THE OMAIIA DAILV BEK: TTTI'HSDAT, "Nf VV 2 1, 1000. ATTACK COURT'S AUTHORITY r-l i:vn iv urmer rwv vnTVL'Ti"- LMJ Ml llAUJl 1LI .tor of st h" r ilcn aent for 1 number of insjf an lompanm- i Tor two or three day previous to his !.- appearaneo ho had been drinking anil wia, ElXtllJ Boadimw Say Suprtms Coort Cn- ' ""t denondent. ami It was rumored; Wid(JW Hl, B(9Q R,6ased frotn JaiJ, bat It hv nmp Ihnt hn rrmv hav invm his 0WI1 , - I not Bevitw Ita Own Actions. WOMAN BD.Y BURNED BY GASOLINE 31r. TrnnrU Suffer ?eserel- nnel llcr llnxlinnit li tnjiirril In Trying In Snic II In Wife Iriini I ill' I n rn tin n, Under Suryeillancs. u by ome that ho msy have taken hl own life, but hln Intimate friends refuse to be lieve thl. It Is also rumored that Mr. tlinr tnlnhl ki'A l.r,t Khnpl In hi .11. counts, but even should this prove true, he CORONER'S JURY WAITS has enough Influential frlenls to see him through any difficulty of this kind, whnh Is not believed to exist. Mr. and Mr". net havo always moved In the beet social circles and his disappearance Is the talk of the town. FOR CHEMIST Vnnljsls (if llrnil Mnn'n Mninneh I liiroiiiili'lr WmniinS l.lberntlon Him .No Mmilllcnin'r nn In llcr (lit or Innocence. iiiiakkmw rut miiiii nv ruts VOItK. Neb.. Mav 21. f Sncclat.) The Mt'Kvrs- of l.lni'nln steel Horrible ' fart ihn Mr. Mirf.i Pm.i hn hivn rp. LINCOLN, May 23, iSpeclil.) Attorneys , for fbft nlaltiflffa In rrrnr In Ihe rahe rf ... - i mm ii in iirnnii i.inno. in..,i ,, in ,,i ,v, ,nr'i William UT raxton cl al. against tne fctaic , oflANI) ISLAND Neb May 23 (Seeelat ) . . i. . J ' . today filed brief In the rupretno court lr v Moto Vbr iZ n cf aI' jury has given rlH- to the erroneous opnlon rnnr.min ,hn r,,,i.,rn nn .hn motion I,. . ' 1 J:!'.. .-I.." on ltlc "' , which Is quite general here, that she Willi miuse uunii- m in i.incoin. was. crusne-i ....... t. n.. -i i ...... ....i.p It i. iri,it .hn ' Nnnnlnl Mfnrnml Qtantnfl. S.I VPar nf urn ..t. i ..t.i t. l,i.HKi tslm hdoui a o riojk last evening. , W(W llbera(eil ellnCir because the report of died here last night. He was one of the - Kar nearer to the of eery ambitious is making the last rout) ne of .u ..i .... i . .i... j,.i 1 i.i, t,nrna,Ar in vnrv mnnu. 1 .... .. . . - - Ihf. frnln n k. V,.. ,. .. . i. . ,u ' luv tutuil1" " HllillJtCIl II1U llfrtil man n unico. ...... ....... . , ....... slirinCr, mat 1 IIlipCri.1l pOllMlUllf. Ilflll hVimnor. -n i u, , scau,;l? ' l?;'rfn Ctomach w as not consistent with the theory one of the pioneers of Nebraska. In ISIfl , mrAy ,,, tonight that Washington ha l ppr." ""'J b0',y "ll8ih'" "h"'" ,hp of 'her guilt or because to further prosocutn he made the trip overland California. He- 1 rxc,,)0, Ugcf ,a entertainment of the tho caso would drag In complications which , turning from there In the early hO s ho ( shrlnera and that Omaha members In at tho coroner's Jury wished to suppreni. This I took up the land on which Mct'ool now j tendan coupon the meeting of the view cf the situation Is entirely Incorrect, stands. Ills homo has been with his , COuni ll we-e highly plea.u-d with their visit concerning the procedure on tho motion of the attorney cencral for. a reheating of v,,n i ,v,. n.i,.. ...... ncvor be forma ., .ha. neither the ! ,V.i , " "J" . - "7.. " . . "'"' 1 of her husband constitution nor tho statutes provide for i MrKVey was a rohcarlns or review by the nuprcme conn of Iti own Judgments. This Is the caso wherein the stale seeks to recover from the bondmen of ex-Stato Treasurer Hartley the money ItK by tho sUto through his de falcation. It was appealed from the dis trict court of Douglas .outity by the plnin tlffs In error Adjutant Ocncral Harry today Issued tho following orders covering changed In the Nebraska National Guard: The resignation of .Second Lieutenant Ramtifl II. MeUlary, fompuny I., Second regiment. Is accepted. The Commanding of IItt of I'ompany ft. Second regiment, will notify his command tit the llrst regular meeting of the v.iranry existing In the of fice of second lieutenant and shall proceed to an election to fill the xacam y In n cordnncc with section 21. Military Code of atate. The following mcmberH of ompany A. f-'econd regiment, ate honorably dlsclinrgeil from the nervlce of the Mate: Sergeant u Ji. Downing. .Musician Allen I-.. I'.uswnrin I'loneer of rlirnUn. MTOOti Jf.NTTION. Neb, May Omaha Man Takes Another Step Toward the Sbrineri' Ohlef Office. DtS MOINES IS TO HAVE A TEMPLE John KHgtrall. for thirty c.,r, m t,V VP UK Till? IIU'll 1)01' Josephs ratholi . hur h a lUjiUVJ IUIj 11 1U It Uiui Kdina. Mo rather l-ltageraid was a resi dent of Omaha In the early das of the city and was an Intimate friend of Ht. Rev. Hlshop O'Oorman during his administra tion as vicar apclollc of Omaha. Ills death was the result of an apoplectic stroke whleh he sustained several cars ago, ant from which he never fully recovered. Popular rlirnlin rnriner. WEST POINT, Neb.. May 23. I Special. 1 Jilllufi Wendt. nn old and well known farmer living three miles cast of tht city, died last night at the age of 63 year.". Ills complaint was a complication rf dlenes, which confined blm to his bed for the last fifteen wcekr. He leaves a wife nnd five children. Funeral will bo held Thursday under the auspices of the German Evan gelical church. t m lit-r I tt I Council Hriinl tin lrner of the llunl.c,ii' for I'rUllcue to lXiilillxli nn IIiihIk of Their linn. Kelley, Sti ger & Co. 23. WASHINGTON, May 23 -(Special T.Me grain.) Itepresentatlves of Tangier temple, ncrrcdltul to the Imperial council of tho Mystic Shrine, are making merry tonight over the adNancement of their brother. 11. C. Akin, frcm the place of assistant rabban to hlpa. Ho was taken to tho depot and mod leal attention at once given, but he died In two hours. His wife had been telegraphed for and arrive 1 at 1.30 this morning. Tho remains will be sent to Lincoln this even ing. MrEvey was it young man about 35 years of ago. I'rlvate I.enord Hale. Private Hen J. l.aUue, PrUate Ouy I). Kriune, I'rlvate Thomas A. I'lckrel anil I'rlvate (Ms A. Iloblnson. Wiiimi it Trrrllily llnrneil. Shortly before 11 oclock this morning Mm. J. W. 1'ranrlH wan lighting a gaiollne move In her homo at 211 1 South Fourteenth street, when It exploded, throwing tho blaz ing oil over her nnd the room. Tho woman was Immediately n mass of flames, her cloth ing burning fiercely. Three little children were standing msir her at tho time, but none of them wero Ignited. She ran scream ing to tho door, calling "Save my children," nnd a neighbor ran over nnd took the children from the house. Meanwhlln Mr. Francle, who was sleeping In another room, was awakened by the com motion and ran half dressed to aid his wife. Sho was by this time terribly burned, as her clothing was fully ablaze and the gaso line was burning on her hands and face and tiare arms. Tho husband seized a bed quilt nnd wrapped It around his wife, extinguish ing tho flro In her clothing and burning hlm- nelf badly nbout tho hands, faco and arms while so doing. ny this time tho fire department had ar rived and tho Are In tho house was soon extinguished. Tho two Injured ones were cared for and physicians called. The suf ferings of tho woman wore terrible. As soon as mcllcal aid arrived sho was placed under the influence of chloroform and kept so for many hours while her Injuries wero dressed Mr. Francis was only burned about the face and hands and will not ho conflnel long. Tho physician consider that at present his wife has n fair chance to live. O. W. McKvey, a Hurllngton brnkeman who lives In Lincoln, was killed In the ynrds nt Grand Island last night. He was attempt Ing to make a coupling between two freight cars and was caught by tho bumpera. which k ilzed him by the hips. He was badly crushed, tiut lived three hours at St. Francis' hospital, whom he was carried. McEvey was con rclous till a few minutes before his death. The accident occurred nt 7'30 nnd Mrs. Mc Evey was sent for nt Lincoln. She arrived Just after his death at 11:15. McEvey was a Mason nnd carried considerably Insurance. CHdct I'lnim Defenlnl. The university cadet battalion returns! quietly and In good order from their camp at neatrlce early thin morning. The bojR disbanded and sought their homes without offering any molestation either to the po lice or the city In general. Heyond a great deal of yelling nothing occurred to caitso Lincoln to remember their return ThU was contrary to the expectations of the jiollce here anil very different from what the boys had planned. At Heatrlce many boxes of blank shells were stolen from the qtiar trrmaster's department and every cadet was vrovldeil with u suitable number. The In tontton was to give Chief of I'nllco lloagland n powder screnado on nrrlvlng In Lincoln nnd to whip the policemen If they objected Commandant Drown nipped all such plots In the bud. He beard of the Bchcme nnd Just before lcavlnr; Hcntrlco with the battalion tho companies were lined up nt attention and every rllle taken nway from tho men Then tho cadets were searched for shells nnd quantities of these were removed from their pockets. So when they arrived In Lin coin there was nothing left for tho students to do but go to bed, and this they did. Ilnrtnril lllitli School Clonea, HARVARD, Neb., May 23. (Special.) Sunday evening Ucv. Rogers nf the Congre gational church preached the baccalaurratj sermon before tho graduating class of Har vard High school, his theme being the im portance of using well the education ac quired. I.ant evening the graduating exer cises were held at Stokes' opera house, where a largo nudlenco greeted William Hnwley Smith, tho class having delivered their orations nt their fvhoolroom on Thurs day last before tho friends of tho clst-s and tho general public who cared to avail them selves of the rpportunlty to attend. Mr. Smith presented his lecture of "New Prob lems Defore the American People," showing how they could best be solved through the public school system, the lecture being Mrs. Frost's release from Jail has abso lutely no significance touching her guilt or Innocence. It docs not mean that the c.isn will be dropped. It doesn't purport daughter. Mrs. C. H. Stark. ell received and bringing out many new thought. Mlhs Carrlo Hudlong was di rector of the chorus, with Mrs. Kate Har bour asflstlng as pianist, while Deputy 'ounty Clerk V. J. Perry, a former student In tho schools, was director of the orchestra. The following were the graduates: Nellie Splccr. Alice J. 'McCormlck, Mary R. Hume, Emma llanlon, l.ula Flshback. Hugh 1. Fell and Troy Ellcr. MMIHAMvA .MAX iiisaim'i:aiis Prominent llnxlueK Mnn nf W more l.enven Tiittii Mj HleriollNl? . WY.MORE. Neb.. May 2.1. (Special ) Jop lters, one of the leading business mi here, dropped out of tdght Monday morning, tho last seen of him being at fi o'clrck thut morning. Every railroad man running out of t tin city knows Dyers and it is not thought rojslble that he could have left town on liny train. Mycin has long been a promlnei'i worker In the democratic paity and Is at present, a member and secretary of the robool board, and has held many city offices. Ileforn Its failure he was cashier of the nank of Wymore and l at proont manager of a largo lumber yard hole. Ho Is aLo to the oiis'a of Almas. TliotiinnM. liolilen. I 1)rs Mo" 08 Shriller who are here urging vt-nmctn riTV ' Veh Mnv "t upon the council the Import'illce of creating .h'i:. m ,,,. Jr. i a temple In that city were gratilled by the a change of mind cn tho part of the Jury ', n. nU ,n,w l0llnv w..r council granting their request . . .. I.. ... I. . V. I . nn n 1 ' 1 ' ' " ' ........ " Illness of consumption. He was bom In this county. A widow and one child survive him. or any of its members. On this point George W. Pct,t, foreman, sajs: "Tho coroner's Jury Is simply waiting for further Information from the chemist. Tho caso before us htands now as It has stood ever slnco we began our Investigations. So far a I know, there has been no recent chango of opinion with any of the Jurors. Mrs. Frost Is today regarded by the Jury In tho Mine light as before her release was ordered. That fact has no significance as to tho Jury's opinion." The order under which the woman wai re locked rends as follows: I'ormer I'rrlilent losrn l'nlvrrH. Dos Mollies and Omaha have an understanding as to th; territory to be worked In Iowa, Cjuncll llluffs and the .nearby vicinity helm appor tioned to Omaha. Tho Om.iha delcgitlon will leave tomorrow, many of the members "To W. It. Knapp, M. D Coroner of York County. Nebraska: We, tho under-'lgncd Tne eddlng of George Harrett of Granite Ore., nnd Mlra Tlllle Pfelffcr nf this city oc TORONTO. Ont.. May 23.- Rev. Dr. Alex- i tolng lo New York be'ore returning home. andcr Hums, late principal of Hamll o i ! Congiessman Mondell of Wyoming re Wesleyan college nnd at one time prrslden' 1 ported favorably Senator TlUmnn't, bill, ap of the Iowa Wesleynn university an I of ' plying a ortlon of the proceeds if tha Simpson collefio, Iowa, died here last night. ' sale of public Inn Is to the endowment, i nuniiort and maintenance of MhonM or HYMFNFAI I departments of mining r.nd metallurgy I in tho several states anil territories itnrreti-l'feiner. ! In connection with colleges for tho benefit Will Shoe More Children for Less Money Than Any Shoe Store in Omaha. Infants' $1.00 Shoes 50c. Children's $1.50 Shoes 75c. One Dollar Goes as Far as Two. 50c 75c York I'll r mem Complnln. WAfco. Neb.. May 23. (Special.) The as sessors of the different townships In York county held a meeting nnd agreed to ralso tho valuation on farm lands of ork county 20 per cent, to which the farmers, owing to prosperous times and largo crops nt remun erative prices, did not seriously object. Hut when tho York county farmers learned that tho populist board of transportation did not ralso the valuation of railroad property over the amount of vnluatlon made by tho repub licans several years ago they are now c m plalnlng that vnluatlon on their property has been raised and that of railroad property, which has Increased In value, remains tho samo as years before. I'lnn for Mrmorlnl Tiny. FREMONT. Neb., May 23. (Special.) Tho Grand Army nnd other patriotic socle ties are making special preparations for the observance of Memorial day. Tho services will be hold nt tho opera house. The memo rial sermon will be preached on Sunday, May 27, by Rev. T. L. Ketman of tho Bap tist church. On Memorial day the veterans and other patriotic societies will decorate the graves of their dead at Ridge cemetery and in the afternoon tho memorial address will bo delivered by Rev. L. Kuhns of Omaha In Love's opera bouse.. An unusual Interest Is being taken in the preparations for the exercises this year. Jurors who wore summoned by you on th." 27th day of April. 1000, to hold an Inquest uron tho body of Charles W. Frost, say that we havo examined u large number of wit nesses and caused an autopsy to be held, al which a portion of the body was remove! and plared In tho hands of a competent chtmlht for chemical examination and nnily sis. Tho chemist has not vet submitted a complete analjsls of tho parts of tho body bo placed with him. and for that reason the Jury la unablo lo lomplote Its work and reach a dnllct nt the present time, and It will be necebsary to adjourn the Inquo't tint 1 th' final report and analysis Is completed and submitted by the said chemist to tho Jur. anil as several days may elapse beforo that time, we therefore request that you, rs cor oner, Instruct Mr. J. H. Alllcrbach, cans ah c. who has In his custoly Mrs. Mnrgaict K.od, to rolrnse her and give her her llbeity until further finding of the Jury. Georgo W. To t, W. K. Williams. Charles A. McCloud, El ward H. Woods, Georgo W. Shreck, Georgo E. Chllcote." Mrs. Frost was arrested May 1 under tho supposition that only about ten days would be required by the ehc-mlst In which to com plete his analysis of tho .tomaeh. but tho lattor says he has been confronted by many unusual difficulties which delayed the work. The chances are now that he will not flnlth the Job before May W. In tho moantl.-vo Mrs. Frost Is under constant surveillance day nnd night, and any attempt on her part to leave town would certainly end In h r Immediate arrcnt. A final report of the Jury may be looked for not later than June 1. It Is now nctrly a month slnco Charles W. Frost died, sup posedly of strychnine poisoning. llr. Well Comlltloii Serious. flBATKlOB. .vel., stay rSpe'clal Tele gram.) Tho condition of Dr. O. O. Wells changed for the worso this afternoon nnd ho will probably not survive the nljht. FP.EMONT, Neb., May 23. (Special.) of agriculture nnd mccnanlcni arts, i no nin npprOpnniCS $ni,!nll lUI wnr IIIPl Jim "e eurrel at high noon to lay at the resilience of tho bride's brother-in-law. George Wolz, The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. II. Huss of tho Congregational church, iisl.ilc.1 then $1,000 additional yearly until $15,000 la reached. ! The sundry civil bill, which was reported to the founte today, makes nn appropriation of $2."0,ono for the Missouri River lommls by Rev. N. Chestnut of the PrNbyterlan , slon, to lie ppent on river worn irom me church, In tho presence of a few Invite 1 mouth to Sioux City; It gles $7o.ro0 for guests. After the ceremony a wedding din- i the military fort nt Fort Meade. S. 1).. nnd ner was served. Mr. Harrett Is a fnrni"r 1 JTH.nno for improvements nt Fort D. A. RU3 resident of Fremont and s now superln- Uell. Wyo. tendent of a mining compa In Oregon, j 1'o.tinaster Crow Is i-eoklng to have the The bride has always resided here and Is 1 force In bis olllce increased, for the reason very popular. J that the business hn grown to surh propor tions mat tne preicni inrce. aitnniign nigniy PnMernon-Tn lor. As an ngrceablo surprise to their many friends comes tho announcement of the mar riago of M. I. Patterson and Mrs. May Tay lor yestorday afternoon by Rev. T. J. Mae kay at 112 South Twenty-fourth street. Mr. Patterson Is a well known hay commission emclcnt. Is still Inadequate to perform the work required. Senator Thurston will take up the question of Increase with Assistant ro.itmaster General Heath. A. Mandelberg of Omaha Is In the city. Comptroller Dawes today made public the report of the rrndltlnn of the national bank'i .IiiiIkc 'nnien Apirnlem. TEKAMAII. Neb.. May 23. (Special.) Tho county Judge has appointed the follow ing men to act an appraisers in tho con demnation proceedings of the proposed Omnha Northern through Hurt county: W. E. Chase. George F. Smith. J. W. McMul lln, Andrew Heckman, O. A. Darling, Wil liam Miller. Condemnation begins on the 24th. In this county there Is little to con- domn, as the right of way has been agreed upon by mot of tho property owners. To Celrlirnlr Ilreorntlon liny. CLARKS, Neb.. May 23. (Special.) Decoration day will bo appropriately ob served nt this place. The Grand Army of tho Republic and citizens havo united and completed arrangements. Hon. O. A. Ab bott of Grand Island Is to deliver the ora tion. Rev. G. H. Warren of the Methodist Episcopal church will preach the Memorial day sermon to Thornburg Post No. 27. Grand Army of the Republic. merchant of this city, and the bride claims i of Iowa, exclusive of Dos Moines, at tin a host of friends who Join In ongratu'atlnns. crsP 0f business April 2ti. compared with Mr. and Mrs. Patterson left for a tilp oast ( ,(, previous statement mndo In February, and will be at home upon their return at tho Tnf) mobt noteworthy feature Is tho material gain In Individual deposits. This Item now iiggregates $l3,3IS.rt.M, against in.OTfi. 1 Pft in February. The volume of loans nnd dis counts has Inci eased from $13. 020. 53,1 in Feb runry to $ l3.7!i(!.iiS4. Present gold holdings aggregate $1,751. Hit, a gnln of about $110,000 since February. The average lescrvc is 30.0.1 per cent, against 2il 07 In February. Rrcs Roe was today iippolntcil postmaster above address. Ilnrtinnn-l.cfTe. CRETE, Neb., May 23. (Special.) M. S. Hartman and Miss Jeeslc Leffcl were mar riot hero this evening at S o'clock at fin homo of the bride's mother. The foremen was pet formed by Rev. Pearson of Grace Methodist Episcopal cjiurch of this c!t, The groom is cashier for the Hiirllnclon nt j nl OV(,rton 1)atttnn cunty, N-0h . vice .1. Creite. while the bride Is the only daupntT of Mrs. Hrucc Leffel. They will make their future home In Crete. Drniiiernllc Convention Unit. BEATRICE, Nob.. May 23. (Special Tele gram.) The democrat'c committee met horo today and decided to hold their c nvin tlon June 22. ( iiiiiiiiciieeinenl nt Kenimril. KENNARD. Nob.. Mny 23. (Special.) Last evening occurred tho fifth nn nual commencement exercises of tho Ken nard High school. There were thrco grad uatesMisses Allle Mae Canhman. Laura Eleanor Japp and Ida Relic Stewart. Tho Kcnnard Cornet band furnished the music for the occasion. Dr. Shepherd of Nebraska City delivered n fine lecture, taking for his subject, "Under n Hat." Fill In in Kletntor Slinft. NEHRASKA CITY. May 23. (Special.) Otto Hlschcf, a merchant of this city, suf fered a i-cvcre fracture of his anklo today by an nccldcntal fall to the bottom of a freight elevator shaft In bis place of busi ness. The distance was ten feet and gave Mr. Hlschi f a severe shaking up asldo from tho Injury to the ankle. FIRE RECORD. ClilenK" Apartment Miiiino. CHICAGO, Mny 23. A flro which startet In tho four-story Jackson apartment build ing. Twenty-ninth street and Calumet ave nue, at 12:30 thin afternoon, almost des troyed the building Inside cf forty-five minutes. It Is stated by the polho that every person in the building escaped. The .Inckson apartment building contained nearly 200 apartments and covered a block on Twenty-ninth street between South Park and Calumet nvenues. It was fully occupied. Tho explosion it a natural gas stove on the second floor started the tire, which spread with remarkable rapidity and although a'l tho flro apparatus In tho district was cnlled out, the building, at 1:25 p. m appeared to bo a total loss. The fire was kept within tho Jackson building, which, however, was practically gutted. The loss Is estimated at $75,000, fully Insured. A scikxi'ifh: hrkakfast. Rightly selected food will cure more than half tho diseases. Try a scientific and healthy breakfast: Fruit of some kind, pre ferably cooked: n dish of Grape-Nuts with :ream. two boft-boiled eggs. Put two eggs lu r tin pint cup of boiling water, cover and let off for nine minutes. Whites will then be the consistency of cream and most fusllj fllgekted. One sllco of bread with butter, tup of Post u ni Cereal Food Coffee. On that hreakfan you can work like a horse and bo perfectly nourished until noon. Your nervous troubles, heart palpitation, stomach and bowel troubles, kidney com plaints and various . other disorders will gradually disappear and firm, solid health will set in. Why? You have prqbably been living on poorly selected focd, that is food that does not contain the required elements the body needs. That sort of food, and coffee, Is the direct or Indirect cause of more than half tho Ills the human body acquires. Grape-Nuts Is n perfectly cooked fn-d and both that Hnd the Postum Food Coffee con tain lino mlcroscoplr particles of phokphate of potssh obtained In a natural way from the grains of the Held and by scientific food ex perts Incorporated Into food and drink. That plement Joins with the albumen in food to mako grny matter, which Is tho lining of the brnln cells and the nerve centers all over the human body. A roan cr woman thus fed Is scientifically fed nd rapidly grows In vigor and vital ity, and becomes capable of conducting suc cessfully tho affairs of life. To produce a rerfect body and a monoy making brain tho body must have the rlsht kind of food and tho expert food specialist knows how to make It. That Is Grape-Nuts nnd Postum Cereal Food Coffee, produced at the pure food factories of the Pootum Cereal Co., Ltd., at Iiatf Creek, Mich. Itepiilillenn Committer- Cnllril, PLATTRMOl'TII. Neb., May 23. (Special.) George L. Farley, chairman, has Issued a call for the republican central committee of Cats county to meet In Weoplng Water Saturday afternoon, June 2, to elect a sec retary, a treasurer nnd to trarsact Mich other busdncsii as may come before tho com mittee. Tnrni'l I'rnellee Ordered. NORTH PLATTE. Not).. May 23. (Spe cial.) Cnmrnny n. Second leslmcnt, Ne braska Natlcnal Guard, has received orders to begin target practke at once. The tar gets nre now In process of construction nnd tho company will begin practice as soon as they are finished and a tupply of ammuni tion Is received. I'osnlrr I'nllK on Mnriihs. nFATRlCE. Nob.. May 23. (Special Tele gram.) AttLtney G. A. Murphy was called to Lincoln this afternoon br Governor Poyr.ter to consult with him In regard to the Ling Injunction proceedings, which como up for hearing In tho district court Friday. .Illne In Pennn) Is nnln. IIA.ELTON, Pa.. May 23. A Are broke out last night in No. 2 slope of C. Pardeo &. Co.'s mine nt Lattlmcr and Is still rnglug. Tho pumphnusn was destroyed and the pumps damaged beyond repair. The em1 plcyes succeeded In making their escape. A large force of men Is engaged In ex tinguishing the flames. Ilni-ii nt Cortliiiiil. CORTLAND. Neb., May 23. (Special.) The large barn belonging to Dell West was destroyed by fire Inst evening nbout 11:30. A valuablo stallion belonging to Dick Oil man and a quantity of cats and torn wero burned. Tho causo of Iho lire Is unknown. The lots Is covered by Insurance. Ohio lliiKtsy CnmiiniiJ . C.ALL10N. O.. May 23. Flro today de stroyed the crating department of the Cen tral Ohio Huggy company, the Capitol hotel and i-everal stores and residences. Liss, $100,000; insuran-e, $70,000. IIiimIiickn Portion of Tim n. RENO, Nov., May 23. special to the Gazette sas that the business portion of Lakevlew, Ore., has been dostroyc-d by fire. Lakcvlew has a population cf 700. "I had stomach troublo twenty years and gave up hope of being cured till I began to uso Kodol Dyspepsia. Curev It has dono mn so much good I call It thenavcr of my life," writes W. It. .Vllktiison, Albany, Tonn. It digests what you cat. TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST To tie nenrrnlly l-'nlr Frlilny 'Will lie Warmer Shon er In I'rn trnl Invrn. WASHINGTON. May 23. Forecast for Thursday and Friday: For Nebraska Generally fair Thursday nnd Friday; warmer Thursday, variable! winds. For Iowa Partly cloudy Thursday, with showers In eastern nnd central portions; Friday fair, varlblo winds. For South Dakota Generally fair Thurs day and Friday; variable winds. I.oenl lleeonl. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA. May iJliiciai rcinrii m n-m- C. Chamberlain, resigned: nlso John F. tahr nt Almoral Station, Delaware county. In. NOT THE RAILROAD'S LAND I'll si nee Comity, Aelirnkn, mill nmc Kiiiiku Settler' Property Ail- sertlxeil for Sole. 1 ATCHISON, Kan.. Mny 23. It has been discovered that acres of land In Atchi son. Hrown. Jackton and Marshall counties, Kansas, and In Pawnee county, Nebraska, recently advertised for sale at miction at the court house In Atchison by the receiv ers of tho eentrnl branch of the Union Pa cific railroad, ate claimed by private Indi viduals. They did not know the title to their property could be questioned until It advertised for sale. It Is believed that when Oliver W Mink and Thomas P. Wilson were appointed re ceivers of the Central branch they found the records of a lot of Central branch land. nnd. supposing It still beb nged to the company, advertised It for sale. I lleiii'M Sfiiniliiril OH Clime. pe'rature'nnd "jireclpltation compared wlt'i cnllrt ',0'1( arguments' In the contempt pro- the corresponding naj years: 1000. ISSv 1V)7. 75 fil ffi 71 5') .12 r, 5-. fii .VI 71 fil , 'I' .00 .00 .in) Maximum temperature Minimum temperature Average temperature . PreelnltiLtlnn Record of temperature and precipitation nt Omaha for the day and since March 1. 10(10: . ! Normal for the d.iv I Kxcohs for the day Excess since March 1.. " Normal rnlnfnll for the day 1; m-h , Detlrlomy for the day Ulnrli Total since March 1 i.lOlmhe i Detlcleiiey since March 1 .......... '' ''" " Deficiency for cor. perm i .iw... i ".'". Excess for cor. period, tvra oilmen Itritort from Slntlnim nt 8 p. in. ceedliu;s brought by former Attornes Gen eral Monnett against the Standard Oil i mn piiny of Ohio and Jnhn I Rockefeller ,ni I other nllleers of the eorporntlon. alleging ncilicompll.inee with the order Issued by this court ordering the Standard Oil enm pnnv of Oblo one of the constituent com ;ar!ei .if lie tr,.t In from It nnd t ea-e re. ognltlon of the trustees In the iran.i.i ir ii TATTONB AND STATO OF WEATM&R. B p Omaha, cloudy North Platte, clear Salt Luke Clly. clear.. Cheyenne, Rapid City, clear Huron, partly cloudy.. Willlston, clear Chicago, ruining St. Louis, cleur St. Paul, elnudv Davenport, rloudy .... Helena, cloudy K'ansns Cltv, cloudy... I tavre clear . . Hisniank. clear . . f inhesion, clear US' 71 T Ki; To O il so, .on i;s 721 72) i!S 5s i US! HI lip lis i2 lis TO Ml Tii I T .ml l T ! T .(I ii i mi k' T Tencliern for (irnnil Intnnit, GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. May 23. (Special 1 At a meeting cf the school h-urd Superintendent II. J. Harr was unanimous:)-re-olectcd cn tho llrst ballot for a term of three years. The teachers were all rctalnel with the exception of three or four. T indicates trn e of pieelpitation I- A ELS II. IO. a I H'orerast ol. lal IM IIIll.V VKtiin'AIII.K. Acts aa a Tonic and Stops Hair from Falling Out. Cures Dandruff Brittle Hair, Itch ing and all Scalp Troublos. Guaranteed to Cure When nil other remedies have jailed or money refunded Sold everywhere. Safe, Sure. Reliable, Treatise on Hair nnd Scalp troubles free. A. It. IIIIEMI'.n cn - Chlent?o. For Sule by SliTm.m A Mi' miiii-ll Drug Co., Mei-Illnii Drug i'o . 'I rilile Siiiilieil liy M Moil eit A I I inlelaiiit I C I ! atilhi'H I rii t o "nni TiTit rr "i nrnt rwnr i (ipni'Tn Schools Close. GENEVA, Neb.. May 23. (Spsolal. ) Tho schools hero clue this week. Last nt ;ht tho Juniors gavo an entertainment. Tonight William Hawley Smith lectures and tomor row night Is commencement. There a; a seven graduates. It n I n Fulls ill Pierce. PIERCE, Neb.. May 23. (Special Tele gram.) A heavy shower of rain fell here this afternoon. It Is Just what was needed and small grain and tardea truck are much refreshed. DEATH RECORD. Itexlilrnt of Pierce. PIERCE, Neb.. May 23. o-perial. Nor man Durfee died at his home u Iho south eastern part of tiwn yesierd.iv afternoon nt about 3 o'cb ck. He Buffered par- aljtlc ttrokes about fiur weeks mo whllo In town nnd had to be carried heme. Ho fanned a number of years In Pieivo county and In tho year 1S03 ho moved to town and engaged In buying hogs with L'ptan brothers. Ho established x wide reputation for honesty In his dealing" with the farmers and built im a largo ami flourishing busi ness. He leaves a wife and three children. Funeral services witl bo held Thursday forenoon at 10 o'clock In tho Congregational j church, conducted by Rev. A. G. liranue. I Misnn A. Ilnnim, 1 OSt EO LA. Neb.. May 23. (Special.) Mrs, I Susan A. Dawson died here today. Sho wns I 75 years old. The funeral services were held at be home of ex-Senator M. A. Mills In North Osceola. The sermon wjs preached by Rev. J. W. Swan, pattor of the Methodist Episcopal church. lies, John Fltruciitlil. Word was received in this city yester day of the death in St, Louts recently of for Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Havo Always Doiitflil has liorno tho slsna turo ofChaH. II. I'Mctchfr, and has been matin under his licr.sonal surer-vision lor over JJO years. Allow no ono to deeelvo Von In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-us-tfoxl" arc hut Hxperimeiit, and enduiiKor tho health of CUldre.n Experience against Experiment. The Kind Ton Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of i In Use For Over 30 Years. TMl Ck NTIUR COMflNV, Tf MUPI1V ST NUT, NftV VOMM CtTV " r IT ' Inf.'ints' Shoes, black or tati, sizes 2 to fl, regular $1.00 shoos, on sale for 95c 95c Children's Shoes spring heel sizes fi to S tan or black always were $125 and $1.50 go for Same as above only larger sizes Si to 1 1 regular $1. 50 and $1. 75 O C shoes on the table for Misses' $1.75 and $2.00 Shoes sizes Hi to 2 for Odd sizes of ladies' $2.00 and $2.50 shoes A fow more of those children's $1.00 oxford ties and strap slippers for You Can't Afford to Miss Such Bargains. Kelley, Stiger & Co. Farnam and 15th Streets. 25c WHY? When ready to iinrolume n PIANO looU fnrther tlinn IIMOI.I.HH .fc Ml ICI.l.l'U'f ss nrerooniN. TIII2 liAlMJ- it ami Moyr rosii'i.rri; of their Llml In the n.N'I IUIl WIT. W hrro enn he m-eii (he ss-nrlil'n crcnlcit liliino, the . STEINWAY I and the beautiful toned A B rllASR, VOSH. BTKCSKR. U.MHKSilN. PAl'liARD. IVEHS & J'OND and n dozen other standard makes, IioiikIU under such favor ible coudltloiiH thut they can be sold for less than any denier In the city enu buy them for. Note our barsnlii list for thu comliiK week and como early so s to obtain n choice or selection. 1 Mnrshnll & Tnver Square ('.land . J41 Tine rhlekcrlnp I'prlKht tm 1 .M.'Kwfii I'prlKlit. worth Jli.l. for. 512.) Ileailllful Veer Itros I'priixht .K2: 1 nearlv new Vose. In Kan IJomln- 3 new Kiiniple I'prlphts. of eastern ko miiboRnny $-75 miiiuifiu lure, J13S. $150 nnd Jliii Vose, In Rood condition We are stale aRC'itx for the SlII.I' fM.A VI N't IMAMM.AS Thev pl:iv nny piano nn) one tnn piny them Von are . nidt.illy Invited tn .all and enmlne We rent new ph"io- tunr. ninvi . slorr u'ul e. hnnpn pliinni. One venr rent allowed If purchased. $5.00 MONTH NY l'A V.Mli.NTS Ai''lilTED. Tele phone, lb'T'j. SGHMOLLER & MUELLER The Old Reliable P'ano House. 1313 Farnam St., Omaha. 337 Broadway, Go. Bluffs 13 TXfl 1 8LJT T- sr 1 B Aromatic Mild 14 The 10c Oagar that Always Satisfies LITTLE BEN MIR A JEWEL FOR 5c, p-V'V'V'Vtk'''sV&'VVVsVsis Good Neinhbors ii an Inili'x nf .inir own ri'Sici'iiilillty. Vou nro Jinlned by the iniiiiiilll.v Jini loi'i liy the llolKlllioilloiid yoll Ilvo Ill-illlil by tlu 1 1 u lid I li in wliii h your nllleo Is lm-ntoil. The Bee Building is tin1 bout olllrp ludKhbol'li'ioil in ( Mint hn I'lrsl cn.s poo pli' like DiHt iliiss iiflyliliiii-h to s;i imtliliiK of a liiniiluss ollbc. 'J'lint li the Kind it will unv in il-si ri to show vmi THE BEE nilllDlNfi, 17lh mill I'a r nn in Sin, R. C. PETERS & CO. Kriiliit urnH, t i