Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 17, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Davis sell class.
CJns fixtures and globes nt Dlxby's.
MhkhzIiicm hound, Moorrhotipp & Co.
Utirtwelscr hcor. L.. Hosenfeld, agent,
l'ino A. U. C. beer, NoumnyiT's hotel.
Schmidt's photo, new und latest styles.
riro our 15o framed pictures. C. 12. Alex
inder & Co . 3X1 H'way.
Mr. Httu Ouderklrk has Ronr- to Dead
Mood. H. V., on a visit to frlnd:.
Get your work done at the popular Eagle
laundry, 721 Hroadway. 'Phone 157.
W. C. Hstcp. undertaker, 2S l'carl street.
Telephones: Odlcr, 07; residence, 33.
C M. Marl left Inst evenliiK for Pes
MolnoM In appear before the supreme court.
Mrs, H. K. Dorr of Willow avenue has
Kone to Ksthfrvllle. la , on a visit to her
Mi. N. M. ItiiblMHon of Park avenue has
1eon tailed Hi Hebron, Neb., by the HIiiusM
Df mother.
The residents of Strcelsvllle are agltatlni;
lor the establishment of a Ilaptlst church
fin West Hroadway.
Dr. Mary Tlnley Ih In Des Moines attend
ItiB the annual tneetltiK of the Social So
ciety of Iowa Medleal Women.
K. A. Ulsser, cashier of tho Council Hluffs
On and Hleetrle company, has gone to
Colorado Springs on a vacation.
Miss (leorglue Hebhlugton, who has been
HI for some time, ban suffered a rclapuc and
Jirr condition Is said to be serious
William H. Ilewetson of IMrk avenue Is
homo from n six months' business trip to
Jifew York and other rastcrn point.
T-i tho Public: I'ntll further notice, our
nti:. o will cloe on Saturdays at 1 o'clock.
U'h" Council Hluffs (las & Klectrlc Co.
Vnninn's Relief corps No. ISO will hold
Its icgnlar meeting tomorrow afternoon nt
2 c lock at Clrnnd Army of the Republic
I kllllll ll!T--llllK ifltll twn fill. ',.. ...
Mrs. Marlette Altmcow was granted a dl-
vlrto In the illstrlct court yesterday from
l.'.il ,.,atl Altiuf.fiiL nn llin rrmitlil nt ftp
ncrtlon. )
Mr. and Mrs. James Harrington left Tuos-
lay evunlng for a trip to Helena, Spokane
imweeks'in VP'JcW" ' '
ruirtdng on a charge of assault preferred j
ni-ultml him liv Arthur llnnson. llnskltis
cnvii ii bond nt $50 to appear before Jusllco
Vlen this morning.
I'lty Knglneer Ktnyre Is preparing the
list of sidewalks to be constructed tills
minimcr. which win imj iiiuiuucii in
general sidewalk ordinance to come before
the city council next Monday night.
Funeral services over the late Rev.
J.aurltz Mathlasen will be held Friday
nfternoon at 1 o'clock at the First Scandl
liavlau church, corner of Ninth street and
Avenue A. Hurlal will bo In Walnut Hill
Frank Kopern, charged with disturbing
tho peace by beating his wife, failed to put
ln an appearance when his case was called
In police court yesterday morning. His
bond of $2'), signed by James Wlckham,
was ordered forfeited.
Several of the adjusters of the com
Jinnies In which J. .oiler had his stock In
sured are hero figuring on a settlement
of the tiro loss. Zoller was Insured for
ft,700 and It Is estimated that his loss is ln
j lie neighborhood of $ l,0M.
Rev. und Mrs. J. It, Hammond of (Jarnett,
Kan., are the guests of Rev. (I. W. Snyder
mid family for a few days. They are on
their way to Tekamah, Neb., where Mr.
Hammond assumes the pastorate of tho
Lutheran church ot that town.
Lieutenant (lovcnior J. P. Mllllmnn of Lo.
Kan. Harrison county, was ln the city yes
terdav and attended the meeting of tho
Klks lodge last evening. Ho reiterated hi
former statement that Hnrrlson county is
Bolld lor Juilgo Mmun tor congress,
The pollco have been notified by the au
thorities nt Rlalr, Neb., that they have in
their possession the horse stolen about
three weeks ago from Peter Hanson at the
t'liautatuiua grounds here. Hanson has
gone there to Identify his property.
To accommodate thc plaintiff Judge
Avleswortli Is hearing the enso of P. L.
Harmcl ngnlnst J. M. Fcnlon nnd others
In tho Karniers ball nt the county court
house. Harmcl Is a cripple and unable to
Ksccnd tho stairs to the superior court
Rachel, the 6-year-old daughter of Mr.
nnd Mrs. William Jeffries of Hardin town
ship, died ypsterdny morning of spinal
trouble. Tim funeral will bo held this after
noon nt i o'clock from (Srace Kplscopal
church of this city and Interment will bo
In Falrvlew cemetery.
The members of tho Veteran Firemen's
association have decided to take part In
the Memorial day parade of tho Grand
Army of the Republic. The grnves of de
ceased veteran firemen will be decorated
with llowers and a committee will bo ap
pointed for this purpose.
A movement Is on foot among the county
olllcerH to follow the general example anil
rlo;ie the otllces In the county court houso
on Saturdays at noon during June, July
nnd August. As all seem In favor of tho
plan, It will probably bo put Into execu
tion at the beginning of next month.
Tho purolo placing Smiley A. Pollock of
Oakland, la.. In the custody of his father
was revoked yesterday bv the Hoard of
Insanity Commissioners. Tho young man's
condition has become suddenly worse nnd
It was found expedient to leave him at St.
Uemard'B hospital for further treatment.
Instructions havo been received by Cen
sus Supervisor Kvcrest that the Iowa
Bchool for tho Deaf and tho Christian home
In this city and the Institute for the Feeble
Minded at Olenwood have been withdrawn
from the regular enumerators and will bo
handled directly from tho census otlice.
Rev. J. W. Wilson, pastor of the Congre
gational church, and N. P. Dodge left ye,
tcrday morning for Mason City to attend
the annual convention of the Association
of Congregational Churches and Ministers
of Iowa. They were accompanied by Rev.
John Askln of Tabor, formerly of this
C. J. Kennedy, ono of the managers of
the Dohany theater, accompanied by K. O.
See, an employo of tho theater, left yestor
day for his old homo at Council Orovo,
Kan., where ho will remain until tho open
ing of the theater season next fall. Dur
ing his nbsenco the entire management of
tho opera house will devolve upon George
Stevenson, whoso permanent residence Is In
Council Hluffs.
K. II. Stephenson of Cednr Rapids, who
has recently been appointed superintendent
for the Pacific coast of the American Sun
day School union, spent yesterday In tho
rlly with Rev. Henry DeLone. tho retire-
t-ciitatlvo for this county of the union. Mr.
Stephenson Is etiroute to Nebraska, where
lie will deliver several addresses In the In-
terCSt or Ills Work, lie Will return to I OUtl- I
ell Hluffs to speak at the Pottawattamie
Sunday selljol convention to be held In
the Second Presbyterian church May 31 and
Juno 1.
N. Y. numbing Co.. Tel. 250.
Gravel roofing. A. H. Read, B4t U'way.
It I'll I Kulllte 'I'riiiiiferN.
The following transfers wcro filed yester
day In tho abstract, titlo nnd loan olllcc
of J. W. Sijulre, 101 Pearl street:
Thomas J. Kvans and wife tc IJdward
Pierce, lot 1, block 1. Kvans Bridge
addition, w. d $ 100
1 P. Morcau and wife to Maggie H.
Sullivan, west It feet lot 2, block
6. Grimes' addition, w. d 1,'no
filierlff to Krnest H. Hart, 10 acres
In east half northwest quarter SO-T.'i-U,
shf. d 3,975
Albert II. Jones and wife et al. to M.
A. Phillips, north '.Ti acres north
went ipiarter northeast quarter H-77-11.
except east 2 acres, w. d 675
Sheriff to Catherine Powellskl, 35H
acres of southeast quarter 1S-77-I1.
shf. d 1.133
A. G. Gilbert et al. to (' & N. W. llv.
Oo.. part government lot 1 In 11-76-H,
w. il IS
Sheriff to Flint National bank, lets 1
and 2, 22-76-H nnd nccretlons, shf. d.. 1.266
Total transfers ,...$1,774
Merrliii!' License.
Licences to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following persons:
Nnme and Residence. Age.
John Barclay, Council niuffs 33
Anna L. Dunkle, Crescent 'S!
Trimn 11' VVInill. I 'num. II Illu(Y.
ll'lltln Anrlnranll ('muwll lllllffu 'M I
Gas stoves am chesper than
atovro and they do not explode.
'Mr. alley" B-cent cigar.
Negotiated In Eastern :tturk
nd Iowa. James N. Canudy, Jr.,
JUi Main SU, Council BJuff.
Persons Who Fed Thej Hare Been Damaged
Ask for Rtl'.ef.
Tlilrly-I'lvr- Thonsnnri llnllnrs Ills
C'lnlni lis DnmnKCM Itrnultiiiit
from n l'nll on mi lc
The city of Council HluffH wan mado defen
dant yestcray In two suits brought In tho
district court to recover $37,160 damages for
the. death of Mrs. Harriot II. I.. Mlkcsell,
nllcgcd to have, been caused by Injurlrw
received from a fall on an icy bldcwalk last
The milts are brought by Asa II. Allkcscll
an hiwband and administrator of tho cutate of
the deceased, letters of administration hav
ing been granted to him yesterday morning.
In both suits It Is alleged that on February
17 Mrw. MlketHI fell and broke her right
leg, the accident being caused by tho water
from a drain spout between tho Mcrrlam
barn and McRoberlR' biackmilth shop on
Ilroadway having lodged and become frozen
on tho sidowalk. Klghteen days after tho
vcmi-iii .r. .uiKiwen men. u ncing aiiegtii
.an a result of the Injuries received.
. . .... .. .
In the first petition, In which as husband
of tho deceased Asa I). Mlkcsell sum for
$27,160, he enumerates his damages as fol-
lows: Cot of physlclann, $12S; purees, $360;
funeral expenses, $160; medicine. $25; deprl-
vfttlon f h, l'o' Tvlce and companion-
ohlp for eighteen days during her Illness.
$1,600; for damages sustained by her death,
$26,000. As administrator of hor iwtato ho
sues for $10,000 for her death.
Mm. Christina OIhoii, an administratrix of
tho cHtate of her deceased husband, John
Olson, commenced suit In tho superior court
yesterday against tho Union Pacific Railway
company to recover $25,000 for hl death,
which sho alleges was caused by the negll
gonco of tho railway company. On Juno 20
of last year, Olson, who was a oectlon hand
In tho employ of tho Union Pacific, was run
down by an englno nnd had 'both legs cut
off, his Injuries resulting In his death.
Tho damage suit of John Holln ngalnst
(Ieorgo H. Swift & Co. nt Chicago, contrac
toro for tho Illinois Central passenger depot
In thin city, has been settled out of court nnd
dlsminscd, Dolln received $100 ln full set
tlement of his claim for damages for injur
ies sustained by a block of stone falling on
Common !,nw "Wife of VnrilmnslPi'
Stlllen CoimiieiieeM nn Action.
Ilosslo Stiles has brought suit In the
equity division of tho district court against
B. C. Stiles, night yardmaster for the Rock
island railway In this cty, to compel him
to pay her $50 per month for her separato
maintenance and $100 as attornoy fees. An
attachment was Issued against Stiles' wages.
In her petition Rosslc Stiles alleges she
Is tho wife of tho defendant; that sho was
married to hlra ln this city In October, 1801,
and that they continued to live together as
man and wife until April 21 last, when ho
deserted her. Sho alleges that ho receives
wages amounting to $80 per month.
Stiles yesterday filed a motion to quash
tho attachment on tho grounds that It was
Issued without law or authority; that no
bond was filed; that tho petition was not
filed and that Stiles' wages are exempt
from attachment, as he is the head of a
family. In his affidavit ln support of the
motion Stiles alleges that the woman calling
herself Rosslo Stiles Is not his wlfo and that
he was never mnrrled to her. Ho nlso
sets up that he is tho ,solo support of his
aged father.
Attorneys for the plaintiff admitted yes
terday that no marriage ceremony had over
beon performed between the pallntiff and
defendant, but tho marriage claimed Is a
common law one. The plaintiff Is soveral
years older than Stiles and has two grown
up daughters.
II Ik llnss Catch.
Captain Denny and Taylor Woolscy caught
fifty bass at Blue Inkc Tuesdny night, Just
one for every Tommy Griflln they took
along. The Tommy Griflln Is a winner
wherever It Is. All live dealers handle It.
GrrKory'n Attonioyn Still KIkIiI.
J. A. Gregory, convicted of being an habit
ual criminal under tho now statute, will
learn his fate this morning. Judge Smith
yesterday overruled tho motion filed by
his attorneys for a now trial and stated ho
would pass sentence on him at 9:30 o'clock
this morning. Under the habitual crimi
nal net, the lowest sentence that tho court
can Impose Is fifteen years ln tho penl
tentlury. In overruling the motion for a new trial
In passing upon tho contuntlon of Gregory's
attorneys that It had not been proven at
tho trial that tho offense he was charged
with was a felony In Nebraska, Judgo Smith
said tho presumption was the laws of No
braska were tho snmo as thoso of Iowa and
that tho crimes of murder, larceny and
robbery constituted felonies In that stnto
tbo same as In Iowa. Referring to tho
other contentions set un by counsel. Judgo
Onillh IH that Ihnv hl,l rlllnil nnnn
7m,,tl1 Ba!rt tnat ,hr bad been ruled upon
during the progress of tho trial to tho
court's satisfaction.
Gregory's counsel have declared their In
tention of taking the case to the supremo
In tho superior court yesterday Gregory's
attorneys tiled a motion for a new trial In J
the case brought by C. S. Bond to determine
tho ownership of thc money found on Greg
ory at tho tlmo of his arrest and ln which
the Jury found for tho plnlntlff and against
the assignment of the money to tho attor
neys. Davis sella paints.
Commonwealth 10-cent cigar.
Iir tin- Field Meet.
Frank LcDron of Keokuk and Vomer n.
Ilayward of Davenport, president nnd secre
tary, respectively, of the Iowa State High
School Athletic association, arrived In tho
city yesterday nnd with tho local commit
tees aro busily engaged putting tho finish
ing touches to tho arrangements for Friday's
field meet. Accompanying President Lellron
woro It. II. King. H. P. nidbce and W. F.
Ilakrr. representing Keokuk High school.
Tho learns from Davenport and tho threo
High schools of Des Molncs nre expected
to arrive this morning and all the trams
from the other schools are due to reach tho
city some time today.
Tho track, dcuplte tho rain, Is in good con
dition and unless tho weather Interferes tho
meet promises to be a red letter one in tho
history of tho association. The entries are
larger than In any previous year nnd (hero
aro more High schools participating.
Conference on n Itrlilue.
The aldermen as r committee of the wholn
will hold a conference with the directors of
thn Omaha & Council Hluffs Hallway and
Ilrldge company thin nfternoon with a view
to arriving at an amicable arrangement
about the new bridge on Fifth avenue. The
majority of tho aldermen are- holding out
for the payment by tho motor company of
half of Muj estimated cost of the new struct
ure, while tho Inlter feels that It should not
bo called upon to contribute moro than the
extra cost of building tho brldRO strong
enough to carry its cars. Some of the alder
men havo declared thcmtelvrn in favor of
building nn ordinary bridge for foot pirn
nongcrs unlcHs the motor company Is will
ing to stand half the expenso of a structure
Htrong enough to carry motor car and
vehicle tralllc.
Petitions In Hiinkriiptcv.
Tno petitions In voluntary bankruptcy
wcro filed yesterday In tho United States
district court here. Krnrst V. Wagcner,
clerk of this city, has liabilities aggregating
$631. of which ho desires to bo relieved.
Ills assets consist of a homestead valued at
$1,200, household rooiIh of the value of $100,
books and pictures worth $20, a cow valued
at $fi0, Insurance policies to the amount of
$5,000 and unliquidated claims amounting to
Krnnk R. Wllbourn, a farmer living nt
Anita, Cass county, has unsecured debts
amounting to $1,318.27, against which ho
haa absolutely no assets to offer.
I.,. I. Oglo of Illockton, recently adjudi
cated a bankrupt, Is dead, and Colonel J. J.
Stcadman, clerk of tho United States dis
trict court. Is In a quandary to know what
course to pursue In regard to his applica
tion for a discharge.
Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures coughs, colds.
School Site Appeal llrnrlne.
Although the hearing of tho appeal from
the action of the Hoard of Bducatlon In
selecting tho Oakland avenue site ns tho loca
tion of tho new high school building Is wet
for today before County Superintendent Mc
Manns, It will probably have to be post
poned, owing to tho nbsenco from tho city
of Attorney I. N. Fllcklngor. Any postpone
ment, however, will bo opposed by tho mom-
ibere of tho board. Due notlco of tho dato
of hearing was given to all partleo Interested
nnd they claim that Attorney Kllcklnger
should havo arranged his business accord
ingly. Tho board will have plenty of legal assist
ance. It will bo roprcfonted by Attorneys A.
S. Hazleton. J. T. Orgnn and tho firm of
Hnrl & McCabe. Tho understanding Is that
the board will bo nt no expense for their
(!us Ilergman may ho a Dutchman, but
his people mako tho host cigars ln town,
and tho Tommy Griffin Is making thc firm
.Indlcliil nislrlet DflPKiKe.
Tho Judicial committee of tho Fifteenth
Judicial district, comprising the counties of
Audubon, Cow, Fremont, Mills. Montgom
ery, Page, Pottawattamlo nnd Shelby, will
meet this afternoon at 2 o'clock nt tho Grand
hntol for the purpose of fixing the dato and
place of holding tho Judicial convention.
George I Hruington, secretary of the com
mittee nnd representative from Cass county,
arrived ln tho city last evening. Harrison
county will hold It convention nt which
delegates to tho congressional convention
will be chosen Juno 5.
"Mr. Riley." who Is "spoken of so highly,"
Is n good companion to meet. Tho next
time you smoko a cigar form hla acquaint
ance. Knnsnn City liirnxlnn I'lnnnril.
At tho meeting of local democrats last
night at tho pollco patrol house, called for
the purpose ot organizing a club to attend
the democratic national convention at Kan
sas City July I, sixty signed the roll signi
fying their intention to go. A temporary
organization was formed with Jack O'Neill
as secretary and another meeting will bo
held Saturday night nt tho same place. Tho
club Intcuds to take a tiand with It.
Will rnnnlrnet Hit; Dlleli.
SIOUX CITY, la., May 15. (Special.) A
great deal of Interest Is manifest In Wood
bury' and Monona counties over tho pro.
' K"B"""'" " . , f.!i 111
........ A.. 1. r , .II..I.
in ino iwo cuiiiuiu, .11111 which iiosisiuiy niu
be extended Into Harrison county. All ob
jection so far as Is known In Woodbury
and Monona counties has been removed and
about all that remains to bo done Is to
assess the property abutting ulong the pro
posed ditch so that the cost may be appor
tioned among thoso who will be benefited.
It Is estimated thc ditch as. 111 drain about
6,000 acres of land ln Woodbury and 12,000
In Monona and It will cost each landowner
nbout $2 for each acre of property ho may
own abutting on tho ditch or which will
bo drained by the same. Governor L. M.
Shaw of Iowa Is ono of tho largest rand
owners along the Missouri bottoms and ho
has worked very hard to put tho project
The drain -will bo about thirteen miles
long and nbout four and one-half miles of
this will bo In Woodbury county. It will
be on an average of seven feet deep and
forty feet wide. It Is to havo a fall of one
nnd one-half feet to the mile and will causo
water to How from ono end to tho other
ln nbout two hours nnd thirty minutes. At
present It takes about 25 pt-r cent of the
water and Its overllow nbout two and one
half das to get away from the upper
land. Most of it never goes nt all, but
simply lies on tho ground ns surface water.
Tho totaly cost of tho ditch will be about
$41,000 and all this l paid for by tho
I abutting landowners nnd those who derive
! i1Pnoflt
For years this land has been used for sim
ply nothing but hay land, owing to thc water
which lies on It a greater part of the
rainy season. It has been out of the ques
tion to cultlvnto It and tho ditch seems
to bo tho only feasible means of putting tho
land to nny particular UbC. Part of tho
distance It will run In creek beds, which
will save much work In construction. Work
may bo commenced yet this year.
Saloon Men Leave liiiva.
SIIILKV, In., May 1C All the Haloons of
Osceola county aro closed. Several of the
saloon keepers havo removed to Mlnnewotu
and Nobranka.
limn ,etM Niitm.
Itockwel' Is to have a gas plant In the
near future.
Ltsrhtnlnc struck the barn of A. Ingehert-
son nojr Hampton und killed William Klec-
man. a man in his employ.
Thn Standard Teleiihone comnanv. which
Is Installing an exchange at Dubuque, Is
laying Its wlies In tubing underground,
neorirn linker of Forvtanollo was serloulv
Injured by being pulled out of a buggy by
;i liorso wnlen lio was utlempting to lean.
Mayor Bennett of Ft. Dodge has decided
he will break ui the crap games, which
have become too common to suit his fain-y
Die Southwestern Mutual Life Insurance
company of MarHhalltown has decided to
reiiuor. orate unuer me new siaio inMir
anif law and remain In tho state.
K. Miller of 1'Mars has secured the
contract for the erection of Clay count 's
new court house nt Spein er. The building
will cost $1:1,570 nnd will he completed March
1 or next . car. '
The outlook for an abundant nnnle crop
In Mills county was never better thnn this
vear. The weather during thn blooming
.'orloil ha.s been most favorable and tno
trees are unusually full of hlossoms.
Frank Hosier and n man named Kane,
who wns standing near him, were both
dangerously Injured by lightning while
working In n field near Dynrsvllle. A team
which Rosier wn.s driving wuh Instantly
Small amounts of cash and bundle of
laundry have been missing nt times during
the past year from the Watetloo laundry
ami ai lasi me uri'nian wa uoiirini nun
night rohblng the cash drawer, lie com
reused to committing the previous rob
of Prominent Offioiali
Credence to Reports.
I 'It m It- In tin Ai't'tiNnl of Nrdllitrncr In
Mtuitlpox tluiiriiiitliif Will lie
Suiitiiioneil lleforr llonrri of
I lea I til in el Mcetlnu.
ter Mary
DKS MOINBS, la.. May 16.-(SpelftI Tel-, McNnmara waB In court, his face nnd hca l
cgram.)-Tho arrival In this city today of rallied In bandages, tho result of the terrl
a special train of four coachca on tho h0 beating the girl's brother and hor other
Great Western railway bearing Preldent jovcr had given him tho day before. Sov
Stlckncy and many prominent officials and prai ,on ln thc collrl ttpr(? fParoi1P(1
nuwriuuiin-.a ... wnii. ru.iu umj ruvivcu mo
rumor that tho llaltlmore & Ohio nnd the
Great Northern nro about to absorb tho
Great Western and thus completo tho miss-
ing mm uuiwccn mo two great, vrunic lines,
Thcro wcro u number ot Iialtlmoro & Oh o
stockholders aboard the special and this
added to tno ract that another special car
passed thtough the city oo tho Great West-
em yesterday with Great Western and Hal-
tlmoro & Ohio officials scorns to lend plans-
iblllty to tho story, though tho railroad men
aro very rctlconu
A dispatch received here today tolls of
tho death in Ilockford, 111., last ovonlng )
oi wiinmn ii. lormomen, a reaiueni or mis
city. Ho was killed by coming In contact
with a llvo wire.
Doctor In Convention.
Tho annual convention of tho Iowa State
Meillcal society convened this mornlne with w-.t .1.. .1 , , - , mWa: original i' Mttweii iicm
onn n,J , , 11!., 7 .h , bott' thc wlJc'y !nown chariot racer and ' Moines, $6. Jacob (l.ycr. Cromwelf, c,:
200 doctors present and during tbo day i woman rider, has her winter quarters at Orlando II. Helmet-. Mcclmnlesvlllo. $;
many others arrived. Therei has been such , that place. Sho has In her emnlovment 1 Francis J. Holtslatxlor. Hurllngton, $s. Sup
a llcht over tho nresldncv that the eon. of. .. c1mI"0 '"cnt hilenienla -Seymour T. Hotchklss, Greene,
a ngni ocr tno pnsiuency tnai tno con- sorao four or five young men and some few fa increase-Archibald Mulr, Soldiers'
grcsslonal districts met In caucus to name days ago she paid ono of them oft and told! Home. Matshalltown, s; llenry W. Llnd
a man each on the nominating committee, him to vncate. Last night ho with throe 1 ;VV Woodbine. $11!; Guilford. 11. Iliisli.
mi... - 1 1 .1 n 1 . . . nlerloo. 510: William Melnlosh. Davis
inn caiiuiu.iica mr inu omcc nre ur. uon-
nlff of Sioux City and Dr. Prlostloy of Dos
Molnes. Tho committee as selected Is for
Conntff, but ns It will bo required to name
two candidates tho fight will bo flnlshod
on tho convention floor. President T. J.
Maxwell of Keokuk delivered his address
this afternoon nnd tho rest of tho afternoon
was taken up by tho reading and discussion
of papers. This evening tho visitors wcro
entertained by tho Klks.
The decisions of tho supreme court today T' , 1 ",m "y'Ke
Wer-: Bnof missing. Ahout this time Mrs. Talbott
Louisa Roehler ngalnst City of Des ' appeared on tho scene, nnd thc men turned
Moines, Polk illstrlct; reversed. fher attention to her. Sho ran toward a
Mary McCarn aga list Martha J. Rundnl , im,.i i,,, ., 1 u. ., ,
Join's district; reversed. 'neighboring houso and following her came
Johnson county against Arthur nnd James five shots, all five missing. This morning
Stratton. Johnson district; reversed. .
Wren Hudson ngalnst Smith Hi-others.
superior court of Keokuk; reversed.
W. W. Gnrdener against Roach & Peck,
Lyon illstrlct; alllrmed.
John Vcnntt against J. G. Jordan,
Polk illstrlct; alllrmed.
Threo physicians who arc accused of ncg
llgcnco ln the smallpox quarantine will be
summoned to appear beforo tho State Hoard
of Henlth for trial nt tho next meeting, to
he held in August. This notion was taken
by tho board this morning. The members
refuse to disclose tho names of the offend
ing physicians, but lntimato strongly that
If they nre unable to answer thc charges
ngalnst them they will bo reprimanded by
tho board and may havo their certificates
to practice revoked. The secretary has
been instructed to summon the threo phy
sicians who will ho on trial. This action is
tho result of tho complaints which havo
come from a nurnbor at localities In the
stato that physjcliins have obstructed quar
antine by failure, or refusal to recoRnlxe
smallpox cases, tho result of which has
been to pepper tho state. In tho language
of a member of tho board , with this loath
some disease. It Is not known that tho
health authorities of Frazer, Hoone county,
aro Included In the list of offenders, but it
Is known that more complaints havo boon
filed ngalnst the laxity of tho health
officers of this place than any other ln the
stnto and it Is reasonable to suppose that
this town and tho parties responsible for
the omission will be made an example of
for this most flagrant violation.
OllleerM for llrnlth llnnrd.
Election of officers of both tho Stato
Hoard of Health and noard of Medical Ux
amlners was held today. Dr. J. C. Shrador
of Iowa City was elected president to suc
ceed Dr. J. A. Scroggs of Keokuk. Dr.
Walton Bancroft of Keokuk was elected
president of tho Stnto Hoard of Medical
Kxaminers. Prof. S. R. Macy of High
land Park collego Is re-elected state
chemist and Dr. Kll Grimes of Des Moines
bacteriologist. J. K. Kennedy was re-ap
pointed secretary of tho State Hoard of
Health and will net as secretary of the ex- i
amlnlng board. The board adjourns tomor- '
row. 1
Tho strike of Journeymen plumbers will I
end within a few days. A commlttca ap
pointed by them met with a committee
ippolnted to represent thc employers this
morning and their differences were dls-
Buy a Lot
And build your own
Some vacant lotB located in
addition and W ght's addition. These lots will be sold
at real bargains. In a year
monoy asked for them now.
Many girls after passing the age of puberty begin to decline rapidly. At
the very time their attractiveness should be the most pronounced, their complex
ions begin to sallow and dark half moons appear under their eyes. They become
angular in form and age rapidly. They lose their light and elastic step and
move languidly about, half-dead, half-alive. At this critical period Wine of
Cardui brings all needed relief by regulating thc menstrual flow and invigorating
the female organs. Mothers understand that to neglect their daughters at this stage is
to inflict on them a life time of misery. Early disorders of the menstrual function are
fraught with the greatest danger. They quickly undermine the health of a young
woman, no matter how robust she may be. Thousands of young girls just budding
into conscious womanhood are enjoying health and are developing regular menstrual
habits by the use of Wine of Cardui. The remedy may be purchased from your druggist
at $1 a bottle. Take no aubtitute for Wine of Cardui.
It ffordi me much pUiurt to
and other medicine had failed. I truril
cuseed at length In the hope of patching up
an agreement The result was a better un
derstandlng. The committee representing
the strikers reported the result of the meet
ing this afternoon and asked for a modi
fication of tho demands In hope of effivt
Ing an early agreeeuient.
Indue Sl" In In Vnilii Cnpld'n Work
for the ctt Month If
Xot I'erniiiiii'iitl.v,
SIOUX CITY, la., May Id. (Special Tele
gram.) After another quite exciting day In
Dakota Cltv tJin McJsrnmnra.Me rn.,
has been postponed for hearing on tho appll-
cation for a writ of habeas corpus to Juno
IB. J. J. McAllister camo Into court, nml
after his son had been arrested to mako
him keep the peace, he showered burning
words of Indignation upon W. C. McN'amara.
the man who Ik trying to marry tho daugh
and onn rnvnlvnr u fnimri nml, l
oW i, ,i, i,,.i -ri,.. n.. i. .....In marriage this morning at St. Mary's
tensely blltor and It is pirtly for this rea-
eon Xbai a postponement was taken. A
'priest tried to dlssuado the girl from her
r, m-.i. .v.., . ...i.i.... i
!" .vr..v- , lUfllljlllf, t'lUI Ullllti .1, IIMl ,lt!IUUb
Tho KlrI rp(usc,, to R0 hnme wllh her
rHlhc,r r.m, Bnp , ,, llt tno hmnp o
Tm. McNamara was ordered by the court
to kecp nwaJ. frotn hpri lhc Hamo onlor px.
tending to her father. Tho girl Is of legal
nnd ha(, 8hp tho C0UrnSP( rouIll (lo
as she liked. McAllister declares McNamara
w)n never marry hpr nml Uvo,
Mnile .Strnimr Attempt, nt Murder,
lliccnnm 1 n m. t- t . r
.Hioouuiu vnwiir.i, in.. iniy io. ifnr-
cial.) A sensational shooting affair occurred
at the fair grounds between tho hours of
10-30 and 11 n. m. I.ihI nlrrht Mrs. A Tut.
or rour omers gatnerea somo intoxicating
liquors and took them to the fair ground.
After becoming Intoxicated they went to the !
tent where one of tho young men. "Nick";
Hrald, an employo of .Mrs. Talbott, was
sleeping. They awoko him. tied n rope
' aroupd his neck, pulled him out of tho tent
'ht condition nnd dragged him around
,or a few minutes, telling him that they
wcrp RolnB t0 hanK him. but before they
I Kot "'o point of hanging he broke Iooso
; Mrs. Talbott nppearcd before Justice French
and filed Information against tho young
men. Wnrrants for each were Issued and In
the absence of tho county attorney the hear
ing will not be until tomorrow. The names
lot tho young men nre: Luo Atcksln, John
Wilson, Sherm McCullough, Joo Frost and
HrAvnrds for Klrc -Workers.
V1LL1SCA, la.. May 16. (Special Tele
gram.) During tho fire Saturday Miss Mat
thews hroke tho chain of her watch nnd
handed tho watch to some man to keep for
her. He Is still keeping It. The Green Bay
Lumber company presented the fire company
with $23. K. B. West added $20, H. P. Hop
kins and Dr. McNaughton each $5. Tho
Rand Lumber company havo up a temporary
office and are again doing business.
Tho firo company was called out today
about 2 p. m. A drunken man, Jim O'Lcary,
was put In the calaboose this morning and
set fire to his bed. Thoy turned tho hose
on him and put out tho fire.
Wreck lit Vlelor, Inn-n.
VICTOR. Ia.. May 16. (Special Tele
gram. ) 'A disastrous wreck occurred hero
last night, resulting In the destruction of
several thousand dollnrs worth of property
rjjirca Dandruff, Falling Hair, nrlttle Hair j
and all Scalp Troubles, such as Itching,
Eczema, Eruptions, etc. Purely Vegetable, I
harmless and reliable.
Cure Guaranteed
even after all other remedies have failed
or money refunded.
a. n. nmcMKit co
For Kale by
Blieraian A ..McConnell Drug Co, Myers,
Dillon Drug Oo.,. Hugo Melcholr, A. L. Un-
deland, Boston Drug Dept., J. H. Merchant,
C. IL Bchaefer, M. Monbclt, M. A. Dillon.
Home upon it, and
Paying Rent.
Central Bub addition, Omaha
or so they will bring double th
Apply at Bee Office, Council
Girlhood Dangers
be abU to My tht Wine ol Cardui haj entirely
alwayi (eel grateful to you and your medicine.
and stock westbound Ho-k Island
freight ir.un was si b tr.v tug when It was
struck by an eaxtbHind fielght which wa
running on passenger time. Fortunately
none of the; train crews were hurt, although
nil had to Jump for their lives. Tho east
bouml train contained four carloads of cat
tle. One hundred nnd fifty of tluno were
i lnUntly killed and tho rest had to be shot.
' At S o'clock this morning the track was
rllj Cut l)oun i:pcnsc.
MISSOURI VAL.M5Y. la.. May 16.
tSneclal Telegram.) Ist night the city
council met and took the snloon question
up nnoiv. It uts rensmol that Missouri
Valley could no longer be so expensive
without tho saloon revenue support, which
i !ll"n"nlrl1 l'nrh 'rnr 10 "-m- They pased
I 11 resolution that all lights uscn y ino cu
o discontinued and that waces ot city
laborers bo reduced 25 per cent. Uuslncas
In Mlisourl Valley has been growing weaker
every day for the last few weeks.
Vi:ST POINT. May It!. (Special.) Miss
Mary Iloldt nnd John Schllctlng were united
1 chllrcu- K,'v Jcl,h Rueslng ollbiatlng. Tho,
Kronm la a wp" knott" waaiery man of this I
, 1 " "U"B"' '"'
I'i:mo.s rim wKvinitv vi:ti:h..s.
Wnr Siinhnrn Iteiuenilirreil by
Genei'iil tint eminent.
WASHINGTON. May 16.- fSpeiinl.)-Thc
following pensions have been granted:
Issue of April .Hi, lv:
Nebraska: Original Dennis Hammond,
Lincoln, $10. Renewal and Increase Ktien
W. Newberry, Lincoln, $10. Increase Jnmes
F. McHlvaln, Ilralnard, $.10, Henry W.
Nichols, St. Paul, $10; Charles Simpson.
North Platte, $10; Charles C. Cottrell, Au
burn. $12. Kills W. Jones, Kalrliury, $12;
Henry Johnston, Mtatnrorci. iu; uuima i .
.,...:., n tin 4i..i....i ...t.t...u
Minor of Charles A. Thompson, Lincoln,
$H: Julia M. Uurdlck (special account May
2), Amherst, $12.
city, 17. Reissue- Mnrcus D. Wright,
Denl'snn, '$. Original widows, etc. (Re-
.,,lm1!P,i tf V"fi'ik tJuln?i' ,lnn'i"'T
i,ni' (special account MayTi, IndeVndenco'
$S. 1
j ' ' '
V.'.' votm- t tic n'" ti .'v""'' !
1 railroad today tnmle V tnoitg.ige "01 lie
j Norton Trust company to secure an Ismio
of $.-.0.000.(n of bonds .
for Infants and Children.
Cnetorla is a hnrmloss substituto for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine, nor other Narootiu
ssiihstancc. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness.
It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teeth
ing Troubles and cures Constipation. It regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panucca Tho Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
In Use For
SMsHH If Kb 1
Winter Vallty. Musi.. May 27, 1899.
rutortd my daughter to health alter the doctor
In oon reqolrlncptnl-1 rtlroollon. Crtr,
tln niltoBJ ' lhr Lillc' Artlr7 le
psrtinQi. !''" Cnaltauooc' H1lctn Co.,
CtisltanooK. I'm
W A U X K It ' R
A K 10 " a i; u I )
A 1' H c t: It 10
A I' 10" t'l'KIO
XV K" or It 13
kor akhuTminuria.
ttgAKK" or 1(10
,iQAF 10" Ct'ltl)
a v io " c r it io
A K 10 ' O U It 10
kor himoUsiii;adaoihw.
a r io " o i; it io
i A 1-' 10 "
u r u io
A K 10 " o u It n
apm" onuio
AF10" (M'KIO
A ltelilnir II11111I.
Anheuser-Rusch's MALT NUTIHN'K helps
the Infirm, the aged, the convalescent nnd
tho new mother beyond all other prcaru-
I tlons. ItenewH strength and appetite, Tho
i ensv tonic. nM liv nit ,1rnpnltn.
?ff m O mako llfo
a rm&L,Mm9 worth living J
JCorc Bilious and K'ervois Disorders, e
IO renin nml SA rent, nt drus tore,
Signature of
Over 30 Years.
7" A It X Bit's
appreciate our work because it is done
in such a thorough and artistic manner.
They are also pleased to find our prices
so very moderate. If you havo dental
work that needs to bo done we can
satisfy you both in the quality of work
and the prico.
. ..Telephone 115
H. A. Woodbury, D. 0. Council Bluffs.
30 PB3rl St NCGrand Hotel