Il THE OMAHA DAILY 1VEK: SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1900. v K A t Men's Furnishings Mon's .'55c underwear in all eizea at 15c Men's 50c; underwear in plain and fancv colors, all sizes from 84 to 44, at 25c Men's 91.00 underwear, balbriggan and fancy lisle in all the now colors, at 45c Men's 25c half hose in plain and fancy colors, at 10c Men's Si. 00 shirts with separate cuffs, at 29c Men's 50c neckwear in all the new styles, at 15c Men's $1.00 bicycle hose in fancy colors, at 49c Men's 50c suspender.-? in all the new styles, at 25c Men's $1.50 and $L.00 Madras shirts in all the newest styles, , at.. . 08c Scriven's patent elastic seam drawers at 59c The best quality of jean drawers with double seat, at. . .39c 5 cases men's plain balbriggan with pearl buttons and Bilk double seat this garment stores, but we will sell at Men's $2.00 silk underwear at Men's 75c night gowns at Notions 50c New Neckwear 25c. The very latest novelty in ladies' neckwear 25c 30c ladies' new neckwear 15c $1.50 fancy f routings 59c 25c laces 7c 75c pulley belts . 25(2 25c photograph frames 9c Uicyclo playing cards. . . . 15c Ladies' linen collars. . 7c 50c table covers 25c 20c rubber button hose supporters only, per pair 9c 35c laces, per yd 10c China& Glass Bargains In Basement Flro Polished Tumblers 2c Borry Dishes, crystal, largo size 7c Ornngo Rowls, largo size, very close Imitation cut glass, regular price SOc, ile price 23c Berry Rets, Btalned glass, I'rlncesj pattern, consisting of 1 largo and 6 small berry dishes, worth 90c, salo prico , 49c Japanese Individual Tea Pots, cold everywhere for 2Se, sale price lOc Creamers So j Fruit Saucers, scml-porcclain 2c Fruit Saucers, decorated in spray and floral work, each 3&c riates, scml-porcelaln, cholco decorations, worth TGc, set six (or 39c Cups, nnd Saucers, English Porcelain Tcae, decorated, set, six for SOc Special in Lamps Base Lamps Just received vory latest styles, In beautiful tints and spray decora tions, cither with shade or globe, worth ? 1.50, sale price 89c Millinery Dept For Saturday wo will sell Ladles' Trimmed Hats, worth $3.00, for $1.50 Those worth $5.00. for $2,95 Children's Trimmed Hats 7oc, 93c and up Sailor for 25c. 35c, 15c, 50c and up Flower Wreaths 10c and 15c All kinds of beautiful Flowers at Just half former price. SEARS TARES THE STAND Admiti that He Eniw Chiniqny, bat Dinies Any Wrongdoing. MAKES GOOD WITNESS FOR H'MSELF AelKlilMirs mill Illinium Aoclutr of I lie At' (Mi iieil .linn Snrnk of Hint In Term if t'oni uriuliit lull. The prosecution having rested Its case In tho Sears trial late Thursday nfternoJn, the morning session yestordny watt occupied with tho testimony of tho defendant In his own behalf. Mr. Sears admitted freely his ac quaintance with Detective Chlnlquy anil de scribed in a natural way his dealing with tho supposed blind contractor. When tho alleged acceptance of a $10 note was re ferred to, how over, tho witness showed somo excitement nnd denied In u vehement man ner that any such transaction had ever taken place. Although ho showed agitation at critical polnto, Sears mado a good witness for his cause, admitting readily every point advanced by the prosecution which had no incriminating bearing, nnd denying with equal emphasis any rcllcctlon upon his (Offi cial Integrity. Deputy County Attorney Dunn laid espe cial stress upon tho confrtblou alleged to have been mado by Scars in tho offlco Of Attorneys Gaines, Dulllo and Wright on New Year's day. On that occasion Sears Is nald to have admitted that ho received $10 fiotn Chlnlquy, hut that tho money was simply looked upon as a loan. On the stand Sears dented having had such u conversation. Subpoenas huvo been Issued for the at torneys mentioned and their side of the tory will bo Introduced in rebuttal. .No Kiplniiitt loll for (lit Draft, Tho acceptance of tho draft for $15 Seara was unable to controvert, the docum nt speaking for Itself. Tbo defendant holdc, however, that ho had no Idea that any dishonest action was expected from hi in In return and that In evidence of his Inno cence ho exhibited tho draft to teveial pertons, among whom was his employer. Nervous Prostration from whatever cause overwork, dissipation, insomnia, care, worry tends directly to permanent Invalidism or the insane hospital. It is the banc of the present age nnd of the Ameri can people. In the mad pursuit of money, men forcct health, happiness, everything but business and the ac cumulation of wealth, which, If se cured, becomes valueless, because they have no health with which to enjoy it. The happy possessor of a healthy !ody never knows he has a body because of any ache or pain, and with systematic, reasonable attention lo business, invariable rest nnd recre ation hours, plain, nourishing diet, almost anyone can bo well. There arc times, however, when there is an unavoidable strain. Use a few doses of co lo tide over the emfrcrncjr It lll sittit to maintain tlin well body at lis normil itandard, and lor tho already tick thrro li notliinc better to build up the comtliutiun and rehalllllalo the ncriout tjilem Prepared only by Th Dr J, II. McLon Medlciuo Co., SI, I.ouii, Mo. shirts and drawers, shirts made binding, drawers made with is sold at 75c by some of the 35c $1.00 49c Ho says he assured Chlnlquy that he need expect no special favor on tho blind con tract, but gavo no adequate reason why the draft had been cashed and tho money pocketed. Tho cross-examination failed to develop any new facts and the witness was excused. Thi) lefense then Introduced neighbors and business associates of Mr. Sears In proof of the good reputation borne by him In the community. 13. W. Bartlett, of tho firm of Klopp & Bartlett, testified that he had lived In the neighborhood of the defendant for tin yesrs and that the latter had borne an ex cellent reputation for honesty and Integ rity. Ills standing In the community hid been referred to by citizens of the locality when Sears' candidacy for the school beard was first agitated. On cross-e.xamlnat.o i Mr. Bartlett admitted that he had heard of previous alleged dishonest of Sous, eai'iclnlly with reference to a deal to in troduce pianos Into tho public schosls, JIIj opinion, however, had not been affectel. Similar testimony to that of Mr. Bartlett was given by George Munro and Herman Drelbus. Tho latter, as a member of the Kopp-Drelbus company, has employed Mr. Sears during a period of thirteen year. During thai time the defendant has been entrusted with money and accounts, all his duties being performrl in a proper and satisfactory fashion, Mm. Hi'urx Given Trstiniuny. In the atterncon the defense sprang nn unexpocted and effective witness In the person of Mr. Scars, who teitlfled in detail as to tho alleged exchange of money on tho corner of Twenty-fourth and Spauldlng streets. She showed tho utmoit conirojuro and her evidence dealt a haul blow to the prosecution. Mrs. Pears admitted bavins entorcd the drug store at tho corner men tioned while her husband and Detective Chlnlquy engaged In conversation outside, She said she stood Just Inside tbo glass door and was able to seo everything that trans pired between tho two men. There was no offer or acceptance of money, she assert.-), during the entire colloquy. Ths testimony of the two detectives on this point Is that , Mrs. Sears walked so far Into tho Interior i of the ature as to bo out of sight to anyone I nn tho sidewalk near tho location of the two men. F.UIMBIIS OUT IMO Tit O I' 111,1 : Interfered with WorUlnR of nn Irrl Rtitlnn IH Ich In Duni'i Cotiul). Deputy United States Marshal John O, Moore has returned from Fort Robinson, bringing with him Kred A. Macomber and Van Jackman, charged with Interfering with tho working of an Irrigating ditch upon the military reservation contrary to the federal statutes. The arrest of Macomber and Jackman Is the result of an Irrigation war among cer tain farmors of Dawes county. One party constructed an Irrigating ditch which an other party believed Infringed upon Its rights, Ono of tho gates nt the head of tho ditch was demolished and Macomber ami Jackman were indicted at tho pretent twin of court, They will furnish bond for their appearance. Court .Votrn, In the en.e of Otto C. Blrney against the Ohlragn House Wrecking company u motion to require the plaintiff, to make his petition more detlnlto und certain was over ruled. In the case of Miles agalnat Hawke In the 1'nlted States circuit court Judge Manger sustained a motion to strike tho amended bill of tho complainant from tho flies. Tho case I one wherein the plaintiff sought to establish tltlo to eertnln tow.i lots In Nebraska City, nnd falling In that sought to have a constructive mortgage foreclosed. Report show that over flftoen hundred liven have been saved through the use of One Minute Cough Cure. Moat of thei wero cases of grippe, croup, asthma, hojp tng cough, bronchitis and pneumonia. Its early use prevents consumption. HAYDEN S It's What You the way plain Not Until next week they must and will be sold. Look everywhere, but before you buy. Our immenso.lino of Suits is divided into The Fur Will Lot 1 An assortment of Suits Suit in America, at each Lot 2 A collection of Suits equal to the best in the coun try. They are all silk lined; they are in eton, tight- (1110 Cid fitting and jacket effect: they are worth up to $35, ntP-HvJ Lot 3 These are the cream of the market. Many of you nave seen tnem tnis season. This is an opportunity mat we always give late worth up to $00.00 at Specials for Friday. 25 dozen Wrappers With a 15-inch flounce, 2 ruffles over shoulder, extra wide at the h ip, regular 1.50, for 25 doz. Ladies' Waists 5a. That are neat and pretty Waists that keep the color and wear more to select from than all the houses in Omaha com bined. 20 dozen Waists at. .25c $1.00 Waists at 49c $1.50 Waists at 75c $2.00 Waists at $1.00 Another large shipment of White Waists just received from the best manufac turers in America from $1.00 Up to $6.00 HAYDEN BROS. FUS10NISTS ARE DOWNCAST Qlopm Liki that of Egypt's Night Ennlops Thiir Damping Grounds, F0N0EST HOPES HAVE BEEN BLASTED X Admit .Sorrowfully Hint It Dornii't .Mutter .iitt Wholher They XmiilitHte Anyone for CimgreM. The pythagorean theorem In politics wul j be solved In Omaha Saturday afternoon by tho three fusion elements, which will meet In threo-cornercd congressional convention. It will doubtless bo demonstrated that the nquaro described upon tho democratic hypothenuse is equal to the) squares de scribed upon the other two sides. It is generally deemed almost u foregone con clusion that Kdgar Howard of l'apllllon will be selected as the most available known quantity. Any lingering Inclination amon democrats to see thei honor conferred e so where has been dissipated most uflectually by the decision of tho supreme court In the police commission case. 1'aradoxlcally speaking, It Is almost Impossible to plcturo the lassitude, that has animated tho fusion leaders since they learned of the action of tho court In that caso. "It doesn't make much dlffercnco now whom we nominate," said one democrat lu speaking sorrowfully on tho subject. "Ho won't know ho is running ctxeept by the diaft from tho wardheelers." "There Isn't much uso of nominating anybody," said a leading populist. "I think that all hopu for fuslonlsts was snuffed out by tho result In that case." Thf democratic convention will meet at Osthoff's hall at 2 p. m., and It Is not deemed likely that any name will be men tioned except that of Kdgar Howard. As ho does not live In Douglas county, It Is p:s ilblo that ho has not becomo so Infected with tho prevailing despondency aj to de cline the sacrifice. Tho populists will meet at tho fusion I'etor Cooper club rooms. It has no candidates and will doubtless half heartedly swallow anything the democrats may offer. No one among tint populists appcirs to bo opposed to Howard. The tllvnr republicans will meet in tho hall at county democracy headquarters. Two silver republicans ate mcntlonol for the nomina tion and ono or both of them will probably bo given complimentary votes until It be comes necessary to endorao Howard's nomination by the- other two factions. They are II. K. Burnbam, an attorney, and C. O, Lobcck, city councilman. Vote early and often. CHEMICAL ANN IS INSANE "N'nniHii of I'rcullur Trnltn nnd Clever 1'hiKiTN In AdJuilBril of I nil nil Mind li)- Inmuilty Ilnuril. Bertha Llbbecke, who has won the so briquet of "'alntlng Bertha," b:icausa sho swoons to elicit sympathy and of "Chem ical 'Ann," because sha bleaches bor hair, has been adjudged Insane by Dr. George LADIES CAN WEAR SHOES One size smaller after ualng Allen's Foot Ease, a powder to be shaken Into the shoes. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy; fives instant relief to corns and bunion, t's the greatest comfort dlcovery of the age. Cures and prevents swollen feet, blis ters, callous and sore spots, Allen's Knot Eai Is a certain cure Vor sweating, hot, aching feet. At all drugglats and shoe stores, 26e. Trial package FRKE by mall. Addreie, Alien 6, Olmated, Le Hoy, N, Y, ( IT'S NOT WHAT YOU EARN, Save. Saturday's offers show and direct for big savings. Now Fly at These Prices equal to any $15.00 in the season Underskirts, regular $1, Tllden of thci insanity .board and an at tempt will be made to send her to an asv lum. The doctor went to hor home, 831 South Eighteenth treet, Friday. She an swered his ring and then fell fainting at his feet, afterwards having a spoil of hys teria. A case was pending against Bertha In pollco court for burglarizing a dry goods store and stealing a quantity of hosiery, but this will be dismissed. The woman has not lived in Nebraska long enough to obtain a residence hero und so cannot bo sent to any of tho state asy lums, but an effort will be mado to have her returned to the Institution at Clarlndi, la., from which she was discharged six months ago as cured. (iniiruntrrd Cure for I'llra. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Plies. No cure no pay. All druggists are authorized by the manufacturers of Pazo Pllo Ointment to refund tho money where It falls to euro any case of plica, no matter of how long standing. Cures ordinary cases in six days; tho worst cases In fourteen days. Ono application gives ease and re3t. He llovcs Itching Instantly. This la a new dis covery and Is the only pllo remedy told on a positive guarantee, no cure, no pay. Prico 50c. If your druggist don't keep It In stock send us GOc In postago Btuaips and wo will forward same by mall. Manufactured by Paris Medlcino Co,, St. Louis, Mo. Manufac turers of Laxativu Bromo-Quinlno and Orovo's Tasteless Chill Tonic. Don't you know somo deserving girl who ought to have a vacation? Cut your vaca tion coupons from Tho Bee and save them for her. Here's a Selection For You Knabo l'lnnofi, Krnnli'h & Hiu'li I'lnnos, Ilnllct & Davis Pianos, Hnsh & fJerta PlunoH, Irving Plnnos , KniHii' Pianos, lloolbo Pianos, Llghtu I'lnnos, Mnrtlu Ilrost. Pianos, Weber I'luno. Hospo Pianos, etc., ok-. i All these Unit makes nro on view In our Kalos rooms und wo nro tiellinj: 111 tin on the easiest kind of tcrnw and at iiik'Ps which nobody olso can com pete with. Call ami see them at your Urst opportunity. i I'lnnos tuned, repaired nnd polished. 1 Moving at reasonable charges. A. HOSPR Music and Art 1513 Douglas. Doos Your Boy Waar Shoas I f ho does and he Is ns lively as the nverage boy, It costs you many u dollar to keep his little toes covered up Did you ever think that changing shoeuial; ers might cut down the expense' Many it mother has found by uxnerlence that i our boys' shoes will wear longer than some others anil so that, for the price Sl.riO we give tho best siioe In Omaha -iv real leather shoe There Is a great difference In shoes these are all leather I We lit them with care and always try to please Saturday Is boys' shoe day at our store Men's low shoes, small sizes, d. l. 7, 7'G, $1.00 per pair. Drexel Shoe Co., aaaha'a Up-ta-date Shoe Hease. 1419 FARNAM STREET. HAYDEN s HAVE wo come to realize that our recent purchaso of Ladies' Suits were so enor 'lnous. Our New York buyer got them at n frOlfir rP iltniti t.in1 unlit., f I 1. in justice to yourself see ours 3 lots, and for the next week $6.50 $15.00 7Cn Ow for 25c each. Skirt Sale Worthy of the Name. Ladles' Linen Skirts, worth $2.00 y- -v for OVC Ladles' Mack Figured Skirts O f for OVC Ladles' Cheviot and Serge Skirts, lined with (HO CA good percallue, worth $5.00, for Hp'OvJ Ladles' Rainy Day and Clolf Skirts, with 4C O 7 Cj plain back, worth $7.50, for : IpJ. O Ladles' Black and Colored Skirts, hi silk, crepon, cheviotxVcnctlau, broadcloth made In tho latest stylo, gome silk Unci, worth rtj ETT $10.00, for kPO.UU 50 SAMPLE SKIRTS Xo two alike some with accordion pleating, fancy applique, colored, drop sklrte and other new creations (Jl-i f of fashion, worth up lo $10.00 for ij) 1 vr a V? ) HARMONY IN PEOPLE'SCflURCII SicaJirg DeiconB Dropped from Mtmbtr tbip and Their Snccttiori Elected. RtV. SAVIDGE CONTINUES IN CHARGE l.nynlty nnd Devollon of 111 I'olloiv rrn I'lrimr tho I'liMnr tirentlj I'm (lire of the Church Ik llrlKht. Harmony, full und complete, Is once more rampant In tho ranks of the constituents of B.ev. Charles V. Savldge's People's church. Following the somowhnt sensational gather ing of Monday night, when the compact ex isting between the churches of Rev. Savldgo und Ucv. Mclnturff nt Spokane was broken and the bitterness created by this action caused a breach among the officers of the local church by tho withdrawal of three of the elders, Thursday night's meeting was an example of the opposite extrecnlty. Thero was no feeling and, quoting' Hev. Savldgo, "tho love of God was In tho heart of every member present and dominated the proceed ings of tho council.'' Tho Omaha People's church now occupies tho sarao position of Indcpenden-o as before the Joining of issues with tho Spokane con gregation. Rev. Savldgo continues In charge of tho (lock, his tenure of office being limited only by his voluntary resignation or his re moval by death. "I never knew my peoplo v JjaBaBBBBBaeTtBT 0. 7ft Grand Jewelry Sale The entire stock of an eastern factory on salo at one fourth regular factory prices. Stick Pins, Belt Buckles, Waist Sets, Brooches, Cufl Buttons, etc. TJcfor all tioc goods. 124c for all 50c goo'do. 25c for all 1.00 goods. ;5o for all 1.50 goods. Hats We are offering special values in straw and crash hats this week. Hoys' Yncht In fancy band 10c ' Men's Harveit, 20c and 23e Uoye'. Yacht with plain or fancy band Men'o Crash Helmet 40o 35c nnd 45c Men's special white Manila 75o Hoys' nnd Girl's fancy Sailors, 10c, " Visit our stiff hat department nnd see the 20c and 25c latest styles, $1.00 to $3.00. Hoys' plain Leghorn 6c Ladies' Furnishings Ladles' 35c Lisle Hose, at 15c Children's Parasols at 15c, 25v nnd .... COc Lndlcn' I'&rasols at PSc Ladles' 50c Silk Vests In all colors, at.. 25c Ladles' 25c Vests at 16c Crackers Nice Fresh made Ginger Snaps 4&c A. H. C. Soda Crackers, fresh and crisp.. 6c Graham and Oatmeal Crackers SVic Kennedy's Hutter Cracker C'4c V ........ J u v. uw.v. - . U,IU I Kennedy's Favorite Milk Illscults SHcl 1 ) v. A.'. Illivlllta flu 8c Meats and PitKHII UHUSSKIl Fresh Pork Sausage, (home made) .... 7Hc Boneless Corned Ueef "14c Fancy Lean Bacon HHc j Honcless Cottage Hams 10'4c j Boneless Minced llama, cooked 10c Saturday's Largo fancy lemons, per do 12Hc 9 lbs. fresh Breakfast oata for 19c 10 lbs. new Graham flour 20c 10-lb. sacks granulated cornmeal 0c I'uro corn starch, 3 pkgs, for 10c 3 large sacks fine table salt 10c 3-lb, cans Mayflower tomatoes 7jC 2-lb cans fa'icy sugar com 74c Tall cans blood red salmon 12lc Largo bottles Worcestershire sauco. . .8 l-3c Large bottles sweet pickled, only. .8 l-3c Large bottle small, white onion 8 l-3c Large bottlo mixed or plain pickles. .8 l-3c Large bottles Columbia tomato catsup. .12'c Quart cans baked beans, tomato sauce.. 9c Schepp's shredded cocoanut, lb 20c Baking chocolate, isir package 17Hc Fancy sweet chocolate, package Sc 2-lb. cans blackberries, strawberries, gooseberries or blueberries, only... 7i4c Largo glasses pure fruit Jellies 8 l-3c Butter and Cheese Extra fancy soparator, creamery but ter, fresh made, 19c, 20c, 21c and.. 22c FreBh dairy butter, per lb 15c, 16c aud.l'VjO Fancy full cream cheese, lb 3ttc before," he said yesterday in speaking of the council held Thursday night. "They have upheld me a'dmirably, nobly. I never bofore nppre:lated their love for me, their loyalty and devotion. The future Is cer tainly very bright, and now that we are rid of the Influence of tho Spokane church, which has certainly not been of the best, we expect to go on with our plans and pave the way for many souls to be brought Into tho kingdom." The election of officers nt Thursday night's meeting resulted In tho selection of the following trustees: Thomas A. Nelson, R. T. Jester, J. H. Carroll, Thomas Baldwin, .'ospph Gagbagcn; deacons, Mary Marsh Mrs. Abble Haven, Mrs. Jano Mltchle, Brnest Hodges, C. Iovegren, A. R. Sage, Richard I Wells. In this Hut but ono of lha ol.l 1 ofllcors was ro-electcd, that being Brncit ! IlndcnR. denrnn. The elders who walked out of the con ference Monday night. J. B, Wllkerson, Nowton Deuel and H. Rhodes, wore stricken from the list of officers and have been branded by tho faithful as "disloyal." The Horsford'sAcid Phoiphati For NERVOUSNESS. A superior restorative when the ner vous system has become impaired by mental or physical overwork. Look Like a Fireman Cause dat's do way de firemen's hold a hose an' runs but I'se no lireman I'm jlst plain every day colored man workln' .rur Mr. Ilaymer It's my duty lo write ads an sloh like nn' when I tell you dat my boss has de only 'frlgo rator on de market I'se tellln' de truth It'ss de ltMnitnl cleanablc 'frlgerntor de one dat takes so little lee an' keeps de eatables so cold Dey lias got de best ltlue Flame gasoline stoves de best water coolers de best lawn mowers de best lawn hose do best Ice cream freezers de best hoes rakes und gar den tides wat's sold an' his prices an.' uwny down low If you have any doubts you Jlst cnl an' see my boss ditt's A. C. RAYMER 151 1 FAHXAM ST. U-IOS N Street, South Oranha. Ice Cream Cannot Be Made rich nnd line with milk We have been ' rending In tho trndo Journals of various ' substances with patented names for cheapening ico cream they are nil one form or another of gelatine nothing harmful of course In gelatlne--but when used In Ice cream It Is a swindle ntitl a substitute itnd belongs to that well knuwa but deceitful family of "Just as good." We know that there Isn't any. J thing Just as good to make Ice cream wiiu as pure ncu ureaui it s me foundation of llnlduff'H porfect Ice cream to tho cream wo add pure sugar then the finest vanilla and the Juice of ripe choice fruits The result Is a comblnatlnu of frozen lusctntisness thnt Is worthy the nnmo of perfect Ico cream A quart costs 40 cents put up lu a little barrel. W. S. Balduff, 1520 Faruaitt St. Lidleft' $1.00 Summer Corsets at 49c Ladles' SOc Drawers at 25c Ladle' $1.00 Clowns at 50c Hoys' SOc Shirt Waists at 25c Ladles $1.00 Silk Vests at 50c. Shredded Wheat Ulsculti 8c Unoeda Ulsculta 3i I'rotzel Letters, (something new) 10c Anlmnl Crackers S4c VIIULUVdl ............. M Hoston Hutter Crackers S'tc r. .... Vi !.,. ,1 1 0( Grape Nuts Food 10c Chickens CIIICKICXS, 8 I-2C, Now Bologna Sausage Mio I'lckled Trlpo 4e 3-pound palls Best Brand Lard ISc No. 1 California Hams So Grocery Sale Fancy whole Japan rice, per lb 5c Pearl tapioca, per lb So Sliced pineapples, worth 20c can,...12o Pure condensed milk, per can 9c Economy brand evaporated cream.... 9c Imported sardines In ollvo oil, key opener T'-jc American breakfast cocoa, per can.... 10c Condensed soups chicken, oxtail, etc., one can make9 enough for six 9c Lemon, vanilla, strawberry, etc., ex tract, regular 15a bottles, only 8 l-3c New California prunes, medium, lb.. 5c New California prunes, small, lb.... 3'4c New California peaches, yellow, lb... 10c Now red raspberries, per lb 17V4c New white evaporated apples, lb.... 9c Java and Mocha coffee, high grade, lb.. 20c Fancy Rio and Santos coffee, lb 12V4o Basket fired Japan tea, lb 35o English Breakfast tea, lb 35c Neufcbatel cream cheese, package 3o Wo handle only pure hutter (no Imita tion, no buttcrinc, no poor butter of any kind). dissatisfied elders have not yet determined on what courso they -will pursue, although It Is deemed Improbable thoy will longer continue their connection wl h Rev, Savldge's flock. When you deposit your vacation coupons pin them together. It will make the count ing quicker and easier. Rubber Gloves, Just the thing for protecting the hands while doing housework. Prico each 1.25. by mail 10o extra- THt ALOE & PENfOLD CO., Defaranltr Brace Manafa.ote.rera. 1406 Fnrnam OMAHA. Op. Pastou Hotel.