THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SAT TT? DAY, JUNE U, 11)00. SECOND VACATION CONTEST 1 Helen M Hln-k, I'hoenlx Insurance Co.. 1 , Elsie MrU, I'uxton hotel 1 .Nnrfli NlirnnUn. Triendj of th Omihi WorkiDff Qirl Already i l.rnoro Homier, omul iinml 10 r' I J HI. ..I III . I- 111 ; r a I'll.'ins, li:ur Dci-tlm (luloii, (Iratul Inland I Jennie NVwton, Fremont Hdnii K. Wllllnms. Oram! Island I first seven to if-o TH- ommin list j NoMorarfX::::::::::::: i Kronla DeWltt. Grand Island 1 i Miss Johnson, rreto I ActlTe. Icltlnu Clinoc fur Vncntlitti Tonm In illcntcil Iti tin- l)n, M'orr I.I vl Intcrmt Until In City iiikI Out xlilr Ton un. j South .NolirimUn. Otga BIsehofT. Netirnnka City IS Ida M. McCarl, M.'Conk IS Mao Burr. Lincoln 16 Helen Welch. Lincoln U '.Mirtlm Hnywnrd. Nibrawlti City it .May neynolil. Wymorc- i Wentrrii Ioith. Fnhne Dour. Missouri Valley. HeuMe NoVfh, Missouri valley Harriet Walklns. Clinton Mntide Evan". Slou City Mirgarot McK;ll, Uc Molii'.s.. Ftrw contests over aroused so wide and universal Interest rs The Hcos Work.nR CI Iris Vacation contest held last year, In uhlch four free tours with cxpi-nses paid for two weeks' ttavel to ouch of four Otmh' working slrls was offered, the out one of Mhlch readers of Thu lire well r.niiembe.. The Hto'n second annual ecntrst. ut he j;un. starts under more fivorable ausple s, on a larger nnd more liberal s'a c anil h. record of Its flrt day s vote ns Riven bcl i Is a score auguring not only a rompU'e hrld word on the Pacific cosat nnd the nime humus but the complete ovcrshidowlng of h, synouymoua lth all that h good end vw l'i i-iiarntloii for thr llnlr. Mr. S. A. Pierce, representing the N. N. .Shampoo company cf San FrancUso. has Just arrived In Omaha and will remain here for some time In the Interest.? of his famova prepnrntl u. The N. N. shampoo l a houcc its former attempt. Titl year, as statul previously, there arc to Le teir fto. v.'.ea tlon Riven of two weeks each with nit ex penses paid, soven to go to Umahi. t Omaha and Council Bluffs working gir nnd three !t winturi resiectlvelv In N'e brakt north of th? Platte, loulh of b ' Platte and in western Iowa. Full parti it- lars of the contest have bo-n In Tho livening lice of June healthy in a hair preparation. The N. N. shampoo will not only clean the ?alp and hair thoroughly, but will prevent dandruff from forming. The N. N. company has a unique way of Introducing Its goode When a representa tive reaches a city he at once calls on tho lerdlng druggists and arrungrH with them amoti c d for tho sale of the preparation. A special nu j The gift dny la then announced on whl:h day WEEKLY REVIEW OF TRADE Farm Prodacis Furai'h Exception to Down ward Trird in Prices. WARM WEVMIER HELPS RETAIL BUSINESS Nortlnvcdt linn llnil Sonir llnlns. lint It In lleporteil Nut UiioukIi to j Itrtwter thr Kltuntlon l-'rec from UniiKOi. Morning Pec of June S. It would lake a shrewd gunner to t P. from the list below which If any will lie among th' lucky seven at the c'o-c of tn contest, but It li not nt all Improbable me or two of the upper seven may t ov I. For the present public Intercut will be rn ij.iged watching the changm In tho fCT3 from day to day nnd no; log how long th nwect Celc.itlils can remain In the bnllo.vcd region. To Miss Cnuitney K. I)al engaged st Mrs. J. Unison's, belongs the lonor at lrut of being first to occupy lbs thron In tho seventh heaven of prnspirtlvo travel. The following Is thu record of votes re relvnl up to S o'clock Frl!ay evening, Juno 8: Courtney I'.. I)ul ,Mr. .1. Iti-ll-mii . . t('U 'I'cnn 111-Null-, i:. II. I. Trill I.urlli I'nrrlsli. Nell. I in- Co S .1 I'll li, v SeliiTHfrl ll. WeMtiTH I iiloii, 1ST Km Ho Mi ii rt In ml or, I'iiIi. I , I It rn r - ") linn Iniiinn, lloftton SIiiio Till llosnlr- Ayr. Nurne VJ flattie Newlon. Ilnydon Hros .M 'Mnlllo Kline. Iloctor-Wllliclmy Co h Kittle MeC.rntli. Cudalij'H II l.iiey Oninlile, teiiehor It Klttlo Flynn, l,lvo Htock cxehango 40 Nora Kmorson, Ailums lOxprei-H :a liable Oray. If P. Klrkomliill m .Maud Krutll. Orcluird Welheliu 31 Ornon Hteni. Kelly, Ktlger Co 21 3Ioltlo. Cariuby, "Western I'nlon so Omn PnlteiMoti, Woudnieii of the World.. 17 Orare Slieely, IltrliHrdson Drug Co 10 Myra Austin. Union Pneille If, I'enrl Price, T, Jl drain Co 1fi Nellie .Mi'N'aiil.ira, .Myors-Ulllon ;o 13 Mario Dovlne, Swift nnd Company 11 Mary .Malono. Nebraska Clothlnir Co 11 FranecM T tlueboltz. Carter I-nd Works It cint packages of the N. N. sbampco ate glvea free to all who ask. for them. All the man ufacturers ask In return Is nothing more than a fair trial of the preparation and they announce their willingness to abide by the remits. In the course of conversation Mr. Pierce remarked that the sale of the article In the places he had visited so far had been ex traordinarily large and that the reputable drtiRglcts whom he bns visited have always been very willing to plase the goods on sale. A special gift dny to take place In the near future will be announced later. On that day 5-eent packages of the N. N. sham poo will be given away at nlmcst every drug store In tho city. c.raen Unlit. C'nrtwrlirht'H, FrimceH Stem. Hrowlng, King & Co Knto Kyan, tenehcr , Kmmn Quick, Payne-Knox Co Cora 'Oretzer, teacher, Council Hlurftt... Casslp Arnold, tlorlst..., .Maud Williams. Ambrose, Letter Co Kva Ca.vley, Country Publishers' Co... Klvlna Howe, Dally News Co Nelllo Crandall, Uoyles' school Jennie, Knblnowltz, Bennett's Ilertlia. .Meyer, Thompson & Ttelden Fanny Oosney. Armour Packing Co Sadie Hummel, HaldulT'H draco HurHtiill, Kllputrlck's Alfhlld Headland, Cnmraerclnl club... . ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature mt Am FacSlmlU Wrapper Below. I'M'.AHIXfi TO Till: CIIII,UHi:. fJetr'n 1)ok nnd I'ony Shoir Hetnrns to tlmnlin Xext Week. There is a time In every child's life when a pony would 1111 a veld that nothing else would occupy. A dog might partially fill tho vacancy, but a pony certainly stands at the head of the list of the things coveted by children. Prof. Oentry, who was onsc a boy himself, remembered how dear dogs and ponlen were to children nnd for the last fif teen yefirs ho has been gratifying the de sires of the children to the best of his abil ity. He has given Instructions to his em ployes that tho wishes of his child patrons stand supreme, He Is coming back to Omaha nnd every little one and all those that have heard thp wonderful tnles about It anxiously nwalt the opening of the performance. Prof. Gentry's show returns to Omaha this year rejuvenated and Improved. The addi tion this year of two baby elephants has proved an enjoyable feature. Tho largo tent will be erected at Eigh teenth and Douglas streets and performances given dally at 3 p. m., except Monday, nnd every night at 8:15, commencing Monday, June 11, for one week. nr.: Ait:;. lioi-ni,. NEW YOIIK. June 8. Urad.itreet's tomor row will say: New business nt wholesale is of a be tween seasons character, but warmer weather hns offered n stimulus to retail business. Tho chief activity nnd most at tention, however, are still concentrated on tho price situation nnd efforts to readjust iiuotntlons to meet current demand nnd supply orders go forward steadily. The ox- ceniKn to me general uoivnnum irenu oi prices Is that furnished In leading farm iroiiuelB, notably cereals, but hero the mov lug cause ts hardly a notable one, being till' icsult of less satisfactory crop reports, particularly from the northwest and from ; the- central west, vhere the winter wheat ' yield promises to be very short and also less favorable. The northwest has had some ruins, but It li claimed not enough to render the sit uation free of danger. Corn crop conditions remain favorable, us likewise do those of oats, but these grnlns and hog products 1 have sympathized In the outward move- i ment. Foreign crop ndvlces. It might be added, are not Mattering. The tiermati rye crop promises to bo very short, the same report comes regarding French wheat I and Hngllsii crop are not of the best. ! If, as hns been claimed, lowered prices i for Iron favor an Increased ounsiimntlon. current developments In this trade may be i cinsseu as ravorauie, because concessions arc. bolnsr stemllly made In nearly every branch of trade. The price of Hessemer Pig and steel billets for thu last half of lf-0) has been asrecd upon, the result being a drop of 16 per cent In pig Iron and of i per cent In billets from the old nominal quotations, which, however, have not been closely adhered to of late. Southern Iron advices nre shading In quotations In sym pathy with simltnr nctlon taken nt PltU buig, Chicago and other Iron markets. Prices nt Birmingham nre now on u parity with those of F.uropo, freight charges con sidered; here, us In the north, the possi bility of labor troubles Intrudes Itself. Cotton Is slightly weaker on reports of Increased acreage, but the crop Is late and advices this week nre an excess of ruin In tho Mississippi valley and Texas. Cotton goods nre dull. Wool Is dull nnd on the whole slightly weaker nt eastern markets. Men's wenr goods reorders nre of fair vol. time, whllo mills engaged on women's wear goods nre fairly well employed. The out, look favors lower prices for the new spring weights. Uttlo that Is new comes fwm tho shoe business. Leather Is dull nnd rnther weaker. Price shading Is reported thu rule In lunVher. and these coupled with low water In the northwest will. It Is hoped, resfrvo new production. Surplus wheat supplies arc decreasing rapidly, lending Interest to unfavorable crop reports. 'I ho decrease In Amerlcnn stocks, as reported to Itrudstreet's In May. PS!? "3?n-TO0 bit., against a falling off of s.tCl.OOO bu. In April. Supplies In Kurope, iii.i-iiaiiii nun jrecninin aiso uocreaseo. ! though lo a much less marked extent, and i lie result is an aggregate world s supply on June 1 of HJ,fti3,00O bu., n supply oT JI5.CV, (OJ ' hti. less than on May 1 and, comparing with a decrease In May u year hso, of less than l.COn.OOi) bu. nnd two venrs ago of an Increase ot nearly 2,,0i.l bu, The decrease In American nnd Kuropean supplies Is the largest reported In any month since lS'JS nnd Is the largest reported In Mny since U95. Business failures for the week number M, as compared with 13.i last week. 178 In JiTe.k year ago, 221 In 1J0S, 25S In 1897 and 2.19 in 1898. J!1.'!r...w.ere N I" Canada, Involving $937,230 of liabilities, an Increase of l:t per cent In number and of 75 per cent over the same month one year ago. WKEKl.Y CI.HAIU.Vfi HOI SIl Tlll,E. or result In nnj decided buying of Ameri can stocks for foreign nccount On the rontran. the bnlll-di news from South Africa wns pronmtly mllllllil bv the threatening nspoet of affairs In China nnd by the heavy full of values and tho mom y market presuit Hint have developed In Berlin, maklni! that city something of u storm center In the financial world. In fact, the foreign Influences were udvcte and seemed lo have considerable to do with tho prevalent dlsoltlon nf our own market to wait the course of vents. Tim fact that foreign oxrlmnite holds nt Its decline Is .i favorable circumstance nnd telleves New Yotk from the danger of gold wlthdrnwul. unless the pending complica tions nt Herlln should grow Into a punk, n rnther nnllkelv oniitlniieni'y. Meantime, the decienscd activity of i trades In various linos nnd tho shuttlti;: down of mnnufncturiftg establishments In fluence the situation by causln. Idle moiiev In flow In nnd uccutiiutate nt New York. Distinct evidence of this hns been nfforded by the bank statements of j the last two Saturdays and the Increasing i ease of money ns reflected In the demand i for und high prices of prime bonds and the dividend paying railroad stocks. Such securities und lnrce amounts of more speculative stocks alo have nccumulnted In strong bunds nnd there seems to be no general distribution of speculative holdings hi (uurters where liquidation would be the result of continued dullness or effective bearish pressure ltullroud earnings con tinue to make favorable comparisons at the tlgure-i or a year ago unit it is thouulit the contraction of the activity and relue tlon of prices In the Iron trudn have remedied the situation In that quarter nnd that n turn for the better Is likely to bo seer. Still, tho stock market falls to develop either buying power or public Interest nnd has shown only n brief und uniatlsfaclory response to such developments us the nppnrent ending of the sugar trade war or tho placing of an Important stock like Atchison preferred on u 5 per cent dividend b.isls. The fact seems In 1r. that the public nnd the street are both luttueuced by the slackening of the trade nnd nre fearful of the disturbing or restrictive effects of the approaching presidential election. Tho unfavorable development in tho crop outlook nt the northwest has also been u factor, while the continued weak ness of tho stool stocks nnd the closing ot more mills with lower quotations for tho products of the Iron lndutty. aid In hold ing speculative sentiment in comn etc check. At tho same time the llo.itlng supply of stocks Is small, tho market become i easily oversold und after bear operators apply pressure to cause lower prices, the succeeding rallies, while not large, n-e sham und rapid. Showing Dp a jMl Baby Thief! If You Haven't Brains, Steal ! The Motto of Our Baby Contemporary! Deer Pnrk, Md. Most Dellghtf-il sum mer ltesort nf the Allenhnnles. Swept by mountain breezes, 2,800 feet above tho sea level. Absolutely free from malaria, hay fever and mosquitoes. On main line of Baltimore & Ohio railroad. Hotel and cottages. Kvery modern conrenlencc. Rooms en suite with bath. Electric lights, elevator, Turkish baths, two Urge swim ming pools, golf links, tennis courts, bowl ing alleys, magnificent drives, complete liv ery service. Annapolis naval academy band. Delightful cottages (furnished for house keeping if desired) rendy for occupancy June 1. Hotel open from June 23 to Sep tember 20, For rates and Information address W. K. Burwoll, manager, n, & O, building, Haiti more. Mil., until June in. After that time Deer Park, Garrett count, Md. Travelers' I'lnn of Crmvlli. At a ineetlns to be held next Saturday nt noon .it the Commercial club the local post of tho Travelers Protective associa tion will formulate n plan to Increase Us membership by competitive work. Tho plan contemplates tV selection us delegates to tho next nntlonnl meeting of tho association the men who shall secure the largest mini Iit of new members during the year. It will also Institute steps for securing spo clal Pullirnii fuellltles for the delegates to tho next annual asroclatlon mooting nt Itlchmouil. n.. whereby the delegates will bo enabled to go and come In their own Pullman coach, tnklng In the Buffalo ex position en route homeward. ARgrrKStr of Hnslnrss Trnnsnoloil tli Anaoeliitril Itnnk. NKW YORK. June 8. Tho following table, compiled by Dradstreet. shows the bank clearings at all tho principal cltlej for the week ended May 31. with the per centage of Increase and decrease-as com pared with tho corresponding week last year: CITIKS. i Amount. Inc. Dec, Tarjr mb all m& ma aaay to take) am ngmx. CARTERS FOR HEAIACNL FIR DIZZINESI. FDR RIUOUSHEII. FOR TORPIR LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION 4merratrtmla.s&i&ZZc m-mamarsm ui PURE SICK HEADACKI- ' n lloiinit Trli Hnte un June 21, July 7, S, ft, 10 and IS, an.l August 2, the IlllnoU Central railroad wl'l sol) tickets, limited until October 31, as follows'. St Paul, Minn., and return J12.C, Minneapolis, Minn,, and return 12.65 uuluth, Minn., and return 1G.0!. Waseca, Minn., and return., lO.tiS Superior, Wis., and return 16.95 West Superior, Wis., and return.. 16.95 For full particulars call at Illinois Central city ticket office, No. 1402 Fnrnam street. O. A. O. I . W Notice! The members of North Omaha lodge No. 139, A. O. II. W., are requested to meet at tho hall, Twcnty-Rscond and Cuming streets, at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Juno 10, to I partltlpato In Floral day parade. I CHARl.ES JOHNSON, M. W. . FRANK M'CULL,OUGH, Rec. ttont Ion, Mrmhorn nt II. of II! All members of the Degree of Honor, A. I O. 17. W.. ire requested to meet at the 1 pavilion in Hanscom park June 10 at 2 p, m. to take part In memorial tcrvlces. Saw ft ' m 1 1 liU Men's Straw Hats Com; while they are in full bcom pick as many as you want. You can buy an aw fully good one for New York .... Chlcngo Hoston Philadelphia . St. Louis Pittsburg naltlmore ; han Francisco ' Cincinnati I Kansas Cltv . C'evelninl 1 Minneapolis .. Detroit Louisville New Orlenns . OMAHA 1 Indianapolis .. I Providence ... I Milwaukee Houston I St. Joseph i l 'nllimhiiu I CJalveston ItUHUlO St. Paul Richmond Denver Washington Rochester Savannah Lo Angeles Hartford Seattle Fort Worth Memphis Pnnrla Toledo Snlt Lake City... New Haven Worcester Atlantn Springfield, Muss Portlund, Ore..., Norfolk Syracuse ', Dos Moines Nashville Scranton Grand Rapids ... Dayton, O Tacoma Spokane Sioux City Davenport Portland. Me Wilmington. Del Fall River Augusta, On Lowell Now Iledford ... Knoxvllle, Tenn. Birmingham Wichita Illnghamtnii Lexington. Ky .. Jacksonville. I' Kalamazoo ... Akron J Topeka i Chnttnnooga . itockrord, ill.. Sprlnglleld. O. Fargo, N. D. Sioux Falls. 8. Fremont. Net). Helena Macon Little Rock ... Sprlnglleld, 111. Sagir.nw Young, town ... Kvnnsvllle ...I la. 1). 97G,1S$,679;. 143,973 5161 121.253.0191. 100,036,7021 .14.S3l.171 34.723,520) 24,8.-,0, SO,. 2t,5S4,n!6 18,6.-0,20n 15.488.591! 12.821,747 11.581.4021 9.0t2.59t. 8,182.658 . 7,929.0441 7.146.109 6.512.3261 . fi.U4,3"0, 6.U1.1.71K 5.919,125, S.71S.IW0 H. 6IO,100. 3. 164.0O0 5..".6.KIS .'..Mi 4Ti . I. 075.'0t 3 896 3361 . .1.U3.SIBI. .S.0'3,72 2.S26.-I 5 2.fi0),t(V, 2.E5t,M)2l 2,408,8101 2VI7'(W . 2 2M02.'.. 2 117,527 . 2.U78 799 . S.I 2S 2161. 1,596.49!'. 1.262.179., I,5t0,294 . 1.370,113 . t.8S7,"61 1,397,73.!, 1.2SI.2H1 I 1.6.1,1.11 I.S2I.I50 I.146,t?i 1,571, 472' 1,014,782 . 1,216,0401 1,227.078' . 1X7.852I 1.29tV76 M2.I02J. 911 16) . S6,9S3' . 611.0881. 569.549.. 1 1.1.9V;:. 614 (61!. !27,'iH 563 795 121, mo ':snoi 2-4 irtt 4"0CIS 569,1001 7I.3S. 'Oiis'l 25.14. 2t0 160 378 30 177 2671 '51376 II k: . T24 011 432,7 1 MM ."".9 '." 0.6?J 52 (.725 . 5.S, l.6l 38. Sj. n!r. '. 20. 4i. 27.3 5.1, n.l 21.81. 14.3 18.6 27.91. r,7.3 ... I 5.7 . 4.6'. . . .. 41.5 ... 53. I! 8. II,. M. I . 6.7 12.9 8.9 7.6 1.2 1.6 13.2 33.9 S.I , 30.0 , 10.9 ....I. 11.3 , 12.H1. 8.8 I. 7 8 .'.0 9.8 ".3 1.0 2 ' S r.lii 9.0 11.5 ICtloil)'M Another I'll I.e. Henry Carter, who has been advertised ns n ".Midway victim." has made allldavlt thnt tho story of his despollntlon Is n grand fake. He says his only relations with tho proprietor. V. R. Walker, was In tho loan of J.lii on a rertlllcato of deposit ns so curltr. which was biter AUL'ountetl by the pnyrrent of the faco In full, less 19 per cent, with privilege of redeeming the cor tlllouto. He denies thnt he gambled either with Walker or nn of the employes of his znlonn. Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels cuanses the System OVERCOMES IO h4B.TUAtCST,PAT M ' I UMU v PERMANENTiY. ,TSBtHErKCTS" enjy tmb spkuihe - mant o ey (aui?rniaTgpSyrvp(s J04 WU1Y4U ruiMisnKU IHUitU. When ottaor ffUl coawn DOCTOR SEARLES & SEARLES OMAHA. KERVOUSCflROKlH I ... .1 27.8'. ....I 4.7 . UI.9' 8.51 3.C io.'i pi II '7 " 12. S . op MEN Totals, C. S ijl 6V. iM.172 ... Outside New Ycr!:... 679.56,4931 2.: DOMTNION OF CANADA. ' i Amount. ' Inc. CITIHS. Montrool Toronto Winnipeg Halifax Hamilton St. John, N. 11. Vancouver Victoria .. .. Totals .. . 11 9 13 3 15 9 S.ti Dtc J 14,571.242'. 11.176,012 2,239,9921 !.571,lil S21.SI6 774,1611. 671.87 . '1 32.tiM.fl9!. II 0 6 I V 5 O.'i :isl6 iiitAHvriir.ivrx hmmiai, itr.vit:. llnrUrt IHK)iiit mid I'ulilii' I'iiio. 1 ! 1 1 ' Out i, 'oooimIIiiu, NKW YORK, June S, Hrudstrect'a Flna'a clal Itevlew tomorrow will say: Dullness nnd sneculatlvo hcrltatlo havi Increased to such un extent that the oil word applicable to the narket thl we Is stagnant The pub'Io Is pnutleally out of tho proceedings and the trading In stock on the Nov, Yr-vk board i.-re e., it tho mat , a exclmnio U l oitracts b tweer, the smaller nrofesiiloTil oporn or The London murket was -l shtb stlnulatel at the beglurilng of the weo.i b thu ui that the arm; had occupied Pre torU, but this Influenct did not last long SPECIALIST We guarantee to euro all ciisih curable ot WEAK MEN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY ured for Life. NlaOl I'.ll.lMlullJ, ItOal MuillluUU,ilUIUUel, Vvrliuiulc, ijonori'fiuf.i, Utvul, aypluiU, auict.jic, Hie... i'Uiui.t and Ituctui Ulcora Mini ail I iiiilf lllm'iises null IHiiirilcru of Sleu Mfli'luro mill tileet Cureil nt Home. Consultation Free. Call on or addrei mi. m:ui.ks .v i: vitt.i:-,, 111) Knulll tun l OMAIIV. THE ( nm of On Lard, on Ham, on 71 IMAM Sa aw, fVl! AMIMnAaA of purity. Swiff and Company, (-liic.tii, Katisjiiti City, Otuuh.i, ht. LouU, St. Jo.ioph, St. Paul, WW-HW1 lllll I i i 1 1 i I IH I Oil S tore 5lwb3ef0.lm- T Tl prore CotaDltzlon. X fll Maw Mmm hJf lo ceati -25 ceato, J IMIIIIHM I j t liniMIH 1 1 ,L3 O'Clockj S 10 PURSUE E flTING EGtRS bDi CmumI 4rn Kit Ctn.10 ITtlRKM 1m l'KOM Tlin DAILY N'inVS' I'HIST KD1TIO.V OP THUHSDAY E OMAHA DAILY NEWS. iZ'i nVn ?i tvnfi CiiS? T T r4N M I OLCtl ill DOWJI. Pa taw a A mHttma U- Ik M H M 'I 41 '41 'M itM MM ) CHINESE CRISIS AROUSES HARM Srt Ml rrtk i.icmu ocsioit iim Itu. t.s 'at"" - M a wJ 'JERDTSEOGEWICK MOIYJURT TODAY Maui r ir t if t PttwJt Cmmi (rtj volt cniiTUN icimci IN MIL M'ME im HK UI ll Cotton Dre.-.Pbrk II Ip4 U'fY rlM at l tllUt 4I HI N III I hlfHtl ! Hit 11tm THonrson.BcLDcni.Cft, C t tKt rrt ll'tf MUtU IV m4 r- HI I UN (MM k M 1 IM MM ma us Mill mt fm WOULD BEWITCH BtC3 rut drii m im tfr frtutatt etki mQ'my .-.-s-.s - . - W MM mv .1. ... tawssxsatBtsBaawoaBaaauMaaw -'.r-r-7'- NO ONE FATNEM ."' -."-.f.-1 OMAHA ICE TAVST t Samttt tl jm ircimiciutt ii turn rJAytl'i rno.M Tin: mnrs pihst kuition ok t huhsday tnr rvisisn nrr tmnnlr. trir r in. :ui.iVirj: ' ticim ciu The Bee Gives Ten Trips Second Annual Vacation Contest Who Will Take Them ? The seven molt popular girii in Onnli.i. Council llli(llt or South Omalu ubo cam ilicir on living. ill be lent on ilie tevtn best vacation trips that money could plan, with all expenses paid. To these The lice lus added llircc trips, and will also send the most popular young l.idy living South of the Platte River in Neoraska, (he most popular young lady North of the Platte Ulsci in Nebraska outside ol Omalu, and the most popular younj lady in Western louj. outside CoiiikiI lilull. on similar wcation outincs. CUT OUT THU'COUPON. Omaha Bee. Sinclo Coudou. Z A Summer Vacation : For the most popular young lady. Z Name. Addro Town, . . , MUM. Works lor lCUT THIS OUT, Djpoilt at Deo office or mull to Vacation Contest IJept.," Ontaba. Nch. a V 8 1 0 Bl 191 llt I . i CUT OUT THI8 COUPON. Omaha Bee. Prepaid Subscription Couoon. A Summer Vacation For the most popular young lady. I his coupon, If accompanied by cmh prepaying a ne.r or old nubicrlptlon to THE BEE, counts 15 vote lor cn'tfli ISc prepaid, tOO votes tor cuch dollar prcp.ild, etc. No.. Votes for Mlos. N&Die. Address. To no Works for. ettd lice to (nume) Addrens. N. B. Till coupon must bo countersign .d the Hoe Circulation Sept or the town imcnt to ivliom the subscription inonov Is nalJ. )jpnsit, or iflult to "Vncutlon Contest Dept.'' Hoe. Oiniih.i, Neh. ('oiiDterslRtiud by. .Agent CI ..........I......!..,, B.JS The the next , No vc No vol The vc The cor, The-thre out restriction One to t One to ti Omaha and S to t The you i three trips, an All votes i. Pre-paymcnt. or to an authorized The uotes will The contest will Who is your girl KltOM THE UAIl.V NEWS' LAST EDITIO V OK THUHSDAY. 4 oxiock 1THE OMAHA DA "iSlTO 1 4 . " " ftk II'A. YllliTHIlkilfv mvr ' ' i - - . . .7 T " iaa-am l r j 1 itWifSEDGEWICK BADLY HURT TODAY Vtiusn of FamHto AOmit a PhytWtn Causes Cir Offkhsli to Act T, 10 WRIT WAS REFUSED. effort U DHprrs OmaJM Tlr fUr OvtMBjMtOtt TtUa, A'crJ i mttH itay t mott Ual thf uprRte fftbft had rfu4 tht rll of tumr lo 1h ijmah flr r4 ptht jt4 rrrrnlMitn cat Tfc 4non rtDUrriJ thit mrntn. City Al iorrmy cnn)l hi Utnin LliKetn tor fi"i !it m fr)nrition u tb w r i. litJ "Tlov rtti,A .... 41 ' "Vntit ..T!1, l m MhuTV 1 rrrli. Fon 'W wosr P0PUU THE OMAHA BEE MUSTPAY $500 Cditor Rotewiter'i Company h Mulcted I Thai Amount for CoRttfflpI of Court DECISION WAS X1DEX0DAY . l.lnfln Nvb Jun itltrlal ia I tlUmt fuutl lit lh ur(Wllfia t ttti Jiht lr tv l't4 inlmryt M a lojny a aaaum ft Ik emrt. I ik annountrtl ika) Iwdfft kad t.l yl kn mbt la rh li ifirti th.ntra aatf tbAk tiHn owi1 b artnvgnrvtl mi a (Mar lai In th aTtal h Baa fu til i It h btiit mnvyri am frfta lh fciiraiWLapFatl 1100 ! an r4r a rni4 UTKih i ha fra tll ba rvl' (f ul iwlorv la th. HBitl' TldMrMAycisL la. 'n fan M i M a n la a . t m m ,1 - M 7b wttmt trm thMMfk fxttfril In all dKlrtili it.. 'A. sfgrtt oarYWb"eelt. Ullar J.4rM4 1 fit at ! I Xk Iwiiilaaa. Wgutt 1 Jun A M Lm an4 lllr aa14rMit tn W I" Nftly frrni CaittL Cal4l in J 1'atia, Hr. ar In Ikn Mum I '4unff, anil iltrdv ih 1 ttliatl Italia ('.rct (. trny trMrtwtad rftf41r lit ffr Makmtftl. naMit p. aimaaiar "am tft'k ! pfaapun tf HifHI. TK mwtkniI, .trtiata hart think IK Mkt rtnUlm a Ut$ nnttiktr ff rkaj 4Vm. vKith Suly t4rJ lu atry, tu Mill. h. It ll I'ffd lit Uttd, at rroprltUat lit intnay, i let in BtrH( Saa i4ania Jct Ua Irinr trani nurk karkaf. httiaM, an M i l tt im . n i i'-v Nan. a fiifi u arUakly al ll aiiaail..ii iaa. rararr:' fUn !) raL "' Cant... . 'ftlr.b.!. lTfca l?tM ' FREE TEN VACATION TRIPS c" 0l'ltiiner Vn ' W .Miss irif, ' ' I or! ar t'i Pah- I ka Iimm f f 4aya, ) kd- I In aruy "4 k To ten mosl populjr self-supportins young women of OnnhJ. South Om.iha and Couiivil BIufTs. Western lema and Nebraska will be Kien by THE OMAHA DAILY NEWS The Patu trip contest for school leJthets wij hi Muessful lhal The Diily News has decided to give in which every self-supporting woman reader of The Daily Newj is in viled lo conipele. Full particulars of the (rips and contest U'lll ! n.iUK.I.... : r- . . .. "... ... ...iiumu hi nCI ounajys rews, TEN TRIPS DIVIDED AS FOLLOWS. w.iu.u, J; jojtn umaiu. 2: CoUnCji niutf. 3 u !. Iowa, i; Nebraska (South of Platte). I; (Ntrlh), I. II TEN VACATION TRIPS EREE