Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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Uirkiti Art
F.rm and Phiw Gmt.
of 8?rrjfrh.
. '
I orn, dm. nnil I'rni la. mis i.. I .
Arc 411 lrnnii In m pn I li with
tthmt, lint re PISMS In
tlx- llnckisriiiinil.
CHICAOO. June 7. Thi gravity .f IN
crop situation in tit' north WMl .i" IhO
main fa. tor In broad, at live ami buoyant
wheat market today, July etoelng HV2
iver yaetordoy. Corn cloned ' higher
and oats M9M4C IffipfCrVtd Provisions. Si
the close, wen- tlrtn Bl ffOIB 11V bat! t
In ribs to Mil HP 1,1 POTh
The dullness of months was broken In
the wheal pit and the spare allottod deal
ers In that Cafial was Jamnied with a roar
ing, tuetttd ofowdi which seemed to
louugiiln thai tha crop in the notthwoat
was in imminent danger of failure, July
opened at ftti1 4. . a shade . bunged fr.nn
last night's . lose. Then It begun climbing.
Traders Were Piled with items from all
over the northwesi. Hume a Id the I roi
was already seriously damaged, Other
ihat unless rain io plenty cane the crop
would be a lallure. and on lop of hII thi
the weather bureau prophesied fair and
coo lor weiiiher Recently these report
have been taken with grain of ait and
the crowd general!) contented Itaelf with
playing saf-, an operation which resulted
in 'tonne very stagnant leaelon. Today
the nnrtbwest made clamorous bid, and
others. Iii a aorl of p.iole. lollow
,1 In
two houtg from ihe opening Jul
to 70V. Then profit -inking s, nt
,ill link
In Kf'.e A huge amount
if huvlni: had
already been done ,ui the
adv .line and I no
lip was the signal Tut more "I II CVUn
mora than had been dune early under
this pressure from buyers. July rallied and
. insed ITatMc Improved at . Uver-
ptml WH Htfld higher, and Indiana, Illi
nois. Ohio and Michigan sent In their usual
report of the bad condition of the crop,
but these items were quite overlooked In
the rush of the north we I new a "rumor
that war had broken nut between Itussla
and Japan was Of some help mar the
lose. New York reported M loads taken
for export Clearance al the aeabonrd
In wheal and Hour Wer pial to Ml ,000 Oil,
rrimai v receipt aggregated tlMM bu..
ompnreil with WII.OOO bit laal yeal Min
neapolis and Itiihilh reporteil HM ears,
again t sTa lasl week and ii.17 a ear ago
liOcal reeelpts were M ears, one of eontrart
g rade.
i Vim Wa ntglccted for w heat W hen
tha advance In the latter began t ho run
pit became almost deaerted, the icalpet
rushing Into tin- bis show The market
iia Inclined to be heav) on the favorable
rop news anil freer countr) offering-.
hut the execptlonal wheal strength held
the market up. July sold between :'.
and MHCi i losing 'e Improved at UtiO,
Receipt here were ears,
nats were also put a long wa Into the
background by the activity in winat The
Strength of tit hlg market was the main
factor 111 holding oats -ti.uh; July old
between 21'ji and 2IMi2l7e. rlostng HOVic
better at 2lJ.c. Looal reeelpts Were MO
The provision market was rather QUleti
but firm early, but became active and
atrong toward the end. rinsing sharply
higher. Die wheat Strength elnl Itler-RSi'd
oiitlde Inning were Ihe fartors. July
liork sold between ll .".ft and 111 Sft. closing
K'ic over venterdav al III. JO ; July lard
between N.7TU and MttVi, Closing (tie Im
proved at lltna. and July ribs between
.7i and W.KT.. with the rinse lV,r better
at W.HS'vWH.Sa.
Katlmated receipt tomorrow! wheat. r.n
rare; corn, 4.'"i cars; oats. MO ears; hoga,
15,000 head.
.lie leading futures ranged as follows:
XrtTclea.lOpen, High Cowi Close feat'y.
t,s 69T4U70
21 'J
21 t
II :,n 11 Ml
II .VI 11 sr,
ll MH
I 77'a
I Ml
t ".
Ii 70
Ii 70
' 'ash quotations were as follows:
I'M .Ol' ft yuiet ; winter patents, $:i.60flS.0;
straight, tS.MQt.40; clear, $2. Ton:; 20
spring specials, I8.7OQ3.S0; patents. fa.OOri
.t6; straights, t.tOe.M; hakers. M.OOtJ
WIIKAT No. 2. Kl'.r;i;, . So. 2 red, JVM
CORN No. 2. ::svnsvv . No 2 yellow,
OAT8 No 2 22'-'2.'!'.r; No 2 white 25'..'n
IS ; No. :! white. 24'44f25t,4C
RYK No 2. HHc Qood feeding, 17c; fair to
llnlre 111 111 1 1 n M". WM41C,
B1SISDB No, i flax ami northwe tern,
11. so. prime timothy, $2 40 .1 2. v clover,
Xintracl grade. J7.7...
PROVlCloNfJ -Mess pork, per bbl., 10.0B
oil. H0. Iard. per 100 lbs., ID 754J I 92' ... Bhon
'hs sides (loose), $ ii,V.iii !. Dry salted
"hoiilders (boxed), M.S06.75 Short clear
sides rboxed). i't 2ikii7 30,
wiiisKV iiasis of higii wlnea, 11.23.
Sl'iiAH fnt loaf. iS. 4o. granulated, f..S2;
confectioners' a, ta-TS.
I'ollowlng are the receipts and shlptm nls
for today
Flour, hhls
Wheat hu
Corn, tin
tats, 'bu
Rye, bu
Barley, bu
i Ml the Product
let- market was
Receipt". Shipments
12.(m. It.OOO
11,000 $3,000
20;i,IKIll 4I4.0KI 292.0110
exchange today Hie hut
teady; creameries, h'it
llci dairies. 12Vs917
tjfflc. Kgg. teady
Cheeie, .-te.t.h al
I'resh. llWc
m:v iihk i.iMiiti
41 4III BT,
t h o i i i .. ii tor Ihe i.ik
4 ii rlona
I urn mod It lea.
N R w TOR K, June ; im.iu k Receipt,
11 149 bbla export, 1,070 iihls . market
more active ami Hi met . holder ask
ing 1010c advance on all grade.-, wint' r
patents. M.OO03.M; winter straight-. 13,400
S.M; Minnesota patents 13. (04 S. 10; winter
extras. M56432.H0; Minn. sola bakers. tl-Otfl
LM; winter low ki io.- 2.234t2 40 Rye
flour, steady; fair to good. t2,ootf3.2ft choice
lo fancy. $:', gMjtU.W
ftiRNMKAi. guiet. vi iiow w tern lie
Blty, so,-, Brandywlne, 12 m 1 1
RTJO Firm; No. 2 western, tile. f. o
b. afloat, state, rtSijjS'.ir. i I t . New York,
cm lot
flARIKY firm; feeding. 42'--n lac .1 f
New York, malting. I9G6
HARI.KY M ALT Not il Wl item ii
WHEAT Receipt, 1111,175 bu.; ssportt
:'.s.;ttis bu. Snot, strona: No 3 ted. "sa,,
levator, and N2'4i f. o, b. afloat; No.
ttorthern, Duluth, 77Hc, f o. b., afloat, to
irrlve, options opened firm and developed
-narked activity and strength later In the
lay on continued hullish spring wheal r in
news laical shorts. Wall hiteet and lor
Sign houses all bough: mora or lei Heel.
luring tha day, The nortnweal alao I li'h
early, but later sold on reported t mi ai
Winnipeg. Cloaed strong at IW naj a,l
nre July, 7 1 7-li)'i!74V . eloaatl at 711ic;
September T4 tl1049i6i i koaed ai lid
OORN' Receipt, it.ti;, bu exporta, ..'.
171 till Spot, steailv , N" J, i ,i,. ( ,, ,
iiiIo.ii and ll'v. elevator Options opined
ateaily and were generulU dull under
acgrclt' of bu ing orders until the last
h4Mir when prtcae rallle with wheat
i losed slead ami higher Julv. 4,,i
4: closed at t;-V . Bepiembet II',,,
44 a-ltc, closed at tP.. .
OATH Receipts ;H,400 bu : exports,
bu. Spot. 11 rim r. No, 2. StUt . No 3. 2T.' ..
No. I white. c. No, ttliitc. 2714, n.i u
mixed western Kt37li . Hack while. :' 1
ItiiC options neglected bul steady
HAT Steady, -hipping, iS547tk-; good to
choice. IgOITVic.
inn's ijiiiri . state, common to choice,
l9fi crop. Iltrllc; old, 300c, 1'acliic cousti
Ifgg crop. 10413c; Sfi&r
HIHK8 Firm; Texas ilrv, 17c
LlSATHRR liteadi hemlock aole, Bueftoa
Aries, light to heavy, SttfMHt add. MM
COAL. Steady
PROVI8IONI Beef, dull family, n ti
fjl2 00. mess. ItibOdlftO" beef hams. 111.000
17 00; packet II11 004) II on extra India mess.
lii iHVd 1; On fut meats; pickled hel
lies. 7.604!i wl; pn kled shoulder-. Iti.7i. pick
led hams. ItO.OOO'lO.SO 1. eak. weatern
Htaamed, 17.00; refined, llrm; continent, I 1
South America IT.M lompount). M.S5,
Pork. My. family. tU.SOfi 14 M shori ricai.
014 ffl4 &0, mea. IIS.00fJ13.3S
tai.i.ov Dull; city, ' . countr) Ml
Mi iI.ASSKH 8tead . Ne Orleans opea
June I
i 'orn I
July IMHQsji
t Hits
.lilnei I 21't UV4
.luii i
Pork I
July i II 60 I 11 M
Sept I 11 nit I II m
l.nrd I
July I 0 77',; t;2';
Sept. 0T7H !.-.
Jtihs - I
July 70 i 6 sr.
sept. 6 70 : ii M
No. 2.
kettle good to rhoh e 446..,,,
k. llttBl. Mr - ,i . MO l"
111 111,
. - .mi;
nh, i.- i i;v . .mail, colored ',4j,e
F'KAMTS Sicndv
Bi'TTKn ! slot, .r. pkg- tad ;
reamer", rstrns, lS'nl farlorv, 14411.
!; i f Receipt I1.2S2 pkn ; firm;
ern. lo off, l3tJSVi . Western, Ht msrk.
MLTVl.s Tradlna in the me'al mtkct
was rather slim today, but, however. Ihe
undertone general!) weak under tin
rel ! and In thi abaenoi ol
buyers 'I In In the local market continues
to decline showing another drop of s
points rrntri yesterdav s insures, rim rnwi
weak and mi citi,i hi IM.OOOJrn.M. Spelter,
iiiiiiiuii not qiioiaonr lower, ruivu eHv hi
1 t ,n-' at l4.4O04.4Ji Pig Iron warrants were
! vvk end unsettled, with Milan at 111.
I lik ipper who ifrv dull at tl. . and
I l ! unaettled at M.HQ3.90. Tim brokers
li, f f..r lend tM J : To ,in' for copper 11(1 5".
. ml 1 1 lot. at I rade no, I qnntallon.
sinple niid I'niii'i I'milnee.
BOOB Recelpti liberal; eeond. &; good
sioi k. W lftt-ji ,
MVH POULT RT Hem. 1.1,7. . roomers,
according lO as and size. 4SS ; broilers,
;7'i:.s'. duck MMMC! aeese. turkeys. 8r.
09i rooster, 04B7l . durks and g-eae, 9
P.. broilers. P.. I 1 2 lbs . pel ii. a , 12;
link. -vs. 12'a.
Bt'TTBH Common lo fair. 14c, .holes,
V. sparator. Mc; gathered creamery,
IMSM Trout Sc. blue Ash. 10c; pickerel.
It catflah, 13c; dressed huffalo. 7e: roe
shad each, tOCi whitellsh. IOC! herring, Icj
black bass. Ma ; salmon, lie; white bass. 9c.
1 ropple, 10c; pike, iii ; halibut 12.-; Bull
head, 10.'; ring perch, it i lobater, grren.
..','. Iiolled Inh-ters. .'is.
I'lOKl i.S Live per doz
vkai.s choice, DSlOc
HAY Per carload lots:
fine '
(Tptandi eholoe.
lowland, choice.
No. ' corn, sir.
nu ked corn, per
17 60; midland, choice, MM
S.". M; rye straw, choice, I
No 2 white oat, 2.'.ifcc. 1
ton. $11 M; corn and oats.
hopped, per ton,
118.00; bran. pt ton. 112.00012.60; shorts, per I
ton $12.50.
Ct'CI'MBBRB Per don fift'nT"..
ASI'AltAiil S Home grown, per doz. 50
r, 26,
NEW TITRNIP8 Per dozen bmirhrs, 40C.
SI'IN.M H Per box. teniae
NEW HKK'I S 1'cr unzen bur.."!'" X-H 10c
I.ETTt'CE Per dozen bunches, MOOc,
RADI8HE8 Home grown, per do.. 153
PBAfl Per '..-liii basket. M0OOC.
WAX BEANS Per ',-hu box, Mc,
POTATOES Per bu choice IMMOe.
NEW Pf ITATI IKS Per ho $1 10'rfl if,.
CABBAGE Callfornlf, :-cr lb 2tje
CAl'blKIiOWER Per do., Il.0049f.t5.
TOMATOES Florida, per Rlx-baaket
. rate, $3.M; Texas per four-baaket crate, $2.
MPSIIHi )i i.MS Pel lb box. 30r.
itnritA 1:1: pet ih . 1 '..,:
ONIONS New Bermuda per ro-ip crate.
12 f.n. new soul hern, per 70-lb. sack. $2.
Fill' ITS
STRAWBERRIES Missouri shipping
lock, per 24-ut. ,ase, $2.2.Vrf2.5A; home
grown sto. k, $2 2f.1i260.
PEACHES California, per ho. $1.2."..
APRICOTS California, per box. $1.60.
OOOSEBERRIRK iVr 14-qt. ate. $2.
(!HERRIES California, per 10-lb box.
$1 I". Missouri, per :'4-it. case, $2.
CRANBERRIES None on the market.
APPEES 1 nit of m arket.
PINEAPPLES Per doz. $20082.59.
ORANOES California, navels per bo,
$4; Mediterranean sweets, per box, $3.50;
budded leedllng. $.;.
LEMONS fullfornla. fancy, $2 7534. 00;
choice, $3 so.
ORATE IRt'IT-California, per box,
41 M
BANANAS Per bunch, according to size,
12 0032 80,
HHH;S No 1 green hides U.e; No 2
green hides f. ' . . No. 1 Halted hides, 7V4e;
NO. 2 sailed hides. UC; No. 1 veal calf, (
to 12 lbs.. .; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 8c.
NCTS HI. korv, large, per bu.. $1.28:
neiioarK. ii.u; mngiian walnuts, per :b.. 1
ItQlSc; filbert, per lb.. Uc; almond, per'
lb.. 14'ilHc; peanuts, raw. per lb.. MMRtC, I
iiu.Nf.i-t'ir L'4-section case. Il.atajoi. la.
Ht. I .mis l.rnln and I'rnviaiona.
ST MUMS. June 7. V 1 1 E AT Higher;
No 2 red cash, elevator, MVtOi track. 7I1J
72'.. June. 70c; July, OOtle; September.
7'i7, . No, 2 liurd. MHfMBC
fiiRN I' rni. No. 2 . ash. 3S'c ; track.
8OI4t03OHc; June. ;i84.-; July. MHc; Septem
ber, ;i,1
OATS Steady; No 2 eash, 22'4i ; track,
22V; June, 22,4r. July, Sllic; September,
fljic; No, 2 white. HVyc.
It y E Qulel at Ho.
I'M .DPR Stronger, but unchanged.
SEEKS Timothy, steady at I2.00fn2.50:
II 'X. dull at $1.77.
CORNMEAL Steady nt M.009I.OS,
BRAN Steady, sacked, east track. Kilfj' 1
hay Steady; timothy, M80O12.00; prairie,
$." 00AV.73,
WHISK Y Stadv at $1 27.
MKTAl.S Lead, dull at $:(S2'-. Spelter,
dull at St 30
POULTRY -Plrmj chicken, 7c: nrlng.
it,''"-: turkeys. Be; Spring, He; ducks, iii ;
springs, 100.2c; geese. 2c; springs. Sc
EOOB Steady al Be,
BUTTEB Steady; creamery. 17020c;
daltv. Hi! 17c.
IRi IN 1 '( I T( IN TIES $1 20
PROVISIONS Pork, tlrtn. lohblng. $11.75.
I ... r.l higher; prime steam. $11.77'.-: choice.
M,02H Dry salt meata, boxed, higher; ex
tra shorts. $7.25; clear rib.-. $7.37'; clear
siil.s. $7.5n. Bacon, boxed, higher: extra
short, $7.7.". , lear rib, $7.R7'ii; clear sides.
$y 00
RECEIPTS Elour, 2,000 hbls. ; wheat. 10,.
bit corn, li'.tioii bu.; oats. 70,000 bll.
SHIPMENTS PlOur, 7.(100 bhla.i wheat.
17.000 bu., corn. 5:1,000 bu.; oats, 17,000 bu.
hsnisi l.'lty 1. ruin and I'rnx lalam.
KANSAS t'lTY, June 7. WHEAT-July,
lij'i'ittM ; September, SSVfco: cash. No. 2
hard. 82c; No II, SOfWl'.ic; No. 2 red. ti4'-
1 '11 . . ; .mi. .. t j'o mc,
i ''URN July. SMiCi September. 35V; cash,
! No, 2 mixed, 37c; No. 2 white. 37"ij37V;
No. 3, 37i-.
! 1 iats No 2 white, 24Vic
RYIO No, 2, 51c.
HAN flioiee titnotln. $ld .nu'ri In r.rt. choice
prairie, t7.00f7.25,
BUTTER Creamery, IWlTHo; dairy,
fan. I Mr.
BOOS Steady, fraah Missouri and Kan
1 sas stock, x'je. cases returned; southern.
I cases Included. I.1-.! .
RECEIPTS Wheat 3.:.C(.0 bu. : corn. 11.000
ho.: oats. U.iOO bu.
BHIPMENT8 Wheat. 17,400 bu.; corn.
S4.IO0 bu.; oats. 9.000 bu.
I.l erpnol l.raln mill I'rui ialniia.
firm: No, 1 California, is 'jdcoi.s id: No. 1
northern, sorlna. SiOMid. Futures, tlrtn:
Juli lUd; Sptemlr 5s;i,d.
CORN loot, Steady; American mixed,
new. 3a ltd. Futures, tirm: July, is 11,1;
September, M u'.d.
j PROVISIONS l.ard. American refined, in
pail, stead) al Maid, Bacon, short rib
' Heads .11 iiafd; long clear middles light.
steady at 42s Od; short clear backs. sieu.K
at S7s ii.i. Ckeeae, American finest white.
a) at OOaOd; American finest colored,
easy a. 50s tid.
Mliiiiritll Wheat Market.
-tore. No 1 northern June, 7c: July. 870)
87V; September, 68V; on track. No. 1
hunt tiU'.i . No 1 northern, tirSc; No. 2
1 northern, tliP.r,
I CLOUR UP lc Hrst patents, $3.70; sec
1 mid patent. IS.S0; Hrst clears. $2 0"; lie
' olid clears. M.20.
BRAN In liulk. $l''.5i'u U
1. 1 led.. Market.
TOLEDO, June 7. WHEAT Active and
higher; snot, lalgc; June. 75'-. ; July, 75V. I
September, 7 ' - .
CORN Active and higher; No I cash, 4oc. 1
OATS Firm and unchanged; No. I cash.;
j.: 1 ji
RYE- Hull and um.huuged. ,.-) 58c.
( LOvERSEEp Prim 'M, M.M; prime 'M, I
j $.", :o; 1 I, lobar. $fi
Dtllalk lluiket.
I'l I 1 i ll l ine 7 WHEAT No, 1 hard
cael), 71, . July. 71,c; September. 72sii
1 No, 1 northern, iush. t9&tc; July, oittc;
. Beptembei IVfa NO 2 northern. '7c. No.
spring b..c.
11ATH 22ll22i
CORN - 2.7V
11 k . , I. rain Harkel.
, kct higher; No I northern, te4lll'to: No. 2
, northern. 17 lM0aC
i RYK Plrm: No. I. MMTc
BAKKEY Ptrm; No 2. itUo: aampl
, 40142.
Pbilsdelphla RrnvtMsa Hatket.
gttadj fane) eyeateen creamery, i';n.i
I KQui Steady: fresh nearb) and wl-
. erii. IIP, loss oft', fresh southwestern. 124 '.
, loss off Fresh southern, He loss off
PEt 1 H 1 a . June 7
n7, . tr ick
'ORN Higher.
No ,
1 1 iHN Higher. No 2 white
WHISKY mi ba. is of $1 22
for finished
1 undlllnH af the Treaaary.
WASHINGTON, June 7 Today s tg la
ment of Ihe tteasuri halaiuea m the geii
eral fund exi'lualve of the llSo.ono.Anfi gold
ite 111 uk Ul lal. ui of rnlempUon,
i iw: Av.illsblr ah balsni. $H5 4X411.
gold. 1 1 IB! If I
'iiurii;M in srtM k on non.
"lock Market ( haraeterlreil fef Entire
I. ark nt 4nlnintlnn.
NEW YORK. June ;.. Absolute stagna
tion characterised tha stock market m.iav
By , omparlsr.n with ) esletdaj the tone
was Hrm. hut that wa Ogly be,aus the
hears somewhat overextended t'.ielr com
mitments on the sh ut side yeaterday, it
Was evident that the late selling yester-
da was baggd upon t ie expectation that
selling by Ixindoii this morning Would o(T 1
an opportunity to g. I ba. k stocks at a
lower level London did In fad sell stocks
hero op a moderate s. ale. hut the demand
from the shorts was o urgent a to over
come and make some show of strength In
the market The hulls attempted to stim
ulate the movement by bidding lip the
I oa Ion OH vague mlk Of further eompre
henelve traffic agreements
This maneuver proved InefVc. tlxe and tile
market lapsed to about last nlght'e level
and never got far a Way from It again In
either direction New Turk Alt Hi. ike
was rushed upward 2' point on talk of
absorption by the Wetlngboue comnans
II saved a five-point net gain In Sugar
there was a demand from an uneas) I
interest, which had been overextended .lur
ing the decline of the last few day, and
I ho sto. k gained over a point net The
lognlrat rates np Stock disclosed the ex
istence of unite m large outstanding short
interest. we distributed through tile li-t
In the entire link of animation In specula
tive aplrlt the professional traders are
disinclined to further commitment on the
short -.hie. There wa no further evidence
today of the selling through commission
houses, whhh wa called outside Mould 1
llon yesterdav. The Incident of the day
taken in themselves indicated declining
values for securities, but these Incident
had been anticipated and therefore Ihe
movement of prices was discounted. The
Iron stocks were rather Hrm on the mio
poaltlon that the cut In price has brought
a te;i nearer the reaumBllon of the ex
tieeled bin Ing demand Mim. alarmist re
ports were current concerning the north
western wheat crop. The continued heavi
ness of foreign stock markets on account
of the complication in China had a sym
pathetic effect here. The selling of .-locks
for London was surHrlenl to cause a frac
tional advance in cable transfer on Lon
don. The weekl statements of the foreign
government banks 1 1 I r I a conservative
pellr; still In force. Thr Hank of Eng
land returns show onlv MOO.000 In loan
re. .a Id to Ihe hank. In spile of the dis
bursement of government deposits to the
emcunt of over $ nod a prevailing
private rale of discount well below the
hank rate. As the bank Is still losing Bold
for export, ihe governor refrained from
reducing the rat of discount. The Rank
of France ha resumed Its policy of both
note stid loan contraction, whlc'i was In
tert noted last w eek, and In suite of a
gain in gold of $2.720,oOO It has decreased
its note circulation over M, 000,000 and con
tracted its putatandlng loons over 148,000,
000 in Berlin there were forced -ale- of
mining 'iarc- and a reflection of ihe same
poll. of retrenchment, in New York, on
Ihe contrary, money cotit nues In very light
demand and Increase In supply.
The h nd market was quiet and Irreg
ular. Total sales, par value. 11,080,000.
Alt Fulled States Issues declined 'i uer
ce"t bid price, except i lie 2.
The Advertisers London
financial cablegram says: Fear Of tin
Chinese situation continued today to lire
dominate the markets here. Muslness was
Inslgnlllrant and prices were weak nil
around American stocks were dull and
apathetic, receiving no support from New
York Copper continue tn decline Money
was easy and in the last hour unlendnblo.
Very little was doing all day. because
everybody was waiting for the effect of the
war loan payments due tomorrow. The
bunk aold .".00n gold for export to a
destination not stated.
Following are the closing pr.ces on the
New York Stock exchange:
do pfd
Baltimore ohio
I'anadlan PaelSe,.
I'anaitu So
I'hes. aV Ohio
Chicago t. w
t. B. aV Q
Chi.. Ind. ft It...
do pfd
1 "hli-ago ft B, 111
Chloage ft N. W
C.i It. I. ft P
C, C, C, Hi. U
Colorado Ho
do 1st pfd...
do 2d pfd
Pel. ft Hudson ...
Del. l. ft W
Iienver ft R. (i-.
do pfd
do hu pfd
C.t. Nor. pfd
Hooking ''oal ...
Ill, eking Vallsy
Illinois Central
lowa Central
ga pfd
K. c I', ft ...
ljlke Brie ft W. .
do pfd
like Hhore
I., ft N
Mnnhatlan I,
Met. St Ry
Mexiean Central
Mine ft St I. ...
do pfd
Mo Pacific
Mobile ft Ohio ...
M . K, ft T
do pfd
N. .T. iVntral ....
N. Y. Central ...
Norfolk ft W
do pfd
No. Pacific
do pfd
Ontario ft W
Oreron Ry ft N'a'
do pfl
do 1st pfd....
. 2. I'nlon Pacific
. 72''4 do pfd
. "fi .Wabash
. 8.1 I do pfd
. M Wheel, ft I, B...
21 ' do Id pfd
. Ili Wis fstural
,llti Third Avenue ....
. ::i Adam Kx
. r.11! Ainerd tn F.x...
. 84 U, S. Ex
.m Welto-Pargo Ba..
' "
. 14
. 41
. 24
. 90
. 21
. 37
. 901,
. 17
. '.'!)
. 70
. 21
. 411
. ns
.lOH- Amer i '.it ton 1 ill . .
. 88S do pfd
. '. Amer. Malting ...
. 4:tij do pfd
. 1 Amer S ft R
.111 do pfd
.174 'Amer. Spirits
. 171, do pfd
. Ii7 Amer. H. Hoop ...
. 11 do pfd
. JT. Amer S. ft W
.154 I do pfd
. 14 Amer. Tin Piute
. MUj do pfd
,11214 Amer Tobaoco . . .
. 1 do pfd
47 Ana,' Mining Co.,
17 Brooklyn R T
Colo. Fuel ft Iron
O.n Triliu,,...
. 3411
. 33
. C
. 4S
. 37
. 21
. 6.1
.' 2
. 40
. 11.1
93' .
. M
. 1401
. 401,
. 13
. .19
. 99
. 71H
. 1.1
. SI
2121 ii do pfd
7H'' Federal Steel
89 I do pfd
IMS ll Kleetrlc
Iii... Olueose Sugar
Ollll do pfd
8.1 Inter. Paper
.14' do pfd
:: Laelede Qa
I'll.. National Hlsmll .
.. n do pfd
.. l;'2' National leiid ..
. .Vtl do pfd
. . IP, National Sleel . .
. 7H do pf,
. . r.11 N. Y. Air Iti.ike
. . 74 Vo American
. . 'Jl Pai-Wc Ccast
.'. 42 do 1st pfd...
. 76 do 2d pfd
,.12011 Pacific Mull
. . 17 , People's lias
.. 8184 Pressed s. Car
.. ? do pfd
. . 18 Tollman p. Car.
.. 8 Mtandard 1; ft T
.. i'Sugr .
. . 84 do pfd
4 Tenn. Coal ft- Ire
. 10' - i" s. Mather . . . .
.. 2M4 do pfd
,.1188iitr, H. RuMier ....
I74l do p'd
.118 Weslin Pntnti ..
.. i" Rpnhll 1 ft g,
.12 do pfd
. 824 P c C. ft St. Xt
.. ls" I
Iti" 1;.
St. t,
M pfJ
ft s. P
1-t pfd....
2d pfd
gouther.. ..
S 1
do pfd
SI r - Omaha
So Pacific
so. Railway
do pfd
Teaaa ft r-itu .
rsi .
3S "
eit York 4lniie,
NKW YOHK. June 7 -MOMBT On all.
easy at l1l'2 per cent last 14aii at t per
cent: prime mercantile paper :i;j4 per
STERLING BXCHANaS -Firm, with ac
tual business In bankers' hills at 4.07f4.s7a
for d4Mnand and at M.M84 for sixt day:
nosteil rates. $4 "si1- and $I.8U: commercial
hills. M.WiM 87.
HH.VI'.P. Certificates MSMli : bar. 60. ;
Mexican dollars. 47V4jC
BONDS - llovernineni . weak. stale,
strong; railroad. Irregular
The cloalng prices on bonds today are as
sp. S rf. 2s....
do coupon
do It, reg
do 3t, rsg
do coupon
,lo new 4s. reg
do coupon
do old 4,. rag
do coupon
do oa. reg
do coupon
r of c .1 CIs
M . K. ft T 2s
V. Y. f. la mu
4f. J c gen is.. ,ir2
Mo, Pacific 3 67
do 4s 141
. 11134,
IMU N V c ft st U
IM4 v ft w , g ts
114 Oregon Nav a..,
I1BU, do 4s
11114 Qitgon i u ks
PI", do S
112 l!e.iding aeti 4a
... 97
. . .102
AtOhiaon gen. '...ii'
do a.lj 4s ' '
.'anada Ho. 2 M
Ches. ft O, 4' 8S4
1 "lies, ft 0 5a 117
iti.. a . w is lo
st l. 1 m , :.
M It ft s p g 8. .124
H, Paul OOnSOtl ...17!
Bi, n 1 ft p. .1M
c ft N W e 7...I4'. do
S f ih'll I 111 So. Pllclll
Ohi.ago Ter 4s
Colo So 4
p ft n. a. u.
do 4a
Ballwax' $a,
1 fi
. Mil
. 99
R, A T. a . ...
Tex. ft Par la
do $a
I'nlon Paoflc I"
Sfahali is
do 2s
Weht s'hore 4a. .
Wis, Central la
Vs centuries
r t.. v. a . is. w
Krl- BMI, 4s 7?4,
r w i c, ts.. 71
On Rleetrle '. ...120
ia (Jentral I Ml
k P., p 1 a i.. 7n,
I, ft N nnl 1AA 1
' lien Issued
11 locks anil Honda
BOSTON. June 7 - "' all loans, IUI
t. per
cent: time loans. V.,'a per cent
A . T. ft 8. V '.' ', Weit Knd 92
do pfd - Atrlilaon 4a 100
Amer. Sugjr . 111 M B. II. ft C 5 ,, gj
do pfd in 4dviture :i
Hell Telephone . . . .MIA AllOUSa Mill Co.. I
Boston ft Albany ...211 Am I. Copper 7
n .Hon Rlevated .129 Aiiantc $
iioaton ft lie. ..11 Seotaa ft Mont :99
B. ft Q 1241, BOtta (j Hoaton 1.1
lioniln.on Coal 42 Cat. ft Hela 71"
do pfd 1. 11? Centennial !
Pederal steel f. I'lankllu 12
do pfd M Humboldt
Pllohburg pf.l I-U i1aceola So
en. r.lertrlc . .1:13 Parrot 41
Meika-i Central 1$ Qulm-y 131
N. S .1 ft c Hi Santa I Cvppr 4
Old lnny .20 fsmaiw k ls
Old Dominion til 1'tali Mining
P.ubber 21 Winona :'
t nion Paelllc . .14
nk t leartasa.
CHICAGO, June 7.-C Itarlngs. 21,7v7.122.
balances. Il.:4.14; posted exchange 84
ffl!. New York exchange, in, premium
PHILADELPHIA June 7. -Clearing,
M. 004.98; balam es, 11,810 im2
BOSTON. June 7 flearlngs. $19,910 181.
ba la m e. , $2 ISH.Q4I
BALTIMORE. June 7 flearlngs $3,272.-
07.;. balances, $487,803
BT, Ll il IS June 7 flearlngs. H200.H9;
balances. $tV;;22 . money. Mn per cent.
New Y.nk exchange, pat Mo. Mc premium
NEW YollK, June 7 . - flearlngs. 1M.
HI Ifli balances, 9.S8.:I44.
I ..nil. n Mock ttnntntlnns.
LONDON, June 7 I p m flu sing
Consols, money
to acoaunl . . .
I'aiindlaii I'm. -in.
ft I'HUl
Illlnels central
I'nlon She. pfd
N Y On 1 nil
. ,,.101!
do tl pfd
lot 11-1$
.... 261.
n Pacific pfd
brand Trunk
Itaml Mines .
.. M
. ... lis
.... sot,
.... 78
.... 13
BAR SILVER Steady at
.MOXKY P2 ,er cent
The rati of discount In the open market
: for slu.rt bills Is 2SH2S per cent ami for
thtee-months' hills 2I4 ier cent.
ni 11ri. Mialai Btawkg.
NKW TORK, June 7. The following
are ihe closing uuotatlons for mining
sharrs loda :
; 1 'hollar ..7
1 Cream Point .
on Pal ft v
Oould fiirrle
iinie x Ran raa
Iron Sliver
,d per Olim e.
. . 17 Ontario ;oa"
.7 1 iplilr 71
.14'. Plymouth 12
. oa Quk-kMlver m
. 12 do pfd 7AA
"... Sierra Nevada 27
.: standard ?,;,
. . SX I'nlon t"nn 18
.. 27 Yellow .iseket 12
I 11 re 1 1, 1, lliiiinclnl.
LONDON, June 7 Tlie weekly statement
of the Hank of England shows (he .follow
I Ing changes: Total reserves, decrease.
1 Sl.OMtOOOj circulation. Increase. 210,000;
! h'llllnii. del reuse. 818,000; other securities
; de, reuse. J.'i2iwai: other deposits, mcreae.
; t's.i.; public deposits, decrease. .Ll.tlHS.
I 000; notes, reserve. decrease. .C I .ns'i.ivae
government ecurttlea, unehangeii. The
proportion of the Bank of England' re
serve to llahllltv is MM Pf cent; laal
week It was 14 27 net rent, Kale of dl-
count. mn harmed al : per cent. Amer
ican r.iilwiiN shares opened dull on the
lower overnight prices from New York. partially recovered, hut Ihe
market was iineiiled' and Inclined to wait
for New York s lead Huslnees a lim
it., I to professional traders At Ihe close
the tone waa iteady Bpanleh I 'closed
at 71 The amount of bullion withdrawn
Horn the Hank of England on balance to
day w is C.l.onn. Hold premiums ate quoted
ns follows. Buenoa Ayree, IM.SO; Madrid.
20 12 Rome, 8.10,
PARIS, June 7 The weekly statement
1 f the Hunk of France slmw- the following
changes; Notes In clrculgtl on, dacreaaa,
127.2Ki.isai francs; treasury account cur
rent, decrease, .TT.SOfl n) francs; gold In
hand, Increase. I2,00.0ol francs; hills dis
counted. decrense. 211. 17.1. J) francs; silver
In hand. Increase. 2,700.000 francs There
was K tresh rem tin n on the bourse today.
Realizations In traction stocks adversely
affected the whole llsi and tills was In-
tenatlled by apprehennion retarding t'ie
It UHt Ion In China, At the cl.we of the
da; there was a slight recovery. Spanish
4-i weakened on the rise In the rate of ox-char-'
In Spain, lllo t lilt ns were freel)
offered, owing to the decline in the nrie'e
Of copper. Kaffir were ilenrresoil. Three
per rent rentes. inf 22c for the ac
count. Bpanlih if closed at 72.07V.
BERt,lN, June 7. Exchange on London.
2um 4fpffs. for cheeks. Diacottnt rates,
short Idlls. 1 per cent, three months'
hills, 8jj ier cent. Huslness on the bourse
todai' was very flat, unde.r the influence
of .1 shati. break In mines, owing to large
forced sales. Toward the rlose prices
partis recovered on satlafactOr) London
advice. Homo fund and bank shares
Were depreed, foreigners were main
tained and Americans were weak
till Market.
OIL CITT. June 7 --Credit balance. $125;
certificates, no bids; shipments. 1.11,198 bbls. ;
average. 110,414 bids.; runs. 87.422 bbls.; av
erage. 88.884 hhls.
tdVKHPiMiL. June 7 ( H LS- Cottonseed,
Hull refined, .rune-August, dull at Maid,
Turpentine spirits. 4.1s.
ANTWERP, June 7. OILS Petroleum,
lSfflOc, naid and sellers.
BREMEN, June 7. 1 H LS Petroleum. Offl
IyONIKlN, June 7 OILH-Calctitta lin
seed, spot. HaOdf. Turpentine spirits. 41s
7'd. Linseed. 22s 91.
CotfAM Market.
NKW TORK, June 7.- The feature of to
day's news In the cotton murket was the
Chronicle's acreage estimate and as the
figures given xcieded expectation a de
cline In prleO naturally resulted. While
fluctuations during the day were of fair
scope, tin- net change was nol pa;tlcularly
gratifying to either side. The market
opened steady. With prices f points lower
to 1 point higher, but almost immediately
turned weak In response to sharp break
In Liverpool and under an estimate for an
increase of 11.7'; per cent III this year's
acreage to M.SSO.OBO acres. This down
turn caused conaiderable liquidation, both
for foreign ami domestic accounts, while
shorts Increaaed obligation under the firm
conviction that the situation warranted a
decline to below the B-cen1 mark for Au
gust. Hut while In the midst of UiP Jubila
tion the bears were confronted with a sud
den reaction In Liverpool and !;;.
mand from Influential outside partial nsre,
Price quickly returned to last nlg'it's
level on this support and scored a slight
gain before a breathing sp. ll was taken.
Put, the Liverpool final cables In hand.
room traders lubaequently aiiumed the
defensive and gave attention to Ihe set
tlement of unprotected account as a mut
ter of precaution, owing to the holiday in
Liverpool tomorrow and Saturday anil to
an unusual divergence of opinion concern
ing the probable outcome of Monday'a
inne, in report, the Aral or the season.
Moreover, very little news came to hand
in the afternoon anil orders were also few
and fur between leaving the talent in
control, but purposeless The market was
Anally etoady. b points higher to 4 points
net lower,
NKW YtiUK. June 7, -COTTON Spot
closed quiet; middling upland. 814c I mhl
illlnn gulf, c; sales. 1.700 hales. Futures
closed iUle1 and steady! June and Julv.
M.30; Auguat, M.12; September, $7.78; Octo
ber. 17.03; November and December, $
January, 17.02: Pebruary, 27. .14; March, $7.57;
April. 57.59: May, 27.H1
Steady; sales. I.2O0 hales; ordinary. 7c:
good ordinal 8c; low middling, 17-lfl :
! rnhhlliiiK. kc K"oil middling. Vl-16c; mid
idling fair. 06-l' . r. eelpts. ssl hales, slock.
80.172 bales. I'. nines, iltady; .Line. $0 80
i.iu: .iiii. s,ns.ii ; .iigu-i.; Sep
tember. tf.tn0V7.til: October, 11 14407.30; No
vember and December, 17. 26497.20: Jauu:ir
tf.201i7.27; Pebruary, I7.324B'7.30; March.
17 IOC7.32
ht LOUIS, June 7 COTTON Dull; no
sales; middling. s,i . recelnts 1.21 bales;
Shipments, 1iT bales; slock. 2.9.478 bales.
CoEOa llnrUel.
NKU IiiIIK. June 7 COFFEE- Market
opened with prices lOtjlM poi.its lower. In
sympathy with disappointing European re-
lions, but soon partially rallied on firm
cables from Braall, report from many
new plague cases In Rio, smull receipt,
large warehouse movement, the decrease
in visible and good spot demand. Trading
was very active, with prices fi)l points
lower Hale-. 21, 71" bag-'. Including Julv
at tf.B0O7.BG: September, tf.36O7.G0; (5ctober,
$7 40. November, I7.4)07.GO; December, ST. ;; .
January. $7.70; March. $7 Oi 7 7n Hpot. Hio,
steady; No. 7 Invoice, MC, Mild. St lady;
Cordova, ;i'u i;'.e.
uiiforuiii Dried Pratta.
NEW Yi nt k , June 7. CALIFORNIA
DRIED PRUIT Continued iin'i ind nom
inally uncnanged, Evaporated apples
apple ruled a llltle easier, under liberal
offerings and In the nbaeno Of buyers, hut
were not iiuotably lower. Al the cloia
price Were tending toward a lower level
Hum. common. l4Wc; prime .ri'i6.;
choice. 04feMi ; fancy. 7V0c. California
dried prunes .;t...'.i o per pound, as to size
ami quality. Apricots. Royal, IMfctjMc;
Moor Park, l.'.'.ilsc Peaches, peeled, hiu
Mc; unpaaladi ftftv-
DPI 1. 00 .Is Market.
Huslness Is itlll unlet In all lines Home
houses report a liiglll improvement in th
gnral demand, bul no orden of
volume coming forward, The price situa
tion is without change Moai eller re
meeting buyer readlll a' current ipiota-
tions In both staple and fan. V lines of
cotton ami woolen goods Print cloths
coiillniie Inactive, with nolhlug doing in
nunr Market.
ket iteady 1 centrifugal, yellow Ityojfc;
second-. :',i P ,i
MOLAB8K8 Uulel and nominal.
trpng; fair refining, 4te; centrifugiii. 96
leal, fa.
Mi il HKH 1 5-Hi.
l)NDON. June 7 BEET BL'OAR June,
ins 11. 1
I In ,,a llepnrled Killed.
MILWACKEE. June i An Evening Wla.
1 our in spe. iai from Fond Du ihc. wis..
m, vk; It Is reported here loda;.' that ev
eral Indians w. re killed on the " elda
reaervatlon. .. Iteavi timber which wa- be
ing raised ..11 a denies falling in their
niid-t No parti iilur- have been received.
Vole early and often.
Oernfad Cattle Chaired Hind Earl? at
Fully 8tadf Prices.
Ml Kinds of stock eeme
tiiind Demand and sella
to Be
Freel j
nt I nrrenl Prlrea Sheen
si,,.,, 0 I hange.
Re. t Ipt were ; Cattle
' iftic ai Mondaj s7i
Iffli lal Tuesday 2,01ii
ifltclal w edneaday S.7W
1 ifM. lal Thursday 2.8M
Four da.s this week. 1H.:39 Xm
Sam day last week. ,.17.IJ4 IS.M1
Ssme days week before I ',.."4S 42.87.'.
Ha me three weeks ago 14.114
Same four weeks aao.. ll.Vtt 31.1V1
6 741
Average price nald for hoas lot the
several days, with comDSrlsons
"', 1000. , 189.' I'OM. ' 107. 1 ll. ISM. 184.
M iv
i 21
i 28
8 201
6 Hi
I fj
I 07
1 Of
3 21,
I 10;
1 12
2 .17
3 02.
2 021
3 "2
3 04,
2 92.
1 M
j lal
I 91
4 5
4 M
4 M
4 31
4 46
4 271
4 26
4 221
4 22
4 s
4 N
4 7$
4 s.
4 a
4 m
4 S
4 52,
4 U
4 i
4 HI
4 Ml
4 41 I 06
4 29 I M
4 M $ il !
I f
1 1:
1 6fi'
1 M
3 ii ;
:t S5
o 10!
4 2t 3 52
1 o 03
.. SO
. 0 01
. . I 6 04
..I 0 04
.1 4 99
4 2ti.
4 33j
4 2S
4 17j
4 10
4 20
3 Dri,
.1 12'
:t 45'
.1 40
2 29
;t Ml
2 24
2 ;'
4 95
4 an
4 S5
4 SS
4 Oil
1 N
t 91
I 94
1 M
4 OS
4 Ml
4 53
4 5;
4 II
4 3
Mav M
Mav ::i
June I
June I,
Juno :).
June 4
June I.
June ii.
June 7
4 0
4 39
I .W
... lit
3 GO 4 21
2. 5.M 4 12,
2 HM 4 03
4 10
2 M
.; I "I
;l 7 I S4
2 29
2 40 5 H0 4 30
3D 1 SO1 -
3fi 2 001
4 2.4
37' 2 S7
4 39
1 31
2 931 I SJ
3 01 4 29
i 4 :i4
I 30
tndloatea Bunds?
The following table showes tne purchases
made today bv local packer"'
Cattle, Hogs Hheep.
( Una ha
I imahn.
1 'udah)
Packing CO.
from K. C,
Packing CO
from l. Ci
A Co
, 625 3.46'.
211 67
450 1.530
. So
268 1.175
of cars of
Swift ami Pom pan)
Bwlft. from country.
Hammond Packing
I 'o.
Hammond, itom R, C.
The official number
brought In today
by each road was.
Cattle Hogs. Stl'D.
M g. St. P. Hv .
4 8 ii
15 4 I
10 14 1 10
SJ 29 'l
2 , ,
29 42
6 17
7 1
3 1....
1 t
12S 127 0 12
i A St. L Ry
Missouri Paelllc Ry..
I'nlon Pacific svstem.
f N. W. Rv
P., K. M V H R.,
I. f A P. Ry
f . St. P.. M O ...
ft. at M. R R. R
C B. Q. Rv
K C, St. J
f . R. I A P Rv
C., R. I. A P, Ry
ininoia Central...
Total receipts
, B.
Tha disposition of the day' reeelpts was
an follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Omaha Packing Co
Cattle. Hogs Sheep.
77 1.431
47 1.1 .
78 1.1 (W
467 1 .530
"v. i.Si.:
210 S7
2.200 1,677
O, II Hammond Co
i. H. Hammond Co
swift and Company
fudahy Packing Co
Armour A t.'o
Omaha p Co., from K.C.
fudahy P. 'o.. from K.C.
Swift, from K. f
Hwlft. from country
Hammond, from K. C...
r Becker a Degan
Vanaant A ;o
Lobman A Co
hiu a Huntalnger
Livlngatone A Bchaller..
L. F. Husz
r. f. Hobblck
Other buyers
Totals 2.000 1,677 1.321
CATTLE -There was a good run of cat
tle for a Thursday and the general mar
ket was In favorable condition for sellers
The trade on cornfed staeers was not
particularly active, but the market was
fully steady and the offerings for the most
Dart changed hand In good ggggpn. Sell
ers were, as il rule, well pleased with the
day's operations and the prlrea paid WOUtd
compare very favorably with any other
market There were quite a gooil many
unfinished cattle on sale this morning, but
also n fair sprinkling of good cattle,
Cowa and heifers were In demand at
steady prices and the offerings ojUMlged
hands soon after the market onened The
prices paid, as will be seen from the sales
below, were not materially different from
yesterday's prices. Bulls sold readily at
steady prices, but the offerings were
Stock cattle and feeders were In a little
larger supply than on a good main days,
hut still the offerings were taken though
seller did not find the market particularly
active nnd prices me not so strong as thev
w ere
11 lew dav s ago. llepn sentatlv f
No. Av. Pr. . No Av Pr
I 100 4 00 2 1211 4 SO
1 080 4 Ml ; tin: 4 n
13 920 4 00 20 2ll H
1 90'1 4 00 If IUI 4 90
1 720 4 M 5 1900 I M
1 7o 4 in N in; 4,1
6 632 4 40 17 I0S0 4 M
1 140 4 40 22 134. I 01
9 1011 4 40 20 2 I a.
6 77 4 43 9 4 ..
1 1090 4 50 14 IUI I I
I 2 145 4 7 li W9 4 H
2 120 4 i 40 IS,' 4 9".
I 2 123 4 eo t 12 e.1
I 7, 94 4 n 2S.. 120 I 00
I 1 1200 4 45 43 1.17 u
! 10 1020 4 03 1 1250 IN
5 912 4 70 1 1040 I O'l
I 10 PJ4 4 70 31 IfM 5l'
H 100.1 4 70 2 lOOil 5 nil
I H13 4 71 17 IMS o Oil
100 4 7". 17 1107 5 On
14 l 4 75 ' 150 on
I 25 1034 4 ;s t 11 "si I ii
' 1 1110 4 7i 20 114 .1 00
31 1105 4 7' 13 1331 1 no
I 1010 4 11 I 1140 tvi
1 11..." 911 4 I" 29 1213 5 no
I 11 1113 4 n 18 15W I 00
I 10 142 4 5.i 2 1 25 5 M
I in inn 4 to M 1310 r, 11
10 1203 4 10 II 12U 5 III
;n 120 4 '. 17 Ill) 1 11
20 ipl 4 n 10 no I 15
3 107 4 15 M 152 I II
11 IP 4 I . :!'' 141 6 70
17 1235 4 55 24 1412 5 20
31 125.1 4 90
U 1032 4 CO 10 LO .10
4 lit 4 SO 4 120 4 7 7
19 143 4 65 9 95 4
121 4 OS 17 1051 4 IS)
7 17 4 1.1 2 U40 I 05
1 900 2 71 3 114" 3 0
1 940 I 50 1 12S0 "SO
1 1010 I I 1100 :t 00
j 1070 3 00 979 :; no
3. ',','.' 7:l 3 d0 1 1200 4 00
1 ;o 3 On 1 t:n 4 on
1 740 2, a 2 I(W 4 01
1 970 n 24 t 1100 I .HI
1 MO IS 1 1000 4 00
1 loin I 21 t ...1230 4 II
1 1P0 3 21 1 1230 4 10
110 3 50 1 1140 4 II
J $M 3 70 10 90 4 II
1 HI 3 50 1 1010 4 II
1 1331 ; :fl 1 1070 4 II
1 1070 3 U 1 1H40 4 II
1 1170 7. 50 1 11141 4 13
$ 1035 3 33 1 1 .4 l 4 .'0
1 1110 i gj 114 4 70
1 157 0 3 IS ;. 4 II
1 1220 M 2 7 4 $1
i 1 fl M 1 112 4 N
1 1013 3 01 1 122 4 23
1 t( 3 I 1110 4 :
1 irtn I 5 1 l I is
1 1220 3 05 1 171 4 :'
3 IM 3 7 1 1220 4 30
1 1110 :t 7S 11 JI III
1 1310 :t 71 ? 1.140 4 Sr,
1 710 3 75 J 110 4 4-1
1 1120 75 1191 4 41
1 1340 71 1 I'M 4 '0
i lire - v. ? lino 4 r$
7 11 3 5
1 ! 4 2". I 4n 4 ui
1 40 4 34 1 4n 4 1.
2 lion 4 7 I A
I lO'jn 4 50 1 M 4 s
1 90 5 40 1 17.10 3 9"
1 .' 9 41 2 1111 I 91
1 1100 I 4.1 1 1.6 4 .l
1 970 :: so 1 MM 4 so
1 ''.1 s n 1 l 4 so
1 15" 2 1 1 40 4
1 22 4 75 1 ag is
1 :4 .1 :; o 1 1440 4 '.
1 142 I I"
1 2M 5 0 t I 7 on
1.. 27 4 :s :.
UTCm-'K OW AND Hliril
I ii2 2 o 1 ire 1 m
I em s 1 1 118 :
1 ei j :. 1 tM ;
1 OM 8 li ex.
1 j.m ;. 41 M4 I
1. ! 75 .''. .1 4 4 en
1 MAS 8 JO 4 4M I fj
8 8i3 J.4 1 .. 4 SO
I ....IIP 4 1 144 1i
1 40 48 8) MM 4 M
.v 4 11 N toe; 4
I 81 A 4 1" 5. M 4 A
18 814 4 4" 857 4 00
I MM l'.i
int!i Kir.-t messages from Chicago this
morning were either stead) or shatl
lower, and buyer w ere e Identic pla.liig
It foi' lower market as their first hid-
were generally .lust about 2'jc lower than
yegterday' general market In other
words bttiers' first bids were generally
81 !eii4 Si'i, f..i- the kind of lioi mat sold
for $4 92', HI" yesterday (4.ilei had no
Idea of mnklng any COncelon without a
,lrtgg!e. and as a rule they held on for
steady prices. A Utile later on the mar
ket firmed up and became full) steady
Plttl yeaterday, then It eased off again and
for a time was very dull, but It picked up
very soon and became strong again, clos-
1 '" ,nst wav The market as a w hole was
not vcr much different from what It was
j'liFrdH). tiut It anytni'lg 11 win a nine
stronger Hvei vt hlng was sold and welghel
up In good season.
The market Is now a good hs hlghei
than It was a week ago. but I0c lower than
two weeks ago Hepn
an les
120 4 91
10 4 9,
$0 4 4.
1HH 4 95
ISO 4 91
140 4 s.
1'l 4 9.1
... 4 91
40 4 91
4 91
'i 4 n
40 4 N
IM 4 05
40 4 9.1
4 9,1
Hal 4 U
tft 4 05
rjn 4 9i
1W) 4 M
11 4 91
o 4 I)
isa 4 91
isn 4 k
40 4 M
. . 4 M
IS 4 41
10 4 91
... 4 95
... 4 95
SO 4 03
40 4 9 '.
50 4 91
40 4 91
... 4 M
laft 4 4,
4'l 4 41
40 4 91
,,, 4 N
... 4 91
... 4 95
ISO 4 13
0 4 91
ISO 4 97
... 4 97
90 4 17',
... 4 ;
... 4 97'-.
... 4 97
... 4 97
... 4 97
,., 4 97"
... 4 9-1-
... 4 97' ,
0 4 B7',
10 I Ort
... 5 OA
200 I no
... 5 00
10 I on
mo 1 no
120 00
o r, no
o I 00
40 r. 00
I .
. ,202
. 711
. .:33
. :is
. 204
, ,2M
, .IN
. .
. 740
. ,Mi
, .Mi
. .202
. . 253
f"h. Pr.
40 M 40
... 4 10
4 40
e 4 $2
140 4 IJV
NO t :
260 4 2
... IJ
so. .
. 744
. . 237
. '.Tn
. .'.'2H
. 247
. 239
. 513
. 113
. ,IM
. . 253
. 231
. . 270
. .351
. .200
. ,:mij
. .313
. ,7il9
. 210
. .274
4 MMj
4 024
4 K
4 92.
4 92
4 H7
4 .'
4 9.'
4 s." .
4 gfll
I 91
4 2
4 97'..
4 9.''
4 9." .
4 f2
4 9J
4 !:
4 fli
I Mil
4 S2
4 I
4 91 j
4 2'4
I 2
4 92' .
4 12
4 i
4 Mti
4 91
4 9.1
4 4.1
4 95
4 91
4 N
4 M
4 91
4 9.1
4 W
4 M
4 M
4 M
4 91
4 95
4 45
4 9;
4 9.1
4 M
4 01
4 1
4 91
4 91
4 H
4A .
54. .
SO. . .
7 . .
i i ". '.
63.. .
6i .
, 1
M .
Al. .
IT. .
7 .
15 .
N .
31 .
74. .
70. ,
15. .
. . 20.1
. .2.ia
. .'.'V.
. .In
. :'.10
. ,W
. .314
. 907
. .274
. 242
. . 534
. 231
. .2(17
ported In
-There were tlve cars of sheep re
the yard this morning, but four
loads were consigned direct to packers from
Kansas City and wre not offered for sale
That left only one load of western wethers
for aale. bringing 24.70. which looked like .1
steady price.
Quotations: Clipped withers, fed. M 90'?
5.00; clipped yearllnga. fed. 25 ontl'5 40; Clipped
ewe, good lo choice, fed. 24.30if4 75; fair to
good clipped ewes. 24 004.3i. good to choice
Colorado wooled lambs, 27 00,7.25: fair to
good Colorado wooled lambs, 26H517O0.
good to choice clipped lambs. 15.7560 00;
inir in good clipped lambs, 25 36'q.l so
resentatlv sales:
242 western wether
ti 70
Vote early nd often
stock nntt;i
Aatle and Stronger Sheen
and l.amha Steady.
CHICAGO, June 7. CATTLE Receipt, head; steers aotlv and stronger:
I butcher stock steady; natives, best on
sale today, one carload at $5 .75, i;ood steers
SS.10SjS.7l; poor to medium. 2l.SMf5.00:
i selected feeders, steadv. $4 .OOfJS 00; mixed
etockers. slow. $.3 75'n4 35. vows. 13.0004.51);
heifers. 2.:.2'' . anners. 22.HV61 0.1 hulls
i M iXV.i 4
20; calves, weak 25 OjKo kS Tev .n-
rectipts small; best ,.n sale today, three
1 ario.uls at 14 Ml; Texas led steers (trong,
5c higher. Texas crass stc-r-M
TMi-4 10; Texas bulls H.204SO.7O,
H4DOS Receipt todnv 2S.000 head: to
morrow. 22.i4.xi head, estimated, left over.
2 iVO head active and a tfiade low er, good
clearances, top. 15 17. mixed and butcher.
24.MC0.17it; good to choice heavy, M.10S
l.17t; rough heav v. 24.KtY6.00; light. $l.9f.
00 15. bulk of sales. S) IO0M ll
SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipt 10,000
head, sheep and lambs, best, steadv, other
slow. IOSIIIc lower, common, neglected!
good to choice wether. (l.gSdjfS 36: fair to
i holce mtxe.. H.lOgfO.OO; western
l4.iosy6.2B; yearlings, M.t04B6.M;
lambs, M00yO.Mi western lambs.
6 70. M'rltip lambs, dull and lower.
$6 11K,
at .'. ik 1
ew York Live Stock.
NKW VORK, .lone 7 -REEVES Re-
.eipts .;',,' head, ail for exporter and
slaughterers, except one car. nothing do
ing: nominally iteady; cables unchanged;
hinmont, f cattle, 1,409 sheep and 4. mo
quertera of beef, tomorrow, 472 cattle,
CALVES Receipts. 16 head, very little
trade tor lack of stock: steadv for veals;
Ordinary to prime. M.BO0O.7I; buttermilks,
BHKKP AND I. A. MHS Receipt. B.ftll
bend; 20 cars on sale; aheep and lambs
aotlvei good yearling taads - medium ami
common, steadv: two cars, late arrivals,
unsold; sheep, M.IOtM.OO; few chol.e, $5.25;
yearllnga. M.004J.03; lamb, 17.5oai.50;
lulls, shsep. M.80433.00; culls, lambs. 10.00
Ili'KlS Receipts, lini. head, and three
rlecks of westerns on sale, no transactions
reported; nominally llrm
SI, l.oala l.le MtocL.
ST. LOUIS, .Line T. CATTLE Receipt,
2.100 head, Including 1,000 head Texan; mar
ket stead;, for natives, with Texans eisv
and a shade lower: native shipping and
export stiers, M.OOAjJ.OO: dressed beef and
butcher stiers. M.00o.M! Iteer under l.oOn
I i. , ii.oOOrd.lO: sto. ker. and. fee. lets. $:; 0j
4 90. .ows and heifers. $2.iV'ul.7r; can tiers
ll.60tjl2.75; bulls. 12 lOfia.oO; Texas and In-
lian steels. 13 OfrS 4 f n ; eos and heifers.
HOHS-Receipts. 5.i10 head: market a
(hade lower; pigs and lights, ivuoft 6.(6:
packers. 4. 06420.0: butchers, M.vaMM.16.
SHEEP ANT LAMBS - Receipts. 2.400
liead: market iteady: native muttons. $440
syl.OO; lambs, M.00497.00; .nils and tnicks.
lil.SO94l.OO: atOCker. 13.0093.30; Texas mut
tons. 14.20
Kanaas I Up I. We s)ti-l..
.elpts. A.iM mi, Ives, 70n Texans; all de
sirable killer- strong to 0c higher, plainer
grades about steady : native steers, $4 70
5.30; itookar ami feeder, 23.T64JHM;
Inn cher 0OW and heifer, I3.2MJ4.20: can
ners. M.7SQ2.20; fed westerns, 23.0Off4.2B;
'I'exaiis, $4.05414.65.
IKtflS- Receipt
16.61m head : t f.olc a -lie.iv
v . $1 ti.Vu ". "Ji: .
light. M.lMji.M; logs.
rive, prices stea
mixed. I4.16O0.00;
I4.H4V4.I5 '
BHKKP ANH LAMBS Receipt, l.:o,
head: slaiiKhleritig grades active, steadv I
prices; feeders easier; spring l.itnbs. $6 75
lli. 2B; v earllngs. r .. .ti'nti : muiions. t vt
fg.OO; feeders, $:.5fl'd4.21: culls, M.OOOJS.M,
St. Jaaeiilt live Slock.
SOUTH PTi JOSEPH Mo. June 7, (Spe
I Igt, i i 'ATTI.K Receipts. 1,600 head; mar
ket ateady to strong, natives, $ issofi :i;
Tegan and weterns, $3 ,000 I -' COW and
heifers, I2.MU4.71; bulls and stags. 22 2.'i
4 16; yearling and calvee. 14.i4W.. If.; slock -
rr- and teedei s
ii. I. 'H R elpt
toady to a shade
5.f : bulk of sales
bead: lambs if,.
she,- steady.
iioiwi iv.., veal, n.uvd
T.iK head, market
lower . all grades. $1 S6f)
II ''o4 M
LAMMS Re. elide 1310
higher. Colorado, 17.40;
Mlork la MIhIiI.
Fellgaing are the leeelpt
nrtn final western markets for
at th
I 711
ll, MS)
k n.. i
Son! h Otnalu
Kanaas City
St, liuls
2. 969
14,959 61.014 !v,2
U la
tot s many times aa you
Working Olrl' Vacatloa
j Atteraey for 8r8 TJnT;!8 a Oho 04 Assort
m8D: of Techn ctl Loophole.
l i .... . .. 1 1 .. u H11r11r. t ears Ihe Tiffed
nf Her loniiencc I pun the ,lnr
lleleell,.- Ililnlqnt I.U
Ina lesiimnnr.
In the . ise agi.inai Kiank lean, en
member of the school board, the defense
hss unveiled the technical loopholes through
which ;he sllegod ho idler hopes (0 . rs-l
to freedom In addition the defense ede,
snothir weapon, ahlch Is f.'oely temiatked
upon by the county atlorne--the eyca sni
smile of Mrs Serc Mr Sure a young
and rather pretty wtmn. sits faithfully at
her husband's aide, giving him half the h. fi
iflt accruing from the Manipulation of i
Innge, white fan. At the outset of the is, ie
procu:lng attorneys assert t!:-t Mrs Seai
reaortgd to n Woman' ,irt tn Influenie th
Jurv nd that on the second day she hOI
established friendly oemmunlcitlog .th
three of them Attorney Thom.v. and liiinn
ptoinlae to take seme sitlve re ognliinp .f
the Clrf UBattagCa op ihe ground ttiat "ali
ItOtJUOncI la dumb whin beautv jdeadelh "
The lech;,: nl point upon which Attorney
Mrnrne. f(.r the defnse, made n deepe ll
Itand wao with icgar.l to the Introduction f
a carbon 'opy of Ihe proposition made he
Detective Chlnlquy to Mr. seir- The at
torney n:inrunced that tho defenae would
refuse tn prod 1100 ihe original, but con
tended tha' the copy should not ho admitted
DecaOM t! sis nit the he: r.nln,e Ha
'1 a supreme eoiitt doolllon lo show that
the fourth amendment r.-. the 'onotltntloa
providing fnr prrnonal aOCttHty ahotlld be In
terpreted to grant Sears the rlghl of wi;h
holding an Incvltntnating or personal paper
Im.go Baker tilled, howevei. hl IggargUrh
as the original i ould not he secured by the
county, the ,-arbon . py might he entered h;
evidence, Tho p;er in controversy was KB
offrr frrm t'hinltiiy to provide blinds :. r
the rase, Snunder.s end Paelllc srh.ol at 2J
cents per aquare foot.
Mr. Hrnmr roas-t xaniines
ChlnlqU) proeeded with his tesilmsv
under Ihe questioning nf Heputy County t
inrnev Thomas, disclosing facte which 'ha0
bera Knn over in detail in connect 0B wltil
the school board Invoatlgal Inn Wht n Ihe
wllnes. was turned ever to Attorney Hrom
fo. i roa.s-evaminat ion the aenrpry gav
furthei evidence of a desire to provld
technical eacape for his dlent. He die..
from Mr. ChlnlQUy an account of hie pre
vlous occupation In life, 'ogether with bis
detective experience The former sleut'i
said ihat his wageF for the time emplovel
en the school board rase 2 per dav
and expenses.
On his rrlvl In Omaha on Hecemher
the detective reported to V. K. Burkmlnstet .
his chief, and win Instru ted tn forui the
acquaintance of the school hoard members
He arcompllsbed this task t the merlins;
tht night and In Ostraoder'l saloon after
ward, where he ass Introduced i "the
blind mitt." Chlnlquy admitted that he hat
not in reality acted for the Bosfwic; .
Bnrgese Blind company of Nofwlk. O., bur
hd received his sample and price list from
the head dete-tive. The examining attorney
dwelt upon this point. Isylng streaw on ths
fact that Chlnlquy was in no respect enn
tractOT and laying the ground to show that
a deliberate trap had been laid for the un
doing of the public official.
In the afternoon Detective V K. Bur'
minster took the stand nnd described In
detail his trip lo Twenty-fourth and Span d-
ing streets in company with Detective
Chlnlquy. He went over the proffr of
the currency nolo by Chlnlquy and its o-
ceptanc by seats. Buckmlnater, by pre
arrangement, passing cloia to the two inm
as the exchange was made
sleveral Mandreil I'ri.plr Want I'a for
Atlendlna Hall l-anie.
The suit which Attorney Lysle I. Abbott
brought In jesting mood against Colonel
Buck Keith for time and money fcpent In
vain in witneitdng a certain base hall gam -has
brought a illstinet boom fo hl legal
practice. The complaint read that the ties
Mol nee-Omaha game umpired by Champion
leffrlee was a profitless and polntleao en
tertainment nnd the petitioner aaked :hat.
60 cents In car fare and admittance :ec he
refunded, together with 10 cents additional
as an approximate value for two home time
Apparently there were several thousand
others who coincided In the view of Mr.
Abbott. at. a throng of patrons have
lamored al his office telrphrne during Ihe
last two days dialling tn assign lo him
their . lalm ngalnt the park management
"Doc'' Trnlnor of Council Bluffs hne notified
Mr Abholl that he has claims amounting
lo 60 entrusted to him by an lowa con
atltUOnoy which Is willing to entrust ils
Chance to Mr. Abbott. Krank Crawford
Iro hue a bunch of assigned claims, whh h
ha haa surrendered togjila fellow attorne...
Boofcera Cans Oota stkMlc
The testimony of li. II. Baldrlge. formr
county attorney, yesterday, was a serious
blight upon the hopes of V. K. Beehol n
OOllOOt 10.000 from the Paclflc Exprrsi
company for damages due lo Blloged I's'-e
arrest Mr.' Baldrlge rerounied an i xamln
lion made by him in the case of Andrew
Hunt Hum had admitted, he atd, thai
various checks had been drawn in favor of
Beohel for the latter'r. person'sl use. for
which no accounting had eve: been made lo
ihe oxprogl lompany. Hunt aild tint he
had felt obliged to recogni.e Mr. Buhel's
right to draw the company's money becgue
of his superior official pc.-luun Mr. Bald
rlge ooneluded with ihe atatemenl th.n he
had advised Krastus Vuung to file a com
plaint vrhen the facta of the cane had be
come known
( oiirl otea.
county Judge Vlnonhalr ims gone on
fishing trlii 10 Nodaway oounty, Missouri
his former home. He will be absent until
Satir In.v
John V, Wallace lias brought suit against
the cliv of Hotitli fimalia for the cancella
tion of pavTns taxes on certain lots on
Twenty fourth street between ' and N
i. nub Lenkowlta pleaded guilty In the
t nlte.l ritates district COurl to mailing un
obscene letter I.enkowlt ia u boy of II
and oKpreieed contrition Sentence was
deferred lor one by Judge Munger.
John L Kverson of Mudl-oii inunty ass
to be released from debt bv action of t lie
bankruptcy law He owes I7.0M.41 and pos
se. -.s 11,900.10, nil of which he h dds as
exempt under the operation of the law.
The Omaha and Winnebago Indians too'v
a "lav off" t'idav and gave their traditional
enemies on Inning In the United StatOO
i ourt when OutaV Htoek was placed oil
trial lor selling liquor to Indian- at Lynch.
Ihe Indian alleged tn have received the
"fir water ' lieliiB I member of the tribe
of Yankton Sioux
roe nl
BO0M4rir Lire OL0C
0NC0U4 hi
Icicphone Hi.l'i Ouiolia. N-
(i K A I ', I'ROVIKIONSnncI IOt:Kl
mo aro or riini.
Cerreepondenca: John A tVairea A Ca
anrtci dm t Cbioage aad TerB