Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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No other aid so great to the housewife, no other
agent so useful and certain in making delicious,
pure and wholesome foods, has ever been devised.
Typewriter Forsakes Her Midline to Wed
Quartermaster's Assistant,
Toiiiik Woman (;, On nil Aliened
Vnontloit, lull .llri'tM Sun of Miirn
Hml In imv Snfrlj I.oiIkimI
in Culm,
Miss Anna Uel.anoy, the youns woman
who durlnRthc cxprH.tion
appeared as the Htiir pupil of 1'rof, Vnu
Sant'g class, operating a typewriter at the
rate of 100 words per mlnuto while blind
folded, has eloped with i soldier named
Kdwln Johnson, and-in now-with hlmln'Ha
vana, Cuba. She loft Omaha May 12 osten
sibly on a vacntlon, Joined him In Kansai
City, whero they wore married, and left
-nun mm at onco ror their now home In
tho Clem of tho Antilles.
Mrs. Johnson, nco HoLanoy, lived with
her paronto. Mr. and Mrs. JamtH DcLancy,
nt 1513 Leavenworth street, and waj em
ployed an a stenographer In Swift's pack
ing house, South Omaha, where she made
$60 a month. Sho had known Mr. Johnson
threo years. During thin- llmo ho had been
a most devoted suitor, but for somo rcassn
tho girl's parents did not approvo h'm
as a (,on-ln-law. Though of regular hahiu
good character and holding a responsible
position as cierK in the quartermaster's de
partment on (leneral llumnhreWa iet
Ilnvana. they strenuously opposed the match!
Tho girl often remonstrated with her nar.
,ul ,, uppuaiiion, nut to no avail. Thov
v., unit a,, wu not a MUltablo tiun-
nann tor ner and also that sho
young to marry.
Meanwhile letters bearing tho Havana
postmark arrived with clocklike, regularity
and wern answered us regularly. Then tho
tlmo for her mimmer vacation came. Sho
torn her cmnloyern. ofllcn
friends that sho was going to tako u trip
through tho southern slates, and bado them
u.Djrr. mat wa all tho Information she
.".lOToiru mem. And as to her
they knew even less,
DiiUKhtcr KiiIIm to Itelurii
i.m mat intimation they hud that things
wero not moving In their accustomed groove
was when their daughter failed to come
homo Saturday night, May 12.
About 9:45 that evening live young women
each carrying a grip, .entered tho nurllng-
iim uepot, an nougnt tickets for Kansas
City. Tho party comprised MU,s Anna Do.
Uxncy nnd four sisters of tho prospective
groom .Misses .Mary, Jennie, Klora and
Moran Johnson.
Letters received nlnco from Kansas City
describe tho slmplo wedding which took
placo at the homo of a Catholic priest
After tho ceremony tho four sisters of the
groom returned to 8t. Joseph, Mo., whoro
arter s
Little Liver Pills.
Muat r Signature f
9m PcSlmll Wrapper Blow.
ar audi mMA f
, oaniaiai win iu
There arc imitation baking powders, sold cheap, by
many grocers. They are made from alum, a poison
ous drug, which renders the food injurious to health.
they aro now visiting relatives. The newly
married couple took tho llrst train for tho
southwest, and three, days later, at St. Au
gustine, Kla., embarked for Havana.
Kdwln Johnson'H father Is chief clerk of
the quartermaster' department and Kdwln
Is hln first assistant. Tho Broom's mother
and flvn idsterp, one of whom Is un Invalid,
llvo nt 1K32 William treet, Omaha. Mrs.
Johuton said:
"The wedding was ns much a surprise to
me as It was to Mr. and Mrs. Dol.aney. I
knew nothing about It until after It was all
over. I supposed my four daughtera left
for St. Joseph, and was In Ignorance of their
Intention to go to Kansas City first. I did
not even know Mis DeLancy was going
with thorn. It eeems they met down at tho
Ilurllngton depot,
"I understand Mr. and .Mrs. UcUiuey op
posed this match, but la naked! What's the
ubo? When young folks wunt to marry and
aro old enough to marry you might as well
let them have their way. Kor my part I'm
'well satisfied."
Mra DcUinqy said: "My girl don't de
sorvo a notice In tho newspapers. Sho has
played us a mean trick to run off this way
and not say a word of where bIio was going,
or a word about tho wedding or anything.
It-must have been a nlco wedding anyhow,
and her with only tho clothes she's got on
her back!"
But bath Mr. and Iklrs. Delincy are ready
to forgive their daughter If aho shown tho
proper contrition.
Trnniw of the lllffli School
Compete for n HnndNoine
Tho class teams of tho High schcol hnvo
planned a series of
each day this week.
games, ono to occur
Tho trophy contested I
for Is a highly ornamental bat turned by
I'rof. Wlpmnn of tho Manual Training de
partment. It will be Inscribed with tho
names of the wlnnors and hung In tho
study room of tho successful class. The
seniors, under tho leadership of Captain
Theo Robinson, havn been practicing for
several weeks and feci moderately confident
of winning the prize. The juniors, whllo
not In such excellent training, rely upon
tho superiority of their materia), several
of tho players being members of tho " 'var
U S. Olnuld of St. Louis Is at the Millard.
V. K. Thomas of Topeka Is In the city.
J. H., White of Kansas City Is In Omaha.
Hoddam Cant of Chicago Is at tho Millard.
T. W. Smith of Aurora, III., Is In the city.
J. !:. Watts of Uuluth Is at the Merchants.
K. I,. McHrldo of Klncoln Is at thu Mil
lard. A. W. Mlckell of Ueatrlco Is at tho .Mer
chants.' Fred Caldwell of Minneapolis Is at the
V. W. Uuswell of Minneapolis is at mo
James W. Orr of Atchison Is staying at
the Millard.
H. C. Mowntrec, an attorney of Lincoln,
Is In the city.
O. 8. Hurt and wlfo of Lincoln are guests
of tho Millard.
Dr. C. H. Campbell of Clarks was ut the
Darker Monday.
A. H, Carter of Utlca, Neb., Is stopping
at the Merchants.
V J. llebes of Humphrey registered Mon
day at the Darker.
Oeorgo It. Owens of Waco registered
Monday at the Millard.
II, Kuschbnum and wife of Philadelphia
aro guests of the Millard.
William Hlchards and Kd Hcmnott of Des
Moines aro staying at tho Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. C A. Wanner have moved
to 112 North Thirty-eighth avenue.
15. H. Andnm of the Cnlon Pact tie land
department, Knnsas City. Is at the Murray.
Frank It. Hobersnn rabies his urrlval nt
Pretoria on tho tith Inst., having visited
Ladysmltli and other points en route.
Jacob II. lesser of Kansas City Is spend
ing a few days In the city ns tho guest of
Councilman Harry Zlniman of the Third
Tobias Castor of Lincoln, William llu-
Menetter of Llnwond, W. C. May of liothon
berg and W. N. Huso of Norfolk were .Mon
day guests at the Her (Irand.
Nebraskans at the Murray Monday: M.
Jnmes and W. l Currlo of Lincoln, Henry
Fellows ot Colfax. L. C. Krwln of Hasting
and Wllllum McKvcr of Columbus.
Attorney Ale.x As AltschulPr has returned
from u business and plcusuro trip to vari
ous points in Arkansas. He was accom
panied by his wlfo and they visited Little
Hock, ItusHelvllle, Hot Springs and other
A. H, Truckonmlller of St. Joseph, Mo
la registered at tho Her (Irand. Mr,
rriiokennilller Is one of the most nromlneiK
citizens of St. Joseph, being the proprietor
of tho Hotel TrucKentnilier. lie cumo to
Omahu us a fan lit Sunday's base ball
Nebraskans nt tho Merchants Mondavi
Mr. and Mr. K. It. Adams of O'Neill, Mr.
and Mrs, J. II. Llppold of Falls city, Mr,
and Mrs, S. N. Ovurturf of Olbbon, Mr.
nnd Mrs. John Melster of West Point. J.
11. Mini IMrrv Hliiftc nf n,:itrir, .1 ller
and F, Phlllco ot Wayne, M Hress'er
1 of Clearwater. H S, W yatt ol OrauJ Island
1 and T. Will ot Frcmoiu.
Aldermen Thick at Leait One Sweeper
Should Be Fnrchaced,
I'riililcni tn He Solved M, Where Ik the
.Money (o Conic From (ienernl
Film! Already In Over
drawn. At tho Informal council meeting yesterday
afternoon Chairman Itascall of tho judiciary
committee brought up tho report of the
city engineer recommending the purcbaso
of machines for cleaning the streets. Tho
engineer urges tho acquirement of one
pneumatic machine, J2.G00; one flrst-class
gutter sweeper, (350 to (600; two brush
sweepers, $500; one sprinkling cart, (300 to
(500. In the opinion of City Engineer
Uosewatcr It will not bo necessary to dis
pense entirely with hand labor, as the
services of ten to fifteen patrolmen nre
needed In addition to the machines. Tho
council favors tho engineer's suggestions,
with tho possible exception of Mount, who
believes that the charter provision calling
for "day labor" is BUlllclcnt to bar out
Chairman Hascall believes that tho pur
chase of at least one machine should bo
mado at once, providing 'funds can In
somo way bo made available. "We have
eighty miles of pavement," he said, "and
our cleaning gangs are getting over It at
the rate of about two miles n day. We
simply must have machines, but the prob
lem Is, Whero l the monoy to como from
Tho general fund Is already overdrawn
nnd w0 cn't use the street cleaning fund
because wo will need all- that for current
expense!. The blamo for the condition of
tho general fund lies, noi with us, but with
tho old council, which persisted In certify
Ing to funds not on hand, relying for pay
ment upon the 1D0O levy."
Other members of tho council voiced tho
namo sentiment as the mei.-.her from tho
KIrst. Tbo matter will bo taken tip with
tho comptroller, and snmo method of sccur
lng funds for tho purchase of machines may
be hit upon.
UeprewentatlvcB of local Jobbers were also
present to state their vlow3 aa to the
proper formation of tho exploslvo ordinance
The council Is willing to allow the Inter
ested parties all latitude commensurate with
the public safety, but has expressed some
Incredulity regarding statements of tho
comparative harmlessness of acetylene ga
and dynamite. There Is no doubt that the
matter will bo amicably arranged.
Inmie of Hondo Autliorlnrtt.
At the close of the Informal session the
council held a special meeting, at which
the Issuo of (S0.000 special paving bonds was
authorized. The bonds will cover various
paving districts already formulated.
"DoWltfs Llttlo Early Risers aro th
finest pill I ever used." D, J. Morre, Mill
brook, Ala. They quickly cure nil liver and
bowel troubles.
T A rtiiMh reoorts tn the nollco tho loss o
a purso containing (30 In (Boyd's opera house
aaiuriiay uini.
a, get of carpenter tools worth (10, be
lnnVrlntr tn .Inmes Prince, was stolen from
building at Twenty-ilnth nnd Custella
streets Sunday night.
A brief meeting of tho Flro and Police
commissioners was neiu lasi nigni, ni wnu'i
only routine business was transacted. Flv
liquor licenses were granted.
w'ntlnm iinl,iinv nml l.Vfml Drew werft
arrested Monday evening on complaint of
Morris llanntfen. who alleges, that they
tried to hold him up nt Kleventh una Far.
nam streets.
The annual picnic of the Omaha Metro
nnlllun nnllon force will bo held on Thurs
day, June 21, at Sarpy Mills. Amusements
of nil kinds will h nrovlded. The nroceeds
will bo turned over to tho police relief
A tvnocrnnhlcal error In the announce
mnnt of lb., ripe distribution of KUL'iir beet
seed by Mr. Lunn of this city made the
place at which the seed eoum no nan lhzt
Capitol avenue. It should have read 1021
The distribution will end Wednesday.
There was a scene In Justice Altstadt
court Monday afternoon that for a time
threatened to result In a mlxun betwe?n
"Little nismarck" und an attorney numel
T. F. Elliott. It started with i:illott call
lnc the lusllen n 1 1 in and inaklmr certali
remarks calculated to Impugn his judicial
honor. The Justice ordered him from tha
court anil climbed down from his bench
tn enforco the order, hut at that moment
the attorney discreetly withdrew.
Dr. Ramacciottl, tlty meat Inspector,
condemned a largo quantity of tomatoes
yesterday which were dlbplayed for sale
by tho J. U, Snyder Commission company.
Eleventh and Howard streets. The doctor
suld the tomatoes were untlt for food, being
overripe und many of them partially decom
posed. Representatives of the company In
sisted that tho action of the Inspector was
unfair and called In several witnesses to
examine the vegetables. The doctor had
his way. however, and the tomutoes were
hauled away to the city dump.
Pilgrim! Journey Across the Arid Deserts to
Greet Sheik Ak-'nt-Ben.
All Ttrit Mnkr n Hun, n lilt, mill n
Inke nml the Ciiiiililniitlnu I'mics
Ton Mtii'li for (lie llliiMrliiu
Seated high upon a dais of bewildering
magnlllconcc, surrounded by a glittering
cordon of belted nnd plumed retainers and
a retinue of black-browed retainers who re
sembled nothing so much as thirty cents,
was tho Bhclk, Ak-Sar-Iltn. Dlgulty eat
onthroned upon his royal brow, benevolenco
shown from his royal countenance, sltno
IconB clinked merrily in his royal pocket,
and ho succeeded altogether lu putting up
a very good Imitation of a man who knows
when ho has got a good thing and who
means to hang on to It as long ns ho can.
Tho fans of tho attendants stirred tho
hazy, odoriferous air, and from the lutes and
viols behind a bank of artificial palms came
tho languorous strains of a ragtime melody.
Tho shclk closed his eyes and was giving
way to tho spell ot the hour and the time
when a messenger hot-footed It Into his
presence and salaamed eo low that his head
struck the floor with a resounding whack.
"I have mado a run, most noble poten
tate," ho began, but he got no further.
"So I perceive," answered the sheik. "So
! I perceive, O most Illustrious Hen All. You
havn also made a hit; I heard It," and the
shclk roared with laughter. In which tho
attendants very politically joined.
Ami Then the Scoring: Coiinnencrd.
'If that Is so, most high and mighty,"
answered tho messenger, "then I have done
more than Colonel Keith's ball playeis
ero able to accomplish when tho InDdels
from St, Joseph fell upon them last Sunday
at tho park on Thirteenth street."
"Silence, minion," thundered tho sheik.
How dare you make such llliigs at our
rcat and good friend's hired men? Know
you not that tho Illustrious Colonel Duck-
rlno hath deposited enough backsheesh lu
ho royal treasury to guarantee him passage
across tho burning sands as soon as ho can
find tlmo to make tho Journey? It were
fortunate, Indeed, for you if you had been
ho Instead ot Hon All. It would then have
been permitted you to explore still more
deeply the hidden lore of our trlbo and to
gaze again upon tho charms of yon Egyp
tian who takes noto of tho mighty deeds of
strength dotio hero In our assembly. If
you "
If I had only Hen liur, ' murmured tuo
Hut tho sholk had fainted.
Then it was that tho royal attendants got
busy and earned their salaries. They ap
plied restoratives to tho Inanimate mon-
rch. tho larger part of which tney ex
tracted from a flask closely resembling tho
flagons lu which Is kept tho liquid that Is
known as "bread In old Kentucky." By
degrees ho revived and was soon able to
listen to tho tidings that Den All was about
to convoy to him when the unfortunate Inci
dent related above occurred. This was to
tho effect that another caravan had just
arrived from somewhere, bearing the neces
sary passports and begged to bo admitted
that Its morabcru might learn the mysteries
f tho Illustrious trlbo of Ak-bar-iicn.
Where the Knlerluliiment Mckiiii
The royal treasurer was sent to the dcor
to examine the passports nnd In the mean
time all was mado ready for tne reception
nf tho travelcre. It was not long before
the keeper of tho coin returned with tho
cratlfvlnir announcement 4hnt the pasiporl'a
n " l' .. . . , . . , .
were all genuine anci 'inai mey ciu um
attested by the great seal ot tho treasurer
of the United States. Orders wcro given
to admit tho neophytes ana tnen was Dcgun
tho exposition of the great things that aro
hidden behind tho tenta ot the I shclk and
his followers and which may not be tout
in the columns of tho public prints.
Let It suffice, then, to say that tne ioi-
lowern of Ak-Sar-Den didn't do a thing to
thoso seekers after knowledge not a single
ihlnir. They wcro taken gently Dy mo
hand and led lovingly acrora me sanuy
steppes and tho location of all the plttaus
that aro so likely to entrap the unwary
was pointed out to them. In several in
stances they wero allowed to fall Into somo
ot tho smaller lures that they might convey
back to thoso from among whom they bad
como the assuranco that tho Journey may
not bo mado except under tho guidance ot
tho hardy sons of tho eheik. tor an sucn
howovcr, there wcro loving hands to ralso
and gentlo worc" to cheer. There were
physicians to prescribe and attendants to
minister tho prescriptions. In juttlce to
all who fell by tho wayside It must bo
Btated that they took their medlclno man
fully and almost immediately thoy wero
healed. So potent aro tno brews and pniiicis
which the rotalners of tho sheik have tho
knowledge to administer.
Cnrnvnii Hotli'ne mill lliinilnniiit'.
It was a largo and handsomo caravan
Probably It would bo Invidious to Klngle
out the ono whom the Egyptian regarded
with tho greatest favor and tho Individual
after whom tho sacred elephant trumpolol
tho most loudly. They wcro all bravo tn-n
and truo and they will form a decided ac
qulsltlon to tho trlbo which is growing a
present llko tho gourd of holy writ. There
Is still room, however, ror more mombors
and those who have not yet laid down th
slnglo eagle that will admit 'them to th
fun cannot pofslbly know what a good thin
thoy are missing.
For tho benefit of such as have not yet
made tho acquaintance) ot tho Arnblan po
tcntate and his valorous knlshta tho eholk
has caused to bo promulgated another or
der. the effect of which Is that ho will be
In the temple next Monday night and, with
tho othor knights, will bo glad to greet a
who desire to acquaint themselvos with his
way of doing business. There will be no ad
vance Ih tho prices, although tho entor
talnmcnt offered will be Just a little l3tcr
than anything that has happened previously
Tho price Is ten no lcs and no moro un
leefl tho candidate Insists after the sho
Is over that ho has had inorn than hi
money's worth. In event of such a thin
happening tho royal treasurer Is authorized
to nccopt largess,
I'lirehimer nf Hedges' Inxnrnnee llnol
nrim itiiyn He Wim Deceived n
tn Itn Henl "Worth.
At the Instanco of George II. Morton. As
sistant County Attorney Dunn Issued a war
rant Monday for the arrest of C. L. Hedges,
an Insurance ngent, charging him with
securing money under false pretenses, Mor
ton says he recently purchased Hedges'
business, paying him (5,000 for It, upon tho
representation of Hedges that It was yield
ing (5,000 a year. He alleges, however, that
upon examining the bonks ho finds It has
been paying only about ono-thlrd of that
C. L. Hedges, who occupied an olllce In the
New York LIfa building, did a large In-
surance business, and has always stood well
In business circles. Up to a late hour list
night the warrant had not been serve
ROOT-Jurta Adelaide, beloved wife of Allen
Root, nt the Valley farm. Douglas pre
cinct, nt 7 o'clock p, m., May 21, ngcil ul
years and 22 days,
Funeral from tho reMdcnre at 1 o clock
n. m , Wednesday, May 21. Interment In
I'rospect Hill cemetery. Friends Invited.
elrrnnx Attree I inn n l'lltlnjr Mnn- J
iter In Willed In Cninnieinuriile I
Dentil of llernen,
Al the Joint meeting cf Orand Army posts
at tho City hall last night the program fir ,
Decoration day was decided upon. The pa- ,
radc will form nt 1.30 p. m. on May 30 and ,
will move at 1:15. The point of meeting
will bo at Fifteenth and Douglas streets.
Tho procession will bo headed by the ml I la
companies, the Thurston Rifles ond the .
Umnba OuardH. followed by the llvo com-
panlte of High School Cadets. The veterans
and friends will complete the parade, under
the direction of 0. E. Uurmesler. marshal
of tho day, and D. A. Hurley and W. S.
Askwith, aides. The column will raovo to
Park aveijuo and Pacltle street, whero It
will bo Joined by tho Woman's Relief
At Hanscom park tho roll of the dead for
the year will be read by tleorgo P. (larllck,
president of tho burial corps. Tho ritual
service of tho Grand Army will then bo ob
served and Lincoln's address at Gettysburg
111 be read by ono of the comrades. W. F.
Ourley will be tho orator of tho day.
Tho committee will hold a final meeting
cxt Monday night. ,
lliilue In I ( to I'lv Hie (inllt on
Hither (iinliir nml AIIiimh Until
tn ( l''ree.
A. C. Llchtcnbcrger, a plumber living at
3S30 Parker street, was tried In police court
Monday on a charge of harboring two vicious
dogs. Several neighbors appeared to testify
gainst htm and all theso agreed In dcacrlb.
Ing tho beasts ns a braco of swaybacked In
cubuses, made out of teeth, nails, barbed
Iro and broken glass. They havo tusks
like a wild boar, testified the neighbor!, and
tho souls of tho warders of Tartarus.
The testimony showed that a man had
been bitten by one of the dogs, but as the
an could not tell which of tho dogs had
sampled his edibility, the Judgo discharged
the defendant and mndo no order touching
tho disposition of the canities. Ho said It
ould bo a shame to order one of tho dogs
shot, as the wrong dog might Incur the bul-
t, and ndded that It were better a hundred
guilty dogs should escape than that ono In
nocent one should suffer. It Is an unwritten
aw that every dog Is entitled to his first
tasto ot man-meat.
eliool Hoard Ciimch I'nst iioneil tn
Am nit the Arrlvnl of Detec
tive Cliliilqnj.
George H. Hers and Frank L. Sears,
charged with bribery In connection with the
ward of school supply contracts, appeared
tho court house yesterday to Inquire if
the prosecution was ready to enter trial. The
reply was lu tho negative. Tho county at
torney expected Charles Chlnlquy, the miss
ing detective, to bo on hand yesterday, but he
failed to respond. As tho matter now stands
nothing definitely is known as to Chlnlquy'B
whereabouts. Ho was found by a telegram
last week at Manistee, Mich., and he replied
that ho would como to Omaha as soon as
possible. His movements since that time
aro not explained, so tho county attorneys
deputy In charge of tho case stated In the
afternoon. Detective Ruckminstcr, tinder
whoso direction tho expose was brought
about, and who has been hero for nearly ten
days waiting to testify, has gone to Chicago
with tho avowed purpose of bringing In tho
delinquent Chlnlquy.
t'llctt Cnrol Without the Knife.
Itching, Blind, Dlecdlng or Protruding
Piles. No cure, no pay. All druggists aro
authorized by the manufacturers of Pazo Pile
Ointment to refund tho money where It
falls to euro any caso of piles no matter of
how long standing. Cures ordinary cases In
six days; tho worst coses In fourteen days
Ono application gives ease and rest. Re
lieves Itching Instantly. This Is a new dis
covery and Is tho only pile remedy sold on
a posltlvo guarantee, no cure, no pay. Price
50c. If your druggist don t keep It In stock
send us 50c, In postago stamps and we wilt
forward samo by mail. Manufactured by
Paris Medlclnq Co., St. Iuls, Mo, Manutac
Hirers of Laxative Dromo-Quinlno and
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic.
Fifth Wnril Hepuhl lenns IIckIii Their
CnmpiilKii Work nlth AKltntlnn
of Current Inmiii-n,
Tho Young Mon's Republican club of tha
Fifth ward has opened Its campaign work
In earnest by tho Inauguration of a series
of meetings, at which Its members Indulge
In educatlonul discussions nf current polit
ical events. At tho meeting latt evening, In
tho hall at Sixteenth and Locust streets,
Howard Ilruncr spoko of tho young man In
politics. Tho question for debate wafl
Resolved, That the llay-l'auncclote treaty
should bo ratified,"
Messrs. Drlco Crawford and Benjamin
McLean took the alllrmatlvo of tha proposl'
tlon, whllo Bert C. Fowler and Oscar E
Engler wero opposed. Martin E. Larson
read a paper on trusts and gool music was
furnished nt Intervals. This club expects
to do a great work this year In behalf of
tho republican state nnd national tickets
and will carry its organization to tho ut
most degree ot efficiency.
'I am a school teacher,
nave surrcroa agony
monthly for ton years.
"My nervous system
was a wreck. I suffered
with pain in my side anil
nan almost every III
known. I had taken treat
ment from a number of
physicians who gave mo
no relief.
"One specialist said no
modaclno could help mo,
i must summit to an
"I wrote to Mrs. Pink-
ham, stating my oase, and
receivou a prompt reply.
I took Lydla E. Plnkham's
Vegetable Oompound and
followed tho advice given
mo and now I suffer no
moro. If any one cares
to know more about my
oase, . I will cheerfully
mm A am
answer an letters."
ginsport, Ohio.
Jap Rose Soap I
is the soap to use when the sun or
wind roughens your skin. It is
Its ingredients arc pure oiht cocoa
butter, elyeerin, and the delicate
perfume of natural roses.
Board of Education Propose to Impnch thi
Policfl Judie.
Hon In l.itlil on the Employment of
Mnrrlnl Women, lint Thoiae Alrrndj,
In the .Nerlcc Muy Bnter Mnt
rlinony nlth Impunity.
The Hoard ot Education, which hss shown
growing resentment for several months
ngulnst Pollco Judgo Gordon, lat night took
its first active step against that magistrate
On motion of Penfold, tho board Instructed
s attorney to bring Impeachment proceed
ings against tho police judgo In caeo such a
eourne seemed to him wise and likely to bo
elTective. Penfold took the Initiative as
chairman of the upccinl comralttco ap
pointed In January to make Inquiry Into the
cause of the falling off In pollco court fines,
hlch under tho law go Into the coffers of
tho School board. As pointed out by Tho Hco
several days ago, tho receipts from this
source havo dropped from (29,000 In 1S!3 to
250 In 1890, tho difference being only In
part 'accounted for by the previous custom
of fining disreputable women. Mr. Penfold
has so far acted on the advice of Attorney
Herring nnd proccedlngn will probably bo
brought at once.
nother Important resolution Introduced
by Penfold related to tho employment of
married teachers. It specified that no con
tract shall be entered Into between tho
hoard and any married woman whose hus
band Is la good health or has eufllclcnt
meant to support his family) A saving
clause will bring relief to tho hearts of
thoso on duty which excepted from the
working of tho rule any married woman
now In tho employ of tho board.
Wood thought It w!o to extend the rule
so ws to Include married women now In tho
service. Ho said there was nothing In tho
resolution to nrovent a woman In tho
board's employ from marrying and still re
taining her position. Penfold admitted till,
but nld that the board's attorney was re
sponsible for the omlsBlon, who was of the
opinion that a ban on mnrrlago would not
hold In tho courts, being oppojed to pun
lie, policy. Tho resolution paeecd as erlgl
nally framed.
Vrlrrniit tn Artdrm Student.
A communication from tho local Orand
Army corps received tho endorsement of
tho board rela'tlvo to speakers In the public
schools on Decoration day. The veterans
recalled tho custom of patriotic programs
on that day and asked to havo reprcscnta-
Ivcs at tho various schools to address the
A request rrom A. weir, agent ior tno
India relief fund, was acceded to and tho
nrlncloals of tho local schools will bo cm
powered to receive contributions! by tho
studonts. Nebraska's suaro in tne unnor
taking will bo a tralnload ot corn.
Superintendent Peanse recommended that
a Plan for a summer library wcrvica con
eelved by Miss Tobitt of tho public library
bo carried out. Miss Tobitt desires to havo
tho uso of one room In certain school bulld-
ncs during tho summer for students tor
tho distribution of Juventle boons. Tnero
are 1,000 volumes In tho library sultab e
for tho purpose. The matter was referred
to a committee.
Tho Daughters of tho American Rcvolu
a r,nMfr to be shaken Into thu shoes.
Vnnr tpi.t pel swollen, nervous and hot.
and get urea easi y. ii you nave siimi iiiig
reev or ukhi niui-i., i n .
it mki. tho fool nnd makes walklnir easy.
Cures swollen and sweating feet. Ingrowing
nails, blisters nna callous spoil, neucves
corns and bunions of all pain and gives
rest and comfort. Try It today. Bold by all
droeclsts and shoe stores for 25c. Trial
package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted
Leuoy, JN. i.
Look At The Difference
rhew Is n Ma difference between the
shoes Drcx L. Slioomnn sella nt $3.00
nnd tho ones you Kt nt most places
these women's SIMM) shoes have tno
cemilno welt solos not too heavy for
dry nor to light for wet dnys-flexlble
welts that bend with every motion of
the toot sole broad enouRh to keep the
foot off of the pavement. The now
sprliiK line of $3.00 welts is fnr ahead
of itny wo ve ever snown ueiorc in
vlel kid, Hussla tan or light calf we
take tlmo to bee that the shoe (Its and
we know how to tit shoes.
Drexel Shoe Co.,
Oaaaba'a Up-to-date Sho ITaaat).
Our Water Color Exhibit-
Is attracting wide attention in the Alt
World. .Never were such beautiful ex
iwnples of so many well known artists
shown in one exhibit C. 'Weber, S. A.
Miilholland, Uasbrouck, Ihi.ane and
mnny others. Wo have brought together
In one room on our Auditorium lloor all
these representative works of art. l'teo
to every one. Come In nntl see them.
Moslo ut Art, 1613 DiutlM.
tlon gave notice that they desired to follow
their annual custom of bestowing n medal
upon tho eighth grade pupil preparing tho
best ctssay upon a patriotic subject. The
topic chosen this year will be: "The Re
ligion of the Colonics at the Time ot tho
A petition from residents in the neighbor
hood of the Dupont school, asking for foot
er school facilities, was referred to the
buildings and property committer.
On tho recommendation of the commltteo
on boundaries the following school census
enumerators wero selected:
First Ward Henry Inman, II. G. DAu-
Second Ward John L. Lyckbolm, Mr3.
Christiana Stover.
Third Ward William Iuier, Charles E.
Fourth Ward It. S. Gillespie, A. S. Drown.
Ward Mls
Leltlo Giles, 11.
Rohlnton, Mis.
Sixth Ward-
-E. M
Seventh Ward-
William Rcdgwlck, P. J.
Eighth Ward A.
T. Ructc, Elizabeth
Ninth Ward Min.
A. E. Scavcrs, A. T.
On the ndvlco of Superintendent Pcarso
the High school seniors will not bn com
pelled to forfeit another Satniday to mtiKu
good the four enforced holidays during le
palrs on the uchool building.
The board adjourned to meet next Mondiy
night, when bids for the construction ot
the new High fechool will be opened.
"I had stomach trouble twenty years and
gnvo up bone of being cured till I began to
uso Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It has done mo
so much good 1 call It the saver of my life."
writes W. R. Wilkinson, Albany, Tcnn. It
digests what you eat.
Itpi'ltnl for Culture t'lnh.
The recital at tho Younc Men's Christian
association auditorium Monday night for
tho benefit of the Hoys' Christian Culture
club or calvary Daptlst church was one of
the most nlcasant events of tho kind nro-
scnted In Omaha. Miss Alice Howell proved
nerseir un elocutionist or more tnan ordi
nary oblllty and her Impersonations wern
remarkably true to nature, but the faoiilo
or the evening was llttlo Kcglua Haeltens,
who won the hearts of all by her skillful
Performance on the nlano. The vocal solos
of Mr. Jo Barton and the violin snlec-
Hons of Dr. Haettcns werewrll chosen and
admirably presented. The audience was ap
preciative and each numner caned ror a
response to encores.
If Ydu arc Tired.
Honf ord's Acid Phosphate
. - a. ataf . . l
Atloras immediate reuet in mcauii ana
physical exhaustion nnd insomnia.
Quiets and strengthens the nerves.
Genuine bean name Horsvofd's on wrapper.
Amatuer Photographers
Find ours a
storo whoro nil
supplies can bo
had at ronson
a bio prices
wo ffivo tho
freo uso of our
dark rooms and
burniahor to all customers or we
will develop and print your pictures
at a very moderate cost we invito
you to call and sen tho new camora
that wo aro now showing. This
display will Intorost you even if you
already have a good camera.
Amateur VhctograpMo JuppMaa.
1408 Farnam. OMAHA