TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MAY liT, 1JK)0. Stats Congreti at Dei Molnta Elects Its Officjrs. DIMMITT PAIR ON TRIAL FOR ASSAULT Stud- liltpruollfKlnlp Athlrlli; Assoc). atlmi nl HiikIiichm Mim-IIiik liuM Onl Tn ( ulli-uca friim I'lrlil .Meet ut Svt rnr. DBS MOINES, May 26. (Special Telo gram ) Tho Iowa State Congrcrs of Moth era was organized hero this morning with thu following ofnYers: President, Mrs. I. L. mills. Dm Mohmi; vlco prejldcnt, Mrs. i Julia Clark Hallam, Slou.t City; recording secretary. Mrs. Heoe Jerrell, Oskaloosa; cor responding secretary, Mrs. E. S. Uursilii. Dca Molncs; treasurer, Mrs. 'J. H. Hockafellow, Atlantic; auditor, Mrs. II. A. Romans, Den Iboii. Thorn wero dcligatea from all over the elate. Tho final meeting cf tho executive board of tho National Congress was hold at the Savery house this morning. The tlmo was irppnb In rearranging committee and discussing tho question of ways and means. Several additions have been made to tho old committees. Slnco tho meeting of the resolutions coinmlttuo yesterday morn Ins It hoi corao to light that the HUffraae resolution which It was attempted to rail road through tho congress this ywir wus "brought before tho committee yowterday morning and tabled. The matter was a morn formality, na tho samo question has been beforo thii resolutions committee at each annual mooting slnco tho congress1 was or ganized. Sccrotary Kennedy of tho state board of health recolved notice today that one case of smallpox has been discovered ut Webster City. Tho Central Telcphono and Telegraph company of Cedar HapldH filed articles of Incorporation toduy. Tho capital Ih $500, 000. A. T. Avcrlll Is prcHldent. Ill in in I ( ( n In Court. Eliza, and James Dlmmltt woro brought Into tho criminal court this morning to an swer to tho chargo of assault with Intent to commit murder. They waived examina tion, but It Is thought a pica of guilty will bo entered Monday. Doth were heavily Ironed and chained to each other S3 that oscapo wn Impossible. Tho Dlmmitts were brought from Chicago, wanted here for tho assault upon Jailer Maxwell, In which tho latter nearly beaten to death, and lor auvornl other crimen. After nerving a long term hero they will be taken back to Cook county to answer to tho chargo of assault ing a Chicago night watchman with tho In tention of murdering him, They are a noted pair. Tho Intcr-colleglato Athletic association In business meeting today shut out Tonn of Oskaloosa, and tho Upper Iowa Univer sity, from participating In tho field meet noxt year. Upper Iowa In clearly disqualified becaumt of tho constitutional provision re quiring a college to mako ten points In two field meets or elso bo dropped, but Pcnn college claims that tho association ha dis criminated against It. Simpson college was niado a member of tho association and will compete newt year with the State University, Orinncll, Ames, Cornell, State Normal and Drakci. W USTION OP VOt'Nt; WOM.WS A(IJ. .Mar- McAllister mill Her rather Dis pute Hint Point. SIOUX CITY, May 20. (Special Tele gram.) Tho only real question at issue now Is the habeas corpus proceedings at Pender, Neb., for tho possession of Mary McAllister is ns to the real age of the girl. Her father haa sworn In an nnawor that Bho Is 17 yearn old nnd she swears sho Is over IS years old. The court will tako testimony on this Ifnuo Juno T ut Dakota City. Tho futher will also try to provo that tho girl wanta to marry W. C. McNamara of Sioux City and that he Is unlit to be tho husband of any woman. In the meantime tho girl Is living In the homo of Sheriff Daily fit Pender. She has been dragged around tho country so much lately because sho wants to marry u man her father objects to that sho Is getting rather used to It. Scarlet IVi it ut Atlantic. ATLANTIC. Ia., May 2ii. (Special.) For more than a month scarlet fever has been prevalent In this city, with deaths result ing, though tho majority of rases have been of u mild type. The death of n 9-yenr-old (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. (loft yesterday afternoon shows tho disease to havo reached n malignant stage. Tho little girl was in schuol Thursday afternoon nnd Thursday ovenlng was playing with other children. In the night she was tnkeu sick and died yesterday afternoon nt I o'clock. It Is probable that at least one of tho school rooms will be temporarily dismissed. The funeral was held this morning. Tho Hoard of Health has taken extra precaution In tho mutter of quarantine regulations. Cniitrm of CiiIIckck, LHMAU.-?. la.. May 20. (Special.) Tho llft'h annual contest of tho Northwestern Iowa Oratorical association was held ut tho opera houso In this city this evening. Com petitors from Huron Vista college, Storm Ijike, Denlson Normal eollego aud Lemara Normal college took pari The gold medal -was won by Howard L. Smith of Storm Ijike. Second honors wero carried olf by Dow of Tnlcott of Denlron. A tremendous crowd attended the content. In the after noon the Lemar Normnl college bajo ball nine dtfeatcd tho Denlson team In a ragged and loose game by u score of l'J to IS. lat teries. Lnnars. Deffordong and Clamor; Denlson. Ktrkputrtck and Hudd. Arrniiue for llllle Mmot, FOKT DODOK. Ia.. May 2. (Special.) Colonel Thonnas F. Cook Is arranging with Company (1 of this city to sond two mem bers to the state rifle sheet at Cedar Hap Ids on June '1. Two men will bo sent frqm each company of tho four state regiments to rerelvo lijEtructlons from the colonel, who Is Inspector general of the small arms practice. They will spend four or five days In camp practicing and receiving instruc tions. After that they will return to their companies, and the target prnctlco upon which the company's record Is mado will bo done at home. I'tulll 1'lllU St'rllMial) , ATLANTIC, la. May 2(5. (Special.) An encmnter which came near resulting In a fatality occurred yejtcrday evening In a gambling Joint. Ham Schwartz Is still In a dazed condition ns a result of tho fight with another party. Ho wns badly cut about tho face, so It Is eveldent Hint knuckles or a cjttt) wero used upon him. The first thnt was known of tho affair was when Schwartz pre sented himself ut the police station and asked for medical aid. He was so weak he could hardly get there. As there wero no wltnersea to the nffalr there will probably bo no arrests. i:iuiinur t'miili Ari'i'itteil. SIOUX CITY. May 26. (Special Tele pram ) An eloping couple from Sloan were arreBted Inst night by Sheriff Jackson and Ucputy Sheriff O. S. Thompson. The right name of the man Is Charles Kuo ami that of the woman Mrs. James Hemic. She Is the wlfo of a man living at Sloan, who sent up word of hor disappearance with F.no. Chilli' llrilllirUllliIrt I'.ni'lipr. dniNNELL, Iu May 20. (Special.) Oao of tho most rcwarkablo cscapej on rcord occurred today near Olds, on the Iowa Cen tral, where u baby was knocked abaut 1C0 fret by a locomotlvo and was apparently unhurt. A little 3-year-old child whcelol a baby cab down the track and cot the whe la entangled In a cattle guard. Tired out with his efforts to remove It, ho clambered Into the cab and went peacefully to sleep. A short time afterward a train came along and knocked the baby and cab 100 feet or more. Tho train was stopped and the baby picked up unhurt. The parents of tbo chl d are Mr. and Mrs. Casper. I'r ni'luTx llnil Reunion, OMNNELL, la., May :C (Special.) Tho Eastern Iowa Preachers' astociatlon, which has been In session In Okaloosa for the hut three days, was cloned this afternoon. Tne attendanco was fairly representative from that part of the stato and some Interesting resolutions were adopted. Tho newly chosen officers of tho association for the en suing year arc: President, O. W. Ilur-h, West Liberty; vice president. W. W. Col Unci, Kellogg; secretary, C. C. Davis, Daven port. liny Droit neil In Sm I m in I ii FC. AVOCA, la., May 26. (Special Tele gram.) Hollle Clements, tho 10-year-ild eon of David Clements, was drowned In the West Ilotna thla nftcrnonn, where he, In company with several boys about his age, wero swimming, NEW ROAD WINS ONE ROUND (Continued from Eighth Page.) of other saloona but havo not yot been served. Ing says that In following In the foot stera of Attorney J. J. Shea he Is actuated Blmply by tho desire to havo all saloons closed on Sundays. He denies that he la In tho gamo for a money consideration and claims to havo the "moral support" of tho reform commltteo which cauwed the gambling rooms to be closed. The saloon men are con sidering tho advisability of organizing for their mutual protection. They all laugh at tho Idea of Long prslng as a moral reformer. is Mii.Moitv of iiit.ivn ntCAl). I.lvlnir Soldiers AVID Pnr Tribute Toilny to Timor Wlin llnve fimseil, 'Abo Lincoln post, Orand Army of tho He public and Encampment No. 8, Union Veteran Legion, will hold their annual memorial ser vices this evening. Those of tho former or ganization will bo nt Ilroadway Methodist church, whllo tho latter will hold theirs at St. Francla Xavlcr'n Catholic church. The following Is the program to bo given at tbo memorial services of tho Union Vet eran Legion encampment to be held at 8 o'olock In St. Francis Xnvler'a church. Tho music will be furnished by tho regular church choir under the direction of Mlsi Margaret Judge, organist: "Star Spangled Jlnnncr" James Mulqueen and Choir Opening exercises. Prayer by Chaplnln. "Tho Vacant Chnlr" Eugeno A. lngoldshy nnd Choir Itciidlntr roll of honor by adjutant. "Tenting on the Old Camp Ground".... 'Mr. -Melzl and Choir Poem "Tho Bivouac of the Dead" Major W. II. Spera Solo "Just for Today". ...Miss Myrtle Faul AddrcfH by Post Commander, Hev. Snyder. "Nearer My Ood to Thee" Choir Address "In Memory of tho Women of the Wnr" Colonel V. S. Paulson "Columbia, tho Gem of the Ocean". ...Choir Orution Hov. Patrick Smyth "America" Choir Benediction. Taps. For tho Grand Army of the Hopubllc serv icer ut tho Ilroadway Methodist church this evening no program has been urranged. There will be music appropriate to the occa sion and tho address will bo delivered by tho pastor, Hov. .Myron C. Waddcll. Comrades of Encampment No, S, Union Veteran Legion, will meet at tho armory of Company L, Fifty-first Iowa National guard, nt 101 South Main street this evening at 1 o'clock to attend memorial cervices nt St. Francis Xavler's church, by order of W. H. Spcra, lieutenant commanding, and W. S. Rice, adjutant. All old soldiers, soldlero of tho Spanish and Philippine wars and citizens generally are invited to nttend. Attention: All members of Abe Lincoln post No. 29, Grand Army of the Republic, are hereby notified to report at post head quarters this evening nt 7 o'clock sharp to attend dlvlno nervices at the Droadway Molhodlst church. All old soldiers and sail ors of tho civil and Spanish wars, tho Woman's Hellcf corps, High School cadets and all other patriotic organizations are cordially Invited to participate In theso eerv lcc. Samuel Johnson, post commander; Edward J. Abbott, adjutant. I'll vrloprnl HiiveloiesS Knvelopcul Good envelopes 2c n packago In our sta tionery department. Theso aro our reg ular goods, all sizes, square und oblong, 2c a package this week only. DcLong, the printer, 307 Hroadway. You can get a good extension table at Keller & Hand's, 407 Broadway, by paying $1 a wcok until paid for. Sowing machines and bicycles repaired at Williamson's, 10G Mnln street. Ladies' sailors, Knox style, at Mctcalt's. Clilireli .otea. St. Paul's Episcopal church, Hov. George Edward Walk, rectcr. Tho Sunday aftor Ancenslon. Holy communion at 7:30 a. m., morning prayer and sermon nt 10:30 o'clock, evening prnycr nnd sermon ut 8 o'clock. Grace Episcopal church, Hev. H. L. Knox, rector. Sunday school at 9:15 n. in. Holy communion und sermon at 11 a. m., evening prayer and sermon nt 8 o'clqck. At tho First Chrlstlnn church appropriate memorial services will bo held both morn ing nnd evening. Tho pastor, Rev. S. M. Porldns, will preach In tho morning on "The Christian Soldier," while his subject In tha evening will bo "Fighting the Good Fight " Sunday school will bo held at noon, mectjng of Junior Christian Endeavor society 'at 3.30 p. m., nnd meeting of Senior Christian Endeavor society at 7 p. m. "Tho Young Man Whom Jesus Loved" will be tho subject of Hev. J. W. Wilson's sor mon this morning nt tho Congregational church. In tho evening ho will deliver a short uddretM on "Blessings Iald Up for These Who Lovo Ood." Sunday 'school will bo held ut noon and meeting of Christian Endeavor society at 7 p. m. Tho pastor, Hev. Myron C. Wnddell, will preach this morning at tho Hrcadway Meth odist church on "Faith In Cod." In tho evening the Grand Army of tho Republic will hold lis memorial sorvlces. AH other services will bo at the usual hours. Hev. R. Chrlstopherson, who leaves for Oakland, Cnl., In a fow days, will preach his farewell sermon this evening at tho Scandinavian Baptist church. At St. John's English Lutheran church this morning the pastor, Hev. O. W. Snyder, will take ns the theme for his sermon "What Man May Bo." There will be no service In tho ovenlng, as Hev. Mr. Snyder will deliver an address at the memorial services of tho Veteran legion at St. Fran cis Xavler's Catholic church. Sunday school will bo held at noon. Hev. H. Venting, pastor of the First Bap tist church, will preach this morning on "Tho Young Man." In tho evening his subject will bo "The Old Man." Sunday school will bo held nt noon and tbo meeting of tho Young IVoplo's union at 7 p. cn. In tho chapel. Miss May Caldwell will sing n solo at th evening service. Sundny school will be held at Bethany chapel nt 3 p. in. anil Sunday school and preaching at the usual hours at tbo Twenty-ninth street m Irs Ion. At tho Second Presbyterlnn church tho pastor, Hev. Alexander Llthcrland, will preach this morning on "Prnycr Part of Providence " In the evening his subject will bo: "Teachings That Last." Rev. W. II. Cable, the pastor, will preach at 10.30 a m and S p. m. today at Tiinlty Methodist church. Class meeting at 9. IS 'a. ni.i Sunday school at noon, Junior leaguo meeting at 3.30 p. ni, and Kpworth tcaguo meeting at 7 p. m. The Klrst Church of Christ. Scientist, will hold services thin morning at 10:15 o'clock In tho Sapp block. Tho subject will be. "God the Only Cause arul Creator." Ex perlcnco meeting will be held Wednesday evening at S o'clock. 1 "This Life as Related to the Future" will bo the topic of Hev. W. S. Darnes' sermon this morning at tho Klrst Presbyterian church. In the evening he will preach on "The Salt of tho Earth." All nervlcea will be nt the usual hours. Elder J. W. Wight of Lamont, la., will preach this evening at 7:30 o'clock nt the ' Latter Day Saints' church. Sunday school , will be held at 9 a. tn. Fellowship meeting nt 10:30 a. m. Davis sells paints. Commonwealth 10-cent cigar. Heal IJstiitc Trnnvfcrn. The following transfers were filed yester day In tho abstract, title nnd loan office of J. W. Squire. 101 Pearl street: Heirs of James Crow, deceased, to C. II Stulir lot 2, block S, Mlnden, qrd.. Knt Mnrlnrlrt Klf-nilnif tn M. W. Flem ECO ing, the nw'4 of lot of sw nw',4 und lot 3. iiw'.i ne'i. 00-75-13. M.c.d 1 Murtln Wukehouse nnd wife to Jnseplt Howard. lot 12, block 15, Hayltss & Palmer's addition, w. d 350 County Treasurer to First National Hank. C It , lots 1 to 9, block 3. Col by's Wnlnut drove. tnx.U 4 Same to same, lots 3 and 4, block 73, Kiddies' sub. nnd 14 nnd 15 in w, Tur- ley's ndd., tax.d S.ime to same, lot 2, block 19. Uenson's C2 I llrst add., tax.d Sunn- to same, acres In nw'i nwUi I 25-75-1 1, tox.il . I Samo to C. It. Human Tuester, lot 12. I block 3, 2 and 3 In 7, 2 and 4 In S nnd mv'4 sw'i H Turley's ndd.. tax.d Same to same, lots 3 to 10 In 2 and 7, 8 9 and 11 In 3. Turley's add., tax.d I Sheriff to Mrs. A. W. Way, lots 1 and 2, block 13, Town of Corson, s h.d 16 II 29 401 CO v. u. uiiiin mm wmi la eiuck i-i'icrsuii, lot 14, block 15, Howard's add., q.r.d.. Total. 11 transfers J1.I32 Ladles' sailors, Knox style, ut Mctcnlf's. "Mr. Hlley" G-cent cigar. I SOU SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. 1 1 In order to comply, If possible, with tho demand for more efficient service here Post master Etter has recommended to the de partment at Washington tho appointment of a mounted currier, u mounted collector of malls, one additional foot carrier and an assistant distributing clerk. At present tho malls are handled by nlno cnrrlers. Four dellvcrlos aro mado each day In tho business portion of tho city nnd two deliveries In some sections of the resi dence districts. No mall la delivered oust of Thirteenth street, and peoplo living east of this dividing line file frequent complaints nt the postofflcc. There Is another section of tho city In tho northeastern portion where no delivery Is made. There Is so much territory to cover that tho nlno car riers I Hid It Impossible to give better scrvlco in tho eight hours which they aro permitted to work each day. Complaints aro alto being mado by tho packers. No attempt Is tnado by the post office department hero to collect or deliver malls to either tho Swift or Hammond packing houses, as the forco Is not largo enough to handle tho heavy malls received by the&e two plants. Both Hammond and Swift send their mall to tho postofllco by special carriers, who tako back tho In coming mall. Manager Howo of Armour's has filed a protest against tho servlco given In the afternoon. Mr. Howo desires very much to havo a collection later than 3 p. en., and ho Is also anxious for a 4 o'clock delivery. Neither of theso requcets con bo granted by Postmaster Etter unless the de partment sees fit to lncrenso tho currier force. In cpeaklng about the needs of tho office yesterday Captain Etter said that he was doing the very beit ho could with the forco at his disposal, if the department will give htm a mounted collector u late afternoon collection can be made at all of tho packing houses and thus put a stop to some of tho complaints. With a mounted carrier tho portions of tho city whero there Is no free delivery can bo covered. If ono more foot carrier Is appointed Postmaster Etter said that he could arrange to give two deliveries dally to tho residence portions whero only one Is made now. An other clerk In tho mailing dopartmcnt Is also badly needed, as tho malls are so heavy that tho present force cannot properly dispose of the malls without working over time every day. The offlco forco Is mado up of threo mailing clerks, two distribut ing clerks, one general delivery clerk and ono stamp clerk. Deputy Postmaster Mosoley attends to tho money order depart ment nnd this keeps him busy during tbo hours tho office is open. As nn Illustration of how rapidly tho business of this offlco is Increasing It Is stated by tho postmaster that the receipts of tho offlco for 1899 exceeded those of 1893 by $13,000. So far this year the business of tho offlco has been very heavy, and If tho present rato Is continued an enormous In crcaso will bo shown at tho end of tho year. Nimv I'liMtu! Iti-KiilMtlnim. Postmaster Etter has been notified by First Assistant Postmnster Oenornl Heath that a monoy order station has been estab lished at tho exposition grounita In Paris. By this arrangement nil postmasters at money order offices in tho United States may draw domestic money orderB payablo at tho United States postofflco In Paris. Tho Paris olllco may also issue money orders payable at any office In this country. If money orders nro to bo caBhed at any offlco other than tho United States poctofflcc ut tho exposition grounds tho usual Inter national order form must be used. Tho lssjilng of domestic orders for Paris means qulto a pavlnc to thoso desiring to pend or rocolvo money from Purls. Tho advices of all such domestic money orde nro to bo mailed direct to tho postmaster at New York und by hlra transmitted to the station at Purls. 4iooil Vnliies, Our emtlro stcek at smaller prlccH than any other firm In tho two Omahas will namo for tho samo clas of goods. Look in our N street window nt the f.O cent and 75 cent shirts we ore selling at 39 cents. See tho Ladles' $1 skirts we are selling at Jl.'JS. Look at tbo values we are offering In cur men's clothing department and In our youth's clothing department. We will dress the little, fellows In kneo pants cheaper than you will hope to find. JOHN FLYNN & CO. Vrv xbj'lerliiii Concert. A concert will bo given at tho First Pres byterian church on Friday evening, Juno 1, Under the management of Miss Lillian Fitch, the well known reader. In this en tertainment Miss Fitch will bo assisted by the following well known musicians. Jean Boyd Mullan. Oscar (larelssen, Charles Hlgglns. Miss Daisy Hlgglns, Francis Pot ter, Slgmund LandBberg and Karl Smith. Homer Peyton will reclto tho arena Bceno from "Quo Vndls," which won tho state oratorical contest recently. Mnli- city Joiilp. Seo F.d Munshuw & Co. for lumber. Tel IS5. Edward Davis Is now In charge of the Heed hotel. A daughter has been born to Dr. and Mrs. W. J. McCrann. The banks and city offices will bo closed on Decoration day. The bank clearings still continue to show a healthy Increase The King's Daughters and Sous of the Presbyterian church will Etvc a lawn social X Until July 1st WE WILL SELL GAS STOVES At from SI0 to $15. Do all outslclo piping freo nnd chargo 6 cents a foot (or piping inside tho house. The Gas Company, 26 Pearl St., Council Bluffs, la. HERRICK REFRIGERATORS Need no argument as to being tho best on the market, when onco seen, and they are ICE SAVEBS. To avoid accident, buy tho INSURANCE GASOLINE STOVE It will not explode. Inwn mowers, Hammocks, Ice Cream freezers, Garden hese, and everything clso In tho hardware line. FOB DECORATION DAY We have a fow boquct holC:rs loft, but you must come quick to get them. Pfi Y3T( SOt BROADWAY, WCVULi CoiiiiciM51ulls, Iowa. The old reliable hardware store. at Dr. Wheeler s on Thursday evening. May 31. Miss Jeun Tuttle Is spending Sunday with relatives ut Llm oln J. W. Ferguson Intends removing his fam ily to Furt Niobrara Miss Mabel HUh Is the leader of tho Christian Endeuvor society. lona ML-Cnndlehs has returned to South Omaha after a long absence. A cuso of diphtheria Is reported at 70S North Twenty-fourth street. Frank Supplee of Chicago is here, the guest of Harry L. Carpenter. Seats and desks are being placed In pol- i Hon at the Junsmann school. j Mrs. Cora Wlrrlck. Eighteenth nnd 1 streets, Is reported seriously 111. i Mrs. E. S. Harrell, Twenty-th'rd and J streets. Is In Colorado with her father and i brother. No fcervlces will bo held at the First Hap tist church until June 3, when the edltlcc Health and Pleasure The Rocky Mountain regions, renched via the UNION PACIFIC, provide lavishly for the health of the invalid, and tho pleasure of tho tourist. Amid these rugged steeps, aro to be found some of the most charming and restful spots on earth. Fairy lakes, nestled amid sunny peaks, and elimato that cheers and exhilarates. On tho shores of Great Salt Lako also and for fifty miles therefrom in every direction--the climate of climates is found. To enable persons to participate in those scenic and climatic attractions and to roach the famous Health, Bath ing and Pleasure Resorts of Utah, the UNION PA CIFIC has made a rato to Ogden and Salt Lake City o ono fare for the round trip, plus $'2.00, from Missouri River, to be in effect June 21st, .July 7th to 10th inclusive, July ISth and Aug. 2d. Return limit Oct. 31, 1000. City Ticket Office 1302 Fartiam Street. Telephone 316. x i i X THEY ARE BUSY. t'ertnlnly, that's always tho hituatlon at our shop. Tho satisfaction wo glvo secures us against waiting for patronage What we repair Is put In perfect condition. No mat ter how lino tbo carriage may be, our stylo of work Is fine enough to match the original. A sloppy Job Is patching coarso cotton on silk. All charges moderate-. H. P. NELSON, Successor to W. M. Squires, ir.r-l" V, llroiulwiiy. Council II In IT", will be reopened ufter a thorough renovat- . . .. Cottnges built to suit buyers. Jno. J Hyan A class of twelve will ifraduute from Hie South Omaha High school on June 8 Delicious soda Is served by an expert at Meleher's drug store. Don't fall to try It Quite a number of elegant residents aro being erected In tho northern part of tho city. Mrs. H. E. Wilcox has returned from Wit her, where she visited friends for a few days. Tho Entre Nous Dancing club gave a very enJoyublo party ut Odd Fellows hall Friday night. The Epworth lengun will hold consecration services on the llrst Sundny evening of each month. Tho appearance) of the Presbyterian church has been greatly Improved by tho erection of new steps nnd tno grading df the lot which adjolna the church un tha north. Bargain Week We had a splendid trade so far, and it leaves us with a lot of remnants on hand. If we wait till the busy season is over, we will have too many short ends, therefore, if you have any small rooms, come now. All wool Ingrain Remnants, 5 to J 5 yards, only 45c a yard. One half wool Ingrain, 5 to 15 yards, 34c. Moqucttes, axminsters, velvets and brusscls, all worth as high.as $1.35 yd, at 75c. Remnant Rugs, about one and a third yards long, 98c. A beautiful Extension Grille, 5 to 6 ft., $3.99. A beautiful Extension Grille, 5 to 6 ft.3.49 A 9x12 Brussels Rug, at $13.00 A 6x8 Axminster Rug, fringed, $7.00 A 6x8 Velvet Rug, at $10.00 Treynor & Gorham Odd Fellow's Temple, Council Bluffs QX19 Your Best Friend is Your Teeth Tako good care of thorn whllo you can. Whon thoy aro gone you will remumbor thuso words tho rest of your lifo. Gold l?illin; Ylloy lillling and Crown work a specialty. Prices moderate Good Teeth, from s?5 to $10. ISxtraolion easy ami painless. DR. A. O. MUDGE, 338 Broadway (upstairs), Council Bluffs. rasa