Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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$1 00 Corset Covers 49c
' uii'. rt.ilv U-p and enitrj ,c,
i .i 1 ht'u'.t hed rorse' i i s
' i all iztt. worth up 'o J I
h"M' 25c "ci 49c
Ladies' 25c Ties 5c
Ladies' washable, 25c quality,
nr lawn. her. Itched silk gj"
Li.'Ul 'ies go on bargain tC
-.L'.er at, each
Ladies' 75c Corsets 39c
Ladies' Too quality perfect
fi" 'g fjimer corse's, male
J Cc list quality of summer
n.' al leng'hs and alt slies..
THE 0"rATTA DA1LT BEE: P ATI 17 DAT", .TU"NT3 2, 1H00.
Hosiery Bargains
Ladies', misses' and children's
fast black and tan hose, fine
ga Jge. fall scarales?, nil size.
w rth 1 jc, m this sale. at. oC
Ladies' fast black, tan, polka
dot and white foot hose, extra
fine pauge. with double -t
sole1, all sizes, tfo at, J JJ
Misses' and boys' fast black derby ribbed ho?e
in medium and heavy weight, fine ribbed,
aho fancv oUtd and otrlped lisle thread hoso -
all slz worth up to 2oc on sale. J
at, pair
Ladies' 50c Fancy Hose 29c
200 dozen ladies' finest imported French lisle
thread hose, all sizes, in a great variety of
fancy colors and stripes on bargain OQ3
counter at, pair 1
1,000 dozen ladies' and gent's
handkerchiefs in plain white,
fancy bordered, all widths of
hemstitch, in fine sheer
cloth, many styles, worth up
to 15c, in this sale at
3oC and 5C each
Ladies' imported swiss embroidered and lace
edged, drawn thread, hemstitched handker
chiefs, hundreds of styles worth up to
35c, on bargain counter at t-J
Umbrellas and Parasols
500 misses' and children fancy colored para
sols in the greatest variety of styles and pat
terns, all colors, go JJf JQq 25C
500 ladies' all pure silk parasols in white, black
and fancy colored silk, hemstitched, tucked
and embroidered effects, worth up (1 EQ
to $2.50, on bargain counter at.. P
Many thousand ladies' and men's silk umbrel
las, in 26-in. and 2S-in. size, all made paragon
frame, with natural wood und fancy sterling silver trimmed
handles. Made to wear well, of the best quality of gloria silk
serge and Dno French taffeta silk, go on bargain counter In
t8.98c, $1.49
Facial Soap and
.Facial Cream
Prevents the kln wrinkling, crinktlru;
and fading will not cause superfluous
prowthn of hair and other blemishes cures
and prevents pimples, blarkheads and erup
tions will clear the complexion and keep
tho skin younjf and fresh. WOODBL'RVS
repular prlro STk"; our prlc ISc Wood
bury s Hair Tonic keep the srivlp clenn
and healthy, the hair soft and Huffy prlre
19c PniK Department.'
Doctor Sits Eii Excrlleccj Hs Been Con
vening Through Hit Ch&pcau.
llojirn thnt I'rlcnil of tlir Institution
Will llrtlrr tin- I'rrviMit HiriMi
llu ut I Ik- Iliitl (
the Vrnr.
Superintendent B. F. Uini; of the Ne
braska Institute for Keeble Minded Youth,
has tcnt out a circular letter to the par
ents of the children In his charse. In which
ho denounces Governor I'oynter in unmeas
ured term?. The suxrlntendent more thau
Llntrt that the goveruor is several chips shy
on veracity, and Invites all iuterested par
ties to make a personal inspoctlon of the
Institution. The letter, one of which has
been received by an Omaha woman who
hnn a son In the Institution, is as follows:
"DEATK1CK, Neb.. May 30. Dear friends.
You will find enclosed a program of the i
commencement exercises of this institution. R stock, and tho welfare of the children
to take place Tuesday eveniDt, June S. I 1 ana business interims of the state cut no
bhould be pleused if the pareu s and friends figure.
of this Institution would make special effort I -jt is time that every person Interested
to bo present some time during the next J should consider such action an Insult to
ten days or at commmoncement. I am the business Interests of the state. Not
anxious that everybody Interested In state boinp satisfied with the ur.deraand work
work ntjould carefully investigate every an protases made prior to the Investiza
branch of the work here and the sauttnry J tion and his word given to many who cilKd
condition of tho Institution. We havo bad on blm. being anxious to know If the super
no sickness or deaths the last two montb. intendent was doing his duty, the reply,
"In reply to all the slanderous artlcUe you 'tht no more faithful and competent per
may have read In regard to the Institution, I EOn could have be-n selected.' he now
I will say that the Institution has not suf- ,tultlfles hlmxelf by trumping up another
fcred In the least; the work has been con- chrge. that we had misused the matron
tlnuously kept up In the-best posilble man- of thlB lnftitution and the steward's family
ner; school has been going on continuously Qtul ,nCteo hatred, a falsehood denlel by
with an able corps of teachers and all tho j ,he gvvorn etatements of the employes of the
employes have been espe tally faithful In i ,MtUutlon anj published in various state
raring for the physical wants of the chll- ! , h cverf frlend ol the ,,.
dren. I am .orry to say that the governor, , TtgnrilM of politics, will use their
of the slat .has s oopel so low as to wh.lly . tnd that such a man shall not fill the
disregard the feeling an.l anxiety of parents . u .. t,, , ,tj, i
in regard to their unfortunate loved ones ' wnor " 'V no n p' vr
here, but I have made special effort that rtly ur (rlenJ' D.' S'ntd
nnvihin .hni.i n, min- , fauperlntendnot.
for their -oraf. rt or welfare. He has seemed
It picks me up in the morning,
It holds me up all day,
It brightens me in the evening,
It keeps me in health alway.
racrAREU only bv
St. Louis, Mo.
Umalia, and
Lot 1
Women's waists made
of excellent quality stand
ard percale in pretty color
effects and patterns well
made and nicely laundered
with detachable collars, full
assortment of
sizes ollered at I
Saturday's special
sale at
$1.50 Leghorns 25c
Thousands of new shapes in
children's and misses' leg
horns that heretofore k
"i $1.98
pold at 41.50,
Big Bargains in the Busy Bargain
10,000 lace curtains worth 5Si!.u?.a2S .Z.Joc 'wfaTh.VJr t?5cri.',it, ' Ic
Up tO 1. 98 a pair, all On Br!iss vestibule rtxL-the 15c kind. sc Kanry all silk ribbon, worth up to OIq
tnl in Vmcpmpnf at 10c vd" so at
!?aiH III UdbemeiiL ' JMp 4 , 15c all silk ribbon, all brlsht colors, yd . 5c
5.(,.,jn qoVi 7 Fancy brnjs extentlon fash curtain fftn
caiurud, edCU.. rods-the 2T.C kind, for lJK, io.oco doz. corticelll embroidery silk, doz. 5c
rather to champion the cause of the former '
steward. Mllllken,' who was In no way qual
ified to bo In such an institution, and whllo
here was cruel to the children and rendered I
no service to the state In such a position as i
he should. The governor, finding that he
must remove him, connived with a few un
scrupulous fellows with Mllllken and de
manded that I should also get out of ta
institution to satisfy that element.
"You have read his findings at the tlm
and noted how well I have care.! for the
interests of the state and the comfort of the
children and the excellent recommendation
he gave me for honest work and faithful
ness. You have also noticed how he rep
resented that I had resigned at the close of
his hearing, which was absolutely filse.
I "I desire to eay that I found out mat ne
was untruthful to me In the object of hold
ing any investigation, which was merely for
the purpone of trumping up some trivial
charge upon which be might base a charge
of removal. Having found out that, 1 be
lieve I was Justified In retaining my -poat-j
tlon, if pct-slble, In the Institution, and to
, test this matter to the full extent of tho
law. To state that thi action toward- the
; institution and myself recently is dligust
' ing to any business man but mildly expresses
, It. He assumes that the positions and
odlces of thl Institution are political trad-
Milrlt l.nke. In..
1 Quickly and conveniently reached via the
I Illinois Orttral railroad. Round trip tick Mi
now on sale at oity ticket otnee, un rar
nam street.
I.iiiiiIIiiiI)' Driilex story.
The landlady of the West Douglas street
tlut between which and tho adjolnlne flat
u Mki boird fence was recently built denies
that fh.- was out Ute Saturday night w!th
a c.-mtneri tal tra.veler or any one e'fci.
8t e s im was at church that evening,
tl at s ic lld not come home late or make
arv disturbance when she came. She .it
tr'nmes the story to n womm roomer who
was recently ordered to loave the house.
rrxnii.w. xotici:.
Funeral services of the late John S.
TJrlggs will take place Saturday mornlnc
June 5. at 10) o'. lo -k from his la'e resi
lience r09 Hrlst l street Interment at
rn-pect Hill.
Special Waist Sale
We are justly proud of our stock of Women's Waists. It is by
our prices are unmatchable.
Lot 2
Women's waists in
percales, lawns and mad
ras cloths in a variety of
patterns; truly wonderful
at this low price, with
plain or yoks backs, some
with corded
fronts, stylish col
lars and cuffs, woll
made and laund
ered at only
Mire 1 ul Prior Attraction
lthough our Millinery
pletion, we are showing hats that have a distinctive dash and style to
them, but all go at an immense reduction ior this baturday s sale.
T ace hats, high confections trimmed with real lace in the verv height of
the present stvle.
varieties, ranging from the gravest to the gayest styles
at $10.00, 7.50 and
Choice of 300 of the latest styles in exquisitely trim
med hats in all shapes, that were two weeks
ago 5.00 and $7.50, for this sale -
Outing hats, the larg-
est assortment we have ever
shown at 25c, EOo and 65c.
on 6ale, J
Moiti Paction Einb?rantly Jojful Ortr Turn
Ainu Hire Takes.
Hail No niiiht to InKue ("nil for
l'rtiiiHrti'K nm! a Convention
I'll! II Authorized liy
Co ll illy Committee.
Manifest Joy pervades the adherents of the
Moise commando of Poynter boomers. They
have ben apprehensive that the county com
mittee might get together and call primaries
and a count) convention, which would result
in the reversal of their prior action In se
curing a Poynter delegation from this county.
They are exuberantly Joyful becauie the
county committee has not met and because
Chairman Dunn has taken upon himself the
functions of the committee and has under
taken to call primaries, locate the places at
which they shall be held and perform many
other acts which, they claim, can be per
formed under the primary law only by the
committee itself.
"What right has Ig. Dunn to call a con
vention and appoint a date for holding pri
maries or places at which they shall be
held?" significantly asks one of Molse's alds-de-camp.
"Tho whole tenor of the Nebraska
law for the government of primary election
pravldte that 6Uch action devolves upon the
county committee, which mutt act by a ma
jority vote at a meeting regularly held attw
due notice, and cannot be performed by tho
chairman of the committee under any cir
cumstances. The poction authorizing such
Vrlmaries provides aB follows:
Wlint tlie I.nvr I'nn lilex.
" 'Whenever it shall be desired by the
idmmltlee or governing authority of any
political party to hold a primary election
under the provisions of this act. said com
mittee or governing authority shall, at
least twenty days prior to such primary
election, give public notice thereof, by iost
ing t4u.h notice in at least twenty public
places In the county or district, such no
tice shall state the date of such proposed
primary election, the ollices for which can
didate arc to be nominated and the con
vention or conventions, if any to which
delegates are to be elected and the number
of such delegates, and the places at which
polls 'will be opened at such primary elec
tions '
"You will observe that the committee or
governing bdy all these things
Ig. Dunn cannot do them unless It Is ad
mitted that be Is the committee or govern
"Ing body of the democracy of tbla county,
which I for one am not ready to admit.
"Dut it Is In se-tlon 2 of the primary
elections law that Its Intent Is most mani
fest in Its contemplation that all action
should be by the committee or governing
body, and not by the chairman. This sec
tion provides for the appointment of
Judges and clerks of primary elections.
" 'They shall be appointed by resolution
passed by a marlty vote of the memberj
of the regularly organized and constituted
committee .r governing authority of the
r Mltl' al nar'y h". '.ing a. h pr mary el"
tl n, and sha 1 eavh b fur.-iah -i with a
Lot 3
Women's waists made
of French ginghams, solid
colors and fancy percales,
chambrays, white lawns,
fancy novelties, etc.", made
in numerous styles, new
collars, cuffs,
voko or Fronnli
back. plain tucked,
corded or Insertion
trimmed fronts . .
Hats and Flowers
for t n ril n A nRtherlnir of Value Yon Will Itenillly Approve.
Department is at the height of it's summer com-
The Imperial hat in 25 different
Rough jumbo braids "The Ladysmith"
In the new stylo trimmed sail- rough braid trimmed halt, on
ors heretofore $1. Saturday 39c sale Saturday at $1.50.
$1.00 Flowers Saturday 10c
The greatest reduction In flowers ever offered In Omaha, roses,
American beauties, crushed roses and -very other variety known.
Large boquet of corn flowers, lilacs, large bunches of daisies,
velvet pansles. in fact hundreds of other varieties -4
that have heretofore bold at Si. 00 a bunch, on II If''
bargain square on maiu floor, bunch IvV
certificate of their appointment over tho
signature of tne inairman ol such com
uiiiic-. uiim urivii- rui.'i tun wi'vii ma
iharge of their respective duties they shall
eacn taKe tne same oatn required to o
taken by officers of regular state elections,
and they shall receive such compensation
as the committer or governing authority
mav by resolution determine, which phall
be paid said Judges and clerks by the com
mittee under whose authority such pri
mary Is held. Provided-:' now mark this:
mat tne regularly organized committee
or governlns authority of the party holding
such primary election shall, nt a regularly
called meeting of such committee or govern
ing authority, of which meeting five days'
notice shall be given to each member of
such organization, establish by resolution
passfd by a majority vote of all members
of such committee or governing authority,
the boundaries of any primary precinct,
Dunn' Cull Not Worth Anything:.
"It will hardly be pretended that the com
mittee has attempted to carry out any of
tho necessary provisions of this act, or has 1 shooting Lewis Cass Chrlstman with In
even met, and I am surprised that a chair- tent to kill April 7, this year, ia progress
man who assumes to be to much of a lawyer ' Ing rapidly. The case disproves the oft-
as to hold the honorable position of deputy
county attorney should attempt to arrogatp
to hlmeelf functions which are o succinctly
pointed out as tho province of the whole
I do not consider Chairman Dunn's call ,
worth the paper upon which it was written, i The shooting of Chrlstman was the cli
but I cannot say that any attempt will be j max to a family row, for the principals to
mado in the court to test Its legality. Such ho affray are brothers-in-law. They were
a proceeding has been discussed, but It is ! alfi0 neighbors. A general synopsis of the
Just possible that we may conclude to Ignore ' testimony thus far brought out Is that
it entirely and cling to the original action Feather left a cow with Chrlstman to be
of a majority of the committee at its last pastured. It was necessary to carry water
meeting. Or we may conclude to go Into tho to the cow, and this task devolved upon
primaries and fight it oat on that lino."
f'relKlilon I'nli ernity Astronomer
.MnUc I'nvornble lllix-rvHtlnn of
the Milan' Triinnlt.
Father Rlcee of th Crelchtnn nnlrrltr
has returned from Washington. Ga.. where : Accoutns differ somewhat as to what hap
he .nt to observe the solar eclipse, and ' immediately after this incident, but
reports having been favored mcst auspl- Chrlbtman and Feather mot April 7 and the
clously Id every respect conducive to the shooting grew out of a renewai of their
tuccosjful observation of the moon's transit. ; quarrel. Feather declares he shot In self
Father Illgge will deliver an Informal ad- defense. Chrlstman, who was not mortally
dress at Crelghton college next Moaday wounded. Is In the court rcora and has
evening to the students and other friends given his story. He declares that Feather
of the. institution, explaining how the drew a pistol upon hlra without provocation,
eclipse was produced and the results of the J "Better put that gun up: I'm as likely
observation at Washington, Ga. j to use it as you." said Chrlstman, accord-
. r, , ... , ing to his testimony.
n i?r!"ll , ' ", "'7',. , At that, he declares he walkf.1 away,
? ' imr-t"r . 3n m n0P'nS t0 aVOlJ tr0UbIe' bUt that Fwther
;,nS,vv 1 !h LTo.rSKr0a,V'111 Among the other witnesses-all
o,Ll ' "m UC " Ctber " nelghbora of the prlntlpals-are Ada D.
IOIIOWS. . ,, . . . . ..wli a n
St Paul. Minn., and return J12.R3
Minneapolis, Minn., and return 12.65
Duluth, Minn., and return 16. 95
Waseca. Minn., and return 10.33
Superior. Wis., and return 16.05
West Superior. Wli.. and return 16.!tS
Tor full particulars call at llllno s Central
city ticket office, No. no; Farnam street.
fiooil SiiL'sr Beet Crop Asunreil.
Thursday evening's rain came Just In time
to reassure the sujar beet growers in this
vicinity. The recent hot weather had
threatened the crop, as beet seeds are
planted rnly about half an Inch deep, and
j hi amr inuntinic n. uuio ury weatner
may pro.e detractive.
far the largest and most complete in
Lot 4
Women's fashionable
waists, popular colors
and patterns in fine ging
hams, French percales,
chambrays, white lawns,
etc., yoke or French backs,
pretty collars
V culls, correct
shape sleeves.
plain or fancy front
pronerlv made.
Short back sailors, dress
straws, pique braids, in
ana summer colors, nundreas 01 new
shapes Included In
this lot choice
Basement Saturday
Tifdgrat.cot,on'...2c 10,000 lawn dress patterns
Red marking cotton. 3 spools for Ic 10 yds ill a pattern, Worth
Tirer darnlnp cotton. 3 cards for.. .c fc a pattern ohotce V
,... , Saturday oer Dattern "iVjP1
White enamel cottase curtain 7r o,uuroj per punern J s
polss. regular price V. only only
Cow with the Orampltd Horn tht Innocent
OauM ef the Affrsj.
Trial of IlinUnn Feather, Clinrceil
with Shnotlnw Lewis Cn Chrlst
iiihu, .Now nn in the
Dlxtrlet Court.
The trial of Hudson Keather in Judge
Baker's court, where he is charged with
repeated theory that all Is peace and poetry
in the districts removed from the busy,
bustling city, for It is alleged that the
Keather-Christman affair occurred near
Waterloo, one of the quietest of Douglas
county villages.
tnnstmans wire, unnstraan compiainea
to t-eatner, uecianng suea worn to oe
drudgery. As the result of the "little
tilt." as the country folks say. Chrlstman
sent word to Feather to "come and get that
cow." At the same time Feather haj a
boat belonging to Cbrintman and he sent
a counter message to the effect that he
could have his boat any time be called
I fflr it.
Norton and George Nell. Their Ustiraony
relates to what they heard Feather say
relative to tho fhootlng.
Court .Votes,
Judge Dickinson has Issued a decree of
divorce In favor of Alma O. Blair atralnst
Thomas J. Blair, on the grounds of deser
tion. I Florence S Hamsdf'.l has sued Vernon W.
' Bamsdell for dtvorce, alleging dexertlon.
They were married In New York, November
, '
Nets Mattheison has sued the Omaha
Street Hallway company f r tWO riamigci
on a'c.jni rr personal aitfgei
have been received by collision with one of
Underwear Bargains
100 dozen ladies' plain while
and fancy colored summer un
dervests, low neck and no
sleeves, worth regular up
to 15c, in this sale
Ladies' lisle thread undervests
In plnln white and ecru, handsomely
silk taped and crocheted neck and shoul
der straps, In medium and -i ""V
extra size?, wurlh 35c, at I f"2
thi- sale w
200 dozen ladies' line Egyptian cotton, jersey
ribbed, drawers made extra wide, laco Cp
trimmed, all sizes, goat, pair
Ladies' silk trimmed mercerized undervests in
white, cream, pink and light blue, OECrr
nil sires, rrci :it
, 0 ....
Up-to-Date Belts
The very latest scv
arrivals in lad- .rtOWftill
ies pullev belts, rwJ
for street and fefcfw&'S'KSP
evening wenr.
Hie new Fnn-
cess (like illustration), a beautiful chain belt
inlaid with pearls, sapphires, amethists and
rubys.set with three largo medallion ornaments.
Mado of gun metal, toman gold and (3? -
silver gray our special prico j) ,
The soppho, a beautiful belt, the reigning
fad in the earl made of threo strands of gold rtT -j "v gj
or sihor brnld. perfect form fitting puily TV) J
style our price
Ladies' back hair ornaments We have
just received a beautiful line In tortoise s-hell orna-
mentei wtth sterling sllrer 20 designs to select jC
from specinl sale price, choice
August Prices Now
on suits, jackets and separate skirts
Everything in this department has been re
duced from 25 to 50 percent below former
Wash skirts, made of P. K. linen crash,
duck, etc., braid and applique trim- ECQpr
med $2 values for
Dress skirts, serges, Venetians, novelty
goods, etc., extra well made, good Ull
lining and binding; $4 & $5 value iPlVJ-J
W ish suits made of fine dimities, lawns, rtt y
lappetts, crah. P. K.etc, ribbon and braid ?
trimmed; worth from 47.60 10 choice .... r
Hats 10c
hiipes in laco
ail the sprlnc
licun ui new
the defendant company's cars at Twentieth '
and Leavenworth streets. January 1.1 i
Mattheison was driving a laundry wag-n
nt the time of the accident. I
The Bechel damage suit against the Pa
cific Express company Is dragging along
"l.nvly In Judge Kstelle's court, where it
has been on trial for a week.
The Lucy Ladd will case, wherein numer
ous heirs are in litigation over nrnnerty
left bv Mrs. I.ndil. le nn trial fnr thn cpcnnil
time In Judge Keysor s court. i
state, a verdict has been returned In favor
of tho defendant by a Jury in Judge Baker's j
CiUrt' .. , .
Lawrltz C. Thane has been sued In county I
court by William W. Marshal for posses- i
slon of a store building at J21 South Tenth
street, of which the plaintiff is owner Hnd
uir- ut-ieutmiu i lenum. n is Hiiegeti in.ii .
inane is in arrearages tor rent.
Thomius E. Burns has tiled proceedings
agulnst his wife. Etta, nsklng us'ody of
his 9- ear-old snn Hex. If tht.s is allowed
It will be a modification of a court order
previously issued -at the time dlvur e was
ti"1 I. when Jlrs. Burns was awarded
Wood workers Attempt to I'nsent the
KieeutUe llonril .Voiiunlun .Mill
Work I'sed With Impunity.
The meeting of the Building Trades coun
cil Thursday night was a lively affair and
was marked by tn attempt to unseat the offi
cers constituting the executive board for
failure to carry out the Instructions of the
oouncll expressed at the meeting of the week
The trouble commenced with a communica
tion from the Woodworkers' union request-
) Ing the council to call for the resignation of
. President Curran, Vice President Salmon and
; Secretary Shrura, because, as mombers of j
the executive board, they failed to order a
I strike on the Metz brewery, the Job at Six
teenth arrl Dodee and the work on WfK:
' Dodge street, where. It wai alleged, nou-
! union mlllworl; was being handled by union
i men. After tho communication had been re- I
. colved the executive committee reported that '
they had Investigated the different Jobs and
found nonunion work being used, but did not
deem it advisable to order a strike,
j The proceeding3 from that time are u
'doubt, as the two factions tell different
I stories. The opponents of the officers say
I that the resolution demanding tho reetgna- j
I tlons was adopted. Secretary Shrum denies
! thl.i and says that no action was taken upon
the resolution except to place It on file. He
was positive on this point and went into an
explanation of the action of the ccmtnltttv.
He said:
"The Instruction first given by the council
left the matter at the discretion of the ex- m'ro la a ta of WhatHiotter prcof of
eeutivo committee. It wo had orderod a I ,r,irl1 can fca 03(1 tDa" uch endorsement?
strike wo would have been held responsible 1 M"- Gusta Boblman, No 1013 Oak S ..
and we did. not feel like tying up work In!"a'8: "Doan's Kidney I'llls are a go d
Omaha all summer. We investigated and j remedy. 1 took them for kidney troupe,
found that the Metr Brewing company was ! wblch started about seven yen re ago, cuusej
using nonunion mill work because the Wood-
workers' union had taken the label from all
of the mills and tho employers could not
have stamped the work had they eo desired.
Wo found also that If wo had ordered a
strike tho men would not have left work
and the Building Trades c uncll would have
beca dls redlted. We have no Intention of
& w
Ribbon Sale
All the new stylish taffeta
and velvet ribbons on special
sale Saturday.
Strictly all ailk 3-inch taffeta -4 CS-,
ribbon luv
3-inch wldo all silk cord edfio 4 Q
tallea ribbon 1 ZC
The widest width of all silk ry J?
Uffeta ribbon, yard wOw
Orand special salo of all satin blnek tItk
ribbons at
15c, 19c, 25c, 39c, 49c
The most complete line- new and stylish
ribbons In Omaha.
resigning until specific charges are filed and
The woodworkers' strike Is not the only
tblng that is troubling the council. A reso
lution was passed calling upon the Brick
layers' union to pay Its dues and return its
delegates. In case this Is not done It la sa.d
i that the council will declare the union an
unfair nrc-nlvitlrtn on,l n-111 n.
members to work with nonunion bricklavern.
Kldd, general secretary of the
" oodworkers' union, who came to Omaha
to attempt to settle the strike, has returned
home. He was unable to arrange a confer- .i.h .w. mrvin,.,, ,, j ,t,,
f Dce ltx emplo)ers and announced thut
the International union would sustain the
Omaha union for an indefinite period.
.Mnny of Tlieni OlillKeil lo Upturn to
the Ottlee for Further In
Mruetloiift. Yesterday 135 census enumerators in
tho Second congressional district of Ne
braska began the work ol counting the pop
ulation and ascertaining the wealth of tho
people of the district. The first hours of
work wero different from what was expected
and many were tho trips mado to the oftVo
of the supervisor for Instructions upon pointfl
which seemed plain until an attempt was
made to carry them out.
Tho first call for assistance cams from tho
enumerator on South Thirteenth street, who
became so tangled up In the Bohemian con
sonants that ho fell down before he had trav
eled a block, and an Interpreter was sent out
to assist him over the rough places.
One hotel manager visited tho supervisor
and nsked to be given 100 personal blanks
to be filled out by the employes of his rtitab-
'.llfchment. As the filling out of these blanks
makes d uble work for the office and the
employes could all be re.i hed at the hotel
h" wa,i 'M ' ' 1,ne ,hem ,JP for "ho enumer-
atnr an4 left hoofu.e h.ghly Indignant
j . .
Plenty More Like This
in Omaha.
Scores of Omaha people can toll you . bout
Doan's Kidney Pills. Many a hapjiy it.zes
makiu a public statement of his experience.
&v coja settling In ray back. I pronre
them from Kuhn & Co.'s drug sto e c
they cured me."
For sale by all dealer. Prlfe,' 40 centi
Foster-MUburn Co., Buffali, N. v.. bAt
agents for the I'nl'ed State.
Remember tho name, i) in s, and taki
no substitute