Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1900, Image 4

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Chicago Youngster Opts Up a Brand Ntw
Assortment of Benders,
Tlilrtj -Three of Them ( nmr to lint
DurlliK Hie f li'rniiiiii mill llloten
(iritccfull) Punned
Oinnhn, (It St. ,fneih, !i.
Ilt'troll. Tl MllttiiiiUi'f, tl.
InilliitinintllN, li l I ii ti i-n iol I , (I.
KitnniiN (itj, lit llulliiln. .".
( let I'lllllll, .". I llllclmo, I.
Ilfllltlll, :t .HI. IiIMIIm, m.
PltlMiuru, l ".
I lii'imu, ,"t Phlliiili'llililii. it.
n lurk, I.". (incliiniill, I.
Mr. Thomas Hughes gave an exhibition
of twentieth tetitury Nutlonnl leiigtu bn
tall pitching yesterday afternoon. Tftn
trtaRO of this Intore-ting exhibit was tlio
new diamond out on Vinton street, tho occa-,
Hon tbo llfth gumo between St. Joseph unl
Omaha, tho audience u splendid crowd of
enthusiastic roolcra, und the result a pro-
nounced victory for Omaha. Of couo
Hughes didn't win tho battlo alone, for en
all Bldia of him was an Impregnable de
fense, und though iho yellow stocking put
up a clover game they found themselves
outclastcd In a trlple-plutcd decree, fit leant
no thu score Indicated, for It was fi to 2.
That Tommy Hughes In a pitcher thcMU'l
of whom few have been mvn oulsido thu
ranks of the major league none who have
con his work can depute. His dellvety
1h fcomethlng bewildering, not only to tho
unfortunate, batsmnn who walks confidently
to tho plate bent upon .onnurtlng with
ono of tho Hughes brand, but as well to tho
onlooker who wltnemcs the spheroid go fly
ing through the air with tho force of a
bullet and a curvo that Is unmlfltikablc.
If Tom Hughew plays out tho season with
Omaha tho local Iovcj-f of tho gamo will
consider themselves favored. Thlrty-thrco
Salntd at bat and eleven of them etfuck
out. One-third the total number. Thnt'd
he wort of a performance the good-naturol
Chicago youth put on exhibition .Wednesday
fternoon and, what makes thu record evin
more remarkable, not ono of Umpire Traf
Hoy's decisions on striken hgurlng In tlune
btrlke-outs was questioned by Captain Mc
Kibbcn's band.
Tho gamo throughout on both sides wan a
1 lassie from the standpoint of the student
of bane ballology. Ilolh tean: were up nnd
lit It during tho entire two hours of play
lug, tnery man fielding hit position In a
manner almost beyond criticism. Omaha
Harted olT In the lead by chalking up a
run in tho second and doubling It In thu
third. Try as they might the Saints found
It Impossible to even overtake thl lesid,
Jcavo alone overcome- It, nnd tho Colts woro
cnnlly tho victors, due altogether to their
superb work.
Manager Ilourko nnd his family will leavo
this morning for Sioux City, returning hero
with Sioux City to open another series of
four games next Sunday. Tho Saints go to
Des Moines and will bo nceumpanled back
home by tho Des Moines team and open in
St. Jcficph next Sunday. Srcro:
Tl. O. A. K.
10 2 0
2 0 0 0
1 3 3 0
10 0 0
110 0
3 12 1 0
2 0 1 0
1 II 0 0
10 2 1
n 27 "ii i
' J I. O. A'. 13.
12 3 0
0 10 0
12 10
0 3 2 0
1 !l ) 0
13 11
0 12 0
0 0 II 0
0 0 10
1 21 10 1
0 10 0 2 '-6
Hoy, 3b
liner, If
Toman, ss
IcVlcker, cf
Tle.hsamcn, rf....
"Wilson, e
O'Conncll. 2b
Ituzon, lb
ilughcs, p
Ii (
All. If-
fitrnng, 3li I 1
CMcKlbhen, cf 3 0
Pchrall. If 0
Hall, ss I 0
Davis, lb 3 1
Hrlstow, 2b 4 0
Kilns, e .3 0
V.eltz, rf I 0
Underwood, p I 0
Totals 33 2
Omii'hu, ) I 2
St. Joseph 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0-2
Knrncd runs: Omaha, 5; St. Joseph, 1.
Two-baso hit: Iuuznn. Three-base hits:
Davis. Hughes. Huscs on balls: OlT Hughes.
4, off Underwood, 2. Struck out: liy
Hughes, 11; by Underwood, 1. Double play:
Strang to Ilrlhlow to Davis. Time of game:
StitndliiK of the Tennis. '
Played. Won. Dost P.C
Omaha 13 9 4 .602
Puobl 11 0 H .fill
Denver 1 '' 7 .BB2
Sioux City IS 7 S .1(17
St. Josepil 13 & S .35
Des Moltics 13 1 9 .303
;ami:s ok thu .vvtionai. i.KAiii i:.
lliislttn TiiUcm One front St.
ThroiiKli Hlneeii's I'ltt'liliiK.
ST. DOIJIS, May 23,-St. Louis was unable
to hit Dinecii. Wallace's stop and throw
of Collins' grounder In tho eighth was the
feature. Attendance, bftO. Score:
It.ll O.A U.I It 11. 0 A.K.
M.-llrsw, 3b. (1 2 0 0 0 Hamilton, e.f ft 1 2 0 0
lHllaiil, if.. 0 11 I 0 0 Collins, 3b.. 0 0 12 0
Donlln, cf... 0 0 1 ft 0 Tenney. lb.. 0 0 10 1 0
lluikrtt. If. 1 1 3 ft 0 Htithl. If I 3 1! ft 0
Wallace, kh. ft ft 4 5 1 Harry, 0 0 111
Jli ibmii, lb. 1 1 11 2 ft Kieem'n, rf. 1 1 1 ft 0
Kelster, 2b.. 0 0 1 2 0 liwe. 2b.... ft 1 3 r. ft
Itolilnsou, c. 0 1 6 2 0 Sullivan, e.. 0 0 2 2 0
YoiiliK, p.... 0 Oil 0 DInpcn, p... 11120
St. lAiuls
Huston .
27 12 l Totals .. 3 27 11 1
0 0 0 2 0 (I 0 0 0 J
001 2 000003
Karneil tuns:
St. Louis, 2: Hoston
Two-baso hit: Stuhl. Tbree-baso hit: Stabl.
Koine runs: McOaiin, Kreeman. Missed
third strike: Hoblnson. Passed lialls: Hub
Inson, Sullivan. Struck out: Hy Young, 4;
Stolen base: Dlncen. Tlino of game: l:f,U.
Inuiire: OD.iy.
Ilrotil.lyit I, uses lo PIMhIiuvk.
PITTSHl'IUi. Pa. M,i 23 - The Pltls
burg knni ked Howell oft the ruhbi r in the
tiixth limine and won lib re and then Wad
dell was wild and wus taken out after tho
A Boon to Parents.
Omaha Parents Will Profit
Experience of Another.
Among ull elapses of peoplo wo 11 nil chll-
Iren suffering front weak kidneys. Tho In
lelllgcnt mother knows that this Is not a
habit and sciirchen for a remedy. It Is
lomethitig very hard to relieve, and the
family physician tells her that the child will
prow out of it In time. Sometimes they do
ind HometltncH they do not. In tho mean
time annoyance and embarrassment Is tho
remit. If anyone knows n remedy, is it not
on net of charity, is It not a duty, to make
It public? Should selfishness or pride keep
It concealed? Mr. Win. V. Allen, sch ml
teacher, 240S Indiana street, has used Doan'i
Kidney I'llH In his frailly, and makes the
following Htatement for tho henellt of anxl
mm parents nr.d tho relief of Interesting lit
tlo children:
Mr. Allen sayi: "After an attack of
measles our Utile glrl'a kidneys must have
been loft In n weak condition for tho action
of tho kidney secrotlona was too frequent
Thinking that what was a good preparation
for adults could bo need nu children In re
duceil doses 1 procured a box of Doan
Kldnoy Pills at Kuhn & Co.'h drug rtore,
corner of 1Mb nnd Douglns sts., and com
menced tho treatment. They did tho child
u great deal of good. . I endorso Donn'.H Kid
ney Pills."
For sale b all dealers. Trice Cu cents.
Mailed by Koster-Mllhurn Co., Iluftnlo, N.
Y., so'.o agentf for Iho I . S,
Ilrmember the name, Doan's, and take no
f-nn-Mi mrilng llrookMi mld do nothing ',
Uitli t " e. 2,V Score
MTTsMino nnooict.r.v.
H II OA K I It.l! O A tt
liKiiuitr:. ,f l l 1 0 .loTicn. if... 11211
i linen, If I 1 .1 0 0 Kwlrr, rf . 1 2 t 0 0
Will nm. 10 11 O.lenn'K". ib. 0 0 7 1 0
Vt ainr. if .
i ,i. It, .
Kly. m ... .
!thriver. .
Zlmmer. r...
Wnddsll. p..
Chesbro, p..
Total ..
Ilrtoklyn .
2 2 110 Klley. If . I 1 10 0
1 0 U 1 0 Iiriln. m.. 1 n a I
1 2 I 0 I 'row. 3h .
. 0 0 1 3 1
. M A A
1112 Oilemont. Mi. 1 I 3 2 o
0 I S 0 1 McOttlre, e . 0 0 2 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 Unwell, p... 0 0 I 1 0
n.o 1 3 o.McOln'lj-, po 0 0 0 o
0000 0
- TotaU ..5 w SI 11 i
S 9 K 11 l1
0 0 0 0 ft 0 0 S
0 0 0 I 0 1 0 0 0-5
Two-Iwsb tl 1 1 ft t Wagner, Kelley. Three
base hlt: Hetttimotit, Wagner, Keelcr.
Stolen base: O'Hrlen, William, Demont.
Doubles plays: WngtieT tn Cooley, Dabletl
to Demont to Jennings, r'lr-it base on bulla:
Off Waddell, 3. ofT Choshro 5; olf Unwell,
I. lilt by pitched b.ilU Jones, Jennings.
Struck out: lly Wadded, J. 'lime of gume;
2:20. L'mplre: Hurst.
i f I 111 tit HeiilN the
CHICAGO. Mny Zt.-Plutt started In like
tt whirlwind today, striking out the tlr.t
two men up, Philadelphia going to the
front at the tnrt by bant hit tin,?. Hrlf
llllt steadied lifter the third und from then
on wan it puzzle, while Piatt wus easy lifter
the fourth. Attcmlunre, S.vrt. Score:
cniirAtio Philadelphia.
It 11 O.A.U.i h.ii o.a n
fhlMit. !li.. 1 0 1 2 I Tl.nni.ia. if.. 0 0 4 0 0
Mi-rten, cf... 0 1 0 0 1 Slnjrlp. If.... 0 0 10 0
ityHn. Vr..
iin u-ien ty. it), i - u
Mnwif, If 1 0 10 o Lnjoio, "h... 1 .1
Ojn.JJJj. "J;;; '.- j j J,' J
t I
1 0
t A
Mct'or'k. m. 0 a 4 3 OUolv'i'n. 2b o o 1 o l
J'hanw. c... I t 1 1 0Cro-n, .... o 13 5 0
i mink nut?, m. w u u u i iail I) v u i v
atllllth, p... 113 10. .. 3 10 II 11 2
Totals .. f, 10 27 13 21
Chicago 0 1 0 0 '1 1 1 0 r.
l'lllladelphhl S 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-3
Humeri runs: Chicago, ,1; Philadelphia, 2.
Left on bases: Chicago, I; Philadelphia, 7.
Two-bane hits: (iuuzel, Chance. Three-base
hits: l,nJole. Kllck. Homo run: Orllllth.
Saerllle- bits: llradlev (2). Stolen bason:
Merit x. Single, Dclelmnty, Kllck. Doilblo
plays: llradley to Oanzel; I.ajnle to Cros
to Delehatity. Struck out: lly fitlllllh, 2;
by Plntt, 2. Rises on balls: Off Orllllth,
3; off plait, 1. lilt with ball: McCormlck,
Kllck. Time: 2:12. t.'mplre: Swurtwootl.
(limits In l.iit'K",
CINCINNATI May 23.-Italn stopped tho
game for ti period of twenty minutes on
two occasions In the last half of the third
Inning todny. Scott found a wet hall dlf
llcult to plti h and six hits und four errors
gave the New Yorks nine runs. Doheny
was wild but effective. Attendance. 1(J.
It. II O.A.E.
V.inll'n, cf . 3 2 3 0 I)
Olrunon, 2b. 2 3 7 3 1
SUdliarh, If.. 1 3 3 0 0
JluvK ss... 3 3 3 6 0
Il.H O.A.n.
.MeHrlclP, rf. 2 2 1
f) 0
Oflcr, cf.... 0 1 4
0 1
Ilfckley, lb.. 0 0 2 1 C
Wo.1,1, r...r. 0 1 li 3 ft
Smith, If.... 0 1 1
0 0 (irmly, lb... 2 2 7 0 0
0 2 Mercer, if... 3 1 1 0 0
I'orcorsn, us 0 0 0
Irwin, .11 1 1 1
Stflnf'dt. 2h 0 0 3
Peltf, t'-lb.. 0 0 6
Hcntt, 1 0 0 0
Ntmlon, p.. 1 0 0
2 0 Hickman, 3b 1 1 1 1 1
4 llltower'ii, c. 1 2 2 1 0
0 O.Doheny, p... 110 2 1
1 1
1 0
Totals ..13 17 27 13 3
Total ..4 II 12
Cincinnati 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 (
Now York 1 1 !) 0 0 2 2 0 '15
Karned runs: Clnrltitintl ! Wiv York. 7.
Two-base hits: VaiiHaltret'i, Selbach, Urtidy,'
.11111111. 1 111 cc-u,i!.r nu: an 1 iiiureii. 1011
ble play: llowerman to Oleason. Klrst base
on halls: Off Newton, 1; oft Doheny. S. Hit
ty pitched hall: Doheny, 1. Struck out: lly
Doheny. 2; by Newton. 7. Passed ball:
llowerman. Time of game: 2:20. Umpire:
StiindliiK of I In- Tenuis.
Played. Won. Dost P.C.
Philadelphia 25 17
Hrooklyn 21; ifi
Chicago 2S Vi
St. Jvmla 2fi H
Pittsburg 28 13
Cincinnati 25 11
New York 2o S
lloMton 23 6
lletroll llriiKs Our Out of I lie I' ire liy
I't'fiillnr l.ut'Uy l'lnys.
DHTIIOIT. Muv 23. -Detroit eiituo lo lint
In the ninth today two runs behind. Shaw,
who was batting for Yengcr, knocked out
a single and Casey got his base on bnlls.
rrisK maun a iwo-oase nil, scoring Hliaw,
and Holmes tot to llrsl on an error by
Anderson. Ilettcer hit McAllister nnil
forced In the tying run. nnd when Hurley
muiiu 11 1111 10 center me game was won.
I wo bases on Iml m una Ycacor s wild
throw were responsible for Milwaukee's
tlvn in tho seventh. Attendance, 1.OU0.
it. 11. o.a r 1 it. ii. o.a n
asey, 3b.... 2 2 12 OlWulilron. rf. 0 2 2 0 0
i:il'rfelil. s2()0 I 0 flurry. tf....O 0 2 0 ft
Krlsk, rf.... 110 0 OlConroy, t.. 0 0 12 0
Holmes, If.. 0 1 e 0 0. Anderson, lb 2 2 5 0
MeAI's'r, 2b ft 2 ft 3 0 Killtz. If 113 1
Hurley, cf.. 0 3 0 1 ft IteU. 2b.... 113 2ft
Dillon, lb... 0 117 I 0 llurke. 3b... 1 ft 4 2
ray, rf-ss.. 0 112 0, Veneer, c... I J I 3
Hyaii. e 1110 l lletteer, p... 0 0 0 4
1 eager, p ft 2 1
Totals .. 6 S'21 It 3
Totsls ,. 7 15 27 15 3
None out when winning run scored.
"Hutted for Yeager In ninth.
Detroit 1 10 0 10 10 3
Mllwailkeo 01 0 000500 6
Kurneil runs: None. Two-baso hits
Hurley, Anderson, Casey, Holmes. Krlsk.
Three-base hit: McAllister Sacrifice hit
Holmes. Klrst base 01. balls: liy Yeager,
by Hetteer. 2. Hit by Ditcher: Hy Hett-
ger. 2. Klrst base on errors: Detroit, 3. on uases: i;etroit. 10: .M iwauKee. z,
tsirucK out: ny Yeager. 1. uounie ptays
ueiiz to 1 onroy to Anderson: tiray to
Dillon. Time: 2:00. Umpire: McDonultl.
Tie (iitme at lndliiiiniiolls.
INDIANAPOLIS. Mnv 23.-Indlnnanolls
and MlnnenpollH played 11 tie game this
afternoon, uurnness interfering arter the
ninth Inning. Met aim and Gardner both
pitched good hall. Attendance, 1 sou. Score
H.H O.A I. I ll.II.O.A n
It,Kr'er, rf 2 1 1 ft ODnvls. cf.... 1
Hiuui'l. If.. 1 1 3 1 OWIImot. rf. 1
ft 0
1 0 1
0 0
3 0 o
1 2 0
0 1 0
1 2 1
7 1 0
1 1 1
MiiRo.m. 2b. 1 2 5 .1 1 Lilly, If 1
SeyboM, cf. ft 0 2ft 0 Wenlen. lb. 0
Madison, ss. 1 1 1 2 2 Nance, 3b... 1
Kelly, lb.... 0 0 ! ft ft Alii v. 2b... 0
Heyilon, e... 1 2 4 2 ft Smith, ss.... 2
lllrkey. 3h.. ft 2 1 2 0 IMxnn, c 0
lliirilner. p.. 0 0 0 2 0 McCann, n.. 0
Totals .. 0 9 27 14 3l TotaH .. 6 10-M 7 3
Kelly out for Seybold's Interference.
Indliinnnolls 2 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0-r,
Minneapolis 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 2 0-G
Haset on balls: Off Gardner, 0: off Mc
Cann, 3. Struck out: uy Gardner, 3; by Mc
Cann, 7. Wild pitches: Gardner, 3. Hit by
iltehed hall: Hy .McCann. 3, Tliree-baso
hit: I. ally. Knrncd runs: Indlnnanolls. 2:
.Minneapolis 3. S.icrillce hits: .Ma goo 11, Wll-
1110I Double play: lieydnn to ."Slacnotl.
Stolen base: Magoon. Passed ball: Dixon.
Left on buses: Indianapolis, 1; .Minneapolis,
10. Time of name: 2:10. Umpire: Sheridan.
Illiies Turn llnttt-rn.
HUFFALO. May 23.-Nelther Hooker nor
Kt rn louhl foot tho Kansas City batters
with their nltchini;. Tho feature was
o Hrlen's hitting, getting to llrst live times
on hlis. tlireo of which were insldo tho
llamond. Attendance, you. Score;
n.ii.o.A.r.. n n o.A.c.
Cifttman, cf 1 3 2 0 0 Hemphill, rf 3 3 2 0 0
Khwiron, rf . 0 1 0 0 1 Wnnner, ss. 1 1 1 2 0
IUIIIK.111. If 3 3 3 0 ilO'llrlen, If.. 2 5 10 0
lliillni.iil, 21) I 3 3 4 1 DuiUTHn, lb. 1 2 12 ft 1
Shrec'K't, lb 1 0 l.'i 1 0 l urrell, cf. . . 1 1 2 1
Miilih. .... 0 3 ft ft 1 Coughlln, 3h 1 2 1 1
Amliows, 3b 0 0 0 3 0 Soh.iefcr. Ib 1 0 fi 1
Hpeer. c 0 0 2 2 0 Wilson, c.
2 0
0 1
llnuKer. p.., o 11 u s u raurn, p
Kern. p.. .. 0 0 1 3 0
"Cursey .... 0 0 0 0 0 Totals
.11 18 :
6 1
Totals .. 0 13'2'i 20 3
"Hatted for Kern In ninth.
Wilson out In fourth; hit by batted ball.
Huffalo 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-5
Kansas City 1 X 1 3 0 0 2 2 1-11
Darned runs: Huffulo, 3; Kansas City, S.
Two-base tilth: Smith, llalllgau. Mailman.
Hemphill. Dungun. Wilson. Wagner. Stolen
bases: Gettnnin (21, Schrecongost, O'Hrlen,
Hemphill. Double pirns: Andrews to Speer
to Kern to Hiillmun, Smith to Ilallmun to
Si hreconeoi't. Farrell to Duugnit First
base on balls; Off Hooker, 1; off Kern, 1;
olT Patten 1. Wild pitches: Kern, 1; Pat
ten. I Time of game: 1:30. Umpire: Jo
seph CalitHllon.
MfAleer's Hand IIiiIiik lliilne,
CLHVKLAND May 2J.-Clovelund played
magnificent ball today and nearly succeeded
In shutting Chicago out. Two double plays
were of tho lightning order. Chicago could
do nothing with Hart, Attendance,
It H.O A.K I It II O A K
IMkr'R. if. 0 1 3 0 0 Hoy, cf 0 0 2 0 0
While, rf . 1 1 2 o o Mc Kurl'il , rf 0 I S o o
tirnliu. 3b . 1 ' 1 1 0 Iboille, If. . 0 1 I ft 0'lt't'C, lb- 0 3 10 0 0 I Iiirtm n. Jh 1 0 1 0 0
lllerb'r, 2b.. 2 12 3 O'fliiienrt. m. ft 1 1 4 0
Spies, o I 2 4 ft 0 Paildtn. 2b.. 0 0 13 0
Vlnx, ss 0 2 3 4 O.Dowfl, lb....O 0 11 2 0
lloffer, U....0 ft 2 1 0. Huckley, c. 0 0 2 ft 1
Hurt. p.
0 o o : ft Kataii, p.... o o o : 1
Totals .
11 27 11 0 Totals .. 1 3 24 11 !
0 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 '-5
00000010 0-1
Chit ago
Knmcd runs; Cleveland, !. Two-base lilts;
Lucrum r (.1 Three-base hit 8Pj"
rifle hit: I offer. Hnes on balls on oar ,
Slnuk out ll.v 1 art, Hoy, M. Kn Ha iti,
Knioll. by Kntotl. Vlox. lilt b l,1l,,,r,d
bal : Hv Hart. Ilarlman (2) t Vlld pitch,
llnrt. Passed tall: Huckley Double plnys;
lloffer to lllerbauer; Ocnltis to Uler b.iuer ;i
lChanee: Dowd (unassisted). I-eit on
i.-J- Clnvelnnd. 6: Chicago. 3. Time of
game: 1:25. 1'mplro: Krank Dwyer.
... -t. n n ....
Played. Won. host. P C
Indlannpolls 2i
Mllwitukep in
Chicago g
Cleveland 2-'
Minneapolis 29
Kansas City 2?
Huffalo -!
Detroit 2b
44s I
.34 j
Wnslilnini llrfenln .NrlirnsUn.
NOHTII TOPIIKA. Kan., May 23.-(Spe-rial
Telegram l-Nebruska was beaten In
n closely contested game today. Nebraska
outbatted the preachers, but was wl
lucky and had two more errors. "Ml
burn plays a return game In Uneoliw r
day, when Nebraska expects to retrieve
her defeat of today. The team P ay St
Mary's in the morning and then leaves for
Lincoln, score:
Nebraska 0 1 1 I 0 0 0 0 0- fi 10 8
Washburn .... 0 2 1 2 0 3 0 0 0- 8 7 r.
Hatterles: Nebraska. Iltlss find Rhodes;
Washburn, Clramley and Btiilil.
ColleKe lliimos,
NKW 1IAVKN, Conn., May SS.-Ynle."!;
''imkIaipaion. III., May ra.-llllnols, 9;
Chlcauo, I.
Will Sleet Toilny mill SIk" the
Arlleltn fur a .Mill 1"
.A tIKiist.
NKW YOHK, May 23. Jim Jeffries and
Tom Sharkey will meet tomorrow after
noon nnd sign articles ior n hkoi
gust, probably at Coney Island, for the
world's championship. Sharkey is already
matched to light Kid McCoy on June 2.
vi'.vici: nvnvrs at mohius pa inc.
Yiitcnlii Cnittiires Hip (Jnlfly In n
Hotly Coiiti'Htct! Hnce.
NKW YOHK. Mny 23.-The Onloty, for
nnd tho VanCortlalidt. for 3-year-olds
and upwnrd, were the stake features
at Morris park today. The last named
proved to be one of the best races at the
meeting, three horses llnislilng heads apart.
vulrnln, tile lavorue, nun a. mimic ine nei
ter of It In the last sixteenth nnd managed
to win bv a short head on the post. Klnnl
itimiir closed with Erent rush nnd was
only a neck away. The Gaiety stakes went
to the second choice, Sweet Lavender, nfter
II ClCVOr ruce. IlCLUUie mm r,uii, mi ,
coupled as the Wnlden entry, wero favor
ites, but finished far back. Results:
First rare, liuruie nnnuicup: iuon o ur
won, Dr. Klcbberg second, Shlnfune third.
rime: a:u'i. . , .
9.,nti,l nice, six fnrloncs: Gold Lace won.
Queen !oulsc second, Lime Llsht third.
Time: i:i2',4.
Third race, live furlongs, selling: Ondurdis
won, Gold Heels second, Scurry third.
Time: 1:00.
Konrth race, the Galetv stakes, live fur
longs: Sweet Lavender won. .Mary McCoy
second. Princess third. Time: 0:4S'i-
Fifth race, tho VanCortlalidt hlghwelgbt
handicap, seven furlongs: Vulcnln won, All
Gold second, Klnnlklnnlc third. Time:
Sixth race, seven furlongs: First Whip
won. Precursor second, Sparrow Wing
third. Time: 1:2S',-.
Money nt St. I.011I11 About Hvrnly
Split t p Hot rinlslifN.
ST. LOUIS, May 23.-Hettors nnd book
makers spilt about even at the fair grounds
today. Tho card offered contained no stake
events and In this re.poct It wns nn olT
day. The sport, however, was characterized
by several exciting llnlshes, which stirred
the big crowd to a high state of enthusiasm.
Odnor and Sir Gatlan were tho only win
ning favorites, tho balance of the card go
Ins to two heavily played second cholce.-t
and two outsiders. The weather was pleas
unt and tho track fast. Itesults:
First race, selling, six furlongs: Cnsllne
won. Sumlvel second, Hungry Hill third.
Time: 1:1C.
Second race, selling, C-yenr-old.. live fur
lonss: Odnor won. Small Jack second,
South Hreczo third. Time: 1:02.
Third race, selling, one mile: Sir GuMaii
won, Mystery second, Purolo l'Or third.
Time: 1;13U.
Fourth race, handicap, one mile nnd sev
enty yurds: King" Highness won. Pinochle
second, laureate third. Time: 1:43?.
Fifth race, handicap, six furlongs: Trl
ndltza won. Miss Mae Day second, Also
Han third. Time: 1:11.
Sixth race, selling, six furlongs: Annie
Oldtleld won, Sldduhla second, Lady Cur
zon third. Time; 1:15'.;.
One JocUv Hides Three Winner.
CINCINNATI, May 23. Jockey Holnnd
nrriKfl off the rldlnc honors at Newport
today by riding the winners In the three
inui rucea St Iver. n Dorhv candidate.
stnrted for the llrst time this season In the
last race, hut arter leading uu ine wny un
til a few yards of the wire, ho finished In
fourth place. Weather cloudy, track fust
nnd betting very oris, itesuus:
First race, one mile selling: Osman won,
Hlenhelm second, Dandy H third. Time:
1 in.
Second race, six and one-half furlongs:
Unsightly won. Nettle iiegent second
1,-lr.iirnn third. Time: 1.21U.
Third race, four and one-half furlongs:
McAddle won. Drogheda second, Pacquetln
third Time: 0:f4..
Fourth race, handicap, one mile and fifty
yards: Kberhardt won, Klnja second, Snl
varz third. Time:
Fifth race, six furlongs, selling: Fair
Deceiver won, Gld Law second, You'me
third Time: 1:15.
.Sixth race, ono mile: Zelmet won, Stiver
Coin secona, j'.ngnursi iniru. iime:
ItesultN nt I.nUeslde.
CHICAGO. May 23. Weather clear and
track good at Lakeside today. Hesults:
Klrst race, four and one-half furlongs:
Kid Cox won, uoDori wauueu seconu, cogs
well third. Time: 0:Mit.
Second race. 0110 und one. sixteenth miles
Holdup won, Julius Caesar second, Domsle
tniru. lime: :ta-j,
Third race, six furlongs: Mlnyon won,
Miss Shanlcy second, nan .Mateo third
Time: 1:1S .
Fourth ruce. live furlongs: Honson Cald
well won. Sad Sam second, Lily Pantland
third. Time;
Fifth ruce. one mile: Heroics won. Rosa
vannah second, Oxnard third. Time:
Sixth race, six furlongs: Her Favor won,
Orion second, irma s nurd. Time: 1:10.
Seventh race, ono nnd nne-slxteenth miles
Holllns won, Thomus Carey second, Hluo
Lick third. Time: l;4SV.
IIcniiIIh of ColleKe Meet,
MITCIIKLL, S. D., Muy 23.-(Speclul.-
The entire tluniuial report or the inter'
cntlcclittc athletic contest, which was hcl
ill tills city last week, was not entirely
completed when It was given to your 01
resnondent for publication. The total re
ceipts of the two tlnys amounted to Jii72,
and after tho expenses were paid each col
lege received as Its portion the sum of
Ji.40. This Is said to be the largest divi
dend that has ever been mmle as the
result of the contests which have been
held In the past and puts the association
In tlno shape for Its annual meetlnir next
year. The silver loving cup win he neinflrme nine ngo dpi ween .uuyr rvuuy nnu
by Mitchell for the coming year and will 1 mji. Mitchell, Hit latter wlil go on du.y
t.. ,. t .1,1 frtV 111 Mia linvl .,1 11 11 I ,, nf 1
11,1 I U1IIIP1I II III, 1,1 ,,- IIVAI w.
the association. The cup has noun won
successively by Vermillion. Yankton and
Mitchell. To retain permanent pnshrslon
of it n college must win It three times.
Kit-Ill Meet lit Hebron.
IIKHHON, Neb, May 23 -(Special. 1
tho second uiiiiuul meiilng of ' tho athletic
teams of the Falrbury and Hebron High
schools, held at the fair grounds this after-
noon. Hi brim won bv n score of CI to 33.
KuntnrofhfnekVt,nfS tlmi0 Hebro.rtook
tirst tirl7.ii In everv event except the pole
vault. In which their best man was ruled
out, and the half-mile run Prof. Andersen
of tho University of Nebraska rerereed the
games. Over 100 Falrbury people came up
to witness tho sports.
Trnel." Heel nl Tnlitir,
TAHOH, In., May 23. (Special. ) A truck
meet between Donne and Tnhnr rol leges
will be held here May 31. There are
twentv-four entrlos and the contest prom
Ises to be most Interesting.
Propose (inn Sbool.
NOHTII PLATTK. Neb.. May 23-Spe-rial.)
Another match between the local
gun club and the Grand Island team has
been announced, the date not havlnc yet
been decided. The shoot will lift held some
time within the next month and the stakes
will bo $100 a side. An effort will be made
to have the match como off here. The
I homo team will begin practice at onco
and Its memners expect to win inn piiooi.
as they almost defeated Grand Island a
week ugo with only u pickup team.
('liens i'oiirniiiiiriit lies 11 1 1 a.
PAHIS, Muy 23. Tho three drawn games
from tho second, third nnd fourth rounds
of the International Chessmastcrs' tourn
anient were replayed today and resulted
ns follows: Schlecter beat Hliowulter,
Mason defeated Mortimer and Muroczy
disposed of Hlscn.
. '
It wan reporlcl he.c yes c nay nun tno ,
Union Patlflc Ilallrnad company had aban- I
doned Its Intention of making any improve
ments hero this summer. Some time ugo !
.1.1- . 1 . 1..., 1.. 1
. cumjmiiy purcaasc.i ... 1 . ,
the northern part of the city with tho Idea
of laying another doublo track between this
city und Omaha und enlarging Its yards.
Through the dimdeine of the city council the
railroad company failed to secure the vaca
tion of certain stub-ends of streets between
Commercial street and tho railroad tight of
way nnd at a recent meeting cf the council
a,n ,,.!. i .h r:.tlrn,i,t enmtiitnv I
tho proposition of the railroad company was
According to the plans made at the time
this tract of laud wus purchased the Inten
tion wus to spend about $260,000 here. A
new passenger depot was ptojcctol and nlfo
a viaduct across tho tracks to the stork
yards. An oiliclal of the railroad lompauy
who wns In tho city yesterday said the
company had abnndonod nil Its pl.ius for
South Omaha for the time being. Other work
of Importance l occupying tho attention of
tho olllclals Just now nnd It may be a year
before nny movement Is roado toward Im
proving nnd enlarging the trackugo facili
ties here. As for tho proposed viaduct, this
official said that it would not be built until
tho railroad yurds north of tho L street vlu
duct had been enlarged and tho proposed
depot erected, lly tho rearrangement of tho
tracks a viaduct will bo a necessity and this
will bo built when other work Is completed.
The Commercial club ha recently taken
an Interest in tho matter and is endeavoring
to induce tho Union Pacific to pave or ma'
cadamlze South Twenty-fourth street In re
turn for tho vacating of certain portions of
unused streets In the northern part of tho
city. Plnco the decision to abandon tho Im
provementa hero tho work of tho club will
doubtless provo futile.
Sel I Site lleslred.
Considerable Interest is being manifested In
tho selection of a slto for tho school building
lo bo erected thin summer. HeiiuiHts for
bids will be advertised for hhortly by Secre
tary llrcnnan of the Hoard of Dducatlon. Ac
cording to a resolution passed by the board
bUch must bo located between J nnd Q
streets nnd Twenty-second und Twenty
sixth streets.
As the school district own property west
of Twenty-fourth street It appears to be the
Intention to locate the new building cast of
Twenty-fourth street. As there Is a now
school house south of N street It Is likely
that n slto north of N street and cast of
Twenty-fourth street will bo most deslra
bio In order to relievo tho crowded condition
of tho Ccnttnl itchool building. Whllo 110
prlco has been set for a slto It Is tho Inten
tion of tho board to expend about $30,000 In
a building nnd site. At tho ordinary cost of
ward scho3ls, $22,000, a balance of $S,000
will Ic left for a slto and It Is elated that
property In tho section desired cannot bo
purchased for less than $10 a foot front.
tlfluy CosIm Hit ll' lone.
Over $50,000 in city and school money
tied up on account of tho delay on tho part
of tho city council In granting liquor li
cences. This money is being held to tho
creJIt of thu treasurer nt the national banks
In tho city nnd cannot bo used to take up
warrants which uro outstanding. Hy the
granting of tho licenses now applied for tho
city and tho nchool board could use this
money nnd thus cut off an expenditure of
about $400 a month which is now being paid
as interest on warrants due. According to
law licenses should have been granted on
May 1, but thero Is no prospect now of nny
action of this sort being taken by the coun
cil until tho next meeting, which will bo on
May 2S. Warrantp are drawing 7 per cent
Interest and this runs Into big figures rap
idly when nn amount, llk 190,KK) in con
llleyt.'lt Iloail Knee.
Secretary Overton of the local Young Men's
Christian association Bays: "Tho road raco
which Is to be run next Saturday frccn Illalr
to Omaha, finishing on tho track of the
Young Men's Christian arsoclatlon park, ran
bo seen from tho excursion train which will
follow the raco for fifteen miles out of Illalr.
This train will then leavo tho racers, bring
ing tho passengers to tho park In time to sec
tho finish from the granikstand. Fort Crcok
nnd the Omaha association base hall teams
will play a tlvc-lnning gamo at the park bo
fore tho finish of tho blcyclo race, the re
mainder of tho game being played nfter all
cyclists nre in. South Omaha is well repre
sented among tho riders and It Is expected
that a largo number of South Omaha people
will witness tho race."
.Sclniltr Leave ftir Hurope.
John F. Schultz, former member of tho
city council nnd ono of tho prominent re
publican lenders In South Omaha, leaves to
day with his wifo and two children for n
Kuropcan trip. Mr. Schultz will spend a
month or more In Parln, vltdllng tho expo
sition, and will then travel through Ger
many and Switzerland, lie expects to sail
for homo from Hamburg on August 15. In
addition to his passport, Mr. Schultz has a
letter from Secretary of Stato John Hay ad
dressed to United Slates ministers and con
suls asking that he be shown overy courtesy
In hts travels. This letter was obtained
from tho Stato department through tho
efforts of Congressman .Mercer.
Kelly Courts ln e-illnnlloii.
Jn regard to the police committee Inves
tigating charged of alleged corruption
ngnlnwt Captain Allie, Mayor Kelly eald yes
torday that he was perfectly willing for tho
committee to Investigate Alllc, but ho thinks
that tho time of the committee can bo put
In to better udvantngii by Investigating
other departments of the city government.
It Is expected that iho ollee committee will
meet somo day this week to make. plans for
tho proposed Investlgntion. With thochnng'
In tho head of the pollco department, which
Is to bo mado nn iuno 1, It lo thought thai
all fartlons will lo satisfied and that with
Alllo In a HUbnrdlnatc position tho charges
will not bo pushed.
Mitchell fur Chief.
In ptir.-tuanco with nn understanding had
us tlilef of police of South Omaha on Juno
1. When thu pniPlon was first offered to
Mitchell ho declined it on nicount of tho
Hinall amount of compensation, hut of Into
ho has beta induced tn change his mind, ns
t arrangements nre to bo ma lo to lnc.-cao I'
I Jh , , , commor.e.iri.
' , , ., . t,,,.i , .. ,
with the responsibilities of the position. It
tu unrtemtnort thai Stenhen A. Alio will re
! Illalu tnl,tal" cf P'"c0 until tho mayor ices
i fit to make n chalge In this office.
(iemiini; the Si'itorn,
All of the Howtrs In the city nro being
giver, a thorough ('leaning, under the dlrec
tlcn of the city coglnorr nnd Plumbing In
spector Cook. The ;r..inhnlra arc- being opened
nnd clrnncl out, which the sewers are
Hushed with a bhe attached to a lire hy
drant. Knglnoer It Jl bald ycjtiTd.iy that
no a fclngle dollar ad been spent on tho sew
cm of the city in he last ten yctrs and that
it was time thry $1 given u thoruugh clean
ing. It Ir tho Intention of the authorities
from thli time ok to clean and Hush tho
howers nt stated liicrvala In order to prevent
their dogging. )
nothcr Cii.t'lii nt riiinn r ,
Somo time ago, there was a ctveln of
tho sloped bank ft tho north end of tho
Armour railroad lards and a Milwaukee
steam shovel wasrant for to clear tho
tracks, which we burled beneath nbout
six feet of dirt, ljirly Wednciday morning
thero was anotherlblg slldgo of dirt whleh
uearly burled the Mourn shovel from view.
A big force of ruq workoJ all day clearing
jawny tb dirt, no Mint the shoel iouPJ be1
I'i.ucn d.ick on me ;rach 1 ncse 111 t utrno
of the work expevt to have the (dentil ahoscl
nt u.irU trt.tuv '
" O"." ---'.n
lrmle I ll iulti.
Tll0 hospital May party Monday night
netted the Institution iloo. ;
A f.n torv for the canning of horse me it
"y been established at Medra. N. D. 1
Mrs. D. L. Holmes has tnirehased tit.
r0 woll by Mh or Kelly at the hospll .1
Shippers say thnt South Omaha l the
best hog maiket In the countty at tho pres
ent lime.
Over 420 cars of stock were recehod nt the
yards yesterday morning nnd ever In ,ul
wus unloaded and In pens by S o'clm k
1 suet 1 11 nieeiinu 01 tne inieeiors 01 1 11-
Union Slock Yards lotnpuny was held at t u
"'"eo of President Paxlon in Omaha est. r-
Walter Clark Is still conllned to Ills bed
hut his physician stated yesterduy that be
would recover from his Injuries If glen a
little time.
The Infant child of Mr. nnd Mrs. A c
Wnkollelil. Twenty-eighth and J streets.
wus burled nt Laurel Hill cemetery yestei
day afternoon.
It wns reported on the streets last night
that V. K. Mullen of the Omaha Pa. king
company mid Mrs. Klla T. Christ wero nnn
rled In Chicago jesterdny.
South Omaha received us tunny hogs yes
terday as were marked up at Kansas ( Iti.
H.wjo, and Hie prices paid here were higher
than nt the market on the Kuw.
It has been suggested that nil slot ma
chines bo taxed at the rate of HO a month,
the proceeds to go Into a special lire fund
for tho purchase of a steam lire engine.
The police continue to nrtest vagrants)
every night and Judge King is sending them
to the county Jail or ordering them out of
tne 1 uy us lust us tncy uro Drought be 1 org
Janitor John Keecan of the West Side
school has been suspended by members
ioecnner nnu ricenec on account or a com
plaint Hied against him by the principal of
tho school.
Thomas Golden died at the home of lr.3
parents In Nebraska City yesterday after
an Illness extending over a period of several
mouths. The deceased was formerly em
ployed nt Ciidahy's, where lie held a re
sponsible position.
Mrs. Mary Krnuss, wife of John Krnuss,
Thlrty-llrst und ti streets, died yesterduy at
the Presbyterian hospital In Omaha. Fu
neral services will be held at the fumllv
residence Thursday afternoon. Interment
at Laurel Hill cemetery.
Culture KittloniillHtK Mlet't Olllcerx.
SIOUX FALLS, S. 1)., May 23. (Sprclal
Telegram.) At tbo thirtieth annual meet
ing of tho general association of Congrega
tional churches of South Dakota, now in
si4-sIon here, tho following officers wero
today elided: Moderator, Hcv. W. II.
Thrall of Huron; nnslstunt moderator, Mr.
F. M. Wilcox of Huron; scribe. Hov. B.
Fenu Lyman of Alcitttcr; assistant tjcrltc,
Hcv. J. J. Jonm of Lako Preston; cs
asslBtant secretary, Hcv. F. M. Cutler of
Armour. Hcv. W. I). Hubbard, the perma
nent fecrntary of tho association, reported
a total cf 6,870 members, (showing a net gam
of 183, Sunday schools report an enrollment
of II.41S, a gain of 227. The nlxty-nin
I'hrUtlnn Kndeavor societies reporting show
a membership of 9,118. Tho financial con
dition of tho general association wuk shown
to bo vary good. Tho seflons are beng
well nttended nnd are proving vtTy In
teresting. A number of valuable papers
dealing with church work are to bo redd
beforo tho meeting closes.
Wyoniltiu' Crop Ctintllf Iiiiim,
CHKYUNNB, Wyo.. May 23. (Sperlal. )-
The weather for tho week ending Monday,
May 21,.waa unusually cool over tho eastern
portions of the state, but over the western
lortlons tho deficiency in temperature was
not so marked. Heavy frosts wero reported
from all stations and freshing temperatures
from nearly every reporting Ktntlon. the
minimum nt Wheatland on the morning of
tho ISth being 31 degrceri. Tho rainfall for
tho week was light and scattered except
that a good rain wus general over most nf
the etBtcrii portlouu of thu glut on the
Vegetation has not made rapid advance
ment owing to tho cold nights. The fros's
did some damage to alfalfa and gardens, hut
tho daniago will probably ho light, us tho
tender vcgetublcs were not up In many gar
dens. Grain is In good condition, seeding
Is now practically completed nnd most of th
gnrdens nnd potatoes are planted. Hang's
contlnuo in excellent condition nnd sto k Is
taking on flesh rapidly.
Ho ( ontesl Ihrr Sinllli.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., May 23. (Special )
Tho struggle for the member of tho dem
ocratic national committee has precipitated
an animated contest In this state. There Is
only one active candidate, 11. H. Smith of
Sioux Falls, but it is known a number of
others will bo brought out In tho near
Heforo the convention of Minnehaha dem
ocrats at Hartford this week, hold for the
purposo of hclectlng delegates to tho Chnm
berlaln convention, Smith pleaded earnestly
for an endorsement for the position of na
tional committeeman. Ho secured nn en
dorsement by a mnjority of only two nnd
ono-half votes out of moro than ninety in
tho convention. It Is understood that Sen
ator l'ettlgrew Is opposed to tho selection of
Mr. Smith as democratic national commit
teeman und that becauso of this the conven
tion failed to give him a more enthutlastlc
Dnkotlt Crop Condltlonx,
MITCIIKLL, S. I)., Mny 23.-(Speclal.)
Thero will bo a L.e amount of raw praltle
land broken in this vicinity this year,
Frank Weller, who owns a large amount nf
land in this county, expe-ilng to brenk at
least 1,000 neriH. It Is his Idea to sow us
much of the land to flax as possible, which,
In his opinion, will be a valuable crop this
year. Slnco lSOfl ho has grown a Inrgo quan
tity of llax and It has been the best paying
crop ho has raised In that time. The present
crop conditions in this county at present
aro good, wheat is coming along fine und the
corn crop Is now about planted. Thero is
Homo need of ruin.
Hospital fr Hut Sprints.
HOT SPHINOS. S. I)., May 23. (Special I
Iteprrs-Mitatlvc) of St. Joseph's lns; t i'
of Doadwood have purchased tho buil l.ns
known ns "The Cottage" opposite the union
depot and will thortly open a woll-equ p, id
ho The building will bo thoroushl.
overhauled and n mndeldl and supplhd w. h
tho latest tipprovel medical nnd suigici'
appliancrn. 'I he- hospital will bo conduct! d
under tho supervision of Iho Catholics an 1
will be. in chargo of a corps of trainel
lliiily of Itiiiieliiiiitu round,
PIKItHK, S. D., May 23. (Special Tele
gram.! .) report ciunc In today that the
body of Frank Lampe, tho nibslng Cheycn ie
river ranchman, hud been found In the
' Cheyen e river near Leslie with a large
, '(on' .led to the body. At the time of his
dlsappcaratico foul piny was feared, and I
Is believed nn Investigation will sustain this
I'nlllt Mill Iteopeni..
CUSTKH. S. !. May 23. (Special.) -Work
haii commenced again nt the paint
mill In thh city, which has been shut down
n short time for ropalis. Tho mill has a
capacity of twentv-flve tors a day.
Great lleiniinil for I'NIi,
SI'DAHFISH. S. D.. May 23. (Sperhl.) -There
is a great demand nt iho government
Tsh hatchery of this city for fish to tm k
iho small streams. Tho spawning sramn
for tho trcut Is very nearly over.
S011II1 H11U11I11 e Notes.
Hudson Is to have a large new -ton
which will be started by A. Gnld-n m or
Tho Mid lu ll ncpubllcan will eorni o
rupy a lino new building, which Is now i,
courso of construction.
Tim third annual convention of the Somii
Dakota Slate Lutheran league will be hel ,
In St Paul's Lutheran 1 hiir.-h at Hrule
Colon 1 miiiM Muv 2f. "i and 2T The m'ei
Intf will be Urtely aticndvd by Lutheran
J'A Backward Spring
A I. "
S,rteh I left I' 1' ' C r 1 'ii U ' t 1 11 ' to .'nil si.rn 1 mil In
th tit le ' ' red ho- nimui V. r ,nc oM'-tinli,d on Hasolli'i'
:! t es a 1 1. fi 1 . 1 ,i s .1 I m t , t b'a . to, k fUi. M are n lilng
In DC gn Is .it 1 ili'i v ! 'call i. i . All new L'pi isair.ititcJ
gasoline Stoves
Blue Flame Stoves
riie i.itri l'.ino lmpr.,etiiiiito
quick urAt
(tuple, hafc, icontinil, it 1
ur : burner Columbian Cuolm-- ! J'irCS-? if
ih. we.-k-carii O Ajii- i'VXr V r A v
Hnatt.elcl Steel Oven full lined S$l ' :&?Mffihi
rtrck illsh Ol.t) v ' . -
Stoves ami liefriuenitors 011 I'.ivineiits.
of the State Electro
tor treatment until you have thor" ighiv Imcsttitve I the a iiui tcs of ,.ur e,,m.
bine! Klectro-Medb al treatment whbh coup., pes u : . . f t ir.tti, iincr of Mill
niedlctno and electricity int.. one grm.i iur,itio us it. udiMiduriil bj Hie able Klec-tro-Alttdicnl
Specialists of this niHiltote
Una save1 thousnnds nf men nnd women from u life of despair, mlfery nnd woe to
which they wero fast drifting thmueh negl oot or f.iiijro of all other treatments to
under the. auspices of the Progressive Medical asso. of Philadelphia, legally In
corporated under thu laws of the state. i
$100,000.00 CAP5TAL
A large staff of the most eminent and klllf il "specialists In the world, each of
whom Is a grad into of the best M,dti ,il I'ulb.--- in. I I ,i devotid a lifetime tn Ids
particular specialty, guarantees positive a n l p. 1 111,1111 nt 1 ores In all 1 ates accepted
VJC ARMTMr Cfrta'p medb a! spei lalNis. Im lug learned of our great
W -rvrViNllNVJ' tunics, are at lemp 1 lug t o , . ,u our F.lecti o-Medli al treatment.
Don't be deceived. Our sin,.ssful combined i:i,,tii -Midlial tri.itnient ian he bad
only at the Statu Klectro-Medb ai institute, ptriii.nn ntl Incited at l.lftS I'artmm St.,
Omahiii Neb.
The IHeetro Mcdlcnl - pi-f 1 11 1 1 t nf Hie llltrereiit Depni'f nientn.
of this Institute by their speilal .imhlned Klecfrn-Mt'dleiil treatment are making
many wonderful Hires In diseases of the
N'onc, iinont untl I.iiiiks. 1 1 nil . Ilenil, .Sttiiiuieli nnd HottelH, liter, Kidneys,
Hlieiliiiiitlsni. Cntnrtii, I'll rill nts, I'Hi-m, etc. All DUenses reeillllir to
Women. Private IJIsrtiftt'M. M llhllltle llliiml Polnm. Ilnplure. Mtrledirn,
Vnrlt'tieelf, Hydrocele, Nor o-Seonl Ilcblllt) anil All Allied mill lnoclllte
l)leui.e nf Men.
Legal contracts given to nil pttlont to hold for our agreements. Do not hesi
tate. 'If you ennnot cull todnv, write .m.i UimiiI" ,,ur trouble Successful treat
ment by mail.
ItEHllllIM I'..-lies! llnnKs nnd Lend I nc HiinIiicns .Men nf This City. (.(I.NSL'L-
tatioV ihi:h.
Olllee Hon rn, X n. 111. tn S p. in. Sunilti y n, 1(1 u. 111. to - ji, nu
t'eriiinneiitly I.ticittetl nt HtllS Kuriinin .street, O.M HA,
hi 11. 1
as well us the nn-mbeia
nf L.i.hc
Pen. ilt, s socletlt s.
Tim new German Methodl-t
ehiiuh lecently tompletcd 111
r U 1
was dedicated last Sunday.
iho twenty-third annual meeting ni tut
Hlai'k Illll.s Sunday School as-m l.itl "11 will
be held in Wliltewood the thlid wet k in
Spink county has n pew republican pi pel.
tho Argus, whli h bus been launched on
the Journalistic sea at Fr.mkfoi t hy Wil
liam Hew.x.
Speaiilsh has a new enterpilse 111 th
form of 11 cigar factory, which ha- mst
been established hy C. Itoblnsoii, rcientl
frop-. Sttiurt, la.
Tint Davis Gloho has been purchased In
Pliny G. Selfett, who will conduit It In
future. Tho new owner stulcs thai the
paper will be nonpartisan.
Vehlln bus 11 new paper mimed the
va-ic. of which A. IT. Marsh and A
Goodsnead are the publishers. Point,
K allv
the paper announce;! that It will hi 1 pul
Fori:1 earloadit of cut sandstone i o h
Lead each day for use In the I'm, n, bit b m
of the pew cyuulde plant now in . on.-e
of constiuctloii at that place. The 101 k
Is all oiiariied In the upper Hlack Hills, an I
Is salii to ho of splendid qualllv Forty
men are employed regularly In the iiiaii
from which the slone Is taken.
Unite At'l I'revt'iilt IliiiiHtef.
OAKLAND, Cnl.. May 23 A I ruin nt box
cars laden with merchandise, ini linlln- 1
large quantity of dynamite and bl o 1
powder, caught lire hist night In the rail
road yards hete. i'heie was a . 11. 1 1 ,.
water, mul, though fining almo.-t ,ii,.iin
ilcath, the firemen and train li.n.lh ,.nr.,,
tlio cat'.- to switch engines anl ilrituni;
them under the tank use, I for hllm.- t
Iiolllls of be olllol l ,'h Ml, , el ill .1 in e
tlnnul-b'n tb, tl.imeK het'ot, ,111 txplnion
iiiiiiriii. 'I lo' root ot ,1 1 in 1 ml .1 i 11 1 11 k
, r,i I t 'i- of ii.inilt, w,ii burned
t hrn a h
Little Liver PiUs.
Must Bear Signature of
Aim Facsimile Wreppcr ikilow.
Tory a-uall nd a
to t.Vc as mjor.
CU n IE.8 1 C K JH f A, O A C H C
I- t
ncss ' ! ws 1
11th mul
am Streets.
D., Ph. C, LL, D.,
- Medical Institute.
Best Dining Oar Service
rnrlfv the Blood.
Care Hlntche.1. Im-
orovo Complexion.
10 cents 25 cents.
7rcj(i jDFoftincI
22 Ytan Fxpfrlence.
12 Yean In Omaha.
KI.KCTIIiriTt a nil
IJIlilUAl, iiralm-iit
Ci'lll oiled V .1 r ,1 ocele.
EVttnr . ! n 1 1., Losaul iiju. iui'l Vuallty.
( I tm '.I" HI l VTi't II, Cl.are-nlow. HOyX
llil.inili. 1 . . ( iiihiiIv'ioii ami Lxaui
nu'i 'ii I li ' . b.i 11 106, 7tu8:i. Ill
Snail ivi' , 1? P (). II x't'i rnHir, fl. K.
toi Mil '' n-' 1 OM,l!!A,M:il,
nJAA I Alil.lli.S IMIS1 I 1VI l-Y I:!!!!-
-1 , rtrr.'ou iHmncuY a) nun flitjv
arj. Hi- tiijMiutBft, ., cankMi Ly uvur
woik uiui IfittimntitMu. 'Jfiru ttuitfJu
mil Murtif rmtore Uwt Vitulity iu aUl
or lou-ik'. i.fid tit n tnun for kluiIt, huhl-
lV)iiiiuiiittijn it 1jil.m in tiniH. M'Luii-
tiuHlniMfKliiilu imi.rmt ti rut ! tff tn CLtllR
ttoretll()i(ii r fill ItiKUt 1. urn liuvi4thoR(iMulni
AJux'JublotH. ' cuinl tliouiumU uu'Jwlll
cur (i f)'i. Wo k U.J a ritiwt vfrit'yn KuuruntM tn nf.
feet ucurn in viu h emu or ifiuiil tim looner, J'rlca
1W Ultfl
InunM for & 'J LO liv rnui I. la nlulri urnrdmr
ftJAX. KEAluUv CO., 11
! or b.i i. It. iin.ahi. Neh ii'. J t i'oniylli,
202 N l"'i K"lir .V 1' . Will in.d Douglul,
ami l.i ' iti li i i . i fl h I J f Delliivei.,
Li ugl ' '
.. . an MUwnHllllHWBM'll
Visitors to the
Paris Exposition
it III find
tin Mile tit the
H 1'Ince tic Ptljicrn, Pari-,,
rcrsviJ" t cii " ,