THE OMAHA DAILY II 15 13: MONDAY, MAY II, 1000. COUNCIL BLUFFS. of Ihe top wi ll n Ml .ir-olis tc t nip ,r tonn itii I". try r.e tn ,n to tc talumt a (Ucp Intt-rc in tlio nciv ex-erixent nnd 'be ! ou' omc will be wnt bed wl'b tnu. h nrl- olty by those not Ititlmatrly lOnnccted wrh tha-experlmont, ns well a by thone that hnve MI.NOIt MUST 10. Davis sclln glass. On fixtures nnd globes nt Hlxby's. Magazine bound, Moorehouce ft Co. Iludwelsor beer. h. Iloscnfeld, nRcnt. Iau-Iua Wells In In ("hluiRO on business. Fine, A. H. C. boor, Neumnyer's hotel. Bchmldt'n photoi, new tind latest styles. Mrs. J. D. Edmundon Is visiting In'Shen findouh, la. Sf fi.ur,.,6 framed pictures. C. II Alex nnder & Co., 311 H'wny. lM,s,l.!''z?,?.iTnomns of Ncotn, la., Is in tho city vIMtlng frlendfl. AI.r"i V-." '''"I't of Vine street Is re Bortod to bo seriously 111. Get your work dono nt the popular Eagle laundry, 721 liroadway. 'Phone 157. V. C. Estop, undertaker, 2S Pearl street Telephones: Olllce. 67; residence, 33. Miss Emma Itlnk left .Saturday evening for a visit with friends nt North Platte, Neb, Mrs. CJeorRo Itoblnson of Sixth street has ns her cuest Mrs. II. D. Hush of C'rcxco, Neb. Mrs. M. U Ilrndbury slowly recovering from a serious Illness of several weeks duration. Mrs. James Perry and on hnve gone to Pawtueket. II. I where they wilt mnko their future home. Miss Helm Smith of 720 South Sixth street Is enjoying a vllt from her uncle, John T. Smith of Woodbine, In. . H. Cass of 221 Washington avenue Is njnviMK n vmu rrnm nis mother ana brothef of West Superior, Wis. T.I r.. ...... - ... i.uK.'ir nuiiivnn or .Monnnmin. in., was iiriiHKiu io i no woman s i-nristlnn associa tion hospital Saturday evening for treat ment. George. H. Jnekson left Saturday evening for Montreal, Can , to attend the meeting of tho supremo council or the Itoyal Arcnnnm. Mar Karpeler, advertising manager of Iho nermnn Courier. Illrmlnghiim. Aln.. It ve iling his brother-in-law, M. Hand, at Uluff street. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Ynnrov left R.itiml.iv evenlni; I t Hpoknne, Sent tie. Portland and other points. They expect to be absent a month or six weeks, If. M. Met, commercial agent of the Illinois Central, soent vcterdny nt Kn-e-Port, III., where Mrs. Met and daughter Clenevlevo nro vhdtlng relatives and friends. I. II. Oreer. local freight and passenger nrent of the Milwaukee railway, left Hnt urduy evening fur New York, where he will bo the guest of the olllclats of the I.ohtixh rond. Mm. H. E. Osborn nf Weton, In., who hiiH been n patient nt the Woman's Chris tian asoelatlnn hospital, has so far re covered as to be able to be removed to her liomo j'esterday. Emmet Parks, stepson of Jacob W. Kirk, 2.110 Avenue II, was removed to the Wom en's rhrlstlnn association hnspltnl yester day afternoon In tho patrol wagon, suffer ing from n severe attack of lung fever. Will Kane, a well-known young man of thlM rltv. wants It understood that he is not the W. S. Kane, who, while escorting Miss Tin Hon home from n dance, ran nwny and left her 'nt tho mercy of a brutal nerro. Philip Raltzmnn. n young son of Moses Snltzmnn, the liroadway second-hand gnorti merchant, will have a hearing In police court thin morning on tho chnrgo of dis turbing the pence. The liov had trouble with a neighbor, Mru. Matthews, who re cently caused the arrest of tho elder Saltz mnn on a similar charge. Kate flllmnro, the young woman who at tempted nt a late hour Saturday night to end her troubles on this earth, with Inud nimni, was siilllelently recovered yesterday morning to ho removed from police Head quarters to her home on KIcliHi avenue. A quarrel with her lover Induced her to ntteeti't to take her life. Thn last business mooting for the summer of the Woman's Christian association will bo held tbli afternoon nt o'clock at tho residence of Mrs W. W. Wnllacem. 37 llluff street. Following the business ses sion nil Interesting musical program will he slwn for tho benent of the relief fund fo work among tho sick poor of the city. ImiIs Perron, a member of the High school team entered In the bike races nt tho comlP2 State High school Held meet. was detected Saturday evening by Olllcor Matlock In the act of r ding hl wheel on the sidewalk. Ills arrest followed nnd he wn.s compelled to leave his bicycle ns se curity for ins nppcarnncq in poiico court this mornln.7. O. C. A I by of Ififio Third avenue spent Sunday In the eltv lull, hnvlnc been arrested Saturday night on complaint of his wire, who cnnrgoit mm witn nennnc ner. It Is also alleged that Alby permitted one of TiN horses to stnrvo to death In his barn nnd tho nonce discovered two more that were on their last legs from wnnt or food and attention. Jonas Washington Thnmns died yester day morning nt the residence of his daugh ter, Mrs. V Covnlts of Corner township, about six miles northeast of Council muffs. He was f,7 sears of ago and denth was due to paralysis, lie leaves one daughter nnd three sons, Mrs. P. Covalts of Clarner township. J. O. Thomas of Plattsmouth. tNel., nnd James and Alvln Thnmns of lloone. la. Tho notice of funeral will bo given Inter. Through the combined Influence of Super intendents II. 11. Ilnyden nnd O. J, Mc Manus nnd Principal W. N. Clifford an effort Is being mnde to secure nn examina tion for state certiorates nnd state diplomas In Council Hluffs, la.. Juno 'J3 and 3ft This examination, provided that there nro a HUlllclent number desiring to tako such ex amination, will bo held In tho county super intendent's olllce during tho last two days of the normal Institute. A 2-yenr-old son of Jneob Stein, the Uroailwny Junk denier, had a narrow escape yesterday afternoon from being crushed to death beneath the wheels of nno of the largo open motor cars on liroadway. Tho ohlld was playing In tho street and stepped ou tho track Just ns tho motor npproached. The motorncer pullcl up tho car within a few Inches of tho child. A number of women on tho cur who thought the child's death certain screnmed nnd one fainted nwiy. Tho Woman's llcllef corps committee on decoration fur Memorial day will meet Fri day afternoon at 4 o'clock In Grand Army of the Republic hall. The members of the eommitt'eo nro Mesdames Iloun, Poster, Kettle." Hrown, Hooker, Abbott. Itoper and Tnlbott. Tho committee extends nn Invita tion to nil patriotic women of the city to assist them on the Tuesday before Decora tion day In making wreaths and hoqucts o Plato on the graves of the fallen veterans. IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE City Attorney His the Djcnmsnt R?ady to Give to tli 8 Council. DEFECTS IN THE OLD ONE REMEDIED lllll .So Prepared ns to Ennlile the I'll hIi I ii i; of I'm I n u, AtotiK Streets Already Petitioned I'nr !) L'ltlieiiN, Tho new general Improvement ordinance ncrenso contracted for with the fanners ome of the business men have contra :tcd for the cultivation of several acres. Ills rioutliiK Mil loon lllemil. ONAWA. Iu., May 13. (SpeMal.) Charlea Tlppcry, who has been keeping a f!o.Ulng ealoon In the Missouri river between On awa and Decatur, Neb., the same being anchored near the shore opposite the south east corner of the cast hnlf of the south east quartci" of section 7, township 83, range 4G, In Lincoln township. Monona county, Iowa, was tried In Justice C. M. Iloss's court, charged with selling Intoxicating liquors. Ad Castor, Fred Slojn, Charles Worrell and Pete Itlggs all testified to buy ing beer and whisky of Tlppcry on the boat. Justlco Hoss concluded his Jurisdiction ex tended over the waters of the Missouri river drafted by City Solicitor Wadsworth to con-! ns well as on dry land and held Tlppery to form with tho new law regarding tho levy- tho next term of the Monona district court Ing of special assessments will como up for and fixed his bond at J300. paesago at tho adjourned meeting of tho city council tonight. Tho ordinance Is n Clmm fr Lieutenant Colonel, most Important one, as It is under this! TOLEDO, In., May 13,-(Speclal.)-MaJor measure that the streets of the city nro to , Samuel E. Clapp of this city, who com be paved. Under the new law special lm-1 manded tho Klrst battalion of tho Forty- provemtnts will he taxed up against ad joining property according to benefits de rived and not according to the lineal feet frontage as heretofore. The principal changes In the new ordi nance occur In sections 4, 7 and 8, which In part are as follows: Sec. 4. When any such Improvement, authorized by this ordinance, shall hnvo been completed, tho city engineer shall re port the same to the city council, together witn n statement snowing tne street, or i m. aiiri'i. ii r, ----- . , streets, or unrts of streets, avenues or ai- tho next highest olllce In the regiment leys, upon wnicn sucn improvement upon which such Imnrovetneiit has neen mime, tne separate pieces of property, the lots or parcels of ground abutting thereon and the names' of the several own ers thereof us far as practical and the total costs of such Improvement or Improve ments. 111! hiding nil lirmier rnula ntiil Inrl. dentals. I'tion tho filing of such report the city council shall ascertain ami determine what portion of such costs shall be bv law and ordinance assessable upon abutting or ndjocent property, but In no case shall tho amount assessed against any lot, piece or parcel of ground be greater than the spe cial heneilis accruing to said lot, pleco or Ii.ircel of ground on account or such Im provement, nnd In no 'nse shall the amount charged, levied or assessed against any lot. jilece or parcel of ground be In excess of 2o per cent or the actual value or such lot, piece or parcel of ground nt the time of such levy, and In ease It shnll bo ascer tained by the city council that the total cost of such street Improvement or sewer construction shall be greater than the spe cial henellts conferred upon abutting or adjacent property, then, and In that ense, the excess of such costs over the amount of such special benefits shall be paid out of tho general fund, or for sewers out of tho sewer fund. Sec. 7. r ho cost of nny street Im provements nt the Intersection of any streets, highways, avenues or nllcys, or any pnrt thereof, and one-half of the cost of the. same nt spaces opposite streets, ave nues or alleys Intersecting, but not crossi ng, nnd of spaces opposite property owned by tho city of Council lllurfs or the United States, except that portion to be nssesscd to or paid tor by railways or street rail ways, as provided by law, may be levied and nss or fron j SOUTH OMAHA NEWS, j Secretary Wntklns nf the Commercial club taken hold of the matter. Aside from the j Is wrestling with the Jitilr fields preposition, somo months ago a company organized ror tho purpose of drying hair tecured a tract of land down near the and lommenced operations. He fire sUHing to work tho hair company secured 'tho consent of the city council to the location, which permis sion is really In tWs Shape of a franchise. Complaints have betin made to members of tho Commercial club by persons re-deling near the hair fields .and an effort Is being tnado to cause tho fields to bo declared a nuisance. An Investigation has been mado by tho sanitary Inspector and several mem bers of tho club nnd, It is nsserted, tho fields cannot be considered a nuisance. Tho industry gives employment to about thirty men, who all tecelvo good wages, nnd If tho fields are abandoned these men will bt thrown out of employment. For tho last hulf dozen years there hao been a constant wrangle about tho drying of hair near tho city. Some assert that tin odor arising from tho hair Is extremely dis agreeable nnd that the establishment Is therefore a nuisance. Hair was formerly dried over near Cudahy's packing house, but protests caused the tcmoval of the fields to a polut near Forty-fourth and L streets. Some property In thnt section changed hands nnd tho hair company was compelled to look for a now location. This was found Just over tho lino In Sarpy county, but the Sarpy county authorities would not have It, and then a portion of the Kountzc land along the river front was secured, along with permis sion from the city. The local authorities regulato tho hauling of hair through the city and Insist that tight wagons hocused. Of late no complaints have been mnde"hbout tho method of hauling hair and for a year there was no kick about the fields. ninth Iown during the regiment's service In. tho Spanish-American war, has been elected lieutenant colonel of the regiment nt an election on Thursday night. Returns re ceived from all tho companies of the regi ment show Major CInpp to have received 209 votes; Thrift, 122; Illocklingcr, ID, and Ham, 5. It makes Major Clapp tho recipient of seven different commissions, ho having held now, in consecutivo order, the commissions from second lieutenant of Company K up to I.ONHCH nt Vllllncil. VII.USCA, In., May 13. (Special Tele gram.) Full losses resulting from tho flro I of yesterday are not yet known, C. N. Stoddard of Vllllsca, who Is part owner of the burned lumber yard, says their loss will bo $21,000, with $13,000 Insurance. The Kutifc livery barn was owned by outside -parties, and the loss and Insurance on It cannot be obtained today. Kunco carried an Insurance of $500 on his buggies nnd personal property. The Oxford hotel build ing also belonged to outside parties, nnd nothing Is known about the Insurance on It. Landlord Oxford loot a part of his furniture, but Is fully Insured. edge Nerves on Could not Concentrate my Thoughts; Could not Sleep an Hour at a Time without Waking; Was Almost Distracted. After Years of Suffering f Was Cured b$ Dr. Miles' Nervine. Wiir on Petty (iiinililliiK. IlEI) OAK, In.. May 13. (Special.) The mayor has been endeavoring to break up the petty gambling resorts which havo been conducted In tho city, many of which hnve been patronized by boys. Several arrests of crap-Bhoolers have been made, but It has been Impossible to securo convictions on ac count of Inability to secure direct evidence that they were Indulging In the game for a money consideration. SIIiIcj'n .Veil Line. SII1LEV, la.. May 13. (Special.) Work oVed I against the property nbuttlug 'R bclnK ,m'llc, rap,,lly 00 tho (5oWrle & tins on. or In ense of sewers ait- Northwestern railway, a lino running from jaceni 10 mm portion or the street, high way, u ven no or alley so Improved, In pro portion to the special benefits conferred upon said abutting or ndjacent jiroperty: provided, however, that the entire levy nnd assessment ngulnst any tileee or parcel of land shall not exceed 2., per cent of Its nctuo! value. In case the city council shall not levy and nssess the whole cost of In tersection Improvement as In this section provided ngnlnst the abutting or ndjacent property and fignlnst railways or street railways, the balance of snld cost, not so nssesseu, slinll ue pain for out of the gen Oowrlo In Webster county to Sibley. It I expected tho line will bo In operation by October 1. Tho Northwestern Iowa Veterans' associa tion will hold Its annual meeting at Iloclt Itaplds Juno 19, 20 and 21. Iimvii NtMVN Xoten. An Iowa Central train near Olds struck a linby cab. In which a baby was sleeping, nnd threw the little one nbout fifty feet. The child was unconscious when picked up, f.i i. t... t i ... ". i", ... 'The child was unconscious section four (41 . here., 1 ut,ut" "' I but not dangerously Injured. How tho baby See. S. ir tho eltv rniiiicll nhnll. w resolution, so elect. It mnv assess the cost. or street Improvements In front of nnd camo on the track Is a mystery. The first money order Issued In the Bur lington postotllce was on November 4. ISM. nbuttlng on property owned by the city or 1 The nmount wos $20 nnd the fee to tho pur minim jjiuiis or inn united stales nnl tno N. Y. Plumbing Co.. Tel. 250. Abused Hie Miillx. John W. Palmer, n farm hand In tho em ploy of Clydo Scott, near Macedonia, this county, will have a preliminary hearing this iiornlng beforo United States Commissioner Wright on tho chargo of oendlng obscene anattcr through tho malls. Ho was arreaten Into Saturday evening at Macedonia by City Marshal Itayburn on Information furnished Jiy Deputy United States Marshal McNnughi of this city. Ho was placed over Sunday In tho new Jail at Macedonin, of which he has the distinction of being tho first occupant. nnd will bo brought to thlu city this morn lng. Postmaster Dlnwlddlo of Macedonia had received Instructions from the depart ment to watch for Palmer several days ago nnd ho caught him as he was entering the oillco Saturday evening for his mall nnd turned him over to the city marshal. The offenso Is mid tn bo a most flagrant one". Oas stoves nro cheaper thin stoves and they do not explode. gasollno Derllilek Dub ProKriuu. Tito minting of the Derthlck club this evening will bo the Inst but one for tho eca sou of 1899-IA0O nnd Is under the direction of Mrs. Herbert Mullls. Tho next meeting, com riming me season, win bo made nn open nuwlcalo and the program will bo In charge of Prof. C. F. Steckelberg. The program for tlib evening follows: (n) Canzonettn Godard (b) Mlnuetto Mzct .miss wins una .Mrs. j. ,m Sylvester. To-eador Song, from "Carmen'' Illzet Clydo II. Altchlson. Vnlao I.ento Oellbes ;uiss .McDonald. Kcrmess, from "Faust". tlounod-St. Snens .MIKK Kill. "My Heart nt Thy Hweet Vo!co"..St. Sacns .M18H illKKUIH, Miuurkn St. Saens Miss Wrlsht. -Open Thou Thy lirlght llluo Kyes" ;,".";'.' Massenet Mlis Mclntrre. Sketches of composers (selected) Ilcnd by Miss UcVol. excess of tho cost of any street lmnrove- ment over nnd above the amount of tho henellts nccrulnc to nbuttlng or ndjacent property, fronting on the streets, nvcnui's, nlleys or highways so Improved, upon nil tho property in the city and by resolution or ordinance, after the completion of tho work, shnll levy nt one time tho wholo or any part of tho cost of said Improvement, upon nil the tnxnble property within tho city nnd determine tho wholo percentage of tax necessary to pay the same nnd a per centage to be paid each year, not exceeding mo maximum annual limit or said taxes i and the number of years not exceeding ten, ! Kneu iur uie mammy 01 eacn insmiiment ntl,i ,i,,. v. , iiiv ,1 n-r ui mini ii'vu ff Pliilil ue filed with tho nnd tor of Pnttnwattnmln county, setting forth the amount or pcr eentago and maturity of said tax, nnd each installment tliereor, upon tho nssesscd valuation of nil tho nssessnble property in said city, the same to be certified as cor rect by the city clerk nnd thereupon said tax shnll bo placed upon tho tax lists ot Pottnwuttnmle county nnd tho receipt from said levy shall constitute a city Improve ment fund which shnll be sot apart and used only to pay the excess cost or such Improvement over nnd nbove the amount nssesseu upon mo auuitmg property on no chaser was 15 cents. An employe of the olllco came across the order the other el-ay wnue going over some oiu recoros. W. J. Haughmnn of Crlswold Is now serving n five years' sentence In tho peni tentiary on tho ehnrgo of Incest. Tho prliulpnl witness for the prosecution hns mado nn nuiuavit mut me testimony ni the trial was tierlured nnd now nn effort Is being mado to securo a pardon for the condemned man The adjutant general hns given up his prolcet for a united encampment of the national guard of the state at the capital this year. Tho encampments will bo as heretofore, by regiments. The Forty-ninth nnd Fiftieth regiments will, In nil proba bility, camp at Cedar rtaplds, where the state rllle range Is located. N. W. Mclvor. nt one time nctlnir ndlu tnnt general of town, nnd Inter Cnlted States consul nt Yokohama, Is reported to bo making a fortune in the Orient. He Is the general counsel nt Yokohama for tho American Tobacco company, and hns gen ernl control of tho Interests of this trust In tho Orient. Mr. Mclvor's salary Is said io oe 5i;i,iu per year. Judge. Trimble nf Keokuk wns In Des Moines tho other dav. nnd In renlv tn nn Inquiry or a Register reporter, said: "No count of the benefits nccruing to said prop- 1 wis not down at the convention last eriv oy reason oi sip n improvement. ". ' mm. mim m u uniiuiuu. ti,. , . ...,.iu ... i . i ..... The party In Iowa seems to be more enn- 1U dl.i-1-.b u,,.i.,uieii pave, uui S(,rvlltlvo tMii ycnr, but they will go down work on which wns postponed, owing to tho to Kansas City nnd nominate llrynn and defect In tho special assessment laws, were that Is too much for me. I wns through aq follows- Vnrth Viln utrnot hntu-pnn ' wll party when the silver ngltntlon as ioiiows. .Norm .Main street, between fnmo Iiml lt w, tllk(1 some t)nu fnr ,t liroadway and Washington avenue; Bryant , to eoul off. So long ns Ilryan Is a leader, street, between UronTtway and Washington avenue; North Second street, between liroadway and Washington avenue; Wash ington avenue, between Main and Harrison streets; Fourth street, between liroadway nnd Ninth avenue; Willow avenue, between Main and Third streets; Park avenue, be tween liroadway and Pomona street. Contracts for this paving wcro let, but It is understood that under tho order of things bids will have to bo advertised for again and fresh contracts let. Onco thp or dinance Is passed lt Is exported that tho council will take tho steps to push tho pav ing along, as tho property owners arc anx ious that It should bo done and already two petitions havo been presented to tho council. llttlo elso can bo snld for the iiarty. TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST WANTKD Largo wall showcase. Address Ilnurlcius Muslo House, 335 liroadway, Council Bluffs, description, price, etc. Tel. m. Humored Police l lmiiurx, It 1b rumored that a number of changes will bo mnde In tho police forco within tho next few das. As the mayor hns absolute chargo of tbU department appointments mado do not have to be confirmed. Mayor Kelly has been casting nbout for a chief cf police and It Is now ascertained that he has a ceAiipotcnt man In view. All of tho nppll- When the nervous 6ystem is fo run down and worn out that sleep rcfuses to como to Its relief, tho llfo forces arc rapidly consumed and both physical and mental faculties kooii loso all power of recuperation. Nervo forco Is necessary to run tho human machine and must bo supplied from boiiic Bourco or lt breaks down. Dr. Miles Restoratlvo Nervine nourishes those organs that aro most In want. It soothoa tho irritated nerves, brings rest and refreshing sleep to tho tired brain, and cures nervous disorders of every kind. Tho following letters will bo interesting reading for those who aro suffering from nervous troubles. "Three years ago I was attacked by a strange form of nervous trouble and for a year I was very poorly. Then I begun having smothering spells, accompanied by a griping teusatlon In the clicr.t when It seemed as If the breath would leave me. I would alo have (pasmswhen it seemed nsi( the nerves were paralyzed. I could not sleep nt night, and was at all times restless and miserable, l'orslx months I was completely prostrated and most of the time was confined to my bed. Our home ph)icians failing to help me, we called In a noted specialist from llloomiiigtoti', but with no better results. I had become ery despondent, when, one day, a circular wns left atmydoor tellmgof Dr. Miles' Nervine apd what It was good lor. fcoinc of the people whose statements 1 tend had suffered just as 1 was suffering, and although I had no faith In advertised remedies, 1 determined to give the Nervine atrial. The results were man clous. It helped me from the first dose, and six bot tles restored me to my former good health. I have had no return of the old trouble and I feel that the relief Is permanent." Mrs. V. M. Dpnkin, I.e Uoy, UN. "About two years ago I was very much upset mentally and phsically by the death o( my son. My aliment finally developed into a had case of nervous prostration which out home physicians seemed unable to relies f, their treatment doing me no good whatever. I was In a terrible condition. My nervous sys tem wns all unstrung and I seemed at times on the verge ot losing my mind. 1 could not rest or sleep, frequently walked the streets halt the night in my "-cstlcssncss. In this extremity 1 remcmbctcd .hat some yeats be- hue I had been completely iclicvcd of heatt trouble by Dr. Miles' Heatt Cure, nnd I thought perhaps 1 might find some relief from the same source for my ner ousncss. The next day! ptuclmsed a Nittlc of Dr. Miles' Nervine ami the effect of the first doscw a marvel, liefore the first bottle was gone 1 was greatly improved and In a.shott time niter I was relieved of every trace of the disorder. . Hkoaddus, Lacon, Ills. Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold nt all drug store on n positive guarantee. Ywltc lor Irtm advice and booklet to Dr. Milks Mr.niCAt. Co., Klkhart, Ind. the olllco of Superintendent Wolfe In the I High school building ou Wednesday even- , lng for tho purpose of arranging for a re- . ciptton and banquet to bo given the High ' school graduating class. This association Is , cations filed for this place havo been care composed oi sixty mcmoers an u is in a ..ii.. .,t.i. i i, it, ,..,. i,,,, y,n i. . iioiiriHiuug euiiiiiuuii. i ue uanuuei iu iu slsts thnt tho man he appoints must bo com petent. With tho naming of a chief it Is expected that tho regulations governing tho department will be more strictly en forced nud that only men capable of filling certnln requirements will bo given positions on the force. Huslness men nro evincing considerublo Interest In tho reorganization of tho department and tho mayor Is being urged to hasten tho selection of a chief. Planting; Heels I inter Way. Today tho local company organize.! a few days ago will comtnenco the planting of b-o's on the Chapman tract ucar llellevuo. Those interested assert that fifteen tons of beets can bo raised to the acre, uud with lirty ncres under cultivation tho total output of this one tract will be 750 tons. At $1 a ton, which Is tho price offered by tho Ames beet sugar works, the sum of $3,000 will be io allzcd, Members of tho company consider tho Investment a good ono ns experts who havo examined the latid aro of the opinion that it Is especially well adapted to the rais ing of beets. Quite u number of families from Ilrown Park will remove to Ilellovue for tho summer to work In the beet fields. graduates Is an annual occurrence and Is alwas greatly enjoyed by those who at tend. 1 StrucU by n Triiln. ' Clay Neumeycr, employed by the Uur llngton road, wns Btiuck by a train on the tracks of thnt lino nt Thirty-ninth nnd L streets last night. His left arm and leg were cut off. Ho was taken to the South Omaha hospital. The physicians think his chances for recovery slight. I Council .Meeting; Tonlulit. An adjourned meeting of the city council will be held tonight. It Is expected that Mayor Kelly will submit tho nppolntmcnt of I). M. Click for building Inspector and pos sibly some other appointments. Mr. Click has boon serving ... uuhuiIik n.peclor since the last meeting of the council and there seems to bo no question na to his confirma tion. Tho council hns requested tho mayor to namo a poundmaster and this will be dono Just as soon as the right man for tho place is secured. There Is considerable bus iness to bo transacted besides nearly a dozen ordinances on second reading. Aiiilernoii-OlrNOii I'll lie rill. Funeral services over tho remains of Mra. Lena Anderson and Mary Oleson were held nt tho First Presbyterian church yes terday afternoon. A large number of friends of tho dececaed were present nnd the servlcs were particularly Impressive. Tho Dannc brog society and the Danish Slsterlico.l had chargo of tho dnublo funeral. Ilev. Paulson of Omaha and Hcv. Dr. Wheeler conducted tho services. Members of tho societies men tioned attended In a body and tho church wns crowded to the doors. Many beautiful floral offerings were sent by friends and tho societies mentioned. Gravel roofing. A. H. Head, Gil D'way. Commonwealth 10-ccnt cigar. Ono thing to cnnslder when you buy cigars always get the best for tho money. Try tho Commonwealth. That Is Buro to suit. Howell's AntI-"Kawf" curcH coughs, colds. "Mr. HHey" D-eent cigar. Davis sells paints. SiiioUcm Out n Criminal. FAHIF1HLU, In., May 13. (Special.) Hert llnllcni, n prisoner In tho Jefferson county Jail, mado his esenpo nnd wno recaptured after an exciting chnsd of half an hour. As tho turnkey was giving tho prisoners their supper Hnllem, who was considered n trusty, mnde a dash for the unguarded door and suc ceeded In gaining his freedom. Tho alarm wns quickly given and tho olllcers immedi ately began pursuit. Deputy Sheriff Wilson Heed learned that tho man had been seen go ing east along the "Q" track, and followed In thnt direction. Hnllem was locates! under a culvert about a milo and a half cast ct tho city, but refused to como out. Tho olll cors were In n quandary ns to a mode of proceduro until they hit upon u plan of literally smoking their quarry out of his hiding place. This proved successful am! tho escaped was reincarcerated without fur ther difficulty. Hallom is nn old offender and H being held over until tho next term to an swer to a trivial chnrge. I'll I r, ivllli Cooler In AVestern Xe. Ii rns U ii P rn I it lily TlituulerN tonus for 'I'lK'Niliiy, WASHINCTON, May 13. Forecast for Monday nnd Tuesday: For Nebraska Fair Monday, cooler western portion; Tiustlny cooler, probably thunderstorms; south to west winds. For Iowa Fair, continued warm Monday Tueslay cooler, probably thunderstorms; Eouth to west winds. For South Dakota Cooler Monday with fair In eastern, showers and probably thun derstorms and cooler In western portion; Tuesday showers, cooler In eastern portion; variable winds, For Missouri Fair, continued warm Mon- May and Tuesday, except cooler Tuesday In northwestern portion; south to west winds. For Wyoming Generally fair Monday and Tuesday; west to north winds. For Kansas Generally fair Monday nnd Tuesday; cooler Tuesday; south to west winds. Local Iteeord. OFFICR OF THK WF.ATHF.Ft ntTREAlI, OMAHA, May 13,-OIIlelal record of tem perature nnd precipitation, compared with tho corresponding day of the last thrco years: 1P00. IW. 1S! ISO Maximum temperature... SS ful. ni 51 Minimum temperature.... fiS 45 Kt 43 Average temporuture 78 50 (!) 4 l'recipitaiion w e .m ui Hecord of temperntiro and precipitation at Omaha for this day uud sluco March J, U'00: Normal for tho day Ill Kxoess for tho day 17 Kxoes since March I -10 Normal rainfall for tho day 0.11 in h Deficiency for tho day Oil ruh Total since March 1 5 CO Inch Deficiency since Mnreh 1 o.7l inch Deficiency fur cor. period, U9I. , . .2 IS Inches Deficiency for cor. period, ISM.... 1.12 inches Itepoi'la from Stutlona nt S p. in, Sellout Hoard Meeting. Tonight tho IIoar.l of Kducation will hold nn adjourned meeting for tho disposition of business held over from tho regular meeting and tho taking up of a number of now questions. Four enumerators will be appointed, ono for each ward. The annual school census Is taken in Juno and If tho work Is to commence on tlmo tho appoint ments must bo mndo tonight. On account of tho rapid growth of tho city It is ex pected that tho census this year will show n much larger school population than ever before. Ilonril of I'iiiiiiIIziiIIoii Meet. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week the city council will sit ns a Hoard -ot Penalization for tho purpose of receiving complaints on special tax assess ments levied recently. These special assess ments Include a number of grading dis tricts nnd other Improvements made within tho last fow months. All members of tho council aro supposed to attend theso sessions. Ililiiiliiel to (iriiilmileN. A meeting of tho South Omaha High School Alumni association will bo held at Mimic City ComkIii. i Sam Shrlgley has sold his barber shop ti W. S. llabeock. j Mrs. C. K. Scan- Is In Missouri, visiting friends nnd relatives. Mrs. J. T. Hudelson has nbout recovered from her recent Illness. John C. Carroll, formerly chief of police, has accepted a position with Swift uud Company. . Joe Ilnvcns has returned to his old posi tion nt Swift's, nfter u vacation lasting n couiilo of mouths. Mnt;tc City council, Knights nnd Lndles of Security, will attend u soelnl In Council Hluffs on Tuesday nlulit. Isaac Policy died at his homo, Twentieth street nnd the county line, Saturday. The funeral urrangements will be completed to-, day. Miss' Addle Mnsely has returned to her home nt Fremont, after visiting for n few days with her brother, Deputy Postmaster Mostly. .Miss Maud Hammond has returned to her homo at Lincoln., after vlsltlnir for n few days wdth Mrs. Murgaret Hudelson and, Mrs.' L. F. letter. Mr nnd Mrs. Kll If. Doud returned to1 lloone, la., yesterday afternoon, nfter n , few duys' visit with Mr. nnJ Mrs. D. L. Holmes nnd other friends. Kdwln C. Price, for n number of yenrs general manager of Swdft's plant here, ha returned from an extended soul hern trip. Mr. Price was compelled to give up his position some time ugo on account of III health, lie was In the city Saturday and met :i large number of his friends who wero delighted to see him back again. FIRE RECORD. I.lvery llnrii nt Crete. CHETD, Neb., May 13. (Special.) Ilo twecn 11:30 and 12 midnight the barn of Hugh McCargar caught lire from an un known cause. Luckily help was quickly at hand to releaso the horses and cows and drive them outside of tho building. Mr. MeCargar's well known stallion, "Kllfcl Wilkes." was In tho stable-, but was easily let out beforo tho flro reached his stall. Loss, $1,000 on barn and contents, covered by Insuranco in tho Hartford Insurance company. The roof of Hyatt's livery barn adjoining caught flro several times nnd wns only saved by heroic efforts of tho fire de partment. Damage about $200, covered also by Insurance. ItcNliIc ncc ill SI. Paul. ST. PAl'L, Neb., May 13. (Special.) The house of Prof. W. F. Hargravo of this city caught llro about 5:30 yesterday morning, an 1 alth'.ugh tho firo department was quickly on tho premises and extinguished the blaze tho house, especially tho upper story, wno badly damaged. The amount of the dam ago Is estimated at about 51.000 on house, library and household goods. It Is fully covered by insurance. Cured n Hiiiniluu Sore. "I had a bad .running soro on my breast for over a year," says Henry H. Hlchards of WillBoyvlllc, N. V "and tried a great many remedies, but got no relief until I used Ilnnner Salve. After using one-half box I was perfectly cured. I cannot recom mend it too highly, nnd will never bo wl' li mit It In tho houo." For sale by Mycrj Dlllon Drug Co., Omaha, Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha. 6TATIONS AND 3TATJB OF WEATHlin. "t, '2? I" 3; 7 3 3. ? ARM LOANS Negotiated In ICastem rteuraskn lid Iowa. James N. Casudy, jr., IM ilaln St., Cjunclt Bluff. HiiImIiiK Siikiii lleetx In Iimvii. IOWA FA LI A Ia May 13.-(Special.) Heet sugar headquarters wero opjueJ In this city yesterday and tho cultivation of this product as a now Industry In this section will bo given a thorough trial by tho farm ers this season. Ono hundred nnd eighteen acres havo been contracted for and arrange ments havo been completed for tho supply ot seed and tools as well as the marketing Omaha, part cloudy North Pintle', part cloudy... Salt Lake City, cloudy Cheyenne, clear Kapid City, cloudy Huron, clear Wllllston, purt cloudy Chicago, clear St. Louis, clear St. Paul, cloudy Davenport, clear Helena, cloudy Kansas City, clear Havre, cloudy , llismurck, clear Galveston, clear I,. A. WELSH, Local Forccist Otuclat. mmm LEA & PERRINS' O THE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE lioware of Imitations It is blfihly approved for Ilie very agreeable zest which it imparts to Soups, l'lth, Game, Hot sod Ccld Mcuis.'baladt, Wtlili Karcbiti, etc. This signature Ii on emj bottlo $8.00 $8l0l JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, Agents, Now York. Price Reduced One-Third The Funk & Wngttalls STANDARD DICTIONARY Of the English Language, 247 Editors and Specialists. 600 Readers for Quotations. Cost Nearly Ono Million Dollars. Complete, Succinct, Authoritative. PRICE REDUCED TO $8.00 It contains all there Is In tb English language, compiled, pro nounced and defined by tho most eminent specialists of tho pres ent day, In overy department of literature, science and art. PARENTS Should not underestimate tho value to their children of Immedlato consultation of a STANDAIID authority whenever any question arises with regard to a word. THE EAULY USE OP REFERENCE HOOKS by tho young leads to habits of thoroughness In study, prevents carcleaa writing, and cultivates exactness In convcisatlon. The ttlelicst Treiimire, "If every school trusteo and every man having a fam ily of crowing children coulil realize tho valuo of this Dictionary he would not bo long without It. lt Is worth more than tine clothes, jewelry, hlsh living or summer outings, line tends to tmprovo and ennoble tho charac ter and makes better cltlzepu of every person who studies It," Milwaukee Sentinel. TO YOUR CHILDREN OR A FRIEND It would bo difficult to find a moro de Irablc, useful or welcome present than THE STANDARD DICTIONARY 47 of tho world's most eminent men labored, and more than $960,000 ware expended to produco this magnificent work. It Is tho authority most valuol by the learned nnd the learner everywhere. It can now bo procured, elegantly bound In full sheep, at the unprecedented!- low prleo of $8.00. Megeath Stationery Company 1308 Farnam St., Omaha Mail Orders Given Prompt 'Attention $8.00 $8.00 The ice that costs ILLINOIS AUTOMATIC saves oii(!-third the ico ONLY PERFECT CIRCULATION fifth yoar in Council Bluffs. Imitation is its best recommendation. Largo food capacity. Full line of Photo Supplies. Cole & Cole Solo Agents. Council Bluffs, Iowa. Buy a Lot And build your own Home upon it, and Stop Paying Rent. Some vacant lots located in Central sub addition, Omaha addition and W ght's addition. Theso lots will be sold at real bargains. In a yoar or so they will bring double th money asked for them now. Apply at Bee Office, Council Bluffs.