TTT.E OMATTA DATLY TiTSE: THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1000. Tin: m;u v .t mjw unit sum k. ( lluilnn Mitrr l Hllim 'I'lii'if npnr1 MiicLa lit Oiii'-lliiiirlcr I'rlof. , NOTIIINd UK.-WKVIIt). j2.oo duhss noon?, nor vn. 15.00 DHK8H (lOOI)S. $2.00 YD. AT IHMTON STOItK. OMAHA. $2.00 (RKN.I)INI. 20 pattern of puronilk reiiclln In wine color, blur, Mark and Mark ami white, all cxtrwno Imported novelties in urenndlnc; rllk, law ami nmall brocaded brilltantlncs; 10 pattern of Unlit ami dark ground, puro ool, allk utrtped canhtnere, with high llnral dfatgni!, oap.ially adapted for hoiifo gowns. Thtno arn all extreme choice novelty drew pattern and actually worth $2.00 yard, and on aulo from this dreeoiimlnng etock at tuo jard, $5.00 drkss noons, $1.00 yd. Many cholco imported drwa robes, crcpono In pure allk In black and colors; largo bro cades for evening gowns, black and colored handsomo broadcloths, covert cloths, chev lol, all cholco. now gooda Iron thla dress making atork, at $1.00 yard. MO UK III.Af'K TAFl'BTA Sll.K. Hundreds of yards of hlfih Rrade black talteta for entire suits or lining on sale in bilk department at f9c yard. $U0 SILKS AT "5( Many extreme noveltlw In foulard ullkfl. light and dark ground", cholco exclusive do algns, plaids, checks and atrlpes. taffeta hIIKh, brocaded llk, cryHtul allka, all on ualo nt ',4 prlco In Rllk department at 75c. PARTLY MADK SKIUTS. Hundreds of partly made skirts, cheviot, broadcloth, covert cloths: nlHo brllllantlno skirts and ntonn sorgo skirts. These are all partly made. If finished would bo worth $10, on ualo on main floor on bargain quaro at $1.08. $50.00 COSTUMKS. $10.00. All tho finished costumes from these drem making stockii. Tho tnllor-mado costumro In blacks, mode and grnya nro all sllk-llned throughout, aklrt nnd walat; silk continues made In all this spring's atylcH, actually worth $50.00, on second lloor at $10.00. IIOSTO.N STOlti:. OMAHA, N. V. Cor. 16th and Douglas SU. SprliiK Schedule on McUH Plate Honil. Kffectlvo May 0th, 1900. Tort Wayne, Find lay, Fostorla, Uellcvue, Loraln, Cleveland, Palnowvllle. Ashtabula, Conneaiit, (llrard. Krle, Chautauqua Lake. Dunkirk, Huffalo as well as Now York, Ilcs ton and all Intermediate point In New Eng land, New York stato and tho nnthraclto coal regions aro reached on flint time and at lowest ratrn of faro by trains of the Nickel l'late road, l.eavo Chicago 10:35 a. m., 3:30 p. in., 10:30 p. m., with up-to-date drawing room sleeping cars. Unexcelled dining earn on through Uoston nrtd Now York train nt 10:35 a. m. and Now York City fast express train leaving Chicago at 3:30 p. m. All tralnn run dally. Train leaving Chicago nt 3:30 p. m. huH Observation Car eawt of Iluf ino over tho Uickawanna road, arriving In Now York City 7:2." p. m.( every day In tho year, In good sbapo for evening cntertaln mentfl. Securo sleeping car space In ad vance. Write, wlro or 'phone 205" Central, to J Y. Calnhan, General Agent, Chicago, III. ' !enr;e lii Mnnrler. Probably not llfty people know hat tha drawing by Mr. du Maurler which has been the most widely circulated Is tho ono that millions of people havo seen and aro still wooing cvilry day -without ever suspecting whoso tho drawing 1b, nnd It has been soon by millions of peoplo who never oven heard of 'Mr. du Maurler'a name. Tho drawing In question Is the plcturo of tho bubbling spring which decorates tho label of every bottlo of Apolllnarls Water, and tho original design Is In tho possession of tho Apolllnarls company, London. Tliu Dookmnn. To Cool Minnesota Via tho "North-Western Line," Juno 21, July 7 to 10 Inclusive July 18, August 2, to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Superior, Waseca nnd Kasota. Ono faro plus $2.00. Limit October 31, 1000. Agents Omaha and Council niuffs will soil via "North-Western Line" nt theao cheap excursion rates. Two dally trains. Tho Twin City Lim ited. The Twin City Hxprcps. Modol trains for travelers' convenience nnd speed. IIAM)l; 111109. Iluj-. M 1 U WnMi nt Onr-llnlf Aelilnl ( ok(. Krom tie Fashion Manufacturing Co., 213 (lrei street. Now York"- ON SALK THUUSDAY. 50 silk whIsIs, made to Mil for $6.50, sAle price, $2.S. 100 silk wnlsth, made to sell for $S.00; ale price, $3.Stl. 275 silk wufnts, tho very best tnado; sale price, $I.8U. HAYDKN nilOS. Grand lare salo Friday, 25c new laces, "tic. An Meal riliniilr. The first white man to set foot on Utah toll, Father Sllvestre Veleo de Hscalante, who reached tho (1UHAT SALT LAKH on the 2d day of September, 1776. wrote In his diary: "Here the cllmato Is so delicious, the nlr so bnlmy. that It Is a pleasure to breathe by day and by night." Tho cllmato of Utah Is ono of tho richest endowments of nature. On the shores of the Orcat Salt Lako especially and for fifty miles there from In every direction the climate of climates Is found. To enable persons to participate In these scenic and cllmntlc at tractions nnd to reach the famous HEALTH, HAT1IINO AND PLEASURE UESOUTS of Utah, tho UNION PACIFIC has mado a rate to OODEN and SALT LAKE CITY of one faro for the round trip, plus $2 00, from Missouri river, to be In effect Juno 21, July 7 to 10. Inclusive, July 18 and August 2. Return limit. Ortobor 31. 1000. City ticket oftlec, 1302 Farnam strcot. Tolcphono 316. n.xi t iim it a n;. Vln (iilrniin, UllttnttUce A !(. I'mil Ity, May 19, 20, 21, Washington and return, $32.28. May 21, 22, 23, Detroit nnd return, $22. June 2, 3, 4, 5, Milwaukee and return, 16.75. City ticket office, lf.01 Farnam street. Telephone 281. Rod letter Days. Special Excursions to the Black Hills Via North-Westcrn Line, Juno 21. July 7 to 10 Inclusive, July IS. August 2. Ono fare plus $2.00, Limit October 31. 1900. Agents Omaha, Missouri Valley, Sioux City and nt Intermediate points In Nebraska will sell thou, cheap rate tickets, via tho "N'orth-Wtntern Line," Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad. Sals Curd uf TlwiiiltN. We herewith desire to cxprcM our heart felt thanks to our friends, especially Messrs. ' Meyer and Evans and their fnmllleR, to tho pastor, choir and members of ths Castcllar Street Presbyterian Sunday school and to the employes of the Nebraska Shirt com pany, for their expresMons of love, kindness and sympathy shown us In our lato bereave ment in tho death of our son and brother, John. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Schocnrogge , and fnmlly. $10 The contract for tho three electric elova- j tors for tho old Mercer Hotel building and f also In tho old postofTlce was let to the Warner Elevator company of Cincinnati, O., through Its local representative, Mr. D. V. Munro, 112 North Fourteenth street. Omaha Tent nnd Rubber company are pro- j pared to fill all orders tents, awnings and ranvas goods. New location, corner lltb and Harney. 'Phono SS3. Wilto ads. Sell cuts. Print anything. Stonccypher, 1201 Howard t. Tel. 1310. Scofield's pnng $in nn JdCXeiS for ch0ice, Eton Jackets, Tight Fitting Jackets, Box Front Jackets, These Jackets nrc all of this spring's make and were made to sell at $18.00, $16.50, $15.00. $13.50 nnd $12.00 they aro mado of the beat materials black castor and choice shades of tan lined throughout with the best taffeta silk and aro man-tailored In best possible manner. This Is an oppor tunity to get a bargain In a fine quality, stylish Jacket for spring and fall wear, or to combine with an odd skirt to form a suit salo commences Thursday. PCOFiELD 1CS.SUITC0. In 10 DoimlasSt. flraphophones, phontrapba, gramophones. Graphophono Co., 1515 Farnam, Omaha. Sco C. F. Harrison's real estate bargains. Grass High iui:. STEVENS M rs. It., nt 1 a. m. Wednesday. May 16. aged fil years. Deccnscd leaves a husband and three children to mourn Iter sudden drmlio. Funeral from residence, 2331 Farnnm St., Thursday nt 2:30 p. m. About Wagon Ho 27 Whenever tho Cramer Chemical company starts out a wagon advertising their Kidney Cure they do not give shows on tho way. nor do they bavo n lot of "Injuns" nlong doing tho "Fire Act Dance." Nothing of the kind. They do legitimate advertising, nnd wo havo at tended to that. The parties In charge of wagon No. 27 nro a lot of gentlemen who at all times will tell you about their mcdlclno free from all cliarccs. ('riiiiicr'H Kidney Curt; T.'c IttifTy'M .Hull WlilxUy hr.i- liar Hen lllc I'nliie's Celery Compound (Hie 1 rill ll (luliiln rnpviilr 7c 1 dozen il-Krilln llllilllilr eiiliNiilcn 111c T .'-uriilii (liilnlnc cnimult'N 1.c Aycr'n Ilnlr Vlslm- "."! I'criimt 7.c Wine of Ciirdut 7,c Curler's Mvcr Pills 1B AJn Tnlilcts toe S. X. S 75c 1K . .t!c . .. 11c . . . Se . . . 7 lie To the Public: Wo have been, for over ten years, manu facturing anil selling at our soda fountain a very popular drink, named Coca-Celery. The best recommendation a preparation can havo Is to havo It Imitated. This has been and Is still being dono by ono or two of tho "leading" fountains. It must have merit or it would not bo called for. Our claim for COCA-CELERY Is that It will relieve headache, depression, fatigue, llst lessncss, producing a satisfied, refreshed, thlrBt-qucnchod fooling. Sold only at the fountain of J. A, FULLER & CO Cor. 1-ltli mill Donuliin Street. EXTRACTING TEETH. Syrup I'Mbii lllriiey's Cntnrrh Ponder lire's Hoot llccr CnxtorlH I'lnklinni'n Coiuponiul .... SCHAEFER CUT PRICK DRUGGIST. Cor. Kith anil Clilcuuo Sli By tho use of VITALIZED AIR Is the least painful method known. No after-effects and can be taken by any one. Extracting 25o Vitalized Air boc Good Set Teeth B.iw Gold Crowns $5,uo Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1517 DOUGLAS HT. The good Qlothes Hub I Takqs In new members dally. Ilcadqunrtcrs Is at BOSTON STORE, OMAHA Clothing Department. Pennsylvania and Continental High Grass Mowers, Stearns Yellow Fellow Ball Bearing, Garland and Fairview Mowers. EaBy running loaves tho lawns Binooth as a carpet dur able construction solf-Bharp-oning knives. Our Fairview is a Good Priced Mower. 12-inch, $2,50 Milton Rogers & Son 14th and Farnam Sts. SOFT TOILET PAPER Look In our "IlIO WINDOW" and you will sco tho llneat Hue of ' 1LET PAPER over shown In Omaha for the money. Our as sortment comprises both packages and rolls. TIJ iill'.Si: IIIIAMIS ERA roll fi packages for Sle. "UHLVIDHUK" a largo soft roll, er package 6c. Large roll soft tlssuo (l.ono sheets full count) JOc, 3 for S5e. "Crescent" juokogo (square) 6e. "Iji Preiiuse," squaro imckago soft tissue, loo. 3 for tile. "Dalsam Kir," a largo package of medica ted paper, per package a."ie. NOTE Parties purchasing TO I LEU' PA iPER of us can rely upon being aide to ob talt the SAME HRANU of us all the time, thus doing away with the unuoyanrn of selecting a mnv brand each tltno a purchase Is made. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co KIJW LOCATION.... Cor, ltllh nnd Dodge, UJ1.MIA. lAVnCII1 Our Store is 1A I UCHS the Mecca for Men s and Boys' New. Stylish, Spring Clothing, Ready to Wear and Fit. We know of no better ready-to-wear clothing, than the Hackett, Carhart, Mi chael Stern & Co., Hart, Schaffner & Marx & Co., and ready made clothing on merchant tailor plans. The tailoring throughout our garments is as important to you as the fabrics. Men' SIO Suits for S4.75, In a lino all wool gray and brown clay worsted, striped and chuckoJ, fancy worsteds, also dark, plain very lino eas siniores, and blue serges, all sizes from U-l to 44. Men's Very Finest Spring Suils, at S7.50, SIO and $15. These suits aro exquisitely tailored, being sowed through out with 15000 standard piuo dye silk, they have the stylo and character of swell merchant tailoring and 'it perfectly. Thoy are mado by tho best manufacturers in tho world. Tho in sides of our garmonts is taken caro of you would bo con vinced that there is no way to make clothing bettor. HAYDEN BROS. Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha. Shirt Waist Furore 500 Ladies' Shirt Waists, To Be Sold Thursday, May 17th. It's a waste of time and energy to make shirt waists when values like these are to be had lor such trifling sums. We have divided them into two lots. At Cents. and 4S Cents These waists are all new, not an old waist in the entire five hundred. They come in ginghams, percales, madras, dimities, etc., detachable collars,attaached cuffs, both in soft and laundered, pleated and plain, both light and dark colors, fancy figures, checks, plaids, stripes, in fact hundreds of pretty patterns to select from. IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE Whaj prices others quote, we give you the best values for the amount asked, Shirt waists worth up to Two Dollars and Fifty CetltS are among this lot, and not a waist but what is worth three times the price we ask for them. We have trimmed our Farnam street window with them and they are there for your inspection. Extra help, extra space. Big Reduction in Millinery for Thursday Hats worth up to $7,50, go on sale, your choice for See Sixteenth Street Window. $2.50 HAYDENs WAISTS, SUITS AND SKIRTS. Tho economical woman that postponed purchasing her j Suit, Silk Waists and Skirts until late, can buy them at her ( own price, or loss than half tor what she would have had to pay 520 days ago. This is no idle talk, but plain, candid facts, backed up by the enormous purchase that our buyer recently made in New York and must bo sold immediately. 75 ladies' high class man tailored suits, they are silk lined throughout mado to sell for 40, $50 and $60, on sale Thursday at 16.75 each boat it if you can. 100 ladies' tailor-mado suits in all colors silk, appliqued, roll collar, made to sell at 20 and 130, at 8.75 these suits defy competition. 75 ladies' man-tailored skirts mado up in the highest of fashion of broadcloth, Venetian, silk and crepons with accord ion pleated flounce, new back trimmed with silk appliqued and fringe no two alike mado to sell at 20, 25 and 30, all in one lot at 10.00 each. 236 ladies' skirts in homespun, cheviots, Venetians and serges, rainy-day and walking skirts they aro worth 6 and 8, at 2. 8'.) each. 25 dozen ladies' dress skirts, worth 2.50, at 9Sc each. Special for Thursday. Ladies' wash waists for 19c ladies' wrappers at 39c each ladies' underskiats for 25c ladiea' dressing sacks at 69c. Silk Waist Sale Thursday. HAYDEN BROS UPRIGHT PIANOS $ 138 $ $5 Monthly Payments STEIN WAY A. D. CHASE, VOSB, STEOKR, KMEHSON, PACKARD, IVKRS prwn PHASES Plnnos-cnsh or $10.00 monthly. 'ND' New plnnos for ront and ono yearn rental allowed If purchaued inntru tnents moved, tuned, Htorcd and exchanged. Lowwt rates. Telenhono ifi"-, iou aro cordially Invited to Inspect tho wonderful SELF PLAYING PIANOLA Tho Rreatcst musical Invention of tho century. It playa any piano, any one can play It. Kor catalogue prices and terms write to SGHMOLLER & MUELLER The Old Reliable Piano House. 1313 Farnam St., Omaha. 337 Broadway, Go. Bluffs FILLING of uhatover material, must be skill- Painless Dentistry tho fllltiiK nf trelli rec-elvcH our rar ful iftKiitloii ami h hh thorouKhly f" r,,ii!,r,,.,iHrio,re iH "" r"om Teeth With or Without Plates which will perform all tho functions of natural teeth mill lunt for years. BAILEV, the Dentist HVi Pnxtou lllk. Klih ,t I 'urn urn. I.iuly Attendant. l'linuo 1085. DON'T FORGET THAT WHEN SMOKING A You Have the tiCST notwithstanding they cost you no more than Interior uoodl. r. H. HI ' M. '. ( (., lANt'TACI t'ltl'ltS, ST I.OIMH, MO. HIUDU UIHE C. A. RAILSBACIC. OMAHA, D13TKIUUTOK, UNIUN MAUt 1