Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1900, PART I, Page 10, Image 10

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Keith's Ball Player. Winning Games and
Also tb4 Gcod Will of the Tam. t
"VVoi'l. turn Vim Knliirulnu (lie i I'll nil
nlntitl mill llli'iii'lirrx In I'rut lili;
.Mnri1 .Sviillntc iiiiiicll j
WVH.'k M'ht'iltilr.
Nrwmfyer I 1"
ll;iyhr , .... .2
.MiVlckcr i CI',
t.n uy.rn ...
Mmkry ...
I.NtlSnll ...
U'll-on ...
.Marker ...
Tho third week of the Western league ten-
fon has clou-el iiml tho brief carter of tho
new lme ball orRanlzillon lian thus far been
n hlftory-iiiaklnB epoch. Most tiromltient of
nil It hSm (wtabllsheil the fact that Omaha
not only haa tho winning club of the league,
l,ut that It Is also tho banner city of tho
Jrcult In tho way of genuine, unalloyed
base, bull cnthinilacM the kind that reaihrct
down Into the locket and pay without
protest for the best eatn In the grnndstund J
os long ii h any ceatH arc left. Tho opening
In Omaha woh certainly n meat auspicious
President Keith's unlcnilld new grounds
nnd Manager Itourke's team of players, with
tho colossal crowds of men and women, funs
nnd rooteiH. furnished all needful con
omltants for the nurrotful opening of the
k 09011. That Omahn Is a baM ball town
mine can now deny. The Heating fa-llltlfS
liavo been woefully larking nnd tho enormous
crowd of nearly 6, .100 people who saw the
g.ime Inst Sunday between the f'olts and
1bo Saints was by no mentis nc rointnodated,
the grandstand and tho bleacr.c: being over
rowded long before tho game began. Presi
dent Keith will ioin have this repaired, how
ever, as workmen are now engaged In en
larging the grandstand and blea-heis. Tlu
urandstand will he continued to the c.'st,
with an additional rapacity of r,00. The
bleachers on the south sldo will be exienled
t ward tho east and the west sldo bleai'her.i
will be extended to the north, the added
combined capacity being 2,000. In front of
tho granilHtand a number of boxes will be
provided, which will furnish weals of tho
holco6t, with a capacity of 'J2.". Adding the
present capacity of tho grandstand an.l
Mrachers. 2.600, to the enlarged fncllpl'i.
4.72. people can racily bo accommodated with
OVontii'll .
ItelisHmeti .
Hurrell ....
Murkey ....
Tho llrst gatnea of the KP.i&on In Omaha
established two Incontrovertible facts tint
the quality of ball being presented by the
new league wiih of the highest typo and hit
Omaha'H continuing at tho head of the per
entngu column Is not a matter of luck nor
n postilblllty because of weak oppone.its.
Tho St. Jos"ph team, which, at this lime, Is
tied for the rear seat In the percentage
column. Is composed of splendid playirn.
K-od Holders, excellent pitchers and hard
lilttcrs. Doth the Saints and tho Oman.
Kiivu live exhibitions of extraordinary good
Jiase ball and the teams wero by no uneana
unevenly matched. St. Joseph wl.l un
doubtedly bo hoard from during tin progrern
of tho season and It will not bo surprising
If (Mptnln McKlbben's Saints creep up tho
list before long.
It Is unnecessary to mention tho excellent
vcrk of tho Individual members of the
Omaha team. Kach member of tho team la
jdaylng flno ball nnd the only thing ncces-f-ury
to steer clear of Is a pomlhlo disposi
tion to become listless and enervate-! when
on the field In what appears to be a losing
jumc. Tho kind of base ball that villi
popular npproval la that whero eveiy man
Is up on his toes ready to get up ai d dust
nt the slightest opportunity. It Is such
nn uncertain game, too, tho fltnl score
never being assured until the last Inning Is
jdayed out that no player ever lus license
lo think himself up against a losing p op..Bi
tlon and lapse Into listless plnying. If Cap
tali; O'Connoll'B men will avoid thin one
thing and throw their whole energy Into
tho play as long as cadi game Is in progress
they will retain the popular approval rf tho
j.onplo. oven If. perchance, they should strike
n I' sing streak. This latter suggo-itlm. lnw
,cr. la by no means a likely o-ie. Such
iball as the ltourke family exhibited In
Omaha lint week Is bound to keep them
nt tho head of the llet and win the pennant
or Omaha. Meantime. Denver .vd Pueblo
liavn been taking tho t-calpa of the eastern
teams which liavo ventured across toe moun
tains with the exception of Omah.i. When
tho 1'oloradoann come east it different result
Is looked forward to and the race for second Is yet an open Held and no favor.
The batting nnd fielding averages" of tho
Omaha players In tho thirteen games rlaycd
up to and Including that of Wednesday Is
nn Interesting compilation and speaks
'ln.ucutly of the work of .hn homo 'earn
1ioth In tho field and at the M.illle
iMcVlckcr has tho star tourd at tho tat.
tonii'.dorlng tho number uf games ho has
1 artlelpated In, and has a batting avrrcge
o! 333, with three three-bnac lilts and tno
homer. Uiuzon's Holding record, both In
right field nnd on his former position i t tho
Initial bag, Is certainly a cor.imeiid.iblo one,
lio having accepted seventy-tune chaiKoi an I
has but one error eredltel to him. Tho
liattlng averages are:
Today Manager Roiirke will brim? hi'
llruve bnck from Sioux City, accompanied
by Kbrlghfs bunch of Prohibitionists, and
tho first game of the serka with Sioux City
will bo played this afternoon. Next Satur
day the Dm Moines team will put In an
nppearaneo on the homo grounds, followed
June 7 by the appearance of Oeorgo Tebcau
and his Indians. June 12 by Hilly Hulln and
his Pueblo team. Then the Colts will take a
Jaunt around the circuit and visit the other
tecmis, proceeding Incidentally to accumulato
the bulk of all the games they play.
IiiIiti-nI In Hie llout Hot eon
mid .Mol'ii.v Vi'vt Tni'Riliiy
Ih limn Iiik.
It nn
Tueoday night In Chicago Tommy Kyan
and "Kid" McCoy will do battle-, and In
terest In tho bout Is steadily growing. This
Is not surprising when It Is considered that
tho conlestantii who will meet each other
In tho ring at Tuttcrsall's on that occasion
are tho exponents of the higher typo of tho
art cf self-defense. The battle will not
be, In all probability, a rough-and-tumble
slashing, knock-nbout affair, but u scientific
exhibition of latter-day pugilism, where the
better boxer will bo the victor, and where
defensive work will bo on a parity with the
reverse ntylo of lighting.
Jungle as a part of Mi training on fl re
sulted In A serious Injury to him II w.i-.
bitten on the left hand by a baby lion a 1
tho laceration Is more serious than was .it
first believed. At present he Is ddng no
work with his fists, for he Is unable to pmuh
the bag, and It will prolmbly be u full wfek
yet before the wound will have healc 1 Fol
lowing tho match with Kuhlln. 1' -us
Is likely to meet Tom Sharkey, as smh a
contest Is looked upon with favf r ' y the
two fighters and their managers nn.I nothing
sefms to bo In tho way to Interfere.
Sharkey, meanwhile, Is arranging t . take
on somo of tho lesser lights In pugilism and
will tcp things eft by a series of meeting
with McCoy, probably Kltzsimmons and one
or tw others before tackling Jeffries.
O'Hourke'a dllatorlnesa in Jumping nt a
chanco for another match between Sharkey
and Jeffries Is surprising to say the least,
inasmuch as a contest between these two
would probably create more Interest in
sporting circles even than tho probable
match between the principals In the last
sensational cnlx-up, Jeffries nnd Corbel t.
Sharkey Is looked upon by many as the
winner In his next fight with Jeffrie, for It
Is remembered that In their last bout he
was in at the finish fit and strong. Since
then he has been undergoing almost con
stant training nnd ought to mako even a
better showing than ho did. Were this the
result. It Is possible to believe ho would be
tho winner, provided one overlooked tho pos
nlblllty of equal Improvement on the part of
tho champion. There may be method In
Tom O'Uourke's madnern, but If he. per
chance, should lose tho opportunity to mat -h
Sharkey with the champion because f his
dilatory disposition, tho blame of his nifoti
would probably be shifted by the not too
accurnto public mind on the shotildprs of
Sharkey and tho ehargen of eowardl e might
rise to taunt hfcn. Can either O'Uourke or
Sharkey afford to brook delay'
Free Examinations!
5 a RiOHTH
For Treatment
Once more Terry McOovcrn, tho fighting
machine from Brooklyn, who has played
havoc with nearly every corner In hla clnss
wince ho wrested from Oeorgo Olxon feather
weight championship honors In their memor
able battle, haH been treated to a surprise.
The lira oamo to him when Tommy White,
tho clever westerner, failed to fall a victim
to his terrillo onslaught in their recent six
round go In Chicago. The second was u
surpr!no of tho greatest magnitude anil was
furnished by til wood McCloakey In Philadel
phia Monday night when McClcwkey re
peated tho performance of Tommy White
and lasted until tho limit of tho prearranged
six-round contest. At the end the Phil
adelphia!! was In tho ring and lighting hard
when tho gong sounded and ended tho bout.
In tho beginning MeOovern evidently pre
sumel that ho had picked up a little cany
money, but McCloskcy had a few surprises
In storo for the modern lighting machine
and during the six-round go was right there
with a sample line of mighty good goods.
Ho wan presentel with a degree of punish
ment far In excess of that which the aver
ago featherwolght pugilist hn been able
to stand when Terry MeOovern wan doling
It out, but ho had grit and stamina, and
stood it to the end. going to the floor but
once, and that In the third round when a
terrific left hook on tho Jaw followed by
a right to tho name place sent him down
for u count of nln. McCloskcy did but
little aggressive work, devoting hl9 energies
to a defensive campaign. It was no fault
of tho Brooklyn Terror that his antagonist
lantcd tho limit, for ho fought as he never
fought before when ho perceived that tho
Phlladolphiau was not f.uch a snap as he had
One thing favored McClorkey, and that
was an agreement between tho two fighters
to light with clean breaks. Should Me
Oovern give Tommy .White tho same priv
ilege a light would result which might upset
the fancies of thoro who tout MeOovern as
an unconquerable onc That McCloskoy
wiih completely outclassed there Is no dls
putatlon, but ho made a creditable record
for himself and really nuccccdcd In dim
ming, In a certain measure, tho lumlnchlty
of the champion's Htar. ,
William A. Ilrady Is not caring a tinker's
expression of profanity whether his burly
exponent of the manly art and possep&or of
I ho proud championship of heavyweight
pugilism takes on any prospective can
didates for championship honors or not.
Jeffries, ho says, is a blegcr drawinK card
and money-maker as a base ball umpire or
an actor frrcn a financial standpoint, and
with this vision confronting him Manager
Ilrady has Issued his ultimatum. He has
arranged ;i time schedule and all the big
guns who want to fight the champion are
allotted a certain length of time In which
I lo put up or shut up. Tho shortest allot
ment Is made James J. Corbett, erstwhile
champion and recent hero of the prlzo ling
because of the marvellous exhibition he put
' up when pitted against the big bollermakrr.
Corbett, If ho seeks another light with tho
champion, must post $2,.ri00 forfeit money te
tween now and Juno 2. Additional time Is
given Kltzsimmons, Sharkey nnd Kuhlln If
they desire to enter tho arena with Cham
pion Jeffries.
I ii t c r iki 1 1 ii it I Hint IIiik Totiriiiiiiirnt nt
cw VorU K'ltlim (iron I Inlor
vnt Aiiiiiiik IliitlillMliiMft.
While Omaha will not bo represented by a
team In tho big International tournament
which will bo hold In Now York. July 15 lo
22. much Interest Is being In local
bowling circles relative to the event. With
tho activity thnt was manifested In bowling
In this city during tho past winter and
spring and the prospective clubs that will
bo formed next scukoii, It Is not nt all un
likely that Omaha will bo represented In
subsequent tournaments.
Kroin the manner In which tho entries ti
both team nnd Individual contests have
been pouring into the eastern and western
olllccs of tihe United Bowling clubs during
tho past two weeks, It Is apparent that
nearly every city In tho United States and
Canada, In which bowling has gained a
foothold. Intends to bo represented nt the
big event. There will bo bowling for every
cIjss and every nation, but none of tho con
tents are prcbably exciting as much Interest
as the onci to bo played on the American
In tho Intercity contest, which is limited
to one team from each city, tho atrongest
bowlers in tho country are entered, and
If somo of tho present high records are no'
broken It will be a big surprise. No less
than 350 teams arc already entered In the
regular Htrlke and spare and ten pin head
pin games, and there will bo prizes for nt
leant half of tho competitors. The com
petitions nt cocked hat. duck pins and can
dle pins are already pretty well filled. The.
general ccmmlttco has In hnnd $10,000 In
cash, which, along with trophies valued at
probably half that amount, will be given out
during tho week of the. carnival.
Tho women's contest, both team and In
dividual, aro exciting much interest among
tho fair sex, but this Is not to bo wondered
nt, because tho best women bowlers In the
country are entered.
Or a Guaranteed Cure will be given at the Lowest
Gharges in all curable casss and the payment may be
made in Monthly Installments.
Dr. McGrew l$
Cases of Diseases and Disorders of Men have been
Permanently Cured by Dr. McGrew's treatment for
less than a month's treatment would cost elsewhere.
I'HK O.MAIIA uTv TilnClvnw' ,s ,-,BrJcd iisTIIF. IIHST
UHH SAYS: - MIUU At'TIIOltlTY In the west
today on DISHAHJS PIX.t'U Alt TO MKN. He
Is justly entitled to this reputation as he has made private disor
ders of men his special sttt y and life work.
Dr, McGrew Has Or.o of the Most Complete Systems of Combined Medical anil Electric Treatments That Can Be Found in the West.
ESectrlo Beirs end Electric Appliances of All Kinds.
fflM aFna -vm ISxpui'ionce of twenty-five years in the use of both those great remedies, Klee
tricity and medicine, has enabled him to effect some of the most astonishing and
remarkable cures of Varicocele, Hydrocele, Stricture, Syphilis and All diseasos of the Blood and Skin, Lo;is of Vigor
and Vitality. Diseases and Disorders of the Bladder and Kidneys, Weakness and Nervous Debility. Medicine and
treatment sent everywheie by mail or express, at the small charge of only Jk HflllkTU
J5 YIJAItS Ol' rM.I.MITl.l) F,XIM-Itll-NCK-14 YKARS IN OMAHA. ffk WWM'um I I I
:i :i:s t.i au vn mil), iiomu nt kat.uknt. hook consi'ltation and ijxamination Fiti'i:,
Hours 8 a, m. to 5 p. m.; 7 to 9 p, m. Sunday, 9 to 12,
P. O. Box 766. Office N. E. Cor. 14th and Faritam Sts.,
i- rTi""i rr-rJt.yr.'fTnifT T"' vnMMffUfcffm i hi i iii null
r,M it',.- Ml UJ Me Ha met TTn IT wm
Jturroll ....
JWnolo'y ...
SloVleker .
3.uiizm ...
o'tVmnelt .
"U'llHon ....
Tommi . ..
1 13
131 W
. i.;Si..
.3.W ..
15 .3110
151. 2V
10 3. li i!ft!
11 M l.t iM
1.1 .'.7 II
Annoelntr MimiiIiitm I'rnvc Too Slroim
for Mnlr I'Iiijith In Klrxt Context
of tlic Sorl Ijvrr t tcni itril.
Tho mnlo players of tli Omaha Whist
club h'.'lil a. joint rontrst on Tuesday even
ing with their women associates anil went
down to an Inglorious defeat. The event
was the llrst of the ort over attempted In
j tho city and the result wns In all waya an
unqualified sucvess. Tho score was cne of
the closest that could well be Imagined for
an evening's play, six of tho nine rounds
being won by only ono point vantage The
women players mado tho high scores for
both north and south nnd east and west,
Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Redlck scoring the
high mark for the former with Hi?, and .Mrs.
Crummcr and .Mrs. Colpetzer for the latter
with 201. Threo matches wero played and
tho woman won a decisive victory by enptur
Ing two. Tho only consolation which, the
male members were able to gathor to them
selves was that out of thn total polntB they
had secured a plus of four, a remarkably
narrow mnrgin.
Tho men played In tho following order:
Rogers and llurneFw, Comstock and (!
Scrlbner. ('rummer and Redlck, Jordan and
lloulter, Melkle nnd A. V. Scrlbner, Alice
and Garner. Tho women players were the
following: Mrs. Clarke and Mrs. RedlcU,
Mrs.' Ogden and Mrs. (luthrle, Mrs. Orr nnd
Mrs. Hrinker, Mrs. ('rummer and Mrs.
Colpetzer, MrH. Lindsay nnd Mrs. Davis.
Plans aro being laid to mako the approach
lng whist tournament In Chicago ono of tho
most notablo events In tho wfbt. The
Jealous feeling which arose In tho hearts of
many whlsters regarding the Imagine 1 en
roachmont of tho tourney upon tho Ameri
can Whist league convention to be held at
Niagara Falls has largely died away. It Is
realized thnt the event Is slaiply an ex
pression of western enthusiasm and will
Interfere In no way whatever with the nuro
' light n: soon as expected. Rcceutly KHz- j Important (unction to come later. As al
blmmona' eccentricity In having beafits of tho ready noted in this column Omaha will bo
represented by fours of both men and
women From the showing made by the
latter Inst Tuesday night It Is Inferred that
they will give nn excellent account of thorn
A circular has been issued giving tho fol
lowing program of play, to begin on May 31
Thursday Afternoon First round of disso
ciation contest for teams of tw Ke from
each whist association represente I Open
single session progressive pair nintcn lor
Indies or gentlemen, or both.
TliursilMV Ijvenlnir heconi round of as
sociation contest for teams of twelve Open
single session progressive pair matcli lor
ladles or gentlemen, or liotn.
riav Afternoon ! irsi rounu or com
bined club pair and four contest Kuril
(iuli represented may enter one pair to
compete for the pair trophy nnd two pairs
to compete lor me lour iropny. unen
single session progressive pair match for
ladle or gentlemen, or both.
! riilnv livening Second round or com
bined club pair and four contest. Open
single session progressive pair match for
ladles or gentlemen, or both.
Haturdav Allernoon ! inai round oi com
bined club pair and four contest. Open
single session progressive pair match for
ladles or gentlemen, or both.
Saturdav livening Open date, to be lllle l
at the discretion of the tournament com
mittee. The association contest Is open to teams
of twelve players from each association
The combined club pair and four contest
Is omi to two players from each i lull
represented, to compete for the pair
trophy, anil nln In four players frnni euii
club represented to compote for the four
trophy. The matches for progressive pairs
are open to all whlsi players.
Individual prizes are given to each pair
having highest trick score nnrlli aid sniuli
anil east and west in all open ( on, tx A
trophv v.'UI be given for the cl-illm!
enntest. and a pair tropli, and 'l-i a
four trophy will lie ulven for lb mhlne.l
club "alr and four contest K'lP ru fee
of 50 cents for e-ich plaver In all ..nte-u
whether a.scciation. dub. or .pen If
have no partner tin- committee IM 'mil
one for vou I'lnyer are iv.pi. -te.l t . r. g
Ister at tin bureau of Information, '
house. Immediately upon arrival.
i fti33
J) $$$$
It Stands Pre-eminently the Leading Bicycle Throughout the United States.
Considers carefully before Investing In n bleyr'c He first counts the cost, then calculates tho
probable ro urn In eatisfactlon nnd pleasuro gained. It . he's very wise he
buys the O LKVBLANI) a bicycle with an honest i putatlon for quality, speed nnd durability.
You can mako no mistake In buying a CLEVIS LAND. Call at our new store and look it over.
Wo will take pleaourc In showing you n lot of good, new things that you will not find on other
MENT, but moved to our new location, so we could Iij open ovonlncH and havo room for our ex
tent lve stock of bicycles and new lino of bargains. Wo are still leaders In priccB on high grade
moderate priced bicycles, alto cn sundrltH and will cotltliiuo to sell the famous XX Diamond
Tiro for $l-f.O, while it is s.ild by regular bicycle dealora t $;.oo per pair. Repair work n spe
cialty. . .
Cleveland Cycle Company,
320 North Sixteenth Street.
Fltz&lmmons' re-entry Into the arena and
his farcical match with Ed Dttnkhorst, which,
by tho way, was by no means an auspicious
re-Inaugural light for the ex-champlon, has
mado tho lanky Cornlshman once more mi
object of Interest In pugilistic circles, Ills
next bout Is scheduled for tho early part of
June, when ho will meet (Jus Ruhlln, al
though it Is doubtful If ho will be able to
Happy, Healthy and Vigorous
Tou may become If you will quit drugging yourself and properly apply ELECTRICITY. LIFE, which has lost all Its attrac
tions, may be uuido bright and now .MARITAL STRENGTH, VITALITY AND MANHOOD may again be yours by commencing
treatment with
You do not have to wait several weeks before you notice nn improvement In your
case Just as scon as you commence wearing my Belt you will feel that new life Is
being Instilled In your body .
I huvc worn your llelt as directed nnd am n better man
now than 1 was 10 years ago, in strength and in weight.
ELECTRODES that positively cannot and will not lU'RN nnd BLISTER the patient, a3
do tho BARE METAL (frying pnn) ELECTRODES used on all other Belts
I guarantee to cure Varicocele, Lost Manhood, Seminal Weakness; restore
Shrunken or I'ndevelopeJ I'nrts, restore Vitality: cure Rheutnatlem in any form,
Kidney Liver nn.I Bladder Troubles, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Female Complaints.
chaser of ono of eny Belts. Tho DOCTOR Is always personally In attendance and glvas
each case his Individual attention. Call upon or write, him sacredly confidential get
Symptom Blanks. Books and Llteraturo FREE. Tho DOCTOR will advlso you and tell
you all about your case, whether you buy a belt or not. This Belt has removable zincs
and can be renewed at any time for 75 cents. No other belt can bo renew eu at any
nrlce warranted one year reoalrnl free. Always addresa
. d n, 1-k 1.... Ill .. II ..J....I.. I D.I. ,4 ft , CIj Atiinllil Nlh.
KOOIIla to lO I'lllllUM lliubb, u. unjuiiii a, v.ui , iuhi biiu -
OFFICE HOURS From S:30 a, m. to 8:30 p. m. Sundays 10;30 a, m. to I p. m. WtdneBdays ft. Saturdays 8:30 a. m. lo 9 p. in
Tlini of Instructor Tnjiiir Taken
Weel.N In AilMinee li.v the Un
til iinIiinIIi' lleuiiiiDTN.
The golf links at the Country club nro
ono of tho most popular resells In this
region during the fast speeding spring days
nn 1 In spite of the stiff breeze, whl.'h In
consequence nf the season tins a distressing
habit of diverting alms and retarding
driv.'s, some excellent progress Is being
innde, 'Bobby" Taylor, the greenkeeper
ami resident Instructor has found his hands
moro than full with the host of aspirants
for golf perfection and has been obliged to
semi for nn assistant Instructor, who will
arrive within a few days. "Prof." Tnjinr'd
time is taken up for several weeks In ad
vance. Whllo tho turf Is showing the effect of the
Invigorating air and moisture of May It Is
kept at a reasonable length by tho feet ol
many players and tho caro of the green
keepers. Tho host players among the men
nro getting tholr averages down to below
sixty for the nine-hole course, whllo there
aro n number who can mako the mile nnd
one-lmlf circuit in sovcnty-flvo, and still
others who find It neecssary to consutno
Tho record established by Wllllo V. lloare
several weeks ago of IS for nine holes stilt
holds good, though several cherish the con
i tlon that it Is only n majter of days or
.a most weeks, when they will be nhle to do
ns well. President Woodbcrry of the Om.iha
! Water company was seen upon the gre-ns
on siveral afternoons last ween ami was
able to cover tho distance in less than sixty.
Atniher now player who is doing equally
well Is 1M Morman. will!" Oulou. Lnlsi.
Drake. Banker and Lowe aro sustaining the
rtputatlons established earlier In the season.
Among tho women players miss ii-mio
Dewey, who is n golfer of some experience.
I probably ranks first, while tlrre nro a
large number of others who nro moro or
! less prollsletit. Among thoso who nppcnr
I fiequently on tho links nro Mrs. Charles
Kntintze. Miss flertrudo Kountze, Mr-..
fiulou. Mrs. Klrkeiidnll, Mrs. A. L. Reed,
Miss Dnane.
Tho club nnd Its friends aro looking for-
., 1 .villi .nnalrlnrnhln .111 t tClnatlOn tO tile
I formal npenlne of tho quarters, which w.ll
take place about Juno 1.'.. There will bo u
nvontlon and golf contests In the after-
, n ion nnd dancing nnd refreshments In tho
ecnlng. A professional decorator and fur
nisher from rhleagn has visited the club
hnuso with an eyo t Its n"eds nnd hrs
1 given orders for- complete Interior fur
nishings. The public ts prnmbrd n treat In
the dnlntlness and eompletoness with which
' the club quarters will be cqulppe 1. One of
the strong points of the Interior will bo
the old-fashioned heirth. built on n generoin
plar. Tho plastering is now under way and
the work Is being pressed with nil p s
slhle oxpclltlon. The noxt stop Is tho erec
tion of stables, nnd these are already under
wav to the ncrlh nnd west of tho building.
Tho artoJlan well, begun several weeks
ago, has been happily completed and a good
' supply of water Is available at a depth of 270
feet. It Is probable that no effort will be
made to install bowling alloys at least until
next fall, as tho attention of the members
and their friends Is now entirely consumed
wiih golf, and no Inside game would stand
any chance of securing favor In competition
with the master passion. Tho construction
of tennis courts will also be postponed for
a similar reason.
The membetshlp of tho club has grown to
about 160, and tho initiation fees have been
so regulated that It Is expected that a
large number of additions will be made as
oon ns the building Is formally opened and
...I .. .. . t I u I
IIS llliv lIllilKl " lliiitl eiiL ill ntj eeuiie on
crave a cooling draught and refreshing
Mado by The Bee April .
Ileault of Neirapapor Cenns.
Her. W.-II.
O in nh it 0,0811 5,051
South Omntia .... 1,512 1,110
Council lllnn ... . l,2.".:t 1,13'J
See the New
If .vou want tho oiislost liiniiliifr, liosf flnlslipd anil simplest constrticloil
wheel liiinle Buy Hie It.VCYCLH. If you e.xiiniluo the new rrnnk hunger
hearings you w ill liny no oilier.
Roadsters $35. Specials $50.
Other New Wheels as Low as $15.00.
Morgan & Wright Tires $2.75.
Cor. 10th and Chicngo. Ed T. HcyJen, Manuger,
Tntnl, It Cities.. .ll.HSl
?i P0 0 so O S0
In order tlint all doubt may bo
tllspolbd The llee makes the fol
lowing proposition: It will placo
the census lists for each of the
mutes In the city of Omaha In tho
hands of u committee of Omaha
business men tho World-Hernld
hhall name, to be carefully cheeked
up with the carrier delivery circu
lation of the World-IIenild for the
llrst week In April, tho World-Herald
lo bo credited with every nnme
omitted by The lice's census takers:
the provInsMip process to be made
by one representative of The llee,
one of the Woiid-I lernld and one of
the News. That Is to say, every sub
scriber claimed by the World-Herald
In excess of the credit siren
hhall bo traced to his residence or
business olllco and his receipts sub
mitted. When tho comparison Is
completed The llee will revise Its
llfjtues and credit the World-Herald
with whatever additional carrier de
livery subscription It may prove up,
at the same time aunelnj; to deduct s
from Its own credit nil names shown )
to have beeu erroneously Inserted. )
Orient Roadsters S50
World Roadsters, $10 and $50
ui.-u m..i.. mnn n. j.i
vvuiiu Diuyuius loaa muutJib,
New Hlcycles from $10 up.
Second-Hand Hlcycles $5 up.
Largest and Best Equipped Repair Shop at Lowest Prices.
A Good Top Bugiy
- for-
Tho finest lino of Bike
Wagons in tho city h.
amino thorn and i;ot our
prices before buying.
H. E. Fredrickson,
l.Uli and Dodgo Stroots.
C 1 T ) (i) V) (n
'Phono 2 Hil.
& 1 V
' The Hunt Stiiliiiorii imikIi"
resulting from an attack of laxrlppe or heavy
cold, must yield to the wonderful healing
pronortli nf Foley's Honey and Tar, whrh
BtrenKtbons the lung and nukes them
fround. For sale by Mycrt-Dlllon Drug Co.,
Omaha; Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha.
Pennyroyal fslls
I Tv Orlslnul nl duty Urntitniw
',71 V.4U. 10 ' HH'IH'IVf1 l.lllilML
nl (Jul it ibdtille t4iti hI1
llavfcron huhtlltuUun nd I mil,
lit l4j f jur I'rtfiiit r md1 In, is
iiaiiM f.r 'art! TrllmoalU
tfeil UUf Tor l.1l," m iMr, ,f rt
iMfM llkll. 10. AUfl TtttlmotUlt. KAl4k
KtfttUs UU ptpt, Umiinn lurc, fillip., VJS
i I'ltl'.HSl . Um IIIkJ fnr utiiiatiiral
in i to & 4.i i uiiciisrci'. liilluiiiiiiK'Inut,
iin.,.ai,.l V Irr tftllrin. r ail ariilinn.
nal to .1,1. lur. .tf ,n t, . t, a
I'lti.aK t.m.ii.o. I'ilnlcx. am', i.ot itilrlc.
tUllllHUHtU CUCO. ll'luil.
uy ripr..., riCI'Ald, ro
II ."I. or t IkiU,'. ;,';j.
Urcui m uu rijuh