THE OMATTA DAILY "REE: THURSDAY, JfAV 17, 1900. IS SCHLEY A CANDIDATE? IfcoHaEai Oh&agtd Ills Mind Bines lit Wn in Omah. HAD NO POLITICAL AMBITIONS THEN (aid He AVn Not n C'nmlltlntr for Aur Oilier nml Hint He Would Noi Srrvc II EIcm1.iI. In view of the renewed talk of Admiral Schley a a probable running mate for Ilryan and the oxprcBior)H on the pnrt of various lcle(?atcn to the Knniuis City convention In his favor, the decided aversion to politics expressed by the admiral during his visit to Omaha a yenr ngo as the ruc1 of (leneral Mandcrson l romfimbered by many who taken from thf utreet car tracks, fhowlng how the window had been broken. In tho fltalrway leading to Jacob Itlnglos tallir whop were found n number of the cards from which the rings had been removtd. The burglar proved himself to be a fathlonablc fellow, hh all of the Jewelry taken was set with emeralds, the birth Mono of those born In May. Within hla reach waa a largo quantity of ullverwarc. but ho evidently did not believe In tree sliver, as none of It was taken. Mr. Bdholm left Tuesday night for a week's vacation at Onawa, la., but re turned on receiving a telegram from his manager announcing the burglary. YEAR'S WORK IS REVIEWED YEISER'S REQUEST REFUSED I'clcphonc onipnnr lifeline AIIimv Hint to Htnuilnp ltd "I'll collretHlilr" I, Int. to purpose of forcing a reduction of rates took camo In contaet with him here at that time. , on more life yesterday than at any tlmo Ilia name was already being mentioned In since tho hearing was Instituted two wocVr: .Inhn O. Ypl,nr'a InvrMjtltr'if Inn nf t V. V braska Telephone company's affairs for 'tho ! and ,he chairman of tho flnanco commit Gratifying Conditio, of Affain in the Omaha T, M. 0. A. it Disclosed. BIG GAIN IN MEMBERSHIP IS MADE free employment llurrnn, Kilncn tlonnl Drimrtmrnt, 1) niiinaliini, mill l'nlille Ilrnillnir Itooma AtnniiK l'rnturo Provided. Tho annual meeting of the board of di rectors of the Young Men's Christian asso ciation, which was held Tuesday evening, d.s closctl n highly gratifying status of affairs. A condensed report of the work of the year was given by (Jenural Secretary Willis connection wllh tho presidential ticket, for first place Inntead of fecond place, but met with no favorable rewponne. On tho contrary ho expressed himself dlroctly contrary to ago. In tho course of examination yesterday Yelsor demanded to know how many free telephone wero on the list. "I want to find tee, Officers for the ensuing year were elected m follows: President, I. W. Carpenter; vlco president, A. l Tukoy; recording sec retary, J. A. Sunderland; treasurer, II. J. Pcnfold. Theso ofneem wero re-elected unani mously, their good work In tho past bolng utir.h niieeostlonH. his position being out- i out," he eald. "to what nxtent members of lined In Tho He of Juno 7 lust In an Inter- I the city council and other public officials are generally acKnowicageo. view with hlH host. Ocnoral Mandcrson, who ' permitted to havo telephone service without responded to a question whether there was. pay. ' nny truth In the statcmontn that the admiral The records revealed that for one month aspired to prominent political places, as fol- telephone bills to tho amount of $bS9.32 aro lows: "Kmphatlcally, no. In a letter I received from him, dated April 7, ho says: "I don't marked "uncollectable." Yelscr found thin aggrogato entry, but ho did not find the. ttomlzod list that Is, tho names of thoao know nulto what I have done to bo mado "h hnvc not paid their bills. In his char- by aomei enthusiastic friends tho tall of Mr. , actcrlntlc peppery style Yelscr called for tho Bryan's klto. For men of tho army or navy i mmo. Auditor Coo, who waa on tho stand, to aHpIro to public places, with little ac- referred the demand to President Yost, who qualntanco with public men and still less ''"lined to answer. Yelscr applied to the -with public affairs, has always scorned to mo i secretaries of tho Mate Hoard of Transpor Rbsurd. I feel much as General Sherman did tatlon. beforo whom the hearing Is being when he said that If nominated he would ' conducted. The secretaries he d thnt It wa Hot accept and If elected ho would not serve. "'J'0'"1 elr power to compel mponu on Jlut In my case there Is no such danger. ,h Pnrt telephone company Tor I havo neither tho capacity nor tho ! Jhl's.? m,a,Uf ,0' ,h 8lrlct CM,rt to prominence that would suggest me for any- P "P"; ' ?ZT? hlng more than I am now and 1 lose no . prv. p to make a speech. , ' .,,,, n,,rinB. hi. .i , board of transportat on was created Sleep over such things. During hs B.ay the people to .era the hero I had many conart lon wl h him , , .. he roaryedi ,.JA secretarleB are hearing directly or Indirectly upon this mat- h aR rmt,,nUllw ' fhn( . u tcr and ho constAntly repeated In different rRht (hat wo Bhoul(, know thft bc o(. forms tho substance of tho quoUtlon that claU at(, polltlcans who nro gecurlng frofl I havo given from his letter. telephone service at the exnsnsa of thn Kndorsrd MeKlnley's Course. common masses for It is self evident that tho cost of every deadhead telephone Is borno pro rata by the people who lack political pull." Tho secretaries declined to recedo from their original position as to forcing an "Whllo disclaiming any knowledgo of po litical affairs and taking tho ground that ns on officer of tho navy ho would not d.ib blo In politics, nnd whllo carrying this Idea to tho extent of novor having voted for a presidential candidate, he repeatedly stated answer, and lelscr declared ho would report Ma hearty approval of tho couiso of tho . the Incident to the board In person. It bolng ndmlnlstratlon as to Its policy with tho pos- composed of he attorney general, secretary sessions that havo come to us ns tho con Bcquenco of tho war with Spain. Indeed, ho frankly Btatod to many that ho was a pro nounced expansionist, and believed that It would bo good for this republic and for the world at largo that wo should exercise a dominant control over Porto Hlco and tho I'hlllpplno Islands, "In his early naval career he spent much tlmo In tho Philippines and has a familiarity with tho pcoplo of those Islands posoessed by but few. Ho bollevcn that a soparato nutonomy, under existing conditions, would mean to throw tho Islands Into a state of nnarchy and constant revolution of a mont disastrous charactor, and that tho duty de volving upon us to hold them and govern them with firmness and kindness until they nro In a position to govern themselves in a paramount ono that has ovolvod from the force of events upon this republic." It has been alleged by many papers that 'Admiral Schley is a democrat and Is In ac rord with tho views expressed by Mr. Ilryan, but this (ieneral Manderson denied, continu ing:. ','J4 being In hearty accord with, tho foreign policy of the present administration; In favor not only of a substantial Increase In tho navy, but of making tho nrmy ono that Is large enough to accord with tho population and Importance of the nation, nnd being opposed to the financial policies advocated bj tho tmpporters of Aryan, make n republican, then I am certainly safe to pay that Admiral Schley Is not a democrat. It Is due to him to say, however, that ho will not affiliate with any political party, nnd t)ellevoa simply In doing his duty as an of ficer of tho government, and this he will do In tho future, na In tho past, without fear or favor. "You cannot state too strongly, however, that ho has no political ambition and nothing tould Induco him to bo a candidate for any Dfflco within tho gift of tho American peo ple." BOLD DAYLIGHT BURGLARY of state, stato auditor, land commissioner and state treasurer. The books of tho telephone company do not reveal that thcro Is a "deadhead list," but Yelsor Interpreted "uncollectable" to moan the same. After tho Incident recited In tho forego ing, the Investigation settled down to a dry examination of figures as to cost of main tenance and other operating expenses, such as has been going on ever since tho be ginning of tho hearing. During tho afternoon session, Yolser dis covered an ontry on tho books showing where Judgo John M. Itagan had received 300 from tho telephone company. This Item was listed under the head of "maintenance," and under tho subhead "raatorlal." YelBer demanded to kuow what kind of material Judge Ragan, ex-member of the supremo court, had furnished. It was then dlscov cred that the placing of Judge Ragan's name under the subhead of material was a clerical error, and that the amount paid blm should havo been charged to legal services, Judgo Ragan having been called In consul tatlon with the regular solicitor for the company In 'an Importnnt case. Yelsor, laid great stress on tho fact that whllo Judge Itagan received $300 for consultation, the attorney In charge of the case In question was paid only J200, Havo you over paid Judge Ragan money for any other purpose?" Yelscr asked Pres ldcnt Yost. Reply was refused. Yclser np poaled to tho secretaries, but they over ruled him, and he again declared he would report tho matter to the board In person. At tho close of tho afternoon session further hearing was postponed until June S, for the reason that the stenographers are be hind with their part of tho work. JJcwcIry Store of Alliert I'dholm Itobticd nt mn Knrly Morn IniC llonr. Some tlmo botween 5 and 6 o'clock yestor flay morning tho Jewelry store of Albert Kd- holm at 107 North Sixteenth street, was entered nnd goods to tho value of about J100 taken. At 4:48 the A. D. T. watchman passed tho storo and thcro was nothing wrong. lt 6 o'clock Oeorgo Lathrop, an employo of tho Merchants hotel, passed on bis way to work and saw ono of tho front windows shattered, Ho reported the condition to tho police, and on examination it was found that ono brooch and fifteen rings had been stolen, thu goods having been removed through the hole in the gl.-us Under tho window was a paving stone from the pllo TWO NEW YORKEKS. One tilvrn the Other h llnnily 1,1ft,, Mr. C. Hazard, one of tho oldest and test known wholesale grocers in New York, haa for many years given his attention to tho preparation of line food delicacies. He has a farm and experiment station down on Etaten Island, whero tho famous Shrewsbury Ketchup, Hurnt Onion Sauce. Shrewsbury's Mushrooms and other delicacies are pro- pared In a most klllful manner. Olio evening last autumn while on his way homo Mr H. sat with ono of the officials of tho N. J. C. railroad, who scorned to bo llv lng with one foot In tho grave stomach so badly disordered that nothing would digest H scorned only a qumtlon of a few weeks a most when death would come. Mr. Hazard Insisted upon taking the gen tleman to his house and giving him a pack ago of Orape-Nuls breakfast food, which Is manufactured by tho Pcstum Cerenl Co., at tho pure food fuctorltw nt Hnttlo Creek Mich., a food which Mr. Hazard hud been wing at his own table for a long time croitly lo his benefit. He told the gentleman that he could get well In a few weeks by the use of perfectly prepared food of this sort and would never forget the day when he Mrst tried (Jrapo Nuts. The prediction came true; the oil! olal Is not only alive today, but Is In bette health than ho has experienced for ninny ycari, all of which ho attributes to tho use of Ompo-Nuts and from tho advice of Mr. Hazard. Thcro are two reasons for this; in the first .place Orapo-Nuts are mado from certain ec lected portions of wheat and barley that contain phosphate of p.itash and albumen, which nature hho In tho human system to mako up the gray matter In the brain and tervo centers throughout the body. Tho nervous system directly controls the digestive machinery and tho brain controls tho working and money-making power. Mr, Hazard knows this from his knowledge of foods and from hln own experience with Grape-Nuts. Therefore when ho took tbo rallwny official In charge he knew exactly what he was doing and tho result proved tbo Qorrcctncea of bis knowledge. HAD LOST HIS FORTUNE Klnnnrlnl IleverNrn TIiourM to Be Rf. ponalhln for Vl Dumprrtli'a Nnlcldr. F SOUTH OMAHA NFWS l Tlw secretary's report showed that on April 80 of this year, tha total membership was 1,272, a gain of 232 during the year. Tho average ago of the membership is 19 years. Ono of the most useful features of the association Is the free employment bureau, through which many young men huvo boon assisted to positions, Klgurce disclose that, during tho past year, there were 120 calls from business men for ho!p whllo the applications for positions num bered 435. In addition to the 120 places which wero filled on request of local busi ness houses by the system In vogue a large percentage of the remaining applicants wero supplied with work. In connection with tho employment bureau thcro Is maintained n list of desirable boarding houses which s of special benefit to strangers who ar rive In Omaha seeking employment. As an oxample of tho diligence with whloh tho association authorities pursue their work, It may bo mentioned that tho building was kept open during the year on an average of clghty-nlno hours per week. with an average dally attendance of 685. Six public reccptlono were given during tho year, attended by 3,300 persons. The Thanks giving dinner and New Years reception to young men Rway from home wero note worthy vents. Another notable hapn.enlng was tho summer vacation tour last July to tho lake region at Wisconsin. (iymwalum Well 1'atronUed. The gymnasium is one of tho most popu- lar features of the association and Im provements In oqulpment are being made from time to time. From October to April, thore; wero 755 classes In tho gymnasium with an average attendance of twenty-four, and a total attendance of 18,084. During tho year 85,267 baths wero given, tho dally av- erago being 113. From June to September Athlotlc park waa open to members for 1aso ball, wheeling and other sports. Par tlcular attention was devoted to tho edu catlonal department, there being classes In fourteen studies with an enrollment of 284. Ttoe reading room proved, as has always been tho case, a great attraction. This de partment to now supplied with 125 standard dally, weekly and monthly publications, and the library contains 1,100 volumes. The high standard of tho Junior department has been kept up, tbo theory being that tho boy of today Is the man of tomorrow. Notwithstanding the many other features, the association authorltlfs did not lose. sight of rellglouB work and during the year gospel meetings wero held ever' Sunday afternoon, with an average attendance of 136 each Sunday. Tho accounts of the association were care fully audited and It was found that the books balance exactly. Several matters of business were brought before the directors. Among othor Improvements, It was decided to enlarge the space devoted to reading room. HEARD BISHOP MORRISON Clercr Lay Delegates to the Kpls- copal Convrnllon Listen im an eloquent Sermon. Speaking of the probablo cause of the sulcldo of Val Dumperth at the Merchant's hotel on Tuesday last, a gentleman living In this city, who was ono of his most lnti mate friends, said: "It was a great sur prise to me when I read the nccount of Val's suicide. He was the last man on earth I would havo suspected of having trouble or wnrrylug nbout anything. Ho was foreman for Motz Hros. for a number of years and until within six or seven years ago. About the tlmo of giving up his posi tion he had Inherited from his mother, who lied In Ocrmany, a fortuno of about 1110,000. Since then ho has not been engaged in any business, but has been living a life of ease. He has traveled a good deal In the last few years, making Omnha his head quarters. He had a large acquaintance among the Oermnn-Amerlcans of this city, but ho was exclusive! and had but few close friends. Ono peculiar characteristic he possessed ho would disappear for weeks and months at a time without saying a word to anybody, and upon hlB return he would tell whero he had been, perhaps New lork or San Francisco or lion Angeles, or some other placo. Ho was a bachelor and scorned to bo as much at home at one place as an other. On one occasion, after a disappear ance of several months, no one know where, ho roturncd to the city and said ho had been visiting his fnther In Europe. "Ho Invested more or loss In mining se curities, but whether ho made or lost money In these enturos Is not known, though It Is believed that these speculations were not attended with any degrco of success. For several months past he had been speculating heavily on the Chicago Hoard of Tradn and lost every dollar he had and this Is thought to be tho reason which prompted his suicide. His father Is still living In Ciermany and Is quite wealthy. His son Is his only heir and would have Inherited his entire fortune. He could havo applied for assistance to his father, but may not have wanted him to know that ho had lost his Inheritance In so short n time. He was a mnn who lived well, enjoyed Rlshop Morrison of Iowa preached an loquont and thoughtful sermon to the clergy and lay delegates of tho annual coun cil of tho Dloceso of Nebraska at Trinity cathedral yesterday morning. The sermon waa followed by the celebration of the Holy Communion. The council was called to erder In tho chapel by Dlshop-Coadjutor Rev. A. I.. 'Wil liams, and CharloB II. Young was elected secretary with John A. Williams assistant secretary, lllshop Morrison was Introduced by lllshop Williams and delivered a short address, Tho visiting members. Rev. Georgo E. Walk of Council llluffs, and Dr. Chitten den of Kearney Military academy wero In vited to seatB on the floor of the council, after which the meeting adjourned until 2:30. lllshop Worthlngton's annual address to the council, read by John A. Williams, opened the afternoon session and was fol lowed by Ulshop-Coadjutor A. L, Williams' chargo to tho diocese, In which he empha sized tbo cause of missions. A report on Clarkson hospital by Mr. A, J. Poppleton, secretary and treasurer of tho hospital fund, was read, as were also tho reports of the socretary of tho council and treasurer of tho diocese. The suggestion was made that a special committee of three clergymen and threo laymen bo appointed to take chargo of funds for aged and Infirm clergymen, and a batch of amendments to the constitution and canons were referred to a special committee to bo acted upon tomorrow. Rev. J. A. Williams, Rev. I. P. Johnson, General O. B. Dandy nnd T. U Rlngwalt wero elected to represent the diocese at the mUwIonary council at Loulsvlllo In October. Greetings of the council wero sent to tho council of West Missouri, now In scselon at St. Joseph, after which the meeting adjourned to meet in council at 8 p, m. to consider missions. At the session of the council last even ing tho lecture hall In Trinity cathedral was filled to listen to discussions of mission work and mission districts In Nebraska. Addresses on that subject were heard from Itcv. Mr. Weed of Columbus, Ilcv. Mr. Marsh of Central City. Rev. Mr. Johnson of South Omaha, Rev. Mr. Hobbs of Nebraska City, Rev. Mr. Murphy of Auburn. Dean Fair and Mr. Chllds of Norfolk. Tho re ports of tho priests of some of their mis An ordinance regulating the removal of garbage, night soil, dead animals and all kinds of trash and rubbish from public and private premises has been Introduced In the council and Is being favorably com mented on by those who aro Interested In seeing a change in tho existing regulations. This ordinance has been drawn from sug gestions made by Mayor Kelly and carries out tho promises made during tho recent campaign In connection with a reform In the garbago master's department. In the first place It will bo necessary for those who desire to engage In tho business to produco a license from the city, although the amount to be charged for such licenses has not yet been determined on. All such licences wdll bo good for ono year and will expire on June 1. All persons securing such licenses shall bo deslglnatcd aa garbago collectors and shall havo certain rights and privileges In consideration of tho license fee paid. lAII wagons used for tho hauling of garbago shall bo constructed so as to prevent tho leaking of the contents nnd In the removal of dead animals they shall not bo expced to sight and shall not be dragged on tho ground. Tho provisions of this ordinance do not apply to any persons hauling their own garbago with their own teams, Garbago collectors must establish head quarters, where under the supervision of the sanitary Inspector thoy shall, at all times, during reasonable hours, have facil ities for receiving applications for servlco which they must be prepared to render promptly and effectively. Collectors of garbago are entitled under tho terms of tho ordinance to use any and all garbage, dead animals or other; refuse matter by them collected for their own use nnd profit If tho same Is not used In such manner as to create a nuisance. Tho fees to bo charged for tho collection of garbage and the removal of dead animals have not been decided upon as ret by tho Judiciary committee, but It Is understood that tho prices stipulated will bo much lower than those allowed by tho existing regulations. Hlds for tho removal nf dead nnlmnls from tho public streets will bo advertised for and tho contract awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. No bid for this work shall be ncccpted which Is In excess of tho fees named. All garbage collectors will bo required to furnish a sufficient bond condi tioned on the faithful and honest dlschargo of tho duties mentioned, Cards containing tho maximum fees allowed by law will bo provided by tho city and garbage collectors will bo required to furnish these to patrons when It Is desired, A lino not exceeding $100 for violating any of the provisions of tho ordlnanco Is provided, 'Many other points of Interest are covered by this ordinance but the most Important ones have been mentioned, Tho existing garbago regulations havo caused more trouble and nnnoyanco to tho city officials than nny other ordlnanco on tho books and naturally the people aro nnxlous to seo a change. Ilnlldlnw School Ilnnsra. There Is much favorable comment on tho determination of the Hoard of Education to erect a ward school building Bomowhcro In tho territory between J street on tha north, Q street on tho south, Twenty-second street on the east and Twenty-sixth street on tho west. Rids for a suitable lot will bo advertised for and when theso nre opened tho board will doubtless have a number of localities to select from. As It Is Intended to spend about $30,000 In the pur chase of a slto and the erection of a build ing It Is safe to presume thnt the board will be willing to pay In tho neighborhood of $5,000 for the lots needed. With the completion of the Jungmann school at Twentieth and O streets and the erection of another eight-room ward school the overcrowded condition of the schools In the center of the city will be greatly ro Moved. Superintendent Wolfe Is authority for the statement that many of the rooms now contain more than fifty-five pupils and this Is considered too many for one teacher to handle, A demand is being madj for better accommodations In tho Fourth ward and an addition is to bo built to the Iwcll school during the summer. The little school In Corrlgan addition Is overcrowded and a four-room brick building Is to be erected there at a probable cost of $10,000. damused to make a levy for the purpose of liquidating this claim, but as such a levy would necessitate a great deal of work and tho expenditure of at least $tico Attorney T. J. Mahoney, who represents Mary Johnson, Is willing to defer the serv ing of the papers until tho new levy Is msdo In July. City Attorney Montgomery has been Instructed to confer with Mr. Mahoney nnd make such arrangements as may be neces sary to stay oft tho serving of the man damus papers until after the 1900 tax Is levied, Mnmle City (lonnlp, A meeting of the directors of the Com mercial club will be held Frldny. Remember the hospital May potty at Masonic hall next Monday night. Officer lias resigned from the police forco nnd will move to Montana. The Nebraska Telephone company Is put-tin- In four new cables at Its exchange here. The King's Daughters will meet this after noon with Mrs. v. O. Slonne, Twenty-tlfth nnd I streets. 11. Vance t,unn. tenernl manager of the telenhono eomn.uiv. has relumed from an extended eastern trip. Thn cltv council will meet tonight to listen to testimony In the Coleman-Tlcrney liquor license remonstrance ense. Dos tars are now on sale nt the nfllco of the city clerk. All dogs running nt large must ho provlileu with n tag or uiey will be shot. Sanltnrv Insnector Jones Is busy these days looking after tiddlers' licenses. He Is compelling nil Hucksters to secure licenses or quit selling on the streets. The pollen continue to arrest vagrants every night. When brought before Judge King they aro generally ordered out of the city or given a suspended sentence. H. C. Strehlow, the well-known con tractor, tins secured the contract for tho erection of the Government building at Huf- falo. Th appropriation for tnis building la $.w.on Improvements for Stnte llntehery. SOUTH I1KND, Neb.. May tfi. (Special.) Tho State Fish commission nt Its meeting here today ordered flvo new stone dams put In nnd various other Improvements mado In the hatchery plant for the purpose of In creasing the output of fish for stocking tho streams next fall. Our Last Word 'Two hundred and eighty-seven fine tailored suits go into three divisions on Thursday morning. If we could get you to examine and understand their value, not one would be left in our store by closing time Thursday night, Appointment nt I'lnttsmotitli. PIjATTSMOUTH. Nob.. May 16. (Special.) t tho regular session of the city council Mayor Tom K. Parmele nppolnted Charles A. Weldy superintendent of tho city electric, light works to succeed W. A. noycr. The appointment was confirmed by tho council by a vote of 0 to 1. Mnrrlnite Licenses. Tho following marrlago licenses were to sued Wednesday: Name and residence. Age. Kllas Welnans. Omiiliu 23 Antonnetto lletcher, Omaha 12 Jacob J. t'hambers, Omaha 2S Augusta H. Carlson, Omaha 10 Fred Strllller. Omaha Mntit Fnber. Omaha St ll.irrv K. Pnssoth Omaha 22 Jennie I Williams. Omaha 16 John H. Hnmer, Omuha 2j 1nini K. Miissersmlth, Omnha 22 Ainriist II. Koherstrln. Nebraska City. .. . Jlnud M. Jenkins, South Sioux City 20 Kdward M. -Moch. Wvmore 21 Ella McVey, Omahn 2 Arc nnmnltcN Vlnr IHkIi Five. Pioneer council Royal Arcanum cave a high live party "Wednesday night In Its ouarters In tho Masonic temple. Routine IoJitp business was lost sight of on this oc caslon nnd the evening wns devoted to amusements. Wives. luugnters anil women friends of the members were presont, nnd tho function wns attended by numerous visitors from other Arcanum councils. Re freshments werp served nnd tnere was a eeneral cood time. Pioneer council Is one of the most prominent Arcanum organiza tions In the city. LOCAL BREVITIES. License Money Held Up. Up to the present time ninety saloon appli cations havo been filed with the city clerk, nearly all of which havo paid the sum of $700 Into the city treasury. As $500 of overy saloon license goes to tho school dis trict thn sum of $45,000 will soon he turned Into tho school treasury, whllo $18,000 will go into tho coffers of the municipality. In easo tho ordinance Increasing the oc cupation tax Is parsed by tho council and signed by the mayor the city will receive tho same sum as the school district. Dy the delay on the part of the council In granting licenses both the city and tho Hoard of Education are kept from using the money. Outstanding claims against tho city now amount to about $18,000 and many of the claimants are clamoring for their monoy. It Is the Intention of the mayor and council to pay off these claims Just as soon as the money Is available, which It Is expected will bo before long. I.liinnr Ilenlers Worried. Local liquor dealers aro considerably wor rled over the action of the city council In Introducing an ordinance Increasing the occupation tax from $200 to $500. According to statements made by Kd Johnston the city needs the money to pay off outstanding claims. This Is tho last year the city will be able to Iovy an occupation tax, as next the caloon licenses will be In creased to $1,000 by reason of the showing . , .1.- -m mmia hi' thn nvf rnmpni. ccnaiiK. I nnn inn ... . . . hitiiiinn tr n,i..ra nnn iiir , r , ,i 1 1 1 1 1 ni .''' ' j . r I Wnree9 e'd ,uB nknVn tly , 7 a . Dean Fair opoko with eopcclal forco ' sum will be covered Into tie treasury he greeted US pleasantly as no pasHen. i , . .... ,v, ..hnni .lidriM nnd th e lv w III have a good dinner and a glass of wine, but he lry experiences evoked the most pro never squandered his money. Only last "ounced merriment, but all of tnem appea ed Sunday evening he came Into Maurer's while "r stronger support in mission work, the, rmiu,w "r wii,iin f humSra nml the Inn nf firadlnK ('ontrnetors NcgllKent, Complaint Is made by J. .1. Looney that the sidewalks on the east side of Twenty third street between Q nnd S streets and on tho south sldo of Q street between Twenty' third and Twenty-fourth streets are In an almost Impaseablo condition nnd need Im mediate attention. Grading contractors were allowed to remove these walks while doing eomo grading with the understanding that tho planks were to be properly replaced Roth these sidewalks were relald by the contractors, but old boards wero used and tho work was very poorly done. As these contractors aro under bond for the proper re laying of the wnlks tho council proposes to seo that the walks aro placed In as good condition as they were beforo the grading or tho city will do the work and deduct the cost from the guaranties still In tho hands of tbo city. remarked to my friend, 'There goes a man who takes llfo CHsy nnd haB mighty few troubles to worry blm. A Keen, t'lenr llrnln. Your best feelings, your social position or business miccess depend largely on tha perfect action of your Stomach and I.lver. Dr. King's New l.lfo Pill glvn Increased strength, a keen, clear brain, high ambition. A 25-cent box will make you feel like a new being. For sale by Kuhn Co. Uepnlillcnn llemluiiurters. Chalrmun I.lndsey nnd Socretary Mnl lalleu of the republican state central com mlttee expect their official furniture und of tho wisdom of rewarding In a more suh- of tho school district anu me cuy win nave ... . 'in. (vpnl'lnn AVl tnnin nf AOIlT'InP' H TO I'M II A aside from that brought In by taxation stantlal way some of the mlsslonarlrs who havo been receiving but small compensation for their service? and of the obligation of the church to encourage the erection of new church structures. To in In n (iooil Itrpn tnt Inn. Tltilldlnir Inspector Aetlvr Acting nulldlng Inspector D. M. Click Is performing the duties of his office In a man ner entirely satisfactory to Mayor Kelly. At "The way to gain a good reputation Is to j the present time he Is looking after house endeavor to bo what you desire to appear." 1 movers who are operating without licenses. That Is precisely the manner In which ,' Yesterday Inspector Click arrested Orush Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has gained Its 1 Bros, for moving a hulldlng without firs reputation ns a euro for coughs, colds, croup ' having secured a license. The Inspector 'and u'hAnnlnt, n n h HvPrv hnttle I Vi T I hia .. . - .vn V. n n.AnA.M in nnfAn IhA hitlM."i.n .. ndja ' " ..wvu .,,.' MM,,'.- ever been put out by the manufacturers htn j inK ordlnanco to the letter and will not been fully up to the high standard of excel- . -how any oartlallty In his dealings with , lence claimed for It. P-opic have found I those who come under his notice. Vmnk Snoderly. a. lineman, fell from i teinrr!inh nolo near 2110 North Twenty seventh avenue Wednesday nnd broke an arm. The city clerk made two chnnges yes terday In the personnel or Ills official family. W. 8. Askwlth was substituted for E3. T. UUKe ns journal ciern inn oam Walkun dlsnlaccd A. P. Graham nH scrceant-iit-arms, Tim chief of police has ordered a formal inrwtinn nt ine lorce on next ruesnay, Th inll. matron's department, patrol barn wagons, horses, etc.. will be duly scrutinized. The police commissioners have been Invited to De present. The May party of the Thurston Rifles, held Wednesday evening at the armory. was a brilliant affair. About 150 couples were oresent to enjoy the festivities. The arrangements comrcmiet! i-unmaim oi Messrs. W. w. tamwen, v. mcimru II. O. JInnsen nnd R. J. Trostler. Hill. 19 vears old. a watchmaker. -as arrested Wednesday on a charge of grand lnrcenv nreferred bv his employer. Jacob Jncobson, a manufacturing Joweler In the Ar nrton b ock. Jiicobson says that Hill handles a great deal of gold In his work and thnt, within the last month, he (Jacob son) has missed $250 worth of the precious metal, tie claims 10 nave evidence to prove that Hill appropriated it to nis own use. Notlci. has been received that on Juno 19, 20 nnd 21 there will be held In Omaha civil service examinations for ellgibles for appointment to tno position or mecnnnical iirnrisnuin. oruiiuiuerr tii-iiiu imcm. in i milnrv of St. 200 nor annum, nnd that on June 19 thero will be held examinations for eligible for nppoinimoni to position or lumberman, division of forestry, depart ment or agriculture, at a salary or i,5). itlnnks can bo secured from the commis sioner at Washington and Information ut the office or tne local noaro. other chattels belonging to the i'0jnmlttce that u rBn always bn appended upon for ' &r&VV the ; he relief and cure of these aliments and I neu- nmc nf ilm xtute commltteo on thn that It Is nluasant and safe to take. This I parlor floor of the north whig or tne ner j,ag ,vfn t a good reputation wherever It Orand hotel ami the opening of the head-j. wm vnnwn nd nreminti rnr it. quarters may be considered to dato fromlhas become known ana accounts for Its today. . . k . . great popularity. . Mnndnmna Proceedings Commenced. Some tlmei sgo Mary Johnson secured a Judgment against the city for $2,600 for per sonal Injuries received by means of a de fective ildowalk. The city has been man- rrni IMPERIAL HAIR I REGENERATOR is everywhere rocognlzcd as the ffl STANDARD HAIR i'OIXIRINO X. for Orny or Hlcurhed Hair. Its application Is not affected by baths, permits curling, Is absolutely harm-1 y less, nnd Invaluable for beard and , x moustache. ONK APPLICATION FOR MIDDLE-ACED WOMEN, Two Letters from Women Helped Through the "Change or Lire" by Lydla, K. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. " Dkah Miis. I'inkiiam : When I first wrote to yon I wns in a very bad con dition. I was passing- through the change of life, and the doctors said I had bladder nnd liver trouble. I had suffered for nine years. Doctors failed to do tne any good. Since 1 hnve taken Lydla K. I'inkhnm's Vegetable Com pound, my henlth has improved very much. I will gladly recommend your medicine to others and am sure that it will prove, as great a blessing to them as it has to me." Mns. Gko. H. .Iu.nk, 901 IleKalb Ave., IJrooklyn, N. Y. Relief Came Promptly " Dkak Mits, I'inkiiam : I had been under treatment with the doctors for four years, and seemed to get no better, I thought I would try your medicine. My trouble was change of life, and I must say that I never had anything help me so much as I,ydia K. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Relief came almost immediately. I have better health now than I ever had. I feel like a new woman, perfectly strong. I give Lyclla B. I'inkhnm's Compound all tho credit, and would not do without her medicine, for any thing. I have recommended it to several of my friends. There is no need of women suffering so much for Mrs. Pinkhnm's remedies are a suro cure." Mahala IlUTi.Kn, Ilridge water, 111. Another Woman Helped " Dkau Mrs. I'inkiiam : I took Lydla fl. I'inltham's Vegetable Compound during chnngc of life and derived great benefit from its use " M auy E. Jamks, 130 Coydor St., llrndford, I'n, First Lot Worth from $10 to $15 $5 00 Thursday Second Lot Worth from $18 to $25 $QOO S Thursday Third Lot- worth up to $35. T$12 50 Thursday Olease note what we say about their worth, If interested, you will verify our statements, Thomas Kilpatrick & Go. STRONG AGAIN ! WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY They hiTe iteod ths Kit of ylr, ina hav cured tbouiatdi of e i of Nervoui DiMiici. tuco it Debility, Dizrineii.SUeplen neti and Varicocele. Atrophy. ac They clear the brain, ttren(tbta tne circulation, mane cngettioa nerteet. and iraDart m healtnv rlor lo the whole being. All dralna and lotiei are checked ftrmanttitlr. Unleii patteatt are Drofterlv cured, their condition often worriea them Into Inianitv. ConiunDtlonor Death. Mailed tealed. Pnceli Derboi: 6 boxet.wiih Iron-clad leeal suarant-e to cure or refuadth money, fs.oo. Send lor free, book. Addreti. PEAL MEDICIS "0.. Clnelid. 0. Bold by Kuhn & Co., 15th and Douglas, and J. A. Fuller & Co., 14th and Douglas. "DON'T BORROW TROUBLE." BUY SAPOLIO 'TIS CHEAPER IN THE END. O1?) s)B Spontaneous and Surprising Success Ann Tftlotiifi AND UU1 lOldllUO THEIR .AS SEEN WITH. People rfc I.AKTH MONTHS. Saninlo or your hair colore! frfp. IMPERIAL fllKM. V'FO, C, 23 W. 2T.r Si. N. V. Sold' by druggists and hairdressers. Over 830 Royal Quarto Pages, and More Than , 1,200 Photographic Views, Colortypes and Colored Maps. All Views Secured by Special txpeditlons Sent to the Islands for That Purpose by the Publishers. . A I 6 11 lS W alllcU '"r "l"-liil "Munl.limtloii nf THU f-w" , a-' 0,IAA ,,, w(h ,,,,, ptlhp-. Hon. Kxt rnonllnn r opportunity for ItrlKliI turn nml Milium, No ilr llvrrlncr r follcollnn. Cnnli i'omiiiiIhuIoiih pitlil dull)' tin orrlrra are itpprovril. HI Klit nnri (en ordi-rx it dn rrmilnr urrnnc For full imrlliMilnra fall nu or nililrm The Bee Subscription Bureau For "Our Islands and Their People." Rooms SOOand 501 Ware Block, Omaha, Neb. Camera and Pencil BEING THE OUTCOME OF SPECIAL EXPEDITIONS TO, AND EXHAUSTIVE EXPLORATIONS OF CUBA, PORTO RICO. ISLE OF PINES, HAWAII, PHILIPPINE AND SULU ARCHIPELAGOES, Photographing and Describing the Islands and Their People ub They Actiiu'ly Exist at the Present Time. Tho Mlornry Killtor of th( St. Louis "Olofoe-Denio-ernt" onyH of this grout work: "Tho photographs aro uiKlotihtotlly tlio flnost ovor niudo nnd collected of tbo places and scones depleted, nnd thoy represent a cost to the publishers of morn tlwm $2.",000, No praise cull he tno extravagant of tho nrllBtlc nnd historical value of these photographs nnd tho splendid ninnnor In which they havo heen repro duced. TIipso Include pictures of tho people and their homos n ml home llfo, noted places, tho inarvoloiisly honiitlful scenery of tho tropics, hNtoilo localities, fa mous hnttlo grounds, colohratod foiilllcatlons, puhlle. hulldlngs, cathedrals, views of (owns, villages, farms, mountains, rivers, valleys, lakes, waterfalls, ote. Thorn nro nlso n ntlmher of actual hnttlo scones, tnken under llro, nnd showing war In Its tragic and thrilling reality." S3 0 r7l i