Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1900, PART I, Page 5, Image 5

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ftur special dining room chair
" 03 tonta mado of solid ouk,
enno scut, high carved back regu
lar price $1.50. Our Bpeolnl prlco
Ladles' Chatelaine Watches
Sterling silver, hntulanmnlv on-
Continuation 1 Great Room Making Sale
Tho inlluence of the wonderful bargains offered in our Great Jioom Making Sale was felt in many homes. New goods are arriving daily
and room we must have. While buying last week was vigorous?, we are still crowded and tho prices which pleaeod thousands of people
will remain in force this week and in addition we have made still further concessions in tho price of Crockery, Carpets and Jewelry.
graved and warranted to keep gocil 7
tlrno regular prlco S&Po on sa'e
this week
1.1, 11)00. 5
W "1
When you
Buy Spoons
knives, far!:j. el- . Iny rsllitls brands,
even llthcy dacc-tu' '..3 n.ors. They
its worth lha eU'fercnre. Our tnds
mir eniures ur.ijuesCornbla quIlty.
"1847 Rogers Bros'
Ktia only ty
The Metidtn EritannU Co
W Merldsn, Conn.
stamped on
silverware i s
assurance that
nAnnno t.ho style,
Kill I til character and
IW1JVI O workmanship
Dhaa 77 ire correct.
til IIS Tuat's th
VI VOi manufactur
ers' business. Whon you buy
it hero, tho price is correct
that's our business.
We curry an immense
stock of "1847" goods.
Handsome- now pat
terns to bIiow. Bet
tor inspect our stock
You'll find that new carpet which
you imagined too oxponslvo can bo purohasjd hero
at a prlco that will plneo It within your reach.
A now lot of tho best Wilton Velvets, beau
tiful patterns with border to match; made fiO
to sell at $1.25 per yard our prlco "OL
Wilton Velvets without border. Patterns
that are usually sold at $1.10 per yard Q
our prlco OOC
Ten wire Tapestry, tho 85c kind, r g
our price OuC
An elegant lino of Velvets, regular 90c
. value, per yard
Lowell, 3-ply, worth $1.00, on sale this Qj"
week, per yard OOC
ilartfords, bcU two-ply, all wool
per yard ODv
Heavy nil wcol filling, a f
per yard Tt"C
Beat UnloiiH, per yard, 30c
Knives nnd Forks, plain bundles,
12 lwt, per set
Tea Spoons, tipped und shell -pattern,
Dessert Spoons, per net,
Tn hie Spoons, per set,
Fancy Pattern Ton Spoons,
per tet
Fancy Pattern Dessert Spoons,
per set .
Fancy Pattern Tablo Spoons,
per set
Butter Knives and Sugar Spoons",
any pattern
Coffee Spoons In Bilk llmd box, very rtQ
neat, not 1
fi Ico Crtnrn Spoons and 1 plo o JC
server In silk lined box J m u
0 Berry Forks nnd I Berry Spoon f OA
In Klik lined box .JU
Jelly Knives In silk lined box QQn
Cako Forks, In Bilk lined ARc
box. only
Fruit Knives, set nf Hlx, fQ
only l.Uif
No extra charge for en
Ideal summer floor covering.
Fibre Matting, per yard, -19c
Straw Mattings at 35c, 27c, 23c, 20e, 15c
LINOLEUM A large assortment of new de
signs to show you.
Best quality, 12 feet wide, per squaro
yard, only
Oood quality, 2 feet wide, per Bquaro
yard, only
Oil Cloth at 22c per yard and up.
LACE CURTAINS 3 Hi yards long and 40
Inches wide, per pair
QO-OOO oooooooooo
pure candy
at popular
prices. Not only aro our
prices popular, but the
candy Is popular. Tho price lownccn is
realty the smallest Item toward tho Q
attractiveness. Jt
!lc 6
12c 0
15c o
Salted Peanuts, 4Cn X
nound aOW. O
Q ItallnnChocolates, very best, 40c Q
6-O-0-0 HH OO-OOO-O-OO
Tip Top Caramels,
Cream Mixed,
Jelly Beans,
Monday Peculiar prices prevail.
Water pitchers, 1-2 gallon flint glass.. 34c
Tuesday Barometer lower.
Rochester table tumblers 2c
Wednesday No wind.
Butter dishes, extra fine 12c
Thursday First big puff.
Enameled English plates, all sizes 5c
Friday A real whirl.
Nappies, large round crystal 18c
Saturday House lifter.
New lines gold and color wares 10c
All Week Steady twister.
Extra combination table china 14c
Six Days Wind hummers.
Table sets, 4 pieces glass 24c
Every Day Cloud bursts.
Toilet basin and water pitcher 59c
Daily Clean scoops.
Change table of novelties 9c
Day before Sunday Wreck of all.
Opal lines, fancy articles and novelties 5c
Wo can interest
you in hammocks
if extra values
and a largo assortment aro any induce
A close woven cotton hammock, full length
with stool spreader, 72x34
Hull length closa woven cotton hammock
with large pillow
LAWN SETTEES Folding lawn settee, 41
Inches long, nicely stained nnd well made
15th and Capitol Ave.
PgM-f-rv and Oils Isn't it about
rf ti,ne yu woro thinking
Ullllcr seriously about painting
your house or stable? Is your mind at
rest when you see your noighbors eyeing
your dingy front porch? Huy linseed
oil mixed paints and jou will not have
to paint again for years. Our mixed
paints will not peel or blister, will cover
more surface than any other and are
cheaper in the end. Color card for tho
From an humble boginning
our drug department has
grown to bo the leader in
Omaha and one of the busiest in our
store. Popular prices and honost meth
ods are responsible for our drugsuccesB.
People hnvo learned In bringing their prescriptions
to us thoy run no risk of paying too much, bosldcs
our lmtuonso trado Is nn assurance thnt our drugs
nro fresh. Wo move stock rapidly hero don't keep
It long enough to get stale. A fow prices on soason
ablo drugs
PERFUMERY Plnaud's famous odors,
per ounce
Colgate's, Eastman's and all other stand
ard odors. A bewildering list to select from.
Dennntt'B Kola-Celery Compound for a gen
eral cleansing of tho syatem and for nerv
ous complaints It stands without a peer
dollar bottlo
Bennotts' Sarsaparllla an ideal spring
tonic, dollar bottle
Dennett's Neptholoum sure doath to rea:hc
and all other Injects, pint bottle
Wo save you 25 per cent on Toilet Soaps.
Dennett's Malt Whiskey Is an absolutely
puro malt whlskpy, distilled especially for
us. Sold In quart bottles only
the sun shines, but cut tho
grass on your lawn boforo it
gets too high. Bettor come
down tomorrow and look at
our splendid lino of lawn
mowers. Hardened steel bear
ings, malleable iron frames,
and knives made of tho best
hand forged steel, aro points
which desorve your special at
tention o c
Price ji
Orass Cntrhers, good sensible CQP
ones, only OO
0only S.h?f",..1.r: 34C
Lawn ltake, tho very iest O,,
mado OW
Ico Tongs, for family use, iOr
onlv 15
Ice Pick,
only ...
Ice Cream Freezers
there are so many good points
about our freezers that we
can's begin to tell you abo ut
them all ease of operation,
quick action in freezing, triple
tin plated metal parts pre
venting rust, easy to clean
and extreme low cost.
Freezer, unliable for small
Water Coolers A full
line of coolers. All tho latest
improvements prices range
from $1. 68 up.
Anti-warp rcrcen doors; extrn heavy 1 1-8
In seasoned frames will not warp or
ag. Adjustable window, screens, lO-
each wC
Iowa Prohibitionists Praparo to Wage Wat
Against L'qnor Dialers.
Innn AiiKiifttlun Synod of the SiTOdlnh
I.uthrrnn ClnirolicN 1'hm IleNOlii
tlnnn ComlcmnliiK DnnulnK.
Curiln nnd Tlicntericolnir.
I)KS MOINES, Mny 1'.'. (Special Tele
eram.) Tho -prohibitionists of Polk county
in convention toduy sounded a nolo of warn
ing to all persons who might bo consider
ing tho ndvlsnblltty of entering tho taloon
or liquor buslnwfl In tho stnto. Thi warn
ing wan Issued In tho ahapo of a resolution,
which wan adopted without any objection,
it It! ns follows; "Wo hereby warn all per
sons contemplating the Investment of cap
ital in tho liquor bunlnciis in tho stnto of
Iowa that such Investments aro mado at
their own risk, tdnco nil such Investments
nro against the gcnlvm of our American ln
htltutloun nnd tho constitutional enactment
of tho peoplo nf tho tdato of Iowa und
ngnlust every moral, social and financial
right nnd subject to Interruption and con
fiscation without warning nt any time."
An effort wnti nhv mado by Thomas O,
Orwig to havo pafoed n rcoolutlon censur
ing Governor Shnw nnd Secretary Dobson
on account of tho recent charges preferred
against them by Trcusurer Ilerrlott, but tho
delegates by nn nlmoul unanimous vote ru
fuaml to past tho rrcolutlon. It was as
follows; "Wo deploro that there Is causo
for complaint ugalnst him (referring to Gov
ernor Shaw) for such reason (referring to
the rrnolutlou on tho liquor traffic) In nddl
tlon to the charges against him and tho
necretnry of Htate, Cleorgo L. Dobaon, for
nrpeud on (iooil llixontlon.
This Is almost an axiom although usually
no aro apt to think that cosmetics, faco
powders, lotions, fancy soaps, etc.. nro tho
socrotH of xccurlng a clear complexion. Hut
all itheso nru simply superficial assistants.
It is Impossible to have a good complexion
unless tho dlgestlvo organs perform Jhelr
iork properly, unlc tho stomach by prop
erly digesting tho food taken Into It fur
nishes an abundance of puro blood, a good
complexion is Impossible.
That Is the reason so many ladles are using
Etimrl's Dyspepsia Tablets, because they
promptly cure any stomach trouble nnd
they havo found out that perfect digestion
moans a perfect complexion and ono thnt
does not require cosmetics und powders to
enhance Its beauty.
Many ladles diet thcmtclvrs or deny them
selves many artjcles of food solely In order
to keep their complexion clear. When Stu
art's DyBpopsIa tablets aro used no such
dlotlng Is necessary, tako these tabletB and
cat all tho good wholesome food youwant
nnd you need havo no feur of Indigestion
nor tho sallow, dull complexion which nine
women out of ten have, solely becaimo they
aro suflerlng from somo form of indigestion.
Hear In mind that beauty proceeds from
good health, good hjatth results from per
fect digestion and we havo advanced tho
best argument to Induce every man and wo
man to glvo this splendid remedy a trial,
Htuart's Dyspepsia Tabids can bo found
In drug btorcti nnd costs but CO cents per
Photon nc.
If thero Ih any derangement of tho stomach
or bowels they will remove It nnd tho resul
tant effects ire. good digestion, good health
nnd a clear, bright complexion.
favoring a railroad corporation In the assess
ment of taxes nnd causing suspicion and
mlitrtidt that they have been unduly In
fluenced by a corporation that has no eoul."
Tho platform as adopted Is very radical.
It talks about tho Insult to Christianity of
"saloon under tho protection of our national
flag" and arraigns the republican party for
tho mulct law of Iowa. Dolcgatcs to the
stato convention were selected.
Dancing, card-playing and theater-going
wero condemned in resolutions adopted by
tho Iowa Augustlna synod of the Swedlnh
Lutheran churches in its cloning sessions
today. Tho conference nlso urges the neces
sity of parochial schools for the Christian
training of Swedish children. Another Im
portant fcaturo of the closing serslonn was
the appropriation of ISOO to tho Synod's
Homo mission.
Mnpn Sent lo t'ltrln.
Tho dairy commissioner recolved a copy of
tho map of Iowa sent to Paris by tho
United States Department of Agriculture,
showing tho number of creameries In tho
stnto and giving other dairy statistics. Tho
only dairy maps sent were the onea show
ing "tho Iowa creameries and tho ono of
Now York locating tho cherso factories. Tho
map received this morning shows there aro
779 creameries In tho state and that their
Average value Is J3,H5. The output of but
ter from crenmerles Is 112,030 pounds an
nually, the total output 87,859,640. The total
value of this la estimated at $15,814,717.
There are sixty-nine cheese factories In tho
state and tho average cheeso output la
3,069,109 pounds.
Tho New Hartford State bank filed articles
of Incorporation todny. It has a capital
stock of $35,000. K, Ilourquln Is president;
J. A. Cousins, vlco president, and V, W. Pal
mer, caHhler.
Smallpox was reported tlila morning from
Kldora townihlp In Hardin county.
The supremo court banded down the fol
lowing opinions this morning;
I.. Merchant against M. O'Rourke, Kos
suth district, afllrmed.
Olo Olson against Himford Produce com
pany, woodimrv district, reversed.
(.'. K. Irwin arid Mllzntieth Phillips Bgalnt
V . H. Cooper, Mills district, uftlrmed.
Heck & Son, Martin P. Heck and '.Martin
P. Heck. Jr. ugulnst K. P. Jucltctt. Cedar
ItapIdH superior court, .modified and uf
tlrmed. Chris Harm against G. 1 Vosh, Crawford
district, Affirmed.
William Winter nualnst Iowa Central rull
way, Cerro Uordo district, afllrmed.
lowii Brick company ugalnst J. Camp
bell, 8, A. Robertson, Polk county, nf
firmed. "
Kred Wright, tho tramp who was grabbed
by the health olllcers hero a week or ten
days ago and ruthed out to tho smallpox
ramp of detention, escaped from tho camp
Thursday night nnd tho ofneers being unable
to locate him exprcrs tho belief that bo has
left tho city. Wright, when first nppre
hended, said he had Just come from Omaha
In a freight car.
The building and loan companies of the
state said that If the governor signed the
new building and loan law It would drive
them out of business and their present
action seems to justify what they say. One
company has notified the nudltor of state
that it Intends to get out of business at
once and several others have been making
Inquiries as to the steps necessary to bo
Iot Wln Ilclintr.
IOWA CITY, U., May 12, (Special.)
I.ait night tho stato university of Iowa
dobatlng team won the annual debate with
tho University of Wisconsin, Tho debnto
was held here and was attended 'by a large
crowd of enthusiastic students. The mooted
question was: "Would It llo Politic For
the United States to Take Direct Action
to Kffuct a Substantial Increase In Its Mer
chant Marine?" Iowa affirmed tho question
hy O. II. Fletcher. M, M. Moulton and M.
O. McCarthy. Wisconsin denied the ques
tion by H. W. Adams, W. K. Adams and
M. J. Cleary. Judges, Lieutenant Uovernor
Mllllman of Logan, la.; Prof. Jesse Macy
of Iowa college, Qrlnnell, and Kev. Frlzzcl
of Eau Claire, Wis. The decision of the
Judges was two for tho affirmative and one
for tho regatlvc.
Tom Tnylor Seek llrvrtmr for tlc
!, nf Illii Dnuifhter'a
DUNLAP, la., May 12. (Special.) A
shooting affray occurred here this morning
on the main business street, which enme
near resulting in the murder of E. II. Bar
rett, senior eon of tho firm of M. Barrett &
Sons, His assailant was Tom Taylor, a long
tlmo resident and at present an insurance
agent and .secretary of the schcol board of
Dunlap. The occasion of the nhootlng Is
probably due to the election of school teach
ers which took place laot evening.
Mr. Taylor's daughter was nn applicant for
ro-eleotlon to a position In the schools, but
was defeated. Although not a director, to
Mr. Barrett was ascribed tho cause of Miss
Taylor's1 retirement. Her fathor became
very much exercised over the matter and
at tho postoflko corner this morning, with
out any 'warning, commenced firing at Mr.
Barrett, tho latter rushing Into tho street
nnd running for a place of safety. Taylor
deliberately stood on the poatofflce steps
and aiming his revolver at Barrett fired tour
fihotn after his man.
Barrett called to .bybtandcra to go for Dr.
Boatty nnd ho stepped Into a furnlturo
store, whero ho was cared for until the doc
tor arrived. An examination proved that
Barrett has boon shot through both legs,
ono ball penetrating tho left log betwet-n tho
knee and thigh and tho other passing
through the right groin. He was taken
to hla homo on a stretchor where he Is now
renting easily and no serloua results are
As soon as Taylor quit shooting he
stepped into tho postofllce and emptied hlo
revolver and reloaded It. At this juncturo
bis son came In nnd took tho weapon nnd
pocketed it. A fow moments later Taylor
was placed under arrest by the city marshal.
Ho was takon to tho office of Attorney
Travor whero ho soon fell Into a stupor
and was beyond knowing anybody or any
thing. Later he was removed to the offlco
of n Justice nnd his preliminary bearing was
eet for Monday morning.
'Barrett nnd Taylor had not been on the
most frlondly terms for some time and
Taylor has on several occasions flourished n
levolver nnd threatened to kill somebody. A
great deal of sympathy Is being expretsed for
the fnmlly of Taylor, which Is among the
most respectable in town.
I.lvrrj- Stnhlp, Lumber Ynrd nnd a
Hotel Are Food for the
VILLISCA, la.. May 12. (Special.) A
disastrous llro started this afternoon about
5 o'clock In tho Kunce livery stable here.
The horses and carriages were nil that were
saved of the building and contents and tho
nro spread to the Ranks lumber yard and
Hotel Oxford, which 'Wero almost totally de
stroyed. Hy hard work tho firemen saved the houso
of Mr. Matthews, which was next In the
path of the flames. All Inhabitants in the
block moved out their goods Into places of
safety and many In the next block north
transferred their household goods to the
city park.
The total extent of the damage cannot
yet be estimated, but It is known to have
heen large. The lumber yard carrlod a
largo stock of all kinds of woods, which is
almost a total loss.
Company B turned their hall Into n lunch
room and the guards served coffee to the
firemen and workers. Palls of coffee were
sent out to the other workers.
are still playing water on the burning lmn-.
ber. There was a high wind when the Arc
started, but it afterwards quieted down.
C.I It I
Mc.Vmuarn of Slnnx City on Long Hunt
for Swcethenrt.
SIOUX CITY, May 12. (Special Telegram.)
W. C. McNamara, prosldent of tho Omnha
& Oulf railway, Is still unablo to find the
girl whom he wishes to marry. J. J. Mc
Allister, father of the girl, has completely
spirited tho girl away and tho Nebraska
authorities havo been unable to find cither
one of them to serve a writ of habeas cor
pus. McNamara Is In possession of facts which
prove that tho parents of the girl havo
kept her a close prisoner In their homo and
when they learned McNamara was deter
mined to get hor nnd tho girl was willing,
tho father took her away at night and has
not been located. It Is tho sensation of tho
hour in Sioux City, whero McNamara lives
and at Dakota City, Neb., tho homo of the
girl. It is said McAllister has taken the
girl to a convent In Dubuque.
Flontrr Found In Illrrr.
CLINTON, la., May 12. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho body of an unknown man, aged
about 35 years, was found on a log raft in
tho river here today. Tho remains had been
in tho river several weeks, as tho body was
badly decomposed. An Investigation re
vealed nothing by which tho man can be
Identified. In his pockets was a silver
watch, $1 In silver nnd some keys. He was
fairly well dressed.
(rnwtli of Inwn Town.
SHKNANDOAH. Ia., May 12. (Special.)
The full roturns from tho local assessor show
nn Increase In taxablo property during the
yr ending January 1 of $160,000. Over
$100,000 of this fine gln was lnbullding
town Xriv Xolrw.
There aro nearly 7,000 notaries In the
Tho coopers In Dubuque aro on a utrlko
for nn Incrcaso of wuces.
Tho Catholics of West Dubuque will dedi
cate a beautiful church next Sunday.
The Hardin county Knights of Pythias
will Jiavo a plcnlo at Union on Juno 6.
Grading work lias commenced on the
Duluth & New Orleuns road nt Nevada.
Airs. Phadelphla Rogers, a cnlorpd woman
living at clarlnda, claims who Ih 102 years
Cedar Rapid Is tulklng of trying the ex
periment of a scries of horto races by elec
tric light.
Since October. 1K!7. 3M.Wi bus been n-lrle l
to tho endowment fund of Cornell eollreo.
nt Mt. Vernon.
Kort Madison Is without n pollro force.
The old force was discharged nnd the coun
cil refused to conllrm the new appointees of
the mayor.
A couple of men from Chicago are mak
ing a business of catching turtles in the
pondi of Marshnll county and shipping
them to the Chicago mnrket.
Several esses of hydrophobia hnve re
sulted umong cattle In the vicinity of Web
ster City. Tho cattle had been bitten by
dogs nffllctcd with the disease.
The annual convention of tho lowa Work
men will bo hold at Waterloo Mny 15 nnd 1C.
A disease something llko cholera Is play
ing havoo among calves near Traor.
Fred Ioukott, employed ns a cnal heaver
by tho Rork Island railroad at Atlantic, has
been arrested on the charge of being Im
plicated In the robbery of cars at that
J. C. Ontos hHs resigned ns clerk of the
official hoard of (Jrace Methodist Kplsoopul
church, nt Waterloo, after having served
thirty-four years continuously In that ca
pacity. An albatross with a broken wing fell on
tho street at Helmond recently. Tho al
batross Is a sea fowl and how this bird
happened to be so far from suit water Is a
matter for speculation.
The bursting of n pipe In tho cooling
plant of tho Atlantic creamery nlloweii
ammonia gas to escape and suffocate work
men who were In tlin room. They wero
almost dead when rescued.
The riniml Army of the Republic post
of Fort Dodge will dedicate, on Memorial
day. a monument to thn unknown soldier
dead of the civil wnr. The monument hus
been erected In Fort Dodge cemetery.
o a v a m
The agitation of the beet sugar subject by
tho Commercial club has resulted In tho or
ganization of a local company for the rac
ing of beets. Twenty South Omaha men aro
Interested In the now concern and fifty acres
of land on the Island below Hellevuo has
been secured. A committee composed of
T J. O'Nell, Frank Koutsky, W. S. King,
J, B, Watklns and John Flynn will look af
ter tho affairs of the company, assisted by
J. F. Weyb.rlght of the Ames Beet Sugar
It la tho Intention of tho managers to
oommenco tho planting of beets on Monday.
Tho land secured lo known an tho Chap
man tract and Is considered especially de
slrnblo tor tho raising of sugar beets.
Arrangements aro being mado with a num
ber of residents of Brown park for doing
tho necessary work In tho beet fields. A
meeting will bo held nt Koutsky's hall at
which tho promoters of tho scheme and
theso who drslro employment In tho fields
will talk tho matter over nnd mnko definite
arrangements. Councilman Dvorak is tak
ing qulto nn interest In tho proposition nnd
expects to securo employment for a largo
number of Bohemian families during tho
summer months. It Is proposed to havo
as many families as can bo nrranged for
llvo on land adjacent to the fields during
tho season. For thoso who cannot remain
awny from home n carryall will be provided
which will run between Brown park and
Bellovue morning ami night.
In addition to tho fifty ncrcs to bo plnntcl
by South Omnha capital thcro will bo
an equal number of acres planted by farmers
adjoining tho city. It Is oxpectod that at
least 120 acres of beets will bo ralhcd In the
immediate vlclulty of this city during tho
l'uncrnl of f.nnolliic Victim.
Funeral services over tho remains of Mrs.
Lena Andeison and MUs Mary Olson will
bo held at tho First Presbyterian church,
Twenty-fifth and J streot nt 3 o'clock this
afternoon, Theso services will bo under tho
auspices of tho Danish sisterhood. All mem
bers of tho Dannebrog socloty aro requested
to meet nt tho hall at 1:30 o'clock to go to
tho Anderson rcsldenco nt Forty-second and
F streets. Interment will be at Laurel Hill
cemetery. After a brlof Investigation Coro
ner Swunson decided that there was no ne
netslty for an Inquest, mi the death of tho
two was (purely accidental. Tlio young
brother of Mary Olscn, who wns quite badly
burned, Is renting easily and It Is not
thought that his burns will prove fatal, Mr.
Anderson Is doing as well as can bo ex
pected. Ho U suffering considerably from
tho shock Incident to his wlfo's death but
the burns ho received aro not considered
nt all serious.
1 1 ..... I I A.I..... I. -1.1 . .1 1 J. i. w i ..
Biiuuuuii iu uiuu i.i rauBim-icM uikiucoi oii'ii b unristian association t lilt,
bad at the ircent time. There will be no afternoon.
fat sheep shipped from Arizona nt tho usual iK'n."!;"t,'1 "'"1 interesting programs nro
season this year." While sheep receipts drcnEtfoyW
at this point show a decrease ns compared Us mlaslon schools.
with a year ago thUt Is considered
pers the best sheep market In the
Just now. Packers nro paying big prices
lambs and the Indications are that there
will be no reduction very soon.
by ship- I .T?0,? lection of officers of tlio Commercial
country r,rSlN( fL" Postponed for a week on
rices for twoTf' the 'u-eto".?00 frm ,h0 cl,y ot
. Thurlow tins been appointed bv tho
tnneH., ,!he, ''r tcrlan church to
.p?rllltPi"fl Improvements to be made
on tho church property.
r .! ")Mr. .IInmp Missionary society
trU' irMTth,V lsl 1c,"'r;l "III meet with
Irs. If. I,. Dennis, loos North Tweiily
hlrd street, Friday afternoon
teT,0,'iC,S.of I,r,?,Vyt,rlnn Kings' Dnugh
ters nnd Sons will meet for Important
business with Mrs. Jane Kerr, file North
Twenty-I fth street, on Mnv k ' onn
Men's Memorlnl Service.
A men's memorlnl service will bo con
ducted by tho Younir Men's Christian As
sociation on Sunday, .May 27, at tnlr'l street, Friday afternoon
thn nssoclutiop rooms. Rev. Robert L.
Wheeler, pastor of the First rreshytorlan
church, will deliver tho memorial address. '
Invitations to this eervlco have been sent Thursday evening thn Lmllos' circle of
to tho Grand Army of tho Repub lc, tho Sons 'V" ' vr.1' "Pscopni cnurcii will
f vnn. ,i it,- Smni,h.lm. i, vt-, ft..ft ,SCJ? "A.t1,e '"'"?? f Mrs. Frank
............... vmin, x ivciuyiii in Him it streets.
erans. special music is ibeing arranged tor
this occasion.
Manic C'ltj" Gossip.
Mrs, A, P. Pleraon Is in Greeley, Colo.
J. J. Ryan builds houses on easy paym'ts.
No services will bo held nt the Baptist
church today.
Ooorpo H. Cook of Toledo, O., is in the
city visiting friends.
Mrs. IJsslo H. Piper, who has been qulto
sick. Is convalescent.
Kdwln C. Wells of Maryvllle, Mo li
visiting friends in tho city.
It. C. Hlllaker has returned from Ohio,
where ho spent tho winter.
Rev. J. A. Johnson is attending tho
Methodist conference at Chicago.
All of tho flro hydrants in the city nre
being given a ennt of black paint.
Rev. John Williams will occupy tho pul
pit nt St. Martin's church tonight,
The grndlnK of Twenty-second street
from Q to S streets has been completed.
Tho Q street sewer tins been completed
nnd thn hrlck pavement Is being relotd.
Seo Ed Munshaw & Co. for lumnor. Tel 2X5
The First Baptist church, Twenty-fifth
and II streets, is being renovated and frescoed.
The Kpworth league will hnvo charge of
Pronertv ownora In tlm imriiin
tho city nro petitioning fora sewer in
bo laid In tho alley between Twcnty-llrrd
nnd Twenty-fourth streets, from A to F
"DoWltfs Little Early Risors are the
finest pills I ever used." D. J. Morro, Mill
brook, Ala. They quickly cure all Hvor and
bowel troubles.
Thieve nt Nrlirnnkn Cltjr.
NRBItASKA CITY, Neb., May I2.-(Spc-clal.)
The house of Nlra Bond waB entered
by thieves yestcrdny evening nnd $115 In
money nnd somo vnluahlo papers taken.
Thcro Is no duo to tho thloves.
Sound advlco to those who havo kidney
nnd bladder troubles, Is to tako a safe, euro
medlclno llko Foley's Kidney Cure. It al
ways benefits tho Kidneys. For salo by
Mycrs-Dlllon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's
Drug Store, South Omaha.
Slocli Ynrds luirn riupiit.
A big bay barn ts to bo built by the
Union Stcck Ynrds company Just east of
tho Burlington freight dopot. This barn will
have a capacity of 1,500 tonj ot baled hay
and will bo constructed of corrugated Iron.
Somo of tho dirt being removed from tho
Armour railroad yards Is being dumped
on the ground whero this hay barn Is to bo
erected. When tho land h filled nnd graded
and side tracks aro laid tho construction ot
the hay storage house will bo commenced.
It will tako some tlmo to fill tho lots as it
Is estimated that 20,000 cubic yards of dirt
will bo needed to placo tho slto on grade.
t'oudlllon of I lie Sheep Mnrl.el.
In connection with tho hccp feeding sit
uation a prominent Colorado shipper said
yesterday: "Within the last few days I havo
Mudled the situation carefully and there
teems to bo no very good reason for any
decided decline in muttonn and lambs for
the reason that Texas does not promise lib
eral supplies ot early grass tfhetp, and the
nUlrlct Court nt Onlrnt City.
CISNTRAL CITY, Neb., May 12, (SpoJlal )
District court baa been in session hern
tho services at tho Methodist chutch this ( the last week with Judgo Orlmlson on tho
evenin-. , i,.i.
. ...... , . , 1 . . - , I
J pcuunil in im'iiik ciichiihhj liir hum
grndlng of Twenty-second street, from S
to U streets.
Mrs, IS. A. Chaffee has returned to her
home after undergoing treatment nt Ht.
Jonah's hospital,
Tho Young Men's Christian Association
Wheel club will huvo Its first run of the
season this week.
A Presbyterian kcuslngton Is announced
for May 23 at the homo of Mrs. Alice Clark
Davis. 1509 N street.
A petition Is being circulated for tho
rradlng of H street, from Eighteenth to
Twenty-fourth streets.
Mrs. Dnvld Garrett, wife of Captain Car.
rett of the fire department, Is recovering
from a serious Illness.
Thn sidewalk on J street. between
Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth streets, is
In a dangerous condition.
"Fnrts in Aid of Fnlth" Is the subject of !
Rev. Dr. wheeler s morning sermon at trie
Presbyterian church todny.
The celebrated Canadian Jubilee singers
will give a concert at tho First Methodist
Episcopal church on June 5,
Patrick Hoye was fined U hy Police Judge
King yesterday for using loud and pro
fane Inuguago on the streets.
Rev. Oeorgn VAnWlnkle will preach tho
nniuial baccalaureate sermon to tho grnrtu.
atlng class of tho High school.
Rev. J. E. Moore of Dundee Placo will
occupy tho pulpit nt tho First Methodist
Episcopal church this morning,
Dewey lodge No, 68 of the Hankers
union gave it reception and entertainment
at Odd Fellows' hall last nicht.
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers Is sure to know of the wonderful
cure3 made by Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
tho nreat kldnev. liver
and bladder remedy.
n n is me great medl-
TG trlllmnb r .Km . I -
. -...p.. w. t,i ump
teenth century; dis
covered after years o(
scientific research by
Dr. Kilmer, the emi
nent kidney and blad
der specialist, and I
wonderfully successful In promptly curing
larne back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou
bles and Brlght's Disease, which is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root is not rec
ommended for everything but If you havekld
ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found
Just the remedy you need. It has been tested
uencious soua is seryca oy an expert ai m so many ways, n hosp a work, In private
Me cher's drug store. Don't fall to try it. . nractice ;mnnt the helnle inn r .1,17,1
William O. Bentr will lend the Christian! E relleH
v,iuu,.r ...iriMu t ii,n wirMt ir.,i,v. cnase relict and has proved so successful In
torlan church at 7 o'clock this ovcnlng. ' every case that a special arrangement has
Rulph, Infant son of Mr. nnd Mrs. WIN i been made by which all readers of this paper
llam Lnmphler. 1!82 South Twenty-fourth I who have not alreadv tried It mav liu. o
street, Is recovering from a .orfous III-, J, rnl
Rev. Irving Johnson will deliver tho first telling more about Swa:np-Root and how to
of a series of sermons on "Future Life", find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble.
noon.' """""" """"i"" " i wnen writingmentlon reading this generous
Mr." and Mrs! James Schneider, Nine- I offe.r ln Ihls paper and fZKZ-i
leenin iino streets, win leave in a nay sciia your aoarcss lo Wlmpj lJlAi',',;'
or two for Bohemia, where they will spend Dr. Kilmer it Co.. Blnp- KflflBiratf1'1'!''
.7 ". "A"': ".,. , ... rumton, N. Y. The xsiununM
w. i. iiuucucK. euncuiinnui nirrcior or me in j .
Omnha Young Mon's Christian nssoclatlon. r,e?,uur "Ity cent and ttomnf flw.m.Root.
i will address tho men's meetings at the local dollar sues are sold by all good druggists,