Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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TUB OMAHA DAILY 1115 E:; MONDAY, MAY 14, 11)00.
Hot. Martin Oatlinei Ideal Church at Con
caved bj the Campbells.
I'uuiitlri-H of Nrtv Llnireli llrliiu Alinnt
KcforitiM tilth HcmnM-e t lliip
IIniii anil OIihit inift; )(
tllU SlHTIIIIlCllt.
"What tho Christian Church Iloliovet"
wan tho subject of Kuv. Sunnier T. Martin's
inorr.liiK nddresa at the I'lrnt Christian
church Sunday. Ho described tho condition
of tbu Christian belief existent In the first
year of the nineteenth century. A wave
of spirituality was sweeping over the entire
settled portion of the United States and the
rvlvnl milrlt was rampant. Converto were
seeking admission Into tho fold by tens of
thousands and all tho various denominations
were prolltlng In Increased membership.
In UOD the Christian church had Its bo
Binning. At that time the senior Campbell
came to Amcrl-n nml settled In Pennsyl
vania. Ho abhorred the dlvlBlonfl existing
In tho Christian religion and devoted him
self in striving to teach tho value and
strength of tinlrn. Ho believed that all men
who love ChrlBt nnd obeyed Ills command
ments had the right of tho Lord's tables and
were entitled to tho privileges of His church.
Tin- teachings of the elder Campbell wore
nbly seconded and assisted by his on nml
father nnd son togelhor gavo their time and
energy to tho propagation of their views of
Christ's teachings.
"Tho declaration and address nt the Camp
hells In ISO'J." said Kcv. Martin, "was tho
rallyhiK center of the great reformation
which has been growing until It Is now over
n million strong nnd wa the foundation of
tho Christian church. Tho fundamental
tonchlni: of this Inaugural declaration was
ulioro tho Hlbli) BPeaks wo speak, and
whero the lllble Is silent wo are silent.'
in ntlirr words their Idea was that tho
lllble should bo the final court of nppcnls In
all tllstmtcd tuiestlons. Tho word of God
was nnd Is our only guide. The Campbells
as tho foundere of tho Christian church
nreached attalnst sin and sectarianism and
declared all divisions to bo contrary to tho
spirit of God and tho teachings of tho Now
Testament. In tho beginning tho church
was one, having ono faith, one nlm, one
hope nnd recognizing one authority, Jesus
Tho speaker proceeded to mention a few
of the practices of tho church which had
been changed after tho organization of tho
Christian church to conform with tho teach
ings of tho lllble. Ilaptlsm was discovered
to ho effectual nnd recognized by God only
when administered to a penitent one, who
had confessed his sins. "Tho baptism," he
said, "of helpless, unbelieving, unrepentent
Infants was unscripturnl nnd oppised to tho
best propagation of tho gospel of Christ."
In the matter of communion the Christians
found that tho observance of tho sacrament
was n gloomy celebration without Joy nor
hope nnd was contrary to the teachings of
tho'scrlptures. ' "Wo found," continued Hov.
Mnrtln, "by studying tho New Testament
that tho disciples celebrated tho Lord's
supper ns a feast of Joy nnd love commem
orating tho suffering, death, resurrection and
glorification of Jesus Christ."
vnv.v snm i.n ' men pi.acp.s.
Mountain Top ( Ihimcii by llio l.nrtl for
t'oiitinuiili'iilloii Willi Man,
At the. First Methodist church Sunday
morning Dr. Goorgo of Kansas City pi etched
upon n themo cuggcateil by tho ranaflgura
tlon of Chrldt. "The mountains," said tho
mlnlMter, "nroehoscn places of tho Lord, U'
was upon tho mountain that Ho revealed
Himself to nnd delivered tho tablets
of stone: It wao upon tho mountain top
whero Christ was traiuflgured, whero lie waa
crucified and from which Ho nsceuded. 1
Invito you to go to tho mountain today. Wo
belong to tho mountain tors. In high plncw
wo have high thoughts. In tho summer
men go to tho sea nnd to tho mountains
unon their vncatlono and In tho atudy of
nature- gain a higher knowledge of nature's
"If tho earth Is so beautiful, what must
heaven bo? 1 think it Is tho duty of mon
to travel and learn all they can of the beau
ties of this earth. I believe that when wo
co to heaven we will bo naked what wo
think of tho earth nnd If wo reply that wt
were so Intent upon getting to heaven that
wo nnld no attention to earth, wo will bo
told that tho earth was given us to enjoy
nnd that If wo have not done so wo have not
perfected our ChrlKlnn character. .
"When Christ went up to the mountain of
tronnguratlon with Ills npcHles He went up
for tho mirncso of being baptized for HI1.
death. Ho hurt been baptized for His life
work In the river Jordan nnd now tho threo
npostlcs wero to seo Hlu glory before Ills
death. What did they bco.1 They saw
Christ's divinity, tho spirit shining through
tho lleflh, radiating tho earthly tabernnclo
nnd showing Itn possibilities. They saw tho
glorified saints. If Moses nnd Klljah could
appear In their earthly form hundreds ot
years after they left tho earth tho other
paints nnd prophets can conio nlso. Your
father nnd your mother nro living llko
them; living In glory. Tho care, tho Kress,
tho cloud and the conflict are gone forovor.
"Tho apostles saw tho Father's presence.
God was In tho cloud. You will find that It
la often said In tho lllble that God appeared
In tho cloud. Many Christiana would like
to bo Hiinfhlno Christians, traveling In tho
light, their Christian exporlenco nlwnya of
n happy kind they forget that God Is found
In tho cloud.
"They saw tho vision of Jcsub only, nfter
tho others, nfter tho brightness, nfter tho
glory wan sono Jou only remained, and
Josus only In Himself included all that had
.been eecn, Jesus only is tho themo of tho
gojpel, thehopo of tho Christian nnd ttic.
glory of tho redeemed.
"You may not nil llvo forever In tho
mountains, but you can take tho mountains
with you nnd tho pleasure of memory will
brighten many dajn of toll and disappoint
norkers are lacking In tho essential marks
of tho lord's churih.
Tho world wllf never bo brought to Chrl-t
by a divided Christianity, crenllhg confusion
among the seekers nfter truth, who are
confronted by over 200 churi lies, each with
n claim that It Is tho church of ChrUt.
Christian peoplo must agree among them
selves ntvl labor to sceuro Chrlsllnn unity.
throwing aside all but the fundamental prin
ciples of Christianity nnd giving up all old
iir.n ciiAii;i:s or Tin: ciintm.
D'eiin I'll I r To I In of Trrimtire ln
truitnl to I'll rUt In n'n Kceplnn.
Dean Campbell Knlr of Trinity cathedral
preached Sunday morning from the text,
"And tho apostles nnd elders came together
for to consider of this rantter." Acts vl, 13.
This text wns chosen In reference to tho
nectlng of the clergy of the Kplscopal church
today to confirm Bishop WIlllaniB. Dean Fair
polntod out that the convotatlon today Is of
tho same slgnlllcnnco and Is In per ct con
tinuity with thnt other moating cf Hie atos
tles and elders held In the year 33. In nine
teen centuries tho church has not departed
from tho usages which obtained In the
enrllest dny, but clergy nnd laity arc still
called together fiom tlmo to tlmo to be
stow (ho dignity of oillcu, to settlo ques
tions of discipline, to extend mlsslns nml
Improve tho clllcncy of tho church militant.
"God ha given Into tho keeping of the
church mnny Bncred treasures," he said,
"and wo nro tho custodlnns of thoic treas
ures. They aro our heritage, passe 1 to us
down tho succession of ages as precious helr
loomfl. First of these Is the bible, which wo
nro pledged to keep Inviolate. Then may
bo mentioned our sacramental system,
which wo nro to orcscrvo In nil Its holy elg
nlflcnnce. Next Is our form of ministry.
Tho I'rotestnnt denominations about us hnve
but ono form of ministry, the Itomnn Cath
olics have seven, while wo have three. Wo
comblno simplicity of form with dignity of
"Finally may bo mentioned the heritage of
reverence tho dlsposltlcn to feel reverence
for nil things demanding nnd deserving rev
erence. All these wo have protected Jeal
ously, faithfully nnd I thank God successfully."
"oiiTV liorits or iiuvotio.v iir.ot'N,
linpri'Nxl vp Nrvlt'o MnrliN HckIiimIiiu;
.of IViinil of Siieclnl Observance.
Tho Sunday morning service nt St. I'cter's
church, Twenty-eighth nnd Leavenworth
streets, was ot unusual Interest, for tho.
reason that It marked tho opening of forty
hours' devotion, which Is one of the fea
tures of Catholic worship. In addition lo
tho rcgulnr parishioner, there was n largo
outside attendance and tho service was es
poclally Impressive. A proccsiidnal of llttlo
girls dressed In white was one of the pret
tlest features. At tho close of the. devo
tional senson solemn benediction will 1)3
given by Father English Tuesday evening
at 7:30 o'clock.
Tho musical program nt the Sunday morn
ing servlco was elaborate. An orchestra
assisted in tho rendition of Clmarcua's
Military mass. Prof. Provost served as
organist. Supplemental to tho opening of
tho forty hours' tlovotlon tho regular church
service was conducted. St. Peter's church
Is noted for Its musical features.
lion: ix cmtisTiAN mrv
$.UM)0 HiMWiril.
For tho protection of our thousands of
patrons we will pay JS00.00 reward for tho
detection and conviction of any poison, or
poisons, found rclllling our bottles or put
ting up Imitation goods In bottles similar to
ours and selling theso cheap substitutes to
their customers, representing It to bo
Of course, when nu nrtlcle hna been so
long before the public and carried tho bless
ings of health to many thousand homes, un
reliable dealers will try to use some means
to sell bogus goods under our name. When
you purchaso n bottlo of DUFFY'S PUItB
MALT WHISKEY see that tho seal over th
cork is unbroken, nnd that tho Government
modlclne stnmp is on the neck of tho bottle,
only absolutely pure Malt Whiskey In tho
world nnd wo wish to protect our patrons
fiom being Imposed on by unreliable dcale s
It Is to your Interest to look out for bogus
goods and report tho matter to us. If wo
find your complaint Is correct wo will pay
you tho reword on conviction of the guilty
Is for salo by all leading druggie and
Any correspondence In regard to the mat
ter will be regarded ns strictly confidential
and should be- addressed to the Dully Mai
Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y.
Mln Watts Dons Har NnptUl
Judge's Dingy Vanlt.
Kiiiimiin lily (llrt In".!-.! l'ion Aii-nr-
llIK III Mlllltll'KN llrlilul (Imtii lo
Tn I. r Solemn Von .Initio lle-
ntOUH WVlllllllH (ill!.
For n few minutes Sunday morning tho
dingy vault In tho olllce of County Judge
Vlnsonhnlcr was transformed into a bridal
drisslng room. When the bride-to-be en
tered the vault she wore a traveling suit of
Scotch gray. She emerged clad In white I
slorary meeting will lie held nt S p, m. tn
Wednesday. On Friday nt 10 "0 n. in. there
will bo a nirtetlng of the Altar guild nnd
nt 2 p. m. of the Woman's nuxlllary. The
day's program will bo completed with eve
ning prater.
HIllIlM lllc
Regular weekly
chnnm of bill at tho
erelghtun-Orphetini tiundny afternoon nnJ
.A. I, tiuille
...Manic Kite
.Dean nnd Jie
vo. aim
Ii'tukfttcr f'onud.nii
Hinging Soul r tie
Satirists and Cillt Walkers
Illnekface medians. . ..Mi Mnhon anil King
llnrr and Kvnni "In Town on lluslness"
Tho presence of A. L. Gullle, tenor, and
his remarkably satisfactory singing is the
only feature of strength In a bill otherwise
from head to foot and the word "foot" Is 0 passive merit wlim mnrKS me cios-
nntillnil llli.rnllv. fur bnr ullnnrra wnrn nj"'K Of the OrphcUllJ theater with tho did
Immaculate as tho snow that crests tho
mount ot the Holy Cross.
Half an hour before this presto shitting
of apparel Judgo Vlnsonhaler had been cnlled
from his home to solemnize tho marriage of
Dlllard Watts and Lizzie Watts. They told
tho Judge thy were from Kansas City ntvl
that although ot the same name, they were
no kin. While the red tapo Incident to
license was being unwound, Miss Watts
suddenly left the olllce, sauntering out luto
tho corridor. Chief Clerk Leslie followed
lur nnd In his most gallant manner sug
gested that the ceremony had not yet taken
place and that It would be well to wait.
Tho young woman blushed n Kansas City
blush nnd eventually found volco to say:
Please, Mr. Clerk, I'm looking for n
place to change my dress."
Then It wns Clerk Leslie's turn to blush,
nnd ho did It to a terra cottn tint. Judgo
Vlnsonhalcr came to tho rescue with a sug
gestion that the vault might be used as an
Improvised dressing room, apologetically re
marking the absence of mirrors nnd hand
maids, yet ho Indulged n hopo that Miss
Watts would llko the place. Into tho vnult
tho prospective groom hnnded a big
vnllso and his betrothed followed.
Tho outer door ot tho vault was
closed. Half an hour later thcro
was a gentlo rap, which was correctly In
terpreted to mean readiness on the part or
tho bride. The hltigea crenKeJ ana .miss
Watts Htepped forth. Tho ceremony was
soon over nnd Mrs. Wnlt., who n few min
utes prior hal been Mlsa Watts, returned to
tho vault. She said sho wanted to rein
state her traveling gown.
How thin woman ever managed to mnuo
her toilet In such u dlamal, dark place as the
county court vnult is n mystery uiai win
probably never bo fully Interpreted. Wltli
tho door closed tho vault wub as torrid ns
n Turkish liatiitoom, uie oniy ugui cuiuu
from tho nickering rays of a Mckly gaB Jet,
tho' walls aro lined with great rows of musty
record books and withal the woman who
could don her bridal robes In such quarters--and
get her hat on straight, too Is cntltlod
to rank ns an lngenlouo heroine. Mcut
women require two mirrors, but Mrs. Watts
lind none.
Tho groom Is 30 nnd the bride Is seven
years Ills Junior. Mr. Watts makes his liv
ing climbing telephone pnln and corrcctlns
erratic wires, so ho told Judge VUuonhalcr.
He said ho had to got back to Kansas City
in tlmo to go to work Monday morning.
Why this couplo came to Omaha to be mar
ried Is not explained. Mr. Watts was non
communlcntlvo on that subject. Thoro may
bo an elopement back of It, or nt least n
romance, but ouch revelation was not maic.
Judgo Vlnaonhaler gavo tho bridal couplo
n Etrcct guldo to Omaha, showing tho loca
tion of parks nnd other places of Interest.
Tho Watts family left tho court house nnd
boarded n Fnrnnm strcot car. Judgo Vipon
halor watched them until they disappeared
from vie a- then ho went to church.
j. Q. Hood, Justlco of tbo Peace, Crosby,
Miss., makes tho following statement: "I
enn certify that Ono Minute Cough Curo will
do all that Is claimed for It. Xly wife could
not get her breath and tho first doso of It
relloved her. It has also benefited my whole
family." It acts Immediately and curo3
coughs, colds, croup, grippe, bronchitis,
nsthnia nnd nil throat and lung troubles.
of tho present week. The other numbetsl
on tho bill nro wholly lacking In praise-1
wrrth, romtnendatory qualities from nn ,
artlstU s'nndpolnt, albeit they cater to one's
humor nnd succeed In a mensure as mirth
provokers. Gullle, however, I., nn nrtlst
of stellar ability, nnd as such Is well known
in Omaha. His singing Is such ns Is
rarely heiird In n vaudeville house. His
rich, well-modulated, perfectly controlled
tenor volco 19 one that appeals to the nr-
! tlrlc temperament of his nudltors nnd his
singing nt Sunday's performances provoked a
tumult of appreciative applause. Guille-'s
selections nro from "11 Trovatore," and he
renders tho difficult solos perfectly.
Dan Allman, bluckfaco comedian and
monologulst. Is original nnd entertaining, al
though the political sentiments expressed
In his singing and Joking did not meet with
tho npproval of his auditors Sunday. Mabel
Hlto Is a dainty little creature, possessing
some talent ns n singer nnd dancer, but pre
sents tho hackneyed coon songs nnd rngtlmo
crslon of which theater-goers aro heartily
tired, Other members on tho bill help to
lengthen the program through its usual
A conference of Nebraska delegates lo tho
Philadelphia convention will be held at tho
Millard hotel this morning nt 11 o'clock.
Two of tho delegates, H. J. Davenport ot
Valentino nnd John D. Hnskell of Wnke-
eld, arrived last night. Tho rcmnlndcr of
tho delegates, except Senator Thurston and
Idward Uosewater, who will not bo here, are
expected to reach Omaha on tho early morn
ing trains.
Relative to tho conference, Mr. Daven
port said: "This conferenco was called for
the purpose of making arrangements for our
trip to the Philadelphia convention, which
Omaha Tent and Rubber comDany ars pre
pared to fill all orders tents, awnings and
innvas goods. Now location, corner 11th
and Harnoy. 'Phono 8S3.
Annual Mcrtlim' or Dliu'CHiin Council
nml I.i'hmt l'liiictloiiN IMniuieil
for Ciiinlnur Seven l)nx.
All lilenl C'lliniiliv
Tho first white man to set foot on Utah
soil, Father Sllvestro Velee ile Escalante
who reached tho GREAT SALT LAKE on
tho 23d day of September. 1778. wrote In his
diary: "Hero tho climate Is bo delicious,
tho nlr so balmy, that It is a pleasure to
breathe by day and by night." The cllraato
of Utah Is ono of tho richest endowments
of nature. On the shores of the Great Salt
f n..nnlntli n . I tnr t 1 1 V mllnU tliom- !
from in every dlroctlon-the climate of ! obsened. Canon II. Percy Silver will preach
In found. To ennblo liorsons to mo senium, un L-uiiuauj, iuU lUni,-.,.uu
i. theso scenic nnd cllmntlc nt- annum diocesan council win cum cne,
This week will bo nn Important ono In
local Episcopal circles. Tonight will occur
a confirmation servlco conducted by Illshop
Williams. On Tuesday tho Woman's auxil
iary will bo In session throughout tho day.
Holy communion will bo partaken of nt 10
a. in. At 8 p. m. tho third anniversary of
the Gardner Memorial parish houso will bo
tractions and to reach the famous HEALTH,
Utnh. tho UNION PACIFIC has made n
rate to OGDEN and SALT LAKE CITY of
ono faro for tho round trip, plus js.uu, rrom
Missouri river, to bo In effect Juno 21, July
7 to 10, Inclusive, July 18 nnd August 2.
Return limit, October 31. 1900.
City ticket ofllco, 1302 Farnam strcot.
Telcphono 310.
continue until Thursday evening.
It will
Vln riilniKo, MllivniiUeP & "I. Pnul nr.
May 19, 20, 21, Washington and return,
23, Detroit and return, ?22.
1, 5, Mllwaukco and return,
May 21, 22,
Juno 2, 3,
City tlckot
ofllce, 1C0 1 Farnara strcot.
Telephono 284,;nsioxs.
ItnrlliiKtim llnnli'.
Low rates .to points west and south, Tucs
day, May 15! Ask about them at 1502 Far
nam street, or at Darlington station, Tenth i
and Mbeoii Btreets,
A Good Reputation
HAS A FIXED VALUE.Cramer's Kidney
and Llvor Curo has a good reputation that
Is why it has a fixed value tho price being
$1.00 per bottle but as we are a Cuttor wo
therefore sell It for 73e a bottle. Whatever
incdlclno the Cramer Chemical company put
up you can rely on It having merit.
Criiiut'P m ICIilnoy l nro 7.c
S. N. S 7
Solini'ft'r'H Siirxiiiiniilln (ir.o
llronio (liiliiliif irio
S rn of I'Mun -
I, Uterine , .... (i
IIooiI'n SiirNiipurlllii Illlo
Wlm of Citriliil 7
IMiikluiiii'N i'oiiiiioiiinl 7."u
AJux TiililetH , Kin
IMfrue'N rri'NCrliitloii 75i;
Cliiircli of (.oil In I.iirKi' Knoim)i
lltery Dweller ('lion l'-nilli.
At St. Philip's Episcopal church, North
Twenty-first street, Rov. Edward Rellly,
rector of St. Matthias church, repeated nt
tho request of Rev. J. A. Williams, a lecturo
delivered by him some tlmo ago In tho base
ment of Trinity cathedral on "The Episcopal
Church nnd the Various Denominations,"
Whllo primarily upholding tho Episcopal
church as tho authorized church of Christ,
It wns also n plea for Christian unity as
a menns ot tho redemption ot the world.
Rev. Rellly held that It Is evident to all
that the Lord while on earth established a
church and as He promised that tho gates
ot hell shall not provnll-ngalnat It, therefore,
It must bo equally evident that that church
exists today. Thero Is no other church but
one, n church for tho whula world and every
man, woman and child In It, for Christ would
not excludo anyone. No church that Is
founded upon tho New Testament can bo
that church, for tho church of Christ waa
founded n generation before tho New Testa
ment wns written and tho New Testament
was written by tho church.
In tho Acts of the Apostles tho Holy Ghost
hns given tho four marks ot tho church ot
our Lord. They nro: The Apostles' doe
trine, fellowship, the breaking ot bread and
An essential of tho authorized church was
pointed out to bo nuthorlty derived from
an unbroken succession ot ministry from
tho Apostles down to today. Many of tho
churches of today which aro full of earnest
The contract for tho three electric eleva
tors for tho old Mercer Hotel building and
also In tho old postolllco was let to tho
Warner Elevator company of Cincinnati, O.,
through Us local representative, Mr. D. V.
Munro, 112 North Fourteenth street.
You mnko a mistake If you don't 6co thoso
Imported and Domestic woolens In suits at
$22. POLACK TAIl.OKl.NU L'U., JiUo i anjm.
Oraphophones, phonographs, gramophones.
Ornphophono Co., 151514 Farnam, Omaha.
Seo C. F. Harrlson'B real estato bargalno.
Cor. lUlli nml Chlomio Sta.
WcirkliiKini'ii's I'olllli'iil Clnlt.
Tho newly orgnnlzed Worklngmen's
Political club ot Douglas county met In
Garfield hall Sundny afternoon. Remarks
wero made by different members ns to tho
s:hero of the club. It was the general
blef that there was room for nn organiza
tion which should Include nil worklngmen,
whether alllllntel with labor unions or not.
Tho members will endeavor to come to nn
understanding ns to what they wish to ac
complish politically nnd ns to tho best
motliodH nr attaining the desired ends, Tho
report that a separuto political party Is
contemplntfd .was said to be a mistake.
Tho next meeting' will qceur on Sunday
evening nnd It Is expected thnt n Inrgo
number of names will be milled to tho rolls.
The ."MoNt Sluliliorn CmiRlm
resulting from an attnek of lagrtppe or heavy
cold, must yield to tho wonderful healing
properties of Foley's Honey nnd Tar, which
strengthens the lungs nnd makes them
pound. For sale by Myers-Dillon Drug Co.,
Omaha; Dillon's Drug Store, South Ouiahi,
Tho Union Pacific will place In effect on
Juno 21, July 7 to 10 inclusive, July 18 an
August 2nd, Summer Excursion rates of
plus $2,00 from Missouri Mver to
OCT011ER 31ST.
(Clty iieKel OMIee, I'nriiiuii St.
Telephone :tl(J.
eriiHkn ItoiirrNeiiliitlvcN lo (lip Nu-
t li nn 1 Com eiillnn AknciiiIiIc
In Oniiilia.
meejs June 19. Wo thought It wlso to hnve
an ndvuni'c understanding as to hotel accom-,
moilatious and railroad transportation. We
expect to ascertain what concessions tho j
different railroads will grant us. 1 expect
mosi or uio uciegauon win bo in nucnu
nnce." As to the national committeeman question,
Mr. Davenport said: "The purpose of this
conference, ns outlined In the call, did not
contemplate nny discussion ns to nation it
committee mnn. Of course It may he Intro
duced, but It Is my opinion thnt the com
mlttoemaji proposition will be allowed to
rest until we get to Philadelphia. I shall
advocate that policy If tho'subject Is brought
up, nnd from what 1 can learn, T believe
other members of the dilegatlon feel the
same way."
Continuing In a general discussion of poll
tics, Mr. Davenport said In his opinion
everything looks favorable for republican
victory, not only in the national campaign,
but In Nebraska ns well. He Is particularly
enthusiastic over tho' prospect of redemption
from popocratlc rule.
Tho out-of-town members of tlo dele
gation to bo hero today are ns follows: E.
A. Tucker. Humboldt: George M. Spurlock.
Plattsmouth; O. L. Day, Superior: Henry
Rngntz, Columbus; John A. Krhardt. Stan
ton: John D. Haskell, Wakefield: George 11.
Darr, Lexington; E. J. Davenport. Vnlen
tl nc ; C. U. Rodgcrs. Wymorc; Alexander
Lavcrty, Ashland; O. A. Abbott, Grand
Island; J. H. McCIay, Lincoln. Tho Omaha
delegates In town arc W. F. Gurley and E.
J. Cornish.
"DeWltfa Ltttlo Early Risers are tho
finest pills I ever used."!). J. Morrc, Mill
brook, Aln. They quickly curo nil liver and
bowel troubles.
Wrlto nils. Sell cuts. Print anything.
Slonccyphor, 1201 Howard st. Tel. 1310.
Who is
Your Painter?
Hut really It make no difference WHO
Is your painter, he will tell you the Sherwin-Williams
paints are llrsl-elasH In every
respect. Any one can use them. "Stir
them up" and brush them on It comes
lu SMALL and LA HUM cans. Call for
color card.
llulf pint can Family Paint In
Half pint cans Varnish Stain 2.e
Halt pint can Screen Paint lfic
Quarter pint cans Enamel paint "j.)e
Quarter pint enni Hleyele Enamel.... 25c
Half pint cans Hintgy Paint Sie
Ono quart onus Floor Paint 4o
(Covers 75 square feet, two coals.)
Half pint cans Until Tub Enamel We
llulf pint cans Oil Stain 13c
One quart cms Wagon Paint f.0c
Ono quart rnni Gloss White Paint COc to 75c
Ono quart cans tine Varnish We
Ono quart bottles Saunders Huby
Floor Oil (ilustlesH) r.e
Ono pound cans Slilnon Floor Wax We
Sherman & McGonnell Drug Co.
NEW S. W. Cor. 16th and Dodge,
1 mi wmumm mmm
Tho Uurllngton's t'hleago Limited now
leaves Omaha 7.45 p. in.- 15 minutes later
than heretofore-arriving Chicago 9:30 a. in.,
as In tho past.
Kqulpmoht includes sleeping, cllnlns nnd
reclining chair oars and a luxurious lnllTet
smoking and library cars with observation
Other good trains for Chicago are tho
Chicago Special at 7:00 a. m. und thu Ves
llbulcd Flyer at 4:00 p. m.
Tlckot Olllco,
SOZ-Farnam St.
Tel. 250.
Burlington Station,
1 0th and Mason Sts.
Tol. 128.
Two big Shoe departments
tilled with bargain tables,.
stacked high with tine shoes
at Jess than the manufac
turers' cost,
1,000 pairs of ladies' fino 2 50 and 83.00
shoes in blacks and tan, single, llexiblo and
turn soles, on salo Monday at
Vici Kid lace
1,200 pairs of ladies' finest Vici Kid 83.00 and $3.50 lace
shoes, in tan and black, with hand-turned ana Ull Si(l
wolt soles, :all sizes and widths, Monday AflltO 3
At $1.29
800 pairs 'of misses' fino $1.75 and ?2.00 Vici Kid and Calf
lace shoes, with single and doublo soles, ULI OQ
on salo Monday at ipitf
At $$.13
600 pairs of boys' fino $1.50 and $1.75 Satin Calf C1 1 1
lace shoes, with full doublo soles, Monday at. ..H,A-'
At 49c
400 pairs of childs' fine $1.00 and $1.25 Vici Kid
lace shoes, with turn solos, sizes 5 to 8, Monday
A Sprinkling of
If You're Going Away,
Why not get that Straw Hat wo'vo picked
from tho hat bod of styles. Wo'ro bringing
'om down today and we'll give you a chance at
them tomorrow morning the window will bo
ready to give you tho wanted hints as you pass
tho store tho hat man says we've tho most
complete lino he has as yet had tho pleasure
of showing.
The prices are pleasing
The showing is satisfactory
The styles arc sanguine.
r- iiiaii-iiiiiii
At this price wo tfivo yon choice of all the nowest and
most distinct fabrics that will be seen this season. Tho Ox-
ord and Cambridge cheviots seem to predominate, but many
n-efor bright fancv worsteds, some in strines. others in
i i i
checks and overplaids. Then there is the always proper and
genteel blue serge, in doublo and single-breasted, with and
without lacing. In lact, all theso labricsaro equally proper.
It's only a matter of taste. That's why we have made our
lino at this price so complete. Back of all our care and
thought in selecting reliable and stylish fabrics wo have given
extraordinary attention to tho tailoring of these suits, noting
every detail and having it absolutely right, lhat s why wo
Know they will give you perlect satisiaction in style, ht and
You cannot duplicate values of this sort
elsewhere for less than $15.00.
Men's Very
Spring Suits
Come and look at ours, investigate others. We have no
ear of the result. 1
Since its infancy five years ago our clothing department
las advanced with giant strides and today stands unequaled
in the west, liero you lind tho best clothing in America
from tho famous firms of lialkett, Carhart & Co., Hart,
Snhnfrnnr fe Marx. Michaels. Stern & Co.. etc.. etc. Our-
salesmen are instructed to allow no customer to leave this ds
partment without garments being properly fitted.
Fire Will Catch You
Sooner or Later.
Did you rco tlio Omnli.i To nt nnd Rubber company's building after
the Are? If you have your ofllco In that sort of 11 bulldlnc whero do
you think you will be when n lire breaks out In your building? It is
sure lo rome It Is only n (juestlou of time.
Till) iu:i) nt'II.niNO Is absolutely fireproof. There Is no wood
In Its construction, except what you can sue, Lok around you and
think what a nice blazo some of thoso wooden Joists, wooden parti
tions and wooden stairways would mnko In tho bulldlnc where you now
are. Is It worth while to sleep well ut night? If so, let us show yuii
rooms tn a fireproof building.
Rental Agents.
The lice HulUlIni;.
fStST. roryourfarnlly'BComfort
HIRES Rootbeer
win contribute more to It than
& Bullon roriiccnui.
tTtlw fir 111 of (Minlumi offmJ
ciiaiii.k k.iiiui:hco.
Tht Original for food purposes.
Aa well as men can
liiiu nn ton c nu
healthful an a pure beer.
!! euro you get the imie
Is ltermrtlcatlr Kcaleil
then boiled nhtcti Insure'
It to be free from bucfru iiillc essen
tial tor trait peopl. Order a trUI rwo.
Phone 120.
" flow rum MAM&