8 THE OLATTA DATLV T5EIS: STWDAV. MAY in, 1000. COUNCIL BLUFFS. an.MHi .miiviion. Davis sell glass. Ous llxtures and globes nt nixby'ii. Magazine bound, Monrrhousc St Co. Hudwelser lccr. U. lloscnfeld, ngcnt. 1'lno A. 1). O. beer, Nouinuyor's hotel. Behmldt's photos, new iind latest styles. h'co our ir.c framed pictures. C. 13. Alex nnder & v.. 311 It'wiiy. Get your work done nt the popular Eagle laundry, 721 Hroadwny. 'Phono 157. W C Kstcp. tindcrtnkcr, 28 I'enrl street. Telephones: Ofllcc, 07; residence. Mrs J Maker has Iicmi ciII'mI to liar din county by the dentil nt her nephew, llnli.li Wlrds. Tor sale, rlienp, well 'bred mnrr, rlirll body phaeton nnd harness; ''! audition. W Harrison street. Council illufTs. To the I'libllr: I'ntll further notice, nir rfllrp will dose on Saturdays nt 1 "lock. The CouiK.ll ItlufTH Oiih & Uoctrlc U. HftVP you seen tho new stylo package of IhP miimII Juvenile soup? Its u bounty. Ton will llml It nt Dell U. Morgans cirutf more. 112 Hroadwny. W A. Rogers and Mary Cb-arlmril. both of Omiilm, werp marrlrd in t.ii, i-lty ye terdnv aflprnooii. Hip ceremony b'ing per formed by Justice VIeii. (irorgo McKrilght and Mr. Jos-do Wnlsll, both or milium, wprp niiirrirn in nun Yesterday afternoon nt the pouuty court lioiiH'p, Hpv. John Y. Alti hicon (initiating. TIip Omnhn. Council Muffs & Suburban llnllw.iv rotnp.iny lommcncoil LAWYERS WILL GET NOTHING Attoweja Wbo Defended Grejory Mn3t Qo Without Any Fee. FARMERS RECOVER THEIR - MONEY CiinIi 1'iiiiiid mi Hip I'rUnurr Unturned to (lip Men from WIiiiiii lie llml ppurpil It by 1'riiml. The attorneys who defended J. A. Gregory, the horso thief and desperado, In his three trials are, to iiko the vernacular of tbo nirect, holding tho e.ick and their chances of securing any lemuucratlon for their scr vices nro recognized ns slim In the extreme. Thn Jury In tho superior court, beforo which was tried the suit to determine tho owner ship of tho $183 In possession of Gregory at tho tlmo of hlo arrest, decided yesterday afternoon that tho (mslgnmont cf the money made by Gregory to his attorneys was of stringing I no account. After being out leso than half vorhcad wire on 'its lino from the Terminal hnur tho jllry brought In n verdict for bridge to tho Illinois (Vntral depot yester- 1 JcS. ,,,, w,1am nra,,. ....... 'rrmi.nrr.r Aml innip.l over to tho ' ley, sustaining their attachment of tho cash ify treasurer ycsbTdny W9fi.Ji, being tho and finding that Hond was entitled to $151 and Hradley to $30.15 of tho amount. flond and Hradley purchased a buggy anil team of horces from Gregory, which wcro iihiP(uently found to have lecn stolen from a person In Kansas, who after Grcgory'3 arrest rcplevlncd them. Hond and Hradley lout no time In attaching tho money found on (IrcRory. Sulciuont to tho attachment Gregory assigned the money to tho attor neys he had engaged to defend him. Grogory'o attorneys will submit a motion for a new trial Monday beforo Judge Smith In tho district court and In the event of It being overruled will tako tho case to tho supremo court on tho groundo that tbo testimony r.f their client's former convic tions should not havo been permitted to enter Into tho trial on tho charge of steal ing Uiughlln'g mule. on that beat, at the same time telling them "they had better get a move on them selves and get home." The appearance of tho negro frightened the young unman and her teon, and they promptly compiled with hln order. They turned north on Seen tconth street and had reached Avenue H when the negro overtook them. Thrusting a revolver Into tho young man's face he ordered him with an oath to "skip." Kane did not wait to argue the question or pro tect the young woman with him, but nt once obeyed the negro's order and tan, leaving Miss Dalton with the brute. Tho negro at once seized the young wo man and attempted to drag her Into an ad joining lot. She fought desperately and suc ceeded In reaching Avenue O where ho managed to break loowj and found shelter In a nearby home. The negro ran weat on Avenue C and disappeared. The attempt at anu!t wa made about .1 o'clock, but It wan nearly an hour later before It was re ported to the police. A negro named lco Hrldglln Is under ar rest at the city Jail on suspicion, although ho docH not answer tho description of either Mln Dalton's or Miss llamllton'h nfsallnnt. Hrldglln arrived In this city a few months ago from Tennessee and hn been working on local railroad work. Lately ho has been rooming with a colored family named Thompson and they believe that from hln actions he Is mentully unbalanced, i-rmay Hrldglln appeared at the police station and anked protection claiming that norno men wero after him to lynch him for the assault of Mls Hamilton. As It wns reported he had a revolver the police yesterday morning decided to place him In custody until he could bo more thoroughly Investigated. iinrtlnnM for Anrll. made up as huiowh Regular tuxes, $-i.0U.2.J; special taxi-s, JIM. 15, The pollcp werp untitled by Hip nuthnrl tlrrt hi Maple lllver Junction last night to watch out for two men bended this way on ii freight train, who were wanted there for burglary. Tho suit of the I'ottawnttiinile Mercantile association against J. 11. M. I'rultt ne upled the entile of yesterrlny In the district court. 'I'ho pvidnicp for the 'plaintiff was not all In when court adjourned until Monday morning. The gamp of linse ball yewterdny afternoon .between the tennis of Hip day and night uhirii nt ii... Piiiim I 'ii I Hi- iniindhoiise re- mlled In a victory fur the day shift by J ii h ore or is to n. raieu niatiu inc omy borne run of the came. Oney White was arrested lust evening on n warrant issued from Justice Vlen's court, charging him with bunking Into the resi dence of Mrs. (.'atlermolo on llnrrlsoti street. He gave bonds In tho sum of $j'0 Iir his appearance tomorrow. Superintendent II. W. Hotbert of tho Iowa School for the Deaf lias been ap pointed by (Jnvernor Hbaw n delegate to the national conference of Charities and Corrections to be held at Topeka, Kan., Slni- IS to 21. Clravor Lanlgnn and Charley I'rultt. two Utile bids, were arrested last night for hold ing up and robbing 'Pony Schultz, another lail. of 7 cents, with which be had been feiit by his mother to buy some groceries. Tho bova were nllowed to go home on their promise, to appear In police court tomorrow morning. "A Mrry Time" Is the attraction for to night at the nohany theater. The play Is produced by the I lawltlns-Itoberts company, iind for an evening of rare entertainment those who go will certainly be pleased. The piece Is said to be very clever and calculated (o make one laugh from the rise of the' curtain In the llrst act to Its clone. 'Ilie Woman's Christian association will Jiold Its regular monthly business meeting tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the rcf-ldence of Mrs. W. W. Wallace. 37 Hluff trcot. This will be tho last meeting until fall. After the business session a muslcalii will bo given for the benellt of the relief fund for work among the sick poor of tho city. Two farmers of Audubon county tiled Miluntary bankruptcy petitions in the tnltet States district court bete yesterday. James I, Heed of Viola Center has debts amount ing to W.PS.l.Ki and the only assets he has he claims as exempt. William K. T'artlow lias liabilities aggregating $1,173 nnd assets worth $;;. Of these he claims $j2T as ex empt. Jacob Sims lias returned from Dos Moines, where ho nttended the republican state convention. As the result of in formation obtained from conferences with leading republicans from different parts of the state Mr. Sims Is more conlident than ever that he will receive the tmrty nomination for attorney general at the state convention to be held Auenst 1. The exeeullvo committee and the several subcommittees In charge of arrangements for entertaining the State Diocesan con vention of the Kplscopal church, are le iliested to meet tills afternoon nt 3:30 o'clock In St. Paul's church for the pur pose of conferring together on the progress made In the plans for entertaining I ho visiting delegates and church dlgnlturlcs. his oening topic Sunday sihool will l" held at neon. The Young I'ciplc's un n'l will meet at 7 p m. SumUy schid at Htthatiy Impel t A and S.i'idiv s. hool an I preacMnn at the Twenty-ninth ftrrif mission at the usual hours. At the I'lfth Avenue Methodist clmn h th anniveraary of the organlxatlcn of the 1'e worth league will be observed with cpnl.il exercises In place of the regular prayer meeting. A program of fonjra andVuldressrs appropriate to the occasion will be ren dcrod. ('! meeting at 0:15 a. m.; preaJi Ing nt 10:30 a. m.j Sunday school ut noon nnd meeting of Kpwnrth league nt 7. p. m. The midweek prayer meeting will be held Wednesday evening at S o'clock. Services today at the Hpworth Mclhollst church will ho as follows: Sundny n-hool at 2 p. m.: preaching at 3 p. m. and meet ing of llpworth league at i!:l." p. m. The midweek prayer meeting will be held Tlnrs d.iy evening at S o'clock. (iltOCCItY AM) MliAT MAIIKIVI'liOM:. fa 3if AT CUT PRICES THIS WEEK. 19c You can buy a beautiful hammock nt Kel ler & Urand's, 107 Hroadway, by paying $1 n week until paid for. AJAX Tables A very popular ncrvo nnd vitalizing tonic. DcIIaven's drug store. Gravel roofing. A. 11. Head, 641 H'way. Commonwealth 10-cent cigar. i,.vr vi:i:ic i i.ocai, socirrv, You can buy a flno carpet at Keller & Urand's. 107 Broadway, by paying $1 a week until paid for. Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cure coughs, colda. MKMOIIIAI, M'.IIVK i:S A'i cm mil. N. Y. I'lumblng Co., Tel. 2S0. IlAII.HOAIl M A HOI (.III, Y II A MI.-,I). M. V. Ilerr of (lie Norlliivclcrii llml I j lleiiten li.v Three lnkiioiii len, M. K. Deer, an empliyo of tho Northwest ern Hallway company. Is confined to' his bed nt the Tremont houne as tho result of a mysterious nstault committed on him shortly after midnight Krldny by three men, nono of whom ho clalmti to have recognized. His assailants made no attempt to go through IiIh pockets, bo robbery evidently was not their purpose. The nssnult was committed on North Klghth street, near tho Indian creek brldgo, which In only a thort distance from nnd In full view of Hroadway. According to Deer's Btory, threo men attacked him. one break ing n club over his head, while another truck him repeatedly with a loaded cane. A third was armed with a tcvolver, which I nlon Veteran I.pkIoii nnd irnnil Army ArrmiKC Annual Ktcrclspn. Hncampmcnt No. S, Union Veteran legion, will hold Its annual mcmorl.il services In honor of tho deceased comrades of the legion Sunday evening. May 27, at St. Fran cis Xavlcr'fl Catholic church. The norvlces will consist In part of reading tho roll and military record of deceased comrades, who arena follows: A. Van Order, General Philip 11. Sheridan, Major Joseph Lyman, William McCampbell. Dr. H. V. Hart, J. W. Kllgorc, Patrick McCann. CJcncral J. W. Tuttlc, K. I HolmcH, Captain D. J. O'Neill, Henry Ocn- helmer, I-lcutcnant Oliver Anson, George 11. Crisp. John Koy, Colonel D. H. Dallcy. (lllmorc, James Story, Captain It. C. Hcrger nnd Sylvester Nnsh. An address will be de livered by a past commander, and one on "The Women of tho War," also an oration. Thero will be specially selected music by a largo choir. Decoration day services will bo held by tho encampment at Walnut Hill cemetery. Tho Grand Army of tho Republic will hold memorial services tho samo day at Broadway Methodist church. Invitations havo been ex tended to Company U, Klfty-flrst Iowa Na tional Guard, the High School cadets and all Cuban and Spanish war soldiers to at tend these services. For the Memorial day parade and exorcises Colonel 12. It. Fonda has been selected as chief marshal, with J. I). Grctzer, first aid; Captain D. H. Mnltby, second aide and Theo dore Oulttar, third aid. Tho soldiers' graves In Falrvlew cemetery will bo decorated by tho members of tho Woman's Relief corps, nsslstcd by the floral committee. The Hag on the redoubt, staff will be raised to mast head at sunrise, plnced at half-mast during tho parado and ceremonies at the cemetery and nt full-mast after tbo exercises until sundown. Tho members of tho post will oc cupy the platform with the speakers. These will bo now features In connection with tho exercises. Tho chiefs of the various civic nnd military organizations participating In the parado and exercises will net as assist ant marshals of tho day. You can pet a good Rasollno stove at Kel Ier & Urand's, 407 nroadway, by paying $1 a week until paid for. "Mr. Riley" -cont cigar. Alt.M) filVKS Till: MOXHY. School I'limln Turned Over l the Itonril by (lie County. The noard of Kducntlon will not be com pelled to Institute mandamus proceedings wa. tired three times while pressed closely i ngalnst County Treasurer Arnd to force him against ueor h tiouy. tho tact tnal no was .Shciiiril-Glcnon AVeildlnu the l.eml inir Ihrlit of I lie Six l)ll. The prim Ipal event In tho social world of Council Hlnfts lBt week was tho wedding of Mr. Guy C. Shepard and Miss Gertrude Irene Glcason which oecurrr-l Wednesday evening nt the home of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Glcason on Glen nvenue. The ceremony wiih performed by Hpv. Gcorr.o Kdward Walk, rector of St. Paul's Kplscopal church, of which the bride had been organist, before n Inrge gathering of relatives and frlcnfls. The ceremony was performed In the parlors, which were hand somely decorated with lilacs, the samo decor ations prevailing In tho dining room whero tho wedding supper wan served. The brldo entered thn parlors on tho nrm of her father to the strains of tho wedding march from "linhengrin," played hy Profcstor Sims and sung by a quartet consisting of Mcsdamcs Mullls, Shorman. Welsh and Slodcntopf. Dur ing the ceremony Profcwsor Steckelbcrg played on tho violin the "Angels' Serenade." Tho brldo looked charming In a handsome gown of white batiste, heavily trimmed with laco. She carried a prayer book in place of tho conventional boquet. Her sle'er. Mrs. 13.' C. Shepard, acted ns matron of honor, while 13. C. Shepard, cousin of tho groom, acted as best man. Roland Cockrell and Harrison Cleason carried the ribbons, form ing an nlsle down which the bridal party passed. Following the ceremony a wedding supper was served nnd Mr. and Mrs. Shepard left Inst night on an extended wedding trip to the pouth and New York. Tho brldo's going away dress was n tailor made gown of gray cheviot with toque to match Mr. nnd Mrs, Shepard wlll make their homo nt 1136 Park avenue, Omaha. Tho Woman's Relief corps of this city planned and carried out most successfully n delightful surprlso last Thursday evening upon ono of its members, Mrs. Charles Van Nostrnnd, who is now living In Omaha. Tho occasion was Mrs. Van Nostrand's birthday. Mrs. Gilbert entertained Informally Mon day evening a few friends from Omaha and this city. Mrs. W. A. Maurcr entertained the Ilamll ton Whist club last Tuesday afternoon. A very pleasant affair of last week was tho "old clothes" socinl given Frldny night at the Hroadway Methodist church parlors Mr. and Mrs. Dugan of Valparaiso, Neb., who are tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sacnuel Albro, 2610 Avenue A, were pleasantly sur prised by a number of their friends Thurs day night. Mr. nnd Mrs. Dugan wero form erly residents of this city. Vernon Olson wns tho victim of a surprise j party last Wednesday evening, tno occasion being his 20th birthday. After a pleasant evening spent In music nnd games, dainty re freshments were served. The young peoplo of Grace Episcopal church gave a largely nttended danco Mon day night nt Odd Fellows' hall. On Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. C I H. Washington entertained nt their home, 3001 Avenue A, In honor of tho 37th birth day of Mr. J. J. Klein. Tho time was passed in social chat, music, etc. Mr. Klein was presented with several presents as memen tos of tho occasion. .Ineoli '.oiler .V Co.' KMliilillxliinctit Dcslro.icil bj Fire t cMcritn.i . The grocery st'ire nnd me.it market of Jacob Holler & Co. at the corner of Hroad way and First street was oimpletely cleaned out by lire yestprday morning. The entire destruction of the building nnd the portion containing a large ntock of hardware was only prevented by the prompt arrival of the N lire department and the elllclent work they did. The tile started In the bisement near the north end of the building nnd the (lames ran up the elevator shaft to the 'Second' floor. For a time It looked as If the entire building was doomed. The entire grocery stock was practically ruined nnd considerable damage to the hardware was done hy heat and smoke. ' Twelve hundred sacks of flour were eon- 1 sumed In tho grocery store with other , "oods. The stock Invoiced In tho neighborhood of $10,000 and tho exact loss cannot be estimated until tin Inventory Is taken. Tho stock Is fully Insured. John Clausen, tho owner of tho building, cstlmntes the dam age to It in the neighborhood ut $1,000, Robert Hrenncman, one of the clerks, was somewhat badly burned about tho faco whllo attempting to save the bonks. The fire Is ml 1 to have started from ono of tho clerks dropping a match In tho base ment. He had been sent o clean up sotuo mobiles that had been spilled and after ! strewing sawdust over It, lit a match. Tho match broke and the lighted end fell Into tho , sawdust, which was saturated with the drip- ; pings from the coal oil cans. The sawdust j g blazed up at once and the flames rapidly , spread tip through the elevator shaft. Tho store was one of tho largest of Its kind In the city. I HOT WEATHEjR SHOES ?5" ChlM i, Tennis Slipper l.adlt V Si r;e SllntMrs Hoys' and Youth' Tennis Slipper JfttpH' 'lino Slippers wuri'iinted not to rip. Indies' Dmigola o.vf.-mls-tall or black Hers' I'utiMis Hicycle Shoes .25c 39c 65c 85c 98c Misses nnd Children a Tan Strap Slippers .... Men's White Canvas Oxfords ' Men's Brown I.lneti Ivaee Shoes Men s Genuine Goal Skin Hicycle Shoes Men's Dongola Iico Ia.ii'0 Oxfords Ladles' lino Vlcl Kid Oxfords, Hliuk i.tn cloth top or nil kid 98c $1-25 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 You can always save money at our store and you always got your money's worth, or your money back. Hamilton's Shoe Store. 412 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. not wounded Hhowed that tho rovolvcr was loaded with blank cartridges only. The sound of the shots attracted a number of panjeieby on Hroadway, who hastened to tho liH'iie. Tho three men, seeing usslatanco wHsat hand, made their escape by running north on Klghth street. Deer was removed to the Tremont house, where ho boards, and u physician summoned. Kxamlnatlou showed that while Deer was badly bruised and had several cuts about lib head, his Injurlen were not dangerous. Deer says ho did not recognlzo nny of his assailants and tho police are inclined to bellovu tho assault was made out of revenge for some reason or other. Gas stoves are cheaper than gasoline itoves nnd they do not explode. A'oiiiik Woman AIIpiiiiiIh Suicide. Miss Knto Gllmnre. 1721 lOlghth nvenue, attempted suicide after midnight this morn ing. A cunrrpl with her sweetheart Is t.ild to havo been the vnutv. Miss Gllmoro took u doso of laudanum. Occupants of the house, when they discovered her condition, called Dr. Jennings, city phjslclnn. It Is the doctor's opinion that tho oung woman will recover. Mlts Gllmoro Is 21 yours of ORO. B0URICIUS MUSIC HOUSE To Ileal ii Hurt. Ueo Banner Sa've, the great bonier. It's guaranteed for cuts, wounds, tores, piles and all skin dlfcascs. Tako no substitute. For sale by Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha. Pianos 335 and Broadway. Organs Examine the '"Mar Bouricius" piano. Our stock of high-grade Violins, Mandolins, Guitars, etc., is complete. Tel. 466. Council Bluffs, la. ItedleU llu m In Kearney. KRAUNBY, Neb., May 12. iSpedal.) Hon. John I. Hodlck of Omaha elrsed up a deal w In Kearney this week by which he coin. 'n po. session of the John Harnd property, paying therefore S.VOOO. Mr. and Mis. Hedlck will make Kearney their home, Hi they find tho climate particularly agree able and have two sons attending college hero. Lincoln Winn ItnsUet llnll. MXCOl.N. Mav 12.-iSneclnl.)-Ili tho basket ball game between Wahoo and Lin coln High school tnim" nt Winter's opera. bouse last night Lincoln won, tno scoro being 0 to 10. DOHANYJHEATRE O.VK MtillT ONLY. Sunday, May 13th Tin: Hawkins-Roberts Company In the Four Act Comedy. A MERRY TIME Tho laughing success of the season. Prices Lower Moor, 30c, balcony, 20c; gallery, 10c One Dollar a Day A nice green Wilton Velvet Carpet, sewed and bound in rug shape (contains 22 yards, at $1.25 yard) will be in our window all this week, which we will reduce One Dollar a Day Starting same for Monday at $22.00, Come and judge for yourself. Treynor 6c Gorham, Odd Fellows' Temple, Council Bluffs, la. to turn ot'er to School Treasurer Haver stock the funds of the Independent school dlfctrlct of Council Hluffs. After a consulta tion with his bondsmen yesterday afternoan Treasurer Arnd honored the draft of I'res Idcnt Jlcnry and Secretary Hoss of tho Hoard of Education nnd handed over tho funds in his possession, amounting to about $18,000, to Mr. Haverstock Sccretnry Hosd, acting under Instructions from the board, issued at the meeting Thursday night, called upon Treasurer Arnd and demanded that he notify the president as required by law of the amount of money belonging to the school district in his hands. Treasurer Arnd compiled with this demand nnd yesterday formally notified President Henry. Tho Inttcr at onco drew n draft on A mil for tho amount and the same was pirsontrd by School Treasurer Haverstock. At llrst tho county treasurer declined to turn over the funds, but later, after a con sultation with his bondsmen, many of whom are also on llavcrstock's bond, he decide 1 to give up tho money and tho formal traas fcr was made. Tending the controversy between the county treasurer and tho school treasurer, the board was compelled to borrow about $U,000 in order to pay tho teachers' salary roll and other bills, upon which It had to pjy (1 per cent Inteicst. Ilenl i:tale i'rn imfcr. Tho following transfers wcro tiled yes tnrdny in tho abstract, title and loan olllco of J. W. Squire. 101 Pearl street: Frank H. Lovlu and wife to Anders Pcteri-on. lot is, block , Wllllums' 1st mid., w. d J 20) Kdwnrd II. McKey, trustee of D. V. Archer, bankrupt, to Ludlow K. Lo Furgy, west 10 feet lut & and cast H feet lot fi, block 7. liny- litis' 1st mid.. i. c. il 10 Amelia C. Ituddlck to Mutt Foster. lot 2. bloijt .1. Pierce's subillv.. w. d. SU low ii Loan and Trust company to Charles Oletklii. tot II. block 1. Oak llrove add., q. c. d t V, Four transfers, total pj; .tlnriiimc Llceinc. Licenses to wol were Issued yesterday lo tho fcllpwing pers 'is. Nil mo and ltcsldenee. A:--. P AV. Maivell.is. Auburn, Neb t'l Jennie H, Park. Auburn. Neli II Rcorsc Mr Knl'tlit. Omahn 'Jtl Mrs. Jfitile Walsh, Omaha :u W A, ltocers, Omaha SI Mary Oeiiliml, Omaha '.b You can get a nice baby carriage at Keller & Urand's, 107 Hrcndwny, by paying week until paid for. If the last cigar you smoked didn't suit get a "Mr. Itllcy" next time and you will he auro then that you havo gut the best for your money. Davis sells paints. MA H V IMI.TOVN II Mil) ST 111 litiM!, Attend "Uncle Snm'a rtecentlnn." civon by Palm grove No. 11, at V. O. V. hall, May I 11. Admission, 15 cents. Church Xoles, Kvangellst Jamison will occupy the pulpit nt both tho morning and evening ccrvlccii today nt tho First CongregatlonaJ church. The topic of bin morning sermon will ho "Knowledge: a Basis of Kternul Life.'' In the evening he will speak on "Turning Points, or Outlooks From Mountain Peaks. " i At 3 p. m. ho will lecture in the church to 1 men only on "The Ideal Man: a Study of Christ's Character." The MendeUsohn quar tet will ping at this meeting. The meetings now being conducted by Mr. Jamison will ! close tomorrow evening, when ho will speak ' specially to thoie who have professed a do- i siro to lend a Christian life, j St. Paul's Episcopal church, Rev. Oerge Kdward Walk, rector, fourth Sunday nftcr Kastur Holy communion at S a. m ; morning prayer and fCTmon nt 10:30 o'clock. Sunday 1 school nt i.oon; evening prayer and sermon J at 7:30 o'clock. i At the Fltst Christian church the pnotor, i Hov. S. M. Perkins, will preach this morn ing on "Tho Christian's Inheritance.'' Hla topic In t'hc evening will be "Concerning Christ nnd the Church." Thero will In' ppivlal music at tho morning service and In j tho evening dueU will bo rendered by the ' Misses Kmma Otlleaple and May Miller mid ' by tho Misses Ollvo Klrkpatrlck and Petri Swanson. Sunday rchool will bo nt noon. Junior Christian Kndnivor society meeting at .1:30 p. ni. and Sonlor Christian Endeavor oclety servlco at 7 p. m. Hov. W. H. Cable, pastor of Trinity Methodist church, will preach this morning on "Christian Sclcnco and Kindred Faiths i Calmly Considered." In tho evening tho ( eleventh anniversary of the organization of j the Kpworth league will be colebrated. All services will bo at tbo usual hours. The First Church of Christ Scientist will ' hold services this morning at 10:15 o'clo-k I in tho Sapp building. Kxperlenco meeting BIN t. ' ' i a jmnii'mmiiiiimiimmimimmumii PEOPLE appreciate our work because it is done in such a thorough and artistic manner. Ihey arealyo pleased to nnd our prices so very moderate. If you have dental work that needs to bo done we can satisfy you both in tho quality of work and the price. . ..Telephone 145 . Woodbury, D. 9- S-,Couns!l Blufis- 30 rBBfl St. Grand Hotel Buy a Lot And build your own Home upon it, and Stop Paying Rent. Some vacant lots located in Central sub addition, Omaha addition and Wright's addition. These lots will be sold at real bargains. In a year or so they will bring double th money asked for them now. Apply at Bee Office Council Bluffs. Bad Teeth I Gasoline Cost Two Lives In Omaha and a store in Council Bluffs yesterday. Make Bad Health. Why not have good teeth when you can etthem at those j prices $5.00, $7.00, $10.00? Extraction easy and painless. Dr. A. O. Mudge, 338 Broadway, Upstairs, Council Bluffs. m urn ejcplote. THE C B. GAS CO. j i tliiiillliiiMllMiiM E '20 Pearl St. AliiiiKlmiril Ii)- rr li'iirl Into the llitudN of it l)t'NicMiili NcKrn. MIks Mary Haiti n. n young woman living i Wednesday evening at S o'clock at KlshUfiilh Mm t and Avenue K. had a I -Klectlou I'nta l.lfo" will he tho subjet thiilllKg and unpleasant oxpeiienco nt anl0f n,ev. Alexander l.ltherland'c sermon this early hour yesterday morning with an un- 1 morning at tho Second Presbyterian church FARM LOANS NecotlAted In Eastern TToraska and Iowa. James N. Caady, Jr., Ui ilaln St., Council Bluets. known negro, hut after a desperato struggle Mic-enled in escaping from tho clutchca of the (lend and rouBht thclu-r in n nearby house. Mies D.ilton'a nstailant answers the ilrnerlptlpn of the negro wlu Invaded the Hinuilton homo rbout .1 week ago. Mlis Dalton wan on hor way home from a dance, accompanied by Will S. Kane, n young man about her own age. nnd thry wcro slowly walking west on Hroadway when they met the negro at Sixteenth street. He stepped them and iM he was the policeman In Ac evening ho will preach on "Tho Youth of Today." At tho Wednesday even ing prayer service he will talk on "Homes and Children." Tho pr.stor, Hev. (!. W. Snyder, will preach at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. today at St. John's Kngllsh Lutheran church. Sun day school will be held at noon. At the I'lrst Ilaptlst church this morning the pastor, Rev. II. Venting, will tako as the subject of bl sermon "The Kllxir of Life." "A Jealoua Goioel Treacher" will b. The Anvil Chorus that we strike from our anvil dally marks the accomplishment of thn beat hlacktmlth Ing and carriage repairing that you can got done anywhere In Council IlluftB. Our re pairs of all kinds on earrlagrH and wagoni and our horsaihcslng and blacksmlthlng of all kinds are guaranteed as thn host. Our prlres are always ns satisfactory as our work. H. P. NELSON, Succopsor to V. M. Squiros, 155-157 W. Hroudwny, Council Hlnfts, Best Lawn Mowers in 1 own Great American and Plaza self sharpening from $3 up. Hammocks An elegant lino, from $1.25 up. Our Refrigerators beat 'em all from $6 up. Gasoline Stoves Ourd have no equal on the market, $3 up. Come and see our Lawn Wire Fencing something fiat will ornament your yard and render tho best possible evrvir . The old reliable hardware store. . L. UQVOB 504 Broadway. Co. Bluffs. la.