Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1900, PART I, Page 11, Image 11

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1 1
Tho Century plague has broken fill with
unusual virulence In New York onil vl Inity
A MtiRlo century Is no lunger rfiRO' 'lod is
a froo prbs to blcyel piclryy. Ambi'lous
riders must roll up live or moro centurlrs
c -nsecutlvely to secure a mord as well
nil a neat in th" ilmrmol r", I . The Intent
nnd larccBt victim nf thu plague Ib Will It.
Ilrovwi. who eompli ted a tweiitv enuiry run
last Tuesday. The runs were made on
nearby r. artii . With fnvornb'e ucnther and
good roads Ilrown teHed r f? ion miles In
nine bourw. Owing to bad weather hit
nverago was much higher, the time of
the cliro run Iwlnfc 223 ho TH r.:own did
n .t suffer much from hl ' sh trial of
strength. At first he la;t : ', 'ml Rained
toward the end and on' . his normal
weight. Tho follow mi a b- a physl Ml
fruik, Inasmuch ng ho defl' d naming rules,
refused to diet himself, stlllf' (1 . Imself with
prunes, utrawborri'S, rhubarb i nd taw po
tatoes and H.lll beat tho rocotd.
California wheelmen illffcr from their
brethren of tho eaBt In one striking partic
ular. They do work that counts while the
otiier (Idch tho talking. Caltrornlana did i plain that when that moment arrives to
not wimtp time building cycle paths on pupa.- them, which arrives sooner or later to every
or i- ituitrui lltig good roads In political plat- wheolmnn when a brake nlono stands bp
forms. They put In their licks where they tween them and death or serious Injury to
did come good. Tho Vallejo County Cycl- others brsilcs themselves they can do nil
lug club Is building n cinder sldepath from I tho stopping necunary by tho application
Vallejo to Napa, a distance of alxtein mllua. of the tnlo of the b'ot to tho rear portion
Tho workers on this path gather when- 'of the front tire. I trust no rider will nl-
ever time nrfords nnd as most of them nro
emiployed during six dnjB of the week tho
tlmo after working hours and the wholo rf
Sunday Ih utlll.ed. The ministers ennnot
of course sanction Sunday work, but they
nnd tho other friends of tho movement who
nro prevented by religious scruples from
working on Sunday take every other oppor
tunity to help the good ciitisti airing.
Pasadena and l.os Angeles nro Joining
hnnds nowadays by means of nn elevated
cycleway the first In the world. Hut It Is
a very different affair from Vnllojo's path.
Southern people were ambit Ions and $223,
000 Ih reported to be tho amount spent by
California Cycleway enmpnny on Its enter
prise. Startluc from the heart of l'asadona tho
cyclist passes, twenty feet below him. resi
dences, business houses and railway depots.
Then ho glides through a tall brick build
ing which will bo provided with toll olllces.
In some placia the wheelman passes as
high -an seventy feet above the ground. On
a fow" ncrtfi of wooded land on the crojt of a
knoll aro facilities for dancing, swimming,
refreshments and bowling. All thvso may
bo enjoyed, for-thn toll feo of 10 cents. Tho
rider' may tay as long hh ho pleases after
hn,oitco pays toll. Tho lloor in covered with
a mixture of tar, asphalt and sand nnd elec
tric, 'fights nro placed at proper Intervals
along thi; route. So much for tho most glow
Jug plan thnt California cyclists havo du
vIhihI. Tho legislature of Mnns.ichUKotlH passed
two laws of practlcol benefit to bicyclists.
Tho first roqulreri railroads to carry bicy
cles as baggage. No pennlty Is Imposed for
refusal, but tho owner may sue and recover
dnmages from tho railroad. The sorond law
annuls municipal regulations requiring bi
cyclist! to carry lamps, lloth acts aro ic
gardcjl as declslvo victories for wheelmen.
Although 1'orto Itlco has finer rondw than
can bo found In tho United States, American
nilthoritlcH there havo put aside a fund of
$1. 200,000 to extend them. There nro In the
Island 15C miles of excellent road con
structed under Spnnlsh dominion out of 100
mlled proposed at that time. Now 110 miles
of tho unbuilt seetloim Is In process of con
struction nnd when tills Is completed at tho
cIobo of tho year thero will bo a total of
281 inlle.-i of first-clnsn road In the Island.
Tho standard of quality will he thnt of tho
Spanish military road, elgbty-flvo miles In
length, extending from I'onco on the south
to San Juan on the north, which Is of ma
cadam construction with bridges nnd cul
vcrts.'Of masonry nnd steel nnd bordered for
A considerable part on either sldo with rows
nf planted trees nnd In charge of carotnkorn
whoiio hmiMCH nro public property and nro
erected at regular Intervals along tho line.
As a horso tamer tho blcyclo has n proud
record and performed n rorvlce thnt Is mak
ing tho way of tho nutnmoblllsts easy. In
ltnchester, N. Y.. October IS, 1S9S, a horso
shlol nt an automobile. It ran away and
Injured itxclf nnd damaged tho wagon to
which It was attached. Tho owner of tho
horso micd for damages nnd won his ciiho
in tho municipal court. The autoinohillsts
carried tho caso higher, howover, nnd last
month obtained a reversal of Judgment,
Judgo Sutherland, who rendered tho deci
sion, gavo voice to a wealth of common
miiwo that makes IiIh opinion of high vnluo
and ono that safeguards all Interested In
either automobiles, bicycles or motorcycles,
lie snld:
"Tho horso has no paramount or exclu
slvo right to tho road nnd the moro fact
that n horso takes fright nt eomo
run by new and Improved methods nnd
The Triumph of Love
is Happy, Fruitful Marriage.
Everyman who would know the grand truth, plain facts,
the new discoveries of medical science as applied to
married life; who would atone for past errors
and avoid future pitfalls, should secure
the wonderful little book called
" Completes Manhood
ami How to Attain li."
Nt Money
In Advance.
on Trial
We send one full month's Remedies of wonderful power, and a marvelous
APPllSiVCe to Stretllltheil and doveintv nn trtnl
deposit or obligation. No exposure, no
tion of nny kind.
A.despairini; man who had applied to
that first day is one Ml never forget. I
everylwciy ami cell tiicni that iny old self
ooru totiay. wny tiitin t you tell me wlien I first wrote that I would find it th s way?
Atul another wrote: thus; "If you tlumped a of gold at my feet it would
not bung such gladness into my life ai your method has done."
In answering1 be suru and mention this paper, and the company promises to send
the book in sealed envelope without any marks, and entirely free of charge.
Write to the JiRW MEDICAL COMPANY, Buffalo, N, Y and uk
smashes things doc not give- tho injured
party a rarm of action As Judge Coolcy
ravs In Maromber v Nichols, 12 Michigan.
212 'When -he highway is not restricted
hi un iiuuuiiinin to some particular modo
of use it is open to all suitable methods and
It cantnt be auineil that thrtlo will bo tho
name from ai;o to rtRo or that the new menus
of nuking the way useful mut be excluded
merely because their Introduction may tend
to the Inconvenience or even to tho injury
of thoiso who cntlnuo to use tho road after
the iiatiio manner as formerly.' If the de
fendant's motor cnrrlage Is practicable for
tho purpoex? of travel and the noise, and
vapor caused by Its uh are kept within
renionable limitations and are no gre-ater
than are fairly Incident to the use cf mo
tor carriages which ure found adapted to
the needs of the general publle. then I can
net sec how tho defendant can bo hold liable
In thes absence of evidence that at the par
ticular time romplnlncd of the carriage wns
operated carolost ly."
A veteran tourist gives this advice: "I
have more than once hiard wheelmen ex-
low timself to follow so dangerous and In
convenient an example. To so brake n ma
chine Is to dentroy all comfcrt. No cant
ing can be Indulged In, no sudden braking
Is pnxslblc and thero exists always the pen
nihility of the foot being Jammed In tho fork,
as happened in the late accident near Lon
'don, where a wheolinnn was found lying
1 dead on the road by the nldo of his man
' glc.l, brnkelcts machine, with one foot
, fixed In the front fork. Evidently the un
! hnppy tnnn had come to hla end by thlw per
ilous method of attempting to arrest tho
progress of his machine."
Consul General Wlldman ut Iloug Kong,
In IiIm last report to thu Stnto department
concerning the possibilities of American
goods an ImpiirlB Into Chlnn, says thero Is
u good Meld there for bicycles. Along with
cotton goods, cutlery and hardware, scents,
sweets and candlcH ho places bicycles as
having favorable opportunities In China.
Ho nltyj calls attention to tho necessity for
careful packing of all nrtlrlcH rteslgncil for
shipment to China. The hot, damp cllmato
of tho fnr oast has a damaging effect on
mnny products that would find a large ealo
there. This does not so much affect bi
cycles except to require careful workman
ship en the models shipped to China. For
Instance palntcl wheels would not last long
there possibly not long enough to sell tho
damp (seeking out weak points nnd haro
spotn to rust nnd weaken the framcH. Kn
umelcd blcyclcn would have nothing to fear.
It Is now posslblo for tho musically minded
wheclmnn to dispense sweet atraltm at will
for tho edification of himself nnd such per
sons ns ho chances to meet while encased
j In tho purtitilt of his favorite riastlme. An
Arizona Inventor has patented a music box
attachment for bicycles and tho lively
strains of "Hagtlme Liz" may soon struggle
for supremacy with Mendelssohn's "Songs
Without Words," If tho rider Is of a cosmo
K)lltnn taste. Tho music box Is attached ln
stilo thu frnmo nnd Just In front of the sad
dle. A shaft Is run from tho box to tho rear
wheel and on tho end of It Is a star-shaped
wheel which comes In contact with tho
spokes of tho blcyclo wheel. This contact
turns tho shaft and pots tho mechanism of
tho music box In operation. A hand lover
enables tho rider to throw It off or on.
Ono of tho oddest uses to which bicycles
havo been put this year Is mounting a corpJ
of detectives upon them. A bodyguard of
six detectives, supposed to bo Scotland Ynrd
men, havo been following the carrlngo of
Queen Victoria on bicycles to guard her
ngnlni-t dynamiters. These rldors havo been
going through this dally task for tho last two
months. Knch day when her majesty goes
driving tho wheelmen fall In bolurm .nd,
turning when tho royal carn.tss turns, fol
low It throughout the ride. Tho secret was
out when spectators noted that tho wheel
mien followed tho mounted police Into tho
guarded grounds of tho viceregal lodgo. It
has not yet developed whether or not the
escort is mounted on wheels mado by thoEC
"enterprising Americans."
It Is not n long time slnco cycles wero
first Introduced Into Roumnnla, tho time
scarcely antedating tho year 1SS8, when tho
pastime wns still really unknown In that
country. Tho Intro luctlon of cycles has,
however, been very rapid 1890 saw 150 ma
chines Imported Into the capital, Buchar
est, and from then tho salo sluwly rose, and
In tho season of 1S9I already 2,000 machines
had been Imported Into tho abovo mentioned
town alone. Tho American makers are now
" ! lere at last is information from a high medical source
Tho book fully describes n method by which to attain
full vip;or and manly power.
A method to end nil unnatural drains on the system.
Tocurunervousness.lack of self-control, dosjondencv,etc
, To exchange a jaded and worn nature lor one of bright
ness, buoyancy anil power.
To Rive full strength, development and tone to every
portion and orpan of the body.
Age no barrier. Failure impossible.
useless to curiosity seekers, invaluable TO MEN ONLY
Free Trial Treatment
" collect on deliven' " scheme no decen-
us, soon niter wrote : "Well, I tell yi
just bubbled with low I wanted to h'
had tlied y'jstenlay and my new self whs
exporting large quantities of bicycles Into
that country. I
The committee In chargo of the League
of American Wheelmen's national meet,
wblrli Is scheduled at Milwaukee for July 10
to 15, has ile. Med upon nn artistic otnelnl
baclRC. It will consist of a handsome bronze
pin. upon which w ill bo Inscribed the figures
'ltt00' and a pendent medal suspended by
tho league color, royal purple, upon the ob
verse of which will be stamped tho league j
of American Wheelmen's emblem, around
which will appear the Inscription, "Twenty
first Annual Meet, Milwaukee." The re
verso will contain a beautifully executed
mnilrilllrm I'lnw tt M ll vvnllbiwl h.1V with It
8Utablo description around It denoting the
i fact that ,t ,, MUVcnir of tho city. These
iwl ,8,r,buteii exclusively to League of
1 A, ,,., i.n
Tom Cooper, tho Detroit racer, Is busily
finishing hla training for the coming season
at Chester l'nrk track. Cincinnati. Ceopor
and Klser, who are working hard together,
will shortly appear upon a motor, having
clven orders to Oscar Hedstroni to build
for them a fast machine.
Ar rniiKCinent fur a I'rolliiiliinry
Tourney An- Mititc mill l'ln
Will IIckIii Thiii-Milii).
At ltd meeting on Thursday night the
Nebraska Chres asso'iatlon made nrrango-
mcntB for u preliminary tourney, In tho na- j
turo of a test of tho relative merits of tho i
mombcrci, s) that a proper handicap plan
may bo drawn up. The members will play
two gumis, each with the' other, the play
to occm regularly on each Tuc''ay and
l'rlday evenings. In case there Is a short
ago of tobies, arrangements will be mnde
for play In the afternoons, ns the rooms
at the Merchants hotel ut,od by the associa
tion will bo avallnblc. Those who havo
bo 'far entered the contest nro Messrs.
Ilarker, Diddle. Hognn. Uoucher. Uruner,
tirrlftm, Mghton, Palmer. Points, Hath
burn, Hosenow, Shaw, Welshann and Tlllson.
When tho relative standing of tho players
has ben ascertained a perpetual tourney
will bo inaugurated and tho question of tho
champlonihlp of tho county and even tho
stato will be decided.
Although I'lllsbury has not a clean ncoro
In tho mnster'B cheoj tournament now In
progress In Paris his -work Is eminently
satisfactory and there Is still sufficient op
portunity for him to carry off tho lnurcl.
For tho (list tlmo In an international tour
ney a ruin Is In forco that nil draws must
bo played off, although In case there Is a
second draw each player Is credited with a
half game. As thero were seventeen en
trlfH ono piny or was obliged to accept a
byo each day, and one of thefe fell to I'llls
bury In tho first four rounds of play. In
addition he ended hla gamo with Showalter
with honors even, although a second gamo
wns ptayeil In tho hope of settling tho con
troversy. In tho first three rounds there
fore tho player on whom the American
hopes center won one game, drew one and
did not play tho third. This ncore did not
appear as credl able aw the throo stralghl
won by Laskor. Maroczy, Tscblgorln and
llurn, but I'lllsbury -was In fact only a half
gamo behind. In tho fourth round I'llls
bury nlmoBt entirely wiped out the differ
ence by defeating Schltchtor, while llurn
dropped to the rear by losing to hanker.
Maroczy a!o was nblo to do no bettor than
to draw with Rosen, bo that the American's
ohanccB look considerably more favorable.
In tho fifth rouud playe-d on Friday Tills
bury won from Dldler, I,a,kcr from Maroczy,
Showalter from Durris, Melscs from
Tho master's tournament at tho City, of
London Chess club was one of tho bewi In
recent years, and tho victory of Richard
Telchmann, tho Anglo-Oorman player, by
n half point over Mason and Ounsborg, was
sufficiently closo to lend excitement to tho
finish. Telchmann, llko our own I'lllsbury,
la a young man, bl.i natal year being 1S6S.
Contrary to tho common mlsapprehcnslou
that a rhess export shoul be a mathemati
cal specialist, Telchmann makes his dally
bread as a teacher of languages In London.
III first success was In 1891, when ho se
cured first prize before tho Btrong Ilerlln
Chess club. In tho great Hastings toiirna
mont where I'lllsbury first electrlflod tho
chess world Telchmann tied for seventh
place, a crolltnblo performance when It
Is recalled that seven of tho plnyers In
that notablo gathering had boon winners
In International tourneys, The score of
Telchmann's game with A. E. Tlotjen was
as follows:
White Tletjcn. Illack T Ichmnnn.
1 J K K, 1-P K .
2 Kt K II 3. I-Kt CJ II 3.
3 11 Kt 5. 3-1' Q H 3,
4 11 H 4. 4-Kt n 3.
5 Castlrs. f II K I.
-! Q 3 r I' Q 3.
7- 1 K It 3. 7-oBtles.
8- Kt 11 3. 8-I Q Kt 4.
9- 11 Kt 3. 0-Kt Q 11 4.
10- Kt K 2. 10- V II 4.
11 -1 II 3. U-Kt x V.
12- f x Kt. 12-Q II 2.
13 I' 11 4. 13-lt Kt 1.
1 1- Kt Kt 3. ll-Kt K I.
1J-CJ K S. IT P Kt 3.
in-ii n . io-Kt Kt :.
17-Kt H 2. 1T-P X P.
lf-Kt P x P. 15-Q Kt 2.
19-K It Kt t 1U-I1 n C.
10-K Kt II 1. P-P " .
:i-Kt it l. ::-H it 2.
1 22 H x Kt. !2-K jc 11.
:i-p u 3 .p n 5.
:i-Kt n 2. 21-n q i I
2. -Kt O 1. 11-P Kt 4.
Id-Kt 11 3. tt-P IC It 4.
17-Kt O 5. 27-P It 4.
2"!-Kt Q 2. :-Q Q 2.
-P Q Kt 3. 23-Q K 3.
30- K It 2 tf-K 11 J.
31- 11 K Kt 1. 31-P Kt B.
32- P Kt 3 (?) "7-P x n P I
33- Q II 1. rj-V H 7.
34- 11 P. 1. "4-1" x P ch
3. -.-K x P. 33 -Q Kt 3 Oil,
3-K 2. M-Q It 3.
37-9 K " 37-11 Kt
A Woiniiirn Awful IN-rll.
"Thcrn Ib only onn chatice to save your
life, and that is throuKh an operation,"
wcro tho startling words heard by Mr.
I. n. Hunt of Urun HldKC, Wis., from her
doctor after ho had vnlnly tried to euro
her of a frightful enso of otomach troubto
and yellow Jaundice. (IhII utoneo had
formed and he constantly srew woi-bo.
Then nho began to uso Klostrle lllttoin,
which wholly cured her. It's a wo.iderful
Stomach, Uvcr and Kidney remedy.
Cures Dyspepsia, I.oea of Appetite. Try
It. Only SO rentJ. Guaiantecd. Tor talo
by Kuhn & Co.
lleulnnliiui of n (lieiit I'nreer.
Chicago Trlbuno: "What's tho raitter,
my boy?" nskod the oldorly philanthropist,
pausliiR In his morning walk.
The boy who had been digging at tho edge
of the wooden sidewalk turned n tear
stained face upwnrJ and re?p-nded:
"I'm huntln' fur dc penny I dropped
Trough a holo In do walk. My maw'll whup
mo If I don't find It?"
"Is that nil?" tho good man rejolnod,
feeling In his pocket for a coin. "Dry your
tears, llttlo fellow. Hero's another ono,
Just ns good, nnd hero Is n nickel to go
with It."
With the warm feeling nt his heart that
Invariably accompanied tho performance of
a good deed he passed on.
Tho next day, walking abroad at tho samo
hour, ho obscrYcd n boy digging at tho edgo
of a wrodcn.sldownlk.
' "What's the matter, little fellow?" ho
asked. ,
Tho boy (iirncd a tcar-talned fa e up
ward nnd said'
"I'm huhtln' fur a halt dollar 1 dropped
t'rouxh a hot In de walk. Mo oijw'II whup
me it I don't find It!"
Its .Woman's My Pnj Edition Fi7a Years
Ago Broke All Records.
It Hn n Tm rut -IJIuli t-l'nue I'll per,
ninl Port) -I'.lulit Tliiiiinituil I'opli-H
Wen- Clreiiliiti'il l'reli lerlnii
lllllpltlll I III- lll'lll'llclllr).
The revival of the newspaper proclivities
of tho women of Omaha recalls the fact that
tho record for a woman's edition of a dally
paper was set In theao parts by tho
Woman's May Day edition of Tho Dee, pub
lished five years ago under date of Mny 1,
1S&.1. It's unparalleled success was evi
denced by tho di nation of $2,221.31 as tho
net proceeds to the hospital for whose
benefit tho project was undertaken. Tho
story of tho venture ns related by Mrs.
Anna Fitch Skinner, who wt.h ono of tho
principal factors, Is as follows:
"At a meeting of Presbyterian ladles,
where tho needs of the Presbyterian hospi
tal were being discussed, one who has ever
been a leader and nn Inspiring spirit sug
gested tho publishing of n paper as n means
of revenue for the hospital. It was known
that women of other largo cities had met
with considerable success In that line. Sho
nrgucd that Omaha women wore us energetic
nnd Intelligent a any In tho land. The
need was great, the effort needed to bo
great. A meeting was called of tho women
of all the Presbyterian churches of the city
to discuss and decide tho matter. Regard
ing tho wisdom of thlH undertaking, there
was great difference of opinion, nnd It was
found that discussions must bo closed, that
immediate determination was the one thing
necessary. The opposition forces were In the
minority nnd lost. Discussion with the splca
of opposition had made somo ambitious
enough to undertake almost any task. Ily
vote it was decided to try to flu J a publica
tion willing to lot the women try this experi
ment, tho proceeds, If there were any, to go
to tho Presbyterian hospital.
"A cominlttie of women was afforded the
opportunity to wnlt upon the editors of the
leading dnlllca, Instructing them as to our
aggtesslve movement, nnd presenting our
modest niiuost.
"Tho llee, being nearest to our place of
meeting, and having ono of tho finest and
mint complete buildings In the country, nnd
knowing Its editor In always liberal when hli
fympathles are- with the cause, tho commit
tee decided to mnko Kb Ilrst nppral there.
As they wero being elevatored to tho editor's
sanctum, what thoughtsiwcro thelrw?
"Hcliocs of tho questions they expected to
havo piled to them. What is to bo its
religion or polltlcn? Arc you goldbug or
Htand on a free silver platform? I low-
much of tho proceeds will you contribute
to tho next campaign fund? I it tarlif
for rovcnini or free trade? Do you dc
claro yourself In favor of tho principle of
tho narty of which I am a loader? Ad
infinitum! It was "10 to 1." Mr. Hc;i?
water was tho one, and, with his usual
singular power of analysis and his quick
conception, ho discerned this at onre.
"Thero wire few questions asked, no re
strictions imposed; tho terms were, pay
mcnt for nothing but extra blank paper
Usui and extra composing required In Ivsu
Ing tho two editions. With assurances of
his best wishes for our unbounded success,
his Journal was ours for nny datn of Issue
we might name, gratuitously and with all
emolument. From that day tho editor wan
"out of town" if any of the- women called
unou him. Ho had given up his Idol, anil
bravo man though ho be, he could not stand
by and see It managed by other hands.
l'm of Tin- llei- 'IVnili-ri'il.
"Our Ilrst real enthusiasm was received
by tho report of this committee. It is no
small undertaking for a party or inexpjri
mced women to take hold of a dally paper
with a circulation of 20,000 and hnving up
ward of ir0 employes, somo of whom have
had many years' oxperlenco. A paper that
for twenty-four consecutive years has hail
but ono namo as editor upon Its editorial
nncn. Hut tho first cr Ileal pnrlod ivas
passed. Thu Journal was ours. With mod
esty mo3t raro and simplicity exceptional
for editors, tho women becamo the publish
ers of two editions of The llee for May t
1893, tho nnmei of Hosewater not on tho ed
itorial page, and they responsible for every
Jlno that appeared In tho twenty-elght-pago
"The ono Idea dominant wns success, and
if popular appreciation counts for anything
In tho lino of success, tho women havo tho
satisfaction of knowing Tho May Day I)ro
i was a success. Wo would not havo tho pub
llo bitllevn wo had nono of tho trlnls of nn
editor, and nn unvaried experience, but as
a llttl sldo play, occasionally our trains
collided with each other nnd tho public,
However, with tho tact, discrimination nnd
rclf-sncrlflclne labor of our general man
ngor, thesa wero so scientifically managed
that they wero soon forgotten and no clam
ages had to ho paid from our afsots.
! "This brings to tho writer's mind somo of
tho funny things that added to our experi
ence. 'Without attaching much Importanco
. to thorn, let us Just mention onn or two.
"A subscriber for ono numbor when offered
her paper nt her door looked nt It, with dls
appointment plainly visible, and exclaimed,
'Why. I tliought it was to bo prlntoil on
white satin;' at 5 cents a copy. Another
asUod, 'When nm I to receive my other num
has?' When told that sho had subscribe'
for. only ono number for 5 cents shn said
looking tho paper over, 'Is this all thero Is
of It? I thought I was to havo a dozen pa
pers. I don't bellevo I want this,' and sho
I was excused from the obligation of taking
so llttlo for so much money. Again an m
ployo In a bank, a man, refused to tnko his
ono copy and pay for It because 'It was not
delivered before ! o'clock,' tho usual tln.
i nut tho peoplo of this ago nro a generous
j peoplo with but few exceptions.
I "The tlmo of preparation extended over n
porlod of sis weeks. The. number of actual
workers wai some'hlng ever 100. With two,
possibly three, exceptions this entire for.o
wns wholly inexperienced In newspap-r
Work. TliT wtto not nil Prrsbvtorlnn
women, qh from other churches valuablons
' slstanco wns rendered and wrltfM of well
' known ability were solicited to cmtrlbute.
Many from abroad gladly contribute I. arti
cles and the Fouth Omaha women proved
thon-pelvcs rsMmable assistants and lent elll
e'.ent aid In various wny.
I "Tho scope of the paper wa to keep It a
' newspaper, to retain as noirly or pornlhlo
j tho everyday look of Tho Dec, and original
ity. Orlelnal articles nlnne wel d accepted, and
I although mnnv excellent one wero received
' for icprlnt, they were, without rxcoptmn,
' conMgncd to tho wnsfo banket. Tho advc--l
Using t-ollcltors met with tho moU generous
1 cf rocoptlonv
i Wniui'ii AVIiir JMil llio Worlf.
i The staff of tho Woman's May Day tlM
. wns ns follows: v
I flenoral M -linger Mrs. flenrpn Tllden.
Assistant fleneral Mnnnser Mrs. F. n.
. Trnry.
i Editorial WritersMrs. John Oordon, Mrs.
W. V. Ilnrford, Mrs. II. A. Wagner. Miss
: Plnrn Klder.
Tolegriiiili F.dltors Mrs. Max Adler, Mrs.
Frink Ilnrnard. Mrs. f, I:. Skinner.
T:::fbanso IMltor Mrs. Charles D.
f'-mmerrliil 1-Mltor .Mlm Is-:o France.
Uvo Ptork JMItor Mrs. Alexander O.
tit i' l'Mttor M!sh Murv F.ilrhrother.
. AfHftnn' City Kdltorc-Mri. W. R.
1 StTKn. Miss .Insenhlne Moberlv.
I Sporting I-Mllor-Mrs Will Townsmrl.
l',eiorters Mrs'iu- I. M"Kelvy,
Miss Hessle lllgglm.. Mlsi Mnv U A. Iieson.
Mr,i 'mn H N-iti-huw Mrs. V fi.irdner
Mrs Maude I Wallace Mrs J II Wherlrr
.Miss Com'tork Miss Dnrrls M"Mnstpr
liltis Dell Porter, Miss Wlnnls Ucene, Mlsi
Minnie Itilev. Ml. Hallle Hood. Miss Abn.i I
Gullck Mrs. Anna F. Il.irnnrd. I
Vlvortlslng Manager .Mrs. Hubert Hun
Ali-rtllnit So !c tors -.Mrs II K Co e.
Mr J f Mnrum. Mrs f. A. Starr. Mrs
At drrson. Miss Hlla Uracken. Mr. Cooper,
Mrs. Komninl. Mr-". II. l"nh. Mrs. N
Uulld. .Mrn. Hood. Mis. H. K. Spalding
.Mrs. II. M. tiRtiuhun. Mrs Crooby, Mrs.
Ceorgo lCstnoncl. Mrs. . A. McFdicliroii, ,
.Mrs. .Newton, .Mrs. u. (. Williams, airs. I
Hudd I
Treasurer Mrs. II. r. Allen, I
Manager of Circulation Mrs. C. H. ;
ASslxtimt Mamcern nf C ri'iiliitlon Mrs. '
J.. N Kuhn, Mrs. J. C. Denl?e, Mrs. A. P '
Wan! ('Iri'tiliitora Mra. Arnnut MIm Hull. ,
Miss Untile Kennedy, Mrs. DunhiuiL Mis '
I.dla Mil ngtip. Mrs. Hd McHnchroir, Ml
Kinma Stiles. Mrs. Mary Porter. .Mr-.
Kiibns, Alts. Cioorge W. Slabaugh, Mrs ri
K. SoiildltiK, Mrs. M. M. Van Horn. Mrs ,
A. li. H air. Mrs. J. .V. TIIIsom. Aim. ntlvn
tjmitli nmnhfi Mrs 1 f Whit., ..a Atnf
anil Airs. Koss and .Mrs. lilnlr, In' charge vi
viri'uiHiiou. I
MIIMM'N Of till" Volutin.
'A twenty-eight-page paper, with a clrcu-
l.ition of 4S.000 coplfn, requiring ten and 1
one-half tons of pnper, was the result of our
labors. As far ns wo know, onn of tho Lug- !
est editions edited by women, nnd tho only '
ono editing both a morning and evening i
"As proof of success financially the net
profits were $2,221.31. lloth rdltlons went
to prets on tlmo and every mall was caught
on time. All this goes to show what can be
successfully accomplished by alert, detei-
mlned women, even though they bo Iikx
perlcnced in tho work they undertake.
'Humors hail tearhed us frcm other cities ,
of tho Ilrst ropy of the woman's paper being
sold for large amounts. What vhould we d ) J
with ours? This wns dlsciii'icd with many I
suggojtlotis. Tho public library, being o
near the hearts of all of us, It wjs dec d mI I
to donate our Ilrst copy to It, which wns I
done. Apropos. It was never thcrenfiiT-i
heard from, never having received h: notable
mention, nor, ns fnr ns wo know, has It n I
tho light of the sunshine of the library.
'Thu Sunday Heo of May ", S!)5, gavo a
lucid account of the work of tho day cf pub- i
liratlon, which wo will not lovlow. Imme
diately on tho afternoon edition going to
press tho women of tho editorial force
turniU the paper over to the men who are I
regulaily employed, realizing that their suc
cess was very gieatly due to tho perfect
systtmi nnd complete facilities of The He.
They wcio accorded tho most courteous
treatment and shown unlimited kindness by
every nttnehu with whom they came In con
tact, which tended greatly to lighten their
task nnd add to its pleasures and t'lUc'.eney.
"Tho circulation of tho evening rdiilon
brought our forces out oninnMo and any cio
who caught a glimpse of the rotunda of Tho
Hoe building while wo wcro waiting for our
papers will never forget tho sight, nor will
wo that final battln.
"Wo volunteered ns recruits, decidedly
raw, we disbanded veterans, though none nf
us was disabled or mortally wounded, neither
did wei feel wc hod 'fought our list fight.'
The brilliant deeds done Individually, end
oftentimes single-handed, will never becoro
history. That wo never retrcntttl, nor we. o
ever defeated, nnd but onco fell Into tho
hands of tho enemy, Ik our record.
"I hnd a bad running soro on my breast
for over a year," says Henry H. Richards
of Wlllseyvllle. N. Y., "and tried a great
many remedies, but got no relief until l
useil Uannor Salve. After using one-half
box I wns perfectly cured. I cannot recom
mend It too highly, and will never bo with
out It in tho houc." For ealo by Myers
Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's Drug
Store, South Omaha.
Krncst Terah Hooley, tho financier nnd
promoter who enmo to publicity and grief
In London two years agi. Is agalt on top.
This tlmo ho has a cnncisMm fro-n the cxar
of Itussla to work cold t'e-lds In Siberia
which cover S.000 acres. He hui tho mem
bers of tho czar's cabinet on his board of
directors and U otherwise displaying much
ot his old-tlmo form.
M. DelcaBKc, France's minister of foreign
nffalrs, Is tho most democratic memhr-r of
the cabinet, not excoptltiR tho avowed so
cialist, Millcrnnd. Ho Is very short of
statum, blunt, coanso, unattractive of fea
ture and Renerally badly dressed. II u U
well liked by bin associates, however, and
Is respected as a, hard worker and a clear
thinker. Ho ban lasted through throe min
istries. Ieorgo Foster Kobtnson, who saved tho
llfo ot Secretary of Stato Seward when
Lowls Payne, a member of the Ilooth RatiB,
attempted to nssasslnato him nt tho same
tlmo that Ilooth nhot Lincoln, Is still llv
Ini? In Pomona, Cal. Ho was serving no
n, guard In tho ulck chamber of Seward when
Payne, who had overpowered Seward's son,
broko Into tho room. Ho received tho
thanks of conr;res3 nnd was promoted from
tho rank ot private to that of major.
n. F. Montgomery, who will preside, nt
thu international mining congress, to bo
held in Mllwaukeo .beginning J11110 19, has
lived In tho fnr west for tho last thirty
yea is. In 1S32 bo went to tho Crlpplo
Crock gold district, has seen tho district bo
ronio famous ns ono of the richest, If not
the richest, gold district In tho world, and
hlniHolf has largo Interests In the gold mines
of that looality. Inst winter ho was Kent
to tho Colorado assembly nnd succeeded In
necurlng tho formation ot a new rounty lo
Incltido the entire district which he repre
sented, though tho measuro was much op
posed by other portions of thn ttate. Now
ho Is a camltihUc for the democrntic nomina
tion for congret;.
Major Martin Maglnnls, who has been ap
pointed senator by Governor Smith of Mon
tana, la a Minnesota boy whoso homo was
at Ited Wing beforo ho migrated to M011
tann. Ho was n member of the First Min
nesota regiment of volunteers nnd camo
out of tho war with tho rank of major.
Moving to Montana nftcr 'tho war, ho be
camo a conspicuous llguro In business and
political circles, and whilo Montana was a
territory represented It In congress in tho
eapaclty of delegate for six succoaslve terms.
Ho was onco beforo olected senator by tho
democratic rump of n split legislature, but
was not allowed to talto his Sfat,
When Admiral Oewey wan In Nashville he
1 wis asked to crown tho Queen of Flowers,
t a protty girl from Murfrccsboro. Ho was
j evidently somewhat nervous, and, to add to
! his dlacomllture, tho crown wns too largo.
I Ho placed It on tho young girl's head, but In
. a second It had slipped around her neck. Hut
the gallant admiral was not to bo outdone.
Ho delicately raised tho crown from acpund
her neck and over her wealth of hair nnd
placed It on her brow, but ngaln It Hllppcd.
' Tho girl, of course, was embarrassed, as tho
eye of bevcral thousand nor pie were on her.
! Tho admiral blushed a llttlo, and, with the
I air of rno determined to conclude a tnak,
cnught tho crown nnd daintily Used It In tho
gill's hair no It would not slip. As he
finished his tnt.k ho presscil tho crown
closer to 'tho girl's hnlr nnd with one of his
chnrneterlBtlc smiles addel: "It will fit
you nil right In tho morning."
All Sill' ill ll'ill.
Chicago Tribune: Ooteetlve Did you nro
n limn and woman driving past here In a
biiKgy about tin hour ago?
.MiN. Hlnnk-Vi'H.
Detective Ah. we're getting 011 trark of
them! What kind of Jinrse was It?
Mrn.. lllank -They werii driving 1.0 fait
I didn't notice thnt. Hut thu woman hail
on 11 Heoteli mohair and wool .'utket nf
ttirriuoiBn blue, last year's btyic,' svitti
Ktltehed 1 1 rui . 11 white nlritie skirt witli
! deep tlrcillnr tlounce it ntln set Caw bttt.'
I tilled nun rather tlat, tilmmul .udtli by
ilt'iitiBeati and loops of palo hlue suran
and her hair wi.-k done up pompudour
I That 1 all I had time to aee.
Weak, Dewekss Wen!
I wnt everr ran, old or young, In Amen t who li UrV ne In Ncrte or Vital Vent froir ny
ciuia to knew teat when I k ion to uts "Hr. Vtondrr-Vtorker. lor Mrn" 1 ia only ite
you to use the time nanderful remedy Out cured me when t. like yoti, UiAed that vitality ana
ttenjth without nhuh a person la a man unlr in hit? (Head my ailemn oath In tbli ad. I and
which baa teitored mote than kkooo men to a full ami plctloui manhood dntlng the paat two
years WondffWofkefa air theie i no dmibt about II the Greatest triuedv tor I Vitality
(loin any came nude anywhere ou eattti, and their uie onlr one tablet at a dote ttiee timet a
day, will make )ou well and ttrong qui, ker and at lets eir'nie tlian any other inedielnt Just
at certain the tun tlilnet lleicg a puro Nerve I.,d (hei teri) the Senout Syateni and
abtolutely drive Eihauttlon, Debility and Pain ficm the human body They do not etclte or
ttimulata became they are entirely clear of tihctphnrua, Spanitli (ly rr any other of the mlneralt
or poispnt that make tho vile noatinmt olduy the qua kt to itanee im, and It It perfectly ia(
to w them under any rircumstam et. Wonder-Worker are the W in out Man t Hen I rierd, to
low in price that the pooreit man can afford to buy them, and 1 defy any man, ojd or yount,
who wat weak where perfoi t men are itroni? or who fullered from Varlci ,-ele cr any Cnfeebled
Condition ol the tieneral Svttem, to tay that be ue.t them a aliove di.ected without being
reli red to perfect atrength ami manly vigor Do Not Quit Workl la them wl.llei worklnql
Tbomandt ol old men who
thou(ht their remaining dayt
on earth wonld be few now
bleu the day that they com.
menren theune otthli grealtit
of all bain tiller and (e name
trmrtti bull.l-r WONDhU
WOltKKHS wlllbrlua about a
degree ot health anJ r-trenjiUi
for you away beyoud the aver,
age man of your yeart, and give
yon great peace aodcoraforU
Thoutandt of young unimtJ
dleeved men gronlog pri-ma-turely
old becavite ot the iirac
tlce ot vlce or eiceme litie
been restored to perfect
ttrenath and glorlou man.
hood Ly the use nf thl worn
out man' bttt friend, and If
you ue Wonder-Workera
you will turpriie youreelf sod
your frlendt by becumtng a
ttrong, mauly man,
Beware of Frauds who imituto Wonder -
A mtchlntit la Wlb
ralngton, Del,, wrtleti
"Mav htavn blett you,
lleckl Your
Wonaer- work.
vr hate made a
man of rut."
A Merchant la
rhsnk llnd. two
boietof Wonder Work.
2ra made mettrooger at
1 veart than I wat at 41
Jgk 1
I have mere titan 30,000 similar testimonials from men who havo been cured.
After vou tlrt of unlng the o
CAlleil ItilrifT rror11r with
out b!it hrtie&t.upt WON I) Kit
WORKKK.H u.l br forfvc r rid
ot thou dull j'uliin in your
back, Dlicftnl that old fogT
Ideaof 'plo In tbi kldnfyf
and hav all your ttaddf r and
urlnarr troubles cured, and
four olffhtft mad restful by the.
use of natire ere atest aRlt-ant-WONDKK-WOUKKUB.
rtundredt of I,awvera,
Preachers, Aclort, und other
over-worked rrofeaelonal toil
llutneis fen who ttiought
they had ktduey trouble have
told me that tliy bad never
been able to tin,! an'lhlng
else to equal WoNDKH
WOllKKItM tor the cure ot
tbat pain In the back, and the
all-gona feeling that so otten
precedes paresis.
Read My Affidavit of Protection I
DO SOI.KMNI.Y HWHAR that less than
three weeks' use nf Book's Wonder
Workore by me when forty four yenm old,
effected a cure of extreme Nervous Kxhsustlou,
I'aln In tbe Hack, and an Knfeebled Condition
of the General Hystem. thnt the mints ot all
who purchase them will be held sacred, and
that there It no scheme ot air ktnd connected
with their tale. (lliil H. IIKCK
Sworn to In Sprlncfleld, Olilo, on this
3d day of Octobor, A. O. IO0O.
GEO. A. BEARD, Notary Public
I am the only man lu the medicine business nho has solemnly avsorn that the medicine lit
tells cured himself, and tint the names of all who buy will lie held sirred 1 am the sole owner
and proprietor of "Beck's Vionder-WorKers for Mrn." and I want to hate it distinctly and forever
understood that 1 never have bad. do not now, nor never will bain anv uftih.itious in any way
with tho "Private Prescription" frauds, "C O. U " blackmailers, ' Donor by Mall" iuvpostera,
"Freo Trial" humbugs, "Magnetic" fakirs, or "Divina Healer" scamps, all of whom 1 havo
been eiposinr; for years, and every one of whom aio totally unworthy ot the patronage of any
man. Their tilth v circulars anil ail ertiemenls herrav their vtiliraritv. Ignorance and eunidltv :
and tho hundreds of letters I receive every week from men whoso health has been rulnod by
their vile nostrums prova that tho Muff they sell it poison Instead of medicine.
I have lived here, at 430 South Market Street, Springfield, Ohio, for yosrt where I do tt
tiuaro a business as any man in the world, and if vou have anv doubt about me write to Mr. K.
A. Cobaugh, Cashier ol the First National Dank ot this city (the bank of e hich l'.. Governor
llushnell, of Ohio, is President) or to any of your friends who may be living hare. Having
suffered myself 1 feel for others, and want you to believo lue always aud stneeie y your friend,
GEO. S. BECK, 420 So. Market St., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO.
(MA It I AM WIMfi)
No other preparatl m h. over received
so many voluntary testimonials from emi
nent peoplo ns tlu W 'rul-famoiiH iiarianl
Wine. Agreeable and lasting
Before .Meals APPETIZER
At all Times TONIC
Sold by nil druggists. Itefuso mibotltutrs.
Marlanl & Co., r.2 W lStli St , New York
publish a handsome book ot endorsM-mimta
of Kmpetors, Kmpress, Prlnres, Cardinals,
Archbishops nnd other distinguished per
sonages. It Is sent gratia und postpaid to
all who write for it.
Paisit PaiW
Aro you going to paint your bouse, floor,
or nny old thing? We have all colors und
shades and the kind thnt leaves u smonlli
Hiirfaco nnd won't blister. If mi want ,1
small can of pure paint this Is 1 i- placo to
buy, or we can sell you nny quantity.
Throw away that old pnlnt brush that has
been worn down to a stub. U'liv nut save
time and do better nrk when uii .in buy
a brand new paint brush all the way from
Be to S3c.
Stoves Stoves
Insurance gasoline stoves are recommend
ed for safety and ''Kinf'irt In but weather.
We also have a full lino of steel ranges.
Get our iirlcos.
John L Weaver & Son
iiT : 1,1'iiveiissiii'tli siieet.
Summer Excursions
"St. Louis Cannon Ball"
mmvi: o.MAiii r.tor. v. m.
Aititn 1: sr. 1,01 is t too a. m.
Trnlnn leave Union Station dally for
all points east or routh.
All Information at CITY TK'KBT OKFI'K,
HIS KAHNA.M ST., (I'aMon Hotel I'lotkl
or write Harry I!. Moort-B, c I'. & , A .
Omnha, Neb.
is often dUtn s-jed by iru or 1 1 l!
Ulen, lu-d hair The
Imperial Hair Regenerator
will !cmed this Any s'lule fimn
Hlj'k lo the llghtft AhIi lll'.n.b
prodiii eu I'ulo." in and 1) ir
ubli Kanlly mii'lid AbHoUi'ely
barmleHs Painnie r.f hair olored
free fend fur inmnhlt 1 I.MI'KHIAI.
CHH.M Ml'U t S. U .Mi Kt , N 5., Sold
by drucu'lata und hairdrier.
It you are the unfortunate
victim ot la.-k of nerta you
know It. and It woutd be ut
lcrt to detail the eymptomi to
you, Vo l ran depetui upon It
(bat WONDKIl WonftBRS
regenerate and build u)i the
if mem of the ttred mu, nid
rive the proper functional ae
loos to all the vital organs,
lie the klndot umanjouooihl
to be -yet, be a raanf
Workers and steal my advertisements.
A Lawyer In Itkaea.N.Y..
wrlttti "Ood blett youl
Wonder-Workera have
given manew
lite ami I am
entirely well.
JW how glad
A Wnrktngmaa
in canton, num.
layt: "Uodblett
you. Mr llteki I
answered your ailvar
tUementuteilyonr med
icine, ana got wcn
There In nut a n nf Varl
cooele on earth to(trtf that
Wondor-Workeita uaed ac
rordliii; to dtrectloni, at your
home, rtl tour work, without
any appliance, will fait to
qulcklr. tnoroucnlT and pr-
tintintiv riim If 1lratrir n
Itei all the iiolnooom depoiltn,
reatorei alithe nerve uurrenu,
and aMointeiy atminuaiea
Varlcouele now be a man!
The Price of MyWonder-Workers
Ihe price of WOHPIR-WOIthfRS Is Only On
Dollar per bos, always cash with tho order,
by express at your espense. It will rott you
23 centt to lilt It from ycur cspreas office. If
ynu send M.I1 I will sand them by mall pro
pcld, tliui savtni you ten centt. I fill all
orders the uns day Ihey art rccehed, but I
Do Not Send f reo Samples.
A Dottle of the Misses Hell's Cclc
bntcil Complexion Tonic Without Cost
This generous ofer Is made in
order that nil may have an oppor
tunity to test its wonderful merits
Ikauty's cliief ehnrtn is H10 complex
ion, if tho skin is elear ninl smooth, n
womanwill be classed us beatitlfulevcn
if nature linn not given her pefect
;Th Misses Hell, of 70 Fifth Avenue,
New York, when they placed their now
justly celebrated Complexion Tonic be
foro the public, jjiive to those- stilTering
from poor comjilexintis n boon loti
needed. Tliotisiiuds have made their
fckins absolutely perfect by its use.
Now, in order to still further intro.
' dure it, thu Miiscs Hell will give to any
lruly writing tliein during the present
month nil opportunity lo try one largo
bottle (llio price of which is $1) ut
absolutely 110 cost. Do not wail, hut
Tho Mises Hell's Complexion Tonic
Is not a paint or powder to cover up thu
freckles, pimples or moth patches, but
is, ns Us namo implies, a tonic for tbe
skin. 1 1 eradicates the blemish entirely
ami forever. It not ouly docs this, but
it hcatitltlcs tlie hklu, smoothing away
wrinkles, drawing out ALL discolora
tion, removing nil pimples, ttene,
cczonin or roughtiPS?.
The Misses Hell have nt their parlors
more than leu thousand letters ftom
p itroiH in knowledging wonderful im
pruvementi in their complexions. Thu
Misses Hell have never un-d it testi
monial in public print, ns lliey value u
woman's delicacy in btieh tilings, hut
Hie original letters can m (seen uny
time at parlots, 70 Fiflh Avenue.
Hcmember uti opportunity isgi vcu you
to try 0110 hottlo of this really wonder
ful Tonic for tho skin FRKH. Address
76 Fifth Avenue, New York City
The Misses Hell's Toilet Preparations aro
for Bale in Omaha by Kl'HN i CO., thu re
liable 1'rrn riiitlon Pharmacies
Dr. Uradrorn's CompoundfOold Star Brand)
Dos. lively remove the most
obstinate female Irrejiilnrl
ties, ohstnietlonii. etc , forrt
nny causo In 12 hours. J'rlco,
U Oiiurantccd a powerful,
hurmless reculator for
women. Failure Impossible.
One Imx ulwavi snllltlmit.
Kei.t to any address, necurn-
ly sealed, in nlnln wrauner.
upon receipt of price Hend for I.ndles1
ltellef- particulars und testimonials free.
nn liitAm.-oiin co, 54 wst ssu St.,
New York.
Results Tell.
The Ceo
Wnnt Ads
8 Produce Results.