Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1900, PART I, Page 7, Image 7

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    . THE OMAHA DA1LV HHK; SrVDAY, !.". 1000. 7
BayiWjoaingRapabucui Endona Oram ? '-lE-lM- II " 5 1 ISP I aih - cL-?.. - " "77 1 1 I 8
f iwi ZMm$H m " If 11. ? . -P -rrrrr urtllSE. Ill
Oovrrnor It Iclinrtln, Sritntnr Wnrten
anil Tno Men In I'rHntr l.lfo Will
.Mnkc t'i llir 1, 1st from
WASHINGTON. May 12. (Special Telo-
iram.) Congrcoaman Mondcll will lcavo fori
Wyoming tomorrow to bo In attendanco
upon tho convention of tho Wyoming re
publicans which will bo held at Cheyenne
noxt Wednesday. Speaking of tho situation
generally In tho state, Mr. Mondell tuld tho
outlook is exceedingly good for republican
succcm, and that tho courso of tho Wycmlng
dclogallon In congress Ih receiving the BUp-
port of republicans In general. As to the
delegation to tho national convention, Mr.
Mondcll said, In all probability It would I
bo Senator Warren, Governor Hlcharda nnil
two other men outsldo of official life. He
aid both Senator Clark and himself had been
suggested on delegated, but ho believed. If
thoro waa anyone clso In tho state doslrouo
of going ho should get out of tho -way in
their favor.
Regarding charge mado against tho
Union I'aclflc for employing Japancso labor.
Congrcmman Mondcll eitld that Investiga
tion nhowod that whlto labor had been let
off for Japanese labor at Medicine Lodge,
but In other cases It wis lack of whlto
labor that was compelling tho railroads of
tho fwest to employ Japuncso labor. Tho
whlto wan -would rather work on tho grado
for $2 and J2.50 per day, than on sec
tions at $1.65, and it In tor thin reason that
Japanese labor Is bolng imported In order
that tho work of constructing now railway
lines might not bo etopped.
John A. McShane, -who Is Inlorcsted In
building tho now Ilurllngton & Missouri
Hlvcr railroad from (Montana Into Wyoming,
will in all probability auk tho general land
omen for permission to cut timber for tlca
along tho proposed route.
Captain II. B. l'almcr, who has been labor-
Ing earnestly to nccuro consideration for
the Hot Spring national homo .bill, left for
Now York toduy on his way to Omaha.
Captain Palmer has been aided In his ef
fort to get tho epcaker'H consent for con
sideration by Mr. Hosowatcr, General Man
derson, Senator Thurwton and It Ih under
stood Senator Hanna too will aak tho speaker
to allow tho 'bill to como up for considera
tion. It Ih believed, howovcr, that tho
promlHo mado by Spcakor Hendcrfion to tho
11 rut delegation who called upon him In bo-
half of tho bill will stand, and that nothing
will bo dono with tho measuro until the
short eeesion In December.
Tho Hotel Stratford In Philadelphia, which
Mr. Ilosowater has nclccted an Nobraska
headquartcrH, Ih Immediately across Uroad
street from tho Hotel Walton, which has
been retained on national committee- head
quarters. Tho selection of tho hotel In con
sidered csvttlully happy, In vlow of its
close proximity to all tho great hotels of the
city, and tho Stratford Ih among tho lcadcra.
An order was Irnued today discontinuing
tho poHtofllco nt Minors' DoHht, Fremont
county, Wyo. Mall will bo sent to Atlantic
li. 0. Cook was today uppolnted postmanter I
at Middle Hlvcr, Madison county, In.; nlso
A. U Dickens, nt Strousotor, Grant
county, S. D.
J. II. Kilmlnlrn Will Hun the Early
I'nrt of flic Ktmlnn I'niiutlat
Campnlgn There.
Half Price Suit Sale Iff tin. I Wf
milll Made gjB pjgtffl Is AUM
I JUU CSn,;a iSSSilil lou,, ouoh ono iuu,nntL-climlI, w JkTf! JSSb Goldoii iiiiisli Intension ' Sn?T5? 1
At 50c on the Dollar
LINCOLN, Nob., May 12. Tho populist
national commlttco will establish headquar
ters in Lincoln and J. II. Rdmlsten, vice
chairman, will bo In charge. This announce
ment was mado today by Mr. Kdmlsten on
his return from Sioux Falls. Senator Unt
ie r, tho chairman, will bo kept 'busy with
other Interests until August. After that ho
will establish an eastern headquarters at
Tlmiiilrr Stnriiin nnil Much Cooler
Temperndirr I'ri'illotril Muiiiliiy
1'alr, with Wmtnrl)' WltiiU.
WASHINGTON, May 12. Forecast for
Sunday and Monday:
For Nebraitka and South Dakota Thunder
storms and much cooler Sunday morning;
Monday fair: westerly winds.
For Iowa Fair In eastern, thunder storms
and cooler In western portions Sunday; Mon
day thunder storms and cooler; Bouth to
west winds.
For Missouri Fair and warm Sunday, ex
cnit probably thunder storms and cooler In
nnrthwcHt portion; Monday thunder utorms
nnd cooler; couth to west winds.
For Kansas Thunder storms and cooler
8undayj Monday fair; south to west winds,
I.otMil llocoril.
OMAHA, May 12.-oniclul record of tem
perature ami precipitation, compared with
Iho corresponding day of tho last three
. . 1W0. IS39. 1S9S. 1S37,
TMaximum temperature S3 i to si
.Minimum temperature M 0:: 41 45
Averugo temperature "S fiO 57 Bl
"Precipitation 00 00 w oi
Ilecord of tempernturo and precipitation
hi umana lor uus uuy anu since March 1,
Nornial for the day, ,.
F.XCPH8 for the day
F.xresn sluco Mil roll 1
Normal rainfall for tho day
Deficiency fop the ilny
Total slnen March I
Deficiency hIiipo March 1
Deficiency for cor. period, 1M.
Deficiency for cor. period, bits
I.. A
SKIRTS 5SS. 1-49
of 145 flno chovlot herron
Iioiih orge, and cutnol s.
hair skirts, worth t 6 .
of 80 o.xtru-Ilne nuihalr
crepon skirts, full tailor
made, worth Jl'J.50
of 1U0 chulco high grado
tiill'ota skirts tiraldcu in
bcuutiful patterns,
worth from $:o to J2....
chol o
of GO)
tlno percalo wutst.1, lu
light and dark rol
oriiius, worth 5X.
f Sfi3
film waists lu llmltles and
piques, in whlto and fancj
lS.t noveltv
Waists, lu whlto India
linen and dimity, laeo und
embroidery trimmed
worth J2.50
Millinery Suggestions for Monday
Your choico 250 flno
copicH of I'attern Hats
that cost from $10.00
to $12.00
Jumbo Draid Sailors
worth 75c
Tnii.Mi:i HATS.
Genuine Imported
French Novcltlrn
that cost from $25 to
$10.00, on talc at
Split Milan Urald Sailors
worth $1.50
Lot of a 10 fnncy diners
liaiid-miide, chip sunt.
"roiis nijn i-arven
Da ' Mny salo
only it
.Beautiful solid oak D-pieco
chamber suit largo hovel
ed mirror roomy drawers
full si.o noil no vol' H A3 H ,
sold less thuu iX)-- a ft
Hii..,.lil nb a $'
fi-pioeo parlor suit- -ele-
cntnly uphoNtoroi' In rloli iliuimik,
llui' miinc, ni'WCHt
dOKlirns, holil I'ojfuliii'
tit X spt'ciitl snlo. ..
Golden linit-li lCxtension
Tubli's extra lui'fri- tons, when
exU'iiileil will cut ton
norsoiiH, worth
all of I0
Solid oak cent or tables
-ltn'tr nlii'lf iiinli'iMictitli
spool til. . .
$:i.til) value--
1Ro I'miey ltocliiT.i A
help lo huux" foinfort
If i llOIIHI M.OIll j lio with
in "no i"P'' f 11 0
i i.i ly ul piu'U UiJU
i in'.
- (
) 0
liiuul carved, brass trimmed,
larjte Imported mirror, el vet
lined drawer lot of 25 worth
$20, upuclul
Haby t'iiirliiK'' & Go f;ins
tli Milt ooryboily & every
poi'U.'tbook all tho mw
ot dcsieiiH In teed and
wood, with steel wheels .'
frames, noiiio with rubber
tires, iirli'os ratitfo O I O
ft o u i no down to i$0
IScuutlfuI trohk'ii oak
ili'eHsoi'. vvltti ptilitthod
Ion :ni I be
oled mli ror
ear mo orr mmzm
s did oak I'lillTniilers with
5 npai'ioiis drawers, h.inil
iMirri'd bius trimmed,
Tri'in li bmi'h'd plain mlr-
op-'our 8.98
lino u ttiin t',i iri
belli, nuid. with iiimvj or
lier iionl' . st' I de r.i I It
br irltntni't ti-.U MeslKiiS,
wr.i-ili fullj JICi', 8ieiiul sale,
prl. c
Our Special
latest patent fur b o eron
otny nnil oilirli- irnis
Ion . luiml'iM' nuide ot
best I.Imi .11 1. l
mati'flins sale
I'urlor 1-imps, last of two lotn,
boautlful shapt'S, Klorxs and vane
hand docorited In various llorsil
desl(jnn, best burners I "IK
dpectul Ii l (J
100-pleco Dinner Sels, Kncllsh eml
porcolnln, eloKimtly decorated In
two colors, Krcen or pearl
Bruy, vtiluo $15.00
Specials in
Stove Department
tn tide of steel hiRbly polished .nickeled
trlmitiliiKS, hits duplex Rralo OT E" S
for or wo. id- JIL'W X .Xoal
valuo for fc fl WW
SlIA ini OHM COOK STOVK -has heavv
niHiliiKH KirKi' oven a K.'od baker
- full lib kel trlitmilnKs full
$10.01 alue, on sale for
2CQ for 2-burner Oiisollne Stove. No
Wf belter Htovo miide tlian tho Hoyal.
Nottingham I.n'o (.'urtalns, very liretly
patterns mid deslnns, worth fully J iki a
pair-on sale f ir
Klne Tlnpnslry I'm t. litis, very Rood iii.illt,
a larse variety of paiterns and ileslRiin -
$.!50 value
Itopo ilorl teres the usual four dollar kind
mi Ufi In
f" III
Op.uiup .Shinies, eompleto with llxtuirs,
HprlttK roller llfty cent
Heavy Iimraln Carpets. koixI pat
terns fully eimal li' .ill r. spects or
appearance and wear lo the fort
sold elsewhete for three 9Q
times iih mue 1 twu
Kancy Wool Inurultis. various pat
terns and nil color combinations, a
value that Is phenomenal A Of
mine .1 1 ul hoc tor yourself ViJu
To Out-of-Town Buyers-
We sell goods on our
easy payment plan, any
where this side of the
Pacific Ocean. We issue
no catalogue. We pay
freight 100 miles.
All Goods Sold for Cash
or Credit.
SlO worth Roods, $1.00 week, St month
$25 worth goods, $1.25 week, $5 month.
$50 worth goods, $1.50 week. $i month.
$75 worth goods, $2.00 Week, $8 month.
$150 worth goods, $2.50 week, $10 month
$200 worth goods, $3.00 wcijk, $12 mouth
to young people justgoing housekeeping
JUEt claims allowed.
Complaints heeded
Courteous treatment.
Cash or Crodlt.
No misrepresentations.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Kasy payments.
lied Hock rrlccs.
Small Profits.
Knormous business.
Prompt deliveries.
Popular price.
For Omaha, for
Peninsular Stoves
Quick Meal Gasoline
Guerney Refrigerators.
Hey vooclBa by Carriages
Estate Steel Ranges.
Senate Votfs Dawn a Proposition for a
Government Factory,
0.11 Incb
0.U inch
.... 5.C) Inch
n.ri) Iiuh
...2.14 luchcH
...1.33 Inches
Local Forecast Oinclal.
A himum; ihskasu.
More Cnlnrrh lit Thin Svnuoii TIiiiii In
Any Other.
The fact that catarrh Is moro prevalent In
spring; than any other time of year Is easily
accounted for by the sudden changes, tho
warm sunny day succeeded by tho enow or
Bitot or tho next.
Hepeated colda In the head rreultlnc from
our llckle -prlnn climate, very easily drift
Into nasal catarrh, which Is at llrst simply an
uncured cold, whloh finally, if neglected
caiiica Inflammation and thickening of the
mucoua ntomnrano of tho nasal cavltv which
gradually extends Into the throat and bron
chial tubes and to tho stomach causing
cuiarru oi siomacn,
Douche of salt water or douches of any
hinii very uuvn aggravates tho trouble by
sun iiirwirr irruaung the delicate mom
The safest remedy for colds In tho head
and for any form of catarrh Is some slmplo
ami nine oiuisrpiic, preieriiuiy in tablet, and
taken Internally several times a day.
Ono of the best antiseptic catarrh tablets
for this purpco Is one composed of San
gulnarla, Kucalyptol and Oiulacol, and sold
y druggists uudor the namo of Stuart'a
Catarrh Tablets,
Theso tablets clean the catarrhal secro
tlon from tho membranes of tho noso and
throat and act nl3 very effectively upon
the blood, their regular uso for a fow weeka
entirely eliminating tho catarrhal poison
from tho system.
Tho best remedies for any trouble aro tho
simplest, and Stuart's Catarrh Tablets Ih a
superior preparation for colds and catarrhal
conditions because absolutely free from co
caln or opiates so commonly found In
ebeo couch cures and catarrh medicines.
.Minority Then OrKulH l'lliliiinli-r
nnil Prevent Aellmi Cliuiiilli'i'
Milken a Muti-Ii CIiiii-k I hk l-'riiuil
In Hun oyliril Ariiinr.
WASIIINtJTON, Alny 12. Ily a lIco vnto
tho seuato today rejected tho proposition to
erect, without referenco to tho pilco nt
wnitii ttio government v. uld sccuro armor
plato for war hlr, an armor plato fac
tory u coat not to exceed 11,000,000. Tho
voto upon tho direct proposition wua L'2
to -21.
Our Iff,
Jont-it (Arl).
Joiiph (Ntv,),
Clark (Wyo.),
.Mono) ,
Tho resolution was by Pottus ot Alabama.
Subtildlary itmondments wero rojected by
alont tho samo vote. When tho committee's
proposition u about to bo voted upon a
llllhustcr was organized, the quorum of tho
sennto was hroken and the question is btllt
In the air.
During tho debata today Chandler of New
Hampshire delivered a oansatlonal ypoech.
In which ho charge 1 that tho government
had been defrauded In tho n'doptUn of tho
ILirveylzcd armor, lie declared a similar
fraud waij proposed in tho uttempt to fjroo
tho government to adopt tho Krupp armor.
('IiiiiiiIIit'h i-naiilloniit Till I..
"I believe and I am prepared to shoy,"
said he. "that the Harvey patent was it
fraud and that It was Impoied upon the
patent odlco and upon tho government by
subterfuge If not by dishonesty. When the
government refuood to pay moro than $aoo
a ton for Hurvpy armor tho combined
armor manufacturers of tho world endeav
ored to obtain by wubterfugo or by lujU3tlco
another nrmor. I do not bellcvo that tho
Krupp armor which they offered tw has any
merit whatever, except that It Ib hardened
deeper than the Harveylzed nrmor by tho
woll-ltnown method of hardening steel by
means of carbonization. Thoro Is no patent
about It nnd thoro U no secret about It that
is worth u dollar In any court."
Chandkr tuok oharp Usuo with tho state
ment madi- by AllUciii that It would bo four
yc.iu bcfuio tho ipivcrtinunt cculd get a
plate of armor from lu o,n factory if it
built one. Speaking cf tho Navy depart
ment advocating contracting with armor
pluto manufacturer!, lieniiU that Commander
Kolgcr. nfter tho Intioduitlon of tho Ilnrvey
lzel plate, resigned and Joined tho Harvey
company with a salnry of $r,,030 with an ad
dition of J20.000 rf block lu the company. He
then went to Uuropo In tho Intcnut of tho
company. At the conclusion of Secretary
Tracey's term he became counsel for tho
Harvoy company In dofciise of tho Harvey
LoiIki-'k War Talk Depreciilfil,
Hpooner of Wisconsin and Halo of Maine
nitulo notablo wpcechei deprei'atlng the war
talk yesterday by Lodge. Neither tho sena
tor from Wisconsin nor tho senator from
Malno was fearful that wo might ho In
volved lu difficulty with (lermany on ac
count of tho Alonroo doctrine.
Hoar protoited against tho "wretched Im
perialistic biiilnctu" and the talk that thin
nation hud only recently become a "world
power." asserting It had been a world power
since the war ot 1S12.
Tillman's amendment wtrlklng out tho
commltteo's proposition to pay $115 per ton
Tolnl Di-Ntriii'tinii of Plant Is vorl'it
hy Klliil'tn of Well Dilllcil
NOItl'OI.K, Neb , May 12 (Special Tclo-
d.iy afternoon. The beautiful homo of Iho
hotiea was darkened nnd elaborately deco
rnied. Thi whIIh of the reception room, par
lor, library, siting room and dining room
wero drnped with Hags of China nnd Japan
nnd fntiH, umbrellnw. landscapes and tiro
Mceues also adorned the wall.-). About tho
gram.) What came near being a serious lire rooms ere beniitirtil Jnpanr.o vases, cabi
startcd at & o'clock this afternoon In the! nets. China bronze and Bcroena.
noith end of tho Amerlcnn Heet Sugar
plant. Var a tlmo It was thought that tho
whole north oud would ho destroyed, hut
by tho prompt work of a well drilled gang
l.llllUC Ollll'I'I'K I II M t II IICll,
MADISON, Nob.. May 12. (Special.)
Pleiad chapter No. fis. order l.'astorn Star,
Installed iln new nlllcein Inst night ns fol-
Mnstcr Mechanic hnckwood nnd tho aid of 'lows: Mrs. K. P. Prince, worthy matron;
the magnificent waterworks P(VHtom tho
blaze was extinguished bofore much ditmago
was done. Tho lire was stnrtel by tlnnors
at work on the roof.
Kiiiiniim Winn Drliiltr.
rUIUJ, Neb., May 12. (Special.) The In
terstate debate between tho Kansas Stuto
Normal and tho Nebraska Stnto Normal took
place Inst evening In the Normal chapel
Peter Ituhundull. worthy patron; Mm. It.
A. Mnlony, nsaochilo matron; Mrs. Peter
rumbctit of tho olllce of c.iunty tiltorney,
Kred 1). .Hunker, will bo ncmlmited for a
third tcini. No candidate has as yet an
nounced himself for repriHenuitlve.
iiiorv lliinil 'inii'(rtn.
Wy.MOltK, Neb., May 12. (Special.) Tho
first of n fierlcH of Bummer concerts to ha
given by tho Wymore Symphony band anno
olf Thurmlny evening. A largo crowd in
tended. Tho hand Is now under the leader
ship of Lis D. Moon nnil i.i progrcHtiliig
delegates to the rringrru-lnuiil und rl I
ei nventlons. Nu resolutions were ndopiel.
Thero was a small attendance and no en
thiiHhimn ovlmed A neiv county C'litiul
commlttco was elected.
.Miii'tuiiui-N I'llfil ami Iti-li'iiKi'il.
WKST POINT. Neb.. May 12. (Special ) -Tho
iimnuntif real estate mortgiigeH filed
for record in tho clerk's olllco of this county
for tho week ending May 12 iiggiLgtiii-il
IC.tilO. Tho morttpiijia ioIcik'imI during ibo
wiiio period wero Sll.ocri,
Cilllill A rill Ki'illllnil,
MADISON, Neb.. May 12. ( ) Thn
Mndlsou County (irund Army Republic a
lifiniu'ratK' (nut riiilitii Calli'il.
WKST POINT. Neb.. May 12. (Special.)
Tho democratic county convention is called
to meet on Muy 20 111 thin city. A repre-
hffnrn n l.ireo and enthusiastic audience, tentntlvo for this Judicial district and a
I'lnil !lnil of Chilli.
SWPKItlOll. Neb., May 12. -(Special.)
Word was received hero this nfternonn from
Htibcntlnll, sccrotary; Mrs. Willis M ilrldo, Nelson, Neb., that tho body of a fully de- aoclatlon will hold lid annual reunion . t
treasurer: .Mis. J. II. Hume, conductress; 1 vclopcd child win found dead In tho mangir Hattlo Creek, September 13, 11 and 1'. Tin
Mrs. W. D. Heed, lUHjclato conductroHS. of u barn belonging to John Mann. Tho ' eonimlttwH havo been uppolnted t" unnnm
i nienuiy oi me parents or me enuu is un- i
known. Tho coioner hnH been Hiimmonnl.
for armor, fixing the maximum prlco nt $300 held lu Wymoro this your, notwithstanding
per ten, except for armor for tho battlrshlps I tho fact that tho commlttco cn locution
Maine, Mluourl nnd Ohio, for which $5451 voted uninlmnusly for Hits location at Its
was to paid and making It mandatory upon , nicotinic held thrro weeks ago. In order to
tho Bccretary of tho navy to construct hobl tho rr-unloti here It whs necessary to
armor plate, was defeated, 22 to 21, tho ralso about $500 nnd tho btislnoHa men, who
voto In no respect differing from tho vmo wero tho onei looked upon to contribute,
I'l'lip l'lllHH'l'lH (illllll.
C ly ( iiiii iitlon In Kiiiiniih. i CKNTHA I. CITY, Neb., Mny )
('DAY CKNTKH. Kan.. May 12. (Special Crop prospocts are cxceptlonnlly brlgh'.
Telegram.) -The dcniornill' county lonen- Smull grain never looked belter. FnrmeiH
many friends ot the Nebraska Institution i candidate fi-r county attorney will be nom- tlon was held hero today to elect dele-1 ato busy planting mrn. Six Inches of ram
being present from Hurroundln-; towns. limited. It ii expected that the present In- gates to the state nonventi'-n nt Wb'hlta and fell during tho lust ten days.
The question, "Kciolved. That the United I
States fiovcrniuent Should Construct, Own I "
and Control a Translsthmlnh Canal," was
ably handled by both sides. Kantas, fur
the alllrtnatlve, was represented by Messrs. !
llalcomb and Mulllken, while tho negative
was uplit ld liy Mthrs. Stcveneon, Hockley j
nnd Monday of Nebraska. The Judges wero
M. I). C. True, Tecunuoh; Judge Jessen.
Nebraska City, and Judge I.amlxTt. Auburn, j
The decision was in favor of Kansas. Two j
delegates besldo the debaters eamo from
Kansas to mako arrangements to have tho
debato an annual feature.
W niiire IIIii'n l'i lli'iinliiii.
WY.MOHi:, Neb., May 12. (Special.) Tha
annuiil reunion of tho Southeastern Ne
braska Veterans' association will net bo
Skin Diseases
When the excretory organs fail to carry off the waste tnaterinl from the system, thete is an Minor-
nial accumulation of eltete matter which poisons anu Clous uic moon, nnu u iwuum auui .wmjw- cyijW
This poison is carried thruuiih the cenerM circulation to al". parts of the, ami upon rcacjiiug V ,y N "S
skin surface there is a redness and i motion, and hy certain eculiantics we reiojimze I'.cz.eina, N j v
Acne, Salt Uheum, I'soriasU, I'rvsipelas and many other skin trouiilcH tii'.r- ..r less severe vi ,i v
tlm 1.1,111 k lb,. er.n ,.f imtfitinii llie rejt disease is 111 the blood Medicated lotions ntld Mf JVV
i i
on Mr. Pcttua" nme-ndroeni. Tillman then
offorcd his amendment throo times, each
time ral'ilng ullghtly the oust of tirmor.
Knch tlmo the nmomtment wne dofoatod.
Ileiilrlee People Mlnnliiu;.
HUATHICU, Neb., May 12. (Special Telo
gram.) D. Warden and wifo, residents of
this city, are badly wanted by tho town
merchants on the i hargo vt absconding with
a horse, buggy and harness, which was mortgaged.
tho money, did not eairo about putting
up this amount for the attraction.
Other towns In the dlntrict will now he
given a chance lo seoun the reunion nnd j
It will go to tho one making the host offer;
providing, of course, tho town will cm-
tiihuio enough lo make tho event a surcrt?.
.liiimtiem I'nrt) al K" en i ihm . j
KI'AHNKY. Neb.. May 12 . iHpei lal i
Mrs. C'-arle. O Norton cnur' ncd 'ay
ladles n a Japaric rarty t hrr lmv on
I Flint avenuo and Twenty-Hut s'reet b er-
tiowders mav ull.iv the itchintr and burnuiH, but never cure, no matter how Ioiik and faithfully
continued, and the condition is often aggravated and skin permanently injured by their use.
TS?c disease &s more man sKta (Seep; ifoe eniipe clrcMlasiosB 2s poisoned.
The ninny prcpniutioiis of arsenic, mercury, potash, etc., not only do not cure skin discuses, hut soon ruin the digestion
and hrenk down the constitution. ., . , , , ... ,
vS. S. S., nature'd own remedy, made of roots, herbs nnd barks, of grent puiifynij; nnd tonicnl projierties, quickly and
effectually cures blood and skm troubles, becnuse it goes direct to the root of the. disease nnd stimulates and restores normal,
. .1 ; .1 .1... 1.1 1 1 1...,. !.. .......... .f .,11, t.f.rl iiiic
lienltny action to tne tiniereni organs, cientises nnu cnriuiies ine niuuu, mm nm istn mi.- nn.w,i. u, j.w...,. ......
S. S. S. cures permuiieutl because it leaves none of the original poison to refermqit in the blood nnd cause a fresh uttacl.
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blood nnd kin diseases, who will tak" pleasure in aiding bv their. oh ice and direction oil
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