TILTj OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, .TLTN'E 8, 1900. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM. IOWA. MOVING RIGHT ALONG COUNCIL M,.n,T.M. David sells glass. Take your meals nt the Vienna. Oas flxtutes nnd globes at Blxby's. Magar-lnos bound, Moorehousc & Co. Iludwelser beer. L. Roscnfeld, agent. Fine A. B. C. beer, Neumayor's hotel. Schmidt's photo?, new and lntcst styles. Miss Nina Williams has gone to Monroe, "Wis., on a visit to friends. New patterns In frame mouldings. C. IS. Alexander c to., j.w uriniuu. Get your work done at the popular Eaglo ux- wairrnit.;1'6 jsu Fourth of July oration at Clrlswold. W. 0. Estcp. undertaker, 2S reari street. Telephones: Ofllcc. 97; residence, 33. Miss Nellie I In worth bus gone to Ootlien- burg. Neb., on u montn s visit to inenun. Critic, was In the city yesterday, ntlendlng th republican county convention. MJss M. E. Fenny, superintendent of the Woman's Christian association hospital, has returned from a visit to Chicago. Mrs. 1. C. DeVol and son Hoy will leave today for St. Paul and Mlnnenpolls, where they will spend the slimmer with rela- Ives. The congregation of the First Christian church entertained nt nn Ico cream social at tho church last night, which was largely attended. . , . , , All companions and their women friends are Invited to attend a special convocation of fitar chapter No. 47, Hoyal Arch Masons, this evenlne. The Misses Cella and Maude Hell, ac . omponled by their brother. Hoy, have gone to Duluth, where they will apend tho sum mer with relatives. The young people of the Congregational ehurch gave u lawn social last evening at the residence of the pastor, Hev. J. W. AV"llson. on Houth Hlxth street. Karl Heardsley has returned from Mndrld, Nrt., where he spent the last six months, and Is vlsltliit his mother. Mrs. I. Hcards Iy of Park avenuo for a few weeks. Superintendent J. N. Campbell of the Iteform school at Kearney, Neb., nrrlved In the city yesterday morning nnd took buck with him Cleorge Bishop, the young lad who escaped from the Institution last winter. .... Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hendricks have returned to this city to make their home, after living for the last three years In Orlswold, whi-ro Mr. Uemlrleks has been acting as receiver of the defunct First National bank of that place. Major nnd Mrs. D. C. Smith of Kansas City are visiting their son. Dr. E. C. Smith of the Orand hotel. Major Smith Is on his way homo from attending tho meeting of the Hotel Men's Mutual Hcnellt association In Now York. Tho rock pllo for the special bencllt of the hobos nnd bums Is soon to bo a reality. Alderman Iluber, chairman of the commit tee on streets and alloys, announced yes terday that a carload of rock had bem or dered nnd wiw on Its way here. The trial of tho ilamago suit of Mrs. Kmma Holinan against thn motor company vras continued In the district court yester day morning, but an adjournment wan taken .In thn afternoon until this mornlnc on account of thn republican county con vention. Tho greater part of tho testimony for the plnlnttff Is lu. Funeral services over the lalo Mrs. Fred fltadtmelster will bo held this morning at n o'clock at St. Peter's Catholic church, llev. Father Thomas ofllclatlng. Inter ment will be In the Catholic cemetery. The funeral cortege will leave tho family resi dence at yo South Main street at p:30 a. m. lAnnlo JUoChiI, the female boxcar tour ist, who has been contlned at the city Jail r-lnc last Saturday on a charge of va grancy, was released yesterday morning with Instructions to leavo' town on tho first frolght. Mrs, Clara Deerwester, her com- Iianlon at tho Jail, asked to be discharged, nit thn court refused and Insisted that sho flnlsu eervlng out her sentence. Council Muffs lodge No. 270. Ancient Onler of United Workmen, has elected the following officers: Master workman, S. E. Anderson; foreman, M. C Mulnne; over peer, W. II. Ferguson; recorder, N. . Phillips: financier, .1. C. Pr.vor; reeelver, O. Hochman; guide. F. H. Jtalph; Inside conductor, A. I,. Melsuer; outside eon doctor, Dunlap; niedlcnl examiner, 1. v. Houghton; trustee, H. I,. Tlnlcy. N. Y. Plumbing Co., Tel. 250. Davis sella paints. Attend M. W. club dance Saturday night, llughea' hall; Whaley's orchestra. PROSPKCT5 .ItlOD VOIl A NTH IK E. Union nrlckliiynrn Object .o WorU.nn with .nnuuion Cnriien.ers. Eight bricklayers in the employ of Wlck ham Bros, on tho construction of tho Me T.nU-t ki.tMInn ..it tlti. nnrnnr nf ltrn.1itw.1V Owing to the convention, i e ''o '. Kor county Auditor It. V. 1NNKS j ! " ."" ' . "A " " '. ' . 'AW. ,im Belknap. II. C. McCrea; Boomer, L. If. (:ZnYJS 1 ?? bounty' X - K lFl&INck ' was'lbo' .n agent of pros'! Axte.l; Carbon, (I. F. Brulngton; Center, C. Mrs W H Hrown and son. Fred. hnv. ftrP o'lences thai Ifi'at M.."Sy CoDV0.r8e; C,eSCCDt' J' 'at,(Ht teturned from a visit with friends at Dcs l .. f PtfKRY KkllNKY u" K bJv0 e u real 1 1 y Horner, W. S. Clay: drove. C. B. Denton; Moinos and Vllllsca. j , ., I Hut with tho return to power of our Hardin. F. R. Chambers; Hazel Dell, II. Mr. O. 15. Thompson of ! alls alley I. The above ticket was placed In nomination mirty has come new and heretofore to ns x. Williams: James, Henry C. Brandes: r is visiting ner (iiiugin. i, i...n. ... uy tue Pottawattamie county republican unknown prob ems. The war with spam tirp.u Vr,t itnui- Knox H V Hat. I"terr,'.u. 1 .hlCCt-, ,u convention yesterday. All the nominees areU.r"A " . ..onslbUltles. Am! I ! . VV! v. Kt" ' s.Us w' ..i HMil.mati street walked out vestord.iy ' ll'K!1 Prl'lclples set forth In the plat and Stutsman street wuikcci out V"" , form adopted by the lute republican itato on oiuum jruui inn naming wnih trouble Is not between the bricklayers ana Wlckham Bros., but arises from thn fact that Contractor Moore, who has the con 4rni.r fni the enrnentrv work on tho building, is employing nonunion men and- tho union bricklayers refute to work with them. Contractor 'Moore, when asked about tho trouble, said that ho Intended to employ whom he pleased; that ho paid batter wages. If anything, than tho union scale nnd that he did not ask a man when ho employed him whethor ho holongcd to a inon or not. A leading contractor, speaking of the situation last evening, said conditions In th's city were favorable for a genoral strike nnd bo would not bo surprised to seo a walkout any day. Tho contractors have formed a contractors' union for their mutual-protection and have submitted a prop osition to tho union bricklayers to the effect that they will fdgn nn agreement to pay tho union scale of wages and em ploy none but union men, If on the other hand the union bricklayers will agree not to take any small contracts, which, It is ,m ih,v ,. in the hahli nf ,minff If the bricklayers refuse to agree to this the contractors sy they will employ non ulon men and refuse to sign an agreement to' pay the union scale of wages. Heal Kit. ill e Transfers. Tho following transfers wero filed yrster- doy In tho abstract, title and loan office of J. W. Snulro, 101 Pearl street: Frank Peterson and wife to Charles It. Husse. wi lot 2, block 12, Hall's add. w d J S00 Pottawattamie county to Andrea Wells, lot ", block 2i. Burns' add. w d 7S John A. 1Milgh and wife to A. B. Per kins, lot I of s'i seii ne'4 3-74-10, w d ITS James Hulks to Hans Peter Nelson, lot 4, Auditor's sutidlv o't sw'i 17-75-43. w d 600 Ixit Law and wife to James Hulks, R acres In sc' sw',4 17-73-43, w d.... 1,000 JoMiua Alston and wife to Wrltner Kverson, neVi 5-74-4H. w d (5,9.17 Krnest !. Hart and wife to A, C. Hu bert, 10 acres In e',j nwli 30-75-43, w U 5.500 K. O. Leonard, trustee, and wife to Alible Butler .lot Hi. block IS. Kvans1 Id Bridge add, w d 1 Total, eight transfers 115,103 Gas stoves are cheaper than and they do not explode. gaiollno tovi "Mr. Riley" C-eent cigar. Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures cougba. eolde Who Is the moet popular young lady In western Iowa' Does she llyo In your town? Phe ought to, don't you think so? FARM LOANS NMotlatad In Uaatsrn rtorka and Iowa. Jamia N. caaaay, jr. lJ UtXn HU. Council Mufti. BLUFFS. REPUBLICANS IN CONVENTION Ftttawattimia County Holds a Harmonious Reunion of the Workeis. RENOMINATES HANDED CUT JLl AROUND only Our l,IMI Contest Slurs Ii ..,.,,., .., .... ,wr,,r , ..in. Is nf it Frlen.ll .Nnttire. ttle present Incumbents of the ofliccH and except In the cares of the members of the Hoard of Supervisors were renominated by acclamation. For tho latter two nomina tions there were fsevcral candidates In the field. In addition to naming the ticket the con vention selected delegatcB to attend the stato convention, to be held In Dca Moines August 1; delegates to attend the congres- nlonal convention of thn Ninth district, to be hold In this city Tuesday, June 12, and delegates to attend tho Judicial convention of the Fifteenth district, to be held In this city Wednesday, August 29, as follows: DelCKn.es to Stnte Convention. Delegates E. E. Hart, J. N. llaldwin. C. O. Saunders, C. W. McDonald, O. II. Scott, M. M. Parkinson. W. F. Pierce, Walter I. Smith, Spencer Smith, John SchocntKon, Ed C. Drown, John Limit, I. M. Trcynor, L. H. Cousins, C. It. Hannan, C. M. Hurl, J, M. Galvin, A. S. llazelton, A. T. Fllcklnger, J. P. Oreenshlelds, E. A. Conslgny, Johu Jcnks, Dr. Spauldlng, George M. Putnam, Harry Norton, Oeorgo F. Hrulngton, W. C. DcPow. AlternatcH AVIIIIam Arnd, F. F. Everest, Victor E. Bender, O. D. Wheeler, B. II. Lougpe, J. D. Johnson, S. F. Shuart, D. E. Stuart, Theodoro Gulttar, 0. II. Maync, It. J. Chambers, J. J, Stcadman, Charles Atwood, Flnley Burke. F. L. Heed, B. O. Brulngton, O. S. Blanchard, J. L. Blanrhard, W. H. Klllpack, Oeorgc S. Wright, F. M. Morton, N. M. Pusey, C. F. Kimball, A. L. Preston, J. J. Hers, F. E. Chambers, Hlley Cook, To Cnnicrennlannl Convention. Flret District J. H. Martin, I. T. Spanglcr, Ed Slade. Second District F. G. Smart, F. M. Mor ton, R. Hackett. Third District fleorgo Brulngton, Dr. W. M. Beaore, Perry Kerncy. Fourth District Dr. J. H. Swanson, O. L. Wilkinson, F. B. Chambers. Fifth District Abo Mitchell, L. M. Shu bert, Dr. V. L. Treynor. Sixth Dlntrlct II. J. Chambers, Ed C. Brown, Slack Peterson. Seventh District John llailr, B. B. Gard ner, S. H. Snyder. At Irge W. .1. D.ivenporl. F. F.. Everest, E. A. Conslgny, J. C. Mitchell, C. V" Swarm, Alox Osier. - lielrica.es in .Imllelnl Cnnrrti.inn. First District Dr. Spauldlng, A. L. Pres ton, Henry Urandca. Second District L. T. VanSlyke, W. J. Martin. W. C. Jacdhs. Third District Frank Shlnn, A. A. Bruen, Elmor E. Smith. Fourth District W. It. Klllpack, J. W. Roland, F. E. Chambers. Fifth DlHlrlct C, G. Saunders, B. F. Bar rett, Nels Swanson. Sixth District A. T. Fllcklnger. E. E. Hart, I. M. Treynor. Seventh District Charles Atwood, J. C. Baker, C. A. Morgan. At Iarge L. .1. Neff. I. Lovett. D. E. , Stuart, J. J. Hess, Dr. Grorgo NiiKiim, L. O. Scott. Itrsnlii.lons Ailnpteil, Tho resolutions adopted by the convention were brief and to tho point as follows: AVo, thn republicans of Pottawattamie county Iowa, in delegate convention as sembled, do hereby resolve: T ' I .. . . . '1' I. . . . . " ,l WD rcamrm our iiliegiance to i;iiiivuniiou iieui ill ues .Mollies. In Heeond That we. henrtllv niwl ii,in..il fledly indorse the broad, patriotic and dis creet administration of President William McKlnley, and tho conduct In otllce of Governor Kesllo M. Slmw; and we bcllcvo '"-ests oucmfo.wHM best noiu and win put in practice In our gov ernment thoso principles which have in inn nisi rnur years worked such unex nmpieci prosperity in our commonwealth. Third That from an intimate acriualnt nnco with lion. Walter I. Smith, extend ing through a number of years, we have formed nnd hold the highest opinion of his honor and ability, and we commend him to the republican congressional convention with tho fullest eiinlldence that Ills nomi nation and election as congressman will do honor to tho district; and we herebv Instruct our delegates in the congressional convention to use all honorable means to forward his candidacy. Resolved, That we recognize the learn ing, ability and high character of Hon. Jacob Sims, and as citizens of Pottawatta mie county, where so many years of his active llfo have been passed, wo takn pride In tho standing that he has obtained In his profession, us ono of tlie leaders of tho bar of Iowa, and wo earnestly and unani mously Indorse his c.indldaev for tlie linsl. tlon of attorney general of the state, and without reserve commend his candidacy : 1 t,,n republican state convention. Through of .acquaintance with li s public and irivato llfo wo have absolute confidence, 11 his fitness and abllttv to illsehnrcn ilm duties of that otllce and believe that his nomination and election will do credit to me party ami mo state. Resolved. That the delegate In the re. publican state convention from this county are hereby Instructed to uso nil honorable means to secure ins nomination, and that Mr. Sims be invited to select the delegates to the state convention from this county. nnd he Is hereby authorized to till any vacancies that may occur In the delegation wiicn mo state convention shall meet. A resolution waB also adopted endorsing the ronominatlon of Judge N. W. Macy for the district bench and after a trial of strength between the supporters of N, M. Pusey and O. D, Wheeler, candidates from this county to till the vacancy that will bo caused on the district bench by the reslgna Hon of Judge Walter I. Smith, the con ventlon voted to sunport Wheeler, Only One l.l.tlr ('uiiltal. Had It not been for tho contests over tho nominations of two members of the Board of County Supervisors the convention would havo gone down Into history as a veritable lovefcast, Tho greatest enthusiasm prevailed, and dcsplto tho Intense heat which compelled the delegates to discard their coats and lu many Instances even their vests, the attendance was the largest at any similar gathorlng In many years The resolution endorsing tho candidacy of Judge Smith for congress wob received with a burst of vociferous applause and but for the fact that ho was holding court across th hall he would have been compelled to ad dres the convention. The work ot tho con ventlou waa conducted In a most thorough businesslike manner and little or no time was wasted with speeches. The convention was called to order shortly ner 11 o'clock, the hour named In tho rail by County Chairman Frank Everett, who ,.- .,.,. ... r. i. ........ t.. r tii.i.-ri named It. V. Battey of Aruca ns temporary , chalrman nnd Charles A. Atwood of this city as temporary secretary. Mr. tlatley, on as- suralng the g.ivol, was uccordod an en- thuslastlc reception and he made a short, stirring address, suylng In part: Since Its organization It has been the- lot of the republican party to be called to the control of national affairs at most I.... i i ..i. i. r , v, IWlllllll Ullll 1 1 1 lift "'l'"f ,J HIV l.n.u.,' .-r.---of the union nnd It has always arisen to Wheeler will go before tho Judicial convcti- mo eniei cvuii' nun neui ihiii-u w vim-iy steer the shin of state to Hire and sure nnchorage. Four years ago this people were In tho throes and agony of demo cratic rule, the llrst ilemm ratio adminis tration with full control of the legislative and executive departments of the govern ment since I iinil many others here today wero born. It was a bitter experience and It Is to be hoped that the lesson taught In that school, which Impresses Its . preeents io relentlessly and emphatically, will not soon be forgotten. I A comparison or we condition men and imw will show whether or not that held a short session at IDo close or tne ohamnlon of protection, that advocate of convention nnd organized by electing Chair sound turreliey and U Solid llliaililal ImMs, Wrlirhr tr!iiii-,t- iml II V Itatlev of fiat man who in executive luis been ton- ma" ""Slit treasurer and ... . naitey oi fronted with graver problems lu statecraft Avoca secretary. than any of his predecessor other than not record an llcan party ever shirked a responsibility i nr i. viuli. .1 ii flutv. The Islands is across me , son rnnv nr mnv not be a desirable .tc qulsltton, but they have been acquired nnd our title Is us good and us perfect ns Is our title to the soil upon which we aro to day standing the Louisiana purchase. Ills torv has recorded that tlie democratic partv was wrong when It demanded that the south be permitted to depart In pence ami to dissolve this union without hin drance or opposition and It Is my tlnn belief that when history shall lmvo been 1 I. ...Ill u n ... li ,1... Itmtiinrn WhPre Hie rnmiD mnrn I.lnrnln P P. once mure iiiuum up 11 win niiun m m- , . . , ,..., . democratic partv Is again wrong In Its precinct, Second ward, A. B. Askwlth; First opposition to the efforts to extend tho precinct, Third ward, N. C. Phillips; Second blcsslnss of this government over n wider nrpt,np. Third wnrd W Al. Frederlek s.."ere of usefulness. It would not be " l Precinct, jliiru waro, v. m. i reaencK, keeping with history mid tho record ot Klrst precinct. Fourth ward. J. J. Hesa; democracy wero It otherwise. ! Second precinct, Fourth ward, V. L. Troy- An.l this year the republican P"' W'M j nor; First precinct. Fifth ward. Abe Mltch meet all opposition, as It has always dtnie, , , , , . , . , ,.,. . ,, In the open and without equivocation, pre- ell: Second precinct, Mfth ward, h. M. pared to discuss the question which may Phillips; First precinct, Sixth ward. H. U presented by the hots of pi-w """' 1 M. Harden; Socond precinct, Sixth ward, in li m in i .iiiv, v, ,v ... .. ...... nnllniml tlnknt llemleil hV tile tiled ntld : mutchlesH stiitcsmnn of tho day, with a I favorite son of Potlawattnmle on the con- gressloiml ticket nnd with a county ticket composetl or mien rcpreseiunuve uim en pablo men us shall today bo nominated, re publicanism shall and will triumph at the Co in in I. tees ,nmed. After a short discussion as to whether there should be one or three committees on delegates, the following committees were named : Delegates First district, Henry C. Hrundcs; Second district, C. P. Swarm; Third district, Wllloiighby Dyo; Fourth dis trict, Oeorgo L. Wilkinson: Fifth district, C. O. Saunders; Sixth district, H. J. Cham bers; Seventh district, W. S. Balrd. Resolutions First district. A. L. Preston: Second district, George M. Evans; Third district, J. E. Forsyth; Fourth district, I. P. Kelly; Fifth district, J. B. Matlock; Sixth district. D. K. Stuart: Seventh district, S. B. Snyder. Credentials First district, A. E. Klncald; Socond district, F. P. Shuttlcworth; Third district, Guy A. Llnvllle; Fourth district. R. T. Williams; Fifth district, A. F. Clat terbuck; Sixth district, J. Nanscl; Seventh district. W. A. Oronewcg. Permanent Organization First district, Jacob Gyger: Second district. S. S. Rush; Third district. H. A. Smith; Fourth district, W. S. Clay; Kifth district. F. S. Friend: Sixth district. Slack Peterson; Seventh dls trh:t."AT W. Ask'wllt George II. Scott at this point Introduced tho resolution endorsing tho candidacy of Hon. Jacob Sims for Attorney gensral of tho state and Mr. Sims wa6 called upon for a speech. In a few well chosen words ho expressed his gratitude for tho generous ex- .1... t .,1 vt nn1 inn Hil o ni' A whi Ml Vl A said Placed him under a debt of gratitude to 1 the remibllcans of Pottawattamie county whli-h he never would ho ablo to repay. Ho was most enthusiastically received and his few remarks were cheered to thn ocho. I,. T. VanSlyke informed thn convention that Ben 0. Anld ot AVrlght townthlp was a candidate for renominatlon for member of the Hoard of Supervisors despite the fact that a local paper had sala he was not. This statement of Delegate VanSlyke's wan received with cheering and there were loun rles for Auld. The clock having struck tne oon hour an adjournment was taken until 1:110 p. in. Dnwn 4o Henl Work. On reconvening the committee on per manent organlzatlop reported H. V. Hattey for chairman, I.. M.-.Shiibert tor secretary mid II. (5. Norton for reading clerk. The report was adopted and tho officers having taken their places and tho committee on redentlalK having reported no contests, tno convention got down to work. As tho com mittees on delegates and resolutions wero not ready with their reports, on motion of Delegate J. J. Hitw, It was decided to pro ceed with tho naming of a county ticket. Dr. Snauldlng of Avoca prcHOntcd the name of Freeman V. Reed for clerk of tho district court and there being no other nominations moved that tho nomination bo by acclama tion. This was dono nnd then George Mayne presented tho name of Elmer K. Smith for recorder and mado a similar motion to that of Dr. Spauld ng and Smith was nominated by acclamation. W. C. DoPew of Walnut presented W. II. Klllpack'u name for county attorney and ho was likewise accorded a renominatlon by acclamation. (Jeorgo 11. Scott did a Bimllar service for R. V. Inncs and ho was also given u renominatlon for county auditor by acclamation. Tho four nominations occupied less thun live minutes, but whon Guy Llnvlllo of Carson attempted to renomlnato Perry Kerney for member of tho Hoard of Supervisors, It at onco bo carao apparent thero was a contest on foot. There was a call for nominations and the following names wero brought out: Perry Kerney of Silver Creok township, D. F. Dry den ot Hurdin township, D. K. Parker of Waveland township, John Roennau of Har din township nnd Bon G, Auld of Wright township. Moro or less time was consumed In decid ing how tho convention should volo on the catidldatos. It was finally decided to se lect ono at a time, hut boforo tho roll was called Delegate Kimball moved to recon sider. His motion carried and then the question was settled by deciding to voto on tho selection ot a successor to Perry Ker ney. Tho first ballot gavo Kernoy S3 votes; Drydcn, t',0, and Roennau, 2.i. Roennau withdrew In favor of Dryden, but tho Becond ballot gave tho nomination to Kornoy, with 89 votes against Dryden's 84. Tho nomlna- tlon on motion of Dolegato Matlock was then mado unanimous. On tho first ballot for tho second membor of the board Ben Auld carrlod off the nomination with 123 votcH, against Dryden's ! and Parker's 33. llrmiKli. on a How. The committees on resolutions and dele gates then made their reports, which wero adopted and a resolution endorsing Jmlgu Macy's candidacy was Introduce! and adopted amidst much cheorlng. Then ensued tho liveliest tilt ot the day. Colonel C. Q. Saunders submitted a resolu tion to tho effect that O. D. Wheeler bo the choice ot the republicans ot Pottawattamie county for district Judge to Jill tho vacancy canted by tho resignation of Judge Walter I. Smith. This brought Attorney II. J. Chambors to his feet with a vigorous pro test on behalf of ex-State Senator N. M. Tusey, whom ho said It was well understood was lfn a candidate. He made a lengthy and heated argument In oppialilon to the adoption of such n resolution and was re- plied to by Colonel Sounders, who offered to leave It with the deltgatlon. In order to close the controversy Delegate Canning from tho Fifth want suggested that the convention vote on the two candidates and this plan met with Immollate favor at th? hinds -of the rrmvnntloii Itoll call gave "m , , . ! e V, t.n.L n Wheeler 10fi votei. ncalnst 03 for Pusey, an of r ....a ,1 .lr Ct With lllo dele- cation from this county at his back- The convention then fo'octed George 3. Wright of this city as chairman of th county central committee for the next twd years. George, 11, Scott was nUo named, but the voto gave 112, against Scott's 61. The convention then adjourned. County ('oiiiinlee Sloe. A. Tho republican county central committee Tb.P committee is comprised as follows: Scott: Macedonia, nrn, ptllln.. mijm. j,rnh nv.nr: Neola. - - - . . : ' " " . .. . J. s. Hmitn; NorwalK, it. u, uook; kock ford, J. It. Hutchinson; Silver Creek, A. C. Soaburg; Valley, W. J. Martin; Wash Ington, G. M. Evans; Wavcland, J. E. Forsyth; Wright. J. F. Snyder; York. Cal vin Matter. Council Bluffs First precinct, First ward, C. W. Atwood; Second pre cinct, First ward. W. A. Groncweg; First prcJinct, Second ward, J. B. Sweet; Second M. P. Nelson. Commonwealth 10-cent cigar. Gravel roofing. A. II. Heed, E41 B'way. KEANE WILL BE ARCHBISHOP Infnrinn.liin from Gnnil Authority S.n.eo .lint lie Will lie Ap pointed to Dubuque. SIOUX CITY, June 7. (Special Telegram.) In n letter received in this city from one who Is In a position to know'posltlvely the statement Is mado that Most Rev. John J. Keanc will he tho next archbishop of Du buque. Thero arc good reasons why the "name of the writer of this letter or tho source of his Information should not be divulged, but with a knowledge of all the circumstances hardly anyone would doubt the statement ho makes. It Is further declared that Arch bishop Kcane Is not being and will not bo considered In tho matter of a coadjutor for Archbishop Fechan of Chicago. The ap pointment In Dubuque Is to be offered him and ho will accept It. Who l the most popular young lady In Nebraska? If you think you know, voto for her. suicide" "at SIOUX CITY Ornopr nrlTrn'lo .Middle nf tlrldsrr- find .Inmita' Into flip Mia Knurl. SIOUX SITY, la.. June 7. (Special Tele gram.) George Shortley. a grocer of this city, committed suicide hero this afternoon hy Jumping front the combination- brldso Into tho Missouri river. He drove to the middle ot tho bridge, got out ofhls wagon, climbed upon thn railing and dcllboratoly Jumped off. No one was near him at the time and there was no ohanco to ravo him. There Is no reason for believing he was Insane. He acted a llttlo peculiar 'In fall ing to respond to tho bridge tender's saluta tion when he passed. The brldga tender had known him for years. Find I'rnrln on I'lnhlnB Trip. KIOUX CITY,. Jo., June 7. (Special.) People at Hinton, la., twelve miW north of here, who have been thinking of going to the Klondike, 'nre looking for pearls In the Floyd river, which runs through this city. A young barber of Lemars and two friends put In n week at Hinton on a fishing outing. They did not capture enough fish to make mention of, but they bagged moro than 300 pearls. Sixteen of theso aro largo, flawless, beautifully shaped and worth as high ns $150 n pleco. The collection, which Is on exhibition at a Sioux City Jewolry store, contains handsome pink pearls, as well as flawless and lustrous pear-shaped anil nerieuy rouun ohcb. vL-viwiiunuiijr pearis nave oeen nrougui in irom mo nuju for a number of years, but this Is by all odds the largest haul ever made In thla section. It Is Bald that during tho last week nearly every man, woman and child at Hin ton has been digging clams on the Floyd. l.oilne Session Closes. OBDAU RAPIDS, In.. Juno 7. (Special Tolcgram.) Tho Iowa Masonic Grand lodgo "KO was brought to a close at noon today Im- mediately after tho officers had been In rs had been in- stalled. Orand Master Eaton announced his appointments as follows: Deputy grand master, D. W. Clements, West Unlin; . . doputy grand socretary, N. R. Parvln, Cedar Rapids; grand chaploln, G. W. Baxter, Far merHvllIo; senior grand deacon, M. E. Low ther, Centcrvlllo; Junior grand deacon, F. B. Whlttaker. Hlllsboro; senior grand stew nrd, H. N. Reed, Shelby; Junior grand stew ard, L. B. Dunton, iRlcoylllo; grand mar shall, F. W. Graham, Dcs Moines; grand tylcr, A. N. Alberson, Washington. New I'nvlnK for Slonx City. SIOUX CITY, In., Juno 7. (Special.) Tho city council of this city has ordered four miles of paving to bo dono here this summer. A nurnbor of the beat resldcnco etrcetH will be Improved, tho old cedor block pavement having outlived Its usefulnew. will bo of nsnhalt. Some of It will be of infn tnnn rti'A mi ph mi iim iii'iv iinvciuciiL gravel and somo of macadam. U Is ox pected that work will be on In full forco In six weeks. It will take until that tlmo to recelvo and act upon bids submitted and to enter Into tho necessary contracts. Th! Is the biggest bunch of paving over ordered by the Sioux City council at one time. limn -VorLniiui liijnreil, SHELDON, la., Juno 7. (Special.) This morning whllo work was progrcsilng In tho cellar to the buildings recently de stroyed by flro along Ninth street, a day 0(IlctrB arn strictly prohibited from so laborer was seriously Injured by the falling . Hcltlng or accepting contributions of any of a brick wall. No bones wore broken ana ho Ih resting easily. Iiiniiiiu Mnu Kills Himself. OEDAR RAPIDS, la., Juno 7. (Special Tolcgram.) George Hurdln of Lowdcn, a man D2 years old, whllo temporarily In sane superinduced by 111 health, committed suicide, at 4 o'clock this morning by cutting his throat from ear to ear with a razor. Ho lived but n few minutes. Itrhilinrt Slay Ilreover, SIOUX CITY, Juno 7, (Special Telegram.) Charles D. Rolnhart. who murdered hit wife and tried to kill himself at Odebolt yes. ttrday, la atlll alive. II may racovtr. SMITH & Are getting in hot wenther apparel daily. Summer underwear in plain and fancy, from 25c up In Mercerized silk, llele and balbrlggan. NKOMOEK SHIKTS, from 50c to $1.50, with collars attached, collats detached and no collars. In percale, niadrns and silk. I.KATHKIl DKI.TS. a swell variety, at 25c, 60c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. STRAW HATS, nothing that Isn't strictly up-to-date nnd at prletn from 50c to 12.00. VENTILATED SUSI'BNDBItS, cool nnd comfortable Everything In furnishings ftoni a hat to a pair of box. and at prices that cannot bo undersold. Everything Is bright, clcanand mw. t SOUTH OMAHA NEWS, i , Tonight the directors of the South Omaha Commercial club will meet In the narlors of the South Omaha club for tho purposo cf considering a number of matters of Im portance. Secretary Walking said yesterday that he hoped every member of the directory would be present In order that a considerable, amount of accumulated business might be disposed of. In connection with propositions now boforo the club Mr. Watklns says that tho South Omaha Commercial club stands ready to ncgotlato with the Union Paclllc Railroad company or uny other company or corpora tion for public improvements. Particular stress was laid by Secretary Watklns on tho appeal of the Union Pacific for trackage facilities In the northern part of the city Ho asserts that tho application of this rail road company had no sooner been read to I tho city council and referred to the com mittee on streets and alleys than tho mu nicipal body was enjoined from taking any action. This action, Secretary Watklns as serts, was taken by an Individual nnd not by the majority of those who own property In the locality to bo benefited. Mr. Watklm Is emphatic In his assertion that the legal steps taken by this one property owner In nowise represents the feeling of tho South Omaha Commercial club or the views of progressive residents of thp city. "We are willing," said Mr. Watklns, "to assist any railroad or corporation that de sires to mako Improvements here." At a recent meeting of the club Messrs. Freltng nnd King were named as a com mittee to call on ' President Burt of the Union Pacific in connection with tho vaca tion of certain Btreets and alleys, nnd It is posslhle that a report may bo made to the directors tonight. It Is nsscrted by members of tho club and property owners Interested that tho stub ends of streets which the Union Pacific de sires vacated arc of no value to the city or anyono else, but tho portion on Railroad avenuo between F and I streets, which Is desired by thn railroad, has a value. In return for this concession tho club wants the Union Pacific to Improve Hcllovuo av enuo along tho line of its right-of-way In the southern portion of tho city. This street Is In a very bad condition and nothing but ... . . ,,, . I...,.,.. , n solid pavement will mako a suitable road - way for tho farmers from Sarpy county, who continually visit this city nnd tho livestock market. With the hearty support of the club, which has been promised, It Is expected that the amended proposition of the Union Pacific lill be favorably received by the mayor and council. Hllthtlt .irnile nrndnntliiK ISxerclsru. Last, night occurred the thirteenth annual closing exercises of tho eighth grade of the South Omaha schools. Kxerclses were held at the First Methodist EplsVop.il church, Twenty-third nnd N streetsand the edifice was filled with friends ot the graduating class, parents and school children. The program as printed In Tho Bee of yesterday was followed. After an Invocation by Rev. Dr. J. A. Johnson and a song by the class. Dr. Wolfe, superintendent of public instruction, mado a few remarks. Ho spoko of the school year Just closing, of the needs of "the district, paid a neat compliment to the teachers who have worked so hard for the last nine months and concluded by giving honorable mention to tho fifty-five nupils who passed from the eighth grade to tho High school. Dr. A. H. Hlpplo of Omaha delivered an exceedingly Interesting address on "Tho Advantages of an Education," which was timely and contained many Interesting facta. After several musical sclectlonsiccrtlflimtcfl were presented to tho class by James H. Bulla, president of the Hoard of Educa tion. The names of the members of thn class or WOO follow. Central School Charles A. Akofer, Ludwlg ( Anderson, Catherine U Bcgley, Abblc Cohn, Charles H. Collins, Leo A. Dolnnnoy, Lowls G. Forguson, Julia A. Kopletz, John A Kratky, Max A. Levi. Pearl L. Lutz. nlnr n Merrill. Jennio I. Orr, Mabel A. ; 0rr rjrace a. Thlclkc. Eslello Schmld, May . comnn nilflon C. TaiDOl, I'eari J. iriy. uawtbnrne School Anna F. Blchcl, Harry Bulla, Amy C. Burda, Ray M. Clifton, Gussio A. Durkcs. Hazel D. Gray, Francis Mc Mahon, Ferdinand N. Mencfec, Mayme h. Menslnger. Charles T. Mullan. Eunice II. Noe, Alice K. Rudcrsdorf, Ralph L. Waldo, Fred E. Whonn. Hrown Park School-Henry Real, MaboJ n.i i.'inrn .TorEensen. Mabel Matters, ' in.onh favllcl. Elcn I r . . .. i. '" Mmi, Tlht n.hn,Mi Mnrie Subrt. Almlna Tlbbits. . c,,nn,nnv m. Clifton. Charles I "'. n KnKnr. nov K. Freeman. i '' n.. linhnrls. Maude . ii.nnn , ivt'uwuiiiii. , L. Summers, Fern a. rauuuen. West Side School Floroncc Brnoker. Henry G. Honsen, Maud M. Murphy, Alfred W. Powell, George I. Thomas. Tho church was lavishly decorated with potted plants and cut flowers and the pro gram as rendered was greatly appreciated by those who attended tho exorcises. Xew Orders for I'ollee. Chief of Pollco Mitchell has Issued the following orders for tho guldanco of the men under blm Tho day force wilt report for duty at 6:30 a m. nnn communis un - A, r.m Tho night force will report for duty at 6:0 jn., at wnicn m , p Any officer unable to b iiresent by rea son of sickness or o herwlse snau imu iho chief or captain, so arrangements may bo mado accordingly. .,,,, iiiie All officers will be allowed thlrt minutes for lunch, both day and night. No llcer Is allowed to leave his ""at ex cept in the discharge of duty or by ordur frNm olccrallmJeTto go Into a saloon when dressed In uniform except In tho dls charge of his duty. uruiKing miu aiiniiMiifr, No otllcer shall remain In any one place to exceed live minutes, unless In the pur- formanco ot amy, ' ' . I.... - n.l..llunui nf HIIV mnu xor juun'vuuu in " fn'ofllcer violating any of the nbovo rules will be suspended subject to an In vestigation. I'erninnen. Sldewnlk In He l.nlil. An effort Is to bo made thlt year to In creafco the mileage of permanent sldowalks and with this Idea In view the city coun cil has passed an ordinance creating a num ber of new permanent sidewalk districts. All of tho dlstilcts recently created ate in the business portion of the city nnd It Is expected that If property ownerB do not comply with the terms of' the ordinance that the street commissioner will proceed, at tho xplratlon of thirty dayt, to Uy the walk) BRADLEY 121131 Buy a Lot And build your own Home upon it, and Stop Paying Rent. Some vacant lots located in Central sub additi dii, Omaha addition and Wright's addition. These lots will be so at real bargains. In a year or so they will bring double the money asked for them now. Apply at Bee Office, Council Blurts. and tax the cost up against the abutting property. Over a year ago a permanent dls I li ill ,m iiriiui mi I nt'i ijanmuii niivci . property owners have laid either brick, stone or concrcto walks. Only a few remain who have not compiled with the existing law. It is understood that as soon as the, new con tract is let for tho laying of substantial walks the places which were overlooked last year will he attended to. It Is cheaper for property owners to lay their own walks than to have the city do tho work and for this reason nearly everyone In the permanent sldewnlk districts has compiled with tho ordinances. Material for HrldRr Ordered. General Manager Kenyon of tho Union Stock Yards company stated yesterday that tho oak lumber for tho repairing of thn planking on the Q street viaduct had been ordered onil that as soon ns the material ar rived tho bridge would be placed lu first class condition. Mr. Kenyon stated thnt the order lor the oak planks had been placed before tho city engineer was Instructed by the council to make a report on tho condi tion of tho bridge. It Is a difficult matter to obtain material on short notice now on account of tho mills being crowded wdth or ders, but ofilctrs of the Stock Yards com pauy expert that the order for oak tlmbpr placed some time ngp,wjll arrive before the month is out. HIkIi School .radnn.lnit Clnss, Thn ninth annual commencement exorcises nf tho South Omuhn High school will be held at tho First Methodist church this evening. On Saturday evening the alumni reception will bo hold at Odd Fellows' ball. On Juno VI tho Junior and senior classes will hold n picnic. Thcso nro thin year's graduates: Elflo Dee Hire, Perrlo McD. Wheeler, M. Florence Smith, Vera Darling, Hyron O. Smlloy, Mary A. Barrett, Emory 1). Stanley, Anita E. Bergqulst, Lillian Rudcrsdorf, Stella C. Toft, Culla M. Williams and Clara Merrill. The class motto Is "Push," tho colors black and gold and tho flower the sunflower. MllKll' City .iOMMlp, The Swedish American club will unect nt tho ollleo of A. U Hergiiulst on Haturday night. Tho Eastern Star will meet Saturday night for tho transaction of business of lm portuncc. Inspector Jones reports a ease of diph theria lit the home of W. L. Probal, Twen tieth and Q streets. .Mayor Kelly lias signed a numher of sal ary warrants and tho money Is now avail able for claimants. F. A. Agnow will tnko his Sunday school class for a few days' outing along thn iPlatto river about June 18. W. L. Holland, manager of tho local tele phone exchange. wns called to Ashland yes terday liy the Illness of his mother. Mayor Kelly and members of tho city council will participate In tho reception to the Hoer envoy tonight nnd tomorrow. Newspaper carrier boys, for both foot and horso routes, wanted nt The Bee ofllcc In tho city hall building, South Omaha. Mnjnr General Otis passed through South Omaha at 4:.13 o'clock yesterday afternoon on his way from Manila to Washington. Treasurer Koutsky Is kept busy these days taking In money duo on delinquent tuxes. .Many appear to favor tho paying of taxes now In order to save Interest. William Cosh, an emnlove of the No- braska. Telephone company, fell from a pole at Twenty-fourth and I streets yesterday afternoon and received a number of severe bruises. William L. Wacnerand MIks Lvdla Klek. In. sell were married nt tho First Methodist church yesterday by Hev. Dr. Johnson. Mr. nnn .Mrs. wngner win reside at Twenty seventh and It streets. Who Is the most popular young lady In western Iowa? Docs sho llvo In your town? Sho ought to, don't you think so? KiiIkIi.n nf I'j llilnx In Session. HURON, S. D Juno 7. (Special.) Tho annual session of tho grand lodgo of Knights of Pythias, domain of South Da kota, began hero today, with nearly 200 delegates and visitors present. Tho at tendance Is larger than at former sessions of tho body and the deliberations promise to be Interesting and bonoficlal to the order, All the grand lodge olllcers nro horo and much interest la manifested In their reports, the. address of Grand Cumcellor Piatt ot Clark and tho report of Giand Keeper of Records J, Carl Southwlcy of Watertown being most Important. Fror, these It appears thut tho fifty-one subordinate lodges In tho domain are all In line condition and havo added to their memberthlp' during the lust year. Mr. Southwlek's report gives tho total membership on tho latt day of 1S99 as 3,220, an Increase over the provlnus year ot 169; the total number of Knlghtt ot COUNCIL BLUFFS PEOPLE appreciate our work beujiiiEO It is dono in such a thorough and artistic manner. They are alao pleased to find our prices ho very moderate. If you have dental work that needs to be done wo can satisfy you both in the quality of work and the price. . ..Telephone 145 H. A. Woodbury, D. D. S-, Council Bluffs- 30 Pearl St. Grand Hotel Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Itartlliiilully digests tlie food and aids Nature Jn Btrcngtlionirlg and recon structing tlio exhausted dlgestlvo or gans. It Is the latest disco vercd digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in eillclency. It in itantly relieves and pei oiancntly euros Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulenco, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Ileadache.Gastralgla.Cranips and all other resultsof Impcrfcctdlgestlon. Price 50c, and II. Inrgoslro contains times linatl size. Book all about of vspepslu mailed f roe Preoared by E- C. De'VI T A CO., Chlcaoo tOK Tot your family 'comfort nun jour own. HIRES Rootbeer will contribute moro to It than ton or Ico ana n (trots or num. n Rations lor 'a rrnM. Writ fnr Hat nf prenlniat efrtr4 irr ror ikD.il. cnAm.F.R K.niiiEnco. Jiaivcrn, i'n. HOWELL'S Is pleasant to take Prompt to relieve. Safe for all ages. Anti-Kawf Sure to cure. Khorassan Is 1.081; there are eleven past grand chancellors and 4!)0 past chancellors in this Jurisdiction. There lias also bcon a large increnso In lodge property, whllo the benevolences havo far exceeded former years. These figures are highly gratifying to tho membership anil will bo a great stim ulus to future work. Lodges In tho Black Hills appear to bo especially prosperous, tho lodgo at Lead City having n membership or 133. Tho present session will closo Friday with a grand ball and banmiet. Who Is tho most popular young lady In western Iowa? Dooti sho live In your town7 Sho ought to, don't you think m? l-n.VHIOVS FOIl WIISTF.HN vivmrtANH. Wnr Survivors lleiiienibr red bjr thn (ienernl (Joveriiiiieiit. WASHINGTON, Juno 7. (Special.) The following penolons hnvo been granted: Issue of May IS. 1000: Nebraska: Original fleorce H. Dewltt. York, ts. Itelssut Frederick Kracht. Omaha, $1. Iowa: Orlglnnl Richard Rellov. Marino. $(5; Henry Jonlneer, Davenport, ii. Addi tional Lucius Rogers, Hngley, $fi. in crease John Krlckson, Red Oak, $12. Re issueSamuel I'. Rnush, Mlnbiirn, IS; The. odore Ogle. Harlan. 112. Original Widows, etc. (Special accrued May 2,1) Ida O. Hec tor. Klon, 12. All physicians agree thnt we drink too llttlo water. All physicians agreo that Col fax Water Ih the best for Mtomach nnd liver trouble. Oladstono Bros, are agents. lint SprliiKK ICieurHliinn, HOT SPRINGS, S. D Juno 7. (Special.) The llrst of tho trl-monthly excursions to Hot Springs ovor the Fromont, Klkhorn & Missouri Valloy and I), & M. roads arrived today. The Klkhorn brought ninety people nnd tho B. & M. nearly nn many. Tho' towu Is nicely filling up with health and pleasuro seekers and tho season promises to surpass last year, which was unusually good. CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. His Kind Yor Have Always Bough) Bears Signature 1 I