10 TITE OMAHA DATLT J1EE: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 0, 1!UU. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Corn Liadi tho Market! on tbo Board of Trade. WHEAT PIT IS DULL AND NOTHING DOING Onla Mnrket .Slow tint Firm, Helped by Ilrtlrr Cnsli Dciiiiinil mill h iinthy t I ( ! Corn Pro 11- i on rirm lint (Inlet. CHICAGO, Juno 5.-Corn led Hip markets on tho Hoard of Trade todny. There wn . good dcmHnd nnd the close was nt the top, July Wnkc Improved, Wheat was dull, but sustained by torn and a small demand on drouth theories closed llrm, July lA hlgher. OatH dosed HfHic Improved nnd provisions a shade to flf7',4C better. Corn was strong and moderately netlve. There was a demand for It reported by tho cash people nnd speculative trade also nhowed an Increase. The situation to all appearances remained unchanged as to crop prospects, which were still declared to be of a rosy line. Offerings from Nebraska wore larger and some elevntors sold, tmt tho demand from outsiders and local bulls of Influence, together with covering by fhorts, was sullleleut to ndvance tho mar ket, despite the larger offerings from ilrst bands. Receipts hero were BIS cars. July opened unchanged at 37Ts1?3Sc and closed '.ii H over yesterday at SS'c, tho top price of the day. Tho whent market was n small one nnd tho pit whore this commodity Is dealt In a dull place. The northwest was ,i seller, thus giving a support In a practical way lo reports of good rains In that section of tho country. There were other reports, however, which asserted that the Dakotas nnd neighboring territory could stand much more moisture than has been received this reason. The Missouri condition was re- Iiorted off 6 points, which was a minor help, jut the corn strength furnished the main support. Shorts bought because of the tlrmness In tho neighboring pit, while there was a small demand from outsiders, evi dently under the belief that the northwest nlttiatton Is serious. July opened at 6j?4fj t.7i,c, sold between K'nXtc and CTJifiT'iic, closing llrm, ',e higher, at 7o. Ijocitl re ceipts wero 72 cars, S of contract grnde. Minneapolis and Duluth reported CM cars, against 4.18 last week nnd t:l a year ngo. 3'rlmary receipts were C12.K1O bu.. against fcifi.oro last year. New York reported 13 loads taken for export. Clearances nt tho eon board In wheat and (lour were equal to 431,000 bu. Tho oats mnrket was slow lint llrm, lielped by a better cash demand and sym 1'fithy with corn. July sold between ai',4c nnd 21V4C nnd closed HfViO Improved at SI He, Iocul receipts were :!01 cars. Provisions wero firm but unlet. Moderate bog receipts, higher prices at the yards and tho corn strength were tho sustaining Influences. On profit-taking the list eased a trifle, but closed firm. There was a fair rash demand and fnlr support from locnl Interests. July pork sold between ttl.aT'i and $11.3. nnd closed Bft7'e over yester day at JU.32'.A(fi'll.Ti; July lard, between i5.ifVfii5.774 and $i.80, closing 2'2c hotter at Si,75j'i,774, nnd July ribs, between $G.G5 and 1C.70 with tho close a shade higher at $6.63 Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat. 43 ears; corn, 2S0 cars; oats, 223 cars; bogs. 83,000 head. The lending futures ranged as follows: Arttclcs.lOpenHllTgh. .ow. Close,Ve'stryT Wheat June July Corn Juno July Oats Juno July Turk July Sept. Lard July .Sept. nibs July Sept. MM, 67H 11 35 11 43V4 fi SO 8 77'.4 fi 70 07!i fij'i emu 07 - ? fifi Wi .m: i37',03S 37 377i 21U 21', 21'f, 21U 21U 2l',4l21. 21fc 11 27U' U 37i 11 7' 11 Si 11 40 6 77H 6 73 fi G G3 11 27H 11 321& 11 3; 7754 r, 73 C 72",4 fi fir, 6 62i fi 70 ti i f, Vn 2 Cash quotations were ns follows: FI3FR Dull: winter patents, M.fiOfI3.70: straights. $2.0003.40; clears, $.70T(3.20; spring- specials, $3.7ft3.80; patents, $3.WVff jt.C; straights, J2.GOn2.00; bakers, J2.0y Z40. , V I K A H' Xo. 2 spring. ffiifl6fi?ic; No. 3. 61c; No. 2 red, ti3,5,70.y,. P.A ST.No2'.rV": 2 white" 24U Cii'": No, 3 white, 2IH2Pic. RYE-.Nn.2. S4!4c. HAJUjEYOood feeding, 37c; fnlr to choice malting, 40Mi42c. SKKDS-No. 1 flax and northwestern, $1 50. Prime timothy, $2.40. Clover, con tract grade, J7.60. PROVISIONS-SIess pork, per bbl., J10.2O JJ.3o. Lnrd, per 100 lbs.. $G.l3Hf,!.774. Short ribs sides, (loose), $G.CfjG.S0. Drv salted phoulders (boxed). Jd.Myac.TG. Short clear sides (boxed). 7.0.-fi7. 10. WHISKY-Rnsls of high wines, $1.2.1. Following are tho receipts and shipments for today: Articles Receipts. Shipments. Hour, bbls 13,000 ii.noo W heat, bu 39.WO 122.0r Corn, bu 330,00) y, orn Oats, bu 361,000 22.S.000 Rye. bu 2,000 Hurley, bu 3.-..000 fi'.eoo On the Produce exchange today the but tor market was steady: crenmorles, 15 l!'.4c:.dalrles, 13lv!?17c. Cheese, steady. S"A !c. hggs, steady; fresh, UUc NKW YOHIC (ilJMMt.H, SIAniCKT. Qnotnttons for (lie Day 011 Vnrlnn (.'oiniiinilltlen. NUW YORK, Juno 5.-F,OUR-Recclpts, 22.R19 bbls; exports, 1G.37G bbls; firmly held nnd moderately active; winter patents, $3.60 (3.R5; winter straights, $1.33Q1.43; Minnesota patents, $j.G0ff3.C3; winter extras, J'.'.S") 4T2.80; Minnesota bakers, $2.63f?2.i)3; win ter low grade3. 12.232.40. Ryo Hour, steady; fair to good, $3.O0"(j3.20; cholco to fancy. $J.23(i?3.G0. CORNS! KAI-Qiilet: yellow western. 81c; city, M)j; Ilrnndywlne, 2.;lSfc2l5. RYl'J-Qulet; No. 2 western, m. f. o !)., afloat; stale, 6SI5ne, c. I. f New York. carlotH. . nARI.KY-I)ull; feeding. 43!4R43c, c. I. f.. hfv York; malting. MiiMc. e6uRI'KY MA1-T-;s'ol1"ul; western, 55 WI I RAT Receipts. 22,200 nr. exnorts 103 9 Snot. Ilrn,- No. 2 ml. 7SUc. elcvato?! No. 3 red. S2Ve, f. o. b.. ivl oat. nominal Hpot, No. 1 northern, Duluth, 7lc, f. o ii afloat, prompt; No. 1 hard, Duluth, 7GTi,e! f. o. b.. afloat, prompt. Options were steady to firm all day on the strength In corn, supplemented by various bullish winter wheat crop reports and a liberal reduction In the world's stocks. Closed llrm at ie net advance. July. 72772 3-le. closed nt '-V1;. Sj-ptemlK-r. .3(ri 73'c. dosed 73'4c. C ORN Receipts. 1S.B23 bu; exports, :i0,SS3 snot strong; No. 2, 4l?ic f. o. b., afloat ami 4.V40 elevator. Option market ruled verv firm ngnln under the Inlluence of renewed buylnc for oulsldo account, light offers and 11 good cash demand. Closed stendy at K'tt a net advauce. July, mmr, closed at 3Hc. September. 43M,li4IUe. ,.Ss .,1 n He OATS-Rcceliits, 47.600; exports. 325 bu Sfiot. quiet; No. 2, 2Gc; No. 3. 23'ic; No white. 27We; No. 3 white, J6t.".e. Track mixed, western. 23Ho; track, white t74c. Options neglected, but weakly held' llAY-Qulot; spring, "cBtiTBo; good !i choice. MWiiiie. .Ji0,,8Bt.VH'!5,i stll,e' fnnimnn to choice. is?9 crop, ll14c; old, 3fific; I'acillo coai?t 1809 crop. 104(13c; old. 3i5c. IIIDHS-Flrm; Texas dry. 17c. IKATIIICR Steaily; hemlock sole, Ruenns Ayres, light to heavy. 2423V4c! ucld. 2414 COAIj Steady I'ROVISIONS-Ileef, dull; family, $11.0.1 12.00; mess, $9.50?f 10.00; beef hams, $15 0O1i 17.00, packet. JlO.tWr 1100; extra India mess. Jlfl.OOfi 17,00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bel lies, $7.&0'if8.5fl; pickled shoulders, $0.75. pick led hams. $10.25Ifl0.75. l.ard. weak: western steamed. $5.03; rellned, firm; continent, $7.23: South America, $7.S0; compound, JG.37',4. Pork. easy, family. $13.R0'f! 11.50; Hhort. clear, $13.&Ofrll.50; mess, $U.75iT12.50. HUTTKR Receipts, 21.1K0 pkgs; barley, steady; creamery, extras, ltih'fJCOc; factory. UHfflGo. CIIICKSK-Recelpts. 12,013 pkgs; Htrong; dead, large, white, OfiO'jc; dead, grass tinge, DiJ79i: large, colored. 9'iW9Jc: small, white. Stt'(l84e: small, colored, SHflS4e. KOOS-Recelpts. 17.S30 pkgs.; firmer; western, loss off, 12f4ffl3c; westerti, nt mark. lO'tjl'Hc. SIKTAI.S There was considerable Irregu larity developed In he market for metals today. Tin, In sympathy with the advance In Iondon, Jumped somo 20 to !0 points lilhcr. the market, however, rullnsr very inlet and nt tho close was quiet on tho basis of 30.20j 30.50. Lead, oti the other hand, ruled unset tied at $3.W3.95, nnd spelter whs also weak, owing to an Increase In receipts and on foreign advices, closing weak at $l,404f4,43. Like copper ruled very dull at unchanged prices $16,76. Pig Iron wan aula were very weuk no quotation given. The brokers' price for lead wag ' 11 70 and for topper $16.60f?G..5. I omiia wiiou:.i,n mahicrth. Condition of Trade mill (luotntlons on Mnplc mill I'nne)- l'miliiee, i:00S-Receipts liberal; seconds, 9c; good stock, lOfflO'ic. blVK POl'IrRY-Hens, filiTc; roosters, nccordlng to nge and size, 4'36c; broilers, 17fi20e; ducks, 54e; grese, Ec; turkeys, 80. 1 FRKBH DREHSKD POt'LTR Y Hens, S'4 1 ff)9c; roosters, 6fi7c; ducks and geese, 91p 1 10c; broilers, 114 t'i 2 lbs., per diz., $3; turKeys, i2'tc. IH'TTKR-Common to fnlr, He. chole", irfll7o; separator, 20c; gnthered creamery, 17-Tl e. FISII-Trout. Sc; blue fish, 10c; pickerel, Se; catfish, 12o; dressed buffalo, 7e; roo shad, earli, 50c; whltellsh, 10c; herring, 5c: black bass, 16c; salmon, 13e; white bnss, 9f; eropple. 10c; pike, 9c; halibut, 12c; liilll heads, 10c; ring perch, Gc; lobsters, green, 22c; boiled lobsters, 23c. 1MO HONS Live, per doz OOcQJl.W. VKALS-Cholcc, 9-aiOc. IIA5 Per carload lots: Uplnnd, choice, $7 50; midland, choice, $G.50; lowland, choice, $3.60; ryo straw, choice, $G; No. 3 corn, 33c; No. 3 white oats, 23'4c; cracked corn, per ton, $11.60; corn and oats, chopped, per ton, $15.00; bran, per ton, $12.00312.60; shorts, per ton. $12.50. VEORTAI1LKS. CrcrMRKRS-Pcr doz., GOGTaC. ASPARAGl'S Home grown, per doz., 23 Q25c. NKW TCRNIPS-Pcr dozen bunches, 40c. SPINACII-Per box. tO-RSOc. NKW niCKTS-Pcr nozeti bunches. 351TI0C. LKTTrCK Per dozen hunches, 20g25c. RADISIIKS-Homo grown, per doz., 153 20e. PKAS-Per 1,-bil. basket. oOflCOc. WAX IlKANri-Per -bu. box. 90c. Pf)TATOi:-Per Int.. choice. 23fl40e. NKW POTATOKS Per bu., Jl.HWUS. CAHHAOM-Callfornla, per lb., 2He, CAt'LlKLOWKR Per doz.. $1.001.23. TOMATOKS - Florida, per slx-bnsket crate, $.1.50; Texas, per four-basket crate, J2. SIUSHHOO.MS-Per lb. box, 50c. Rllt'IlARH-Pcr lb., I'4g2c. ONIONS New Rermudn per 60-lb. crate, $2.60; new southern, per 70-lb. sack, $2. FRUITS. STP.AWRKRRIHS - .Missouri shipping stock, per 21-qt. case, $2.232.50; home grown stock, $2.25Tf2.60. (JOOSlOnKRRUCS-Per 21-qt. case. $2. CIIKRRIKS - California, per 10-lb. box, $1.50; SItssntirl, per 21-qt. case. $2. CRANHKRRIlis-Nono on the market. APPLHS-Ont of market. TROPICAL FRUITS. PINF.APPLKS-Per doz.. $2.0032.50. ORANOKS Cnllfomln, navels, per box, $1; .Mediterranean sweets, per box, $3.50; budded seedlings. $3. LB.MONS-Callfornln, fancy, $3.7534.00; choice, $.1.50. ORAPK FRUIT-Callfornla, per box, I1ANANAS Per bunch, according to size, $2,001 2. 50. HIDES. HIDKS-No. 1 green hides. 6Uc; No. 2 green hides. 6'Ae; No. 1 salted hides, 7.4c; No. 2 sailed hides, fii,4c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 9c: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 13 lbs.. Sc. SIISCHLLANF.OUS. NUTS - Hickory, large, per bu., $1.25; shellbarks, $1.33; English walnuts, per lb., 123L'!c; filberts, per lb., 12e; almonds, per lb., IHrific; peanuts, raw, per lb., 5V4f?Gc HO.NEY-Pcr 21-soctlon case. $3.5033.75. CIIAMJKS IX AVAII.AItl.K, SUI'I'MI'.S. Cable mill Telegraphic Dlspu telies 1111 (i in 1 11 Allmit mill Asliore. NEW YORK, June B.-Speclal cable and telegraphic despatches to Urudstreets In dicate tho following changes In available supplies: WHEAT-fnlted States and Canada, cast of Rockies, decreased l.OOS.OOO bushels, afloat, for and In Europe, decreased 2,100 -00O. Total supply, decrease. 3.4IS.0O0. Corn United States and Canada, east of Rockies, decreased 1,091,000 bushels. Oats United States and Canada, cast of Rockies, In creased, 929,000 bushels, Among the moro Important decrenses not given In the olllclal supply statement nre tlnso of 513.000 bushels at Manitoba storage points. 132.000 at Chicago private elevators and 100,000 ut Northwestern Interior ele vators. Tho principal Increaso Is that of 86,000 bushels at Coteau. The aggregate stock of wheat held nt Portland, Ore., nnd Tncomn and Seattle. Wash., Increased 289,000 bush els last week. Si. I.iiiiIn Crnln nnd Provisions, ST. LOUIS. June B. WHEAT Higher: No. 2 red cash, elevator. tS'4e; track, "Of? TOHc: June. GSc: July. G7-,3G7!4c; scptem ber. lVSH3Sc; No. 2 hard. G4c. CORN-Hlghcr; No. 2 cash, 37,c: track, 3S4fi3S4c; June, 37ic; July. 37?ic; Sep tember, 3SVe. OATS-Hlgher; No, 2 cash. 22c; track. 22V4o; June. 22c; July, 21c; September, 2H(,c; No. 2 white. 23c. It YE Dull nt 52c. FLOUR-Dull; patents, J3.4533.53: extrnj l'o pfd 73', do pfd , fancy and straight, $3.1533.20; clear, J2.7oj.llaltlmore & Ohio., fci3. Wabasli , 3.00. (Vunncllun l'uctflo .. 94 I do pfd SEEDS Timothy, steadv. J2.00fl2.50. Flnr. dull at J1.77. CORNS! EA I Steady, $1.9632.20. 'URAN Dull and lower; sacked, eaBt track. G3c. IIAY-Steady; timothy, $9.00812.00; prairie, $7.003 8.75. WlllSKY-Slendy, $1.23. IRON COTTONTIES-$1.20. HAOC.lNG-73SSic HEMP TWINI0-9C PROVISIONS-Pork, firm; Jobbing. $11.75. Lard, higher; prime steam. JG.CO; choice, I'!.tr. Dry salt meats (boxed), firm; extra shorts, $7; clear ribs, J7.12V4; clear sides, $1.23. Hacon (boxed), firm: extra shorts, $i.50; clenr ribs, $7.6214; clear sides, J7.T5. SI ETA LS Lead, dull nt $3.95. Spelter, dull at $1.40. POULTRY Firm; chickens, 7c; springs, 1431e: turkeys. Be; springs, 11c; ducks, 6c; springs, 12311c; geese, 3c; springs, 11c. EOCS-Steady at 9c. Ill'TTER Steady; creamery, 17320c; dairy, 14317c. RECEIPTS-Flnur. 7,000 bbls.; wheat, 28, 000 bu.; com. 77,000 bu. ; oats, 51,000 bu. SI IIP.MENTS Flour. 8,0)0 bbls.; wheat, 1G.0O0 bu.; corn, 4,000 bu.; oats, 27,000 bu. ICniiNiis City (irnln nntl Provision. KANSAS CITY, June C WHEAT July. Wic; September. Glc; No. 2 hard, GOJiflOKe; No. 3. (AftY.Oc; No. 2 red, ta'.SQOIc: No. 3, 63U(fi3e. CORN-July, 355ic; Septemh;.-. 35-y,c; No. 2 mixed, 33Uc; No. 2 white. 37c; No. 3. 3S'4c. OATS-No. 2 white, 23?i!8 24c. RYU No. 2, 51c. HAY-Cholce timothy, $10,001(10.50; choico prairie. $G.75f(7.C0. IUJTTER-Creamery. 15R17Hc: dnlry, lie KtlOh Steady; fresh Sllssourl and Kan sas stock, S'.tc; .leconds, 5c, loss off, cases returned; southern, Gc; new white-wood cases Included, ',. more. RECE1PTS-Whc.it, 37,200 bu.; corn, 13.0C0 bu.; oats. S.000 bu. SIIIP.MENT.S-Whcat, 3J.000 bu.; com, 29, 200 bu.; oats, S.OOi) Uu. Llveriiunl (i nil 11 nnd l'ruvlnlonn, LIVERPOOL, June C. - PROVISIONS -Hams, short cut. steady at -Us CI. H.icon short clear backs, sten.lv nt n,u ci ' I ho Imports of whent Into Liverpool last week yere 74,000 iiunrters from Atlnntlo' i!?Jl?' u-m nuarters rroin Paclllc ports and 1 29.000 nuarters from nthrr mnt I 'Clin Imt.nv e S....Z-. t U. ..... in i.in , nun 1 rum viianiic ports 1 last week were 7l.fi,i nnnrieru 1 Receipts of wheat during tho last three I days, Sj.ooo centals, Including SO.OOO Ainerl- .'- I Receipts of American corn during the last I iiiico uuys, centals. 'I'oledo 11iirl;e(. TOLEDO. June G.-WHEAT-Dull, un changed. Spot, 731Je; June, 73?4c; Se item ber, i27kC ".'eo'-;1.'"",' lllB,1P,r: ;,', cash, :o?ic. OAIH-Wenlc, unchanged; No. 2 cash, ..Yl:.Tnul1' Ktndy; No. 2 cash, 5Sc. CLOVERSEED Active, hlghSr; cash, prime old, $l.f5; cash, primo new, $3.15; Oc tober, $5.3.. Duluth Market. , DULUTH, Juno 5.-WHE.T-No. 1 cish hard. 6SV; July, G9Hc; September, tv.c: No. 1 northern, cash. C67ac; July, (,71 Je1 Soptcmber. G7Tkc: No. 2 no-rthcrn, ana'ac: No. 3 spring. Cl'ic. " ' CORN-374c. OATS-.223c. Philnilf Iplilit PrnvUliin 3lnrlrt. I'll 1 LA DELPHI A, Juno 5. - I1UTTER -Steady; fancy western creamery. SOYc; fancy western prints. 21c. HO (IS Dull and 'c lower; fresh nearby and western. 13i ; fresh southwestern. 1214c: fresh southern. He. Jllhuiiiliee lirntii .Mnrket. S11LWAUKEE. Juno 5. WHEAT Steady; No. I northern, 67c; No. 2 northern. C60. RYE-Steady; No. 1. 5CU0CGYjC. UARLEY Steady; No. 2, 43c; sample, 41ff Mlnnc npnM Whent .tlnrkct, SI1NNEAPOLIS, Juno 5.-WHEAT-ln store, No. I northern, June. 6l?io; July. fiU,i;tYe; September. iSYifTGniic. on track. No, 1 hurd. Ciic; No. 1 northern, a',c; No. 3 northern, G3c. Peorln Alnrkrtx, PEORIA. 111., Juno 3.-CORN-Hlgher. No. 3 37c. OATS-Firm; No. 3 white, 23c. W111SKY-t$1.23 for finished goods. Coffee Mnrket. NEW YORK. June 5.-COFFEE-Spot. J Rio, firm; No. 7 Invoice, SVjc Mild, market steady i Cordova, !)' 13'jc, Futures opened stendy nt unchanged prices to 10 points advance, ntid soon became very firm, with prices slowly climbing upward on bullish rorcign news, bullish turn of statistics, firmer ruling of the spot department and rumors of further bubonic plague spread In Rio, The shorts nnd tho Investment public were liberal buyers nil dav. The market finally eased oft under rc.tllzlng anil light Iwar selling. The close was barely steady In tone nt unchanged prices to fi points net lower. Total sales, lfi,73o bngs, Including July nt $7.3307.40; August, J7.35WT.40; September, $T35; October, J7.35 6t7.45; November, $7.3537.10; December, $7.50 ui.iu, .Maren, it.vKUt.in. .iiovmiE.vrs or stocks ami noxn.s, Mnrlirt Miiiitn Symptoms of Streimtli DnrliiR liny. NEW YORK. June B.-Tho stock market showed symptoms of strengtn nt various times today, but the pressiu-o to sell at tho advnnco proved too much for tho limited demand to nbsoro nnd the latter part of the day was given over to a desul tory downwnrd movement, which carried prices below last night's level, except for a few stocks. Tho strength of a few shares was. In fnct, the principal sustaining inlluence of tho market nt nil times. The best support of this charncter came from Atchison pre ferred, which began to move upward earlv In the day, In anticipation of the dividend announcement. The declaration of 214 per cent for the semt-annunl period had been nccurately forecasted, and the advance In the stock came to n standstill when tho dividend wns nnnounced. After hanging sluggishly for u time, the ndvunce was re. sumed on the giving out of the directors' estlmntes of thu net earnings for the fiscal year, showing a handsome surplus over tho full 5 per cent dividend requirement for the preferred stock. Atchlon preferred thereupon rose to 74'n, which Is on a level with the high record prlco made two months ago, A number of other railroad stocks whose prospects of dividends or Increased dividends have been much ex ploited, but not yet realized, showed the greatest sympathy with Atchison. Haiti more & Onto, Union Paclllc anil Sllssourl Pnclllc were the principal Instances. The response elsewhere wns moderate. Owing to the henvy outlay for betterment mado after the reorganization of the Atchi son system that railroad Is able to show large reductions nt this time In onerntlng expenses nnd Is almost alone among tho railroads of th country In that respect. Tho other Incident of the dav to nttrnct most Interest wns the Sugnr dividend, which was maintained nt tho nmo rate of lVj per cent as tho last. Tho movement of this stock showed that the recent buying bus been based on accurate foreknowledge of this result. The selling to take specu lative profits met so light a demand that the prlco fell away weakly and had a decidedly depressing effect on. tho whole market. Tho rise of ?4 nt tho openlin; was followed by a decline of 3?4 on prollt taking nnd the rally was only feeble. Alde from the sympathetic Inlluence of these movements the market was dull and apa thetic throughout. There wns a, general but slight ndvance nt tho opening In expectation of the favor, able effect upon foreign markets of the occupation of Pretoria. This expectation proved delusive and the markets at London, Paris and Berlin all turned heavy before tho cloo Rejoicing over tbo news was offered as an explanation of London's failure to spend time In buying stocks, and the Rerlln market was affected by weakness of Iron mining shares on the condition of the Iron trndo In tho United States. Advices from Paris ndmlt 11 feeling of apprehension over tho unsatisfactory conditions In China nnd tho International complications that may follow tho end of the Hoer war. Fears of demoralization In freight rates were an Influence In causing the relapse in prices here. Tho closing was dull nnd distinctly heavy. There was n largo demand for Western New York & Pennsylvania general mort gage ?is, but the maximum advance was not maintained. Otherwise, the bond mar ket was dull and sluggish. Total sales, par value, $1,313,000. United States bonds were unchanged In bid quotations. Commercial Advertiser's Loudon financial cablegram: The news of the fnll of Pre toria fell flat In the mnrket here todny. be ing counteracted by tho ominous reports from China and depressed funds. Busi ness was very qulev and there was a small attendanco after tho holiday, many mem bers leaving early. Americans wero almost forgotten, transactions then dwindling on New York sale". IJ. & O. preferred was exceedingly strong, Iyindon buying them slightly. The Atchison dividend announce ment had no effect. Copper shares were weak, with tho decline In metal. Sloney was unchanged, but the tendency wns on ward. The Hank sold i275,OuO cold In French coin and 5,000 arrived from Portugal, Following nre the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchl!on 26 Union Pacific .... W. .... 74H .... 8 .... SHi .... Mi .... V, .... in ....in ....113 ....1:0 .... t; Canada So 51 Wheel, & U. n Ches. fi Ohio .... Chicago O. V.... C, 11. & Q Chi., Ind. fz L... do pfd Chicago & II. 111. C. & S. W 27i! do 2d pfd.. 121, Wis. Central . Thlid Avenue . Adams I'.x Amerknn Kx... U. S. ....16."i'j Wells-Fargo L'x 117 C, It. I. fz I C. C. & St. I ....107' Atni-r. Cotton Oil... 311 59',i do pfd 91 Colorado So do 1st pfd.... do 2d pfd Del. & Hudson ... Del. 1 4. & W Denver & 11. a.. do pfd Krln do 1st pfd.... 01. Nor. pfd Hocking Coal .... Hocking Valley . Illinois Central .. Iowa Central .... do pfil k. c, p. & n.... Lake i:rl & . do pfd Like Shore 1 & N Manhattan I. Met. St. Ry Mexican Central . Minn. & St. L.... do pfd Mn, Pacific Mobile fz Ohio ... M., 1C. T do pfd N. J. Central .... N.' V. Central ... Norfolk fz V do pfd No. Pacific do pfd Ontario ,t Y O.egon Ry. & Nw do pfd Pennsylvania .... Hendlmr do 1st pfd.... . A A.mer. Multlng . 43'u' do pf.l 2OV3 . lCi Amor. IS. & It 37 'i . ll;. do pfd M .179 Amer. Spirits 2',; . 1SH1 do pfd I" . 67; Atner. f . Hoop 21 ,. 1171 do pfd 71 . 3Ch Amer. H. fz. V 3Zt .157 I do pfd 7a, . 13 lAmer. Tin Plate... 2J"j . 37'a do pfd 73', .113'a Aiwr. Tobacco 13 , do pf.l 12V, 4S . 17 . 27 . 92' i .212'i . W, . S9V, .151 I . 12'i1 . 62'i . 9.1'V . .VHi Anne. Mining Co. . I Hi llrooklyn It. T Colo. Fuel fz Iron. Con. Tolincco do pfd Federal Steel do pfd Oen. Klectrlc Olucose Sugar .... do pfd Inter. Paper do pfd 03 3') 2li 7U 53V, 1 l:nj 43!i 97 21 '4 60'., 73 29'i R0 ll"4 91 2 M'i 132 mi 51 sr, r.m, 271 ni'i 47U . 39 Iiclede (las 10Ya! National lllscult . 33 do pfd .120 National Ied . .130'i do pfd . 3.".ij National Steel .. . 7S'i do pfd . 60'i N. Y. Air Drake. No. American . 21i '. 42 . 76 .130i,j . V'i . r,7's Paeiflo Conit .. do 1st pfd.. do 2d pfd.. Pacific Mall ... People's Oas .. Pressed S. Car . do pfd do Rio O. rt'i 21 pfd W pf.l & S. in pfd 2d pfd.... KontllW. . . . . 29 . VP 'ii IMllman P. Car ...1S3 Standard n. fz T. .. 5 Sugar 11'ij, do pfd it Tenn. Coal Iron. 72 U. H. Iynlher 10ij do pfd MYi U. H nnhher 2 do pfd 9.1 Western Union .... SO Republic I. & S.... 13H do pfd 87 Y4 St. I,. . 10 . avi . 33; . IP. . !H .117 ,ln a" St. L. do Pfd do nf.t I73i st- '' Omaha ..lis Pa Pa-M" IMl. l.illlWMV ,!o M'i. P ten1 C. C. fz St. L... 60 Texas fz Pacific .. blimey .Mnrket. NEW YORK. June Ci.-StONEY-On call, steady nt l',fi2 per cent; last loan. 13, per (cut; prlmo mercanlllo paper. 3Ufi I per cent. STERLING UNCI! ANOE-Flrm. with no tual business In bankers' bills at $I.S7K for demand ind at $I.SI'i4.sm for sixty days; posted rnt. s It nnd $I.SSY; commercial bills. II Hifi4.S3-H. SILVEP-Ccrttflcntes, CO'nfiic; bar, f.0c; Slexlcnn dollars, I7'.4c. HOND1' Oiovrrnment. steady; stnte, Innc tlve; railroad, Irregular. The closing prices on bonds todny aro as fullest.: P. S. ref. Is, reff..lMt M., K. & T. 2 68 V- Y. O. Is mn V. J. C. cea. Cs...,12? No. Pa lllo 3s r.7H do 4s 10'iH V Y C & St I. ts.iocv, V. fi V. n. 4s.... 97ti Oregon Nnv. ls. 111 do 4 irijij Oregon S. L. 6....12l do eonsol 5s 1H: do coupon .F3' do 2s, reg do S, rrsr do coupon do new , rcg, do coupon do old Is, reg.. do coupon do t, res do coupon I), of C. 3 CSs .. Atcb. ren. 4s do adj. 4s Canada So. 2s. . . Ches. fz O. tlis.. ..10 ..inn. ..K.9". ..'31' . .13111 ..11I'.' ..lP'l ..111'' ..113". 1SH Heading eon. 4s.... fni ..10ti, Rio (. V. Is M .. SC. ft 1. fi t M c. 5s..ll0, ..IW.Pt. I. fz H F k Cs.,121 . 911-4 HI. Paul consols . .170 UO M Hi C. fz N. V. o 7s...Hi'j do S. V. (leh. 5s.. 119 Chlcaco Ter. 4s 8t. P.. C. fc P. Is. 120 do r,.... 121 Vo. Pnclllc 4s... .. Sl'l ..nit; So. Unllw.iv 5s. Colo. So, 4s 87 P 11. fz T. 6... 71 n tz n. o. is ..10-! Te. fi Pac. Is U215 do 4s 9!i' do ... ., ic ... . , mi'ni 4 ui i.iu ..e-i', Hrle general 4s 72'J Wabash la IIJIJ P W. & I). C Is.. 71 do : lo'li Oen. i:iectrlo Ss....l" 1, Central Is 112 K. C. P. fz Ci. Is.. 72 U & N. unl. 4 lQQ 'When' Issued, West Shore U 101 Wis. Central 1 1134 Va, Centuries 9!'i Ilmik ClenrliiK". CHICAGO. June fi. Clearings. $25,563.S64; balances. $2,157 M7. posted exchange, Sl.SJ'i Kfs nr excnaiige, tc premium. ! ST, LOUIS, June t.-Cleurlli, $5,WS,U2; I balances $7:9"0. Money, 537 per cent, New York exi hango. 10c premium bid, 23o premium asked PHILADELPHIA, June 5. Clearings, J17.3I0.792. balance, $2,493.2C6. , IIOSTON, June 5. - Clearings, $21,23i5,130; I balaners, $l,6vi,833. I ,NEV YORK1, June 3,-ExchnngCS, J1S2, 1Ij,159; balances, $10.5S9,SS3. IliiNliiit .Sloeks ami llonils, ROSTON, June 6,-Cnll loans, 214'ritt per , ceni; nine loans, 34 hi per cent, uillciai I closlns; A.. T. S. !' I do pf.l Aincr SiiKiir ! do pfd Hell Telephone ... 1 Jloston Alhimy.. I llmton Klevnted .. 1 lloston fc Me C . 11. ft Q 1 Dominion roul ... j Federal f feel ! do pfd i Fltchhmg pfd I Oen. Illectrle do pM ! Mexican Central . N. 1:. O. & i." I Old Colony Old IVmilnlnn I Rubber 2.l Went I.'nd 9J "3 Atchlnon 4 l'W,', US', N. K. (1. & C. .. II3H Aibcntitre 3 303 Allouez Mining Co.. 1 241 Anwl. Copper K4 131 Atlantic 12'j 19 Hntton & Mont 300 la Ilutte & Ronton ... 61 4H'i Oil. & Ilrclu 7I." ns'i Centennial 17 Mi Franklin 13 n:'4 Humboldt .V) 131 Ofreoln 61 137 I'nrrot 41i 12'i Qulncy t3o'4 l."'4 Santa Fe Copper... 4?i IA7 Tamarack 183 17 Utah Mining 2H W Winona 214 ft- 1 Union Pacific Ex-dlvldend. Ximv Vnrl MlnlitK Stocks. NEW YORK, June 5.-The following nre the closing quotations for mining shares today: riiollnr Crow a Point Con. Oil. & Va. Ilradwnod Oould & Carrie . Hale Norcrom tlomentnke irnn Silver Slexlcnn ... 20 ... 17 ...111 .. fiO ... 12 .. 20 .3000 .. tM ... JO Ontario Ophlr Plymouth Quicksilver .... do pfd "le'n, Nevada St.1nd.1nl Union Con Yellow Jacket ...70) ... 70 ... to ...lM ...700 ...25 ...too ... 17 ... 10 London Stock (Itiotntlnns, LONDON. June 6.-4 p. 111. Closing: Consols, money lOJ'll lnrle 12'1 on account . . . Atrhlfum ..02i j I do 1st pfd 374 . 27 Pennsylvania 67U Heading 9 :No. Pacific pfd 78 ' Canadian Paclllc i .t. Paul ' Illinois Ccntinl 1 IiuIhvII1p Unlmi Pac. pfd. I N. Y. Central .. ..IWM .lMvi Oram! Trunk 7'i .. M4 Anaconda 8 .. 7'j Hand Mlnei 4IU ..Vt RAH SILVER-Steady at 27&d per ounce. .MONEY VM,i2 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is S"i per cent nnd for three monhs bills 2f2 13-1G per cent. I'oreluii I'liiiiiielnl. PARIS. June 5. Huslness on the bourse today commenced llrm, but later reacted on realization on account of tho unsatisfac tory situation In China. At the close prices were heavy. Prices declined as n result or elections In Italy. Rio Mntos were freelv offered and finished weak. In Kafl'.rs there wero numerous prollt taking. Three per cent rentes. 101 f 35e for the nccount; ex change on London. 23 f 16c for checks. Span ish ! closed at 73.10. LONDON, June fi, The mnrket for Amer ican securities wns dull and weaker In most 'uses. Huslness wns limited to professional tradlur. At the close the tone was dull. S.mnlsh Is closed at 72Yfec. Tho nmount of bullion withdrawn from the Hank of Eng land on balance today was JC7O.O0O. Oold premiums aro quoted as follows: Ruenns Ayres, 130.30; Sladrld, 25.33; Lisbon, 39; Rome. 0.12',.. HERLIN, June 5. On tho botr.se todny International securities were quiet. Span ish Is were llrm on tho subscription suc cess of the International loan. Americans and Canadian Paclllcs were weak. .Mining shares declined heavily on unsatisfactory reports from America. Rank shares were deoressed. Exchange on Iindon. 20m 45i Pfg.s. for checks. Discount rates, short bills, 4'4 per cent; three months' bills, fji i'er cent. Condition of the Trensjnry. WASHINGTON. June G.-Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, cxclustvo of the $150,000,000 gold re.-ervo in the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, J1I5,3,6$1; gold, $69,171,153. Cotton .Market. NEW YORK. June 5. Not since the fail ure of a prominent Wall street house nearly two weeks ngo has the cotton mar ket shown weakness equal to that ex hibited today. Rut while prices dropped off almost perpendicularly, there was not tho llrst sympton of excitement, nor was bear speculation at nny time prominent. The movement resulted largely from liquidation ot accounts, espefluily In August delivery, which option dNplhyed relntlve weakness throughout the seaslon. Opening events fuvored the bull cr.owd nnd on a flurrv ot general buying prices went up 2j5 points. 'Ibis support grew nut of a bcter class of English news than was expected, and that rains had airaln fallen over n greater por tion of tho belt. Tho firmness wns snort 1 nveu, nowever, ns Liverpool rapidly lost 1 Its opening Improvement as foreign orders changed over to tho bear side, or as local ucmauii was supplanted by selling pressure. A slight net ducllne had been recorded before the close of the first hour; by noon tho loss had Inciuased to a matter of 2fj4 points, while at the weakest Interval of the afternoon a net decline of 13frl7 points was Indicated. Southern spot markets were seen to bo weak, while the weather outlook was moro promising than In some days. Tho market was finally steady In tone, but HfilS points net lower. Futures closed steady; June. $S.2tl; July, $S.31; August, $S.07; September, $7.79; October, $7.63; No vember, $7.50; December, $7.19: Jauuarv, $7.50; February. $7.5.1; March, $7.57: April, $7.60; Slay, $7.62. Spot closed quiet. ',i,c lower; middling uplands, STic; middling gulf. n',Bc; sales, none. NEW ORLEANS, Juno 5.-COTTON-Sleady; sales, 2.7"0 bales; ordinary, 7 7-lCc; good ordinary. 7 15-lGc; low middling, 8H0: middling, 8 l::-I6c; good middling, 9c; mid dling fair, OUe. Receipts. 360 bales; stock, 100,236 bales. Cotton futures steadv; June, $S.l9 bid; July, $8.lvfK49; August, $7.9S'7.'9; September, S7.GH7.62; October, $7.3Gfi7.37; November, $7.2'.fi7.27; December, $7.2Gfi7.27; January. S7.2fifi7.27; February, $7,2517.39; Starch. $7.30i(7.31. ST. LOUIS, Juno .'..-COTTON-Dull. 1-lGc lower; no sales; middling, Sc. Receipts, 3S2 bales; shipments, 690 bales; stock, 39.9IS balen. LIVERPOOL. June 5,-COTTON-Qulet, .'1-32(1 higher; American middling fair, 5 13-32(1: good middling, 5Uc; middling, fid; low middling, 4T8(t: good ordinary, IHd; ordinary, 1 9-lfid. The sales of the dav (were ".tOO bales, of which 500 bales wero for speculation and export and Included fi 1 n American. Receipts since last report, 14,000 bales. Including ll,7oo American. F11I1111.4 opened and closed steady nt tho advance. Atncrlcnn middling, 1. m. c, June, I 5I-G4d, buyers; June-July, 1 52-Gld, sellers; July August, 4 50-Gld, sellers; August-September, 4 43-G4fi I 41-Gld, buyers; September-October, 4 29.Gid, buyers; October-November, 4 19-645' 4 20-Gld, sellers; November-December, 4 15-61 (ti 1 16-iild, sellers; December-January, 4 13-fil (ill 11-61.1, sellers; January-February, 111-61 f112-Gld, buyers; February-.March, 4 11-64 4 12-61d. tellers. Wool Market. IIOSTON. Juno f.. There Is no material chnuge In tho wool market hero to day and It continues quiet. The prlco for territory wools Is 53'fiG3e scoured for lino medium and line. For fleece wools vcr:- little life with prices nominal. T'lere Is some demand for quarter blood, but of ferings aro small. A line of Australian 3s blood sold on tho scoured basis of 6Sc, Tho following aro the quotations of tho leading desi rlptlons: Ohio nnd Pennsylvania llceces X and above, 2ifi29c; XX nnd XX and above. 30c; Delaine, :!2T33c; No. 1 combing, 3:5l33e; No. 2 comblnj, s blood. 32f,31e; quarter blood. 3lt)12c Conrso and braid washed, ,".0c. Sli.hlgan, Wisconsin, Etc., X .Michigan, 231721"; No. 1 Sllchlgan comb ing, 3tfi32e; No. 2 Sllchlgan combing. Slfti 32c. Quarter blood washed, 30tj3le. Coarso and braid, 29f30e; lino Delaine. 2Sfj 29c. Un washed medium, etc. Kentucky ami In diana, quarter, blood combine 261j27c; ?i blood, 26ii27c; .Missouri quarter, blood combing, 25?i26c; blond. 231i2Gc; brnld combing, 22t23c. lake and Georgia. 23(ii2lc. Territory scoured basis Slontnna and Da kota lino medium nnd fine, 19f(20c: scoured, 53c; staple, 5Sc. Utah. Wyoming, fine medium and line, HifJl'c: sqoured, S3f?34e; staple, rGfr57e. Australian, scoured basis, spot prices, combing superfine, nominal, !2flS7e; good, SOfi S2c. Cnllfoi 11I11 Dried Fruits, NEW YORK. June 5.-CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Inactive and nominal. The demand for evaporated apples was moderately active on good country reports and tho falling off In receipts. Tho under tone was iv little steadier, hut no material prlro chnnpes wero noted at tho close. State common. 4'45lOc' prime, r.ajfZOe; choice, 65(7c: fancy, 7'4fSo. California dried prunes, 3YV(7o per pound. Apricots, Royal. 12'ilUlc; Sloor park, KfjlSo; peaches, peeled, 16ft20c; impeded. 6f(9c. OH Mnrki't. OIL CITY. June 5. Credit tmlances, $1.2S; certificates, no bids: shipments, 117.467 bbls,; average, 117.102 bbls.; runs, 102,28 bbls.; averaco. M.002 bbls. LONDON, Juno fi.-OILS-Cnlcuttn lin seed, spot, 52s 6d, Petroleum, rellned Ameri can, 6?id. Turpentine spirits, 42s, Dry (iomls Markets, NEW YORK. June 5. Tho market today In dry goods has been absolutely without new feature In any direction.. The general demand continues slow and Is readily met In all directions at current prices In cotton, woolen and silk fabrics, OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oornitd Sueri Bell Eeidlly at t Littls Stronger Pric, HOGS BRING DECIDIDLY BETTER PRICES Receipt of Until Cnttle nnd liens SIiimt llenvy PnltliiK Ott ns C0111 pnrrd Mllit One Week Ami Vnliie Show Improvement. SOUTH OMAHA, June 5. Receipts were: Cnttle. Hogs. Bhcep. Olllclal Slondny S71 4.S52 2.C2I Olllclal Tuesday 3,016 10,216 1,397 Two days this week.... 3.S57 15.06R 4,2il bnmo days last week... 7,131 20,129 5.344 Samo days week before.. 5.S49 15,193 7,299 Same threo weeks ago.. 8,003 12,769 9.101 Samo four weeks ago.. 7,626 14,94 7,067 The olllclal number of enrs of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle Hogs. Sh'p. H'r's. C, SI. & St. V. Ry 2 O. & St. L. Ry 8 .Missouri Paclllc Ry.. 16 Union Pacific system. 50 C. gc N. W. Ry 1 F., E, & SI. V. R. R.. 22 S. C. & P. Ry 2 C, St. P.. SI. & O.... 11 H. & SI. R. R. R 19 C, II. & Q. Ry 1 K. C. fz St. J.. 4 e, 32 36 12 C. R. I. & P. Ry., B. 7 2 C R. I. & P. Ry., W. 1 3 Totals 138 143 5 9 Tho disposition of the day's receipt was fis follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Ruycrs. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 2U 1.3.i O. II. Hammond Co 245 -1,699 17S Swift and Company Ml 1.53S Cudahy Packing Co 650 2.4S6 305 Armour & Co 6V5 3,102 151 Omaha P. Co.. from K.C. 60 Cudahy P. Co., from K.C. 163 Swift, from country 337 Swift, from St. Joseph 272 W. I. Stephens 53 Livingstone & Schallcr... 11 L.' F. Husz 54 . Other buyers 128 Totals 3,393 10,191 969 .CATTLE There wns a decent run ot cat tle today, but nothing like the big run of a week ngo. as will be noted from the table of receipts nt head of column. There were a few less than 100 cars of cornfed steers on salu this morning. Tho local de mand was good and the market was fairly active, so that the most of the offerings changed hands In good fenson. Common kinds sold nt Just about steady prices and desirable kinds at a little stronger prices. The strength developed In the market yesterday and today has pretty well made i" the decline nt the end of last week. Among the offerings todny were some right good cattle, as will bo noted from tho sales below. Cows nnd heifers were active sellers at good, steady to strong prices and the modest offerings were soon taken. Tho market on that kind of cattle closed early for tho want of more cattle to sell. Hulls, stags, etc., ure selling well In proportion to tho wny other kinds of cattle aie selling, but there are not many coming. As noted yesterday there Is not much of Interest to tell about tho Mocker and feeder market. There are not many of that kind of cattle coming and not very much de mnnd, so that the receipts of each day sell, but without attracting very much Interest. Representative sales: HEBF STEERS. No. Av. Tr. No. Av. rr 1 1210 3 60 8 1170 M 1 900 3 73 23 1270 4 f.1 1 S60 3 75 20 1121 4 M 2 620 4 00 26 1061 4 63 17 1433 4 10 21 1170 4 S3 1 1CW0 It 25 20 12f 4 K. 2 705 4 23 14 UK3 4 90 2 S10 4 23 40 1211 4 90 1 101O 4 33 69 110S 4 90 11 4oit I I" 1 10J0 4 91 1 850 4 49 H 1134 4 90 112 1090 4 . IS 1230 4 90 1 900 4 SO 14 1191 4 90 12 1000 4 50 S7 12M 4 93 1 1030 4 50 23 1203 4 95 9 962 4 60 1 920 4 93 2 v SCO 4 50 14 143.4 4 S5 1 910 4 50 17 1197 5 00 17 90S 4 50 20 1273 S 00 20 996 4 6-1 15 1344 S 00 13 1032 4 60 21 1114 5 00 3 1020 4 65 42 1893 5 00 21 904 4 63 18 14S0 5 00 23 9'0 .4 70 13 122 5 00 23 1031 4 73 13 1305 5 00 49 1061 4 75 20 1JM 5 01 1 1360 4 75 17 1214 5 O) 24 1224 4 75 20 12.V) 5 03 44 103) 4 75 18 1294 6 05 20 10T6 4 73 34 !W,4 R OS 10 131S 4 75 21 13U 5 0:. 13 916 4 7 23 1410 5 1 0 60 994 4 75 2 1415 5 10 6 106.4 4 7.4 20 1204 5 10 3 1230 4 SO 19 1414 8 15 14 12S2 4 SO 34 1327 5 15 9 1118 4 SO 34 1473 5 IS 16 10S4 4 SO 32 152.4 5 30 9 1140 4 S3 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 13 876 4 75 SO 700 4 90 21 1167 4 84 34 9t 4 90 STEERS TEXAS. 6 818 4 00 34 1247 5 00 39 974 4 63 COWS. 1 900 2 SO 1 1170 3 HO 1 661 2 50 9S6 3 90 1 830 2 CO 2 1100 4 00 1 880 2 75 21 944 4 00 1 990 2 7.4 1 1261 4 10 1 S60 3 00 2 1050 4 10 1 105O 3 00 1 1150 4 10 4 917 3 1ft 1 1291 4 10 3 930 3 10 14 1035 4 1 0 .1 1030 3 20 6 1134 4 14 S 891 3 23 1 1090 4 15 1 900 3 51 3 1113 4 1 1 1120 3 SO 1 1340 4 20 1 1110 3 50 3 1224 4 20 t 860 3 50 10 1034 4 20 1 1020 3 60 17 1029 4 20 1 940 3 60 6 1IV.0 4 20 2 1015 3 60 3 1221 4 20 1 940 3 60 3 1144 4 25 t 1080 3 65 4 1223 4 25 ! 1070 3 7 5 4 124 1 4 25 2 915 3 73 1 1220 4 23 2 650 3 75 1 971 4 23 2 92-, 3 73 6 1102 4 23 1 1270 3 74 7 1047 4 30 1 1250 3 73 1 1350 (30 2 Sift 3 7". 2 m 4 3ft 1 980 3 75 1 1280 4 .10 1 710 3 7' 5 1104 4 34 17 922 3 76 1 lono 4 4(1 6 1H3 3 SO 1 110ft 4 4a 16 1046 3 80 12 1079 4 40 3 1020 3 90 1 12.40 4 50 COWS AND HEIFERS. 5 644 4 00 15 857 4 53 12 Ml 4 23 HEIFERS. 1 1000 4 ftl 1 640 4 40 1 C70 4 24 22 724 4 41 1 800 4 25 44 114ft 4 60 2 1075 4 33 10 734 4 70 13 98 4 35 10 736 4 7.4 ; 550 4 40 4 710 4 73 BULLS. 1 1180 3 23 1 1820 3 SO 1 1320 3 40 2 140 3 94 1M3 .1 4ft 1 132ft 4 00" 1 1'Sft .1 50 1 1!si 4 00 1 1210 3 50 2 1530 4 10 1 16ffl 3 SO J 130ft 4 14 1 720 3 Sft 1 1150 4 23 CALVES. 4 400 4 63 2 130 7 00 1 IfO 7 00 1 2C0 7 00 STOCK CALVES. 1 J40 2 75 6 215 S 00 160 3 00 COWS AND CALVES. 538 4 00 25.. STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 1 830 3 00 1 910 3 56 ..1030 S 24 4 700 3 90 .. 750 3 25 4 447f 4 00 .. 960 3 35 1 910 4 00 ..604 3 50 2 911 4 00 1 1040 3 50 STOCKFRB AND FEEDERS 410 3 73 3 ...F81 4 50 ... 841 4 61 ... 904 4 60 ...510 4 60 . . . . "6 4 r .1 8JJ 4 M ... 703 4 75 . 770 4 15 . 613 4 13 . 903 4 23 .. 4'0 4 3.1 . 963 4 4ft .1121 4 M 6... 24... 4... 3 .. 4... 17... 1.. 4.. 11... linos Thero was a nond. liberal run of hogs, but the arrivals wero 'way short of tho very largo run of a week ago. Huyers seemed to feel that there was a shnrlaco In the supply nnd that there were barely enouch to go the rounds. In consequence the:1 were nil out enrly nnd the mnrket nnened ncllvn nt an advance of 5fi74. and closed 7'.i5f 10c higher. The genernl mnrket mhjht bo described ns 7!4c higher. The market was netlve nt the advance nnd tho hoss wero all sold at an early hour In tho morning. Good mixed loads which old very birgely nt $1.8214 yesterday, brought $1.90 today, nnd the better loads from that prlco on up to $5,00. From the tnble of nvernee prices It will be noted that tho hogs sold Just about whero they did one week ngo. but 13H20o lower thnn two weeks ago. The market today was In a good, healthy condition nnd just tho kind of a market that sellers enjoy. Representative sales; No, Av. Pr. No. Av, Kh, Pr 12 223 ... $1 83 72 223 120 4 9ft 11 217 ... 85 61 -13 160 4 90 17 237 ... 4 85 S3 224 120 4 90 It 190 4ft 4 ti 71 228 80 4 1 I) 20 240 $4 U w $46 .,, H 61 237 10 4 91t 80 224 . 4 9", 66 237 60 4 2'j 62 2M 160 4 f2'j f9 2.W 160 4 92' 61 230 e0 I 92'i 66 29 160 4 92'i 61 255 SO 4 92' 61 247 ... 4 91'i 67 211 If.) 4 9J' 76 22S f1 4 91'j 74 279 80 4 92'i 63 211 16) 4 92i 62 211 ... 4 9J' 60 24$ 120 4 92'i 89 231 160 4 92'4 61 ...239 120 4 9t'i 63 2.M ... 4 92'i 64 219 80 4 92'J 81 210 60 4 92'i 67 213 K0 4 9I'i 54 244 80 4 92'4 f6 IIS ... 4 92', 71 217 ... 4 92'4 70 219 ... 4 924 72 213 ... 4 92'i 70 231 IM 4 92'i 7S 234 80 4 "2'4 68 261 4ft 4 92i 6.1 202 SO 4 9J'i 74 218 f0 4 924 84 229 40 4 92'i 67 211 80 4 92'i 72 231 ... 4 921, 30 259 40 4 92'i 72 219 ... 4 92'i 76 245 80 4 92', 82 2.'6 41 4 92'i 65 246 fft 4 92'i 60 241 80 4 92'4 63 221 81 4 92'i 70 24.1 8ft 4 92'4 63 241 ... 4 92'i 61 211 120 4 '.12'i 70 223 120 4 92'j 64 .102 80 4 12'i 72 251 ... 4 92'i 63 215 ... 4 92'i 61 274 240 4 "21 i 21 573 . . 4 12'i 61 274 160 4 91 64 2.V7 ... 4 9.1 80 244 8ft 4 v. 70 2it 120 4 93 74 2.44 91 4 93 69 268 ... 4 9.1 70 21t ... 4 91 f-3 26.1 41 4 11 46 302 8ft 4 91 63 202 140 4 91 6' 313 ... 4 91 70 21.-, 40 4 91 62 231 80 4 91 60 2!4 60 4 95 34 282 ... 4 91 61 2'.t Sft 4 93 81 '4 1(0 4 95 81 21 . . 4 "7'i 51 293 ... 6 00 si no r, no 66 24 .. 5 Oft SH LLPThere were 11 few Utile bundles In the pens this morning, hut not enough to make very much of a market. There is a good deal of a sameness to the sheen marketbuyers take the few little bunches that nre coming, paying good, steadv or strong prices for them-and that Is nbout nil there Is to It. This Is llkrlv to be the story for some days yet. or until the grass westerns begin coming In sulllelent num bers to make n good. Ilvelv market. Quotations: Clipped wethers, fed. $1 OOfi o.w; cupped ycnrnngs, red, $5.ims. 10; cllnped ewes, good to choice, fed. $4.354 73; fnlr to good clipped ewes. $4.005,4.35: good to choice Colorado wooled lnmbs. $7.0.W7.25: fair to good Colorado wooled lambs, $fl.83fi7 00; good to choice clipped lnmbs. $.75?JG.0J; fair to good clipped lambs, $5.3Sfio.C0. Rep resentatlve sales: ;" Av. Pr. 30 culls f,s Jl oil 10 culls 43 4 00 17 grnss ewes 77 4 50 61 native mixed SO 1 60 107 grass Iambs 67 5 50 17 western wethers SS 5 00 41 western lambs 71 5 B0 113 lambs go r 71 61 lambs 45 fi 00 CHICAGO I.IVF. STOCK MAIIKET. Cnttlr Market Qnlet nnd Mendy Hobs lllKher. CHICAGO, June 5.-CATTLE-Recelpts, .i.OOO. SInrket quiet and steadv; natives, gqod to prime steers. tS.lftfJ5.G.V poor lo medium, $4.fiftgr..00; selected feeders. It.CVff nO0: mlxfd stockers. weak, $4.00fi4.BO; weak, $3.50?, 1.50; helfrs stendy. $t.50fil.9O: mn ners, slow. $2.l0ff3.00; bulls dull. $2.SO?4 40: calves, 1502oc lower, $5.00f?7.7(. Texnns. re ceipts. COO. Texas fed steers, I5.00t5.33; Texns bulls, $2.7rrH3.iV. HOGS-Recelpts, 23,000; estimated 'tomor row, 33,000; left over. 2.500. Slarkot 5fil0e higher: mixed nnd butchers. $I.93CT5.20; good to choice, heavy. Sl.ftVaS.20i rough, heavv, !J?i00; l95S3.17i. Hulk of sale's, S5.1214S5.15. SHEEP AND LASIRS-Reeelpts, 8,003. Sheep steady: lnmbs strong; good to choice 7,lr)r. tf.W5.40i fair to choice, mixed. $4.4W?..00; western sheep. $1.7505.40; ear lings. $5.50tf.00; native lambs, $5.0Cati.73; western lambs, $5.757.15. Nott York Live Slock. NEW YORK, Juno 5. REEVES Re ceipts, 430 head, nearly nil for exporters and slaughterers; no sales; nominally steady to firm. Cables quoted live stock steady. Refrigerator beef firm nt lie per pound; shipments, GOO cattle, 1,016 sheen nnd 4,300 qunrters of beef; tomorrow, 151 cattle nnd 4.S00 qunrters of beef. SHEEP AND LASIRS-Reeelpts, 1.7GI ncmi; seven cars on sale; active trade; sheep strong, yenrlings and lambs steadv; all sold; fnlr to prime sheep, $4.50fi5.(iO; good yearlings. S6.409G.50; good to prime lambs. $1.23178.83. HOGS-Recelpts, 1.1G2 head, nil for slaughterers; none for sale on live weights; market nominally wenk. Kuiihiin City I.tve Slock. KANSAS CITY, June 5. CATTLE Re ceipts, G,O0O natives, GOo Texans SInrket brisk; Inst week's decline more thnn recov ered. Heavy native steers. $4.65'3u.3: stock ers and feeders $l.fyV(J5.00; butcher cows nnd heifers, $3..Wfl00: cm tiers, $2.7r3.30; fed westerns, $4.45fi5.00; Texans, $3.G0f4.S0. HOGS-Recelpts, 13,200. SInrket active, strong, 6fil0c higher; henvy, $l.95f(3.03; mixed, $4.Mfl5.00; light. $4.75fiC.OO; pigs, $4.50 04.75. SHEEP AND LASIRS-Recclpts, 1,200. De slrnhle crades netlve, strong; spring lambs, $0.33,7.40; clipped yearlings. S.B0fri.S6; clipped muttons, $ 1.50ft J.23; Texas grassers. UOS'5.00; feeders, $3.50fi4.n0; culls, $2.50fi SI, I.onls Live Stock. ST. LOUIS. June 5.-CATTLE Receipts. 3. C00, Including 1,800 Texans. Slarket ste.idy native shlppln-r nnd export steers, $l.60'o fi.fS: dressed beef and butcher steers. $1.00 J73.23; .steers, under 1.000 pounds, $3.901.75; stockers nnd feeders. $3.004ifi.W; cows nnd heifers. $2 00416 00- canners. $l.C0f2.73; hulls, Sl.40ff4.23. Texns nnd ludlnn steers, $2.25? 4. D5; cows nnd heifers, $3.00U4.0O, HOGB-Kecelpts, 9,400. SInrket 5c to 10c higher; pigs nnd lights, 4l.Vf(G.10; packers. $; butchers. $fj.niVfjr..1f,. SHEEP AND LASIRS-Reeelpts. 2,700. Slarkot st'ady: ni.tlve muttons, $4.50ff,4 00; lambs, $5.00ft7.33, culls and bucks, $2.50J r..00; stockers, $3.2o, St. .loncpb Llvr Stock. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Mo., June 5.-(Spe-clnl,) Tho Journal quotes: CATTLE Receipts, 1.200. Slarket steady to 10c higher; nntlves, $4.00 to $5.15: Texans and westerns. $1.90 to $5,15; cows and heif ers. $2.25 to $4.75; bulls and stngs, $2.23 to Sl.ifi; yenrlings and cnlves, $3.75 to $3.10: stockers nr.d feeders, $3.50 to $1.75; veals. $6.00 to $7.00. HOGS-Recelpts, 10.000; market 5c to 10c higher: all grndes. $4.5714 to $5.03; bulk of sales. $1.90 to $4.97'.i. SHEEP AND LASIRS-Reeelpts, 700. Slar ket strong; Colorndo lambs, $7.25. Stock In SlKht. Followln- ftro the receipts nt the four principal western mnrkets for Juno 5: - , Cattle. Ilojs. Sheep. South Omaha 3,016 10.218 1,397 Chicago 3,0.(0 23.000 S.O011 Kansas City 6.WM 13.200 1,20) St. Louis 3,000 9,100 2.700 Totals .... 1G.1IG 55,810 13,297 HKAI.TY MAIIKIVr. Items Filed In the Register of Doed'a nnd County Clerk's Olllces on Juno 4: IViirrnnly Herd. W. S. Fako to Omaha Loon and Trust company, south 7S feet of lots 1 to I, block 21, Walnut 11111....$ 1 SI. D. Thorp nnd wife to L. O. Kendls. lots 1, 20, 21 and 2G, block ti, Shrlver Place 1 Atlantic Realty association to E, L. Hall, lot 22, block 6, nemls Park.... 3,000 Allen Koch nnd wlfo to SI. L. nurke. west ,4 lot 4, block 1, sub of J. I. Rcdlck's nil 4,075 H. K. White and husband to O. II. Dyball, lot 13, block 7, Hindi's 2d nil. 1,000 L. D. Wilcox and husband to SI. A. Wtllnrd, lot IS, block 14'J, South Omaha l.joo R. P. Hamilton und wife to Louis Relchenberg. south 23V4 feet of south Vi of west 3714 feet. lot 4, nnd south 29'.4 feet of south ',3 lot 6, block 13, and part of street, SIcCormlck's nd. 3,605 Samo to I. A. Relchenberg, north 21 feet of south 14 of west 37'.4 feet lot 4, and north 24 feet of south U, lot 5, block 13, and part of street, SIc Cormlck's add 3,10) R. C. Enrlght to Ellen Lynch, et nl, north lot 32, block 1, Hlmobnugh's add 50) E. G. Rote and wife to Elizabeth Dufrene, lot 7, block 115, Omaha 11,000 HeeiU. Sheriff to A, A. Havemeyer, west U lot 3, block "I," Lowe's add 30) Total amount of transfers $31,012 10. 229 . 4 !, -229 ... 4 S7'j 74 J?J . . 4 17V, l 204 1M 4 7t 7 226 ... 4 M 24 249 ... 4 to 79 241' frt 4 90 79 224 40 4 94 2I ... 4 9) 0 271 M 4 90 34 217 $9) 4 90 72 201 ... 4 90 M 234 M 1 94 M 229 10 4 90 70 194 ... 4 90 71 237 160 4 90 77 243 120 4 90 TT 240 210 4 90 M 211 ... 4 90 M 221 ... 4 90 69 2U ... 4 90 76 207 ... 4 90 K 240 40 4 SO 236 40 4 M 64 24? 10 4 9 61 219 ... 4 M f. 231 ... 4 90 23 241 ... 4 9ft 6S 2.31 M 4 90 72 236 M 4 91 66 264 120 4 90 7 241 M 4 90 S4 205 SO 4 fo 9 21(1 M 4 M 67 210 210 4 90 .',3 219 ... 4 90 200 ... 4 90 :. 212 ... 4 91 70.- 226 ... 4 90 70 221 ... 4 90 67 21' ISO 4 90 57 2TKI HO ( 9) f6 22 ... 4 90 67 225 ... 4 90 70 249 40 4 90 1 230 ... 4 90 SO 2.14 20 4 90 51 213 ... 4 90 79 214 JO 4 90 7S 254 ... 4 90 M 244 M 4 90 6 220 160 4 90 7J 214 ... 4 90 63 M 510 4 90 fO 226 ... 4 90 ,F9 219 ... 4 90 63 2S3 120 4 90 81 IH9 f0 4 91 64 239 40 4 90 75 230 ... 4 90 64 247 91 4 '1 64 217 ... 4 "M 79 220 40 4 90 76 32J ... 4 j)ft 91. 1 M 4 90 64 2.M M 4 no 64 242 40 4 90 K 12 SO 4 90 57 260 ... 4 90 69 231 ... 4 90 73 233 120 I M WEATHER CROP BULLETINS Wtek Waimand Wet Enonph for ths Ke quiremtnU of Uropi. CORN IS GENERALLY IN GOOD CONDITION Snmll Crnln In All ItlRlit, Fruit Is ItlpcnliiK mill liny nnd Alfnlfa Show 11 i It r iiinrkiibly Well. United States Department of Agriculture climate and crop service of the Weather bureau, report of the Nebraska section for tho vtjck ending June 4, 1900: Tho j 'st ik has been warm, with suf ficient ram for crop needs In nearly nil sec tions of the state. Tho dally niuau tem perature averaged about 4 degree above th normal In thu eastern counties und about 0 degrees above In tho western. Heavy showers wero geuor.il throughout the ctnte on Slay 31 and June 1 and with the exception of tho eouthcastcru section tho rainfall wan generally equal lo or above the normal, In many counties In tho north eastern, central nnd southwestern sections from one to over two Inchon of wator fell. The heavy rainfall relieved tho drouth conditions In tho western portion of tbo state. Tho weather for the week was very fa vorable for tho progress of all crop. Ccra continued to make good growth ami much of the crop Is cultivated tho first time. Somo fields wero washed considerably In tho region of heaviest rainfall, but no se rious damngo Is reported. Small grain l generally In good condition In all sections, but some wheat and oats are too r&r.k In a few northeastern counties. The outlook for hay Is excellent and alfalfa cutting Is in piogrcts. Cherries and strawberries aro ripening in a few southern counties. t SOUTH OMAHA NEWSJ A A t r Quite a number of the members of tho South Omaha Live Stock exchango arc In terested In a movement to have tho Btreet car Hue from Sheely extended to the gulc.4 of the Mock yards. It Is asserted thut, by the building of tho extension, a matter ot about two milcJ, thu patrons of tho ex chango can bo glvcu much better trans portation facilities thnn now exist. With this Idea In view a commltteo of members ot the exchange has waited upon a num ber ot well known Omaha and South Om.fta business men for the purpose of securing support to a petition which will bo pre sented to tho directors of the street car company soon. When tho loop around Twenty-sixth and Q streets was built a great deal of complaint was done away with, but, although the to:v Ico Is fairly good, a portion ot the members ot the exchango desire a direct line to Hanscom park. A census of tho building shows that a big majority of thoso who do business at tbo exchange live along Gioria and Park avenues, In the vicinity of Hans com park. Thcreforo they want tho lino which now runs to Sheely extended to the gates ot the Live Stock exchange. ThlJ question has been brought up n number ot times In tho past, but without result. Tbo Comm,'crclaI Hubs of Omaha and South Omaha will bo asked to take up tho matter and see what can bo done 'with the stroet car company. A great saving of time- will be mado by Omaha peoplo If the line Is ex tended ns proposed, as It will avoid trans fers and will run direct to the yards. While no dcflnlto opinion has ticcn ex pressed by Prcsldont Pnxton or Oenetnl Manager Konyon, It Is understood Ihit thesj gentlemen will do all they can toward pro moting tho proposed extension. I'nllce Ollleers on Trlnl. Officers Kenworthy and Morton appca-ed beforo Justice Levy yesterday afternoon to answer to tho charge of malicious de struction of property. The ofllcois wero ar rested a couple of weeks ago while In tho act of carrying out tho mayor's orders In removing a lunch shanty from city property at tho cast end of the Q street viaduct. Justice Levy held that as tho city had no power to dbposo ot the land In question, tho lease granted somo months ago to Thlr I ward parties was void, Tho defendants wero thereforo discharged. I.nenl Music '1'eiielier I'liosen. MlPH Jean Hoyd Mullen, for rome yeats past supervisor of music of the South Omahi public hchools, was yesterday chosen as the head of the musical department at tho Sta'o Normnl school nt Peru. Miss Mullen Is a graduate of tho city schools and her success In tho musical lino has attracted the at tention of state educators. It Is undmstool that .Miss Slullen's new position pays $1,000 a year. It IsN-l.iieiiM .Viiplliils. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Lucas, Twenty-seventh and II streets, announce tho marriage ot their daughter. Miss Ethel Talt, to Mr. Frank Rlss, at St. Hrldgot's church, Wednes day, at 9 a. m. All aro Invited to tho church. Muscle City 4i'okmIi. Nineteen births nnd twenty-three deaths occurred In South Omnhn In Slay, Hllllard tablo keepers are paying In tho usual license to tho city treasurer. Mr. nnd Sirs. Lew Drum. Thlrty-flf'h nnd R streets, announce tho birth of n daughter. Sirs. Olaf Larson, Twenty-fourth nnd J streets, died Inst evening, consumption be Ins tho cause. John Copenharvo was fined $10 nnd costs yesterday by Judge King for being drunk nnd disturbing the peace. A lawn soclnl will be given on tho even-' lng of June 12 by tho women of St. Rrldget's church on the church lawn. Ed Hutler will bo tried In police court today for the larceny of a ring from Sirs. Plerco ut tilt- Dellone liotnl. Ethel, daughter of .Mr. nnd Sirs. A. F. Lucas. Twenty-seventh and 11 streets, will bo married today to Sir. Frank Rlss. William Kelly, a brother of .Mayor Kelly, returned from Texas ytsterdny and will remain In South Omaha for somo time. The lawyers and real estate men are practicing dally for tho game of base hall which Is to be played In tho near future. Rrunn Strnthman, 11 former member of the city council, left yesterday for Capo Nome, whero ho expects to win a fortune dlggini; gold. Tho young son of Sir. and Sirs. John J. Ryan, who was quite badly scalded a day or two ago, Is doing nicely nnd will come out of tho ordeal with but a few scars. Thero will bo a game of base ball be tween the Swift team and the Armour team on the Swift grounds, south of tho plant, next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Each team will have a good line-up and a good game Is predicted. rot-c i RRPEMMEYaCO. SfQfcKS BoorMNr Lire bug. OMAHA ntO. BRANCH lOSarUT unccui nt. JAMES E BOYD & CO., Telephone 1031). Onioh.i, St COMMISSION, (JKAIN, PROVISIONS anil STOCKS HOARD OF Til A UK. Correiponduncoi John' A. Warren A Ca Jjircct wires to Chicago and Nw YorS,