THJfl OMAHA DAILY TM3I3. Fill DAT, MAY lm, 1 1)00. HIT HARD AND FIELD WELL How the Omabi Team Won the Tint Oime With Bionx Oitj. PITCHER NEWM EYR SHOWS HIS REAL FORM One llnl IiiiiIiik .IIoh the Corn llimLer li. M'urc I-'le Tliucn, Ilia t Hie 1 1 1 1 In All ItlKlit. OiiiiiIiii, Hi Miiut l(. !. Ilelier, 7 J I'lirliln, .'I, Den .MoliiPM, N SI. .fonciili, II, Detroit, ll Ml I mi l.ce, '-.'. 31 1 nn en tin I In, II) liiilliiiuiioll", -'. llnfTnlo, ll Kiiiimih ll, II. Clilcntcn, H Cleveland, !l. I'ltlnliurit, Ti) llrool.ln, 'I. Ilimtiin, 7 1 C'lnc linintl, -. St. I.oiiIm, III) l'lillnilclililn, .. tilOVX. CITV, la.. May 21. -(Special Telc pram.) The Omaha hoys won from Sioux City thin afternoon after h same full of hltn hy a srore of S to 5. It was a pietly Kood Ramc, ljut neldo from Iloy'H homo run thcro was nothing of a very exciting na ture. The OmaliaH ot through without a BlnKlc error helnt; charged up nalnHt them anil with eleven hltB to their credit. Sioux City Bcored night hltH, so It will he ueen It woh a strictly hitting game. It was a long, hard pull all the way through. s'liux City, by bunching Ur tilts In the fifth, brought In live runs, but not another In 'dlan got over the pldte after that tltne. That Rave Heall'H men an advantage of one run. In the no.xt inning Omaha made four runs, also by bunching hits. Hoy'H home run only mado tho one Bcorc. Ncumeycr pitched a good game. Ills work was effcctlvo except In the fifth, when he wont to pieces and was hit hard. After that hu htruek his gait again. Ilrlggb waH offectlvo at tlrncH, but eleven hlln are charged up against him. Martin mudo a very fair um pire. Score: f OMAHA All. It. .... :i .... i WKW WINS IN HOT FINISH Three. i.iiim. hit .McAllister, Dillon. Hnc I Ml"u "u 1 iiiiiun l'onTn. e. . 0 0 S .Mnoon, it). 0 2 0 KrylKjM, rf. 0 0 4 MmllMn. M. 2 to Kflly, lb... n 0 8 Klynn, If.... 0 1 3 tllky, Sb.. o l 2 riarnff, p. . . 0 0 2 IIydon .... 0 0 0 Harr, If Toman, hh .... MuVlcker, cf . HcbKumcn, rf Wilson, u O'Conncll, 2b . l.tmzoii. lb ... Hoy, 3b Nowmeyer, i Totals .38 II. 0 1 I o. 0 1) 1 I 11 0 10 0 1 A. 12. 0 0 11 27 Mailman, If Itaymer, 2b llurlburt, rf Cof, c Ilrnshear, ss Nile, 3b .... Mcllale, cf . llbrlght, 1b . Hrlggs, v ... SIOUX CITY. ah. it. ii ri 3 o. i T 8 I ."! I 0 I 10 A. 0 1 0 1 :i l u 0 r. E. o o u ij l i) o n l Totals Omaha .. .Sioux City 33 G 8 27 11 2 0 111110 0 0-S 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 05 t... , ct,ltf .II,, I. rltnulin 1 l.ui 111-11 iiiui,. muii v. , Two-lmso hits: Cote, Kurlght. Three-base lilts: Cote, Itebsamen, O Council. Homo run: Hoy. Stolen bases: Oinahii, 1. Ibises on balls: OIT Hrlggs. 4; olf Nowmeyer, 2. Hit by pitched ball: llurlburt, llacr. Struck out: Hy Htlggs, 7; bv Nowmeyer. S. Um pire: John Martin. Time of game: 2:15. l.r.vvnit it i.i.s" (ii t i.v Tin: xivni. .'McCiiiixInnil SliirlN (be 1'lri'iinrl.ii nml Five Ilium nre Hcorcd. DKNVKH, May 2l.-(Speclal Tclcgram.) Kour hits woro made oft Illackburn and three off Kyler in tho llrst eight Innings to day and It looked llko I'unblo would win a rather uninteresting pitchers' buttle. In tho ninth Inning .MoCausliind lined tho ball out for a clean lilt. The next two men bunted nnd should havo been out with rhnrper work. The bases wcro full anil then thn next llvn men up all hit for ninnies. When tho yelling was over llvo Denver men had crossed tho rubber. Score: IJKNVHIt. au. u. nit. an. ro. a. e. Miller. If I Trenton, cf 2 Vizard, rf 5 Holland, lb 1 lllekey, 3b 3 Ilarnes, 2b Ii Tinker, ss Ii iMcCauslund, c... I Kyler, p 4 Totals SO 2 2 0 1 1 0 1 II 1 1 0 0 110 3 10 0 2 0 10 0 0 0 i o r. 2 o n i o r, o o 1 0 0 3 1 1 12 0 10 1 1110 3 0 7 ID 2 27 Tl 2 i:m.o. , It. Hit. Sit. TO. A. E. 0 1 II I 0 0 o ii o :t o i 0 0 II 2 2 1 1 1 0 !l 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 1 0 o o i :i i 1) 0 II 1 (I 0 1 1 0 3 II 0 10 0 14 0 "s "3 "0 27 It I 1 1 II 0 0 II 0 0 IV-7 0 0 2 10 0 0 0 03 Mcllale, cf I Huleli, ss 2 Anderson, 'Jb 3 I'arrotl, lb I Oraham, e I Kelly. 3b I Dalrymple, If 3 Johnson, rf 2 Hlaekburn, p 3 Totals 20 Denver I'ueblo Knrnod runs: Denver, I. Three-base hit: I'arrntt. Hases on balls: On Kyler. 3; off Illackburn, 2. Struck out: Hy Kyler, 3; by Hlaekburn. 2. lilt bv pitched ball: Hy Illack burn, I. Double plays: Illackburn to I'ar-rott;- Miller to Holland: Vizard to Tinker to Ulckey. Stolen bases: Ilarnes, .Miller. Time of game: 1:10. Umpire: Delschenrlng. rnirp bits Holme. Itvnn. Htolen basts Ch'CV f 2. rirt base on balls: Hy Cronln. 2. bv Wheeler, 2. Klrat base 011 errors 1 Detroit, 1 Left on bases; Detroit, 5; Mil w.i'tkee. 7 Struck out- Hy Cronln. 1, by Wheeler, I. Double plays McAllister to Dillon Tltne: 1.60. t'inpire: McDonald. I, milem Lose Another, INDtANAI'OMS, May 2t.-Mlntieapoll oiitbatted and nutllelded I tullann rol In to day and won. Parker pitched superb ball. Attendance, i.&oo. score: INDIANAPOLIS. ' I MINNEAPOLIS, It II O.A.K I Il.H.O.A K. UoKt'Mr. rf i 0 2 0 0 ImvIj. ef... 2 3 2 0 0 1 0 wittnot, rr.. 12100 2 1 llly. If.. . 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 Wenlpn, lb. 0 2 11 0 0 1 1 Nnncr, SI).. 0 0 110 0 1 Abby, lb... 0 1 4 f, 1 1 0 Hmlth, ) ... 1 I 1 1 t 3 0 Klnher, c... 2 1 2 1 0 2 0 Parker, p. . . 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 TotaU .. 12 IT 12 1 Totals ..2 5 27 10 3 Hutted for Klynn In ninth. Indianapolis 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-2 Minneapolis 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 Karn-d runs: Minneapolis. 3. Hases on balls: by Ilarnes, 2; by Parker, 2. Struck out: Hy Ilarnes. 5: by Purkcr. 2. Home runs: Davis. Sacrifice hits: Parker (2), Klsher Stolen bases: Madison, Klynn, Mngoon Left on buses: Indian npolK fi; Minneapolis, 10. Kmplrc: Sheri dan. Tltne of game: 1:15. IIiiITiiIo Miik One Out. lil'KKAI.O. N. V., May 21,-Iluffalo turned apparent defeat Into complete victory to day. The features were the long triples of .1. Andrews and J. Shearon. Attendance, W0. Score: HCI'KAI) KAN3AH C1TT. it 11 o a n.i n 11.0.A.1:. riMtman, cf 1 2 2 0 0 Hrintitilll, rf 1 0 1 0 0 Hhenron, rf 2 4 3 0 0 Wanner, ss. 1 1 2 1 0 IlnlllKiin. If 1 2 2 1 0 O'ltrlen, If. . 0 0 1 0 0 Mailman, 2I 0 3 1 4 1 Dunpin, lb. 1 4 8 0 0 Miretk, lb.. 0 5 11 0 0 Kartell. cf..l 110 0 Hmlth. Ss... 1 2 I 2 1 ColiK'lilln, 3b 1 2 3 10 Amlrews. 3b 1 2 1 1 0 Srlineffr. 2b. 0 2 2 3 0 Sneer, c 1 2 2 0 0 Wilson, c... 0 0 f, 4 0 Cnw'f, it... 2 2 1 , J Cutes, p 1 1 0 ,I.oc. ti 0 0 0 TotaU .. 9 20 27 13 3, Totals .. C 1123 11 0 llallmau out In fifth, Infield lly. HuITalo 1 0 1 0 0 0 fi 1 Kansas City 2 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0-8 Earned runs: Huffalo, 7; Kansas City, 2. Two-base hits: t'arsey Cutfs, Coughlln. Three-base bits: Andrews, rihearon. Stolen bases: (ictttnan. Smith (2). Carn-y. Double plays: llallmiiu to Smith to Sehreek: Cnrsey to Si'hrerk; t'oughlln to Schaefer to Dun gati. Klrst base on balls: Off Carney, 4; oft Cates, 2. lilt by tiltehcd ball: Hy Cates 1. Struck out: Hy Cates. 2; by Iee. 1. Wild pitch: Cnrsey. 'lime of game: 1:33. em pire: Joseph Cantllllon. .tie Ken mi Wns Willi. CI.EVKIAND. O.. May 2l.-McKentm was very wild In today's game, giving three bases on balls and having three wild pltehoB. That tells the story. Attendance, 40o. Siore: ci.i:vi:i..nd. ciiicAoo. H.I! O A.E.1 Il.H.O.A n Ptcker'g. ef. O 1 r, a 0 Hoy. cf 0 0 10 0 White, rf... 0 1 1 1 0 Mi-Karl'd, rf 2 2 G 0 0 Hulllvun, ,1b. 1 2 0 3 0 Ilroille. If .. 1 1 1 0 1 clenlmi. If... 0 1 2 0 0 Hnrtm'n. 3b. 0 0 0 0 0 iJiCb'ce, Hi. 1 2 10 0 0 liibfll, 3b... 12 0 10 lllerb'r, Sit. . 0 0 1 3 0 Hhuirurt, ss. 2 2 4 2 0 DlKKlns, c... 0 1 4 1 0 Piulden. !b. 1 2 4 0 0 Vlox. ss 1 1 3 2 0 Dowil. lb.... 0 0 4 0 0 JIcKennu, ) 0 1 0 3 0 lluckley, c. 0 1 7 0 0 Denier, p... 1 1 0 1 0 Totals .. 3 10 27 13 0 Totals .. 8 11 27 4 1 Cleveland 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0-3 Chicago 0 1 0 0 6 1 0 0 0-S Earned runs: Clevelnnd, 1; Chicago, 4. Two-base, hits: Pickering, Isbell. Three baso hit: DaCliniiie. Siicrlflco hit: Dowd. Stolen bases: Genius. Pudden. Struck out: Hy McKcnnn, Hoy (2), Isbell: by Dcnzer, .MeKenna I2l, Sullivan. Pickering. Klrst base on balls: Oft McKcnnn, 2: off Denzer, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Hy MeKenna. Pad den, MeKiirland. Wild pitches: MeKenna, 3. Left on bases: Cleveland, t"; Chicago, 7. Tlmo of game: 2:05. 1'mplre: Krnnk Dwyer. MtinilliiK "t (be Tennis, Played. Won. Lost. P.( Leigh's Horse Ciptnrei the Fiften Thon ttnd'Dollir Belmont Stakes. GETAWAY DAY AT MORRIS PARK TRACK llest Ilnee nt the Dlntiince, .Mile nnd Three I'ur loims, Uver Hun In Tills Conntr Time, ii 1 1-1. NEW YOMK, May 24. A finish that brought tho crowd to Us feet shouting It solf hoarse won ho en in tho Belmont stakes at Morris park today, when, In a fierce drive after n raco of a mllo and three fur longs, Eugene Leigh's Ildrlm carried oft the $15,000 flret money, with J. It. and K. P. Koonu'n Petruclo In second placo and A. Kcathcrstono's Missionary third, ull thrco heads apart. It was get-nway day at the track and tho card wait of high order. For the Belmont tho Keatherstouo pair, Menmerlst and 'Missionary were at 1 to 2 111 tho betting, with Ildrlm a good second choice and tho others only nibbled at. Petruclo was flret off, but Mahcr took Mesmerist to the front nt once. They wetv strung out on tho back stretch, running tho quarter In 0:25 2-.1, tho three furlonge In 0:38 and tho half in 0:51 2-3, not very fast tlmo. Mccmorlat was lending ns they Plnvrd 11 lnse R inte I ie:d i n 'rr on ,.,.,. ,,,, . pnn, n nti'ilrn The irorn siooO Pawner I lhimboldt 21 went past, two lengths In front of ou.uen. jit(ttot.u.H Kori,,iue lta 1. r Wright and, wno wog naif a icngiu in ironi 01 amuum. iatritk. for Unit bit. wtik.nsnn, j .imsun and Smith rmpir J Tinker. STEP! STEP!! STEP!!! Pirt. liitn.v Mte tkn Rrirkt'.! rflseise then dlibeles, This Is what Invar, ably happenj when any kidney trouble Is nepjected. Grasp It In (Is first stage Have a terrible tussle. And be verv careful what druc3 you put into yi.'r system, The famous KID N be taken with perfect safety. They will not upset man or woman, invalid or child. MORROW'S KID-NE-OIDS Is a purely scientific remedy, put up In the latest and most convenient form- not pills or liquids, but yellow tablets, easy to take easy to carry. KlD-Nb-UlUi is tno surest ami pcawncaiuiiio iuI uu-wi frequent desire to urinate, discolored urine, or any kidney disease whatso ever. 60c. at all druggists. Enough (or about 2 weeks treatment. Morrow's Livorlax Cures Costiv enoss, Biliousness, llcudachcs and Constipation 25c. Emm TRY THIS. Healthy urlno Is clcar.nnd does not stain. PutsomoinoKlussandletit stand 21 hours. If there Is a sedi ment at tho bottom, get Kld-ne-old at once. It means your kidneys are affected, l'rco booklet for tho asking. 50 m mm o lit fa .5 r PS Mrs. It. C. Hogers, 409 Nurth 11th street, nays: "Kor the past three or four years I have been suffering from kidney backache, also with spells of severe head uch. also with spells of sevrre headaches, nervoiibness, tllzzlncrs and urinary troubles if an initios lug nature I secured some of M'rtow s Kld-ne-olds and followed the diroetbitis 1 loscly in a row dajs all tlie symptoms were great 1 ri (level The b.u kacho dlbitiv pcatnl. ' At all drus stores and Tho Myurs-DUIoii Dru Co. pnrPARco or JOHN MORROW &. CO., chemists, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. ihulLottay simple, dainty. SLIM CASE AGAINST BOB LEE e s ; s sa 0cy Iiidlannpolls , Mllwiiukeo .. t'hlcugo .. .. (.'leveland .. Minneapolis , Kansas City Huffalo Detroit 2!) 2fi 30 30 21'. 27 17 Hi IB 12 II 1.1 11 10 8 11 111 111 IK 17 15 17 The next two furlongs were run In 0.11 each. Then the naeo began to quicken and - 0 I MosmerlBt was about ready to give up. 0 0 I . . ,l.n., .. .IvnlaHlnnlnir nil! fni- hflmn 111V V, f niitriv"'i - - all wero driving down the big dip to the finish. O'Connor got to work with 11 will on Missionary and the same Hnnover colt re sponded nt onro and us they swung Into the last furlong ho poked his nose In front of Ildrlm. O'Connor's I'ntnl l'lilter. Tho trio of leaders were right together a sixteenth from homo nnd O'Conncr faltered In hin drlvlnc for an Instant. That Instant wan fatal, for in tho twinkling of on eye Ildrlm nnd Petruclo passed him with the wlro but a few Jumps nwuy. A fierce tug at tho reins, a sharp dig with a spur and Missionary seemed to tnkf new life. The crowd yelled Itself hoarse and tho trip swept past the Judge' heads upart with tho Jot- black Ildrlm in front, Petruclo se:onu ana Missionary third. Cheer upon cheer went up and tho crowd frantically waved hats and handkerchiefs nt tho victor. When fiho time 2:21U wan hung up there wxh another yell, for the track record had bet-ii broken and under tho conditions It wn the best rnco at the distance ovor run In this country. Tho last llvo furlongs were run In 1:031,5, tho last half In 0:50Vi fust time lor such a race. Hesultn: Klrst race, 0110 mile, selling: Dan Hire won. iJangnr second, uiivcr .iuu num. Time: l:ll?4. . , . T , Seconn race. live iuriongs, bciiuik; i-nm Domino won, The Amazon bcconil, 'ine 1 o rlnthlan third. Tlmo: 1:05',. I hlrtl race, i;ciipse, live aim oiic-uau iur iongs: Irritable won, All Green seconn, Handwork third. Time: l:0S',i. Vnnrih rare, live furloncs. selling: t.od- dess of Night won. Delmnrcii seconil, Wa terplant third. Tlmo: VMM. i.-i,v. ..r... Iliu Itnlinrttit nno milt. nn,l 1 ILIII .,- ........ ., ..... threo furlongs: Ildrlm won, Petruclo sec ond, Missionary third. Time: 2:21U. Sixth race, one anil one-eignin mnes: Hardly won, Pavonlus second, Half Time third. Time: l:01s4. .US') .593 .TO .501 ,4'57 .m .111 .370 (i.nins ok tiii: matio.vai. 1,1: Af;i i: ii.iTTi'.n rr oit i. '111: si.xtii. I)e .MoIiii'n 1iiUi'h 11 'I'llilely Unity mill I'll t x St. ,liiMeili IIiuvii. DKS MOIN'KS. May 2l.-(9pcclal Tele gram.) Des Molues batted out a victory today In the sixth Inning. Three singles, two doubles, two bases 011 balls and an error netted six runs In that Inning. A double play worked by Des Moines from left Held to llrst wiih a pretty feature. At tendance, W0. Score: DKS MOIN'KS. AH. It Thlel, if I : Hall, ss I ; Illncs, 2b 5 Nngle, cl .'I Parker, If I Itralii. 31 I Hill, lb 1 Twlnchiuit, 0 I MuKarland, p II Totals Strung. 3b MoKlhhcn, Hchrull. If Hall, ss ... Davis, lb . HrlHtow, 2b Kllug, n ... V.1M1, rf ... Matiplu, p cf 35 S ST. JOSMPII. All. It. ... .1 Totals II. O. A. K. I 10 0 II :i :: 1 :i 2 :i 11 1 2 0 11 1210 1210 1 10 11 0 1 ion 0 0 h 0 1 27 16 1 II. O. A. K. It ' 'I tl 1 2 ii ii 2 3 0 tl 113 0 3 II I) I 0 2 10 1110 1 0 0 0 10 11 Ti ii Ti 0 0 3 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 I'lttxhiirK Wins 11 Fierce 'lVn-lmiliiK l'luht front llrnoltl) it. l'lTTSBlTIta. May 21. PlttsburR won and split even with tho Ilrooklyns In one of tho most exciting gumes ever seen hero. Up to tho ninth Inning only two of tho homo ;ilnycrs hud reached second. Then, with llvo hits, two of them doubles, tho score was tied. The rooteM were slm.'ly wind. In the tenth O'Brien, Williams and Wagner each made hlt.s, winning the game Attendance, 2,!KO. Score: 1'ITTSllCrtO. I IHIOOKI.TN. it 11.0. a n. H.n.o.A n. Ilenilin't, cf 0 0 10 1 Jones, cf.... 112 0 0 O'llrlrii, If., t 1 2 0 0 Kocler, rf... 0 0 2 1 0 Wlll'ma, 3b. 1 : 0 4 0 Jenn'KB, lb. 0 1 a 0 0 Wagner, rf. 1 3 1 0 0 Kelley, lf...O 1 4 Cooley, lb.. 0 1 1H 0 0 D.ihleti, ss.. n 1 j;iy, ns 0 0 1 3 PUross, 3b.. .003 Klti lioy, Sb. 112 4 0 Di-mont, 2b. 0 1 2 Srhrlvcr ..0 1 0 0 0 Fnrrell. c.,.2 3 3 Ix'ncb, hi... 10 0 10 Kennedy, p. 1 2 0 .Imincr. e.. 0 1 4 0 0. Plillllnl, p... 0 2 0 2 0 Totals .. 4 3'27 8 1 1 Totals . . 5 12 30 II 2 Batted for Kly In ninth. None out when wlnnlmr run scored Pittsburg 000000004 1 fi Brooklyn 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0-4 Karned runs: Pittsburg, 5; Brooklyn, 1 two-base bits: Kchrlvcr. Phllllnl 12) Throo-baso hits: Karrell. Sacrlllce hit: Keeler. Doublo nlavs: K V to Coo ey. W l Ilam to Hlti hey to Coolcy. Klrst base 011 balls: Oft Phllllpl. 1; off Kennedy, 1. Struck out: Hv Phllllnl. 4: by Kennedy. 2. Passed ball: Knrrell. Time of game: 2:00. empire: Hurst. IIiinIoii l.niiibnsts llnhn CINCINNATI. May 21. Tho Bostons buiiebed their hits off Huhn today and won wllli ease. Willis, while he seemed to hav,. a verv lame arm. was effective throughout. Geler's lleldlng nnd Corcoran's Hitting wero 1110 leatures. Aiieiiuance, uw. Kcoto: CINCINNATI. nOSTON. It.lIO.A.E.I Il.H.O.A. K. MclMile. rf. 0 1 1 0 11 Hamilton, cf 1 1 3 : tleler. cf .... 0 0 5 0 o Collins, 3b.. 1 2 ! Hmlth. If.. . 2 1 1 0 0 Tcnncy. lb.. 0 0 Cm com 11. ss 0 3 3 4 0 rltiihl, ir o I Irwin, 31 0 ft 0 3 1 Hurry, h.... 0 1 Wood. c... . 0 0 3 2 0 Freeman, rf 0 0 Stelnf'dl. 21)0 1 1 1 0 lir, lb. ... I 1 I'eltr, lb.... 0 0 10 0 0 Clarke, c . . 3 2 Huhn, 1 0 0 0 1 1, Willis, p... . 2 3 Hreiiuiiu pitched tho llrst half of the tlrst only and was taken out of the box. Des Moines n 0 I 0 0 il 0 I s St. Joseph 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-3 Summary: Bases on balls: Hy Bt'ennun. 3; by McKarliuid. 3; by Maiiplu, 3. Two base lilts: Twliiehuin, Nngle, Davis. Double pin to bind Man 3 0 9 0 3 0 0 4 3 1 1 4 0 5 0 0 0 1 C 27 It Totals ... 0 0 0 1 0 ...2 2 0 0 0 Cincinnati, 1; . 7 10 27 10 1 1 0 0 0-2 0 0 0 3-7 Boston, 5 Totals Cliiclniilatl Boston filmed rllll.m hits: Corcoran. Collins (2) Three-base lilt: Willis. Stolen bnses: Ham ilton, Smith. Klrst base on balls: urr wii ii llnhn. a. struck out: By llahn. 2 bv Willis. 1. Passed ball: Wood. Tlmo of game: 1:30. Cmplro: Kmslle. Al Mil 11 1 (lets lliiimieil ST. IHMS, Mnv 21. -St. Iouls slaughtered Maul's curves. Powell was In good form In all excetit tho llfth. Attendance, i.guu. Seme: BT. 151IIH. PIIIf.ADRI.rinA It. II O A II I Il.H.O.A E Mrflraw. 3b 2 3 a I I Thomas, cf . 1 3 4 0 0 Donovan, ir. 2 1 3 0 0 Hluxle, If. .112 0 0 liimllii. if . 0 0 3 0 1 Deleli'ty, Hi. 0 0 8 0 0 llurkPtt. If., u 2 4 0 0 l,;iJo!r, 21.. 1 3 2 2 1 CI.OS1J KIMHIIICS AT ST. I, (It IS. Ileniiett'n Illek llnrueiia AVIns the Kin- ilernnrten by n ose. ST. I.Ol'lS, May 21. Tho Kulr associa tion presented 11 good card todny, the en tries being so well balanced that In sev eral events the finishes were close and ex- cltlne. The weather was Ideal for tho sport and 11 big crowd was present, con sidering the poor transportation facilities caused by the street railway strike. Tho fcaturo of tho day was tho Kindergarten stake, which attracted 11 Held or seven shifty youngsters. Schorr's cntrv, Joe Kryo nnd Alnrd Scheck, was innilo tho medium of nulte ti iilunEO at evens. Ben nett's entries, Dick Burgess and Monos, also received substantial support at 5 to 1. At flag-fall Burns sent Joe Krye out In front nnd ho led his Held Into the stretch by three enuths. At the last fur 01111 Vltltoe brought Alard Scheck out of the bunch and laid him alongside his stable mate. It ovldently being tho Intention of the Jockeys to nnisii one, two. aiaunows at tins junc ture shook Dick Burgess up and, coming along the Inside rail, nipped the race from Joe Kryo by a nose on the post, Alard Scheck finishing tho same distance behind his stable companion. Summary: Klrst race, one mile, selling: Connie won, Jim Conway second, Gomez third. Tlmo: 1:41. Second nice, selling, six nnd a half fur longs: Verify won, Guide Hock second, Theory third. Time: 1:2114. Third race, seven furlongs: Algol won, Ida Ledford second. Terra Incognita third. Time: 1 :2SU. Kourth race, Klndergnrleti slakes, value J1.600, for 2-ycar-olds, llvo furlongs: Dick Burgess won, Joe Krey second, Alard Scheck third. Time: 1:0214. Klftb race, 2-year-old llllles, four mid n half furlongs: Queen Dlxnu won, Tho Mecca second, Golden Harvest third. Tlmo: 0:G. Sixth race, selling, one mile mid one-tdx-tecntli: Ilushtlelds won, Znzel second, Pacemaker third. Time: 1:I'J',4. liipi nun. 1 1111-iiuiii, iiiKic, ifiivin. 1. inline 1 i,..,,J 1 1 7 ft i.Mib ... n 1 4 n n days: Parker to Hill; Muupln to Brlstow . ' 0 ,"ni . ' 0 0100 o Davis, lilt by pitched ball: by McKar- ' ' " , M?.Vi?,reH m o 0 1 and. 1. Struck out: By .tlcK.irland. 3; by I y,"""' ' k 2 1 i 7 ! S d',l!h! " ? , 0 laut..,,. 2. Time of game: 2:20. Cmplre: , frUj ; c.... . 3 3 1 0 oU t . 3b 1 .110 ,,U"f' Muul, p 1 0 0 3 1 Miinillnu of the 'I'eiiiim Tutnls ..10 17 27 13 2 iiinniiiK 111 iii 1 mi'". 1 Totals . . 5 102J 0 3 Omaha II 10 I Pueblo 15 '. 0 Denver 17 10 7 Hloux City Pi 7 '.' St. Joseph II 5 '.1 Des Moines II 5 9 Powell out, lilt by batted ball. St. Louis 1 3 0 2 0 1 0 .3.7 tiAiii'.s nt' tiii; Mi:itn an 1, i:tit 1 .71.1 .MM ! St. Louis 1 3 0 2 0 1 0 2 1-10 .5 . Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0-5 ''J. 1 Karncd runs: St. 1iuls, 7: Philadelphia, I. ' "u'li.ii.ixe nil: i.uioio. 'rnree-uase 1111: Powell. Home runs: MeCiraw. Powell. Double nl.iy: cross to l.ajo.e to Di'lenailty lilts JIICKIir IIOI.AMl'S CHICAT ltioix;. Winn Three Hnees on Knell of T I)ii)m In SiiccchkIoii. CINCINNATI, Muy 21,-Peter Duryea was played for a good thing In the last race at Newport today and got the money. The colt was backed from 30 to 7 to 1 nt post time. He was off In front nnd the others never got within four lengths of him. Jockey Boland again rode three out of tho six winners, those In the second, third and fifth races. Weather fair, track fast. Summary: Klrst race, selling, four furlongs: Clara David won, Margaret K. second, Kmmii C. I., third. Time: 0:1DH. Second race, one mile nnd 11 quarter, selling: lOltholln won, Vlgglo O second, Atlantic third. Time: 2:0V5;. Third race, seven furlongs, selling: Mar garet Hagemnn won, La Grange second, Flop third. Time: 1:27V4. Kourth race, six furlongs, hnndlenp: Georgia won, Tho Stnr of Bethlehem sec ond. Koenlg third. Time: 1:14. Fifth race, four furlongs, selling: Queen I.ltzn won. Virginia T second, Grace H third Time: 0:13. Sixth race, one mllo and a sixteenth, selling: Peter Duryea won. Hello of Or leans second, Drnmburi; third. Tlmo: l:IV4. Hiirlnir MeetliiK lit Toronto. TORONTO. Ont. May 2I.-Superb weather, a fast track, well-lllled llelds and nn nt tertdnnco of nenrlv 20.000 made the Inltlnl day's railng of the spring meeting of the Ontatlo Jockey club a great success. The Queen's plate for provlneehredB that had never won a race was the principal event In today's card. It was won bv the favorite. 1 Dalmoor. In the steenlechase live out of the seven horses fell'nt Jumps and their Jockeys received severe bruises. Results: Klrst race, six furlongs: Mr. Jersey won, Pharaoh serond, Expelled third. Time; 1:17'4. Second race, one-half mile: Kthel Wheat won. Splash second, Slnll third. Tlmo: 0:.7)ty. Third rare, one nnd one-sixteenth miles: Allen Parley won. Topmast second, Irwin third. Time: 1:51,. l'ourtti race tno Queen s pinto, one and pro- HANDICAPS ARE DETERMINED l'ort-clnb( It liters to Compete III the V. M. ( . . llonil Itnce l'l nlll It 1 11 1 1- to (linuliii. The entry Ibt" for the Blalr-Omaha road race have closed mid the handicaps for the forty-elslit riders in the lists h.ive bein Used. The cyclers will be given the word In the tn.iln street of Blair under the auspices of the mayor and other prominent citizens and In full view of the excursion train. The train will travel abreast or the foremost group nf cyclers for tlfteeti tnllo-s and will then sprint on ahead In order to deposit Its passengers comfortably In the Ames avenue p.irji In time for the llnish. I-rim coirmnn station tne cyeiers win iune tho upper, i heckers being posted nt Intervals to glw each in.111 proper credit ns he pusses b The rate Is the tlrst en terprise of the n.rt ever attempted In this vicinity and considerable Interest Is being taken In It by local athletes. Only two riders will start from the scrnteh. Herman Mtientefering, who has previously done the distance in creditable time, nnd Barm v Oldtleld, a professional from Toledo. George M lorsteln, a well known local rider, will precede the scratch men by only nlnute. Other riders from Iowa and Nebraska towns are placed on what Is considered an equitable basis. The prizes are so divided between time and place awards that 110 good rider need tlnlsh unrewarded. There will be no track rid ing at' the end of the distance, ns that would destrov the road race feature In tho eyes of the national cycling organizations. The entries and handicaps are ns fol- Klf'teen minutes -U. It. McKay. Clyde Rohrhnush. . .. ,,, , Thirteen minutes It. W. McKaviiii, ltlch nrd Snlbtm. A. Turner. Twelve tnliiuti s -George K.1I1 brother, C. A. Mortensen. J K. Brown. Kleven minutes Frank Or.le. P. K. Paul sen. C. R. Dunb'vy. , Ton mlnutcs-Jnhn Taylor, W Milium Kols, Walter I.lngafi-lt. V. K. Swedburg, August Berghahu. Nine mlnutcv -William M. Gorman. K. W. McKav, William (1. Browne, B. It. Smith. Chnrles K Hill. Lincoln. Ulght minutes-Roland Kinney. Arthur Barth. Sioux citv: A. A. Carlisle, Perry Hill, Council HIiiITm. Seven minutes- K. -M. Malmnulst, James Dlnuzzn. Charles Ilnffke. South Omahu; J. A. Craig. Gcnrire W. Duhtnv, Blair. Six minutes J. K Hngue, Joseph Mllllng lon, Sioux citv: Kd Snow, Lincoln; J. W. R111111, J. W. Parrott. l-'lve minutes- Lmils Todd, Lincoln: K. W. Sheeler. Charles IJotz, Lincoln; H. Jackson, Krncst Gordon. Four minutes Hnvrv P. Brown, Lutis- f,r,l Mnu-ver. Ir . 1). W. SllllltZ. Two mlnutes-Gus Cocke, York; Grant Mcllnay. Lincoln. One minute-George Melerstclii. Scratch-Harney L. Oldtleld, Toledo; H. S. Mtientefering. mv Voi'K (iiilf Mutch. NKW YORK, Muy 21 -The .M. lropollt.ili Golf championships were vontlnucd today on the links at Glen Cove with the llrst and second rounds at match play scheduled for morning and jiftcrnooti. The day was perfect. The pairing was as follows: Tnppln against Dalilgrln, Ting against Keiinardy, Druiglas against Hamilton. Rnb blns against Brooks Dwlglit ngiilnst Michael, A. Graham against Cory, hilwards agclnst llarrlman. l'rceman against I licks. Ballon agnlnst Reed. Cochrane ugalnst Watson, Be.ich ugainst Travis. Singer against llurrls. McKlnley against N'orrls, Kmmett against Thnmpsnii. Seeley against Baker, Robertson ugalnst Menzles. Michael and Dwight were the llrst pair to llnish, the former winning by 2 up and 1 to play. Travis won his mutch front Beach bv default. Archie Graham came next with a victory over C B. Cory by 2 up and 1 to play. Itc.NiilIn lit I.iiI.ckIiIc. CHICAGO, May 21. Weather clear, track good lit Lakeside toila Results: First race, four and one-hnlf furlongs: Harry Bereiidcen won. Invlctus second, Icon third. Time: o r.i.'j. Second nice, mile mid eighth, selling: Monk Wayman won. Yiibadiim second, Schnell Iiufer third Time: LI.'1,,. Third race, six furlongs: Abe Furst won, Allnnto second, Alfe'arcttii third, lime: 1 :1 i'4. I'"ourtb race, mile: Gold Fov won, Sid How second, Straniicst third, 'lime: 1:I2J-j. Fifth nice, seven lurloiigs. selling: St.m wun. Miiiiihimus second, Mcllecolo third. Time 1:31. Sixth race, seven furlongs, selling: Chcesestraw won. Frangible second. Gulden Rattle third. Time: 1.2'Jii. Trial of the MIckciI Triiln ltoblier nt tliceiine I.I lie I to Gild In teiiiilttul. CHEYHNNK, Wyo', May 21. tsp lal Tel egram.) Tho trial of "Bob" Lee. alias "Hob" Curry, who Is chargeil with holding up a I'nlon Pucllle exprrns train on June 2, last, was begun In the Unite 1 States court today Tho conductor, engineer, llrcmttn and four postal clerkti failed to Identify Leo as ene of tho live men who held up the train. The defense) will Introduce trntltneny to prove that Leo was In Ulackh.'iwk, Colo., on tin day of tho holdup and remnlne.l there for over thrco weeks following the day of thi robbery. Half of the citizens of the town are ready to testify to this. There senn to bo "no doubt of Loo's Innoccnec, In spite of the fact ho was n brother of Lanny Lee, killed at Kansas City, and wan with the lat ter In Montana nt tho tlmo the officers swooped down on Lonny. .nrriiw Kscnpe from Tin In. LAII.M.M1I-:, Wyo., iMay 24. (Special. ) A, man named Peter Kennedy Jumped from a westbound passenger train here yester day nftevnoon aa It was leaving the stutlon and woh seriously If not fatally hurt. He struck tho platform on hlo head and but for tho quick work of Conductor James Duffey, who dragged tho rolling body away from tho train, Kennedy would have been ground to pieces. Orient Koailstcrs SnO Woi'UI KoiiuMcrs, $10 and $50 World Bicycles 1899 Models, $30.00 New lllcyclcs from SU) up. Sccoiid-lliiiiil ItlcyclcsSS up. Largest and Best Equipped Repair Shop at Lowest Prices. A Good Top BugKy for $38.00 The linost lino of Hike Vii(,roti3 in tho city - V. limine tiiom nnd Re! our prices before btiyiup. Thoiie 2101. E. Fredrickson,, 15th and Dodgo Streots. w u,(s r)( S 5i C l? 9 ' (?(. ((? ,. ( i CrilHlied ruder Cllliloe. CHRYKN'NK, Wyo.. May 21. (Special ) -- It Id reported that by the overturning of a locomotlvo near Carlion yesterday a fire- man named Kred Shldler of Laramlo was crushed to death. The englno had been derailed and was being brought to the chops I for repairs when It suddenly toppled over, J catching Shldley under tho massive weight. The young man was a resident of Laramie. Detroit Winn from Mly liy Hint of lletler l'lnlnu. DKTHOIT, May 2l.--Cronln'H splendid pitching today was bucked up with perfect support ami the home team took tho sec ond game of the, series from Milwaukee, llurke was put out of the game in the eighth Inning for kicking Holmes' lleld lng III left Held was a feature. Attendance, 1,500. Score: DirrnoiT. i milwaitker. it ii. o a r. 1 ii no a r. Cawy. 3b... 1 3 3 3 0 Wnlilron, if. 0 1 1 0 0 VIltHTfeld. 1 10 1 0 Harry, cf...O 1 2 0 (l llnhiits, If.. 0 0 5 1 OCcniny, s..fl 0 111 McAIVr, '.'b 0 15 6 0 A ml' tl. If-Jli. 0 0 5 0 0 llnrlfy. if.. 13 10 0 Kulti, tb.... 1 1 o t o Dillon, lb... S 2 11 0 0 Wiunr. lb.. I 3 8 o n HtnllliiF. rf 1 3 0 0 0 llink. 3b... o 10 11 ltymi, e 1110 0 Pawling. If. 0 1 0 0 0 Cronln, p..., 10 16 O.Snillli. c 0 1 t 3 'I Iwhreler. p. - 0 1 0 0 TotaU ..3 13JIU 0 UHiiy, p.... 0 0 0 0 0 Utwir iu. li in " inninu KiMi nr I lit Hot nn u- ntt .nu-r r : -v,nv, r i "s:,'"""rs IM"pr ""r.wn"- ti.o. n : ,-,,rb7. . stVin k ,. tT V Powell 2 i.rL '. V- -11' bv Ma,,l,;i; Slobd, bases:McOr. w l3. Do,,: I - iit.iu, t.iii,,-ii,ti.'t,,.i( -i,i.f i-i, vipuitnird Tlmeib :02. Jlllie ot KHIIir. ...i. , llliue. o 11 1 I , utji, . 17 16 15 lfi 11 8 7 li II 12 12 13 15 17 17 .CM J!U j MiiiiiIIiik of the Tennis j Played. Won. 1ost. P.C I Plilladelpnia .".i I llrooklyn ., 27 I Chicago 2S St. Louis 27 Pittsburg 20 I Cincinnati -l New Vork So Huston 21 blxtli race, six furlongs: San Durnnco won. Alfred vargravo second, Alfred C third. Time: 117. Kiiiieks Out l'rle l'luht I,iiii, 571, SAN FKANCISCO, May 21 -In deciding .mi me. case or mo uoiumuia Atniettc etun. M! which sought to restrain Chief of Police .123 ' Sullivan from Interfering with a proposed .321 ' nrlie fight, on the ground that such ex ,'JHi nlbltlons by nn Incorporated club are por 1 mlttsd by section 412 of the neiial code of I.oiik I' I lie Defentn Aliivortli, I California, Superior Judgo Murnskl has LO.Vfi PINK, Neb., Mav 21, (Special Tele- pronounced tnat section uncunstltutlnunl. 11 min uri'iniuil niuiiun ion ii-ni. 01 nn ap peal, nn net of U93, which makes prlzo Cricket (liinie Toinorrinv. A match game of cricket will be pbied on the Omaha Cricket grounds, h.-nn-seeond nnd Krncst streets, next Saturday afternoon between the following teams Captntn. C. W. Lemon, W. II. Monro. If. Vaughnn. J. It. Itey nobis, .1 I Sltnms. J. II. Ncale. M. N. lirceliy. I. Pntt.-r, II P. Silver, V. Treynor, (icotRe Wright, W Illeliellcii. ,, Captain. J. Francis, T. V. Moore, t, If Vaughan. C. Tutlleld. John Douglas Jane- Cameron, b'red Itakcr, M A Hall, J M Campbell, D. Ilrotchle, J. Houghton, N Strlblln?. . . Visitors lire requested to attend nnd those who desire to do so will be given an opportunity to play. The seasons aver ages for prizes will start with this game. Tmi .InoWcjK It el until toil. CINCINNATI, May 21. Secretarv Hopper of the American Tttrr congress tonight an nounced the reinstatement ot II. D. d urleyj Hrown. who was ruled oft at Newport lnt fall. Hrown Is well known as a starter, llrown assaulted D. T. Murry, tho coitc sponilent, on the tju"en City truck and has -been bnrifd for six months. Jockey Cash Sloan, ruled off two ears ago for bad riding on Abuse at Oakland, was nlso relnstnted. Sloan Is a brother to Tod Sloan, now In Knghuul. .IcITrlcN anil SliurUey Mntclied. M-:W YOHK. May 21 -Jim Jefrrbs and Tom Shaikcv were inntihed today h tight on August 25 before the club ofletlng the best tiliri-es. If Shaikcv loses to M' ; "r Rutilln the tight with Jeffries will be oft in I Jeffries will idfer to meet bbatkeys i..n (liicror . ., . , Al Smith agreed on as the btaki -holder ami Charlie White will referee. Che rules will be the same as In the Jcffrns Corbett contest. TIIH ltKAIl MAIIKUT. INPTItt'.MKNTS tiled for record Thursilay, May 21. 1D00: Wnrrnnty Heeds. South Omaha Ijind company to D. S. Clark, lot :i, block 'M. South Oninha.$ ,C0 Somerset Trust company to C. It. HrdlieKii, lot :', iiiock s, iorrigan Placo 3'X N. P. Dodgo and wife to Kred Henard. i Jr.. tie nw. nw no and part no no I- 10-10 frellle) '-'.S A. H. Cressey and wife to Antonio Cer- ney. lot 11. block 2, 1st add to Jlls- , sourl Avenue park ISj Thomas iMeArdle to M. J. C. Ityaii, lot f. block S, Corrlgan Place fiOO j J. II. Pratt. to school district No. C2, 1 acre in sw i orner se 2S-ll',-ll I"1) P. II. Dubois and wife to J. II. Taylor, part lot 10. block 11. Waterloo Il'i VI. A. I'utcli.isc to same, snnie & T. P. Mahoiiey and wife to S. L. Hune- wltz. lot X block 1, Patterson's mib- dlv 12"' . John Michel and wife to Henoney Hay- lnr, n 2i feet lot 2, block 4S, South I Omaha 1.200 K L. (Jifford to II. F. Knglehardt et ill, w1- lot S. block I, Shlnn's 2d add. !U0 , T. S. Mc.M array and wife to Peter Pletiuer. lot 2, block I, 1st add to i Kowler Place 3') , II. CI. Itoblnson to Cnrollne Olson, lot 2, block 2, L. P. Ilamniond's add Si'o J. H. Adderlv to A. 1. Meager, lot 12, i Hustln's add to Plalnvlew 1,.V)0 Kred Kngcl and wife to M. Kozel. lot I IB, block 10, 1st add to South Omaha. 2iVt , Omaha Heal Kstatc and Trust com- nnnv to P. T. Niiiiuhtln. lots 21 and 22, block 13. Saunders ,fc II. 's High land Park add (loll 111 I ill Deeds. K. M Hart et al to K. A. Hart, lot 11, block 1, Andrews & II. 's add 1 Deeds, Master 111 chancery to Philadelphia .Mortgage and Trust company, lot 2 and w'j lot 2, block 15. Omaha 1,Si0 Sheriff to Omaha Savings bank, e t-G feet of nU lots 1 unil 2, Improvement Association add 1,212 Same to samo. s't of n 'i lots Lund 2, bloi It 9. .iiime $8.00 $8.00! Price Reduced One-Third The Funk & Wagnalls STANDARD DICTIONARY Of the English Language. 2-17 Editors and Specialists. 600 Headers for Quotations. Cost Nearly One Million Dollars. Complete, Succinct, Authoritative. PRICE REDUCED TO $8.00 j It contains all there Is In the English language, compiled, pro nounced and defined by the most Aninent rperlallfcta ot the pres ent day, In every department cf literature, science and art. PA11ENTS 100 ', I Should not underestimate the valuo to their children of Immediate consultation of a STANDARD authority whenover any cniesllon arises with resard to a word. THU EARLY USE OP" KEKERKNCK HOOKS by tho young loads to habits of thoroughness In tudr. prevents careless writing, and cultivates exactness In ennvet nation. Total amount of transfers 1.00a ! $l(i.ulii The Itlebest Trenmirc, "If every school trustee and every man having k fam ily of growing children could realize the valuo of this Dictionary he would not be long without It. It Is worth more than tine clothes, Jewelry, high llvli.g or summer outings, and tends to Improvo and ennoUe the iharnr. trr and makes better citizens of every person who studies it." Milwaukee Sentinel. Detroit Milwaukee Earned runs! Innings pitched: Totals .. ! n o n o o 9 21 & 2 I 3 '-0 gram )-Aliuworlh und I.on;ir Pine played ball here today, the score resulting S to I In favor of the Utter. This makes a game for eacii town u mi the next game ror the cnuni plonshlp of the county will be a hot contest. Miles llrtiilna Tcnnlo Cliiiuiilnii!ili. LONDON. May 21.-6:07 p. m.-lil tho amateur tennis championship gnnies de- Hunting a felony and as punishment therefor Imposes a fine of from l,nM to tt,000, or Imprisonment for not less than una yuar, nor more than three, will again be In effect In this state, I'll n nee Defruta Humboldt, HUMHOLDT, Neb., May 21-(Spe clal,)- 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1-3 elded today. K. II Miles. th champion, HUMHOLDT. Neb May Sl.-(Bpeclal )-. Mded. The oeakc Detroit. I Milwaukee. 2. 1 defeated J. It, Orlhble by three loves at The second base, ball nines of Pawnee l Ity i well of Mimsi In lly WlKclcr, 7. , li- Ilcldy the Uueeu j club here. i and this place met on the home grounds and f Captain PutrLk !' Conit-Miiitlnl for Lieutenant. NKW YOP.K, May 21 -With three chnrges of forgery against him Second Lieutenant Kdward H. Martin of the Mfth I tilted SCites artillery faced a coiirt-tnartlal In Kort Hamilton todav The alleged forgeries were committed while tho regiment was wtn tloned at Sandy Hook. Lieutenant .Martin was tre.isuter of the post exchange ami canteen, it Is charged that during the ab sence of his Cnptnln Martin forged receipts for bills of goods and retained t'lc money turned over to him to settle them I he court-martial, which was ordered by Major Ocneral Hrooke, was not completed todiu Colonel Tally McCren of the Plfth artillery Is the presiding olllcer. A n I l-t in iif-r III 1 1 n t h Meet. NKW YOHK, May 21 A miibs meeting to Advocate "An American oolii y In the Phil ippines" was held tonight In Cooper I nlon under the auspices of the Antl-lmperlallht league or New yarn, i-.rncsi n i"1 hiii. .,i 'inn .ii.4krm were iieorui' uui llUsens. i art n u'ii. mm aire U ot Wasuington. Daisy Queen 31 frufjrant pcrJumt, rich in Ike swetitttss of field nnd forest. Deflate yet lasting. Sherman WcConnell Dnu Co., inyers-nillon Drug Co., h'ubii X Co. TO YOUR CHILDREN OR A FRIEND it would bo difficult to nnd a moro de sirable, useful or welcome present than THE STANDARD DICTIONARY 24? of the world's most eminent men labored, nnd more than (9C0.003 were expended to produco tbU magnificent work It Is the authority most valued by the learned and tho learner evorywherr. It can now bo procured, elegantly bound In full sheep, al the unprecedeutedly low prlco of JS.OO. Megeath Stationery Company 1308 Far nam St., Omaha MUNYON'S INHALER CURES CATARRH Colds, Coughs, Hay Fever, bron chitis, As th mu and nil Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. rintitls nf Jli-illenieil nrur urn Inbnleil through tin muu'ti nnd emitted from tin- nm -I' I'li'iintlng mid vjiinrlilng nil the lnllmoil anu illm-ani'il parm wlilili mnnot tie reactied y mi-ilb-iuii IjW.ii into In- oininli It rcicif, the oce tpr,lilt heatt the raw yitice - It (ion tu the tiritt nfitiirrtsr- It net oi ii tialm rmtl twite In the v inte ituttem t.ii 'it 'Jruatl'sts or.e n lijmuil. t'-0.' A e-U fit., J'Mltt $8.00 Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention $8.00 Good Neighbors For yourfamlly'scomfort 'J und vour own, m HIRES Rootbeer H"1! t.ltf nnl Tlr.tiln rnfiffl 111 It than fc&N torn or lr ana n jrrotw or ran. fv: a Huiiona rur ctnu, TTrltit tnr Hal nt r.rttnlumi atttttl - I'" , r ' V9 for ttril AUIrrrn, i Anti-Kawf Are nil index of yinif nun ivmi tnlnlity. n nre ,iuilrril by Hit' oini,uiy j oti lii'i'i li.i lie iielliliiiiliooil .von llvo lu-niul liy Hit- liiillilln In will. Ii niii- iilllce is lui iiti'il. The Bee Building Is the best ollii'U liclnliliorlirKnl In D t! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . l-'llst-ililss icii pie like Ill'Sl-i hiss lielKllbol'h--tn KM.V lliitlllllt; U Hist i lilsH nlliie. 'I'lint is tho klml It will nlvo UH iloastii'i to sliow yu. Tiin urn building, ITIli nml I 'it ii it in sin. R. C. PETERS & CO Itentnl kciiIn, It s Hiire Not once In u hundred tlinen iIoi-h Antl-Kawf fall to i urr .! cool Sco your driiKelai He hcIIh It iHict t-. ..M)AX,wt)tin cai'si i, nn. rure CJor.orrhoea, Uleet, unnatural dls charts In a few dayH All drtigglm. accept I t HI IJOtiua. ny mini i w. inn uirreiions. Ulck Co , 113 fentro 8l . New Yorlu UY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS MANURACTUKBD BT CALIFORNIA FIG SYHUP CM, OTB TUB HABUB. i