TITE OMATTA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, MAY in. 1!)00. ELLEY.STIGERfcCO More open until titM Saturday evening. Cuts and Slashes Children's Shoes $1.50 and $2.00 Shoes 95c. 30 pairs Child's l,oo oxford tiuri, biaek anci tun, spring heel, sizes 5 to 8. 149 pairs Children's shoes spring heel, sizes 5 to 8, worth 1.50 and $1. 75, go at These are only a few we have to offer. Brine Fnmam and SMR excursions 3 PICTO The Union Pacific will pla-o In effect on June 21, July 7 to 10 lncluke. .July IS and August 2nd, Summer Ex ursln rates of ONE FARE FOR R0U3D TR!F plus J2.00 from Missouri River to ni:v r.u, mm.oh no simuvss. IM 1,111.(1 IK.IIKN AM) s v i. i i.vkh. TICKETS COOli l'OU HKTI'IIN t'NTIL OCTOBER ?,1ST. fit? Ticket Office WW'i I a r mi in St. Telephone. Hill. n ui:i.v i:m?tiii.i?. Acta a a Tonic and Stops Hair from Falling Out. Cures Dandruff Brittle Hair. Itch lug and nil Scalp Troubles. Guaranteed to Cure When till othrr remedies liorc Jailed or moan n funded gold everywhere. Safe. Pure, Reliable, Treatise on Hair and Scalp troubles free. A. It. Hit l'.l lilt - t'hlciiuo, I'or Sule by Shernwn b M, t 'nniiell Dmg Co., Myers-Dillon Unit; Co. u M Mon i'i Hnir H,i7..i ir Trnile Miiip.- I'll lijr A I.I ''let Hi, Itlrt ,irlK. n llr". i BUFFET LIBRARY GARS Best Dining Car Service snoeuuuuianmraiariuiiniiuini'an PILLS Ovro ludfgestloa, Sick Headache, 1C cents and 25 cents, at all dru? stores. 95c let us fit them, KrIIrv 119 pairs Infant's $1 and $1.25 shoes, black or tan, fine vici kid leather, sizes 2 to 5. 50 128 pairs Children's button it lace, black and ia.i shoes, worth $1.50 and $2.00. 95 C of the many bargains! the little ones in and 15th Streets. BEATRICE AFFAIRS MUDDLED Intrignei of Foculitt Politicians Dtmorliz ine to the Isetitnte. SCANDAtS WILL BE HEARD BEFORE COURT (in rrnnr'n Aiimrr In n nrirlr to l.n ne'" A tonic j , .1 niluc K retl iiKer. ami He AmU 'out liinaiicc of lli'iiriiiK o" (lit- injunction. IIEATRICE. May IS. (Special.) The com munity of Hoatrlcc deplores the constant disturbed conditions, of altnlrs out at th In.stltute for Fceblc-Mlndcd near this city. It has appeared for the past few years that the InBtltute lias been a harbor for feeble minded, broken down politicians rather than for feeble-minded joutb. The continued ef fort en the part of the populist state ad ministration to make the Institute the foot ball for pnlltlc.il Intrlguory has resulted In the complete dcmoi.-illzation of the Instl l in c The disorganization began with Steward I. A. Sheridan undertaklnR to manage the institute for I). C. P. Fall, who was ap pointed superintendent upon the retirement of Dr Armstrong, the result being the rc- , mown nt hnih thehe gentlemen. ! I'nder the ndmlnltratlon of I). C. O. s5; i"i(jiio or Omaha the Institute began to i resume it., rld-llme usefulness and vigor. I'li-t r the helRht of Its hiiecess Dr. , Sprague was summarily removed and tho lpri-'M incumbent appointed superintendent hv (loxornor I'oynter. At the same tlmo , uav appointed for steward one Mllllkcn of j Fremont This Rcntleman conceive.) the ilea that he was equal In power with Su- l rlntendent l.anp and hence trouhle bepan and has rontlnund with Rrowlnc Intensity. The public Is already familiar with the peitv scandals and tho lonscmipnt Invcstl- Ratlon which was at the time regarded as a vindication for Dr. I.atiR. but which now apptara to have confirmed about all the elnrRcs tiled against him, according to the Rovernnr's answer to the Injunction brought by Dr. Lang to restrain the governor and others from Interfering with him. although ho had filed his resignation to take effect May l.V MUi ('notice HUclin rcnl, Only a few days ago MU.i rirrln Candec of Omaha, a teacher at the institute, was sum m.irlv dismiisvl, Miss Candeo had testllled aralnst Dr. I.ang before the governor In March, but she and all others who testified were. ,iM.m-d that tin I r positions would not lie disturbed hecmiso of any evidence they might Rie pro or con in the ease. Mi3s Candee remained at the Ins'ltute until Tues day Ut.t, wni-n sho was summarily ordered i fiom the premises by Dr. I.ang. It in pro- siimed that this summary action of Dr. I.ang I "'it stimulated by the a.cldcutal fact that i Mit-s Candee went to the telephone to an jf wer a call fiom Lincoln. It ua.ipeiitd to bo I an aunt who wished to talk v. lib her and i freni what Dr. Lang could hear of tho coupe-nation it is presumed he conceived that I :-he was talking to somo of the auth c I'K? It'o-e in refirence to Instltuto nfalK. He I ir once dlchatRiil her, to sho states, i.nd oidered her to pa' k her trunk and leave the 1 liiftiiute lie utfered to drive her il .wn town, but she declined the odor i i.d walked fulh one mile to the hour.p of a filj.nl where hhe could reach a telephone and no title 1 Ileatrice relatives of her dilemma. A conveyance was at r c-o sent for her, a fe n tleman relative Of ompanlod It and thiy to turned to the asylum to demand an ouila- natlon. Dr. Lang braced himself In the door rf the Institute and torbado her or her relative to enter and denied them the uso of the leUphoro and further ordered them otf of the oremlses. However, the gentle- ' man ai ompanying Miss Candee was not to bo bluffed by tho Irate doctor and luforr.ied h'm that he would take bh own time to de part and threatened him with arrest for at-t- mpt.d asaault upon Miss Candee by taking lirr bv tho shoulders and forcing her nut. ' Jui'se Kretsipgcr. who Is Dr. Lang's at t" i,e . was much fciirprlscd yecterday after toon upon reading the goernor's unsner, In which tho Incompetency of Dr. Lang Is as serted in tho strongest terms. He had all ,,lonu supp'scd that the governor had given I.aig a .lean bill of health, as had all of Dr i.ang'6 friends. Judge Krotstnger there .on asl.eil a continuance of tho hearing on the injuiutlon until ho could prepare an an swer io tho new L-sues brought out by the goverror in -he raeanwhllo affairs at tho Institute cire in a disordered slnte. Ono of the pa tients, a trusty known n "liana." ha? dis appeared frightened away, Il Is said, by some threat that was made r.2alnt him by some of the employes. spirit of demoralization prevails even 1 among the lumat;s, because of the word be- Stiger & Go. ing slvcn out that the Institute Is to clos June 1 Affairs at the Feeble Minded Institute took another turn this afternoon when Dr. Lang ordered M's flrady, one of the teachers, to perform a certain piece of work and she refused. Dr. Umr, as superintendent, then commanded hr to do her duty an a teaehpr and hn Informed him that ehe had been ad vised not to obey his orders. Iniiulry of the matron developed the fact that nil teach err have similar Instructions. Dr. tin Informed thtm that he was In charge by order of the court until the 25th of May and propreed to run the Institute until that time. He summarily discharged Miss Brady. HIGHWAYMEN AT BEATRICE ''firmer l,cir (inlloii of ltlUy nml Tun llntllr of Iter r. BEATRICE Neb. May IS. (Special Tele gram.) A oung farmer named lloka was held up and robbed rf n small oum of money, a gallon of whisky and two bot tles of beer near the Rock Island depot last nlghi by a couple of footpads. Kd Ha'knry. a barber. wa also slopped by footpads about 11 o'clock last night. He escaped without surrendering any valu ables. Sill. I. T U.KIMS til I'lUIvr CAM'.. Coroner' ,lry tlltt Not Itrturn rr (lli't on Mrrltn of Cnr. VOItK, Neb, May ls.-f Special.) The ter mination of the Fro3t poisoning sensation tho principal subject discussed on the troot?, buslneji houses and homes. Mrs. Frost hai been released from Jail. While It is supposed by many that the action of the coroner's Jury H final, tho county at torney can at any time cause her arrest If further nnalhls shows quantities of aconite and phosphorus sufficient to causa death. If It were not for the fact that the Jury was composed of the leading business men there would he some complaint over her release. lust what Mrs. Frost intends to do or where she will make her future home Is not known. The following In a report of the jury to the coroner: We. tlie iiiiilefsiened lurors. who were summoned bv ou on April 27. inan, to hold nn inquest uiion the body of t 'luirlei W Frost. n.v that we have eiimliifd n largo, number of witnesses mid enin-ed nn niitnn to be held, nt which h pnrtlon of the body was returned ntid placed in the hands of n competent ehemlt for chenileal exnmlnation and analysis. The ebemHt has not vet submitted n complete analysis of Hie tml'M of the body o placed with lilin. and for that reason the Jury is un iihle to complete Its work and roieh n verdict nt the meent time, nnd It will b" iceessary to adjourn the Inquest until the tlnal report and nnaylsls Is completed and submitted by the nld chemist to the Jur . and as severnl dnyx tna elnpxe before that time, we therefore request that you. as coroner, Instruct Mr ,1. II. Afllerbaeh, constable, who lias In bis custody Mrs. Margaret Frost, to release her, and glvo her her liberty until the further finding of the Jurv. Tho Jury is composed of tha following men. (Seorge W. rost, . K. Williams. C'harlCH A. MrCloud. Kdward n. Woods, Cieorge W. Shreck and OeorRe K. Chllcote. idi:n i n ins ai.i.ikski) sA ini,i:it. Wnn Wlio I ( hnrureil lUth Working (irnln llcnlcru Arresteil. FRKMONT, Neb., May IS. (Special Teli -Rram.l ('. H. Monroe, who was identified as a man who was last year accused cf defrauding several grain dealers here of considerable ,ums of money by fraudulent sales of grain, was arretted here this after noon on the charge of obtaining M from tho Omaha. Klcvntnr company cn March 1. lHOO. as an advance payment on some corn which It was alleged ho did not own. N. S. Short identified him as J. D. Ilrown, who obtained of blm an advance payment nn 1.(00 hushela of corn on January 31, ISO!, and who at the same time got seme moncv from Dell Mojcley on a bunch of hosts. Monroe tried to sell SOO bushels of corn at Petersen Bros.' elevator this morrflpR, Riving the name of Howard and his resi dence as Valley, but the deal was spoiled by Manager Iluckfcldt of the Omaha Kle valor company coming into the office Just ah the papcru were about tn be signed and recognizing him as C. K. Itrown. His pre liminary examination was held before Jus tice of the Peace Hlnman this afternoon and ho was bound over to (he district court and went, to Jail In default of bail. Tho grain men here are much elated at li s arrest, an they think he Is an old hmd at tho bitfdncf-s. Ho denies having bt'en in Fremont last March. Ilonif Tfilrnt fn Cntneily. PLATTSMOl'TH. Neb.. May IR. (Special.) The funny farce-comedy, " Oay De celer," was well put on nt K. White's hall la't evening by Asa Lee Wlllard, ably as sisted by the following home talent: James W. Newell. L. Demmie Hiatt, Itoy Dodge, l'hylls Pelt?, Kthcl Dovoy and Myrtle Lcv tngs. The play was given under the ausplccb of Gauntlet lodge No. 17. Knights of Pythias, for the benefit of the new library building MAKQUKTTK. Neb., May IS. -I Special.) -Local talnnt nt thi., place presented the five-act drama entitled "The Jnll Bird" to a large and appreciative audience last night. Tho proceeds of the entertainment go Into a fund for the high school library. GUIDON, Neb., 'May IS. (Special.) An entertainment was given In the opera house last night by the High srhool juniors, con fist ing of orations, wand drills, club swing ing, dialogues, singing and music. All ac quitted themsehes well. Today closes the school year, with commencement exercises in the opera house tonight by the graduat ing cl.isa. Ciiilct It it t it 1 1 ii p In nmp, H1;aTIUCi;, Neb., May 18. -(Special Tele gram.) A detachment rf twenty-live of the Unlvor.-dty Cadet battalion arrived here this noon frjm Lincoln and this afternoon laid out the i iinii grounds nt the Chautauqua grounds for the battalion, which arrived this evening ai ii:IO on a special train. The cadrls will leinaln In camp nt tho Chautau qua grounds until May 2,1. Thej camp Is tho annual camp of Instruction and Is under command of Major Brown, military Instruc tor f tho unhcislty. A number of the filf!id3 of the Iiojh accompanied them and ,.111 remain darln; the encampment. The battalion, headed by tho Cadet band, paraded from the depot to the camp grounds. Mii'lton Miixoii Knjoy TliiMiinplvr. SHKLTON. Neb.. Mav IS. (Special.) Snelton lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted M is.'n-i. enjoyed Itself ,i dully lis! oven i':s by meeting at Us lodf,e room and conferring tho Initiatory degree cn a candidate, nishted by Mr. Hawthcrno ft win Kearney . Ith his htercnptlcon, Illus trating the secret work. A Inrge number of visiting bicthren wero present fiom Wcod Ktver and surrounding country. A supper was served uy inn ,oinen nucr inc cere monies. Corner Stone l.n III. AUBl'RN. May IS, I Special.) The corner stone of Nemaha county's new court home was laid on Thursday, with appropriate cere monies. Tho Woodmen of the World wero out from all parts of the county and th address was delhered by Sovereign Root. Former Governor Furnas also delivered an 'address. The court house is well under I way. the first -story having been completed beforo cold weather set In last fall. Prof. GIku Will l.ruti' lleeiner. BL'L'MKR, Nob., May IS. (Special.) Prcf. W. C. Glgg of this place has been elected superintendent of the Chadron (Neb.) schools. After a short stay in Kurope ho will return to '.he lounty and proceed to his new field of labor. I,lternr Cluli llnliqllel, BL'ATitlCi:. Neb.. May 13. (Special Tele Rrani.) The Beatrice Literary club held Its anniml hnnmipt tonicht at the Snaftord hotel. I A fine literary program was rendered. ! STANDARD OIL WILL APPEAL Filei Exceptions to thi Dtciilon of the Suta Supreme Court. SMYTH'S DtMURRER MADE THE BASIS I'lrnl Step to nn Aotnnl Tent of the NolirnnUn Antl-TrnM l.nrr Mnde by the Trtmt .Vt txcUrtl, LINCOLN. .May 15. (Special ) The at torneys for the Standard Oil company have notified Chief Justice Noral that they will file exceptions to the decision of the su premo court In sustaining the attorney general's- demurrer, the purpose of which was to strike out certain portions of their an swer In the Standard Oil trust case. This la thought to be a preliminary step to an ap peal to tho I'nlted States supreme court, where the constitutionality of the Nebraska anti-trust law will be tested. In the answer attacked by the attorney general tha point was raised that the law under which tho suit was Instituted was contrary to the constitution. The attorney general asked to have this portion of the answer stricken out and the court sustained him In his position. Should the case te main In the Jurisdiction of the supremo court of Nebraska the questions of fact In volved In vthc attorney general's petition would next fie considered without going Into any further discussion of the constitutional Phase. If tho case Is appealed to the t'nlted States court the demurrer of the attorney general will again bo considered nnd the decision of the state court will probably be either affirmed or reversed. The exceptions hav not been filed with the clerk of tho court and nothing U known of their contents. Judgo Norval was notified by telegraph that they would be filed and ho today notified Clerk Herdman of the fact. Secretary of State Porter will appeal from the order of the district court of this county compelling him to sign the old Home for tho Frlendleas vouchers presented by Mrs. A. M. Davis. The vouchers were signed to day pursunnf to the order of the court, but Secretary Porter will conte.it the payment of the claims until all resources aro ex hausted. Tho claims arc for money expended nnd services performed by the officers of tho institution who refused to glvo way to the appointees of Governor Holcomh. t'nl rrsltj- ( ooiiiielieeiiient Plnlls, The baccalaureate sermon to the gradu ating; class of the Stato university will bo delivered this year by Acting Chancellor Hesey In tho university chapel. It has been tho custom In past years to have this sermon delivered In an opera house, usually by some divine from out of the city. Chan cellor Bessey has decided to Inaugurate a new 'plan and thin year tho sermon will be delivered without painted scenery and tho glare of footlights as countor attrac tions. Another Innovation In the gradu ating exercises will be the discontinuance of the commencement procession, which for cars has heen one of the attractions' nf commencement week. The graduating ex ercises this year will be held In tho Audi torium June 7. The annual Phi Beta Kappa oration will be delivered at tho Oliver theater June t, nnd the class reunions and business meetings will bo held on the tame day. ' The following students have been chosen by the university faculty for members of tho Sigma Chi (scholarship) fraternity: W. H. II. Moore, C. K. Bedell, IL W. Grayblll, C. F. Hagenow and A. L. Hoag land. From the resident graduates: H. T. Beans, II. S. Kvans, B. H. Ransom, C. N. Gould, A. O. Peterson and A. B. Lewis. From tho faculty: Dr A. T. Peters, It. W. Thatcher, Dr. C. A. Skinner and Dr. T. L. Bolton. The university cadet battalion, under com mand of Commandant Inline Brown, left for Beatrice this afternoon for a three days' encampment. Two mild case." of smallpox were discov ered by tno health authorities of the city latt night. i mlmiw's ru.i.s rno.M tii.un. Our rin nnd One l,rg Cut Off Injuries Arc I'ntnl. GIBBON, Neb., May IS. (Special Tele gram.) An unknown man fell off Union Pacific train No. 22 this evening and tho train 'pasf,ed over him, severing one arm and one leg and otherwise injuring him. Ho is yet alive, but can survive but n short time. No one saw him fall. A brakeman first dlscovored him beside the rails. Four othor tramps were In the same car nnd tho marshal has them In custody. They assert they left him in the ear and got out before he was hurt. In case of death an Inquest will bo held. M. Ktll'M) IM". Ul V TUB IMIUHIB. Inrilent Ioiik Aro Hint Mnrilrr lilin Hern Committed. HARRISON. Neb.. May IS. (Special Tele gram.) Alois Standenmayer was found dead on the prairie ten miles east of Harrlt-on and ono mllo from the station of Andrews, Indications! are that ho was murdered. Particular nnt available. , roriiplnnllllK About (Her, FAR NAM, Neb., May 1S (Special.) Corn planting Is nearly finished In this locality and a very much larger area will he planted than usual. The oe-n of the wheat crop last car, tho increase In live stock among the farmers, the adoption of stock feeding. In stead of grain helling, as a business, have caused this change. Considerable spring wheat has been noun and the report from all quarters, 1b that It Is In fine condition. The area of wheat lands Is not more than half that of last year, very little winter what having been put In. Prospects for a crop aro excellent. Fnrmcr'M VppU HroUen. M'COOK, Neb., May 17. -(Special Tele gram.) John Real, a highly rcsepoctcd and leading farmer of Perry precinct, this county, was killed in a runaway accident last evening on his farm about six miles west of this city, his neck being broken. No one saw the accident so particulars are lacking. The body was sent to Grafton tonight for burial at that place, his former home. ( bnrnril with I'rnnd. FAIRBI'RY. Neb., May IS. (Special ) Sheriff Bonawitz yesterday arresteil near Hebron a man who pave the name of R. H. Johnson, on the charge of prorurlng a check from tho Falrburv Milling comfany by "THE ACADEMIE DE MEDECINE OF FRANCE HAS PLACED AMU ("THE QUEEN At the Head of All the Waters Examined for Purity and Freedom from Disease Germs." THE NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA OF MA.IOIt M. v. i.am;. Major M. W. Lang. Assistant l'aymater t' S V. of 1S02 S street. N. W.. Wash ington, D. C, -ays the following in regard to Pcruna: "I Iintr nseil I'erunil fur iifi't hum il nm'iIii for (be Inil Hirer m rrl,, I run cordially recoiiiiiienil It to liny one u (1 er I iiu- from n kI iiiIIii r eoniilnlli 1 1 cmiccIii1I do I. feel plciiseil to speii I. n unoil mini for It In tbl iini lle nlnr liei'iiiiMe il j MieiMln or I ml Im'M I on l iiilte too eoiiiiunu n iiiiilnil nnionu A nicrlcn n. II lino il I t I net I lii'iiellteil ine, rclorlim ine to n normal eonillt Ion of uooil lienltb when I mum ntlerlj I lien tnicl luted by n disorder nit ciifllj cured liy n fctt do so of reiill uood ineillcloe," Major Lang s home address is Wellington, n. Ohio. C. W. Campbell. It is a fine tonic and I take pleasure in rec- orr.mcndlng It to fellow sufferers." fraudulent representation. He cashed the I check and was not found until rterday. He has a wife and other relatives living nca- Hcbron. STEAMER BURNS AT FLORENCE John H. lingo Cut Ilown to AViiterN IIiIko liy Fire, lint Mi 1.1 ton Lout. FLORF.NCK, Neb., Mny IS. (Special Tel- Tkft Tnhn II 1 1 n rrn fite:,m,t in the i isinin.i . ,,- ,ut, ... - I . . i .1 ........... .1 government. e.ervicr iic,u nirir, ftdo m-jiiu,,,-., by fire tonight. Tho boat wan owned by the Osage Packet company of Oiage, Mo., and was In charge of Captain Thompson. No Insurance. Child roil niiNlncft Men Omiiiilf. CHADRON. Neb.. May IS. (Special.) At a meeting of business men at the city hall Wednchday evening they resohed them selves into a permanent organization to bo Incorporated as- the Chadtnn Business Men's, club. Permanent officers were chosen as follows: George Willis, president; Charlm Wardlaw, sevre-tary; J. L. Paul, treasurer. By-laws had previously been agreed upon and with the appo ntment of a few committees everything wan in work ing order. Th membership nt ptesetu numbers about frrty. Clinnues In Mirlli Ho ml eliool. NORTH BKND. Neb.. May IS. (Special.) The school will lose three of 1th preiont teachers, next year. Miss Smith become? principal of the lloldrcge High .school, wh'Io Miss Byam will occupy the same position In the Auburn schools. Miss I.uella Owen, although re-elected, will not teach on ac count of her health. To till thc'.r place, the board has elected Miss Lois Hill and Miss F.lslo Blxby of Valentine and Mls ( Mamlo I'orman of North Bend. K. B. Sher- , man will bo superintendent. i tiiluntn'r Hr-BiillMtn. 1 PLATTSMODTH. Neb., May IS. (Special ) James Bajek of this city has enlisted tn the regular army as a munlclan and has gone to Fort Crook nnd from there he will be sent tn Matanzas. Cuba. He was a mem- her of the band of the Third Nebraska regi ment. flour AttneUs n I'nriner. I CRRTK, Neb., May IS. (Special.) Joseph j Rudernacker, a prominent and wealthy j farmer living three mlleb northwest of this I city, was attacked by a ferocious boar th k ' morning and dangerously hurt In tho legs There are fears of hlood polFonlng. Heenier Trneliern Viinied. BKBMKR. Neb.. May 18. (Spe'lal.) Tho Beemer puhllo schools havo elected the fo' lowlng corps of toachenv. J. A. Snider, principal; Miss Randolph, grammar: Miss Bello Rryngelson, second primary; .ML.? Addlo Stuff, flint primary. II n I ii Benefits the ttiume, CHADRON, Neb., May IS. (Special,) A heavy rain fell throughout thn entlro north weetern portion of Nebraska yestnrdiy afternoon. The range, although still in good condition, was badly In need of rain. runernl of WIIihoii fci-iiuf, Al'BURN. Neb.. May 18.--(Specal.) Wil son Srouf. for thirty-five years a resident of this county, wan burled on Wednesday. Ho was "7 years of ago and K.ie.i a wife, 1 three sonn and ono daughter. OF TABLE WATERS.") nans Charles W. 1 John V Carter. Mfi Nl holson street, Klch C m p b e 1 I , ntond, Va.. writes: "I take great pleasure Washington corre- In recommending Pcruna for all who are spondent for the suffering with catarrh of the stomach. I Philadelphia I'u- have been a sufferer for six yean,, and had qttlrer. speaks of , seven or eight of the dent doctors here. Peri.na In the They pronounrcd it djspepsla. The lait highest terms. Mr. ono I had told hip what was tho matter with Campbell sas: "I me. have used Pcruna ; "I wrote to you and commenced on jour for catarrh and In- wonderful medicine, Peruna, and after tak dlsestlon. and after 1 InR elRht bottles I consider myself a well the use of one hot- man. I told severnl friends about P, and tic I llnl that It is nil of them feel belter since taking It. I all oit claim lor It. was down two or three months at a time. unable to do anything: haen't had a spell i since Inking your medicine. ) I w We i (Mh win : "xsm Not '1 -((dbS We have clipped of! one-half of tho rstail price of our hats on hand. Now is your chance to buy Headgear at less than the wholesale price. Every hat brought for ward and sacrificed. Saturday This golden 24-inch French linoleum at 50c. room. Kemembur this is Saturday and of about '20 pieces lasts. Hammocks f5LT hammocks, strong and durable, with pillow and spreader, regular 1.50 grade, Saturday each $1.00, 50 extra quality fancy hammocks, rich colorings deep flounce on sides, with pillow and spreader, assorted colors. A high grade hammock, Saturday, each, $2.50. Store Open Saturday Evenings. Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. 1414-16-18 Douglas Street. SPRINGTIME. ' Any one suffering with stomash troubla that will take yoar mcdi ines regularly will be cured Mv druggl-d told me lots of peo ple come in and all for the medicine that cure I me ' S. 11 Coatrs, Munlce. InJ.. 1332 East Washington street, writes "I rune Just recovered from a ery bad case of dyspepsia, and owe my rr.-mery to Peruna. I havo been troubled with dyspepsia for flte years. Doctors did me Utile or no good. One bot tle of Peruna gao me relief and after using two battles the dspcpsla has all disap peared. 1 can eat and sleep and feel like a new man " Mr. II. I). Carew, Brockton, Mass . 10 Main street, writes- "About ten years ago 1 was greatly dlstressd by dyspepsli. nnd took no comfort day or night. I tried ever thing that physicians prescribed with no relief whatsoever. A friend Insisted on my using Peruna. It worked wonders nnd entirely cured me of the disagreeable dis ease. I cannot speak too highly of To i una." The symptoms of catarrhal dspepsia are coated tongue, pain or heavy feeling In lhe Momarh. sour stomach, belching of gas dizty head, sometimes heartache, despond ent feelings, loss of appetite, palpitation of heart anil Irregularity of the bowels. For this condition Pcruna Is found to t an admirable remedy. In all cases It brings prompt relief to the painful symp toms, and in a large per cent of the case it makes a permnnent cure. Pcruna soothes the Inflamed mucous surface and thua strikes at tho root of the disease. Mr. KM l.efere. Jr.. New Hudson, Oak land Cnunt, Mlh . Box 52. writes: "I had been troubled with ca tarrh for a number of years, nnd had been taking medl tino for It, but It did me no good. In reading ono of Dr. Hartman'K books entitled "Winter Catarrh." 1 discov ered that rerun i was good for ca tarrh. After 1 hn 1 taken only thren bottles of Pcruna t j was cuted of the catarrh I now advlao , eerybody trouble with catarrh to take Dr. llattman's Pcruna, as it Is a sure cure for catarrh. "Fi lends to whom I recommended Pe runa, tell mo that It Is nlso good for bcad i ache, dizziness and ptln In the stomach." In eases where tho Inflammation has been so severe nnd continued as tn produce cx ' treme Irritability of the stomach, the rem Jedy may he taken In small doses at first. 1 diluted In water, hut an soon as the Itn 'proomcnt is sufficient to permit the wholo idoso to bo taken undiluted, It Is a better I way and tho euro Is much more rapid." Pcriinn Ik nlo n aprliiK incilleliir ' it hti-li nt finer remnvcN (lie rutisc of 'nil il fl eel I ii n n pcciilliir- In I lie a prime ncMNon, liy purlf.vlnu (lie tilood of nil contnnilnnt inn mill ill vliforntlliK thn ' w hole- h ji niv in. For a free book on catarrrh address Tho Peruna Medicine Company, Columbus, Ohio, Carry over a SINGLE HAT in Depart ment. n mi n iri, in 111 S Specials elegant solid select quarter-sawed oak Parlor Table, finely finished pattern top, with pattern shelf, shape legs an exceptional offer , Mr. III! Lcrcre. Jr ing for as long as they -g gf) last, this Saturday I fJI only XVt T -it n 4-m $1 linoleum at 50c jbinuicum wo Win close out Saturday all odd pieces of 80e and 1.00 Several pieces large enough for a large only while this lot