12 TILE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FHIDAY, . JUNE 8, 1000. ANOTHER VACATION CONTEST Th Bie Will Gin Beren Splendid Tripi to Wirking Glili, THE BEST THAT THIS BROAD LAND AFFORDS Three Store Trlm llenltle lor the Mont I'oiiulnr tlirln In XehrnnUa it nd Wenelrn liurn A Spir ited Content Kxnecled. Tho cnthtialaMn shown over the vacation contests lat year, and tho appreciation of the young ladles who enjoyed tho trips have led The Hoe to make these contests nn annual event. This year ecven trips will be offered to the young ladles of Omaha, Council Hluffs and South Omaha who cam tbflr on living. The railroad folders and Ktilrto books have been ransacked to select tho plrasantcut outings and the most at tractive trips on the different roads leading out of Omaha. Tho trips have all been planned, selecting the best hotels every where, and the most popular summer resorts for tho girl's vacation. Like last year, It will be a merry war and, although n spirited contest, tho best of good feeling may bo expected. Tho pilr.ea aro worth the winning and the girls with the most frlendt will como to the front. Every one knows of noma girl whose life Is spent In tho office, factory or behind the counter, for whom a vacation trip Is Impossible ex cept as the result of this plan which The fleo has taken to give them a much needed rcit and well-enrned vacation. If you hap pen to know of anyone, begin saving your coupons at once and help her to the best of your ability. There will be wen trips and the one re ceiving thn highest number of votes wilt have tho first choice, but all of our trips have been planned to make them as nearly as posstblo equally attractive, and the seven winners will have a vacation which many a person of means will envy. In order to make It less lonesome for the winners of tho trips, Tho Heo will furnish each winner with free transportation for onn person to accompany them throughout the entlro trip. In addition to tho seven trips The Heo will offer three trips, one to the most popu lar young lady living north of tho I'latto river In Nebraska, outside of Omaha and South Omnba, one to the most popular joung lady living In Nebraska south of the I'latto river and ono trip to the most pop ular young lady In western Iowa. The young lady of the three winners who re ceives tho highest number of votes will havo first choice of trips designated as claps n. The young lady receiving tho next highest number of votes, second tiholci Thcro will bo fno restrictions whatever In regard to the candidates any young lady may be voted for. It will certainly bo of Interest to find out who Is the most popular young lady lu Nebraska and 'a spirited contest will no doubt take place for tho honor. AFTER RURAL MERCHANTS Knticlit of Ak-Mur-ltrn AnxlonN to .Show Them the Suercil Klephnnt. "We want tho merchants In the outlying towns tributary to Omaha to Join the Knights of Ak-Sar-Hcn," said II. J. Ten fold, a member of tho board of governors, thin morning. "Primarily wo seek this for the reason that wo want the superb enjoy ment of membership In tho fold to radiate beyond tho contlnes of Omaha and bring Into closer bonds of comradeship and good fellowship the merchant of tho smaller towns and tho business men of Omaha. Threo or four years ago thcro were about 1,200 knights living In the towns within 100 miles of Omaha, and at tho tlmo Ak-Sar-Ilen was In the heydey of lis prosperity and In fluence. Since tho expositions a sort of coldness has originated In the outside towns and eltles toward Omaha. Wo bcllcvo that Ak-Sar-ncn Is tho lnlluunco that will dis pel this feeling more effectively than can any other means that might be employed. "Our Idea Is to havo tho merchants from towns within 100 miles of Omaha come In on special excursion trains every Monday night nnd go through tho Initiation, becoming full fledged knights. They would be accorded such a generous nnd hospltablo welcome as tho subjects of tho king are ablo to bestow and thero Is no question that the feature 'would be a most pleasant ono to the visitors as well as tho resident mombers of the knights. They would bo shown a good time, fed upon tho fat of tho land and sent on their way rejoicing." When Mr. I'cnfold was Informed relative to tho action of tho passenger ofllclals in de termining that no lower rate than one fare for tho round trip would bo granted for the Ak-Sur-Hen excursions from nearby towns ho wis much disappointed. "In suggesting this plan to tho railroads wo laid particular Rtrnw upon the necessity of the railroads giving most liberal rates to tho merchants who would naturally bo tho ones to avail themsclvea of tho opportunity of joining the ranks of Ak-tiar-Ilen," ho bald, "a one-furo rate In too high. In order to promote closer relations between tho business Interests of Omaha and nearby towns tho railroads could Afford to grant a much lower rate. It would lie utilized by the huslucsa men 'who are their putrons and would bo In tho nature of a compliment, although wo wouldn't expect a rata lower than that necessary bo pay the expensed of operating u special train. I be lieve that tho various roads entering Omaha could run excursions on .Monday nights from a dlstanco of 100 miles nnd secure from 200 to 400 paraengors. Wo hopo to secure more liberal concessions from tho railroads and I bellevo that the out-of-towu membership of Ak-Sar-Iten will be as largo this year as it was threo or four years ago. This belief, of course, Is based upon ou.r success In re fMvlng wore generous treatment at the hands of the railroads." ENUMERATORS MUST HURRY llntf the Time done, Tnt Work Not Vet llntf Com pleted, ,Wlth practically half of the time for tak ing the census of the city of Omaha ex hausted the enumerators find that In many cases half of their work hag not been per formed and that they will hnvo to work early and lato to completo the report In tho thirteen working days allowed by the de partment. Ono of the enumerators has com pleted her work and several more will be done this week. It Is expected that thesa persons will be detailed to nsslst those most backward In their work. Heports from enumerators In tho country precincts Indicate that the men are not finding the .work as remunerative as they expected. Whllo working In the towns they received ample remuneration, but when they began to enumerate the farms they find that they must have n horso and that they can do little more than make cxpensss. Several have appealed for relief only to bo Informed that they will have to do the best they can now that they hnVe undertaken the work. BOSTON STORE REMNANT SALE Importer's Samola Fleets $2 to S4 & Yard H gh Grade Silks GO AT J0C, I5C, AND 25C EACH llltr Snle Itr itiniintn, C'hiillln nml Hum mer Dreitn (Jootln on Mnln Floor Anil nn Kxtrn Iniitortniit Item mint Hale In the Himement Small In slzo and great In results are DcWltt's Little Early nlscrs, the famous little pills that cleanse the liver and bowel. They do not gripe. LOOKING FOR A CANDIDATE .Sliver Itepulillennn Cunt I ne Tlir'lr Uyrn Totrnnl ('. O. I.ohrek im a Suitable Mnerlllce. In tho eager quest of the fusion parties for a candidate for congress In this district the silver republican branch of the tri umvirate Is casting Its eyes toward C. O. Lobeck, for soma years a member, of the city council of Omaha. Ills name has been frequently suggested and It Is possible that tho ailver republicans may present him to the other two parties as their choice for the place for which the democrats appear to bo unable to find available and adaptable mateiiul. It Is not deemed probable, how ever, that the democrats will abandon their dog-in-the-manger Inclinations to Insist on a democratic sacrifice tbls year as usual. Lysle Abbott Is out with a letter declaring that he does not want to be considered as a candidate by the democratic congressional convention Saturday, llulek ltrllef for Aiithma. Miss Matide Dickens, Parsons, Kan., writes: "I suffered eight year with asthma In Its worst form. I had several attacks during the last year and was not oxpectod to live through them. I began using Foley's Honey and Tar and It has never failed to give Immediate relief." Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha. IttJIlI.lMiTO.V.S I,OW IIATISS. Tnrrlrr (.'henp Gxruraliini to Colormln Annoiineril liy the IIiirlliiKton. Hettcr Jot down the dates on which the Burlington Houtc will make exceedingly low rates: June 19 and 21; July 3, 7, 8," 9, 10, 17 and 18; August 2, 7 and 21. Denver, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and re turn, $19.00. Glenwood Springs and return, $31.00. Ogden, Salt Lake and return, J32.00. FINAL RETURN LIMIT OCT. 31. Colorado Is a mile higher than Omaha, No wonder It's cool. Tho altitude carries1 with It crisp, electric atmosphorc that makes the blood fairly tingle through your veins. What with trout llsblng In hundreds of crystal streams, exhilarating mountain climbing, exciting rides and drives, or com plete rest beneath some towering crag, -you'll find your Ideal resort In Colorado. Tho Burlington Is the (shortest line to Denver and Its trains run on time. The Denver Limited leaves the Burling ton station, Omaha, at 4:25 p. ra. dally. It arrives In Denver at 7:10 a. m. next day. Tickets, 1502 Farnam street. You can vote as many times as you want to In tho Working Girls' Vacation Contest. i, Hound Trip Ilutrr Un June 21, July 7, S, 9, 10 and 18, and August 2, tho Illinois Central railroad will sell tickets, limited until October 31, as follows: St. Paul, Minn., and return $12.95. Minneapolis, Minn,, and return 12.60 uulutn, Minn., and roturn 16. DS Waseca, Minn., and return 10.S5 Superior, Wis., and return 16. 95 West Superior, Wis., and return 16.9B For full particulars call at Illinois Central city ticket office, No. 1402 Farnam street. TODAY. FRIDAY 13 REMNANT DAY. Grand special offering In remnants tomor row, the greatest we have ever had, 1,000 yards of remnants of percale at 2c yard. One big counter lining cambrics, lc yard, One big counter black sateen, Gc yard. One big counter fancy lawns, all kinds, In short remnants, go at lc yard. One big counter fancy organdie lawns, worth 25c, tit 3V4c yard, One big counter fancy figured mercerized suteen, looks like silk, 15c yard; worth 40c, One big counter fancy figured mercerized sateen, looks like foulard silk, IGc yard. One big counter white goods remnants at SVic, 10c and 15c yard; worth if In full pieces double this price. One big counter Scotch gingham remnants, GJ4c yard. 36-Inch wide best quality percale, worth 15c, at 8'4c yard. Plain white and fancy colored pique, 5c yard; worth Vi'.ic. And hundreds of other remnants In the basement. NEW SILK REMNANTS. Having bought an Importer's sample pieces of high class silk, wo will place on sale taf fetas In plaids, checks and stripes, brocaded silk, plain silk nnd fancy silk, all worth from $2.00 to $4.00 yard, In squares from '-yard to one-yard square, suitable for pillow tops, fancy work, millinery, ncck weur, etc., etc.. go according to length of rmnnants at 10c, 15c nnd 25c each. Odds and ends In silks by the yard, foulards, plain and figured china silks, taf feta silk, goods worth In the regular way up to $1.00 go in two lots at 15c and i'fc yard. OHALLIS AND MOUSSELINB ,DB SOIE. Strictly all wool challls, with satin stripes, light and dark grounds, all new -patterns; moutsellne de f-oic, strlpeM and with' silk em broidered polka dots, also plain colors; lengths from 3 to 5 yards; many pieces 'in this lot worth up to 73c In remnants' at 25c yard. . Imported pllsse or cotton crepon, nil new, fresh goods, light and dark grounds, 'beauti ful assortment of designs, worth In the regular 'way 50c, In romnants'on main floor at 10c yard. ' v BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, N. W. Cor. ICth and Douglas. Vote early and often. HXTIt.V SI'KCIAL SAM-JS NATt'ltDAY. The t'ollnwIiiK (Irent S per In I Snlrs Wilt Tnke PInee Snturility, .In lie I). AT BOSTON STORE, OMAHA. Wo will place on sale Saturday, June 9th, 12,000 boys', youths' ami children's suits from tho New York Children's Combination Clothing Co. Also nn entire retail stock of men's fine neckwear. An entlro wholesale stock of men's shirts, underwear and night gowns. Also a big salo of men's suits. Also a sensational sale of ladles', men's and children's shoes from a recent pur chase, A sale of ladles' waists. A grand millinery clearing sale. nig salo of pictures. Dig parasol sale. A big glove sale. A big handkerchief sale. A big sale of ladles' underwear. $33.00 LADIES' SUITS, $6.9S. On Saturday, Juno 9, nt 9 o'clock sharp, there will bo placed on sale AT BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, 2,000 TWO THOUSAND 2,000 LADIES' TAILORED SUITS, $6.98 EACH. Manufactured to retail nt $25.00, $30.00 and $33.00, which will be sold for $6.98. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA. N. W. Cor. 10th and Douglas Sts. KXClJItSON HATUS Yin ChlenKO, .MIIiTiiukee A. St. I'nul Hnllivny. June 2. 3 and 4, Milwaukee and return, ! $16.75. June 14, 15, 16 and 17, Philadelphia and return, $30.75. Juno 25, 26 and 27, Chicago and return, $12.75. City Ticket Office, 1501 Farnam street. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent. Spirit l.nkr, In., Quickly and , conveniently reached via the Illinois Central railroad. Round trip tickets I now on salo at city ticket offlce, 1402 Far- nam street. HAMi: MHOS. tlrent WIiiiIIiir I p .Snip of Foiilnrili The deep cut In prices which we are mak ing Is quickly selling those beautiful fou lard silks which have been so much admired by alt the Omaha ladles. $1 25, $1.39, $1,50 foulards for 08c. 75c, 83c, 98c foulards fo.' fSc. Remember all these foulards nre Cheney Bros.' best make. Very fine btnga Hue pllks, plain China silks, corded wash silks at 25c. Big sale on line white Jap wash silks, 60c. White wnsh silks, 20-lti. wide, for 39c. $1.00 white wash silks, 36-ln. wide, for 69c. BUY A BLACK JAP WASH SILK DRES3 AND KEEP COOL. 90c extra fine grade. 27-ln. wide, for 19c. $1.00 extra lino grade, 36-ln. wide, for 5:v. We sell the well known Panucea perspira tion proof black silk, guaranteed, and wo r.sk you to see this wonderful silk. HAYDEN BROS. Cramer's Kidney Cure Sure Dentil, for Hukm TurrnntS Aperient , Wiinipoli-'M foil I, Iter Oil Seott'N 10 in it I k I it Strum'" AVIiii of OH Selilltz Unit I nr. - for ., Willi- of .Mnrliinl Plilllp'n Milk .MiiKiieiln t IV-rii-im , 1 llronio t ii I it I ii i- Clltli'liru .Simp I'neki'i-'N Tin- Soup ...... I .In veulle Simp Ilnr lli'i IJnx TnliletH . . , S. S. S, I Ponil's Hxtrnct CUT PRICE DRUGGIST. Cor. Kith unit Chlcnco Street. UMMER HOES. s8a 5c to,- IO. 7. "in ir.e -'lie Oil SCHAEFER Me FINK TltAINKD ANIMALS. Arrive Philadelphia liy nnylla-ht. Every train leaving Chicago for Phila delphia over Pennsylvania Short Lines bus through car service between those cities and all reach Philadelphia by daylight. The Ideal route to the republican natl.nal con- entlon. Cheap ticket for that event will be sold over It Juno 14 to 18. Details about rates and through car comforts will be fur nished by II. R. Derlng, A. O. P. Agent, 24S South Clark streot, Chicago. How to Avovil -Trouble, Now is the time to provldo yourself and family with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It Is almost certain to bo needed before tho summer Is over and If procured now may save you u trip to town in the night or In your busiest krason. It is everywhere admitted to bo the most successful medicine In use for bowel complaints, both for children nnd adults. No family can afford to be with out it. Kitten Are Lowered. The Northwestern line has announced some low rates to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Superior, Kasota and Wuseca, for tho following dates: June 21, July 7, 8, 9 and 10, July IS and August 2; limit October 31, 1900 . From Omaha to Kusota and return, $10.10, From Omaha to Waseca and return, $10.33, From Omaha to St, Paul and return, $12.63. From Omaha to Minneapolis and return, $12.65. From Omaha to Duluth and return, $16.95. From Omaha to Superior and return, $16.95. Ticket office, 1401 Farnam street- Two dally trains from Omaha Union pas senger station. , " 1 1 i Interest on city taxes (real and personal) for year 1900, at the rate of 1 per cent per month, will be charged on and after July 1st next. Write ads. Sell cut. Print anything. Etoneoypher, 1201 Howard it, Tel. 1310, When you deposit your vacation coupons pin Ihem together. It will make the count Mortality Statlntlcs. Tho followliiK deaths nnd births have been reported to thn Board of Health dur ing the twenty-four hours ending Thurs day noon: Denths Alice McKean. ana 25. 601 North Eighteenth: Mary J. Christian, age 67. 2577 Cumins. B rtlis vi Ilium Menu. H15 South Six teenth, boy; Charley Wright, 1621 Cuming, boy; George Morlsell, two miles, north of Florence, girl; Fred GIIihou, 1412 Daven port, girl; Herman Goldstein, 1L113 Daven port,- Kin. Reports show that ever fifteen hundred lives have been saved through the use of One Minute Cough Cure. Most of those were cases of grippe, croup, authma, whoop ing cough, bronchitis and pneumonia. Its early use prevents consumption. They Are the Stnrn of l'rof. Gentry's C'lrnuH. Over 100 dogs, fifty pontes, a score or so of monkeys and two tiny elephants com prise the animal actors' of Prof. Gentry's aggregation, which Is to visit and delight both old and young In Omaha all of next week. Since last seen here this exhibition has not only been enlarged, but greatly Im proved upon. New nets and new features take the place of the old and the performance tho professor now presents Is original. It Is sa.ld aside from a thorough education of the animals they form a praltoworthy herso and bench show. Dogs of all description, from tho colossal St Bernard nnd Great Dane dow-c to tho tiniest toy .poodle. The tiny borseB, over fifty In number, are each models of dainty horseflesh and, although they do not vary a great deal In size, the color contrast, from the deepest black ti the snowiest white, forms a very agreea ble picture. Cute and cunning monkeys grimace and caper dally and nightly be fore the crowds, while the two elephants, "Pinto and "Nero," docile enough for any child to play with, are usually seen with children upon their backs riding to and fro, under the watchful cyo of the attendants. Tho tents will be erected at Eighteenth and Douglas streets and two performances given dally all of next week, except Mon day. i CH ANtil? OF TIME On the Wabash. I Commencing Sunday, June 3, the Wabiafc , will shorten tho time of the I CONTINENTAL LIMITED. Leaving Chicago at 12:02 noon, and St. Louis 9 a. m., arrives at New York 3:25 p. m. and Boston 5:20 p. m giving Its patrons better service to their favorite summer resorts. ALL OTHER TRAINS RUN SAME AS NOW. Ratea via t'be Wabuh are from ft! to $3 less than other lines via Detroit and Niagara Falls. For rates, time-tables of trips east or a copy of On Lake and Sea, call on any agent of connecting lines, or call on or write G. N. CLAYTON, Room 405 N. Y. L. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. A Place to Spend the Summer. On the lines of the MILWAUKEE RAIL WAY In Wisconsin are some of the most beautiful places in the world to spend a summer vacation camping out or- at. the ele gant summer hotels, Boating, fishing, beau tiful lakes and streams and cool weather. These resorts are all easily reached from Omaha. A book describing thorn may bo bad upon application at tho Chicago, Mil waukee St. Paul Ry., city ticket office 1504 Farnam street, Omaha. Round trip tickets, good returning until October 31, now on sale. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent. Save your coupons and help some girl take a trip. I t. Denver, Pueblo, Colorado Sprlima nil return Hot Springs, H. D. aud retura ...... EXCURSIONS. ) 119.00, t 21. i . S.0O. Glenwood Springs nnd return , , Ogden, Halt Lake City and return. Philadelphia 119.00, June 5. li and and July 3, 7.10, dally after June l I Slt.tO, June S, 19 and I !1, and July 3, 7-10, 131.00, June S, 19 and 31. and July 3, 7-10, tlO.00, dally after June t 113100, June t, 19 and 31, and July 3, 7-10. I I nnil return I I Tteket OHIoe, ..1 1 502 Farnam St, r Tel. tSO. f J30.73, June II, 1C, It. urllnaten Italian, 10th and Man Sts, Tel. 128. ' Omaha Tent and Awning Co., tents, awn ings, canvas goods, 11 and Harney, phone 8S3 I ! Black Silk Suspensory, 760. We are selling black silk suspensory, with leg itraps and walat bands and rubber draw string. for7Ac. Another one at sumo price Is made out of white silk bolting cloth, with lug straps, vert MoU Big value at 750. Then wo havo nice silk mspcnsorles with Just one band around the waist at coc, and very good suspensories In both styles mentioned above at 2&c. Mailed postpaid tson receipt of price. Sherman & McGonnell DrugGo. New location, Cor. 16th and Dodge. More popular than ever, Cheaper than ever A holiday trip Is not completo with out a KODAK or CAMERA. Don't get one nt the lost minute, but NOW, We will tench you how to use It. A beautiful Double Lens Poco Cam era comploto with carrying case for SD.00. All Amateur Photo Supplies at the loweht prices. Call and see us before purchasing. The Robert Dempster Co., 1215 Farnam St. WIioIrhiiIp nnd Itctnll Ilonlerx In Photo Supplies. During the hot weather send us your developing and printing. A POINTER P O I N T E R Arrangomonts for your Summer Vaoatlon ahauld not bo completed without flrat asking about . . . Excursion Rates . . Excursion Rates . . PICTO THE UNION PACIFIC i effect on June 21, July 7 to 10 Inc., July 18 and August 2nd, Rummer aa ' curslon Rates of ONE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP Plua $2.00 from Missouri River to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Ogden and Salt Lake AND OTHER WESTERN RESORTS. TICKETS GOOD FOR RETURN UNTIL OCTOBER SIST. T1phne3l6. City Tloket off loo, 002 Farnam Mi UlVnCiT Special Shoe llAl UCllS Bargains On Sale Friday. Over 800 pairs ofladies' fine $3 and $3.50 vici kid lace and button shoes, from the factories of the Rochester Shoe Co., A. Aborn & Co., and Moore-Schaffer Shoe M'f'g Co. sizes 2 1-2 to 8, fliB and widths C, f HM D and E, at Ladies' fine $1.50 kid, turn sole, oxford ties, all sizes at 98c Ladies' fine $2 and $2.50 vici - r A kid oxford ties and strap slippers Misses' fine $2 and $2.50 vici - V kid. lace shoes, sizes 11 to 2, at d Boys' fine $1.75 and $2 lace shoes in black and tan, sizes 12 to 5, at Child's fine 85c patent leather and red kid strap slippers, sizes 2 to 5Jj, at . .'. 1.23 39c HAYDEN BROS Among the interesting episodes that are making trading moat attractive in tho town, that in shoes im proved the "ad" man tho most. By inspiration or intuition, or some other way, tho shoes hero havo a fascination for him. It may be from desire to touch up the shoe humbugs but no matter tho incentive, the highest note of comfort and economy strikes him as peculiarly manifest here. Clear business sense and successful thought are throwing up entrenchments around the wauls of shoo traders. The store is perhaps reflecting tho best in terest of the retail money spenders, but we are com scions of limits in low price giving. We aro cautious not to raise more hopes than we can conjure. Come with the guiding fear of disappointment and notes of interrigation. it'll give a deeper meaning to the sale, a higher conception of the methods the store employs to make shoe retailing better. We've a line of Women's Summer Shoes At One Dollar and Fifty Conts a pair that can't bo duplicated anywhere. MftMII MfTirMMI-ll miliTArr!'! nl It I UAVnEII' That Great llA I UEffS "5 Trumps" Sale of Men's & Boys' fine Clothing Consisting of the remainder of this season's stocks of SCHAFRAN BROS., N WW YORK CITY, B. Kothschild & Co., KocheBter, N. Y., Max B. Brummer, New York, Max Ernst, New York, and the great purchase of men's finest spring and summor suits of Hart, Schafl'nor.it Marx, Chicago. Prominent manufacturers of hlRh-Rrarte clotliinc for mn an-1 bnjF, In now well under way and It. meeting with n Konerou reception from nn ever apjirrciallvn public quick to take advantage of such Rival bargains which ready twine) and the opportunity procured for us. Immenwe Iota of line clothing at about half actual value and you can get ' them from us In Ihe same way. Thl brief ht Is given to show aonio of tho grpat bargains that thU salo contalna there aro plenty more equally as good. Men s trousers, regularly retailed at $.'.60 R-f CA Now on iale at kJJ 1 J V Young men's suits, regularly retailed at $12. f0 Ui'T ffc Now on ale nt 4 - - 7 Men's suits, regularly retailed at $10. 00 fA '7eZ Now on Mleat iprtt it t7 Men's fine dress trousers, regularly retailed at $5.00 lLO Cn NowonMleat tP.OU Men's fine suits, regularly sold at $l.'t.50 L7 CA Now on Halo at iff J. JJ Boys' fine knee pants suits, regularly sold for tft t-t.RO and SS.OO-Now on sale at ipiUl Boys' finest suits, regularly retailed at $(5.50 tfL 7 c Now on salo at lJJ X J Men's high grade suits, regularly retailed at $18 (L-f O Cfk Now 'on Halo at -P J-4JJ Boys' knee pants, regularly sold for 50c and 65c Now on sale at .... , HAYDEN BROS. Selling the most clothing in Omaha. $38 buys a nlc Top Bupgy. Buggies Carriages Concords Phaetons Spring Wagons Farm Wagons AND BICYCLES WRITE FOR PRICES AND TERMS. H. E. Fredrickson 15th and Dodge Sts., OMAHA, NEB. 44 : YOU'RE NOT TAKING CHANCES When you mako your Holectloiia from our Htook. Our Buuranteo that tnuana your money back m behind overy article' we bell. Spend it few minute ut our Htore. LOOK roil TUB NAME. LINDSAY, the Jeweler, 151 DoiikIuh. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS I RESULTS TELL )S MANUFACTURD BY I 0 CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CCj rnr mum umk THE REE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS. S) ing quicker and eubler. r