( SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisement for these column will lie taken until 12 m. for the evening edition nntl until no p. in. for niornlnic and Sundny edition. Hate, J l-2e word flmt Insertion! lc nurd thrrenfter. Sothlnit taken j for le than U5c for tbe first Inser tion. Tlifif advertisement niuat be run coneeutlrely. AdvertUer. by ren,netlnsr a nam liereil check, can hare anrrer ad dreeil to a numbered letter In care of The Ilee. Antrer o aildreed will lie delivered on preaentatlon of the check only. StTt.VTIU.S WASTED. WANTED, by young man. a position of trust four years experience as account I ant. fairly good stenographer, operating! in ana itemmginn u-pewnici;. references App.y by letter to J. J. Steen. 243 Blnney st city. A-M329 Jcl6 WANTED, by competent and reliable German-American lady In middle life, po sition as housekeeper In refined. K'! home gnod wage, best city references. Address J 12. Omaha Bee A-S20 WASTED-MALE HELP WANTED, we have steady work f-ir a few good hustlers of good hat and appear ance. C. F. Adams' Co., lb. .loward St. B-445 BARBER trade taught thoreuhly In short t'n.e. catalogue and particulars free. Address" Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. B MS FRATERNAL Insurance deDUty: special work, good pay. Rice, 625 N. T Life bldg. i B 11569 JeT i and surfacing men.. Neb. Wyo. and Iowa; free fare, highest wages, ship dally." Western R. R. Labor -Agency, 3W S. llta ! st. B 11 SM I WANTED Men to learn barber trade We tench the work in two months, donate outfit of tools, pay board, furnish free ticket to our college and guarantee $15 weekly wnen competent wltnout any ex- oense. This offer Is extended untll'june , lith and 1 made on arcount of demand for graduate during the summer. Make application by mall. Moler Barber Col lege Agent. !3 Farnam St., Omnha. B-M5Q7-29' WANTED, a good, competent clerk for it general store: must speak German; right away. Address lock box 121. Bloomtleld. Neb. . . . B-M640 30 BRIGlfT. -energetic yournr man for general Office "ork with wholesale house, state age and 1 salary wanted; also give refer H CS. Bee. B-M5S0 25 ences. MAN to set ga grate. IS Farnam st. B-M777 II SALESMEN, to sell office specialties; fine side line: used by all merchants: cata logue free. Model ilfg. Co.. Box B, South Bend, Inch B ;23 Je25 WANTED at once, a good all around man for hardware: one capable of doing some tin and bicycle work: give full particulars !l to waged expected and uxperlence in first letter. Address J 11. Bee. B 521 31 WANTED, man to sell receipt books to manufacturers. Chapin, 73 Fifth avenue. Chicago. B-MSI2 3b I A VO. 1 BARBERS: must be well In ap pearance, sober and up-to-date; no others need apply: guarantee S15 and more to right parties. J 'C Von Kellork. Carr & Berry Barber Shop, Deudwood. S. Dak. B-MS4S 5 WANTED Immediately. 2 good stock saddle hands at Th Konantz Saddlerv Co.. 227 H. Sixth t. St. Paul. Minn. B MSJl 1 GOOD reliable man. with references, to manage "wholesale and retail liquor house. Apply 523 N. 26th st . Omaha. B M532 30 WANTED everywhere, hustlers to tack sign.", rtNlrlbute circulars, samples, etc., no canvasing: good pay. Sun Advertis ing -Bureau. Chicago, B M3 30 WASTED FEMALE HELP. TWO girls for dining- room work immedl ateJy. . jZeodHotel. Soutji Omaha. C-MS33 3l WANTED; 200 glrla. 1524 Dodge. Tel. S7S. C 147 (0 girls wanted. Canadian office 1S22 Douglas C-44S WANTED, good cook. 2008 Sherman ave. C-0 GIRL for general housework. 114 S. 23th Ave. C M496 WANTED, girl, must be good cook and laundress. N. W. Cor. 24th & Farnam. C-646 WANTED, neat girl for general house work In small family. Inquire at lie So. J2nd Ave. C 61$ WANTED, a -good cook In small famtiy. Inquire at 116 So. 22nd Ave. C-613 WANTED, experienced cook and laundress, i in family; second girl kept: references required. 2240 London Court, near St. Mary's ave- and So. 24th at. C MG6 COMPETENT second girl wanted at 2244 Landon court. c 507-30 GIRL for general housework, street. HIS S. 32nd C-S COOK wanted at 111 S. 17th st. C-MS13 31 FOR It EXT HOUSES. IF YOU want your houses well rented' place mem wun uenewa -o. u s HOUSES, etc F. D. Wead. U24 Douglas. D 45i ALWAYS moving H. H. goods Pianos. Office 1SU4 Farnam St. Tel. 1559 or S6J. D 452 HOUSES, stores. Bemls. Paxton Blk. D-4S3 HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city Bresoan-Iive Co., 309 S. 13th street. D 454 CHOICE housev cottages, stores. Henry U. fayne. ovi i. i.ue. i-none iui. D 435 HOUSES, and flaU. Ringwalt, Barker Blk. 456 MAGGARD Van & Storage. 1616 Capitol ave. Tel, lli O 4W COTTAGE at Lake OkobolL la., for rent Omaha teach. A. M. Clarke. 2557 Harney. 9-ROOM, also 12-room modem house, cheap to small famlllet. inquire 'AVi capttoi ave, Tel. &7X D SIS FOR RENT 313 Jf. 24th St., S room, over store. lty water in kitchen, 110.00. 39H Seward St , i-room cottage, city water in kitchen. 110.00. Mil Seward St. S rooms. I18.C0. Omaha Loan and Tresl Co., lth and Doug- - las 3U. i 5is 6-ROOM modern house, 216 So. 35th ave. s-room modern. 130 ro. 2sth U Thos. H Fell. J Brown Blk. OM309 SIX-ROOM modern flat. Ui: South 11th. D 365 131 'S. 25th sL, 11-room, modern. D M643 UNSOUAI.LED. all modern flve-room flat Tlxard, 221 i. inn. u lll 30 Ifllnviaiicn ttni'SE g rnnni mrw1sM Iar:i barn. frr twovor three months be ginning June l. i wo nne norseg ror sale. Innulre Tel. Sm. D-.M627 31 MODERN 6-room house; In good condition, S31 S. 21t St. D THREE stx-ronm modern houses ror rent close In. S17.S0. Omaha Loan Sc. Trust Co., 16th Sc. Douglas D 672 FITRN1SHED house for rent. Dlcasant loca tlun. walking distance of city halL 6J0 N. Y. Ufc bldg. D-M76S UNSURP.VS.SED. central. seven-room hout:' hall, bath and laundry basement Tliard, 221 zitn u um t- FOR RENT 1305 S. Slst sL This Is beautiful 10-room. all modern house with everything In the bt repair and finest neighborhood In the -lty. has large barn and carnage house, natural shade and Is In fact a model home Call and see us about It- Payne-Knox Company. First Floor New York Life Building. D-M5I3 5 FOR RE.N'T FOlXISIIEu ROOMS. Fl r.'ishi:d fit. Marys. rooms, fcousekeeplrg 231 12-M507 JeVJ' 4 OR REXT FtRSlSIIED'TtOOMS. BEAUTIFUL large room modern, with bs.$ tndow, newly papered, sit :soria tn HofSEKEEPING, lTli Jackson EM-TIM I FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping for man and wife. Rent taken- in board 3W No. 17th at. K M273 , Fl UNI SHED roora.. housekeeping. 1 to 4 nice rooms lentlre floor), modern: no chtr dren. 516 North 19th at. E MStO 1 BEAUTIFUL front south reoma; rates moderate, with excellent board. 1722 tl . J- f Dodge st. 2 FRONT roomi", nicely furnished, for gen tlemen 14C9 Jones t. E M537 1, I FfRNISHED rooms. 1913 Douglas. I E MSJl 30 FCRX1SHED nOOMS AXD TIOAIID. mo!nu'..j THE MERRIAM-Good 25th and Dodxc. summer resort. 50 8. 25th ave, private family, gentlemen , oniy. r jIw Jj- GLENCAIRN, transients 11.25 day. ISO Douglas. . Fr-M250 ROOMS & board, 4 and JS. 1512 Davenport. F-2S7 Jell DESIRABLE rooms, first-class board. SJ4 Harney. F-MI13 3i ELEGANT front rooms, with board. 1309 Capitol ave. F-534 23 COOL rooms, bath, gas; board If desired. 516 N. 23d. F-MS-29 FOR REST IXFL'R.MSHED nOOMS. .,. .. . TT1 1 '. . FOR RENT Unfurnished rooms for house keeping. 2234 Farnam. G 570 TWO SUITES, housekeeping, cjo.lern. 61., Georgia ave. G SIWz 2 . - ENTIRE floor (4 rooms) modern convenl-. enier, partly furnished, light housekeep ing allowed. Vb 3M au u FOR It EXT STORES AXD OFFICES. FOR RENT, store In first-class location. rent reasonable. AddIv R. C. Peters A Co., ground floor, Bee bids;. I FOR RENT, good store in Davldge build ing, opposite city hall; reasonable' rent. JOHN W BOBBINS, 1S02 FARNAM ST. I-S10 LARGE store room on South 16th st: good location and suitable for aai' class of business: onlv Ea. CheaTT. Isn t It? Payne-Knor Company First Floor Nejr iorK i j re mas. i simi u A (JESTS WASTED. GENERAL and state agents wanted all over the r. s. to handle the best House hold specialty ever sold for Jl.W; big profits; sample outfit absolutely free. The J. F. White Mfg. Co.. Kansas City,' Mo. J-M740 23' AGENTS to sell water filters; easy seller; retails at n.vo: Big pront: exclusive tern tory; write quick. Seneca Filter Co., Sen eca. Mo. J-MSfl JelJ' RELIABLE men to handle agents for telephone tablets and specialties, pays. J3.000 per year: enclose stamp. Victory Mfg. Co.. Cleveland. O. J-MS27 30 STOIIAGB. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. 12. 914 Jones, general slo'ace ana torwaraing. 45J Om. Van Stor. Co., 1511V4 Farn. Tel 1553. 3. 494 WASTED TO BCY. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc. In large or small quantities, unicago r"ur niture Co., lk-10 Dodge. Tel. 203u. N 453 WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings Bank accounts. Brennan Love Co., 309 So. 13th N 466 WANTED, for cash about 160 acres good. clear land in central Nebraska, v,. v. Hedges. 423 Bee bldg., Omaha. N-M566. WANTED to buy, a sound 15-foot barn. with loft. Address ssiJ paricer Bt. N 19 31 WE HAVE a client who wants to Invest 130.CM) In dividend paying bank stock in Omaha or other good- eastern Nebraska town. What have you to offer? Payne Knox Company, Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. N-M45 1 FOR SALE UORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. TOP BUGGY for sale. In good condition. U 40, Be. P M1SO- PHAETONS. buggies, road wagons. Harness Andersen uuggy wo. um ana uavenpera P-l ALL kinds new and secondhand vehicles trucks and wagons ror saie cneap. 11-Ty Frost Carriage Wks., 14th & Leavenworth. P 71 BUY a handmade runabout, bike-wagon or phaeton, concord or ouggy; i Dnaetons. 3 second-hand extension top carriages, all very lowest price. William Pfelffer's Carriage Works, 2620-24 Leavenworth. Phone 1539. P 577 FOR SALE, a pneumatic rubber tire round about, used one momn. see uraaman at Browning. King St Ca.'s. P-SOJ-29 FIRST-CLASS family horse, 7 years old. 1.200 lbs., good looKer: new ruooer-tirea Troy runabout: also Shetland pony, good secondhand buggy and road cart. 3323 Francis St. P-MS16 31' BLACK driving team, well matched, full sisters. 5 and 6 years oio. h. , wmiajns, 150 Broadway. Council Bluffs. P M449 FOIl SALE MISCELLANEOUS. CHEAPEST and best poultry and hog fence, ssji uougia ou v CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & lie- Conneil urug uo., .or. win anu iouge, Q-470 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght. 1116 Farnatn.' y 4ii SAFES, buy sell. Schwarta, U4 S 13. Tel 1897 y lis B. HAAS, Florist. 1S13 Vinton St.- Tel. 776. Plants, cui nowcrs. ooqueia, nail, resi dence, wedding and grave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly filled. - Q 472 t LIVE STOCK for sale at Brush. Colo.; 21 head gooit trraae Mexico cows, mostly reds and roans, will be about 75 per cent calf crop, also 101 head 2-year-old steers ,all good colors and In good condition; can be shown and delivered on track same day: want to cloaa out by May 15; no trouble or expense to show them; will sell all or any jart. Price, C6.50 per head. Wo. E. Echols. Brush. Colo. Box C. Q-M141 HORSE, bay pacer, record f:H; pneumatic Mke-wagon. i. c. r reaenexson, uth and Dodge st. Q MHO WIRE fence. Leddy, 1617 Howard. Tel. 15D0. Q-615 All M. Si W. tires, J2.7S. Omaha Bicycle Co. Q294 FOR SALE, binder twine at special Inside nrlces. delivered at any railroad station. s.iv how much twine-you reuulre ami we will quote you a very low price. - Address. Sears. Roebuck Co. (Binder Twine Dept.), Chicago, III. Q-M5SS JelS A FINE BRICK STORE building located at Lyon. Nebraska, for sale or rent, size 24x72. the best room and location in the town. Address A J, White., Lyons, Nebraska. Q-55I rnn sir T irnc.it l.rftom cottsee nn cnurli Side OI apini laxe. unrini, la.; also ;l- foot naphtha launch. For full particulars address Miss Mattle v. Burgess, 101 N. Fifteenth St., St. Joseph, JIo. Q-M5S5 Je22 HARDMAN piano, slightly used: bfr bar gain. J 1, Bee. Q-M724-3 FIRST-CLASS carload fresh milch cos. E. Purdy 2413 Cuming St. Q-K 30 FOR SALE, a 1250.00 piano at less than one-half. Call at 3023 Marcy 'St. Q-S2 25 FOR SALE, lack boxes and fixtures for second-class postoffice, opera chairs, cheap, 6. D; Rynearson. Red Oak, la. Q-MS36 5 MlSCELLAXEOt'S. WANTED 1 or 2 miles of R R. grading an go In IS days, i Mahanna. Armour. 6. D. . . R-MI3 ! THE OM.AIIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, MISCELLASEOIS. NOTICE, country dealers. 2dhand furniture stoves at lowest prices, carsoad lots or leas. Chicago Furniture Co., 1K4-10 Dodge. H 47 i O. AUGfSTON 2vth and Castellar. dealer in granite and marble monuments, chim ney caps in limestone. Tel. A 254S. B-MM JeS' CLAinVOYASTS. MME.GYLMER genuine palmist, 1 Dodge MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. SOS N. Uth. ELECTttlC TIIEATMEST. ilME. SMITH, room 2. USH N. l$th. mag netlc treatment, and baths. T MC0O 30 II ME. LEE, magnetic treatment f7 B, 13th. Room 10. T MiSJ S PERSOSAL. MONHEIT, Chiropodist. 151S Farn. Tel. 231 U 473 LADIEShairshampooed.dressed.Sc. Hair toilet goods. Monhelt, 151S Farnam. Tel.2333 U 479 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before 4 dur ing confinement; babies adopted. 1136 N. 17. U 4 DR. ROY, chiropodist: corns removed, 25 cents and upward. Room 12. Frenxer blk. U 1 PRIVATE home before and during confine ment, babies adopted. Mrs. Burges, 2633 Decatur L Ul PLEATING and pleated skirts of all kinds. M. Goldman & Co., 300 Douglas block. U 415 ADVERTISING fans, paper napkins, calen dars and envelopes manufactured by Burkley Printing Co.. Omaha. U-M7SI NOW Is the time to have furs repaired. Aulabaugh. Son Si Co.. furriers. New quarters at 504 Karbach blk. Fur gar ments stored and Insured for the season. U-M5C0-Jell MRS. O'LINN, attorney. 1S02 Farnam. Tel. 2063-2. U M564 Je4 Vi SOLES. JSc: velvet rubber heels, J. The oia reuapie s. F. Petersen's 16 Si cuming. U--977 EPPERLT corset made to order. 1714 Nlch olaa. U M204 Jrl2 BEW INO machines rented. 75c per week, Jeb. Cycle Co., corner ISth and Harney. U M30S JelS LD. Cone hair tz beard trimmer. Barker blk U INFORMATION WANTED: lr Mclntvre formerb' of Holt county, Missouri, will learn matters of Interest to htm by in. quiry of G. R, Mclntyre or Fred Markt, aaminisi nlnlstrators of George Mclntyre. de sed. Oregon, Missouri. U-M5M Jel2 cea VIA VI. roman's way to health. 346 Bee bldg L. US Superfluous hair, birthmarks, bad comDlex Ion cured. No electricity, ilme. True. 1623 uougias. l J.s Ji- HOFF'S Express and Messenger Co. Tel 5U1E. AMES, baths, 1615 Howard, Room 1, id noor. u JIS47 a" MOSEY TO LOAS flEAL ESTATE. PRIVATE money. 5. 5U. ( per cent: no de lay uavin uroa.. isu r arnam. w us PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas W 4S7 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds ana warrants, tt. c. Peters in Co., 1702 tarnam at., lite aicg. s iss 5 PER CENT money. Bemis. Paxton block. i W 15S FIVE per cent farm loanc Chas. E. Wil liamson. W 490 MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city properxy or ior cunosng purposes, t'ayne Knox Co.. New York Life. W 4S1 LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western lowa- larrns at per cent; Borrowers can pay uw or any multiple. Any in, terest date. No delay. Brennan-Love Co., 0 South 13th 8t Omaha. Neb. W 4J2 . 6 oer cent ori Omihi. S Hnilii W. H. Thomas. 33 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 164J. w 49J MONEY to loan at t and 5U per cent on nmah.1 nrnf.rtv n. 13 r.r,l. c . r v. r ' 'j ... m j. i.i... W 44 MONET to loan on Improved Omaha real tame. irennan-Love Co., OT8 so. lltn. W 4D6 J1.000 and upward to loan on Improved cltr vrapnny ana iarma w. arnam Smith c V.O.. -co t arnam. W tS6- WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants George & Company, 1601 Farnam st. W 137 MP;l?T-'n n7 amount at S SU, 6 per cent. J. W. ROBBIN3 & CO.. 1S0J FARNAM ST. W 493 MONET to loan on farm and city property: lowest rates. O. F, Davis Co.. 1505 Farnam. W-9 t3.0W M.Otf S5.000 To nlnre nnlxlr ,f Inw rate of IntejTest, on good real estate. Ad- urH j n. nee. W MM5 MOXEY TO LOAX-CHATTELS. MONEY LOA.VFin nv Furniture, pianos, horses, cows, etc. You keeD the sroDertv. OuicV may pay the money back in one month or nine uue r in wnicn 10 pay it and you need not oav for II nne ii.iv inns., you have it. We charge nothing for making ur in. 1. 1. ur chumming security, and we keep nothing out of the amount you borrow. Be sure and get our rates belore MONEY LOANED TO Salaried people on their own names in Amounts from 110.00 up; You may repay the loan all or in part at any time and vou are exnected to oav for the mnn.t. on y what time you keep It. We are the only loan company in the city giving you this privilege. All we ask Is a chance to vuuipaic laics, airicuy connaenxiaL OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. (Established .2.) 306 So. ISth Street. X-MS51 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS, oiamanas. waicnes, on easy payments, un, knnvn to others, vnu ken ih. -. - ...w fcUWUa, each payments lessens the cost of the loan; no charge for papers and we make no Inquiries of your neighbors. BERG ERS' LOAN CO., 1504 Farnam, over B & M. ticket office, X 402 MONEY MONEY. MONEY. MONEY MONEY. MONEY. I loan money on furniture, -pianos, h.irses cows. etc. AT LOWER RATES THiv ARE OFFERED BY ANY OTHER LOAN vvj t. a .- .v v. vua inuy oe paid back In full or in part at any time and the cost of carrying reduced accordingly There is no unnecessary delay In getting the mony and all business in confidential NO CHARGE MADE FOR MAKING OR FILING PAPERS, J. W. TAYLOE. 21S First Nt'l bank bldg. Uth ti Tarnam sts. X-264 MONEY MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. No' endorser or mortgage required. - LOWE8T RATES, EASY PAYMENTS and STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. UJ1A11A fJiiiilJlT CO. Room SI6. fifth floor. New York Life Bldg X-500 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew. elry, horses, cows, etc C. F. Reed, 319 S. 13. X-505 i4w.c iwmu v.,. jjinnus, ,iuimurc, nonej, qp. Jewelry. Duff Green R S. Barker Blk. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. 315 DOLLARS, J15 DOLLARS, to One Hundred Dollars One Hundred. Much more, some less. HO to 3150 loaned to salaried people with out -mortgage, indorser 01 publicity. Positively most liberal terms of credit and lowest rate ever offered In town. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room 601 Bee Bldg. ' X-5J5 MONEY Joaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible, concerns upon their own names without security; easy payments. Tolman, 706 N. Y L. Bldg. X 607 MONEY loans on furniture, diamonds, watrhes. payments confidential. Omaha Chattal Lon bank. 220 8. Uth, uostatrs. . ' X-XtU MOXEY TO LOA CHATTEL!". SALARY LOANS. LOW RATES J W. Tayloc. 21! First Nat I Bank Bldg. X 546 III SIXES Cll VXCE5. THE New Snow.l'hurch Co. give prompt auenuon to cvuecuons ana legal anairs. Associate attorneys in every county m the United States. 401 to 403 N. Y. Life. ? MTU- HONEiT SPECUL.TION - Investment in stocks and grain made by my "Safe Speculation Plan'" have resulted In large profits in 9) days and proved Its value over all other ways of dealing, send for free particulars, customers' and financial references. Stephene A. demons, broker, Old Colony bldg., Chicago, Il. T-M523 RESTAURANT and bakery for sale; good Dusinees and location, county seat, pop ulation 1.S0O. For particulars Inquire of T. A. Bailey, Rockport. MO. Y-MS2I S AT RED OAK. large rooms to rent for de partment store on east siae or square, b. D. Rynearson, Red Oak, Iowa. Y MK 8 FOR SALE OR EXCIIAXtJE. A FINE quarter section In northeast Ne- erasKa to exenane ror a s or s-room house in Omaha. W. V. Hedges, 423 Bee Bldg. Z M0S FOR EXCHANGE, fine home, close In. elcht rooms, modern throushout. best neighborhood. JLTS-X Will take one-half in city rental property. Address H 47, Bee. Z-M 491 PIANO for delivery horse. E 22. Bee. Z -M4T3. TO TRADE Three houses. . crncr 16th and Avenue A; lot 94x120: in Council Blurts; cleur of Incumbrance; for Omaha prop erty. Inquire at 2601 Cuming St. Z-i37-2S' J2O.000 IMPROVED property In Lincoln. Neb., to exchange for residence In Omaha of equal value. W. V. Hedges, 43 Bee Building, Omaha. Z M41 31 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BEMIS PARK! BEMIS PARK! For natural advantages, healthfulncss of locality BEMIS PARK equals If not excels any other portion of the city. THE PARK ITSELF IS A REAL JOY. while the price asked for these lots Is only about one-half their actual value. JUST THINK of, getting a lot with beautiful trees already full grown and streets graded and laid with sewer and city water for prices herein offered. Take, for example, lot 3, blk. 5, 51x147 ft. on grade, fine shade, for J550: CO cash and 10 per month WITHOUT INTEREST. Or here Is lot 10, blk. 5, 51x147 ft., south front, right on grade, high and dry. for jsiaj. Terms JIM cash, J20 month, WITHOUT INTEREST. per For locality, prices and terms these lots, with a number of others In the various blocks, cannot bo equalled in the city. Onlv a few remain on the above terms. BE QUICK OR YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CHANCE. There are only three houses for sale In this addition and one of these is located near the ELEGANT SPRING that feeds the BEAUTIFUL LAKE in the center of the PUBLIC PARK. This house contains S rooms, well built and-modern In every Articular. This fine home can be pur chased for 11,.') on reasonable terms. We also have a nice cottage, of. 7 rooms Just one block from'ifio PARK srooer which can be bought for 12.S09. This house Is all modern finished only a few- months ago and Is now rented for 330 per month. If you will call at our office we will hand you a correct plat of the ground or one of our obliging salesmen will take you out and how you any of these beautiful lots. ALREADY A NUMBER OF OUR BEST BUSINESS MEN HAVE MADE PUR CHASES AND BUT FEW GOOD CHANCES REMAIN. PAYNE-KNOX CO.. Main Floor N. Y. Life. RE MS30 33 f70S CAPITOL Ave., 7-room house, newly papered and painted, partly modern. large lot. 11.250 cash. Will pay 13 per cent on the investment. Byron R, Hastings. 212 South 14th St. RE-MM7 2 EAST 4 of the lot at southeast corner 17th and Cuming St., bargain. That desirable south front residence. 2540 Harney St., 50-foot lot, large barn. Lot 16. block 16, Clifton Hill, eat front lot on Military avenue. 3M feet of trackage property, Clarke Sts. 10th and Two desirable residences on Park Ave. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 203 First Na tlonal Bank Bldg. RE 663 5 FOR QUICK returns on bargains only see S. A Broadwell. 501 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 515. HENRY B. PAYNE. Ml N.Y. LIFE BLDG, Real Estate, Rental Loans, Insurance. RE-C16. HOUSES. lots far-as. lands, loans: also Are Insurance. Bemln, Paxton blk. RE 612. IF YOU have a bargain to offer in real estate, see S. A Broadwell. 501 N. Y. Life. RE 517. HOUSES, farms. R.C. Patterson. 305 N.Y.L. XC 013. A GREAT SNAP Seven-room, modern house; located one of the best In Hans corn. Place; must be said quick, oartv leaving city M. J. Kennard & Son. sole agents, suite 310 Brown blk. RE M953. BARGAINS. HARRISON. N Y, LIFE. RE 3S5-Je. IS 1H STORY house and lot. 1700; cheap for cash. Mrs. Miller, 26th and Jefferson. South Omaha. RE M561-31 SNAPS In real estate, money to loan. L. L. Johnson Co.. 211 S, I5th St, RE-513. FOR SALE A fine trackage property Elegant residence property Greatest bargain in property. M. J Kennard & Son, room 310 Brown block. RE M614 PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS: LOW EST RATES ur. LOANS; SOUND IN SURANCE, HOUSES. FLATS, STORES, for RENT. First floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE oil. 3,5i"0 BUYS a beautiful home 5 blocks south union station, paved street, fine neighborhood, near car. Just the place for railroad man: cost J5.C0: owner leaving city: must sell. George G. Wallace. 313 Brown block. RE MSSO HOWE'S ADPITION- Flne residence lots 26th and Miami. JSAJ each easy terms. Fine neighborhood, boulevard, no .grading. Nothing better for the money In Omaha. Jf. J. Kennard Son. George G Wallace, sole agents. Brown block., RE M29 FOR SALE OR RENT, a nearly new 10 room houso with hath. electrUc light, gas, city water and 15-Vbarrel cistern, with cistern numa In laundry room In base- ment: also stationary wash-tubs with hot 1 and cold water, perfect furn.v e heat;! concreted and cemented basement floor. . lot 50x142 feet to 16-foot alley, east front ' on 30th avenue, the north drlvs Into Hans- 1 nur. mo nut 111 urivn iiilu rjjiin com park and less than one block north of the nark t. An elegant house and worta W.Si'n.O'V built of he best material throughout Now vacant. M.750 will buy it this weeK or win rent reasonable Please ra I and see the owner at room No. tlS Karbteh Block. RD-J15. MAY 00, li)00. FOR 5ALE-I!EAL ESTATE. CHEAP homes on monthly payments In surant e ii.'i.ry to loan. G. E. Turklng ton. 60S Bee Bldg. RE 514. STALI.IOSS. "THORND1NE. RECORD : HU " Breed tn Thrndme 2 i;V the largest and handsomest stailion that ever beat 2.12. In service at the AUmtto Stock Farm West Dodge st . maha. Service fee f r season only tlS. to Insure mare with toAl For Information call at Room 226. Bee building. M6L3 SHOHTIIASD AXD TYPEWItlTIXO. A C. VAN SANTS school. 717 N. Y. Life. -524 BOYLES college, court reporter principal. uec uiag. 62$ NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand col lege. Boyd's theater 527 GREGG Shorthand taught at the Omaha Commercial College. 16th and Douglas St. Milt OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopathic Institute, $15 N. Y. Life Bldg.; Alice Johnson. D. O, ladles' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, mgr. 521 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O.. of Still school. Klrksvllle. Mo., 604 Paxton Blk. Tel. 13S7. -522 ALBERT T. HUNT. D. O.. 203 Karbach blk. Tel. 2332. M619 HOTELS. METROPOLITAN. European. 12th & Doug las; lowest rates. Wm. Barr, Mgr Tel 211. -534 THURSTON. 15th & Jackson. American & European. Newly refitted. Prices mod'r'te. -33S MAOXET1C IXFIRMARY. THE Nebraska. 1517 Chicago 8L V3 KHARAS INFIRMARY COMPANY in corporated: headquarters 1515-17 Chicago street. Omaha. Neb. M329 MEDICAL. RUPTURE cured, no Xnlfe, no pain, no danger Send for circulars. Empire Rup ture Cure, 932 N. Y. Lite Bldg., Omaha. 67 LADIES out of health find prompt relief. Bux 232, Omaha, Neb. Confidential. M663 nnicic. WITHNELL BROS. A SMITH CO.. BRICK MANUFACTURERS, CAPACITY 130,000 PER DAY. South yard and office, 23d and Hickory, Tel. 425. North yard, 31st and Lake Tel. 1107. -MS55 Je7 2,i00.n00 NEW BRICK now ready for de- uvery. wunneii nros. e gmun. w Fl'RXITL'RE REPAIRING. PACKING, uphHsterlng. mattress, feather renovating. Tel 1331. M. S. Walkln. 2111 Cumlnc St. 623 STOVE REPAIRS. GASOLINE stoves cleaned. SQ1-J N. 16th. ( -530 OAS. gasoline stoves repaired; stoves stored. City Stove Repair Wrk, 209 S. 13th. 174 STOVE, furnace & gasoline repairs. Omaha btove Kepair ks.. i.vi uougias. Tel. jU. 292 Jel4 PAWS'BnOKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing: all business confldentlal. 1301 Douclas. -631 Diamond loan office. 14th and Douglas; low rates; most reliable; unredeemed rods 450 Jll LAWXMOWERS. WE sharpen and call for lawnmowers. In dustrial Iron Wks., l Howard. Tel. 1443 M63S Jc6 SHARPENED and repaired. P. Melchoir s aiacmne wks.. wth ana itowara. Tel. zut). mm je ilICYCLES. 112.75 BUYS a high-grade 1900 model one year guaranteed gents' or ladles' bicycle: sent to any address in the United States on 10 days' free trial, payable after re ceived, for catalogue, full particulars and special price offer, cut this notice out and mall to Sears, Roebuck Si Co., Chicago. r MS72 Je7 TRIXK FACTORY. TRUNKS repaired. Trunks made to order Omaha Trunk Factory. 1209 Farnam. -62S PLEATIXO. ACCORDION pleating. Ivory-rim buttons. Mrs. Mark. 17th and Farnam. Rooms -MMl-Je-26' SHOE REPAIRIXR. SHOES half-soled while you wait. 40c. sat isfaction guaranteed. 6C0 N 15th MS67 Jefl TRCXK FACTOIIT, TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases, Trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory, 1209 Farnam MIRROR FACTORY. DAMAGED looking glasses resllvered. 70S N. 16th. M497 XICKEL PLATIXG. Omaha Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2535. -540 HORSES PAsTCRED. GOOD pasture, 12 per month. J. W. Phe'ps, 207 N Y Life Bldg., 'phone 1054 252 J27 PIAXO AXD FURSITIRE MOVIXO, J. SCHWARTZ, 1510 Webster Tel. 2046. 9S1 Jll BIRDS AXD TA.XIDER3IY. STOCK'S Bird store 1503 Leavenworth. -641 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS, secondhand, U1G Farnam. -523 STAM3IERIXG AXD STUTTERIXG. CURED. Julia Vaughan. 430 Ramge Bldg. -22 TICKET UROKER. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. H. Phll bln, 1505 Farnam. Telephone 7S4. 57? LACXDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry, shtrts 7e, collars 2c, cuffs 4c 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. 536 Al'CTIOXEERS. OMAHA AUCTION CO. Satisfaction guar anteed. 2u N- Uth dt. Telephone 216S. -519 FOLXD. FOUND Between lh and 17th st. on Capitol ave best piace to buy new ana second-hand bicy lt-s. repairing and sun dries. Louis Flescher Lost 51276 LO mT. i . . . s i,.a o, ri...i ' V. V 'i"'" - - - ' FIR.MTIRE I'ACKISG. - , OM. Van. 6 Stor Co. 15UW Farn. Tel. Is6. I -W 1 F1MIIXU ItRSOriTS. THE Langdon Hotel Is now pen f -r jea son 1XI Finest fishing res, rt in th west, good boats, plenty of minnows, rea sonable rates. Frank T Vast, I.iig''on, Mo. 713 OlS I'LAXISO MILL. SCREEN doors, all kinds of milt work A Roser.berry. 1501 Marcy. Tel. S2. Stl J6 CARPEXTER AXD JOItflER. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing proropnj- anenaea to. j i. ucniltree, 20th and Lake Sts. 370 FEED AXI) ORAIX. HAY. corn and feed of all kinds, lowest prices, ai .ucciaons, nn st Mary s Ave. -asA-j-ir I'OILTRY AMI STOCK M I'PLIES. POULTRY and stock supplies, plenty of rKKs. irreo.pm irrm vermin anu strong health.- chicks where Lee s Tonic Pcw der and Lee's Lice Killer are u-ed. Any druggist or 10T5 Farnam St. 355 JlT STATUARY. O, GONNELLA. mfr of artistic statues. vuiiiiaiuT in ornameniai worKS ot every description according to drawing. 317 S. 10. JSS-Je.-7 DRESSMAKISG. IN families. Miss Sturdy. 2216 Davenport. M2S Je25 RAILWAY TIME TAIILES. OMAHA A ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha. Kansas city & Eastern Railroad "The Qulncy Route' Ticket Of fice. 415 Farnam Street. Telephone, 322. Depot, Tfnth and Marcy Streets. Tele phone, 629. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express .. a 5.05 pm a 7:55 am Kansas City and Qulncy Local .a 7:00 am a 9:00 pm a Iraily. CHICAGO. ROCK ISL and & Pacific Rallroaa "The Great Rcch Isl and Rcute." City Tick, et Office. 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone 42S. Depot, Tenth & Mascn Streets. Telephone. 29. Iav. Arrive. Des Moines ana is.ven- port Local a 73 am bll:2Sam Chicago Express bll:l5 am aS:10am Chicago Fast Express.. n 5 00 pm a 1:25 pm Lincoln and Falrbury. .a 3:30 am a 7:c0 pm Lincoln, Colorado Spgs., Denver. Pueblo and West a 1:33 pm a 4:15 pm Des Motr.es, Rock Isl and and Chicago a 7:15 pm a 5:50 pm Colorado &Texas Flyer.a 5:55 pm a 9:15 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket Of fice. 1402 Farnam street. Telephone. 245. Depot. Tenth and Mason streets. Leave, a 12:10 pm a 7:35 pm Arrive, a 4:05 pm a !:J5 am Chicago Express Chicago Limited. . .. Mtnneasolis aud St. Paul Express b :00 am b 6:40 pm Paul Limited For- Dodge Local a 7:25 pm a 6:15 am from Co. Bluffs .. b 4:30 pm b 10:15 am a Daily, b Dally exreo' Sundays. CHICAGO, tT. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "The North western Line" General Offices. Nebraska Divi sion 15th and Webster Sts. City Ticket Office. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone 551. Depot. 15th and W ebster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger... a 60 am a 9:10 ?m Omaha Passenger a 11:10 am Sioux City Si North east Nebraska a 3:53 pm Oakland Local b 5:45 pm b 1:15 am a Dally, b Dat'y except Sunday. CHICAGO .t NORTH western Railway "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket Office. 1401 funiim Street. Tele phone 561. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone. 629. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 am Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm Eastern Express. Dc: Moines, Marshalltaws. Cedar Rapids and Chi cago al0:55 am Eastern Limited, Chi cago and East a 4:55 pm Fast Mall, Chicago to Omaha .. Omaha-hlcago Special. a 7:45 pm Fast Mall all:33 Dm a 3:40 am a 4 05 pm a 4:05 pm a 2:4S pm a s:oo pm a 1:30 am FREMONT. CLKHORN & Missouri Valley Railroad "The Northwestern Line General Offices. United States National Bk. Bldg., s. v. corner iweirtn and Farnam Eta. Ticket umce. hoi Farnam St. Telephone 661. De pot, ISth and Farnam St. Telephone 145S. ieave. Arrive, Black Hills. Deadwsoa. Hot Springs a 3 00 pm a 5:00 pm v yonung. Caspar ana Douglas d 3:00 pm eO3:00 pn nasiings. tone, Uavld City, superior Geneva. Exeter and Seward., b J:03 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk. Verdlgre and Fremont b 7:30 am blOiS am i-incoln. ahoo and Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:25 am Fremont Local c 7:31' am . a Dally b Dally except Sunday, c Sun aay only d Dally except Saturday, e Dally except Monday. SIOUX CITT Si PACIFIC rtaiiroad "The Nortn western Line" General Offices, United States National Rank uulldln S. W. Corner Twelfth nnrt Farnam Sin TlcVet uracc, ii Farn'-n St. Telephone 561. De pot. Tenth & Mason Sts. Telephone 629. Leave. Arrive. Twla City Express. Twti city Limited S.'oux C.ty Local. . a Dally ..a 6:55 am al0:50 pm . .a 1 : pm ..a i:in am a S -.15 am a I 30 pm BURI INGTON & Mis souri River Railroad "Th Burlington Route" Gtncral unices. N w. Corner Tenth and Farnam Els. Ticket Office, 150J Farnam street. Telenhone. :m. Burlington station, Aentn ana iiason Streets. Telephone, 12S. i.ie- n HasMngs and McCook ..a S 40 am a 7:20 pm l.in-n.n Denver Colo rado Utah California..-! 4:25 pm a 3:00 pm TJncoin Black Hll.s a 9:30 pm a 3.-00 pm Montara. Puget Sound, a 9.30 pra a 6:45 am Lincoln Fast Mail . ..aJ:Wpm al0:35 am Denver Co.orado. Ltaa Si California a 6:45 am a Daiiy CHICAUO. BURLINGTON .t Qulncy Railroad "The Burlington Route 'Ticket omce. iws Farnam St. Tel . i50. Depot. Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone, fave. Arrlve. Dayllgbt Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 am Peoria Express a 9:25 pra Chicago Ventlbuted Ex.. a 4:M pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local Express. a 6:50 am a 4.05 pm Chicago Limited ..a 7:43 pra a 7:45 am racinc junction Locai...al0.45 am Fast Mall a t:U pm a uuy. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO "JsN seph Council Bluffs iHjnULlillll Rallroad-"The Burling- wynuu ton iwute" ncitet unic nMsB isc. Farnam street. Tle. lillirif.4H phun. 250. Depot, Tctb MUiiliH ar.d Mason streets. Tele SSMK92SM phono. 171 Leave. Arrive. Kansas Cltr Day Ex. ..a 6:50 am a 6:10 om Kansas City Night Er. alO.lA pm a 6:15 am it. Louis Flyer for St. Joseph and St. Louis. ,a 4:55 pm all:15 am a Daily, MISSOUr.I PACIFIC RAIL- road General CdUes and Ticket ornces southeast Cor ner llth and Douila Sis. Telephone 104. Depot Union station. Iave. Arrive. 1 Nebra- ka Limited ... . IC C -at L. Express. . .a 3:05 pm al2:40 pm ,.a!0:10 pm a 6:15 am L?ave frnn 15th Wbiter sts, . 1 Nebraska Local 1 Weeping Water b 3.03 pm a 1;U la I a Dally, b Dally except duniay. at 1 1 RAILWAY TIME TAIILES. UNMN PACIFIC -THKTWER. ip-1 R ute -General Offices. N" E Or Ninth and Farnan streets. City Ticket Oftlcc.UU, Farnam street Telephone. Ill, Depot. Tnth and Mason Sts, Telephone. 629 Leave Arrive Tv. rtverii-,1 Limited a 3.20 am a 7:30 Dm The C Icago - Portland Spec.ai a $ 20 am a 7-34 pm The Fast Mall . .. a S JO am a 3 X pm The Colorado Special all. 35 pm 6.50 am Tin asi msii a ipm Llncolr., Beatrice and stromsourg Express o 1-10 pm du: pm Pacific Express ... .a 4:2 Dm The Atlanta Exprets . a 6:50 am Grand Islatd Local b 5:3) om b 1.30 am a Dally o Dally ex ceo t Sundays. WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Office. 1504 Farnam Street. Telephone SX. De pot. Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone 623. I.Ave. Arrive. a 5:00 pm a 7.55 am EL Louis "Cannon BalL' , Dally. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE St St. Paul Railway - CICty Ticket Office. 1504 Farnam Street. Telephone 2S4. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets Telephone 623. Arrive i.nicago umuru a .j ii " Chicago & Omaha Ex bllKO am b SiS pra Sioux City ind Des . glomes c.xpres . dii;w niu u a Dally, b Dally except Sunday POSTOFFICE XOTICE. ishould be read DAILY by all Interested. as changes may occur at any time.) Forelun mails for the week ending June 2. 19CW. will close tl'ROMPTLY In all cases" at the General l'oslomce. as touows. j'arceis rost Malls close one hour earlier than clos ing time shown below Parcels Post Malls for Germany close at j p. m. tonuay una Wednesday. Trnns-Atlnntlr Matin. WEDNESDAY At 7 am. (supplementary ?a. m. for tiinufK, ier s. s, ew 'ork. via Southampton: at 9 a. m. (sup plementary 10.30 a. m.i for EUROPE, per s. s. Germanic, via Queenstown. nt 10 30 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. s. Ken sington (mail must be directed "per s. s, Keninirton" I. THURSDAY-At 6 30 a. m for EUROPE, j. rer s. s. F BIsmarrK'. via Plymouth and lamburg imall for France. Switzerland, Italy. Spain. Portugal. Turkey, Egypt and British India, via Cherbourg, must be directed "per . s. F. Bismarck' . at 6.30 a. m for FRANCE, SWITZER I.AND. ITALY. SPAIN. PORTUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT and BRITISH IN DIA, per s. s. La. Tournlne. via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "Der s. s. La TOUralne '. SATURDAY At 5:30 a. m. for EUROPE. per s s Lucanla'. via uueenstown. at a a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. s. Potsdam, via Rotterdam imall must be directed "per s. s. Potsdnm". at S 30 a. m. for HORTA, AZORES ISLANDS, per s, s Peninsular, via Fayal. at 9 a m. for ANGRA and PUNT A DELGADA. AZORES ISLANDS, per s. s. Tartar Prince, via St. Michaels, at 9 a. m. for ITALY, per s. s. Kaiser Wm. II.. via Naples (malls must be directed "per s. s. Kaiser Wm. II" I. nt 10 a. m. for SCOT LAND, per s.s. City of Rome (mall must he directed "ner s. s. City of Rome"). Printed Matter. Etc. German steamers soiling on Tuesdays taxe printed Matter, etc.. for Germany and Specially .Ad dressed Printed Matter etc . for other parts of Europe. American and While Star steamers on Wednesdays. German and French steamers on Thursdays and Cur.ard and German steamers on Satur days take Printed Matter, etc.. for all countries for which they are advertised to carry mall. After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named above addi tional supplementary mails are opened on the piers of the American, English. French and German steamers, and remain open until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. .Mall for South and Central America, West Indie. Etc. WEDNESDAY-At 10.30 a. m. for PORTO RICO. Der U. S. Transport. THURSDAY At S a. m. for BERMUDA. per s. s. Trinidad, at It), m. for llUA. TAN. CAMPECHE, TABASCO and CHI APAS, per s. s. Seguranca. via Havana and Progreao (malt for other parts of Mexico and for Cuba must be directed "per s. s. Seguranca"): at 9 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral Sampson, from Boston. SATURDAY At 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 1 A r. . i2T TtIA4 il C T fDHT " 4V 0. 11. 1U1 CI. A UVJJl.lO. C3 i . -lWl.V, LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS, nnd DEMERARA. per s. s. Madlana (mall for Grenada and Trinidad must be di rected "per a. s. Madlana"); at 10 a. m. (supplementary 10.30 a. m.) for FOR TUNE ISLANDS. JAMAICA. SAVAN ILLA and CARTHAGENA. per s. s. Alle ghany (mall for Costa Rica must be di rected "per s. s. Alleghany"); at 10 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.y for INAGUA CAPE HAITI and JEREMIE, per a. s. Alps (mail for other parts of Haiti must be directed "per s: s. Alps"); at 10:3v a. m. for HAITI, per s. s. Dean (mall for Curacao. Venezuela. Trinidad, British and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per s s. Dean"i: at 11 a. m. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD, per s. s. Grenada, at 11 a. tn. for CUBA, per a. . Mexico, via Havana, at 11 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. Ponce: at 11 a. m. for LA PLATA COUN TRIES, per s. . Grecian Prince: at 1 p. m. for NUEVITAS. GIBARA. BARACOA nnd PUERTO PADRE, per s. s. Ollnda (ordinary mall only, which must be di rected "per s. s. Ollnda"). Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close at this otflce dally at S:30 p. m. (connecting closo here every Monday. Wednesday and Saturday! Malls for Mlquelon, by rail to Boston and thence by steamer. lose at thU office dally at S:30 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fla.. and thence by steamer, close at this omce. dally (except Monday) at 7 a. m. (the connecting closes are on Sunday. Wednes. day and Friday). Malls for Cuba, by rail to Miami. Fla. and thence by steamer, close at this office every Monday. Tuesday and Saturday at "2:30 a. m. (the connect ing closes are on Tuesday and Saturday;. Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close at this office dally at 2:30 a. m. and 2 20 p. m. Malls for Costa Rica, Belize. Puerto Cort and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thince by steamer, close at this office dally at 3 p. m. (connecting closes here Tuesdays for Costa Rica and Mondays for Belize, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala). Regis tered mall closes at 6 p m. previous day. Registered mall closes at 6 o. ra. second day before. Trnna-Poclflr Mall. Malls for China. Japan and Philippine Islands via Seattle, close here dally up to 6-30 p m. May 29, for dispatch per s. a. Klnshul Maru (registered mall must be directed "vU Seattle ') Malls for Hawaii. China. Japan and Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here daily at 6.30 p. m. up to June "1. In clusive, for dispatch per f. s. Gaelic Malls for China. Japan and Philippine Island, via Tacoma, close here dally at 6J0 p m. up to June "7. Inclusive, for dis patch per s s Queen Adelaide Molls fir Society Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6.30 p. m up to June S, Inclusive, for dispatch per ship Tropic Bird. Malls for Australia (except West Australia). New Zealand. Hawaii. FIJI and Somoan Islands, via San Franclico, close here dally at 4:30 p. m. after May 26 and up to June "9. Inclusive, or on day of arrival of s s. Campania, due at New York June "9. for dlspa'ch per s, . Maripoe.i. Mails for Hawaii. Japan, China and Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6.30 n, m. up to June "9. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. Hong Kong Maru Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver. c!oe here dally at 6 30 p. m. up to June "12. In clusive, for dispatch per t. s. Empress of Japan 1 registered mall jnust be di rected "via Vancouver"). Mall, for Ha waii, via San Franct.eo, close- here dally at 6.30 p. m. up to June Inclusive, for dispatch per s s. Australia. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and New Zea land, which coe via San Francisco), Hawaii, and FIJI Islands via Vancouver, ctose here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to June 23. Inclusive, for dispatch per . s. War rlrr.oo. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postoffice. New York. N Y.. May 25, 1), GO VERS I EXT XOTICE. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. Omaha. Neb.. May Ti. lx. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, will bo received here and at offices of Quartermasters at sta tions named until 2 o'clock p. m , central time. June 2S, 19"). and then opened, for furnishing Oats. Bran, Hay and straw dur ing the fiscal yeur commencing July I, liurt, at Forts Crook, Niobrara and Robin son. Neb . Omaha Depot. Neb . Jelferson Barracks. Mo,. Forts Leavenworth and Riley. Kansas, Logan H Roots, Ark., Reno and Sill, Okla. Proposals far de livery at other points will b entertained, U. S. retiorves right to reject or accept any or all proposn!. or any part thereof In formation furnished on application here, or to Quartermasters at stations named. Envelopes containing pnpoals should b marked "Proposals for Forage. ' and ad dressed ti ui.derslgned. or Quartermasters at stations above named F II HATH- AWAY, C. Q, M. M2S dlt J25.SS U M!LWA'"E