'urn rvxrATTA n a tt.v hee. ArnfirnAV MAY 11, 1000. T y - SPECIAL NOTICES Ail vTl Isi-tuenls for these column Mill lie taken ii it 1 1 1 I- m for tilt; t-tfiilnu till lot) Mini until H.IIO i, 111, fur imiriiluK ninl Xtinilny edition. Hilton, I I -ye n word llrnt liicrtloii !( a ttoril llierciil ter. NiiIIiIiik tnUen for 1 tliiin 2."! for tin- llrxl Inner tlon, 'I'll oil vcrtUciueiitM must lie run coiiMcoiitlvrly. All I'rlUiTu, li rfiitnf litis n mini licred check, rim linvi iinsMor ml dressed to n numbered letter In cure of Tin- lire, Aimtirrn mo mill reused ulll lie ilellvereil on prosenfntloii of the cheek mil), W A T K l M A I, K II III. P. WANTK'.'i we have steady work for n few good hustlers, of Rood habits and appear unco, C. T. Adams Co., 1013 lIowtl? BAHHKH (mile taught thornuphly In short time; catalogue ami particulars tree. Address Western Barbers' Institute. Omaha, Neb. L- VaNTED, salesman" to sell our full lino of choice NURSERY stock. Ve g lo ri printed GUARANTEE that stock will bo TRUE to name. Write to Mount Hops Nurjcrles, Lawronco. Knn. M,6. KHATERNAL Insurance deputy: .special work; good pay. Rice, C2G N. Y. Life bhlg. H M8C9 Jg7 WANTKl). laborers, teamster, rock men and surfacing men. Neb.. Wyo. and Iowa; free fare; highest wanes; ship dally. Western It. R. Labor Agency. 310 H. 11th st. B-SISGI WANT HI), men to learn barber trade, we teneh the work In two months, donate oiitllt of tools, pny board and furnish free tleket to our colleges at Chicago, Ht. Louis or Minneapolis without liny ex pense; this orfer is irood until June and Is made on account of demand for gradu ntes during the summer: beware of imltn tlons; we have no school In Denver. Make application to Stolen llarber College, ugent, 1G23 Furnum st., Omaha, iseb. B MOOI-ll WANTED-Kxpertcnrod life Insurance solic itor for the best old lino company doing business In Nebraska; commission uud Hillary to hustling men. 11 4, Bee. D 373 11 A GOOD hostler by Dr. C. M. Schlnilel, flnuth Omaha. B--SI-143 lo KVHHYIIODV WHICTMn at the Kharas lecture .Monday night. Seo "I'ersonalH." B S1233 14 WANTKD. man to deliver and collect In Omaha and vicinity; f 1T..0O imr week nnd expenses; permanent position. Address Delivery Department 1336 t'herry fit , Philadelphia. Ia, B S1123-14 WANTKl), a few good solicitors for city work. Cull 605 l'Rxton Block it -i-u u WANTKl). two retail shoe salesmen; must understand the business thoroughly, none other need apply; nlBO one retail shoe salesman that can trim shoe show windows, lloston Store, Imaha. 11 M 22S 1." WWTHU FEM W,H HELP. WANTKl), 200 girls. 1521 Djdge. Tel. 870. C 117 tO girls wanted. Canadian ofllce 1522 Douglas C 113 WANTED, nood cook. 200S Sherman avo. C-CVJ FRATKltNAL Insurance deputy; special work, good pay. Itlce. C2G N. Y. Life Illdg. C-SS3 SI21 GIRL for general housework. Ave. Ill S. 2th C SI 435 COMPETENT Bill, pood wage. Mrs. S. 12. Penrco. 201 So. SCth St. C-S33 C.IHIi for housework. 127 8. 20th st. C-SI307 WANTKl). Klfl at Dornn House, 422 S. ISIh st , 0110 block south of court house. C Slsll WANTED, n Bood, competent cook at 2213 Farnnm st. C S13C0-11 WANTKD-A second girl. 3(120 Farnam. C-371- Ollll, WANTKT), small family, $3.00 per week. 2"il7 Franklin. c SI331-1I WANTKl). Kills and women to send name and address and Bet 11 puckUB" of Kronen Suchet perfume free. Ideul Toilet SIfg. Co.. St. Joseph. Mo. C MISS 14 WANTKl). Rlrl for Rencrnl housework. (,"20 South 20th. C M221 15 COMK to the Khnras lecture Mondav nlRht. tiee "I'ersouals." , C M2."fl 14 roit hi:nt not si:s, IK YOU want your houses well rented placo them with llenewa & Co. D 119 IIOUCKS, etc. K. D. Wead. 1521 DoiiRlas. D-15J ALWAYS movh)R II. H. Roods. Pianos. Olllce IKIlVi Farnnm St. Tel. or S8.1, D-152 IIOUSKS, stores, licmls. I'axton Blk. D-133 IIOUSKS for rent In all parts of tho city, llrcnnun-Iovo Co., SOU S. 13th street. D-434 CHOICK houses. cottaRCB, Btores. Henry It. l'ayne, C01 N. Y. Llfo. '1'hono 1010. D IKi . HOUSKS and Huts. HlnRWalt, Barker Blk, 130 KINK 7 and S-room apartments In "Nor oinudle" Special Inducements. l'A YNK-KNOX COMPANY, , Klrst Kloor N. Y. Life HldR. n-MCSO 10-HOOM modern house. 2319 Harney St. D-H7 M AflOA III) Van & Storage. 1016 Capitol nve. Tel. 1W. D-IC0 10-ItOOM house, modern, KM Sherman ave., t'ouveuleut to So. Omaha car line and P., H. .Vi M. V. It. 11.. newly papered and in llfhl -class condition. Imiulrc 1557 N. 17tli. D-M217 IP COTTAflK at Lako Oknboji, la., for rent. Omaha Leach. A. M. Clarke, 2557 llumey. D-205 KOK HKNT. my residence. 2117 Wirt. Kur nlahetl or unfurnUhed. J. J. Qlhson, S07 Klit National bank. D C2I .HOOM, also 12-room modern house, cheap to small families Inquire 251$ Capitol nve. Tel. 673. D-S19 Jt'NK I, 0 unfurnished rooms, all modern, lawn, shade, etc. 2711 fC. 22d St. I) - III!) TOIt HKNT. u Hue modern residence, nine rooms, lawn, shade trees, paved street, 1'IIMl front tlila linnai, Imu 1liut f,i. jialnteil and Is in tlnU-clnss ctinillous lein t.,iii-p. umiina i.oan ,. '1 rust 00., lGth and Douglas Sts. D &7S KOH HKNT-2319 N. th St"frroom, over store, ilty water in kitchen, $10.00, i tV.w'i,rl s.l,v: r'-roui cottage, city water lu kitchen. $10.00. Onuilm lnin and Trust Co., ICtli and Doug- 'a Ms. D-976 10-HOOM steam 1ientei Mat, all modern. Intiulro Llnduuest, 316 B. 13th. or 2S13 Douijlus. D-S19J2-19 KOH HKNT Woolworth Ve.. S rooms, modern. J22; 2I21 Paclll.-, 7 rooms, modern 27. Potter-Sholes Co, 310 N Y life 1'ltonu 470. D-MI97 15 I, JPST overhauled new, 2. Dorciw liiut ' 1937 8. 2!th. -i and 7.m'; a 11-r mod " rcoldencu near Jones, i2ai Knmam D-SI2i2 14 NICK cottnRO, South Omaha, close In ulso cottage, 9th and Pierce. Intiulre 15l Dnvi-niiort. D-M2I6 15 131 S. 23th st 11-room, modern. D-SI6I3 KOH HIIVr-Kt'llMSHUu BOOMS. S NICK rooms, housekeeping, 1112 S. 11th K-S1902 ' NICKLY furnished rooms for gentlemen; foferencca required, 1701 Capitol ave. K SI&38 15 SKVKHAL nlco rooms, single or cusultc housekeeptllB privileges. 610 N. 13th. i:-973-l P CH'OICK front rooms In qulut fumlly cen trally loentcd, modern conveniences 41 nl telephone reasonable to one or two Ren tlemen, 2303 Douglus 6t. K-233 POM It K.N T PI ItMHIIP.I) IIOO.MS. Poll HKNT, 3 furnlshel rooms for llht 'n juseketninif. 2212 Karnam si 1 K Mii7 14 I II.' N 26th street, furnlshul or nnfuroUhed. ai'Piy nnenon l: suin n" I't ItMSIMII) BOOMS AMI IK) Mil), Tin; MKimiAM-ciooij i'llh nnd Dude. summer rfsort. K-IC1- 59 S. 2Sth ave, private family, Rentlemen only. I-MS25 J5 KLKOANT front rooms, with board. 1909 Capitol nve K SI SOT 15 NH'KLY furnished south front rooms, with Prst-class board. 1723 DodRe st. K-S1161-U PLKAHANT front room with board. 310 s. ?tii St. K-SIWS 19 TWO Rentlemen looklnR for a nice home can learn of something first class by adilressliiR II S, Bee. K W3-1I DKrilUAIILK slnRle south rooms, with board. Heferenccs. 202 N. istli K-M2I9 I5 NICK rooms, with Rood beard, $5 per week and Up, The Bose, 2V.1) Harney. K-SI257 27 LKNCAIHN, tranelents J1.25 day. Hi09 DottRlns. K SI2M Koii 11 i:n t r.M'i.it 1 sii uoom.x. 2 Sl'ITKS for housekeeping. 616 Oeorgla ave. 0-MS9I 13 I'Olt IIK.V'I yi'OUKS AM) lll'I'IIT.S, KOH HKNT, store lu Ilrst-class location, rent reasonable. Apply H. C. Peters Co., ground lloor, Hee bldg. 1201 KOH HKNT. good store In Davidge bulld Ing. opposite city hall; leasotiable rent. JOHN W. HOIJUINS, li02 KAUNAS! ST. I STOHAfSi: PACIKIC Storage and Warchouso Co., 012 VII Jones, general sto-ige uud forwarding, 103 Om, Van Stor. Co., 151114 Knrn. Tol 1553, 4f3. -4ii4 W.ViVl'UO TO IHJV. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc., In largo or small quantities, chlcngo Kur nlture Co,, 1400-10 Dodgo. Tel. ). N-103 WILL purchnso a limited number of Omaha Snvlngs Bank uccounts. Brennan Love Co., 30!) So. 13th N 160 TIIK highest prices paid for good 2ndhand furniture nnd stoves. Knterprlse Kurnl turo Co., 102-101 So. nth. N-253 S127 WANT'UD. for cash nbout 100 acres good, clenr land lu central Nebraska. W. V. HedBcs, 423 Ike bldg.. Omuha. N-.M560 StJI'AHK pianos and old organs at once. II 19. Hee. N-SI131 13 I'OH SAI.i: KI'ltMTI UK. ITHNlTI'llK nnd llxtures 9-room liouse near High school for sale, J200.00; hotiso for rent. $25.11") month. Address It. SI. Jarinlue, general delivery, City. 0-9J2-1I I'oit .s ai.i: noitM:s vi:nu-i,i:s, i;rc. TOP BIJOOY for sale, In good condition. U 40, Ilco. 1 S11&0 Si:t'ONDHAND top buggy In good condi tion for sale cheap, inquire. 2124 Locust Micet. I' SI337 PIIAKTONS. buggies, roafl wagons, harnesi Andersen Buggy Co. 15th and Davenport, I'-S.'O ALL kinds new nnd secondhand vehicles, trucks nnd wagons for sale cheap. Harry KroHt Carriage Wks., lltli & Leavenworth, p71S BUY n hnndmndo runabout, blke-wngon or phnetou, Concord or buggy; ulso 3 phae tons. 3 exteiifclon top cnrilages; all very lowest prices. William Pfulffcr's Carriage Works, 2620-21 Lenvenworth, 'Phone 1033. P-377 KOH SALK, Snyder buggy. 2152 St. Slary's avo. P-S-IP 'HANDSOSIK speedy pacer, roan gelding. 7 years old, single foots to saddle, is wen bred und tlno driver; price, $:0. Address H 15, Bee. P-M152 15 HUY a handmade runabout, bike-wagon or phaeton, Concord or buggy; also 3 phae tons, 1 extension top carriage; all very lowest prices. William Pfelffer's Carriage Works, 2020-24 Leavenworth. 'Phone 1333. P-377 KOH SALK-Oood surrey. $55. Call after 6 p. in. 53S S. SUIt uve. P-931 12 'Oil SAI.H MISCHIjIiA.MOOI'.H. CIIKAPKST and best poultry and hog fence. 901 Douglab St. Q-469 CITrTKItS of drug prices, Sherman fb Mcl Council Drug Co., Cor. 16th and Dodge. Q-470 2DHAND safe cheap, Dorlght, 1116 Karnam, Q-171 8AKKS, buy sell. Schwartz, 111 S 13. Tel 1637 Q-473 BKST values In bicycles: Sterling, $10; Spalding uud Itacycle, $33; Slansou, $22; Acme, $23; other makes, $15. Omaha Ill cycle Co., lflth & Chicago Sts. Q 171 II. HAAS, Klorlst, 1S13 Vinton St. Tel. 770. Plants, cut (lowers, boquets, hull, resi dence, wedding nnd gravo decorations. OrderB by mall or express promptly tilled. Q-172 $10? WILL buy tlno Chlckerlng upright piano; cash or payments. Address 01, Beo olllce. Q-S13I3 S123 HI) T. IIKYDKN can save you money on a imeumallc or rubber tired buggy. 323 N. 16th. Q-MI75 LIVK STOCIC for sale nt Brush. Colo.: 321 liead Rood grade New Mexico cows, mostly reds and roans; will be about 73 per cent calf crop; also 101 head 2-year-uld steers ,nll good colors and lu Rood condition; can be shown and delivered on track same day; want to close out by May 15; no trouble or expense to show them; will veil nil or any part. Price, $20.M per head. Win. K. Kchols. Itrush, Colo. Hox C. U-SU41 ONK TIIOl'SAND wneon loads nf kindling wood, chctip. Apply Office, Kxposltion grounds. 0 !W-1S KOH SALK, ten H-I-P-A-N-S 7or 5 centsal druggists. One given relief. 0-SU71 17 CARLOAD of fresh cows, 23th nnd llurL Kur salo by K. Purdy. Q 30) ll IIOHSK, bay neer. record 2:11; pneumatic bike-wagon. II. 15. Kredetlckson. 15th and Dodgo st. Q-.M3I0 35-H. P. boiler and 25-U P. engine, Tn good order, eheup. Chas. Andersen, 21st and Slundcisou. Q-SI2I1 15 sum 1:1.1, vi:oi;s. NOTICE, country dealers. 2dhnnd furnituro & stoves at lowest prices, carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co., H06-1O Dodgo H-170 ci.AittvorA.vrH. SlMK.GY'LSt HR genuino palmist. 16.5 Dodga a-177 MRS, FRIT., clairvoyant, SOS N. 16th S-M9I3 SIRS. HILL. 2002 Cuming st., spless dealer. S -Si 114 S123' KI.Kt'TltIC 'I'll K ATM KNT, SIMK. SSHTII, room 2, HSVi N. 13th; magi netlo treatment and baths, T SI921 16 PIUISO.VAI,. VIA VI, woman's way to heulth,313 Bee bldg U-I7S YOl'H hair shampooed dressed 33c. Hair tot. let goods. Monhelt, 1513 Furuain. Tel. 2H3.1. U-179 MONIIKlT. Chiropodist, 10IS Karn. Tel. 2113. U-173 PHIVATK hosjiltal for ladles before dur ing contlnement; babies adopted, 1136 N. 17, U 40 DR. ROY, chiropodist, corns nnd nipeillu. mm halt removed by electricity. Room 12. Krenzor Block. U IS! ! i'i:itso t., PIUVATE home before and durlni? confine ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Burge', 2'33 Decatur. U-Hl I'LKATINO and pleated skirts of ntl kinds. SI. Goldman & Co., 200 Douglas block. U-453 APVKirnsiNil fan5. paper napkins, cnlen-1 dars nnd envelopes manufactured by Burkley Printing Co., Omaha. U-.M7ii3 j LAST, but not least. Telephone 1717. it M118. O'LINN, attorney. 1892 Karnam. Tel. 2000-2. U-S1MI Jet SI SIR AM US, removed to room 1. 3d floor. 1615 Howard, U-MSS5 14 SIMK. SSI1TH. mnRnetlc treatment and baths, lis. North 13th, room 2. U 910 lu NOW Is the time to have furs repaired, AulabatiRh, Son & Co , furriers. New (luarters nt &O0 Karbach blk. Kur Bar inents storci and Insured for the season. V SIMO-Jell s SOLKS, 35c; velvet rubber heels, 35e. The old tillable S. I. Petersen's 10 & Cuming. U-977 Superlluous hair, blrthmnrks, bad complex Ion cured. No electricity. SIme. True, 1621 Douglas. U-979 27 KPPKHLY corset made to order. 1714 Nich olas. U S1201 Jel2 Till) KHAHAS I.KCTKHK .Monday night will bo on "Slntrlmonlal .Mistakes." It will be for married men nnd married women, nnd all other sensible people. Ad mission free. No collection. 1515 Howard st , S o'clock sharp. IT 21 14 AT TIIK KHAHAS lecture last. Slonday night an audience of Intelligent Indies listened Intently for nn hour nnd a half. Were you there? Come nRaln. V SI232 II SIO.M1Y TO I.OA.V UKAl, KSTATl PHIVATK money, 5, CVs. 6 per cent; no de lay. Gavin Bros., 1613 Karnam. W ISO PHIVATK money. K. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas W-437 WANTKD, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. It. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Karnam St., Bee Bldg. W IS8 S PKH CKNT money. BemU, I'axton block. I W 4S3 KIVK per cent farm loanu. Chas. E, Wil liamson. W 130 SIONKY to loan on first-class Improved city property or for building put poses. Payne Knox Co., New York Llfo. W 431 LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 5 per cent. Borrowers can pay $100 or any multiple. Any In terest dute. No delay, Breunan-Love Co., 303 South 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W 132 6, 6'4, 6 aer cent on Omaha, S. Omaha. W. H. Thomas, 03 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 1613. W 493 SIONKY to loan at 6 and 5ty per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Slelkle, 401 8. 15th. W 434 MONKY to loan on Improved Omaha real estute. Bronnan-Love Co., 309 So. 13th. W-4D0 $1,000 and upwnrd to loan on Improved city property and farms. W. Karnam Smith & Co., '320 Karnnm. W 496 WANTKD. city loans, bonds nnd warrants. (liorgo .t Company, 1C01 Karnam st. W-437 SIONKY In nny nmount at G DU. fi per cent" J. W. HOI1UINS & CO., 1S02 FAUNAS! ST. W 193 SIONKY to loan on fnrm and city property; lowest rates. O. F. Davis Co.. 1503 Karnnm. W-C09 SIOMCY TO LO.VX CJIATT J2LS. SIONKY I -MONEY! Wo havo a lurge amount to loan on house hold furniture, pianos, organs, warehouso tecelpts, horses, carriages, etc. You can get the money within a few hours after muklng implication. WIS CI! A ROM YOU NOTHING WHATKVKR KOH MAKING OR FILING PAPERS. Wo give you ns much time as you need and ou may repay tho loan as soon us you chooo ard you need not pay for It ONK DAY LONGER THAN YOU KEEP IT OMAHA SIORTGAOK LOAN CO (Established 1832.) 300 Soutli ICtli Street X-433 ' SIONKY MONKY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE No endorser or mortgage renulred LOWEST RATES, KASY PA YSIENTS and STRICTLY' CONFIDENTIAL. OS1AHA CREDIT CO. Room 526. Ilfth lloor. New York Life Bldg X-300 SIONKY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITl'RK, PIANOS, diamonds, watches, on easy payments, un known to others; you keep the goods, each payments lessons tho cost of tho loun; no charge for papers and wo make no Inquiries of your neighbors. BURG ERS' LOAN CO., 1501 Farnam, over B & M. ticket olllce. X 502 SIONEY. . MONK7 SIONKY". MONKY. SIONKY-. SIONKY. I loan money on furniture, pianos, horses cows, etc., AT LOWKR RATKS THAN ARE OFFERED BY ANY OTHER LOAN AGENT IN OS1AI1A. Loans may bo paid back In full or In part nt any time and tho cost of carrying reduced accordingly. There Is no unnccetsary delay In getting tho money and all business Is cnnlldential NO CHARGE MADE KOH SI A KING OH FILING PAPERS. J, W. TAYLOE, 21S First Nt'l bank bldg, 13th & Farnam sts. - X-431 SIONKY loaned on pianos, furniture, tew. dry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Heed, 313 S. 13. X-503 SIONKY" LOANED TO SALARIED v PEOPLE on their own name, In nmount from $10.03 up. A comparison of our rates with others Is all we ask, ns we are positive that ours are the lowest in tho city; remember that wo are the only loan company giving you the privilege of paying your lonn ALL or In PART at any T1SIE and thereby slop, ping the cost; business confidential; treatment courteous OMAHA SIORTGAGE LOAN CO., Tel. 2235. Room 119, Board of Trado Bldg, X-501 MONEY loaned on plnno. furniture, horse i, cows, Jewelry. Duff Green H s, Barker Blk, X-500 MONEY KOR SALARIED PEOPLE. " $15 DOLLARS. $10 DOLLARS, to Ono Hundred Dollars-One Hundred. Sluch more, some less. $10 to $I5Q loaned to salaried people with out mortgage, Indorser 01 publicity. Positively most llberul terms of credit nnd lowest rates ever ottered In town. AS! ICRICAN LOAN CO,, Room 601 Bee Bldg. ' X-535 SIONKY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names without security; easy payments. Tolman, 706 N. Y. L. Bldg. X-507 SALARY LOANS; LOW RATES. J. W. Tayloe, 218 First Nafl Bank Bldg. X-346 SIONKY loons on furniture, diamonds, watches; payments confidential. Omaha Chattel Loan bank, 220 S. 15th, upstairs. X-S10I1 III'SI.VKSM Oil V.NCIS. OLD-ESTABLISHED saloon In one of the best towns In the state; population over 10 0W); owner engaging In other business; licenced, for full year: possession nt once. Address G 63, Bee. Y'-M517 15 KOH SALE, a nice clean stock of hard ware, stoves nnd bicycles; Invoice nbout l.')0; In the boat town In Clay county, Nebraska; best of reasons for selling; cash, no trade. Address I. O. Ilox 1031, Falrlleld, Neb. Y-MS31 11 WANTKD The best old lino life insurance (Killcltor In Nebraska; liberal salary und commltslon to those experienced. II 4, Bee. y9Hn FOR SALK or rent, n nlcn brick bank building and all llxtures In a good town, a capital of $3,000 plenty. Address 11 11, Bee Y-.M13I.1D FOR SALK. stock of groceries and llxtures; Invoiced $2,000; doing business of $2,000 per month; well located. B. It, Ball, Ml N Y, Life. Y-S120S U roit ma i,n on r.( 11 M4i:. PIANO for delivery liorie. K 22, Hee. V.--SII7J. CO.MPI.KTi: drilR slpr and handsome fix- tlipa. n,,,1 a.. 1 11 r.,,ntlt. In. ..I,.... t,.c ,.,,,,,., Ptltv tllil,', or trailo for Improved, farm. Address V 20, Il-e. SHU M2I. KOH SALR. Rood reIdoj)ce, close In, choice lirlRhborhooil, elghj; rrtoms, modern, H.roOj will take some otltsldo rontal property. Address 02. Uee. V , S1391 TO TIIADK, Rood unincumbered lands to exchanRo for retail mercantile stock In Nebraska or lown.. Addrms P. O. Hox 10J2, Plattamouth. Nfll, Z-SIS73 16 A KINK quarter section In northeast Ne braska to exchange for a 3 or 6-room house lu Omaha W. V. Hedges, 423 Bee Uldg. y-S!MH TO EXCHANGE, Chlcugo residence and business property for fnrms east nf the Cth P. SI. In Nebraska. Address It 1, Hee. 7.-9 17 17 81IKTLANI) pony, harness nnd cart tint will accommodate four children for first class upright piano; give location, name nnd ago of Instrument. Address II II, Bee. Z-S1154 15 16) ACRKS of choice Dixon Co., Neb., land to exchange' for town property or small fruit farm with some pasture land near town and suitable for an old couple, it , Beo. y.-SH3S-16 CHEAP land of estate, want Omaha rental property; no objection to reasonable In cumbrance. 1208 Karnam st. 55 M201 11 OAK SIANTKL (plate glass mirror); ulso marble stationary basin. Wolf water closet, etc., almost now. 1201 Fiirunm st. Z M200 14 TO exchange, Washburn zither, good con dition, for bicycle. II 17, Bee. Z-SI220 II FOR SAI.i: 1IKAI, KVI'ATi: FOR SALK. Farm, 160 acres, one mile from Penning ton, cheapest land In that purl of the county. $37.r.o per acre. CITY PHOI'KRTY. $2.SOO.O0. fine 9-room house, near 2Sth nnd Parker sts., modern und lu llrst-class condition. $2,100.00, cottage, 2502 St. Slary's avo., 6- room, good as new. $1,0)0.00, No. 1143 N. 19th st , 4-room house, city water. Just the thing for shop mun, nnd a bargain, $700.00, live-room cottage, paved street, 35f S. 20th, two blocks south of Vinton. $1,250.00, tine building lot on one of the best residence streets In the west part of the city. We have some of the cheapest properties In tho south part of the city, both lots nnd houses and lots. For list call nt uf- lice. GEORGE : COMPANY. 10)1 Karnnm St. HK-S1206 II THHKK awful cheap lots. Lot 3, Allen's subdivision, on 2Sth nve., 150 ft., soutli of Burdette, owner lots cut price to $3H0.00. Lot 21. block 11, Bedford Place, e-ist front on 29th st., between Plnktiey nnd Pratt, price $225.0i) If sold this week. Lot 3. block 1, Thomson it Chios' addition, nt 31st und Vinton, next to new boule vard, price $330.00. THE BYRON RKKI) CO.. 212 S. llth St. RK-M139 15 KOR QUICK returns on bargains only see S. A- BroadWEll, 501 N,' Y. Llfo Bldg. RK-515. HENRY 13. PAYNE? 001'N.Y. LIFE BLDG. Heat Estate, ltciiluU.i.I.oan?, lnsuiauce. HE-610. 270S CAPITOL ave., 7-ro0m, full lot. newly papered and painted, , price reduced to $1,300.00. BYRON, It. IIVSTI.W.S. 212 S. llth St. ' HE M 13s 15 7- ROOSl house, poutli pf Lake, on 19th $2.2j0; ulso C-room house. $1,900 9-room house, modern, burn, on 191 h. snap, 12,600. 8- ropm house, modem, ' KounUo's Place, corner. $3.MX. G-room house, city water, near Charles St., on 15th. $1,230. C-room house, city vater, bath, sewer, $1,000. 7-room liouse, modern except furnace, $1,900. 5 acres, very choice, t2.M0. s 7-room house, .pear Farnam, $1,20. I. N. HAStMOND, 15th and Farnam. RE-M120 IP HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans: also lire Insurance. Hemis, I'axton blk. RK 012. IF YOU havo a lmrRaln to offer In real estate, see S. A. Broadwcll, 601 N. Y, Llfo, RE-517. ITOUSES, farms. R.C. Patterson, 305 N.Y'.L. RE-31S. A GREAT SNAP Seven-room,' modern houso. located ono of the best In H'uns com Place; must be sold quick; uartv leaving clty M. J. Kennard & Son, solo agents, suito 310 Hrown blk, RE SI933, VA STORY' house nnd lot, $700; chenp for cash. Sirs. Sillier, 20th and Jefferson, South Omaha. RE SI561-31 FOR SALE, 5-room cntingo on 19th, V' block from Lake St., a bargain. Hox 3i.t. Kear ney. Nob. RE-SIS52 10 FOR SALK. I PRICE $10,000 REASONABLE - II ROOSIS. SIODERN-N1CE L AWN- LA HO K SHADE TREES. WILL LOAN $5,000 AT ufc PER CKNT. 936 N. 24TH. SUBMIT ALL OFFERS TO, 100 N. 15TII ST. LOOK AT PROPERTY AND THEN TELL SIE WHAT YOU WILL UIVB. RE SI923 SNAPS In real estate, money to loan. L. L. Johnson Co., 314 S. 15th St. HE 513. CHEAP homes on monthly payments. In surance. Sloney to loan. G. E. T.urklng ton, 605 Bee Bldg. RE 514. PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS for REAL K8TATK BARGAINS: LOW EST RATES on LOANS; SOUND IN SURANCE; HOUSES. FLATS, STORKS, for RENT. First lloor, N. Y. Life Hldg. RK-511. BARGAINS, Slay 12 and 14, 1900. C. F. HARRISON & GEO. T. SIORTON, 913 N. V. LIFK TEL. 311 or 2012-F. 10-room house, all modern and full lot, near High school, close to downtown, owner non-resident und must sell; former m't'ge $.,0CO, price $4,500. 3-story bijck business block on Karnnm. near 13th. good renter or Booil place for your business, $16,000. SPKCIAI-W) feet, 2 10-room houses on Furnum, near 20th ASK I'S. RK-90S-12 SIIORTIIAM) AM) TVPinviHTIXIi. A. C. VAN SANT'S school, 717 N. Y. Llfo. , . -521 BOYLES college, court reporter principal. Bee Bldg. ,t 1 -626 NEHHABKA Business and Shorthand coT lege. Boyd's theater. 527 GREGG Shorthand taught nt the Omaha Commercial College, 16th and Douglas St " ' Mild bicycles. . 1 THE best new bicycle, i$16.50 up; repairing, enameling nnu sunurtot; znnnnuo wneeis, $3 up. Louis Kleschet, 1622 Cupltol Ave ' -SHil $13.75 BUYS n high-grade 1900 model one year guaranteed gents' or ladles' bicycle; sent to nny address In the United States on 10 days' free trial, payable after re ceived; for catalogue, full particulars and special prlco offer, rut this notice out and mall to Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago. -MS72 Je7 AlK TIOXEEHS. OSlAHA AUCTION CO. Satisfaction guar auteed. 620 N. 16th St, Telephone 216S. -539 . l'APEIl I'l.lltM.MI, CHARLES SUDDLE.MIST. experienced wall paper cleanor. 1enve orders nt .Mid land hotel, 16th & Chicago, 'Phone 621. Sl-WS-15 HOTELS. METROPOLITAN, European, 12th & Doug las; lowest rates. Win, Barr, Slgr. Tel. 211. -631 THURSTON. 15th & Jackson; American A European, Newly refitted, Prices mod'r'to. -533 .MAtl.Mrrif IM'lltM Alt V, TIIK NKHHAHKA MAONKTIC INKIItSt nry nnd the Nebraska S.lmnl of MnRiiet Ism. Two solid and pcrmmcnt Institutions for the beni llt of the people now on earth. Graduates ()f srhod Ruaranteel positions at JV) per mouth nnd permanent positions, too. Send or call for particulars No branch si-hoots, but we have authorized brunch Inllrmarles at l.lni-oln. Neb Allnntle, In. North Plmte, Neb. .terfcrson, U. (Ilcnwooil, In. Illnlr, Neb. North Ijjup. Nob. Mlmourl Vultcy, la, Oshkixh. Neb SVIUh, Neb. Heiidiumrtets, 1515-lf17 CIiIcuro St., Omaha, Neb. -2i5 1 TIIK Nebraska, 1517 Chicago St. -42J j Ft ItMI t HE HKPAIIIIM). PACKING, upholstering, mattress, fenthcr 1 rcnovntln. Tel. 1331. SI. S, Walkln. 2111 I Cuming St -620 j Lt'NDRKN, upholstering, cabtnet-maktngT leiiinriiiiiKi inaiiresses mnue over. ixsi Leavenworth. 292 S!21 BKRTRASJ gTKFKKN, upholstering, mat tresses renov't'd, couches made to order, 2201 Farnam. M753 SI19 STATHAIIV. O. OONNKLLA, mfr. of artistic statues, contractor In ornamental works of 'every description according to drawing. 317 S. 10. SS3-Je.-7 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopathic Institute, 515 N. T. Llfo Bldg.; Alice Johnson, I). O., ladles' dept.; Gld K. Johnson, Osteopathlst, mgr. 521 SI. E. DONOHUE, I). O., of Still school, Klrksvllle, SIo 604 Paxlon Blk. Tel. 1367. ALHEHT T. HUNT, 1). O.. 303 Knrbach blk, Tel. 2332. -S1619 FINllI.Vti RESORTS. THR Langdon Hotel Is now open for sea. son 1900. Finest fishing resort In tho west; good boats, plenty of minnows, rea sonable rules. Frank T. Vogt, 1-nigdon, Mo. 743 OlS THE New Snow-Church Co. gives prompt attention to collections and legal affairs. Associate attorneys In every county In tho United States. 401 to 403 N. Y. Life. Y-SI751 CAitPi:Ti:u and .lounnit. ALL kinds of carpenter work und repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and Lake Sts. 370 THUMC FACTOR V. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases. Trunks tepalied. Om. Trunk Factory, 1209 Furnam 538 llltlCK. WITIINKLL BROS. & SSHTII CO., BRICK .MANUFACTURERS. CAPACITY 150,000 PER DAY. South yard and olllce, 22d und Hickory. Tel. 423. North yard, 31st and Lake. Tel. 1107. -SISOS Je7 i.(X).000 NEW BRICK now ready for de livery. Wlthuell Bros. & Smith. 943 MIllHOIl FACTOIIV. DASI AGED looking glasses resllvcred. 70S N. 16th. SI497 Pl.llATIXf!. ACCORDION pleating, ivory-rim buttons. Sirs. A. O. Slark, 17th & Farnam. Rl-11. -CC0 S126 Mt'KIH, PI.A'I'I.VG. Omaha Plutlng Co.. Bee Illdg. Tel. 2T.3,". -640 MEDICAIi. RUPTURE cured,, no knire, no pain, no danger Send for circulars. Empire Rup ture Cure, 932 N. Y, Life Bldg., Omaha. 067 ; LADIES out of health find prompt rollef. I Box 232, Omaha, Neb. Confidential ileus STOVE IIRPAIHS, GASOLINE stoves cleaned. S01-3 N. 16th. ( 530 OAS, gasoline stoves repnlred; stoves stored. City Stove Repair Wrk, 209 S. 13th. -171 UOItSKS I'ASTIHIF.D. GOOD pasture, $2 per month. .7. W. Phelps, 207 N. Y. Llfo Bldg., 'phono 1034 152 J27 I.AWNMOWEHH. SHARPKNKD and- repnlred. P. Slelcholrs' Slachlno Wks. 13th & Howard. Tel. 2350. 5IS-SI 23 WK sharpen and call for lawnmowers. In dustrial Iron Wks.. 1406 Howard. Tel. 1149, -S163S Je3 PAWMIHOKKIt.S. EAGLE Ixan Ofliee, reliable, accommodat ing; all business conndcntlal. 1301 Douglas. -531 Diamond loan ofllce. 14th and Douglas; low rules; most reliable: unredeemed goods. 450 JU PIAXO AMI Fl'llMTlIKIS MOVINCJ. J. SCHWARTZ, 1510 Webster. Tel. 2046. 9S1 JU nimis AMI TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird store. 1603 Leavenworth. -511 I'VPKWHITIlllh. TYPK WRITERS, secondhand, 1110 Farnam. -529 l tJHM'l I It 13 PACKING. O.M. Van. & Stor. Co. 1511'. Karn. Tel. 1009,863 -C37 STAMMERING AM) STITTEIIIXG. CURED. Julia Vuughan. 430 Hamgo Bldg. -632 I'liAM.M! Mil, I,. SCREEN doors, all kinds of mill work. A Rosenberry, 1501 Slurcy. Tel. 82. 61 J8 TICKET llltOIvKlt. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. II. Phll bln. 1505 Farnam, Telephone 7S4. 578 i.Air.vnitr. OMAHA Steam Laundry, shirts 7c, collars 2c, euffs 4c 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 617 -530 Hull's Sales, IHcyclet. Typcwrlttm J.J. Deright&Co. 1116 Farnam St. Omaha. LEGAL .VOTICK. ANNUAL SIEETING. Slay 4. 19u0. Tho annual meeting of the stockholders of tho Fremont, Elkhorn & Sllssourl Vulley Railroad com pany will bo held at tho olllce of tho com pany In tho city of Omaha, Neb., on Fri day. Slav 18. 1900. nt 10 o'clock a. m , for the election of directors and the transaction of such other business as muy be presented. J. B. REDF1ELD, Secretary. Slid I5tm GOVKItNMICVr .VOTICEN. PROPOSALS FOR PLUSIHINO -Olllce of Chief Q. SI., St. Paul. Sllnn , April Hi, ISOil.-SHALED PROPOSALS, In triplicate will be received ut this ofllce until 11 o'clock u. m. Slay 15, 1900, and opened then, for Plumbing In new Itarrnck 'building at Fort Sloaile. S. D. Plans and specifications may bo seen and blank proposals with full In structions had upon application here, or to the Quartermaster, Fort Meade, S. D, United States reserves tho right to accept or reject any or all proposals, or any part thereof. Geo, E. Pond, O. Q. SI Apr. 17-18-13 Slay 12-H HAII.WAY Tt'ir. TAItl.li.i, 1 SIOUX CITY ft PACIKIC Railroad - "Tho North western Line" General Oftl. rs. United States Nrtlonnl Hank ltulldln. B. W, Coiner Twelfth nflit l.'ftrtlMtfl atm TI..1m Ofllce, 1401 Fnrnn St Telephone S61 Do- pot, Tenth .Mason Sts. Telephone C. , Leave. Arrive Twin City Express ...n6;5Gnm nl0;S0 pm Twin City Umlted a 7.3i pm n s 15 tint Sioux City LocaI a Saw urn a 4 20 pm n Dally. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. .Mlnnc.tpolU ,t Omaha Railway - "The North western Line" Gonernl OtIUts, Nebraska Divi sion lfith nnd Webster Sts City Ticket Olllie. 1101 Karnnm St, Telephone 661. Depot. 16th und Webster Sts, Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger... a 6:00 am n 9:10 im Omaha Passenger u 11:10 am Sioux City & North- h east Nebraska .a. 3:60 pm Oakland Local b 5:45 pm b S:15 am a Dally b Dai'y except Sunday. CHICAGO . NORTH western Hallway "The, Northwestern Line" City Ticket Ofllce. 1401 Karnam Street. 'lelo phor.e 561. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Stlcets. Tele. Phone, 629. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 am nll:30 pm Chlcugo Passenger a 1:16 pm u 5:19 am Eastern Express, Df Slolnes, Slarslmlltnwn, Cedar Rapids and Chl cugo al0:53 am a 4 05 pm Eastern Limited, Chl cngo nnd East a 4:6S pm a 1:03 pm Knst Stull, Chicago to Omaha a 2:15 pm Omaha-Chicago Special. a 7:16 pm a S:00 pm Fust Mali u 8:30 urn 1 - . . . FRESIONT. rtLKHORN & Sllssoutl Vnlley Rnllroad "The Northwestern Lino" General Olllces, United States National Bk. Illdg., S. W. Corner Twelfth nnd Karnnm Stn Tlrlr.l Ofllce. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone 661. Dc. pot, 15th and Farnnm St. Telephone His. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwoofl, Hot Springs n3 00 pm 0 6:00 pra Wyoming, Caspar und Douglas d 3:00 pm c03:00 pra Hastings, York, David City, Superior. Geneva, , Exeter nnd Seward ...b 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm Norfolk, Verdlgro und Fremont b 7:30 utn bl0:23 am Lincoln, "Wahoo and Frcmon,t b 7:30 nm bl0:25 am Fremont Local e 7:30 um a Dally b Dally except SunJay. c Sun day only d Dally except Saturday. 0 Dally except Slonday CHICAGO, ROCK ISL and & Pacific Railroad "Tho Grent Heel: Isl and Route." City Tick et Olllce, 1321 Karnam Street Telephone 428. Depot, Tenth & Stuson Streets. Telephone. 023. Ienvo. Arrive. Dcs Slolnes and Daven port Locnl a 7:23 nm Chicago Express bll:15um Chicago Fast Express.. a 5 00 pm Lincoln and Falrbury. .a 8:30 urn Lincoln, Colorado Spgs., bll:25 am 11 8:10 am a 1:23 pin u 7:00 pm uenver, 1'ueuio anil West a 1:30 pm n 1:15 pm ues .10111es, hock isl and and Chicago a 7:15 pm Colorado &Teas Flyer. a 5:55 pm a Dally, b Dally except Suuda; a 5:50 pm a 9:15 unv KANSAS CITY, ST. JO seph & Council Bluffs Rnllroad The Ilurllng ton Route" Ticket Office. 1502 Furnum street. Tele phone 250. Depot, Tenth uud Slnson streets. Tele phone, 1?S. t-cavo. Arrive, .a 8:50 am a 6:10 pm KansaB City' Day Ex Kansas City Night 10; v Nlirllt Ex nlO:I5 tun n fiilS nm St. Louis Flyer for St Joseph und St Louis. .a 4:63 pm allilS am u Dnlly. RUHLINGTON & SII8 sourl River Railroad "The Burlington Route" General Olllces, N. W. Corner Tenth and Farnam Sts. Ticket Ofllce, 1502 Farnam street. Telephone, 250. Burlington station, tenth und Mason Streets. Telephone, 128. Lincoln. Hastings and McCook a 8 40 nm a 7:20 pm Lincoln. Denver. Colo rado, Utah, California. a 4:25 pm a 3:00 pm Lincoln & Black Hills a 9:30 pm n 3:00 pm Montana, Puget Sound. .u 0:30 pm a 6:43 um Lincoln Fast Stall .. ..a3:00pra ul0:35 um Denver, Colorado, Utah & California a 6:13 am u Dally CHICAGO. BURLINGTON it Qulncy Railroad "Tho Burlington Routo" Ticket Olllce. 1002 Farnam St. Tel., 250. Depot. Tenth & Stuson Streets. Telephone, 12S. ' T an,,., A ....... Dayllsltt Chicago Spe- IVnrln l.v,.'r.,'J.'. a 7:00 nm Chlenirn Vji lli,,l.V t.VJ ' '' a 9:23 pm a 7:45 nm a 4:0.) pm a 7:45 um a 2:15 pm Chicago Lpml Express. a 8:60 nm ; h i.uiuicu a ,:u tint Paclllo Junction Local. .alO:43 um ratt Slail a Daily. UNION PACIFIC-'THK OVER land Route" General Offices, N. E. Cor. Ninth and Fur nan streets. City Ticket Ofrico. 130, Farnam street. Telephone, 316 Depot, Tenth and Sluson Sts, Telephone. 129. Leave. Arrive, n 7:36 jim a 7:33 pm u 3:20 pm u 6:50 um u 4:33 pm The Overland Limited.. a 8:20 ant The Chlcngo - Portland Special a 8:20 um Tho Fast Slail a 8.50 am Tho Colorado Special. . .all:3-3 pm Tho Fast Slail Llncolr.. Beatrice nnd Stromsburg Express. ,b 4:10 pm bl2:25 pm Pacific Express a 4:20 pm Tho Atlanta Express... a 0'50 am Grand Island Local b 6:30 Dm b 9:30 um a Dally, b Dally exre.ut Sundays. 1 I', V NJ 1 9 CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket Of lice, 140 Farnnm street. Telephone, 213. Depot, Tenth and Slason streets. Leave, a 12:10 pm a 7:35 pm Arrive, a 4:03 pm a 8:15 um Chlcugo Limited..!!!. .Minneapolis anu at. Paul Express , ,. . Minneapolis and St. Paul Limited For Dodgo Local b 7:00 am b 0:10 pm a 7:35 pm a 8.15 am from Co. llluffs . .. b 4:30 pm b 10:16 am a Dally, b Dally exeep' Sundays, MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL-road- Gene-al Olllces and Hcket olllces Southeast Cor ner 14th and Douglas St, 'lelephono 104. Depot Union station. fat. Louis, Kansas Nebraska Limited .. K. C.-St. L. Express. Lave. Arrive. & ...a 3:05 pm ai2;40 pm ...alOilO pm a 0.13 um Lenvo from 15th Webster sts.: Nebraska Local und Via . t?p.iis ;: nA,.' h5:03pm a 9:13 am OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL- road-Omaha. Kansas Cltv & Eastern Rallroad-"Tho Qulncy Route" Ticket Of fice. 415 Farnnm Street, 'lelephone, 322. Depot, T. nth and Slarcy Streets, Tele phone. 629. Leave. Arrive, St. IxduIb Cannon Ball Express a 6:05 pm u 7:05 am Kansas City and Qulncy Local a 7:00 am a 9:00 pm a Dally. CHICAGO, SIILWAUKKK & St. Paul Rallwny - CICty Ticket Ofllce, 1504 Farnnm Street. Telephone 234, Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets Telvphono C29. Chicago Limited Ex, . . .a 7:33 rm a 8:00 am Chicago & Omaha Ex .bll:00 um b 3S pm Sioux City ana Dos Slolnes Express blltOO am b 3:63 pm a Dally, b Dully except Sunday. W ABAS II RAILROAD Tlckot Ofllce, 1501 Farnam Street. Telephone 836. De pot, Tenth, and Slarcy BtreetM, Telephone 623. Loave. Arrive. ..xpress a b;uj pm a 7:i5 am St. Louis "Cannon Ball." a Dally. Not 11 it ! 11 1 PliiKiif, SMYRNA, Slay 13. The siiepocted case of bubonic plaguo which created such a com mercial disturbance hero ban been shown not to bo that dlseaot). MlLWA"HEEl Jvpllk KNEELING NOT INTERDICTED Mithotliiti Will Oontinuo to Get Down on Tuair Knioi in Prajar. CONFERENCE IS CUTTING Off EXPENSES Retrenchment Mn Amilhlhile t bureU I'll per PiihlNlied at Omnliii und Deliver m, .Mel hod of Vol Inn, CHICAGO, May 12,-(Special Corrcsrond. ence.) Auother week of tho .Methodist gen eral confercin-o has passed and your ro.ulors nave Deen well ered by tho Associated Press dispatches so far as general matters are concerned. It Is to be notoJ, however, that lit thejo reports mnny Inaccurate thliiRj appear, due, undoubtedly, to the fact that a reporter whn may have boon accustomed to reporting prlr.e-llghts, political conventions, base ball garnet) and other convocations, tho nihilities of which are not hero Impeached u nny way, may not ulwn)B be tuialiflcd to tin derstand the Import and effect of the action of a religious body because Im is not grounded in the existing laws, doctrines and traditions. For Instance, tho Associated Press reported through jour paper that tint conference decided by vote that .Methodists should no longer knee! In pruycr, nnd pro tended to give the proceedings In that behalf. Now, this was a matter of news to your readers, and distressing news, perhaps, to many an old .Methodist who has knelt nt his devotions since ho first learned to lisp Ul pruycrs nt tils mother's knee. The fact la that Dr. Tlmlull of Nebraska offered a resolution calling for tho observance of tho attitude of kneeling In prayer at public de votions, nnd the general conference promptly laid it on tho table, because there Is already lu the discipline of the Motuudlst church a provision to that effect nnd you cannot maka a thing stronger to repeat It. The time ol the general conference, estimated on the cost, is worth about $10 for every minute It Is In actual legislative sewslon, and It Is not coimldered desirable to waste It on trivial nnd unnecessary matters. Retrenchment Is lu the nlr and It looks as If It would result In killing off tiulto a number of church pnporo. Among them tho Omaha Cbrlallnn Advocate, iiubllshed at Omaha, nnd tho Rocky Mountain Christian Advocate, published nt Denver. Kour year ago the conference granted each of thcoo papers an annual HUhsldy of $3,000, so that In the last four yours each Iiuh drawn $12. 000. H Is now propesed by many to cut off all suliMldles. Thlti means that uulera local parties continue to publish thewe papers whleh apparently must bo done nt u Iom they will be discontinued. There Is a otrong pull by the western Sllti-sourl and tho Kansas dclegatlotiH to remove the Central Christian Advocate, which Is a strong pa per, and the book depcaltory from St. Louis to Kansas City and consolidate the Omaha and Rocky .Mountain Chrlstlau Advocate.) lth It. Thin may 1h done, but the St. Louis ami the southern Illinois poiplo hnve entered a vigorous protest ngaln.it it. The elections nre to begin next Tuesday. They were to havo begun on Monday, but today tho committed on episcopacy, who havo had under consideration the question of retiring or not retiring wane of the pre ent bishops, nnd how many new once ohnutd bo elo-ted, asked for moro time. It lu be lieved that they will report lu favor of tho cffectiveiieFs of nil tho prtwent bishops. Whether any new ehx-tlnna of blwhop will bo recommended Is a. sealed book. Tho very prnotlcnl resolution offered and argued by me a few days ago to the effect that all oflVeers should bo voted for 011 a slnglo sheet ballot Instead of having a sep arate ballot for each of tho forty or fifty otllceii) to be elected, lias already boms fruit. Heretofore ninny day of the confer ence were consumed In the elections nnd somo men would tnrt at tho tcp of tho list and run for every ofllco until at last they either got one or there were no more left. Tho committee on elections has reported favoring a grouping of tho olllces so that In one case twelve olllcern will bo vced for on one ballot. The effect will be to do awuy with u great deal of electioneering and to savo much valuable time. The friends of the resolution are gratified at this entering wedgo and believe "that ultimately practical politics will control tho matter of the bal lot, 60 that all may he voted for on ono ballot and no man may run for more than one olllco nt the same election. CHARLES A. GOSS. HAS A HANDSOME SOUVENIR lteeelpt for the First Snliherlptlon to the Lincoln l.llirni-y Site Owned by Oiiiii lilt Mini. An Interesting souvenir of the now Car negie library which Is to be erected In Lin coln on the site purchased by popular sub scription Is In the possession of Victor Hose, water, in the form of u certificate of roceipt for tho llret contribution. When It becamo ovldent that tho efforts to procuro the dona tion of n site to fulfil the conditions of Sir. Carnegie'i endowment had fulled Sir. Ito-to-water, as a member of 1I10 Omaha Public Library board, took It upon himself to suggest that a popular tiubsrrlptlon was the best way out of the difficulty und teniliired a subscription of $25, 'I lie receipt which ho has renila: "This corlifloR that Victor Rnsewnter has contributed $23 to the popular aubjcrlptlon to purchase u site uud booke for tho Lincoln public library, this being the Unit num t.ut scrlbcd. Library Hoard of tho City of Lin coln, by C. I). Ilyntt, secretary." This suhosrlptlnn, moreover, Is the only one rerorted as coming from Omaha, Proposed Alliance with Eiiuliinil, If tho United Stales and England should form an alliance, the combined stiength would ho so great that there would bo little chance for enemies to overcome us. In a like manner, when men und women keep up their bodily strength with Ilostetter's Stomach Hitters, there Is little chance of ntlncks from disease. The old-tlmo remedy enriches the blood, builds up the muscles, steadies tho nerve.s and Increases the ap petite. Try It. , , llolinrt In 'la Ken llueie. Ilyton Unhurt of St. Louis, the young man who has lieen seriously III lu his room at 11 local hotel for several days, was so mu 'h Improved vesterdav that he was removed to St. Imls by his father, II. K. Hobnrt, nnd Dr ti W. Cole, the llobnrts' family physlrlan Sir. Unhurt has been 4iy tho bedside uf Ills sou for the lust three days, und becoming alarmul, wiled for Dr. Cole, who came to Omaha on a special train. B. F. Unhurt Is one of the most prominent millionaires lu St. Louis. He Is 11 larg stockholder In the St. Louis & Sun Krun clsco rnllroad. Is u coal mine operator on an exleni-lve scale nnd Is otherwise Inter ested lu mammoth enterprises. Dr. Calu Is chief Hurgeou for tho 'Ktlsco railroad, Scleneo has found that rheumatism Is caused by urlo ncld In tho blood. This , polenn should bo excreted by tho kidneys, ' No rhoumatlsm with healthy kidneys. I Foley's Kidney Curo always makes thoin 1 well. For salo by Slyers-Dlllon Drug Co., Omaha, Dillon's Drug Storo, South Omaha. "ViMltliifc In Siiiiim,oii'n Hen I hi. The first company of aspirants desiring to swear alleglnnce to King Ak-Sar-llen will be conducted through the naturalization ceremonies tonight In the personal charge of Samson, lord high chancellor. A variety of novel tests have been arranged to test tho worthiness of the candidates. It Is nssured the Initiatory ceremonials uro nmuslng nnd perfectly harmless. "After suffering from piles for fifteen years I was cured hy using two bnxfl3 of He Witt's Witch Ha?el Salvo," writes W. J. Haxter North Hrook, N- C. It heals every thing. Uowaro uf counterfeits,