Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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MONDAY, MAY 21, 1000.
Davis sells class.
Gnu fixtures nnd globes nt Blxby's.
MuKnr.lncs bound, Moorohoufe & Co.
lludwclser beer. L. Hoscnfcld, nuent.
Kino A, II. C. beer, Neumaycr's hotel.
Bchmldt's photon, now nnd latest styles.
Now patterns In frnmc tnoulillnKS. C. 13.
Alexander & Co., 333 Ilroadwny.
Mrs. V. T. CJraff or Oakland, la., Is to
Knout of Mr. and Mrs. It. N. Kills.
Got your work dono at the popular Eagle
laundry, 721 Hroadway. Thone 157.
W. C. Estop, undertaker, 2S l'carl strcot
Telephones: OMIce, 67; residence, 53.
Misses Annie folvln and Dolly Askwlth of
Omaha were visiting friends In the city yes
tordny. Charles U. Unas, who has been at homo
for a few days, left yesterday for Hen
M1h Tunny Iteynolds of Sixth avenue left
Hnturtlny evenliif; for a visit with friends In
dlenry Spetman loft yesterday for Now
York, from whence ho will sail for a six
months' European trip.
Mrx. K. T. Went a of Oakland: Til.. Is vls
HIiiK her brother. CIcrK of the Ohtrlct Court
V. Ij. Heed, on Klrst avenue.
I.otllx W. Schneider of the Klrst National
bank left yesterday for eastern Iowa, where
he will enjoy a two weeks' vacation.
To the Public: Until further notice, our
olllce will clone on Saturdays at 1 o clock,
The Council Illurr Ons & Electric Co.
V. W Iiomls nnd V. 11 Hill left yester
day for their annual summer HshliiK trip
to imiison liiKe, wis. m ney vxpoci to ue
gone until June 1.
Principal Ilrctt of the North Pes Moines
limn scnool was ttie guest or itev. j, w
Wilson while attending the Held meet here
J Id returned to Oes Moines yesterday.
The Minshlno yesterday afternoon at
tracted a largo number of visitors to the
city from Omaha and quite a crowd visited
Kalrtnoiint park, which never looked pret
tier than It dors now after the recent rains.
Miss Ida lllllls of Earllug, la., who has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. E. C. Ilrown
of Fourth street, for the lust month, left
yesterday for lte. la., where she will be
tho guest of relatives and friends.
About thirty-live members of the local
nnd Omaha Danish llrotherhood sorletteu
returned yesterday from Underwood, whore
they participated Hnturday night In a social
affair given by tlm lodge of that place.
Colonel O. O. Saunders of this city has
been Invited to deliver the oration at tho
dctllcntlou of tho new auditorium donated
by ex-flovemor Drake to Drake university
of Dos Moines. Tho dedication will be held
on Juno 13.
Edward W. Wack, known on tho stnge as
Edwin Wallock, arrived yesterday morning
on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
N, Wack of Lincoln avenue. He has se
cured an engagement with u Iradlng eastern
company and after spending a couplo of
-weens nero win go to (jniengo.
Dick Mooney was taken Into custody last
evening at the request of tho Lincoln (Neb.)
authorities. He Is wanted to answer to a
charge of larceny, the particulars of which
n ro not known here. Tho arrest was made
by Detective Weir at tho homo of Mooney's
father and Detective Malum; will bo hero
this morning to tnko hltn to Lincoln.
Colonel II. l Montgomery, a former
prominent citizen and democratic politician
of Council muffs, now located at Cripple
Creek, Colo., Is In tho city for n few days
vlnltlng old-tlmo rrlends and acquaintances.
Colonel .Montgomery was at one time the
fUiuccKsful democratic nominee for congress
In this district and now stands n good of securing tho democratic nomina
tion , In the Second Colorado district.
With but few exceptions all tho members
of tho teams of tho different high schools
that competed In tho Held meet Saturday
left for their respective homes yesterday
morning. They were unanimous In their
expressions that If It had not been for the
rain Interfering on Krlday tho meet would
have been the most successful In tho history
of tho association. They .were all much
pleased with tho reception and attention
shown them wlillo In tho city.
James Stevens, arrested at a lato hour
last l-rlday night with two roosters In his
possession which ho was attempting to
trndo for dilnks in n saloon, will have to
explain to Judge Aylcsworth In police court
this morning how he cjime by the chickens.
lien taken Into custody Stevens, who Is a
mason, claimed he had a poultry yard on
CJrnnd avenue, but when tho police investl-
Wl,.tl .Mll"y r,'llni1 ho 'l not own a single
bird, 'tho only connection they could tlud
liu had with Grand avenuo was an unpaid
board bill ho had left at a house whero he
Htoppcd for several weeks.
N. Y. numbing Co., Tel. 250.
Davis sella paints.
Il- Itohlieil by Tranip".
Hoy Hansen, a 10-year-old boy living nt
820 Klglith avenue, was tho victim of footpads-
Saturday night, who robbed him of
thrco dozen eggs which ho was carrying
t homo from tho grocery. Near the corner
of Seventh street and Klglith avenuo three
men approached him and asked what ho had
In the basket. Tho boy told them nnd then
ono of tho gang seized tho basket nnd tho
three fellows ran off as fast ns they could.
Tho lad followed them for about a block,
when ono of tho men stopped suddenly and,
drawing a revolver, fired In tho direction ot
tho boy, at tho saiuo tlmo ordering him,
with nn oath, to turn back and quit fol
lowing them. After tho shot young Hansen
decided to give up tho chaso nnd he mado
for his home, whero ho repoited tho holdup
to his father, who at onco notified tho
police. Tlio thieves aro thought to bo
tramps who wero making their way from
ono railroad yard to another.
Gravel roofing. A. II. Head, C41 D'way.
A, l. Clark's t'lise.
A. D. Clark, picked up by tho pollco last
Friday nn being mentally deranged, was
taken back to tho stnto Insane asylum at
Clarlnda yesterday by Dr. Ely. ono of tho
olllccra of tho Institution. Clark escaped
from tho asylum a week ago yesterday wlillo
out for a wnlk with other patients. When
picked up by tho pollco hero ho claimed to
havo been discharged ns cured. Ho was
formerly In bunlness In Sao City, whoro his
relatives now reside, nnd It Is understood
tlioy nro willing to caro for htm as soon as
ho ran bo paroled In tho regular way. His
Insanity Is of n mild form, but llttlo hopo
for his recovery Is held out. At ono tlmo
ho lived In Council II luffs nnd wan employe 1
ns assistant Janitor in tho Merrtnm block.
Ills wife Is living In Sac City and while In
the city Jail hero ho wrote a pitiful letter
to her, asking why sho did not come to seo
him or help him to go homo to Sac City.
Watch for tho big flro salo nt J. Zollcr
nud company's.
CiinoeH CiiiinIm.
Tho lino weather yesterday Induced a
number of people to drlvo down to Lsko
Maunwa, among tho visitors being several
from Omaha. Frank Haskell of Omaha
wlillo out for a sail In his canoo overbal
anced and took an involuntary bath. A. 8,
Hogors of Omaha, who was alio out sailing,
(went to his nsAlstnnce nnd likewise tipped
over Into tho lake. A boat was tent out fiom
shoro nnd brought tho two to land, nono
tho worso for tho mluhap, except wot
"Mr. Riley" C-ccnt clgnr.
Vity Connell Meeting.
At tho meeting of the city council tonight
ti U ..n.ll IW enmn -.Ml ..111 l.
.. r..V.i . h wnth ,,. i.m,i- tI
.ni .i.wnii, nr,ii,,n i. i. '.i.' .
to come up ond It is not unllkrfy that t wa' UJ?T,J? 1P"?ent 1 ,aartmi!
tho council will take some action as to or-I Mr8' KJ .' WhltlnB. Whiting, a.; euperln
dcrlng a number ot streets paved. A num- ,cmlc,,t Prmn7 dr-partnient, Mr9, Howard,
tor of tho aldermen favor using bome mado 0nllwn; '"'I'ln;1!0"' homo department,
pressed brick.
Gas stoves nro cheaper ihan gasollna
tovos and they do not explode.
Negotiated ln Eastern Teorka
nil Iowa. James N. Camdy, Jr.,
V u una fau, wouncu imuih,
Bishop Co'groTO Confirms Two Lugo Clasa
of Council B.ufii Postulants
Al nt Tun Hundred TnUe Their KlrH
Coiiiiuitiiliin at the .Services
Held l- the HUliop
lit. Itev. Henry Cosgrovc, bishop of tho
wavenport diocese of the Catholic church,
ndminlntcrod tho rlto of coiillrmatton yes
terday morning to a large class at St
Francis Xavler's church and In tho ofter-
noon to a class at St. Peter's church. At
both churches he was assisted by Hey.
Father Smyth, paBtor of St. Finnrls
Xavler's; Hov. Father Thomas, pastor of St
Peter's, and Hov. Father Feeley of St. Hcr
nard's hospital. Ilo'th churches wero bril
liantly decorated for tho occasion nnd spe
cial music was rcntlered by augmented
At St. Francis Xavler's church the ad
ministration of the rlto of confirmation fol
lowed the high mass nt 10:30 o'clock. The
class consisted of elghty-nluo women uud
girls and fifty-five men and boys, aming
the latter being n man over 80 yearn ot
Illehop Cosgrovo preached at both
churches, his sermons being specially di
rected to tho postulants taking their 11 rat
communion. Ho admonished them to con
tinue in the Christian doctrine and dwelt
nt length upon the ndvantagea to be do
rlved from a Christian education. Ho par
ticularly Impressed upon his hearers that
while a secular education has Its bsnellts
they are largely nullified unless accompanied
by good Christian training.
The inUHlc was especially flno, an claborato
special program having been arranged. At
tho offertory Misses Juliet Lango and Emma
Mooro and J. P. Mulqueen sang a Verdi
trio, that was a beautiful featuro of tho
At St. Peter's, tho pastor, Hcv. Father
Thomas, O. S. U., presented to tho bishop
a class of fifty for confirmation. After tho
service nt this church In tho afternoon,
lllshop Cosgrovo left for Mlfsourl Valley,
whero today, assisted by Father Smyth of
this city, ho will administer the rlto ot
confirmation. Tuesday tho bishop will go to
Diinlnp nnd to Mndnle on Wednesday, re
turning here Wednesday night. He will
spend Thursday, which Is a holy day In tho
Catholic church, In this city, leaving for
lmogeno Thursday evening.
Commonwealth 10-cent cigar. , , 1
Illinois Central Depot.
The Illinois Central rallwny's new pas
eenger depot will bo Informally .opened this
nftcrnron. The local representatives of tho
company will give verbal Invitations to tho
business men of the city, asking them to bo
present and participate ln tho Informal
exercises nnd partake of tho hospitality
which will be diffused. Captain Merry, as
sistant general passenger agent, will make
a short address and Mayor Jennings Is ex
pected to also mnko n few remarks. Lunch
will bo sorvSd, but tho whole affair is In
tended to bo qulto Informal. Tho furnlturo for
the depot nrrlvcd Saturday and workmen
wero busy Installing It yesterday.
Furnished room for rent. Inquire "13
Washington avenuo.
Itolilieil Ills Employer.
II. II. Templetoii, a young njan who has
been working at Oray's restaurant on Hroad
way. Is In tho city Jail, charged with lar
ceny from a building. Cray left his pocket-
book, containing a brand new ?j bill,
on n tauio in llio micuun yemvruay
morning. Templeton happened to see It and
soon transferred It to his pocket. Ho then
had pressing business elsewhere, but before
ho could leavo town Gray had discovered his
loss nnd tho young man's absence, and re
ported snmo to the police. Trmpleton's . r
rest quickly followed. He admitted the $."
bill found on him belonged to uray.
Co-umonwcaltli 10-ccnt cigar line stood
the test of time. It has been measured by
overy tesl for tho last forty years and It, Is
In greater demand today than over.
For tin- Diocesan Convention.
lllshop nnd Mrs. Morrison nro expected
to arrive hero today from Davenport to
attend tho diocesan convention and wlillo
in tho city will bo the guewts of Mrs. Horaco
Everett and family. A number of tho cler
ical nnd lay delegates are also expected
to reach hero today and all nrrnngtmonts
havo been completed for their entertain
ment. Members of tho reception commit
tee will meet all tho trains today nnd
rwort tho visitors ns they arrive to the
homes whern they will bo entertained dur
ing their stny In tho city.
Howell's Antl-"Kawf" curiti coughs, colds.
Cleveland Wants to Try.
Hon. William F. Cleveland of Hnrlan, ex
stato senator, Is announced as one of tho
probabilities In connection with the demo
cratic nomination for congress for tho Ninth
district. Tho candidacy of tho Harlan man
is being pushed by lo?al democrats, who bo
llevo he would bo n stronger cnndldato than
Low T. Genung of Hastings. Cleveland at
one tlmo defeated Hon. Lnfo Young for a
seat In tho stato senate from tho Shelby
Cass district.
Momma Comity Sunday SoIiooIn
ONAWA, In.. May 20. (Special.) Tho
second day of tho thirteenth annual conven
tlon of tho Monona County Sunday School
nrsoclatlon opened with nn Increased nt
tendence, over 100 delegates being present
Tho program of the day was ns follows:
9 a. m. Praise meeting, W. E. Hoberts.
!):tr a. m "What Constitutes a Sundav
School." Discussion. Itev. Washington of
lllencoe. Hov. Todd. Mrs. Fisher. H. T. Mor
ris. Miss Wilcox anil otners.
fl;Wi n. m "Home Deiiartment nnd House
to-llouso Visitation," C, L. Hlchards nnd
10:35 a. in. ' wnat snail tun minilay
K Mi no I Tench?" Miss Inez Wood. Moorhcad.
1:10 p. in. "The Sunday School versus the
Weather," Itev. J. A. Edwards. Mnpleton.
l:Ki n. m. i low i interest .My class of
linvs." Hov. Denton. Onawa
2:10 p. in. "Tho Help of tho Holy Spirit
In Christian Work," Peter Inmnn, Hodney
2:35 p. in. Closing consecration service,
In charge of Hov. Lowls of Castana.
At tho business meeting W. II, WondeT of
tho Democrat, who has been prcoldent for
. . . . ...... . 1 n ...1 n i-n.n1(ii.Miii n,.1 r -
L . ' . ' . X . I .,,
i"T" 18 ol ... ,7'? l'.rlK"V
' 'r" vice pi eaiucin, nniuu, ..lui.rn.uu;
! ond vice prcfldetit, Will Chrl.iman,
Maploton; oecretnry, Miss M. Hinsdale, On-
' Mrs, 1). Handel, Onawa,
Tho fourteenth annual convention will bo
held at Moorhcad.
Story of (ieoruln Murder,
MACON, On., Muy ZO.-tA story, meager
In details and lacking continuation, reached
hre today to the effect that William Haines
una nis son were Klllni yesterday near Cor
dele (la., by a Mr Ulenton, who Intended
to marry MUa Haines. During tho morning
Oleaton went to the homo of Miss Haines,
accompanied by n friend. The girl's father
iiueriereu ami tried to -tmiui'o iinr io re
main at home. A quarrel nrose and tho
young woman's brother rushed up with a
pistol nnd commenced shooting nt Olenton
nnd his companion. Olcaton drew his revol
ver nnd shot and killed the young woman's
father and brother and mortally wounded u
neighbor, who tried to sfop the trouble.
"THU lltlsll .WATAIt."
Itciiinrkithlc Poem Written by II) run
EIkIi) Venrn Ak.
When Oeorgo IV visited Ireland In 1S21,
Hyron, who was living In Italy, wrote a
poem, entitled, "The Irish Avntnr," avntar
being a Hindoo word, meaning. the descent
of a deity to earth and his Incarnation as
a man or an animal. Tho poem was pre
ceded by the following extract from a
speech of tho great Itlsh orator, Curran:
"And lrclnnd, Jlko a bastinadoed elephant
kneeling to receive tho paltry rliler." Theao
tcrrlulo lines on (Icorge IV wero Justified,
for ho had always dented Ireland Catholic
emancipation. Tho following extracts nro
without parallel In English literature In
fcioclty of satire, when wo remember that
they wero written by a member ot tho he'-
redltnry English aristocracy, by a man who
in his first fame had enjoyed tho neisonal,
c,1Uiltl,nnC0 of Oeorgo IV, who had Invited
lo , u , , d bait , Mattered
ho romcs! tho Messiah of royn'ty
Like a goodly Levlnthail roll'd from tho
Then receive him ns best such nn advent
With u legion of cooks nnd an army of
lie comes In the promise nnd bloom of
To perform in the pageant the sovereign s
Hut long live tho shamrock, which shadows
him o'er!
Could the green In his hut bo transferi'd
to his heart!
Could Hint long wlthcr'd spot but be verd
ant again,
Anil a new spring of noblo affections
Then mlghT freedom forglvo theo this
dance in thy ohnln.
And this shout of thy slavery which
saddens thu skies.
Is It madness or meanness which clings to
theo now?
Wero he God as ho Is but the common
est clay,
With scarce fewer wrinkles than sins on
his brow
Such servile devotion might shame htm
Let the poor squalid' splendor thy wreck
can afford
(As tho bankrupt's profusion his ruin
would hide).
filM iivi.r tin. tinfiir-it tjil f.'rln. Ihv lor,l
iviss nis toot witu tny messing, ins uicss
lugs denied I
Each bruto hath Its nature; a king's Is to
To relgn! In that word sec, ye ages, com
Tho cnuso of tho curses all nnnals coti-
From Cnesar the dreaded to George tho
Will thy yard of bluo riband, poor FInenI,
The fetters from millions of Catholics'
Or. has It not bound thee the fastest of nil
Tho slaves who now hall their betrayer
with hymns?
Spread spread, for Vltelllus, tho royal re
Till the gluttonous despot be stuffed to
tho corce!
And tho roar of his drunkards proclaim
mm nt last
Tho fourth of the fools and oppressors
call'U "Gcorse!"
Let tho tables bo loaded with feasts till
they groan!
Till they groan llko thy people, through
nces of woe!
Let the wine How nround tho old Uac-
eluinnrs throne,
Like their blood which has llow'd and
which yet has to How.
Slight Cliaiiues Observed anil a !v
The s'rnw hat has made Its nppenrance
ln tho shop windows, reports the New
York Tribune, mid some udvance agents
ot tho summer styles havo bean seen wear-
Inir tho latest thlnir ln that line. There la
not much difference between Inst year's hat
and tho ono now on exhibition ecent that
tho crown U slightly lower nnd the rim
less broad. The bound edge hat which
si mo dealers tried to Introduce last lear
has been dronned. "not becnusc it was not
n sensible style," ono manufacturer said,
"nut necauso it looked too mucit nxo
mourning. You will probably llnd them
on tho wagons from which hucksters will
sell 'the latest ttylo for CO cents' on the
nrst real not any ami tnero you win see
also tho tho various freak styles of tho
last few vears reduced to the slzo of tho
ltKX) hat, whitened nnd fixed up, 'good for
tho season' If It doesn't rain.
Tho 11 nek band will bo generally worn.
but fancy band.i with college colors and
tlio dark uiuo wltn white pouta etois win
bo In somo demand. Panama hats In al-
ilno and sombrero i-hnpes hnvo been
iroiiirht from southern DDlnts In large
quantities nnd hatters hope to do a largo
nusiness in mat line, rnoso nats range
In price from J10 to J20. The latest thing
ln tho line Is an alpine lint made of snllt
bamboo, which Is much lighter than the
Panama hat and darker ln color. These
hats wero brought to the market from
Manila nnd nro tne t'litiippines' nrst con
tribution to our world of fashion.
(eiiernHy I-'nlr, vtltli Variable "Winds
Monday anil Tuesday In
.Veil rusk 11.
WASHINGTON, Mny 20. Forecast for
Monday and Tuesday:
Eor Nebraska and Kansas Oencrally fair
Monday nnd Tuesday; vurlablo winds.
For Iowa nnd Missouri Fair Monday and
Tuesday; vnrlable winds.
For South Dakota Fair Monday; wnrmer
In western portion; Tuesday fair; southerly
I. oenl Iteeoril,
OMAHA. May 2.-Olllelal record of tem
perature) ami precipiiaiion, ciimpiireti wnu
tlio eorrcsponumg uuy ui me ini n.iut
1L'arili lW). 1R99. 1S37.
Mnvlniimi temnernture.... 70 Cl 75 kl
Minimum temneraturo 49 8 5S fo
Avenge temperature 03 fd Cfi 70
Preclnltntlou w M -t-o M
Heeord of tempointuro nnd prtn-lpltntlon
nl Omaha for the day nnd slnco March 1.
Normal for tho day G3
Dellclency for the day 1
Excess since March 1 221
Normal rainfall for tho day II Inch
Dellclency for the day 11 Inch
Total since March 1 7.10ltu-he.i
Deltelencv slnco .March 1 22 Inch
Dellclency for cor. period, 1S99.... 1.31 Inches
Dellclency for cor. period, 1S9S 2J Inch
Heparin from Stations at S p, 111.
92 Co
: S "3 n
?l 9
9 :
Omaha, clear
North Platte, partly cloudy.
Halt I-ike, clear
Cheyenne, mining
Hnpld City, cloudy
Huron, cloudy
Wlllihton, clear
Chicago, cleur
rlt. Lodls, clear
St. Paul, clear
Davenport, clear
Helena, clear
Kansas City . clear
Havre, partly cloudy,.
Illsmarck, cloudy ,,
Galveston, raining
72 7CI .00
a Ml .00
CO fifl, .w
41 ((( .IS
C2 CCl .10
70 74 00
74 7SI .00
64 l M
f.8 "01 .00
75 Ml .W
70 72 .("
fiS fil .(
70 72i .01
72 74 .01
70 7fi .(0
7C .01
Jxical Forecast OJtlclul.
Third Anntul Convention of Congrets Opens
in DeiiJJoJnei.
Delcutitc Pour In tiy Every Train
Plans Are I. aid by the Inttit City
to Slum Them the Meat
of Tlinea, .
TlPtJ Mnt'l'!l Mnv 5(1 rSnerlnl Tele
gram.) All Is iiSreadlnpfs for tho third an-'
nual convention of the National CongreiS of
.lomers, wnicn invvi m uns cur .tiuiiuajr ,
!nnd lasts throughout tho week. Tho first '
out-of-town delegate to arrlvo was Mrs. U.
110'1' ot ncr, represeiuins tne ucncr
Roman's club, who arrived Saturday noon.
Since then the delegates havo been pouring
ln b" tho scoro on rJ '""""'ns train, and
1 ls. nppareni inai ei o m.i mgers win m i
uu Hi ....... i'icuuuuii
Is to bo nn unusually large gathering. It H
believed that there will bo at least 1.000
women present, repre-aeniauves oeiug v .
pecicu eveij ouiio mm iciiiiui ,
J.?"'., i . I
.ue Dig rusii o .i.eB.iie iu bu ih: ...u.i-
day. A tralnload of them will arrive early
in uui morning iru.n unirago. 11117 win
bo tho representatives from nil of the east
ern fctatcs, who will come west independ-
ently as far as Chlcagr,. and come on o-no I
train from there. Auothr.r largo delegation
starts from Salt Lake City and ono from
California. Tho Nebraska, Co'orado and
Knnsas women will board these trains nr.d
ni win como in toge nor. Alio ner ran.
... iu.i u... i'"-'w"""''
on tho wny from nil of tho southern stntew
nnd territories. All roads will be lending
to Des Moines this week nt least Insofar ns
tho women of tho land nro concerned.
Tho program for tomorrow, tho opening
day of tho congress, U nppendel:
Congress opened by the president, Mrs.
Theudnru W. Hlrney, Washington, D. C.
Opening prayer. Itev. J. Everlst Cathell,
D. IJ., Des Moines, la.
Music by Iowa band.
Welcome to the state, by former Governor
Welcomes to the cty, by Mayor llnrten
bower. Welcome from the Women's club of Des
Mdlues, Mrs. Theodore W. Walker
Welcome from Iowa mothers, Mrs. Isnac
Le-a IIIUIs, stato organizer, Des Moines, la.
ClioruR by male voices.
Hesponsc from tho cast, Mrs. D. O. Mears
president New 1 orlc State Assembly
Mothers. Albany. N. Y
He-sponso for tho west. Mrs. Clarence E.
Allen, Salt Lake City, I'tnh.
Hesponso for tho north; Miss Ilnrrlet A.
Marsh, president of Michigan Congress of
Hesuonse for tho south, Mrs. Hubert Cot
ten, secretary Nntlonnl Congress of Moth
ers, Falkland, N. C,.
Ureetlnus from noted representatives of
national organizations.
"America,- sung iy audience.
Asldo from tho business program, which
ncludcs papcra, addresses and discussions
n which tho prominent . women from all
over tho country will tako part, thero will
bu a number of social events ot contldernble
magnitude. Governor and Mrs. Shaw, who
nro now attending tho McthoJIst conference
ln Chicago, will return homo tomorrow and
remain several days to assist In entertaining
tho congress, and Tuesday evening they will
glvo a rcccptlrn at tho stnto house In honor
of tho visiting ladles. Tho snmo evening the
Des Moines Wraian's club will glvo a recep
tion nt a different, hour. Wedneiulay ,af;or-
noon tho cntlro congress will bo given a
carriage drlvo about tho city ond Wednes
day, Thursday and Friday evenings thero
will bo receptions by the local chapters of
tho Daughters of tho American Hevolutlon,
tho Woman's Christian Temperanca union,
tho Woman's Press cl b and tho P. E. O.
Tho officers of tho present congreos nre
President, Mis. Theodore W. Hlrney, Wash
ington, D. C; vlio presidents, Mrs. FreJ
orlck W. Schoff, Philadelphia; Mis. A. I.
Harbor, Washington; Mrs. A. A. Hlrney,
Washington; honorary vice presidents, Mrs,
Phoebe H. Hearst. Mrs. Joseph P. Mumford,
Mrs. Adlal E. Stevenson, Mrs. John T
Lewis, Mrs. William T. Carper; re.-ordlng
secretary, Mrs. Hobert Cotten, Falkland, N
C; corresponding secretary, Mrs. E. H.
Weeks, Knnsns City, Mo.; Treasurer, Mrs.
Hardin W. Masters, Lowlstown, III.; audi
tor, Mrs. Hoger 11. McMulIen, Evnnston, 111.
Ttlc of Doctor of l'liHoNopliy
stinted t'lion a Woman.
Cambrldgo has established tho precedent
for conferring degrees upon women and now
America fellows suit.
In the presence of learned professors, ad
vanced students nnd visiting friends Ml?s
Jessica Hlancho l'clxotto of San Francisco
successfully passed her final examination nt
Herkoloy for tho degree of doctor of phlloso
phy, an honor which tho University ot Cn'l-
fornia has conferred but thirteen tlmcb In
thirty-six years, and but once? beforo on a
woman. Although tho stnto university 1i.ib
grnntcd degrees to 1,700 Individuals Blnco
ISC I, thero havo been but eight years In all
Its history In which scholars have presented
themselves for this, tho highest, rank given
by tho faculty, a title which Implies nt least
seven years of university work, the writing
of a thesis and tho demonstration of ex
tenslvo learning nnd tho power to prcaecuto
Independent iine3tlgatl. il. .
Tho test was conducted by n subcommittee,
consisting of Profs. Ilornard Mcscs, head of
tho department of history nnd polltlr-ul
economy; Thomas Hutherford Uacnn, head
of tho department of modern European
history, anil Foliclen Victor 1'nget, head o'
the department of French nnd Spanish
langungca and literatures. The3o wero tho
Inquisitors for tho whole philosophical
division, which contains thirteen head
professors, four associate professors and
four assistant profosto.-a, rr.03t of whom wcw
Miss Helxotto's, thesis, submitted to them
scoral months ago, was entitled "A Com
parative Study of tho Principles of the
French Hovolutlon and tho Doctrines of
Modern French Socialism, with tho Origin
and Development of Each." It wan her
duty to faco this array of professorn nnd not
only defend her 'thefs against nil adversn
criticism, but to 'nnriWer orally and cxtcm
porarlly such nu'estions ns might be pro
pounded to sound her learning in political
theory, French political history from 1715 to
1818 and French beljea-lettrcH from 171B to
Vor ono hour nnd -a half sho sat, serene
and smiling, renijlly 'meeting her examiners
with argumontntlvo answers, The semnber
ness of her classical black cap and gown was
rolleved by n great bunch of violets. 8ha
seemed so sclf-potsessed and confident that
tho Impression prevailed that her years of
special study In California nnd Franro had
taught this chic, petite, pleasant-volctd
brunette, who was graduated from tho San
Francisco Girls' High school In 1891. almost
ns much nbjut tho subject . n her Jiulgr.
Finally I'rof. Moeeu said ho had no more
For Infanta and Children.
His Kind Ycc Have Always Bought
Bears the
Sifiunturo of
,,,,,. , . , ,t .,,,, I while contractors In charge of the oxt nval
uestlons to ask. and the committee re- ..... .., ,hr ,,.,,, (1 ,,;,,.,, .,iri,
tlrcJ. In a few moments It returned, every
member smiling, and the chairman an-
nminixut- '"U'o .In ,-n..ll r.nn,mn,1 thnl
,.v v ...
Miss l'elxot'o bo given the degree of doctor I
of philosophy." There was n rtomt of ap
plause, followed by handshaking and con
gratulations. AVoIiHiik Uy Eleetrlelt v.
Electric hent for welding and tetnpcrlng
Is In euccessful use for a largo number of .
ics. For tempering natch and clock I
fprlngo It Is entirely without a rival on nc
count of tho quickness and rase of Its man
Ipulatlcn and regulation. Ono of the largest
wagon-making concerns In tho country uses
elcctrlo welding In making tires. Similarly,
the largest concern making cedar tutw and
buckets uses an electric welding proccm for
making the hoops on Its palls, cte, The3c
are made of galvanized Iron wire, wound
tightly around tho utensil In a groovo cut
In tho wooden staves. Tho ends of the wlro
hoop aro brought together, a llttlo scrap of
mica lelng placed under tho Juncture to pro
tect tho wood. A powerful current of elec
tricity, Introduced in tho hoop by appropriate
nBluirntU9. heala tho ends almewt iiwlimtly
K,., ,, ,,, n,,,i fi-niv. -,. .(,,.,
l thc 0 ,ub , , ., ,
,H ga,, , bo practically Indestructible. In
blcyclo fnctories eloctrlc welding nnd brazing
ian, much lmplovtH,. u ,3 nlfJ t0 gomo
extont ln tho ninnufneturo of nrmor-plcrcing
' , othcr ,,rojeetlIc. Ono of tho most la
tcrestlng tiws to which electric htiit Is put
is tho otiiievillng of armor platen for war
ships. These plates nro generally made In
largo slzc. several feet on a nlde, and up to
t,.Kh,ccn or twellty incUoi lMck. Tl,oy nre
,, of vury (ough Btcd ulul , b3tU Ulc
Harvey nnd Krupp proccwes are hardened J
th0 fliirface nnd for a depth of ono or two
lt!Clllgi tk) thal 0,.,iinary tools, such as drills
,, ..innp- e.uUctn. can make nn lmt.r.vlnn
upon thorn. Tho recently Introduced eleo
trio tempering process consists of a method
for locn,jp heat,nK tho BUrfaco of fiUch
plato to any desired temperature and grnd- j
unity reducing this ea m to temper tho hard
steel nnd make It workable. Tho armor for 1
thu Keursorgo and Kentucky, tho latest bat-
; tI((jhlp8 of tho VnlM Mc navy to bo
placed In commission, wero planed on the
cdgc and drilled for holdlng-on baits nttcr
an electric tempering process.
Apparently l.nelil Interval.
Chicago Tribune: "This," said the man
who was driving tho vlsltoro through the
grounds of tho lunatic asylum, "Is an Inmate
who Is Incurable, but perfectly harmless.
Ho ls permitted to wander anywhere he
chooses Inside the enclosure."
At this tho harmless lunatic, sitting on tho
grass under a tree, with a book In his hand,
looked up nud saw them.
"Three big men," he called out, "nnd ono
poor horso to pull them! And It'n Sunday,
too! Gentlemen, I'd rather bo your prayer
book than your horse. It Isn't worked as
And as tho party drovo on ho resumed his
book and his ordinary condition of incura
InenrKentM l'llit from Ambush.
MANILA, May 20. Five hundred Insur
gents, half of whom were arnicM with rifles,
ambushed eighty scouts of Hie Fortieth vo'
unleer Infantry In the hills near Aquasan,
In the northern part of Mindanao.
Tho Americans routed tho natives, killing
fifty-one. Tho American casualties woro two
killed and three wounded.
Ilrnrll Steamship Servlec,
HEHL1N, May 20. In July the Hamburg-
American Steamship company will establish
an Independent tcrvlco to tho northern
ports of Brazil.
Convention Hall GoIiik Pp.
K'AVSAS ri'rV. Mn . Mnv ?rt Hpv.rnl
crows of artisans worked nil iay Sunday on
Convention nan. J no rourtn set or trusses
for tho roof ,wns partially put ln place,
"Daisy Queen"
31 lraqrant perfume, rltb in the
tiveetness of field and forest.
Delicate yet lasting.
Sherman & TtUConnell Drug Co.,
r, ItlyerS'Dllfon Drug Co.,
nui11 ot
LEAVE AT 12:10, NOON, AXD 7 8S V. M.
New Short Line to
Minneapolis and St. Paul
Iicav tt 7 s, n. sud 7iUB p. aau
Tb Nw Ofloa."
Best Dining Gar Service
Not onco In n
hundred times
doe-H Antl-Kawf
fall to cure a cold
It'n sure.
ecu your druggist, iiu st-iu 1U
supervised the . utistnu Hon along thoe
lines. To date the hall dim tors have
"Warded COlltriU'tH for Work tllllt Will I0!t
Curler Harrison Wltlntraits,
CHICAOO, May 20. -At a meeting of tho
'ook county democrats today Hubert E.
Hurke, noting ni Mayor Carter II Harri
son's spokcrmon, made aunonnci"
inent or tlio wlthdrnwiil of Harrison as a
gubernatorial candidate. Following this
de'ilaratlon the 2o0 members present en-
.i,.p.,i i,i m....,,.. i. -minv n n. m,ii
duto for governor.
Denver Murder ami .Suicide.
DENVEH, Colo, May 20.-Walter Wil
liams, deputy coroner, shot nnd killed Wil
liam M. Downer, tho proprietor of a tinth
hoiisont 1W: Arapahoe street, this afternoon
nnd then kllle-d himself. The killing oc
curred nt tho establishment of Downer nnd
no witnesses wero present. Domestic trou
ble Is given as the cause.
Knoxilllr IimIIcn Itoer Envoys,
KNOXVILLE. Teiin., May 20 The city
council of Knoxvllle, by resolution, unani
mously passed, has Invited the ltoer envoys
In this country to visit Knowille. Mayor
Helskell will formally extend the Invita
tion, Mm eiaenlM of tleeoii Venst'ls, May -O.
At Southampton -Sailed llarbarossa, from
Bremen, for New York.
At Yokohama Arrived previously Nip
pon Mum. rrom San Kranelsco for llong
Kong; Hid Juu Mam, from Seattle, for
llaiiwr Konir.
At Queetistown Sailed
Liverpool, for New York.
Lunula, from
Price Reduced
The Funk Wngnalls
Of the English Language,
247 Editors nnd Specialists.
600 Renders for
Complete, Succinct, Authoritative.
It contains all there Is In the English language, compiled, pro
nounced and defined by the most eminent specialists ot tho prct
eut day, ln erery department of literature, science and art.
"P A T?T7 lVrI,i flaould not underestimate tho valuo to their children
of imraedlato consultation of a STAND A HI) authority
whenever any question arises with regard to a word. THE EAHLY U8E OD
HEFEIIENCE HOOKS by tho young leads to lrabtts ot thoroughness In atudr,
protonts careless writing, and cultivates exactness In convocation.
The Itloliest Treasure.
"If every school trustee and every man having a fam
ily of growing children could realize tho valuo of this
Dictionary he would not b? long without it, It is worth
moro than fine clothes. Jewelry, high living or aurnmcr
outings, and tends to Improve and cnnoblo tho charac
ter and mukes hotter citizens of every person who
studies It," Milwaukco Sentinel.
TO YOUn CHILDREN On A FHIEND It would bo difficult to And a moro de
sirable, tisctul or welcome present than
647 of tho world's most eminent men labored, and moro than $960,000 wera
expended to produco this magnificent work. It Is tho authority most valued
tiy the learned and the learner everywhere. It can now bo procured, elegantly
bound ln full sheep, at tho unprecedcntcdly low prlco of $8.00. 1 H
Megeath Stationery Company J
1308 Farnam St., Omaha
Mail Orders Given
Prompt Attention
mm m m
mr m m.m
Buy a Lot
And build your own Home upon it, and
Stop Paying Rent.
Some vacant lots located in Central sub addition, Omaha
addition and W ght's addition. These lots will bo sold
at real bargains. In a year or so thoy will bring doublo th
money asked for them now. Apply at Bee Office, Council
I Bluffs.
$5.00 A MONTH.
Trtitt til Fomit cl
22 Yean fpfrltne.
12 Ytinln UnutiJ,
Et.Ef TItlClTY anil
J1K01CAI, Treitmrtit
CO m blued, Varicocele.
St rlctnre, Syphilis, Lossoi Vigor and Vitality.
rVltliS mUIUXTKKO. Charges low. IIOJIU
Tltk'ATMKM. Hook, Consultation and Kaaiu
limtliiii Fire. Hours, 8 a. in. toC; 7lo8p. in.
Sunday, 9 to 12. PO.I1px7(.6. Office, N. K.
Cor. Hlhand Fa--m Strtets.OMAUA. NEU.
Nearly Ono Million Dollars.
appreciate our work becauso it is tlouo
in such a thorough and artistic manner.
They are also pleased to find our priced
so very moderate. If you have dental
work that needs to bo dono wo can
satisfy you both in tho quality of work
and tho price.
. ..Telephone 145 '
H. A. Woodbury, D. D. Council Bluffs
30 Pearl St. N Grand Hole