Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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far & Go
Continue to Sell Children's and
Shoes Regardless of Cost.
New Bargains Added Daily is
Children's 81 Shoes, sizes 2 to 5 50c
Children's 1.50 Shoes, sizes 5 to S 75c
Children's 81.75 Shoes, sizes Si to 11 05c
Misses' si. 75 and 82.00 Shoes, sizes ll to 2.05c
Misses' 1. 50 and 82.00 Shoes, oxford ties.. 05c
Broken sizes of Ladies' 8 oxfords 05c
Broken sizes of Ladies' 82.50 Shoes 05c
We are also showing a line of
Ladies' 'ideal" Kid (the new leath
er) Southern Ties at $3 25 that are
fine for summer wear.
A complete line of Ladies' up-to-date Shoes at
reasonable prices.
Kerala Hoenstioe. Vlolo'U Kleeer, Ollie H Newton, senior vice commander. C
ni Dasv Twits tuiver frwm. U,i o D nnell, Junior vl-e commander S J
Mfl.lJ, Ernest I'ribble. Neva Wood, Frel Kennedy, adjutant. E. 1 Slsson. quitr-
M' Clam. At the close of the program master, and William Jinnson, officer o 'to
Charles E. Noyes made a short speech, guard.
after which he presented the diploma. A
scholarship at Doane college was given to 'l,"n.," ' ,prl "".
Leda Roes. 1 W'BEU, Neb.. June 1. (Special Tele-
MlSSeS , RED CLOUD, Ne.. June l.-(Speclal.)- Rram -Hod. V. Hastll1fe " noml;
li.ia33 Thp graduaUnK nmlm 0. lhe Red C!ollJ nated for sta e senator. J. T. Calkins and
Itlvh ..hnnl ..-.. fclrl In nr,T, hn.a "UUlCfUf. tut . vk., cu I- II c HUU ..1
h. evening. This was the largest ,., ;"e" f" C 4,l0rey
i ever graduated from this school, fifteen n
number, six boys and nine girls. Lawrence
lerce was valedictorian and recehed the
Doane college scholarship; Mabel Wells,
salutatorlan. The other membete of tho
class were: SherwcoJ Albright. Acn e
Drown. Nellie Kort, Myra Orlfflth, Jessie
Henderson. Ethel Hosmer. Ida Klnsel,
Lorcna Neus-teln. Edward Piatt. Roy Phelps.
Earl Pond, Grace Skjelvor and Richard
Runchey. Tho stage was beautifully de -
A resolution was presented to tho fusion
convention pledging the legislative nomi
nees to vote for Allen and Bryan for the
t'nlted States senate. A resolution .is
also Introduced to the effect that no oue
be nominated who Is not In accord wl'h
the Chicago platform and In favor of free
silver, which was voted down.
llurnlnr W(irk DurtiiK Miirni.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. June 1.
orated with the class colos, pink and gie n. (Special.) About 11 o'clock last night, or
FRIEND, Neb., June 1. (Special Tele- during the storm, a pane of glass was
gram.) A crowded bouse l'suncd to the broken out of the front window of Mr.
commencement cxercle3 of Friend's II. gh Krcmerschuk's store on Locust street and i
school this evening. The Hagenow strlrg the building was entered by eorae unknown
quartet was present and Dr. Sargent cf parties and six guns, some shoes and a
Omaha delivered the addreis. Tin gral- dozen pairs of pants, to the value of $150,
uates are: Luolla Agee. John Agee. Berth were taken. It was hurriedly done, ao one
Rlackmore. Daniel Drake. Jason Dorward. Run. one pair of pants and a shoe were
Maude Ellsworth. Rov Gibson. Jewell Kent- found near the door early this morning. It
ner. Tim McCarthy. William Miller. Charles Is thought to be the work ef home talent.
Miller. Hatto Moellcr. Anni Moire. Susie i , .. ... ,, ,
i.-u , ,. o .,. i. ,.u , c 1 ( County Mnrtmme llrronl.
Reld. Leslie Sims. Alice Smith. Len S e-1 m,,Trcnt!Tii vv, t... i . ,i
i -r 7.mvvi.i .'tun uuc I, 1 cjititti i
George A. Hay, register cf deeds, fur-
star & ln
pher.s. Hattle Worley. Edna White.
u,u. uan. nlshes the following mortgage record of
FOLLOWS HIl.WV WIMI, i Cass county for the month of May: Farm
mortgagee filed. 18, amount. 12.491 : re-
Thnrsitnj MkM'k Mnrm Will Do -Much leased. 10. amount, 1494.74. Number of
;! in suite, city mortgage filed, 14. amount. 14,370;
EDGAR. Neb., June 1. (Special.) Tha j released, 14. amount. J4.664. This shows
drouth of the last three wceki was broken that the farmers retlucoJ their tndebtclness
last night by n soaking rain, which the over $20,000 last month and Is a sure sign
farmers have been wishing for at lost ' of prosperity.
two weeks. A heavy gale of wind, accom j . -
nanlnl hv hrim-m li-M-in- r.A.A ., rhrUtlnn Ktiilrnvnr Com riitlon.
ALBERT LEA. MINN The Peruna Medlrine Co . Columbus O
The Peruna Medl Irie Co. Columbus. O : Gentlemen "For enr 1 nnfTrrcil with
Gentlemen 'Although my scnool does not rt-in n I r- trouble, wlilt'h wn imurn
believe In patent modl.lnes. I have found It
to lie a trt that I'crtinii Ik n urn ml mill
lnltinlilr in (I I I ii I limp kniiiiii It
FARNAM and IVfH Streets.
I rm h, aia ,i, -,,.., tv, f.n -, .i i TECL'MSEH. Neb.. June 1. (Special ) i tii cun- Mr. niiiii,m. .iilTrrlntr vtlth
t inn v-i t.,- i a; i,t , I Nebraska l!strlct Christian Endeavorcrs will ' lrln, nftrr thr iliifiom hml fulled
Will Not Be K'onsectad by Membership in
tbu Veteran Rep msst
Gnu-nil llnrry Isniirn mi ttrilrr for llir
3l:iMti'r-tii nf "iiiiiin.v iir
tin- FlrM ltt'istmt-iit. .Nc
liruitkii (iunril.
' welcome rain, accompanied by a high wind,
thunder and lightning, fell here last night, i
her father. A week ago he came to Lincoln The rainfall was 74 of an Inch.
to get work for both of them. Meanwhile VALPARAISO. Neb.. June 1. (Srcclal.)
! the family of his second wife had Instituted Rain sufficient for present needs fell last
proceedings and Gorn was arrejtcd here evening, making the soil In very line cen-
at the Instigation of the Corning sher.ff. , dltlon for forcing crops ahead.
I Grrn admits hu last two marriages and PLATTSMOl'TH, Neb , June 1. (Special.)
talks freely about It all. Ho say he Is A heavy rain visited this vicinity last
willing to take all they can give him. ' night, doing much goad.
Thci graduating exercises of the senior 1 SKWARD. Neb . June 1. (Special.)
class of the Lincoln High school wero held Seward was vlsltel by a Hesere windstorm
. . , . ,, . 1 . ' ... rt .. . .Vnnt 11 nnl.i.b I. nUk. . I n ... .1 V. ..
kocti riun, ice Kauge snowing ,bu 01 an in"n.
This brings the rainfall during tho month'
btudents received diplomas.
I.niiriiter I ' ro h I Ii 1 1 1 0 11 1 t .
The prohibitionists of Lancaster county
havo nominated the following candidates:
For state eenators. Benjamin Judklns of
Kagle, J. P. Kettlcwcll of Fnlverslty Place.
For representatives. Thomas McCulloch.
..t ...... 4 1 L' r . 1 1 1 1 Ht11fnnt . 1 1 t rn .. . 1 i n A n . . . n
General Bay today administered a black Wright. Bethany: It. E. Howard. University X""b. 't farmer '
... ., ,. i,r.. -i ii... r, w cik,. t'i,,.u.. nit. 1 ear' an incn or water
... . . i .. ,i i i n.Li.. ... ...... ,k. inrt nA in tha iiie;ui.
Ing atcr. inw roni,aiiy icrnwmrM . ivuuik-i i.h: vn.-u ,uv la.c rw.- ...
toln In the Philippines all during tho stay bank of Waverly last night, using nitro
of the First Nebraska thcro and many mm glycerine. They failed to open the Inner
liere were desirous of ac-ompllfhlng its deor and departed empty-handed. Blool
icorganlzatlon es a Lincoln company. Somo hounds were taken to Waverly from Lln
tlme ago Adujuiant General Birry inf.rm 1 coin today and trilled the men back toward
the Company D prnmotcis In Llnco.n that this city. At Havclcck the trail wao lost
It would be necessary for them o hasten . and It was learned that three strangers
their application If they wir-hcl to be In , had taken the earliest street car Into Lln-
i. . Su fnr ihrre were alreidv on coin this morning. A rails out of Waverly
.... . . (V.A omA ncrns, n tattle which had I
file a number ot appneauo .com " r T,JS ;,L do,n, the front was b'own frm Richard
towns about tne state. i nc i.incpiuut-a -
, .hlnk that there was no danger before. This city is nemg c.ociy waicnea
of May up to 3.52, while last year It wis
WEST POINT. Neb.. June 1. (Special.)
This section was visited last night with a
eevere electrical sto-m. accompanied bv a
very beavy rain. This fall of moisture wl l
RED CLOUD. Neb.. June 1. (Srcclal.)-
fell her- las
Crops were not suffering, but th
convene In Tecumseh tonight. Already the
delegates are beginning to arrive and It Is
expected the attendance will be large. The
program for tonight Is as follows: Eight
o'clock. pralS'j serxlce. leader. L. W. Har
rington of Pawnee City; S:30, convention
sermon. Rev. J. M. Campbell of Pawnee
A r ncit I,rnvp llnrvnril.
HARVARD. Neb.. June 1. (Special ) S.
to help lirr.
"Another of my former patients suffered
with a complication of female dloa.-e.'.
li' iin thin. notliliiLT lint Kln ami
Ihiii,., hut I'criiiui curi'il her mill ln
I, tmliij In kiiiiiI hrnlth ami uoml
H"li." Lucy Anna Helser,
Grad Nurse from Homeopathic Hospital of Yours respectfully.
Mlneapolls. Minn
ntnt ir I eniiKht thr xllKhtest til.
A neighbor who had been very much
benefited by uMnc Peruna. advised tne
to try It, and I gladly procured a bottle
I found Peruna a wonderful healer
I felt better enrh ilny Hint In n couple
of month felt n vtcll mill licuiin to
vnjo.v life n nexer liefore.
"I sleep and eat well and PPerunn not
only cured me. but prevents me catching
any cold, and as long .is I have a bottle
In the house m family needs no doctor."
Mrs Theresa Keller.
I The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus. O !
, Gentlemen "Last spring 1 had occasion
to ooscrvo tne nenettctai results oi i-eruna,
w-hen a iiromlnrnt member of our Ilr
llef nUn hnd mifTrreil torture
with klilncj- nnil other triiuhlm of the
pell Ii- orK'Hi". whk coiiiiletely rr
ntoreil throunh the perl-.ten t ue of It.
"I trelcd It for a covere and continued
backache and found Peruna the only rem
cdy so far that could ever cure me.
I am ii ell nnil Irunx now, anil nl
thiiiiKh four iiiontliK Imir pncil
ulnce my rcpoi cry, I have not hnil n
nioiiicn t'n iialn ulnee."
Mrs. Jane Baxter,
President G A. R. Relief Corps.
The number Of Women Uho rnnt;iHf3 thomcolwoc ac ronlh; cinLf nr ir.-
I A mot for the laat four years sudpMti I I w-w. .w.wa .wiiiwwivwwj iwmiijt i w ix wi
tatiAnnt nt IiSa ntlhlln -riru-1i! Kara y.. a' i valids, are few in comoarison te the numhpr nf wnmpn whn ftpl mispr-
cidM to give up teaching and win leave this 'able month after month, but will not give up. continuing to do their
wee-k for Chicago, where he taken a place rocrtllar XAnrLri
with the Updike Commlralon company. Mr. 1 "'f wu,nV
Amots lueecMor has not yet bec3 elected. Herhaps it is a tired housewife with a. large family and house to take
VU:, manages to drag herself
the district employing twelve under teachers. ' around wearily through her daily tasks. She is subject to headach.bear
xownr.1 Mortcnce nocor.i. 'jng-down sensations in the lower part of the abdomen, perhaps ner-
, tk,; i-(speciai.i-The Vous headache and poor digestion. Such a person would be benefitted
mortgage Indebtedness record for the monih i , . . ,. v , . . r 1 'J""!" uciicniicu
of May In Seward county as follows:
mortgages filed, 25
J37.175. City mortgages
3. $085. Cha
- " , , w . , ww. ' ' t3 1 " wwioil a JCI SUM WUUIU kj c: UCIICIlllCU
l-w.-.i-4 rt r- l i 4-.rt L-t. n t . ! . . . r f r- r . .
r.irm ucyuiiu ucsuiiuuuii uy Lctrxiuti u course or rpr una. KPruna npvpr rai
J.2Sni"i i0 Pro?uce a good appetite, regular step, and expels all impuriti
attel mortgages filed
from the system. During the summer months Dr. Hartman will dire
1 n ft e aH
i home or Mr. waHrn. about four and a haVf ? aW and ail women who apply to him.who are suf-
TLS :oy,h T ;7ck by IIVZ S r,ednr'n' Serlng with diseases peculiar to their sex,
i frenix Neb . June i! (Sppclaf.i This An excellent little treatise on the diseases peculiar to women, enti-
city was vlslte-1 bv a heavv wlndst-rm v..i.m.i.n i,.,.,ni,.o n..i.i..i 't PQ 'Health and BfiaLltv." Aritfpn h fir. Harfmtin oont froo Yr U o
at 10 o' clock last night and for nearly an
hour the wind Is estimated to have marfe
100 miles per hour. The new smokestack
on William Durke's elevator wee bl-wn
of the company ever being taken from Lin- , Tbe safe was ruineu anu wae .ueu
coin and paid little heed to the admonition J4.000.
to hurry. As a consequenco they wero this ........ s
morning Btartlcd by tho Ubuancc of tho
following order: Vnrlnn. Towns
Will II Stoncr. late of the Second .V-
stti: ci.nsK.
In Nelirnnkn Iteport
Their Coiiiniriieeinent Efrrrlur.
nt iTTCMflltTII Veh luno 1. fRrerlal.l
vi f.iio-'wu -"'"I.... . - --- - r i Th rommncement exercises oi tne or,,i ...
Ije ni.l-f ... - - i 4. . v.. I fl,,4 ,. M 3 " C H Ll J
braskn volunteer", recruiting ofUcer for the
A- Ball's livery barn anl one of the large,
plate-glfss windows In Watson's new build
ing was broken to atoms by a flying b-nrd.
Corncrlbs, fruit and shade trees were badly
damaged. Several children who had ben
picnicking over on the Hlue arrived home
Just as the storm came and lost their hats
and other belongings, which werp. hlpwn
toward Kansas. The wind came from the Nebraska National Guard, to
t'loned'ot Weeping Water, will assemble the j Plattsmouth High school were held In th? wtnCFed for thirty yearP.
propocd members of that command at .8 Flrst Presbyterian church lat evening. Tfce ! NORTH LOUP. Neb.. June 1. (
mu.r n.o'-th" Srvr??yofJ,th? at '"following program was rendered: Piano j A heavy rainstorm passed over
vocal duet, "Spring's Greeting." i blown over and corncrlbs overturned. No
Misses Edith Patterson and Matilda Valerv; serious damage.
this caso First Lieutenant Joseph A. ,
Storch. late of the First Nebraska. Is au
thorized as a recruiting olllcer to assemble
and muster the members of tho proKjscd
company on Juno 1.
ItcrKP'n II prime Aeroiuit.
August 15 to 17
DILLER. Neb.. June. l.-(Speclal Tele- Peruna Medicine Com 113 n V. f!nl 1 1 m hi 1 Q. Ohio
gram.) The postofnee at Jansen. a small 1 w....w,w, w.
town In tho north part of this county, was
robbed this morning about 3 o'clock. The
burglars secured about J100 In money, but
did not take many, If any, stamps. They
blew off the safe combination. No descrlp- .v Very rteinnrU-nlile Remedy,
tlon was cbtalned of them and It Is not , -u (s with a good deal of pleasure and
thought they will be caught. From their . satisfaction that I recommend Chamber
work It Is thought they are professionals. ! Iain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea
the Mount Zion church,
Saturday Specials
I'lned for Avunult.
P V I n nloln
muster into tne nervier oi tne niaie. . - . .. ..v., ............. ......
t the name time General Darry g'.ves eoo. Mlra Antonio hessler; Invocation. Rev. i iact evening ab-ut S o'clock. About one
m!iir,. of ihr. rnmnleted nrovlsions for th- Ast Slceth of the Methodist Episcopal Inch of rain fell. Sme cutbulldlnss were
organization and mut-terlng of Company church:
Tl . 1, n cmr, ...Imant tit l."l!l lert Oil. In
voieaiciory, cuuiL-r iaii. run., i a ji 1. 1 u.-s , .en., June i. ispeciai.) .
"Asleep In tho Deep," Gertrude Fletcher: I splendid hower o! rain fell here from S:30
address, "The Value of the Person." Rev. j to i; o'clock last night and water is still
William H. Manss, Lincoln. Neb.; "'l i standing en the ground this morning. ThW
i the Dawn." male quartet. Hon. H. D will do an Inestimable amount of gcod. as
Travis presented diplomas to Thomas L.
Murphy. Lloyd R. Wilson. George F.
O. W. Berge. tho nominee of tho fusion- j Clarke. Charles F. Guthmann. Bertha M.
lsta for cougress from the First dlsttl:t, Rlchoy. A. Lorento Clark. Anna P. C. Has?
has filed with the Bscretary of state his Icr. Evangeline V. Fletcher. Margaret M.
rtatemcnt of the expenses of his campaign. Rcnnie. Ella M. Ruffner. Mattlo M. Spaag
Jlr nirge says that the lienor cost him ler. Eunice Davis. Amelia B. Martens,
jl.SO and this is distributed afollows: For Maud A. Eaton and Verna E. Cole. Rev.
car fare to and from th" convention at J. T. Balrd pronounced the benollction.
A..i,,n nominated him. J2.S0: for! NEBRASKA CITY. June 1. (SpcciaU
. ..1.11- .!,,. to i nrnrtiint'nn riterelses fnr the Hlrh school contlnuc.l for about a half hour. Fo
COICI I AUl'JIlfs Kill," iii. - - " - . . . .
Attorney General Smvth will take further ! class of 1000 wero held at tbo Overland tunately no damage wa? done aside from ,
. .w. ui ...nitiioiMl hv htm I theater this eveninc and were lareelv ' stripping fome limbs off of trees. The,
BC11UU III iuu uw.. .- . .. - . . . . "V- A . hnlf Inh nnH j... J U T 1 rnn)A
acainst the Union Pacific Railroad company ' attended ny relatives ana irienns or tn I """ r""- " n. Niunucrs, tranaij, ..
tor allescl violation of the maximum freight ; members of the claw. The program con- I ws vcrv welc-mc. H. A. Scott and E. L. King as rtustees for
,v , ,he next .fion of the sunreme i slsted of music, orations, essays, etc.. anl, BEATRICE, Neb.. June l.-(Spc:la Te - tho ensuing Masonic year.
" I ... ... ...... . .mm i A hpMvv wirnlntorm visited this
He was renaored in a crenuaDie manner, i ne 1 ----- -
Dr. Claude tcct'n last "'Knt. ooing cnsiaeraDie nam- i
in connection ' Watson, president of the Board of Educi- 1 10 EIca" iru,t aau suuue lre" luc
refuse to I tlon. Th class numbers twenty-eight t11''
compojed of
Remedy," says Druggist A. W. Sawtel'o
of Hartford, Conn. ' A lady customer see
ing the remedy exposed far sale on my
show case said to me: 'I really believe
that medicine saved my life the past suiu-
and she. became so
enthusiastic over Us merits that I at
once made up my mind to recommend it
Qnrrr FrenU of l.lKhtnlnK.
WEST POINT. Neb., June l-(Speclal )
During the storm of list night lightning
6truck the farmhouse of J. J. Meier, re-
I -1 I A I, .... . I .U -1... J
.ui.,s ol l?""?- aul.r. 'mer while at the shore
icreu a oeceida in wnicn io ciiiiuru
were slc-eplng. The bedstead was split Into
Kindling wooo. oui me two cni.uren were ,he uture Rccently a RPntleman came i
uninjured. A valuable cow was killed at ,t0 my Etore f0 over,ome wlth co)lc palns
wcauip ii.ui.-. iun-w.i '' i that he sank at once to tbe floor. I gave
In the southeastern portion of the county. hlm a i0Be of thl, remC(ly. whlch he:ped
I repeated the dose, and In fifteen
the ground was getting quite dry on top.
GREELEY. Neb.. Juno 1. (Special.) A
fine rain fell lest night, commencing about
9 o'clock and continuing a g'Od part of tho
night. This fixes crops first class. Much
corn Is already worked.
. EXETER. Neb.. Juno 1. (Special.) After
a very hot, sultry afternoon yesterday a
storm slowly came up from the west about
10-30, preceded by a very brisk wind, which
Continue Fnlr Mindii- Will
Warmer Hindu .shift Inn
to Solltlierli .
1. Forecast
eni.n. miuu win wv.. ' ,
will then move that referees be appointed j diplomas wero presented by
to take the testimony
.v.. cult Chnnlrl the romnanv
1 u h.nn i'i,n inn piara nr ..u
TECUMSEH, Neb.. June 1. (Special.) , ra,nul" ""- '"! ..i.u.l..
Alfred Cramer. t laborer, was brought Into '
Justice Dlnsmore's court yesterday on the , -rnn y'c iiCnTUPR COR
charge of. nssault. charged by Sherman I UUH I O "tKincn run
DunnU. o follnn. tfiVirtfAT TJiinn'on rtt-ned I - -
that Cramer struck him over the head with !
a heavy Instrument and the Judge fined
the offender 15 and costs. He could not I
pay. so was locked up in the county Jail. WASHINGTON. June
Mnnnn VAwt otlirer.i. Saturday and Sunday:
OSCEOLA, Neb.. June 1 (Special.) I For Nebraska and South Dakota Fair
Osceola Lodge No. 65. Ancient F-ee and ' Saturday and Sunday: warmer Sunday.
Accepted Masons, havo elected the follow- winds shifting to southerly.
Ing- L. K. McGaw, worshlpable ma-ter; I Kor Iowa Fair Saturday, with cooler In
O. B. Mickey, senior warden: A. V. Nelson, j central and eastern portion: Sunday, fair.
ii, -,rHen- r t Tulver. treasurer: T. i with warmer In western portion; variable
v luua.
For Missouri and Kansas Fair and cooler
Saturday; Sunday, fair; northerly winds.
I.oenl Heeoril.
Solid oak rocker (iike cut), rich
ly finished golden and nicely
embossed, Saturday only $1.30
Sewing Tables, with yard
measure, Saturday each, $1.00
Lawn or porch settees, 6 feet
long, made of hardwood, painted
lU.UILii iSTTTjTl'lJj 1 ".it.-
er " LV- "cT T" S'
. . " 'I I 1 .
's5j red, Saturday, each, $1.75
I'ov Thrown from Hore.
TECUMSEH. Neb.. June 1. (Sp?elal.) o.MAlIA. June 1. Omaha record of trm
The 12-year-old son of Albert Hlndera met , perature and precipitation, tampan J with
....... r.iA . c,vm, the corresponding day of the last three
. t.i-. 1.1- . i . ,
ngrre to the appointment oi re;erceM u ii;iu, " ""." , .u.,uhu m iiurlnr In Wavrrlr llnnk. Tuesdav. He was riding a hots and tH9 y.nn itn itns uqt
nrohabln that the court will be calle I upon ! one member, brings th? total number of ( le.vv'iit.v Veh. .tune i (Sre.-lal.l -.i K.,m frightened, runnlne acr:ss Maximum temneraturo .. 71 SI S3 S:
to take entire Jurisdiction. ; graduates for twenty years up to 300 Somp tmp ,,.,. ,t n,Rht th,(VM cn. the ralrcai track and throwing his rider s"'t'Vi,ro "' G 7' r
Sheriff W. V. Norris or Corning. Ia.. re- The names of the class are as follows- terC(, thp nank of waverly. of which T. J. 0ff The boy's head stru:k a tie; a bad rrecipltatlori i .. . .45 .00 .(J T
turned to that plnco today from Lincoln. Cbauncey H. Allen, Ada M. Albright. Kath- r)eae S ccshler, and blew the safe to ECajp wound was suffered and his collar-. Record of temperature nnd precipitation
having In his custody W. N. Gorn. wanted Tine M. Anderson. Cumi R. Bdcbler. Lena IrnKracnts. damaging the building to some bone was broken. ?JLmnlm for the day and flnco March l-
there on a rnarge oi Digamy. i,orn is out faunm.,,. u....... . jo, v,.....,.,, cvtcnt. Tne concussion Drone oui me win- . Normal for the dav 07
dows. It has the appearance of being tho lleiivy Wind nt nrnillinw. Excels slnre March 1 -.0
ivorU of evnerts. BRADSHAW. Neb.. June l. ispeciai.) ' Normal rainfall for tne (lay n men
for !
j Rop
v." - - 1 .a
mhknKryA tieres, fancy, choice combin
Srmi i ft Saturday, raeU?5.
it 111 I I 1 1 1 r
years of ag?, but It Is allegel Has three naipn nayiirn. .eme jiaywaru. i.erLru-o
wives living, frcm none of whom ho hai ; R Henry. Marge XI. Hill. Anna Krcjicn.
l)oen divorced and nil of whom havo been j George M Lathrop. Mary MacCualg. Frink
mnrrled to hlm during the latt year. Corn ; S. Marnell. Elsie Martin. Merrle L. Morse,
formerly lived at Galesburg. 111., having a . Theodore F. Mueller. Anm F. Mutt'n
wife there. He came west to Iowa and at : Merlo L. Overton. Elma D. Prtrlng, Ka'h-
The money was not reached, as the Inner At about 10 o'clock last night a heavy wind , Excess , f,,r the day aiin. n
tlrt-t gust came Pf.ficlencv Mnc Mareh 1 1.SIlnche-
-'.so incnes
door was Intact, and the explosion left the struck this village. The
outer door In such a position that them fr0m the southwest, which was filled with
was no chance to use more explosives and dtist. and In less than two minutes another
Icnox married Dertha Rurke. The couple ' erine A. Roddy, Jeannette Rels. Mattle G. u could not be pried off with the crowbar. 0f greater velocity and accompanied by rain
movM to Corning, where they lived son-.e , Sloan. Hal C. Smith. Nellln C. Ptapleton, ' So It was given up as a bad Job. They Btruck from the northweet. No damage was
months. Then the wife wanted to go btck j Clara n. Stahlhut. Mabel G. Swift.
I would havs secure! little mrncy In any done.
borne and Gorn was willing. He has never
seen her since. Shortly after his wile's
departure Gorn married a Corning girl,
Mary Taylor, being compelled to do so by
TIP TR!PP "V .limn 1 fnisM:! Tt. mioa na am i- n emnl! num la keDt on hand
csram.l Last night and tonight occurred The bank was open for business as usual i Olfleeri. for Klrt rhrnpWn.
the graduating exercises of the Reatrlce at 0 a. ra. Several heard the report of the I LINCOLN. June 1. (Special Telegram.)
High school at tho Taddock opera house. ' explosion, but the storm was so severe uo , The canvass of the vote by the oSctf S
The class consisted of thirty membets Attention was stlven It. ! of the First Nebraska regiment for field
The salutatory was delivered 'by Jesse; . .. . i officers has been completed.
Trouble Over Srlionl Hontln.
Colonel, J. N.
The result
Kiilan of Columbus;
Tlntlrlfnrv for cor. nerlnd. 1ST.1
Deficiency for cor. period. UK M inch
Iti'portN from Mutton nt S p. in
S c
E : i
e Portieres.
About a dozen extra quality rope por-
ation of colors
8 each. Special
Good cloth opaque, 3x6 feet, spring
rollers, complete, Saturday, each,
25 Cents
Store open until 9 p. ra. Saturday evening.
ltl4.14lG.U18 Dunlins Street.
Smith. Tho class poem was written by TABLE HUCK. eo . June j.-iapeciai. eutcnant colonel. Harry L. Archer of orin ratte. .,
M!s Marie J. Brown and read by Miss -At the recent election. May .1. school Bfatrlcc.; major. W. J Moore cf Nelson r',e.nJnK(.V cinudy '::;
Mary Emery .bonds to the amount cf J10.000 were voted ad cbarI(!S Ai vickers of Madison. , Rapid City, clear ...
The commencement address was dellv- In this school district by a major ty of one ,,llr()n clear
nri hv nev Henrv Ward and the nrocram more than the necessary two-thirds vote. l.luhtnlni: Hiirni. Mnru. Iwilliston. clear .....
throughout was excellent and Interesting. There has been much talk and deling in GREELEY CENTER. Neb., June I.- C"W
Louis? cloudy
Hueo Shultz and Oliver Langdon. two , the matter anu tne iuim"w " inpeciai j eirBfam.i ..c ua... u. ... st. Paul, cloudy
On Krlilfi'. .In in- S. 1IHMI, nt U n. in.,
At our ntllltlonal falrnrooms 21 AND 2C
l I in'Ptl C"l'111.l."l' 4 III. 4 i i fr,t n . -
iDimt Fire rnderVnters entire salvage Liembcrs of the class, were vetcrans'of the ' that It may be tied up In the courts for rudt was struck by lightning last night Davenport.
cf twine from if M Tt MI K H H
consisting of
1,000,000 Lbs.
wmim i
All In perfect condition and original bales
This Is tie largest sale cf lis kind ever
held In the west Condition and nu.ii.tlty
i-hotilil Interest tho entire trade Hto k on
exhibition THI RSDAY Jl'NE 7 AT i a m.
.s.V.lll Kl. .Miiuiiufr.
and burned, together with horses, harness, Helena, cloudy ....
The l-fes Is J2.000; Insured. i r."""" p,r' .
Nemnhn .Noeliitlon llfotliiK. j ogYveston'. "udy' .
l r.1 l Jisr.ll. ,eo.. juue i. ioh-i-"i i
.. mrtf nnd it Is emectel that raDcrs The Nemaha association oi ino mpiui
i,,,.i ,.,,-i.. ue served ai nny uuic m
WEEPING WATER. Neb.. June 1. (Spe- ' school officers to restrain the issulns of
clal The tenth annual commencement of i the bonds.
the High school occurred In the opera house j ,,rrl,nrl, fnr r.iionininnnnt.
last night. An Immense crowd gathered to jsjjtojj. Neb.. June 1. (Special. 1
near ino program, uev. .u. n . i
i Omaha delivered hH lecture, entitled
Snanlsh and Philinnlne wars and were somo time, i ne scuotn uua.u r
caeh presented with floral offerings by their : Ployed Hon. Frank Martin of rails tity. grain, hay. etc.
..! .1 .Anlrnla n n i A I I n 1 V anil
former crmradte. This evening's gradu- wnue me -.
atlng class was the largest that has ever Roper of Pawnee City, who were over yes-
graduated from the Beatrice school and It terday looking tip matters pertaining ta
.... . ..t r- nA It let nvnnpfAl Inn T" npfR
was found necessary to tano two evenings , tne .1.. hh nt hold its annual mteetlnir at I
: 2'
6S1 " 71 .10
70 72 .01 ;
BS: f,S 01 ,
62 6! .'0
tW CS .oi
K .01
61 6S .21 I
wi M .10 .
6-1 7C .nl '
7 -2 T !
71 71 1 ,
7 '2 0
71 76 .ii)'
tW Cf, m ;
T indicates trace of precipitation.
lyocal Forecast Oflictrl.
e f The local committee Is making extensive ar
I i hy . I .0n,, fnr the state encamnment of the
Western Salvage Wrei-kins As c . Chicago. The Weeping Water band and vocal muflc g nf Veterana t0 be te?d In the park
erti uuri ui mc iiiuKriuii anu im- uriiurui ,in i,lna 4 nnd end nc June !).
of the board presented the clar,. Mlis Etta . h flrst alr pncampment
Fowler. Katie Glbaon. Rernlce GoaJa'o. Me - hKfl pver tMn hcll, by Sons p( Vcte
villa Rector and Pearl Wilkinson, with their
diplomas Tho superintendent. E. L. Rouse,
was so well liked that he. as well as almost
the entire force of teachers, have been re
tained LOUISVILLE. Neb.. Juno 1. (Special.)
The fifth annual commencement of the
Lcuisvllle High school was held In the
Baptist church last evening, which wai
npely decorated with bunting, the stars
ard ttrlpes and a large variety of flowers.
Tho church was fllUd to overflowing. The
class was composed of eight young women
nnd five young men, as follows: Leda
Rofs. vaWdletorlan; Kate Peteison, silu
t.torlaa, Philip Barnes, Jessie Hartshorn,
nnd the committee prToie to make It a
great success. The secretary announces
that ho has secured railroad rates of one
faro and one-third over the St. Joseph &
'Grand Island and the KansaB City & Omaha
Siniilh Wnr Vetfrnim Orcnnlrr,
ST. EDWARDS. Neb.. June 1. (Special.)
-x. members of the First Nebraska regi
ment today organlied a camp of Spanlsh
Amorlcan war veterans, which wsb called
Camp Slsson. In memory cf Lieutenant S's
eon of Company K, who was killed In bittls
near Manila? Tbe following officers were
elected G. M. Thompson, commander, J.
At the Head of All the Waters
Examined for Purity and Freedom
from Disease Germs."
This Store Quits
We have and always did have the genuine
Regent $3.50 Shoes
We did not advertise same because wo considered
we had greater bargains. But if you want them jou
can find the $3.50 quality Regent Shoe at The Howe's
Quit Business Sale for
John Foster and C P. Fords 5 and $6 ladies' shoes, Pin
gree and Smith 4 and $5 shoes and other celebrated
makes, including Stacy & Adams, 85 and 6 men's
shoes from $1.98 to $3.28.
We quit that tells the tale.