken out In tho
senate, so that as It now stands Its ob
servance Is practically optional with the
Tiro tape la a bicycle accessory that runs a
vory close raco with troiiBor guards In tho
matter of prlco reductions. It has only been
of a comparatively recent tlmo that tho prlco
got below 10 cents por piece, nnd then aro
undoubtedly plenty of veterans who remem
ber when good tiro tape listed at and brought
25 cents por package. Yet now It In freely
advertised at 1 cent, Kven at tho high fig
ures prevailing In years gone by there wus
the greatest possible dlfforcnco In tho tire,
tape offered to the public, and the snmo con
dition undoubtedly prevails to thto day,
Thcro was tire tapo and tiro tape, and while
a cut prlco would never procure tho best, on
the other hand the paymont of a good ono
did not alwuys Insure this either. Then, as
now, unscrupulous dealero did not hesitate
to palm off worthless tape for good, and It
I was not easy to break up the practice. Tire
tapo that Is not heavily coated with solu
tion Is little better than so much twine,
and no It Is the solution that costs It Is not ,
surprising that It 1 used very sparingly on '
tho cheap grudes. When a rider has need of
tiro tapo It is usually an urgent case, and
the bent is nono too good for him. If it Is
generously solutlnnlzcd It will stick closer
than a brother to tiro or whatever It may
be applied to, und then the rider knows ho
has received his money's worth. Hut tho
1-cont kind rarely has any stlckatlvenees to '
It and Is thrown away If tho right kind Is 1
readily procurable, I
of road. Many people, growing nervous, I BIG FIELD OF STARTERS
grip tho handlebars fiercely. This Is a mis-,
take. It stiffens the position of tho front'
wheel so that it cannot act cosily. If you
hold the handlebars lightly when going over
slippery ground and rather favor the In-1
cllnation of tho front wbcol than resist It,
you will find that the tendency to sideslip
almost disappears. Thin is ono of thoso
things easily understood, but rathor difficult
to explain. Try it. ThlB Is advico given
by a votornn who ought to know what ho
Is talking about.
According to tho Chinese habit of doing
most things backward a visitor In Shanghai !
says ho fully expected to oeo the first Chlneso t
cyclist he enmo across pedal backward, "To
our astonishment," he wrote, "ho rodo for-
ward In tho proper manner. His nttlro was
such oh Is not easily forgotten. Tho baggy 1
trousers wore hauled up over tho kuees, dls-1
closing a pair of shinny sticks swathed In
dlou rags or somothlng. This was done to
prevent his trousers from tearing In tho
chain. Haro feet on rubber pedals, a big,
yellow balloon shirt bulging out like tho
splnnnkor on a racing yacht and a (lying
pigtail undfcC a small tin can of a cap topped
by a button. Ho was a wealthy merchant, I
wo wero told, and looked as If wheeling
agreed with him In splto of bin clothes."
Tho freshly-watered street Is a bugbear
to tho wheelman. True, the dust Is laid,
but thcro Is a chnnco, unless he bo par-i
tlcularly wary, of tbo rldcr bolng laid, Car.
should be taken la riding over a greasy bit t
Some peoplo consider it a lazy way to
mount a blcyclo from the curbstono, and
rather undignified to hop along tho road on t
one foot, with tho other on tho step. The
best way to mount, In tho opinion of ex
ports, Is to hold the handlobars easily, walk
along tho 'left sldo of the machlno rather1
shurply, and then, without stopping, put tho
left foot on tho Btcp arid spring Into tho!
onrtin a ennd rider always seizes the
moment for doing so when tho right pedal
Is on tho upward move, so that his foot
catches It at tho summit, and ho Is able
to pedal right away.
It Is stated that the number of bicycles
turned out this year will bo 10 per cent
greater than In 1809. And the figures go to
show that there are 6,000,000 wheels In uso
In this country already. That Ib doubtful.
Thero aro 15,000,000 families In this country
and there 1 not a wheel In every other
household. Tho estimate Is too liberal,
v'ote early and often,
I.oiik I.lxl nr I.oi'iil Itlclrrn Suliriltilril
for Toil a j 'm 1 1 1 I
Thn resuscitation of bicycle racing In
Omaha will bo accomplished this afternoon
under the nusplcet of tho Omaha Wheel
club. The circumstances attending tha
Initial meet of tho season aro most cu
couraglng and Indicate thut an Interest
unprecedented In this popular sport h'.s
been aroused. Tho races will bo hold at tho
Omaha Driving park on tho hulf-mllo track,
which Is In excellent condition. Prizes to
tho amount of $300 will bo awarded tho
winners of tho various events. Tho en
trants aro 08 follows:
Ono Mllo Novlco Archie Turner, Jntnes
Dlnnuzzo, J. 1-3. Drown, Jnnies Konvollu,
Frank Hliabatu. Oeorgo Donnelly, F. Crip
pan, William Wlllunl, Kdword Johnston,
I lurry Ntiwbanks. It. C. Dunlery, George
Hlreb, William C. Feck.
llalf-Sllli Open-IO. M. Mulmqillst, Fred
Pnrrott, It. CI. Dennett, F. V. Hheelor,
I). W. Shultz, A. J. Cochran, A. A. Car
lisle, J. H, Drown.
Ono-Mllo Open K. M. llalmqiilst, Fred
I'arrott, D. O. Dennett. F. W. Bhcolor. 1).
V. Shultz, A. J. Cochran, J. 10. Drown,
J, W. DOL'ue.
Ten-Mlfii Hnndlcnp James Konvolln, KiO
ynrds; (leorgo Hlrch, M0 ynrds; Archlo
Turner, 700 yurds; "M. Mnlmqulst, K.o
yards; William C. Feck, 500 yards; J,
Dogue, 400 yitrils; J. Dlnnuzzo, 350 yards;
Fled Pnrrott. 3fi yards; J. U, Drown, BO
yards; A. A. Carlisle, 200 yards; J. K. Aber
tiathy, 150 yards: A. .1. Cochran, HO yards;
U, W. .Shultz, GO yurds; F. W. Sheulor,
scratch; H 0. Dennett, sirnteh.
i Vote early an often.