THE OMA1TA DAILY 1113.10: SI'OXDAY, 1 lTM 13 -I, 11)00. TEL JED SOKOL'S FAIR WEEK Bohemian Turnera O.Tcr E!bcMt Unttrtain ment to Their Friends. MUSICAL PROGRAMS CPN S'.VtN-DAY FETE 'Willi IMC lliinil In llio 1'rojrrt to J'rotlilf I ' i 1 1 1 m ror I lie Pay men In Mill Dm .' I - loiu- lilrli'il Turner Hull. TMo wel of tho fnlr of tho Tel Jctl Sokot, tho lloliuiiilan Turner Bocluty, opened Sun day nfturtioon under tho moit- favorable iiuiplces. The fair Is for tho purpose of raltltiK fund to apply on tliu payment of tho now Turner hall, and the merchants of the city have nhon their friendship for tin enterprise by donating many articled of mer'-lmndliie, which will be sold or rallied durlriR tho The opening proKram of tho fair wan muati-nl nt) 1 waM tho first public nppcur ance of tho orchestra of the noddy. Tho first niimher waH an overture, "Tho (Jiieun'a (IwinlH," by the orchestra. Follow InR thiH Vaclav iltiri'sli, president of tho society, delivered an addreMS, h t a 1 1 n k tho object of the fair and welcoming tho patrons. A mixed chorus of men and women, members of tho society, snn "Tho (lolilen llourw," which wan followed by a piano nolo Jiy Minn I'rnnsse. A 'cello nolo, accompanied by the piano, by Mr. I.etovBky cnlled forth an encore, which wan responded to with a lively nlr. Ml km llouska'M soprano nolo, "Tho Dawn," nlno received an encore and sho roHponded with a Helectlon In the same vein. Ono of tho best numbers was n comet duet by Messrs. hctcviky and No podal, the accompaniment being played by tho orchfHtra. Mrs. Ilotiska, ono of tho moat popular sopranos of tho Dohcmtan colony, was not permitted to retire at tho closo of her solo, but was forced to hIiir another. Tho piccolo solo bv J. Svohodn. nccompanled by tho Icaso J2B.000 of school money and 110,000 of cily funds now lied up. It Is probable that thirty more llcrnses will bo Issued tonight nnd If so the school dlntrlct and the mu nicipal I ty will bo tho gainer by several thou sand dollars. With the releasing of tho money now tied up In the hands of tho city treasurer the city will bo able to pay off a large portion of tliu outstanding claims. On the appropria tion sheet as now mndc up for consideration tonight nro a number of bills of long stand ing, the pajinent of which has been with held for lack of fumla. This sheet carries pprnprlatlon4 amounting to about 8,000 and tho payment of these bills will be n source of gratification to a large number of claim holders. iierenne In I'lre Di-iinrliMi'iit I'liimii'il, It Is tho Intention of tho mayor and conn- II to locate a lire hall In tho Second ward s goon as practicable. Tho funds for this tirposo will moRt likely be derived from tho saloon occupation tax money. In speaking about this matter yesterday Councilman Tralnor nald that It would cost about $2,000 to establish a flro hall as imposed. He figures that tho city can buy a lot In a suit able location for about $'500. The erection of n building suitable for tcmpornry pur poses can, Mr. Tralnor sayH, be erected for about $800. A hose wagon will represent on expenditure of f .100 nnd hose for tho wagon will cost $S0O. As tho city has ono extra horse It will bo necessary to purchase only ono horse nt a cost of $125. This makes n total of J2,fl25. Three men will be needed i maintain tho house nt $60 a month each, but this latter euen will come out of the lire fund. Homo sort of flro protection Is badly needed n the Second ward nnd It Is hardly likely that thero will bo any objection to the ex penditure of money for this purpose. "...AMUSEMENTS orchestra, was well thlH a chorus of "Drowned." Miss Tauchen rendered n received. Following male voices sang llouska and Mrs. duct, "Two Nlghtln- Fsoi gales," In n very acceptable mnnner. A pl.uit) polo, "Tho Witch Dance," by Miss Ilookmeyer. was the next number ntld showed tho pianist to bo an nrtlBt. A quartet, cor.lstlng of MUses Clival and Opocensky. rendered "Tho Reverie." The program closed with n medley of Dohomlan folk songB by tho orchestra. The program for tho week Includes a farce, preceded by n short musical and literary program Monday night, a comedy drama Tuesday night, n comla 'opera Wednesday night. Thursdny evening Is de voted to tho Ilohemlan Catholic Boclctlcs, tho program to bo prepnrcd by them nnd nnnouuceil later. Krldny night tho Doheminn Turner societies will have charge. Repre sentatives of tho societies nt South Omaha nnd riattsmnuth will Join tho lo:nl socie ties In showing sonic feats of strength nnd grace. On Saturday night will como tho end of tho contents and tho results will be announced. I :! r i-1 1 ' In 4'itiHiil-M. This new compound, which Is made from cVeap chemicals, is put up In cnrtile fotoi nnd when added to n certain quantity of wnter will furnish electricity enough to light a house, drive nn automobile or even n railroad train. But this Is nothing com pared to the strengthening power contained In a bottle of Ilostettor's Stomach Hitters. It cures Indigestion, dyspepsia, bllllousne ss, ller nnd kidney troubles and fills tho system with tho vigor of health. S0irTHMAAlifVS.l .1 An exceedingly Interesting meeting of the Donrd of IMticatlon will bo held tonight. Tho board will designate tho old teachers who nro to remain and Is more than llkeiy io choose n eiiperlntcndent, nn attorney and an architect. For somo days past tho tcacli enf commlttco boa been preparing a list of tho present teachers who will bo retained In tliu employ of tho board. This action tt- taken nt this tlmo In order that tho teachers who nro to bo given positions for tho com ing school year may make their plana ac cordingly. Thero tiociiiH to bo somo opoculntlon as to tho olcctlon of a superintendent of public Instruction. Tho friends of Dr. olfo nro urging members of tho board to vote for his re-clcctlon nnd It was assorted on tho streets yesterday that enough votes had Leo:i pledged to Wolfo to elect him. On tho other band, those who nro opposed to Dr. Wolfe nsocrt that ho merely wants to bo re-elected here In older to securo n stepping stone to thu fliiperlntendency of tho Normul school nt l'eru. In the mnttor of selecting an at torney tho board seems to bo nt sen, but In dlcatjouo point to tho removal of Attorney Nolan. Somo of tho members of tho bourd Incllna to tho opinion that Nolan has been catering too much to John FltzRobortH nnd, ns tho Inttcr has been deposed, It appears to bu tho schumo to cut out nil of tho Fltz Roberts supporter. J. A. Heck has been mentioned for tho placo but It Is hardly probablu that ho will bo selected as ho Is a republican nnd tho board la still democratic, Mr. Klewlt, tho architect, Is slated for re moval nnd It Is barely possible that nn Omnha man may bo given tho placo In view of the fact that tho South Omaha archi tects do not appear to bo hankering after tho Job Sovernl applications for Superintendent Wolfo'3 poeltlon nro on hie and a few havo been considered by tho committee Udu cntofs ns fnr east ns Pennsylvania are ap- pl)lng for the plnce, whllo a half dozen or more western school superintendents think that thoy would llko tho chancu of nianng lug tho pchools here. Tho resignation of J, A. Hock as teacher In tho business do pnrtment nnd Mls Ilottlo Mooro will make vacancies to bo filled by tho board before tho oMiooIh open In September. Thcso va cancles will not be tilled nt Monday night's meeting, however, ns business of mure tin porlnneo will havo precedence. Rids for n school site will bo received by Secretary llrcnnuu up to G o'clock tonight, The site must be locnted between J and Q streets nnd Twenty-second nnd Twenty-sev enth streets. It Is understood that tho board will Kpend f30,0C0 In tho purchaso of n slto nnd tho erection of a sultublo eight-room school building, When tho throo republican members of tho bonrd were elected last April one of tho Issues of the campaign was tho removal o Dr. Wolfe, and It Is understood that nil three of tho republican members agreed, If olected to v'oto against Wolfo for superintendent It Is rumored now that ono republican mora bor has declared himself In favor of Wolfo and It ho votes agnlnst the pledges made nt election time tuooo who supported him will doubt Utyj bo greatly disappointed. Cllilllli) 'n New limine. Ocorgo Parks camo up from Kansas City yesterday to spend Sunday with his family. Ho hns been erecting tho new Cudnhy house at Kansas City and said that tho killing of nogs would commence today, i no nog de partment has a capacity of 1,000 hogs a day. Within n week or ht tho cattle and sheep- killing departments wilt bo In operation. This now plant has a capacity of 1,500 cattlo a day nnd 2.000 sheep. Ilrlcklaylng on tho structures now com pleted commenced about November 1 of last vivir ntwl ll In nntlimitnil tint II, 000.000 lirlclt - . i ..,, wero UBed In tho buildings. Mr. Parks ls Aulim T'lautiiVs''' naturally proud of bis construction work and cj 1 a 1 1 o Chlluntdos.V ho has received many compliments from i I.lttle Aulus... pncklng house men on the manner In which ho erected the now plant. ARE YOU GOING TO COLORADO? Manj Omabans Will Sejanrn There This Snmmtr. BURLINGTON MAKES LOW RATES .'limp IWftirftliiiiK to Denver, I'lietilo, Coloriiilo NiirliiKM iiml Mali via the II n r 1 1 u-Iiiii. Hero nro tho low rates announced by tho Ilurllngtcn: Denver, Pueblo, Colorado Springs nnd re turn, June r, 19 nnd 21, and July 7-10, $10.00. (Jlenwood Springs and return, Juno G, 19 nnd 21, and July 7-10, $31.00. Ogden, Salt I.ako City nnd return, Juno G, 19 nnd 21, nnd July 7-10, $37.00. Colorado Is a mile higher than Omaha. No wonder It's cool. Tho nltltudo cnrrles with It crisp, electric that makes tho blood fairly tlnglo through )our veins. What, with trout fishing In hundreds of crystal streams, exhilarating mountain climbing, exciting rldeH and drives, or com pleto rest beneath .somo towcrlug crag, you'll find your Ideal lesort In Colorndo. Tho Ilurllngton Is tho shortest lino to Denver nnd Its trrlns run on tlmo. Tickets, 1502 Farnam street. on a two MiiKle City fiosHlp. MIpm Anna (Jlnscow Is away weekB visit with menus. - Mrs. A. A. Abbott. 611 North Twenty- third street, Is reported to lie quite sick. Members of tho clerks' union nro muklnir nn effort to force the Sunday closing of nil stores. Some of the owners of bulldlncs nro com plaining about tho enforcement of tho stato iro escape laws. A lmeklii!' house etnnlovo named White says that four men held him up on Q street .tho Invading hordes. O' Saturday night nnd took, a new pair or ,,ctur thoy painted, In ului.iu fiit'nv fr..ri film I Rev. (Icorire Van Wlnklo nrenched tho baccalaureate sermon before the graduating eiass or tiie nigii sciiooi at tne trim Uap tlst church yesterday forenoon. The lawyers and real estate men of the city will play a pnino of base ball at tho Vinton street nark shortly. .Mayor Kelly has been engaged to umpire the game. A meetlnrr of tho woman s auxll nrv of tho Young Men's Christian nssoclatton will be held Tuesday afternoon nt the homo or Miss Mary Mann,-"Twenty-sccond and K streets. The Home Circle club cave a nlcnlc Saturday afternoon nt lllvervlew park In honor of Mr. and Mrs. AV. S. Wltten. In tho evening thu club yutertulncd tho Wlt trus at tho home of .Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Cheek. Reports Bhow that over fifteen hundred Uvea havo been saved through the use of luo VimIIh A drama In six nets, founded upon Henry Slenklewlcz's novel of the same namu and produced at lloyd's theater last night by thu Woodward Stock company. TUB CAST. Marcus Vlnlclus Ccorgo Fnrrcn Pctronlus Lester I.oncrgnn Nero, Kmneror of Ronic.O. I). Woodward ueorge Murdock ....Frank Livingstone Wilson linos Master Krnest Trunx Oluucus Harry C. Long Ursus lames Fulton Lygla ..Miss Juno Kemiutic l'omponlu Miss Winona lirldges Poppaeii Miss Gertrude Berkeley Kutilcc Miss Inez Macauley In the latter dayu of tho Roman empire, when that onco Imperial power was totter ing to Its fall, under the nssaultu that were 'being made uponlt by tho barbarians of tho north, tho possessors of rare nnd valu ablo paintings 'bethought themselves of nn expedient whereby they hoped to preserve their precious canvases from tho hands of Over tho faco of tho crude nnd glaring! color, somo scene or flguro that was wholly without merit, ntrlppcd It of Its rich frame and consigned It to some attic, .thero to reposo amid the dust and rubbish until such tlmo an tho Roman legions should succeed In hurling their barbaric foes back to tho frozen fastnesses whence they came, nnd tho Roman eagles, again speak terror to the hearts of all who dwelt outside their pro tecting aegis. That day never came. When Rome's sun sot it set never to rise again. Tho vandalh sacked tho city and carried away with them tho treasures to which tho greatest artists tho world could produco had given tho work, of yeare. Tho paintings wero overlooked, thnnka to tho precautions thnt had been taken, and even to thla day somo student or Ono Mlnuto Cough Cure. -Most of thc30 j connolreeur, roaming through an out of tho wero cases of grippe, croup, asthma, whojp. Ing cough, bronchitis and pneumonia. Its early uso prevents consumption. LOW IIATKS TO IIL.VCIC MILLS? Vln llmiliiKtiin lloiite. Hot Springs and return, Juno 5, 19 and 21, and July 7-10 $18.10. You'll enjoy a visit there. Tho waters of tho many springs p: sst ss wonderful curatlvo properties. Tho big plungo Is an nttraetlvo featuro In Itself. Tho visit to Wind envo Is novel nnd Interesting. Thero aro many Bldo trips to Sylvan Lako, to Deadwood and Lead City and through Spcarflsh canyon that aro well worth taking. Tho Uurllngton offers excellent scrvlco to Hot Springs nnd other poInU) In tho Dlack Hills. TlcketB, 1502 Farnam street. i:CUItSIO.V HATliS Via CIilenK", MlliviiuKcc & St. I'mil Ititlltvny. and i, Mllwaukeo and rcturu, Juno : $IC73. Juno 14, 1G, roturn, $30.75. Juno 25, 2C $12.75. City Ticket Office, 1504 Farnam street. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent 1G and 17, Philadelphia and and 27, Chicago and return, A I'lnre to Spend (lie Summer. On tho lines of the MILWAUKEE RAIL WAY In Wisconsin aro somo of tho most beautiful places In tho world to spend a summer vacation camping out or nt tho clo gnnt summer hotels. Heating, llshlng, Lo.iu- tlful lakes and strcasns and cool weather. Thcso resorts aro nil easily reached from Omnha. A book describing them may bo had upon application at tho Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul Hy city ticket olllco 1501 Fnrnnm street, Omaha. Round trip tickets, good returning until October 31, now on sale. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent. Wrlto ads. Sell cuts. Print anythlns.1 Stonecyphcr, 1201 Howard st. Tol. 1310. way place, occasionally discovers one that has been overlooked during all the centuries thnt havo como and gone. -Rearing It to his studio," he removes with careful, skillful touch tho veneer that has been laid abovo nnd tho original work Ktands revealed In all Ho matchless beauty. Something akin to this Is his task who ecsaje to reproduco a segment of the past age. It Is not an easy task to rcmovo tho veneer thnt 2,000 years havo left upon the life of an era, and to put this away and bring back tho real world that then existed Is to essay a task that requires for Its successful accomplishment profound learning, keen dla crlmlnatlou nnd tho skill to frnmo sentences so vivid thnt thoy shall Irradiate tho dark ness of tho past ns with a lightning Hash. ThcBe who havo read Quo Vudls and who hns not? need not bo told that the book l nu attempt to portray a series of Incidents connected with the reign of Nero und the dawning ot Christianity. Nor Is It necessnry to say that tho plcturo that Slenklowlcz has drawn Is one that has never been excelled for historical accuracy nnd faithfulness of delineation. Tho dramatist baa wisely chosen to confluo tho stage version of the story as much as porolhlo to tho few principal actors, nnd theso havo been handled with fidelity to tho original text nnd with dra matic skill. Tho action throughout tho courso of tho six acts Is In tho naturo of a crescendo movement nnd finally culminates In tho torture of tho Christians In tho arena at Rome. Even here the work Is shorn of unnecessary horrors. Wo aro not obliged to look Into thnt human shambles or to havo our nerves racked by the clanking of chains. tho croaking of tho rack nnd blood-curdling groans. Instead, tho Christians, from bo hind tho walls of tho arena, sing hymns of pralso that Ho whom they havo learned to worship and for whom they havo given up their lives, la sustaining them In tho hour when they moat nocdllls help. Tho producing cast Is headed by Mr. Oeorgo Farren in the rolo ot Marcus Vlnlclus. It had been better for tho production hail some ono clso been substituted In his plnce. He Is a well meaning nnd hard working actor, bub bo Is not at nil adequate to tho part. ri 1 1 1 ri 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TOE STATMfl ,:- .,. r .- - y lU'Kiilur Council Mcetlntr Tenia tit. Toutgjit tho city 'council will meet In regu lar monthly1 seeilluu far tho transaction of routltio business. Several matters ot more or less importanco will como up, among them being three or four ordinances on third reading. Mayor Kelly will veto tho ordi nance passed somo tluo ago prohibiting the granting of liquor licenses to flrma, associa tions or corporations or more thau ono llceuSO IC any "individual. Unless tho mayor fcaUCh In a veto ou thl ordinance tonight It VIII become a law hy natural operation w ith, out his slgnaturo. From what can be heard around the city hall the veto ot this , ordl .,, win bo sustained by tho council. As soon ns the veto 1 passed upon the mayor ntiv limior licenses grauted ni Tuesday nlght'B meeting nn.0. this will ra- EXCURSIONS. OlilcnRo nnd return , ,,, Iluatnn nnd return. llenvrr, I'nclilo, Colorado .Sprint; nnd return , , , , Hot SprliiB, S. V, nul rcturu ft'.OO, June 4, K, I A Z. Olrnivood Sprlntc nnd return Ottdcn, Suit I.nkc Cily nnd return. IMillndrlpnln Hi. 35, Juim i t, I19.M, June B, 19 and 1. nnd July 3, T.)o, ja.00, dally after June 1 118.40, Jump K, 19 and SI, and July 3, 7-10. 111.00, Jun 5, 19 and 21, nnd July 3, 7-10, $49.00, dally aflr Juni 1, Juno C, 19 and tl, and July 3, 7-10. IS nnd return , I vi.L.. mil. rT C 1 502 Farnar 4 1 Tel. 250. ' $30.75, June 11, 15, It. Otftoe, Burlington Station, m SI, 10th and Mason Sis, Tol. I2B. Ills articulation In defective, nnd ho falls short of realizing one's conception of a vlrllo young nobleman. Lester Imergan mnkes an Ideal Petrnnlus. his tine face. musical voice nnd aristocratic bearing fitting him admirably for the part. Mr. Woodward was adequate ns Nero, Mr. Knos did com mendable work as Chllo nmOlr. Fulton was equal to the requirements of tho part of Lrsus. MKrt Inei-"Macanloy was admirable rs Eunice, the slave of Pctronlus, her clasalc face nnd flno voice) giving her work an ef fect that wns chnrmlng. Miss Ilcrkcley failed to get tho mcst out of the rolo of Poppnea. Miss Kenuark was excellent ns I.ygla. Capital work was done by Master Erntat Truax as Little Aulus. Tho piece Is well staged and handsomely costumed. The scene representing the burn ing of Rome wns excellently done. Especial mention la duo to the orchestra for tho character of the entr'acte music, which wns appropriate nnd well rendered. Mil CriiNiuiiii Score u III!, DENVER, Juno 3. Henrietta Crosman produced her new play, "Mlstrcps Nell," which is tho story of Nell Owyn. at tho Tabor Grand tonight nnd scored one ot the biggest hits ever seen In Denver. The play possesses great literary merit nnd wna well rendered. In tho third act Miss Crosman masquerades ns a man and fights a duel with King Charles and tho end of this net In very strong. "Mlstrers Noll" will be given In New York In September. William Courtleigh created tho role of "Tho Merry Monarch," the prin cipal malo character. MIA Mil: 111' TI.MP. On (lie Viilnili, Commencing Sundny, June 3, tho Wnbnsh will shorten the time of the CONTINENTAL LIMITED. Leaving Chicago at .12:0:' noon, and St. Louis 0 n. m., nrrlvcs nt New York 3 25 p. m, and lloston 5:20 ;i. m., giving Its pntrons better service to their favorite summer re sort'. ALL OTHER TRAINS Rt'N SAME AS NOW. ItaUti via the Wabash are frem I'. to iZ ' less than other lines via Detroit nnd Niagara I Falls. For rates, il:ii-tnbles of trips east i or a copy of On Like and Sea, call on nny agent of connecting lines, or rail on or write O. N. CLAYTON. Room 105 N. Y. L. Illdg., Omaha, Nob. ''i.p tloi'itd Trip llnli-v On Juno 21, July 7, 8, 0, 10 nnd 18, and August 2, tho Illinois Central rallrond will Fell tickets, limited until October 31, ns follows: St. Paul, Minn, nnd return... Minneapolis, Minn., ami icturn. ijultith, Minn., nnd return Waseca, Minn., and return Superior, Wis., nnd return West Superior, Wit., nnd return For full partlculnts call at Illlao Ceiitiol city ticket office, No. H02 Fun. am street. ..$I2.i'i .. 12.05 .. IC 0 .. 10 .. lfi'l.-V . . IC.'. llmv In vitlil Trouble, Now Is tho time to provide yourself nnd family with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Remedy. It la almost certain to bo needed before tho summer Is over nnd If procured now may oavo you n tilp to town In the night or In your busiest season. It Is everywhere admitted to bo tho most successful medlcino In use for bowel complaints, both for children and adults. No family can afford to bo with out It. Attention, Itvilineiit All members of No. 18, Improvod Order of. Rcdmen, nro earnestly requested to bo prcs-1 cut at a special meeting to be held this evening at our hall. Labor Temple, at 8! o'clock sharp, to prepare for tho burial services of our brother, August Ornhc. who died Sundny, June 3, nt his home nt Fort Omaha. JOHN C. TIERNEY. Sachem. A. 'A. SMITH. Keeper of Records. Auction! Auction! Wednesday, June 1. at 10 n. m., we will offer to tho highest bidder thofurnlture nnd contents of tho 7-rocm cottage nt 1513 Jack son street, consisting of very flno bedroom sultP3, sideboard, very flno wardrobe, car pets, piano, etc. It will pay you to romo nnd Investigate, as all tho goods aro of very high grade. Spirit I,n I.e, In,, Quickly and conveniently reached via tho Illinois Central railroad. Round trip tickets now on pale at city ticket office, 1102 Far nam street. The RuGon Is Crowned Yesterday surrounded by hundreds nnd thotivnnda of admirers the ONYX QfEEN was crowned nnd duly acclaimed the Queen Indeed of all soda fountains In the west. Tho chaslo nnd artistic beauty of tho fountain as well ns tho plenslng qual ity of tho bevcrnges dispensed, combined to make pleasant the visit of nil who paid court to this onyx sovereign, fjlicriimii & McConnell were the recipients of many congratulations upon tho general nlr of up-to-dateness which pervades their now store, whllo Prof. Ooodner and his exptrt assistants wero doing their lust. Hand some aluminum souvenirs were given to all tho ladles, whllo the gentlemin were not forgotten. It Is ttnntllelally uimounccd thnt the Onyx Queen will give a series of Satur day receptions during tho remainder of thu warm weather. Sherman & McDonnell's Drug Store, Kith ami Dode. Omaha Tent nnd Awning Co., tents, awn ings, canvas goods, 11 and Harnoy, phone SS3 CAMPP.ELL Mnry A., nt her home In this city. Sunday, June 3, 1900, aged 70 years nnd 3 months. Kunoral services at tho home. 213 South Twenty-fourth street, Monday, June 4. nt 4:30 p. m. Uurlal at Red Oak, la. Friends Invited. What Mr. Cunningham Says "If ever a man suffered with excruciat ing pains, It was i. I think my position beluff qulto conllnlng It naturally had a tendency to affect my kidneys and liver I hnd tried numerous other remedies, but received little benellt, If any. I saw the advertisement of Cramer's Kidney Cure nnd decided to give it a trial, and after taking two bottles I am freo to say I feel llko nn entirely different man no pains or nehes of nny kind, and I sleep well now nnd have a good appetite and nm enjoying lire ngaln. 1 desire lo stato that It I" the best remedy I ever ued nnd enn truthfully recommend It to nil sufferers. "MICHAEL CUNNINGHAM. "Snlesmnn for JlcCord, Urady & Co., Omaha." Tho regular prlco of Cramer's Kidney Cure Is ii.00 our cut price, 73c. CUT PUICE DRUGGIST. Cur, Kith mill Clilcneo Streets. SGHAEFER A POINTER P O I N T E R Arrnngomonts for your Summor Vacation should not bo ccmplotod without first asking about . . . Excursion Rates . . Excursion Rates . . VIA THE UNION PACIFIC In effect on June 21, July 7 to 10 Inc., July 18 and August 2nd. Summer Ex cursion Rates of ONE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP Plus $2.00 from Missouri Itlvor to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Ogden and Salt Lake AND OTHER WES TERN RESORTS. TICKETS GOOD FOR RETURN UNTIL OCT03ER 3IST. Tolophono 316. City Tlckot offlco, 1302 Farnam St II ftV REIT Selling "Ultra Shoes" for Women IIA 1 UEllS "ste,son" Siuies ,or Men- Big Sale on Fine Shoes and Oxfords MONRO'S Over 16000 pairs of Pino shoos And oxfords from the fac tory floors of Tho Rochester Shoe Co and P. 11. Keith & Co., on sale at less than manufacturer's cost. 10 for ladies' flno kid 2.50 and $3 lace shoo3, with OO turn soles, now styles, black or tan and all sizes. IOtt' foi ladies' iino vici kid, lace and button shoes, Ui that wore made for other dealers to sell for 3. 50 and 4, all sizes and widths. for misses' fine shoos made to sell for 1.75 and 2. f.or boys' flno lace shood, tan or black, made to sell for 1.50 and 2 Oxfords and Slippers. QQp for ladies' fine kid, turn sole, oxford ties, made to VOL sell for 1.50. IXA for. ladios'fine vici kid oxford ties and patent leather slippers, made to sell for 2. 'IQp for child's flno patent leather, strap sli tJ 2 to 5i, made to sell for 85c. ppors, sizes HAYDEN BfiOS. MEN'S SHOES No doubt you spent a groaler part of the day wading through tho great and glowing ads in Tho Sunday Hue. You read why some stores oflered you better and cheaper shoes than others. This excuse and that excuse is all very well as far as it goes. But wo want lo toll you why "The Nebraska" can do bet ter by you than any ono olo. In the first place, all shoe sold by "The Nebraska" are guaranteed. In the second place, all shoes sold by "Tho Nebraska," are. made for "The Nebraska." In tho third placo "Nebraska Shoes" are made with more caro,and "Tho Nebraska" cares more .about how they are made than any other house in the country, because we havo a reputation of selling the best shoe for the money that money can buy, and we cannot a (lord to sell any thing but what wo can guarantee in every respect. We pay more for our shoes and aro satislied with a less profit than any other house. AH Nebraska Shoes -Are Sold on Honor. Men's genuine Goodyear Welt Shoes, all colors. Men's Uox Calf, Broadway, London toe and foot form. Men's black or tan vici kid Shoes. Men's Russia Calf Shoes, tan or ox blood. Men's Oxfords and Southern Ties. Your choice of the above, and many E0 other styles are hero for kJ . JU Sprin g and Summer Clothing for Men and Boys "Too cheap to be good," you'll say when you read our list of special offerings, in the clothing department for Mon day and all next week. Others have said the same thing many a time before. But they changed their minds quickly when they examined the goods carefully, and so will you. Thero is such a thing as a combination of goodness and cheapness, and it is combined in .the clothing offerings of tho big Store at all times but seldom to such a remarkable de gree as you will find here Monday, and as long as they last. Men's Spring and Summer Suits, Regularly worth from 7.50 to 10, A 7 EC special at J. J Men's Fine Suits In pure worsteds and serges, regularly worth 7 EXf 11.50 to 15, special at vl Men s Novelty Coats and Pants With belts, regularly worth 10 and 12, 7C special at 5 and VJ J. tJ 1800 Pairs Men's Dress Trousers Of standard worsteds and fine cheviots, in latest stripe and check effects, worth 3. 50 to 5, KkO) special at 1.50 and Z.kJVJ Boys' fine sailor, vesteo and double breasted knee pants suits, at $1.75, $2.50 and $3.50, worth double. Fancy silk vests given away with double breasted knee pant suits afc 3.50 up. Also extra knee pants given away with knee paut suits at 2.25 up. HAYDEN BROS. WANTED: A Doctor A LAWYUH, nn INSURANT! sIoiimI man who Ik looking for u many vacant, but tlilu one Is part It Is on tliu soponil lloor of '1 trance on tlic broad corridor ovci lnrco onouuh to be divided to net two good sized private ollleos am' lence of the tenant. This Is the only olllro of tho gzo vncaut nt tho present tlmo. If you want It, delays are dangerous. 'H MAN or nny other business or profes- really handsome olllco. We haven t i-tlcularly choice. UIO IU3H HUIMUNC1. ft has Its en- rlooklntr the court and fountain. It U L'cominodato a larKo waiting room nnd id will be arranged to suit the couveu- TIIE BEE BUH.DING, 17th mul Farnuin Sts, R. C. PETERS & CO., Rental Agents "It has justly won its laurels." Soups, Fish, Game, Hot and Cold Meats, etc., are given a most delicious flavor by using Lea & Perrins' SAUCE TMi slgnitura It on evujr UUl THE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE 6tccZyi WirnvAVARi) or imitations. JOHN DU.NUAN'il hONS, AgeuU, New York. BUY THE GENUINE HOWELL'S SYRUP OF FIGS!Ant,-Kawf In DleiiKant to Uk I'rompt to rclluv. Kafn for nil urcii, Suro to cur. MANUFACTUI11DD BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Ca ATM TUJD NAU& IIOCl T. N..MI.I,WOIJ CAI'HUIiBS. Cures aor.orrhocn, (llet, unnatural dla y Dick it Co., 113 Centre St., cliarirea In a few dnyn. All lru2Klatn, accept Donna, ity n w. run nireoiioni, only Now York. 6 tl