12 THE Oar ATT A DATLY TiEE: PRTDAV, 5IAY 2,"), 1JM0. BOSTON STORE REMNANT SALE All thi Unfiniihed Wits Go Toilaj at 5c and lOo Each. S3.00 TO SI2 00 MACKINTOSHES, 98C Jmmrnup l.nta if l)rr (imitl llrni inilit. XlIU It in II n M Ik. All Wool ('linlll ill .", I lie. I. "is -Tn1, lllc mill lllf. !AIo extraordinary cotton Roods remnant fulo In buHomont tomorrow. ItKM.VANTS IJIIESS (500DS ON OUit MAIN PI.OOll Sc AND 10c. Now ilross Rorxln romnantn In cahmcro nnd brllllantlnw In nil brlKht colors, reds, Mum, pinks, also ovenlnK hadw, croain tind light Mueg. A large lot of all wool challU Willi "Ilk stripes, light und dark KroundH. many pli-cw to match, go In two lots according to length at 5c and 10c. Short pli-rrn of oiHhmcro In bright colors for patch work, qullta. etc., many pieces to match; an entire bundle containing 15 pieces at fc. Remnants of wool and silk ehallls nnd all wool oHHhmorr from 0 to 7 y.irdu In length, many to matrh. worth COc, on sale at oue- Jialf prices, 2.ic yard. NEW S1I.K REMNANTS. An immenso lot of high cost ailks, left over from our groat dressmaking Bale, that wore worth from $3.00 to $3.00 n yard, all hhort length, 'A yd, yd nnd olio yard long, can bo lined for Bofu pillow backs, trimmings Hnd millinery purposes, nil go on alo nt Go, 10c nnd 15c each. Hemnnntrt of taffelan, brocadrn, plaid, check nnd striped tdlk. all go on bale at 4'Jc nnd C!c yd. All the unfinished waists made from Unit percales nnd lawrm, trimmed with cm liroldery and Insertion, nil sewed together but not finished, go In two lots at 5c and 10c each. ALL MACKINTOSHES OSc. All tho odds and ends In mackintoshes from tho Omaha Tent & Hubber Co., no matter what their Helling price was, $3.00, $3.00, $0.00 nnd up to $12.00, Iwth men's anil ladles" mackintoshes, cholco of entire lot, OSc cicli. MOST EXTRAORDINARY COTTON OOODS REMNANT SALE IN BASEMENT TODAY. 10,000 yards plain colored lawns, worth up to 25c, In mill Temnnnts, 3.c yd. 10.000 yds. black hcnrlctta In long mill remnants, Cc. 10,000 yds. fancy printed sateen, dark grounds ivlth Illuminated figures, 6V4c yd worth 19c. . Illg tablo Scotch gingham romnantfl, GVfcc, worth 20c. Calico nnd pensile remnants In short lengths, 2e yd. Ixjiir remnants Trench percale, 5c yd, worth 15c. Iiong remnants of fancy printed "Violet !A" lawn, Go yd, worth 19c, nest grade cambric lining, Vc yd. Short remnants, nil kinds fancy printed lawns, lo yd. Pintle remnants In white, black nnd all col om, 3!c yd. RemnantH of fancy Crcpo pllsse, 10c yd. Romnnnts of very finest quality dimity In long lengths, 10c yd, worth 35c. From our great unmndo wnlst sale, nil the ndds and ends, such as sleeves, backs or fronts of waists, nil go nt lo each. And hundreds of other remnants bargains In tho basement. IIOSTON STORE, OMAHA. N. V. Cor. 16th & Douglas Sts. iiAvnn.v mi os. Clrnrlntr .Snip of Tnllor-Mnilr $nll. From day to day till all rto sold. 200 ladles' Suits purchased by us for n fraction of their value, worth $12 no, $1100 und $18.00. Clearing snle price $6.50. 2IG Ladles' Tailor-made Suits made (o sell at $18 50. $22.r.O and $27 30. ClenrliiB sale prlco $9 35. With few exceptions they are Jiilk lined throughout. 193 Ladles' Tailored Suits, $35.00, $10.00 und $50.00 values Clearlnjs sale price $12.30. WE ARE NOW HOLDING A GREAT '.MAY ('LEAKING SILK SALE and auch bargains you never before saw. Elno corded Silk and ncngnllne at 23c. 38 Inch wide black Japnhrso silk at 39b. Fancy Sill:, worth up to $2.00. on Pile 59c. Our big sale on foulard tinea Silks Is causing quick sales. 59-65. 75c Foulards for 50c. 83-90-98C Foulards for 69c. $1.23-$1.33.$1.I0 Foulards for $1.00. HAYDEN DKOS. An Opportunity to llt tlio Knit Pleasantly and economically Is afforded by tl.o tourist tickets on sale via tho Lake Shorn & Michigan Southern railway on and nf.tr June 1st. Chautauqua Lake, Nlngara Falls tho St. Iawrcnre rive, Wblto Mountains and the Atlantic coast resorts nro among the moro ' Important points reached. Summer edition of "Rook of Trains" showing p c men tours will be of Interest In arranging for your trip. Sent free on application to II. P. Humphrey, T. P. A.. Kansas City, Mo., or F. M. flyron, O. W. A., room 31 Stat on bldg., Chicago. Tho new twenty-six hour Dojton tra'n Is now In service. FARMERS ARE PROSPERING llrjnti'n Vhkii rlen Kind Vrvr Sup liortpm AmoiiK the llmlicrr .Stale .Krleiiltiirltx. RUSHING WORK ON VIADUCT Citj Encineer Roiewatsr Fully Satlificd with Way Work is Progmsing. VINTON STREET TO BE REPAVED AT ONCE Mi ii Hi lilcr Cnn (i Alienil villi I'Iiiih lor Tlieli- I'rniiiioil I'ourtli nf .Inly Cele-liiiitloii. being borne half by the park board and In if by tho county, as the property owners were unable to rale tho funds and the work w.i-Imporatlvc. HIRE'S ROOT BEER !4c Criiiiii'r'K Kliliiet I lire .,r V Clirnp Itollliil 'trip ltllle. On June 21, July 7, 8, 0. lo and IS. nnd Auguit 2, tho Iltlnos Central railroad will sell tickets, limited until October 31, as follows: St. Paul, Minn., nnd return Minneapolis. Minn., nnd return... Duluth, Minn., and return Wascrn. Minn., nnd return Superior, Wis., and return West Superior, 'Wis., and return. For particulars call at Illinois CiMitr.il city ticket olllcc. No. 1102 Farnam street. .$12.(1". . I2.C5 . 10.95 . 10.:;.". . lfi.9". . 1C.93 SXCUII9IOX llA'I'i:s Vln Clilciitto, MllvmuUrr " SI. I'nnl lly. Mny 19, 20, 21, Washington nnd return, $32.21. May 21, 22, 23, Detroit end return, $22. Juno 2, 3, 4, 6, Mllwaukco nnd return, $10.75. City ticket office, ICOt Farnnm strost. Telephone 281. IIIkIiI ( ii . of Vnrliilnlil. There are now lcbt chav at v.irlnlnM under the surveillance of the Hoard of Health. Thero have been twenty enses durlnif the winter, with tin dent in. The neaiui romtnissioner attribute? tne mild- iii'.hh oi mo visitation to the oflleaey or vncclnntlon. As an exnmple he gives the Instance of John Illlfunl. Tivrlitv.rlirhfh and Cumlnc .mrects. There are a' mother nun inree eniKiren in tlio ramlly. all of whom were vaccinated upon the appearance of tho disease. The mother later developed ii mild rns. of varioloid, although she had never Keen vm ciliated previous to the ex posure. The children are being viKvlrmted twice a week, but so far the Inoculation has not Seen effective. Seliouln OltnervhiK Clnx liny. The public schools this week nre observ ing clans day, an occasion preliminary to commencement, which will be elaborately observed this year by the Eighth grades. Class day programs were held Wednesday and Thursday nt the Like and Frnnklln schools. The program at the Walnut Hill school will bo given on Friday. Vneiitlon Trip lo Hie Hunt, If you arc thinking of one, communlcnto with H. R. Derlng, A. G. P. Agt., of the Pennsylvnnla Short Lines. 248 South Clark street, Chicago. Ho will help you In the preparation of details and furnish Informa tion about rates, through time, etc. Tho two Important public' work necessary to the fitting union of Omaha and the Magic City arc well under way, and from tin In spection nndo yesterday City Engineer Rosownter Is confident that tho oouthsldcM will have ample cause for the contemplated celebration on the Fourth of July. Al though the railroad companies have been granted a time extension until July 15, Mr. Rosownter believes, after n conferenro with tho engineer In charge, that tho Sixteenth street viaduct will bo open for business two weeks before that date. Tho other link needed for the perfect connection of the two cities Is Vinton street from Twentieth to Twenty-fourth. This thoroughfare has been nlmost Impassable for several year3. but It, too, will be In readiness on July 4. Tho Inspection was mado that the en gineer might assure himself that tho rail roads wcro carrylne out their contract In good faith. The assurance was needed bo cause of tho recent request for nn exten Hlon of time In view of an nlleged scarcity of Iron. Tho city engineer was fully satis fied with tho progress being matte. Tlio huge Iron spans have been raised Into place one-half tho entire length, und at tho north end the lloorlng Is being lal 1. The quality of Iron Is better, tho engineer says, thnn any used In previous vlnducts, and, in tho opinion of Mr. Rosewnter, a fifty-ton loco motive might pam over the structuro in safety. While thcrei has been some criticism of the narrowness of the viaduct, Mr. Rose wnter hi'llnvps that II will he amide for n"l the South Omaha tralllr, tho width being 1 thirty-five and one-half feet, not Including psrsagewnys. The sltlewnlKs will do live feet wldn nnd thero will bo nine feet on either sldo of tho car tracks. The abut ments have been solidly constructed of stono and at. tho southern terminus thero Is nn approach from both Sixteenth and Pierce streets. Tho structure will bo so striking architecturally and so generally satlsfafto'y, the city engineer believes, that there will bo small prcspect for tho nppell.ints now In the district court to secure damages beyond those' awarded by tho board of appraisers. Tho contract for the repaying of Vinton street has been lot to Murphy & Fanning by tho Hoard of Park Commissioners and th? contractors are only wnltinc for the street ear company to hurry on Its Improvements Tho pavement will be of red Colorado sand stono on a concrete base, so that It will ho practically Imperishable. Tho expense Is Omaha Tent and Rubber Co.. tents, nwn Ings, canvas goods, 11 and Harney, phono SSt nii:i). I nrlcr' I, It er I'lll V .1 1 1 x Tiililt'ln lilt I' lieu Wine ii r I nriliil ( ii mii i e 1 1 Mile' NiMiliic I ' I ll U Ii ll in I onipoiinil I'lei'i'i'' I'l oi'1'lplloii -l llll !'(' lltllllll Tlllllcll .. Ifiill'o Unit- Itcni'Mi'i I'aliie'M clrlM ( oliipoilliil . . V nip of l'lu . , . ViiiiiI tin r Sim t Cntli-iii'ii Cllxtoriit IVi'ilS ere mill llritlu ... IliilIV .tint I hNI.ej I'l'iimii I' rn in it's Klilnej Cure Mulled HIM. lllc. 7,'c, (inrllelil Ten Wine or ( ml l.hrr Oil 1.1c lllc . lllc 7 i lllc 7." i lllle Utic ISc 11 I ( I iille S.-ic T.'c 7.e I. in lille 7."c HECKMAN-Irs lv , nged 79 vars family residence. 41S So Stilt street Funeral Friday ut 2 30 p. tn from resl deuce. at ' CL'T PUICK nuroGisr. ( nr. Hltli ami lileumi Streets. Spirit I. like, lu.. Quickly nnd conveniently reached via the Illinois Central railroad. Round trip tickets now on sale at city ticket cHlce, 1402 Far nam street. "Hryanlsm nnd freo Hllvcr will mcot with n choerless rccoptlon at tho hands of tho electorate of Wisconsin," said H, J. Clanccy, who haa Just roturned from a visit to his old homo In Hint state. "Especially Is this truo In agricultural circles. Not In mnny years have tho farmers of Wisconsin been so prosperous. Thoy nre, by virtue of a stablo markot for farm products, realizing largo profits on their Investments. Farm prndui'tH aro Helling nt a good prlco am this, coupled with bountiful harvests, com- folno to mako the farmer's lot a happy one "A decided chnngo has occurred, too among tho debtor class. During the tlnan clal and Industrial depression which at tended tho Cleveland ndmlnstratlnn money liccamo scarce. Interest charges ndvanced nnd loans wore negotiated only on Iron-clad compacts. All this has changed. Tho Wisconsin farmer who Is a debtor today ex periences no difficulty In borrowing monoy nt f per cent, nnd those who plnced mort gages on their land four years ago at from 7 to 8 por cent have either liquidated or nro now nblo to cancel tho mortgage and hecuro a loan at 5 per cent, nnd In many Instances. nt a trlflo less. At this rato of Interest money Is nbundant. In addition to this, farm land has In tho last four years advanced In vnlue approximately 25 per cent. Farm labor has also ndvanced In price, tho farmers of Wisconsin fre quently being unable, to procure sulllclcnt help nt $20 per mouth, whereas four years ago men wcro anxious to work for $18 per month. "About tho only ono who Is complaining Is tho money lonner. Rates nf Interest have fallen so that 11 Is impnssiblo to find commercial paper at a higher rato than 5 per cent. Those who loaned money on mortgage securities four years ago at a higher rato have had to relinquish or reJuc" (ho rate to 5 per cent. This low rate of Interest, this plenitude of money, has greatly stimulated agricultural and manu facturing industries, so that in agricultural circles a lnrgo per cent of thoso who were renters havo borrowed money, purchased homes nnd nre now owners. It Is con tended (hat with prevailing prices a farmer can borrow the money at 5 per cent and conduct the business profitably. "For this reason Ilrynnlsm Is not pop ular with the Wisconsin farmer. It Is ronceded by them that llryan will bo the randldale, but not ono of tbo many I tnlked with believed he should be. They were unanimous In tbo opinion that hlB theories aro fraught with danger and that ir prvHtalll7ed Into law distress nnd suffer ing would follow. This belief g almost as generally entertained by the democrats as by tho rcpuhlirans. Wisconsin win no doubt send a delegation that will vote for llryan In the convention, but if thero he any well defined opposition tho delegation from that state will bo ajjnlnst him. Lead ing democrats with whom I conversed freely expressed tho opinion that Rryan would go down In sweeping defeat nnd that Wis consin would give McKInley tho largest ma jority ever given a candidate lu that state. ' I'or ii Summer Online. Tho Rocky mountain regions, reached v a tho Union Pacific, provldo lavishly for the liealth of tho Inralld nnd tho pleieiuro of tho tourist. Amid these rugged streps are o bo found nomo of tho most charming an I restful spots on earth. Fairy lakfi'. nratlel mld sunny peaks and climate that cheera and exhlluratrs. Tho summer rates put in effect by tho I'nlon Pacific enable you 10 reach theso faored localities without unuec rreary oxpei.dltuto of time ur monoy. In effect June 21, July 7 to 10 Inclusive, July 18 nnd August 2. One fnre, plus $2, for tho round trip from Missouri river to Den vor. Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Ogden and Salt I-akd City. Return limit OHober 31st.. 1900. City Ticket olllco 1302 Farnam bt'. Tel. 316. SATURDAY JUNE 2, 1900. Watch US on the above named date, for It all slzns fall not we shall set a now mark In tho way of "SODA FOUNTAIN OPUNINCJS." Tho "ONVX Ql'EE'N"' will be formally "opened "-ehrlstened-SATl'HDAV. JUNE 2. (It's renlly open now and dispensing thirst-slaking beverages every day by the thousund.) On SATl'HDA Y, JUNE 2. we have l.tvxi beautiful aluminum Pin Trnys to give nway to the first thousand ladles who patronize the "Onvx Queen." Also about 3.0 tarnation pinks (artlllclal, but exquisitely perfumed). Remember the time, place nnd event. "ONYX in i:i:." DAY SATIIinVY, ,HB 2. Sherman &. McConnell Drug Go I nr. Illlli mill limine Sim., Omulin. Are you in terested in laL ingpictures If not we can Intercut you. We have tho lnrgcst nssortmcnt of KODAKS AND CAMERAS out of New York and cnn advise, you Just what to get. PRKMOS, TOCOS, KODAKS, VIVES, CYCLONES, RAYS and all other good make. Wrlto to us or call beforo purchasing. Our prices aro lowest, our selection largest. The Robert Dempster Co., 1215 Farnnm St. YVhnlmnlc mill Itetull Driller In l'lmlo Siiupllca. Send us your Developing nnd Printing. Writs nds. Soil cuts. Print anything. Btonecypher, 1201 Howard et. Tel. 1310. HAYDEHs fine Shoes Oxfords and Slippers On sale at Manufacturer's Prices. The latest styles and best makes in black and tans. A whole profit less than other dealers sell them. 'IQn for child's fin patent leather strap, 75c slippers, with turn eoles, sizes 2 to 5. A On for child's lino kid, soft sole, S5c shoe, in pink, white, blue and chocolate colors, sizes 1 to 4. 7p for child's fine kid $1.00 strap slippers, in tans - an(i blacks, sizes 5 tt S. Qftr for ladies' fine kid $1.35 strap slippers with turn soles, sizes to S. R1 lor lnflie3 ino vicl ki(l oxford tie3, turn and ipi.cJO flexible soles, tan or black, sizes 'JA to 7. width A to KM QfA QQ for ladies' fine vici kid $a and 83.50 hand turn ed lace shoes, all sizes and widths. (21 0 48 for men's line vici kid $3.50 and $4.00, welt LyU solo lace shoes, all sizes. HAY DEN BROS DO YOU WEAR A BELT? Wo are showliiK a new lino of dog collar bolts 76e $1.(0 and $1,50 good styles, Ili-lt Ruckles from 60c to $5.M, Pulley Ilelt Rlne from 23c up. Spend n few I minutes at our store, jajuiv tun tiik kajik LINDSAY, the Jeweler, lf Hi Dougluft. is BOSTON STORE'S Price for Regent $3.50 MEN'S SHOES. ; Tr?rr You know the Shoes. Better buy Quick. $3.50 Stock of REGENT Sold. SHOES Al A. HoMMilitinli .t Co.. Drrnimlilrr St, i HiiMiiti, .Mikn,, Si'IIk Tlirlr Kntlrc stock of men's ItEOKNT $3.C0 SHOES to DOSTON STOItK, OMAHA, And they AIU2 ON SALE NOW AT $J.J5 PAIR. Metisifi. J. Iv, Ilrnndels & Sons, proprietors Hoston Store, tnko pleasure In announcing to tho public of Omaha that they have he cured the above stock of the celebrated KEOENT $3 50 SHOE KOH MEN, And that these shcon aro nil In tho very newest fctylw; every one of them wero mado to sell for Jlt.no. THE PIUCE AND THE NAME 13 STAMPED ON THE SOLE OK EVEKV PA1U. The stock consists of men's black and tan kid and calf lace and congress shoen. In all tho very latest and newest styles of toes, medium welsht welt sole, made to sell at J.r.'O; ull ko at ono price, $2.2S pair. Wo havo plnced this etitlro lot of nhocs on tho main llnor in tho men's shoe de partment In tho original cares, just as they camo to us. We will reserve tho rlKht tn Bell these Hhoes only to ordinary ciihtomers; dealers will not bo allowed to buy them. This Is another one of those shoo Bales of oum which goes' to show that wo do what no other shoe dealer can. A few weeks oro wo eold tho celebrated Douglas shoes at Just half price, and now wo am SELLING THE $3.S0 UEOISNT SHOES FOR $2.25. And so It Roes nil through tho entire year In our whole establishment. IIOSTON STORE, OMAHA, N W. Cor. ICth and Douglas Sts. 12 The Clearing Sale H OF Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits 4 , Continues for Friday and OUIUI UUJ. ..$10.00 . .$12.75 . . $1-1. 75 . .$10.50 . .$18.75 Selling Suits for $ 0.75 worth Selling Suits for $ 0.75 worth. Selling Suits for 0.75--worth . Selling Suits for $ 1). 75 worth Selling Suits for $ .). 75 worth , Selling Suits for $ '.). 75 worth $2'..50 Selling Suits for $K5.75 worth ''..00 Selling Suits for $iy. 75 worth $;5.C() Selling Suits for $1 a. 75 worth $15.00 See Farnam street window for information. See the stock in tho department for proof. THE FINEST SHOES In All Omaha at Lower Prices Than Anyone Else Dare How's This? YOUR MONEY BACK OR A NEW PAIR OF SHOES If they come from this store and are not satisfactory. 8 Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Tan Tan Tan Tan Tan Shoes Shoes Shoes Shoes Shoes $1.50 $1.75 $1,90 2.50 $2890 worth worth worth worth worth $2.50 $3.00 $3.25 $3.50 $-1.00 Wo present in our show windows and in our stoek the most extcnslvo nnd beautiful line of footwear for men, wonion, toIsscb, boys and children shown here or elsewhere. Shoes from Most Famous Makers Edwin C. Burt Co., Trimby & Brewster, Ford, Flors- helm, Plant, eic . In every up-tn-dato stylo for every tiso and tor all occasions. Wo show light, dainty. drcy shoes, In kid and patent leather. Street shoes. In kid and calf, light and heavy woles. OutlnB Hoots for wheeling, Bolting, etc. Shoes for tramping and for all-around wear. Slippers in leather, silk, satin and brocade. The very latest shapeH and most fashionable leathers are shown. Everyono can find shoes to lit them In our magnificent stock. Special shapes for ntout peoplo. as woll as for extra slim feet. Terfect fitting and -wearing ahoca for ovorybody, In prices from $10.00 a pair down. Beauty, Ease and Comfort in Every Pair Your extra special attention is called to the magnificent now styles of uprlng shoes for ladles and gentlemen. In black, tans and patent leather, at LADIES' OXfORDS. A complete line of ladies' oxfords, in tan or black, all of this spring's styles,- $1.25 to $2.50 MMHMHHUSltfflYl'luliUI A Sacrifice Sale of Clothing at HAYDEN S $20 $300 $350 4 Sg and Sg Don't be fak A By Cheap Imitation. There is only ono place where you can got the Genuine Regent Shoe We make them and supply our own stores, but never sell to outsiders or department stores. Tho genuine Kegent shoo is never sold for loss than $2.50 and $3.50 and when wo sell at these prices you save $1.50 on every pair. Remember, that wo sell you the genuine Regent shoo. Regent S hoe Company 205 South 15th Street. Profits aro lost sight of in this sale. We lose them wisely. You may gain them wisely. This movement is con sistent with an inviolable rule wo never permit our suits to I linger. As tho season is getting pretty far advanced wo place our entire clothing stock in this sacrifice sale. The prices range from 2.75 to $15.00 in mon's wear. They are made in all tho late colors and up-to-date fabrics, and tailored by such woll-known firms as II. S. & M., Michaels, Stern tfe (Jo,, Hack et, Carhart & Go. , and we guarantee tho goods, fit and stylo equal to tailor-made suits at ready-made prices. f wo Bnow sints "l Pl,re wor- J7l kpt-tA kJ Bt(;(li cntS8jmoro au( choviot material in stripes, plain gray and check patterns; suits in this lot worth up to $112.50 in this sacri fice sale $-1.75. Ollf fi10 HUts ar ,naLjo of lmro Washington wor- oxford grays, single or doublo breasted vests equal to Buits you seo in other stores at 15 and 18; in this sale only 10. kpiKJ iaiior-mado suit that was over turned out of a tailor shop; tho trimmings aro of tho very best, the but ton holes are mado by hand, tho staying and padding put in by hand you get garmonts that hold their shape until worn out. Thero aro about 1 10 difi'oront patterns so wo can please tho hard to pleaso. Thoy are suits that generally re tail at about 20 to 25, in this sacrifice sale at 15. HAYDEN BROS. Selling the most clothing in Oinuha. V 1