THE OMAITA DAILY JJ12E. SUNDAY, MAY 11), 1000. ) RINGSIDE PATRONS ARE CAME Although They Agree in Saying Monday Might's Mill Wat a Fake. EXPECTED AN INTERESTING EXHIBITION Ilcltrf Freely l',x iirosneil Hull (lie I'rlni'liinln I'lxrit MfitterH mi (In- Diiy of t lie KlKlil. Tho KportHtnanllke qualities pcHe(scd by the sporting contingent of Omab.i wero domoustrated Mumliiy night nt tho conclu ilon of tlic lliisco which had toon previously announced a a boxing contest, with tho tacit understanding existing that during tho twenty round scheduled for tho cxhlblttun tho cotitcotnnlH would strlvu to gain thu mastery eich over tho other through thu agency of u knockout. Tho mntch waa a fraud, but tho big crowd of men who had attended the contest expecting to tec an In teresting presentation of the n.nnly nrt by a couplo of apt pupilu left tlu halt . Ithout dononstratlou of disapproval tr nny per tcptlblo Indication of hart.ui., t -at stalo ol mind designated as "ic.ii(-j ' Thoro wero few In tho big c.o..d of sports men hut that knew the fight been n farcical exhibition, but not one stopped to demand nny explanation and nonu Bought ft return of hlei money. Every man In the crowd had thd rcquUltes of a ttuu-bluo spotting enthusiast and no c I oar or demon titration could have) been mado "of thin fact than tho utlltudt) of tho spectator after tho co-called "mill" wan completed with Its cpcetnctilar finale. been so feverp nor would the cry of "fake" been so goneral. Had the contest ended a draw the spectators would havo smilingly ndmlltcd having -witnessed a fairly good ex hibition of sparring and kept to themselves their real opinions of tho frost. Hut a draw would not have been satisfactory to Supples, for his record would hardly havo been strengthen by having chalked up a draw In twenty rounds with Jack Abbott, a com parative 'unknown." It would certainly have been bettor for him, however, than a knockout gained under such shady cir cumstances. I'lnlii Opinion I'lnlnly Stntcil. As Illustrating tho prevalent feeling In sporting circles the following opinion of a man who Is prominent among the fraternity In Interesting: "Of all the rotten fakes ever palmed off on a gulllblo public that prizo fight taken the first place!" said he the day after tho contest. "It wan nothing less than a fraud and a swindle, and everybody con nected with it, both principals and promot ers, ought to be prosecuted for obtaining money under falso pretenses. Here wo.have tho sporting editor of a papor, making pre tense to somo ntandlng In the community, working up a hlppodromo that turns out to bo the rawest kind of robbery on tho peoplo who Blood to bo worked for $3 a ticket. Ho then comes out In his paper next morning with a holler, pretending he did not know who was at fault. "These same people who perpetrate such dwindles aro constantly complaining loudly that Omaha never sustains any legitimate sporting ventures and that tho clly Is dead j as a sporting town. Hut how can they expect sports to flourish when every time the public turns out to patronize some ex hibition recommended by these fakirs as In every rcrmect square and straight it finds that It has been buncoed and handed n marked deck. Such a fake exhibition as that last night works more Injury to legit imate sport than a dozen frosts at tho gate of good entertainment. There Is only one MAKES GOOD HIS PROMISE Manager Ronrke Red-eras His Word and Qirei Omaha Winning Ball Team FIRST LEAGUE GAME NfXT SATURDAY ltnjnl lloi'ciillon Attnltlnw l.ooiil ('lull mi It Iteturii from Iti Wmlcrn Tour, the I'rovlous to Monday nicht's exhibition tho nrndletlnn was frimlv made, that the tlmo I way loft to encourage sporting events In for a resuscitation of tin. ? uuarcd circle j Omaha and that is for everyone to polnt- amtiKomcnt waa rlpo In Omaha. That this prediction was truo wan moro than borno cut by tho splendid attendance at this af fair. Whether or not tho unsatisfactory fon (duslon of tho llrst pugilistic ovent held In Omaha In eight years will havo a tendency to oporate ngalnst future events In which stulfcd-glovo gladiators will bo tho prin cipals Is a matter of divergent opinion. It certainly did tho gamo no good, but tho ox tont of harm it wrought cannot easily be estimated. Who AViih ItfKiMillnllilc f Upon whom tho lcBpoustblltty rrtn for tho burlcsuuo palnnsl off on tlm public as a glovo contest 1h n question illlllctilt to set tle. This is particularly tho enso when con nldcrcl in tho light of events leading up to tho light. The principals, Curloy Suppler, and Jack Abbott, cnino highly recommended. Their records fairly good. Supples be ing looked upon with especial favor owing to his puglllHtlc career and tho fnet that ho Is generally considered ns a iwsslblo cnndl dato for lightweight championship honors. Tho two lighters had never met each other previous to tho day of the battlo In Omaha and prior to thti light each was optimistic oer the outlook. Roth seemed to consider tho battlo a crucial point in their enroers. Supples know that if ho should suffer a knockout at the hands of Abbott his future aspirations would bo wrecked and ho would practically bu a "dead ouo" In puglllHtlc circles. Abbott, on tho other hand, had tho ehanco of his life to put up a light against it promising lightweight and victory meant for him Immediate recognition as a "enmor." Tho circumstance of tho fight lead to tho belief that Abbott was "fixed"' during tho day preceding tho meeting, whereby he con vented for a consideration to release his chanceu for advancement In pugilistic cir cles and glvo Supples an easy victory. Tttoliey lleiilen Ail)' t'lillilnion. Oeorgo Tuohey, Supples' manager, and who, by tho way, stands well as n thoroughly rellahlo sporting man, denies knowledge of any collusion betwuon his protege and Ab hott. Tho existence of such collusion with out Tuobey's knowledge would not, how ever, bo Impossible. If this theory of the alTalr Is tho correct ono Supples' action In tho matter Is equally as roprehenslbhi as that of Abbott. They were presumed to glvo tho public an exhibition of their best talunt In tho pugilistic lino and by enter- blank refuse to buy a ticket to any enter talnment with which any of the men impli cated In this swindle are connected In any capacl.y whatever. Was It rotten? Why. even Sclp Dundy walked out beforo tho end of tho fifth round." Two rounds of fierce fighting did two things at Talteralls In Chicago Tuesday night. They put Joe Choynskl beyond tho pale of aspiration for heavyweight pugilistic honors and demonstrated that Tom Sharkey Ir Just ns clever In tho squared circle as his friends ever dared Intimate he wa?. Choyn ski was knocked out and it was accomplished by tho sailor In a fashion all his own. Tho six minutes comprising tho two rounds wera filled with sensational fighting and afforded a continuous performance of llvaly mixing. Choynskl was by no means a match for the big sailor and tho latter indicated by his exhibition that his clai-s Is confined to a few of tho best of the heavywolghts. That ho has Improved since his memorable fight with Jeffrlw was apparent and when he an nounced after disposing of Choynskl that he Intended to dolo out tho same treatment to nil comers, preferably Champion Jeffries himself. thcTe was none to Bay htm naught Shnrkey showed himself the possessor of i phenomenal phjslcal development and Choynskl's assertion after the fight, "tho Jcffrieses and tho Rtlhllns and tho other giants can havo him after this," wai an cx ptesslvo one. ATHLETES SHOW UP WELL Patrons of that time-honored Yankee game, which has lost none of Its popularity or attractiveness with tho passing of years, havo much reason for gratification in the inauguration of the new Western league sea son. Particularly Is this the case with Omaha "fans," and tht cup of happlncs of the local enthusiasts has been filled to overflowing during tho past week. Man ager William Artaxcrxes Ilourke has made good the promise he gave prior to the open ing of tho season when ho proclaimed that he hdd gathered together a winning team and President Keith has proved himself a handful of aces when It comes to a question of mascots. The big grandstand and bleachers down at the new park, which has had tlmo slnco the departuro of U.o local team to bo trans formed by tho ministration of Dame Nature Into a.n Invltldg greensward, will hardly U adequate to hold tho local enthusiasts who will gather next Saturday to extend tho glad mitt nnd tho cordial greeting to tho professldnal players whd havo taken a big stride toward the Western league pennant nnd aro a credit to Omaha, It is safe to predict that tho "heavenly twins," otherwise known as Keith and Hottrkc, will bo ac corded an ovation, whllo "Mir Wilson, "Lengthy" Hughes, Captain Jack O'Connell, Harry llurrcll, "Mobile" Iiuzon, "Mattle" McVlckcr and all tho rcjt of them will bo extended tho royal welcome. The first game, of the league season will bo played In Omaha next Saturday between Omaha and St. Jcscph, and tho excellent artlclo of ball with which tho season has been opened will bo the urder of tho day. Tho pent-up enthusiasm of the fans, which has been Increasing with tho dally favorablo returns from the Omaha team, will spend Itself on that occasion without stint, nnd Saturday promises to be a memorable day In the annals of local base ball. President Keith returned Krlday from Denver, whero ho tnrrlcd long enough to see his men, whom Manager George Tebcau cf Denver had previously dubbed as "ama teurs, " lambast tho Denverltes for thrco of tho four games plnyed, leaving tho western metropolis In mourning and Tebcau in sack cloth and ashes. Colonel Keith goes through several singes of ecstacles every time he stops to consider the magnificent performance of his players nnd dilates volubly upon the soveral talents possessed by each Individual member of tho team. Tho Omaha boys were extended every possible courtesy by tho people of Denver, despite tho keen disappointment they furnished tho natives by copping out all but ono of the four games. ONLY $522 A MONTH DR. IVIcGREW HAS CIVEN Sixty Thousand Free Consultations. DR. McGREW HAS MADE Fitty Thousand Free Examinations. DR. McGREW HAS TREATED Fitty Thousand Gases ot Diseases and Disorders ot Men Only. His entire professional life of twenty five years has been given exclusively to the treatment of this class ot diseases only. DR. McGREW'S reputation as a SKILLED and SUCCESSFUL SPECIALIST has ex tended until he is treating patients from almost EVERY STATE IN THE WEST. Patients actually coming a distance of almost 1,000 miles to be treated by him. His Quick Cures and Low Chtirgcs are the Wonder of nil His Competitors. Dr. McGrcw litis otic of tliu most complete systems of Combined Medical and Klcctrlc Treatments tluit can be found In tho west. . Electric Belts and Electric Appliances of All Kinds. Dr. MoGrew's exporienco of twenty-Hvo yoars in tho use of both those great remedies, Electricity and Medicine, has enabled him to effect some of the most astonishing and remarkable cures of Varicocele, Hydrocele, Stricture, Syphilis, and All Diseases of the Blood and Skin, Loss of Vigor and Vitality, Diseases and Disorders of tho Bladder and Kidneys, Weakness and Nervous Debility. Medicine and treatment sent everywhere by mail or express at tho small charge of only CL Ofl ' A IMOIVTH 2S Ycnrs f Unlimited Kxperiencc 14 Years in Omaha. iPUiUU J-V I. II CUKKS CUAKAVrKUI). IIOMU TKKATMKNT. Hook, Consultation nnd Kxuminution l'rec. Honrs, 8 it. in. to 5 p. m.; 7 to p. in. Sunday, !) to 1'2. Omiilin IIIkIi Ni'honl lloyn Unix" Curry OIT IntrrnpliolnMlo Honors. o For tho llrst tlmo this seuson tho High school track athletes gave nn Idea on Thurmliiy ot what may bo expected of thecn In the Interscholafitlc fleltl day to take place tho latter part of tho month. The occasion for tho test was tho nnnual Held day events, which were called this year at the Ames nvonuo park. Tho program Included twelve numbers, embracing feats of such character as to glvo opportunity to the most varied talent. Handsome medals of gold, silver and bronzo awaited the victors In addition to lio approbation of several hundred patriotic (Undents. An opportunity was given for comparison by the recent meeting of high school teams Ing Into a combine, ngreelng beforchanil on 1 at St. Joseph In which Nebraska City, the outenmo of tho mill, they adopted a (on trmptlhld method of defrauding tho public tnd ono tho rnnvniucnccs of which they could hardly daro hopo to escape. It Is not dlllK'tilt to undo rata ml the courso of reasoning ndoptod by Abbott and Sup ples. If they agreed upon tho collusion gen erally credited to them. Supples had sav ors! engagements booked for tho lmmeilluto future followlug his exhibition with Abbott. If hn ontcred tho ring with Abbott and bo--aino Involved In u Ilerco struggle ho might havo bcun Incapacltatnl for his othor en gagements and, Indeed, had n chance of be ing retired to oblivion by a knockout. Ab VoU was probably swayed rottirely by his greed for the financial Inducement held out to him. I'rntftlN Aro Kilt lie. Supples and Abbott may continue, from Leavenworth, Lincoln, Kansas City and St Joseph participated. Tho scores at bt. Joseph wero on tho whole better than those mado by the local men, as was to have been expected, considering tbo number of con testants and tbo schools represented. Ono St. Joseph record, live feet, four Inches, for tho high Jump, was equaled by Karl Painter, nho might p06albly have gone still higher. J. Skinner covered the SSO-yard run In tho creditable time of 2:19 4-5, tho best time at St. Joseph having been 2:19 Hat. The gale prevailing across tho field probably took a second from Moore's record. Roberts ap peared to good advantage In tho hammer throw and Is expected to make things In teresting for Tolilu of Lincoln, his principal opponent at tho Lincoln meet. Welsh reached a satisfactory mark In tho shot-put his score being thlrty-nlno feet, seven Inches m Zm Zo; protesting that tho 10,0, 1" 1 3-5 seconds fight wa on the sntmre. as they did on tho ''f""81 0'- ,"nlJ havc lcn thc record ...... .,, n.i. in . at ot. jogepn, night and tho day following their meeting, but few of tlm spectators who witnessed tho nffalf could bo made to bollovn It. no mat ter how plausible tho argument preaente-l. Tho IntcrscholnKtic meet will tako placo at Lincoln toward tho end of tho month on a date not yet llxed. Participants will bo present from thf- high schools at lleatrlce, The actions of the men n tbo ring from Fremont, York, Seward, No- the tap of ho gong wore ; not such as to In- brMkn ctyi North ,,Intt0 nm1 0mahn. Several of tho towns mentioned have never competed heretoforo nnd their material and dlratu a srlentllK' Ktrugglo for the mnstery They nmllnl and coquetti'd with en'h other throughout tho entlro eoutost. They failed splrt cunnot b (orocllstci, 10 pill any nimKj mm iiru ,uii 111111 u was an Inane sparring match from tho start. Countless ehancrs were offered either to fol low up tho other and land blows that would Omaha did not capture any very flattering share of tho honors last year, hut with the stimulus which tho Athletic association has Ulidcrnnm thin snrlnir iind thn rfirpfut rnnoli- havo been Important, had a knockout been ,nB 0f ,,rof ttcWlUct expt,ctg to do Itself fought. Hut they llddled about tho ring for i,ottor cr0(lt, L,ast year a smnll sciund nlnileen rounds and then Abbott went to visited thu capital city with tho remilt that tho floor. No ono but Supplcw was ablo to tll0 n,3 WPro 0DK0(i to participate In nearly timli-rstand why ho did this, for thoso closest CVcry event, a strain too great for ordinary Hie ringside failed lo see any effective blow endurance. About twenty men will make truck. Supplcn asserted that ho landed on tho trip this year, bo thnt each may save him a doubli'-barrelrd blow, catching hltn his best eneiglcs for the event In which he In tho slatH with a right arm punch and excels. follow Inn It "with a right to tho Jaw Just A new frnturo on tho program will ho tho such a blow, he said, as he had been In mile relay race, an event which tho local readiness to glvo at, tho first opportunity, athletes aro making use of this season to a It Is strange that tho opportunity camo Jmt considerable, extent. Tho teams are made up tmforo the last gong sounded, especially of live men on cither side and under ordinary when it 1 considered that Abbott's defetuo conditions tho distance should be covered throughout the whole utrugg'c ws mltcrably under four minutes. On Thursday, owing Amateurish. to tho wind and tho runners' lack of If tho spectacular knockout had not been familiarity with their task, tho tlmo was rallied off tho criticism would not havo 127. Last week's games havo demonstrated that the personnel of six teams composing tho membership of tho Wcjtcrn league Is mado up entirely of flrst-claes material. The getnea havc all been splendid exhibitions, nnd that, too. In the face of the fact that tho practlco of many of the players had been exceedingly limited. Heforo tho present week clcBes tho added practlco will enablo better ball to bo played, nnd before Omaha Is reached It Is a certainty that tho tennis will all be. In A No. 1 condition, playing a brand of ball that will mako criticism Impossible. ORGANIZING A ROAD CLUB Intorput In I'nut llonilntrr Ilrlnu Hp. vl veil uiiilior nf (iooil Onrn Ovturil In O.nnhn, A number of persona Interested In good horseflesh aro promoting a geJitlemcn's road club and expect to bring to light the latum pofalbllltlcH cf tho breeding stables In thU portion of thc state. The club will havo for Its speedway the half-mile track now com pleted by II. 13. Allen on tho old Uedick tract at tho exponitlon grounds. Tho trnck formerly fell a llttlo short of a full half mile, but It hns been enlarged by Mr. Allen to tho regulation standard and Ih In good condition. Those who have not Informed themselves are unaware of the number of fast roadsters owned In tho city, many of which havo records nnd pedigrees which entitle them to rt-spectful consideration. Among the best to be seen on tho Omaha driving track aro Nato Splcer's Superior Medium, 2:20; Henry Dunn's bay filly, Hlch Medium, out of Van sant; John Doo's Tom Leo, 2:10; II. B. Allen's Lady Richards, 2:24U. Jack Cudahy has a new purchase of which great things aro expected and Mr. Crowfoot has n brown horso which can set a 2:30 clip. Tom Dcnntaon occasionally circles the track with his fine bay pacer, nnd Lew Hill usu ally takes a placo In tbo front rank with a black ono which ho Iwb christened "Hilly Paxton." Al Patrick's favorite, "Hill Top," is showing excellent speed, and J. D. Crclghtan Is putting "Oold Kdgo" Into re markably good form. Thc horsa has dona tho mllo In 2:20 nnd has covered quarters In thlrty-ono seconds. Tho king of the socd way Is "Lamb," tho property of H. K. Kred rlckson, which Is capable of covering a mllo in 2:13. Tho bay pacer of C. V. Peed Is still comparatively green, but can show a runnway gait. Manager Allen of tho Driving park has a stable full of good stock. Tho best In his corral Is "Mrdlc," 2:19. and "Jessie Kllng," 1 2-2BU- "Tip Medium" is a prominent stal lion that Is trotting fast. Will Preston has also a stablo of select colts by Pilot Medium and Conquerer. Mr. Hughes of tho Wood bine stock farm Intends coming to tho track soon with a string of ten head. Breeding and training quarters havo been established close to tho track. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE Thc Line of JSicycics We are Selling for 25 and $30 Wo aro solo agents for tho Sterling, Spalding, iManson, Monarch, Eacyele and Acme. Wo can save you from $5 to 15 on a bicycle. Now wheels as low as !jUf. Second hand wheels at 5 to 15. Morgan it Wright Tires, $2.75. Omaha Bicycle Co., Cor, 16th and' Chicago Sts, Ed. T. Heyden, Mgr. FISHING IN CUT OFF LAKE l'ronM'i'tN Aro I'n vonililo for liooil .Sport If Hit' ScIiktk Cnn lie Driven Oft. "If tho seiners nnd the Missouri river can bo kept out of Cut Off lake," remarked ex sheriff John McDonald, "that body of water will be ono of the flnost fishing localities In this part of the country within two yearB. I.aat summer during tho high water tho Fish Protective association transferred about 2,000.000 fish from the Missouri Into tho lake and these, aro rapidly reaching good size. Wo had jnen and teams employed tbcro for Boven 'weeks and accomplished a great deal at small exponse. Different members of tho association would give u day to tho work In addition to several who wore hired for tho undertaking. Tho gang used a largo wagon box hoUIng a water tight basin to contain tho fish, Tho men worked with several largo seines, which had been confiscated earlier In tho season, and dragged In f.aU nil tho way from threo pound bass to crapples two Inches long. A number of minnow nets were attached to the sldo rope ot thc seine and tbc3o cap tured thousands which wero too smnll to bo enveloped In the meshes of nn ordinary telne. Only tbo gamo Huh the b:is.i an I crapples wera transferred nto tho lake; tho 'rest wero thrown back Into thc river. No effort was mado to secure sliver perch, be cause of thole destructive, habit:., "Some effort will certainly be made this iprlng to suppress tho seiners, as theso pothunlen ire bringing ill the efforts of DR. McGREW V. O. Hox 7GII. OFFIGi:, N. V,. COKXHIt 11TII AND FAKXAM STKHUTS, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. tho association to no avail. Wo would not i object so much If they would only carry uwoy tho carp, but they are taking tho game flBh ns well. Wc havo discussed tho wisdom of giving nemo llshtrman permission to selno provided only that ho bo content with tho carp, though there is some doubt whether wo havo such nuthorlty. Tho mur derous carp arc like so many hogs. They wallow In tho mud In tho lake bottom and dovour tho spawn of tho bass and other gamo fish which are deposited wlthlil easy reach. "Tho task of reaching tho seiners Is made moro difficult 'by the peculiar location of tho lake. The lawbreakers realize that all they havo to do f to reach the shore at Courtland beach to be In Iowa and beyond the arm of tbo Nebraska law. Several times deputy sheriffs hove chased seiners along the lake until they crossed the Iowa lino and enjoyed Immunity. Wc partlully got around that difficulty last summer, however, by having some of tho Douglns county deputies sworn In by Jhe sheriff ot Pnttm.vattamlo county. "There 'was one man under suspicion who worked with n Belne about liOO feet long and carried away wagon loads of Hah, hut was so clover that wo wero unablo to run him down for months. Ho had no con federates, but used a horso to haul In tho net. Ho worked at all parts of the Ink, hut one night a deputy, who was patrnl Ing the batiks, came across him and wo got the net. It was the seine tbo association used In carrying fish from tho river to tho lake. Thero were a dozen other seines soiled during last summer, all u gocd deal smaller, but enough In all to fill n room." Sheriff John Power will tnko active meas-, ures at onco to eradicate the seining evil nnd has pickets nt various points who -will endeavor to secure information a?alnt tbo guilty parties. Tho sheriff's llrst endonvor will bo to catch tho tranBgrossor.i rcd handed, but, falling In, this, he will mnko search of every suspected house In the vicinity of tho lake. All solneB will bo seized nnd criminal proceeding brought against tho lawbreakers. GOLF ENTHUSIASTS ACTIVE Oinnlin I'lnyor Iliitrrlnlncil liy llllc V. llmiri', Cliiiiiiiilon I.oiik 1)Ik tiuii'f Krlii'r, Thu tlrat opportunity of Omaha golf en thusiasts to wltncfti a gamo ofmipcrlor ex cellence was given at the Country eub yes terday afternoon. Willie V. Hoaro of Day ton, O., tho Imported atltactlon, Is the cham pion long distance, driver In the I'nlted Status. He was In many respects a rovula tlon to tho Omaha players, who for tho moit part aro novitiates In the fascinating pastime. Hoy Taylor, his opponent, la tho rosldt-nt greenkeeper nt tho Country club nnd lias bten employed to glvo Instructions to tbo o wishing to perfect their fttyle. ,Tho game was conductnd over an elghteon-holo course and was witnessed by members of tho Coun try club nnd their guests. Hoaro hiw spent tho winter In Klorldn In company, with Harry Vardon, thc English champion, and William Smith, who holds tho best Amer ican record, They havo given a i-erlcn tit oxhlbltlon gamcu at tho largo hotels In that state. Tho comfortable club house now In rottrfo of erection on tho Country club grounds will bo completed In two weeks and a formal opening will bo held about tho middle ot June. Tho 1C0 meimbcTs of tho club will en tertain their frlonds In somo pirating fashion not yet decided upon. Following tho formal launching of tho now athletic nnd social or ganization the promoters expect it to In crease rapidly In membership until It Ih pos slblo to add many desired Improvements. Tho athletic accessories for tho present will bo confined to a golf links and tmnls courts. A bowling alley will probably ho constructed In th noar future. Tho links laid out by Hob Taylor nro considered ono of tho finest In this section of tho country, as they were happily pro vided with natural advantages. The course Is over rolling ground with a variety ot natural hazards nnd tho bluo grass turf Is nil that could ho desired. Tho wholo tract comprises eighty acres and tho clrclo of tho course Is about one and a half miles. Tho members nro putting In faithful prac tlco and nro Hrrlvlng nt excellent form. Those who havo mado tho most conspicuous progrrw aro Mo its. nulou, Wattles, Pat rick. Drako. I.omlst and lonelier. Other well known Omnhan who take un uctlvo Interest In the gamo aro President II. n. Hurt of the I'nlon Pacific, K. A Cudahy. J. C Cow In, A. I,. Heed, I'. P Klrken Jall, V, V Peck Guy Harton anl J. I.. Webster Ai the meeting ot the Country club hit week tho following committees were ap pointed. House committee K. P. Peck, U. W. Wattles. John I,. WoMter. Oreens com mittee Arthur Oulon, W. H. McCord, Lu ther Drnko. W. D. nancker, H. T. l.cmlst. Klnanco committee O. W. Wattle, Ouy Harton, Charles Kountze and K. A. Cudahy. Thu Kountze Pluco Colt club has a'so entered tho season with an unprecedented enthusiasm. Tbo medal offored by Captain l.awrlo of the club for tho beat record for tho seuson's piny has acted as a stimulus to the Interest nnd many of the members appear on the greens every afternoon In ortlcr that a hotter score may bo mado on the "medal days." The contest begun one week ago and will be continued on alternato Saturdays until Octcbsr. Thc women havo fihown a particular Interest nnd Bcveral have reached a proficiency which makes them datigrroim adversaries for their male col Ion gues. ' On tho nine-hole course tho records made on Saturday by the -women members are as follows: Mrs. Shields, 81; Mrs. Stevent son, Mrs. Crowley, 81; Mrn. Townscnd and Miss Morrison. 07. Tho scores of the men over nn clghtoen-hole course aro as follows : Captain I.awrle. 07; W. It. Old fields, 117; Judgo Shields and Mr. Steven son. 122. ? G 0 00 0000 00 00 005) & 9 3 3 I'lilti-n Killed li) !llulmnni-n. KANSAS C1TV, Mny 12.-A Star special fioin Jnplin, .Mo., says: J. II. Patten was Instantly killed at midnight In Wall street by unknown negro highwaymen, nnd I. N. Olnde, Patten's brotlier-lti-lnw. was wounded slightly. Tho men were going homo when eoipmniidcd by two men to thrivjv up their hands. Olntle compiled, but Patten begun firing. Tbo highwaymen re turned the tiro and escasied g 0 0 Orient Roadsters $50 0 World Roadsters, $10 and $50 0 World Bicycles 1899 Models, I $30.00 Xew lllcyclcs from $19 up. Second-Hand lllcyclcs $5 up. S Largest and Best Equipped Repair Shop at Lowest Prices. A CARLOAD OF BIKE WAGONS JUST KliCFJVKI). The finest lino in the city Examine them untl pot our prices boforo buylnpr. H. E. Fredricksoti, Phono 2161. 15th and Dodge Streets. fflfiKF, 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 is; STRENGTHENS SYSTEM BODY BRAIN and NERVES. IMAItlAM VINIC) No other preparation hns ever reclved so many voluntary testimonials from emi nent peoplo as tho world-famous Marian) Wtno, Gives Appetite, Produces Refreshing Sleep, A Safeguard Against Mental Diseases. Fer overworked men, delicate women, sickly children, this healthful, Invigorating and stimulating tonic has no equal DOSE A smnll wine glass full threa times a dar I Bold by druggists Hefuso Sutntltuts. .Mtiriniu uo.. bi w I5tn Ht , New York, publish a handsome book of endorsements ot limpernrs, Empress, Prlnras, Car dlunls, Archbishops and other distin guished personages It Is sent gratia and postpaid to all who write tor It. High Grade Crescent Tho Btronge-st and most, durable bley ; cio made 135.00 and K'5.00. ! Tribune Tho npeedlest bicycle $50.00. Olive Strong and hntidbomc $50.00. New Bicycles $16.50 and upwards. KM'UitT iini' ahum;. vniiicu: Tiitr.s vi i. ai.i;i. i'iiom; hi i. Louis flescher, IG22 Capitol Ave. I RHEUMATISM, Sciatica, Lumbago or Lame Back Are Caused, Like So Many Other Diseases, by a Lack of Nerve Force. With this wenknesi of the nervous system the digestive organs got de ranged nnd the food not being pioperly dlgpsted turns winr a ml thc result is thut the Held Is tukt-n up III tbo i'lood, making It acid Instead of remaining alkaline Nature, ns usual trleu to throw off tbo Impurities In the blood, nnd sue-cec-dH to some, extent -whllo thu weather Is mild nnd thn patient Is not exposed lu any wny, but Just as soon as ther Is a chiitmo In tho wcnUier, olther cold or dampness, then thn neld cannot cot out ami thero nro chills, pnln In Ua t....ts 1i1m,.i'ii numpliiH nnd linnr Hlinntlncr 4tnln 111 vnrlnuii parts of the body and swollen Joints. Electricity a uppticu uy my Dr. Bennett's Electric Belt Eliminates the cnuse, Trie nrld nnd other Impurities, as thousands who bud drugged themselves for years without any relief do testify Thn most obstinate, eases nro readily relieved nnd promptly and permanently cured. a Tjhl of 2G63 Woolworth Ave.. Omaha, Neb., writes Dr. Bennett Tint. I'nmniim' nn Mnrrli wih nt.: 1 hnvo been wenrlnc your belt tnr nm rvnnth nn.i nrin miemllv sav that It has cured mo of Kidney Trouble. BcUtlo Uheumatlsm, Uime Hack, nnd my hearings gratly Immovpd. Uelng a man of ilxty-nlno years of ago, will say, I feel us I did when In tlm prime of life, and I attribute It all to the use of Ur Iluiinett'H Electric Helt. To all whom are skeptical In regard to the merits cf your belt, I will cheerfully recom. mcd it. MY HEIT HAH flOIT. 8IL.KEN. fHAaiOIS-COVEIlED, WAT EH CHAM BER si'ONar: ei.ecthoukh that cannot huhn and iu.isteu as do THE BAHE METAL. ELECTRODES USED ON AUU OTHER MAKES OK HE UTS My Holt Is warranted for one year nnd cnn b renewed when worn out tor 75c no other belt cart be renewed for nny urlce. I gunrdnteo my Helt to cure Rheumatism In every guise. Sciatica, Iimbago, I.aino Hack, Stomach. Liver, Kidney nnd Madder TrouWes; Constipation, Sex ual Weakness, Shrunken or Undeveloped Organs. Varicocele, Lost Vitality and all Femulo Complaints. My New Electrical Suspensory tor tho eurn of tho various weaknesses of Men FREE to overy male purchaser of ono of my Helts. It boa also my Incom parable electrodes and given n full current without burning. Call upon or 'write mo today sacredly conlldontlal -do not delay deinys are dangerous, Oct Symptom Hlnnk, Illustrated Hook nnd Literature. These are sent free In plain scaled envelopo Dr. Bennett Electric Belt Co., Itnonm lK-lil, DoiikIo llloiik, (Ipiionlte lluyilrn's, Corner Kltb mill Undue Street., OMAHA, NEH. to S 30 p in. SundnyK, fiom 10 30 a. m to Olllco Hours From 8 30 a m. from 8 30 a in. to a p. m. 1 p. m. Wednesdays and Saturdays, A Mr. C Elictrlo CURE YOURSELF! tfai. IllffiJ fnr lililmf nr.l dlarliarxfi, liitluinmitMunj, i IrritMlnnt ur ulceration! of in u en ii ruornhranri l'lnlMi. ami i.ut nitric. WCmmcuCo. K'"1 er t-Jlonnoat. iiNNiTI.O.Ha n"'a "T riiBClI. C S. A, ,Mv nmn urappr I ..'.M. .rii Q !.'. ur I Lot tie. u ;y 'it' n uucuur ttui vu hwoJa P Pminii 0DUtoa, f NHVROYfiL PILI S f-.S v-Vi ("i :iiicjii:sTKlrs I iVSkiSrMf. In lir il ..,.1 u.l.i .,.uu .;. " . ' I ..Tiixwn, i mk ma oinrr. llrPJM 1 IJnnewu H jllllutln mmi Imltm. Jt4 "ltellrrrurl.4lM."lnlllr,b; rr- Mr. l.r.UMU ..1IHMlBI4ia. HQVl if MlUlou ltl4(t,i. Jl.dlM. tvrt, I'lllUU I'iS