Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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$1,50 WAISTS, 5C, 10C, 15C
10,000 Watsta, Flnithed and Unflnished,
from the Parkiide Mfg. Co., on Bali
Thld l Hie linmrimr WnlM !n1o AVe
i!ar llrrn Trlllnn Vim Almnl for
Ihr l.nM Three ln Don't
Ml It, If Wonderful.
J 1.50 WAIST8 60, 10C AND ISO.
No limit, buy nil you want.
Thcro am thousands of them.
Tbcy are on bargain squares.
They nro really worth up to $1.10.
And they nro on sale today.
At theflo prices we offer you hundreds
of dozens of
Worth up to $1.30 If complete.
Thoy uro all cut out, tho elecves nil fin
ished, the majority of them aro complcto
with tho exceptlou that tho slcovce are not
ewcd to the walnts. Many of these shirt
-walstn nro trlmrr.ivl with Insertion. They
wuiin .ru i. v . u .... uu... iuv
nro made of fine percales, fine lawns an.l ;
Ir.dla Unons with light and dark grounds, ;
In stripes nnd floral designs, etc. They were
nil made for this season's wear, and would
1)0 worth, if complete, up to $1.50, but they
Ro on ealo according to tho advanced stato
of completion at 6c, 10c nnd 15c each.
200 laundered shirt waists made of percale,
In this season's styles, handsome, chic waists,
bcfiutlful patterns, all sizes, nt 25c.
400 dozen whlto lawn and percale shirt
WaiHts, handeomrly trimmed with embroid
ery and laco Insortlon, tucked, and mnny of
them buttoned In the back, with soft or
laundered cuffs, on salo at 49c.
An immense assortment, of ladles' new
stylo shirt waists. These nro tailor mado
with new ombroldery Insertion, pcrcalo
waists, also whlto lawn walstH with new
embroidery Insertion, and India linen wnlUs.
In nil styles, nil sizes, and plenty for every
one On snlo at Icsm than half price, 75c.
$20.00 SILK WAISTS ON SALE $3.98.
300 now silk waists, hemstitched, French
tucked, corded, laco trimmed, velvet ribbon
trimmed and other novel effects, with fancy
stock collars and bows, In black and all new
coIoim, Including chiffon nnd evening waists,
(worth up to $20.00 each, go nt only $3.98.
An Immense, assortment of silk waists, In
china silk, Hwlvel silk nnd taffeta silk. Up-to-dato
stylrw. Chic waists for this season's
wear. Very pretty patterns nnd designs,
worth fully $5.00, on snlo today at $1.50.
N. W. Cor 16th & Douglas Sts.
Mr. Arlnon Witu Only Trylnjr
Nerve IOiioiikIi to I. Irk
In Cot
Mrs. Roso Nelson, a drefsmakor, 1204
Cnpltol avenue, In pollco court yesterday
denied that nho had been drunk, as charged,
but admitted sho had taken n fow bowls,
The. circumstances, however, fully Justified
a mild libation, ns sho proceeded to demon
el rate.
Monday noon sho wont to n boarding
house nt Twelfth and- Davenport strectH to
cot luncheon. As sovcral customers wero
nwaltlng her return In the dressmaking
parlors, howevnr, sho thought to wive tlrao
fcy carrying the food to her home on n
Leaving the boarding house, tho tray
poised on tho tips of her fingers and thumb.
eho met n paper hangor named Simon, who
was In tho net of hitching his horso to a
post Just outsido tho yard. They passed tho
tlmo of dny, and then Simon, sho says, with
out so much ns "by your leave, lady," took
a ham sandwich off tho salver nnd fed It to
Ms horso. Then followed two fried eggs, a
sliln tllWi or lettuce, unothor of radishes and
n pleco of applo plo. And tho horso seemed
to relish tho provender. Sltnon was on-
Kaged In pouring tea from a pot into a
saucer for his cqulno when sho "basted"
him over the head with tho empty tray and
ran. '
"Then," sho says, "I camo to tho police
station to complain ngalnst him nnd thoy
wouldn't glvo mo nny satisfaction, so I
took ft fow bowls to brace mo up so I'd havo
nervo enough to lick him. I worked up
nerve, nil right, nnd was on his trail when
tho officer pinched me."
Tito "Well Known Oinnhn Mm Who
Arc C'liinlilnur Dp I hi- Mllltnry
I, miller.
A roster of troops In tho Department of
Cuba has Just benn rocoived In this city
showing tho rank and location of each offi
cer on tho Island. Two young men who have.
mauo goou progress in tho servlco wero
formerly stationed In Omaha and nro woll
known to officials of tho Department of tho
Missouri. Alexnnder Miller, who Is now
ohlot of tho returns division, was formerly
a clerk to tho ordnnco officer In Omaha
Otis T. Cartwrlght, formerly clerk to tho
Judgo advocate of this department, Is now at
mo neau or mo cross references department
In Culm. Tho young men havo been In their
present station for lrs than two years.
A roBter has also been Issued of troopj
rorvlng In tho Department of tho Missouri
giving valuablo Information regarding tho
Various posts and tho commands stntloned In
raeh, An account of tho national cemeter
ies located In the department Is also Eivcn
M well as tho Indian agencies within this
Jurisdiction nnd tho training and Industrial
Bi'lioola connected therewith. Seventeen
officers In tho department nro nhown to bo
engaged In special duty ns professors of
military sclenco and tactics at universities
and collegos.
Tho commanding officer at Fort Riley
Knn,, has been Instructed to send Corporal
Robert H. Wiggins. Troop A. Eighth
cavalry, to Fort Croak where ho will un
flergo examination for promotion. Thus far
five candidates havo been selected to appear
Deioro tho examination board,
Antli-itl DrcNMiiKN,
In tho recent wars gunshot wounds have
froved less serious than formerly. This U
owing to tho use of antiseptic dressings
which cau8t tho parts to heal without mat
Urutlon nnd In much lees tlmo than by tho
Urt treatment. Every family may use a sim
ilar treatment for cuts, bruises nnd burns,
viz; Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It acts on
tbo snmo prlnclplo as tho antiseptic drew.
lngs of tho army surgeons nnd Is tho best
homo treatment thnt enn be given such In
Juries, h causes them to heal quickly and
Without maturation. It also allays tho palu
if a burn or scald almost Instantly. It Is
Host widely known, however, ns n euro for
VI ClileiiBO, Mflvrittikee ,t Ht. Pnnl Itr.
May 19, 20, 21, Washington and return,
May 21, 22, 23, Detroit nnd return, $22.
June 2, 3, 4, 6, Milwaukee and return
City tlckot office, 1601 Farnam street.
Telephone 2S4.
Write nds. Sell cuts. Print anything
JStonecyuher, 1201 Howard tt. Tel. 1310.
iiAvnn.v mtos.
Selling 9 1. Ml SlilM nt 2fc.
1,000 doien men's colored laundered shlrU,
some with collars and cuffa attached, some
with collars and cuffs separate; every Blilrt
warranted perfect. There Is not a shirt In
thin lot that sold for less than 76c and up
to $1.50 all go In one lot at 29c.
10 cnees men's fine halbrlKKon ehlrts and
drawers In plain nnd fancy colors, all sizes, !
from .10 to 44. This lot of underwear would j ALL THE PERCALES IJY THE YARD,
be cheap nt COc, but wo will sell It nt 23c. All tho 36-Inch pcrcnlro, very fine French
$1.00 CORSETS ON SALE AT 4&C. percales, cambrics and fancy printed Urand
600 dozen ladles' line summer corsetn. In enborg cloth, worth up If. 15c yard, some
whlto and fancy colors. In this lot thcro ' slightly damaged, go at 314c yard.
nro cornets that sold up to $1.50 all go in
one lot nt 40c. Ladles' 50c corsets at 25c.
Hoys' uhlrt waists in all sizes at 10c. La
dh' 60c silk veatn at 25c.
which you always sco In this great silk de
partment. Read these special prices care- ;
fully nnd then you will know why: 75c! hnncnllnn nllk nt 25p. J 1 . 2 T hlack i
Jap silk, yard wide, for B9c. $1.60 black I
French drctis tnffeta for C9c. Dig snle on fine
foulards, 6'jc, 09c, 75c foulards for 60c. I
85c, Site, OSc foulards for 69c. Ulg lot of
new wash
i silks Just received; bright, protty
colors, for 39c and 49c. Today ends tho
great Wlnsluw taffeta guessing contest.
Watch next Sunday's papers for the win
ners of that beautiful silk dress,
High grade dress good for skirts, suits,
, t )(, (nv cM( ,,, lmporte,
fl d mohalra ftt 59oothers nu M.00.
t $1.25 and $1.50; no other houso sells as
good for less than $2.60 yard. Wc have high
grade remnants of our finest Imported black
goods In 314 ami 4 yards lengths at greatly
reduced prices. Tho finest lino of Paris
challls over seen In Omaha. All colors and
figures, 43c. Persian designs, COc; Bilk
stripes, 76c, 85c and $1.00.
Wniiilnnrkrri mill Mill (Mvncru Var-
tlif-r Aliurl tlimi liver Mint
Strike III Continue.
The woodworkers Invited the mill owners to
a conferenco nt tho Labor Templo yesterday
morning to see If somo amicable settlement
might not bo made. Two of tho mill owners
appeared, but refused to recognize tho
union ns a body, and asked that a committee
be appointed to confer with them. This
tha union ngrccd to do nnd a committee of
six wns selected. To tho committee tho
mill owners refused to rccognlzo tho union
and wero unwilling to mako any proposi
tion whatover. The other three mill own
ers interested Ignored tho Invitation alto
gether. In view of tho mill owners' refusal to
meet the union at what Is considered half
way the woodworkers determined to con
tinue tho fight to the bitter end. Tho
union feels that' It has used all honorablo
means during tho last year to protect tho
mill owners nnd tho trade In tho city. Its
announced deslro has been o build up
homo Industry nnd glvo employment to
local workmen. Tho union believes that Its
present position Is well taken, however.
nnd will refuse to yield.
Tha Bakers' union has requested that the
JomandB made by their organization to mado
public for tho benefit of nil who aro Inter
ested In tho condition of labor In the city.
The scale which the wnployerB aro asked 0f Wlllsoyvlllc, N. Y., "and tried a great
to sign Includes tho following points: Ton ' raany remedies, but got no relief until 1
hours to constitute n day's work; no baker ) used Banner Salve. After using onc-hnlf
to work more than eighty houm a week. Tho , box I was perfectly cured. I cannot recom
salary of bench hands to bo $12 per week; j moud It too highly, and will never be with
Jobbors (thoso occasionally put to work dur-' out it In tho house." For sale by Myers
lng rushen) to bo 25 cents per hour, no extra Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's Drug
cbargo for overtime; the men are to bo pad
nt tho end of every weok nnd no money to
bo held back. Only members of tho union
aro to bo employed and only ono apprentlco
Is to bo attached to each shift. No work
man Is to be allowed to board or room with
his employer. All bread must benr the
union label, which will be supplied at 8
cents per thousand for plnln labels and 10
cents per thousand for labols bearing tho
namo of tho maker of tho bread. Tho
accredited dclcgato of tho union Is to be
admitted to shops during working hours.
Tho union will, from time to tlmo, ndvortlso
the nanus of all bakeries using tho union
"DeWltt's Little Early Risers aro tho
finest pill I over used." D. J. Morrc, Mill-
brook, Ala. Thoy quickly cure all liver nnd
bowel troubles.
Arrnnuemrntn Mmle tVhrreliy the
South Omiilui Triinsnvtlonn Will lie
Credited to Omaha.
Thcro will be no slump In the bank clear
ings of Omaha because of any Interruption of
relations between the banks of Omaha nnd
South Omoha, Tuesday, May 22, was tho
dato upon which such an Interruption had
been anticipated, owing to tho expiration on
that dato of an agreement existing between
tha South Omaha National and tho Omaha
national banks. Somo alarm had been cx-
prei-ecl through fear that tho relations that
havo existed or others equally cffoctlvo for
tho good of both cities might not bo con
tinued, whereby tho largo commercial trans
actions of South Omaha might not longer bo
reflected In the Omaha clearings, as Is cus
tomary nt other cities with suburban pack
ing centers.
Inquiry among bankers disclosed tho
fact that tho South Omahn National and
thu Omaha national banks havo reached an
agreement whereby the conditions that havo
prevailed as to clearings will contlnuo with
out Interruption, Just what tho agreement
Is wus not ascertainable, but It is stated
that It Is ono that Is much moro satis
factory to the Omaha bank. It Is suggested
that tho South Omaha institution probably
keeps in Omaha a fund to cover tho largo '
dally advance of cash heretofore required
to be made by the Omaha correspondent.
Local bankers outnldo of the two banks in
terested, however, do not appear to manifest
much Inqulsltlvcness ns to the terms of the
agreement, but nro plenscd over tho fact
that an agroctnent has been reached that
will prevent the threatened disturbance of
Omaha's commercial showing. Mr. J. H.
Millard of tho Omaha National Is authority
for tho assurance that tho clearings will
not bo disturbed. I
"I had stomach trouble twenty years and
gave up hope of being cured till I began to
use Kodol Dyspepsia Curo. It has dono mo
so much good I call it the saver of my life,"
writes W. R. Wilkinson, Albany, Tonn. It
digests what you eat.
Clieiip Hound Trip Itiitrx.
On Juno 21, July 7, 8, 0, 10 and IS, and
August 2, tho initios Central railroad will ,
sell tickets, limited until October 31, as
St. Paul, Minn., and return $12.63
Minneapolis, Minn., and return 12,65
Duluth, Minn., and return 16.95
Superior, Wis,, and return 16.95
West Superior, Wis., and return 16.95
For particulars call at Illinois Central
city ticket office. No. 1402 Farnam street.
Judge Jacob Fnwcett will bo the speaker
at the Union Veterans' Union campfiro. Tho
objects of tho order will bo fully explained
by tho Judgo. Tho votorans and their friends
should not miss this opportunity. Tho camp
firo will bo held at the hall, S, W. cor. Four
teenth and Douflas sts,, Thursday evening,
May 31.
Omaha Tent and Rubber company are pre
pared to fill all orders tents, awnings and
ranvas gooda. New location, corner Utb
and Harney. 'Phone S83.
All (lie AVnlnt Mntrrlnli find Trlni
iiilnun from tin- I'lirAnlilt' .Vtfir. Co,
In buying tho goods from tho l'nrksldo
Waist Mfg. Co. wo worn obliged to buy all
tho materials and trimmings they had on
This mlo of wash goods, laces nnd cm-
brolderlen will take tho town by storm
9Sf t.wvva iiifi
All tho very flno organdy lawns, satin
plaid lawns, In handsome dainty figures,
worth 25c, go at 3ic yard.
All the white piques In cut up lengths go
at 314c yard.
All tho very finest quality pcrcalo goes at
S14c yard.
All tho finest India linens, 40-Inch lawns,
wnl,? batistes nnd checked nainsooks go at
Ec' sr. 10c nnd 15c ynrd.
A11 lhc fnncy printed lawns, organdies, etc.,
"l 'c ami ivc yarn.
a.u i,aii
All tho flno lace nnd Insertion, Including
torchon, Valenciennes, Normandy vals, point
jd'esprlt nnd nil extra fine quality wash laces
In all widths, worth up to 25c ynrd; go In
this salo on bargain squaro at lc, 3',4c and
5c yard.
Four bargain squares of all tho finest
nainsook ami cambric embroidery nnd Inser
tions In all widths. A manufacturer's entire
lot of sample Mrlpes, running in length from
214c yard up; many to match; worth regular
up to 75c; all go In this salo nt l',4c, 314c, 5c
nnd 10c yard.
N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas.
Tomorrow Si-rom! Dny ScllliiK
Oniiiliit Tout .fc Itulilicr Co.
$3.00 MACKINTOSHES. 590.
All the ladles' misses' and child's cape
mackintoshes that Bold up to $3.00, go at
All tho men's and boys' mackintoshes
that sold up to $3, go nt 59c.
All tho Indies' and men's $3.00 mackin
toshes nt OSc.
All the $7.50 men's and ladles' mackin
toshes go at $1.50.
Como quick, today will probnbly wind up
tho sale.
N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts.
Mortality StntlNtlcn.
Tho following births and deaths wero re
ported nt the olllce of tho Bonrd of Health
during the forty-eight hours ended nt ndon
Births fleorgo II. Palmer. 112.1 Farnam,
boy; Ward McColl, 223) South Sixth, boy;
Jerome Allen, 2118 Caldwell, boy; J. W.
Johnson, Deaf and Dumb Institute, boy;
Peter Iarson. 2513 Indiana avenue, girl;
Alva Jaeksonr 1101 South Twonty-nliith,
girl; Henry 1 laities. 1130 North Seventeenth,
twin boys; Cuy Head, 2736 Davenport, girl.
Deaths Adnm Schnerfer, 1S11 William, fi
years; Lawrenco Martin, 701 Pierce, 42
years; Lois Grnco Walters, 1541 North Six
teenth, 33 years; John Ieehey, Blair, 88
Cured n UuiiiiIiik Sore.
"I had a bad running soro on my breast
for over a year," Bays Henry R. Richards
Store, South Omaha.
Spirit l.nke, in.,
Quickly and conveniently reached via the
Illinois Central railroad. Round trip tlckots
now on salo at city ticket ofllce, 1102 Far
nam street.
Detroit and $22.00. May 21
return f and 22.
North Manchester, Ind., I $18.33.
and return f May 2S nnd 29.
Denver, Puoblo, Colorado i $19.00 Juno 5 and 19.
Springs and return f $23.00. Dally after June 1.
Hot Springs, S. D. 1 .. ,
and return f $H.40-Juno 5 nnd 19.
Olenwood Springs I $31.01 June 5 nnd 19.
and return f $40.00. Dally after Juno 1.
Philadelphia nnd 1 $30.75. Juno H,
return f 15 and 16.
Ticket OHIoe, Burlington Station,
1 502 Farnam St. 1 0th and Mason Sts.
1 Tel. 260. Tol. 120.
6mn i
J, L Barnett,
So. Omaha
portcrH, $1.50 each.
Call or wrlto for Rubber Goods Catalogue.
stock of :t.r.o n mount sikiiis sold.
Al A. HiKPtiliiiNli .t Co., -Hi! Devonshire
St., Ilnatnn, Mnnx., nrlls Tlirlr
Entire stock of men's
And they
AT $2.25 PAIR.
Messrs. J, L. BrandeU & Sons, proprietors
Boston Store, take pleasuro In announcing
to the public of Omaha that they have se
cured the above stock of the celebrated
And that these shoes are all In tho very
newest styles; every one of them were mado
to sell for $3.50.
Tho stock consists of men's black and
tnn kid nnd calf laco and congress shoes,
In all tho very latest and nowest styles of
toes, medium weight welt sole, made to sell
nt $3,60; all go at one price, $2.25 pair.
Wo have placed this entire lot of shoes
on the main tloor In tho men's shoo de
partment In tho original cases, Just ns
they camo to us. Wo will reserve the
right to sell these shoes only to ordinary
customers; dealers will not bo ullowcd to
buy them.
This Is another ono of thoso shoe sales
of ours which goes to show that we do
what no other shoo dealer can. A few
weeks ago wo sold tho celebrated Douglas
shoes at Just half price, and now wo nro
And so It goes nil through the entlro year
In our, whole estnbllshment.
N. W. Cor. 16th nnd Douglas Sts.
Asslnfnnt Director Wine Sny Pro-lliitlmirli-n
Arc Completed anil
llvrrytliliiK In fiooil Sluipr.
Prof. Frederick H. Wines, n&slstnnt di
rector of tho census, passed through Omaha
yesterday, stopping over to visit Census Su
pervisor Wheeler, under whoso guidance ho
mado n brief tour of observation In the city.
Prof. Wines has been at Topckn, where ho
addressed a church gathering nnd afterward
met a delegation of census supervisors at
Kansas City to clvo them their finnl In
structlons. From Omaha ho went caBt yes
terday morning.
"Tho census work Is In good shape."
Bald Prof. Wines, "and everything about
roady to start. This Is particularly so In
this district, whero but few more prepara
tory strokes havo to put In. I am afraid,
however, that thp people of Omaha nrt
likely to be disappointed In tho census fig
urea this year, which cannot be expected
to show tho same rate of growth ns before.
You nil know the reason. It Is becauso the
census of 1890 for Omaha was abnormnlly
Inflated nnd wo do not propose to follow any
such example this year. Tho censfs cf 1900
will glvo the exact facts as to tho population
so far as wo can get them, although there
aro many questions which some people can
not answer at all. It Is surprising tho num
ber of persons who do not know how old
they nro for example, or whero they wero
born. But wo aro going to do tho best we
An Opportunity to Vlxlt the Kiixt
Pleasantly and economically Is afforded by
the tourist tickets on sale via the I.ako Shorn
& Michigan Southern railway on nnd after
Juno 1st. Chautauqua Utkc, Niagara Falls,
thn'St. Iavrcnrc rive. White Mountains and
the Atlantic coast resorts arc among the
moro Important points reached. Summer
edition of "Book of Trains" showing ep cl-
I men tours will be of In arranging
(or your trip. Sent free on application lo
j B. P. Humphrey, T. P. A., Kanas City, Mo.,
or F. M. Byron, CiV. A.', room 34 Station
bldg., Chicago.
Tho new twenty-sik hour Boston train Is
now In service'. 1
Put a Plate of Salt
in Your Refrigerator
(Salt absorbs moisture, you know )
If tho salt Is wet tomorrow tho refrlcerntor Is
dangerous, In the ordinary zinc lined refrigerator
tho air doos not ctrculato properly, dampness ac
cumulates and food becomes tainted nnd Infected
with putrid germs. Your safctv lies In tho .
derrick Refrigerator
becnuso tho circulation Is perfoct on four sides as
well as top and bottom of Ice. A plate of salt In
a llerrlck will be dry tomorrow or n week hence.
No nasty zinc lining no
mould no scrubbing.
& Smith, 1 5- :
Our stock of abdominal supporters la a
very tomploto one comprising styles suit
ablo to nil cases. Wo havo supporters In
stylo ns shown by cut mado of woven silk
two (2) buckles, and reinforced strap
$2.C0 each. With 3 buckle, very strong, for
stout people, $3.00. Wo also havo somo new
patterns of supporters which aro very cool
nnd light, nt $1.B0 and $2,00. London Sup-
Cor. Kith and Dodyo,
This Store Unit. I
In the basement Wednesday and Thurs
day you will find ladles' $3.60 shoes (or
Uidles' $3.00 shoes for 39c and 49c, '
Ladles' shoes nt C9o and 08c, worth $3.50.
Men's shoes worth $4 nnd $5 at $1.28.
Men's shoes worth $3 and $3.60 nt 98c. '
Infants' soft solo shoes, all colors, 63c
quality, at 34c. i
While the sizes are not a I thcro of each
kind, you will find tho right slzo In somo of ,
the lots. ;
Thursday nnd Frldny, rubber dnys.
Ladles' storm rubbers, 63c quality, 39c.
Ladles' croquet rubbers, 60c quality. 34e.
Misses' storm rubbers, 60c quality. 29c.
Children's storm rubbers, 45c quality, 24c.
Men's, ladles' nnd children's rubber boots
at nstonlshlngly low prices.
1515 Douglas.
For n Summer Ontlnn.
Tho Rocky mountain regions, reached via
tho Union Pacific, provldo lavishly for tho
health of the Invalid anil the pleasure of tho
tourlut. Amid these rugged steeps arc to
bo found some of tho most charming and
restful spots on earth. Fairy lakes, nrstlo.t
nmld sunny peaks nnd cllmato that cheers
and exhilarates. The summer rates put In
effect by tho Union Pacific enalo you to
icach theso favored locallt'c without unnec
essary expcndlturo of tlmo or money.
In effect Juno 21, July 7 to 10 Inclusive,
July IS and August 2. Ono faro, plus $2, for
tho round trip from Missouri river to Den
er. Colorado Springs, Pueblo. Ogdcn nnl
Salt Lnko City. Return limit October 31st.,
1D0O. City Ticket onico 1C02 Farnam st.
Tel. 316.
An nrtlclo to bo worth advertising to
day must have merit. That's why tho Orn
mer Chemical Co. nro advertising their
wonderful kidney cure so extensively. It's
a preparation thnt has merit, for the reason
It does Just what is da I moil for It always
cures. We've got hundred? of testimonials
from people who have been cured and you
can also lie cured It you'll give this remedy
n trial.
Cramer's Kidney Curo 73e
I j, VvVcVyc,V,i,ouri,Y V:::::::.::
Du fry Mii it VviiVskey ' .' .' .' .' .' .' ." .' '. '. '. '. '. '.
Hromo Quinine
U est Drain and Nerve Treatment
Fluid Sam's Tobacco Curo
Wine of Cardul '.
Carter's Mver Pills
syrup or Klgs
Iilsterlno y)a
Cor. 10th nml Clilcuno Sta.
Tho Union Pacific will place In effect on
Juno 21, July 7 to 10 Inclusive, July 18 and
August 2nd, Summer Excursion rates of
plus $2.00 from Missouri Rlyer to
i);n, Colorado spui.vns,
City Tleket Oftler, ltlOi! I'arnam St.
Telephone It 1(1.
Aro tho highest in price, but the
best In quality that money, brains and
oxporionco can produce. They aro
substantial Pianos for substantial peo
ple, and wo bellevo that thcro Is moro
piano value to tho dollar In an Instru
ment of this make than In any other.
We nro sustained In our Judgment by
over 50,000 peoplo who havo HARD
The Mueller Piano
& Organ Co.
Xnvr nt l.'tH! Fnrnnm St. Mnke mo
uilNtnkc In mime and number.
Phone lfS.
I'lnnon tuned mill repaired.
Are you in
terested in tak.
ino pictures
If not wo can Interest you. We have
tho largest assortment of KODAKS
AND CAMERAS out of Now York and
can advise you Just what to got.
CYCLONES, RAYS and all other good
makes. Wrlto to us or call before
purchasing. Our prlceo aro lowest,
our selection largest.
The Robert Dempster Co,,
1215 Farnam St.
WlioleNfile and lletnll Denier In
1'linlo Siiill-,
Send us your Developing and Print
For The Laundry
Men's fancy Vests
' IN
Vests that are worth from $1.25 to $5
each, will be sold for
95c, $1.15, $1.75,
$2.00 and $2.25
See Minium street show case.
lli i
Clothing for
At this season of the year the manufacturer is very anx
ious to close out his spring and summer clothing and will
get rid of it at a great sacrifice for cash. Our eastern
buyer has taken advantage of such offerings and we Unci that
we have a remarkably large stock of men's and boys clothing.
This stock must be reduced. But how? Prices alone can do it.
7 C On. investigation we find that we have 2(50
men's stylishly mado suits cannot guaran
tee your size in all styles, but have mado the variety so choice
that any suit in the lot will prove the greatest value you havo
over bought. If you are a judgo you will no- Or A g
tice many $7., 8.?, $10 in this lot, Z&yj"" ipHK JL O
11 C Und $5"irr 10 yu can secure a bright nobby
P-i-V spring suit equal in fit, stylo and workmanship
to any $15 suit ever shown in the city, 250 suits to select
from. And for $15 you can purchase the very cream of se
lection, striped and checked worsteds, fancy worsteds, vicu
nas and oxfords, regular $20 to $25 values. To move theso
garments quickly we have gone through our stock djlg
and marked these fine spring suits at JLi3
Remember this is not an accumulation of old stock, regu
lar 1900 spring and summer styles.
Boys' and Children's Suits.
Boys' knee pant suits, reduced from $1.50 to 05c. 250
suits, reduced to $1.75. $4 and $(5 suits, reduced to $2.50 and
$3.50. A fancy vest given with each suit at $15.50 and up.
for ladies' fine $4 and $4.50 vici kid.
lace shoes, made with hand turned
and welt soles, new style kid and patent leather
tips, sizes 2 1-2 to 7, widths A to E.
OO for ladies fine vici kid, $2 and $2.50
100 oxford ties, made with hand turned
and single flexible soles, new style toes and
kid tips, sizes 2 1-2 to 7, and widths A to E.
Q for children's fine vici kid, lace and
tOtj button $1.50 shoes, with new style kid
tips and spring heels, sizes 8 to 11.
f O) or mant s mic kidso't sle 85c shoes,
T!j lace, in colors red, white, pink or blue,
sizes 1 to 4.
for child's fine patent leather strap,
75c slippers, with turn soles-,sizes 2 to 5
Wc arc showing
The largest line of
Men's Fancy Ycsfs ever
Shown in the city.
You can have your
Choice ot
Fifty different patterns.
J "-'lea1li'irillH
Spring and
en 2& Boys
Fine Shoes
and Oxfords
All the latest styles and
best makes of fine shoes,
oxford ties and slippers,
on sale direct from largest
eastern manufacturers, at
wholesale prices.
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co.,