Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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Oitj Should Hare Intimits OomrnsrcUl
Editions with South Dakota.
rrniinnrtl t.lno llettteen Omitlm iiml
.Yniiklmi Heeelven the Cordial 1-Jn-iln
rue til cut of HMrrciitn-
U' HtlxlllCNN .Mcll,
Judge nartlott Tripp and Harry Ellor, tho
committee from Yankton to discuss the
building of direct railway connection be
tween that city and Omaha, were met at
tho Commercial club at lunch ycBterday
by a gathering of representative citizens, In
cluding Messrs. W. II. Pickens, E. E. Bruce,
F. P. Klrkendall, E. llosowater, F. V. Ktl
logg, Euclid Martin, V. S. Wright, J. S.
White, H. J. I'enfold, It, C. Peters, M. C.
Peters, It. K. Hodgln, J. II, Dumont. C. D.
Thompson, A. L, Heed, A. Hospe. Oeorge
"Vy. Llnlnger, E..M. Andrcetvn, V. E. San
bom, John Steel nnf. others.
Judge Tripp was Introduced to stato the
purpose of tho visit. He Bald that It would
require no argument to prove that Omaha
nhould bo In the enjoyment of Intlmato com
mercial relntlonn with tho northern part of
ho Htato and all of North Dakota as terri
tory naturally tributary, but Instead It Is al
most entirely cut off from that entire ic:tlon,
having practically no northorn connection
except with tho Illack Hills country. It Is
nalrl that Clod made the country and man
makes tho towns, and that being the case
It Is Incumbent on the men of Omaha to
build a city that comports In Importance
"with the great section of 0;d's creation of
which it l tho natural center. There Is no
richer country In tho world than tho (section
from which ho came. With resources and
advantages that do not compare with those
of Omaha, Sioux City has built n line her
self which enables her to drain all that see-
on and Is In fact dependent largely upon
uth Dakota for her commercial Impor
tance. The people of South Dakota are Im
partial and would like to dlvldo their trade,
sending part of It to Omaha, for which priv
ilege the people of Yankton havo been ear
nestly seeking for years.
Trend if Commerce In CIimiikIiiu.
Judge Tripp directed attention to the
changing trend of commerce, and pointed
out tho vaBt ltnportanco of Omaha early
necurlng n hold upon tho trade of this
vast central Bectlon an a basis of supply
for the Inevitable commerce with tho Orient
that must follow the opening of the great
lntcroccanlc canal. This country Is not
only creating a market in tho Orient, but
un appetite, not one-hundredth part of
(which can bo supplied by the western
tilopes of the United States. Ho desired to
know if Omaha Ik willing to take the lead
(n the mater. The vast resources of thU
occtlon, In tho form of stock and agri
cultural products, find their way to Sioux
City and Chicago. Yankton has always
entertained the most kindly feelings for
Omaha. The cominltteo had como merely
to present the conditions and confer with
Omaha to ascertain If posstbto what could
bo done, and If Omaha, with itu wealth,
coold not take tho Initiative.
At tho invitation of the chair Mr. Ed
iwaid HoHowatcr responded. Ho detailed
tho steps that havo been taken toward the
end sought during tho last dozen years,
saying that overy one In Omaha who had
over given tho subject thought realized tho
importunco of this suggested northern con
nection. Yankton is not bo far away as
Hastings and Grand Island, which aro con
sidered to bo very near Omaha, and yet it
takes almost n day to reach that city.
"When an effort had formerly been made to
eecuro tho construction of the Yankton
Hurtlngton line, Mr. Hurt had suggested
that It would Involve a consldorablo prob
lem in engineering. Since that
time, however, many problems In
nnglnccrlng had been solved, and
It seems possible that tho great Nicaragua
canal may bo built before this tow mllea of
road can bo built. The real Impediment,
however, appears to be an agreement be
tweon tho Northwestern and Milwaukee
roads not to build, competing linos In that
section. This Impediment is not Insur
mountable. If it should appear to exalting
roads that a competing line is to bo built
Independently If they do not built one, the
road would come. If tho head of some great
Bybtcm can be induced to glvo vitality to
tho Yankton-Norfolk project, tho connect
ing link with Omaha would soon follow.
Tho time has como for Omaha to do Home
thlng to secure tho advantages of tho trade
of tho vast northern Kectlon and encourage.
ho frlondly commercial spirit manifested.
I'reMPiit Owner of IIIkIiIh Vouched For
Harry Eller of Yankton said that ho was
connected for years with Mr. Pierce, who
had built bo much of tho Norfolk lino as
has beon constructed, and had been inter
ested in it over slnco. It wbb buHt on Eng
lish capital obtained by fraud and Mr.
Flcrco la now a fugltivo from Justice. One
of tho contractors, a Mr. Graham of Ohio,
had enforced a Hen of about $15,000 and se
cured all tho rights of thi road In the hopo
that ho may somo day recoup himself by so
curing the building of tho lino.
F. W. Kollogg gavo somo Interesting In
formation in relation to Graham, whom ho
liorsonally knows to be a nan of reliability
nnd in every way worthy and competent. Ho
nlso urged tho Importance of this line to
tho commercial Interests of Omaha.
Euclid Martin said that ho did not be'
Ilovo that uny of tho existing lines will ever
lx extended to Yankton until Omaha says
that she In going to havo such a line It she
has to build It herself.
E. E. Hrurn thought that tho beat thing
lo do would bo to at onco proceed to the
organization of a company, In which tho
Jobbers and commercial men of Omaha
should tnko stock.
'M. C. Petorn moved the appointment of a
committee of ways and monno for the build
ing of tho Una Tho motion prevailed and
tho chair will announce tho committee later.
Tho socrotury was directed to correspond
"with Contractor Graham to ascertain about
(when ho may bo expected in Omaha.
Jtldgo Tripp Invited the club to send a
coramltteo to Yankton to investlgato tho
resources of that section and tho club ten
dored to tho visiting committee it voto of
thanks for Its Interest and activity.
Om the Wiilinoh.
Commencing Sunday, June 3, tho Wabash
will shorten the tlmo of tho
leaving Chicago at 12:02 noon, and St
Iouls 0 a. m.. arrives at Now York 3:25 n
m, and Boston 5:20 p. m., giving Its patrons
better service to their favorite, summer re
llatra via tho Wabash aro from J2 to $3
less than othor lines via Detroit nnd Niagara
Falls. For rates, time-tables of trips cast
or a copy of On Lake nnd Sea, call on any
agent of connecting lines, or call on or write
Room 405 N. Y. L. Hldg., Omaha, Neb
Clienn Iloiiml Trip Unto.
On June 21, July 7, S, 9, 10 and IS, and
'August 2, tho Illinois Central railroad will
pell tickets, limited until October 31, as
fit Paul, Minn., and return $12.65
Minneapolis, Minn., and return 12.63
Duluth, Minn., and return 16.03
Waseca, Minn,, und return 10.33
Superior, Wis., and return 16, Da
West Superior, Wis., and return 16.05
Kor particulars call at Illinois Central
city ticket oflke No. 1102 Farnam (.trout.
Tom Urn 11, Charged with llntdlnfr t'p
ti l'nrincr In Mouth Omiilin, lie
fore .Indue linker,
Tom Ityan Is on trial before Judge Dakcr,
charged with a particularly bold highway
robbery. It Is alleged In the Information
than on the afternoon, of May 17i 'this year,
Ilyan robbed Emll Monncr on Twenty
seventh and N streets. South Omahn. Mon
ncr Is a farmer who lives in tho southern
part of the county.
It is charged that Ilyan threw Monner to
tho sidewalk In a vicious manner and
searched his pockets, gaining $15 by tho
trantactlon. Tho robbery occurred In day
light, and was witnessed by persons,
who gave chase. Ityan was caught after a
sprint of a few blocks. It Is said that ho
threatened Monncr with death If ho resisted
tho attack.
Tho principal witness of the forenoon ses
sion was Raymond Dernard, a small boy
who stood near the Bcene of tho crime at tho
tlrno of Its occurrence
Court Order Her to llemnlii In
Omiilin a Little I. miner.
Judge Dickinson hag Issued a temporary
restraining order to prevent Mrs. Allco
Hamilton from removing her Infant daugh
ter from the city of Omaha or the Jurisdic
tion of tho court. Mrs. Alice Rankin,
mother of Mrs, Hamilton, Is also made a
party to the suit. Action was brought by
Frank Hamilton, tho estranged husband
of tho principal defendant.
Several months ago tho Hamlltons were
divorced and custody of the Infant was
awarded to Mrs. Hamilton, with the under
standing that the father should bo per
mitted to see his child twtco each month.
This was a part of the official decree,
Hamilton filed petition yesterday, al
leging that Mrs. Rankin, his mother-in-
law, and her daughter, his former wife,
havo entered Into a conspiracy to remove
tho child to another state. Hamilton con
strues this to be a violation of the order
of tho court, nnd he asks that tho little one
be given into the keeping of his mother,
Mrs. Lottie Hamilton. Tho case will come
up for hearing on its merits Juno 11.
Jury I'lniU that Hi In Not Mentnllr
It enpnitNlhle.
The Jury in tho case of Harney Klmbcr-
llng, charged with burglary, has returned a
verdict of not guilty. The case won tried
beforo Judge Dakcr. It was charged that
Klmberling entered tho home of Edwin F.
Iirallcy and stole $10 In cash and Jewelry
valued at $45.
It was admitted on trial that Klmberling
committed tho crime, but his attorneys set
forth tho plea that he Is insane from tho
use of morphine and cocaine nnd that he
was therefore not responsible for his acts.
Tostlmony as to tho deplorable condition
of tho defendant was given by mombers of
his family. Klmbcrllng's manner while In
tho court room indicated mental derange
ment to such extent that the plea of tho.
defendant attorneys required but little veri
fication by tostlmony.
Order Annlnxt Cnmiiliell IkhiifiI.
Judge Dickinson has issued a temporary
order restraining Charles Campbell from
selling or otherwise interfering with tho
stock and fixtures of a confectionery storo
operated by his wife at 716 North Sixteenth
street. The order also stipulates that Camp
bell shall remain away from the premises
of his wife until further orders of the court.
Tho doto of hearing for permanent Injunc
tion has not been determined, but It will
probably be somo tlmo within tho next few
weeks. In her petition Mrs. Campbell
charges her husband with habitual intoxi
cation and asserts that ho has threatened
to dlsposo of tho confectionery store, which
she purchased with her own funds. Fears
of personal violence aro also expressed.
Sheriff Win. HU Mult.
Sheriff John Power has returned from
Dubuque, la., whore ho has been for sev
eral days engaged with others In contesting
a will left by Arthur O'Mnlloy, a brother
cf the sheriff's wife, who died several
months ago. Tho will left only a small
legacy to the relatives, while a business
partner was remembered with tho bulk,
which aggregates something llko $100,001.
Co-operating In the contest with Sheriff
and Mrs. Power were sovcral other mem
bers of tho family. Decision has been
rendered In favor of the contestants, it hav
ing been shown in court that the bequest to
O'Malley's business partner was brought
about by undue inlluenco.
uV IMnee to Spend the Summer.
On tho lines of tho MILWAUKEE RAIL
WAY' In WUconsIn nro somo of the most
beautiful places In the world to spend a
summer vacntlon camping out or at tho ele
gant summer hotels. Boating, fishing, beau
tiful lakes nnd streams and cool weather.
Theso resortB nre all easily reached from
Omaha, A book describing thorn may be
had upon application at tho Chicago, Mil
waukee & St. Paul Ry.. city ticket office
1501 Farnam street, Omaha. Round trip
tlcketB, good returning until October 31,
now on sale. F, A. NASH,
General Western Agent.
Winning: Nntlonnl Convention Ticket.
If delegates and others who will attend
tho national republican convention at Phil
adelphia want n, winning ticket they can get
tho samo by asking for it via renniylvanla
Short Lines from Chicago. Tickets of that
kind moan victory for travelers wanting up-to-date
trotn comforts. To be' a winner It
will be necessary to ask agents for tickets
over tho Pennsylvania Route, which will
bo sold at reduced rates for the conven
tion. H. R. Derlng, A. G. P. Agt.. 248
South Clark street, will help you to get
them if you write him.
Wrlto nd. Sell cuts. Print anything.
Stonccypher, 1201 Howard at. Tel. 1310.
Milwaukee and
Ilrlivcr. IMleliln.
r'nin,n,i w. I
niul return
Hot Springs, S. 1).
nnd return
tllrnwood NprliiK
tuil return ......
I I nnd retu
1 I TlokM
Farnam St,
Tl. 850,
Fallen Hsroes of Tw Wirs to Ba Remem
bered bj a Giatifut People.
AftkN Hint the ln- He 1'UIiikI Oh
nerved nnd thitt All I'lncm of
lliinluexN lie Cloned Dur
Iiik the Afternoon,
In accordance with his annual custom
Mayor Moores, himself a veteran of Custer
Post, Grand Army of tho Republic, has Is
sued a proclamation calling for a universal
observance of tho day set apart to tho mem
ory of those who fell upon the Hold of battle
or by n moro liberal Interpretation to the
dead who onco woro tho blue. Tho procla
mation Is as follows:
"To tho Citizens of Omaha: I have been
requtsted by the memorial day cemmltteo
of the Grand Army of tho Republic to call
the attention of our citizens to tho memorial
exercises occurring on Decoration day and
to request all to obscrvo the day in a man
ner befitting the occasion.
"On this anniversary wo do reverenco to
the memories of the heroes of two wars.
Wo will do honor to those who fell at San
Juan hill, Santiago and tho battlefields
around Manila, as well as to thoso who fe.t
at Shlloh, Gettysburg and on other southern
battlefields, for they nil died In tho defense
of national honor and In the causo of suf
fering humanity. Let us as loyal citizens do
homago nt the shrine of patriotism on Me
morial day by n reverential observance of
tho day. Let us show that wo cherish the
memory of our dead heroes and value the
pricoless liberties which havo been secured
and maintained by their devotion. Let overy
citizen display tho national colors today
and from every dwelling house, store and
factory let 'Old Glory' bo flung to the
breeze, and let us all Join In the grand
public demonstration to do honor to our
nation's fallen heroes.
"To comply with a general order which
has been Issued, flags should bo placed at
half mast, and It Is hoped aUo that all places
of business will be closed at 1 o'clock ant)'
during tho afternoon,
I'ntrlntle SpceehrN Delivered III City
School by MemlierM of the (irnml
Army of the Itepnhlle,
In accordance with the usual custom and
with tho approval of the Board of Education
Momorlal Day programs wore held In the
various schools of tho city yesterday under
direction of tho three local posts of the
Grand Army of tho Republic. The speakers
all discoursed on tho general subject of
patriotism and tho observance of Memorial
day and their addresses were accompanied
by music and in many cases by brlof pro
grams by tbo pupils. Several speakers ap
peared at more than one school and the
exercises were held cither In tho morning
or afternoon, as proved mo3t convenient to
tho veterans.
Today will bo a general holiday
among the schools and lessons will bo re
sumed as usual tomorrow. The final ex
aminations for tho year aro on tho paint of
descending upon those who have not at
tained a grade of 85 per cent or moro in
the year's recitations.
An Opportunity tn Vlult the Kant.
Pleasantly and economically Is affored by
tho tourist tickete on salo via the Lake Shoro
& Michigan Southern railway on and after
Juno 1. Chautauqua Lake, Niagara Falls,
the St. Lawrcnco river, White mountains and
the Atlantic coast resorts are among the
moro Important points reached. Summer
edition of "Book of Trains" Bhowlng speci
men tours will be of Interest In arranging
for your trip. Sent free on application to
n. P, Humphrey, T. P. A Kansas City, Mo
or F. M. Byron, G. W. A., room 34 Station
building, Chicago.
The now twenty-six-hour Boston train is
now In service.
COATES-Mrs, T. J., formerly Miss Annie
Campbell, nt Victor, Colo., May 27.
Funeral. 8:30 o'clock a. m., Wednesday,
May 30, from residence. 2.TT0 Cuming street.
Services nt St. Jnhn'K church at 3:15. In
terment, Holy Sepulcher.
MURPHY Emmet It. aged 24 years.
Funernl Thursday. Mny 31, at fl n. m. from
family residence, 2C67 Dodge street, to St.
Peter's church.
wgftr course
Tho Reason Is now on for Root Beer nnd
i'?,n.ll.?ir,1'. Prepared. LOOK IN OUR
WINDOW and you will Bee.
Hire's Hoot Beer, carbonated. In pint bot
tles, ready to drink, 10c bottle, $1.15 dozen.
Hire's Ginger Ale, same stylo nnd price
ni root beer.
Hire's Root Beer rmnkes B pnllmml iin
Ilygela Ginger Ale, pints 15c. dozen. .$1.50
nygeia uinger Ale. quarts, 25c dozen, 12.23
Mnnltnu aimrer Chnmnaene nlntw trie.
dozen 11.73
wuiiriK sac, aozen j.'.&u,
Sperlnl prices by case,
Sotcrlnn Ginger Ale Quarts 20o bottle.
dozen $2.00
look in our uiu window hii1 don't
forget the "ONYX QUEEN" opening SAT
URDAY. Sherman & McConnell Drug Go
Now Location Cor. 16th and Dodge fits.
$16.75, Juno 2
3. 4 and 6.
$19.00 Juno 5 and 19.
K3-00- Da"' a"r June L
).,.. . ,
f 1S.40-Junn 6 and 19,
$31.00 June 5 nnd 19.
$40.00. Dally after June L
$30.75. Juno 14,
15 and IS.
St.. J
Burlington Station
10th and Mason St
Ti. its.
Hecelrer la Aaked fur the Xehrnahn
HrevrliiK Aonoelnt Ion,
In its report of the court proceedings
yeslorday Tho Bee stated that a receiver
has been asked for tho Omaha Browing
company, when It should have been stated
the concern for which a receivership was
requested was tho Nebraska Brewing as
sociation. The error was due to a wrong
construction of a technical court term.
Thero Is no connection between tho two
concorns. It is admitted that the affairs
qf Uio Omaha Brjowlng association are
solidly Bolvent.
City Trenatirer U Getting Hendy to
Isauc a Fevr More Dlalreaa
Tho city treasurer feels that he must re
veal still further to taxpayers tho stuff he
Is mado of. Last month he adopted a new
method of collecting personal taxes In the
form of a postal card with a printed an
nouncement that taxes wero due. Fifteen
hundred of these cards wero sent throughout
tho city, but tho harvest has not been as
fruitful as hoped by tho treasurer and his
aides when tho notices wero laboriously
filled In and addressed. Of the 1,600 cards
200 related to 1000 taxes, duo .on July 1, so
that no final measures will be taken In such
cases. Of the other 1,100 delinquents tho
treasurer Issues a notice In tho form of nn
ultimatum. He promises that distress war
rants will be served upon all who Ignore
their obligations and all available property
will bo seized. Tho latest possible dato when
delinquents may avoid unpleasantness, the
treasurer says, Is Juno 1G.
A Very lleiuiirhnhle Iteinedy.
"It is with a good deal of pleasure and
satisfaction that I recommend Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Itemcdy," says Druggist A. W. Sawtello
of Hartford, Conn. "A lady customer see
ing the remedy exposed for sale on my
Bhow caso said to me: 'I really bcllevo
that mediclno saved my Ilfo tho past sum
mer while at tho shore,' and she became so
enthusiastic over its merits that I at
onco nado up my mind to recommend It
in tho future. Recently n gentleman came
into my storo so overcome with colic palmi
that he sank at onco to tho Moor. I gave
him a dose of this remedy, which helped
hlra. I repeated tho dose, and in fifteen
minutes he loft my store smilingly Inform
ing mo that he felt 'as well as ever."
Announce Mini I n.
Tho Woodward Stock comnanv. wbleh Is
exceedingly popular In this city, will return
to uoya s ineatcr Juno 3, after tho most re-
marKamo success that It has over nttalncd.
Not only has the p.isnn nt Knnsns nitv
been phenomenally prosperous ub a whole,
out mo run or -ijuo Vadis" nt tho Audito
rium in that city broke all records west of
Chicago, havlnor hpen for four rnnqeruttvn
weeks, with such a demand ns to Indicate-
that tho play might havo been retained for
two weeks longer without exhausting public
interest in the production. The company
will Rive this nlav tho Inst week of Its Ren.
son nt the Auditorium, closing Saturday
night, June 2, and coming to Omnha by
Bpcclal train In tlmo for tho matinee por-
rormanco Juno 3. This special train will
bring the entire production of scenery, cos
tumes. -DroDertles and electrical effects, and
will bring not only tho entire acting com
pany but tne stage hands and trained aux
iliary forco, tho company numbering 100
The Union Pacific will place In effect on
June 21, July 7 to 10 Inclusive, July 18 and
August 2nd, Summer Excursion rates of
plus $2.00 from Missouri IUrer to
ruEni.o, or.niix and .salt lake.
City Ticket Office, 1302 I'nruam St.
Telephone a 111.
The following telegram that means
much to the women, of Omaha and the
surrounding country was received from
our New York buyer:
New Yokk, May 26, 1900.
Hayden Bros.,
Can buy six manufacturers' stocks suits, jackets, skirts,
capes, waists and wrappers, at 25c on dollar. Stocks are very
lare, but very cheap. Can you use them?
James Hayden.
Our answer was:
James Hayden,
New York:
If clean and desirable stuff ship all by express imme
diately. ' Hayden Bnos.
The goods will be on sale Thursday,
Friday -and Saturday. For particulars
watch tonight's papers.
nosTos RTonw soticr.
At 1 Thl Afternoon, Decorntlon
l)ny, 1 Clone Our Ntore.
To make trading lively In tho morning
we offer nil tho special bargains that were
advertised for yesterday. Bo sure to do
your trading beforo 1 o'clock. The earllor
the better,
N. W. Cor. 16th & Douglas Sts.
Yin Clilcnuo, Mllunukee A St. Inul
Juno 2, 3 and 4, Milwaukee and return,
Juno 14, lfi, 16 and 17, Philadelphia nnd
return, $30.75.
Juno 25, 26 and 27, Chicago and return,
City Ticket Office, 1501 Farnam street.
General Western Agent.
Of 'Women' CIuIin lllennlnl Meeting
nt Mil wit uU ce.
Extraordinarily low rntes via tho "North
western Lino" June 2 to 6, good returning
till June 30. Qfllclal routo of the Illinois
clubs. Special arrangements for western
delegations. Inquire at City Offices, 1101-
1403 Farnnm street.
Spirit l.nke, In,,
Quickly and conveniently reached via tho
Illinois Central railroad. Hound trip tickets
now on salo nt city ticket office, 1402 Far
nam street.
Omaha Tent and Awning Co., tents, awn
ings, canvas goods, 11 and Harnoy, phono 8S3
When You Go Fishing
or. In fact, nnywhere. and you get sup
burnt, npply Lotus Cream freely. It will
stop thui Itching und cool you off imme
diately. It neln llko ii charm for tan, etc.
Comes In bottles 10c.
Cramer's Kidney Cure
Duffy's Malt Whiskey S.e
Wine of Cardui
Plnkham's Compound i:
Suro Death ;0c
ri, S. S Jae
Aycr's Hair Vlsjor fC
Stunrt'H Dyspepsia. Tablets 40c
Pyramid Pile Cute 40c
Carter's Liver Pills 1"C
Cutlcurn Soap 20e
Pnlno's Celery Compound fi'-'c
Miles' Nervine 3c
Plrrco's Prescription ""
Warner's Safe Cure 90c
Peruna 'uc
Castorlii 2oc
Hostetter's Hitters 75c
West's Nervo and Brain 29c
Bar Ben t. 40c
AJux Tablets 40c
Cor. Kith nnd Clilcnun Street.
Tho system of circulation Is abso
lutely perfect, Insuring pure, dry,
cold air. No mixing of food odors
no scrubbing cnslly kept clean by
using a sponge dampened with soap
and water. From a snnltnry point
of view they aro without a peer.
Hock Mineral wool, tho best non-conductor
and Insulation, results In keep
ing lowest terr.i'eraturo with least
We are exclusive Omaha agents for
Wilke Porcelain Tile
The Alaska, Yukon
Eddy Refrigerators,
Our CIIILKOOT, special hardwood,
zlnc-llned Refrigerator, 21 In wide,
16 In. deep, 39 In. high, at $5.45, Is great
value. Other sizes in proportion.
We nro headquarters for Refrigera
tors. Refrigerators sold on payments.
Prkes always, the lowest.
I4lh and Farnam Sis.
We close Wednesday
Memorial day at 1:00
v wiuwni
1 White Enamel
Do Your
Early in the
We close
rmi UCNS
18,775 pairs of FINE
SHOES purchased for
soot cash for less than
half their value trom the
factory floors of P. B.
Keith 6c Co..Bostoii,iUass,
the well known manufac
turers of men's and boys'
fine shoes, and the Ro
chester Shoe Co, the fa
mous makers of ladies'
fine shoes and oxford
On Sale
Big Bargain Tables
$1.34. Misses' and boys' iine shoes, made to sell for 1.75
and 2.50; on sale at $1.23.
)l5E i '
- L 5
) t)0Ttft VtttWUS
rHtATntA I
usSi. Squires & Smith, LLPS.
Are the highest In price, but the
best In quality that money, brains and
experlcnco can produce. Thoy aro
substantial Tlanos for substantial peo
ple, and wo bellevo that thero Is more
piano valuo to the dollar In an Instru
ment of this make than In any othor.
We nre nustalncd In our Judgment by
over GO.00O people who have JIAKD
The Mueller Piano
& Organ Co.
-Now nt I.'!!" I'ariiiuii St. Mnlir no
uilatiiKf In ilium- mill number.
'Phone KMIH.
I'Imiiii timeil Hinl repaired.
day as possible.
the store at
...... .-
Shoe Sale
1 7
in our two big shoe departments
Men's fine $3.50 and $4
shoes, mado up for other dealers,
all sizes on salo at $1.93. Ladies'
fine shoes, mado for othor dealers
to sell at $3 and 3.50, all sizes
and widths; on sale at $1.87, La
dies' fine 82 and 2. 50 oxford ties
in tan and black vici kid, all sizes
"feed the Brute"
win? tho prlzo essny on how to best raanago a hui
bawl. Oool food In n poor refrigerator is a bad ln
vcKtmcnt. Tho
tlerrick Refrigerator
will, on account of Us perfect circulation nnd sani
tary Inpldf keep foods In Rcod condition longer than
any other. Hotel and sectional coolers always ob
j More popular than ever,
Cheaper than ever
A holiday trip Is not complete with
out n KODAK or CAMERA. Don't
got ono at tho laat minute, but NOW,
Wo will tench you how to use It.
A boautlful Double Lena Poco Cam
era cemploto with carrying caao tor
All Amateur Photo Supplies at the
lowest prlcee. Call and see us bofora
The Robert Dempster Co,,
1215 Farntitu St.
Whnlranlr nml Itrlnll Denleri In
I'linto Siiill-.
During tho hot wrathor send u your
developing and printing.