Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1900, PART I, Page 6, Image 6

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Oountrj Glob Links a Stroneer Attraction
Than Ball Boom Floors.
11 rl II In ti I It ' I it lti'inl Intrmlin'.
Moil In .""Uriel) of it nllr Oimiliit
(1 1 rl Mil II In Com pun lei
armory into a eplcndld ballroom, the dcco- rjmnha and rcmoicd to Hoston. where Mlns'home Mr Murry In well and favorably 'openm wan made h J . .Morgan, who
ration of bunting and prccna belns most
artintlc and unstinted. About 300 dancers
were preaent, am out; whom were noticed
many Thurnton lllllrn who had availed
them!elvf on thla last oecnslon of the
standing Invitation extended to their com
pany. The music wan of the usual excellent
MONDA VltiiKkln claim nt Mm
III the afternoon. i
Mrs. V. II. A lex under entertain In the ,
HA'IX'JIDa V Mm. J. K. Htitnmi r. 11 tea
Jolly, hlKllt Unnclni? club, W nililliKton ' attention to the nerfectlnn of their form.
Cmiiitrj Dull In llluli I'm or.
A large number of social loiders have
transferred their reign from the ball room
lo the golf greens and yesterday afternoon
tho rolling links of the Country club was
dotted with players nround tho whole
eighty-two acres of Its extent. The turf
was found in excellent condition and the
absence of wind showed In high scores Im
possible to reach on the preceding Satur
day. No match games were Indulged in, as
the players were content to give their whole
Clafiln will be married this fall
Mrs. Kd Cudahy will leave June 2'J for
Mnclnac Island, where she will spend the
Mrs. John Dili and her slater. Miss Mabel
Hake, returned last week from a visit In ,
Avoca, la.
Colonel I'rntt and Mr. ttoss Towle leave
this week for Colonel Pratt's ranch In j
Wyoming. i
Mr. nnd Mrs. Clayton II. Goodrich will
spend the summer nt Kdgevlow, ISiU Daven
port street.
Mr. (Jeorge A. Hoagland nnd George C.
Towle are fishing this week at Lake Wash
ington, Minn.
Mr. William Halrd Is taking a few days'
' Vnmtti nmnnr riiltrnid nfllMnla hnlntr nMI n f a,tnt lm I Praia 11 Vlfa IlAnaa ta .tru.l Itia
their number. 1 audience wiih an instrumental selection.
Miss Pantile Helen Livingston, the Utile 1 This was followed by solos, recitations and
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sum Livingston, short talks by otlbers. The address of the
trillion, will be given nt the school hall
by Prof. Dodge of Honolulu. An informal
The I-adles' Hygiene Institute nt suite 2J0,
lle' building. In being congratulated on .t
eiircesH in securing the services of M!s Anna
7is South Twenty-eighth street, entertained evening ws made by Supreme "etary i distinguished medlco-gymnasi
eighteen of her young companions from 3 to , o lonei Handle - of .enver. who spoke of , nllPUPi mebvr of the Chicago M-.I-
ft o'clock yesterday afternoon In celebration
of her birthday, (lames and refreshments
were the order of entertainment.
The ladles of the Wisteria Card club met
for the last time this season Wednesday
afternoon nt the homo of Mrs. J. M. Tnnner. i
Twenty-fourth and 1) streets. South Omaha.
Seven g.imes of whist were played, after i
which luncheon was served. Mrs. H. Steiner j
won the first prize, a beautiful vase, and ,
Mis. I). Hlsley received the second, one-half
dozen glass shcrbcrt dishes
the objects and good of tho fraternal or
Good proerera is being made under
Omaha Is about to realize that which has guidance of Groenkeeper Uob Taylor,
long been Its pet dream a Country club j The opening of tho club house next month
and us It nears completion the eyes and in- , 'a anticipated as one of the most elaborate
terest of society turn to It almoit to tho oca functions of tho year. The club has
exclusion of everything else. Nearly every now- nearly 200 members and Is on a path"
day partlc.) go. out to the golf links, and factory financial footing. The framework of
nil kinds of lars arc being planned to be ,ho building Is In place and the structure
consummated "when the Country club wl" ,le completed within two weeks. When
onens." It is the ehiff enii.nhiiinn nt ihn... the building has once been opened Its hoepl-
who are not "going away" thin summer. i tallty will not wane with the passing of tho , Ba May 24 for Ktirope
The amart sot Is tired of ballrooms nnl uensons. u .s no sunsinniiauy d.h.i mi Mr nn1 Mrfi Vtank
drawing room receptions and teas and din
ners. It l looking forward to tho opening
reception, which occurs some tJmo In June,
ns one of the events of the seneon.
Not so with Dnmo Humor, however, who
took advantage of the hevoral large recep
tions and teas last week to whisper of an-
vacation with his brother, on a farm near prize was won by Miss Maggie I'oiiard oi
MaryvMle, Mo. South Omaha. The score prize for the year
' n i vi.,i,..i.. ,i imt .i.n,hin. I watt won by Mrs. A. C. IV Karrell, two beiu-
Irabcl, will spend two weeks with relatives
In Kansas City
Mr. C. C. Downs nnd Miss Downs have re
turned from AsbcvlUe, N. C where they
spent tho winter.
Mrs. Samuel Katz and hon, Jny, leavo
Wednesday for Shetneld, 111., where they
will spend tho summer.
Mrs. Thomas Kllpatrlck and Miss Kll-
J Patrick left Friday for New York. They will
tlful miniatures of Heethoven and Shakes
peare. Mrs. Farrcll's Bcore was ixiy-two
games and Mrs. F. J. Dcspecher came next
winning fifty-seven games during the sea
tlnl.1 fttient
mcmnf r propose giving nouse panics mr.UK i or folr (Iays ,nflt W(,ok at Mmgon
iiie Aimer, hh wen us (;uii nun iciiuin
blbltions during the warmer months. The
next Improvement will be the construction
of bowling alleys.
Ten fur Mis M'mil-.inrlll.
Miss Woolworth entertained a large num
other engagement. Plaint for the wedding. DCr of friends at a tea on Wednesday from
,vuien Is to occur in October, are already
under way, at leant tho prospective bride hat
gone to I'arls, where she is going to "do"
something besides the ixpoilllon. Ths
"busy ilamo" myn tho will bring home a
trotif-scaii In September, the like of which
has seldom been sien In Omaha.
5 to 7, In honor of her cousin. MIm Wool
worth, of Sandusky, who Is her guest. The was decorated with snowballH nnd wm return about the last of June.
Minn., fishing nnd hunting.
Miss Jane Hoylc nnd Mta. Wllllnm McClaud
leave this week for Sherldnti, Wyo., whero
they will spend some time.
Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Whltmore and Miss
Kugcnln Whltmore have returned from a
trip to Mexico and California.
W. Farnam Smith palled May S on the
Kaiser Wllhelm der Orosse for I'arls. He
bridal wreath, Interspersed with American
Ilcnutlvs and pink roses, which added
fragrance nnd beauty.
The stately hostess waH assisted In re-
. 77 celling by Miss Woolworth, Mrs. D. II.
nd speaking of weddings- Wheeler. Jr.. Mrs. George Mercer, Miss
A well known young mn.i in town-who Swen.,brg , tho MUscs Allen. In the dining
is toon to Join tho hencdlcts-objcctcd to . room where MrM. Warren Rogers, Mi.
having his engagement announced In the ricmont t;hae(. ami Ml8 McKcnna poured
papers. When urged for bis reason, ho thp ,.n,or ,,chpme was yellow nnd white.
ndinltted that he was bashful, that ho could ,u umn ,,hi ,, ,innrnin,i with mm-.
!SwriiHburg, the MUses Allen. In tho dlnlns
In silver holders, shed a mellow light over
not talk of It, even over the telephone,
without blushing, ami, lastly, that for weeks
hn hud been "going the alley way" to avoid :
the glad hands of his friends. i
1 1 Ik friends wondered how ho ever man
aged to get cngHged.
Tho fashionable set were present, almost
In a body, nt the Friday night performance
of Nut Goodwin and Maxim; Klllott for "ono
more delightful evening at the theater" be
fore tho season closes.
There wero several theater parties, whllo
in the boxes wero noticed: Mrs. Tnyltir,
Miss Taylor, ex-Governor Iloyd, Mr. Joseph
Haldrldgo nnd Mr. Stockton Ileth. Miss
Klizabetb Allen, Miss Allen, Miss Swcns
herg, 'Mr. Charles Voting, Mr. Mnsley Sher
wood, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hector, Mlts
Kitchen, Miss Dickinson. Miss Montgomery
of Council niuffs, Mrs. McCord, Mr. Frank
Hamilton, Mr. nnd Mrs. Dawson of Council
HluffH, Mr. anil Mrs. Iximnx, Mr. Coffman.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Rogers, MUm Klrkcn
clall. Mr. and Mrs. Coles. Miss Ilurr of Lin
coln. Mr. I'n.xtnn, Dr. Lyman, Fred White,
Sirs. Knox and Mrs. Ilartman.
Ilelmt nf Mlr Ilnrker.
Hctwccn tho hours of 3 and 6 on Thursday
tho Epaclous homo of Mr. and Mrs. Ocorgo
Darker at Thirty-seventh and Jones streets
was filled with several hundred guests, the
occasion being a reception at which Mrs.
llarker formally Introduced her daughter,
Miss Mary, to Omaha society.
In epltc of the threatening weather few
of those invited failed to be present nt tho
event, which has been eugerly looked for
ward to for somo time. Few debutants have
nil. In the library Miss DIckliiHin nnd Miss
Doanc nerved punch.
Iater Mlts Woolworth entertulned tho
receiving party nt dinner. They were
Joined by the husbands of the marrlod
women nnd Messrs. Clifford, Smith. Dick
son, Shenield. Gannett. Young, fledlck.
Scarrett, Woodberry and Dr. Lyman Fair-field.
ItercptliMi for Mr. I,iiiiiu.
Mrs. Arthur L. Williams gave a largo re
ception from I to G Thursday afternoon far
Mm. David Lyman of Chicago. About 1!00
guests were present during the receiving
hours. Among them were many of the vis
iting clergymen and delegates to the auxil
iary meeting and diocesan council nt Trinity
cathedral last week.
The house was decorated with snowballs. nnd flcur-de-lls arranged in tanks nnd
hunches through tho rooms.
Mm. Williams was assisted In receiving
by Mrs. Campbell Fair and Mrs. Lyman. In
the dining room Mrs. Clement Chase served
Ices, Mrs. Albert Noe, MlfB Tate and Mlffl
Ilradshaw. Mrs. Weaver and Mrs. Heed assisting.
Pink l,uuc:iPon.
Mrs. Theodore Markhnm gave a pink lun
choen on Wednewdny for her nieces, tho
Mlsso Markhnm of Albany. Palms, pink
cnmatlons and bridesmaid's rcwes were used
through the rooms. A tall vase of pink
carnations mado a beautiful center pleco
on the table, whllo plnk-shnded tapers were
, , , ,. ),.,,,,if,,i ! used nt either end. A nmnll bunch of car-
Mr. Wnrren F. Hlnckwcll and mother left
Saturday for Chicago, where Mr. Illackwell
will be married on next Wednesday.
Mr. Walter II. Wilkin, Jr., has returned
from a western trip, having npent four
weeks In Wyoming, Colorado and Utah.
Mr. Hay Vlerllng has returned from Kan
sas City and will bo connected with tho
Pnxton-Vlerllng Iron company In future.
Miss Maude McCoy returned Thursday
from St. Louis. She was accompanied by
her grandmother, Mrs. George A. McCoy.
Dr. and Mrs. Wilson arc In Aberdeen,
where they will spend tho summer, hoping
the change will benefit Dr. Wilson's heilth.
Mrs. C. O, Hnlestend left Thursday for
New York. Sho will spend tho summer
In Now Jersey with her son, .Mr. Fred Hal-stead.
Miss Anna Hnzzard has returned from
her visit In New Jersey, but Is Just now
confined to her home by qiilto n severe cold
nnd fover.
Mrs. Herman Kountzc will go east about
Juno 1 to attend the graduation of her
daughter. Miss Klla Cotton, from Lnselle
seminary Juno 10.
Mr. Wallace Peak left Tuesday for New
York City. Ho sailed Saturday for Eng
land nnd will make a four months' visit In
Plymouth and Wales.
Miss Lulu Hoyd leaves on Monday for
North Ilrookfleld, Mass., to make a sum
mer's vlnit with her sister, Mrs. Smith,
formerly Miss Mabel Hoyd.
Kdwln A. French and Augustus K. Llpo
of Omaha, accompanied by D. C. Olfford of
West Point, leave Sunday for Sc-attlo to
embark for Cape Nome May SO.
Dr. Karl A. Connell Is expected home to
day on a three weeks' visit with his
parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Council. Ho
assumes a position on the surgical staff of
tho New York hospital on July 1. a plncc
awarded him In the recent rompotltlvo ex
aminations In New York City.
nnd (ho great quantity of theso sweet offer
ingu wart but nnother evldcnco of Miss
IlarkerV popularity.
Tho houso was a veritable fairy land,
fl&werB every whet e. In tho hall smllnx and
red roses were used, whllo tho morning
room wan artistically decorated -with palms.
Tho library was a perfect bower, with Its
festoons of smllax nnd bridal wreaths and
bunches of Marguerites.
Ill tho salon parlor Mrs. Darker and Miss
Darker received their guests beforo n bank
of American Beauties. Mrs. Darker was
drenscd In her wedding dre'H. whllo Miss
Durker wore a dainty whlto organdie with
lace trimmings nnd carried a largo boquet
of lillcn of tho valley.
nrldal wreath was also used In tho con
servatory, where punch was nerved during
tho afternoon by Mrs. Klrkendall, Mrs. Wat
ties, Misses Elizabeth Allen. Edith Smith,
Helen Cudy, Graco Taylor, Peclt, McShano
nnd Nellie McShane.
No part of tho houso was more admired
than the dining room, where tho decoratlonB
wero pink carnations and pink roues. Grace
ful bunches banked tho mantel and wero
arranged about the room.
A basket nearly two feet in length, Oiled
with pink carnations, wan used as a center
piece on tho table, which, with itn cut gla-s,
wns tho object of universal admiration.
Hero Mcsdames Cudahy, Darkiir, Llnlhger
nnd l'rltchett poured chocolate nnd tea, as
sisted by Mesdames Gulou, Coles, Heller,
Misses Towle, Elizabeth Allen and Taylor.
Mrs. Darker and Miss Marker wero as-ilsted
In receiving by Mesdames C. W. Martin,
Cummlng. Joncph Darker, W. O. Taylor, A.
B, Carter and Mctcalf.
1111 II lit l-niuiHtiile'i l.iili-rtiiln.
The May party given by tho Thurston
Hlflcs at tholr club Wednesday evening was
one of the most enjoyable In tho company's
social history. Though there were 150
couples present, tho hall did not ncem
crowded nt any tlmo owing to the tact and
skill with which tho reception committee
distributed and entertained the guests.
Tho drill hall was decorated with flngfi
and palnm. From the tentet pole wero
looped streamers of tho company colorn
crimson, old gold and dark' blue tho ends
of which wero Oropped later to form tho rib
bons with which eight little, girls wound
and unwound tho May polo In tho graceful
figures of that pretty dance.
Tho company'rt room had lout much of tho
military aspect given It by Its rack of guns
and other suggestions of war and, with Itn
rrofuno decoration of palmu and (lowers.
mnde a most restful retreat for thcue who
wished to "set out" a waltz or stroll be
tween dnncos. Hero groups of beautifully
rtre-wiod young women nnd tho soldier boys
talked and laughed only an they stopped
ir innk with reverence upon tho
memorlnl shlolds of tho company's heroes.
Punch and other light rofrenhments were
served and the dancing continued until a
into hour
On Thursday evening tho Omaha Guards
entertained their friends at their llnni nmi
n.ost nretentlous dance of tho winter seufeon
No palnn hud been spared to convert the
nations marked tho places of Mltn Markham,
Miss Virginia Markham, Miss Calander,
Miss Allen, Miss Chndwlck, Miss Molse,
MIfs Cleveland, Miss Welton, Miss Spencer,
Miss Gertrude Spencer, Mrs. E. P. Brooks,
Mrs. B. Chadwlck nnd Mrs. Markhnm.
1'iiokliiK ( lull In Knlertnliird.
Miss Towle entertained the Cooking club
last Wednesday. The tablo was-, beautiful
In Its decoration of spring flowers, A great
bunch of snowballs formed the centerpiece,
with pink sweet peas on either side. M'ss
Grace Allen was the Invited guest. Tho
mombors preuent were Misses Brown, Eliza
beth Allen. Wessels, Moore. Kllpatrlck.
Edith Smith, Helen Peck, Swcnsberg and
Miss Towle.
I'relly t'lillilren's I'nrly.
Mrs. Hobert Dinning and Mrs. .T. H. But
ler gavo a children's dancing party Saturday
evening from 8 to 11 at Crclghton hall at
which Master Hobert and Miss Loulso Din
ning nnd Master Willnrd and Miss Mildred
Duller received about 125 of their young
friends. The hall was decorated for tho oc
cnnlon with llagn and palms and the dainty,
airy costumes of the young dancers gavo
the ncene tho nppearance of a fairy dance.
Mm. Plnlier'M t'nril I'nHy.
Mrs. George Flnher entertained thirty
guests at an afternoon Card party on Frl
day. Her home on Emmet atreet was taste
fully decorated with pink roses, the color
nchemo being happily carried out In the re
freshments and favors, Tho first award of
merit for the nfternoon'n play wan secured
by Mrs. Shields.
Mtt fiiient unit Whereabouts.
Mr, C. S. Montgomery Is In New York.
Mrs. J. A. Hake goes to Avoca, la., Tufa
Mr. Charles Hull has returned from a trip
Mr. Isaac Adams left last Tuesday for Cape
Mrs. F. H. nrown of Warren. 0., was In
tho city last week.
Mr. John F. Swnrtz and family sail June
2 on tho Pennsylvania,
Mr. und Mrs. Victor Caldwell havo re
turned from an eastern trip.
Miss Mercer has returned homo aftor
spending the winter in Boston,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Benawa are visiting
Mrs. Bcnawa's parents In Denver,
Miss Hako and Mrs. II. L. Whitney re
turned from a short trip to Norfolk.
Mrs. E. 0. Hamilton and son, Warren, re
turn tomorrow from Columbus, Neb.
Miss Delia McDcrraott has returned home
after several weeks' visit In Chicago.
Mra. Martha darken Is visiting her
daughter, Mi, lllnhop Milspaugb, In Topeka,
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. Hnhm left Friday
evening for Wanhlngton and other eastern
Mr Clarence Thurston will spend the
summer vacation at the Paris exposition.
Mrs C A Clallin and Miss Alma Avis
Clafiln have given up their residence In
Out nt Town Guesls.
Row Frank Crane Is tho guest of Mr. A. T.
Mr. John Dwycr of Chicago was in the
city last week.
Miss Jean Morton of Nebraska City spent
last week in Omaha.
Ed Brown of Qulncy, III., is visiting his
sister, Mrs. J. Benson.
Mr. Cleveland hns been the guest of his
sister, Mrs. W. F. Allen.
Mrs. King of Oscaloosa, la., spent several
days with Mrs. Wattles Inst week.
Dr. A. W. Spauldlng of Spokane. WiibIi.,
was in tho city for a fow days last week
Minn Elsa Woolworth of Sandusky, O., Is
the guent of her cousin, Miss Woolworth.
Mr. and Mrs, Scott Blackwell returned to
their home In Muscatine, la., last Thursday.
Dr. and Mrs. Sype of Afton, In., have been
visiting tho Misses Emma and Julia New-
Mrs. F. S. McClelland was the guest of
Mrs. T. H. McCaguo for a few days last
Mrs. J. B. Evans and daughter. Miss
Carol of Salt Lake City, arc guests of Mru.
John Evans, 2117 Webster street.
Mrs. Lester Bodlne nnd children of
Chicago aro visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. H.
Packard, 302 South Twenty-slxht street.
Mrs. William Wctzger, who has been visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Man
chester, left Saturday for her homo In
Denver. .
Mrs. S. Eaton Sparrow left Thursday for
her home at Columbus Barracks, 0., after
a delightful visit with her girlhood friends
In Omaha.
Hev. and Mrs. Weed of Columbus, Neb.;
Mrs. D. B, Lytnan, Miss Helen Bradshaw
and Miss Emma Tate of Chicago were guests
of Bishop and Mrs, Williams last week,
Mlcu Alice Neilncn of tho Alice Ncllncn
Opera company Bpcnt Frlduy In tho city with
tho family of F. E, Kingsbury on her way
to Oakland, where she will spend the sum
mer. Mgr. Martlnelll is the guest of Bishop
Scannell, on his way to Portland, Ore., whero
ho will preside at tho ceremony of Impos
ing tho pallium upon the new archbishop
of Oregon.
Mrs. W. 0. Morrison nnd Miss Mae Burr of
Lincoln have been guests of Mr. and Mrs.
A. P. Tukey during the last week. Miss
Burr returned to Lincoln Saturday. Mrs.
Morrison will remain until next week,
Mrs. F. B. Stephens, wife of City At
torney Stephens of Salt Luke City, with her
children. Is In Omaha for an extended visit
with her mother and nisters nt tho homo
of Jnmeu P. Clarey, 2132 South Twentieth
Hnoliil (iill-Chllt.
Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Mc.Mullen are now
living at the Madison
Mr. Fred Cuscaden has recently ucceptej
a position in Wyoming.
Mr. nnd Mrs. James Boyle are planning to
remove to Omaha about Juno 1.
Mr. nnd Mrs. George II. Vnughn nre now
nt home to tholr friends nt 3311 Francis.
Tho "Jolly Eight" dancing club will give
a dance on Saturday at Washington hall.
Mr. nnd Mrs. George Palmer are receiving
congratulations upon tho birth of n sun last
Mrs. J. E. Summers gives a tea next
Saturday afternoon for Mrs. J. Cameron
Tho Huskln class. Mrs. Lnngfeld. leader,
will meet with Mrs. A. D. Drnndcls Mon
day afternoon.
Mrs. OIlvo W. Dnvcnport. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, C. F. WeHcr, Is lying III nt
Clarkson hospital.
Mrs. Palmer will ehaperone a party of
young people nt the Field day exercises In
Lincoln next Saturday.
Tho friends of Mr. Hex Morehouse will bo
glad to know thnt he Is Ktcndlly Improving
after his serious Minors.
Mrs. Sybil II. Miller has been called to
Cleveland, 0., for an Indefinite tlmo by the
serious Illness ot a relative there.
Mrs. J. I). Hunt will entertnln the Ladles'
Drill team of Omaha ludge No. 1, at her
home, 2S23 Charles street, on Thursday
afternoon, May 31.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wilson Lowo will occupy tho
residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. Durgc s.
1013 South Twenty-ninth atreet, during Mr.
nnd Mrs. Burgess' absence In Europe.
Mrs. W. II. Alexander will entertain the
Daughters of the American Revolution and
their friends Monday evening at her
residence, 1302 South Thirty-first street
Mrs. Wheaton and Miss Whenton. wife
nnd daughter of General Frank Wheaton
wero presented at court In London on Mon
day. There was a large attendance and tho
princess of Wales held the drawing room
nt Buckingham palace In behalf of the
Paul Prltchnrdf Blackburn, non of T. W.
Blackburn of this city, successfully passed
tho physical and mental examination nt
Annapolis last week for entrance into tho
United States Naval academy. Congressman
Mcrecr hns appointed him to a cndctshlp
nnd ho will be sworn in for eight yenrV
service July 1. Young Blackburn was born
In Omaha seventeen years ngo. Ho was
a member of tho High school clats of 1001
and Is well known in the city. Ho went to
Annapolis In January last for preparatory
studies In a prlvato school, and on Friday
telegraphed his father that ho had been successful.
Mrs. D. C. Has of Omaha spent Friday
here visiting friend.
Clause Anderson went to Calhoun, Neb.,
Friday to visit friends.
Luke Simpson and family of Crescent. la.,
nre visiting friends nnd relatives here.
The diipIIs of Miss Miller's schoolroom
The guests' , surprised her at her home Wednesday night.
Miss Story of Teknmah, Nob., Is visiting
her sister. Miss Jennie Story, for a few
days. Miss Flora Kindred spent three days vis
iting her mint, Mrs. Druadwell, living in
Henry Anderson wns at Cedar Creek a
couple cf days of this week visiting rela
tives and friends.
A number of the members of the Inde
pendent Order of Odd Fellows ot this
place visited Demon lodge Thursday night.
The usual exerclsos wore held nt tho
clcslng of the public schools Friday evening,
there being three graduates from the High
The captain nnd his wife of the "John H.
Hugo" that was burned hero last night
were on tho boat when it caught lire and
had a narrow esoapo In getting olT. They
had not retired yet. The lire was staitrd,
so the captain says, from the explosion of a
lamp In the engine room. The boat wns
In tho government service nnd belonged to
the Osage Packet comixniy of Osage, Mo.
leal soclet. Miss Jertellns. In conjunction
with Mrs. T. Schomore. already favorably
I known to Omaha Indie, will conduct Its
i popular bath treatments, so singula! ly effec
1 live, combining ns they do the bent results
of massage, electric and magnetic nppllei
j tlons. Their success Is not alono confined
I to the cure of numerous physical allmen's.
' particularly rheumatism, nervous debility
und dlspepsln. but are of grcit service .11
the preservation of health, the prevention cf
slcknet-s a blessing beyond value to iU
.Mr. Pykc Is building a bum on his prem
ises and making other improvements on the
Services are held ns usual in the pchool
houso on Sunday afternoons and evening,
with a very good attendance.
On Saturday last a meeting of the Dun
dee Improvement club was held at tho
school house and sovoral measures ills
cussed Mr Ituih. father of Astdstnnt United
States District Wtornoy Hush, Is very 111.
Ills advanced vears make a recovery ex
tremely doubtful.
receptlcn will follow at the home of Mrs.
I). L. Johnson, where un opportunity will
be given to meet tho professor und his wife.
On May 2S, under the nusplces of the
Dundee Woman's club, u lecture on
II rii licit Hull I'liplU Mum Their Prii
flcleniM nmi llellulit mi mll-
of I'rli'inlM,
Biownell hall entertained its friends last
night with the rendition of the two dainty
Flench farces, 'Ma Donne" nnd "loterli
do Frunefort." The former was -pro
duced by the younger students In
French, with the following drumatla
personue- Miss Helen Davis. Miss
Muble Perry. Miss .Marlon Tyler. Miss
.Marion Johnson, Miss Noyos nnd Miss
Mabel Dcnsnn. The soond was clven in
nn artistic manner by tho older pupils, rep
resented by Mlts Helen Howard. Miss Jose
phine Horhe, Miss Alice Frenrh, Miss Edith
Locke nnd Mlrs Hope Hanchett. Tho mus
ical numbers nddeil to the pleasure of the
occasion, consisting of a duet by Miss Mabel
Perry and Miss Lureo Deemer and solos by
.Miss Lucy Prokes, Miss Kutherinc Hlchnrds
and Miss Laurel StnmtMtigh. Tho prepara
tions wero In charge of Mme. Alsweh.
A stage was cleverly arranged nnd furn
ished with articles oxptesslvo of the French
tomnntlc period. The costumes were
dainty und correct and the dialogue, wns
spirited nnd entertaining, Tho oecnslon
will tuko tho pluco this year of commence
ment exercises. Mrs. Upton has been In
chargo of the school for two years and tho
pioneer students will be graduated next
O I UK "III tnUo plncc,
O Our store sill'.
On mains the
o Leading Gut-Price
ik Tin: dm in it
miii im vr i tin:
m ii. i, in: num oim:m:ii
in Tin: pi tint .
II rrnnj iPi-r, nr, ivui mi nn- q
Inle iiiuiii'it Ilie fiiriiuil chrUtcu-
Drug Emporium
of the West.
Illlllll IJIvch Hull.
The second nntiunl ball mid enniert of
the Military band of Alpha camp Nn I.
Woodmen of the World, given nt Wash
ington ball lust evening, was much eiijeil
by the large number In attendant n. Arter
an exi client program by the bund dancing
was imiulgcd In until n l.ile Hour 'i nn com
,u i mince in i inirgc innsisicii n v. . inner,
lm If, I..,l , ..t..., W.. Willi.. . t.
Hawailan Islands, with a water-color ill us - Wn nM,j rhnrlus Hrader.
Another Sale
Ladies Tailor Suits
One lot assorted styles jackets
all silk lined actually
worth $15 choice .... ,
One lot ladies' tailored suits somo
all silk lined real value
18 lo 22 choice
YVi'iIiIIiirn mill KliitiiKCiiiriitN.
The wedding of Miss Edna O. Hnblsnn
and Mr, Hay C. Wagner will occur June Ifi.
Mr. Charles A. Hamer and Miss Ornco
Crawford were quietly married last Fri
day. Mr. A. Martin announces the engage
ment of his daughter. Miss Anna, lo Mr.
Nathan Hersska of Chicago. No cards.
Tho engagement of Miss Mary C Heck
and Dr. Elmer H. Porter has been nn
nounccd. Tho wedding will occur June 6.
The engagement of Miss Sara Cordon
nean and Mr. Howard D. Graham Is an
nounced. The wedding will occur Juno 12.
Miss M. A. Illch of Philadelphia, sister ot
Dr. Charles O. W. Hleh of Crclghton
Medical college, has been elected dlrectrets
of tho Clarkson Memorial hospital.
From Chicago comes the announcement
of tho engagement of William H. Singer,
formerly of Omaha nnd son of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Charles Singer of this city, nnd .Miss Huttlo
Mayer of Chicago.
The wedding of Miss Antoinette Hotelier
and Mr. Ellas E. Wlnans lust Wednesday
evening was u quiet, but very pretty one una
wns followed by a reception of the relntlves
and near friends. The bride wjs gowned
In a dainty whlto batlsto nnd carried brldo s
roses. Mr. und Mrs. Wlnans will bo nt
homo to their friends nfter June 1, at
1110','j North Seventeenth street.
Invitations havo been Issued by Mrs
(leorgo L Cheney of Crclghton, Nob to
tho mnrriago of her daughter. Miss Flora
Maud Cheney, to Mr. John Storen tScott of
Omaha. The ceremony will be performed
at tho bride's residence In Crclghton Tues
day, June S, nnd tho newly married couple
will mnko their homo in Omaha after Sep
tember I. Mr. Scott Is well Known as
treasurer of tho Doyd theater.
Miss Ella McVca and Mr. Edward Mauck
wero married Thursday evening nt the
homo of tho bride's mother, !i03 North
Twenty-fourth street. Tho wedding wns a
quiet one, only relatives und near friends
helni? nresent. Tim hrlilnl n.irtv rnlerpil In
tho strains of Mendclshohn'o wedding man n. '
Tho ceremony was performed by Hev
Charles Savldgc. Tho bride's gown was a
beautiful creation of batiste. She cur
ried bride's roses. Tha bridesmaid Miss
Mae Vodlckn. wore light blue silk and car
ried pink roses. Mr. Harry MeVea acted as
best man. Miss McVca is well and favor
ably known In Omaha. Mr. Mauck Is In
the employ of tho D. & M. railroad, sta
tioned at Wymoro, Neb., where Mr. and
Mrs. Mauck will bo at home after June 1.
One lot ladies' fine tailored Suits
some all silk lined usually sold $25
to 28 will go at choice for
Ono lot ladies' extra fine Tailored
Suits many all silk lined sold
everywhere at from 30 to $50, choice
NOTICE These nre nil new suits latest styles choicest materials -beautifully
tailored by the best maker1" Tho prices ore so very low a dollar will bo charged for
fitting the Jacket and a dollar for the skirt if alterations aro necessary.
Douglas St.
h am h l
Douglas St.
Mrs. J. Benson
White Shirt
We aro showing tho prettiest
White Shirt Waists ever brought to
Special sale of commenced Pillow
Tops and Centers 40 very hand
some pieces would bo cheap at 2
price 1. 15.
Rosezalin Cream and
Soap for the face
is becoming so popular that we can
c new h i
Oour new- l.nntlnn grcitlv Cn ieacd fa
O'llltles for hnii.llliu,' KVEHV VAltl
O KTY of ilnii business.
wltn o
Our Prices Tell the Story.
dIMlcr we sell.
oMenncii's Talcum Po
(lenulne Syrup Figs, we sell.
viicni ( iiturrh I'mvder. we sell
OJleo Scott's Emulsion, wo sell....
Koilol. we sell
i".r Iteechnms Pills, wo sell.. . .
Oo'ic ilorsford's Add l'hos., wo sell.
Oriental Cream, wo sell. ...
"jl i Seville Pills, wo m-11
"Jap Huso, we sell
O.VV t'cmeiitleii for walls, we sell
$I25 Warner's Sufc Cure, vc sell.
HowiU s Alitl-Kawf, we sell:.
O&V A l.i x Tablets
Q$l nil lllg ti. we sell
JI &' Vln Murium, wo sell
W.Vv Moan's Kidney Pills, we sell..
OSfic Kuv's Henoviitrir, we sell
0JliJ Aycis' Siirsitii.irilla. "t' sell.
"lie Allen's Fn,t Huso, we ucll
Osflc Di Uitt s Witch Hazel Sulie....
Of' Stuart's t'aturrh T.ihletH
ll.Kl I)tirr'x Mult Whiskey
O &e Cuslorlu
n I Re II II Sour
Jl.i'o O
s! o
73c C)
'.Ve O
Hromn Seltzer ;
g At Corner 16th and Dodge.
OJl.OO M. Lean's Kldiicv Hiilm ....
o""c llenulne. Pond's Htluit
tl 00 llniiil h Sn r.i i in 1 1 1 In
OlV llimd'H Tnolb Powder
q'Jm- farter s Little Lher Pills
AnentH Water, bottle
$1MJ Hulli Family Syilnr.c
O 'iV Thompson's Cherry Phosphate
Pi'-ru-nu, we sell
" $1 no Pliikhun.'s Compound
O II..V) I'Vllnws's Snip
O '"o Wyeth's Phosphate Soda
n IT.c Mull Niitl lne
wiVk Phillip's DlKi'st Coco
Q.W Foley s Honey and Tar
rt2oc Hires Hoot Hen- Extract
" i"c UiMitUe Itrnmo Quinine 1.V
Owe Doil.l s Kidney Pills ft,
O J1C Paine s Celery Compound ... 75
Kudo or Swish Cnnd. Milk I.V
O $1 OU WI110 Canlul 7r
,.ie Q
U5e O
'ft 2
7ue O
i.a n
q iito Our . I.ocnlloii,
o Corner Sixteenth and Dodge.
O Tho Hour of the "ONYX UI'I'JH.V."
OfiOo Cudahy Hxtrnct Hoof tiv
QWV Marshall s Hxtrnct Hecf He
$1,011 llovlnille. we sell 7,V
"JIM Pierce's (Jolden Med. IJIsc... 7i1c
OSjc Allcock s Porous Plasters He
0-w cnieliestct-fl HtiKllsh Penny-
MA.... t til II.. .1 '
Ol U. .11 j int., i. tir
.Vie Ksknv'u l.'nnil
-by mall..
O Saunders- Kuby 1,'loor Oil.
O If !.! rriimer'o Klilnrj-Cure,
QWi' Lnbliicho h'aco I'owdcr
i-ciirs 1 nsceineci noaii
.We Jlny's Hair llcallh
200 n
0"'' Hublfoam
O To Cit These Prlrrn Triule nt
Sherman SMcConncll Drug Co.,
TiOc Morrow's Kld-ne-olds
OTailRlefoot Fly Pniwr, two for
qSI.M Hurnhani's Sumiparlllu..
l uu l .ues J'l'epurations 7Tc
O SOo Pozumils Face Powder :i3e
O2oc Woodbury's Fncinl Houp ise
"TJ1.00 Plnaud's Hati do Quinine..,, 7Sc
QfrV Plnaud's Hau do Quinine
rtJananeso Stoves lie
(These aro also known as "
w Warmer! ")
OW' Siblffman's Ahthma Cure....
O'o Parker's Hair Balsam
Wc Milkweed Cm am
0"c Sozodont
O Smnll slzn Knzndont
whiti: roit CATAi.oni'n.
1 P.
1 n i'
(111 11
Drug Co.
XriT bncnllnti-
Cor. 10 Hi and Dodge.
hardly supply the demand demonstrated now7 at our store.
Business Not Sentiment
Aetna I.lfo Insurance Company in comparison with other leidliiR companies:
$1,000 20-payment life, hko SO. Now York Life charges J3I.78
$1,000 20-paymont life. ai?o 30, Kqultable c hargos $31. 7B
$1,000 20-pnyment life, ago 30, Northwesiern charges $3t.'.M
$1,000 20-payment life, ago 30, Mutual Life charge J33.20
l,O0 lS-PAYMHN'l' life, SKC AF.TN V I. IFF.;!
Thus saving the assured FIVK YBAHS I'AYMBNTS or OVBIl TWKNTY-FIVB
rua CBNT on cofct of policy nnd annual cstdi dividends during life
JOHN DALE, General Agent.
Gtntril gncy, 209 N. Y. Lit Bide-
I'lcnmircH I'iinI.
Mrs, Heih entertained for Mm. Sparrow at
dinner Monday evening.
Mrs. Harry McCormlck gave Mrs. Sparrow
of Columbim Marracks a delightful tea on
Tuesday afternoon.
I Mrs. Ilrogan entertained Informally nt tea
' Wednesday evening at her now residence
j on Park avenue for Mrs. Sparrow.
-Mrs. Philip Potter gave a small luncheon
I for .Mrs Sparrow on.. Monday. Red carna-
MI III St lit lilt.
W. H. Mulford of Omaha made a visit to
his plncc In lleusnn on lust Friday
'Miss Lettlo Smith nf Plattsmouth came up
last week to visit with frlonds In Dcnsnn.
The repairing on the resldonce of H. Hnl
lenhurg has been completed ami It is now
being repainted.,
J. X. Hnrten Is erecting n two-story
dwelling houso for Mr. Kelly on the south
side of Mnyne struct.
Mrs. A. Vornon and lltllo son expect to
leave tomorrow for a visit at the home of
WH Y ?
Hons were used In the decoration. Thoso llPr Parents In the can. 1
present were Mrs. Sparrow, Mrs. W. Clark, 'Mr. Harvey J. (Jrovo is having a nne-Mory
Mrs. Touzalln, Mrs. Beeenn, Mrs. W. Lowe, 1 houso built In tho place of the one de.
Mrs. Charles Wanner. Mrs. Charles Hull and! "troyed by tire abjut two months ago
Mrs. Potter. , Mm Dr. Frank Leo and son. Floy, of chl
IiUhop Williams gave a dinner to his I mgo arrived In Ilensnn last week und are j
presbyters on Monday evening. The table ! visiting at the hnmo nf Mrs. Lee's parents,
was simply, but most effectively decorated j Mr. and Mrs. Sam H. Hnrten.
with spring flowers. Dean Fair. Hev. Marsh, ' Tho services nf today will be Su11d.1v
Hev. Johnton, Itev. and Mr. Wcrd, Mlss'srhool at usual hour anil tin' evening ei
Tate, MIjs Ilradshaw, fllehop and Mrs. Wll- vices at S o'clock will be condueicil i,v ih
Hums were present. , members nf the Bpwnrth League of tb.
A farewell reception was given Thursday! First Methodist BpUcopal ehureb nf oniulin
nt the residence of Mrs. J. Murry In honor The Reni-on Fraternal t'nlon of Nincrici
When reuil) In i 11 retinue n IMUll
I110U fnrllicr 1 1111 11 St'inilll.l.HII .
Ill Cl.l. Clt'S iMircriiiiniN. Till': I.Mlt.-
liMT un host rnnpi.r.Ti: or iiiir
Kind In lln- i:Tllli: ll, M here
i-iiii In ni-i-ii (lie iiirld' tri-nlcM
lilniiii, (In
and ' 1 l...i 1! ul 1 .r . . I A H ' HASH, VoSH, .STHt (Hit. 10 M I'.lti'ON Pi K l,i
I I us,. Pn.M' nnl .1 l"Z 11 "ther standard makes, bouuht tin.l. 1 -i iHv
1 1,1, . in In miii tit'N 1 in i -"ild for less 1 ha ii atu denlri In thi ,n 1
nut tin .11 in Nnie our bargain list tnr the cnmlliK Wei'k Mini t ome rni -
1 I,. .,1.1.1:11 a 1 holce ot selection.
The Jeweler
Who is Reliable.
107 N. Kith St
I Miti'i.ill .v lliivi-r Sipiare Criind.. $10
1 M. ui n I 1, Hunt uni-in lor .
III Han Uomlll-
1 n
.... I ,
l'lno Clilekitltig l'irlbt
1 0(1 lit I f II I Wcui'l lll, lMIl!l
1 new suniile t rtiihi ,t i'ii
muiiiifai till. Si '- l' 11..I
ii nn it'
W 1 '
r, nt .1 llm
,.h..n I'i
, a r
, li.
of her daughter. Mamie's, birthday. He-
frrshmcnls were served, the spacious rooms
being artistically decorated. Mrs. Murry
leaves In a few days to Join her husband in
Maislllon, 0., nblch will be their future
ledge, nsslstetl by members of oilier lodge
gave a public entertainment lust Wedncs
day cionlng at the town hall hbh wu
well filled b tiieiiiliem and friend 1 of ihi.
lodge and from Omaha. At 8 o'clock the
lit. .ii. in- I . tie Si;i.F i'l.AI INii PIANul I '.. p
i 1 1 1 1 ula t i, m Vim ut I'd I i Ih in it , I t , . . ' ,nt 1'
i i-w itun - mi"' ll!"' !" a d , . Ii mi. eliu..- 1'
,1 ,r , irih.i.l MONTI 1 1, Y PiMI-VI8 V' I I'l l I'
The Old Reliable Piano House.
1313 Farnam St., Omaha. 337 Broadway, Go. Bluffs
AflV Dir interring tntt dtetm
run an rl hantltom 9N.00 hll.K
I'UKM. rortn emi tly Ur riy
rwrnt rvi ' t one
mm. r-At OtLte li1rti,
ml rrifttr It. Wattt Ift
nwJt ta onlrr ftom lm
wit J utfeu $411, my eclor
i ftikfmini 1(4 oui nam
lan I a 'treat, ami lth It
jama 'JO rrnt to i ry
f It ict.t. ni a-i'riu
itt i i iir nt- f
Dur l'J n nnni'i f fir,
. n 1 -itt-ti am i iil.
Ifi; f nuti n cT"i cf a f
Sl UI.I 1l Ii , miinll inil- i
tn la ini5 to moft n i ntrv1u f our gooJi tnd
li ii tnt a Mlk. Want fVrc, i i K ultes
TIM Ur.XTOS t il,, m iiMj-jbt., f Icrk CUf.
Arthur Delraore Chenej
Vocal Instruction
Special Attention Clven to
liiijlisli Oratorio.
Suite 315 Range Bldg., Omaha