THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JUNE 8, liJOO. if The Bee Gives Ten Trips Second Annual Vacation Contest Who Will Take Them ? The seven most popular girls in Omaha, Council Bluffs or South Omaha who earn their own living, will be sent on the seven best vacation trips that money could plan, with all expenses paid. To these The Bee has added three trips, and will also send the most popular young lady living South of the Platte River in Nebraska, the most popular young lady North of the Platte River in Nebraska outside of Omaha, and the most popular young lady in Western Iowa, outside Council Bluffs, on similar vacation outings. The best that this broad land affords From Oinnlia to riilr-iso '. mm return oor tnc lM!LWA'"(EEj wnukro road, the only ccr trir llsliteil tniln nrnvoeii the two cltlc. through tin frrillo ftirmltiR district of Iowa and Illinois'. At CM- tlioro will be a two days' Jtny at the tu.d Purlllc lioti'l. with un opportunity i . ? MomolliliiK of OiIcmico. with li ml i mrtcrs nt this most conveniently located hostelry. From (.'hlciiKO the Lake Shore New York Central ruii the .wlfteit tilix :j New York. Ten days spent In N-w York at the Hotel Majestic will rIvc no oiip'Ttunlty to yce New York City iml every thliiK of Interest The Hotel M.i lent ii Ili-elf if a summer resort, its i.iH.4Rpmeiit Inivtng lnereaed Us Httra--t lot - Not only does It fare Central I'ark Imt the atmosphere of the rustle palm garden on the roof nt mi elevation f three hundred feet ubove sea level mal s it ns c ool on the warmest summer i iKhis us .u the seashore With Ontrnl Park lor a hurkcround and a lew of the Ilu.l-.i.i, and the surroundlns ft tt Is an 1iIp.iI loeatlon for a summer oasis In the steal ett u'lai-b A i Krom Omaha to Kstes Park Colorado, over the nurllnston brintti one to what Is not a fashion able resort." but otic of the be-t plaees lor rvl nioit and an Ideal Mimmer va cation 111 the west. Itld Injr drlviiiK. llslilnp. bicycling;, monmain climbing or a book In a shady coiner of the hotel veranda, breathing the mountain nlr, will be a tonic for any one. 'I he snow-capped peaks on every side, num berless little streams and the grcn val ley are surroundings which are truly In spiring. On Willow Creek, near the en trance and eommandlne a tine view of the P'irk. Is Kstes Park hotfl. It's table Is always adequate to satisfy the appetite, stimulated by the mountain atmosphere, and everything Is thoroughly eonifortnbl and eomomdlous The return trl" will be via Denver, with three days at ill' flrown Palace hotel. Denver 'tself Is alwnvs Interesting to the l?hlse'r and the Hrown Palace affoids a most excellent headquarters In eery way Without a trip up to rieorsetown and Silver Plume through Clear Creek canon no visit to Colorado woulil be complete It will or eupv a day before the return to Omaha by the Burlington Route iClass A i No traveler between Omaha and Chlcaco really appreciates the trip unh;ss they lake u daylight train over th Huiilnston Itrmte. which affords fast service over a smooth road, as well as the opportunlt to see this splendid western eoiintrx Two days at the grand Pacific at Chicago, which has been entirely rebuilt during th" Inst year or so. making It second to no hostelry In Chicago. Krom Chicago to Lake Geneva, with J weeks at the Kaye s Park hotel Is a prospect not only for a cool and beautiful vacation trip, but the pleasure of staying nt so well an equipped hotel makes the trip double ulr,illi The lake Is a most beautiful sheet f water, twenty-four miles In rlrcu'Ufi r ence. and ii alniflst Infinite variety of charming scenes. Its shores arc llnd for miles with summer residences, club houe and hotels, which lenve no dmibt of n popularity Pishing, boating, driving and the kindled summer pleasures are nt any one's command within reach of the hotel. The return trln will be via Chicago and again over the llurllngton with a i nan to . omoare the night service with the daylight trln. relays A From Omaha to St Louis over the Omaha. St l.oi's II. 1! and Wnbah with three days at the Southern hotel, with Its broad corri dors and Its ItUnl sen Ice There Is something about the Southern hotel which makes tt unlike anything In the land, whether it l the fart that It combines the luxury of the modern hotel with the home-like atmos phere and the courtet-y of the old southern hostelrv or whether It 1 bt cause no stone Is left unturned to make the guests com fortable. It Is hard to say. Krom St. Louis to Toledo, with a day to rest fiom the long journey at the Boody house, Toledo's leading hotel. It Is so conveniently lo cated that It Is easy to get n glimpse of Toledo, as well as enjoying the splendid hotel service of the lloody house. Krom Toledo It Is n three hours' ride over the waters of Lake Hrlo from Toledo to Pul-In-Hay on one of the Detroit and Cleve land coast line steamers, which so com pletely combine safely, comfort and speed and which afford comfort and luMlry to those who have the opportunity to enjoy a lake trip. Two weeks at Hotel Victory nt Put-In-Bay will give a thorough en joyment of the pure lake air and the luxu ries of probably the llnest hotel on the lakes. The Hotel Victory has an envi able reputation, which has been well earned (Class A.) .MM l'roni Omaha la the I 'lilon Pacific, the Overland Uoute. to Salt Lake City. This trip through the heHrt of Ne braska l an education In It elf, teaching the resources of N"ebraka and giving a view of tlfe most thriving towns of our state The altitude grau allv Increases until at Cheyenne one Is fi.ft'i') feet above the ocean, soon plunging Into the Rocky mountains, through the grandest i-eenery of all the continent. This Includes ten days nt the Hotel ICnuts ford at Salt Lake City, the reputation of which extends In either direction across the continent ns one of the llnest hoslel rles of the country. When one goes to Salt Lake the Knutsford Is the place at which everybody stops. Salt Lake always has more than ordlnnry attractions on ai -count of the great salt lake Salt Lake Is within easy reach of Garfield Beach and Saltalr. famous for their splen did bathing facilities The return trip will be via eDnver. with three days at the Brown Pala e hotel, the just pride of Denver It Is well named, for It Is a veritable palace A day's excursion around the famous George town Loop and then return home via the Vnlon Pacific. (Class A i l'hls tilp w.ll be over the Great Roi k Bock Island Bou.e to 1) e rt v e r. color ido Springs ami Manitou There Is onlj oii Rock Island Boute and everybody nrnltej It s splendid equip ment nnd reliable service. nlil s journey and then one in Denver with three days at the Brown Palace hotel day's e.curslon on the "Colorado Road through the clenr Creel; Canon, up to Georgetown, around the famous Loup and then back again to Denver before evening Krom Denver to Manitou, over the f R A P. with thteo days at MhiiIIou with another view or the grandeur of the Rockies and within easy reach of the wonders of the Garden of the Gods and all that Is famous In Colorado A day will be spent In climbing Pike's Pak on that wonderful railroad, the Pikes Peak rail way. "The Cogwheel Route' Krom Manitou over the D. & R. (. thro the fn mous Royal Gorge, with Its three thou sand feet of towering rock. Into the Grand Canon, and nt Inn reaching Glenwood Springs nnd Holel Colorado, for ten days pleasure there No more beautiful sltua Hon for a hotel will be found than In till romantic spot, with lis pure mountain air and inasnillcent srnneij diass B 4lit- Safe Krom Omaha to Kansas City over the jPtZ&H. Missouri Paclllc, with three days at tne F?.,lfl1JiliS' biggest and beat holel In the west the Coates House. The Coatcs House Is emi nently tho leading holel of Kansas City, nnd the traveler naturally says the Coales House'- In the same breath with -M.'onenu l"Mtv Krom Kansas CItV to Wnrrenburg .Missouri, Is but a comparatively short trip Just outside of Warrcnsburg Is Pertle npringy. and the Hotel MUinewawa. where everything Is as de llehtfull) rcfrci-hing as the name. It Is decidedly rest ful there, but still there Is plenty to do If one has the Inellnatlon-bnnting. Ilshlng drlvlnc and other season able tileasuris never allow time to hanr heavy. Two wet k'i tut re will convince the fqrtunatc young lady that the time li altogether tgo short. (Chis-H B.) Krom Omaha to Chicago over the Northr.-iPtern Is but a night's ride, and the mo't p easant one In these days of railroad luxury. A four-track span between Omaha and Chicago makes It a safe a well as a jdeasnnt Journey. A day's stop at the Grand Pacific Hotel eentrnllN located, will give an opportunity for a hast gllmpi-f of Chlengo, and then a one-hundred-and-seventy-tlve-mtle ride will bring one to Green Lake, Wis cot tli w tilth is ten miles long and from two to four nillri wid, With Its richly wooded shores udded to "t ommodl(ti: summer hotels end i ottase, It would be a pleasure to tlilnk of what "n!net In the shade'' would M in ttic s'orc ofllce or factory Two -eeks at the Oak wood, whli h Is the best iotel at Green Lake Is certain ly a delightful prospect No pleasunter plaic . otll 1 be found to snend the summer. Boats, and all kinds of tdad drives, and splendid llshlng. make It one of the most attractive soots In Wisconsin The weekly yacht ra es and ho; add to the gaiety whIUi can be expected. (Clays A 1 " . - - u 11.11 j. J i l j i" iu. 1 ' ThN trip Is over the Fremont. KIkhorn & Mlssoutl Valley Railroad to the Black Hills and Hot Springs and return The ICIkhoru carries you through one of the mot beautiful farming countries In the world tho KIkhorn Vulley. with its fertile fields and well-built herns Thence to the Black Hills, both plcturerque and lntir. etlng. with Us sold mines and typlcul western towns The chief attraction there will be a two weeks' stay at the Hotel Kvanf the llnest appointed hotel In the west at Hot Springs, whltli boasts of the largest and finest liingc bath In America. This will Include all of the privileges of the baths, without expense nnd this Is a treat to be envied Pleasant paths and drives, wonder ful caves casPHties canons, flowers, and waterfalls go to make u . the whu h nature has abundaoib fur nished ('hiss Aj sZSci This trip will be on the newest road from A&sZSSSls. Omaha to Chl'-ago which also combines 'i:tS2i- lhp newest equipment a Uuy s stop m gggBjjjngSf Chnugo at tne Xamciis Grand PaclIV 'V&ZS&ki&Qh Hotel, and then to the northward over the Pere-Marquette Railroad toward the prettiest spot In all the state of Mich iganwell named "Charlevoix, the Beau tiful ' The Belvedere Hotel has been iiosen for a two week s breath of lake air. It is not only beautiful!) sit uated on a nolnt of land between Round and Pine Lakes, but 's such a home-like hotel that the pleasure Is double ! There Is everything everyone can wish for In the wa of, rowing, bley. ling, tennis battling bov.l ug. golfing, and fishing, together with nu-mer-'us pv urMon on the many little luun hes and steamers on Pine and Round Likes, or out on Lake Mb hlgan. witn all the chances In the world to delight the eye and enjoj the pure nlr, whlih act- an a tonI to shattered lurves The return trip will be by water on the steamship Manitou 10 Chicago, and home again over the Illinois central. (Class U.) CUT OUT THIS COUPON. Omaha Bee. Single Coupon. A Summer Vacation For the most popular young lady. One voto for .Miss. .N , mo Address Town. t'tutc. Works for O H n CIT TIMS OL T. njpusit at;o or m til to "Vacation Contest Dept.," Oiniilm. Noli. oieienierJ8D9iiiiiieitBoiai9iioii0 n seie iooi bcio i d i ( i i 2 CUT OUT THIS COUPON. Omaha Bee. Prepaid Subscription Coupon. A Summer Vacation for the most popular young lady. This coupon, if acciiinp.tnicJ hy cash prepaying a new or old subscription to THIS HKL", counts IS votes fur each 15i prepaid, 1(10 votes lor each dollar pr.-p iiJ, etc. No Vot.-s lor .Miss. Name, Address. Town. state. Wors for. Semi Uee to name Address. .V It. This coupon must he countersluu.'d the Hce Circulation D.'pt or tlw tow.t nuent to whom th- surts tription money is p tid. Deposit or mail to 'Vacation Contest Dept." Bcs, i, Neb. Countersigned by. .Aficnt O o o n o o o M (5 B a s o Rules of the Contest. Class A. The younw lady receiving the highest number of votes will have first choice of Class A trips, the next highest second choice, and so on. No votes will be counted for any young lady who does not earn her own living. No votes will be counted for Omaha Bee employes. The votes will be published each day in The Omaha Bee. The contest will close at 5 o'clock p. m. July 21st, 1900. Class B. The three trips designated as Class B, will be awarded to the most popular young lady with out restriction as follows: One to the most popular young lady living in Nebraska south of the Piatte river. One to the most popular young lady living n Nebraska north. of the Pial e river, outside of Omaha and South Omaha. Ont1 to t!v.' most popular yonncj ladv living in western low-t, not including Council Bluffs, The younj ladv o. rhe three winner- who receiver ihe most votjs, will have first choice u. three tups, and the one receiving the next pretest number, second choice. All votes must be made on coupons cut .rom The Bee. Pre-pavments for Mibscriptions may be made either direct to The Bee Publishing Company, or to an authorized asjent of The Bee. The votes will be published each day in The Omaha Bee, The contest will close at 5 o'clock p. m. July 2 1st, 1900. Who is your girl? Votes will be counted when made on a coupon cut from The Oma ha Bee and deposited at The Bee business office or mailed addressed "Vacation Contest Dept.," The Omaha Bev, Omaha. Neb.