Tina o:iai i u daily tvee: rttxday, max 27, moo. cnriPTV ic ni tvivr rm 1? OUWL.H Id ILrtllilVi OULl Appllcinti for Instruction So Numtroni that Appointments Mutt Be Mads. CLUB HOUSE NEARING COMPLETION Interior l)eenrnl linn (t llr Hone liy .MIhh Aelitnii,ii ( IiIi'iiko Artlxt Women Donate llu; rurnlnliltm. Society has gono daft on the subject of colt, and, nil things considered, society Is perfectly pardonable. Nover since the flrat eoncon of tho Ath letic club haw anything i,o completely monop olized the attention of tho swell set. Tho rwh for Inatrurtlon and Rolf clubs has been so great that Mr. Taylor, who hns that In charge, has been unable to attend to nil and, un I em mine diversion occurn botoro tho swell ot goes nwny for tho mitnmcr tho club will liavo to provide him with another uaslstnnt. Appointments havo been made for Inatructlon two weeks ahead, and thin ha to bo given at 7 o'clock in tho morning. From twenty flvo to thirty couples practice at the grounds dally and rcmarkablo proficiency has been attained by many f tho beginners. Mlsa Dewey, Mls Kountze, Mlcw Dlckln on, Mie. Charles Kountze, Mr. nnd Mrs. (Juloti, .Mr. and Mrs. Tartan, Mr. and Mrs. John Cudahy, Mr. Hal McCord, Mm. Wilson Lowo and the Mlwcs Allen nro among the frequent visitors at tho grounds, and llttlo Jdlas Jean Cudahy plays a remarkably good game. A cafo Ih noon to bo opened at tho club hou.tc, which will doubtless Inerenso tho already largo numbers that go out during tho day for practice. Miss Aschton of Chicago haw been engaged to do tho Intorlor decorat ing nun furnishing. She was In town the early part of the week and was greatly pleanod with tho arrangement of tho build ing. Tho women frlcndo of tho club have donated a number of pillows nnd cushions anil Miss Dickinson presented a flno pair of antleitt. An Omaha contemporary publishes an ac count of a recent wedding In which It recnlls tho fact that ono of the parties was en gaged to another a abort tltno hack. If overy man nnd woman who mnrry In Omaha la to havo IiIh previous lovo affairs reviewed In tho public prints the gossip mongers will bo kept butty. Whllo tho younger set played golf or danced at tho pumping station Inst week the moro staid members of society en joyed fiomo of tho most elabornto dinners of tho year. Mrs. Summers' tea given in honor of Mrs. J. Cameron Anderson on Saturday afternoon wns ono of tho largest of .o season and caused not a few to re gret that tho season for that sort of thing Is ho nearly over. Mi.ny of tho new summer gowns thnt hnvo occupied u much of tho timo nnd nttcntlou of tho fashlouablo woman of late were worn nnd admired, A largo number of prominent peoplo left last week for summer vacations anil a still larger number will go next week, but there la still tho Country club. French ('Iiinn Kntfrtnliinicnt. Owing to tho Illness of M:s. Arthur Hran dels, tho French conversation department of tho Woman's club was unable to carry out tho program prepared for Thursdny evening. Tho French piny, "La Vlslto Im lirovuo," -wns given up an I a program of tuuslo nnd recitntlons wns substituted. Tho opening piano solo by Miss Hardy wan followed by n short Frmch play, "Stella," which Illustrated tho eflo t tho io HtrlctlonH of a boarding school havo upon tho Inmates. Four girls, tired of hampering rules, plnn a rebellion. Stella, ono of tho pupils, endeavors to dissuade them from it mid, falling, leaves thorn. They nro soon Joined by a young Russian girl, who, fully In sympathy with their grievance, proposes to blow up tho school and plant tho flag of liberty upon tho ruins. Tho girls nro de lighted, but widkeu at sight of n bamb which sho proposrw. At this point tfco Rus sian removes her dlsgulso nnd Stelln stands before them. Tho bomb proves to bo n box of thoso dollclous goodies that school girls love. The) nctlng was so eloquent that tho plot was readily understood, even by thoso who did not undomtnnd French, Mrs. Howard Haldrlge, na Stelln, was especially good. The following numbers completed tho progrnm: A Lulbiliy MIkh Carrie Purvis Itecltatloii How Turn Sawyer White washed tho Fence. .Miss Minnie Killer llecltutlou Miss Alice Howell Hong La l'aluina Miss Sllnn Kceitntlcm A Revery In n Church.... Mis Corn I lardy Song Miss Jessie M' Cune Tho excellcuco of tho substituted program entirely overcame tho regret caused by thu postponement of "La Vlslto lmprevue," which the department proposis to glvo tomo tlmo In September. i'ca fin' .Mix, . iiilerxou, Mrs. J. 13. Summers gave a largo tea on Saturday nfternoon from S to 6 In honor of Mrs. J. Cameron Anderson. Tho house, -which was beautifully decorated, was tilled with nbout 2.10 of Omaha's fnnhlonabto set. In tho drawing room, where Mrs. Summers nnd Mrs. Anderson received, meteor loses wero used In bowlldering profusion, whllo In tho receptP n hull, where Mrs. (leorgo A. Hoaglnnd and Mrs. Frederick Hustln as sisted, palms nnd yellow nnd purplo lleur-do-lta formed n most elfectlvo contrast. In tho dining room tho color scheme of pink wns carried nut In every particular. Carna tions wero used, shading from tho deep pink to tho most dellcnto tint. Tho cakes also cnrrled out this design, whllo tho can dles wero rare novelties In tho form of pink rrsebuds nnd white II! les. Here Mrs. 13. M. Morsmnn poured coffee nnd Mrs. V033 poured chocolate Dr. Summers' den, with ltd book-lined walls, wns by means of palms and giant graceful bunches of red carna tions converted for the timo being Into n most attractive room, where Miss Millard nnd Mrs. Ouy C Harton presided at tho punch bowl. An Indian ten garden, which had been Ingeniously nrrunged by cnnvnslng oft HUMPHREYS' WHIJN IN BRUSSELS. When In HruFscls telephouo Cha. Delacro et Cle, Pharmaclo AnglaUe, 5S Rue de la Montagny do la Cour; they will send to your hotel or tell you the nearest pharmacy that keeps Humphreys' Specifics. "77" for Grip and Colds. Specific "4" for Diarrhea, very Important when traveling. Specific " 1" for Fevers, Congestion. Specific "10" for Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Speclflo "15" for Rhoumatlsm. Specific "16" for Malaria. Speclllo "26" for Sea-Slcknesa. ' Specific "27" for Kldnoy nnd Hlnddcr. Mnuual of all diseases, especially about children, sent free. For sale by all druggists or sent on receipt of price, 2&0 eacn. mimpnreys uomco- pathlc Medicine Co., Cor. William and John Ets., New York. aa Hue UtIoinie-.Miircel, a-', PnrU. aio front vcr,,nia was one of the most charming feature. In this retreat, fur nished with palms, rnttan furniture and In dian rugs, Mrs. Henry Wyman and Mm Harold Clifford terred Iced ten. lliiliooek-t'liiilTee upllnl. Tho wedding of Mr. Oeorgo I. Hnbcock and Miss Corn Chaffee occurred at 5 o'clock,2 ,0 ' Bt hor nome- 2S1C North Twenty-first Thursday evening at the home of tho ' "IW. the occasion being tho ISth birth brldo'A parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. 1,. Chaffee. I (,0' of uor 'laughter, Wlnnla Alice. The There wero but a few relatives nnd friends house was decorated with roses, nnd light present. To the strnlns of the "Lohen- ! refreshments were served. grin" wedding march the bridal party en- I Mr. and Mrs. C. 13. Vent gave an elaborate tered tho back parlor, tho bride with her t dinner on Thursday evening. Tho table was ulster, Mrs. 13. L. Chaffee, nnd the groom beautiful with Its centerpiece of white rtaes ' with Mr. 13. L. Chnffeo. The Impressive and green leaves and four candelabra with marriage ceremony of tho Mathodl.n I3pls- 1 green tapers. The guests were: Mr. nnd copal church was performed under a can- Mrs. J. N. H. Patrick, Judge and Mrs. ' opy of MTillax nnd white flowers by Rev. c. I Wnkeloy, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kountze, j 3. Sargent. The brldo's gown was a beau- , Mandcrson nnd Henry W. Yates, tlful creation of white silk mull over white . Miss Mia Alexander entertained at din satin. Sho wore a pearl and diamond ! ner on Tuesday evening In honor of a party pendant the groom'n gift nnd Jnrrled 111- ! of out of town friends, who havo been her les of the valley. Mrs. K. L. Chnffeo wore guests during tho last week. Hrldcs- ner wedding gown, n handsome white aatln. , A largo reception followed from S to 10 p. m., tho house filling with friends. In the back parlor, which was In green and white, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. I.. Chaffee, Mr. nnd Mr. II. A. Habcock and Mr. nnd Mrs. (leorgo I. Habcock received. Mrs. Chaffeo was gowned In bluo silk, with whlto trim mings; Mrs. II. ,. Habcock In gray silk. Hed nnd green - was tho color scheme In ll. ,lli,l r. ...I ... -.,......1 v.- J I f, "... " -. muU Thoso prcacnt wprc. McsdamcB Cnnulng, Ilowers nnd candle shades. From the chan-. VrMi orbach , wb c ? wn ch, v m 18trlDRS,0f ,T"a"',Wl"C,h ' Anderson. Mormnan, Prltehet , Morgan, ,, Z? , f 'llC rl.bbC"! ,0 i Mandorion and Caldwell, tho corners of tho table. Tho centerpiece I . , was a bunch of red nnd whlto carnations. I , A lurR0 reception was given nt the pump MIshcs Josephlno Thatcher, Louolla nnd 1 lnB Blllttol Wednesday evening that tho cm Hcrth.i Allen assisted there. Hohlnd a bank ployfM of ,ho cnPny "''fiat meet tho new of palms in tho library an orchestra fur- I nctl"K general mannger, Mr. K. M. Fairfield, nlshod tho music of tho evening. Among ! A number of the city nnd county ofllclnls nnd tho out of town guestH were Mr. nnd Mm. I ,llu W,VM nml daughters of tho employes II. A. Habcock, Mr. and Mrs. 13. C. Hab- I wcro Present. Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Hunt, cock nnd Mr. Frank Fisher of Lincoln, ' Captain and Mm. Reynold, President Wood H. 13. Hnbcock of Columbus, Neb., Mrs. W. I ,,ur'' J- M- Woolworth, Stockton Heth nnd B. Uower, Art Hnbcock and 13. J. Habcrck i Mr- Fairfield composed the receiving party, of North Loup. Neb. Miss Chnffeo Is widely i Dancing wns the order of tho evening, known In church and musical circles. I Mrs. I.lna Chaffee entertained Informally being nn earnest worker In tho Young on Monday afternoon In honor of MIfb Chnf Woman's Christian assoMntlon nnd nn nc- fee, one of the pretty features of tho oc compllshed niutdclan. Mr. Habcock Is tho (aslon being a "towel shower," each woman educational director of tho Young Mcn'H bringing a towel, upon which sho wrote Christian association and has many friends and during the nfternoon worked her name. In Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Hnbcock will be Tho towels were presented to MIfh Chaffeo nt homo In tho Knrnam terrace, Twenty first nnd Knrnnm. Wiitnlttl'H Club UoIiikh. Tho following nominations wero made by tho nominating committee of tho Woman's club at their meeting last Wednesday: President Sirs'. K. 13. McKelvey, Mrs. Tlldeii. Flru Vice Provident Mrs. Towie of South Omaha, .Mrs. MeMtirphy. Gerund Vlcu President Mrs. Dr. Chnrles Rosewater, Mrs. Mc.Murphy. Recording Secretary Miss lOtliolwiu Ken nedy. Corresponding Secretary Mrs. (Jalt, Mrs. Carl Herring. Treasurer Mrs. Penfold. Mrs. Sill. House and Home Mrs. Pinto, Mrs. Nott. Tho city improvement department of tho club had completed all arrangements to be gin work last Monday on tho model block, but owing to tho torn-up condition of Six teenth street within tho limited district, it was decided to wait until the work on tho pavement and car tracks Is finished. The work of the commlttcto on keeping down weeds Is evident In all parts of tho city. The Current Topics department held lis annual meeting on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. ireiK" was ii-eii-cim leaner, .Mrs. v, uuur , assistant leader and Mrs. H. H. Haldrlge 1 sucretary and treasurer. At tho c o.?e of the busiticsu the department presented Mrs. Crelgh with a beautiful bunch of roses. ( imiI. Inu Chili I3iitvrtiitiiiiien(. Mrs. Charlca Kountze entertained tho Cooking club on Thursday at 1 p. m. Gar den flowera wcro artistically lined on the tnble. Those present were: Mesdames Cro fcot, Luther Kountze, Wilklns and Hur geri; Missca Dickinson, Llndsey, Gertrude Kountzo and Mrs. Charles Kountze. Though tihn Cooking club has long been tho prldo of tho younger cloty women, there nro comparatively fow who know that there In n practical as well as a social sldo to theuo charming luncheons. Tho club meets every two wroks at the homo of Bomo member, and each woman not only prepares but servers ono coursu of tho luncheon. Sov oral elaborate dinners hnvo been given nnd on n few occasions the men friends of tho members havo been prcwent. In thin way these young wemen have attained n skill that would bo a credit to many older nnd more experienced matrons, nnd there Is little wonder thnt tho popularity of tho club hns nover wnned. In fact tho debutantes of tin two seasons pa3t havo organized a "Junior Coking club," which Is conducted on the sumo plan. Di-tlxM Tut ("imolitiiir Trip. Colonel and Mis. Harrow, with a party of guests, left Tuesday for Sheridan, Wyo from whero they will go 100 miles up Into tho Yellowstone to Colonel Harrow's rancli for three weeks' fishing. Tho Journey from Shoridan 011 will bo made In a relay coach. Colonel Harrow has mndo every provision for tho comfort of his guo3ts during tho rldo and proposes to break all previous records so far as speed Is concerned. l3iiter(iiliitiieiilN for Hie AVoeU. Mrs. J. M. Motcnlf entertained gueots from Chicago ono day last week. Mrs. Ferdinand Adlcr entertained at luncheon Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Clomcnt Chaso entertained the Chafing Dish club on Saturday. Tho graduating clnss of tho Walnut Hill school had Its class day exercises on Fri day. Miss 'McKenna gave a dinner Tuesday evening In honor of Miss Woolworth of Snndtiisky, O. Tho sewing society which hao been sew ing for the visiting nurses met on Thursdny with LMrs. Herbert Rogers. Mrs. O. C. Wllllnirs received very In formally Saturday morning tho Omaha frlonds of iMrs. Walter Williams of St. Louis, who is her guest. Mr. and .Mrs. Charles 1-3. Ford entertained at dinner luet Monday evening In honor of their guest, Mr. 13. II. McCnffery of Now York City. Covers wero laid for six. Tho Young Women's Chrlstlnh Associa tion Tennis club opened Monday evening with thirty members, nnd Tuesday evening tho, Hlcycle club cnado Its first run. Hoth clubs oro frco to members of tho associa tion. Charles 13. Allen cf Hoston gavo a dinner for his Omaha frlcnda ThuraJay evening at the Her Grand. Among those present were: Fritz Marty, Georgo Francis Kane, Frank Kennedy, R. Waldo Dodge, A. Egbert Allen nnd Tom Urltt. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dorr Crane en tertained nt dinner Monday evening In tho private dining room at the Millard. The lnrgo round table was henutlfully ndnrncd with meteor rosea nnd ferns. Tho Invited guests numbered twelve. Mr. Fred G. Marty gavo a dinner Tuesday evening In honor of Mr. Charles K. Allen of Heston, Mass., at I1I.1 homo on Harney street, Thoso present were: R. Waldo Dodge, Georgo F. Kane1, A. Kgbert Allen, Krt Hcnea way nnd Dr. C. J. Olcson of I3vanston, Wyo. In honor of .Miss Woolworth Mr. Dixon gavo a very beautiful dinner nt tho Omaha club Thursday evening, when his guests woro Captain and Mrs. Hutchwon, Mls3 Lisa Woolworth, Miss Doano, Miss Mc Kenna, Mr. Fairfield, Mr. Clifford Smith nnd Mr. Skerrltt. J. M. Woolworth gavo a largo dancing party at Florenco Snturday night In honor of his uleco, Miss Woolworth of Sandusky, O.. and MUs Mellora Woolworth. The party wa 1 ,aUpn .v gn,v;iai train from tho Webster street depot to Mlnne-Lusa, where tho pump- 1 Ing station had been decorated and put in ' readiness for their coming. A party of about twrnty-the men went out at 5 o'clock to look over the works with Captain Reynold and waited for the evening arty. The even ing was iipent in dancing. Refreshment were served. Mrs. L. W l'ltus entertained about thirty gitfsta on Saturday afternoon from mnld roses wero the flowers used on tho table. iMIss Alexander's guests were: Mlm i Ilumham, Mies Lewis, Mrs. Morrison, Mr. Trigg, Mr. Dixon, Oould Dletz aud Kdward George. Mrs. Henry W. Yntca entertained nt luncheon Thursday in honor of Mrs. Cald well. Pink peonies nnd mock ornngo wero ued In profusion through the room two li i "nuuiiiij llltl 1UUU. tin souvenirs. Light refreshments wero served. Those present were: MradnninH Uhl, Wllllfl, Wentworth, Williamson, Mlsscj Jones, fhorwood, Hnrford, Thatcher, Hertz ler, Plersol, Chalftu and Mrs. Chaffee. Mr. Georgo II. Payne of the Payne-Knox company eittertnlned tho employes of the company Thursday aftern on nnd evening nt his beautiful new cottage in llemls pnrk. After an hour spent nmong the trees nnd gardens of this truly delightful residence district "the boys" did full Justice for two hours to nn elegant dinner, most of whUii wns prepared from tho Hernia park home grown prcduets. Covers were laid for twelve. 'Music, story telling and cigar? rounded tht occasion, which came to a close all too soon for tho participants. Tho Omaha chapter of the Daughters of tho American Revolution held Its last meeting of tho year nt tho home of Mrs. V. II. Alexander. A number of the men friends wcro present, who added Impromptu ppeeches to tho program. "Henjamln Franklin" wns the topic for the evening. Tho progrnm consisted of n paper on "William Penn nnd Pennsylvania," by Miss Mnrv nov, nn.m hv MlR. tt s. iavnes. ,.,, , ,,v Mlaa i,,ahnn vintin snin by Miss Elizabeth Allen and n piano solo by Miss Llla Alexander. John Grant entertained handsomely nt a stag party nnd supper sixty of the promi nent men of Omaha, nt his home, 1013 Park avenue, Friday night. It waa n delightful affair In every respect, no detail contributing to Its t'ueeen having been overlooked, and was an occasion that will long be remem bered by the gucuts who wero fortunate enough to participate In tho enjoyable af fair. At tho conclusion of tho supper nd drcisses appropriate to t'he occasion were made by Messrs. Edward Rosowntor, Gurley, Isanc Haacall, Ransom, Conncll and Cla batigh. Tho hospltnblo homo ff Mr. and Mrs. O. J, King on Georgia avenue was thrown op. 11 on Tuesday evening to tho members nnd friends of the Kpworth League of Hansrom Park Methodist Episcopal church. Tho roi.ms wero decora lid with palnv, snow balls and spring flowers nnd filled with a merry party of young nnd old. Tho evening was a moat enjcynblo one. "Miss Allen's orchestra" played soveral well relected numbers. i.Mr. A. E. Harry pang nnd later Mrs. George W. Johnstcn. who has recently returned from studying In tho cart, sang rwcrnl solos, charming everyone with her beautiful voice. Refreshments were served during tho evening. To ecltbrato Mrs. Ilarker's birthday on Saturday and Mrs. Patrick's cn Sunday, Mr. and Mra. Patrick, Mrs. Darker nnd Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Darker t'pent tho week's end nt Mr. Algernon Patrick's farm. Mr. Rob ert Patrick stayed In town und nrranged n Burprljo thnt was really n surpilse, uullko liicst thincs of tho kind. Senator und Mrs. Mandorson, Mr. and Mrs. Yates, Judge and Mrs. Wakeley. Mr. and Mr. Green nnd .MUs Ulack wero asked to meet him nt the Webster street station at (1:30, whero Mr. Hughes' private car -watted, and shortly after tho train pulled out a delicious break fast was served, nnd the day, which was tho mcst perfect of tho season, was spent at tho fnrm until 3:30, when tho gueslw rc turncil to town as they went. .MOVI'llll'lllH llllll WillTIMlllOlltH, J. II. Daniels Is In Hoston on bnslness. Mr. Horace Hurt has gono west on a trip. Mr. Frank H. Thomas Is In Louisville, Ky. Miss Swonsberg went to Chlcngo last week. Mr. John McGuIro has returned with his bride. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Phllllppl are In Chi cago. Judge Strawn left Thursday for Min neapolis. Mrs. Lawrence will spend tho summer In Now Jersey. Mrs. E. M. Moggo will leave for England next month Mr. Harry Moores has returned from his eastern trip. Miss Helen Hoaglnnd la expected home nbout Juno 1. Dr. and Mrs, Clifford lenvo for their farm about Juno 1 Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Nash reached Paris on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Harman wero In Chicago last week. Mrs. Albert King leaves today for n six months' visit In Europe Mrs. Bradford aud son are expected home from Europe next month. Miss Frederlcka McIuto3h Is visiting her cousins In Lincoln this week. Mr. J. 0. Hernard left Monday for a week's fishing at Madison Inke, Wis. Mrs. N. 13. Adams has gono to Masrachusetts to visit relatives. Mro. Jenn C. DcKolty left last week for n visit with rolntlves In tho cast. Mr. Georgo Joslyn went to Cripple Creek baturday. He will be gone a week Mro. A. Ackcrman was called to Madison, N. Y., last week by tho Hind's of her sister, .Mr. T. F. Godfrey has returned from Phila delphia, whero Mrs. Godfrey has been very 111. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Murphy havo returned from Chicago, where they attended tho funeral of Mrs. Murphy's futher, Mr. J. W. Fox, formerly of Omaha I Omaha Is to be largely represented nt 1 Lake Oknbojl this year Among those who have cottages are I. W. Carpenter, D. C. 1 I Patterson, J K. Hnum. II L. Krclder. I I. Curtis and J. II. Dumont. 1 President Woodbury of tho Omaha Water company leaves today for his home In Port land. Me. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Paxton went east ' on Wednesday. They will be gono about ten days. j Mrs, UenjAtnln Gallagher nnd son, Pnut, jsnll from New York June 30, to spend seine months abroad. I Major J. U. I'urny has been confined to his room the last ten days with n severe at tack of rheumatism. Rev. Chase of the First Methodist Kplscopnl church has returned ftom 11 three months' eastern trip. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Uarnhart left on Tues day to spend tho summer with relatives nnd friends In the east. Mr. ChnrleS B. Ford leaves toJay for In dianapolis, where she will visit relatives and friends for n few weeks. Miss Gortrudo Goodrich loft last week for .Lawrence, Kan., where she will bo the guest of Miss Mary Ladd Smith. Miss l-31sa Wuolworth, the guest of MUs Woolworth, expects to leave for her home at Sandusky, O., next week. Rev. Schenk, 11. H. Millard, C. N. Dnw-fon, A. N. Welch, C. C. Clssell nnd G. A. Luce were In Chicago last week. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Cudahy left for Kan sas City 011 Wednesday, where they will make their homo In tho future. Mrs. F. W. Judson of Lafayette avenue left for Minneapolis, Minn., several days I aco. where sho will visit relntlvos. I Mr. John Schmelzer roturned to Knnena City with his brother's family, who havo been visiting him the last month, .Mr. Martin Cannon, Jr., nnd Mr. Frank Read returned to Omnha on Thursday from a trip to Kansas City nnd Chicago. Miss Maggie McShaiio left Saturday for a two montho' vacation to bo spent with friends In Ohio, Kentucky nnd Chlcngo. Miss Louise Korty returns this week from National Park school, Mnrylnnil. Mrs. H. L. Korty went to Chicago last week to meet her. Miss J. S. Harrow, sister of Mrs. J. II. Millard, returned Saturday from F.urope, where sho hns been traveling tho last winter. Mrs. H. F, Shearer nnd dnughter, flrnee, tiro visiting friends In Chlcngo nnd vicinity. They will bo nbsent from tho city for six weeks. Hon. nnd Mrs. John C. Whnrton spent tho greater rortlon of lust week In St. Paul and Minneapolis, returning home Friday. A. Mnndclbcrg Is making n tour of tho big eastern cities, his Itinerary Including Buffalo. New York and his parents' home in Baltimore. Mm. McWhorter nnd children left on Saturday for New York. They will spend the summer on the Jersey coast. Mr. Mc Whorter will go later. .Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Pello left on Tuesday for New York, whence they will take tho steamer for Hamburg, spending the summer In Germany and Denmark nnd on their re turn visiting tho exposition nt Paris. Mrs. A. A. Kuehn returned last week from Salt Lake City after spending seven weeks with her husband, who has accepted n position with tho Nelden, Judson Drug Co. They Intend locating theie In the fall. WrdilliiUN mid i:iliHK'ini-nts. Invitations nro out for the wedding of Miss Nelllo Voorhecs nnd Mr. Samuel A. Hutchlscn, which occurs Juuo 7 at Englc wood, N. J. Cards aro out announcing the marriage of .Miss Hlanche Nelson to Chnrles A. Mor rison. Tho ceremony will bo performed June 6 nt Kountze Momorlnl church. The marrlago of Mr. Warren Hlackwell nnd Miss Adella Whltcomb occurred Inst Wednesday In Chicago. After a six weeks' trip through tho east they will be at home nt 3C1S Farnam street. The marriage of Miss Jennlo Evn McLaln and Mr. Henry R. Cnrhett will bo solemnized Monday, June I, at Fort Collins-, Colo. Mr. Corbett 'Was formerly stnto superintendent of Instruction In Nebraska nnd later wns In business In Omahn, whero ho has many friends. Mr. M. I. Patterson nnd Mrs. Mny Taylor wcro mnrrled Wednesday nfternoon at 112 South Twenty-fourth street. Rev. T. J. Mnckay performed tho ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson left for a trip east, nnd upon their return will be nt homo at the above address, Invitations nro out for tho marriage of Miss Edna Williams and Mr. Orvlll Eddy, which Is to occur nt Westminster Presby terian church Juno G. Miss Williams has for three years been soloist at Westmin ster, whero she has been a member slnco childhood. Mr. Eddy Is well known In Omaha, having formerly lived hero, though ho Is now a resident of Minneapo lis. Ollt-llf-i'lMVII ('IICKIN. Mr. Will Cartan was In town last week. Mrs. A. 13. Kimball Is visiting her mother, Mrs. James Stephens. Mr. Augustus Kountzo wns In tho city Friday on his way west. .Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Chadwick nre guests of Mrs. Georgo A. Joslyn. Mrs, T. L. Young of Nebrnska City Is tho guest of Mrs. J. F. Coad. Governor WPorcst Richards qf Wyoming was In Omaha Inst week. Mrs. Wultor H. Williams of St. Louis Is visiting friends In tho city. Mrs. Fannie Hopkins of Chlcngo is tho guest of Mrs. J. H. Millard. Mr. Meyers of Washington, D. C, Is the guest of Mrs. James McKenna. MIfs Dickinson of Chlcngo will bo Mies Ellen McShane's guest next week. Mr, Harry Conant of Kansas City, formerly of Omaha, was in town last week. Mkss Anna Cameron of Kansas City Is vbitlng relatives on Davenport street. Genornl Merrlam of tho Department of tho Missouri arrived In tho city Friday. Miss Lulu Everest of Gardon City, Kan., Is tho guest of Mr. aud Mrs. Charles R Lewis. Mrs. C. H. Davidson returned to Kansas City last week after a month's visit with friends In Omaha. Mrs. H. O. Wilkinson of Chicago Is In tho city. She Is at present stopping at 1G09 Douglas street. Mrs. W. T. Hathaway and llttlo son of Nebraska City nro visiting Mrs. John Ham lin, 2623 Charles stieet. Mrs. Wiggins of Pomfrct, Conn., nnd Mrs Lalk of Riverside, 111., wero guests last wtck of Mr. James Chambers. Miss Purman, who has been tho guest of her Bister, Mrs. J. M. Thurston, left on Saturday for her homo In Washington, D. C. Mrs. E. J. Reynolds of Mankato, Kan . Is visiting her undo and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. F, II. Hentley, of 3326 North Twenty-seventh street. Mrs. Corn Van Terhuno of Fort Wayne. Ind., who has been visiting her mother, Mr?. S, C. Carton, and numerous friends, left for homo on Tuesday Inst. R. T. McCartor, president of the Phila delphia Mortgago nnd Trust company. U In Omnha on his annual tour of observation through the west, and will spend Sunday here. Miss Hurnhnni of Lincoln. Mr. John Dixon of Nebraska City, MUs Mary Lewis and Mr. Alanfo'n Trigg of Glascoe, Ky.. huvo been gueots of Miss Llla Alexander during tho i last week. i Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Fisher of Flnrcnro I Wl., aro tho guests of their daugh or Mrs Pinto, 2343 California streat Mr Fisher waa the commiteloner in charge of the WlKionsln exhibit nt tho TrnnimleslsUppI i..)oiiioii iiiiii in wen Known in in" mj. ne will return to Wisconsin Monday. Mrs. Fluhrr will remain In the city for a month. Slicllll t Illt-Ctillt. Mr. and Mrs Wllmn Lowe are now at home at 1013 South Twenty-ninth street. Dr. nnd Mrs. Cameron Anderton will soon orcupy their new home, 101 South Thirty second. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harton are now occupying their new homo at 10 South Thirty-second avenue. Mr. nnd Mrs. Taliaferro have engaged the houeo of Mr. and Mts. Ilnrry Windsor, 3115 Davenport street. Mr. and Mrs. William Tupper Wyman moved 011 Monday to the former residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. K. C. Harton on Hnlf Howard. OMAHA Sl'lll'nllS Florence. 'Miss Mary Gunderson of Omnha visited her fnthcr and sister here Tuesday. Tho mombers of the Christian church gave an Ice cream s clal nt the city hall Friday night for the bencllt of tho church. 'Miss Mlra Goodlet visited relatives In Omaha Friday, returning on the evening trafn. Tho railway company bus mndo tho round trip between Florence nnd Omnha at a rute of 25 cents. Mrs. J. J. Colo nnd daughters went to Hlnlr Thuis.luy to spend it couple of days with relatives. The water company has put a night watch man on for the summer. Nick, Cranio got tho appointment. Mr. nnd Mrs. Captain lleynoIds enter tained a number of their friends at tho pump house Wednesday night. Rev. Irving Johnson and wifo of South Oniiihn. accompanied by some friends, spt in Thursdny evening hero visiting friends. Tho beet fields south of town nro giving all tho Idlo boys In town employment pull ing weeds and since echuol has closed there nre a number working. Tho Florence base ball team was organ ized this week with a full complement of players. They have grounds leased and nre ready to play with any amateur team. S. Water Fox, government engineer of Jerferson City, Mo., accompanied by other olllcers. Inspected the government work be ing dono hero on tho river Saturday morn ing. Tho hull nnd machinery of tho burned steamer, John R. Hugo, stnrted on Its Jiiurney down the Missouri river Saturday. Tho owiieis will float It down to Osngo City, Mo., whero It will probably be rebuilt. lll'IISOII, Mr. Haverly, county clerk, spent part of Inst Sunday visiting around In Honson. Th" public schools of this plnco will closo on next Friday for tho summer vacation. Mrs. Chris Martlg Is having a new resi dence erected In the western part of Den- iion. Mr. Jnmes A. Howard Is having a store house erected by his grocery store on Mnyne street. Soivlces will bo conducted at the Metho dist Episcopal church at 11 a. 111. by the rastor, Row Luce. Mrs. O. C. Lawson left for her homo in Wlntersot, la., after a week's visit with her sister, Mrti. J. A. Morgan. Mlsii Gertrudo Lowe returned homo to spend her summor's vacation. She has been teaching at Iing lino, Nob. Tho Hoard of Education met last Snturday week for the tuirpoao of electing teachers aud to transact other business. Last Sunday evening's services were con ducted by two young men. members of tho Epworth league of the First Methodist Epis copal church of Omaha. Ml- I'.ella tSmlth came up from Platts mouth Inst Wednesday afternoon nnd visited at the home of Miss A. 13. Stlger, returning homo last Saturday evening. A bmall bey was found wandering around on the etrects lnt Thursday evonlng. It win Impossible to find out from him whoro ho lived or camo from, so ho was tnkon to Omaha and given in tho enro of tho city au thorities. Dundee. A number of Dundco lots were sold last week to parties who contemplato building. Mrs. .MaeKarland left on Mnndny for Went Virginia to visit her mother, who is very ill. .Mr. nnd Mrs. W. L. Selby nro ntlll In Now York City, whero they havo been for several wockn. A number of property owners are making Improvement!; nn their premises nnd the vlllngo is looking very attractive thin sum mer. Mr. und Mrs. Clayton Holmes (Jcodrlch nro living with Mr. J. II. Parrotto for tho sum mer at tho corner of Forty-eighth and Dav enport streets. Prof. Dodgo and his wlfo nf Honolulu nro tho guests of Mrs. D, L. Johnson. The pro foseor will lecture on tho Hawaiian IslandH at the school hall on .Monday evening, a re ception following tho program at tho homo of Mrs. Johnson, to which tho audience will bo lnvltid. "I had stomach trouble twenty years and gavo up hope of being cured till I began to uso Kodol Dyspepsia Pure It has done me so much good I call It the saver of my llfo " writes W R. WllUinnon, Albany, Tenn. It digests what you eat. Pictures. xo rinxG jt user ALL 2 ON Original Per Cent DISCOUNT rrhG only gotiuinG cut over mndo on high !rndo art publications In Onuihn, Sale Ins 3 only a few days, or until wo move into our new store one door east of our present location. Whitmore's Art Store, A fjsr w w w w MOTHERS' CONGRESS SUCCESS Mr, .Injur tin' MrrlliiH lit lr Mnlllci Will Ml Mm! It Hill! I'rniiilii'il. Mf II S. Jaynes of lil.M Liiiinet s'rer has returned from Des Mollies, where she participated In tho fourth National emigres of Mothers, which met May :'l and a I JotiriuM Mny 2fi. It wns one of the mot notable conclaves of similar Import w 11 bin recent history, for the reason that lt co-iti-clls Included tunny of tho country's cnost notable figures. Speaking of the congress Mrs. Jnynes de elnres It wns In full keeping with nil an ticipations, nnd that In nil of her experience In n benevolent work she never had occa sion for more thankfulness. "The meeting wns held In the Auditorium In Des Moines nnd tho building," Mrs. Jaynes says, "was crowded at each session. 1 went as a dele gate from the Cxiinlm Womnn's club. Spe clnl credit belongs to Mrs. Hello M. Stot cnborough of Plattsmouth, who stood prom inent as n representative of Nebraska. Mth. Theodore W. Illrney of Washington city, who presided, whs one of the original or gnnlzers of the work." Mrs. Jaynes returned yesterday nnd Is now busily engaged 111 making up a report which sho will submit to the club. "After suffering irom piles for fifteen years I wns cured by using two boxes of De Witt's Witch Hn?el Snlvc," writes W. J. Haxter, North Hrook, N. C. It heals every thing. Hcwaro of counterfeits. IrNIi liny In Oinuliii. The titimml pit nd s given by tiiin-Nn-(inel elulis In the ilHTerent large cities have started u great deal of discussion ainoiig sumo of the b ailing irishmen In Omaha 11111I Smith Oiniilia. It Ih understiioil that nil effort will lie ninde lien- tblsi cir t.i give 11 grand Irish pli lile in this iiinlt Hume lime In August. There ti 11. doubt tll.lt nil ll III) 'M lit WOlllll III' W i .illll.l here nnd greatly appreciated by the host nf I ri -1 fit til I tit " mm their friends Arthur Delmore Chenej BassO"Barltonc Vocal Instruction Special Attention Given to 1 English Oratorio. Suite 315 Ramge Bldg., Omaha; Mrs. J. Benson, cm I'rottlcst fi WHITE WAISTS Iljintfpoine colored waists 50c up 2.00 while pique waisls '. 75c Boys' Kilt Suits A largo line that camo in late we will make the price very low for that reason $1.00 up Special for Monday Host tollft urtielos Brush nnil Comb Hotu C loth and Hat Unifies nt half former prico. mm 1 23 pianos Just returned from rental by teachers linvlng tho illy for tho summer months, a number of ram pi o pianos and iion-eiualugii.-d ntles of HUidi well known makes an Stelnway, A. H. Clmse, Vnse, Stiver, Kmoreon, Packard and Ivtrw & Pond nro now offered nt prices and terms that will r turtle the most economical buyers. I I uxi d I jnlKlit Pliinim n( ST.", HIOO, ijll'rt mill ili 7 Siiiiare 4 I'll ll it h ul !-", ST.". nnil up 1.-, Mluhlly iimmI Oruiiim nt tflH. tfXli nml up I'lne I uti' A Soiitt', i'onimooiI 'n", only HH Ileal lit 1 fill IiIiUimIiiu, upi'lulil, iiul .-'IKI Sleek Unity liriuul, line eon il 1 1 ton, mil) Hl.'.ll WK SELL ON HAS V MONTHLY PAYMKNTS -HUNT. TL NK AND Illll'Mlt PI VNOS. Wine for catalogues prices nnd terms, or cull and Be the wonderful sni.r-i'i.it ia ri mm. II 1 1 1 h nny p I ii ii o ii ii. v one eiiu piny It. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER tiii; in. i) tti:t,i tii.i: ft wo not si:, i;ti;t FiiL-lilllil SI., OiiiiiIiiii :i:t7 lll'oinlu ny Street, (oiniell 1 1 1 1 O' u , WHITMORE'S emovalSa run. immusfsii ha cn ifick. 1'RAM HI) l'lVri'RHS AT BRAHJM CARBONS, IMPORTED ETCHINGS, ENGRAVINGS, Water Colors.Coplcy Printsdacsimilcs) 1519 Dodge Street. " A- ft A A WA x 7,yr ru vrv ifi. f,. vzw v "8" f 'V Ik ft ft. ft ft 1 ft ft Q ft ft ft ft) ft fi M M m. - - - A tf-i-Worfto'.i. J JO r.V nrv i istXk itx 0i k 4Jl v.-v. tv rr. vsr i',r .mh vk- m u - a - w w - u - w - v w m - - m - a m w wii wa mni Scofielti's Mi nd.n we ui' how a iins r trresting a.-sortmilit of NHW SHIRT ISTS equal to 1 ustom male at a. on hair the . iw -WHITI3 W MSTS in lln.st w.mliahle fahr.c daintily linked, 1 mhroldi re I and he n stitched none qulle so pretty have 1 ecu shown before this e.isi-n tho prices will range at Jl.r.O, $1.!K. $2.23, $2."fi nnd WO. Also exquisite White lico and Knibroldery Waists nt $3..'.0 nnd $3.7.'.. Woo! Dress Skirts-Unlinod We show Monday 1' 11 lined Wont Dres Skirts in Hue maierinls Mack, white and po.mlar shn l of gray at f .".0 to $n no. These re now used in jdaie ef Wi-di Skirts and are more durilde 111 cery way. I.OC0FIELD 6 woAiasuirco. 1510 Dotmlas St. Weiiilino Gifts. Chents of Sterling SiHer. $1.". to J200. Cut Gins Punch Howls, $2.'. to tleO. Silver 1 imdi lalir.is. to $.'." Sterling Sliver Horry Howls, $15 to Graduation Gifts. Diamond Hrooehes, $15 to $400. Pearl Hrooi hes. $tn t $.10. Gold Loi kets, $5 to $100. Diamond Rings, $!.'. to $2f.0. Pearl Rings, $5 to $30. When you want to seo a clean, up-to-date line of the abovo goods call and seo EI) HOLM THE JEWELER WHO IS RELIABLE 107 North Sixteenth Street. l.lno of SHIRT Correct Sfiirf Waists Wm liver Shown In Omaha. Prices 50c to 84.50. Jlandsomo ribbon w;iists.$5.00 & 7.25 PIANOS At a Clearing Sale, Pictures L i'.S'A" THAN COST- 25 Per Cent DISCOUNT y v b 9 a - " a. - .srT7i.c"j3ic""iiR'StHi 'l fi fl